EFFICIENCY OF NEW BIOTECHNOLOGICAL METHODS IN ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION OF PIGS Long delay of estrus and repeated insemination of sows lead to significant increase of technology cost. In this regard the use of progestogen ear implants at inseminations and devel- oped estrus induction scheme for gilts promotes synchronization of estrus for 60% of herd in 4 days after extraction of hormone insert allowing to obtain additional products equal to 57,750,000.00 rubles per 100 pigs.
INVESTIGATION OF TRANSIENT PROCESSES IN TECHNICAL SYSTEMS, DESCRIBED BY QUEUEING MODELS Introduction. Complex systems, working in different fields of engineering, often function by type of queueing systems. For their investigation it is possible to use both analytical and simulation methods of modeling, which are well-known. However, it is mainly true of the modeling of a steady-state regime. As a rule, based on its results, main design solutions are made, because the investigation of transient processes is connected with certain mathematical and technical problems. At the same time, ignoring a transient regime of work, arising in technical systems because of the natural rhythm of their functioning, in some cases, can lead to considerable decrease of model accuracy. The purpose of the work is further development of scientific and methodological approaches to the design of complex technical systems and transient processes that occur in them. The methods of analytical and simulation modeling, applied for the investigation of transient processes are shown in the article by example of information systems. The results of modeling are presented as well, they allow estimating the character of these processes (their form, duration, deviation from steady-state values). Conclusion. The analysis of the results of modeling and the investigation of transient processes in considered technical systems show that, in a number of cases, when designing similar systems and determining output values of their functioning, taking into account the influence of these transient processes is compulsory. The applied method of modeling is universal and it allows investigating the singularities of transient processes in technical systems of diverse applications and structures.
Estimation of the efficiency of cowshed aeration in the warm season Heat stress is one of the main factors affecting the well-being and performance of cows during the warm season. The article presents the results of calculating the daily change in the ventilation air consumption during the cowshed aeration. The influence of changes in the outside air temperature on the amount of air exchange was revealed.
The economics aspects of manufacturing permanents magnets (review) In article the main economics questions of production of high-energy permanent magnets are considered. Features of production of permanent magnets in America, Europe, China of willows of Russia are considered. The forecast of development production of permanent magnets in the world and in Russia is given. Work is executed within implementation of the complex scientific direction 11.1. «Thermostable magneto hard materials and mathematical models of calculation of their temperature characteristics for navigation instruments of new generation» («The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period till 2030»)
FORESTS EVALUATION FOR TOURISM BY RECREATIONAL DIGRESSION STAGES Nowadays forest recreational resources may be an important business sphere as there are many prerequisites for it. At the same time, the methods of forests assessment for recreational purposes are rather complicated. There are several trends in the methods of recreational assessment of plantations: territories assessment based on the landscape type, complex assessment of forests recreational potential in accordance with their beauty, comfort and sustainability, plantations state assessment in stages of recreational digression and system of economic assessment of recreational forests. The purpose of the research is to develop a scale of recreational assessment of stratums with due account for maximum permissible recreational loads for forest complexes. In the course of the research some standards of permissible recreational loads for south taiga zone and the zone of coniferous and broad-leaved forests were specified. A stage-differentiated principle of recreational digression stage was grounded. The coefficients for forest recreation capacity correcting in accordance with critical number of forest visitors were simulated on the base of actual number of tourists. The objects of the research are the most visited forests in the Republic of Mari El, the Republic of Tatarstan, Samara and Nizhny Novgorod oblasts, which are mainly represented by riverian forests and nature reserves. In the course of recreational digression staging definition and formalization of recreational load measure, the stage-differentiated principle is used. The principle helps to detalize forest loads in accordance with certain forest sites and to calculate number of tourists in different types of forest recreational areas on a case-by-case basis. Under the recreational projects development it includes usage of «Lesproekt» scales: «Stages Classification of Recreational Forests Digression», «Stages Classification of Recreational Digression of Protective Stands» (the classification allows to reveal loss of protective functions of forest stands in water protection and recreational forests of the Republic of Mari El and the Republic of Tatarstan), «Stages Classification of Recreational Digression of Shrub and Grass Cenosis» growing in the open landscape. All the scales let us reveal the stages of recreational regression and get an additional information about forests condition. In all the cases (particularly at the third, forth, etc. stages of regression) the obtained data on recreational load will be the basis for grounding of forestry and nature protection measures. In order to correct recreational capacity with an account of degraded territories, the recalculation coefficients in accordance with digression stages (0.99 for the I stage; 0.95 for the II stage; 0.90 for the III stage; 0.75 for the IV; 0.5 for the V stage) were applied. Coefficients are accorded with attendance of recreational zones and number of tourists. Upon the calculations, the necessary reduction in tourists related to trampling and degradation of forests make it possible to carry out the environment-oriented activities in a proper time.
PNEUMATIC HAMMER DISEASE IN THE PRACTICE OF A THERAPIST AND A NEUROLOGIST The paper deals with pneumatic hammer disease (PHD), one of the most common occupational diseases in Russia, which is accompanied by peripheral vascular and sensory disorders. It describes historical stages for studying the disease, the specific features of the clinical status and diagnosis of PHD due to exposure to local and systemic vibrations, as well as therapeutic and diagnostic measures.
INVESTIGATION THE EFFECTS OF INJECTION OF MOISTURE AND A SUPPLY OF SECONDARY AIR IN THE FURNACE OF THE INDUSTRIAL BOILER ON THE CONTENT OF THE BENZ(A)PYRENE IN EXHAUST GASES The article made a study of the effectiveness of the injection of moisture and a supply of secondary air into the combustion chamber of the industrial boiler BKZ-420-140 GMN on the degree of reduction and content of benz(a)pyrene in the combustion products of fuel oil. Examined the effects of air on the level of benz(a)pyrene in exhaust gases when off half of the burners of the boiler for different fractions supplied secondary air. The estimated concentrations of benz(a)pyrene is defined for partial and nominal load of the boiler plant. The results of influence of secondary air in terms of supplying vertically and horizontally. The low efficiency of the use of a stepped air supply during the combustion of gaseous fuel. As a result of the injection of moisture in the combustion equipment of boiler BKZ-420-140 GMN the efficiency of suppressing emissions of benz(a)pyrene in flue gases. Found that when the zonal injection of moisture concentration is reduced by 65.3%, while injection into the blast air content of benz(a)pyrene is reduced by 18.3%. It is shown that the maximum reduction possible to achieve the combination of methods of injection of moisture and/or supply of secondary air. The implementation of environmental measures at the plant will almost completely eliminate the content of benz(a)pyrene in the combustion products.
Criminology in the Informatization of Society The article discusses the trend of formation of the digital forensics in terms of development of information society. The author analyzes the issues related with the virtual traces using in crimes' investigation, as well as their place and role in criminology. The author's definition of digital traces is given. Substantiated the importance and the need to improve the digital forensics in the modern world.
IMAGE OF NATIVE COUNTRY IN POETRY OF ASLAMBEK ABDULLAEV In this work one of the major thematic directions in creativity of Russian-speaking Chechen poet A. Abdullaev - an image of the Homeland is analyzed. Individual style features at creation of the said image are also considered.
THE ROLE OF PRIVATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN PREPARATION OF PEDAGOGICAL PERSONNEL IN RUSSIA XIX - THE BEGINNING OF THE XX CENTURY The article considers the role of private educational organizations that have influenced the formation and development of institutions for the training of teachers in pre-revolutionary Russia. The significance of the topic is determined by the increased interest in society in the historical experience of reforming the education system. The search for new ways to modernize education cannot proceed without relying on the study of past practices, without taking into account its achievements and mistakes. Private education stimulated the opening of pedagogical educational institutions with the aim of crowding out foreign teachers, replacing them with Russian graduates who were supposed to carry out pedagogical activities aimed at educating and educating students so that in the future graduates could maintain and develop a strong state.
EVALUATION OF RESPIRATORY FUNCTION IN CHILDREN WITH BRONCHIAL ASTHMA AND OBESITY A study of the function of external respiration in 118 children aged 7 to 17 years with bronchial asthma in remission of the disease with a mild and moderate course of the disease was conducted. The first group consisted of children with obesity, the second group-children with normal weight. It was shown that children with bronchial asthma and obesity showed a significant decrease in the Tiffno index. In obese patients with a moderate course of the disease, the indicators of forced exhalation volume per 1 second, the Tiffno index and the Gensler index are significantly lower compared to those of children with normal weight. Indicators of external respiration function in children with mild bronchial asthma in both groups did not differ significantly. Thus, obesity in children with bronchial asthma affects the function of external respiration, and more pronounced changes were found in children with moderate bronchial asthma and obesity.
FICTIONAL ROMANCE PHILOLOGY CODE OF CANAN TAN Serious structural changes took place in the Turkish literature during the last fifty years. By 1980s, realistic literature ("social realism", social-psychological and subjective-psychological proses) demonstrated signs of code wearing and actually came to naught. Its place was immediately occupied by aggressive competitors - postmodernism and mass philology. These literary styles subverted literature into the darkness of the collective unconscious (postmodernism) and into the heap of commodity money (mass reading-matter). However, the postmodernist "mainstream" began running low by 2010. Only mass literature and so called "middle-literature"/fiction remain steadfast. The article investigates the romanticism fiction paradigm (fiction code) of Canan Tan (born in 1951), the most famous Turkish fiction writer. Her novel "Distress" (2013) shows that the fiction code is revealing in the author's clear position, in the repeating characters' types, in fixing details of everyday life (poetics of daily occurrence), in the arranging "eternal" problems, as well as in stylistic layers polyphony (magic tale, sentimental and historical novels, and so on). Certain formulations and stylistic uncertainty of the text do not prevent narrative layer to provide exactness of characters' psychological motivation and subject dynamics.
