Welcome to the Zmanda Pro Documentation Let's get started! Narrow down your focus by selecting a topic from the left side, or use the search bar to find something specific. High-level architecture of Zmanda Pro Zmanda Pro includes two key components: Zmanda Pro Server: A cloud-based management server hosted by Zmanda. This provides centralized management and control for your backup and recovery operations. Zmanda Pro Clients: These clients handle data processing and transmission and must be installed on your workloads. The compatibility details specify how the backup client software aligns with various Protected Items. The Zmanda Pro server is offered as a hosted solution where the server infrastructure, updates, and scaling are managed by Zmanda and hosted by a major cloud service provider. Customers will be given credentials to access the Zmanda Pro Console which is used to configure and manage backups. Credentials will be shared via a secure one-time access link. We recommend changing your password and enabling 2FA (FIDO WebAuthn or TOTP) after logging in for the first time. Here are instructions to do so. If you need further support, please reach out to [email protected] for assistance. For sales inquiries, please reach out to [email protected] .
Overview and Concepts Terms and Definitions Admin: A user with elevated privileges who can create additional admins and users, define backup policies, access job history, configure email notifications, and manage backup and restore operations. Backup Users (Users): Accounts used to log into devices with the Zmanda Pro client software installed. These users can be created individually, aligning with specific users and their devices (e.g., creating distinct accounts for each user within a company), or collectively for a group of devices serving a similar function (e.g., establishing a unified account for all MySQL servers). Devices: Systems with the Zmanda Pro client software installed, which can be based on Windows, Linux, or macOS. These devices execute tasks like deduplication, encryption, compression, and data transmission. Each device is associated with a single backup user. Protected Items: Actual sources of data, including filesystems, shares, databases, disk images, VMs, M365, or other relevant sources. Storage Vaults: Storage locations for backed-up data, serving as entities for deduplication and encryption. Vaults can be provisioned from various storage media, including local disks, mounted filesystems, and different cloud storage options. It's important to note that data deduplication does not occur across different Storage Vaults. User Configuration Security & Encryption Encryption is a crucial security measure, and it is strongly advised that users opt for robust passwords to enhance their security. Even the most advanced security protocols can be compromised if users choose weak or commonly used passwords, such as "123456" or "admin." Zmanda Pro prioritizes the security of your data by implementing strong encryption before storage. This involves utilizing a robust encryption method known as AES-256-CTR with Poly1305 in AEAD mode, accompanied by high-entropy random keys. The client automatically handles the generation and management of encryption keys. These keys, responsible for encrypting the data, undergo an additional layer of security by being encrypted with the customer's password before being securely
mode, accompanied by high-entropy random keys. The client automatically handles the generation and management of encryption keys. These keys, responsible for encrypting the data, undergo an additional layer of security by being encrypted with the customer's password before being securely stored on the Zmanda Pro server. This approach ensures that: a. Data remains inaccessible without the user's password. b. In case of a user's PC loss, access to the account and data restoration only require the user's password. Custom Commands Zmanda Pro empowers you to execute specific commands before or after backup jobs, providing exceptional control over your backup process. This customizable feature allows you to fine-tune actions for specific elements: Protected Items: Execute commands tailored to individual items, such as dumping a database before its backup. Storage Vaults: Implement custom commands for storage vaults, like performing unique network authentication procedures. Schedules: Automate actions linked to schedules, enabling tasks like shutting down your computer after a backup. Command Execution Sequence: During a backup job, commands are executed in this precise order: Schedule Before Protected Item Before Storage Vault Before Backup Storage Vault After Protected Item After Schedule After Shell Built-ins for Enhanced Flexibility: Expand your command capabilities by incorporating shell built-ins, ensuring compatibility with your operating system through either cmd.exe or /bin/sh execution. Environment Variables When executing custom before or after commands, the following environment variables are made available: BACKUP_TOOL_USERNAME Type: String BACKUP_TOOL_DEVICE_ID Type: String BACKUP_TOOL_JOB_ID Type: String BACKUP_TOOL_JOB_STATUS Type: Integer Comment: Job status is accessible exclusively within After commands. Zmanda Pro Client Software Device Registration Each Zmanda Pro user is applicable to multiple devices, enabling the deduplication of backups from various devices by directing them to the same Storage Vault. Upon logging in to the Zmanda Pro user account from an additional device, such as a laptop or tablet, you will have a private view of Protected Items but a shared view of Storage
backups from various devices by directing them to the same Storage Vault. Upon logging in to the Zmanda Pro user account from an additional device, such as a laptop or tablet, you will have a private view of Protected Items but a shared view of Storage Vaults. You have the ability to view, edit, and utilize Storage Vaults configured by other devices. However, you do not have the ability to view, edit, or utilize Protected Items configured by other devices. Data restoration is possible from any device's Protected Item, although it is hidden by default. Similarly, you can view job logs from any device, but this is also hidden by default. Backup Approach Zmanda Pro employs a backup strategy by initially dividing data into variable-sized chunks, which are individually compressed, encrypted, and then uploaded. The process utilizes data-dependent chunking, effectively breaking down a file into consistent chunks even in the presence of random inserts. In a backup job, a list of files and the required chunks for their reconstruction are created. Subsequent incremental backup jobs recognize existing chunks on the server, eliminating the need for re-uploading. Key features of this chunking technique include: Both the oldest and most recent backup jobs can be restored at the same speed. Duplicate data doesn't necessitate additional storage due to identical chunks (deduplication). There is no requirement to re-upload the entire file, regardless of the number of backup jobs. The server doesn't need to be trusted to decrypt data. Zmanda Pro Console You can access the Zmanda Pro console by logging in with a user account, allowing you to perform remote backups and restores. Additionally, you can modify settings for Protected Items and Storage Vaults, as well as review job history.
Zmanda Pro Server Configuration The Zmanda Pro server operates on Zmanda-hosted and managed infrastructure, serving to manage, control, and monitor backup jobs from client devices. For a more in-depth understanding of the various components in your Zmanda Pro setup, refer to our Overview and Concepts guide. Follow the steps outlined below to initiate data backups in under 15 minutes! Start your free trial at - Free Trial Form - Zmanda Backup & Disaster Recovery Software | Zmanda .
Initial Security Setup Upon your first login, it's recommended to change your password and enable OTP-based login for enhanced security. If you are using Zmanda Pro during your trial period, we strongly recommend not backing up personal or sensitive information. How to change your password Click on your profile in the top right corner. Select My Account . Choose Change Password and follow the on-screen instructions. How to Enable TOTP (Time-Based One-Time Password) Click on your profile in the top right corner. Select My Account . Toggle on Two-factor Authentication (TOTP) . Follow the instructions on the pop-up to connect your 2FA application to your Zmanda Pro admin account. Click Save > Save Changes . How to Enable FIDO WebAuthn You can use a WebAuthn authenticator as a two-factor authentication method for administrator accounts. Below are the compatible devices and steps to enable this feature: Compatible Authenticators: CTAP1/CTAP2-compatible hardware security keys (e.g., YubiKey). Any U2F-compatible hardware security keys. Android devices using screen lock authentication (e.g., fingerprint or PIN). Windows Hello (e.g., fingerprint, facial recognition, or PIN) on Windows devices with a valid TPM. Note: Apple Face ID and Apple Touch ID are not supported as WebAuthn authenticators. Steps to Enable: Click on your profile in the top right corner. Select My Account . Click the green "+" button in the FIDO2 WebAuthn table. If prompted, select the authenticator you would like to use. If only one authenticator is available on the device you are using, you won't be prompted. Follow the on-screen prompts on your device to allow the Zmanda Server web interface to access and use your authenticator. Close the WebAuthn registration dialog. If the registration succeeded, the newly registered authenticator should be displayed in the WebAuthn table. Toggle WebAuthn two-factor authentication at login from "Not required" to
access and use your authenticator. Close the WebAuthn registration dialog. If the registration succeeded, the newly registered authenticator should be displayed in the WebAuthn table. Toggle WebAuthn two-factor authentication at login from "Not required" to "Required" and click the "Save changes" button.
Step 1: Adding a User In Zmanda Pro, user profiles play a crucial role in encryption and key management, serving as a security boundary. The decryption of backups becomes unattainable without the corresponding user credentials. To ensure maximum security and optimal performance, you should create a unique user for each device that you wish to onboard. We provide bulk-automation scripts that allow you to onboard hundreds of devices at a time. For more information, see the hyperlinked article above, or contact us at The User Profile offers various configurations, including the adjustment of time zone and language settings on the client software, enabling 2FA for end-users, and configuring email reports. How to add a user: Access the Users page either from the Accounts menu or directly from the server s landing page. Click the Add user button, and a pop-up will appear. Fill in the necessary fields as prompted. Upon the successful addition of a new user, you will be automatically redirected to the user's account page.
Step 2: Client Download and Installation After adding a user for each device you wish to onboard, you can download and install the Zmanda Pro client. Zmanda Pro can backup Windows, macOS, and Linux devices. Download and Install the Client Software: Navigate to the Download Client Software section on the Zmanda Pro console. For Windows devices: Select Any CPU under the Windows category to download a zip file containing the Zmanda Pro binaries. Once downloaded, locate the file on your desktop, right-click, and select Extract All . Install the client by double-clicking on the .exe file and following the prompts in the installation wizard. For macOS, Linux, and Synology Devices: The download steps are similar. Navigate to the appropriate section for your operating system, download the required files, and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. Each operating system has specific files tailored to ensure optimal performance and security. Watch our YouTube tutorial for a concise, step-by-step visual guide on installing the Zmanda Pro Client: 1. Zmanda Pro Windows client download 2. Zmanda Pro Linux client download Note: Zmanda Pro supports bulk installation through scripts. For additional information, please contact [email protected] .
Step 3: Client Login After successfully installing the Zmanda Pro Client, proceed to log in using the credentials of the user profile you set up on the Zmanda Pro server. This step is crucial as it links the device with the specified user profile. On the client device, sign into the backup client using the login details assigned to your newly created user. Once logged in, you will be able to manage and monitor the device's status directly through the Zmanda Pro console. For guidance on the login and initial setup, watch from 2:34 in our YouTube tutorial here: Zmanda Pro Windows Client If you are using bulk-automation scripts, this will be done automatically
Step 4: Adding a New Protected Item Once the client is online and logged in to the Zmanda Pro server, you can begin configuring protected items either directly on the client or through the Zmanda Pro console. To create a Protected Item using the Zmanda Pro console, you can log in either as a regular user or as an administrator. Below are the steps to set up a protected item from an admin perspective using the Zmanda Pro console: Access the Users page on the Zmanda Pro console. Click on the user linked to your device. Navigate to the Protected Items tab. Click on Add Protected Item... and choose your device. Select a type for the Protected Item and enter the necessary details such as file paths or database connection credentials. Optionally, configure any pre-scripts or post-scripts, set schedules, and define retention policies. Click Save to finalize the configuration. Watch our YouTube video on how to create a protected item in Zmanda Pro
Step 5: Adding a New Storage Vault Zmanda Pro allows you to store backup data using a variety of storage options, from on-premises servers to S3-compatible cloud services. Here s how to easily set up a new storage vault: Go to the User's account page on the Zmanda Pro console. Navigate to the Storage Vaults tab. Click Add New Vault and choose the type of storage: Storage provided by (...) : Use this option if your system automatically generates storage templates based on your server configuration. Custom... : Select this to manually enter details for a different storage location not covered by the templates. Fill in the required fields for your chosen storage type, and click Save .
Step 6: Initiating a Backup Once you've set up a Protected Item and linked it to a Storage Vault, you re ready to start the backup process. You can initiate backups either directly from the client device or through the Zmanda Pro console. Here s how to run a backup using the Zmanda Pro console: Go to the Users page on the Zmanda Pro console. Select the user associated with the device you want to back up. Under Protected Items , find the item you wish to back up and click Run Backup . In the setup wizard, select the storage vault you want to use and adjust any other settings as necessary. Click Backup to start the backup process. Monitoring and Managing Backups Track Ongoing Jobs : Visit the Job Logs page to see current backup activities. If you need to stop a backup, you can do so by clicking the Cancel button. Multiple Backup Jobs : You have the flexibility to create multiple backup jobs for different devices, each directed to separate storage vaults. This allows tailored backup strategies for various needs.
Step 7: Checking Backup Job Status The Job Logs page in Zmanda Pro provides a comprehensive view of all backup jobs, both past and present, allowing you to track and manage server activities efficiently. To check current and past job statuses, navigate to the Job Logs section found under the Accounts menu. Use the Job Search... button to explore various search options. Select Recent- and incomplete- jobs to display the latest job activities. If needed, refresh the page using the refresh button in the navigation bar to update the results with the most recent data. Enhanced Reporting Options: Exporting Reports : You can export job reports directly from the Job Logs page for record-keeping or further analysis. Email Reports : Configure custom email notifications to be sent out immediately after a job completes or according to a set schedule, keeping you informed of backup statuses without needing to manually check the console. Quick Access to Recent Activities: For a quick overview of a user s recent activities, visit the Recent Activity page, which shows all activities from the past 10 days.
Restarting at boot The installation process involves setting up a script called , which is a set of instructions to start the Zmanda Pro service. If you're using Zmanda Pro on a Linux system labeled as Other Distribution , you can make the service start again by using the script. For Zmanda Pro to automatically start when your computer restarts, you need to make sure that this script runs every time the system boots up. The way you do this can vary depending on the type of Linux system you have. Below are some options you can choose from, depending on what works best for your Linux system. Preserve HOME environment variable: Zmanda Pro relies on the $HOME environment variable for storing credentials. When configuring Zmanda Pro to launch with your system, make sure that $HOME is properly set, for example, to /root/. This means specifying the home directory correctly to ensure smooth operation. If there's an issue, try running: HOME=/root/ /opt/ZmandaPro/ & . Zmanda Pro automatically defaults to /root/ if $HOME is not set or is an empty path. Installation as Root or with 'sudo': Running the .run script as root user might produce outcomes different from those achieved with 'sudo'. When using 'sudo' on Ubuntu, the $HOME environment variable retains the home directory of the current user. In contrast, on Debian, 'sudo' sets $HOME to the home directory of the user who initiated the command. Starting in the Background: When using commands through SSH, keep in mind that the script runs in the foreground and stops when the SSH session closes. To prevent this, use the file to run the script in the background, ensuring it continues even after SSH is closed. Starting at System Boot via rc.local: To initiate Zmanda Pro during system boot, modify the rc.loca l file.
