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Produced by Suzanne Shell, Mary Meehan and the Online
Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net (This
file was produced from images generously made available
by The Internet Archive/American Libraries.) AURIOL
At the Ballantyne Press
[Illustration: The mysterious interview in Hyde Park]
The Sixteenth Century drew to a close. It was the last day of the last
year, and two hours only were wanting to the birth of another year and
of another century. The night was solemn and beautiful. Myriads of stars paved the deep
vault of heaven; the crescent moon hung like a silver lamp in the midst
of them; a stream of rosy and quivering light, issuing from the north,
traversed the sky, like the tail of some stupendous comet; while from
its point of effluence broke forth, ever and anon, coruscations
rivalling in splendour and variety of hue the most brilliant discharge
of fireworks. A sharp frost prevailed; but the atmosphere was clear and dry, and
neither wind nor snow aggravated the wholesome rigour of the season. The
water lay in thick congealed masses around the conduits and wells, and
the buckets were frozen on their stands. The thoroughfares were sheeted
with ice, and dangerous to horsemen and vehicles; but the footways were
firm and pleasant to the tread. Here and there, a fire was lighted in the streets, round which ragged
urchins and mendicants were collected, roasting fragments of meat stuck
upon iron prongs, or quaffing deep draughts of metheglin and ale out of
leathern cups. Crowds were collected in the open places, watching the
wonders in the heavens, and drawing auguries from them, chiefly
sinister, for most of the beholders thought the signs portended the
speedy death of the queen, and the advent of a new monarch from the
north--a safe and easy interpretation, considering the advanced age and
declining health of the illustrious Elizabeth, together with the known
appointment of her successor, James of Scotland. Notwithstanding the early habits of the times, few persons had retired
to rest, an universal wish prevailing among the citizens to see the new
year in, and welcome the century accompanying it. Lights glimmered in
most windows, revealing the holly-sprigs and laurel-leaves stuck thickly
in their diamond panes; while, whenever a door was opened, a ruddy gleam
burst across the street, and a glance inside the dwelling showed its
inmates either gathered round the glowing hearth, occupied in mirthful
sports--fox-i'-th'-hole, blind-man's buff, or shoe-the-mare--or seated
at the ample board groaning with Christmas cheer. Music and singing were heard at every corner, and bands of comely
damsels, escorted by their sweethearts, went from house to house,
bearing huge brown bowls dressed with ribands and rosemary, and filled
with a drink called "lamb's-wool," composed of sturdy ale, sweetened
with sugar, spiced with nutmeg, and having toasts and burnt crabs
floating within it--a draught from which seldom brought its pretty
bearers less than a groat, and occasionally a more valuable coin. Such was the vigil of the year sixteen hundred. On this night, and at the tenth hour, a man of striking and venerable
appearance was seen to emerge upon a small wooden balcony, projecting
from a bay-window near the top of a picturesque structure situated at
the southern extremity of London Bridge. The old man's beard and hair were as white as snow--the former
descending almost to his girdle; so were the thick, overhanging brows
that shaded his still piercing eyes. His forehead was high, bald, and
ploughed by innumerable wrinkles. His countenance, despite its
death-like paleness, had a noble and majestic cast; and his figure,
though worn to the bone by a life of the severest study, and bent by the
weight of years, must have been once lofty and commanding. His dress
consisted of a doublet and hose of sad-coloured cloth, over which he
wore a loose gown of black silk. His head was covered by a square black
cap, from beneath which his silver locks strayed over his shoulders. Known by the name of Doctor Lamb, and addicted to alchemical and
philosophical pursuits, this venerable personage was esteemed by the
vulgar as little better than a wizard. Strange tales were reported and
believed of him. Amongst others, it was said that he possessed a
familiar, because he chanced to employ a deformed, crack-brained dwarf,
who assisted him in his operations, and whom he appropriately enough
denominated Flapdragon. Doctor Lamb's gaze was fixed intently upon the heavens, and he seamed
to be noting the position of the moon with reference to some particular
star. After remaining in this posture for a few minutes, he was about to
retire, when a loud crash arrested him, and he turned to see whence it
proceeded. Immediately before him stood the Southwark Gateway--a square stone
building, with a round, embattled turret at each corner, and a flat
leaden roof, planted with a forest of poles, fifteen or sixteen feet
high, garnished with human heads. To his surprise, the doctor perceived
that two of these poles had just been overthrown by a tall man, who was
in the act of stripping them of their grisly burdens. | Ainsworth, William Harrison - Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life |
Having accomplished his object, the mysterious plunderer thrust his
spoil into a leathern bag with which he was provided, tied its mouth,
and was about to take his departure by means of a rope-ladder attached
to the battlements, when his retreat was suddenly cut off by the
gatekeeper, armed with a halberd, and bearing a lantern, who issued from
a door opening upon the leads. The baffled marauder looked round, and remarking the open window at
which Doctor Lamb was stationed, hurled the sack and its contents
through it. He then tried to gain the ladder, but was intercepted by the
gatekeeper, who dealt him a severe blow on the head with his halberd. The plunderer uttered a loud cry, and attempted to draw his sword; but
before he could do so, he received a thrust in the side from his
opponent. He then fell, and the gatekeeper would have repeated the blow,
if the doctor had not called to him to desist. "Do not kill him, good Baldred," he cried. "The attempt may not be so
criminal as it appears. Doubtless, the mutilated remains which the poor
wretch has attempted to carry off are those of his kindred, and horror
at their exposure must have led him to commit the offence." "It may be, doctor," replied Baldred; "and if so I shall be sorry I have
hurt him. But I am responsible for the safe custody of these traitorous
relics, and it is as much as my own head is worth to permit their
removal." "I know it," replied Doctor Lamb; "and you are fully justified in what
you have done. It may throw some light upon the matter, to know whose
miserable remains have been disturbed." "They were the heads of two rank papists," replied Baldred, "who were
decapitated on Tower Hill, on Saint Nicholas's Day, three weeks ago, for
conspiring against the queen." "But their names?" demanded the doctor. "How were they called?" "They were father and son," replied Baldred--"Sir Simon Darcy and Master
Reginald Darcy. Perchance they were known to your worship?" "Too well--too well!" replied Doctor Lamb, in a voice of emotion that
startled his hearer. "They were near kinsmen of mine own. What is he
like who has made this strange attempt?" "Of a verity, a fair youth," replied Baldred, holding down the lantern. "Heaven grant I have not wounded him to the death! No, his heart still
beats. Ha! here are his tablets," he added, taking a small book from
his doublet; "these may give the information you seek. You were right
in your conjecture, doctor. The name herein inscribed is the same as
that borne by the others--Auriol Darcy." "I see it all," cried Lamb. "It was a pious and praiseworthy deed. Bring
the unfortunate youth to my dwelling, Baldred, and you shall be well
rewarded. Use despatch, I pray you." As the gatekeeper essayed to comply, the wounded man groaned deeply, as
if in great pain. "Fling me the weapon with which you smote him," cried Doctor Lamb, in
accents of commiseration, "and I will anoint it with the powder of
sympathy. His anguish will be speedily abated." "I know your worship can accomplish wonders," cried Baldred, throwing
the halberd into the balcony. "I will do my part as gently as I can." And as the alchemist took up the weapon, and disappeared through the
window, the gatekeeper lifted the wounded man by the shoulders, and
conveyed him down a narrow, winding staircase to a lower chamber. Though
he proceeded carefully, the sufferer was put to excruciating pain; and
when Baldred placed him on a wooden bench, and held a lamp towards him,
he perceived that his features were darkened and distorted. "I fear it's all over with him," murmured the gatekeeper; "I shall have
a dead body to take to Doctor Lamb. It would be a charity to knock him
on the head, rather than let him suffer thus. The doctor passes for a
cunning man, but if he can cure this poor youth without seeing him, by
the help of his sympathetic ointment, I shall begin to believe, what
some folks avouch, that he has relations with the devil." While Baldred was ruminating in this manner, a sudden and extraordinary
change took place in the sufferer. As if by magic, the contraction of
the muscles subsided; the features assumed a wholesome hue, and the
respiration was no longer laborious. Baldred stared as if a miracle had
been wrought. Now that the countenance of the youth had regained its original
expression, the gatekeeper could not help being struck by its extreme
beauty. The face was a perfect oval, with regular and delicate features. A short silken moustache covered the upper lip, which was short and
proud, and a pointed beard terminated the chin. The hair was black,
glossy, and cut short, so as to disclose a highly intellectual expanse
of brow. The youth's figure was slight, but admirably proportioned. His attire
consisted of a black satin doublet, slashed with white, hose of black
silk, and a short velvet mantle. His eyes were still closed, and it was
difficult to say what effect they might give to the face when they
lighted it up; but notwithstanding its beauty, it was impossible not to
admit that a strange, sinister, and almost demoniacal expression
pervaded the countenance. All at once, and with as much suddenness as his cure had been effected,
the young man started, uttering a piercing cry, and placed his hand to
his side. "Caitiff!" he cried, fixing his blazing eyes on the gatekeeper, "why do
you torture me thus? Finish me at once--Oh!" And overcome by anguish, he sank back again. "I have not touched you, sir," replied Baldred. "I brought you here to
succour you. You will be easier anon. Doctor Lamb must have wiped the
halberd," he added to himself. Another sudden change. The pain fled from the sufferer's countenance,
and he became easy as before. "What have you done to me?" he asked, with a look of gratitude; "the
torture of my wound has suddenly ceased, and I feel as if a balm had
been dropped into it. Let me remain in this state if you have any
pity--or despatch me, for my late agony was almost insupportable." "You are cared for by one who has greater skill than any chirurgeon in
London," replied Baldred. "If I can manage to transport you to his
lodgings, he will speedily heal your wounds." "Do not delay, then," replied Auriol faintly; "for though I am free from
pain, I feel that my life is ebbing fast away." "Press this handkerchief to your side, and lean on me," said Baldred. "Doctor Lamb's dwelling is but a step from the gateway--in fact, the
first house on the bridge. By the way, the doctor declares he is your
kinsman." "It is the first I ever heard of him," replied Auriol faintly; "but take
me to him quickly, or it will be too late." In another moment they were at the doctor's door. Baldred tapped against
it, and the summons was instantly answered by a diminutive personage,
clad in a jerkin of coarse grey serge, and having a leathern apron tied
round his waist. This was Flapdragon. Blear-eyed, smoke-begrimed, lantern-jawed, the poor dwarf seemed as if
his whole life had been spent over the furnace. | Ainsworth, William Harrison - Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life |
And so, in fact, it had
been. He had become little better than a pair of human bellows. In his
hand he held the halberd with which Auriol had been wounded. "So you have been playing the leech, Flapdragon, eh?" cried Baldred. "Ay, marry have I," replied the dwarf, with a wild grin, and displaying
a wolfish set of teeth. "My master ordered me to smear the halberd with
the sympathetic ointment. I obeyed him: rubbed the steel point, first on
one side, then on the other; next wiped it; and then smeared it again." "Whereby you put the patient to exquisite pain," replied Baldred; "but
help me to transport him to the laboratory." "I know not if the doctor will care to be disturbed," said Flapdragon. "He is busily engaged on a grand operation." "I will take the risk on myself," said Baldred. "The youth will die if
he remains here. See, he has fainted already!" Thus urged, the dwarf laid down the halberd, and between the two, Auriol
was speedily conveyed up a wide oaken staircase to the laboratory. Doctor Lamb was plying the bellows at the furnace, on which a large
alembic was placed, and he was so engrossed by his task that he scarcely
noticed the entrance of the others. "Place the youth on the ground, and rear his head against the chair," he
cried, hastily, to the dwarf. "Bathe his brows with the decoction in
that crucible. I will attend to him anon. Come to me on the morrow,
Baldred, and I will repay thee for thy trouble. I am busy now." "These relics, doctor," cried the gatekeeper, glancing at the bag, which
was lying on the ground, and from which a bald head protruded--"I ought
to take them back with me." "Heed them not--they will be safe in my keeping," cried Doctor Lamb
impatiently; "to-morrow--to-morrow." Casting a furtive glance round the laboratory, and shrugging his
shoulders, Baldred departed; and Flapdragon having bathed the sufferer's
temples with the decoction, in obedience to his master's injunctions,
turned to inquire what he should do next. "Begone!" cried the doctor, so fiercely that the dwarf darted out of the
room, clapping the door after him. Doctor Lamb then applied himself to his task with renewed ardour, and in
a few seconds became wholly insensible of the presence of a stranger. Revived by the stimulant, Auriol presently opened his eyes, and gazing
round the room, thought he must be dreaming, so strange and fantastical
did all appear. The floor was covered with the implements used by the
adept--bolt-heads, crucibles, cucurbites, and retorts, scattered about
without any attempt at arrangement. In one corner was a large
terrestrial sphere: near it was an astrolabe, and near that a
heap of disused glass vessels. On the other side lay a black,
mysterious-looking book, fastened with brazen clasps. Around it were a
ram's horn, a pair of forceps, a roll of parchment, a pestle and mortar,
and a large plate of copper, graven with the mysterious symbols of the
Isaical table. Near this was the leathern bag containing the two
decapitated heads, one of which had burst forth. On a table at the
farther end of the room, stood a large open volume, with parchment
leaves, covered with cabalistical characters, referring to the names of
spirits. Near it were two parchment scrolls, written in letters,
respectively denominated by the Chaldaic sages, "the Malachim," and "the
Passing of the River." One of these scrolls was kept in its place by a
skull. An ancient and grotesque-looking brass lamp, with two
snake-headed burners, lighted the room. From the ceiling depended a huge
scaly sea-monster, with outspread fins, open jaws garnished with
tremendous teeth, and great goggling eyes. Near it hung a celestial
sphere. The chimney-piece, which was curiously carved, and projected far
into the room, was laden with various implements of hermetic science. Above it were hung dried bats and flitter-mice, interspersed with the
skulls of birds and apes. Attached to the chimney-piece was a horary,
sculptured in stone, near which hung a large starfish. The fireplace was
occupied by the furnace, on which, as has been stated, was placed an
alembic, communicating by means of a long serpentine pipe with a
receiver. Within the room were two skeletons, one of which, placed
behind a curtain in the deep embrasure of the window, where its polished
bones glistened in the white moonlight, had a horrible effect. The
other enjoyed more comfortable quarters near the chimney, its fleshless
feet dangling down in the smoke arising from the furnace. Doctor Lamb, meanwhile, steadily pursued his task, though he ever and
anon paused, to fling certain roots and drugs upon the charcoal. As he
did this, various-coloured flames broke forth--now blue, now green, now
blood-red. Tinged by these fires, the different objects in the chamber seemed to
take other forms, and to become instinct with animation. The
gourd-shaped cucurbites were transformed into great bloated toads
bursting with venom; the long-necked bolt-heads became monstrous
serpents; the worm-like pipes turned into adders; the alembics looked
like plumed helmets; the characters on the Isaical table, and those on
the parchments, seemed traced in fire, and to be ever changing; the
sea-monster bellowed and roared, and, flapping his fins, tried to burst
from his hook; the skeletons wagged their jaws, and raised their
fleshless fingers in mockery, while blue lights burnt in their eyeless
sockets; the bellows became a prodigious bat fanning the fire with its
wings; and the old alchemist assumed the appearance of the archfiend
presiding over a witches' sabbath. Auriol's brain reeled, and he pressed his hand to his eyes, to exclude
these phantasms from his sight. But even thus they pursued him; and he
imagined he could hear the infernal riot going on around him. Suddenly, he was roused by a loud joyful cry, and, uncovering his eyes,
he beheld Doctor Lamb pouring the contents of the matrass--a bright,
transparent liquid--into a small phial. Having carefully secured the
bottle with a glass stopper, the old man held it towards the light, and
gazed at it with rapture. "At length," he exclaimed aloud--"at length, the great work is achieved. With the birth of the century now expiring I first saw light, and the
draught I hold in my hand shall enable me to see the opening of
centuries and centuries to come. Composed of the lunar stones, the solar
stones, and the mercurial stones--prepared according to the instructions
of the Rabbi Ben Lucca--namely, by the separation of the pure from the
impure, the volatilisation of the fixed, and the fixing of the
volatile--this elixir shall renew my youth, like that of the eagle, and
give me length of days greater than any patriarch ever enjoyed." While thus speaking, he held up the sparkling liquid, and gazed at it
like a Persian worshipping the sun. "To live for ever!" he cried, after a pause--"to escape the jaws of
death just when they are opening to devour me!--to be free from all
accidents!--'tis a glorious thought! Ha! | Ainsworth, William Harrison - Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life |
I bethink me, the rabbi said
there was _one_ peril against which the elixir could not guard me--_one_
vulnerable point, by which, like the heel of Achilles, death might reach
me! What is it!--where can it lie?" And he relapsed into deep thought. "This uncertainty will poison all my happiness," he continued; "I shall
live in constant dread, as of an invisible enemy. But no matter! Perpetual life!--perpetual youth!--what more need be desired?" "What more, indeed!" cried Auriol. "Ha!" exclaimed the doctor, suddenly recollecting the wounded man, and
concealing the phial beneath his gown. "Your caution is vain, doctor," said Auriol. "I have heard what you have
uttered. You fancy you have discovered the _elixir vitæ_." "Fancy I have discovered it!" cried Doctor Lamb. "The matter is past all
doubt. I am the possessor of the wondrous secret, which the greatest
philosophers of all ages have sought to discover--the miraculous
preservative of the body against decay." "The man who brought me hither told me you were my kinsman," said
Auriol. "Is it so?" "It is," replied the doctor, "and you shall now learn the connection
that subsists between us. Look at that ghastly relic," he added,
pointing to the head protruding from the bag: "that was once my son
Simon. His son's head is within the sack--your father's head--so that
four generations are brought together." "Gracious Heaven!" exclaimed the young man, raising himself on his
elbow. "You, then, are my great-grandsire. My father supposed you had
died in his infancy. An old tale runs in the family that you were
charged with sorcery, and fled to avoid the stake." "It is true that I fled, and took the name I bear at present," replied
the old man, "but I need scarcely say that the charge brought against me
was false. I have devoted myself to abstrusest science, have held
commune with the stars, and have wrested the most hidden secrets from
Nature--but that is all. Two crimes alone have stained my soul; but
both, I trust, have been expiated by repentance." "Were they deeds of blood?" asked Auriol. "One was so," replied Darcy, with a shudder. "It was a cowardly and
treacherous deed, aggravated by the basest ingratitude. Listen, and you
shall hear how it chanced. A Roman rabbi, named Ben Lucca, skilled in
hermetic science, came to this city. His fame reached me, and I sought
him out, offering myself as his disciple. For months, I remained with
him in his laboratory--working at the furnace, and poring over mystic
lore. One night he showed me that volume, and, pointing to a page within
it, said: 'Those characters contain the secret of confecting the elixir
of life. I will now explain them to you, and afterwards we will proceed
to the operation.' With this, he unfolded the mystery; but he bade me
observe, that the menstruum was defective on one point. Wherefore, he
said, 'there will still be peril from some hidden cause.' Oh, with what
greediness I drank in his words! How I gazed at the mystic characters,
as he explained their import! What visions floated before me of
perpetual youth and enjoyment. At that moment a demon whispered in my
ear, 'This secret must be thine own. No one else must possess it.'" "Ha!" exclaimed Auriol, starting. "The evil thought was no sooner conceived than acted upon," pursued
Darcy. "Instantly drawing my poniard, I plunged it to the rabbi's heart. But mark what followed. His blood fell upon the book, and obliterated
the characters; nor could I by any effort of memory recall the
composition of the elixir." "When did you regain the secret?" asked Auriol curiously. "To-night," replied Darcy--"within this hour. For nigh fifty years after
that fatal night I have been making fruitless experiments. A film of
blood has obscured my mental sight. I have proceeded by calcitration,
solution, putrefaction--have produced the oils which will fix crude
mercury, and convert all bodies into sol and luna; but I have ever
failed in fermenting the stone into the true elixir. To-night, it came
into my head to wash the blood-stained page containing the secret with a
subtle liquid. I did so; and doubting the efficacy of the experiment,
left it to work, while I went forth to breathe the air at my window. My
eyes were cast upwards, and I was struck with the malignant aspect of my
star. How to reconcile this with the good fortune which has just
befallen me, I know not--but so it was. At this juncture, your rash but
pious attempt occurred. Having discovered our relationship, and enjoined
the gatekeeper to bring you hither, I returned to my old laboratory. On
glancing towards the mystic volume, what was my surprise to see the page
free from blood!" Auriol uttered a slight exclamation, and gazed at the book with
superstitious awe. "The sight was so surprising that I dropped the sack I had brought with
me," pursued Darcy. "Fearful of again losing the secret, I nerved myself
to the task, and placing fuel on the fire, dismissed my attendant with
brief injunctions relative to you. I then set to work. How I have
succeeded, you perceive. I hold in my hand the treasure I have so long
sought--so eagerly coveted. The whole world's wealth should not purchase
it from me." Auriol gazed earnestly at his aged relative, but he said nothing. "In a few moments I shall be as full of vigour and activity as
yourself," continued Darcy. "We shall be no longer the great-grandsire
and his descendant, but friends--companions--equals,--equals in age,
strength, activity, beauty, fortune--for youth _is_ fortune--ha! ha! Methinks I am already young again!" "You spoke of two crimes with which your conscience was burdened,"
remarked Auriol. "You have mentioned but one." "The other was not so foul as that I have described," replied Darcy, in
an altered tone, "inasmuch as it was unintentional, and occasioned by no
base motive. My wife, your ancestress, was a most lovely woman, and so
passionately was I enamoured of her, that I tried by every art to
heighten and preserve her beauty. I fed her upon the flesh of capons,
nourished with vipers; caused her to steep her lovely limbs in baths
distilled from roses and violets; and had recourse to the most potent
cosmetics. At last I prepared a draught from poisons--yes,
_poisons_--the effect of which, I imagined, would be wondrous. She drank
it, and expired horribly disfigured. Conceive my despair at beholding