Analysis of the dependence of the performance of students playing spiritual instruments from the domination of the heads of the head brain The article analyzed the specific functions of the cerebral hemispheres in human mental activity. The domination of the left or right hemisphere of the pupil’s personality was determined using a blank diagnostic method, which resulted in a clear correlation between the pupils ’performance in examining the ear, eye, and arm. In determining the leading ear, the complete dominance of the left hemisphere was revealed. At the same time, the higher the dominance of the left hemisphere in the pupil, the higher his performance. In determining the leading eye and hand, complete domination of the right hemisphere was revealed. At the same time, the pupil's academic performance also has a direct relationship, that is, the more the right hemisphere dominates, the higher the pupil's academic performance. The article also shows studies concerning the study of the connection between the absolute hearing of pupils and the asymmetry of the hemispheres. In the control sample, the pupils with absolute hearing in the amount of 86 people showed a strong left-sided asymmetry. It was found that pupils with the dominant left hemisphere are better at studying exact subjects, with the dominant right hemisphere, subjects that require a creative approach. Thus, we can talk about the dialectical unity of two main aspects, the specialization of the cerebral hemispheres and their interaction, which ensures the mental activity of man.
POSTNATAL ONTOGENESIS OF THE RENAL TUBULES OF THE KIDNEY IN THE CHICK CROSS "SIBERIAN-2" Currently industrial poultry has a high level of mechanization and intra-division of labor, in connection with which increases the intensity of the use of poultry. At the cellular content of the bird is being increased inactivity. This leads to changes in the structures of the body at different levels. Use in breast feed mixtures, different in its composition, is also a key point in the final product of better quality. Deep knowledge of physiological functions birds allow maximum use of its resources. Currently, the country's poultry farms use 2 or 3-phase feeding of broiler chickens. In the first case using diets for chickens up to 4 weeks and over 4 weeks of age, in the second case - for broiler chickens at the age of 1-3, 4-5 and 6-7 weeks. The composition of feed includes a variety of useful items such as wheat, peas, barley, corn, and many other micro and macro elements. Foodmixture positive effect on the formation of the skeleton of chickens, chicks muscles increases, and a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Given the growth and development of poultry production can reduce costs and improve product quality, having considered the scheme of feeding. Visual changes in the structure of the study show the histological techniques such as hematoxylin and eosin; Van Gieson; Mallory and others. Studies on the morphological and histological structure of the kidneys of birds are few and concise in their content. We have studied the histological changes in postnatal ontogenesis in chickens cross «Siberian -2» from day to ninety-day-old, in the physiological norm, and industrial environments. The paper presents photomicrographs, made on the microscope Austria xs-910, confirms the changes in the structures of authority.
Chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis: diagnosis from an osteopathic perspective Introduction. To date, there have existed different sets of symptoms of CFS/ME. Scientifi c ideas about the clinical manifestation of this disease continue to appear.Goal of research - to justify osteopathic approach in diagnostics of CFS/ME.Materials and methods. Analysis of approaches to the diagnostics of CFS/ME, osteopathic diagnostics.Results. The author describes the possible pathogenesis of CFS/ME, which may be related to the neurolymphatic changes connected with the alteration of the drainage. All of this leads to dysfunctions of the sympathetic system. Medical history of patients with CFS/ME often contains indications on spinal trauma or congenital developmental disorders of the cranium and vertebral column, which may alter the function of the lymphatic system and lead to the further central neurotoxicity through perivascular spaces. The article presents a protocol of physical signs, typical for patients with CFS/ME, and the results of diagnostics of 94 patients: 52 patients with CFS/ME and 42 non-CFS/ME controls.Conclusion. The research concluded that examining for physical signs is both quick and simple for the practitioner and may be used as an effi cient screening tool for CFS/ME.
Blaise Pascal: The Man is Both Miserable and Great The views of Blaise Pascal are considered in the context of the intellectual revolution of the XV-XVI centuries. His contribution to the exact and natural Sciences, moral philosophy, and religious views are noted. The permanent significance of Pascal's views on man and scientific knowledge is shown.
Sustainable development - a new life of the old concept of liberal ideology of globalizers The conceptual and conceptual complex “sustainable development” is doubtful, but it has been inlaid in the theoretical framework for understanding the decline of liberal globalization. Perhaps the current meaningless but loud phrases like the green economy, digital society and other images will become useful in developing a new form of the historical project of Russia. We need a goal of development and innovation, change and movement, we need an image of the future, a new face of the Russian idea and recognition of the existence of the Russian people.
Genoa presence on the territory of Mykolayiv region: historical, geographical and archaeological observations The author based on new archaeological and numismatic materials research examines the thesis of M. Russev and A. Melnikov of the possible existence in the territory of the monument to the Dniprovs’ke-2 Genoese castle Lerici.
POLITICAL SPHERE OF SOCIETY: SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECT OF COMMUNICATION In this article process of communication in society in the context of which there is an activization of the most essential qualities of the personality, and to that, undoubtedly is considered, also her political consciousness, that is, the circumstance, anyway, which is shown in the form of interest in political information belongs. The author claims that interest in political information is a necessary condition of formation of political knowledge, and on their basis - the political convictions, political consciousness making a basis of the political sphere of society.
THE NATIONAL SPECIFIC CHARACTER OF CONCEPTUALIZATION IN THE SPHERE OF CULTUROLOGY The article under consideration deals with the peculiarities of the paradigm of linguistic and cultural concept development emphasizing that from this point of view linguistic units should not been understood as a mere reflection of social world view, but also as a specific social attitude towards this world view or its constituents. This thesis in the article provides background for examination of such basic concepts of Austrian national identity as mountains, neutrality, Austrian and musicality.
The Sphero-Conical Vessels from the Funds of the Kurdamir Local History Museum in Azerbaijan The article discusses one of the most mysterious types of medieval tableware - sphero-conical vessels. In search of the centers of production of these vessels and the possible routes of their entry to Volga Bulgaria, we paid our attention to the Transcaucasian region, where sphero-conical vessels were not only found but also produced. The research led to the attribution of a small set of sphero-conical vessels represented in the exhibition of the Kurdamir Local History Museum in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
MOBILIZATION ECONOMY: HISTORY AND MODERNITY In the Soviet Union, the mobilization economy of the classical type with all its subsystems, ideology, principles, features and mechanism of functioning was created by I. Stalin. Its achievements, creativity and efficiency are most important during his tenure (industrialization of the national economy, Victory in the Great Patriotic War, post-war restoration of the country's economy). Hence the ambiguous, contradictory attitude towards this model. Some consider it the only possible form of organization and management of socio-economic processes in the most difficult extreme conditions of the USSR. Others see only negative aspects in it and believe that its use is currently impossible and simply impractical.
INVESTIGATION OF THE CYTOTOXICITY OF PESTICIDE NURELL D (CYPERMETHRIN + CHLORPYRIFOS) ON BARLEY SEEDS In recent years, pesticides have been widely used in order to increase the yield of grain crops, as well as to control pests and weeds. In the study of the genotoxicity of pesticides, model plants such as Allium sulfur L., Vicia faba and Hordeum vulgare L. are increasingly used. Plant cytogenetic test systems are not expensive, are not complicated and give reliable results. In this regard, the study of the cytotoxicity of chemicals widely used by farmers and peasants in the technology of cultivation of agricultural crops is one of the urgent tasks. This work was focused on the study of the genotoxic effects of different concentrations of the pesticide "Nurell D" (cypermethrin + chlorpyrifos) on the root cells of local barley varieties "Maksat", "Nutans 89" and "Vladlen" grown in Kyrgyzstan. The chromosomal preparations from seed roots were prepared in accordance with the commonly accepted technique. Current cytogenetic analysis of chromosomal preparations showed that 0.05% and 0.1% working solutions of the pesticides caused a higher level of chromosomal abnormalities in cells than a spontaneous level of mutation.
Healing by Logos: Christian Aspects of Certain Modern Psycho-Pedagogical Practices Introduction. At present, psychotherapeutic practices based on theological and philosophical ideas about the human logos nature have become widespread. The human logos nature is not only expressed in the human ability to make articulated speech, but also in common characteristic for homo sapiens occupation - search for meaning in life and meaning of various events and situations, in which an individual finds himself or herself, and, the acts, which he or she performs. Similar types of psychotherapy include logotherapy, some types of cognitive-behavioural therapy and the methodology of the Russian teacher S. A. Rachinsky. These methods and practices can be called psycho-pedagogical and, also, can be considered as a separate area of pedagogy, because unlike classical psychological practices (often practicing ethical relativism), they recognise and promote traditional moral and spiritual values of Christianity. The aim of the present article is to consider attitudinal grounds and content characteristics of psychological practices based on religious and philosophical ideas about the human logos nature, from a pedagogical point of view, as the task of education and self-education. Methodology and research methods. The theoretical framework of the research was based on the explified philosophical and theological doctrines, as well as on academic writings of V. Frankl (founder of logotherapy) and M. Scheler (founder of philosophical anthropology). The empirical base consists of the materials of available documents and published sources of information, as well as of the materials obtained in the course of surveys and unformalised interviews with teachers and psychologists practicing church-psychological methods for the healing of psycho-somatic disorders and the correction of behavioural patterns. The collected and summarised information was processed by the methods of philosophical and anthropological analysis. Results and scientific novelty. For the first time, an attempt was made to describe and analyse the methods of psychological-corrective work and spiritual-moral education, representing a synthesis of psychological practices, Christian value-ideological and theological concepts. The particular examples of effective implementation of these methods are described: the school of cognitive-behavioural therapy in Vladivostok, organised by Archpriest Rostislav Moroz; the technique to heal stuttering according to the method of S. A. Rachinsky, innovatively applied by Hieromonk Ioannes (Zayats) in Kamchatka. The main result of the study is the identification of modern aspects for improving psycho-pedagogical methods in church-theological reception. Practical significance. The authors’ conclusions and research materials on modern methods of psychological correction of behavioural and psychophysiologi-cal disorders can be used when developing and designing the courses of cognitive-behavioural therapy, treatment of stuttering, in practical psycho-educational support and social work.
