1 value
2 values
1 class
3 values
3 values
2 classes
2 classes
Unable to upload dataset
{ "login": "yuvalkirstain", "id": 57996478, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjU3OTk2NDc4", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/57996478?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/yuvalkirstain", "html_url": "https://github.com/yuvalkirstain", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/yuvalkirstain/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/yuvalkirstain/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/yuvalkirstain/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/yuvalkirstain/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/yuvalkirstain/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/yuvalkirstain/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/yuvalkirstain/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/yuvalkirstain/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/yuvalkirstain/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
### Describe the bug Uploading a simple dataset ends with an exception ### Steps to reproduce the bug I created a new conda env with python 3.10, pip installed datasets and: ```python >>> from datasets import load_dataset, load_from_disk, Dataset >>> d = Dataset.from_dict({"text": ["hello"] * 2}) >>> d.push_to_hub("ttt111") /home/olab/kirstain/anaconda3/envs/datasets/lib/python3.10/site-packages/huggingface_hub/utils/_hf_folder.py:92: UserWarning: A token has been found in `/a/home/cc/students/cs/kirstain/.huggingface/token`. This is the old path where tokens were stored. The new location is `/home/olab/kirstain/.cache/huggingface/token` which is configurable using `HF_HOME` environment variable. Your token has been copied to this new location. You can now safely delete the old token file manually or use `huggingface-cli logout`. warnings.warn( Creating parquet from Arrow format: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 279.94ba/s] Upload 1 LFS files: 0%| | 0/1 [00:02<?, ?it/s] Pushing dataset shards to the dataset hub: 0%| | 0/1 [00:04<?, ?it/s] Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/olab/kirstain/anaconda3/envs/datasets/lib/python3.10/site-packages/huggingface_hub/utils/_errors.py", line 264, in hf_raise_for_status response.raise_for_status() File "/home/olab/kirstain/anaconda3/envs/datasets/lib/python3.10/site-packages/requests/models.py", line 1021, in raise_for_status raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self) requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: https://s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/lfs.huggingface.co/repos/cf/0c/cf0c5ab8a3f729e5f57a8b79a36ecea64a31126f13218591c27ed9a1c7bd9b41/ece885a4bb6bbc8c1bb51b45542b805283d74590f72cd4c45d3ba76628570386?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Content-Sha256=UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD&X-Amz-Credential=AKIA4N7VTDGO27GPWFUO%2F20230128%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20230128T151640Z&X-Amz-Expires=900&X-Amz-Signature=89e78e9a9d70add7ed93d453334f4f93c6f29d889d46750a1f2da04af73978db&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&x-amz-storage-class=INTELLIGENT_TIERING&x-id=PutObject The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/olab/kirstain/anaconda3/envs/datasets/lib/python3.10/site-packages/huggingface_hub/_commit_api.py", line 334, in _inner_upload_lfs_object return _upload_lfs_object( File "/home/olab/kirstain/anaconda3/envs/datasets/lib/python3.10/site-packages/huggingface_hub/_commit_api.py", line 391, in _upload_lfs_object lfs_upload( File "/home/olab/kirstain/anaconda3/envs/datasets/lib/python3.10/site-packages/huggingface_hub/lfs.py", line 273, in lfs_upload _upload_single_part( File "/home/olab/kirstain/anaconda3/envs/datasets/lib/python3.10/site-packages/huggingface_hub/lfs.py", line 305, in _upload_single_part hf_raise_for_status(upload_res) File "/home/olab/kirstain/anaconda3/envs/datasets/lib/python3.10/site-packages/huggingface_hub/utils/_errors.py", line 318, in hf_raise_for_status raise HfHubHTTPError(str(e), response=response) from e huggingface_hub.utils._errors.HfHubHTTPError: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: https://s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/lfs.huggingface.co/repos/cf/0c/cf0c5ab8a3f729e5f57a8b79a36ecea64a31126f13218591c27ed9a1c7bd9b41/ece885a4bb6bbc8c1bb51b45542b805283d74590f72cd4c45d3ba76628570386?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Content-Sha256=UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD&X-Amz-Credential=AKIA4N7VTDGO27GPWFUO%2F20230128%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20230128T151640Z&X-Amz-Expires=900&X-Amz-Signature=89e78e9a9d70add7ed93d453334f4f93c6f29d889d46750a1f2da04af73978db&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&x-amz-storage-class=INTELLIGENT_TIERING&x-id=PutObject The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "/home/olab/kirstain/anaconda3/envs/datasets/lib/python3.10/site-packages/datasets/arrow_dataset.py", line 4909, in push_to_hub repo_id, split, uploaded_size, dataset_nbytes, repo_files, deleted_size = self._push_parquet_shards_to_hub( File "/home/olab/kirstain/anaconda3/envs/datasets/lib/python3.10/site-packages/datasets/arrow_dataset.py", line 4804, in _push_parquet_shards_to_hub _retry( File "/home/olab/kirstain/anaconda3/envs/datasets/lib/python3.10/site-packages/datasets/utils/file_utils.py", line 281, in _retry return func(*func_args, **func_kwargs) File "/home/olab/kirstain/anaconda3/envs/datasets/lib/python3.10/site-packages/huggingface_hub/utils/_validators.py", line 124, in _inner_fn return fn(*args, **kwargs) File "/home/olab/kirstain/anaconda3/envs/datasets/lib/python3.10/site-packages/huggingface_hub/hf_api.py", line 2537, in upload_file commit_info = self.create_commit( File "/home/olab/kirstain/anaconda3/envs/datasets/lib/python3.10/site-packages/huggingface_hub/utils/_validators.py", line 124, in _inner_fn return fn(*args, **kwargs) File "/home/olab/kirstain/anaconda3/envs/datasets/lib/python3.10/site-packages/huggingface_hub/hf_api.py", line 2346, in create_commit upload_lfs_files( File "/home/olab/kirstain/anaconda3/envs/datasets/lib/python3.10/site-packages/huggingface_hub/utils/_validators.py", line 124, in _inner_fn return fn(*args, **kwargs) File "/home/olab/kirstain/anaconda3/envs/datasets/lib/python3.10/site-packages/huggingface_hub/_commit_api.py", line 346, in upload_lfs_files thread_map( File "/home/olab/kirstain/anaconda3/envs/datasets/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tqdm/contrib/concurrent.py", line 94, in thread_map return _executor_map(ThreadPoolExecutor, fn, *iterables, **tqdm_kwargs) File "/home/olab/kirstain/anaconda3/envs/datasets/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tqdm/contrib/concurrent.py", line 76, in _executor_map return list(tqdm_class(ex.map(fn, *iterables, **map_args), **kwargs)) File "/home/olab/kirstain/anaconda3/envs/datasets/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tqdm/std.py", line 1195, in __iter__ for obj in iterable: File "/home/olab/kirstain/anaconda3/envs/datasets/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/_base.py", line 621, in result_iterator yield _result_or_cancel(fs.pop()) File "/home/olab/kirstain/anaconda3/envs/datasets/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/_base.py", line 319, in _result_or_cancel return fut.result(timeout) File "/home/olab/kirstain/anaconda3/envs/datasets/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/_base.py", line 458, in result return self.__get_result() File "/home/olab/kirstain/anaconda3/envs/datasets/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/_base.py", line 403, in __get_result raise self._exception File "/home/olab/kirstain/anaconda3/envs/datasets/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/thread.py", line 58, in run result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs) File "/home/olab/kirstain/anaconda3/envs/datasets/lib/python3.10/site-packages/huggingface_hub/_commit_api.py", line 338, in _inner_upload_lfs_object raise RuntimeError( RuntimeError: Error while uploading 'data/train-00000-of-00001-6df93048e66df326.parquet' to the Hub. ``` ### Expected behavior The dataset should be uploaded without any exceptions ### Environment info - `datasets` version: 2.9.0 - Platform: Linux-4.15.0-65-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.27 - Python version: 3.10.9 - PyArrow version: 11.0.0 - Pandas version: 1.5.3
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/5483/reactions", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
Reload features from Parquet metadata
{ "login": "lhoestq", "id": 42851186, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjQyODUxMTg2", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/42851186?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq", "html_url": "https://github.com/lhoestq", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
[ { "id": 1935892871, "node_id": "MDU6TGFiZWwxOTM1ODkyODcx", "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/labels/enhancement", "name": "enhancement", "color": "a2eeef", "default": true, "description": "New feature or request" } ]
The idea would be to allow this : ```python ds.to_parquet("my_dataset/ds.parquet") reloaded = load_dataset("my_dataset") assert ds.features == reloaded.features ``` And it should also work with Image and Audio types (right now they're reloaded as a dict type) This can be implemented by storing and reading the feature types in the parquet metadata, as we do for arrow files.