the file to run the script in the background, ensuring it continues even after SSH is closed. Starting at System Boot via rc.local: To initiate Zmanda Pro during system boot, modify the rc.loca l file. Locate the rc.local file based on your system type: For Debian or Ubuntu system: /etc/rc.local For CentOS/RHEL: /etc/rc.d/rc.local Add the following line to the rc.local file: Copy /opt/ZmandaPro/ & If the rc.local file contains an exit 0 statement, ensure that any commands you wish to run during startup are added above that line. If you add commands below exit 0 , they won't execute because the file has already stopped running. On CentOS 7, make the rc.local file executable with: chmod +x on the rc.local file. Using rc.d To enable Zmanda Pro at system boot, add a new file to the rc.d directory. Follow these steps: Locate the rc.d directory on your system, typically found at /usr/local/etc/rc.d for Synology DSM 6.1+. Create a new file with the following contents: Copy #!/bin/bash /opt/ZmandaPro/ Make the file executable using the command: chmod +x /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ Using cron Make Zmanda Pro start at system boot by adding an entry to root's crontab. Here's how: Launch the crontab editor for root using the command: crontab -e -u root Add entry @reboot /opt/ZmandaPro/ Using systemd Use the provided unit file as a basic example to start the Zmanda Pro service during system boot. Copy [Unit] Description=Zmanda Pro Backup Client [Service] Type=simple RemainAfterExit=true KillMode=process User=root
provided unit file as a basic example to start the Zmanda Pro service during system boot. Copy [Unit] Description=Zmanda Pro Backup Client [Service] Type=simple RemainAfterExit=true KillMode=process User=root ExecStart=/opt/ZmandaPro/ [Install] Note: The provided unit file successfully starts the Zmanda Pro service. However, it's essential to note that there are certain limitations in systemd related to Zmanda Pro's multi-process model. Autostart for Graphical Desktop Application For other distribution packages, if the graphical application doesn't auto-configure during desktop login, you can add the following autostart command to your desktop environment's settings. Copy backup-interface --background
Zmanda Pro Installation Zmanda Pro installation for Windows This guide empowers you to install, upgrade, and uninstall the software, ensuring the safety of your data is never compromised. Check out this video tutorial on How to Install Zmanda Pro on Windows Client: Installation: To get started, log in to the admin account and create a new user. Then, switch to the newly created user account. From there, find the download section and grab the client software you need for your Windows system. Make sure to choose the Any CPU option. Once the software is downloaded, find the file and open it to start installing. Just follow the instructions that pop up on your screen. After the installation is finished, open the application and log in using your user account details. Upgrading: Simply download and run the updated installer. The new version will smoothly take over, preserving your configuration and resuming any running backup jobs. Uninstalling: Access control panel: Head to the Apps and Features section within your control panel. Locate Zmanda Pro: Select the software and click Uninstall . Confirm and complete: Follow the on-screen prompts to finalize the uninstallation process. H ardware and software compatibility: Processor: x86 or x86-64 processor (minimum 4 cores/threads) Memory: Minimum: 8 GB, Recommended: 16 GB Operating System: Windows 7 or newer (Client), Windows Server 2008 R2 or newer (Server) Storage: SSD or NVME Drive is recommended Note: Zmanda Pro doesn't use up 8GB of RAM. How much it actually uses depends on what it's doing. If your internet connection has high latency or isn't stable, it's not a good idea to use Zmanda Pro. It can slow down both uploading and downloading. Zmanda Pro installation for macOS This guide simplifies installation, upgrades, and uninstallation, ensuring a smooth experience. I
or isn't stable, it's not a good idea to use Zmanda Pro. It can slow down both uploading and downloading. Zmanda Pro installation for macOS This guide simplifies installation, upgrades, and uninstallation, ensuring a smooth experience. I nstallation: To get started, log in to the admin account and create a new user for your macOS system. Once the user is set up, switch to the newly created user account. Next, navigate to the download section and select the client software designed for macOS. Look for the appropriate download option and initiate the download process. Once the software is downloaded, locate the file in your Downloads folder and double-click to begin the installation. Proceed according to the instructions displayed on your screen to finalize the installation procedure. After installation, launch the application and log in using the credentials associated with the user account. U pgrading: Simply run the downloaded update file. It will safely remove the previous version and install the new one, keeping your configuration intact. Uninstalling: Start the terminal: Open the Terminal program by selecting it from the Applications folder. Run the command: Copy and paste the provided uninstallation command into the Terminal window and press Enter. Copy /sudo -u root "/Applications/Zmanda" You can manually remove the saved credentials prior to uninstallation by running the following command: Copy /Applications/Zmanda login disconnect Observe instructions: Once the uninstallation has been established, wait for the procedure to finish. System requirements: CPU: x86-64 or Apple Silicon processor (minimum 4 cores/threads) RAM: Minimum: 8 GB, Recommended: 16 GB OS: macOS 10.13 "High Sierra" or newer Hard Drive: SSD or NVME Drive recommended Zmanda Pro Installation for Linux Systems This guide provides detailed installation instructions for Zmanda Pro across different Linux distributions and NAS systems. Check out this video tutorial on How
"High Sierra" or newer Hard Drive: SSD or NVME Drive recommended Zmanda Pro Installation for Linux Systems This guide provides detailed installation instructions for Zmanda Pro across different Linux distributions and NAS systems. Check out this video tutorial on How to Install Zmanda Pro on Linux Client: Installing Zmanda Pro on Linux Client ( System Requirements Ensure your systems meet these minimum specifications: CPU : x86 with SSE2, x86-64, or ARM processor, minimum 4 cores/threads Memory : 8 GB minimum, 16 GB recommended Operating System : Various Linux distributions, as specified Storage : SSD or NVME Drive recommended Network : Stable internet connection with at least 1 Mbps download/upload speed Installation on Debian and Ubuntu Standard Installation Download : Download the .deb package from the Zmanda Pro website. Ensure you have sudo or root access to install packages. Installation : Install using the Debian package manager: sudo apt install ./ZmandaPro_Backup-xx.x.x.deb The installer will install the software into a branded /opt/BRANDNAME/ subdirectory. During installation, you'll be prompted to enter the server URL, username, and password to register the device with Zmanda Pro's central management. Managing the Service : Use systemctl to start, stop, and check the status of the Zmanda Pro service: Copy sudo systemctl start zmanda-pro sudo systemctl stop zmanda-pro sudo systemctl status zmanda-pro Silent Installation Debconf Pre-seeding : Pre-seed answers to installation prompts for a non-interactive setup : echo 'zmanda-pro zmanda-pro/server string' | debconf-set-selections sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install zmanda-pro Package Compatibility Upgrading : Install the .deb package over an existing "Other distribution" .run package. The installer will convert settings appropriately. Reinstallation : Installing an older .run package over a newer .deb installation could result in a mixed installation. Safely uninstall the .deb package
.deb package over an existing "Other distribution" .run package. The installer will convert settings appropriately. Reinstallation : Installing an older .run package over a newer .deb installation could result in a mixed installation. Safely uninstall the .deb package first to avoid this. Installation on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and CentOS Installation Process Download : Download the .rpm package from the Zmanda Pro website. Installation : Install using the RPM package manager: sudo rpm -i ZmandaPro_Backup-xx.x.x.rpm Follow the prompts to configure the software. Installation on Synology NAS Installation Steps Preparation : Ensure your Synology NAS is running DSM 6 or later. Download the appropriate SPK file from the Zmanda Pro website. Package Center : Navigate to the Package Center on your Synology dashboard. Select " Manual Install " and upload the SPK file. Setup : If on DSM 6, ensure " Any publisher " is selected under Trust Level. For DSM 7, accept the third-party package prompt. Enter credentials for the Zmanda Pro Server and user. Permissions on DSM 7 User Permissions : Zmanda Pro runs under a package-specific user named backuptool. Grant backuptool access to Shared Folders via the Control Panel to perform backups and restores. Limitations Package User Restrictions : Remote upgrades/uninstalls are not supported. Manual installation of new versions is required. Restore operations may not correctly restore permissions due to user restrictions. Restarting at Boot Startup Scripts : Configure the system to run the at boot using methods like rc.local, systemd, or cron. After Installation Testing : Perform backup and restore tests to ensure the system is configured correctly. Documentation : Maintain documentation of the installation process and configurations for compliance and troubleshooting. Troubleshooting and Support Common Issues : Ensure all dependencies are met, particularly for network and storage configurations. Check the firewall settings that might block Zmanda Pro's operations.
Zmanda Pro user configuration Overview This section explains who can adjust different settings in Zmanda Pro. There are two main roles: administrators and users. Administrators Administrators have more control over Zmanda Pro and can change settings for: User accounts: This includes creating new users, deleting users, and changing user permissions. Protected Items: These are the things you back up, like files or folders. Administrators can decide which items are backed up and where they are stored. Storage Vaults: This is where your backups are stored. Administrators can create new vaults, delete vaults, and choose where they are located. Devices: Devices are the computers or servers that Zmanda Pro backs up. Administrators can add new devices, remove devices, and configure how backups are run on those devices. Policies: Policies are sets of rules that define how backups are run. Administrators can create new policies, edit policies, and assign policies to devices. Users Users can make changes to their own backups. They can adjust settings for: Protected Items: Users can decide which of their files and folders are backed up. Storage Vaults: Users can choose where their backups are stored, though the available options might be limited by administrators. How to Change Settings Both administrators and users can make changes through the Zmanda Pro web interface. This is a website that you access through your web browser. Additionally, users can change their protected item and storage vault settings through the Zmanda Pro client application installed on their computer. In short: Administrators control everything. Users can manage their own backups to a certain extent. The Zmanda Pro web interface is the main place to make changes for both administrators and users. Profile Username This section explains what makes a valid username for Zmanda Pro. Username length: Should be at least 6 characters long. Allowed characters: Lowercase letters (a-z) Uppercase letters (A-Z) Numbers (0-9) Underscore (_) Period (.) At sign
Zmanda Pro. Username length: Should be at least 6 characters long. Allowed characters: Lowercase letters (a-z) Uppercase letters (A-Z) Numbers (0-9) Underscore (_) Period (.) At sign (@) Hyphen (-) Remember: Usernames are case-sensitive, so "John" is different from "john". Password This section dives into password rules and two key privacy settings in Zmanda Pro. Strong Passwords are Key: At least eight characters are required in passwords. There are no restrictions on what characters you can use, including spaces, symbols, and international characters. Make sure your password is complex and unique to keep your account secure. Password Reset by Administrator: This option allows administrators to reset your password if you forget it. This is helpful for account recovery. If privacy is a major concern, you can disable this option. However, a disabled option cannot be turned back on remotely by the administrator. You can check the status of this setting in the Zmanda Pro under Accounts . Remote File Browsing by Administrator: This option allows administrators to remotely control your Zmanda Pro app through the Zmanda Pro Server web interface. This lets them: See filenames from past backups. Browse your files while setting up what gets backed up (Protected Items). Browse your folders when choosing where to restore files. Similar to password reset, you can disable this feature if privacy is a big concern. Disabling prevents remote access, and it cannot be re-enabled remotely by the administrator. Two-factor authentication for end-users This section explains an optional security feature called two-factor authentication (2FA) for Zmanda Pro users. What is 2FA? Think of 2FA as a double lock on your account. It adds an extra step to logging in, making it harder for someone else to access your backups even if they know your password. How does it work in Zmanda Pro? Zmanda Pro uses a method called TOTP (Time-Based One-Time
It adds an extra step to logging in, making it harder for someone else to access your backups even if they know your password. How does it work in Zmanda Pro? Zmanda Pro uses a method called TOTP (Time-Based One-Time Password.). Here's the process: Set it up: You'll enable 2FA through the Zmanda Pro web interface. Only the user, can enable 2FA, not the administrator. Get the code: During setup, you'll use a smartphone app to scan a QR code provided by Zmanda Pro. This links the app to your account and generates unique codes. Enter the code: Whenever you log in to Zmanda Pro, you'll need to enter the code displayed on your smartphone app along with your password. Zmanda Pro's 2FA protects specific actions, not the entire backup process. This means the code won't be required every time a backup runs. Here's what 2FA secures: Adding new devices to your backup. Opening the Zmanda Pro desktop app. Logging in to the Zmanda Pro web interface. While it doesn't cover everything, 2FA adds a valuable layer of security for these important actions. Enabling 2FA is a personal choice. If you're looking for an extra level of protection for your backups, setting up 2FA is a simple and effective way to do it. Language You are free to select the language you wish to use! Available Languages: English (en_USD) Danish (da_DK) German (de_DE) Spanish (s_ES) French (fr_FR) Croatian (hr_HR) Italian (it_IT) Dutch (nl_NL) Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) European Portuguese (pt_PT) Russian (ru_RU) Hebrew (he_IL) Thai (th_TH) Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) Changing Your Language: Look for the language setting, typically located in the top right corner of the interface. Click on the language indicator,
Russian (ru_RU) Hebrew (he_IL) Thai (th_TH) Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) Changing Your Language: Look for the language setting, typically located in the top right corner of the interface. Click on the language indicator, usually displayed as a dropdown menu. Select the language you want to use from the list. We are now at a point where businesses manage vast amounts of data, and the demand for centralized, streamlined systems is higher than ever. And as your company grows, so does your data(often times, exponentially). And with that growth, you need solutions that not only support your expansion but also help reduce costs. That s where Zmanda Pro comes in. Our platform is designed for businesses that need to stay agile and efficient. We provide a single, easy-to-use platform that manages all your data needs. Items Tab: For detailed settings for each Protected Item type, refer to the Protected Item documentation . Managing Schedules Zmanda Pro can automatically run backup jobs on a schedule. It's best to set up regular automated backups. Adding a Schedule: Click the plus button to create a new schedule. General Schedule Options: When it's time for a schedule to run, the backup job will start automatically to the chosen Storage Vault. You can set advanced options like skipping the backup if another is already running, setting a time limit, or limiting the backup speed. Skip if Already Running: Enabling this option allows Zmanda Pro to skip a backup job if another job for the same Protected Item and Storage Vault is already running. This helps prevent overlapping backup processes and ensures smoother operations. Cancel if Still Running After: You can set a time limit for each backup job. If the job exceeds this set limit, Zmanda Pro will automatically cancel the backup. This feature prevents backup jobs from running excessively long, aiding in resource management and maintaining efficient backup schedules. Limit Storage Vault Speed: This option enables you to control the total speed at which Zmanda Pro reads and writes data
Pro will automatically cancel the backup. This feature prevents backup jobs from running excessively long, aiding in resource management and maintaining efficient backup schedules. Limit Storage Vault Speed: This option enables you to control the total speed at which Zmanda Pro reads and writes data to the Storage Vault. By limiting the read/write bandwidth, you can manage network resources more effectively, especially in scenarios with limited bandwidth availability. Limit Backup to Use Only 1 Disk Thread: Zmanda Pro typically utilizes multithreading when reading multiple files from the local disk for backup. However, on some machines, this multithreading can impact system performance. Enabling this option restricts backup operations to a single disk thread, which may alleviate performance issues on certain systems. Prefer Temporary Files Instead of RAM (Slower): This option adjusts the backup process to prioritize using temporary files over RAM, even though it may slow down backup job performance. It can be useful in scenarios where system resources are constrained, and minimizing RAM usage is necessary to maintain system stability. Allow Backup of Zero Files to Succeed: By default, if a backup job completes successfully but includes no files, Zmanda Pro marks the job as an "Error". Enabling this option allows backup jobs with zero files to succeed, which can be handy in specific situations where backups without files are expected. These advanced runtime options provide flexibility and control over your backup operations, allowing you to tailor them to your specific needs while ensuring efficient and reliable data protection. Schedule Times: You can choose when the schedule runs. You can set up multiple times for the same schedule. Available Schedule Frequencies: Hourly: Runs every hour at a specified minute. Daily: Runs every day at a chosen time (in 24-hour format). Weekly: Runs every week on selected days and times. Monthly: Runs every month. Once only: Runs just once at a specific date and time. Periodic: Runs regularly, with an offset option to stagger multiple devices. Event-Based Schedule Frequencies: When PC
every week on selected days and times. Monthly: Runs every month. Once only: Runs just once at a specific date and time. Periodic: Runs regularly, with an offset option to stagger multiple devices. Event-Based Schedule Frequencies: When PC starts: Starts when the PC boots up. If the last job was Missed: Runs when a missed backup job needs catching up. Random Job Delay: Adds a random delay to scheduled backup jobs to spread out CPU load. Commands (Schedule): You can set up commands to run before or after a schedule runs, similar to commands for Protected Items or Storage Vaults. Retention Retention determines what data to retain, for how long, and when to remove it to free up space. Retention (Protected Item): Set up retention rules for a specific Protected Item backed up to a Storage Vault. Default rules apply if no specific policy is set. Retention (Storage Vault): Default rules govern all data stored in a Storage Vault unless a Protected Item has its own rules. If a Protected Item has no rules, it adheres to the Storage Vault's rules. Retention Pass: Cleans up data from the Storage Vault based on retention policies. Automatic and manual retention passes are available. Automatic Retention Passes: Runs automatically after each backup job or according to a predetermined schedule. Rules vary depending on device type, uptime, and configuration. Manual Retention Passes: Can be initiated manually from the Zmanda Pro Backup application or Zmanda Pro Server web interface. Raises an error if the job fails to execute. Preferences: Configure retention rules for a Storage Vault or a specific Protected Item/Storage Vault pair. Rules for the pair override rules for the Storage Vault alone. Retention Policies: Two types of policies: keeping all data forever or specifying retention ranges. Ranges include options like retaining a specific number of backups or backups within a specified timeframe. Understanding Retention Ranges Retention ranges define the duration or number of backup jobs that should be preserved within
policies: keeping all data forever or specifying retention ranges. Ranges include options like retaining a specific number of backups or backups within a specified timeframe. Understanding Retention Ranges Retention ranges define the duration or number of backup jobs that should be preserved within your backup system. Each range offers unique parameters and functionalities tailored to your data retention needs. Available Retention Ranges: Last [...] Backups: Parameters: Specify a number of backups to retain. Description: Keeps the most recent X backup jobs, ensuring a defined history of recent data backups. Last [...] Backups, at Most One per Day: Parameters: Specify a number of backups to retain. Description: Retains the most recent backup job for each day, up to a maximum of X backups. This ensures that only the latest backup for each day is preserved. Last [...] Backups, at Most One per Week: Parameters: Specify a number of backups to retain. Description: Similar to the daily retention, but retains one backup per week for each day, up to a maximum of X backups. This ensures a weekly snapshot of data. Last [...] Backups, at Most One per Month: Parameters: Specify a number of backups to retain. Description: Retains one backup per month for each day, up to a maximum of X backups. This provides a monthly snapshot of data. All Backups in the Last [...]: Parameters: Specify a number of days, weeks, and/or months. Description: Preserves all backup jobs that occurred within the specified range, ensuring comprehensive coverage of recent data backups. All Backups Newer Than a Specific Date: Parameters: Specify a specific date. Description: Retains all backup jobs that occurred after the specified date, allowing for precise control over the retention of recent data backups. One Backup Each Day, for the Last [...] Days: Parameters: Specify a number of days. Description: Retains the first backup job from each of the most recent days, ensuring a daily snapshot of data over a defined period.
recent data backups. One Backup Each Day, for the Last [...] Days: Parameters: Specify a number of days. Description: Retains the first backup job from each of the most recent days, ensuring a daily snapshot of data over a defined period. One Backup Each Week, for the Last [...] Weeks: Parameters: Specify a number of weeks and a day of the week. Description: Retains the first backup job that occurred on the specified day of the week for each of the most recent weeks, providing a weekly snapshot of data. One Backup Each Month, for the Last [...] Months: Parameters: Specify a number of months and a calendar date. Description: Retains the first backup job that occurred on the specified calendar date for each of the most recent months, ensuring a monthly snapshot of data. These retention ranges offer flexibility and customization options to meet your specific data retention requirements, providing granular control over the preservation of backup data. Storage Vaults General Tab: The General tab allows you to name the Storage Vault. It's advisable to choose a name that reflects the content or purpose of the vault, especially if you have multiple vaults. Additionally, you can configure a retention policy here. This policy determines how long data is kept within the vault. Quota (Storage Vault) Tab: In this section, administrators can set a quota limit for the Storage Vault. This restricts the total amount of data that can be stored. Quotas can be set individually for each Storage Vault. For example, you might limit data on a costly network storage account while allowing unlimited storage on a local hard drive. During a backup job, the system measures the total size of the Storage Vault and compares it against the quota. If the limit is reached, the backup job will stop and emit an error. After a Quota has been Exceeded: If a backup job fails due to reaching the quota, the uploaded data chunks remain in the vault. You have two options: Increase the Storage Vault quota and retry the
job will stop and emit an error. After a Quota has been Exceeded: If a backup job fails due to reaching the quota, the uploaded data chunks remain in the vault. You have two options: Increase the Storage Vault quota and retry the backup. This reuses existing chunks, speeding up the backup. Use the "Apply retention rules now" feature to clear unused chunks, reducing the vault's size for future backups. Neither action is automatic; you must decide based on the situation. Storage Tab: Here, you can specify the storage location for the Storage Vault. Options include local disks, network accounts, and cloud storage providers. Commands: The Commands feature allows executing actions on the Storage Vault, similar to Protected Items or Schedules. It's detailed in the Overview and Concepts section. Encryption: Zmanda Pro automatically encrypts all Storage Vaults for security. This encryption is non-customizable. Encryption is initialized upon first use, and details about initialization are recorded in the user account profile. Encryption keys are stored within the Storage Vault settings, ensuring data security. Devices User accounts can be logged in from multiple devices. Each device has its own private Protected Items but shares Storage Vaults. Administrators can revoke devices from accounts and rename them. Limitations can be set on the total number of devices in an account. Policies Administrators can impose additional restrictions on user accounts using Policies in the Zmanda Pro web interface.