Zoned potato varieties reaction on tuberization media in vitro The conception of potato genotype specificity response to in vitro conditions forces us to optimize the cultivation conditions for each variety for microtuberization (MTB) method seed production. Zoned varieties, based on the similarity of field conditions requirements, could be cultivated on standardized media with the achievement of a sufficient average MTB efficiency. The morphometric parameters dynamics (7-62 days) of microplants from the collection of cultivars, widely cultivated in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, were studied on Murashige-Skoog media, containing MTB inductors: sucrose (80 g/L) (M0) and phytohormones in addition: kinetin (1 mg/L) (M1) or a combination of kinetin (2 mg/L), adenine, IAA (1.5 mg/L each) (M2). Hormone- free medium with 30 g/L sucrose was used as control. No inducing effect was detected of phytohormones on MTB frequency and process dynamic of investigated cultivars, except Red Scarlett, under sucrose concentration, had been used in the present study. The determining factor inducing MTB was a high level of sucrose (80 g/L). The phytohormones influence was manifested in the differences in the varietie`s growth parameters. Root systems of domestic cultivars Antonina, Charoit, Hozjajushka were completely developed by 28 days on all media. Close values of the shoot height and the internodes number on M0-M2 media during most of the cultivation period were detected. Meteor, Rosara, and especially Red Scarlett cultivars were distinguished by a decrease in growth parameters in the line of conditions Control> M0> M1> M2. Cultivars groups, marked in vitro, differ by the habitus of plants formed by cultivars under the field conditions. The first three cultivars are tall plants with large leaves, the second group consists of intermediate type plants. However, we can already speak, based on data on growth inhibition, about the advantage of media with phytohormones for cultivars with the same habit as the second group has. Such reaction may be indirect evidence of the redistribution of assimilates in favor of MTB.
EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH OF TRIANGULAR THREELAYER PANELS UNDER THE COMBINED EFFECT OF THE LONGITUDINAL FORCES AND THE TRANSVERSE LOAD The results of experimental research of three-layered triangular panels of dome under combined effect of longitudinal forces and transverse load are expounded. The results of experimental research are compared with the results of numerical experiment.
MORBIDITY AND WORKING CONDITIONS СHARACTERISTICS IN FOUNDRIS (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE MINSK TRACTOR PLANT) Retrospective studies of morbidity levels and results of measuring the levels of unfavorable working factors in foundry shops № 1-3 and the steelmaking shop have been analyzed to carry out the research. During the research the professional morbidity and morbidity with temporal disabillity rates in foundries of MTP were compared with similar rates in the whole enterprise; it was adjusted for length of work, working conditions. It has been found that noise, vibration, chemicals and silica dust are the main unfavorable factors in foundry shops. These working conditions generate high levels of morbidity, especially among employers working for 15 and more years in these shops. About 80% of all professional diseases, registered at MTP from 2005 to 2009, appeared among foundry workers. The main professional diseases in foundry shops are silicosis, bronchitis and hearing loss, the most unfavorable working conditions were registered in steelmaking foundry shop. As it follows from the results, preventive measures in foundry shops should be focused on measures, which can prevent unfavorable effects of silica dust, noise and vibration.
Ecological Education's Quality Improvement Conditions for Pupils with Intelligence Infringement The article deals with features of knowledge mastering process of pupils with intelligence infringement. Author defines pedagogical conditions of ecological education's quality improvement for pupils of special (correctional) school of the VIII kind on the basis of operational experience.
THE Influence of the Ukrainian Crisis on the Ethnic Stereotypes of Russians Ethnic stereotypes are the most important component of mass consciousness, their role becomes more active in the conditions of the direct or mediated interethnic communications. The influence of the Ukrainian crisis on ethnic stereotypes of Russians is shown in several aspects. Representations of specifics of the Russian national character has become more expressed. The reflection regarding the quality of the Russian national character has acquired a distinct positive connotation. At the same time ideas of other people involved in the Ukrainian conflict have become less biased. At enough prevalence The ideas of ethnocultural unity, "brotherhood" of Russians and Ukrainians are widely spread among Russians, but in spite of this the Ukrainians’ national character has been attributed mainly negatively. On the one hand, heterostereotypes of such negative sort became a reaction of mass consciousness to the anti-Russian and anti-Russian rhetoric and actions of part of the Ukrainian elite and leaders of opinions, often amplifying by the Russian mass media. On the other hand - it is a sort of socio-psychological mechanism of legitimizing intervention in the Ukrainian conflict and hostile policy towards the "brotherly" people.
Titles of mass media interview in aspect of linguistic pragmatics Titles of modern interviews are studied on the material of German mass media texts. Leading syntactic structures, communicative signs and pragmatical aspects of titles are analyzed. The most attention is paid to titles in form of questions or exclamation, which have the strongest communicative pragmatical effect. Exclamation and questions in the position of titles lose value of incentive and interrogative, incentive or interrogative remain only formally, which makes them quasi-incentive and quasi-interrogative. Exclamation and question functions go by the wayside, in the first place extends forecasting capabilities for the content of subsequent title text. Besides, in article the titles in the form of question containing the address are analyzed. Illocutionary goal of these titles is an invitation to a discussion of the potential reader, and a joint search for common perspectives in this or that activity, for selected search of the most appropriate of all the possible solutions to a problem. They seem to reproduce the process of reflection of the author and cause to think about the issues raised by recipients.
TRADE-OFFS IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE This article is dedicated to the study of compromise as one of the social factors, affecting the authority of the state service. Compromise is a widespread social phenomenon both in social life and in communication practice at all levels of management environment, including state service, though staying underexplored on the part of social sciences. The importance of reasoning the compromise itself is particularly emphasized within the study. The author suggests considering it in broad sense as a principle, extending not only to interaction of certain individuals, but also to people at large.
National sphere in music for children at the end of Soviet epoch The article considers embodiment of axiologemes of national doctrine at the end of soviet epoch - multinationality of culture, nationality, internationalism - in children albums for piano. The author reveals a crisis of soviet identity and cultural unreality of these axiologemes.
FORMATION OF CORPORATE CULTURE IN A RURAL CLUB INSTITUTION (USING THE EXAMPLE OF THE VIKULOVSKY DISTRICT HOUSE OF CULTURE) The article considers corporate culture in the institution of sociocultural profile. Currently, given the variability of the business environment, constant communication with consumers, partners and employees in the field of culture is gaining a special role. In interaction with the latter, there is a need to form a single system of values, certain rules; all together, this is a corporate culture. Corporate culture is the foundation in communication with colleagues. It is what contributes to meeting all the needs of staff and the organization itself, from social to economic ones.
Normalization of a test signal with preservation of an equal discrete step New method of normalization was proposed. This method applies normalization of signal using current values of the signal. The step of discrete of the processed signal is equal.
Facet joint osteoarthritis as a component of non-specific low back pain Back pain is a significant sociomedical problem due to its high prevalence and negative impact on quality of life. According to the latest data, the pain persists in a considerable number of patients for a year or even several years after its onset, which necessitates the search for a cause of the pain syndrome. The facet syndrome induces pain in 15-66% of cases and is most often due to facet joint osteoarthritis. A comprehensive clinical and diagnostic examination helps one to identify facet joint injury; and targeted pathogenetic and multimodal therapy, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, provides complete pain relief in most cases and slows the progression of the disease.
Inhalation drug delivery devices in pulmonology Information on modern types of inhalation devices for drug delivery in pulmonology is given. It is shown that pulmonology uses a wide arsenal of inhalation delivery devices, which have been used for a long time both for emergency treatment and for basis inhalation therapy. Now time inhalations of bronchodilators, glucocorticosteroids, antibacterial and mucolytic drugs are used. Different properties of medicinal substances dictate the need to optimize the methods of their delivery. All delivery devices have positive and negative characteristics. At the same time, there is currently no ideal devices for drug delivery. Ideal delivery devices should possess portability, speed and convenience of use, no complications in application, low oropharyngeal and high pulmonary deposition, high efficiency, no side effects, low cost. The physicochemical properties of the drugs used are also considered. In general, the current trend in modern medicine is the “targeted” delivery of the drug substance to the pathological focus, the creation of high drug deposits, the reduction of negative effects on the organism, which determines not only the therapeutic efficacy index (desired / undesirable effects) and the safety of the drug, but also patient’s compliance.
MANAGEMENT OF A MARK OF QUALITY OF ACCEPTANCE (CHOICE) OF ENGINEERING DECISIONS OF ORGANIZATIONAL-TECHNOLOGICAL DESIGNING AND MANAGEMENT OF PROJECTS ON THE BASIS OF EXPERT SYSTEMS (CONCEPTUALLY-METHODICAL PRINCIPLES) In article there are: systemology constructions of expert systems for organizational-technological designing of investment-building manufacture; a mark of quality of acceptance of engineering decisions and intellectualization of functions of the economic analysis, planning and management of the project and activity of the building organizations.
PROBLEM "THE SOCIAL INSTITUTION VS ORGANIZATION" AND ITS DECISION BY MEANS SCHEMES OF NOTIONS The problem of distinguishing between the notions of "social institution" and "organization" is proposed to solve with the help of schemes.