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/5482/reactions", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
Load a cached dataset as iterable
{ "login": "lhoestq", "id": 42851186, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjQyODUxMTg2", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/42851186?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq", "html_url": "https://github.com/lhoestq", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
[ { "id": 1935892871, "node_id": "MDU6TGFiZWwxOTM1ODkyODcx", "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/labels/enhancement", "name": "enhancement", "color": "a2eeef", "default": true, "description": "New feature or request" } ]
The idea would be to allow something like ```python ds = load_dataset("c4", "en", as_iterable=True) ``` To be used to train models. It would load an IterableDataset from the cached Arrow files. Cc @stas00
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/5481/reactions", "total_count": 2, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 2, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
Select columns of Dataset or DatasetDict
{ "login": "daskol", "id": 9336514, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjkzMzY1MTQ=", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9336514?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/daskol", "html_url": "https://github.com/daskol", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/daskol/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/daskol/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/daskol/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/daskol/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/daskol/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/daskol/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/daskol/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/daskol/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/daskol/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
Close #5474 and #5468.
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/5480/reactions", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
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audiofolder works on local env, but creates empty dataset in a remote one, what dependencies could I be missing/outdated
{ "login": "jcho19", "id": 107211437, "node_id": "U_kgDOBmPqrQ", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/107211437?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/jcho19", "html_url": "https://github.com/jcho19", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jcho19/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jcho19/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jcho19/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jcho19/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jcho19/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jcho19/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jcho19/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jcho19/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jcho19/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
### Describe the bug I'm using a custom audio dataset (400+ audio files) in the correct format for audiofolder. Although loading the dataset with audiofolder works in one local setup, it doesn't in a remote one (it just creates an empty dataset). I have both ffmpeg and libndfile installed on both computers, what could be missing/need to be updated in the one that doesn't work? On the remote env, libsndfile is 1.0.28 and ffmpeg is 4.2.1. from datasets import load_dataset ds = load_dataset("audiofolder", data_dir="...") Here is the output (should be generating 400+ rows): Downloading and preparing dataset audiofolder/default to ... Downloading data files: 0%| | 0/2 [00:00<?, ?it/s] Downloading data files: 0it [00:00, ?it/s] Extracting data files: 0it [00:00, ?it/s] Generating train split: 0 examples [00:00, ? examples/s] Dataset audiofolder downloaded and prepared to ... Subsequent calls will reuse this data. 0%| | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s] DatasetDict({ train: Dataset({ features: ['audio', 'transcription'], num_rows: 1 }) }) Here is my pip environment in the one that doesn't work (uses torch 1.11.a0 from shared env): Package Version ------------------- ------------------- aiofiles 22.1.0 aiohttp 3.8.3 aiosignal 1.3.1 altair 4.2.1 anyio 3.6.2 appdirs 1.4.4 argcomplete 2.0.0 argon2-cffi 20.1.0 astunparse 1.6.3 async-timeout 4.0.2 attrs 21.2.0 audioread 3.0.0 backcall 0.2.0 bleach 4.0.0 certifi 2021.10.8 cffi 1.14.6 charset-normalizer 2.0.12 click 8.1.3 contourpy 1.0.7 cycler 0.11.0 datasets 2.9.0 debugpy 1.4.1 decorator 5.0.9 defusedxml 0.7.1 dill 0.3.6 distlib 0.3.4 entrypoints 0.3 evaluate 0.4.0 expecttest 0.1.3 fastapi 0.89.1 ffmpy 0.3.0 filelock 3.6.0 fonttools 4.38.0 frozenlist 1.3.3 fsspec 2023.1.0 future 0.18.2 gradio 3.16.2 h11 0.14.0 httpcore 0.16.3 httpx 0.23.3 huggingface-hub 0.12.0 idna 3.3 ipykernel 6.2.0 ipython 7.26.0 ipython-genutils 0.2.0 ipywidgets 7.6.3 jedi 0.18.0 Jinja2 3.0.1 jiwer 2.5.1 joblib 1.2.0 jsonschema 3.2.0 jupyter 1.0.0 jupyter-client 6.1.12 jupyter-console 6.4.0 jupyter-core 4.7.1 jupyterlab-pygments 0.1.2 jupyterlab-widgets 1.0.0 kiwisolver 1.4.4 Levenshtein 0.20.2 librosa 0.9.2 linkify-it-py 1.0.3 llvmlite 0.39.1 markdown-it-py 2.1.0 MarkupSafe 2.0.1 matplotlib 3.6.3 matplotlib-inline 0.1.2 mdit-py-plugins 0.3.3 mdurl 0.1.2 mistune 0.8.4 multidict 6.0.4 multiprocess 0.70.14 nbclient 0.5.4 nbconvert 6.1.0 nbformat 5.1.3 nest-asyncio 1.5.1 notebook 6.4.3 numba 0.56.4 numpy 1.20.3 orjson 3.8.5 packaging 21.0 pandas 1.5.3 pandocfilters 1.4.3 parso 0.8.2 pexpect 4.8.0 pickleshare 0.7.5 Pillow 9.4.0 pip 22.3.1 pipx 1.1.0 platformdirs 2.5.2 pooch 1.6.0 prometheus-client 0.11.0 prompt-toolkit 3.0.19 psutil 5.9.0 ptyprocess 0.7.0 pyarrow 10.0.1 pycparser 2.20 pycryptodome 3.16.0 pydantic 1.10.4 pydub 0.25.1 Pygments 2.10.0 pyparsing 2.4.7 pyrsistent 0.18.0 python-dateutil 2.8.2 python-multipart 0.0.5 pytz 2022.7.1 PyYAML 6.0 pyzmq 22.2.1 qtconsole 5.1.1 QtPy 1.10.0 rapidfuzz 2.13.7 regex 2022.10.31 requests 2.27.1 resampy 0.4.2 responses 0.18.0 rfc3986 1.5.0 scikit-learn 1.2.1 scipy 1.6.3 Send2Trash 1.8.0 setuptools 65.5.1 shiboken6 6.3.1 shiboken6-generator 6.3.1 six 1.16.0 sniffio 1.3.0 soundfile 0.11.0 starlette 0.22.0 terminado 0.11.0 testpath 0.5.0 threadpoolctl 3.1.0 tokenizers 0.13.2 toolz 0.12.0 torch 1.11.0a0+gitunknown tornado 6.1 tqdm 4.64.1 traitlets 5.0.5 transformers 4.27.0.dev0 types-dataclasses 0.6.4 typing_extensions 4.1.1 uc-micro-py 1.0.1 urllib3 1.26.9 userpath 1.8.0 uvicorn 0.20.0 virtualenv 20.14.1 wcwidth 0.2.5 webencodings 0.5.1 websockets 10.4 wheel 0.37.1 widgetsnbextension 3.5.1 xxhash 3.2.0 yarl 1.8.2 ### Steps to reproduce the bug Create a pip environment with the packages listed above (make sure ffmpeg and libsndfile is installed with same versions listed above). Create a custom audio dataset and load it in with load_dataset("audiofolder", ...) ### Expected behavior load_dataset should create a dataset with 400+ rows. ### Environment info - `datasets` version: 2.9.0 - Platform: Linux-3.10.0-1160.80.1.el7.x86_64-x86_64-with-glibc2.17 - Python version: 3.9.0 - PyArrow version: 10.0.1 - Pandas version: 1.5.3
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Tip for recomputing metadata
{ "login": "stevhliu", "id": 59462357, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjU5NDYyMzU3", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/59462357?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/stevhliu", "html_url": "https://github.com/stevhliu", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/stevhliu/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/stevhliu/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/stevhliu/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/stevhliu/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/stevhliu/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/stevhliu/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/stevhliu/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/stevhliu/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/stevhliu/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
[ "The docs for this PR live [here](https://moon-ci-docs.huggingface.co/docs/datasets/pr_5478). All of your documentation changes will be reflected on that endpoint." ]
From this [feedback](https://discuss.huggingface.co/t/nonmatchingsplitssizeserror/30033) on the forum, thought I'd include a tip for recomputing the metadata numbers if it is your own dataset.