Storage configuration Local path: When you choose the local path option in Zmanda Pro, it means your data will be stored right on your computer's hard drive. How to set it up: You need to specify the location on your computer where you want your data to be stored. Things to know: Zmanda doesn t restrict the number of times you can access your stored data simultaneously, so you can access it whenever you need. If you re using Windows, be aware that some versions have a limit on how long your file paths can be. However, if your storage path is on a network drive, keep in mind any restrictions on both the mapped drive and its source drive. Virtual storage locations On top of physical storage locations (like local disks, SFTP servers, or Amazon S3), Zmanda Pro offers virtual storage locations that might combine aspects of both for extra features. Using cloud storage with Zmanda Pro Supported cloud storage providers: Zmanda Pro supports any storage provider compatible with S3. Configuring cloud storage: You can set it up on the Zmanda Pro Server or directly on the Zmanda Pro Backup client. Configuring it on the server is recommended for better performance. Direct-to-cloud method: Backup data goes straight from the client to the cloud storage provider. Cloud storage credentials are visible in the Zmanda Pro Backup client (although somewhat hidden). You can use this method with Storage Templates (define cloud provider details once) and custom Storage Vaults (unique credentials per user). Available storage locations Local Path: Stores data on your local filesystem. Zmanda Pro Server Storage Role Bucket: This option appears under a different name in the Zmanda Pro Backup client. The Zmanda Pro Server includes a "Storage Role" microservice that allows creating buckets with secret keys for storing and retrieving data. You cannot use another Storage Role Bucket as a storage location. SFTP: Stores data on an SFTP server (like OpenSSH). SFTP stands for Secure File Transfer Protocol, a secure way to
buckets with secret keys for storing and retrieving data. You cannot use another Storage Role Bucket as a storage location. SFTP: Stores data on an SFTP server (like OpenSSH). SFTP stands for Secure File Transfer Protocol, a secure way to transfer files over a network. What You'll Need: SFTP Server Details: Address: The hostname or IP address of your SFTP server. You can optionally specify the port number after a colon (":"). The default port is 22. Username: The username for your SFTP account. Remote Path (Optional): A specific folder on the SFTP server where you want to store your backups. If left blank, backups will be saved in your SFTP user's home directory. Authentication Details: Authentication Type: Choose how you want to connect to the SFTP server. Options include: Native: Uses your system's existing OpenSSH configuration for login. Password: Enter the password for your SFTP account. Private Key: Provide your SFTP account's unencrypted private key in OpenSSH format. Verification: Select how to verify the SFTP server's identity for security reasons. Options include: Native: Uses your system's OpenSSH configuration for verification. Allow Any Host Key (Not Recommended): Skips verification (insecure, not recommended). Custom Path to Known Hosts File: Specify a local file that stores trusted SFTP server keys. Creating the SFTP Backup Configuration Log in to the Zmanda Pro tenant admin console. Navigate to the section for configuring backup destinations . Choose "SFTP" as the destination type. Enter the required SFTP server details mentioned earlier (Address, Username, Remote Path). Select the desired authentication type (Native, Password, or Private Key) and provide the necessary credentials. Choose the verification method for the SFTP server (Native, Allow Any Host Key, or Custom Path). Save the configuration. FTP: Stores data on an FTP server (like FileZilla Server or ProFTPd). It's important to
credentials. Choose the verification method for the SFTP server (Native, Allow Any Host Key, or Custom Path). Save the configuration. FTP: Stores data on an FTP server (like FileZilla Server or ProFTPd). It's important to note that FTP has security weaknesses and is considered a less secure option. If possible, using SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) or a local network share (SMB or NFS) is recommended for better performance and security. What You'll Need: FTP Server Details: Address: The hostname or IP address of your FTP server. You can optionally specify the port number after a colon (":"). The default port is 21. Username: The username for your FTP account. Password: The password for your FTP account. Optional Settings: Use Default Directory: Choose whether to store backups in your FTP user's home directory (default) or a custom location. Custom Directory (if applicable): Specify a specific folder on the FTP server to store backups (only needed if not using the default directory). Connections: Set the number of simultaneous backup connections to the FTP server (default is 5). Accept Invalid SSL (Not Recommended): This option is for advanced users only and should generally be avoided for security reasons. It allows connecting to FTP servers with untrusted security certificates (not recommended). Creating the FTP Backup Configuration Log in to the Zmanda Pro tenant admin console. Navigate to the section for configuring backup destinations . Choose "FTP" as the destination type. Enter the required FTP server details (Address, Username, Password). Decide where to store backups: Select "Use Default Directory" to use your FTP user's home directory (default). If you prefer a specific location, choose "Custom Directory" and provide the folder path on the server. Adjust the number of connections if needed (default is 5). Leave "Accept Invalid SSL" unchecked for security reasons (unless instructed otherwise). Save the configuration. Amazon S3: Backing Up to Regular Amazon S3
folder path on the server. Adjust the number of connections if needed (default is 5). Leave "Accept Invalid SSL" unchecked for security reasons (unless instructed otherwise). Save the configuration. Amazon S3: Backing Up to Regular Amazon S3 Requirements: An Amazon S3 account with appropriate permissions. The globally unique name of the bucket you want to store backups in. Configuration Steps: Log in to the Zmanda Pro tenant admin console. Navigate to the section for configuring backup destinations. Choose "Amazon S3" as the destination type. Enter your Amazon S3 access key and secret key. Specify the name of the S3 bucket where you want to store backups. (Optional) Add a subdirectory within the bucket to organize your backups separately (useful if sharing the bucket with other applications). Save the configuration. Backing Up to Amazon S3 China (Special Case) Use this section only if you have an Amazon S3 account specifically for the China region. Requirements: An Amazon S3 account for the China region with appropriate permissions. The globally unique name of the bucket you want to store backups in (can be the same name used in a different region for China S3). The specific endpoint for accessing Amazon S3 China (e.g., region). Configuration Steps: Log in to the Zmanda Pro tenant admin console. Navigate to the section for configuring backup destinations. Choose "Amazon S3 China" as the destination type. Enter the endpoint for your China S3 region. Enter your Amazon S3 China access key and secret key. Specify the name of the S3 bucket where you want to store backups. (Optional) Add a subdirectory within the bucket to organize your backups separately. Save the configuration. Google Cloud Storage: Configuration Steps: Log in to the Zmanda Pro tenant admin console. Navigate to the section for configuring backup destinations. Choose "Google Cloud Storage" as the destination type. Obtain your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) credentials: Go to the Google Cloud
Configuration Steps: Log in to the Zmanda Pro tenant admin console. Navigate to the section for configuring backup destinations. Choose "Google Cloud Storage" as the destination type. Obtain your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) credentials: Go to the Google Cloud Platform web interface. Locate the "Interoperability" section and retrieve your access key and secret key. Enter your GCP access key and secret key in the Zmanda Pro configuration. Specify the name of the GCS bucket where you want to store backups. (Optional) Add a subdirectory within the bucket to organize your backups separately (useful if sharing the bucket with other applications). Save the configuration. S3-compatible: What is S3-Compatible Storage? Amazon S3 is a popular cloud storage service and its object storage protocol has become widely adopted by other providers. This means you can use Zmanda Pro to back up your data to a variety of cloud storage solutions besides Amazon S3 itself. Benefits of S3-Compatible Storage: Flexibility: Choose from a variety of cloud storage providers to fit your needs and budget. Scalability: Easily store large amounts of data and grow as your needs increase. Durability: Most S3-compatible storage offers high data durability, ensuring your backups are safe and retrievable. Security: Look for S3-compatible storage providers that offer robust security features to protect your sensitive data. Configuration Steps: Choose an S3-compatible storage provider: Refer to the "Cloud Storage Providers" document for a list of compatible options. Gather your credentials: Obtain the access key, secret key, and any other necessary details from your chosen S3-compatible storage provider. Log in to the Zmanda Pro tenant admin console. Navigate to the section for configuring backup destinations. Choose "S3-compatible" as the destination type. Enter the hostname of your S3-compatible storage server. (Optional) If your provider uses a custom region, specify it here. Enter your access key and secret key for the S3-compatible storage account. Specify
as the destination type. Enter the hostname of your S3-compatible storage server. (Optional) If your provider uses a custom region, specify it here. Enter your access key and secret key for the S3-compatible storage account. Specify the bucket where you want to store your backups. (Optional) Add a subdirectory within the bucket to organize your backups separately. Select whether to use HTTPS for encrypted transmission (recommended). Save the configuration. Wasabi: While Zmanda Pro allows connecting to Wasabi using the generic "S3-compatible" storage type, a dedicated Wasabi option is available for potentially better compatibility. Here's how to configure both methods: Using the Dedicated Wasabi Option: Log in to the Zmanda Pro tenant admin console. Navigate to the section for configuring backup destinations. Choose "Wasabi Cloud Storage" as the destination type. Obtain your Wasabi Cloud Storage access key and secret key. You can find these under the hamburger menu button (top left) and then clicking on "Access Keys." Enter your Wasabi access key and secret key in the Zmanda Pro configuration. Specify the name of the bucket where you want to store your backups. (Optional) Add a subdirectory within the bucket to organize your backups separately. Save the configuration. Using the S3-Compatible Option: Follow steps 1-3 from the dedicated Wasabi option instructions above. Choose "S3-compatible" as the destination type. Enter the hostname of your Wasabi Cloud Storage server (refer to Wasabi documentation for details). (Optional) If Wasabi uses a custom region, specify it here. Enter your Wasabi access key and secret key. Follow steps 6-8 from the dedicated Wasabi option instructions above. Wasabi and Immutability/Anti-Ransomware While Zmanda Pro itself cannot prevent unauthorized access using your Wasabi credentials, Wasabi offers features to enhance backup security: Object Locking: Zmanda Pro supports Wasabi's object locking functionality. Bucket Versioning:
While Zmanda Pro itself cannot prevent unauthorized access using your Wasabi credentials, Wasabi offers features to enhance backup security: Object Locking: Zmanda Pro supports Wasabi's object locking functionality. Bucket Versioning: Zmanda Pro works with Wasabi's bucket versioning feature. Here's what to consider: Benefits: Even if a file is deleted (intentionally or maliciously), it can be recovered from previous versions. Considerations: Wasabi charges for storing deleted versions. Recovering deleted files requires additional steps (e.g., removing tombstone versions). To manage storage costs, Wasabi recommends periodically deleting old versions (lifecycle policies). Zmanda Pro's retention policy applies on top of Wasabi's versioning. Permissions and Security Storage Template Feature: If you use Zmanda Pro's Storage Template feature to create access keys, they will have limited permissions, allowing only "tombstoning" files (marking them for deletion) instead of permanently removing them. Root Wasabi Key: The root Wasabi key has full permissions, so avoid using it for backups unless strictly necessary. Custom IAM Policy: If using a custom IAM policy, ensure it restricts deleting entire version stacks. Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage: Backblaze B2 uses Application Keys for access control. You can configure Zmanda Pro to use either the Master Application Key or a per-bucket Application Key. Using the Master Application Key: Log in to the Zmanda Pro tenant admin console. Navigate to the section for configuring backup destinations. Choose "Backblaze B2" as the destination type. Enter your Backblaze B2 Account ID. Enter your Master Application Key. Specify the name of the bucket where you want to store your backups. (Optional) Add a subdirectory within the bucket to organize your backups separately. Select whether to hide deleted files instead of permanently removing them (more on this later). Save the configuration. Using a Per-Bucket Application Key: Follow steps
your backups. (Optional) Add a subdirectory within the bucket to organize your backups separately. Select whether to hide deleted files instead of permanently removing them (more on this later). Save the configuration. Using a Per-Bucket Application Key: Follow steps 1-3 from the Master Application Key instructions above. Enter the Application Key ID for the specific bucket you want to use. Enter the Application Key for the chosen bucket. Complete steps 6-9 from the Master Application Key instructions above. Alternative Connectivity: Zmanda Pro also allows connecting to Backblaze B2 via the "S3-compatible" storage type if you use an S3-to-B2 gateway server like Minio. Hiding Deleted Files Backblaze B2 allows hiding files instead of deleting them. This feature can be beneficial for: Ransomware Protection: Even if compromised, a key without the "deleteFiles" permission cannot remove hidden files. Version Control: Hidden files can be recovered later if needed. Important Considerations: Lifecycle Rules: To prevent unlimited storage usage, set up Backblaze B2 lifecycle rules to automatically remove hidden files after a specific period. Key Permissions: When using "hide files," ensure your key doesn't have the "deleteFiles" permission. Storage Templates automatically generate such keys. Backblaze Fireball Backblaze Fireball is a physical storage device. Here's how to configure Zmanda Pro for a Fireball backup: Connect the Fireball to your network and enable SFTP. In Zmanda Pro client, go to "Account" tab and select "Add Storage Vault." Choose "Custom" and create a name for the vault. In the "Storage" tab, select "SFTP" as the option. Enter the Fireball's address, path, username, and password. Back up your data to the Fireball. Follow Backblaze's instructions to ship the Fireball to their data center. Update the storage vault details to point to the corresponding Backblaze
Fireball's address, path, username, and password. Back up your data to the Fireball. Follow Backblaze's instructions to ship the Fireball to their data center. Update the storage vault details to point to the corresponding Backblaze B2 bucket for future backups. Azure Blob Storage: Connecting to Azure Blob Storage: Navigate to the section for configuring backup destinations. Choose "Azure Blob Storage" as the destination type. Enter the Realm Address (usually Use a scheme-qualified URI (e.g., https://) to enable TLS encryption. Enter your Azure Blob Storage account name. Enter your account key. Specify the container where you want to store your backups. (Optional) Add a subdirectory within the container to organize your backups separately. Save the configuration. Using Third-Party Storage: Zmanda Pro can connect to compatible third-party storage services using the Azure Blob Storage API. In the "Realm Address" field, enter the custom URL provided by your third-party storage provider. Alternative Connectivity: You can also access Azure Blob Storage using the "S3-compatible" storage type if you use an S3-to-Azure gateway server like Minio. Filebase: Using the Dedicated Filebase Option (Recommended): Log in to the Zmanda Pro tenant admin console. Navigate to the section for configuring backup destinations. Choose "Filebase Cloud Storage" as the destination type. Obtain your Filebase Cloud Storage access credentials: Access Key and Secret Key. You can find these by clicking on "Access Keys" on the left-hand side of the Filebase web interface. Enter your Filebase Access Key and Secret Key in the Zmanda Pro configuration. Specify the name of the bucket where you want to store your backups. (Optional) Add a subdirectory within the bucket to organize your backups separately. Click "Test Connection" to verify successful communication with Filebase. Save the configuration. Idrive e2: There are three ways to connect Zmanda Pro to IDrive
(Optional) Add a subdirectory within the bucket to organize your backups separately. Click "Test Connection" to verify successful communication with Filebase. Save the configuration. Idrive e2: There are three ways to connect Zmanda Pro to IDrive e2: Using the Dedicated IDrive e2 Option (Recommended): Log in to the Zmanda Pro tenant admin console. Navigate to the section for configuring backup destinations. Choose "IDrive e2 Cloud Storage" as the destination type. Obtain your IDrive e2 access credentials: Access Key ID and Secret Access Key. You can find these by navigating to "Access Keys" on the left-hand side of the IDrive e2 web interface and clicking "Create Access Key." Enter your IDrive e2 Access Key ID and Secret Access Key in the Zmanda Pro configuration. Specify the name of the bucket where you want to store your backups. (Optional) Add a subdirectory within the bucket to organize your backups separately. Click "Test Connection" to verify successful communication with IDrive e2. Save the configuration. Using IDrive e2 as a Storage Template: Zmanda Pro allows you to configure IDrive e2 as a storage template. This creates separate credentials and a private bucket for each storage vault using this template within your IDrive e2 account. Here's what you need: Access Key ID: An access key with at least write access across all buckets in your IDrive e2 account. Secret Access Key: The secret access key associated with the access key ID. Using IDrive e2 with Constellation Remote Server (Optional): Note: This is an advanced configuration and might not be necessary for typical backups. The IDrive e2 credentials entered for Constellation, a Zmanda Pro component, are used to clean up unused buckets and access keys associated with your storage vaults. To avoid accidental deletion of buckets used by Zmanda Pro itself, it's recommended to have separate IDrive e2 accounts: One account for your