Model of development, prevention and treatment of oral lichen planus. Part II Relevance. Currently, system-wide patterns of development, progression of oral lichen planus have not been studied enough. The questions of substantiation of expedient therapeutic and prophylactic measures for this disease with characteristic risk factors have not been worked out in many respects. Purpose. Identification of new system-wide regularities of oral lichen planus based on the development of a model for its development, prevention and treatment. Materials and methods. The study design included: the development of a model for the development, progression, prevention and treatment of oral lichen planus; clinical dental examination of 350 patients with oral lichen planus (the diagnosis was made on the basis of clinical data and the results of fluorescent diagnostics); evaluation of the effectiveness of a set of measures, including the prescription of drugs (Imudon, Kudesan, Tenoten). Results. New system-wide regularities of lichen planus are revealed. For the first time, the relative frequencies and intensities of transitions of various forms of lichen planus from one to another are estimated. A method is proposed for estimating the moment of saturation of the therapeutic and prophylactic effect of a complex of measures on the oral mucosa with lichen planus using fluorescent diagnostics. The temporal characteristics of this moment were determined during the performance of the therapeutic and prophylactic complex. Summary. The developed model will allow, without significant time and material costs, justify therapeutic and prophylactic measures that are expedient for various groups of the population in case of oral lichen planus of the oral mucosa.
Lansquenets of Svyiazhsk: a case study of the Russian stove tiles iconography of the 17<sup>th</sup> century The general purpose of the paper is to investigate roots of the unusual composition at a stove tile from Svyiazhsk (the famous fortress of the mid 16th century nearby Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan). History of the dissemination of stove tiles and their decorative compositions all over the Muscovy territories has a rich tradition in the science. Recently it was intensified due to the new arguments in favor of their European origin. The architectural details of terracotta with low reliefs (plain or glazed) were introduced in Muscovy as early as the late 15 th century by Italian (mainly Lombard and Venetian) architects. There was also a contribution made by German master builders and especially in the 17th century by artisans of the Central Europe (the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Hungary). Meanwhile, the efforts to trace the compositions' origin at so-called Gothic style tiles, which were immensely popular since the 16th century up to the 17th century, were all in vain. Decorations of those tiles are often purely ornamental, though there is a cluster of figural depictions as well. The scenes of army movements, sieges of fortresses, gun fire and so forth were extremely widespread. Some of them such as pictures of Polish Hussars are easy to distinguish and to interpret as the results of Western connections. Some of the depictions had been not clearly read yet. As the result, archaeologists normally try to domesticize the composition. They describe it as local one and connected to a tradition of folklore. The depiction of unusual and strange musicians was interpreted in a similar way: they are described as local jesters. Actually they are not amusing, but rather frightening. We could see "portraits" of European free -lance warriors: engravings of those were popular since the late 15th till the late 17th centuries. One of the recognized genre specialists was a German-Austrian artist Daniel Hopfer and his family workshop. It is easy to compare the composition from Svyiazhsk with its prototype, that is a central group at the etching "The Five Lansquenets". The composition was attractive for Russians both by its exotic and habitual appearance. Since the early 17th century Muscovy was flooded by foreigners, especially military from Poland, Sweden and all over Europe. They were hired by Russian legitimate rulers and Impostors, and came as enemies as well. In fact, Muscovites got used to them much earlier: the army of Ivan the Terrible against the Kazan State included a bunch of European-trained engineers, gunners and arquebusiers. Probably they were not forgotten in Svyiazhsk, a fortress built just to storm Kazan in the campaign of 1551. Its garrison was also staffed by foreign specialists even in the late 17th century. A re-interpretation of the composition would help to identify not only a source of the "one-tile iconography". It helps to trace the path of penetration of the European iconography (including military fashion and a pattern of behavior) to Muscovy long before of the time of Peter the Great. It also could help to realize methods of acculturation of Western influences by local population far to the East from Moscow.
FORMATION OF ION COMPOSITION OF THE BARGUZIN R. WATERS (LAKE BAIKAL BASIN) UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF SALINE LANDSCAPES The results of ion composition of the Barguzin R. waters during periods of different water content and assessments of hydrological factors of water flow self-purification are presented. It is shown for the first time that realization of self-purification potential of the river increasing with water discharge increase is limited by income of mineral matter from salt lakes and saline lands of lacustrine-alluvial plain occupying a considerable part of Barguzin Depression situated in middle part of the river current. Expansion of saline landscapes in the depression is due to its rift origin, seismic activity, abundant outcome of underground waters and arid climate. Supporting influence of Shaman lip near Barguzin village results in large-scale depression waterflooding during high water content and in intensive salts washing out of its territory. Particular environmental conditions in the river basin determine as well the peculiarities of formation of ion composition of the Barguzin R. waters differing from classic viewpoints concerning the decrease of rivers mineralization at their outflow increase.
CHARACTERISTICS OF CITING PUBLICATIONS OF SCIENTISTS OF PUSHCHINO RESEARCH CENTRE OF RAS The peculiarities of citation of scientific publications on the example of Pushchino scientific center of RAS. Identified General patterns of time intervals of the most active of citing publications. Described cases of «anomalous citation»: a stable and consistently high citation publications in the entire period from the date of publication; «deferred» citation after 15 years from the date of publication; citation in the same year. Identified periodical, the publication of which increases the chances of high citation since the year of publication.
MICROBIOMES AND HIS EFFECTS ON HUMAN HEALTH The article presents a literary review explaining the role of microbiome in the development of pathological processes. It is established that the microbiome is a set of many different genes of the microbiota inhabiting various ecological niches of the organism. Clinical studies help to establish links between the state of the macroorganism and the presence or abundance of certain taxa occupying a specific ecological niche of the organism. So the disturbance in the balanced composition of the intestinal microbiome can cause chronic intestinal inflammation, autoimmune diseases, impairment of the functioning of the Central nervous system, diseases of the skin and respiratory system. Scientific evidence suggests an important influence of intestinal microbiome in immunotherapy of malignant tumors, in the modulation of immunological and neurological functions in the host body, as well as in the development of alcoholism. Probiotics containing the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are known to alleviate the condition of patients with neuropsychiatric disorders and may regulate immune responses, especially in the case of autoimmune diseases of the Central nervous system.
THE PRINCIPLE OF THE SPECIAL STATUS OF A MINOR IN THE FRAMEWORK OF CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS IN RUSSIA Introduction: In the Russian criminal procedure legislation, a minor offender occupies a special position. Due to the age characteristics of physical, mental and emotional development, this particular subject needs additional guarantees of protection from the state. The article substantiates the position of the existence of the principle of the special status of a minor in the framework of modern criminal proceedings in Russia, which finds its implementation in the most individual approach of the law enforcement officer to the investigation of the circumstances of the offense committed by a minor, in the increased level of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of a minor, in the restorative nature of criminal proceedings against a minor, in the proportionality of the measures of state coercion applied to a minor to the specifics of his personality and the circumstances of the offense committed, as well as in the resocialization of the minor. Materials and Methods: the research was based on the legislation of the Russian Federation, scientific research in the field of pre-trial and judicial proceedings in criminal cases against minors, materials of judicial practice. The methodological basis of the research is the general dialectical method of scientific cognition, as well as methods of logical deduction, cognitive methods and techniques of analysis, comparison, generalization and description. In addition, the survey method was used by interviewing representatives of the preliminary investigation bodies. Results of the Study: allowed us to identify the main problems of the formation and prospects for the development of juvenile justice in Russia. Findings and Conclusions: the analyzed norms of the current legislation, the analysis of materials of judicial practice, the survey of preliminary investigation bodies allowed us to establish that today, in the framework of criminal proceedings in Russia, despite the lack of legislative consolidation in Chapter II of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, there is the principle of the special status of a minor, which is implemented in a number of legislative provisions. Some of these provisions need further improvement on the part of both the legislator and the law enforcement officer. At the same time, Russia has already made significant steps in creating a child-friendly justice system.
About hybrid nature of future wars and armed conflicts On the base of the military political situation in the world analysis, the national security strategy and documents of the USA military planning some characteristics of future wars and armed conflicts are projected, relating to the dissemination of asymmetrical and indirect actions, to the displacement of armed confrontation to cities and population centers and to the wider application of irregular formations.
Yogurt for preschool and schoolchildren The present article gives the recipe of the fermented milk product with malt and malt extract intended for feeding preschool and schoolchildren. The authors have produced the product samples and have studied their organoleptic as well as physical and chemical quality indicators, which proved that the developed product meets the regulatory requirements according to the basic parameters, the exception being the sucrose content.
To the Problem of the Tolerance’s Education in the Youth Environment Tolerance problem in the youth environment — one of actual, acute and inconsistent problems of the present. Authors believe, by achievement of the purpose: to create tolerant the persons, being in competence of education, the polycultural education which sense consists in formation of tolerant thinking through understanding of own accessory, first, to the nation, secondly, to the state, thirdly — to the international community can.
BUILDING THE BUSINESS FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE IN THE SPHERE OF PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY IN BACHELORS IN THE FIELD OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGIES AND TECHNICAL SCIENCES USING E-LEARNING The article proves that there is a need for the system transformation in engineering training, the question of the importance of mastering the business communicative competence in the sphere of professional activity in future bachelors in the field of engineering, technology and technical sciences is considered. An approach to linguistic education as an instrument for the formation of important personal qualities and professional competencies of future engineers is presented. The author gives the definition of a business foreign language communicative competence in the sphere of professional activity, the components of its structure are specified. Technology of student-centered learning with the use of e-learning has a significant role in achieving the results of professional foreign language training. The article presents the tools of e-learning: the components of the information and educational environment, learning Internet resources, new Internet services. The project method through the resources of the Internet occupies a special place in the organization of educational cognitive and creative activity of students. In the creation of conditions for the implementation of group projects, wiki-technologies are especially effective. A study was carried out to test the effectiveness of the e-learning technologies we have developed in the professional foreign-language training of the students pursuing in the field of education 08.03.01 "Construction", 13.03.01 "Heat power engineering and heat engineering". The effectiveness of their use is experimentally proved.