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/5478/reactions", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
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Unpin sqlalchemy once issue is fixed
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Once the source issue is fixed: - pandas-dev/pandas#51015 we should revert the pin introduced in: - #5476
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Pin sqlalchemy
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[ "_The documentation is not available anymore as the PR was closed or merged._", "<details>\n<summary>Show benchmarks</summary>\n\nPyArrow==6.0.0\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.012442 / 0.011353 (0.001089) | 0.006274 / 0.011008 (-0.004734) | 0.128249 / 0.038508 (0.089741) | 0.040117 / 0.023109 (0.017008) | 0.383725 / 0.275898 (0.107827) | 0.510494 / 0.323480 (0.187014) | 0.009037 / 0.007986 (0.001051) | 0.008256 / 0.004328 (0.003927) | 0.105329 / 0.004250 (0.101079) | 0.046909 / 0.037052 (0.009857) | 0.401980 / 0.258489 (0.143491) | 0.461332 / 0.293841 (0.167491) | 0.065629 / 0.128546 (-0.062917) | 0.020043 / 0.075646 (-0.055604) | 0.453773 / 0.419271 (0.034501) | 0.063456 / 0.043533 (0.019923) | 0.384458 / 0.255139 (0.129319) | 0.449699 / 0.283200 (0.166499) | 0.118197 / 0.141683 (-0.023486) | 1.915080 / 1.452155 (0.462925) | 1.957132 / 1.492716 (0.464416) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.209657 / 0.018006 (0.191651) | 0.592478 / 0.000490 (0.591988) | 0.004137 / 0.000200 (0.003937) | 0.000124 / 0.000054 (0.000069) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.029607 / 0.037411 (-0.007804) | 0.129559 / 0.014526 (0.115033) | 0.148326 / 0.176557 (-0.028231) | 0.190506 / 0.737135 (-0.546629) | 0.143177 / 0.296338 (-0.153162) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.626166 / 0.215209 (0.410957) | 6.612680 / 2.077655 (4.535026) | 2.432354 / 1.504120 (0.928234) | 2.051482 / 1.541195 (0.510287) | 2.055822 / 1.468490 (0.587332) | 1.210099 / 4.584777 (-3.374678) | 5.498117 / 3.745712 (1.752405) | 3.054838 / 5.269862 (-2.215024) | 2.182875 / 4.565676 (-2.382802) | 0.144518 / 0.424275 (-0.279757) | 0.014132 / 0.007607 (0.006525) | 0.801805 / 0.226044 (0.575761) | 7.911235 / 2.268929 (5.642307) | 3.372762 / 55.444624 (-52.071862) | 2.517266 / 6.876477 (-4.359210) | 2.515329 / 2.142072 (0.373256) | 1.501731 / 4.805227 (-3.303497) | 0.252569 / 6.500664 (-6.248096) | 0.080987 / 0.075469 (0.005518) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.709880 / 1.841788 (-0.131907) | 18.640340 / 8.074308 (10.566032) | 23.560908 / 10.191392 (13.369516) | 0.265680 / 0.680424 (-0.414744) | 0.046438 / 0.534201 (-0.487763) | 0.571973 / 0.579283 (-0.007310) | 0.642425 / 0.434364 (0.208061) | 0.698167 / 0.540337 (0.157830) | 0.842132 / 1.386936 (-0.544804) |\n\n</details>\nPyArrow==latest\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.009268 / 0.011353 (-0.002085) | 0.006052 / 0.011008 (-0.004956) | 0.133448 / 0.038508 (0.094939) | 0.034417 / 0.023109 (0.011308) | 0.435573 / 0.275898 (0.159675) | 0.479642 / 0.323480 (0.156162) | 0.008016 / 0.007986 (0.000030) | 0.006616 / 0.004328 (0.002288) | 0.106256 / 0.004250 (0.102005) | 0.048995 / 0.037052 (0.011942) | 0.450056 / 0.258489 (0.191567) | 0.511027 / 0.293841 (0.217187) | 0.052928 / 0.128546 (-0.075618) | 0.020824 / 0.075646 (-0.054822) | 0.450105 / 0.419271 (0.030834) | 0.062729 / 0.043533 (0.019196) | 0.438887 / 0.255139 (0.183748) | 0.468732 / 0.283200 (0.185532) | 0.116101 / 0.141683 (-0.025582) | 1.909689 / 1.452155 (0.457534) | 2.042007 / 1.492716 (0.549291) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.198265 / 0.018006 (0.180259) | 0.541799 / 0.000490 (0.541309) | 0.003938 / 0.000200 (0.003738) | 0.000116 / 0.000054 (0.000062) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.035933 / 0.037411 (-0.001478) | 0.130754 / 0.014526 (0.116229) | 0.146143 / 0.176557 (-0.030414) | 0.202042 / 0.737135 (-0.535094) | 0.155648 / 0.296338 (-0.140691) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.691123 / 0.215209 (0.475914) | 6.708370 / 2.077655 (4.630715) | 2.957120 / 1.504120 (1.453000) | 2.558350 / 1.541195 (1.017155) | 2.611271 / 1.468490 (1.142781) | 1.327355 / 4.584777 (-3.257422) | 5.755975 / 3.745712 (2.010263) | 3.295556 / 5.269862 (-1.974305) | 2.159831 / 4.565676 (-2.405845) | 0.161409 / 0.424275 (-0.262866) | 0.015470 / 0.007607 (0.007863) | 0.840611 / 0.226044 (0.614567) | 8.550064 / 2.268929 (6.281136) | 3.832013 / 55.444624 (-51.612612) | 3.032909 / 6.876477 (-3.843568) | 3.155651 / 2.142072 (1.013578) | 1.612486 / 4.805227 (-3.192741) | 0.273789 / 6.500664 (-6.226875) | 0.085618 / 0.075469 (0.010149) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.808376 / 1.841788 (-0.033412) | 18.267614 / 8.074308 (10.193306) | 21.047679 / 10.191392 (10.856286) | 0.259089 / 0.680424 (-0.421335) | 0.029211 / 0.534201 (-0.504990) | 0.556303 / 0.579283 (-0.022980) | 0.625264 / 0.434364 (0.190900) | 0.680814 / 0.540337 (0.140476) | 0.810146 / 1.386936 (-0.576790) |\n\n</details>\n</details>\n\n![](https://cml.dev/watermark.png#20ea76c80e07acad78cf67198a4046a982feda21 \"CML watermark\")\n", "<details>\n<summary>Show benchmarks</summary>\n\nPyArrow==6.0.0\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.008779 / 0.011353 (-0.002574) | 0.004644 / 0.011008 (-0.006364) | 0.099814 / 0.038508 (0.061306) | 0.029830 / 0.023109 (0.006721) | 0.299159 / 0.275898 (0.023261) | 0.354815 / 0.323480 (0.031335) | 0.006968 / 0.007986 (-0.001018) | 0.003521 / 0.004328 (-0.000808) | 0.077687 / 0.004250 (0.073437) | 0.035019 / 0.037052 (-0.002034) | 0.309548 / 0.258489 (0.051059) | 0.345228 / 0.293841 (0.051387) | 0.033644 / 0.128546 (-0.094902) | 0.011564 / 0.075646 (-0.064083) | 0.321835 / 0.419271 (-0.097437) | 0.041798 / 0.043533 (-0.001735) | 0.298190 / 0.255139 (0.043051) | 0.328874 / 0.283200 (0.045674) | 0.088175 / 0.141683 (-0.053508) | 1.481755 / 1.452155 (0.029600) | 1.503085 / 1.492716 (0.010369) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.170930 / 0.018006 (0.152924) | 0.422155 / 0.000490 (0.421666) | 0.001708 / 0.000200 (0.001509) | 0.000083 / 0.000054 (0.000028) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.022588 / 0.037411 (-0.014824) | 0.095775 / 0.014526 (0.081249) | 0.103939 / 0.176557 (-0.072618) | 0.138441 / 0.737135 (-0.598694) | 0.107896 / 0.296338 (-0.188442) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.418243 / 0.215209 (0.203034) | 4.171432 / 2.077655 (2.093777) | 1.906029 / 1.504120 (0.401909) | 1.698174 / 1.541195 (0.156979) | 1.748339 / 1.468490 (0.279849) | 0.691026 / 4.584777 (-3.893751) | 3.393354 / 3.745712 (-0.352358) | 2.722412 / 5.269862 (-2.547450) | 1.462439 / 4.565676 (-3.103238) | 0.084713 / 0.424275 (-0.339562) | 0.012131 / 0.007607 (0.004524) | 0.522153 / 0.226044 (0.296109) | 5.197916 / 2.268929 (2.928988) | 2.314270 / 55.444624 (-53.130354) | 1.986599 / 6.876477 (-4.889878) | 2.012757 / 2.142072 (-0.129315) | 0.802540 / 4.805227 (-4.002687) | 0.148673 / 6.500664 (-6.351991) | 0.065924 / 0.075469 (-0.009545) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.263790 / 1.841788 (-0.577998) | 13.874784 / 8.074308 (5.800476) | 13.842276 / 10.191392 (3.650884) | 0.149002 / 0.680424 (-0.531422) | 0.028550 / 0.534201 (-0.505651) | 0.396913 / 0.579283 (-0.182370) | 0.401543 / 0.434364 (-0.032821) | 0.473754 / 0.540337 (-0.066583) | 0.560455 / 1.386936 (-0.826481) |\n\n</details>\nPyArrow==latest\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.006724 / 0.011353 (-0.004629) | 0.004507 / 0.011008 (-0.006502) | 0.098447 / 0.038508 (0.059939) | 0.027888 / 0.023109 (0.004779) | 0.428956 / 0.275898 (0.153058) | 0.451557 / 0.323480 (0.128077) | 0.005056 / 0.007986 (-0.002929) | 0.003363 / 0.004328 (-0.000965) | 0.075990 / 0.004250 (0.071740) | 0.038688 / 0.037052 (0.001635) | 0.421550 / 0.258489 (0.163061) | 0.459480 / 0.293841 (0.165639) | 0.031408 / 0.128546 (-0.097138) | 0.011559 / 0.075646 (-0.064088) | 0.320054 / 0.419271 (-0.099217) | 0.041917 / 0.043533 (-0.001616) | 0.420878 / 0.255139 (0.165739) | 0.444813 / 0.283200 (0.161613) | 0.090409 / 0.141683 (-0.051274) | 1.490058 / 1.452155 (0.037904) | 1.645206 / 1.492716 (0.152489) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.221105 / 0.018006 (0.203099) | 0.407537 / 0.000490 (0.407047) | 0.000410 / 0.000200 (0.000210) | 0.000059 / 0.000054 (0.000004) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.024658 / 0.037411 (-0.012754) | 0.099230 / 0.014526 (0.084705) | 0.107788 / 0.176557 (-0.068769) | 0.143040 / 0.737135 (-0.594096) | 0.109440 / 0.296338 (-0.186899) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.453303 / 0.215209 (0.238094) | 4.520376 / 2.077655 (2.442722) | 2.133909 / 1.504120 (0.629789) | 1.926996 / 1.541195 (0.385801) | 2.019870 / 1.468490 (0.551380) | 0.707423 / 4.584777 (-3.877354) | 3.391903 / 3.745712 (-0.353809) | 1.860661 / 5.269862 (-3.409201) | 1.159940 / 4.565676 (-3.405736) | 0.083773 / 0.424275 (-0.340502) | 0.012228 / 0.007607 (0.004621) | 0.554666 / 0.226044 (0.328622) | 5.567564 / 2.268929 (3.298636) | 2.636718 / 55.444624 (-52.807907) | 2.240215 / 6.876477 (-4.636262) | 2.218951 / 2.142072 (0.076879) | 0.817167 / 4.805227 (-3.988060) | 0.151633 / 6.500664 (-6.349032) | 0.066515 / 0.075469 (-0.008954) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.296665 / 1.841788 (-0.545123) | 13.997898 / 8.074308 (5.923590) | 13.286607 / 10.191392 (3.095215) | 0.148906 / 0.680424 (-0.531518) | 0.016600 / 0.534201 (-0.517601) | 0.377459 / 0.579283 (-0.201824) | 0.379938 / 0.434364 (-0.054426) | 0.461628 / 0.540337 (-0.078709) | 0.550592 / 1.386936 (-0.836344) |\n\n</details>\n</details>\n\n![](https://cml.dev/watermark.png#053f51a3e2adb762236eb29dd02791307f45f02f \"CML watermark\")\n" ]
since sqlalchemy update to 2.0.0 the CI started to fail: https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/actions/runs/4023742457/jobs/6914976514 the error comes from pandas: https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/51015
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/5476/reactions", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/pulls/5476", "html_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/5476", "diff_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/5476.diff", "patch_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/5476.patch", "merged_at": "2023-01-27T11:57:48" }
Dataset scan time is much slower than using native arrow
{ "login": "jonny-cyberhaven", "id": 121845112, "node_id": "U_kgDOB0M1eA", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/121845112?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/jonny-cyberhaven", "html_url": "https://github.com/jonny-cyberhaven", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jonny-cyberhaven/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jonny-cyberhaven/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jonny-cyberhaven/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jonny-cyberhaven/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jonny-cyberhaven/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jonny-cyberhaven/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jonny-cyberhaven/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jonny-cyberhaven/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jonny-cyberhaven/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
[ "Hi ! In your code you only iterate on the Arrow buffers - you don't actually load the data as python objects. For a fair comparison, you can modify your code using:\r\n```diff\r\n- for _ in range(0, len(table), bsz):\r\n- _ = {k:table[k][_ : _ + bsz] for k in cols}\r\n+ for _ in range(0, len(table), bsz):\r\n+ _ = {k:table[k][_ : _ + bsz].to_pylist() for k in cols}\r\n```\r\n\r\nI re-ran your code and got a speed ratio of 1.00x and 1.02x", "Ah I see, datasets is implicitly making this conversion. Thanks for pointing that out!\r\n\r\nIf it's not too much, I would also suggest updating some of your docs with the same `.to_pylist()` conversion in the code snippet that follows [here](https://huggingface.co/course/chapter5/4?fw=pt#:~:text=let%E2%80%99s%20run%20a%20little%20speed%20test%20by%20iterating%20over%20all%20the%20elements%20in%20the%20PubMed%20Abstracts%20dataset%3A)." ]
### Describe the bug I'm basically running the same scanning experiment from the tutorials https://huggingface.co/course/chapter5/4?fw=pt except now I'm comparing to a native pyarrow version. I'm finding that the native pyarrow approach is much faster (2 orders of magnitude). Is there something I'm missing that explains this phenomenon? ### Steps to reproduce the bug https://colab.research.google.com/drive/11EtHDaGAf1DKCpvYnAPJUW-LFfAcDzHY?usp=sharing ### Expected behavior I expect scan times to be on par with using pyarrow directly. ### Environment info standard colab environment
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/5475/reactions", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
Column project operation on `datasets.Dataset`
{ "login": "daskol", "id": 9336514, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjkzMzY1MTQ=", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9336514?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/daskol", "html_url": "https://github.com/daskol", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/daskol/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/daskol/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/daskol/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/daskol/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/daskol/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/daskol/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/daskol/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/daskol/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/daskol/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
[ { "id": 1935892871, "node_id": "MDU6TGFiZWwxOTM1ODkyODcx", "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/labels/enhancement", "name": "enhancement", "color": "a2eeef", "default": true, "description": "New feature or request" } ]
[ "Hi ! This would be a nice addition indeed :) This sounds like a duplicate of https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/issues/5468\r\n\r\n> Not sure. Some of my PRs are still open and some do not have any discussions.\r\n\r\nSorry to hear that, feel free to ping me on those PRs" ]
### Feature request There is no operation to select a subset of columns of original dataset. Expected API follows. ```python a = Dataset.from_dict({ 'int': [0, 1, 2] 'char': ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'none': [None] * 3, }) b = a.project('int', 'char') # usually, .select() print(a.column_names) # stdout: ['int', 'char', 'none'] print(b.column_names) # stdout: ['int', 'char'] ``` Method project can easily accept not only column names (as a `str)` but univariant function applied to corresponding column as an example. Or keyword arguments can be used in order to rename columns in advance (see `pandas`, `pyspark`, `pyarrow`, and SQL).. ### Motivation Projection is a typical operation in every data processing library. And it is a basic block of a well-known data manipulation language like SQL. Without this operation `datasets.Dataset` interface is not complete. ### Your contribution Not sure. Some of my PRs are still open and some do not have any discussions.