Pro component, are used to clean up unused buckets and access keys associated with your storage vaults. To avoid accidental deletion of buckets used by Zmanda Pro itself, it's recommended to have separate IDrive e2 accounts: One account for your user buckets (where backups reside). Another account for the Constellation storage role (used for cleanup). Impossible Cloud: Since Impossible Cloud is fully S3-compatible, configuration within Zmanda Pro is straightforward: Log in to the Zmanda Pro tenant admin console. Navigate to the section for configuring backup destinations. Choose "S3-compatible" as the destination type. Obtain your access credentials from the Impossible Cloud console: Navigate to the 'Keys' section within Impossible Cloud. Refer to the Impossible Cloud documentation for detailed guidance on managing access keys. Enter your Access Key and Secret Key in the Zmanda Pro configuration. Specify the name of the bucket where you want to store your backups. (Optional) Add a folder within the bucket to organize your backups separately. Click "Test Connection" to verify successful communication with Impossible Cloud. Save the configuration. Storj DCS: Storj DCS provides a unique approach to cloud storage: a decentralized network of independent storage nodes. Zmanda Pro offers two ways to connect to Storj DCS: Using the Native Storj API (Recommended): Log in to the Zmanda Pro tenant admin console. Navigate to the section for configuring backup destinations. Choose "Storj DCS" as the destination type. Obtain your Storj DCS credentials: Satellite: Choose a Storj DCS satellite node. The satellite region is usually shown in the login prompt of the Storj website. API Key: Generate an API key by navigating to "Access" on the left-hand side menu of the Storj DCS web interface and clicking "Create Keys for CLI" on the right. Password: Set a password for the bucket you'll use. Bucket: Specify the bucket name where you want to
on the left-hand side menu of the Storj DCS web interface and clicking "Create Keys for CLI" on the right. Password: Set a password for the bucket you'll use. Bucket: Specify the bucket name where you want to store your backups. Enter your Storj DCS credentials in the Zmanda Pro configuration. (Optional) Add a prefix within the bucket to organize your backups. This allows multiple users to store data in the same bucket with distinct prefixes. Click "Test Connection" to verify successful communication with Storj DCS. Save the configuration. Using Storj DCS as a Storage Template: Zmanda Pro allows you to configure Storj DCS as a storage template. This creates separate storage vaults with system-generated prefixes within a single bucket for each vault using this template. Here's what you need: Satellite: Choose a Storj DCS satellite node. API Key: An API key with access permissions to create buckets. Bucket Name: The base name for the buckets that will be created (Zmanda Pro will append a unique prefix to each). Password: A password used for all bucket prefixes created from this template. Using S3-Compatible Storage (Alternative): While Zmanda Pro offers the option to use Storj DCS via the S3-compatible storage type, the native Storj DCS API method (option 1) is recommended for potentially better compatibility and performance. Storadera: There are two ways to connect Zmanda Pro to Storadera: Using the Dedicated Storadera Option (Recommended): Log in to the Zmanda Pro tenant admin console. Navigate to the section for configuring backup destinations. Choose "Storadera Cloud Storage" as the destination type. Obtain your Storadera access credentials: Navigate to the "Keys" section on the top menu of the Storadera web interface. Click "Create" to generate a new access key and secret key pair. Enter your Storadera Access Key ID
Obtain your Storadera access credentials: Navigate to the "Keys" section on the top menu of the Storadera web interface. Click "Create" to generate a new access key and secret key pair. Enter your Storadera Access Key ID and Secret Access Key in the Zmanda Pro configuration. Specify the name of the bucket where you want to store your backups. (Optional) Add a subdirectory within the bucket to organize your backups separately. Click "Test Connection" to verify successful communication with Storadera. Save the configuration. Using the S3-Compatible Option: While Zmanda Pro offers the "S3-compatible" storage type, using the dedicated Storadera option is recommended for potentially better compatibility and performance. However, if you prefer the S3-compatible approach, follow these steps: Follow steps 1-3 from the dedicated Storadera option instructions above. Choose "S3-compatible" as the destination type. Enter the hostname of your Storadera Cloud Storage server (refer to Storadera documentation for details). (Optional) If Storadera uses a custom region, specify it here. Enter your Storadera Access Key ID and Secret Access Key obtained in step 4 of the dedicated Storadera option. Follow steps 6-9 from the dedicated Storadera option instructions above. Digital Ocean Spaces: Using the Dedicated DigitalOcean Spaces Option (Recommended): Log in to the Zmanda Pro tenant admin console. Navigate to the section for configuring backup destinations. Choose "DigitalOcean Spaces" as the destination type. Obtain your DigitalOcean Spaces credentials: Navigate to the "API" section on the left menu of the DigitalOcean web interface. Click on "Generate New Key" within the "Space Access Keys" section. Enter your DigitalOcean Spaces Access Key and Secret Key in the Zmanda Pro configuration. Specify the name of the bucket where you want to store your backups. (Optional) Add a subdirectory within the bucket to organize your backups separately. Click
section. Enter your DigitalOcean Spaces Access Key and Secret Key in the Zmanda Pro configuration. Specify the name of the bucket where you want to store your backups. (Optional) Add a subdirectory within the bucket to organize your backups separately. Click "Test Connection" to verify successful communication with DigitalOcean Spaces. Save the configuration. Catalyst Cloud Object Storage: Catalyst Cloud Object Storage Regions: New Zealand Hamilton Region New Zealand Porirua Region New Zealand Wellington Region Configuring Catalyst Cloud Object Storage Backup with Zmanda Pro Using the Dedicated Catalyst Cloud Option (Recommended): Log in to the Zmanda Pro tenant admin console. Navigate to the section for configuring backup destinations. Choose "Catalyst Cloud Object Storage" as the destination type. Obtain your Catalyst Cloud credentials: Navigate to the "API Access" section on the left menu of the Catalyst Cloud web interface. Click on "Create EC2 Credentials" to generate a new access key and secret key pair. Enter your Catalyst Cloud Access Key (EC2 Access Key) and Secret Key (EC2 Secret Key) in the Zmanda Pro configuration. Specify the name of the bucket where you want to store your backups. (Optional) Add a subdirectory within the bucket to organize your backups separately. Select the desired region from the available options (New Zealand Hamilton, Porirua, or Wellington). Click "Test Connection" to verify successful communication with Catalyst Cloud. 1 0. Save the configuration. OpenStack Swift: OpenStack offers three Identity API versions for authentication: v1 (Basic): This is the earliest and simplest method, available from all OpenStack providers. v2 (Tenants): Introduced isolation between users with the concept of "Tenants." v3 (Domains and Projects): The latest version adds another layer of isolation with "Domains" and renames "Tenants" to "Projects." Zmanda Pro automatically detects the API version based on the provided "Auth Endpoint" URL. It's recommended to use the highest supported version
The latest version adds another layer of isolation with "Domains" and renames "Tenants" to "Projects." Zmanda Pro automatically detects the API version based on the provided "Auth Endpoint" URL. It's recommended to use the highest supported version (v3) for enhanced security. Configuration: Log in to the Zmanda Pro tenant admin console. Navigate to the section for configuring backup destinations. Choose "OpenStack Swift" as the destination type. Obtain your OpenStack Swift credentials: Auth Endpoint URL: The URL for the OpenStack authentication server, including protocol (http:// or https://). This URL typically ends in "v1.0," "v2.0," or a similar version indicator. Username: Your OpenStack account username. API Key: The API key associated with your user account. Enter the required credentials in the Zmanda Pro configuration. Container: Specify the container name where you want to store your backups. Zmanda Pro will create it if it doesn't exist. (Optional) Subdirectory: Add a subdirectory within the container to organize your backups. Optional Fields (v2/v3): Domain Name: (v3 only) Specify your domain name if it differs from the user domain. Region: (v2/v3) Specify the region to use (e.g., "LON" or "ORD"). Zmanda Pro might automatically select a region if not provided. Tenant Name/ID: (v2/v3) Enter the name or ID of the tenant/project where your backups will reside. Tenant Domain: (v3 only) Specify the tenant/project's domain name if it differs from the user domain. Trust ID: (v3 only) Provide the trust ID if using trust-based authentication. (Optional) Container Policy: Set a policy for the container creation (if it doesn't exist) to define access permissions. Click "Test Connection" to verify successful communication with OpenStack Swift. Save the configuration. WebDAV: Log in to
(Optional) Container Policy: Set a policy for the container creation (if it doesn't exist) to define access permissions. Click "Test Connection" to verify successful communication with OpenStack Swift. Save the configuration. WebDAV: Log in to the Zmanda Pro tenant admin console. Navigate to the section for configuring backup destinations. Choose "WebDAV" as the destination type. Obtain your WebDAV server credentials: Hostname: The URL of your WebDAV server, including protocol (http:// or https://) and any custom port number (if applicable). Username: The username for logging in to your WebDAV server. Password: The password associated with your WebDAV server username. Enter the credentials in the Zmanda Pro configuration. (Optional) Path: Specify a subdirectory path within the WebDAV server where you want to store your backups. This helps organize your backups on the server. Click "Test Connection" to verify successful communication with the WebDAV server. Save the configuration. Security Considerations: WebDAV authentication typically uses basic username and password credentials. Consider implementing additional security measures on your WebDAV server, such as SSL/TLS encryption for secure data transfer. Refer to your WebDAV server's documentation for recommended security practices. Spanned: File Placement Strategies- Zmanda Pro offers two file placement strategies to determine where new data gets stored within the Spanned pool: Default (Automatic): Zmanda Pro intelligently distributes new data across all locations for balanced storage and performance. It considers factors like free space, keeping drives busy, and minimizing overhead. Initially, with ample free space everywhere, data is spread evenly across all locations for optimal performance. As a location fills up, Zmanda Pro prioritizes writing to locations with the most free space to maximize remaining storage. Cloud storage is generally preferred when spanning between local disks and cloud providers due to difficulty determining cloud storage availability. You can add new spanned drives anytime to increase capacity.
Pro prioritizes writing to locations with the most free space to maximize remaining storage. Cloud storage is generally preferred when spanning between local disks and cloud providers due to difficulty determining cloud storage availability. You can add new spanned drives anytime to increase capacity. Overhead: Low (minimal overhead when checking location space) Static Locations: This strategy places files in specific locations based on their filename hash, like a unique fingerprint. Zmanda Pro can instantly locate any file by its name, potentially improving access speed. Limitations: Only applicable for entirely new Spanned locations. Adding or reordering existing storage targets is not recommended. All targets should have roughly similar free space for optimal performance. Overhead: None (ideal for performance if restrictions are met) Using Spanned Storage with Zmanda Pro Server: You can configure your Zmanda Pro Server to virtually offer data hosted on remote servers (e.g., Amazon S3) using Spanned storage. Cloud Failover with Spanned Storage: For optimal performance, set up a Spanned location with local storage initially. When local space is exhausted, Zmanda Pro can automatically expand to cloud storage (requires Default placement strategy). Important Considerations: Each underlying storage location (e.g., individual drives) retains its own connection limits. Spanned locations don't have additional limits. Spanned locations don't actively rebalance data between locations. However, some passive rebalancing occurs during data retention processes and when writing new data. With the Default strategy, you can manually rebalance storage locations by moving files between them while your Zmanda Pro Server is running. Rebalancing is not possible with the Static Locations strategy. Expanding Storage with Spanned Locations: To increase storage capacity, simply add a new spanned target (storage location). Example: Adding a New Hard Drive Imagine your Zmanda Pro Server has almost-full storage on drive "D:". You've attached a new hard drive named "E:". Here's how to expand storage using Spanned locations: Go to Zmanda
location). Example: Adding a New Hard Drive Imagine your Zmanda Pro Server has almost-full storage on drive "D:". You've attached a new hard drive named "E:". Here's how to expand storage using Spanned locations: Go to Zmanda Pro Server Settings > Storage Role > Locations. Under "Choose where data will be stored," you'll see the current storage type and location (e.g., Local Path, D:). Change the storage type from "Local Path" to "Spanned." Add two Span Targets: The existing location (Local Path, D:). The new hard drive location (Local Path, E:). Keep the File Placement Strategy as "Default" (if data already exists on drive D:). Click "Save" and restart the Zmanda Pro Server. Important Note: Converting from Spanned to a different storage type is complex. If needed, contact Zmanda Pro Support for assistance.
Zmanda Pro Usage Lo gging In Open the Zmanda Pro application. Enter your username. Click Log In. B ackup tab Adding a new Protected Item: Move your cursor over the text Protected Items and select Add . For detailed configuration instructions, refer to this section . Remember, changes are only applied when you press the Save button. Editing an existing Protected Item: To edit a Storage Vault, either double-click the row or right-click and choose Edit . Refer to this section for configuration details. Backing up data: Your data gets backed up automatically as per the schedule you've chosen. Even if you log out of the client interface, scheduled backups keep running because the background service stays active. If you want to start a backup right away or choose a different storage location: Click on the Protected Item you want to back up. Hit the Backup Now button. Follow the steps to select where you want to store the backup. The backup procedure starts in the main window. Restore tab When you select the Restore tab, a number of actions are available to you within the Restore window. Restoring data: Restore from a Storage Vault: On the left-hand menu bar, select the Restore button. Select the desired Storage Vault containing your backed-up data and click Next . Choose the Protected Item you wish to restore and click Next . Optionally, select a specific snapshot or use the Search button to find files. Choose the files to restore and click Next . Select the destination path for the restore and click Next . The process of initiating the restoration task commences directly within the primary window interface. Types of Restore: You can restore data in different ways: Files and Folders: Restore selected files to their original paths or overwrite existing files. Simulate Restore Only: Test the restore process without saving files to the local drive. Program Input: Stream files as input to a command-line program. Compressed Archive File: Restore files to a compressed archive format like zip or tar. Removing a single backup snapshot: If you
Test the restore process without saving files to the local drive. Program Input: Stream files as input to a command-line program. Compressed Archive File: Restore files to a compressed archive format like zip or tar. Removing a single backup snapshot: If you need to remove a single snapshot from a Storage Vault: In the menu bar on the left, select Restore . After choosing the Storage Vault, press Next . Once the desired snapshot has been located, select Delete this snapshot with a right-click. Restoring Protected Item from a different device: Install the software on the second device and log in with the user-profile credentials from the first device. In the Restore section, enable Show items from other devices and click Refresh to view available snapshots. Choose the snapshot you want to restore and select the destination location. Restoring an Accidentally Deleted Protected Item: Log in with the user-profile credentials from the first device. In the Restore section, enable Show unknown items to list available but deleted snapshots. Choose the snapshot you want to restore and select the destination location. H istory Tab You don't need to sift through job histories or worry about managing backups manually. Instead, users can access past versions of their data directly through the interface, making it easy to retrieve previous file versions when needed. Accessing Filters: Simply click on the filter icon to open or close the Filter pane. This pane helps you narrow down your job search by different parameters such as status, classification, Protected Item, Storage Vault, and device. Utilizing the Filter Bar: By default, the data area displays all jobs from the current device. However, you can make use of the filter bar to show historical jobs from other devices within your account. A ccount tab In the Account Tab, users can focus on essential actions: Manage Storage: Easily view and manage the storage space allocated to your backups. This feature ensures you always know how much storage you're using and have available. Account Settings: Here, you can quickly update your profile
users can focus on essential actions: Manage Storage: Easily view and manage the storage space allocated to your backups. This feature ensures you always know how much storage you're using and have available. Account Settings: Here, you can quickly update your profile information, language preferences, and notification settings. It's simple to keep your account details up to date without any hassle. Adding a new Storage Vault: Adding procedure: Hover over the Storage Vaults text and click the Add button to initiate the process of adding a new Storage Vault. Configuration details: For detailed instructions on configuring a Storage Vault, refer to the section. Editing an Existing Storage Vault: To modify an existing Storage Vault, simply right-click the corresponding row and select the Edit option from the context menu. Operations on Storage Vaults: Additional operations: Right-clicking a Storage Vault reveals further operations under the Advanced sub-menu. Run retention pass: You can trigger a retention pass immediately by selecting the Run retention pass now option. Typically, Zmanda Pro automatically performs a retention pass after each backup job. Rebuild iIndexes: This technical feature is available to rectify specific issues. It's generally safe to use but should be done under the guidance of a support agent. Account dialog: Configuring account settings: Access the Account dialog to manage various account settings such as username, password, privacy preferences, language, timezone, and email settings. Please consult the User configuration segment for comprehensive guidelines and instructions. Lock and Disconnect: Zmanda Pro desktop app allows you to control your backup settings. Even when the app is closed, backup jobs continue to run in the background. Use the Close button to shut down the app without logging out. The app will reopen to the main screen upon relaunch, with backup jobs ongoing. Click Lock to log out of the app while retaining background backup processes. Upon reopening, the login screen appears with the username pre-filled. Click Disconnect to log out of the app and stop background services. Scheduled backups will
jobs ongoing. Click Lock to log out of the app while retaining background backup processes. Upon reopening, the login screen appears with the username pre-filled. Click Disconnect to log out of the app and stop background services. Scheduled backups will cease. Upon reopening, the login screen appears without the username pre-filled.