SPECIAL SYNTACTIC CONSTRUCTIONS WITH PERCEPTION VERBS IN FRENCH AND RUSSIAN LANGUAGES The purpose of this article is to identify syntactic constructions peculiar only to perception verbs in French and Russian. The study material are examples of the National Corps of Russian language. The methods of component analysis, interpretation method are used in the work. The relevance of this study is to prove the hypothesis of the existence in different languages of special syntactic constructions inherent only to perception verbs. The research object is syntactic constructions with perception verbs. The analysis subject is specific constructions with perception verbs in French and Russian languages: infinitive sentences of French and constructions with participle of Russian. The syntactic constructions peculiar only to perception verbs have one common feature: the simultaneity of the perceived situation and the situation of perception. Constructions with perception verbs use other ways of joining. They supplement the inventory of syntactic constructions in different languages. In French and Russian perception verbs function in complex sentences. In French, the construction en train de + i nfinitive is not considered by most linguists as inherent only to perception verbs. In Russian, impersonal sentences don’t contain only perception verbs. In French, the special syntactic construction of perception verbs is an infinitive sentence. In Russian, the specific construction of perception verbs is a construction with participle in its complementary function.
Cicatricial digestion of dry cows at use in feeding EM-products The research results show a positive effect of feeding of EM-preparations on cicatricial digestion of cows and milk production during the milking.
Preparation of sodium sulfate by isohydric crystallization during reverse osmotic treatment of mineralized wastewater and solution neutralization The article is devoted to the problem of neutralization of industrial wastewater containing highly toxic chlorides, sulfates, nitrates, ions of heavy and non-ferrous metals. Wastewater, as a rule, has an acidic reaction, and the first stage of its neutralization consists in the use of alkaline reagents (NaOH, Na2CO3, Ca(OH)2) to neutralize and form hybrid sediments of iron, aluminum and other metals. The total concentration of salt components in technological solutions ranges from 10 to 100 g/L, most often it is a mixture of Na2SO4, NaCl, NaNO3, less often other salts. The technology of deep processing of mineralized water consists in softening, filtration on pressure filters and microfiltration of industrial waste. The peculiarity of the proposed scheme lies in the use of the reverse osmosis method of desalting, according to which it is concentrated by 3-5 times and evaporated to a salt content of 200-300 g/L. This scheme allows you to obtain concentrate and fresh water that meets environmental requirements. After water demineralization, the concentrate goes to isohydric crystallization with Na2SO4 · 10H2O by cooling to 0 оС. After centrifugation of the pulp, the mother liquor is mixed with the initial stream and sent to a reverse osmosis unit, and the crystalline hydrate is sent to drying to obtain anhydrous technical salt. On the example of a model technological solution that simulates liquid industrial waste from mining enterprises, with the help of computational and experimental studies, the fundamental possibility of obtaining anhydrous sodium sulfate by means of intracycle isohydric crystallization of a concentrate after a reverse osmosis plant has been shown. A schematic diagram of the neutralization of liquid inorganic waste of I and II hazard classes with the production of a secondary product, Na2SO4, is proposed; the possibility of isomorphic capture of impurities during its crystallization is estimated.
Methods of organizing work with data exchange buffers in the AKUS software complex when training employees of territorial bodies in advanced training courses and professional retraining of units heads of the penal institutions In accordance with the Concept for the Development of the Penal System of the Russian Federation until 2020 one of the key directions in the process of correcting convicts is the use of advanced methods and methods of organizing educational work, which imply a competent building of relations by an employee with persons serving a sentence. Each employee of the correctional institution carries out educational work with convicts. At the same time the chief of the detachment has the greatest burden associated with the organization and preparation of various materials and documents, the conduct of cultural and physical activities, as well as the organization of circle work with a special contingent. To carry out the entire range of measures, it is necessary to create decent working conditions, equip the workplace of the head of the detachment (employee of the department for educational work with convicts) with special software. The article examines the applied aspects of using modern software for the automation of office activities in the field of educational work with convicts. The article discusses the methodology for organizing work in the environment of the AKUS IK (KP) software complex for employees of territorial bodies enrolled in professional retraining and advanced training courses for heads of correctional institutions. An algorithm for the creation and further use of the data exchange clipboard for educational work in the AKUS software complex is proposed. The article describes the possibility of optimizing the work when filling in the data on the subscribers of the card index by the head of the detachment.
Volunteers of the country "X" Chronicle of the Civil War in Spain (1936-1939) is quite well known in Soviet and Russian historiography, however, the publication very succinctly and clearly substantiates the actions of the Soviet government to provide the military assistance to the Republican forces and the role of Soviet military and civilian specialists whose help was desperately needed by the legitimate Republican government of Spain. All of these people were destined shortly before the Second World War to join the first armed struggle against fascism.
Tunneling Microscope as a Technical Vision System for Relief Surface Visualization Scanning tunneling microscope technical vision problems are discussed in the article. The method of probe visual information obtaining and distortions being induced are described. Processing technique, which raises the level of relief surface compliance with the scanning process physical conditions, is proposed. The software package implementing that technique is introduced and its working results are analyzed.
Femto-laser assisted phacoemulsification of cataract combined with non-penetrating deep sclerectomy The article presents clinical and functional results of femto-assisted phacoemulsification of cataract combined with nonpenetrating deep sclerectomy with Xenoplast drainage implantation. The procedure was performed on 45 eyes (42 patients) 65-85 years of age with different stages of POAG. In all cases the following examinations were performed: computer perimetry, optic disk retinal tomography, corneal-compensated pressure (IOP CC), pressure equal to Goldman IOP (IOP G) and corneal hysteresis (CH) with the ORA device (Reichert). All examinations were performed before operation and 1, 3, 6 months, 1, 2, 3, and 4 years after the operation. By the end of the 4th year, the level of normalized IOP without hypotensive medication was observed in 40.9% of all cases. 58.1% patients had to use 1.7±0.8 medications. Statistically significant increase of CH was 8.8±1.7 mm Hg compared with the same parameter before operation. These data indicate normalization of biomechanical parameters of cornea-scleral capsule of the eye in the long-term post-operation period. Stabilization of glaucoma process according to perimetry and structural parameters was observed in 34 patients, 35 eyes (77.8%, p=0,001). These results show that femto-assisted phacoemulsification combined with non-penetrating deep sclerectomy with Xenoplast drainage implantation is statistically effective method of IOP normalization and stabilization of glaucoma process, decreasing the medication load compared with pre-operation level.
THE LEVEL OF INTENSITY OF FIXED ASSETS USAGE AT AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRIZES IN SARATOV OBLAST The provision of enterprises with agricultural machinery is analyzed, as well as loads on tractors and combine harvesters, and dynamics of energy capacity in agricultural enterprises. One of the possible ways for increasing grain production intensity is determined.
Simulation of the stress-strain state of reinforced concrete container for ribs fall on hard surfaces for sustainable design In the article the effective method of design of the tense-deformed state of reinforce-concrete container is developed under the action of the dynamic loadings, arising up at falling on a rib; facilities of “Lira 9.4” are develop the proper eventual-element models, the most dangerous from point of durability areas are exposed, offered to recommendation on the improvement of construction
The problem of relevant social regulation of the technosphere exemplified by fire safety The article addresses the problem of mainstreaming the state regulation of the technosphere in terms of fire safety assurance and urban development. The technosphere, being an artificial structure created by humans willing to simplify and protect their living, has turned into a major problem rather than a benefit over the last fifty years. Accelerated sociocultural evolution is the reason for this change. Reason 1 is our poor knowledge of the technosphere and its constituents that we are still willing to create and apply using our simplified (conventional) ideas about the natural processes underlying their creation and application. Reason 2 is the logistic breakdown of the technosphere, as a result of which the consolidated sociocultural space is regulated by separate social norms focused on minor fragmented goals, determined by subjective needs of small groups willing to obtain immediate benefits. Reason 3 is decelerated development of the social environment that lags behind industrialization and urbanization. Thus, it is unable to exercise reliable control over the safety of the technosphere. A set of actions, aimed at the expansion of the area exposed to social control and the tightening of penalties represent a practical solution to these problems that is currently applied by executive government authorities. However, social regulation quality improvement, based on the principle of prevention of inacceptable social harm, has been disregarded.The introduction of a risk oriented model into fire safety assurance and urban planning is analyzed in an attempt to consider the problems in question.
Mechanism of Improving of Quality Management System of an Organization on the Basis of Outsourcing The paper examines outsourcing as a tool of presentday management, allowing optimization of the organization performance. The main stages of the transfer process of the quality management system into outsourcing are identified and characterized.
Features of establishing liability for crimes involving the use of doping in the field of sports The article analyzes the content of those innovation norms in the Russian criminal legislation that establish liability for the use of doping drugs in the field of amateur and professional sports. The article provides evidence of the high social and political significance of social relations that have developed in the field of sports. The promotion of a sports lifestyle is one of the conditions for protecting the health of the nation, as a result of which the health safety of persons taking direct part in sports at various levels should be provided with special criminal law means, which implies the allocation of a separate object in the structure of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. On the basis of the results of the study of the anti-doping sphere of criminal law protection, as well as the content of special norms of the criminal law, assumptions are made about the presence of gaps in the content of the current norms on liability for the use of doping drugs and other prohibited drugs (substances). On this basis, the work identifies possible directions for the implementation of further scientific research in the field of health protection of persons taking part in sports competitions at various levels.
The formula “government of trust” in the perceptions of the public. From the history of political concepts on the eve of 1917 The article, based on archival materials, deals with the transformation of the power formula in Russia during World War I from the “government of trust” to the “government responsible to the people”. The evolution of that political strategy is analyzed in relation to the objective requirements for all warring countries to a new type of war, which were the national unity, including the widest strata of the population, and the national economy regulation, limiting market mechanisms and leading to the transition of the economy to the rails of comprehensive regulation right up to planning. The article focuses on the specifics in the formation of representation for public and democratic elements in the public organizations of All-Russian unions of zemstvos ( system of local administration) and cities, which provided support for the change of the formula of power depending on the socio-political processes during the war. The author comes to the conclusion that in the Russia conditions it occurred within the framework of the change of the power formula: from the “trust government”, responsible to the “Progressive bloc” of the census State Duma (1915), to the concept of the government responsible to the bloc of census public elements within the “trust government before the country” (1915-1916) and then under the pressure of a broad bloc of democratic public elements in the city and the countryside involved in the organization of the country for defense and of the national economy to the formula of “government responsible to the people” (1916 - early 1917).