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/5474/reactions", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
Set dev version
{ "login": "lhoestq", "id": 42851186, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjQyODUxMTg2", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/42851186?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq", "html_url": "https://github.com/lhoestq", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
[ "_The documentation is not available anymore as the PR was closed or merged._", "<details>\n<summary>Show benchmarks</summary>\n\nPyArrow==6.0.0\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.008959 / 0.011353 (-0.002394) | 0.004549 / 0.011008 (-0.006460) | 0.102012 / 0.038508 (0.063504) | 0.030122 / 0.023109 (0.007013) | 0.303731 / 0.275898 (0.027833) | 0.344418 / 0.323480 (0.020938) | 0.007199 / 0.007986 (-0.000787) | 0.003415 / 0.004328 (-0.000913) | 0.079784 / 0.004250 (0.075534) | 0.034894 / 0.037052 (-0.002158) | 0.304739 / 0.258489 (0.046250) | 0.359457 / 0.293841 (0.065616) | 0.034194 / 0.128546 (-0.094352) | 0.011348 / 0.075646 (-0.064298) | 0.324340 / 0.419271 (-0.094931) | 0.041071 / 0.043533 (-0.002461) | 0.304437 / 0.255139 (0.049298) | 0.335517 / 0.283200 (0.052317) | 0.087787 / 0.141683 (-0.053895) | 1.467293 / 1.452155 (0.015138) | 1.543529 / 1.492716 (0.050813) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.187654 / 0.018006 (0.169648) | 0.426558 / 0.000490 (0.426068) | 0.003585 / 0.000200 (0.003385) | 0.000076 / 0.000054 (0.000022) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.023410 / 0.037411 (-0.014001) | 0.097065 / 0.014526 (0.082539) | 0.105358 / 0.176557 (-0.071198) | 0.140941 / 0.737135 (-0.596195) | 0.109484 / 0.296338 (-0.186855) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.420334 / 0.215209 (0.205125) | 4.223235 / 2.077655 (2.145581) | 1.866213 / 1.504120 (0.362093) | 1.673829 / 1.541195 (0.132634) | 1.757828 / 1.468490 (0.289337) | 0.702203 / 4.584777 (-3.882574) | 3.426192 / 3.745712 (-0.319521) | 1.950392 / 5.269862 (-3.319470) | 1.286139 / 4.565676 (-3.279538) | 0.082858 / 0.424275 (-0.341417) | 0.012587 / 0.007607 (0.004980) | 0.531920 / 0.226044 (0.305876) | 5.344425 / 2.268929 (3.075497) | 2.337875 / 55.444624 (-53.106749) | 1.967713 / 6.876477 (-4.908764) | 2.022075 / 2.142072 (-0.119997) | 0.829267 / 4.805227 (-3.975961) | 0.151712 / 6.500664 (-6.348952) | 0.066617 / 0.075469 (-0.008852) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.251867 / 1.841788 (-0.589921) | 13.861756 / 8.074308 (5.787448) | 14.236309 / 10.191392 (4.044917) | 0.138215 / 0.680424 (-0.542209) | 0.028600 / 0.534201 (-0.505601) | 0.395890 / 0.579283 (-0.183393) | 0.403971 / 0.434364 (-0.030393) | 0.479033 / 0.540337 (-0.061305) | 0.564019 / 1.386936 (-0.822917) |\n\n</details>\nPyArrow==latest\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.006845 / 0.011353 (-0.004508) | 0.004544 / 0.011008 (-0.006464) | 0.098719 / 0.038508 (0.060211) | 0.029082 / 0.023109 (0.005973) | 0.426011 / 0.275898 (0.150113) | 0.447185 / 0.323480 (0.123705) | 0.005203 / 0.007986 (-0.002783) | 0.004790 / 0.004328 (0.000462) | 0.076446 / 0.004250 (0.072196) | 0.040649 / 0.037052 (0.003596) | 0.414810 / 0.258489 (0.156321) | 0.452082 / 0.293841 (0.158241) | 0.031842 / 0.128546 (-0.096704) | 0.011575 / 0.075646 (-0.064071) | 0.320710 / 0.419271 (-0.098561) | 0.044994 / 0.043533 (0.001461) | 0.415645 / 0.255139 (0.160506) | 0.435235 / 0.283200 (0.152035) | 0.091756 / 0.141683 (-0.049927) | 1.493900 / 1.452155 (0.041746) | 1.592353 / 1.492716 (0.099637) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.264710 / 0.018006 (0.246703) | 0.410553 / 0.000490 (0.410064) | 0.024497 / 0.000200 (0.024297) | 0.000232 / 0.000054 (0.000178) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.024452 / 0.037411 (-0.012959) | 0.102673 / 0.014526 (0.088147) | 0.107787 / 0.176557 (-0.068770) | 0.147368 / 0.737135 (-0.589767) | 0.112127 / 0.296338 (-0.184211) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.471294 / 0.215209 (0.256085) | 4.711638 / 2.077655 (2.633983) | 2.436819 / 1.504120 (0.932699) | 2.238540 / 1.541195 (0.697345) | 2.334134 / 1.468490 (0.865644) | 0.697668 / 4.584777 (-3.887108) | 3.414332 / 3.745712 (-0.331380) | 2.783248 / 5.269862 (-2.486614) | 1.529599 / 4.565676 (-3.036078) | 0.082626 / 0.424275 (-0.341649) | 0.012385 / 0.007607 (0.004778) | 0.580486 / 0.226044 (0.354441) | 5.837914 / 2.268929 (3.568986) | 2.915129 / 55.444624 (-52.529495) | 2.606254 / 6.876477 (-4.270223) | 2.659031 / 2.142072 (0.516958) | 0.810431 / 4.805227 (-3.994796) | 0.151666 / 6.500664 (-6.348998) | 0.066873 / 0.075469 (-0.008596) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.259933 / 1.841788 (-0.581855) | 14.052388 / 8.074308 (5.978080) | 13.356141 / 10.191392 (3.164749) | 0.138416 / 0.680424 (-0.542008) | 0.016582 / 0.534201 (-0.517619) | 0.378110 / 0.579283 (-0.201173) | 0.385089 / 0.434364 (-0.049275) | 0.465299 / 0.540337 (-0.075038) | 0.559780 / 1.386936 (-0.827156) |\n\n</details>\n</details>\n\n![](https://cml.dev/watermark.png#d2859fd4d4beca33f21539a6e1df9a7f012cbd10 \"CML watermark\")\n", "<details>\n<summary>Show benchmarks</summary>\n\nPyArrow==6.0.0\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.011945 / 0.011353 (0.000592) | 0.006128 / 0.011008 (-0.004880) | 0.128926 / 0.038508 (0.090418) | 0.037708 / 0.023109 (0.014599) | 0.373449 / 0.275898 (0.097551) | 0.423567 / 0.323480 (0.100088) | 0.009848 / 0.007986 (0.001863) | 0.006097 / 0.004328 (0.001769) | 0.098275 / 0.004250 (0.094024) | 0.043199 / 0.037052 (0.006147) | 0.376848 / 0.258489 (0.118359) | 0.441819 / 0.293841 (0.147978) | 0.055094 / 0.128546 (-0.073453) | 0.019704 / 0.075646 (-0.055942) | 0.422746 / 0.419271 (0.003474) | 0.061764 / 0.043533 (0.018231) | 0.381056 / 0.255139 (0.125917) | 0.419343 / 0.283200 (0.136144) | 0.116720 / 0.141683 (-0.024963) | 1.763913 / 1.452155 (0.311759) | 1.872306 / 1.492716 (0.379589) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.198651 / 0.018006 (0.180645) | 0.560565 / 0.000490 (0.560075) | 0.004269 / 0.000200 (0.004069) | 0.000114 / 0.000054 (0.000059) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.027307 / 0.037411 (-0.010104) | 0.128276 / 0.014526 (0.113750) | 0.129015 / 0.176557 (-0.047542) | 0.167269 / 0.737135 (-0.569866) | 0.143955 / 0.296338 (-0.152384) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.564954 / 0.215209 (0.349745) | 5.810570 / 2.077655 (3.732916) | 2.456382 / 1.504120 (0.952262) | 2.115809 / 1.541195 (0.574614) | 2.097363 / 1.468490 (0.628873) | 1.189712 / 4.584777 (-3.395065) | 5.318287 / 3.745712 (1.572575) | 2.965763 / 5.269862 (-2.304099) | 2.177958 / 4.565676 (-2.387719) | 0.144135 / 0.424275 (-0.280140) | 0.014348 / 0.007607 (0.006741) | 0.781715 / 0.226044 (0.555670) | 7.688349 / 2.268929 (5.419421) | 3.189260 / 55.444624 (-52.255365) | 2.552340 / 6.876477 (-4.324137) | 2.559312 / 2.142072 (0.417240) | 1.490755 / 4.805227 (-3.314473) | 0.257908 / 6.500664 (-6.242756) | 0.082016 / 0.075469 (0.006547) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.565735 / 1.841788 (-0.276053) | 17.660338 / 8.074308 (9.586030) | 19.493573 / 10.191392 (9.302181) | 0.241310 / 0.680424 (-0.439114) | 0.043485 / 0.534201 (-0.490716) | 0.557397 / 0.579283 (-0.021886) | 0.624385 / 0.434364 (0.190021) | 0.634601 / 0.540337 (0.094264) | 0.743140 / 1.386936 (-0.643796) |\n\n</details>\nPyArrow==latest\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.010134 / 0.011353 (-0.001219) | 0.005858 / 0.011008 (-0.005150) | 0.128741 / 