the fair image of my idolatry destroyed--defaced by my hand. In my
frenzy I should have laid violent hands upon myself, if I had not been
restrained. Love may again rule my heart--beauty may again dazzle my
eyes, but I shall never more feel the passion I entertained for my lost
Amice--never more behold charms equal to hers." And he pressed his hand to his face. "The mistake you then committed should serve as a warning," said Auriol. "What if it be poison you have now confected? Try a few drops of it on
some animal." "No--no; it is the true elixir," replied Darcy. "Not a drop must be
wasted. You will witness its effect anon. | Ainsworth, William Harrison - Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life |
Like the snake, I shall cast
my slough, and come forth younger than I was at twenty." "Meantime, I beseech you to render me some assistance," groaned Auriol,
"or, while you are preparing for immortality, I shall expire before your
eyes." "Be not afraid," replied Darcy; "you shall take no harm. I will care for
you presently; and I understand leechcraft so well, that I will answer
for your speedy and perfect recovery." "Drink, then, to it!" cried Auriol. "I know not what stays my hand," said the old man, raising the phial;
"but now that immortality is in my reach, I dare not grasp it." "Give me the potion, then," cried Auriol. "Not for worlds," rejoined Darcy, hugging the phial to his breast. "No;
I will be young again--rich--happy. I will go forth into the world--I
will bask in the smiles of beauty--I will feast, revel, sing--life shall
be one perpetual round of enjoyment. Now for the trial--ha!" and, as he
raised the potion towards his lips, a sudden pang shot across his heart. "What is this?" he cried, staggering. "Can death assail me when I am
just about to enter upon perpetual life? Help me, good grandson! Place
the phial to my lips. Pour its contents down my throat--quick! quick!" [Illustration: The Elixir of Long Life.] "I am too weak to stir," groaned Auriol. "You have delayed it too long." "Oh, heavens! we shall both perish," shrieked Darcy, vainly endeavouring
to raise his palsied arm,--"perish with the blissful shore in view." And he sank backwards, and would have fallen to the ground if he had not
caught at the terrestrial sphere for support. "Help me--help me!" he screamed, fixing a glance of unutterable anguish
on his relative. "It is worth the struggle," cried Auriol. And, by a great effort, he
raised himself, and staggered towards the old man. "Saved--saved!" shrieked Darcy. "Pour it down my throat. An instant, and
all will be well." "Think you I have done this for you?" cried Auriol, snatching the
potion; "no--no." And, supporting himself against the furnace, he placed the phial to his
lips, and eagerly drained its contents. The old man seemed paralysed by the action, but kept his eye fixed upon
the youth till he had drained the elixir to the last drop. He then
uttered a piercing cry, threw up his arms, and fell heavily backwards. Dead--dead! Flashes of light passed before Auriol's eyes, and strange noises smote
his ears. For a moment he was bewildered as with wine, and laughed and
sang discordantly like a madman. Every object reeled and danced around
him. The glass vessels and jars clashed their brittle sides together,
yet remained uninjured; the furnace breathed forth flames and mephitic
vapours; the spiral worm of the alembic became red hot, and seemed
filled with molten lead; the pipe of the bolt-head ran blood; the sphere
of the earth rolled along the floor, and rebounded from the wall as if
impelled by a giant hand; the skeletons grinned and gibbered; so did the
death's-head on the table; so did the skulls against the chimney; the
monstrous sea-fish belched forth fire and smoke; the bald, decapitated
head opened its eyes, and fixed them, with a stony glare, on the young
man; while the dead alchemist shook his hand menacingly at him. Unable to bear these accumulated horrors, Auriol became, for a short
space, insensible. On recovering, all was still. The lights within the
lamp had expired; but the bright moonlight, streaming through the
window, fell upon the rigid features of the unfortunate alchemist, and
on the cabalistic characters of the open volume beside him. Eager to test the effect of the elixir, Auriol put his hand to his side. All traces of the wound were gone; nor did he experience the slightest
pain in any other part of his body. On the contrary, he seemed endowed
with preternatural strength. His breast dilated with rapture, and he
longed to expand his joy in active motion. Striding over the body of his aged relative, he threw open the window. As he did so, joyous peals burst from surrounding churches, announcing
the arrival of the new year. While listening to this clamour, Auriol gazed at the populous and
picturesque city stretched out before him, and bathed in the moonlight. "A hundred years hence," he thought, "and scarcely one soul of the
thousands within those houses will be living, save myself. A hundred
years after that, and their children's children will be gone to the
grave. But I shall live on--shall live through all changes--all
customs--all time. What revelations I shall then have to make, if I
should dare to disclose them!" As he ruminated thus, the skeleton hanging near him was swayed by the
wind, and its bony fingers came in contact with his cheek. A dread idea
was suggested by the occurrence. "There is one peril to be avoided," he thought; "ONE PERIL!--what is it? Pshaw! I will think no more of it. It may never arise. I will be gone. This place fevers me." With this, he left the laboratory, and hastily descending the stairs, at
the foot of which he found Flapdragon, passed out of the house. BOOK THE FIRST
Late one night, in the spring of 1830, two men issued from a low,
obscurely situated public-house, near Millbank, and shaped their course
apparently in the direction of Vauxhall Bridge. Avoiding the footpath
near the river, they moved stealthily along the farther side of the
road, where the open ground offered them an easy means of flight, in
case such a course should be found expedient. So far as it could be
discerned by the glimpses of the moon, which occasionally shone forth
from a rack of heavy clouds, the appearance of these personages was not
much in their favour. Haggard features, stamped deeply with the
characters of crime and debauchery; fierce, restless eyes; beards of
several days' growth; wild, unkempt heads of hair, formed their chief
personal characteristics; while sordid and ragged clothes, shoes without
soles, and old hats without crowns, constituted the sum of their
apparel. One of them was tall and gaunt, with large hands and feet; but despite
his meagreness, he evidently possessed great strength: the other was
considerably shorter, but broad-shouldered, bow-legged, long-armed, and
altogether a most formidable ruffian. This fellow had high cheek-bones,
a long aquiline nose, and a coarse mouth and chin, in which the animal
greatly predominated. He had a stubby red beard, with sandy hair, white
brows and eyelashes. The countenance of the other was dark and
repulsive, and covered with blotches, the result of habitual
intemperance. His eyes had a leering and malignant look. A handkerchief
spotted with blood, and tied across his brow, contrasted strongly with
his matted black hair, and increased his natural appearance of ferocity. The shorter ruffian carried a mallet upon his shoulder, and his
companion concealed something beneath the breast of his coat, which
afterwards proved to be a dark lantern. | Ainsworth, William Harrison - Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life |
Not a word passed between them; but keeping a vigilant look-out, they
trudged on with quick, shambling steps. A few sounds arose from the
banks of the river, and there was now and then a plash in the water, or
a distant cry, betokening some passing craft; but generally all was
profoundly still. The quaint, Dutch-looking structures on the opposite
bank, the line of coal-barges and lighters moored to the strand, the
great timber-yards and coal-yards, the brewhouses, gasworks, and
waterworks, could only be imperfectly discerned; but the moonlight fell
clear upon the ancient towers of Lambeth Palace, and on the neighbouring
church. The same glimmer also ran like a silver belt across the stream,
and revealed the great, stern, fortress-like pile of the
Penitentiary--perhaps the most dismal-looking structure in the whole
metropolis. The world of habitations beyond this melancholy prison was
buried in darkness. The two men, however, thought nothing of these
things, and saw nothing of them; but, on arriving within a couple of
hundred yards of the bridge, suddenly, as if by previous concert,
quitted the road, and, leaping a rail, ran across a field, and plunged
into a hollow formed by a dried pit, where they came to a momentary
halt. "You ain't a-been a-gammonin' me in this matter, Tinker?" observed the
shorter individual. "The cove's sure to come?" "Why, you can't expect me to answer for another as I can for myself,
Sandman," replied the other; "but if his own word's to be taken for it,
he's sartin to be there. I heerd him say, as plainly as I'm a speakin'
to you--'I'll be here to-morrow night--at the same hour----'"
"And that wos one o'clock?" said the Sandman. "Thereabouts," replied the other. "And who did he say that to?" demanded the Sandman. "To hisself, I s'pose," answered the Tinker; "for, as I told you afore,
I could see no one vith him." "Do you think he's one of our perfession?" inquired the Sandman. "Bless you! no--that he ain't," returned the Tinker. "He's a reg'lar
slap-up svell." "That's no reason at all," said the Sandman. "Many a first-rate svell
practises in our line. But he can't be in his right mind to come to such
a ken as that, and go on as you mentions." "As to that I can't say," replied the Tinker; "and it don't much matter,
as far as ve're consarned." "Devil a bit," rejoined the Sandman, "except--you're sure it worn't a
sperrit, Tinker. I've heerd say that this crib is haanted, and though I
don't fear no livin' man, a ghost's a different sort of customer." "Vell, you'll find our svell raal flesh and blood, you may depend upon
it," replied the Tinker. "So come along, and don't let's be frightenin'
ourselves vith ould vimen's tales." With this they emerged from the pit, crossed the lower part of the
field, and entered a narrow thoroughfare, skirted by a few detached
houses, which brought them into the Vauxhall Bridge Road. Here they kept on the side of the street most in shadow, and crossed
over whenever they came to a lamp. By-and-by, two watchmen were seen
advancing from Belvoir Terrace, and, as the guardians of the night drew
near, the ruffians crept into an alley to let them pass. As soon as the
coast was clear, they ventured forth, and quickening their pace, came to
a row of deserted and dilapidated houses. This was their destination. The range of habitations in question, more than a dozen in number, were,
in all probability, what is vulgarly called "in Chancery," and shared
the fate of most property similarly circumstanced. They were in a sad
ruinous state--unroofed, without windows and floors. The bare walls were
alone left standing, and these were in a very tumble-down condition. These neglected dwellings served as receptacles for old iron, blocks of
stone and wood, and other ponderous matters. The aspect of the whole
place was so dismal and suspicious, that it was generally avoided by
passengers after nightfall. Skulking along the blank and dreary walls, the Tinker, who was now a
little in advance, stopped before a door, and pushing it open, entered
the dwelling. His companion followed him. The extraordinary and incongruous assemblage of objects which met the
gaze of the Sandman, coupled with the deserted appearance of the place,
produced an effect upon his hardy but superstitious nature. Looking round, he beheld huge mill-stones, enormous water-wheels,
boilers of steam-engines, iron vats, cylinders, cranes, iron pumps of
the strangest fashion, a gigantic pair of wooden scales, old iron safes,
old boilers, old gas-pipes, old water-pipes, cracked old bells, old
bird-cages, old plates of iron, old pulleys, ropes, and rusty chains,
huddled and heaped together in the most fantastic disorder. In the midst
of the chaotic mass frowned the bearded and colossal head of Neptune,
which had once decorated the forepart of a man-of-war. Above it, on a
sort of framework, lay the prostrate statue of a nymph, together with a
bust of Fox, the nose of the latter being partly demolished, and the
eyes knocked in. Above these, three garden divinities laid their heads
amicably together. On the left stood a tall Grecian warrior, minus the
head and right hand. The whole was surmounted by an immense ventilator,
stuck on the end of an iron rod, ascending, like a lightning-conductor,
from the steam-engine pump. Seen by the transient light of the moon, the various objects above
enumerated produced a strange effect upon the beholder's imagination. There was a mixture of the grotesque and terrible about them. Nor was
the building itself devoid of a certain influence upon his mind. The
ragged brickwork, overgrown with weeds, took with him the semblance of a
human face, and seemed to keep a wary eye on what was going forward
below. A means of crossing from one side of the building to the other, without
descending into the vault beneath, was afforded by a couple of planks;
though as the wall on the farther side was some feet higher than that
near at hand, and the planks were considerably bent, the passage
appeared hazardous. Glancing round for a moment, the Tinker leaped into the cellar, and,
unmasking his lantern, showed a sort of hiding-place, between a bulk of
timber and a boiler, to which he invited his companion. The Sandman jumped down. "The ale I drank at the 'Two Fighting Cocks' has made me feel drowsy,
Tinker," he remarked, stretching himself on the bulk; "I'll just take a
snooze. Vake me up if I snore--or ven our sperrit appears." The Tinker replied in the affirmative; and the other had just become
lost to consciousness, when he received a nudge in the side, and his
companion whispered--"He's here!" "Vhere--vhere?" demanded the Sandman, in some trepidation. "Look up, and you'll see him," replied the other. Slightly altering his position, the Sandman caught sight of a figure
standing upon the planks above them. It was that of a young man. | Ainsworth, William Harrison - Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life |
His hat
was off, and his features, exposed to the full radiance of the moon,
looked deathly pale, and though handsome, had a strange sinister
expression. He was tall, slight, and well-proportioned; and the general
cut of his attire, the tightly-buttoned, single-breasted coat, together
with the moustache upon his lip, gave him a military air. "He seems a-valkin' in his sleep," muttered the Sandman. "He's
a-speakin' to some von unwisible." "Hush--hush!" whispered the other. "Let's hear wot he's a-sayin'." "Why have you brought me here?" cried the young man, in a voice so
hollow that it thrilled his auditors. "What is to be done?" "It makes my blood run cold to hear him," whispered the Sandman. "Vot
d'ye think he sees?" "Why do you not speak to me?" cried the young man--"why do you beckon me
forward? Well, I obey. I will follow you." And he moved slowly across the plank. "See, he's a-goin' through that door," cried the Tinker. "Let's foller
him." "I don't half like it," replied the Sandman, his teeth chattering with
apprehension. "We shall see summat as'll take avay our senses." "Tut!" cried the Tinker; "it's only a sleepy-valker. Wot are you afeerd
on?" With this he vaulted upon the planks, and peeping cautiously out of the
open door to which they led, saw the object of his scrutiny enter the
adjoining house through a broken window. Making a sign to the Sandman, who was close at his heels, the Tinker
crept forward on all fours, and, on reaching the window, raised himself
just sufficiently to command the interior of the dwelling. Unfortunately
for him, the moon was at this moment obscured, and he could distinguish
nothing except the dusky outline of the various objects with which the
place was filled, and which were nearly of the same kind as those of the
neighbouring habitation. He listened intently, but not the slightest
sound reached his ears. After some time spent in this way, he began to fear the young man must
have departed, when all at once a piercing scream resounded through the
dwelling. Some heavy matter was dislodged, with a thundering crash, and
footsteps were heard approaching the window. Hastily retreating to their former hiding-place, the Tinker and his
companion had scarcely regained it, when the young man again appeared on
the plank. His demeanour had undergone a fearful change. He staggered
rather than walked, and his countenance was even paler than before. Having crossed the plank, he took his way along the top of the broken
wall towards the door. "Now, then, Sandman!" cried the Tinker; "now's your time!" The other nodded, and, grasping his mallet with a deadly and determined
purpose, sprang noiselessly upon the wall, and overtook his intended
victim just before he gained the door. Hearing a sound behind him, the young man turned, and only just became
conscious of the presence of the Sandman, when the mallet descended upon
his head, and he fell crushed and senseless to the ground. [Illustration: The Ruined house in the Vauxhall Road]
"The vork's done!" cried the Sandman to his companion, who instantly
came up with the dark lantern; "let's take him below, and strip him." "Agreed," replied the Tinker; "but first let's see wot he has got in his
pockets." "Vith all my 'art," replied the Sandman, searching the clothes of the
victim. "A reader!--I hope it's well lined. Ve'll examine it below. The
body 'ud tell awkvard tales if any von should chance to peep in." "Shall we strip him here?" said the Tinker. "Now the darkey shines on
'em, you see what famous togs the cull has on." "Do you vant to have us scragged, fool?" cried the Sandman, springing
into the vault. "Hoist him down here." With this, he placed the wounded man's legs over his own shoulders, and,
aided by his comrade, was in the act of heaving down the body, when the
street-door suddenly flew open, and a stout individual, attended by a
couple of watchmen, appeared at it. "There the villains are!" shouted the new-comer. "They have been
murderin' a gentleman. Seize 'em--seize 'em!" And, as he spoke, he discharged a pistol, the ball from which whistled
past the ears of the Tinker. Without waiting for another salute of the same kind, which might
possibly be nearer its mark, the ruffian kicked the lantern into the
vault, and sprang after the Sandman, who had already disappeared. Acquainted with the intricacies of the place, the Tinker guided his
companion through a hole into an adjoining vault, whence they scaled a
wall, got into the next house, and passing through an open window, made
good their retreat, while the watchmen were vainly searching for them
under every bulk and piece of iron. "Here, watchmen!" cried the stout individual, who had acted as leader;
"never mind the villains just now, but help me to convey this poor young
gentleman to my house, where proper assistance can be rendered him. He
still breathes; but he has received a terrible blow on the head. I hope
his skull ain't broken." "It is to be hoped it ain't, Mr. Thorneycroft," replied the foremost
watchman; "but them was two desperate characters as ever I see, and
capable of any hatterosity." "What a frightful scream I heard to be sure!" cried Mr. Thorneycroft. "I
was certain somethin' dreadful was goin' on. It was fortunate I wasn't
gone to bed; and still more fortunate you happened to be comin' up at
the time. But we mustn't stand chatterin' here. Bring the poor young
gentleman along." Preceded by Mr. Thorneycroft, the watchmen carried the wounded man
across the road towards a small house, the door of which was held open
by a female servant, with a candle in her hand. The poor woman uttered a
cry of horror as the body was brought in. "Don't be cryin' out in that way, Peggy," cried Mr. Thorneycroft, "but
go and get me some brandy. Here, watchmen, lay the poor young gentleman
down on the sofa--there, gently, gently. And now, one of you run to
Wheeler Street, and fetch Mr. Howell, the surgeon. Less noise,
Peggy--less noise, or you'll waken Miss Ebba, and I wouldn't have her
disturbed for the world." With this, he snatched the bottle of brandy from the maid, filled a
wine-glass with the spirit, and poured it down the throat of the wounded
man. A stifling sound followed, and after struggling violently for
respiration for a few seconds, the patient opened his eyes. CHAPTER II
The Rookery! Who that has passed Saint Giles's, on the way to the city,
or coming from it, but has caught a glimpse, through some narrow
opening, of its squalid habitations, and wretched and ruffianly
occupants! Who but must have been struck with amazement, that such a
huge receptacle of vice and crime should be allowed to exist in the very
heart of the metropolis, like an ulcerated spot, capable of tainting the
whole system! Of late, the progress of improvement has caused its
removal; but whether any less cogent motive would have abated the
nuisance may be questioned. | Ainsworth, William Harrison - Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life |
For years the evil was felt and complained
of, but no effort was made to remedy it, or to cleanse these worse than
Augean stables. As the place is now partially, if not altogether, swept
away, and a wide and airy street passes through the midst of its foul
recesses, a slight sketch may be given of its former appearance. Entering a narrow street, guarded by posts and cross-bars, a few steps
from the crowded thoroughfare brought you into a frightful region, the
refuge, it was easy to perceive, of half the lawless characters
infesting the metropolis. The coarsest ribaldry assailed your ears, and
noisome odours afflicted your sense of smell. As you advanced, picking
your way through kennels flowing with filth, or over putrescent heaps of
rubbish and oyster-shells, all the repulsive and hideous features of the
place were displayed before you. There was something savagely
picturesque in the aspect of the place, but its features were too
loathsome to be regarded with any other feeling than disgust. The houses
looked as sordid, and as thickly crusted with the leprosy of vice, as
their tenants. Horrible habitations they were, in truth. Many of them
were without windows, and where the frames were left, brown paper or tin
supplied the place of glass; some even wanted doors, and no effort was
made to conceal the squalor within. On the contrary, it seemed to be
intruded on observation. Miserable rooms, almost destitute of furniture;
floors and walls caked with dirt, or decked with coarse flaring prints;
shameless and abandoned-looking women; children without shoes and
stockings, and with scarcely a rag to their backs: these were the chief
objects that met the view. Of men, few were visible--the majority being
out on business, it is to be presumed; but where a solitary straggler
was seen, his sinister looks and mean attire were in perfect keeping
with the spot. So thickly inhabited were these wretched dwellings, that
every chamber, from garret to cellar, swarmed with inmates. As to the
cellars, they looked like dismal caverns, which a wild beast would shun. Clothes-lines were hung from house to house, festooned with every kind
of garment. Out of the main street branched several alleys and passages,
all displaying the same degree of misery, or, if possible, worse, and
teeming with occupants. Personal security, however, forbade any attempt
to track these labyrinths; but imagination, after the specimen afforded,
could easily picture them. It was impossible to move a step without
insult or annoyance. Every human being seemed brutalised and degraded;
and the women appeared utterly lost to decency, and made the street ring
with their cries, their quarrels, and their imprecations. It was a
positive relief to escape from this hotbed of crime to the world
without, and breathe a purer atmosphere. Such being the aspect of the Rookery in the daytime, what must it have
been when crowded with its denizens at night! Yet at such an hour it
will now be necessary to enter its penetralia. After escaping from the ruined house in the Vauxhall Road, the two
ruffians shaped their course towards Saint Giles's, running the greater
part of the way, and reaching the Broadway just as the church clock
struck two. Darting into a narrow alley, and heedless of any
obstructions they encountered in their path, they entered a somewhat
wider cross-street, which they pursued for a short distance, and then
struck into an entry, at the bottom of which was a swing-door that
admitted them into a small court, where they found a dwarfish person
wrapped in a tattered watchman's greatcoat, seated on a stool with a
horn lantern in his hand and a cutty in his mouth, the glow of which
lighted up his hard, withered features. This was the deputy-porter of
the lodging-house they were about to enter. Addressing him by the name
of Old Parr, the ruffians passed on, and lifting the latch of another
door, entered a sort of kitchen, at the farther end of which blazed a
cheerful fire, with a large copper kettle boiling upon it. On one side
of the room was a deal table, round which several men of sinister aspect