THE NEW APPLIANCE IS USED FOR CIRCUMCISION We have obtained a patent for a utility model of the Republic of Kazakhstan №5782, 22.01.2021., which is used with great efficiency in circumcision of the foreskin. To cut off the foreskin sheets, a Stayer pyrography device is used, equipped with a transformer that generates a voltage from 0 to 5 V., with a current frequency of 50 Hz, a power of 40 W., with a solid working tip, adjustable temperature from 450 ° C to 750 ° C. The use of the Stayer pyrography device for circumcision of the foreskin allows you to reduce the time of surgical intervention, reduce the traumatic impact and improve the cosmetic effect. In 2018-2020, 500 operations were performed using the Stayer pyrography device. The average operation time was 10 minutes. All children achieved a good immediate and long-term clinical outcome.
On the join of Spechtian varieties of algebras We constructed the example of the join Spechtian varieties of algebras over a field of characteristic zero which is not finitely based.
Formation of invaded zone during drilling with water- and oil-based mud Numerical simulation of hydrodynamic processes in oil-saturated reservoir during vertical well drilling was done. Effect of drilling technique and type of drilling mud (water- and oil-based) was investigated. Processes of oil-based mud-filtrate invasion were simulated by three-phase filtration. Effects of hydrodynamic parameters of invaded zone on borehole resistivity measurements were investigated. Determination of parameters and structure of invaded zone under interpretation of electromagnetic loggings reduces uncertainty of constructed geoelectric and hydrodynamic models of reservoirs with different saturating fluid.
Digitally Networked Participation as a New Form of Political Participation: Theoretical Aspect The article analyses approaches to understanding political participation and its forms beginning from the middle of the 20th century. Online political participation is being emphasized as a new phenomenon in politics. The authors define digitally networked participation and its distinctive features.
A conceptual model of information system of "Scientific researches" of NAPS of Ukraine Principles of construction of conceptual model of the IS «Scientific researches» are presented for automation of management of scientific researches in NAPS of Ukraine. The research results are described in relation to forming of the fields and automation of treatment of documents in the integrated environment of MS Sharepoint, which was conducted within the framework of implementation of scientific research «Scientific and methodological support of information systems planning research at the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine on the basis of the Internet».
Some aspects of regulatory legal regulation of ensuring the safety of aquatic biological resources The article considers changes in the regulatory legal framework regulating the requirements for the processes of catching, production and turnover of fish and fish products. The main provisions of existing and newly introduced normative legal documents on ensuring the safety of aquatic biological resources are analyzed. Entered into force on September 1, 2017 Technical Regulations "On the Safety of Fish and Fish Products". The Technical Regulation establishes the requirements for the safety of food fish products that are mandatory for the application and execution on the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union, requirements for the processes of production, storage, transportation, requirements for sales and utilization, for labeling and packaging of food fish products to ensure its free movement. The state control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements of technical regulations is carried out by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare and the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance. Authorized bodies for monitoring (supervision) cooperate on the exchange of information in order to improve the effectiveness of the exercise of supervisory powers and the prevention of the spread on the territory of the Russian Federation of products that do not meet the requirements of the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union "On the Safety of fish and fish products".
Linguistic desacralization in the Spanish evaluative view of the world (a case study of vocabulary and phraseology) The article deals with the linguistic desacralization in vocabulary and phraseology of the Spanish language. Spanish evaluative view of the world is the object of the study. Desacralized semantic derivates and phraseological units participating in the formation of evaluating meaning are the subject of research. The research material was collected from Spanish dictionaries of colloquial speech, modern phraseological dictionaries of the Spanish language, literary texts of Spanish writers of the 20th century, texts from Spanish newspapers and blogs. The analysis of dictionary definitions, semantic and contextual analysis were used as the main analytical methods of the research. The purpose of the study was to identify the semantic fields related to religious sphere which were the object of desacralization and to find different types of positive and negative linguistic evaluation in the semantics of the studied vocabulary and phraseological units. The results of the study showed that linguistic desacralization of vocabulary and phraseology covers the following semantic fields: the names of confessional signs, religious attributes, religious objects, the Bible books and biblical characters, the names of saints, the names of church traditions, rituals, holidays, church buildings, the names of church positions and clergy. Desacralized religious vocabulary is either the formator of general and private evaluations characterizing a person and the surrounding world or it is the intensifier of the evaluative meanings. Spanish linguistic consciousness is characterized by the usage of desacralization technique to create a comic effect. Inversion of moral values inherent in Spanish linguistic consciousness is due to baroque aesthetics and the peculiarities of the Western laughter culture. The important conclusion of the study is that linguistic desacralization cembracing loss and depreciation of the sacral component of the semantics of a word or phraseological unit is capable of conveying information about values and anti-values of human existence.
THE MYTHOLOGICAL AND POETICAL SPACE OF THE REALM OF CHAOS IN THE EPIC POEM ‘PARADISE LOST' BY JOHN MILTON The article deals with the specifics of the representation of the Realm of Chaos in the epic poem ‘Paradise Lost' by John Milton's. Attention is paid to the determination of the Realm of Chaos in the universe concept in the poetic world of the poem. Chaos is analyzed as important material for the creation of the worlds in Milton's cosmogony. The basic features of mythological and poetical space of Chaos are considered to be the metaphor of a boundless ocean, the absence of light and space-time organization. The article also deals with the specifics of representation of Satan, wandering over the vast abyss of Chaos on the way to Earth, and Anarch and Nights as the figures-representatives of the Realm of Chaos.
THE ROLE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN THE HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM This article examines the main role related to the physical education of students in higher educational institutions. Such a concept as physical culture is considered in detail. The importance of physical training classes for students in higher educational institutions has been determined.
RESEARCH OF ELEMENTS OF EXPENSES CAUSED BY INNOVATIVE SYSTEMS OF MANUFACTURE PREPARATION In the article the research of elements of the expenses connected with perfection of preparation of manufacture on the basis of application of modern software products is carried out. The technique of the estimation of combined value flowing and the capital costs connected with introduction of innovative systems of preparation of manufacture is made.
REPRESENTATIONS OF SPECIALISTS OF HELPING PROFESSIONS ABOUT THEIR HEALTH AND HEALTHY LIFESTYLE OF CLIENTS The article considers a model for analyzing the ideas about their health of specialists of helping professions (doctors, psychologists, teachers) and the healthy lifestyle of those who turn to them for professional help (patients, clients, students). The purpose of the work was to test the assumption that the views of specialists in helping professions about their own health and the health of those who turn to them for help differ depending on the type of dominant health idea. It is revealed that the dominant types of health ideas among specialists of helping professions are scarce and self-sufficient. Differences were found in the actions to maintain their health among helping specialists with scarce and self-sufficient variants of the dominant health idea. Specialists of helping professions, depending on the dominant health idea, described their patients/ clients/ students differently: with a deficit type - with phrases with negative emotional connotation, with a self-sufficient type - with neutral and positive. There is also a contradiction between the willingness of specialists in helping professions to actively maintain their healthy lifestyle and the expectations of the quality and effectiveness of similar actions to maintain and develop health from patients/ clients/ students.
A METHOD FOR DIGITAL STABILIZATION OF IMAGE IN SCANNED FILM The article is devoted to improving precision of digital image stabilization methods used to reduce unsteadiness introduced on film scanners. A special image reprocessing method is proposed that can significantly improve precision & reliability of common stabilization approaches that try to detect and stabilize locations of film perforations in scanned image. A particular implementation of this method is described, that also make efficient use of locations of all perforations available in scanned image. Then proposed algorithm is shown to compare favorably with other commonly used stabilization methods.
SOCIAL STRUCTURE OF THE HEALTHY WAY OF LIFE OF THE POPULATION OF YOUNG AGE Using the questionnaire method the authors studyt hindicators of social development of a healthy way of life of students of the 4th course of GOU VPO NGMU of Roszdrav, doctors and patients of MUSES of Novosibirsk hospital № 19 agedfrom 19 till 35 years. The questionnaire included guestions on «social representation and understanding» of a healthy way of life. The data obtained during interrogation has allowed to formulate the conclusion that the decision of a problem of social structure of a healthy way of life is connected with «social representations and understanding)) of a healthy way of life by respondents.
Tambov colouring of Russian literature: to characterology of A.I. Solzhenitsyn In the article two short stories by A. Solzhenitsyn "The Incident at Kochetovka Station" and "Ego" are analyzed through the regional aspect. "Tambov text" of the writer's short prose recorded the ability of the artist to be an advocate and a promoter of the so-called "religious humanism" especially in the works with sublime tragic content.
Diffusion of toluidine blue in alginate-gelatine hydrogel under the influence of pepsin The research is related to electrochemical processes in hydrogel media. An electrochemical model of electroactive phenothiazine dye toluidine blue (TB) diffusion in the medium of a combined alginate-gelatin gel during pepsin proteolysis was studied. The data of cyclic voltammetry (CVA) of the dye in an acidic medium are presented. The TB diffusion coefficient was calculated. It was shown, the curves of cyclic voltammetry had qualitative and quantitative changes compared to data in neutral medium. The dye diffusion in hydrogels with various compositions was studied using the CVA method. Calculations of the TB diffusion coefficient in gel media with different alginate/gelatin ratios were performed. The influence of the hydrogel composition on the character of volt-ampere curves that characterize the redox transformations of an electroactive label was elucidated. The electrochemical characteristics of toluidine blue in an alginate-gelatin hydrogel with a 1:3 component ratio in the presence of pepsin had the value of the potential difference of the oxidation and reduction peaks as ∆E = 120,3 mV, as well as the ratio of peak currents: Ipox/Ipred = 1,08 at Ipred = 8,99 µA and Ipox = 9,70 µA. The ratio shows that the system is close to reversible electrochemical behavior. The addition of pepsin leads to an acceleration of dye diffusion. It is quantified in a dynamic of current values and an increase in the value of the effective diffusion coefficient. The model can be used to simulate some elements of inflammatory reactions in electrode, to study the quality of enzyme preparations, to evaluate the diffusion properties of various gel-forming agents and their resistance to proteolysis.