0.038508 (0.090232) | 0.036769 / 0.023109 (0.013660) | 0.470894 / 0.275898 (0.194996) | 0.524302 / 0.323480 (0.200822) | 0.006830 / 0.007986 (-0.001156) | 0.006166 / 0.004328 (0.001838) | 0.094875 / 0.004250 (0.090625) | 0.051201 / 0.037052 (0.014148) | 0.493992 / 0.258489 (0.235503) | 0.510540 / 0.293841 (0.216699) | 0.056354 / 0.128546 (-0.072192) | 0.020512 / 0.075646 (-0.055134) | 0.417809 / 0.419271 (-0.001463) | 0.061941 / 0.043533 (0.018408) | 0.498883 / 0.255139 (0.243744) | 0.480762 / 0.283200 (0.197563) | 0.110753 / 0.141683 (-0.030930) | 1.914096 / 1.452155 (0.461941) | 1.941338 / 1.492716 (0.448622) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.237955 / 0.018006 (0.219949) | 0.518136 / 0.000490 (0.517647) | 0.000475 / 0.000200 (0.000275) | 0.000095 / 0.000054 (0.000040) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.032947 / 0.037411 (-0.004465) | 0.127857 / 0.014526 (0.113331) | 0.133911 / 0.176557 (-0.042646) | 0.188406 / 0.737135 (-0.548729) | 0.143939 / 0.296338 (-0.152400) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.787553 / 0.215209 (0.572344) | 6.976572 / 2.077655 (4.898918) | 2.897964 / 1.504120 (1.393844) | 2.545906 / 1.541195 (1.004711) | 2.622111 / 1.468490 (1.153620) | 1.278283 / 4.584777 (-3.306494) | 5.650447 / 3.745712 (1.904734) | 4.955835 / 5.269862 (-0.314027) | 2.767946 / 4.565676 (-1.797731) | 0.149385 / 0.424275 (-0.274890) | 0.014340 / 0.007607 (0.006733) | 0.861774 / 0.226044 (0.635730) | 8.660985 / 2.268929 (6.392057) | 3.685611 / 55.444624 (-51.759014) | 2.963087 / 6.876477 (-3.913390) | 3.020746 / 2.142072 (0.878673) | 1.538908 / 4.805227 (-3.266319) | 0.285875 / 6.500664 (-6.214789) | 0.080337 / 0.075469 (0.004867) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.575155 / 1.841788 (-0.266633) | 17.548946 / 8.074308 (9.474638) | 19.954104 / 10.191392 (9.762712) | 0.242025 / 0.680424 (-0.438398) | 0.025586 / 0.534201 (-0.508615) | 0.515676 / 0.579283 (-0.063607) | 0.607035 / 0.434364 (0.172671) | 0.633597 / 0.540337 (0.093259) | 0.744577 / 1.386936 (-0.642359) |\n\n</details>\n</details>\n\n![](https://cml.dev/watermark.png#6529cada7879496bf18dd686e4d281de81d6203c \"CML watermark\")\n" ]
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Release: 2.9.0
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[ "_The documentation is not available anymore as the PR was closed or merged._", "<details>\n<summary>Show benchmarks</summary>\n\nPyArrow==6.0.0\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.008578 / 0.011353 (-0.002775) | 0.004535 / 0.011008 (-0.006473) | 0.100694 / 0.038508 (0.062186) | 0.029570 / 0.023109 (0.006460) | 0.296384 / 0.275898 (0.020486) | 0.354405 / 0.323480 (0.030925) | 0.006962 / 0.007986 (-0.001024) | 0.003405 / 0.004328 (-0.000924) | 0.077275 / 0.004250 (0.073025) | 0.036623 / 0.037052 (-0.000429) | 0.309844 / 0.258489 (0.051355) | 0.340343 / 0.293841 (0.046502) | 0.033626 / 0.128546 (-0.094920) | 0.011433 / 0.075646 (-0.064214) | 0.322659 / 0.419271 (-0.096612) | 0.040509 / 0.043533 (-0.003024) | 0.294002 / 0.255139 (0.038863) | 0.323259 / 0.283200 (0.040059) | 0.088023 / 0.141683 (-0.053660) | 1.462039 / 1.452155 (0.009885) | 1.495401 / 1.492716 (0.002684) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.218614 / 0.018006 (0.200608) | 0.482359 / 0.000490 (0.481869) | 0.001216 / 0.000200 (0.001016) | 0.000081 / 0.000054 (0.000027) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.023167 / 0.037411 (-0.014245) | 0.098468 / 0.014526 (0.083942) | 0.108273 / 0.176557 (-0.068284) | 0.139991 / 0.737135 (-0.597144) | 0.109032 / 0.296338 (-0.187307) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.421526 / 0.215209 (0.206317) | 4.216808 / 2.077655 (2.139153) | 1.860550 / 1.504120 (0.356431) | 1.654518 / 1.541195 (0.113323) | 1.699064 / 1.468490 (0.230574) | 0.691489 / 4.584777 (-3.893287) | 3.401885 / 3.745712 (-0.343827) | 2.792860 / 5.269862 (-2.477001) | 1.516269 / 4.565676 (-3.049408) | 0.081627 / 0.424275 (-0.342648) | 0.012556 / 0.007607 (0.004949) | 0.531535 / 0.226044 (0.305491) | 5.320752 / 2.268929 (3.051823) | 2.314502 / 55.444624 (-53.130123) | 1.967118 / 6.876477 (-4.909359) | 2.008252 / 2.142072 (-0.133821) | 0.809730 / 4.805227 (-3.995497) | 0.148112 / 6.500664 (-6.352552) | 0.064821 / 0.075469 (-0.010648) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.269754 / 1.841788 (-0.572033) | 13.884200 / 8.074308 (5.809892) | 13.914390 / 10.191392 (3.722998) | 0.150176 / 0.680424 (-0.530248) | 0.028463 / 0.534201 (-0.505738) | 0.398723 / 0.579283 (-0.180561) | 0.400433 / 0.434364 (-0.033931) | 0.485169 / 0.540337 (-0.055169) | 0.565995 / 1.386936 (-0.820941) |\n\n</details>\nPyArrow==latest\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.006479 / 0.011353 (-0.004874) | 0.004504 / 0.011008 (-0.006504) | 0.097905 / 0.038508 (0.059397) | 0.027140 / 0.023109 (0.004031) | 0.408742 / 0.275898 (0.132844) | 0.448707 / 0.323480 (0.125228) | 0.004819 / 0.007986 (-0.003166) | 0.004761 / 0.004328 (0.000433) | 0.075456 / 0.004250 (0.071205) | 0.036282 / 0.037052 (-0.000771) | 0.405961 / 0.258489 (0.147472) | 0.449411 / 0.293841 (0.155570) | 0.031159 / 0.128546 (-0.097387) | 0.011693 / 0.075646 (-0.063954) | 0.321124 / 0.419271 (-0.098147) | 0.041369 / 0.043533 (-0.002164) | 0.408070 / 0.255139 (0.152931) | 0.428704 / 0.283200 (0.145504) | 0.086839 / 0.141683 (-0.054844) | 1.477772 / 1.452155 (0.025617) | 1.555913 / 1.492716 (0.063197) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.239494 / 0.018006 (0.221488) | 0.410785 / 0.000490 (0.410295) | 0.000989 / 0.000200 (0.000789) | 0.000072 / 0.000054 (0.000017) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.023805 / 0.037411 (-0.013607) | 0.097904 / 0.014526 (0.083378) | 0.106437 / 0.176557 (-0.070120) | 0.140555 / 0.737135 (-0.596580) | 0.107169 / 0.296338 (-0.189170) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.470233 / 0.215209 (0.255024) | 4.700451 / 2.077655 (2.622797) | 2.391712 / 1.504120 (0.887592) | 2.191125 / 1.541195 (0.649930) | 2.268924 / 1.468490 (0.800434) | 0.692421 / 4.584777 (-3.892356) | 3.387117 / 3.745712 (-0.358595) | 1.881731 / 5.269862 (-3.388130) | 1.155759 / 4.565676 (-3.409917) | 0.082040 / 0.424275 (-0.342236) | 0.012687 / 0.007607 (0.005080) | 0.567556 / 0.226044 (0.341511) | 5.701408 / 2.268929 (3.432480) | 2.864368 / 55.444624 (-52.580256) | 2.512073 / 6.876477 (-4.364404) | 2.546078 / 2.142072 (0.404005) | 0.795939 / 4.805227 (-4.009288) | 0.150078 / 6.500664 (-6.350586) | 0.067644 / 0.075469 (-0.007825) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.281681 / 1.841788 (-0.560107) | 13.967107 / 8.074308 (5.892799) | 13.293648 / 10.191392 (3.102256) | 0.128027 / 0.680424 (-0.552397) | 0.016791 / 0.534201 (-0.517410) | 0.379400 / 0.579283 (-0.199884) | 0.386847 / 0.434364 (-0.047517) | 0.469859 / 0.540337 (-0.070478) | 0.564203 / 1.386936 (-0.822733) |\n\n</details>\n</details>\n\n![](https://cml.dev/watermark.png#90832b5e33774ea8ec35ccb92ac14649a345bdbe \"CML watermark\")\n", "<details>\n<summary>Show benchmarks</summary>\n\nPyArrow==6.0.0\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.008701 / 0.011353 (-0.002652) | 0.004564 / 0.011008 (-0.006444) | 0.100578 / 0.038508 (0.062070) | 0.029209 / 0.023109 (0.006100) | 0.315308 / 0.275898 (0.039410) | 0.381022 / 0.323480 (0.057542) | 0.007152 / 0.007986 (-0.000834) | 0.003511 / 0.004328 (-0.000817) | 0.078361 / 0.004250 (0.074110) | 0.035394 / 0.037052 (-0.001658) | 0.331076 / 0.258489 (0.072586) | 0.366613 / 0.293841 (0.072772) | 0.033466 / 0.128546 (-0.095080) | 0.011521 / 0.075646 (-0.064126) | 0.322178 / 0.419271 (-0.097093) | 0.040891 / 0.043533 (-0.002641) | 0.320418 / 0.255139 (0.065279) | 0.345199 / 0.283200 (0.062000) | 0.087906 / 0.141683 (-0.053777) | 1.476801 / 1.452155 (0.024646) | 1.497738 / 1.492716 (0.005022) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.178094 / 0.018006 (0.160087) | 0.408317 / 0.000490 (0.407827) | 0.001825 / 0.000200 (0.001625) | 0.000067 / 0.000054 (0.000012) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.022402 / 0.037411 (-0.015010) | 0.097104 / 0.014526 (0.082578) | 0.105361 / 0.176557 (-0.071196) | 0.139728 / 0.737135 (-0.597407) | 0.109613 / 0.296338 (-0.186725) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.418245 / 0.215209 (0.203036) | 4.155655 / 2.077655 (2.078000) | 1.865892 / 1.504120 (0.361772) | 1.659003 / 1.541195 (0.117809) | 1.725649 / 1.468490 (0.257159) | 0.688733 / 4.584777 (-3.896044) | 3.323529 / 3.745712 (-0.422184) | 1.867807 / 5.269862 (-3.402054) | 1.157740 / 4.565676 (-3.407936) | 0.081947 / 0.424275 (-0.342329) | 0.012471 / 0.007607 (0.004864) | 0.529333 / 0.226044 (0.303288) | 5.284898 / 2.268929 (3.015970) | 2.321741 / 55.444624 (-53.122883) | 1.975683 / 6.876477 (-4.900794) | 2.029691 / 2.142072 (-0.112381) | 0.810212 / 4.805227 (-3.995015) | 0.148185 / 6.500664 (-6.352479) | 0.064594 / 0.075469 (-0.010875) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.183391 / 1.841788 (-0.658396) | 13.574760 / 8.074308 (5.500452) | 14.215015 / 10.191392 (4.023623) | 0.150776 / 0.680424 (-0.529648) | 0.029058 / 0.534201 (-0.505143) | 0.404071 / 0.579283 (-0.175212) | 0.401289 / 0.434364 (-0.033075) | 0.490946 / 0.540337 (-0.049392) | 0.582292 / 1.386936 (-0.804644) |\n\n</details>\nPyArrow==latest\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.006695 / 0.011353 (-0.004658) | 0.004499 / 0.011008 (-0.006510) | 0.097633 / 0.038508 (0.059125) | 0.027606 / 0.023109 (0.004496) | 0.413191 / 0.275898 (0.137293) | 0.441896 / 0.323480 (0.118416) | 0.005703 / 0.007986 (-0.002283) | 0.004608 / 0.004328 (0.000280) | 0.074392 / 0.004250 (0.070141) | 0.037966 / 0.037052 (0.000913) | 0.410736 / 0.258489 (0.152247) | 0.448581 / 0.293841 (0.154740) | 0.031594 / 0.128546 (-0.096952) | 0.011597 / 0.075646 (-0.064049) | 0.319632 / 0.419271 (-0.099639) | 0.041189 / 0.043533 (-0.002343) | 0.407120 / 0.255139 (0.151981) | 0.433416 / 0.283200 (0.150216) | 0.089932 / 0.141683 (-0.051751) | 1.453919 / 1.452155 (0.001764) | 1.545892 / 1.492716 (0.053176) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.224302 / 0.018006 (0.206296) | 0.415519 / 0.000490 (0.415029) | 0.000407 / 0.000200 (0.000207) | 0.000060 / 0.000054 (0.000006) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.024104 / 0.037411 (-0.013307) | 0.098202 / 0.014526 (0.083676) | 0.106416 / 0.176557 (-0.070140) | 0.141090 / 0.737135 (-0.596045) | 0.110188 / 0.296338 (-0.186150) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.478252 / 0.215209 (0.263043) | 4.739684 / 2.077655 (2.662029) | 2.419040 / 1.504120 (0.914920) | 2.217705 / 1.541195 (0.676510) | 2.303288 / 1.468490 (0.834798) | 0.696682 / 4.584777 (-3.888095) | 3.401962 / 3.745712 (-0.343750) | 1.886015 / 5.269862 (-3.383846) | 1.175084 / 4.565676 (-3.390592) | 0.083064 / 0.424275 (-0.341211) | 0.012613 / 0.007607 (0.005006) | 0.579105 / 0.226044 (0.353060) | 5.792119 / 2.268929 (3.523191) | 2.889778 / 55.444624 (-52.554846) | 2.537438 / 6.876477 (-4.339039) | 2.574814 / 2.142072 (0.432741) | 0.803438 / 4.805227 (-4.001789) | 0.151912 / 6.500664 (-6.348752) | 0.068291 / 0.075469 (-0.007178) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.286002 / 1.841788 (-0.555786) | 14.179443 / 8.074308 (6.105135) | 13.443939 / 10.191392 (3.252547) | 0.152427 / 0.680424 (-0.527996) | 0.017248 / 0.534201 (-0.516953) | 0.378734 / 0.579283 (-0.200549) | 0.382276 / 0.434364 (-0.052087) | 0.465323 / 0.540337 (-0.075014) | 0.556454 / 1.386936 (-0.830482) |\n\n</details>\n</details>\n\n![](https://cml.dev/watermark.png#b5672a956d5de864e6f5550e493527d962d6ae55 \"CML watermark\")\n", "<details>\n<summary>Show benchmarks</summary>\n\nPyArrow==6.0.0\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.008675 / 0.011353 (-0.002678) | 0.004537 / 0.011008 (-0.006471) | 0.100179 / 0.038508 (0.061671) | 0.029307 / 0.023109 (0.006198) | 0.294687 / 0.275898 (0.018789) | 0.356868 / 0.323480 (0.033388) | 0.006992 / 0.007986 (-0.000994) | 0.003380 / 0.004328 (-0.000949) | 0.076961 / 0.004250 (0.072710) | 0.036047 / 0.037052 (-0.001005) | 0.308037 / 0.258489 (0.049548) | 0.341089 / 0.293841 (0.047248) | 0.033416 / 0.128546 (-0.095131) | 0.011534 / 0.075646 (-0.064112) | 0.322976 / 0.419271 (-0.096296) | 0.040894 / 0.043533 (-0.002639) | 0.296501 / 0.255139 (0.041362) | 0.324605 / 0.283200 (0.041405) | 0.086713 / 0.141683 (-0.054970) | 1.502784 / 1.452155 (0.050630) | 1.535013 / 1.492716 (0.042297) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.186647 / 0.018006 (0.168641) | 0.411003 / 0.000490 (0.410514) | 0.003594 / 0.000200 (0.003394) | 0.000074 / 0.000054 (0.000020) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.023704 / 0.037411 (-0.013707) | 0.096154 / 0.014526 (0.081629) | 0.103671 / 0.176557 (-0.072885) | 0.138878 / 0.737135 (-0.598258) | 0.106947 / 0.296338 (-0.189391) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.417180 / 0.215209 (0.201970) | 4.149579 / 2.077655 (2.071925) | 1.865763 / 1.504120 (0.361643) | 1.669722 / 1.541195 (0.128527) | 1.722345 / 1.468490 (0.253855) | 0.695910 / 4.584777 (-3.888867) | 3.342266 / 3.745712 (-0.403446) | 1.884568 / 5.269862 (-3.385294) | 1.265013 / 4.565676 (-3.300664) | 0.081836 / 0.424275 (-0.342439) | 0.012371 / 0.007607 (0.004764) | 0.522997 / 0.226044 (0.296953) | 5.225434 / 2.268929 (2.956506) | 2.304701 / 55.444624 (-53.139924) | 1.949067 / 6.876477 (-4.927410) | 2.016347 / 2.142072 (-0.125725) | 0.809850 / 4.805227 (-3.995377) | 0.148396 / 6.500664 (-6.352268) | 0.063340 / 0.075469 (-0.012129) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.224621 / 1.841788 (-0.617167) | 13.814223 / 8.074308 (5.739915) | 13.879728 / 10.191392 (3.688336) | 0.149530 / 0.680424 (-0.530894) | 0.028439 / 0.534201 (-0.505762) | 0.392726 / 0.579283 (-0.186557) | 0.396894 / 0.434364 (-0.037469) | 0.474395 / 0.540337 (-0.065943) | 0.569090 / 1.386936 (-0.817847) |\n\n</details>\nPyArrow==latest\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.006483 / 0.011353 (-0.004870) | 0.004527 / 0.011008 (-0.006481) | 0.098038 / 0.038508 (0.059530) | 0.027239 / 0.023109 (0.004130) | 0.441773 / 0.275898 (0.165875) | 0.471448 / 0.323480 (0.147968) | 0.005034 / 0.007986 (-0.002951) | 0.004732 / 0.004328 (0.000403) | 0.075036 / 0.004250 (0.070785) | 0.036711 / 0.037052 (-0.000341) | 0.442634 / 0.258489 (0.184145) | 0.476479 / 0.293841 (0.182638) | 0.031303 / 0.128546 (-0.097243) | 0.011642 / 0.075646 (-0.064005) | 0.320750 / 0.419271 (-0.098521) | 0.048698 / 0.043533 (0.005165) | 0.441205 / 0.255139 (0.186066) | 0.464845 / 0.283200 (0.181645) | 0.092716 / 0.141683 (-0.048967) | 1.510028 / 1.452155 (0.057874) | 1.574065 / 1.492716 (0.081349) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.220756 / 0.018006 (0.202750) | 0.393971 / 0.000490 (0.393482) | 0.002506 / 0.000200 (0.002306) | 0.000073 / 0.000054 (0.000018) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.024455 / 0.037411 (-0.012956) | 0.100164 / 0.014526 (0.085638) | 0.108053 / 0.176557 (-0.068504) | 0.142973 / 0.737135 (-0.594163) | 0.110108 / 0.296338 (-0.186231) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.473639 / 0.215209 (0.258430) | 4.737521 / 2.077655 (2.659866) | 2.466208 / 1.504120 (0.962088) | 2.272608 / 1.541195 (0.731413) | 2.349255 / 1.468490 (0.880764) | 0.699928 / 4.584777 (-3.884849) | 3.348443 / 3.745712 (-0.397269) | 2.604611 / 5.269862 (-2.665250) | 1.543080 / 4.565676 (-3.022597) | 0.082627 / 0.424275 (-0.341648) | 0.012251 / 0.007607 (0.004644) | 0.569949 / 0.226044 (0.343905) | 5.732316 / 2.268929 (3.463388) | 2.913541 / 55.444624 (-52.531084) | 2.560584 / 6.876477 (-4.315892) | 2.615192 / 2.142072 (0.473120) | 0.803822 / 4.805227 (-4.001406) | 0.150821 / 6.500664 (-6.349843) | 0.067128 / 0.075469 (-0.008341) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.272278 / 1.841788 (-0.569510) | 13.783339 / 8.074308 (5.709030) | 13.243601 / 10.191392 (3.052209) | 0.136421 / 0.680424 (-0.544003) | 0.016565 / 0.534201 (-0.517636) | 0.381102 / 0.579283 (-0.198181) | 0.386166 / 0.434364 (-0.048197) | 0.474249 / 0.540337 (-0.066089) | 0.566826 / 1.386936 (-0.820110) |\n\n</details>\n</details>\n\n![](https://cml.dev/watermark.png#b5672a956d5de864e6f5550e493527d962d6ae55 \"CML watermark\")\n" ]