and sordid attire were collected, playing, at cards. A smaller table of
the same material stood near the fire, and opposite it was a staircase
leading to the upper rooms. The place was dingy and dirty in the
extreme, the floors could not have been scoured for years, and the walls
were begrimed with filth. In one corner, with his head resting on a heap
of coals and coke, lay a boy almost as black as a chimney-sweep, fast
asleep. He was the waiter. The principal light was afforded by a candle
stuck against the wall, with a tin reflector behind it. Before the fire,
with his back turned towards it, stood a noticeable individual, clad in
a velveteen jacket with ivory buttons, a striped waistcoat, drab knees,
a faded black silk neckcloth tied in a great bow, and a pair of ancient
Wellingtons ascending half-way up his legs, which looked
disproportionately thin when compared with the upper part of his square,
robustious, and somewhat pursy frame. His face was broad, jolly, and
good-humoured, with a bottle-shaped nose, fleshy lips, and light grey
eyes, glistening with cunning and roguery. His hair, which dangled in
long flakes over his ears and neck, was of a dunnish red, as were also
his whiskers and beard. A superannuated white castor, with a black
hat-band round it, was cocked knowingly on one side of his head, and
gave him a flashy and sporting look. His particular vocation was made
manifest by the number of dogs he had about him. A beautiful
black-and-tan spaniel, of Charles the Second's breed, popped its short
snubby nose and long silken ears out of each coat-pocket. A pug was
thrust into his breast, and he carried an exquisite Blenheim under
either arm. At his feet reposed an Isle of Skye terrier, and a partly
cropped French poodle, of snowy whiteness, with a red worsted riband
round his throat. This person, it need scarcely be said, was a
dog-fancier, or, in other words, a dealer in, and a stealer of, dogs, as
well as a practiser of all the tricks connected with that nefarious
trade. His self-satisfied air made it evident he thought himself a
smart, clever fellow,--and adroit and knavish he was, no doubt,--while
his droll, plausible, and rather winning manners helped him materially
to impose upon his customers. His real name was Taylor, but he was known
among his companions by the appellation of Ginger. On the entrance of
the Sandman and the Tinker, he nodded familiarly to them, and with a sly
look inquired--"Vell, my 'arties--wot luck?" "Oh, pretty middlin'," replied the Sandman gruffly. And seating himself at the table, near the fire, he kicked up the lad,
who was lying fast asleep on the coals, and bade him fetch a pot of
half-and-half. | Ainsworth, William Harrison - Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life |
The Tinker took a place beside him, and they waited in
silence the arrival of the liquor, which, when it came, was disposed of
at a couple of pulls; while Mr. Ginger, seeing they were engaged,
sauntered towards the card-table, attended by his four-footed
companions. "And now," said the Sandman, unable to control his curiosity longer, and
taking out his pocket-book, "we'll see what fortun' has given us." [Illustration: The Dog-fancier.] So saying, he unclasped the pocket-book, while the Tinker bent over
him in eager curiosity. But their search for money was fruitless. Not a
single bank-note was forthcoming. There were several memoranda and slips
of paper, a few cards, and an almanac for the year--that was all. It was
a great disappointment. "So we've had all this trouble for nuffin', and nearly got shot into the
bargain," cried the Sandman, slapping down the book on the table with an
oath. "I vish I'd never undertaken the job." "Don't let's give it up in sich an 'urry," replied the Tinker; "summat
may be made on it yet. Let's look over them papers." "Look 'em over yourself," rejoined the Sandman, pushing the book towards
him. "I've done wi' 'em. Here, lazy-bones, bring two glasses o'
rum-and-water--stiff, d'ye hear?" While the sleepy youth bestirred himself to obey these injunctions, the
Tinker read over every memorandum in the pocket-book, and then proceeded
carefully to examine the different scraps of paper with which it was
filled. Not content with one perusal, he looked them all over again, and
then began to rub his hands with great glee. "Wot's the matter?" cried the Sandman, who had lighted a cutty, and was
quietly smoking it. "Wot's the row, eh?" "Vy, this is it," replied the Tinker, unable to contain his
satisfaction; "there's secrets contained in this here pocket-book as'll
be worth a hundred pound and better to us. We ha'n't had our trouble for
nuffin'." "Glad to hear it!" said the Sandman, looking hard at him. "Wot kind o'
secrets are they?" "Vy, _hangin' secrets_," replied the Tinker, with mysterious emphasis. "He seems to be a terrible chap, and to have committed murder
wholesale." "Wholesale!" echoed the Sandman, removing the pipe from his lips. "That
sounds awful. But what a precious donkey he must be to register his
crimes i' that way." "He didn't expect the pocket-book to fall into our hands," said the
Tinker. "Werry likely not," replied the Sandman; "but somebody else might see
it. I repeat, he must be a fool. S'pose we wos to make a entry of
everythin' we does. Wot a nice balance there'd be agin us ven our
accounts comed to be wound up!" "Ourn is a different bus'ness altogether," replied the Tinker. "This
seems a werry mysterious sort o' person. Wot age should you take him to
be?" "Vy, five-an'-twenty at the outside," replied the Sandman. "Five-an'-sixty 'ud be nearer the mark," replied the Tinker. "There's
dates as far back as that." "Five-an'-sixty devils!" cried the Sandman; "there must be some mistake
i' the reckonin' there." "No, it's all clear an' reg'lar," rejoined the other; "and that doesn't
seem to be the end of it neither. I looked over the papers twice, and
one, dated 1780, refers to some other dokiments." "They must relate to his granddad, then," said the Sandman; "it's
impossible they can refer to him." "But I tell 'ee they _do_ refer to him," said the Tinker, somewhat
angrily, at having his assertion denied; "at least, if his own word's to
be taken. Anyhow, these papers is waluable to us. If no one else
believes in 'em, it's clear he believes in 'em hisself, and will be glad
to buy 'em from us." "That's a view o' the case worthy of an Old Bailey lawyer," replied the
Sandman. "Wot's the gemman's name?" "The name on the card is AURIOL DARCY," replied the Tinker. "Any address?" asked the Sandman. The Tinker shook his head. "That's unlucky agin," said the Sandman. "Ain't there no sort o' clue?" "None votiver, as I can perceive," said the Tinker. "Vy, zounds, then, ve're jist vere ve started from," cried the Sandman. "But it don't matter. There's not much chance o' makin' a bargin vith
him. The crack o' the skull I gave him has done his bus'ness." "Nuffin' o' the kind," replied the Tinker. "He alvays recovers from
every kind of accident." "Alvays recovers!" exclaimed the Sandman, in amazement. "Wot a
constitootion he must have!" "Surprisin'!" replied the Tinker; "he never suffers from injuries--at
least, not much; never grows old; and never expects to die; for he
mentions wot he intends doin' a hundred years hence." "Oh, he's a lu-nattic!" exclaimed the Sandman, "a downright lu-nattic;
and that accounts for his wisitin' that 'ere ruined house, and
a-fancyin' he heerd some one talk to him. He's mad, depend upon it. That
is, if I ain't cured him." "I'm of a different opinion," said the Tinker. "And so am I," said Mr. Ginger, who had approached unobserved, and
overheard the greater part of their discourse. "Vy, vot can you know about it, Ginger?" said the Sandman, looking up,
evidently rather annoyed. "I only know this," replied Ginger, "that you've got a good case, and if
you'll let me into it, I'll engage to make summat of it." "Vell, I'm agreeable," said the Sandman. "And so am I," added the Tinker. "Not that I pays much regard to wot you've bin a readin' in his papers,"
purused Ginger; "the gemman's evidently half-cracked, if he ain't
cracked altogether--but he's jist the person to work upon. He fancies
hisself immortal--eh?" "Exactly so," replied the Tinker. "And he also fancies he's committed a lot o' murders?" perused Ginger. "A desperate lot," replied the Tinker. "Then he'll be glad to buy those papers at any price," said Ginger. "Ve'll deal vith him in regard to the pocket-book, as I deals vith
regard to a dog--ask a price for its restitootion." "We must find him out first," said the Sandman. "There's no difficulty in that," rejoined Ginger. "You must be
constantly on the look-out. You're sure to meet him some time or other." "That's true," replied the Sandman; "and there's no fear of his knowin'
us, for the werry moment he looked round I knocked him on the head." "Arter all," said the Tinker, "there's no branch o' the perfession so
safe as yours, Ginger. The law is favourable to you, and the beaks is
afeerd to touch you. I think I shall turn dog-fancier myself." "It's a good business," replied Ginger, "but it requires a hedication. As I wos sayin', we gets a high price sometimes for restorin' a
favourite, especially ven ve've a soft-hearted lady to deal vith. There's some vimen as fond o' dogs as o' their own childer, and ven ve
gets one o' their precious pets, ve makes 'em ransom it as the brigands
you see at the Adelphi or the Surrey sarves their prisoners, threatenin'
to send first an ear, and then a paw, or a tail, and so on. I'll tell
you wot happened t'other day. There wos a lady--a Miss Vite--as was
desperate fond of her dog. It wos a ugly warmint, but no matter for
that--the creater had gained her heart. | Ainsworth, William Harrison - Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life |
Vell, she lost it; and, somehow
or other, I found it. She vos in great trouble, and a friend o' mine
calls to say she can have the dog agin, but she must pay eight pound for
it. She thinks this dear, and a friend o' her own adwises her to wait,
sayin' better terms will be offered; so I sends vord by my friend that
if she don't come down at once the poor animal's throat vill be cut that
werry night." "Ha!--ha!--ha!" laughed the others. "Vell, she sent four pound, and I put up with it," pursued Ginger; "but
about a month arterwards she loses her favourite agin, and, strange to
say, I finds it. The same game is played over agin, and she comes down
with another four pound. But she takes care this time that I shan't
repeat the trick; for no sooner does she obtain persession of her
favourite than she embarks in the steamer for France, in the hope of
keeping her dog safe there." "Oh! Miss Bailey, unfortinate Miss
Bailey!--Fol-de-riddle-tol-ol-lol--unfortinate Miss Bailey!" sang the
Tinker. "But there's dog-fanciers in France, ain't there?" asked the Sandman. "Lor' bless 'ee, yes," replied Ginger; "there's as many fanciers i'
France as here. Vy, ve drives a smartish trade wi' them through them
foreign steamers. There's scarcely a steamer as leaves the port o'
London but takes out a cargo o' dogs. Ve sells 'em to the stewards,
stokers, and sailors--cheap--and no questins asked. They goes to Ostend,
Antverp, Rotterdam, Hamburg, and sometimes to Havre. There's a Mounseer
Coqquilu as comes over to buy dogs, and ve takes 'em to him at a house
near Billinsgit market." "Then you're alvays sure o' a ready market somehow," observed the
Sandman. "Sartin," replied Ginger, "cos the law's so kind to us. Vy, bless you, a
perliceman can't detain us, even if he knows ve've a stolen dog in our
persession, and ve svears it's our own; and yet he'd stop you in a
minnit if he seed you with a suspicious-lookin' bundle under your arm. Now, jist to show you the difference atwixt the two perfessions:--I
steals a dog--walue, maybe, fifty pound, or p'raps more. Even if I'm
catched i' the fact I may get fined twenty pound, or have six months'
imprisonment; vile, if you steals an old fogle, walue three fardens,
you'll get seven years abroad, to a dead certainty." "That seems hard on us," observed the Sandman reflectively. "It's the _law_!" exclaimed Ginger triumphantly. "Now, ve generally
escapes by payin' the fine, 'cos our pals goes and steals more dogs to
raise the money. Ve alvays stands by each other. There's a reg'lar
horganisation among us; so ve can alvays bring vitnesses to svear vot ve
likes, and ve so puzzles the beaks, that the case gets dismissed, and
the constable says, 'Vich party shall I give the dog to, your vorship?' Upon vich, the beak replies, a-shakin' of his vise noddle, 'Give it to
the person in whose persession it was found. I have nuffin' more to do
vith it.' In course the dog is delivered up to us." "The law seems made for dog-fanciers," remarked the Tinker. "Wot d'ye think o' this?" pursued Ginger. "I wos a-standin' at the
corner o' Gray's Inn Lane vith some o' my pals near a coach-stand, ven a
lady passes by vith this here dog--an' a beauty it is, a real long-eared
Charley--a follerin' of her. Vell, the moment I spies it, I unties my
apron, whips up the dog, and covers it up in a trice. Vell, the lady
sees me, an' gives me in charge to a perliceman. But that si'nifies
nuffin'. I brings six vitnesses to svear the dog vos mine, and I
actually had it since it vos a blind little puppy; and, wot's more, I
brings its _mother_, and that settles the pint. So in course I'm
discharged; the dog is given up to me; and the lady goes avay lamentin'. I then plays the amiable, an' offers to sell it her for twenty guineas,
seein' as how she had taken a fancy to it; but she von't bite. So if I
don't sell it next week, I shall send it to Mounseer Coqquilu. The only
vay you can go wrong is to steal a dog wi' a collar on, for if you do,
you may get seven years' transportation for a bit o' leather and a brass
plate vorth a shillin', vile the animal, though vorth a hundred pound,
can't hurt you. There's _law_ again--ha, ha!" "Dog-fancier's law!" laughed the Sandman. "Some of the Fancy is given to cruelty," pursued Ginger, "and crops a
dog's ears, or pulls out his teeth to disguise him; but I'm too fond o'
the animal for that. I may frighten old ladies sometimes, as I told you
afore, but I never seriously hurts their pets. Nor did I ever kill a dog
for his skin, as some on 'em does." "And you're always sure o' gettin' a dog, if you vants it, I s'pose?" inquired the Tinker. "Alvays," replied Ginger. "No man's dog is safe. I don't care how he's
kept, ve're sure to have him at last. Ve feels our vay with the
sarvents, and finds out from them the walley the master or missis sets
on the dog, and soon after that the animal's gone. Vith a bit o' liver,
prepared in my partic'lar vay, I can tame the fiercest dog as ever
barked, take him off his chain, an' bring him arter me at a gallop." "And do respectable parties ever buy dogs knowin' they're stolen?" inquired the Tinker. "Ay, to be sure," replied Ginger; "sometimes first-rate nobs. They put
us up to it themselves; they'll say, 'I've jist left my Lord
So-and-So's, and there I seed a couple o' the finest pointers I ever
clapped eyes on. I vant you to get me _jist sich another couple_.' Vell, ve understands in a minnit, an' in doo time the identicle dogs
finds their vay to our customer." "Oh! that's how it's done?" remarked the Sandman. "Yes, that's the vay," replied Ginger. "Sometimes a party'll vant a
couple o' dogs for the shootin' season; and then ve asks, 'Vich vay are
you a-goin'--into Surrey or Kent?' And accordin' as the answer is given
ve arranges our plans." "Vell, yourn appears a profitable and safe employment, I must say,"
remarked the Sandman. "Perfectly so," replied Ginger. "Nothin' can touch us till dogs is
declared by statute to be property, and stealin' 'em a misdemeanour. And
that won't occur in my time." "Let's hope not," rejoined the other two. "To come back to the pint from vich we started," said the Tinker; "our
gemman's case is not so surprisin' as it at first appears. There are
some persons as believe they never will die--and I myself am of the same
opinion. There's our old deputy here--him as ve calls Old Parr--vy, he
declares he lived in Queen Bess's time, recollects King Charles bein'
beheaded perfectly vell, and remembers the Great Fire o' London, as if
it only occurred yesterday." "Walker!" exclaimed Ginger, putting his finger to his nose. "You may larf, but it's true," replied the Tinker. "I recollect an old
man tellin' me that he knew the deputy sixty years ago, and he looked
jist the same then as now,--neither older nor younger." "Humph!" exclaimed Ginger. "He don't look so old now." "That's the cur'ousest part of it," said the Tinker. | Ainsworth, William Harrison - Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life |
"He don't like to
talk of his age unless you can get him i' the humour; but he once told
me he didn't know why he lived so long, unless it were owin' to a potion
he'd swallowed, vich his master, who was a great conjurer in Queen
Bess's days, had brew'd." "Pshaw!" exclaimed Ginger. "I thought you too knowin' a cove, Tinker, to
be gulled by such an old vife's story as that." "Let's have the old fellow in and talk to him," replied the Tinker. "Here, lazy-bones," he added, rousing the sleeping youth, "go an' tell
Old Parr ve vants his company over a glass o' rum-an'-vater." CHAPTER III
A furious barking from Mr. Ginger's dogs, shortly after the departure of
the drowsy youth, announced the approach of a grotesque-looking little
personage, whose shoulders barely reached to a level with the top of the
table. This was Old Parr. The dwarfs head was much too large for his
body, as is mostly the case with undersized persons, and was covered
with a forest of rusty black hair, protected by a strangely shaped
seal-skin cap. His hands and feet were equally disproportioned to his
frame, and his arms were so long that he could touch his ankles while
standing upright. His spine was crookened, and his head appeared buried
in his breast. The general character of his face seemed to appertain to
the middle period of life; but a closer inspection enabled the beholder
to detect in it marks of extreme old age. The nose was broad and flat,
like that of an ourang-outang; the resemblance to which animal was
heightened by a very long upper lip, projecting jaws, almost total
absence of chin, and a retreating forehead. The little old man's
complexion was dull and swarthy, but his eyes were keen and sparkling. His attire was as singular as his person. Having recently served as
double to a famous demon-dwarf at the Surrey Theatre, he had become
possessed of a cast-off pair of tawny tights, an elastic shirt of the
same material and complexion, to the arms of which little green bat-like
wings were attached, while a blood-red tunic with vandyke points was
girded round his waist. In this strange apparel his diminutive limbs
were encased, while additional warmth was afforded by the greatcoat
already mentioned, the tails of which swept the floor after him like a
train. Having silenced his dogs with some difficulty, Mr. Ginger burst into a
roar of laughter, excited by the little old man's grotesque appearance,
in which he was joined by the Tinker; but the Sandman never relaxed a
muscle of his sullen countenance. Their hilarity, however, was suddenly checked by an inquiry from the
dwarf, in a shrill, odd tone, "Whether they had sent for him only to
laugh at him?" "Sartainly not, deputy," replied the Tinker. "Here, lazy-bones, glasses
o' rum-an'-vater, all round." The drowsy youth bestirred himself to execute the command. The spirit
was brought; water was procured from the boiling copper; and the Tinker
handed his guest a smoking rummer, accompanied with a polite request to
make himself comfortable. Opposite the table at which the party were seated, it has been said, was
a staircase--old and crazy, and but imperfectly protected by a broken
hand-rail. Midway up it stood a door equally dilapidated, but secured by
a chain and lock, of which Old Parr, as deputy-chamberlain, kept the
key. Beyond this point the staircase branched off on the right, and a
row of stout wooden banisters, ranged like the feet of so many cattle,
was visible from beneath. Ultimately, the staircase reached a small
gallery, if such a name can be applied to a narrow passage communicating
with the bedrooms, the doors of which, as a matter of needful
precaution, were locked outside; and as the windows were grated, no one
could leave his chamber without the knowledge of the landlord or his
representative. No lights were allowed in the bedrooms, nor in the
passage adjoining them. Conciliated by the Tinker's offering, Old Parr mounted the staircase,
and planting himself near the door, took off his greatcoat, and sat down
upon it. His impish garb being thus more fully displayed, he looked so
unearthly and extraordinary that the dogs began to howl fearfully, and
Ginger had enough to do to quiet them. Silence being at length restored, the Tinker, winking slyly at his
companions, opened the conversation. "I say, deputy," he observed, "ve've bin havin' a bit o' a dispute vich
you can settle for us." "Well, let's see," squeaked the dwarf. "What is it?" "Vy, it's relative to your age," rejoined the Tinker. "Ven wos you
born?" "It's so long ago, I can't recollect," returned Old Parr rather sulkily. "You must ha' seen some changes in your time?" resumed the Tinker,
waiting till the little old man had made some progress with his grog. "I rayther think I have--a few," replied Old Parr, whose tongue the
generous liquid had loosened. "I've seen this great city of London
pulled down, and built up again--if that's anything. I've seen it grow,
and grow, till it has reached its present size. You'll scarcely believe
me, when I tell you, that I recollect this Rookery of ours--this foul
vagabond neighbourhood--an open country field, with hedges round it, and
trees. And a lovely spot it was. Broad Saint Giles's, at the time I
speak of, was a little country village, consisting of a few straggling
houses standing by the roadside, and there wasn't a single habitation
between it and Convent Garden (for so the present market was once
called); while that garden, which was fenced round with pales, like a
park, extended from Saint Martin's Lane to Drury House, a great mansion
situated on the easterly side of Drury Lane, amid a grove of beautiful
timber." "My eyes!" cried Ginger, with a prolonged whistle; "the place must be
preciously transmogrified indeed!" "If I were to describe the changes that have taken place in London since
I've known it, I might go on talking for a month," pursued Old Parr. "The whole aspect of the place is altered. The Thames itself is unlike
the Thames of old. Its waters were once as clear and bright above London
Bridge as they are now at Kew or Richmond; and its banks, from
Whitefriars to Scotland Yard, were edged with gardens. And then the
thousand gay wherries and gilded barges that covered its bosom--all are
gone--all are gone!" "Those must ha' been nice times for the jolly young vatermen vich at
Black friars wos used for to ply," chanted the Tinker; "but the steamers
has put their noses out o' joint." "True," replied Old Parr; "and I, for one, am sorry for it. Remembering,
as I do, what the river used to be when enlightened by gay craft and
merry company, I can't help wishing its waters less muddy, and those
ugly coal-barges, lighters, and steamers away. London is a mighty city,
wonderful to behold and examine, inexhaustible in its wealth and power;
but in point of beauty it is not to be compared with the city of Queen
Bess's days. | Ainsworth, William Harrison - Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life |
You should have seen the Strand then--a line of noblemen's
houses--and as to Lombard Street and Gracechurch Street, with their
wealthy goldsmiths' shops--but I don't like to think of 'em." "Vell, I'm content vith Lunnun as it is," replied the Tinker,
"'specially as there ain't much chance o' the ould city bein' rewived." "Not much," replied the dwarf, finishing his glass, which was
replenished at a sign from the Tinker. "I s'pose, my wenerable, you've seen the king as bequeathed his name to
these pretty creaters," said Ginger, raising his coat-pockets, so as to
exhibit the heads of the two little black-and-tan spaniels. "What! old Rowley?" cried the dwarf--"often. I was page to his favourite
mistress, the Duchess of Cleveland, and I have seen him a hundred times
with a pack of dogs of that description at his heels." "Old Rowley wos a king arter my own 'art," said Ginger, rising and
lighting a pipe at the fire. "He loved the femi-_nine_ specious as well
as the ca-_nine_ specious. Can you tell us anythin' more about him?" "Not now," replied Old Parr. "I've seen so much, and heard so much, that
my brain is quite addled. My memory sometimes deserts me altogether,
and my past life appears like a dream. Imagine what my feelings must be,
to walk through streets, still called by the old names, but in other
respects wholly changed. Oh! if you could but have a glimpse of Old
London, you would not be able to endure the modern city. The very
atmosphere was different from that which we now breathe, charged with
the smoke of myriads of sea-coal fires; and the old picturesque houses
had a charm about them, which the present habitations, however
commodious, altogether want." "You talk like one o' them smart chaps they calls, and werry properly,
penny-a-liars," observed Ginger. "But you make me long to ha' lived i'
those times." "If you _had_ lived in them, you would have belonged to Paris Garden, or
the bull-baiting and bear-baiting houses in Southwark," replied Old