Protected Items Zmanda Pro offers a diverse spectrum of data types through its flexible Protected Item configuration. These include files, applications, systems, and virtual machines. While Protected Items are specific data items you designate for backup and recovery in Zmanda Pro are unique to each device they're configured on, ensuring tailored protection, you can seamlessly transfer or replicate their configurations to other devices. To achieve this, simply register and log in to the new device using your designated user-profile credentials. And follow the below steps: Copy the Protected item. Select Paste . Choose the new device.
Files and Folders Initiate the backup process: Launch the Zmanda Pro client on your PC. Locate and select the Files and Folders option to initiate the backup process for specific data on your system. Select Files and Folders: Click the Plus button to browse through your file structure. Select the files and folders you wish to incorporate in the backup. For a swifter experience, drag and drop the desired files and folders directly into the Zmanda Pro client window. Stay informed with size estimates: The Choose files window provides a real-time estimate of the total size of the selected files before Zmanda Pro applies compression and deduplication techniques, optimizing storage usage. Upon completing file and folder selection, initiate the backup process. Zmanda Pro meticulously captures and safeguards your chosen data. Filesystem Snapshots Zmanda Pro offers a feature on Windows called Take filesystem snapshot that back up files even while they're actively in use. Creating a snapshot: When you enable this option, Zmanda Pro triggers a VSS snapshot, capturing a point-in-time snapshot of your entire disk, ensuring all files have a consistent timestamp for backup. Disk-wide consistency: It provides disk-wide crash-consistency. This means if a system crash or power outage occurs during backup, the data remains consistent because all files originate from the same snapshot, safeguarding your backups from potential corruption. Note: Non-Windows Platforms: While disk-wide consistency isn't currently available on other platforms, Zmanda Pro can still back up in-use files without requiring snapshots. Network Shares: Snapshots aren't supported for network shares in current Zmanda Pro versions. Ensure the Take filesystem snapshot option is disabled for those Protected Items. Supported Filesystems: VSS snapshots work only with NTFS and ReFS filesystems on Windows. FAT and exFAT don't support snapshots, so the option Take filesystem snapshot should be disabled. Default for New Protected Items: The snapshot feature is conveniently enabled by default for new Protected Items, ensuring consistent backups from the
filesystems on Windows. FAT and exFAT don't support snapshots, so the option Take filesystem snapshot should be disabled. Default for New Protected Items: The snapshot feature is conveniently enabled by default for new Protected Items, ensuring consistent backups from the start. Network Shares Zmanda Pro safeguards your data stored on Windows network shares (SMB/CIFS). We recommend installing Zmanda Pro directly on the network device hosting the shares. Windows specific steps: Browse network shares: Access mapped network drives within the Choose Items section. Alternatively, directly browse a UNC path for more precision by navigating to Options and selecting Browse UNC Path . Custom credentials for secure access: Provide custom Windows Network Authentication credentials through the Log in to network share option if required for the service user account to access the share. Automatic path conversion: Zmanda Pro handles mapped network drives, converting them into their UNC path equivalents for access by the service user account. Snapshots (VSS) aren't currently supported for network shares. Remember to disable the Take filesystem snapshot option for these Protected Items. Non-Windows platforms: Local mounting Prerequisite: Before backing up a network share on non-Windows platforms, ensure it's mounted locally. Encrypted Files (Windows EFS) Zmanda Pro offers support for backing up files encrypted with Windows Encrypting File System (EFS). Here's how to ensure successful backups and restores: Silent decryption attempt: Zmanda Pro strives to discreetly decrypt EFS files during backup if it has the necessary permissions (encryption user or EFS Recovery Agent). Backup without decryption: If permissions are lacking, files are backed up in encrypted form, requiring additional steps for decryption during restore. Clear identification: EFS-encrypted files are highlighted with green text in the Restore browser dialog for easy recognition. Addressing encryption key loss: PC malfunctions can lead to EFS encryption key loss, potentially rendering restored files inaccessible. Zmanda Pro proactively warns about this risk in the backup job log. To guarantee data access in case of
for easy recognition. Addressing encryption key loss: PC malfunctions can lead to EFS encryption key loss, potentially rendering restored files inaccessible. Zmanda Pro proactively warns about this risk in the backup job log. To guarantee data access in case of PC failure, export the PC's EFS encryption keys: Windows: Use certmgr.msc . Windows Server: Taking a System State backup may suffice. Once keys are safely backed up, enable the I confirm EFS keys are exported option in Protected Item settings to silence the warning. If a PC failure only involves partial data loss (OS and user accounts intact), EFS-encrypted files can be recovered without extra key attention. Finding files using EFS Command prompt: Use the cipher /u /n command to list all EFS-encrypted files on your PC. or PowerShell snippet (output to file): EFS-encrypted files on C:\ into a new EFS-FileList.txt file: get-childitem C:\ -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object {$_.Attributes -ge "Encrypted"} | format-list fullname, attributes | Out-File -FilePath .\EFS-FileList.txt -NoClobber Identifying encryption certificates: Cipher Command: Use cipher /C C:\path\to\file.txt to view the user accounts and certificates that can decrypt a specific file. This information can reveal: The original encrypting user Necessary EFS certificates for backup Windows server deduplication Automatic space-saving: Windows Server 2012 and later feature built-in data deduplication, separate from Zmanda Pro's, to optimize storage by merging identical files on NTFS volumes. Seamless operation: Deduplication runs unobtrusively in the background, typically at night, ensuring files appear and function normally. Unique format and compatibility: Deduplicated files are stored in a format accessible only by Windows Server and Linux, not directly readable by non-server Windows versions.
unobtrusively in the background, typically at night, ensuring files appear and function normally. Unique format and compatibility: Deduplicated files are stored in a format accessible only by Windows Server and Linux, not directly readable by non-server Windows versions. Zmanda Pro integration: Full content backup: Zmanda Pro backs up the complete, rehydrated file content of deduplicated files, then applies its own deduplication for further space optimization. Compatibility ensured: This approach enables safe restoration of Windows Server deduplicated files to non-Server Windows versions. Restoration considerations: Rehydrated format: Restored files are initially in their full, rehydrated format and aren't re-deduplicated until Windows' next background scan. Disk space planning: Factor in this temporary space requirement to ensure successful restores, as restoring a full Zmanda Pro backup to the same source drive might exceed available space. Advanced filters Tailor your backups: Include or exclude specific files and folders using Advanced Filters, ensuring you back up only what's essential. Include filters Selectively specify files and folders for backup using: Glob patterns: Wildcard-based patterns for flexible matching. Regular expressions (regex): Powerful pattern matching for fine-grained control. Glob pattern match Use wildcards for flexible matching: *: Matches any number of characters within a filename. **: Matches any number of directory components. ?: Matches a single character within a filename. []: Denotes a character class (e.g., [0-9]) for specific ranges. Example: Top directory is C:\Users\ , pattern is *\Documents . This includes all "Documents" directories under the first subdirectories of C:\Users. Regular expression match Leverage regex for complex patterns: Case-sensitive by default. Use (?i) for case-insensitive matching. Non-anchored by default. Use ^, $, \A, or \z to match start/end of file paths. No need to escape slashes (/) as
Case-sensitive by default. Use (?i) for case-insensitive matching. Non-anchored by default. Use ^, $, \A, or \z to match start/end of file paths. No need to escape slashes (/) as they're not special characters. Add multiple filters per Protected Item for comprehensive control. Match speed depends on top directory location and pattern complexity. Invalid patterns or regex will prevent backup job execution. Popular examples On Windows, Top Directory Path Match Option C:\Users\ *\Documents pattern C:\Users\User **\*.docx pattern C:\Users\ [^\\]+\\Documents regex On Linux, Top Directory Path Match Option /etc/ **/*.conf pattern On MacOS, Top Directory Path Match Option /Users/ */Documents pattern Exclude Filters Exclude unnecessary files: Tailor your backups by excluding specific files and folders using Exclude Filters. Filtering Methods: 1. Glob pattern match Exclude files based on wildcard patterns (e.g., *.tmp, C:\temp*). Use wildcards: * (zero or more characters), ** (any directory components), ? (single character), [] (character classes). 2. Regular expression match More complex and precise patterns for exclusion. Adhere to Go regexp library's syntax. Match against full disk paths, enabling filtering by drive letter or path components. Multiple filters per Protected Item for comprehensive control. Invalid patterns or regex prevent backup job execution. Test patterns thoroughly before applying to production backups. System exclusions (automatic): Zmanda Pro automatically excludes certain system folders to optimize backups and avoid potential issues: Windows: Recycle Bin, System Volume Information, Recovery, pagefile.sys, hiberfil.sys, swapfile.sys, certain reparse points, invalid .DFSFolderLink files. Linux: /proc, /sys, /selinux, /dev. macOS: /dev, /Users/.../Library/VoiceTrigger/SAT (protected by SIP). Rescan unchanged files Default
points, invalid .DFSFolderLink files. Linux: /proc, /sys, /selinux, /dev. macOS: /dev, /Users/.../Library/VoiceTrigger/SAT (protected by SIP). Rescan unchanged files Default Behavior: In "Files and Folders" backups, Zmanda Pro optimizes performance by skipping files with identical file sizes and modification times as the previous backup, referencing existing chunks instead of re-chunking them. Enabling "Rescan Unchanged Files": Use this feature when working with file types that might change content without updating their modification time, potentially compromising backup integrity. Examples include: Applications using direct disk I/O Some database data files VeraCrypt container files Forces Zmanda Pro to re-chunk every encountered file, ensuring backup integrity but potentially impacting performance.
MySQL Logical backup: Backs up MySQL databases at the logical (SQL) level, preserving data structure and relationships. Compatible engines: Works seamlessly with MySQL, MariaDB , Percona Server for MySQL , and TiDB . Direct data transfer: Avoids local disk spooling for efficient backups. Streamlined backup process: Data is directly fed into Zmanda Pro's compression and encryption engine for processing. Chunks are checked for duplication in storage. New chunks are directly sent to the Storage Vault. Individual database backups: Each database is backed up separately, ensuring per-database point-in-time consistency. Minimal progress indicators: ETA and progress indicators are limited due to direct data transfer. Connection Details Use TCP for connection (IP address and port required). Unix socket file connections are not currently supported. Configure SSL/TLS parameters for secure MySQL connections (21.9.7 and later). Allow self-signed server SSL certificates or provide a server CA file/directory path. Specify paths to a client SSL certificate (PEM file, typically .crt and .key extensions). Selecting databases Use the + button to launch the database browser. Choose databases to back up. Add custom properties using the dropdown-plus button. Custom mysqldump Zmanda Pro relies on mysqldump for logical (SQL) level backups. Location priority: Custom Path: If you've set a custom path to mysqldump , it will be used. Local Installation: If mysqldump is installed on the device (e.g., backing up from the MySQL server itself), the local version is used for compatibility. Windows Bundle: If not found elsewhere, Windows versions of Zmanda Pro include a recent mysqldump binary. Error: If no suitable mysqldump is found, the backup fails with an error message indicating its absence. Check job status or logs for this message. On Linux, you can install a copy of mysqldump as follows: Distribution Command Debian, Ubuntu
no suitable mysqldump is found, the backup fails with an error message indicating its absence. Check job status or logs for this message. On Linux, you can install a copy of mysqldump as follows: Distribution Command Debian, Ubuntu apt-get install mysql-client CentOS, RHEL yum install mysql System databases mysql: Contains server configuration (accounts, grants). Restore only to the same MySQL major release. information_schema: Read-only views, no need to restore. performance_schema: Aggregated statistics, no need to restore. sys: (MySQL 5.7.7+) Performance statistics, safe to exclude if backup fails. Stored Procedures Restore tables with stored procedures, but the login user needs SYSTEM_USER and SET_USER_ID rights. Isolation Modes Control consistency of data read from MySQL, depending on engine type. Options: Isolation Mode InnoDB MyISAM Detail Transaction Consistent Inconsistent Wrap read access in a single transaction. Lock tables (default) Consistent, but slow Consistent, but slow Locks database access for consistency. Requires LOCK TABLES permission. None Inconsistent Inconsistent No transaction or table locking. Choose isolation mode based on engine type and consistency requirements. Consider performance implications (Lock tables can be slower). Ensure necessary permissions for chosen isolation mode.