Comparative assessment of complexes of professionally important qualities among liaison officers of different profiles. The article presents the results of the research on the structure and maintenance of complexes of professionally important qualities among liaison officers of command, engineering and educational profiles, their general and specific features. The results can be used for rational distributing of graduates of military liaison institutes to posts.
GENERAL CHARACTERISTIC OF ETHNIC CRIME IN TYUMEN REGION Ethnic organized crime is a characteristic phenomenon for Russia being a multinational country. Tyumen region has a common border with Kazakhstan; its geographical position and the standard of living make the region attractive not only for life and for work, but also for illegal activity of organized criminal groups. Ethnic crime has its own specialization, and fighting against it is especially challenging. We consider the concept of ethnic crime and analyze the factors negatively influencing ethnic crime in Tyumen region. On the basis of law-enforcement practice we make certain conclusions concerning the specialization of ethnic organized criminal groups and characterize migrants arriving in Tyumen region.
The Development of Creative Potential among Primary Schoolers at Technology Lessons The article is devoted to psychological and pedagogical aspects of primary school-age children ’s creative potential. The paper also provides the main concepts of the programs for the course of Technology (1 - 4 Forms) that are concerned with the development of creative potential among primary school children.
Ways for the increasing of the municipal regional TV station news broadcasting efficiency This article is an attempt to trace the development of the regional TV stations in the Russian Federation. The authors marked key issues that hindered the growth of these media outlets. Special attention is paid to the activity and the operational mode of the municipal broadcasters of the Russian Federation - both in regional centres and in small towns. The research underscores the difficulties that have to be tackled by the municipal stations for their future development in the upcoming years. It also highlights the complexities in the development of the local media. They are predetermined by such factors as the business sustainability and social consistency in the development of the country. The solution to the issue is the increase in the audience loyalty that leads to the boost of the ratings and viewing shares. The author proves that the key tool in this process is the development of multimedia platforms that tend to be popular among the segments of the target audience. Another crucial factor is the increase of live broadcasts and special programmes that cover key events in the life of the cities. The article contains a case study of STV/IKSTV, a municipal broadcaster in the city of Sevastopol where one of the authors worked as a senior news editor from 2018 till 2020. That is the period of a “multimedia breakthrough” that increased the broadcast quality as well as the popularity of the station. This is proven by the media measurements, citation indexes and corporate research that was carried out by the management of the station.
PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF PERSONNEL TRAINING FOR THE SYSTEM OF STATE AND MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE DONETSK PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC In the article the features of personnel training for the system of state and municipal administration in the conditions of the Donetsk People's Republic are reveals. The experience of formation and development of public authorities is taken into account. The requirements for civil servants are defined. Based on the identified problems with the practical training of specialists, such a direction as anti-crisis management and the use of project and process approaches in the framework of training highly qualified specialists in higher and additional professional education systems is highlighted.
Dynamic Assessment of the Company’s Competitiveness, Taking into Account the Implementation of Its Innovative Development Strategy Innovative development of domestic enterprises and growth of their competitiveness is the most important task at the present stage of development of the country’s economy. The purpose of this study is to develop methodological tools that assess the impact of strategic plans for innovative development of an enterprise on the level of its competitiveness. The hypothesis of the study is that the plans for innovative development of the enterprise have a positive impact on the level of competitiveness of the enterprise. The article shows that in modern conditions one of the main directions of increasing the competitiveness of any company is inextricably linked with the formation and use of innovative development systems at enterprises. An analytical review of the existing methods for evaluating the competitiveness of the enterprise is carried out; their advantages and disadvantages are determined. It is shown that there is currently no single universal approach to such evaluation. As a result, a reasonable choice was made in favor of a methodological approach that evaluates competitiveness in dynamics; the main indicators and algorithms used in this approach are presented. The method of assessing the stability of the competitive position of industrial enterprises based on their innovative activity using a number of innovative indicators and taking into account their possible growth in the financing and implementation of innovative projects is proposed. The competitiveness of the largest Russian Pipe Metallurgical Company in comparison with its leading domestic competitors in the period 2017-2019 was evaluated; the main problems and weaknesses in the company’s activities that have a negative impact on its competitiveness are identified. An assessment of the innovative activity of the Pipe Metallurgical Company is performed, which shows that the company currently adheres to a strategy based on the introduction of improving innovations. Modeling of the dependence of the level of the competitiveness of the company on the indicators of its innovation activity is performed; the indicators that have the strongest impact are identified, namely: the coefficient of intellectual property security, the coefficient of innovative growth, and the coefficient of development of new products. An example of the implementation of an event aimed at increasing the company’s innovation activity indicators and related to the commissioning of unique research equipment for the development of new threaded connections for pipes is given. Based on the projected outcomes of the event, the forecast level of competitiveness of the Pipe Metallurgical Company for the period up to the end of 2020 was determined.
LEGAL REGULATION OF AUTHORITIES OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT BODIES TO CREATE CONDITIONS FOR PROVIDING MEDICAL ASSISTANCE TO POPULATION IN THE REPUBLIC OF CRIMEA The article analyzes the legal regulation of the powers of local self-government authorities in the field of creating conditions for the provision of medical care to the population in the Republic of Crimea. The peculiarities of legal norms governing the procedure and conditions for the provision of medical care in urban and rural municipalities are highlighted. The paper proposes to eliminate conflicts of the current legislation of the Republic of Crimea in the field of health protection of citizens and providing medical assistance to the population.
CLOAKING COVER BASED ON THE SPIRAL RESONATORS The cloaking cover based on spiral structures for object hiding in the super high-frequency range is studied. This cover can hide an object for two polarizations (TE and TM) of the electromagnetic field. The experimental and numerical simulation results for cloaking cover with horizontal spirals relative to the cover plane are shown.
Accounting information system design in order for a test laboratory of construction materials and soil The article describes the process of accounting in the testing laboratory and the development of an information system for its automation, a search and review of analogues is made. Logical model of the data management layer are presented, a use case diagram for the system, a description of the prototype created.
Russian Athos in the Diaries of Russian Pilgrims Te diaries of Russian pilgrims who visited the Holy Mountain are of particular interest this year, when we celebrate the millennium of Russian monastic presence on Mt. Athos (1016-2016). Tese diaries reflect their interaction with compatriots, whom they met on the Holy Mountain. Two of many such pilgrims were Prince Sergey Shirinsky-Shikhmatov, the future Hieromonk Anicetas (in 1835-1836), and Viktor Kaminsky (in 1857). Fr. Anicetas describes the uneasy relationship between Russian and Greek monks at St. Panteleimon’s Monastery, as a result of which he was forced to relocate to St. Elias’ Skete with some of the brotherhood. Tere, through the efforts of Fr. Anicetas, the church of St. Metrophanes of Voronezh was built and consecrated. Fr. Anicetas and Viktor Kaminsky visited the same monasteries, but twenty years apart. Comparing their accounts, one can get a sense of the changes that had occurred in the lives of monastics there. Tis article offers further observations about the fate of St. Panteleimon’s Monastery, which began to recover following the difficult events of 1915-1917, and of the St. Andrew’s and St. Elias’ sketes, where the Russian monastic presence was lost and the sketes were transferred to Greek monastics
Efficacy of nitrogen nutrition on productivity and quality of lentils The studies were conducted on dark chestnut calcareous light clay soils in the dry steppe zone of Northern Kazakhstan in 2018-2020. Concentration of soil nutrients and properties were as follow: humus - 2.93-2.95%, nitrate nitrogen - 6-8 mg / kg, mobile phosphorus - 10.7-13, 9 mg/kg, potassium more than 800 mg/kg, Ca + Mg 22-25 mg eq/100 g of soil, pH more than 8.0. The article shows the results of studies that describe growing conditions and the effect of nitrogen fertilizers on the yield and quality of lentil’s breed "Krapinka". Nitrogen fertilizers were applied on top of the phosphorus background (P90) at doses of 30 and 60 kg/ha in the top 10 cm soil layer, that increased the content of nitrate nitrogen from 9.3 to 18.3 mg/kg of soil in the 0-40 cm layer. Every 30 kg of nitrogen’s fertilizers increased soil N-NO3 level on 4 mg/kg of soil in the layer of 0 -40 cm. Fertilizers had no effect on the potassium content. Hydrothermal regime was contrastingly different in the years of research. The agricultural year of 2019 was extremely dry, with 209 mm of rainfall (average 326 mm). The agricultural years of 2018 and 2020 were favorable 330 and 320 mm of precipitation respectively with a slightly increased temperature background. The applied fertilizers increased the yield of lentils by 17% and improved the quality of seeds. The biological features of lentils, their requirements for soil nutrition conditions were identified, the optimal level of available nitrogen content in soil was determined, ensuring the formation of maximum productivity, and a formula was proposed for determining the nitrogen dose in each case based on nitrogen deficiency in soil.
MORPHOLOGICAL CHANGES IN THE DENSITY OF NEURONSOF CEREBELLAR VERTEXDECLIVE, UVULAANDFOLIUM AFTER AMPUTATION OF BACK LIMB After amputation of the limb, the density of neurons in the molecular layer of cerebellar vertex declive, uvula and foliumhas been decreasedto 1/5 on the 7th day, and then has been increasedto 1/5 again on the 21st day, and decreased again to 6th month, it became lessto 1/3 in comparison with control group. Morphological and morphometric changes have been occurredheterochronously and heterodynamically.
SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS OF THE SAMARA REGION: RESULTS OF 2021 The article considers the final ranking by categories and quartiles as well as bibliometric indicators of scientific publications of 2021, that are affiliated with publishing organizations of the Samara region, based on the decisions of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and open data of the scientometric database RSCI.
HOBBY OR PROFESSION? FEATURES OF PROFESSIONALIZATION OF THE SCIENCE ART DIRECTION Modern society is defined by the emergence of new professions and new directions that are moving from occupations to professions and are legitimized. The article discusses the features of the professionalization of the science art direction and the features of the development of this direction in different cities in Russia.The main research method is biographical interviews with scientists, artists and architects - representatives of science art in Naberezhnye Chelny, Kazan, Tomsk and St. Petersburg (n=22). To analyze the interview, a narrative strategy was used, within the framework of which the meanings of the career and professional path of individuals involved in science art projects were analyzed. Two strategies of professionalization of science art in Russia are identified, which are presented in different cities and depend on various resources present in these cities. The first strategy of professionalization of science art is "from above", due to the emergence of new master's programs and the professionalization of the direction of science art in universities, the second strategy of professionalization "from below" is characterized by the professionalization of science art as an occupation and is associated with the development of the field of science art within the framework of the emergence of the community and the development of the direction within the communities themselves. The highlighted strategies allow us to judge that the development of professionalization of the direction has at least two ways: on the one hand, the creation of a profession and its institutionalization as the most effective way today in large cities of Russia, and on the other hand, the development of science art in the format of communities of interest and the inclusion of both artists and scientists, including specialists and teachers of seminars and workshops.
The stages of clinical laboratory diagnostics development at scientific and research institute of children's infections The article presents the information on the basic stages and directions of clinical laboratory diagnostics development for 85 years of Scientific and Research Institute of Children's Infections existence. The importance of biochemical and immunological research in the investigation of pathogenesis and working out of new diagnostic criteria to improve the course and possible outcomes of an infectious disease in children is underlined. The emphasis is made on the importance of modern hi-technology equipment usage in carrying out scientific and practical laboratory research.
The study of the process of soil layer body turnover with a disc cutter on ungrubbed clearings The article aims at substantiation of technological parameters of the disc cutter for the main processing of the soil on forest land. The article presents analytical studies of the process of soil layer turnover by the combined plow body, and the principle of operation of a new disc cutter body. The article considers the reforestation technologies that allow avoiding the uprooting of stumps, causing the least harm to the environment and saving material resources. It is established that the off-road capacity of disc tools on ungrubbed clearings significantly exceed that of plough shares. The distinctive advantage of disc cutters is that they could be individually attached to the unit frame, thus avoiding clogging of the body with soil and plant residues. The design of the disc cutter body is proposed, which ensures the required quality of the soil layer turnover in the cuttings. Experimental studies were carried out, and a formula was obtained that allows determining the optimal parameters of the disc cutter body. The results of the study of the dependence of the unstable equilibrium angle of the soil layer on the structural and technological parameters of the tool are presented. The use of the proposed design minimizes costs by increasing the productivity of tools and by resource and energy saving. The proposed disc cutter body may be used in new designs of multifunctional tools developed for rational resource-saving technologies of reforestation.
Hyperonymic nominations for lowlands in the Orel dialects This article deals with the geographical appellatives, which express general, generic term in designating depressions and lowlands. The total amount of approximately 30 lexical units is used in the Orel dialects to denominate this landform, of which 11 can be seemed as hyperonyms, namely niz, nizina, log, ložbina, loščina, logovina, ložina, lozinka, loinka, jendova, jendovišče. The study of dialectal lexical units which denote geographical objects, as well as the understanding of system connections between words, allows us to recreate the perception of surrounding reality in traditional folk categories and to comprehend the peculiarities constituting the language-specific worldview of a Russian person. The analysis involves the data of etymology and linguogeography.
USSR Public Policy in the Sphere of Control Automation (1950s-Early 1960s) The author studies the emergence of the new direction in the USSR's public policy, and the significance thereof for the country's economy. The author analyzes documents on science and technology development, computer-aided manufacturing, and control along with the reasons why computer technology is viewed as a main factor in the economic development of the USSR, illustrating the changes related to the sphere of education and science, as well some automation processes tendencies.
SPECIALTY OF MONUMENTS OF THE ROMANOV ERA OF THE GREAT MIGRATION OF PEO-PLES NORTHWEST OF BASHKORTOSTAN ON THE EXAMPLE OF A STUDY VILLAGES ROMANIVKA -II OF 1989 In the article published results of a study Villages Romanivka II Imenkov culture. presents an analysis of the features of monuments Romanov type.
JUDICIAL REFORM AS A TOOL FOR INCREASE EFFICIENCY OF LEGAL PROTECTION OF INDIVIDUALS The subject. The authors analyze the process and results of 30 years of reforming judicial activity in contemporary Russia, formulate and substantiate the conceptual foundations of promising transformations and specific proposals for continuing the reform, increasing the efficiency of the judicial system and protecting human rights, freedoms and legitimate interests. The purpose is to confirm or disprove hypothesis that the Russian judicial reform needs to be adjusted in order to remain the most important factor in building the rule of law and civil society. The research methodology includes the methods of analysis and synthesis, historical, comparative legal and formal legal methods. The main results, scope of application. The court is one of the most democratic and civilized tools for resolving social conflicts and protecting human interests. Judicial reform is a conceptually formed, cardinal and progressive transformation carried out in the historical period in order to organize the optimal model of the judicial system and achieve maximum efficiency of its functioning to protect the rights and freedoms of the individual, the interests of society and the state. The Russian court was transformed, became the real judiciary power and took its place in the state mechanism during the reform period. The judicial system was built on new principles, procedural legislation was updated, a number of other measures were taken to improve the status of the court and its role in society. It is necessary to generalize the existing practice and regulate all problematic aspects of the formation of the judicial corps at the legislative level. We need to make this process clear and transparent. Justice as a social and legal value and a significant international goal of sustainable development should be implemented in Russian domestic policy and strategic projects. The strategy and tactics of digital transformation of judicial activity, more active introduction of modern tools in it, while ensuring human rights and freedoms in this process, are particularly in demand in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, The conclusion is made that judicial reform is the most important factor in building the rule of law and civil society. However, it has not been completed and its potential for social influence has not been exhausted. Therefore, conceptual foundations and specific proposals for further transformations, increasing the efficiency of the judicial system in order to protect human rights, freedoms and legitimate interests have been formulated and substantiated.
Game Technologies in the Process of Teaching Russian Language to Junior Schoolchildren The article reveals the problem of using game technologies in the process of teaching Russian to younger schoolchildren, analyzes the content of educational activities in the process of teaching younger schoolchildren, and describes methodological techniques for the use of game technologies that can be used to teach younger schoolchildren. The research methods are theoretical methods of analysis, comparison and systematization of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature to identify psychological and pedagogical approaches to the problem of using gaming technologies in the process of teaching Russian to younger schoolchildren. The purpose of the study is to analyze the main features of the use of gaming technologies in the process of teaching the Russian language. The conducted research allowed us to conclude that gaming technologies arouse not only the interest of children, but also encourage them to study more new and exciting material. This largely depends on the creativity and initiative of the teacher himself. Whether the lesson will be boring and monotonous, or it will be filled with interesting tasks, creativity and new ideas - all this depends on the teacher.
Improving imaging of the major salivary glands The gold standard for the diagnosis of parenchymal sialadenitis are sialography and multislice computed tomographic sialography (MSCT-sialography). However, it is necessary to conduct the introduction of nonionic iodinated rentgencontrastnykh drugs, and these techniques bear a high radial load, which is highly undesirable for patients with pathology of the thyroid gland (TG). During ultrasound examination in the major salivary glands on the echograms is difficult is the interpretation of a rounded hypoechoic lesions, which could be regarded as cyst-like cavity or lymph nodes. With the purpose of increase of efficiency of diagnostics of parenchymatous parotitis in the article the comparative characteristic of the informative value of ultrasound study of large salivary glands at contrast-enhanced saline solution with MSCT-sialography. The survey included 35 patients with pathology of the thyroid, which were divided into two groups investigated: in the first control group consisted of 10 persons, II group consisted of 25 patients with chronic parenchymatous sialadenitis.
TOWARD A NEW URBAN AESTHETICS: MEDIA ARCHITECTURE AS PART OF THE VISUAL ENVIRONMENT The ideas of new urban aesthetics of media objects and the demand for new visual urban forms appeared at the end of the 20th century as a result of the influence of several factors: digital technologies, media development, visualization of culture, mass culture. Currently, architectural media objects are becoming more and more accessible and ubiquitous element of urban space. This increases their ability to influence the urban environment through the use of a wide range of visual and dynamic effects. The article examines the issues of the quality of the new visual language, the aesthetic characteristics of media objects, and their links with the existing architectural environment on the examples of a number of implemented projects, including in Russian cities. The aesthetic qualities of urban copper-media are divided into three broad groups as characteristics of the new visual language: “a-tectonicity”, “light and color”, “fluidity and variability”. The result of the study was the identification of promising trends in the development of media architecture. At present, it becomes possible to see those forms of the urban environment that reflect the new visual aesthetics, the cosmological image of the future city.
Provision of Emergency Medical Assistance and Carrying out of Medical Evacuation in Volgograd Region The work of the department of emergency consultative medical assistance and medical evacuation of the territorial center of disaster medicine of Volgograd region in 2015-2017 is considered. A large number of data characterizing the work of the department have been analyzed: the number of patients who got emergency consultative medical assistance; number of consultations; number of evacuations; the results of field work on health care profiles, etc. The measures to reduce the mortality from major diseases in Volgograd region since February 2015 are considered
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