Parr. "I've seen fellows just like you at each of those places. Strange,
though times and fashions change, men continue the same. I often meet a
face that I can remember in James the First's time. But the old places
are gone--clean gone!" "Accordin' to your own showin', my wenerable friend, you must ha' lived
uppards o' two hundred and seventy year," said Ginger, assuming a
consequential manner. "Now, doorin' all that time, have you never felt
inclined to kick the bucket?" "Not the least," replied Old Parr. "My bodily health has been excellent. But, as I have just said, my intellects are a little impaired." "Not a little, I should think," replied Ginger, hemming significantly. "I don't know vether you're a deceivin' of us or yourself, my wenerable;
but von thing's quite clear--you _can't_ have lived all that time. It's
not in nater." "Very well, then--I haven't," said Old Parr. And he finished his rum-and-water, and set down the glass, which was
instantly filled again by the drowsy youth. "You've seen some picters o' Old Lunnon, and they've haanted you in your
dreams, till you've begun to fancy you lived in those times," said
Ginger. "Very likely," replied Old Parr--"very likely." There was something, however, in his manner calculated to pique the
dog-fancier's curiosity. "How comes it," he said, stretching out his legs, and arranging his
neckcloth,--"how comes it, if you've lived so long, that you ain't
higher up in the stirrups--better off, as folks say?" The dwarf made no reply, but covering his face with his hands, seemed a
prey to deep emotion. After a few moments' pause, Ginger repeated the
question. "If you won't believe what I tell you, it's useless to give an answer,"
said Old Parr, somewhat gruffly. "Oh yes, _I_ believe you, deputy," observed the Tinker, "and so does the
Sandman." "Well, then," replied the dwarf, "I'll tell you how it comes to pass. Fate has been against me. I've had plenty of chances, but I never could
get on. I've been in a hundred different walks of life, but they always
led down hill. It's my destiny." "That's hard," rejoined the Tinker--"werry hard. But how d'ye account
for livin' so long?" he added, winking as he spoke to the others. "I've already given you an explanation," replied the dwarf. "Av, but it's a cur'ous story, and I vants my friends to hear it," said
the Tinker, in a coaxing tone. "Well then, to oblige you, I'll go through it again," rejoined the
dwarf. "You must know I was for some time servant to Doctor Lamb, an old
alchemist, who lived during the reign of good Queen Bess, and who used
to pass all his time in trying to find out the secret of changing lead
and copper into gold." "I've known several indiwiduals as has found out that secret,
wenerable," observed Ginger. "And ve calls 'em smashers, nowadays--not
halchemists." "Doctor Lamb's object was actually to turn base metal into gold,"
rejoined Old Parr, in a tone of slight contempt. "But his chief aim was
to produce the elixir of long life. Night and day he worked at the
operation;--night and day I laboured with him, until at last we were
both brought to the verge of the grave in our search after immortality. One night--I remember it well,--it was the last night of the sixteenth
century,--a young man, severely wounded, was brought to my master's
dwelling on London Bridge. I helped to convey him to the laboratory,
where I left him with the doctor, who was busy with his experiments. My
curiosity being aroused, I listened at the door, and though I could not
distinguish much that passed inside, I heard sufficient to convince me
that Doctor Lamb had made the grand discovery, and succeeded in
distilling the elixir. Having learnt this, I went down-stairs,
wondering what would next ensue. Half-an-hour elapsed, and while the
bells were ringing in the new year joyfully, the young man whom I had
assisted to carry up-stairs, and whom I supposed at death's door,
marched down as firmly as if nothing had happened, passed by me, and
disappeared, before I could shake off my astonishment. I saw at once he
had drunk the elixir." "Ah!--ah!" exclaimed the Tinker, with a knowing glance at his
companions, who returned it with gestures of equal significance. "As soon as he was gone," pursued the dwarf, "I flew to the laboratory,
and there, extended on the floor, I found the dead body of Doctor Lamb. I debated with myself what to do--whether to pursue his murderer, for
such I accounted the young man; but, on reflection, I thought the course
useless. I next looked round to see whether the precious elixir was
gone. On the table stood a phial, from which a strong spirituous odour
exhaled; but it was empty. I then turned my attention to a receiver,
connected by a worm with an alembic on the furnace. On examining it, I
found it contained a small quantity of a bright transparent liquid,
which, poured forth into a glass, emitted precisely the same odour as
the phial. | Ainsworth, William Harrison - Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life |
Persuaded this must be the draught of immortality, I raised
it to my lips; but apprehension lest it might be poison stayed my hand. Reassured, however, by the thought of the young man's miraculous
recovery, I quaffed the potion. It was as if I had swallowed fire, and
at first I thought all was over with me. I shrieked out; but there was
no one to heed my cries, unless it were my dead master, and two or
three skeletons with which the walls were garnished. And these, in
truth, did seem to hear me; for the dead corpse opened its glassy orbs,
and eyed me reproachfully; the skeletons shook their fleshless arms and
gibbered; and the various strange objects, with which the chamber was
filled, seemed to deride and menace me. The terror occasioned by these
fantasies, combined with the potency of the draught, took away my
senses. When I recovered, I found all tranquil. Doctor Lamb was lying
stark and stiff at my feet, with an expression of reproach on his fixed
countenance; and the skeletons were hanging quietly in their places. Convinced that I was proof against death, I went forth. _But a curse
went with me!_ From that day to this I have lived, but it has been in
such poverty and distress, that I had better far have died. Besides, I
am constantly haunted by visions of my old master. He seems to hold
converse with me--to lead me into strange places." "Exactly the case with the t'other," whispered the Tinker to the
Sandman. "Have you ever, in the coorse o' your long life, met the young
man as drank the 'lixir?" he inquired of the dwarf. "Never." "Do you happen to rekilect his name?" "No; it has quite escaped my memory," answered Old Parr. "Should you rekilect it, if you heerd it?" asked the Tinker. "Perhaps I might," returned the dwarf; "but I can't say." "Wos it Auriol Darcy?" demanded the other. "That _was_ the name," cried Old Parr, starting up in extreme surprise. "I heard Doctor Lamb call him so. But how, in the name of wonder, do you
come to know it?" "Ve've got summat, at last," said the Tinker, with a self-applauding
glance at his friends. "How do you come to know it, I say?" repeated the dwarf, in extreme
agitation. "Never mind," rejoined the Tinker, with a cunning look; "you see I does
know some cur'ous matters as veil as you, my old file. Yo'll be good
evidence, in case ve vishes to prove the fact agin him." "Prove what?--and against whom?" cried the dwarf. "One more questin, and I've done," pursued the Tinker. "Should you know
this young man agin, in case you chanced to come across him?" "No doubt of it," replied Old Parr; "his figure often flits before me in
dreams." "Shall ve let him into it?" said the Tinker, consulting his companions
in a low tone. "Ay--ay," replied the Sandman. "Better vait a bit," remarked Ginger, shaking his head dubiously. "There's no hurry." "No; ve must decide at vonce," said the Tinker. "Jist examine them
papers," he added, handing the pocket-book to Old Parr, "and favour us
vith your opinion on 'em." The dwarf was about to unclasp the book committed to his charge, when a
hand was suddenly thrust through the banisters of the upper part of the
staircase, which, as has been already stated, was divided from the
lower by the door. A piece of heavy black drapery next descended like a
cloud, concealing all behind it except the hand, with which the dwarf
was suddenly seized by the nape of the neck, lifted up in the air, and,
notwithstanding his shrieks and struggles, carried clean off. Great confusion attended his disappearance. The dogs set up a prodigious
barking, and flew to the rescue--one of the largest of them passing over
the body of the drowsy waiter, who had sought his customary couch upon
the coals, and rousing him from his slumbers; while the Tinker, uttering
a fierce imprecation, upset his chair in his haste to catch hold of the
dwarf's legs; but the latter was already out of reach, and the next
moment had vanished entirely. "My eyes! here's a pretty go!" cried Ginger, who, with his back to the
fire, had witnessed the occurrence in open-mouthed astonishment. "Vy,
curse it! if the wenerable ain't a-taken the pocket-book with him! It's
my opinion the devil has flown avay with the old feller. His time wos
nearer at 'and than he expected." "Devil or not, I'll have him back agin, or at all events the
pocket-book!" cried the Tinker. And, dashing up the stairs, he caught
hold of the railing above, and swinging himself up by a powerful effort,
passed through an opening, occasioned by the removal of one of the
banisters. [Illustration: The Hand and the Cloak.] Groping along the gallery, which was buried in profound darkness, he
shouted to the dwarf, but received no answer to his vociferations;
neither could he discover any one, though he felt on either side of the
passage with outstretched hands. The occupants of the different
chambers, alarmed by the noise, called out to know what was going
forward; but being locked in their rooms, they could render no
assistance. While the Tinker was thus pursuing his search in the dark, venting his
rage and disappointment in the most dreadful imprecations, the staircase
door was opened by the landlord, who had found the key in the greatcoat
left behind by the dwarf. With the landlord came the Sandman and Ginger,
the latter of whom was attended by all his dogs, still barking
furiously; while the rear of the party was brought up by the drowsy
waiter, now wide awake with fright, and carrying a candle. But though every nook and corner of the place was visited--though the
attics were searched, and all the windows examined--not a trace of the
dwarf could be discovered, nor any clue to his mysterious disappearance
detected. Astonishment and alarm sat on every countenance. "What the devil can have become of him?" cried the landlord, with a look
of dismay. "Ay, that's the questin!" rejoined the Tinker. "I begin to be of
Ginger's opinion, that the devil himself must have flown avay vith him. No von else could ha' taken a fancy to him." "I only saw a hand and a black cloak," said the Sandman. "I thought I seed a pair o' hoofs," cried the waiter; "and I'm quite
sure I seed a pair o' great glitterin' eyes," he added, opening his own
lacklustre orbs to their widest extent. "It's a strange affair," observed the landlord gravely. "It's certain
that no one has entered the house wearing a cloak such as you describe;
nor could any of the lodgers, to my knowledge, get out of their rooms. It was Old Parr's business, as you know, to lock 'em up carefully for
the night." "Vell, all's over vith him now," said the Tinker; "and vith our affair,
too, I'm afeerd." "Don't say die jist yet," rejoined Ginger. "The wenerable's gone, to be
sure; and the only thing he has left behind him, barrin' his topcoat, is
this here bit o' paper vich dropped out o' the pocket-book as he wos
a-takin' flight, and vich I picked from the floor. It may be o' some use
to us. But come, let's go down-stairs. There's no good in stayin' here
any longer." | Ainsworth, William Harrison - Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life |
Concurring in which sentiment, they all descended to the lower room. CHAPTER IV
A week had elapsed since Auriol Darcy was conveyed to the
iron-merchant's dwelling, after the attack made upon him by the ruffians
in the ruined house; and though almost recovered from the serious
injuries he had received, he still remained the guest of his preserver. It was a bright spring morning, when a door leading to the yard in front
of the house opened, and a young girl, bright and fresh as the morning's
self, issued from it. A lovelier creature than Ebba Thorneycroft cannot be imagined. Her
figure was perfection--slight, tall, and ravishingly proportioned, with
a slender waist, little limbs, and fairy feet that would have made the
fortune of an opera-dancer. Her features were almost angelic in
expression, with an outline of the utmost delicacy and precision--not
cold, classical regularity--but that softer and incomparably more lovely
mould peculiar to our own clime. Ebba's countenance was a type of Saxon
beauty. Her complexion was pure white, tinged with a slight bloom. Her
eyes were of a serene summer blue, arched over by brows some shades
darker than the radiant tresses that fell on either cheek, and were
parted over a brow smoother than alabaster. Her attire was simple but
tasteful, and by its dark colour threw into relief the exceeding
fairness of her skin. Ebba's first care was to feed her favourite linnet, placed in a cage
over the door. Having next patted the head of a huge bulldog who came
out of his kennel to greet her, and exchanged a few words with two men
employed at a forge in the inner part of the building on the right, she
advanced farther into the yard. This part of the premises, being strewn with ironwork of every possible
shape, presented a very singular appearance, and may merit some
description. There were heaps of rusty iron chains flung together like
fishermen's nets, old iron area-guards, iron kitchen-fenders, old
grates, safes, piles of old iron bowls, a large assortment of old iron
pans and dishes, a ditto of old ovens, kettles without number,
sledge-hammers, anvils, braziers, chimney-cowls, and smoke-jacks. Stout upright posts, supporting cross-beams on the top, were placed at
intervals on either side of the yard, and these were decorated, in the
most artistic style, with rat-traps, man-traps, iron lanterns, pulleys,
padlocks, chains, trivets, triangles, iron rods, disused street lamps,
dismounted cannon, and anchors. Attached to hooks in the cross-beam
nearest the house hung a row of old horse-shoes, while from the centre
depended a large rusty bell. Near the dog's kennel was a tool-box,
likewise garnished with horse-shoes, and containing pincers, files,
hammers, and other implements proper to the smith. Beyond this was an
open doorway leading to the workshop, where the two men before mentioned
were busy at the forge. Though it was still early, the road was astir with passengers; and many
waggons and carts, laden with hay, straw, and vegetables, were passing. Ebba, however, had been solely drawn forth by the beauty of the morning,
and she stopped for a moment at the street gate, to breathe the balmy
air. As she inhaled the gentle breeze, and felt the warm sunshine upon
her cheek, her thoughts wandered away into the green meadows in which
she had strayed as a child, and she longed to ramble amid them again. Perhaps she scarcely desired a solitary stroll; but however this might
be, she was too much engrossed by the reverie to notice a tall man,
wrapped in a long black cloak, who regarded her with the most fixed
attention, as he passed on the opposite side of the road. Proceeding to a short distance, this personage crossed over, and
returned slowly towards the iron-merchant's dwelling. Ebba then, for the
first time, remarked him, and was startled by his strange, sinister
appearance. His features were handsome, but so malignant and fierce in
expression, that they inspired only aversion. A sardonic grin curled his
thin lips, and his short, crisply curled hair, raven-black in hue,
contrasted forcibly and disagreeably with his cadaverous complexion. An
attraction like that of the snake seemed to reside in his dark blazing
eyes, for Ebba trembled like a bird beneath their influence, and could
not remove her gaze from them. A vague presentiment of coming ill smote
her, and she dreaded lest the mysterious being before her might be
connected in some inexplicable way with her future destiny. On his part, the stranger was not insensible to the impression he had
produced, and suddenly halting, he kept his eyes riveted on those of
the girl, who, after remaining spell-bound, as it were, for a few
moments, precipitately retreated towards the house. Just as she reached the door, and was about to pass through it, Auriol
came forth. He was pale, as if from recent suffering, and bore his left
arm in a sling. "You look agitated," he said, noticing Ebba's uneasiness. "What has
happened?" "Not much," she replied, a deep blush mantling her cheeks. "But I have
been somewhat alarmed by the person near the gate." "Indeed!" cried Auriol, darting forward. "Where is he? I see no one." "Not a tall man, wrapped in a long black cloak?" rejoined Ebba,
following him cautiously. "Ha!" cried Auriol. "Has he been here?" "Then you know the person I allude to?" she rejoined. "I know some one answering his description," he replied, with a forced
smile. "Once beheld, the man I mean is not to be forgotten," said Ebba. "He has
a countenance such as I never saw before. If I could believe in the
'evil eye,' I should be sure he possessed it." "'Tis he, there can be no doubt," rejoined Auriol, in a sombre tone. "Who and what is he, then?" demanded Ebba. "He is a messenger of ill," replied Auriol, "and I am thankful he is
gone." [Illustration: The Iron-merchant's Daughter.] "Are you quite sure of it?" she asked, glancing timorously up and down
the road. But the mysterious individual could no longer be seen. "And so, after exciting my curiosity in this manner, you will not
satisfy it?" she said. "I cannot," rejoined Auriol, somewhat sternly. "Nay, then, since you are so ungracious, I shall go and prepare
breakfast," she replied. "My father must be down by this time." "Stay!" cried Auriol, arresting her, as she was about to pass through
the door. "I wish to have a word with you." Ebba stopped, and the bloom suddenly forsook her cheeks. But Auriol seemed unable to proceed. Neither dared to regard the other;
and a profound silence prevailed between them for a few moments. "Ebba," said Auriol at length, "I am about to leave your father's house
to-day." "Why so soon?" she exclaimed, looking up into his face. "You are not
entirely recovered yet." "I dare not stay longer," he said. "Dare not!" cried Ebba. And she again cast down her eyes; but Auriol
made no reply. Fortunately the silence was broken by the clinking of the smiths'
hammers upon the anvil. | Ainsworth, William Harrison - Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life |
"If you must really go," said Ebba, looking up, after a long pause, "I
hope we shall see you again?" "Most assuredly," replied Auriol. "I owe your worthy father a deep debt
of gratitude--a debt which, I fear, I shall never be able to repay." "My father is more than repaid in saving your life," she replied. "I am
sure he will be sorry to learn you are going so soon." "I have been here a week," said Auriol. "If I remained longer, I might
not be able to go at all." There was another pause, during which a stout old fellow in the workshop
quitted the anvil for a moment, and, catching a glimpse of the young
couple, muttered to his helpmate--
"I say, Ned, I'm a-thinkin' our master'll soon have a son-in-law. There's pretty plain signs on it at yonder door." "So there be, John," replied Ned, peeping round. "He's a good-lookin'
young feller that. I wish ve could hear their discoorse." "No, that ain't fair," replied John, raking some small coal upon the
fire, and working away at the bellows. "I would not for the world ask a disagreeable question," said Ebba,
again raising her eyes, "but since you are about to quit us, I must
confess I should like to know something of your history." "Forgive me if I decline to comply with your desire," replied Auriol. "You would not believe me, were I to relate my history. But this I may
say, that it is stranger and wilder than any you ever heard. The
prisoner in his cell is not restrained by more terrible fetters than
those which bind me to silence." Ebba gazed at him as if she feared his reasoning were wandering. "You think me mad," said Auriol; "would I were so! But I shall never
lose the clear perception of my woes. Hear me, Ebba! Fate has brought me
into this house. I have seen you, and experienced your gentle ministry;
and it is impossible, so circumstanced, to be blind to your
attractions. I have only been too sensible to them--but I will not dwell
on that theme, nor run the risk of exciting a passion which must destroy
you. I will ask you to hate me--to regard me as a monster whom you ought
to shun rather than as a being for whom you should entertain the
slightest sympathy." "You have some motive in saying this to me," cried the terrified girl. "My motive is to warn you," said Auriol. "If you love me, you are
lost--utterly lost!" She was so startled, that she could make no reply, but burst into tears. Auriol took her hand, which she unresistingly yielded. "A terrible fatality attaches to me, in which you must have no share,"
he said, in a solemn tone. "Would you had never come to my father's house!" she exclaimed, in a
voice of anguish. "Is it, then, too late?" cried Auriol despairingly. "It is--if to love you be fatal," she rejoined. "Ha!" exclaimed Auriol, striking his forehead with his clenched hand. "Recall your words--Ebba--recall them--but no, once uttered--it is
impossible. You are bound to me for ever. I must fulfil my destiny." At this juncture a low growl broke from the dog, and, guided by the
sound, the youthful couple beheld, standing near the gate, the tall dark
man in the black cloak. A fiendish smile sat upon his countenance. "That is the man who frightened me!" cried Ebba. "It is the person I supposed!" ejaculated Auriol. "I must speak to him. Leave me, Ebba. I will join you presently." And as the girl, half sinking with apprehension, withdrew, he advanced
quickly towards the intruder. "I have sought you for some days," said the tall man, in a stern,
commanding voice. "You have not kept your appointment with me." "I could not," replied Auriol--"an accident has befallen me." "I know it," rejoined the other. "I am aware you were assailed by
ruffians in the ruined house over the way. But you are recovered now,
and can go forth. You ought to have communicated with me." "It was my intention to do so," said Auriol. "Our meeting cannot be delayed much longer," pursued the stranger. "I
will give you three more days. On the evening of the last day, at the
hour of seven, I shall look for you at the foot of the statue in Hyde
Park." "I will be there," replied Auriol. "That girl must be the next victim," said the stranger, with a grim
smile. "Peace!" thundered Auriol. "Nay, I need not remind you of the tenure by which you maintain your
power," rejoined the stranger. "But I will not trouble you further now." And, wrapping his cloak more closely round him, he disappeared. "Fate has once more involved me in its net," cried Auriol bitterly. "But
I will save Ebba, whatever it may cost me. I will see her no more." And instead of returning to the house, he hurried away in the opposite
direction of the stranger. CHAPTER V
The evening of the third day arrived, and Auriol entered Hyde Park by
Stanhope Gate. Glancing at his watch, and finding it wanted nearly
three-quarters of an hour of the time appointed for his meeting with the
mysterious stranger, he struck across the park, in the direction of the
Serpentine River. Apparently he was now perfectly recovered, for his arm
was without the support of the sling, and he walked with great
swiftness. But his countenance was deathly pale, and his looks were so
wild and disordered, that the few persons he encountered shrank from him
aghast. A few minutes' rapid walking brought him to the eastern extremity of the
Serpentine, and advancing close to the edge of the embankment, he gazed
at the waters beneath his feet. "I would plunge into them, if I could find repose," he murmured. "But it
would avail nothing. I should only add to my sufferings. No; I must
continue to endure the weight of a life burdened by crime and remorse,
till I can find out the means of freeing myself from it. Once I dreaded
this unknown danger, but now I seek for it in vain." The current of his thoughts was here interrupted by the sudden
appearance of a dark object on the surface of the water, which he at
first took to be a huge fish, with a pair of green fins springing from
its back; but after watching it more closely for a few moments, he
became convinced that it was a human being, tricked out in some
masquerade attire, while the slight struggles which it made proved that
life was not entirely extinct. Though, the moment before, he had contemplated self-destruction, and had
only been restrained from the attempt by the certainty of failing in his
purpose, instinct prompted him to rescue the perishing creature before
him. Without hesitation, therefore, and without tarrying to divest
himself of his clothes, he dashed into the water, and striking out,
instantly reached the object of his quest, which still continued to
float, and turning it over, for the face was downwards, he perceived it