Microsoft Office 365 Safeguard your cloud data with local backups: Protect your Office 365 data: Zmanda Pro empowers you to create local backups of your essential Office 365 information, ensuring an extra layer of security beyond Microsoft's built-in measures. Supported services: Back up data from: Exchange Online: Mailbox (Email), calendar, contacts Sites: SharePoint, OneDrive for Business, Teams Files Space-efficient storage: Zmanda Pro optimizes storage with client-side encryption, compression, and deduplication, minimizing backup footprint. NOTE: Working in harmony with Microsoft Shared responsibility for data protection: While Microsoft Online Services ensure the availability of Office 365 and meet their SLAs, Zmanda Pro complements their efforts by offering independent backups for enhanced protection. Layered protection for comprehensive safety: Consider combining Zmanda Pro's local backups with Microsoft's first-party features like Retention Policies and Litigation Hold for even more robust data safeguarding. Benefits of a multi-layered approach: These features provide: Data redundancy and resilience against loss or tampering Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements Streamlined reporting across backup sources Simplified restoration of individual items Overview - Office 365 Services When opting for mailbox selection during backup, you have the flexibility to choose from options like ALL users, Individual users, or specific Azure AD groups. Services Backup Restore to Local Restore to Cloud Supported Not Supported Exchange Online Mailbox (Email) Yes Yes Yes Active users, shared mailboxes Guest users, Deleted users, Discovery mailbox, Archive mailbox, Journal mailbox, Outlook group mailboxes Calendar Yes Yes Yes Restore to local:JSON format Contacts Yes Yes Yes Restore to local:JSON format Tasks No No No SharePoint Online Sites Yes Yes No Restore lists, documents and pages individually Lists Yes Yes Yes Pages Yes Yes No OneDrive for Business Document Library (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote) Yes Yes Yes Displayed under "Documents" in associated SharePoint site Teams Files Yes Yes Yes Displayed under "Documents" in associated SharePoint site
Yes Yes Pages Yes Yes No OneDrive for Business Document Library (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote) Yes Yes Yes Displayed under "Documents" in associated SharePoint site Teams Files Yes Yes Yes Displayed under "Documents" in associated SharePoint site Chat No No No Calendar No No No Meetings No No No Call No No No Authentication Authorization for backups Zmanda Pro requires authorization to access your Office 365 data for backup. This authorization is granted through an "Application" in Azure AD. Exercise caution with credentials due to extensive access to your Office 365 organization. Creating the application Choose one of two methods: 1. Automatic application registration Click the Azure Active Directory button within Zmanda Pro. Follow the wizard-guided process. Requires top-level administrator access on Azure. 2. Manual application registration Register the application in Azure AD Visit Microsoft Entra admin center . Proceed to the Azure Active Directory and access the App registrations section. Create a new registration by entering a distinct name, such as "My Branded Office 365 Backup Product." Click Register . Copy Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID into Zmanda Pro's corresponding fields. Register an authentication secret In Azure AD, go to Certificates & secrets > Client secrets > New client secret. Create a new secret with a name and expiry. Copy the Value into Zmanda Pro's Application Secret field. Grant permissions In Azure AD, go to API permissions > Add a permission. Add the following permissions: full_access_as_app (Office 365 Exchange Online) Application.Read.All , Calendars.ReadWrite , Contacts.ReadWrite , Directory.Read.All , Files.ReadWrite.All , GroupMember.Read.All , Mail.ReadWrite , Notes.Read.All , Sites.FullControl.All , TeamMember.ReadWrite.All , User.Read.All (Microsoft Graph) Grant admin consent. Configuring Selections Zmanda Pro allows you to customize which Office 365 mailboxes and sites to back up. Use the pencil button in the desktop app
TeamMember.ReadWrite.All , User.Read.All (Microsoft Graph) Grant admin consent. Configuring Selections Zmanda Pro allows you to customize which Office 365 mailboxes and sites to back up. Use the pencil button in the desktop app to select items. Choose mailboxes and sites independently using the dropdown arrow next to the + button. Backup options: Back up all: Includes all mailboxes/sites. Back up only selected: Includes only specifically chosen mailboxes/sites. Back up all excluding selected: Includes all mailboxes/sites except those you've excluded. Selecting users and sites: Click the pencil button. Click the + button to open a dialog box for selection. Search for specific users or sites. Choose individual users, sites, or Azure AD groups of user accounts. Zmanda Pro currently does not support Outlook groups. Supported mailbox types: Active Users' mailboxes (as displayed in the Office 365 Admin Center) Shared Mailboxes generated through an Exchange E5 license plan or a higher tier. Shared mailboxes are counted as distinct mailboxes for billing purposes. Remote configuration: Access Protected Item configuration remotely through the Zmanda Pro console when the device is online and connected to the server. Performance Considerations Data transfer and storage: Backup jobs use Microsoft Office 365 APIs to read data from the cloud and store it in the Storage Vault. Local devices download a significant amount of data. Incremental backups: Zmanda Pro leverages server-side delta change APIs for efficient incremental backups of: Mailbox (Email) Calendars Contacts OneDrive files Teams files Deleting files from a backup job snapshot can impact subsequent incremental backup times. SharePoint lists are currently excluded from server-side delta change APIs, potentially slowing down their backup. Rate limiting: The Office 365 API imposes rate limits, potentially affecting overall backup job performance. Rate limits are applied per mailbox account. Zmanda Pro backs up multiple mailboxes in parallel to balance performance. In environments with mailboxes of varying sizes, the largest mailbox can impact
365 API imposes rate limits, potentially affecting overall backup job performance. Rate limits are applied per mailbox account. Zmanda Pro backs up multiple mailboxes in parallel to balance performance. In environments with mailboxes of varying sizes, the largest mailbox can impact overall performance. Latency and performance: Hosting the Zmanda Pro device within Microsoft Azure can significantly reduce latency to Office 365 servers, improving performance. Recommendations: Monitor backup job performance and adjust schedules or selections as needed. Consider network optimization strategies for large-scale Office 365 environments. Restore Preview emails before restoring to view content and attachments. Restore to either local PC or back to the cloud. Different file formats and processing for different items: Emails: MIME format ( *.eml ) Calendar appointments: vCalendar format ( *.vcf ) Contacts and calendars: JSON format (requires conversion to *.vcf ) SharePoint file attachments, OneDrive items, Teams files: Found within associated SharePoint site Restoring Office 365 items to the local PC Emails: Open with Microsoft Outlook or other email programs. Import bulk *.eml files by dragging and dropping into Outlook. Calendar appointments: Rename *.eml attachments to *.vcf and open in Outlook. Contacts and calendars: Convert JSON files to standard *.vcf format before opening in Outlook. SharePoint file attachments, OneDrive items, Teams files: Recover as standard files and folders from the associated SharePoint site's Documents subdirectory. Restoring Office 365 items back to the cloud Choose original or custom cloud location. Items restored with default retention policy. Existing emails not overwritten, restored as duplicates
Postgres Postgres databases provide several tools to perform different types of backups and restores. Each tool has pros and cons and recommended use cases. This documentation covers backups using the pg_basebackup utility. Later we will add documentation for pg_dump . pg_basebackup About the utility pg_basebackup allows you to take a base backup of a running PostgreSQL database cluster. This backup can be used for various purposes, such as setting up a standby server for high availability, creating a replica, or creating a base backup for point-in-time recovery. Here are some key points about pg_basebackup : Purpose : The primary purpose of pg_basebackup is to create a consistent snapshot of the entire PostgreSQL database cluster with minimal downtime (on the order of seconds, up to several minutes). Online Backup : It can perform an online backup, meaning you can create a backup while the PostgreSQL server is running and accepting connections. This ensures minimal downtime for your production system. Full Copy of the Cluster : The backup created by pg_basebackup is a full copy of the database cluster, including all databases, tablespaces, and other configuration files. It can be used to restore the entire cluster to a specific point in time. WAL Shipping : Along with the base backup, pg_basebackup also copies the Write-Ahead Log (WAL) files. This ensures that the standby server can catch up with changes made on the primary server. Options and Parameters : pg_basebackup has various options and parameters that allow you to customize the backup process. You can specify the destination directory, compression options, connection parameters, and more. Here is an example command: PGPASSWORD=your_password pg_basebackup -h your_hostname -U your_username -D /path/to/backup/directory -P PGPASSWORD=your_password : Sets the PostgreSQL password using the PGPASSWORD environment variable. pg_basebackup : Initiates the PostgreSQL base backup command. h your_hostname : Specifies the host where the PostgreSQL server is running. U your_username : Specifies
PGPASSWORD=your_password : Sets the PostgreSQL password using the PGPASSWORD environment variable. pg_basebackup : Initiates the PostgreSQL base backup command. h your_hostname : Specifies the host where the PostgreSQL server is running. U your_username : Specifies the PostgreSQL username. D /path/to/backup/directory : Specifies the target directory for the backup. P : Shows progress information. Prepare the Postgres Server Create two directories, one for the full backups and the other for WAL files. Ownership of the directories must be postgres:postgres with 770 permissions. A good place may be in the home directory of the postgres user. Edit the postgres.conf file with the following configurations (generally located at /var/lib/pgsql/<version>/data/postgres.conf) Copy #Enable continuous archiving wal_level = replica #Set the location for archiving WAL files archive_mode = on archive_command = 'cp %p /path/to/inc_backup/%f' # command to copy wal files from data/pg_wal to pre-backup location. # Enable logs (Optional but helpful) log_destination = 'stderr' logging_collector = on log_directory = 'log' log_filename = 'postgresql-%a.log' log_rotation_age = 1d Update the pg_hba.conf file by adding the line host all all <ip of client system> md5 as shown below (file usually located at /var/lib/pgsql/<version>/data/pg_hba.conf) : Restart the Postgres Services Copy # name the of the service can change based on the version of the postgres and the host OS. sudo systemctl restart postgres-14 # or open connection to database and run the below query SELECT pg_reload_conf(); Configure Backups Backups will be created using the "Files and Folders" protected item type and will make use of Before task and After task commands. We will create one protected item for full backups, and one for WAL backups. We include
Configure Backups Backups will be created using the "Files and Folders" protected item type and will make use of Before task and After task commands. We will create one protected item for full backups, and one for WAL backups. We include unmasked passwords in our Before and After task commands. To avoid exposing passwords in the Zmanda Pro UI, you may choose to input these commands in shell scripts and provide the path to the script within Zmanda Pro. Create a Files and Folders protected item for the full backups: Items: Include /path/to/full_backup Commands: Before Task: PGPASSWORD=<password> pg_basebackup -h <host ip> -U postgres --pgdata=/path/to/full_backup --wal-method=stream --progress -v After task: rm -rf /path/to/full_backup/* Click Save Items to Include Before and After Task Commands Create a Files and Folders protected item for the WAL backups: Items: Include /path/to/inc_backup Commands: Before Task: PGPASSWORD=<password> psql -h <host ip> -U postgres -d postgres -c "SELECT pg_switch_wal();" After task: rm -rf /path/to/inc_backup/* Click Save You can now run these backups manually or according to a schedule. Please note that you may see warnings next to the jobs. Check the job logs to make sure that you see (100%), 1/1 tablespace as shown below: Restore You must first restore the desired full backup, then sequentially restore any subsequent WAL backups. Stop the Postgres Server: systemctl stop postgresql-<version> Create target directories for the full and incremental restores. As before, the directories should be owned by postgres:postgres with 770 permission Restore the full and incremental backups to the paths you just created using the Zmanda Pro UI. To save time, you can restore all the required incremental backups for your specific point-in-time recovery in this step and then proceed with the following steps.
permission Restore the full and incremental backups to the paths you just created using the Zmanda Pro UI. To save time, you can restore all the required incremental backups for your specific point-in-time recovery in this step and then proceed with the following steps. After the restores are complete, check to ensure that all the restored files and folders are owned by postgres:postgres. Directories and files should have 700 and 600 permissions respectively. To restore the full backup, run the following commands: Copy # With the services stopped, remove all the contents of the Postgres data directory rm -rf /path/to/data/directory/* # Copy the files from your restore directory to the data directory mv /path/to/full_restore/full_backup /path/to/data/directory/ Again, all files and folders should be owned by postgres:postgres. Files should have 600 permissions, and all directories should have 700 permissions To restore the incremental backups, update the following line in the postgres.conf file (located in the data directory): Copy restore_command = 'cp /path/to/incremental/restore/inc_backup/%f %p' Create a recovery.signal file in the data directory Copy cd /path/to/data/directory touch recovery.signal Start the postgres server: systemctl start postgresql-<version> Once the recovery.signal file is gone, check the database to ensure you have recovered to the desired state. Remove the restored directories and contents created in Step 2. This ensures a clean slate for the next restore jobs. Otherwise, you will likely have multiple full and incremental restore jobs mixed which may cause issues down the line. Copy rm -rf /path/to/restore/directory Considerations for pg_basebackup Restore granularity is limited to the entire Postgres server. Restoration of specific databases and tables is not supported (use pg_dump for higher granularity) Postgres config files ( postgresql.conf , pg_hba.conf, and pg_ident.conf ) are not included in incremental backups. They are only part of full
Restoration of specific databases and tables is not supported (use pg_dump for higher granularity) Postgres config files ( postgresql.conf , pg_hba.conf, and pg_ident.conf ) are not included in incremental backups. They are only part of full backups. This approach requires a temporary storage area equal to the size of the base backup + WAL files. Large databases with many transactions may generate large sets of WAL files and large base backups. Regarding Step 3 of the Restore process, you may be required to perform a large number of restores depending on the frequency of full backups and the number of incremental backups taken between two full backups. For example, if a full backup is taken once per week and an incremental is taken every hour, you will have to perform 1 restore for the full backup, and up to 24*7 restores to reach the desired point in time.
Program Output Imagine taking a picture of your running application at a specific time. Program Output Backup does something similar, but instead of copying all the application files, it captures its internal communication with the computer. This communication, often referred to as "standard output" (stdout), contains all the essential information needed to recreate the application's state if necessary. Supported Applications: Program Output Backup is versatile and works with a wide range of applications, including: Databases: MySQL & MariaDB (using the mysqldump command) MongoDB (using the mongodump command) - Dedicated support also available for a more streamlined experience. PostgreSQL (using the pg_dump command) Materialize DB (leveraging the Postgres-compatible pg_dump command) Interbase & Firebird (using the gbak command for both) WordPress (using the wp db export command) Virtual Machines: Docker (using the docker save command) OpenVZ & Proxmox VE (using the vzdump command for both) Other Databases: CockroachDB (using the cockroach dump command) Neo4j (using the neo4j-admin dump command) RethinkDB (using the rethinkdb dump command) Important Considerations: Progress Tracking Limitation: Due to the direct data streaming nature, progress bars or estimated time remaining (ETA) calculations are unavailable during backups using Program Output Backup. Warning Signs: Errors appearing on stderr are considered warnings and documented in the backup report. These might indicate potential issues with the application's data during the backup process. Error Codes and Job Status: If the application exits with an error code (non-zero exit code), it's logged in the report, and the entire backup job might be marked as unsuccessful.
Microsoft Hyper-V Zmanda Pro offers a seamless way to safeguard your Hyper-V VMs. Here's what you need to know. Backup Modes: Zmanda Pro provides three Hyper-V backup modes to suit your specific needs: Latest VM State (Changed Block Tracking): This efficient mode leverages WMI and RCT (Changed Block Tracking) technology. It's compatible with Hyper-V on Windows Server 2016 or later and Windows 10 or later. Zmanda Pro integrates with Hyper-V to capture only the latest changes to your VMs, minimizing storage usage. Latest VM State (Standard): Similar to the first mode, this option utilizes WMI and RCT for compatibility with the same Hyper-V versions. Zmanda Pro captures the latest VM snapshot data, ensuring a recent backup point. All VM Snapshots: This comprehensive mode utilizes VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Service) technology. It works with all Hyper-V versions on Windows Server, including the latest Windows Server 2022. This option captures all existing VM snapshots, providing a complete backup history. Zmanda Pro lets you to choose individual VMs for backup or select "All virtual machines" for comprehensive protection. Understanding Consistency: Maintaining a consistent VM state during backups is crucial. Zmanda Pro employs various methods depending on your guest OS setup: Guest OS with Integration Services: If your guest OS has the necessary Hyper-V integration services, Zmanda Pro coordinates with the host to create a VSS snapshot within the guest VM. This snapshot is then backed up, ensuring application consistency (crash-consistent or application-consistent depending on guest OS support). Guest OS without Integration Services (Server 2012 R2 or later): In this scenario, Hyper-V takes a checkpoint of the VM. Zmanda Pro backs up this checkpoint and then removes it, minimizing disruption to the guest OS (crash-consistent). Guest OS without Integration Services (Older Than Server 2012 R2): Here, Zmanda Pro pauses the VM, Windows
Zmanda Pro backs up this checkpoint and then removes it, minimizing disruption to the guest OS (crash-consistent). Guest OS without Integration Services (Older Than Server 2012 R2): Here, Zmanda Pro pauses the VM, Windows takes a VSS snapshot of Hyper-V's files, the VM resumes, and the snapshot is backed up. This approach might cause a brief interruption to the guest OS (crash-consistent). Replica VMs: Zmanda Pro allows you to back up your VMs from either the primary or replica host when using Hyper-V replication. Backups from the primary host can be application-consistent (if guest integration services allow) or crash-consistent. Backups from the replica host are always crash-consistent since the VM isn't running for guest integration. Important Considerations: Pass-through Disks: Hyper-V pass-through disks (physical disks attached directly to the guest VM) aren't directly supported in backups. To address this: Install Zmanda Pro Agent inside the guest VM for file-level backup (requires an additional Device license). Convert pass-through disks to regular disks containing .vhd or .vhdx files. Restoring from Hyper-V Checkpoints: Granular file restore from Hyper-V checkpoints requires Zmanda Pro version 22.12.6 or later. Backups preserve Hyper-V checkpoints within the storage vault. Use the "Import Virtual Machine" wizard in Hyper-V Manager to restore the entire VM, including selecting the desired checkpoint. Granular restore only works with the base checkpoint (vhdx file), not future checkpoints (avhdx files). Restore the entire vhdx/avhdx set for individual file recovery from later checkpoints. Importing Running VMs: When importing a running VM using the Hyper-V Manager wizard, incompatibility issues might arise if the target hypervisor has a significantly different CPU architecture. To prevent issues: Use the "Power off" option instead of "Shut down" during import. Re-import the VM
using the Hyper-V Manager wizard, incompatibility issues might arise if the target hypervisor has a significantly different CPU architecture. To prevent issues: Use the "Power off" option instead of "Shut down" during import. Re-import the VM from saved disk files without including the RAM running state.
Microsoft SQL Server Zmanda Pro empowers you to safeguard your SQL Server databases with ease and efficiency. Here's a breakdown of the key features: Broad Compatibility: Backs up SQL Server versions 2005 and later, including the latest 2022 edition. Cloud-Optimized VDI Technology: Leverages VDI (Virtual Device Interface) for efficient, cloud-based backups without data spooling to your local disk. This reduces strain on your on-premises infrastructure. Simplified Monitoring: Unlike traditional methods, Zmanda Pro provides a streamlined experience. You won't be overwhelmed with progress bars or estimated times during backups, allowing you to focus on other tasks. Setting Up the Connection Before you can back up your SQL Server databases, you'll need to provide Zmanda Pro with some connection details: Local Connections: Zmanda Pro can only connect to SQL Server instances running on the same machine where you're running the backup software. This local approach ensures efficient data transfer. Instance Name: If you have a single instance of SQL Server (the default installation), leave this field blank. If you have multiple named instances of SQL Server, enter the specific instance name you want to back up. Shared Memory Protocol: For Zmanda Pro to connect, the "Shared Memory" protocol must be enabled in SQL Server Configuration Manager. This is a common method for local communication within the machine. If you encounter connection issues, verify that "Shared Memory" is enabled. Advanced Details (Optional): Driver Selection: Zmanda Pro automatically prioritizes the optimal driver (MSOLEDBSQL, SQLNCLI11, SQLOLEDB) for your environment, ensuring compatibility. You can view your installed drivers using the methods mentioned in the original document. Authentication: Zmanda Pro offers flexibility for connecting to your databases: 1. Windows Authentication: Use your existing Windows credentials or the credentials of the "backup.elevator" service account. 2. SQL Server Authentication: Enter a valid SQL Server username and password. Multiple
Pro offers flexibility for connecting to your databases: 1. Windows Authentication: Use your existing Windows credentials or the credentials of the "backup.elevator" service account. 2. SQL Server Authentication: Enter a valid SQL Server username and password. Multiple Instances: Zmanda Pro simplifies backing up from multiple SQL Server instances. You can: Select the desired instance from the dropdown menu populated with available instances. To use the default instance, leave the field empty. Backup Modes: Zmanda Pro offers several backup modes to suit your specific needs and database environment. The available options are: Default Mode: Full Backup (Recommended) Zmanda Pro performs a complete copy of the selected databases (BACKUP WITH COPY_ONLY T-SQL equivalent). Zmanda Pro's built-in deduplication optimizes storage usage in the cloud by eliminating redundant data across backups. This method ensures a full restoration point for your databases in case of data loss. Advanced Modes (Optional): These options leverage SQL Server's native backup functionality and require more management overhead. They are suitable for experienced users with specific requirements. Differential Backups: Creates smaller backups containing only the changes since the last full backup (BACKUP WITH DIFFERENTIAL T-SQL equivalent). Requires creating separate backup jobs for both full and differential backups. Ensures efficient storage usage but necessitates careful management: Other backup systems shouldn't reset the last base backup. Successful differential backups require recent successful full backups. Regular full backups minimize differential overhead. Retention policies need strict management for complete recovery. Log Backups: Captures changes made since the last full backup using SQL Server's transaction log backups (BACKUP LOG T-SQL equivalent). Enables very frequent backups and potentially faster restores. Requires regular full backups and careful retention management for a complete recovery point. The database Recovery Model in SQL Server must be set to "Full" or "Bulk Logged". Choosing the Right Backup Mode: For most users, the default "Full Backup" is the best choice due to its simplicity and
for a complete recovery point. The database Recovery Model in SQL Server must be set to "Full" or "Bulk Logged". Choosing the Right Backup Mode: For most users, the default "Full Backup" is the best choice due to its simplicity and reliability. Consider differential or log backups only if you have specific performance needs or a deep understanding of managing these advanced options.