was an old man, of exceedingly small size, habited in a pantomimic garb. He also remarked that a rope was twisted round the neck of the
unfortunate being, making it evident that some violent attempt had been
made upon his life. | Ainsworth, William Harrison - Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life |
Without pausing for further investigation, he took firm hold of the
leathern wings of the dwarf, and with his disengaged hand propelled
himself towards the shore, dragging the other after him. The next
instant he reached the bank, clambered up the low brickwork, and placed
his burden in safety. The noise of the plunge had attracted attention, and several persons now
hurried to the spot. On coming up, and finding Auriol bending over a
water-sprite--for such, at first sight, the dwarf appeared--they could
not repress their astonishment. Wholly insensible to the presence of
those around him, Auriol endeavoured to recall where he had seen the
dwarf before. All at once, the recollection flashed upon him, and he
cried aloud, "Why, it is my poor murdered grandfather's attendant,
Flapdragon! But no! no!--he must be dead ages ago! Yet the resemblance
is singularly striking!" Auriol's exclamations, coupled with his wild demeanour, surprised the
bystanders, and they came to the conclusion that he must be a travelling
showman, who had attempted to drown his dwarf--the grotesque, impish
garb of the latter convincing them that he had been exhibited at a
booth. They made signs, therefore, to each other not to let Auriol
escape, and one of them, raising the dwarf's head on his knee, produced
a flask, and poured some brandy from it down his throat, while others
chafed his hands. These efforts were attended with much speedier success
than might have been anticipated. After a struggle or two for
respiration, the dwarf opened his eyes, and gazed at the group around
him. "It must be Flapdragon!" exclaimed Auriol. "Ah! who calls me?" cried the dwarf. "I!" rejoined Auriol. "Do you not recollect me?" "To be sure!" exclaimed the dwarf, gazing at him fixedly; "you are----"
and he stopped. "You have been thrown into the water, Master Flapdragon?" cried a
bystander, noticing the cord round the dwarf's throat. "I have," replied the little old man. "By your governor--that is, by this person?" cried another, laying hold
of Auriol. "By him--no," said the dwarf; "I have not seen that gentleman for nearly
three centuries." "Three centuries, my little patriarch?" said the man who had given him
the brandy. "That's a long time. Think again." "It's perfectly true, nevertheless," replied the dwarf. "His wits have been washed away by the water," said the first speaker. "Give him a drop more brandy." "Not a bit of it," rejoined the dwarf; "my senses were never clearer
than at this moment. At last we have met," he continued, addressing
Auriol, "and I hope we shall not speedily part again. We hold life by
the same tie." "How came you in the desperate condition in which I found you?" demanded
Auriol evasively. "I was thrown into the canal with a stone to my neck, like a dog about
to be drowned," replied the dwarf. "But, as you are aware, I'm not so
easily disposed of." Again the bystanders exchanged significant looks. "By whom was the attempt made?" inquired Auriol. "I don't know the villain's name," rejoined the dwarf, "but he's a very
tall, dark man, and is generally wrapped in a long black cloak." "Ha!" exclaimed Auriol. "When was it done?" "Some nights ago, I should fancy," replied the dwarf, "for I've been a
terrible long time under water. I have only just managed to shake off
the stone." At this speech there was a titter of incredulity among the bystanders. "You may laugh, but it's true!" cried the dwarf angrily. "We must speak of this anon," said Auriol. "Will you convey him to the
nearest tavern?" he added, placing money in the hands of the man who
held the dwarf in his arms. "Willingly, sir," replied the man. "I'll take him to the Life Guardsman,
near the barracks--that's the nearest public." "I'll join him there in an hour," replied Auriol, moving away. And as he disappeared, the man took up his little burden, and bent his
steps towards the barracks. Utterly disregarding the dripping state of his habiliments, Auriol
proceeded quickly to the place of rendezvous. Arrived there, he looked
around, and not seeing any one, flung himself upon a bench at the foot
of the gentle eminence on which the gigantic statue of Achilles is
placed. It was becoming rapidly dark, and heavy clouds, portending speedy rain,
increased the gloom. Auriol's thoughts were sombre as the weather and
the hour, and he fell into a deep fit of abstraction, from which he was
roused by a hand laid on his shoulder. Recoiling at the touch, he raised his eyes, and beheld the stranger
leaning over him, and gazing at him with a look of diabolical
exultation. The cloak was thrown partly aside, so as to display the
tall, gaunt figure of its wearer; while the large collar of sable fur
with which it was decorated stood out like the wings of a demon. The
stranger's hat was off, and his high broad forehead, white as marble,
was fully revealed. "Our meeting must be brief," he said. "Are you prepared to fulfil the
compact?" "What do you require?" replied Auriol. "Possession of the girl I saw three days ago," said the other; "the
iron-merchant's daughter, Ebba. She must be mine." "Never!" cried Auriol firmly--"never!" "Beware how you tempt me to exert my power," said the stranger; "she
_must_ be mine--or----"
"I defy you!" rejoined Auriol; "I will never consent." "Fool!" cried the other, seizing him by the arm, and fixing a withering
glance upon him. "Bring her to me ere the week be out, or dread my
vengeance!" And, enveloping himself in his cloak, he retreated behind the statue,
and was lost to view. As he disappeared, a moaning wind arose, and heavy rain descended. Still
Auriol did not quit the bench. CHAPTER VI
It was about two o'clock, on a charming spring day, that a stout
middle-aged man, accompanied by a young person of extraordinary beauty,
took up his station in front of Langham Church. Just as the clock struck
the hour, a young man issued at a quick pace from a cross-street, and
came upon the couple before he was aware of it. He was evidently greatly
embarrassed, and would have beaten a retreat, but that was impossible. His embarrassment was in some degree shared by the young lady; she
blushed deeply, but could not conceal her satisfaction at the encounter. The elder individual, who did not appear to notice the confusion of
either party, immediately extended his hand to the young man, and
"What! Mr. Darcy, is it you? Why, we thought we had lost you, sir! What
took you off so suddenly? We have been expecting you these four days,
and were now walking about to try and find you. My daughter has been
terribly uneasy. Haven't you, Ebba?" The young lady made no answer to this appeal, but cast down her eyes. "It was my intention to call, and give you an explanation of my strange
conduct, to-day," replied Auriol. "I hope you received my letter,
stating that my sudden departure was unavoidable." "To be sure; and I also received the valuable snuffbox you were so good
as to send me," replied Mr. Thorneycroft. | Ainsworth, William Harrison - Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life |
"But you neglected to tell me
how to acknowledge the gift." "I could not give an address at the moment," said Auriol. "Well, I am glad to find you have got the use of your arm again,"
observed the iron-merchant; "but I can't say you look so well as when
you left us. You seem paler--eh? what do you think, Ebba?" "Mr. Darcy looks as if he were suffering from mental anxiety rather than
from bodily ailment," she replied timidly. "I am so," replied Auriol, regarding her fixedly. "A very disastrous
circumstance has happened to me. But answer me one question: Has the
mysterious person in the black cloak troubled you again?" "What mysterious person?" demanded Mr. Thorneycroft, opening his eyes. "Never mind, father," replied Ebba. "I saw him last night," she added to
Auriol. "I was sitting in the back room alone, wondering what had become
of you, when I heard a tap against the window, which was partly open,
and, looking up, I beheld the tall stranger. It was nearly dark, but the
light of the fire revealed his malignant countenance. I don't
exaggerate, when I say his eyes gleamed like those of a tiger. I was
terribly frightened, but something prevented me from crying out. After
gazing at me for a few moments, with a look that seemed to fascinate
while it frightened me, he said--'You desire to see Auriol Darcy. I have
just quitted him. Go to Langham Place to-morrow, and, as the clock
strikes two, you will behold him.' Without waiting for any reply on my
part, he disappeared." "Ah, you never told me this, you little rogue!" cried Mr. Thorneycroft. "You persuaded me to come out with you, in the hope of meeting Mr.
Darcy; but you did not say you were sure to find him. So you sent this
mysterious gentleman to her, eh?" he added to Auriol. "No, I did not," replied the other gloomily. "Indeed!" exclaimed the iron-merchant, with a puzzled look. "Oh, then I suppose he thought it might relieve her anxiety. However,
since we have met, I hope you'll walk home and dine with us." Auriol was about to decline the invitation, but Ebba glanced at him
entreatingly. "I have an engagement, but I will forego it," he said, offering his arm
to her. And they walked along towards Oxford Street, while Mr. Thorneycroft
followed, a few paces behind them. "This is very kind of you, Mr. Darcy," said Ebba. "Oh, I have been so
wretched!" "I grieve to hear it," he rejoined. "I hoped you had forgotten me." "I am sure you did not think so," she cried. As she spoke, she felt a shudder pass through Auriol's frame. "What ails you?" she anxiously inquired. "I would have shunned you, if I could, Ebba," he replied; "but a fate,
against which it is vain to contend, has brought us together again." "I am glad of it," she replied; "because, ever since our last interview,
I have been reflecting on what you then said to me, and am persuaded you
are labouring under some strange delusion, occasioned by your recent
accident." "Be not deceived, Ebba," cried Auriol. "I am under a terrible influence. I need not remind you of the mysterious individual who tapped at your
window last night." "What of him?" demanded Ebba, with a thrill of apprehension. "He it is who controls my destiny," replied Auriol. "But what has he to do with me?" asked Ebba. "Much, much," he replied, with a perceptible shudder. "You terrify me, Auriol," she rejoined. "Tell me what you mean--in pity,
tell me?" Before Auriol could reply, Mr. Thorneycroft stepped forward, and turned
the conversation into another channel. Soon after this, they reached the Quadrant, and were passing beneath the
eastern colonnade, when Ebba's attention was attracted towards a man who
was leading a couple of dogs by a string, while he had others under his
arm, others again in his pocket, and another in his breast. It was Mr.
Ginger. "What a pretty little dog!" cried Ebba, remarking the Charles the Second
spaniel. "Allow me to present you with it?" said Auriol. "You know I should value it, as coming from you," she replied, blushing
deeply; "but I cannot accept it; so I will not look at it again, for
fear I should be tempted." The dog-fancier, however, noticing Ebba's admiration, held forward the
spaniel, and said, "Do jist look at the pretty little creater, miss. It
han't its equil for beauty. Don't be afeerd on it, miss. It's as gentle
as a lamb." "Oh you little darling!" Ebba said, patting its sleek head and long
silken ears, while it fixed its large black eyes upon her, as if
entreating her to become its purchaser. "Fairy seems to have taken quite a fancy to you, miss," observed Ginger;
"and she ain't i' the habit o' fallin' i' love at first sight. I don't
wonder at it, though, for my part. I should do jist the same, if I wos
in her place. Vell, now, miss, as she seems to like you, and you seem to
like her, I won't copy the manners o' them 'ere fathers as has stony
'arts, and part two true lovyers. You shall have her a bargin." "What do you call a bargain, my good man?" inquired Ebba, smiling. "I wish I could afford to give her to you, miss," replied Ginger; "you
should have her, and welcome. But I must airn a livelihood, and Fairy is
the most wallerable part o' my stock. I'll tell you wot I give for her
myself, and you shall have her at a trifle beyond it. I'd scorn to take
adwantage o' the likes o' you." "I hope you didn't give too much, then, friend," replied Ebba. "I didn't give hayf her wally--not hayf," said Ginger; "and if so be you
don't like her in a month's time, I'll buy her back again from you. You'll alvays find me here--alvays. Everybody knows Mr. Ginger--that's
my name, miss. I'm the only honest man in the dog-fancyin' line. Ask Mr.
Bishop, the great gunmaker o' Bond Street, about me--him as the nobs
calls the Bishop o' Bond Street--an' he'll tell you." "But you haven't answered the lady's question," said Auriol. "What do
you ask for the dog?" "Do you want it for yourself, sir, or for her?" inquired Ginger. "What does it matter?" cried Auriol angrily. "A great deal, sir," replied Ginger; "it'll make a mater'al difference
in the price. To you she'll be five-an'-twenty guineas. To the young
lady, twenty." "But suppose I buy her for the young lady?" said Auriol. "Oh, then, in coorse, you'll get her at the lower figure!" replied
Ginger. "I hope you don't mean to buy the dog?" interposed Mr. Thorneycroft. "The price is monstrous--preposterous." "It may appear so to you, sir," said Ginger, "because you're ignorant o'
the wally of sich a hanimal; but I can tell you, it's cheap--dirt cheap. Vy, his Excellency the Prooshan Ambassador bought a Charley from me,
t'other week, to present to a certain duchess of his acquaintance, and
wot d'ye think he give for it?" "I don't know, and I don't want to know," replied Mr. Thorneycroft
gruffly. "Eighty guineas," said Ginger. "Eighty guineas, as I'm a livin' man, and
made no bones about it neither. The dog I sold him warn't to be compared
wi' Fairy." "Stuff--stuff!" cried Mr. Thorneycroft; "I ain't to be gammoned in that
way." | Ainsworth, William Harrison - Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life |
"It's no gammon," said Ginger. "Look at them ears, miss--vy, they're as
long as your own ringlets--and them pads--an' I'm sure you von't say
she's dear at twenty pound." "She's a lovely little creature, indeed," returned Ebba, again patting
the animal's head. While this was passing, two men of very suspicious mien, ensconced
behind a pillar adjoining the group, were reconnoitring Auriol. "It's him!" whispered the taller and darker of the two to his
companion--"it's the young man ve've been lookin' for--Auriol Darcy." "It seems like him," said the other, edging round the pillar as far as
he could without exposure. "I vish he'd turn his face a leetle more this
vay." "It's him, I tell you, Sandman," said the Tinker. "Ve must give the
signal to our comrade." "Vell, I'll tell you wot it is, miss," said Ginger coaxingly, "your
sveet'art--I'm sure he's your sveet'art--I can tell these things in a
minnit--your sveet'art, I say, shall give me fifteen pound, and the
dog's yourn. I shall lose five pound by the transaction; but I don't
mind it for sich a customer as you. Fairy desarves a kind missus." Auriol, who had fallen into a fit of abstraction, here remarked:
"What's that you are saying, fellow?" "I vos a-sayin', sir, the young lady shall have the dog for fifteen
pound, and a precious bargin it is," replied Ginger. "Well, then, I close with you. Here's the money," said Auriol, taking
out his purse. "On no account, Auriol," cried Ebba quickly. "It's too much." "A great deal too much, Mr. Darcy," said Thorneycroft. "Auriol and Darcy!" muttered Ginger. "Can this be the gemman ve're
a-lookin' for. Vere's my two pals, I vonder? Oh, it's all right!" he
added, receiving a signal from behind the pillar. "They're on the
look-out, I see." "Give the lady the dog, and take the money, man," said Auriol sharply. "Beg pardon, sir," said Ginger, "but hadn't I better carry the dog home
for the young lady? It might meet vith some accident in the vay." "Accident!--stuff and nonsense!" cried Mr. Thorneycroft. "The rascal
only wants to follow you home, that he may know where you live, and
steal the dog back again. Take my advice, Mr. Darcy, and don't buy it." "The bargain's concluded," said Ginger, delivering the dog to Ebba, and
taking the money from Auriol, which, having counted, he thrust into his
capacious breeches pocket. "How shall I thank you for this treasure, Auriol?" exclaimed Ebba, in an
ecstasy of delight. "By transferring to it all regard you may entertain for me," he replied,
in a low tone. "That is impossible," she answered. "Well, I vote we drive away at once," said Mr. Thorneycroft. "Halloa! jarvey!" he cried, hailing a coach that was passing; adding, as the
vehicle stopped, "Now get in, Ebba. By this means we shall avoid being
followed by the rascal." So saying, he got into the coach. As Auriol was about to follow him, he
felt a slight touch on his arm, and, turning, beheld a tall and very
forbidding man by his side. "Beg pardin, sir," said the fellow, touching his hat, "but ain't your
name Mr. Auriol Darcy?" "It is," replied Auriol, regarding him fixedly. "Why do you ask?" "I vants a vord or two vith you in private--that's all, sir," replied
the Tinker. "Say what you have to say at once," rejoined Auriol. "I know nothing of
you." "You'll know me better by-and-by, sir," said the Tinker, in a
significant tone. "I _must_ speak to you, and alone." "If you don't go about your business, fellow, instantly, I'll give you
in charge of the police," cried Auriol. "No, you von't, sir--no, you von't," replied the Tinker, shaking his
head. And then, lowering his voice, he added, "You'll be glad to
purchase my silence ven you larns wot secrets o' yourn has come to my
knowledge." "Won't you get in, Mr. Darcy?" cried Thorneycroft, whose back was
towards the Tinker. "I must speak to this man," replied Auriol. "I'll come to you in the
evening. Till then, farewell, Ebba." And, as the coach drove away, he
added to the Tinker, "Now, rascal, what have you to say?" "Step this vay, sir," replied the Tinker. "There's two friends o' mine
as vishes to be present at our conference. Ve'd better valk into a back
street." CHAPTER VII
THE HAND AGAIN! Followed by Auriol, who, in his turn, was followed by Ginger and the
Sandman, the Tinker directed his steps to Great Windmill Street, where
he entered a public-house, called the Black Lion. Leaving his
four-footed attendants with the landlord, with whom he was acquainted,
Ginger caused the party to be shown into a private room, and, on
entering it, Auriol flung himself into a chair, while the dog-fancier
stationed himself near the door. "Now, what do you want with me?" demanded Auriol. "You shall learn presently," replied the Tinker; "but first, it may be
as vell to state, that a certain pocket-book has been found." "Ah!" exclaimed Auriol. "You are the villains who beset me in the ruined
house in the Vauxhall Road." "Your pocket-book has been found, I tell you," replied the Tinker, "and
from it ve have made the most awful diskiveries. Our werry 'air stood on
end ven ve first read the shockin' particulars. What a bloodthirsty
ruffian you must be! Vy, ve finds you've been i' the habit o' makin'
avay with a young ooman vonce every ten years. Your last wictim wos in
1820--the last but one, in 1810--and the one before her, in 1800." "Hangin's too good for you!" cried the Sandman; "but if ve peaches
you're sartin to sving." "I hope that pretty creater I jist see ain't to be the next wictim?" said Ginger. "Peace!" thundered Auriol. "What do you require?" "A hundred pound each'll buy our silence," replied the Tinker. "Ve ought to have double that," said the Sandman, "for screenin' sich
atterocious crimes as he has parpetrated. Ve're not werry partic'lar
ourselves, but ve don't commit murder wholesale." "Ve don't commit murder at all," said Ginger. "You may fancy," pursued the Tinker, "that ve ain't perfectly acvainted
with your history, but to prove that ve are, I'll just rub up your
memory. Did you ever hear tell of a gemman as murdered Doctor Lamb, the
famous halchemist o' Queen Bess's time, and, havin' drank the 'lixir
vich the doctor had made for hisself, has lived ever since? Did you ever
hear tell of such a person, I say?" Auriol gazed at him in astonishment. "What idle tale are you inventing?" he said at length. "It is no idle tale," replied the Tinker boldly. "Ve can bring a vitness
as'll prove the fact--a livin' vitness." "What witness?" cried Auriol. "Don't you reckilect the dwarf as used to serve Doctor Lamb?" rejoined
the Tinker. "He's alive still; and ve calls him Old Parr, on account of
his great age." "Where is he?--what has become of him?" demanded Auriol. "Oh, ve'll perduce him in doo time," replied the Tinker cunningly. "But tell me where the poor fellow is?" cried Auriol. "Have you seen him
since last night? I sent him to a public-house at Kensington, but he has
disappeared from it, and I can discover no traces of him." | Ainsworth, William Harrison - Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life |
"He'll turn up somewhere--never fear," rejoined the Tinker. "But now,
sir, that ve fairly understands each other, are you agreeable to our
terms? You shall give us an order for the money, and ve'll undertake, on
our parts, not to mislest you more." "The pocket-book must be delivered up to me if I assent," said Auriol,
"and the poor dwarf must be found." "Vy, as to that, I can scarcely promise," replied the Tinker; "there's a
difficulty in the case, you see. But the pocket-book'll never be brought
aginst you--you may rest assured o' that." "I must have it, or you get nothing from me," cried Auriol. "Here's a bit o' paper as come from the pocket-book," said Ginger. "Would you like to hear wot's written upon it? Here are the words: 'How
many crimes have I to reproach myself with! How many innocents have I
destroyed! And all owing to my fatal compact with----'"
"Give me that paper," cried Auriol, rising, and attempting to snatch it
from the dog-fancier. Just as this moment, and while Ginger retreated from Auriol, the door
behind him was noiselessly opened--a hand was thrust through the
chink--and the paper was snatched from his grasp. Before Ginger could
turn round, the door was closed again. "Halloa! What's that?" he cried. "The paper's gone!" "The hand again!" cried the Sandman, in alarm. "See who's in the
passage--open the door--quick!" Ginger cautiously complied, and, peeping forth, said--
"There's no one there. It must be the devil. I'll have nuffin' more to
do wi' the matter." "Poh! poh! don't be so chicken-'arted!" cried the Tinker. "But come what
may, the gemman shan't stir till he undertakes to pay us three hundred
pounds." "You seek to frighten me in vain, villain," cried Auriol, upon whom the
recent occurrence had not been lost. "I have but to stamp my foot, and I
can instantly bring assistance that shall overpower you." "Don't provoke him," whispered Ginger, plucking the Tinker's sleeve. "For my part, I shan't stay any longer. I wouldn't take his money." And
he quitted the room. "I'll go and see wot's the matter wi' Ginger," said the Sandman,
slinking after him. The Tinker looked nervously round. He was not proof against his
superstitious fears. "Here, take this purse, and trouble me no more!" cried Auriol. The Tinker's hands clutched the purse mechanically, but he instantly
laid it down again. "I'm bad enough--but I won't sell myself to the devil," he said. And he followed his companions. Left alone, Auriol groaned aloud, and covered his face with his hands. When he looked up, he found the tall man in the black cloak standing
beside him. A demoniacal smile played upon his features. "You here?" cried Auriol. "Of course," replied the stranger. "I came to watch over your safety. You were in danger from those men. But you need not concern yourself
more about them. I have your pocket-book, and the slip of paper that
dropped from it. Here are both. Now let us talk on other matters. You
have just parted from Ebba, and will see her again this evening." "Perchance," replied Auriol. "You will," rejoined the stranger peremptorily. "Remember, your ten
years' limit draws to a close. In a few days it will be at an end; and
if you renew it not, you will incur the penalty, and you know it to be
terrible. With the means of renewal in your hands, why hesitate?" "Because I will not sacrifice the girl," replied Auriol. "You cannot help yourself," cried the stranger scornfully. "I command
you to bring her to me." "I persist in my refusal," replied Auriol. "It is useless to brave my power," said the stranger. "A moon is just
born. When it has attained its first quarter, Ebba shall be mine. Till
then, farewell." And as the words were uttered, he passed through the door. CHAPTER VIII
Who has not heard of the Barber of London? His dwelling is in the
neighbourhood of Lincoln's Inn. It is needless to particularise the
street, for everybody knows the shop; that is to say, every member of
the legal profession, high or low. All, to the very judges themselves,
have their hair cut, or their wigs dressed, by him. A pleasant fellow is
Mr. Tuffnell Trigge--Figaro himself not pleasanter--and if you do not
shave yourself--if you want a becoming flow imparted to your stubborn
locks, or if you require a wig, I recommend you to the care of Mr.
Tuffnell Trigge. Not only will he treat you well, but he will regale you
with all the gossip of the court; he will give you the last funny thing
of Mr. Serjeant Larkins; he will tell you how many briefs the great Mr.
Skinner Fyne receives--what the Vice-Chancellor is doing; and you will
own, on rising, that you have never spent a five minutes more agreeably. Besides, you are likely to see some noticeable characters, for Mr.
Trigge's shop is quite a lounge. Perhaps you may find a young barrister
who has just been "called," ordering his "first wig," and you may hear
the prognostications of Mr. Trigge as to his future distinction. "Ah,
sir," he will say, glancing at the stolid features of the young man,
"you have quite the face of the Chief Justice--quite the face of the
chief--I don't recollect him ordering his first wig--that was a little
before my time; but I hope to live to see you chief, sir. Quite within
your reach, if you choose to apply. Sure of it, sir--quite sure." Or you
may see him attending to some grave master in Chancery, and listening
with profound attention to his remarks; or screaming with laughter at
the jokes of some smart special pleader; or talking of the theatres, the
actors and actresses, to some young attorneys, or pupils in
conveyancers' chambers; for those are the sort of customers in whom Mr.
Trigge chiefly delights; with them, indeed, he _is_ great, for it is by
them he has been dubbed the Barber of London. His shop is also
frequented by managing clerks, barristers' clerks, engrossing clerks,
and others; but these are, for the most part, his private friends. Mr. Trigge's shop is none of your spruce West End hair-cutting
establishments, with magnificent mirrors on every side, in which you may
see the back of your head, the front, and the side, all at once, with
walls bedizened with glazed French paper, and with an ante-room full of
bears'-grease, oils, creams, tooth-powders, and cut glass. No, it is a
real barber's and hairdresser's shop, of the good old stamp, where you
may get cut and curled for a shilling, and shaved for half the price. True, the floor is not covered with a carpet. But what of that? It bears
the imprint of innumerable customers, and is scattered over with their
hair. In the window, there is an assortment of busts moulded in wax,
exhibiting the triumphs of Mr. Trigge's art; and above these are
several specimens of legal wigs. On the little counter behind the
window, amid large pots of pomade and bears'-grease, and the irons and
brushes in constant use by the barber, are other bustos, done to the
life, and for ever glancing amiably into the room. | Ainsworth, William Harrison - Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life |
On the block is a
judge's wig, which Mr. Trigge has just been dressing, and a little
farther, on a higher block, is that of a counsel. On either side of the
fireplace are portraits of Lord Eldon and Lord Lyndhurst. Some other
portraits of pretty actresses are likewise to be seen. Against the
counter rests a board, displaying the playbill of the evening; and near
it is a large piece of emblematical crockery, indicating that
bears'-grease may be had on the premises. Amongst Mr. Trigge's
live-stock may be enumerated his favourite magpie, placed in a wicker
cage in the window, which chatters incessantly, and knows everything,
its master avouches, "as well as a Christian." And now as to Mr. Tuffnell Trigge himself. He is very tall and very
thin, and holds himself so upright that he loses not an inch of his
stature. His head is large and his face long, with marked, if not very
striking features, charged, it must be admitted, with a very
self-satisfied expression. One cannot earn the appellation of the Barber
of London without talent; and it is the consciousness of this talent
that lends to Mr. Trigge's features their apparently conceited
expression. A fringe of black whisker adorns his cheek and chin, and his
black bristly hair is brushed back, so as to exhibit the prodigious
expanse of his forehead. His eyebrows are elevated, as if in constant
scorn. The attire in which Mr. Trigge is ordinarily seen, consists of a black
velvet waistcoat, and tight black continuations. These are protected by
a white apron tied round his waist, with pockets to hold his scissors
and combs; over all, he wears a short nankeen jacket, into the pockets
of which his hands are constantly thrust when not otherwise employed. A
black satin stock with a large bow encircles his throat, and his shirt
is fastened by black enamel studs. Such is Mr. Tuffnell Trigge, yclept
the Barber of London. At the time of his introduction to the reader, Mr. Trigge had just
advertised for an assistant, his present young man, Rutherford Watts,
being about to leave him, and set up for himself in Canterbury. It was
about two o'clock, and Mr. Trigge had just withdrawn into an inner room
to take some refection, when, on returning, he found Watts occupied in
cutting the hair of a middle-aged, sour-looking gentleman, who was
seated before the fire. Mr. Trigge bowed to the sour-looking gentleman,
and appeared ready to enter into conversation with him, but no notice
being taken of his advances, he went and talked to his magpie. While he was chattering to it, the sagacious bird screamed forth:
"Pretty dear!--pretty dear!" "Ah! what's that? Who is it?" cried Trigge. "Pretty dear!--pretty dear!" reiterated the magpie. Upon this, Trigge looked around, and saw a very singular little man
enter the shop. He had somewhat the appearance of a groom, being clothed
in a long grey coat, drab knees, and small top-boots. He had a large and
remarkably projecting mouth, like that of a baboon, and a great shock
head of black hair. "Pretty dear!--pretty dear!" screamed the magpie. "I see nothing pretty about him," thought Mr. Trigge. "What a strange
little fellow! It would puzzle the Lord Chancellor himself to say what
his age might be." The little man took off his hat, and making a profound bow to the
barber, unfolded the _Times_ newspaper, which he carried under his arm,
and held it up to Trigge. "What do you want, my little friend, eh?" said the barber. "High wages!--high wages!" screamed the magpie. "Is this yours, sir?" replied the little man, pointing to an
advertisement in the newspaper. "Yes, yes, that's my advertisement, friend," replied Mr. Trigge. "But
what of it?" Before the little man could answer, a slight interruption occurred. While eyeing the new-comer, Watts neglected to draw forth the hot
curling-irons, in consequence of which he burnt the sour-looking
gentleman's forehead, and singed his hair. "Take care, sir!" cried the gentleman furiously. "What the devil are you
about?" "Yes! take care, sir, as Judge Learmouth observes to a saucy witness,"
cried Trigge--"'take care, or I'll commit you!'" "D--n Judge Learmouth!" cried the gentleman angrily. "If I were a judge,
I'd hang such a careless fellow." "Sarve him right!" screamed Mag--"sarve him right!" [Illustration: The Barber of London.] "Beg pardon, sir," cried Watts. "I'll rectify you in a minute." "Well, my little friend," observed Trigge, "and what may be your object
in coming to me? as the great conveyancer, Mr. Plodwell, observes to his
clients--what may be your object?" "You want an assistant, don't you, sir?" rejoined the little man humbly. "Do you apply on your own account, or on behalf of a friend?" asked
Trigge. "On my own," replied the little man. "What are your qualifications?" demanded Trigge--"what are your
qualifications?" "I fancy I understand something of the business," replied the little
man. "I was a perruquier myself, when wigs were more in fashion than
they are now." "Ha! indeed!" said Trigge, laughing. "That must have been in the last
century--in Queen Anne's time--eh?" "You have hit it exactly, sir," replied the little man. "It _was_ in
Queen Anne's time." "Perhaps you recollect when wigs were first worn, my little Nestor?" cried Mr. Trigge. "Perfectly," replied the little man. "French periwigs were first worn in
Charles the Second's time." "You saw 'em, of course?" cried the barber, with a sneer. "I did," replied the little man quietly. "Oh, he must be out of his mind," cried Trigge. "We shall have a
commission _de lunatico_ to issue here, as the Master of the Rolls would
observe." "I hope I may suit you, sir," said the little man. "I don't think you will, my friend," replied Mr. Trigge; "I don't think
you will. You don't seem to have a hand for hairdressing. Are you aware
of the talent the art requires? Are you aware what it has cost me to
earn the enviable title of the Barber of London? I'm as proud of that
title as if I were----"
"Lord Chancellor!--Lord Chancellor!" screamed Mag. "Precisely, Mag," said Mr. Trigge; "as if I were Lord Chancellor." "Well, I'm sorry for it," said the little man disconsolately. "Pretty dear!" screamed Mag; "pretty dear!" "What a wonderful bird you have got!" said the sour-looking gentleman,
rising and paying Mr. Trigge. "I declare its answers are quite
appropriate." "Ah! Mag is a clever creature, sir--that she is," replied the barber. "I
gave a good deal for her." "Little or nothing!" screamed Mag--"little or nothing!" "What is your name, friend?" said the gentleman, addressing the little
man, who still lingered in the shop. "Why, sir, I've had many names in my time," he replied. "At one time I
was called Flapdragon--at another, Old Parr--but my real name, I
believe, is Morse--Gregory Morse." "An Old Bailey answer," cried Mr. Trigge, shaking his head. "Flapdragon,
alias Old Parr--alias Gregory Morse--alias----"
"Pretty dear!" screamed Mag. "And you want a place?" demanded the sour-looking gentleman, eyeing him
narrowly. | Ainsworth, William Harrison - Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life |
"Sadly," replied Morse. "Well, then, follow me," said the gentleman, "and I'll see what can be
done for you." And they left the shop together. CHAPTER IX
In spite of his resolution to the contrary, Auriol found it impossible
to resist the fascination of Ebba's society, and became a daily visitor
at her father's house. Mr. Thorneycroft noticed the growing attachment
between them with satisfaction. His great wish was to see his daughter
united to the husband of her choice, and in the hope of smoothing the
way, he let Auriol understand that he should give her a considerable
marriage portion. For the last few days a wonderful alteration had taken place in Auriol's
manner, and he seemed to have shaken off altogether the cloud that had
hitherto sat upon his spirits. Enchanted by the change, Ebba indulged in
the most blissful anticipations of the future. One evening they walked forth together, and almost unconsciously
directed their steps towards the river. Lingering on its banks, they
gazed on the full tide, admired the glorious sunset, and breathed over
and over again those tender nothings so eloquent in lovers' ears. "Oh! how different you are from what you were a week ago," said Ebba
playfully. "Promise me not to indulge in any more of those gloomy
fancies." "I will not indulge in them if I can help it, rest assured, sweet Ebba,"
he replied. "But my spirits are not always under my control. I am
surprised at my own cheerfulness this evening." "I never felt so happy," she replied; "and the whole scene is in unison
with my feelings. How soothing is the calm river flowing at our
feet!--how tender is the warm sky, still flushed with red, though the
sun has set!--And see, yonder hangs the crescent moon. She is in her
first quarter." "The moon in her first quarter!" cried Auriol, in a tone of anguish. "All then is over." "What means this sudden change?" cried Ebba, frightened by his looks. "Oh, Ebba," he replied, "I must leave you. I have allowed myself to
dream of happiness too long. I am an accursed being, doomed only to
bring misery upon those who love me. I warned you on the onset, but you
would not believe me. Let me go, and perhaps it may not yet be too late
to save you." "Oh no, do not leave me!" cried Ebba. "I have no fear while you are with
me." "But you do not know the terrible fate I am linked to," he said. "This
is the night when it will be accomplished." "Your moody fancies do not alarm me as they used to do, dear Auriol,"
she rejoined, "because I know them to be the fruit of a diseased
imagination. Come, let us continue our walk," she added, taking his arm
kindly. "Ebba," he cried, "I implore you to let me go! I have not the power to
tear myself away unless you aid me." "I'm glad to hear it," she rejoined, "for then I shall hold you fast." "You know not what you do!" cried Auriol. "Release me! oh, release me!" "In a few moments the fit will be passed," she rejoined. "Let us walk
towards the abbey." "It is in vain to struggle against fate," ejaculated Auriol
despairingly. And he suffered himself to be led in the direction proposed. Ebba continued to talk, but her discourse fell upon a deaf ear, and at
last she became silent too. In this way they proceeded along Millbank
Street and Abingdon Street, until, turning off on the right, they found
themselves before an old and partly-demolished building. By this time it
had become quite dark, for the moon was hidden behind a rack of clouds,
but a light was seen in the upper storey of the structure, occasioned,
no doubt, by a fire within it, which gave a very picturesque effect to
the broken outline of the walls. Pausing for a moment to contemplate the ruin, Ebba expressed a wish to
enter it. Auriol offered no opposition, and passing through an arched
doorway, and ascending a short, spiral, stone staircase, they presently
arrived at a roofless chamber, which it was evident, from the implements
and rubbish lying about, was about to be razed to the ground. On one
side there was a large arch, partly bricked up, through which opened a
narrow doorway, though at some height from the ground. With this a
plank communicated, while beneath it lay a great heap of stones, amongst
which were some grotesque carved heads. In the centre of the chamber was
a large square opening, like the mouth of a trap-door, from which the
top of a ladder projected, and near it stood a flaming brazier, which
had cast forth the glare seen from below. Over the ruinous walls on the
right hung the crescent moon, now emerged from the cloud, and shedding a
ghostly glimmer on the scene. "What a strange place!" cried Ebba, gazing around with some
apprehension. "It looks like a spot one reads of in romance. I wonder
where that trap leads to?" "Into the vault beneath, no doubt," replied Auriol. "But why did we come
hither?" As he spoke, there was a sound like mocking laughter, but whence arising
it was difficult to say. "Did you hear that sound?" cried Auriol. "It was nothing but the echo of laughter from the street," she replied. "You alarm yourself without reason, Auriol." "No, not without reason," he cried. "I am in the power of a terrible
being, who seeks to destroy you, and I know that he is at hand. Listen
to me, Ebba, and however strange my recital may appear, do not suppose
it the ravings of a madman, but be assured it is the truth." "Beware!" cried a deep voice, issuing apparently from the depths of the
vault. "Some one spoke," cried Ebba. "I begin to share your apprehensions. Let
us quit this place." "Come, then," said Auriol. "Not so fast," cried a deep voice. And they beheld the mysterious owner of the black cloak barring their
passage out. "Ebba, you are mine," cried the stranger. "Auriol has brought you to
me." "It is false!" cried Auriol. "I never will yield her to you." "Remember your compact," rejoined the stranger, with a mocking laugh. "Oh, Auriol!" cried Ebba, "I fear for your soul. You have not made a
compact with this fiend?" "He has," replied the stranger; "and by that compact you are surrendered
to me." And, as he spoke, he advanced towards her, and enveloping her in his
cloak, her cries were instantly stifled. "You shall not go!" cried Auriol, seizing him. "Release her, or I
renounce you wholly." "Fool!" cried the stranger, "since you provoke my wrath, take your
doom." And he stamped on the ground. At this signal an arm was thrust from the
trap-door, and Auriol's hand was seized with an iron grasp. While this took place, the stranger bore his lovely burden swiftly up
the plank leading to the narrow doorway in the wall, and just as he was
passing through it he pointed towards the sky, and shouted with a
mocking smile to Auriol--"Behold! the moon is in her first quarter. My
words are fulfilled!" And he disappeared. Auriol tried to disengage himself from the grasp imposed upon him in
vain. Uttering ejaculations of rage and despair, he was dragged forcibly
backwards into the vault. | Ainsworth, William Harrison - Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life |
[Illustration: Seizure of Ebba.] CHAPTER X
One morning, two persons took their way along Parliament Street and
Whitehall, and, chatting as they walked, turned into the entrance of
Spring Gardens, for the purpose of looking at the statue at Charing
Cross. One of them was remarkable for his dwarfish stature and strange
withered features. The other was a man of middle size, thin, rather
elderly, and with a sharp countenance, the sourness of which was
redeemed by a strong expression of benevolence. He was clad in a black
coat, rather rusty, but well brushed, buttoned up to the chin, black
tights, short drab gaiters, and wore a white neckcloth and spectacles. Mr. Loftus (for so he was called) was a retired merchant, of moderate
fortune, and lived in Abingdon Street. He was a bachelor, and therefore
pleased himself; and being a bit of an antiquary, rambled about all day
long in search of some object of interest. His walk, on the present
occasion, was taken with that view. "By Jove! what a noble statue that is, Morse!" cried Loftus, gazing at
it. "The horse is magnificent--positively magnificent." "I recollect when the spot was occupied by a gibbet, and when, in lieu
of a statue, an effigy of the martyred monarch was placed there,"
replied Morse. "That was in the time of the Protectorate." "You cannot get those dreams out of your head, Morse," said Loftus,
smiling. "I wish I could persuade myself I had lived for two centuries
and a half." "Would you could have seen the ancient cross, which once stood there,
erected by Edward the First to his beloved wife, 'Eleanor of Castile'!" said Morse, heedless of the other's remark. "It was much mutilated when
I remember it; some of the pinnacles were broken, and the foliage
defaced, but the statues of the queen were still standing in the
recesses; and altogether the effect was beautiful." "It must have been charming," observed Loftus, rubbing his hands; "and,
though I like the statue, I would much rather have had the old Gothic
cross. But how fortunate the former escaped destruction in Oliver
Cromwell's time!" "I can tell you how that came to pass, sir," replied Morse, "for I was
assistant to John Rivers, the brazier, to whom the statue was sold." "Ah! indeed!" exclaimed Loftus. "I have heard something of the story,
but should like to have full particulars." "You shall hear them, then," replied Morse. "Yon statue, which, as you
know, was cast by Hubert le Sueur, in 1633, was ordered by Parliament to
be sold and broken to pieces. Well, my master, John Rivers, being a
stanch Royalist, though he did not dare to avow his principles,
determined to preserve it from destruction. Accordingly, he offered a
good round sum for it, and was declared the purchaser. But how to
dispose of it was the difficulty? He could trust none of his men but me,
whom he knew to be as hearty a hater of the Roundheads, and as loyal to
the memory of our slaughtered sovereign, as himself. Well, we digged a
great pit, secretly, in the cellar, whither the statue had been
conveyed, and buried it. The job occupied us nearly a month; and during
that time, my master collected together all the pieces of old brass he
could procure. These he afterwards produced, and declared they were the
fragments of the statue. But the cream of the jest was to come. He began
to cast handles of knives and forks in brass, giving it out that they
were made from the metal of the statue. And plenty of 'em he sold too,
for the Cavaliers bought 'em as memorials of their martyred monarch, and
the Roundheads as evidences of his fall. In this way he soon got back
his outlay." "Ha! ha! ha!" laughed Loftus. "Well, in due season came the Restoration," pursued Morse; "and my
master made known to King Charles the Second the treasure he had kept
concealed for him. It was digged forth, placed in its old position--but
I forget whether the brazier was rewarded. I rather think not." "No matter," cried Loftus; "he was sufficiently rewarded by the
consciousness of having done a noble action. But let us go and examine
the sculpture on the pedestal more closely." With this he crossed over the road; and, taking off his hat, thrust his
head through the iron railing surrounding the pedestal, while Morse, in
order to point out the beauties of the sculpture with greater
convenience, mounted upon a stump beside him. "You are aware that this is the work of Grinling Gibbons, sir?" cried
the dwarf. "To be sure I am," replied Loftus--"to be sure. What fancy and gusto is
displayed in the treatment of these trophies!" "The execution of the royal arms is equally admirable," cried Morse. "Never saw anything finer," rejoined Loftus--"never, upon my life." Every one knows how easily a crowd is collected in London, and it cannot
be supposed that our two antiquaries would be allowed to pursue their
investigations unmolested. Several ragged urchins got round them, and
tried to discover what they were looking at, at the same time cutting
their jokes upon them. These were speedily joined by a street-sweeper,
rather young in the profession, a ticket-porter, a butcher's apprentice,
an old Israelitish clothes-man, a coalheaver, and a couple of
charity-boys. "My eyes!" cried the street-sweeper, "only twig these coves. If they
ain't green 'uns, I'm done." "Old Spectacles thinks he has found it all out," remarked the porter;
"ve shall hear wot it all means by-and-by." "Plesh ma 'art," cried the Jew, "vat two funny old genelmen. I vonder
vat they thinks they sees?" "I'll tell 'ee, master," rejoined the butcher's apprentice; "they're a
tryin' vich on 'em can see farthest into a millstone." [Illustration: Antiquaries.] "Only think of living all my life in London, and never examining this