Windows Server System State A System State backup captures essential data for your server, including: Active Directory: Stores user accounts, groups, and permissions. Boot files: Files required to start your server. COM+ registration: Information for programs that use Microsoft's Component Object Model. System Registry: A database storing server settings. Having a System State backup allows you to restore your server to a previous working state in case of hardware failure, software corruption, or accidental data deletion. Zmanda Pro supports System State backup on specific versions of Windows Server with the "Server Backup Role" enabled. Verify the following before moving forward: Local storage: Zmanda Pro requires a designated local storage space to temporarily store data during the backup process. This space, called the spool directory, has specific requirements: Bare root drive: The drive letter representing the storage location shouldn't be associated with any folders or files. Supports VSS: The storage drive must work with Microsoft's Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS), which allows backups without interrupting server operations. Minimum 10GB free space: Ensure the storage location has enough space to hold the temporary backup data. Windows Server 2008/2008 R2: Avoid using system or critical volumes for the spool directory on these server versions. If necessary, refer to Microsoft KB944530 for a workaround using the registry. Fixed drive appearance: Regardless of whether it's physically internal or external, the storage drive must appear as fixed (non-removable) to the Windows Server. Removable drive workaround: If using a removable drive, create a shared folder on it and use the folder's UNC path (Universal Naming Convention) as the spool directory. For detailed information on System State backups in Windows Server, refer to the following Microsoft resources: Backing Up System State Data:
refer to the following Microsoft resources: Backing Up System State Data: Wbadmin: Restoring a System State Backup After creating a System State backup with Zmanda Pro, you can use the wbadmin start systemstaterecovery command to recover the data onto a functioning Windows Server. Alternative Backup Method Zmanda Pro also offers an alternative backup method for System State using the "Application-Aware Writer" Protected Item type. This method provides similar results to the standard method with some key differences: No spool space required: This method doesn't require a designated storage space for temporary data during backup. No .vhd file: The backed-up files aren't consolidated into a single .vhd file format. Potential deduplication benefits: This method might offer better data deduplication during backup, reducing storage requirements. Bootloader file exclusion: However, this method might not capture bootloader files, which are crucial for server startup.
Application-Aware Writer What is the Application-Aware Writer? Imagine taking a snapshot of your entire server at a specific point in time. That's what a regular backup does. But what if you only want to back up the critical data of a specific program? That's where the Application-Aware Writer comes in. It leverages a technology called VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Service) built into Windows Server. VSS works with certain software programs to ensure their files are in a consistent state during a backup. This allows Zmanda Pro to capture only the essential data used by that program, for a more focused and efficient backup. Benefits of Application-Aware Backups: Targeted Protection: Back up only the crucial data of specific applications, like databases or email servers. Reduced Backup Time: By focusing on specific data, backups can be completed faster compared to full server backups. Improved Recovery: In case of software failure, you can restore just the application data, minimizing downtime. Examples of Supported Applications: Oracle Database Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft Exchange Server Microsoft SharePoint Many other applications with built-in VSS Writers Important Considerations: Potential Cost: Using the Application-Aware Writer might incur additional charges depending on your Zmanda Pro plan. Not for Everything: This method is ideal for specific software with VSS Writers. Regular file backups are still recommended for general server data. Focus on Application Data: This Protected Item type is designed for backing up specific applications. If you want to back up regular files and folders with a VSS snapshot, use the "Files and Folders" Protected Item type with the "take filesystem snapshot" option enabled. Selecting components In Zmanda Pro, during backup configuration, select the "Application-Aware Writer" option. Clicking the "Edit" button ( pencil icon) will display a list of VSS Writers installed on your server. These represent the applications Zmanda Pro can back up using this method. Choosing What to Backup: Full Application Backup: You can select the top checkbox
"Edit" button ( pencil icon) will display a list of VSS Writers installed on your server. These represent the applications Zmanda Pro can back up using this method. Choosing What to Backup: Full Application Backup: You can select the top checkbox next to the VSS Writer name. This includes all data managed by that application in the backup. Granular Selection: For applications that allow it, you can choose specific components to back up. For example, with the Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer, you can select individual databases instead of the entire server. Understanding Non-Selectable Components: Some VSS Writers might have certain components pre-configured as non-selectable. These will appear as greyed-out options without checkboxes in Zmanda Pro. VSS Mode Zmanda Pro offers various VSS backup modes for Application-Aware Writer backups. These modes determine how the application's data is captured in the backup. However, the specific behavior of each mode depends on the individual VSS Writer for the application you're backing up. Here's a breakdown of the common modes: VSS Full: Creates a complete backup of the application data, including all files and configurations. This is the most comprehensive option but also requires the most storage space. VSS Copy: Similar to Full, it captures a complete copy of the application data. However, the VSS Writer might behave differently regarding log files. Some might copy and retain them, while others might copy and then remove them (similar to SQL Server truncating logs). VSS Incremental: Captures only the changes made to the application data since the last backup (either Full or Incremental). This can save storage space but requires keeping all previous backups for complete restoration. VSS Differential: Creates a backup containing only the changes since the last Full backup. It's more space-efficient than Full backups but requires both the Full backup and the Differential backup for restoration. Choosing the Right Mode: Limited Information: Unfortunately, Zmanda Pro cannot definitively explain
a backup containing only the changes since the last Full backup. It's more space-efficient than Full backups but requires both the Full backup and the Differential backup for restoration. Choosing the Right Mode: Limited Information: Unfortunately, Zmanda Pro cannot definitively explain each mode's behavior due to variations between VSS Writers. Refer to Application Documentation: For a clear understanding of how these modes function for your specific application, consult the documentation for its VSS Writer. Recommendation: Zmanda Pro recommends setting the backup mode to match your existing regular backup jobs. Typically, these are either Full or Copy backups. This ensures consistency in your overall backup strategy. Important Note: If you choose a mode not supported by the VSS Writer for your application, Zmanda Pro will default to the Full backup mode to ensure a complete capture. Backing up Oracle Database Zmanda Pro utilizes the built-in Oracle VSS Writer for application-aware backups of your Oracle Database. This VSS Writer is generally available with Oracle Database 11g and later versions (including 12c and 18c). For Oracle Database versions 10g or 9i, you might need to install a separate, newer version of the Oracle VSS Writer. Important Note: SYSDBA Privileges: The Oracle VSS Writer requires SYSDBA permissions to access the database for backups. Your database administrator will ensure this access is granted. Deduplication and Storage Efficiency: Our service can perform deduplication on Full or Copy backups created at the VSS component level. This helps optimize storage usage even with incremental backups. Refer to Oracle's Documentation: For a clear understanding of how these VSS Writer modes function specifically with your Oracle Database version, consult the documentation by Oracle . How to Back Up Your Oracle Database? Log in to the web-based interface provided by our service. Your administrator will grant you the appropriate permissions. During the backup configuration process, choose the "Application-Aware Writer" option. A list of available VSS Writers will
Up Your Oracle Database? Log in to the web-based interface provided by our service. Your administrator will grant you the appropriate permissions. During the backup configuration process, choose the "Application-Aware Writer" option. A list of available VSS Writers will appear. Select "Oracle VSS Writer - ORCL" to initiate an Oracle database backup. Depending on your needs, you can choose to back up the entire database or select specific parts like individual tablespaces. Our service offers various backup modes, including Full, Copy, Incremental, and Differential. Choose your backup mode Once you've selected your options, initiate the backup process. Our service will handle capturing the chosen Oracle Database data using the Oracle VSS Writer. Understanding Backup Modes: Full Backup: Creates a complete copy of your entire Oracle Database, including all data files and configuration settings. This offers the most comprehensive protection but requires the most storage space. Copy Backup: Similar to Full Backup, it captures a complete copy of your database. However, the handling of log files might differ slightly. It's recommended to consult your Oracle Database documentation for specifics. Incremental Backup: Captures only the changes made to your Oracle Database since the last backup (either Full or Incremental). This can save storage space but requires keeping all previous backups for complete restoration. Differential Backup: Creates a backup containing only the changes since the last Full backup. It's more space-efficient than Full backups but necessitates both the Full and Differential backups for restoration. Backing up MS SQL Database Understanding Backup Modes: Full Backup: Creates a complete copy of your entire SQL Server database, including all data files and configuration settings. This offers the most comprehensive protection but requires the most storage space. Copy Backup: Similar to Full Backup, it captures a complete copy of your database. However, the handling of transaction logs might differ slightly. It's recommended to consult your SQL Server documentation for specifics. Incremental Backup: Captures only the changes made to your SQL Server database since
Backup, it captures a complete copy of your database. However, the handling of transaction logs might differ slightly. It's recommended to consult your SQL Server documentation for specifics. Incremental Backup: Captures only the changes made to your SQL Server database since the last backup (either Full or Incremental). This can save storage space but requires keeping all previous backups for complete restoration. Differential Backup: Creates a backup containing only the changes since the last Full backup. It's more space-efficient than Full backups but necessitates both the Full and Differential backups for restoration. Important Notes: VSS Writer Requirements: The Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer might require specific permissions to access the database for backups. Your database administrator can ensure this access is granted. Deduplication and Storage Efficiency: Our service can perform deduplication on Full or Copy backups created at the VSS component level. This helps optimize storage usage even with incremental backups. Refer to Microsoft's Documentation: For a clear understanding of how these VSS Writer modes function specifically with your SQL Server version, consult the documentation provided by Microsoft.
Disk Image Zmanda Pro offers different protected item types to cater to diverse backup needs. One such type is the "Disk Image," which allows you to capture the entire contents of a disk or specific partitions. How it works: When you select a drive or partition for a disk image backup, Zmanda Pro copies the entire contents directly. This data is then compressed, deduplicated (meaning any duplicate data is stored only once), and encrypted for secure storage. Zmanda Pro only backs up the used portions of the disk by default. Unused space is skipped to save storage space. You can choose to include unused space for specific reasons. Things to Consider: File exclusions are not possible within a partition being backed up with a disk image. Fragmentation on the physical drive or a large number of small files can reduce deduplication effectiveness. Operating system compatibility Disk Image backup is available exclusively for Windows operating systems, including Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and newer versions. Unused disk sectors What is Unused Disk Space? When you back up your data with Zmanda Pro, it's smart enough to skip over parts of your disk that aren't being used. This means it doesn't waste time and space storing empty areas. These empty areas are called "unused disk sectors." Zmanda Pro compresses these areas during the backup process to save even more space. An option named "Include unused disk sectors for forensic data recovery" allows including unused sectors in backups, which might be necessary for forensic investigations. However, Zmanda Pro can only skip unused space on disks set to "Online" in Windows Disk Management. If it's set as "Offline," Zmanda Pro can't skip those empty spaces, even if it's a supported filesystem. For partitions lacking a filesystem (like raw data areas), Zmanda Pro can't differentiate between used and unused space. So, if you choose to back up these raw areas, Zmanda Pro will save all of it, regardless of whether it's
For partitions lacking a filesystem (like raw data areas), Zmanda Pro can't differentiate between used and unused space. So, if you choose to back up these raw areas, Zmanda Pro will save all of it, regardless of whether it's empty or not. If the raw data mostly contains zeros, it gets compressed really well during backup. But if it's random data, compression won't work as effectively. Important Considerations: Disk Online Status: Zmanda Pro can only skip unused space on disks set to "Online" in Windows Disk Management. You can change a disk's online/offline state using Disk Management (diskmgmt.msc) or the diskpart command-line tool. Raw Partitions: Zmanda Pro cannot differentiate between used and unused space on partitions without a file system (e.g., raw partitions). These partitions are backed up entirely. Pagefile Exclusion: Zmanda Pro always excludes the Windows pagefile (pagefile.sys or swapfile.sys) from backups, regardless of the unused sector settings. Disabling Skipping Free Space: Zmanda Pro offers an option labeled "Include unused disk sectors for forensic data recovery." Enabling this option disables the skipping feature for unused sectors. Drive letter support Zmanda Pro allows selecting disks/partitions using their drive letter (e.g., C: drive). We advise using the "Live Picker". However, drive letter selection can be useful for: Creating backup policies. Situations where a live connection to the device is unavailable. Here's how drive letter selection works: A drive letter with a single partition will back up the entire drive. A drive letter with multiple partitions will only back up the partition associated with that specific drive letter. To use this feature through Zmanda Pro web interface, change the Type value to " Include drive letter " when adding a Disk Image. If you're using Zmanda Pro desktop app, first turn on the option called " Select by Drive Letter (advanced) " on the Items tab, then switch to the
change the Type value to " Include drive letter " when adding a Disk Image. If you're using Zmanda Pro desktop app, first turn on the option called " Select by Drive Letter (advanced) " on the Items tab, then switch to the Drive Letters tab to make your selections. Supported volume types When it comes to backing up your data with Zmanda Pro, it's important to know which types of filesystems and volume setups are supported. Filesystem Support: NTFS (Microsoft): Zmanda Pro can skip over unused space and ensures snapshot consistency. ReFS (Microsoft): Similar to NTFS, ReFS is fully supported with skipping unused space and snapshot consistency. FAT32 and exFAT (Microsoft): These filesystems are supported too, but skipping unused space only happens if the volume isn't in use. UDF (Microsoft): This filesystem isn't fully supported for skipping unused space. For other filesystems like WinBtrfs, Ext2Ifs, Paragon Linuxfs, and ZFSin, they haven't been officially tested with Zmanda Pro. Special Volume Types: Basic Disks: Standard hard drives and SSDs are fully supported by Zmanda Pro. Dynamic Disks: These are configured using multiple physical disks. Zmanda Pro will recognize the underlying volume as a "Raw byte range." When backing up spanned or striped volumes, ensure you select only the dynamic volume itself, not the individual raw disks. It's important to note that Microsoft has deprecated Dynamic Disks in Windows 8 and later versions. Storage Spaces: A feature in Windows that allows combining physical disks into virtual storage pools. Zmanda Pro will recognize these as "Orphaned volumes." Make sure to only select the Storage Space itself for backup. BitLocker Drives: Zmanda Pro can back up unlocked BitLocker volumes. However, the resulting backup won't be encrypted. You can extract individual files without the BitLocker key. If restoring to the original partition, you might want to
backup. BitLocker Drives: Zmanda Pro can back up unlocked BitLocker volumes. However, the resulting backup won't be encrypted. You can extract individual files without the BitLocker key. If restoring to the original partition, you might want to re-enable BitLocker after the process. Cluster Shared Volumes & Encrypted Drives (TrueCrypt/VeraCrypt): These are not currently supported by Zmanda Pro. Supported Physical Media: Hard Drives (512n & AF): Both traditional 512-byte sector and newer Advanced Format (AF) hard drives are supported, including 512e and 4Kn sector sizes. Mounted VHD/VHDX Disks: Virtual hard disks can be backed up if they are mounted as volumes in Windows. Removable USB Drives: Backups of USB drives are possible. However, some removable drives might not be suitable for restore operations due to potential interference from other programs running on the system. Remote iSCSI LUNs: Zmanda Pro has been successfully tested for backing up iSCSI LUNs presented by Windows Server File and Storage Services. Unsupported Media: Mounted ISO files, optical discs (CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray), floppy drives, and iSCSI LUNs from other operating systems are not supported for backup. Partition Table Support: Both MBR (Master Boot Record) and GPT (GUID Partition Table) partition tables are fully supported by Zmanda Pro. Consistency Zmanda Pro tries its best to ensure your backups are consistent: It attempts to take a VSS snapshot or lock the volume handle. If successful, the backup is considered crash-consistent. If it can't do either, it'll still back up your data but warns about potential inconsistencies, especially if other processes are writing to the partition simultaneously. Restoring When you need to restore data with Zmanda Pro, you have several options available. Zmanda Pro stores your data in a format called VMDK (Virtual Machine Disk). A
especially if other processes are writing to the partition simultaneously. Restoring When you need to restore data with Zmanda Pro, you have several options available. Zmanda Pro stores your data in a format called VMDK (Virtual Machine Disk). A VMDK file contains your backed-up data in a virtual disk format. Components of a VMDK File VMDK Descriptor File : This file contains metadata about your entire disk, including information about each partition. Raw Image Files : These files store the actual data of each partition on your disk. Each partition has its own raw image file. Recovery of single files, with spooling Spooling refers to temporarily storing data before processing it. Here are some tools that enable spooling while recovering individual files: 7-Zip (Free, Open Source - Windows/macOS/Linux): Opens VMDK descriptors and extent files, supports various filesystems (NTFS, FAT32, EXT2/3/4, UDF, HFS, SquashFS). Known Issues: Loading the VMDK descriptor directly might not show partitions if no partition table is present. Open the individual extent files instead. Early versions have limited disk image feature support. Ensure you have the latest update (no built-in update feature). DiskInternals Linux Reader (Freeware, Windows-only): Mounts VMDK files as a drive letter. Known Issue: Fails to open the VMDK descriptor if "Raw byte range" areas contain junk data. Replace this with zero extents by editing the descriptor file (e.g., change RW 16065 FLAT "disk-f0000.vmdk" 0 to RW 16065 ZERO ). Passmark OSFMount (Freeware, Windows-only): Mounts VMDK extent files as a drive letter. Known Issue: While it can discover disk partitions when loading the VMDK descriptor, mounting fails (both individual partitions and the entire VMDK as a raw disk).