admirable work of art before!" cried Loftus, quite unconscious that he
had become the object of general curiosity. "Look closer at it, old gem'man," cried the porter. "The nearer you get,
the more you'll admire it." "Quite true," replied Loftus, fancying Morse had spoken; "it'll bear the
closest inspection." "I say, Ned," observed one of the charity-boys to the other, "do you get
over the railin'; they must ha' dropped summat inside. See what it is." "I'm afraid o' spikin' myself, Joe," replied the other; "but just give
us a lift, and I'll try." "Wot are you arter there, you young rascals?" cried the coalheaver;
"come down, or I'll send the perlice to you." "Wot two precious guys these is!" cried a ragamuffin lad, accompanied by
a bulldog. "I've a good mind to chuck the little 'un off the post, and
set Tartar at him. Here, boy, here!" "That 'ud be famous fun, indeed, Spicer!" cried another rapscallion
behind him. "Arrah! let 'em alone, will you there, you young divils!" cried an Irish
bricklayer; "don't you see they're only two paiceable antiquaries." "Oh, they're antiquaries, are they?" screamed the little street-sweeper. "Vell, I never see the likes on 'em afore; did you, Sam?" "Never," replied the porter. "Och, murther in Irish! | Ainsworth, William Harrison - Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life |
ye're upsettin' me, an' all the fruits of my
industry," cried an applewoman, against whom the bricklayer had run his
barrow. "Divil seize you for a careless wagabone! Why don't you look
where ye're goin', and not dhrive into people in that way?" "Axes pardon, Molly," said the bricklayer; "but I was so inter_est_ed in
them antiquaries, that I didn't obsarve ye." "Antiquaries be hanged! what's such warmint to me?" cried the applewoman
furiously. "You've destroyed my day's market, and bad luck to ye!" "Well, never heed, Molly," cried the good-natured bricklayer; "I'll make
it up t'ye. Pick up your apples, and you shall have a dhrop of the
craiter if you'll come along wid me." While this was passing, a stout gentleman came from the farther side of
the statue, and perceiving Loftus, cried--"Why, brother-in-law, is that
you?" But Loftus was too much engrossed to notice him, and continued to
expiate upon the beauty of the trophies. "What are you talking about, brother?" cried the stout gentleman. "Grinling Gibbons," replied Loftus, without turning round. "Horace
Walpole said that no one before him could give to wood the airy
lightness of a flower, and here he has given it to a stone." "This may be all very fine, my good fellow," said the stout gentleman,
seizing him by the shoulder; "but don't you see the crowd you're
collecting round you? You'll be mobbed presently." "Why, how the devil did you come here, brother Thorneycroft?" cried
Loftus, at last recognising him. "Come along, and I'll tell you," replied the iron-merchant, dragging him
away, while Morse followed closely behind them. "I'm so glad to have met
you," pursued Thorneycroft, as soon as they were clear of the mob;
"you'll be shocked to hear what has happened to your niece, Ebba." "Why, what _has_ happened to her?" demanded Loftus. "You alarm me. Out
with it at once. I hate to be kept in suspense." "She has left me," replied Thorneycroft--"left her old indulgent
father--run away." "Run away!" exclaimed Loftus. "Impossible! I'll not believe it--even
from your lips." "Would it were not so!--but it is, alas! too true," replied Thorneycroft
mournfully. "And the thing was so unnecessary, for I would gladly have
given her to the young man. My sole hope is that she has not utterly
disgraced herself." "No, she is too high principled for that," cried Loftus. "Rest easy on
that score. But with whom has she run away?" "With a young man named Auriol Darcy," replied Thorneycroft. "He was
brought to my house under peculiar circumstances." "I never heard of him," said Loftus. "But I have," interposed Morse. "I've known him these two hundred
years." "Eh day! who's this?" cried Thorneycroft. "A crack-brained little fellow, whom I've engaged as valet," replied
Loftus. "He fancies he was born in Queen Elizabeth's time." "It's no fancy," cried Morse. "I am perfectly acquainted with Auriol
Darcy's history. He drank of the same elixir as myself." "If you know him, can you give us a clue to find him?" asked
Thorneycroft. "I am sorry I cannot," replied Morse. "I only saw him for a few minutes
the other night, after I had been thrown into the Serpentine by the tall
man in the black cloak." "What's that you say?" cried Thorneycroft quickly. "I have heard Ebba
speak of a tall man in a black cloak having some mysterious connection
with Auriol. I hope that person has nothing to do with her
disappearance." "I shouldn't wonder if he had," replied Morse. "I believe that black
gentleman to be----"
"What!--who?" demanded Thorneycroft. "Neither more nor less than the devil," replied Morse mysteriously. "Pshaw! poh!" cried Loftus. "I told you the poor fellow was half
cracked." At this moment, a roguish-looking fellow, with red whiskers and hair,
and clad in a velveteen jacket with ivory buttons, who had been watching
the iron-merchant at some distance, came up, and touching his hat, said,
"Mr. Thorneycroft, I believe?" "My name is Thorneycroft, fellow!" cried the iron-merchant, eyeing him
askance. "And your name, I fancy, is Ginger?" "Exactly, sir," replied the dog-fancier, again touching his hat,
"ex-actly. I didn't think you would rekilect me, sir. I bring you some
news of your darter." "Of Ebba!" exclaimed Thorneycroft, in a tone of deep emotion. "I hope
your news is good." "I wish it wos better, for her sake as well as yours, sir," replied the
dog-fancier gravely; "but I'm afeerd she's in werry bad hands." "That she is, if she's in the hands o' the black gentleman," observed
Morse. "Vy, Old Parr, that ain't you?" cried Ginger, gazing at him in
astonishment. "Vy, 'ow you are transmogrified, to be sure!" "But what of my daughter?" cried Thorneycroft; "where is she? Take me to
her, and you shall be well rewarded." "I'll do my best to take you to her, and without any reward, sir,"
replied Ginger, "for my heart bleeds for the poor young creater. As I
said afore, she's in dreadful bad hands." "Do you allude to Mr. Auriol Darcy?" cried Thorneycroft. "No, he's as much a wictim of this infernal plot as your darter,"
replied Ginger; "I thought him quite different at first--but I've
altered my mind entirely since some matters has come to my knowledge." "You alarm me greatly by these dark hints," cried Thorneycroft. "What is
to be done?" "I shall know in a few hours," replied Ginger. "I ain't got the exact
clue yet. But come to me at eleven o'clock to-night, at the Turk's Head,
at the back o' Shoreditch Church, and I'll put you on the right scent. You must come alone." "I should wish this gentleman, my brother-in-law, to accompany me," said
Thorneycroft. "He couldn't help you," replied Ginger. "I'll take care to have plenty
of assistance. It's a dangerous bus'ness, and can only be managed in a
sartin way, and by a sartin person, and he'd object to any von but you. To-night, at eleven! Good-bye, Old Parr. Ve shall meet again ere long." And without a word more, he hurried away. CHAPTER XI
On that same night, at the appointed hour, Mr. Thorneycroft repaired to
Shoreditch, and entering a narrow street behind the church, speedily
discovered the Turk's Head, at the door of which a hackney-coach was
standing. He was shown by the landlord into a small back room, in which
three men were seated at a small table, smoking, and drinking gin and
water, while a fourth was standing near the fire, with his back towards
the door. The latter was a tall, powerfully built man, wrapped in a
rough greatcoat, and did not turn round on the iron-merchant's entrance. "You are punctual, Mr. Thorneycroft," said Ginger, who was one of the
trio at the table; "and I'm happy to say, I've arranged everythin' for
you, sir. My friends are ready to undertake the job. Only they von't do
it on quite sich easy terms as mine." The Tinker and the Sandman coughed slightly, to intimate their entire
concurrence in Mr. Ginger's remark. | Ainsworth, William Harrison - Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life |
"As I said to you this mornin', Mr. Thorneycroft," pursued Ginger, "this
is a difficult and a dangerous bus'ness, and there's no knowin' wot may
come on it. But it's your only chance o' recoverin' your darter." "Yes, it's your only chance," echoed the Tinker. "Ve're about to risk our precious lives for you, sir," said the Sandman;
"so, in coorse, ve expects a perportionate revard." "If you enable me to regain my daughter, you shall not find me
ungrateful," rejoined the iron-merchant. "I must have a hundred pounds," said the Tinker--"that's my lowest." "And mine, too," said the Sandman. "I shall take nuffin' but the glory, as I said afore," remarked Ginger. "I'm sworn champion o' poor distressed young damsils; but my friends
must make their own bargins." "Well, I assent," returned Mr. Thorneycroft; "and the sooner we set out
the better." "Are you armed?" asked Ginger. "I have a brace of pistols in my pocket," replied Thorneycroft. "All right, then--ve've all got pops and cutlashes," said Ginger. "So
let's be off." As he spoke, the Tinker and Sandman arose; and the man in the rough
greatcoat, who had hitherto remained with his back to them, turned
round. To the iron-merchant's surprise, he perceived that the face of
this individual was covered with a piece of black crape. "Who is this?" he demanded with some misgiving. "A friend," replied Ginger. "Vithout him ve could do nuffin'. His name
is Reeks, and he is the chief man in our enterprise." "He claims a reward too, I suppose?" said Thorneycroft. "I will tell you what reward I claim, Mr. Thorneycroft," rejoined Reeks,
in a deep stern tone, "when all is over. Meantime, give me your solemn
pledge, that whatever you may behold to-night, you will not divulge it." "I give it," replied the iron-merchant, "provided always----"
"No provision, sir," interrupted the other quickly. "You must swear to
keep silence unconditionally, or I will not move a footstep with you;
and I alone can guide you where your daughter is detained." "Svear, sir; it is your only chance," whispered Ginger. "Well, if it must be, I do swear to keep silence," rejoined Mr.
Thorneycroft; "but your proceedings appear very mysterious." "The whole affair is mysterious," replied Reeks. "You must also consent
to have a bandage passed over your eyes when you get into the coach." "Anything more?" asked the iron-merchant. "You must engage to obey my orders, without questioning, when we arrive
at our destination," rejoined Reeks. "Otherwise, there is no chance of
success." "Be it as you will," returned Thorneycroft, "I must perforce agree." "All then is clearly understood," said Reeks, "and we can now set out." Upon this, Ginger conducted Mr. Thorneycroft to the coach, and as soon
as the latter got into it, tied a handkerchief tightly over his eyes. In
this state Mr. Thorneycroft heard the Tinker and the Sandman take their
places near him, but not remarking the voice of Reeks, concluded that he
must have got outside. The next moment, the coach was put in motion, and rattled over the
stones at a rapid pace. It made many turns; but at length proceeded
steadily onwards, while from the profound silence around, and the
greater freshness of the air, Mr. Thorneycroft began to fancy they had
gained the country. Not a word was spoken by any one during the ride. After a while, the coach stopped, the door was opened, and Mr.
Thorneycroft was helped out. The iron-merchant expected his bandage
would now be removed, but he was mistaken, for Reeks, taking his arm,
drew him along at a quick pace. As they advanced, the iron-merchant's
conductor whispered him to be cautious, and, at the same time, made him
keep close to a wall. A door was presently opened, and as soon as the
party had passed through, it closed. The bandage was then removed from Thorneycroft's eyes, and he found
himself in a large and apparently neglected garden. Though the sky was
cloudy, there was light enough to enable him to distinguish that they
were near an old dilapidated mansion. "We are now arrived," said Reeks to the iron-merchant, "and you will
have need of all your resolution." "I will deliver her, or perish in the attempt," said Thorneycroft,
taking out his pistols. The others drew their cutlasses. "Now then, follow me," said Reeks, "and act as I direct." With this he struck into an alley formed by thick hedges of privet,
which brought them to the back part of the house. Passing through a
door, he entered the yard, and creeping cautiously along the wall,
reached a low window, which he contrived to open without noise. He then
passed through it, and was followed by the others. CHAPTER XII
We shall now return to the night of Ebba's seizure by the mysterious
stranger. Though almost deprived of consciousness by terror, the poor
girl could distinguish, from the movements of her captor, that she was
borne down a flight of steps, or some steep descent, and then for a
considerable distance along level ground. She was next placed in a
carriage, which was driven with great swiftness, and though it was
impossible to conjecture in what direction she was conveyed, it seemed
to her terrified imagination as if she were hurried down a precipice,
and she expected every moment to be dashed in pieces. At length the
vehicle stopped, and she was lifted out of it, and carried along a
winding passage; after which, the creaking of hinges announced that a
door was opened. Having passed through it, she was deposited on a bench,
when, fright overmastering her, her senses completely forsook her. On recovering, she found herself seated on a fauteuil covered with black
velvet, in the midst of a gloomy chamber of vast extent, while beside
her, and supporting her from falling, stood the mysterious and terrible
stranger. He held a large goblet filled with some potent liquid to her
lips, and compelled her to swallow a portion of it. The powerful
stimulant revived her, but, at the same time, produced a strange
excitement, against which she struggled with all her power. Her
persecutor again held the goblet towards her, while a sardonic smile
played upon his features. "Drink!" he cried; "it will restore you, and you have much to go
through." Ebba mechanically took the cup, and raised it to her lips, but noticing
the stranger's glance of exultation, dashed it to the ground. "You have acted foolishly," he said sternly; "the potion would have done
you good." Withdrawing her eyes from his gaze, which she felt exercised an
irresistible influence over her, Ebba gazed fearfully round the chamber. It was vast and gloomy, and seemed like the interior of a sepulchre--the
walls and ceiling being formed of black marble, while the floor was
paved with the same material. Not far from where she sat, on an estrade,
approached by a couple of steps, stood a table covered with black
velvet, on which was placed an immense lamp, fashioned like an imp
supporting a caldron on his outstretched wings. | Ainsworth, William Harrison - Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life |
In this lamp were
several burners, which cast a lurid light throughout the chamber. Over
it hung a cap equally fantastically fashioned. A dagger, with a richly
wrought hilt, was stuck into the table; and beside it lay a strangely
shaped mask, an open book, an antique inkstand, and a piece of
parchment, on which some characters were inscribed. Opposite these stood
a curiously carved ebony chair. At the lower end of the room, which was slightly elevated above the
rest, hung a large black curtain; and on the step, in the front of it,
were placed two vases of jet. "What is behind that curtain?" shudderingly demanded Ebba of her
companion. "You will see anon," he replied. "Meanwhile, seat yourself on that
chair, and glance at the writing on the scroll." Ebba did not move, but the stranger took her hand, and drew her to the
seat. "Read what is written on that paper," he cried imperiously. Ebba glanced at the document, and a shudder passed over her frame. "By
this," she cried, "I surrender myself, soul and body, to you?" "You do," replied the stranger. "I have committed no crime that can place me within the power of the
Fiend," cried Ebba, falling upon her knees. "I call upon Heaven for
protection! Avaunt!" As the words were uttered, the cap suddenly fell upon the lamp, and the
chamber was buried in profound darkness. Mocking laughter rang in her
ears, succeeded by wailing cries inexpressibly dreadful to hear. Ebba continued to pray fervently for her own deliverance, and for that
of Auriol. In the midst of her supplications she was aroused by strains
of music of the most exquisite sweetness, proceeding apparently from
behind the curtain, and while listening to these sounds she was startled
by a deafening crash as if a large gong had been stricken. The cover of
the lamp was then slowly raised, and the burners blazed forth as before,
while from the two vases in front of the curtain arose clouds of
incense, filling the chamber with stupefying fragrance. Again the gong was stricken, and Ebba looked round towards the curtain. Above each vase towered a gigantic figure, wrapped in a long black
cloak, the lower part of which was concealed by the thick vapour. Hoods,
like the cowls of monks, were drawn over the heads of these grim and
motionless figures; mufflers enveloped their chins, and they wore masks,
from the holes of which gleamed eyes of unearthly brightness. Their
hands were crossed upon their breasts. Between them squatted two other
spectral forms, similarly cloaked, hooded, and masked, with their
gleaming eyes fixed upon her, and their skinny fingers pointed
derisively at her. Behind the curtain was placed a strong light, which showed a wide
staircase of black marble, leading to some upper chamber, and at the
same time threw the reflection of a gigantic figure upon the drapery,
while a hand, the finger of which pointed towards her, was thrust from
an opening between its folds. Forcibly averting her gaze, Ebba covered her eyes with her hands, but
looking up again after a brief space, beheld an ebon door at the side
revolve upon its hinges, and give entrance to three female figures,
robed in black, hooded and veiled, and having their hands folded, in a
melancholy manner, across their breasts. Slowly and noiselessly
advancing, they halted within a few paces of her. "Who and what are ye?" she cried, wild with terror. "The victims of Auriol!" replied the figure on the right. "As we are,
such will you be ere long." "What crime have you committed?" demanded Ebba. "We have loved him," replied the second figure. [Illustration: The Chamber of Mystery.] "Is that a crime?" cried Ebba. "If so, I am equally culpable with you." "You will share our doom," replied the third figure. "Heaven have mercy upon me!" exclaimed the agonised girl, dropping upon
her knees. At this moment a terrible voice from behind the curtain exclaimed,
"Sign, or Auriol is lost for ever." "I cannot yield my soul, even to save him," cried Ebba distractedly. "Witness his chastisement, then," cried the voice. And as the words were uttered, a side door was opened on the opposite
side, and Auriol was dragged forth from it by two masked personages, who
looked like familiars of the Inquisition. "Do not yield to the demands of this fiend, Ebba!" cried Auriol, gazing
at her distractedly. "Will you save him before he is cast, living, into the tomb?" cried the
voice. And at the words, a heavy slab of marble rose slowly from the floor near
where Ebba sat, and disclosed a dark pit beneath. Ebba gazed into the abyss with indescribable terror. "There he will be immured, unless you sign," cried the voice; "and, as
he is immortal, he will endure an eternity of torture." "I cannot save him so, but I may precede him," cried Ebba. And throwing
her hands aloft, she flung herself into the pit. A fearful cry resounded through the chamber. It broke from Auriol, who
vainly strove to burst from those who held him, and precipitate himself
after Ebba. Soon after this, and while Auriol was gazing into the abyss, a tongue of
blue flame arose from it, danced for a moment in the air, and then
vanished. No sooner was it gone than a figure, shrouded in black
habiliments, and hooded and muffled up like the three other female
forms, slowly ascended from the vault, apparently without support, and
remained motionless at its brink. "Ebba!" exclaimed Auriol, in a voice of despair. "Is it you?" The figure bowed its head, but spoke not. "Sign!" thundered the voice. "Your attempt at self-destruction has
placed you wholly in my power. Sign!" At this injunction, the figure moved slowly towards the table, and to
his unspeakable horror, Auriol beheld it take up the pen and write upon
the parchment. He bent forward, and saw that the name inscribed thereon
was EBBA THORNEYCROFT. The groan to which he gave utterance was echoed by a roar of diabolical
laughter. The figure then moved slowly away, and ranged itself with the other
veiled forms. "All is accomplished," cried the voice. "Away with him!" On this, a terrible clangour was heard; the lights were extinguished;
and Auriol was dragged through the doorway from which he had been
brought forth. END OF THE FIRST BOOK
On the night of the 1st of March 1800, and at a late hour, a man,
wrapped in a large horseman's cloak, and of strange and sinister
appearance, entered an old deserted house in the neighbourhood of
Stepney Green. He was tall, carried himself very erect, and seemed in
the full vigour of early manhood; but his features had a worn and
ghastly look, as if bearing the stamp of long-indulged and frightful
excesses, while his dark gleaming eyes gave him an expression almost
diabolical. This person had gained the house from a garden behind it, and now stood
in a large dismantled hall, from which a broad oaken staircase, with
curiously-carved banisters, led to a gallery, and thence to the upper
chambers of the habitation. | Ainsworth, William Harrison - Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life |
Nothing could be more dreary than the aspect
of the place. The richly-moulded ceiling was festooned with spiders'
webs, and in some places had fallen in heaps upon the floor; the glories
of the tapestry upon the walls were obliterated by damps; the squares of
black and white marble, with which the hall was paved, were loosened,
and quaked beneath the footsteps; the wide and empty fireplace yawned
like the mouth of a cavern; the bolts of the closed windows were rusted
in their sockets; and the heaps of dust before the outer door proved
that long years had elapsed since any one had passed through it. Taking a dark lantern from beneath his cloak, the individual in question
gazed for a moment around him, and then, with a sardonic smile playing
upon his features, directed his steps towards a room on the right, the
door of which stood open. This chamber, which was large and cased with oak, was wholly
unfurnished, like the hall, and in an equally dilapidated condition. The
only decoration remaining on its walls was the portrait of a venerable
personage in the cap and gown of Henry the Eighth's time, painted
against a panel--a circumstance which had probably saved it from
destruction--and beneath it, fixed in another panel, a plate of brass,
covered with mystical characters and symbols, and inscribed with the
name "Cyprianus de Rougemont, Fra. R.C." The same name likewise appeared
upon a label beneath the portrait, with the date 1550. Pausing before the portrait, the young man threw the light of the
lantern full upon it, and revealed features somewhat resembling his own
in form, but of a severe and philosophic cast. In the eyes alone could
be discerned the peculiar and terrible glimmer which distinguished his
own glances. After regarding the portrait for some time fixedly, he thus addressed
"Dost hear me, old ancestor?" he cried. "I, thy descendant, Cyprian de
Rougemont, call upon thee to point out where thy gold is hidden? I know
that thou wert a brother of the Rosy Cross--one of the illuminati--and
didst penetrate the mysteries of nature, and enter the region of light. I know, also, that thou wert buried in this house with a vast treasure;
but though I have made diligent search for it, and others have searched
before me, thy grave has never yet been discovered! Listen to me! Methought Satan appeared to me in a dream last night, and bade me come
hither, and I should find what I sought. The conditions he proposed
were, that I should either give him my own soul, or win him that of
Auriol Darcy. I assented. I am here. Where is thy treasure?" After a pause, he struck the portrait with his clenched hand, exclaiming
in a loud voice:
"Dost hear me, I say, old ancestor? I call on thee to give me thy
treasure. Dost hear, I say?" And he repeated the blow with greater violence. Disturbed by the shock, the brass plate beneath the picture started from
its place, and fell to the ground. "What is this?" cried Rougemont, gazing into the aperture left by the
plate. "Ha!--my invocation has been heard!" And, snatching up the lantern, he discovered, at the bottom of a little
recess, about two feet deep, a stone, with an iron ring in the centre of
it. Uttering a joyful cry, he seized the ring, and drew the stone
forward without difficulty, disclosing an open space beyond it. "This, then, is the entrance to my ancestor's tomb," cried Rougemont;
"there can be no doubt of it. The old Rosicrucian has kept his secret
well; but the devil has helped me to wrest it from him. And now to
procure the necessary implements, in case, as is not unlikely, I should
experience further difficulty." With this he hastily quitted the room, but returned almost immediately
with a mallet, a lever, and a pitchfork; armed with which and the
lantern, he crept through the aperture. This done, he found himself at
the head of a stone staircase, which he descended, and came to the
arched entrance of a vault. The door, which was of stout oak, was
locked, but holding up the light towards it, he read the following
"POST C.C.L. ANNOS PATEBO, 1550." "In two hundred and fifty years I shall open!" cried Rougemont, "and the
date 1550--why, the exact time is arrived. Old Cyprian must have
foreseen what would happen, and evidently intended to make me his heir. There was no occasion for the devil's interference. And see, the key is
in the lock. So!" And he turned it, and pushing against the door with
some force, the rusty hinges gave way, and it fell inwards. [Illustration: The Tomb of the Rosicrucian.] From the aperture left by the fallen door, a soft and silvery light
streamed forth, and, stepping forward, Rougemont found himself in a
spacious vault, from the ceiling of which hung a large globe of crystal,
containing in its heart a little flame, which diffused a radiance,
gentle as that of the moon, around. This, then, was the ever-burning
lamp of the Rosicrucians, and Rougemont gazed at it with astonishment. Two hundred and fifty years had elapsed since that wondrous flame had
been lighted, and yet it burnt on brightly as ever. Hooped round the
globe was a serpent with its tail in its mouth--an emblem of
eternity--wrought in purest gold; while above it were a pair of silver
wings, in allusion to the soul. Massive chains of the more costly metal,
fashioned like twisted snakes, served as suspenders to the lamp. But Rougemont's astonishment at this marvel quickly gave way to other
feelings, and he gazed around the vault with greedy eyes. It was a septilateral chamber, about eight feet high, built of stone,
and supported by beautifully groined arches. The surface of the masonry
was as smooth and fresh as if the chisel had only just left it. In six of the corners were placed large chests, ornamented with ironwork
of the most exquisite workmanship, and these Rougemont's imagination
pictured as filled with inexhaustible treasure; while in the seventh
corner, near the door, was a beautiful little piece of monumental
sculpture in white marble, representing two kneeling and hooded figures,
holding a veil between them, which partly concealed the entrance to a
small recess. On one of the chests opposite the monument just described
stood a strangely-formed bottle and a cup of antique workmanship, both
encrusted with gems. The walls were covered with circles, squares, and diagrams, and in some
places were ornamented with grotesque carvings. In the centre of the
vault was a round altar, of black marble, covered with a plate of gold,
on which Rougemont read the following inscription:
"Hoc universi compendium unius mihi sepulcrum feci." "Here, then, old Cyprian lies," he cried. And, prompted by some irresistible impulse, he seized the altar by the
upper rim, and overthrew it. The heavy mass of marble fell with a
thundering crash, breaking asunder the flag beneath it. It might be the
reverberation of the vaulted roof, but a deep groan seemed to reproach
the young man for his sacrilege. | Ainsworth, William Harrison - Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life |
Undeterred, however, by this warning,
Rougemont placed the point of the lever between the interstices of the
broken stone, and, exerting all his strength, speedily raised the
fragments, and laid open the grave. Within it, in the garb he wore in life, with his white beard streaming
to his waist, lay the uncoffined body of his ancestor, Cyprian de
Rougemont. The corpse had evidently been carefully embalmed, and the
features were unchanged by decay. Upon the breast, with the hands placed
over it, lay a large book, bound in black vellum, and fastened with
brazen clasps. Instantly possessing himself of this mysterious-looking
volume, Rougemont knelt upon the nearest chest, and opened it. But he
was disappointed in his expectation. All the pages he examined were
filled with cabalistic characters, which he was totally unable to
decipher. At length, however, he chanced upon one page the import of which he
comprehended, and he remained for some time absorbed in its
contemplation, while an almost fiendish smile played upon his features. "Aha!" he exclaimed, closing the volume, "I see now the cause of my
extraordinary dream. My ancestor's wondrous power was of infernal
origin--the result, in fact, of a compact with the Prince of Darkness. But what care I for that? Give me wealth--no matter what source it comes
from!--ha! ha!" And seizing the lever, he broke open the chest beside him. It was filled
with bars of silver. The next he visited in the same way was full of
gold. The third was laden with pearls and precious stones; and the rest
contained treasure to an incalculable amount. Rougemont gazed at them in
transports of joy. "At length I have my wish," he cried. "Boundless wealth, and therefore
boundless power, is mine. I can riot in pleasure--riot in vengeance. As
to my soul, I will run the risk of its perdition; but it shall go hard
if I destroy not that of Auriol. His love of play and his passion for
Edith Talbot shall be the means by which I will work. But I must not
neglect another agent which is offered me. That bottle, I have learnt
from yon volume, contains an infernal potion, which, without destroying
life, shatters the brain, and creates maddening fancies. It will well
serve my purpose; and I thank thee, Satan, for the gift." CHAPTER II
About two months after this occurrence, and near midnight, a young man
was hurrying along Pall Mall, with a look of the wildest despair, when
his headlong course was suddenly arrested by a strong grasp, while a
familiar voice sounded in his ear. "It is useless to meditate self-destruction, Auriol Darcy," cried the
person who had checked him. "If you find life a burden, I can make it
tolerable to you." Turning round at the appeal, Auriol beheld a tall man, wrapped in a long
black cloak, whose sinister features were well known to him. "Leave me, Rougemont!" he cried fiercely. "I want no society--above all,
not yours. You know very well that you have ruined me, and that nothing
more is to be got from me. Leave me, I say, or I may do you a mischief." "Tut, tut, Auriol, I am your friend!" replied Rougemont. "I purpose to
relieve your distress." "Will you give me back the money you have won from me?" cried Auriol. "Will you pay my inexorable creditors? Will you save me from a prison?" "I will do all this, and more," replied Rougemont. "I will make you one
of the richest men in London." "Spare your insulting jests, sir," cried Auriol. "I am in no mood to
bear them." "I am not jesting," rejoined Rougemont. "Come with me, and you shall be
convinced of my sincerity." Auriol at length assented, and they turned into Saint James's Square,
and paused before a magnificent house. Rougemont ascended the steps. Auriol, who had accompanied him almost mechanically, gazed at him with
astonishment. "Do you live here?" he inquired. "Ask no questions," replied Rougemont, knocking at the door, which was
instantly opened by a hall porter, while other servants in rich liveries
appeared at a distance. Rougemont addressed a few words in an undertone
to them, and they instantly bowed respectfully to Auriol, while the
foremost of them led the way up a magnificent staircase. All this was a mystery to the young man, but he followed his conductor
without a word, and was presently ushered into a gorgeously-furnished
and brilliantly-illuminated apartment. The servant then left them; and as soon as he was gone Auriol exclaimed,
"Is it to mock me that you have brought me hither?" "To mock you--no," replied Rougemont. "I have told you that I mean to
make you rich. But you look greatly exhausted. A glass of wine will
revive you." And as he spoke, he stepped towards a small cabinet, and took from it a
curiously-shaped bottle and a goblet. "Taste this wine--it has been long in our family," he added, filling the
cup. "It is a strange, bewildering drink," cried Auriol, setting down the
empty goblet, and passing his hand before his eyes. "You have taken it upon an empty stomach--that is all," said Rougemont. "You will be better anon." "I feel as if I were going mad," cried Auriol. "It is some damnable
potion you have given me." "Ha! ha!" laughed Rougemont. "It reminds you of the elixir you once
quaffed--eh?" "A truce to this raillery!" cried Auriol angrily. "I have said I am in
no mood to bear it." "Pshaw! I mean no offence," rejoined the other, changing his manner. "What think you of this house?" "That it is magnificent," replied Auriol, gazing around. "I envy you its
possession." "It shall be yours, if you please," replied Rougemont. "Mine! you are mocking me again." "Not in the least. You shall buy it from me, if you please." "At what price?" asked Auriol bitterly. "At a price you can easily pay," replied the other. "Come this way, and
we will conclude the bargain." Proceeding towards the farther end of the room, they entered a small
exquisitely-furnished chamber, surrounded with sofas of the most
luxurious description. In the midst was a table, on which writing
materials were placed. "It were a fruitless boon to give you this house without the means of
living in it," said Rougemont, carefully closing the door. "This
pocket-book will furnish you with them." [Illustration: The Compact.] "Notes to an immense amount!" cried Auriol, opening the pocket-book, and
glancing at its contents. "They are yours, together with the house," cried Rougemont, "if you will
but sign a compact with me." "A compact!" cried Auriol, regarding him with a look of undefinable
terror. "Who and what are you?" "Some men would call me the devil!" replied Rougemont carelessly. "But
you know me too well to suppose that I merit such a designation. I offer
you wealth. What more could you require?" "But upon what terms?" demanded Auriol. "The easiest imaginable," replied the other. "You shall judge for
yourself." And as he spoke, he opened a writing-desk upon the table, and took from
it a parchment. "Sit down," he added, "and read this." | Ainsworth, William Harrison - Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life |
This dataset contains chunks from public domain horror works, sourced from the Gutenberg Project. Please check the repository https://github.com/molbal/llm-text-completion-finetune for information on usage.
The following novels were used:
- Ainsworth, William Harrison - Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life.txt
- Allen, Grant - The Beckoning Hand, and Other Stories.txt
- Arnold, H. F. (Henry Ferris) - The night wire.txt
- Arthur, Robert - Ring Once for Death.txt
- Austen, Jane - Northanger Abbey.txt
- Balzac, Honoré de - La Grande Breteche.txt
- Benson, E. F. (Edward Frederic) - The room in the tower, and other stories.txt
- Benson, E. F. (Edward Frederic) - Visible and Invisible.txt
- Bierce, Ambrose - An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge.txt
- Bierce, Ambrose - Present at a Hanging and Other Ghost Stories.txt
- Bierce, Ambrose - The Parenticide Club.txt
- Blackwood, Algernon - Day and Night Stories.txt
- Blackwood, Algernon - Four Weird Tales.txt
- Blackwood, Algernon - John Silence, Physician Extraordinary.txt
- Blackwood, Algernon - The Damned.txt
- Blackwood, Algernon - The Garden of Survival.txt
- Blackwood, Algernon - The Wendigo.txt
- Blackwood, Algernon - The Willows.txt
- Blackwood, Algernon - Three John Silence Stories.txt
- Blackwood, Algernon - Three More John Silence Stories.txt
- Bradbury, Ray - Asleep in Armageddon.txt
- Bradbury, Ray - Pillar of Fire.txt
- Brennan, Joseph Payne - Scream at midnight.txt
- Brown, Charles Brockden - Arthur Mervyn; Or, Memoirs of the Year 1793.txt
- Brown, Charles Brockden - Edgar Huntly; or, Memoirs of a Sleep-Walker.txt
- Chambers, Robert W. (Robert William) - The King in Yellow.txt
- Chambers, Robert W. (Robert William) - The Mystery of Choice.txt
- Clark, Dale - In the Dark.txt
- Compton, Paul - The Diary of Philip Westerly.txt
- Danziger, Adolphe - The last test.txt
- De la Mare, Walter - The Return.txt
- De Vet, Charles V. - There is a Reaper ....txt
- Doyle, Arthur Conan - Round the Fire Stories.txt
- Doyle, Arthur Conan - Tales of Terror and Mystery.txt
- Eshbach, Lloyd Arthur - Isle of the Undead.txt
- Falkner, John Meade - The Lost Stradivarius.txt
- Ferris, Benjamin - The Invaders.txt
- Frank, Waldo David - Chalk face.txt
- Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn - The Doom of the Griffiths.txt
- Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn - The Poor Clare.txt
- Gautier, Théophile - Clarimonde.txt
- Gautier, Théophile - The Mummy's Foot.txt
- Glad, Victoria - Each Man Kills.txt
- Halidom, M. Y. - Tales of the Wonder Club, Volume I.txt
- Halidom, M. Y. - Tales of the Wonder Club, Volume II.txt
- Halidom, M. Y. - Tales of the Wonder Club, Volume III.txt
- Hodgson, William Hope - Carnacki, the Ghost Finder.txt
- Hodgson, William Hope - The Ghost Pirates.txt
- Hodgson, William Hope - The House on the Borderland.txt
- Hodgson, William Hope - The Night Land.txt
- Howard, Robert E. (Robert Ervin) - Black Canaan.txt
- Howard, Robert E. (Robert Ervin) - Black hound of death.txt
- Howard, Robert E. (Robert Ervin) - Dig me no grave.txt
- Howard, Robert E. (Robert Ervin) - Rattle of bones.txt
- Howard, Robert E. (Robert Ervin) - Sea curse.txt
- Howard, Robert E. (Robert Ervin) - The dream snake.txt
- Howard, Robert E. (Robert Ervin) - The fearsome touch of death.txt
- Howard, Robert E. (Robert Ervin) - The fire of Asshurbanipal.txt
- Howard, Robert E. (Robert Ervin) - The grisly horror.txt
- Howard, Robert E. (Robert Ervin) - The haunter of the ring.txt
- Howard, Robert E. (Robert Ervin) - The hyena.txt
- Jacobi, Carl - The Dangerous Scarecrow.txt
- Jakes, John - The Most Horrible Story.txt
- James, Henry - The Turn of the Screw.txt
- James, M. R. (Montague Rhodes) - A Thin Ghost and Others.txt
- James, M. R. (Montague Rhodes) - Ghost Stories of an Antiquary.txt
- Keller, David H. (David Henry) - Tiger Cat.txt
- Kuttner, Henry - The Secret of Kralitz.txt
- Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan - Carmilla.txt
- Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan - The Evil Guest.txt
- Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan - The Room in the Dragon Volant.txt
- Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan - The Watcher, and other weird stories.txt
- Leiber, Fritz - Conjure wife.txt
- Leroux, Gaston - The Phantom of the Opera.txt
- Lovecraft, H. P. (Howard Phillips) - At the mountains of madness.txt
- Lovecraft, H. P. (Howard Phillips) - Cool air.txt
- Lovecraft, H. P. (Howard Phillips) - He.txt
- Lovecraft, H. P. (Howard Phillips) - Medusa's coil.txt
- Lovecraft, H. P. (Howard Phillips) - The call of Cthulhu.txt
- Lovecraft, H. P. (Howard Phillips) - The colour out of space.txt
- Lovecraft, H. P. (Howard Phillips) - The curse of Yig.txt
- Lovecraft, H. P. (Howard Phillips) - The Dunwich Horror.txt
- Lovecraft, H. P. (Howard Phillips) - The festival.txt
- Lovecraft, H. P. (Howard Phillips) - The haunter of the dark.txt
- Lovecraft, H. P. (Howard Phillips) - The horror at Red Hook.txt
- Lovecraft, H. P. (Howard Phillips) - The lurking fear.txt
- Lovecraft, H. P. (Howard Phillips) - The shadow over Innsmouth.txt
- Lovecraft, H. P. (Howard Phillips) - The Shunned House.txt
- Lovecraft, H. P. (Howard Phillips) - The thing on the door-step.txt
- Lovecraft, H. P. (Howard Phillips) - Through the gates of the silver key.txt
- Lowndes, Marie Belloc - Studies in love and in terror.txt
- Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron - The Haunted and the Haunters; Or, The House and the Brain.txt
- Machen, Arthur - The Great God Pan.txt
- Machen, Arthur - The House of Souls.txt
- Machen, Arthur - The Three Impostors; or, The Transmutations.txt
- Marks, Winston K. (Winston Kinney) - Brown John's Body.txt
- Marryat, Florence - The blood of the vampire.txt
- Marryat, Frederick - The Phantom Ship.txt
- Maturin, Charles Robert - Melmoth the Wanderer, Vol. 1.txt
- Maturin, Charles Robert - Melmoth the Wanderer, Vol. 2.txt
- Maturin, Charles Robert - Melmoth the Wanderer, Vol. 3.txt
- Maturin, Charles Robert - Melmoth the Wanderer, Vol. 4.txt
- Middleton, Richard - The Ghost Ship.txt
- Nabl, Franz - The Long Arm.txt
- O'Donnell, Elliott - Animal Ghosts; Or, Animal Hauntings and the Hereafter.txt
- O'Donnell, Elliott - Scottish Ghost Stories.txt
- O'Donnell, Elliott - The Sorcery Club.txt
- Onions, Oliver - Widdershins.txt
- Peirce, Earl - Doom of the House of Duryea.txt
- Peterson, Don - The White Feather Hex.txt
- Poe, Edgar Allan - First Project Gutenberg Collection of Edgar Allan Poe.txt
- Poe, Edgar Allan - Le Corbeau = The Raven.txt
- Poe, Edgar Allan - The Cask of Amontillado.txt
- Poe, Edgar Allan - The Fall of the House of Usher.txt
- Poe, Edgar Allan - The Masque of the Red Death.txt
- Poe, Edgar Allan - The Works of Edgar Allan Poe — Volume 1.txt
- Poe, Edgar Allan - The Works of Edgar Allan Poe — Volume 2.txt
- Poe, Edgar Allan - The Works of Edgar Allan Poe — Volume 3.txt
- Poe, Edgar Allan - The Works of Edgar Allan Poe — Volume 4.txt
- Poe, Edgar Allan - The Works of Edgar Allan Poe — Volume 5.txt
- Polidori, John William - The Vampyre; a Tale.txt
- Pratt, Ambrose - The Living Mummy.txt
- Prest, Thomas Peckett - The String of Pearls; Or, The Barber of Fleet Street. A Domestic Romance..txt
- Prest, Thomas Peckett - Varney the Vampire; Or, the Feast of Blood.txt
- Radcliffe, Ann Ward - The Mysteries of Udolpho.txt
- Romero, George A. - Night of the Living Dead.txt
- Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft - Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus.txt
- St. Clair, Margaret - Flowering Evil.txt
- Stamm, Claus - The marrying monster.txt
- Stevenson, Robert Louis - The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.txt
- Stevenson, Robert Louis - The Waif Woman.txt
- Stevenson, Robert Louis - The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition, Vol. 03.txt
- Stoker, Bram - Dracula's Guest.txt
- Stoker, Bram - The Jewel of Seven Stars.txt
- Stoker, Bram - The Lady of the Shroud.txt
- Stoker, Bram - The Lair of the White Worm.txt
- Stoker, Bram - The Man.txt
- Stuart, William W. - Don't Think About It.txt
- Swet, Pearl Norton - The Medici Boots.txt
- Tenneshaw, S. M. - The Monster.txt
- Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich - Knock, Knock, Knock and Other Stories.txt
- Unknown Author - Twenty-Five Ghost Stories.txt
- Various - Uncanny Tales.txt
- Verrill, A. Hyatt (Alpheus Hyatt) - A voice from the inner world.txt
- Viereck, George Sylvester - The House of the Vampire.txt
- Walpole, Horace - The Castle of Otranto.txt
- Waltermire, Arthur B. - The Doors of Death.txt
- Weinbaum, Stanley G. (Stanley Grauman) - The Dark Other.txt
- Wellman, Manly Wade - The Golgotha Dancers.txt
- West, Wallace - Listen, children ... listen!.txt