Windows-only): Mounts VMDK extent files as a drive letter. Known Issue: While it can discover disk partitions when loading the VMDK descriptor, mounting fails (both individual partitions and the entire VMDK as a raw disk). Workaround: Select individual extent files for mounting (works in "Logical Drive Emulation" mode). ImDisk Virtual Disk Driver (Freeware, Windows-only): Mounts individual RAW extents and parses the VMDK descriptor to scan for discoverable volumes, allowing individual mounting. VMware Workstation (Commercial software with free trial available - Windows/macOS/Linux): Offers a feature to mount VMDK files as a local drive letter (access through "File" menu -> "Map Virtual Disks"). Refer to VMware Documentation for more information. Guestfs (Free, Open Source - Linux-only, command-line): Mounts the VMDK descriptor file using an unprivileged FUSE backend. Usage: guestmount -a disk.vmdk Loop device (Free, Open Source - part of the Linux kernel, command-line): Mounts individual partition extents using the losetup tool (from util-linux ). Note: Ensure the VMDK descriptor file doesn't contain junk data in "Raw byte range" areas, as it might hinder mounting. Edit the descriptor file to replace such data with zeros if necessary. Recovery of single files, without spooling Refer to the Disk Image guide for details. Booting into a recovered Windows OS installation Here are some additional points to consider when recovering a Windows OS installation: Licensing Issues: Moving a Windows OS installation to different hardware might trigger licensing issues with software that relies on hardware identifiers for activation. Incomplete Backups: Recovering only the "C:" drive might not be enough to boot the OS successfully. Consider including the following in your backups for a complete recovery: The disk's non-partitioned space (containing the GPT/MBR partition table). "System Reserved Partition" (if present, holds
be enough to boot the OS successfully. Consider including the following in your backups for a complete recovery: The disk's non-partitioned space (containing the GPT/MBR partition table). "System Reserved Partition" (if present, holds the volume boot record). On GPT disks and/or UEFI-booting devices, the EFI ESP partition may be presen Windows 8.1, Windows 10, and Later: These versions generally handle booting on dissimilar hardware without major issues. Earlier Windows Versions: Restoring a Windows OS image from a different machine might cause automatic hardware specialization, enhancing performance but potentially preventing a successful boot on very different hardware. If you encounter booting problems, consider preparing the Windows installation for hardware independence: Run the sysprep tool within the original Windows installation before creating the backup image. Alternatively, boot into a Windows recovery environment, mount the restored image, and run sysprep on the attached disk. Refer to official Microsoft documentation for detailed instructions on using sysprep ( Sysprep (Generalize) a Windows installation ). Filesystem smaller than target volume When restoring a disk image with a smaller filesystem than the target volume, there are two approaches: Expand the filesystem: Some tools (e.g., gparted for Linux) allow resizing the filesystem to utilize the entire target volume space. Leave unused space unallocated: This approach is simpler but creates unallocated space on the target disk. Expanding the Filesystem: Ensure the tool you use is compatible with the target filesystem type (e.g., NTFS, EXT4). Refer to the tool's documentation for specific instructions on expanding filesystems. You can manually expand the filesystem to fill its containing partition on Windows by repeating Zmanda Pro's attempt separately by: As an administrator, launch Command Prompt. Execute the diskpart.exe command. To see a list of volumes, type list volume. Select volume X, where X is the target volume number, should be typed after you have chosen the desired volume from
As an administrator, launch Command Prompt. Execute the diskpart.exe command. To see a list of volumes, type list volume. Select volume X, where X is the target volume number, should be typed after you have chosen the desired volume from the list based on its size or drive letter. To start the extension process, type extend filesystem. You can use the ntfsresize command on Linux to fix this problem. Keep in mind that ntfsresize is only compatible with NTFS filesystems. To find utilities that work with other filesystem formats, such as resize2fs for EXT4, check the documentation included with your distribution. Filesystem larger than target volume Restoring huge partitions into smaller physical partitions is not supported by Zmanda Pro. Use the OS's partition manager to reduce the partition if needed before starting the backup. Recovery to physical hardware In order to restore data to physical hardware, follow these steps: Preparation A physical machine with compatible hardware specifications for the recovered OS. A bootable recovery environment (one of the following): Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE) USB or ISO: Created using the Zmanda Pro desktop application (recommended). Linux Bootable USB Drive: Created using a third-party tool like Rufus. Recovery Media from your PC OEM Vendor (e.g., Dell, HP): These may require manual launching of Zmanda Pro after booting. Unmount Target Disk: Ensure that the target disk or partition is unmounted to prevent conflicts during the restoration process. Zmanda Pro may automatically unmount the target drive if no programs are using it. For restoring to the boot drive, reboot the PC into a recovery environment. Creating Recovery Media Zmanda Pro supports creating recovery media from the desktop app. Here are the available options: WinRE USB: This option creates a minimal USB Recovery Media based on the Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE). It requires a removable USB drive and supports both MBR and UEFI PCs. WinRE ISO: Generate an ISO image file based on the Windows
USB: This option creates a minimal USB Recovery Media based on the Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE). It requires a removable USB drive and supports both MBR and UEFI PCs. WinRE ISO: Generate an ISO image file based on the Windows Recovery Environment. This option provides flexibility in deployment and booting on both MBR and UEFI PCs. Windows To Go: Create a full Windows boot environment on an external hard drive of at least 32GB in size. Recovering Using Zmanda Pro Recovery Environment: Launch the Zmanda Pro desktop application on your current system. Navigate to the "Account" screen and select "Recovery Media." Choose between creating a WinRE USB or ISO image: WinRE USB: Requires a removable USB drive with at least 2GB of free space. This option is recommended for ease of use. WinRE ISO: Creates an ISO image file that can be burned to a disc or used with virtualization software. Booting into the Recovery Environment Connect the WinRE USB drive or boot from the disc/virtual drive containing the WinRE ISO. The Zmanda Pro desktop application will launch automatically. Restoring Disks and Partitions Within Zmanda Pro, navigate to the "Restore" wizard. Select the desired backup from the backup repository. Choose the disk or partition you want to restore from the left-hand pane. Select the target disk or partition on the target physical machine from the right-hand pane. Use the "Edit" button to repartition target drives using Windows Disk Management (if using WinRE). Refresh the partition list after making modifications. Click "Add to Restore Queue" for each disk/partition you want to restore. Click "Restore" to begin the recovery process. Restoring from a Linux Boot Environment If using a Linux boot environment, the recovery process involves more manual steps using command-line tools. Refer to the Zmanda Pro documentation for detailed instructions on: Restoring entire disks with/without spooling. Restoring individual partitions
a Linux Boot Environment If using a Linux boot environment, the recovery process involves more manual steps using command-line tools. Refer to the Zmanda Pro documentation for detailed instructions on: Restoring entire disks with/without spooling. Restoring individual partitions with/without spooling. Important Considerations Ensure the target disk or partition is unmounted before initiating a restore. Zmanda Pro might be able to handle this automatically if restoring from a non-boot drive on Windows. Booting the target machine after a full disk restore might require additional configuration depending on the OS and hardware compatibility. Recovering a Windows OS installation to dissimilar hardware might cause licensing issues or require hardware-specific driver installation. Refer to Microsoft's documentation for details on preparing Windows installations for hardware independence (e.g., using Sysprep). Recovery to local VM Zmanda Pro backups utilize VMDK disk image files compatible with various virtualization platforms. Attaching the VMDK Files Open your chosen virtualization platform's management console (e.g., VMware Workstation, VirtualBox). Set up a fresh virtual machine or pick an already existing one. Locate the "Add Hard Disk" option in the VM configuration menu. Choose "Existing Disk" and browse to the location of your Zmanda Pro VMDK files. Select the desired VMDK file(s) and confirm attachment. Compatibility with Virtualization Platforms Zmanda Pro's *.vmdk file format harmonizes effortlessly with various virtualization platforms: VMware Fusion / Player / Workstation: Full compatibility ensured. VMware vSphere: While direct support is absent, you can restore by treating it as a VMware virtual disk to generate compatible disk images. QEMU: Smooth integration guaranteed. VirtualBox: A perfect match. Hyper-V: While direct support is missing, you can bridge the gap by converting to VHD or VHDX format. Converting for VMware ESXi For those aiming to restore as a VMware vSphere virtual machine, a conversion to ESXi-compatible format is necessary: Make the
support is missing, you can bridge the gap by converting to VHD or VHDX format. Converting for VMware ESXi For those aiming to restore as a VMware vSphere virtual machine, a conversion to ESXi-compatible format is necessary: Make the restored VMDK files accessible on your VMware Datastore. SSH into your ESXi server and navigate to the directory housing the restored VMDK files. Utilize vmkfstools to conduct the conversion. Configure the VM within ESXi as per your requirements. Conversion for Hyper-V To achieve compatibility with Hyper-V, convert the VMDK files to the VHDX format: Obtain qemu-img for Windows from the official source. Execute the qemu-img convert command to perform the conversion. Once done, remove the original VMDK files from the system. Recovery to cloud server If cloud recovery is your avenue, Zmanda Pro supports uploading *.vmdk disk image files to multiple cloud providers: Amazon EC2: Supported. Follow AWS documentation for a smooth import process. ( VM Import/Export , Importing a VM as an image using VM Import/Export - VM Import/Export ) Azure: While direct support is lacking, conversion to VHD format is required. Refer to Azure's documentation for upload guidelines. DigitalOcean: Enjoy seamless support. Follow DigitalOcean's guidelines for effortless import. UpCloud: Supported. Consult UpCloud's documentation for detailed import instructions.
VMware Vsphere What it backs up: This option allows you to create backups of your virtual machines running on VMware vSphere, including vCenter Server and ESXi hosts. Benefits: Live Backups: Virtual machines can be backed up without taking them offline, minimizing downtime and disruption. Efficient Backups: This method uses Changed Block Tracking (CBT) technology (when available) to only transfer changed data, improving backup speed and storage efficiency. Backup Process Breakdown: This method backs up your VMware virtual machines without needing them to be offline. Here's how it works: A temporary snapshot of the virtual machine is captured to ensure a complete copy at the backup time. Only the necessary files, like configuration and virtual disks, are transferred for backup, using a chunking process for efficiency. Once the transfer is complete, the temporary snapshot is released, freeing up resources on the virtual machine. Performance Local Deployment: For peak performance, deploy Zmanda Pro as a VM on the same ESXi cluster or host it's backing up. This minimizes network traffic when transferring large disk image files. Parallel Processing: Zmanda Pro allows you to choose how many VMs are backed up concurrently. Strategically selecting this value can significantly speed up backups. Changed Block Tracking (CBT): Leverage CBT to streamline backups. It identifies and reads only data blocks modified since the last successful backup, reducing data transfer and accelerating backups. Both standard and CBT backups skip unallocated disk areas for further optimization. NBDSSL with FastLZ Compression: When using CBT, Zmanda Pro utilizes the secure NBDSSL protocol for data transfer. Additionally, it employs fastlz compression within NBDSSL to shrink data size on-the-fly, minimizing network traffic and speeding up backups. Requirements Desktop Client: Windows x86_64 only, running on the same network as the target ESXi/vCenter. Server: vSphere 6.7 (ESXi or vCenter) or later. Required Roles In
and speeding up backups. Requirements Desktop Client: Windows x86_64 only, running on the same network as the target ESXi/vCenter. Server: vSphere 6.7 (ESXi or vCenter) or later. Required Roles In Zmanda Pro, roles determine what actions users are allowed to perform. Global: Enable/disable methods, Datastore: allocate datastore space, browse datastore, perform low-level file operations. Users with the capability to Allocate Datastore Space can reserve and allocate storage within the datastore, ensuring adequate capacity for tasks or purposes. They can also Browse Datastore, navigating its contents to view and access files and folders. Additionally, they have the authority to Perform Low-Level File Operations, enabling tasks like file management and manipulation directly on the datastore, beneficial for granular file management on the ESXi host. Virtual Machine: Provisioning, allow read-only disk access, allow virtual machine download. Snapshot management(ESXi state): create/remove snapshots. Users with this capability can create new snapshots to capture the current state of virtual machines or remove existing snapshots as needed, providing a mechanism for data protection and recovery. Protected Item configuration (desktop client) From the list of protected items, choose "VMware vSphere". Under "Connection," choose "vSphere API" and click "Configure..." Enter valid vCenter/ESXi credentials with the required roles set (refer to "vSphere Connection" details for specific roles). Use "Test Connection" to verify connectivity. Click the "+" sign to select VMs. Choose "VMware vSphere" to back up all VMs, or select individual VMs. Select the desired backup type for the chosen VMs (refer to "Options" for available modes). Details vSphere Connection: Zmanda Pro leverages the vSphere SOAP API (VADP) for communication with the vSphere server. Data transfer from the datastore utilizes the NBDSSL protocol. Setting Details Server: This section allows specifying the
Details vSphere Connection: Zmanda Pro leverages the vSphere SOAP API (VADP) for communication with the vSphere server. Data transfer from the datastore utilizes the NBDSSL protocol. Setting Details Server: This section allows specifying the vCenter/ESXi host (including custom ports) and an optional thumbprint for enhanced security through SSL certificate validation. Username and password are required for authentication. Options: Latest VM state (Changed Block Tracking): This recommended option provides optimal performance by backing up only modified disk sectors since the last successful backup. Latest VM state (Standard): This option backs up the current state of all disks and VM configurations, flattening past snapshots into a single disk with the latest state. Notes For both Changed Block Tracking and Standard mode: Performance is optimized by skipping over unallocated disk sectors. Data transfer occurs over the NBDSSL protocol. Separate snapshot files are not included in the backup; the current VM state is flattened into a single disk image. Independent disk mode on disks is not supported and will cause the backup process to skip them. Restore While Zmanda Pro can restore individual files and folders for NTFS partitions, recovering an entire VM requires a multi-step process. Here's an overview: File Restoration: Zmanda Pro restores the VM configuration file (.vmx) and virtual disk files (.vmdk) to your local disk. Manual Transfer: You'll then need to manually copy these restored files to the appropriate ESXi datastore using your preferred data transfer method. VM Import: Finally, utilize the ESXi/vCenter interface to import the recovered VM. This process essentially re-registers the VM with the ESXi host, making it accessible again. The disk that is restored will be a compressed copy of the snapshot branches if your backup was made while a virtual machine was operating off of a snapshot. To correctly re-import this virtual machine: Update the VMX configuration with "scsi0:N.fileName = <file>". Optionally, reclaim disk space using
of the snapshot branches if your backup was made while a virtual machine was operating off of a snapshot. To correctly re-import this virtual machine: Update the VMX configuration with "scsi0:N.fileName = <file>". Optionally, reclaim disk space using "vmkfstools -K <vmdk>" to optimize backup performance. If Changed Block Tracking (CBT) was enabled, it's recommended to disable or restart CBT before the first boot. Granular Restore: For NTFS partitions, you have the option for granular restoration of single files and folders. Troubleshooting Enabling Detailed Logging: If encountering difficulties during restore operations, Zmanda Pro offers diagnostic logging to gain deeper insights into the process. You can enable debug logging for a specific backup job to generate more verbose logs: Initiate the failed backup job again. In the storage vault selection, select "Show advanced options." Locate "Log Level" and change it from "Default" to "Debug." Initiate the backup once more. The job log will now display more detailed information to assist in troubleshooting. Enabling CBT inside VMware vSphere CBT is an optional feature for VMs and disks within VMware vSphere. To leverage CBT mode in Zmanda Pro, you'll need to enable CBT on the target VMs and their disks beforehand. Here's a simplified guide: Power off the VM. Access the VMware vSphere web interface and select "Edit" for the desired VM. Go to the "VM Options" tab in the "Edit Settings" dialog box. Locate the "General" section and find "Configuration Parameters." Click "Edit configuration." Set ctkEnabled to TRUE to enable CBT or FALSE to disable it. Repeat step 5 for each attached disk, setting scsix:x.ctkEnabled accordingly. If disabling CBT, delete any *-CTK.VMDK files from the VM's directory using the datastore browser. Power on the VM again. Common errors and warnings This
for each attached disk, setting scsix:x.ctkEnabled accordingly. If disabling CBT, delete any *-CTK.VMDK files from the VM's directory using the datastore browser. Power on the VM again. Common errors and warnings This section addresses frequently encountered errors and warnings you might experience during VM restore operations with Zmanda Pro. By understanding these messages, you can effectively troubleshoot potential issues and ensure successful recoveries. CBT and Initial Backup: "No parent snapshot found. Fallback to full backup" This message indicates that Zmanda Pro couldn't locate a suitable reference backup job for Changed Block Tracking (CBT). This typically happens during two scenarios: Copy * **First backup in a storage vault:** When performing the initial backup within a new storage vault, there's no prior backup to reference for CBT. As a result, Zmanda Pro automatically defaults to a full backup. The subsequent backup, assuming success, should leverage CBT for increased efficiency. * **Previous backup failure:** If a previous backup attempt failed, Zmanda Pro might not be able to find a valid reference point for CBT. In this case, the current job will also proceed as a full backup. The next successful backup will then re-establish the CBT baseline and enable future CBT-based backups. Snapshot Handling: "VM <name> contains <N> snapshots(s). Snapshots will be flattened during backup" This message informs you that the target VM was running off a snapshot chain during the backup process. Zmanda Pro will create a flattened virtual disk image by merging the current snapshot with its parent(s) up to the base disk. This essentially consolidates the snapshot hierarchy into a single disk for the restored VM. While the snapshot tree structure won't be preserved, the current state of the VM will still be recovered. Disk Changes and Inconsistencies: "Unable to run CBT: disk size changed <old> -> <new>" This error signifies that the virtual disk size has

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