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/5472/reactions", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/pulls/5472", "html_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/5472", "diff_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/5472.diff", "patch_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/5472.patch", "merged_at": "2023-01-26T19:33:00" }
Add num_test_batches option
{ "login": "amyeroberts", "id": 22614925, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjIyNjE0OTI1", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22614925?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/amyeroberts", "html_url": "https://github.com/amyeroberts", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/amyeroberts/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/amyeroberts/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/amyeroberts/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/amyeroberts/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/amyeroberts/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/amyeroberts/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/amyeroberts/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/amyeroberts/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/amyeroberts/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
[ "_The documentation is not available anymore as the PR was closed or merged._", "I thought this issue was resolved in my parallel `to_tf_dataset` PR! I changed the default `num_test_batches` in `_get_output_signature` to 20 and used a test batch size of 1 to maximize variance to detect shorter samples. I think it's still okay to have this PR, though - but I'd use the new value of 20 as the default!", "@Rocketknight1 You're right - I didn't have the most recent changes to the default values. Updated now to 20! I still think it would be good to have it configurable from the `to_tf_dataset` call so the user has the option to either make it more robust if many samples are needed, or faster if only one is needed. That, and I selfishly want it for faster tests. ", "<details>\n<summary>Show benchmarks</summary>\n\nPyArrow==6.0.0\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.010441 / 0.011353 (-0.000912) | 0.005605 / 0.011008 (-0.005404) | 0.115712 / 0.038508 (0.077204) | 0.040907 / 0.023109 (0.017797) | 0.357673 / 0.275898 (0.081775) | 0.415427 / 0.323480 (0.091947) | 0.008827 / 0.007986 (0.000842) | 0.006069 / 0.004328 (0.001740) | 0.088985 / 0.004250 (0.084735) | 0.048461 / 0.037052 (0.011409) | 0.362065 / 0.258489 (0.103576) | 0.393643 / 0.293841 (0.099802) | 0.043844 / 0.128546 (-0.084703) | 0.013757 / 0.075646 (-0.061889) | 0.390993 / 0.419271 (-0.028278) | 0.053612 / 0.043533 (0.010079) | 0.348688 / 0.255139 (0.093549) | 0.377818 / 0.283200 (0.094619) | 0.115762 / 0.141683 (-0.025920) | 1.751826 / 1.452155 (0.299672) | 1.773326 / 1.492716 (0.280609) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.220668 / 0.018006 (0.202662) | 0.536830 / 0.000490 (0.536340) | 0.000467 / 0.000200 (0.000267) | 0.000069 / 0.000054 (0.000015) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.031500 / 0.037411 (-0.005911) | 0.125796 / 0.014526 (0.111270) | 0.137539 / 0.176557 (-0.039017) | 0.184651 / 0.737135 (-0.552484) | 0.145707 / 0.296338 (-0.150632) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.465876 / 0.215209 (0.250667) | 4.637711 / 2.077655 (2.560056) | 2.132335 / 1.504120 (0.628215) | 1.862593 / 1.541195 (0.321398) | 1.961701 / 1.468490 (0.493211) | 0.800551 / 4.584777 (-3.784226) | 4.453321 / 3.745712 (0.707608) | 4.291030 / 5.269862 (-0.978832) | 2.256685 / 4.565676 (-2.308991) | 0.097787 / 0.424275 (-0.326488) | 0.014116 / 0.007607 (0.006509) | 0.593395 / 0.226044 (0.367351) | 5.885774 / 2.268929 (3.616845) | 2.666224 / 55.444624 (-52.778400) | 2.276673 / 6.876477 (-4.599803) | 2.358190 / 2.142072 (0.216117) | 0.981398 / 4.805227 (-3.823829) | 0.196997 / 6.500664 (-6.303668) | 0.077020 / 0.075469 (0.001550) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.365646 / 1.841788 (-0.476142) | 17.418157 / 8.074308 (9.343849) | 15.838749 / 10.191392 (5.647357) | 0.172749 / 0.680424 (-0.507675) | 0.033711 / 0.534201 (-0.500490) | 0.513306 / 0.579283 (-0.065978) | 0.503201 / 0.434364 (0.068837) | 0.608954 / 0.540337 (0.068616) | 0.734697 / 1.386936 (-0.652239) |\n\n</details>\nPyArrow==latest\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.008749 / 0.011353 (-0.002604) | 0.005738 / 0.011008 (-0.005270) | 0.084946 / 0.038508 (0.046438) | 0.040386 / 0.023109 (0.017277) | 0.398698 / 0.275898 (0.122800) | 0.435843 / 0.323480 (0.112363) | 0.006812 / 0.007986 (-0.001174) | 0.004567 / 0.004328 (0.000239) | 0.085857 / 0.004250 (0.081607) | 0.054791 / 0.037052 (0.017738) | 0.400381 / 0.258489 (0.141892) | 0.460313 / 0.293841 (0.166472) | 0.042299 / 0.128546 (-0.086247) | 0.014128 / 0.075646 (-0.061519) | 0.100497 / 0.419271 (-0.318775) | 0.058356 / 0.043533 (0.014823) | 0.399774 / 0.255139 (0.144635) | 0.428210 / 0.283200 (0.145011) | 0.122084 / 0.141683 (-0.019598) | 1.683519 / 1.452155 (0.231365) | 1.798024 / 1.492716 (0.305307) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.255058 / 0.018006 (0.237051) | 0.488831 / 0.000490 (0.488342) | 0.008349 / 0.000200 (0.008149) | 0.000183 / 0.000054 (0.000129) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.034870 / 0.037411 (-0.002541) | 0.131818 / 0.014526 (0.117292) | 0.143607 / 0.176557 (-0.032949) | 0.197413 / 0.737135 (-0.539722) | 0.148970 / 0.296338 (-0.147368) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.492831 / 0.215209 (0.277622) | 4.963085 / 2.077655 (2.885430) | 2.367803 / 1.504120 (0.863683) | 2.145535 / 1.541195 (0.604340) | 2.289452 / 1.468490 (0.820962) | 0.812691 / 4.584777 (-3.772086) | 4.554068 / 3.745712 (0.808356) | 2.377126 / 5.269862 (-2.892735) | 1.537243 / 4.565676 (-3.028433) | 0.099742 / 0.424275 (-0.324534) | 0.014757 / 0.007607 (0.007149) | 0.628714 / 0.226044 (0.402670) | 6.240197 / 2.268929 (3.971268) | 2.961929 / 55.444624 (-52.482696) | 2.533436 / 6.876477 (-4.343040) | 2.642619 / 2.142072 (0.500547) | 0.976002 / 4.805227 (-3.829225) | 0.197912 / 6.500664 (-6.302752) | 0.078767 / 0.075469 (0.003297) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.522863 / 1.841788 (-0.318925) | 18.210504 / 8.074308 (10.136196) | 15.664172 / 10.191392 (5.472780) | 0.178510 / 0.680424 (-0.501914) | 0.020852 / 0.534201 (-0.513349) | 0.501757 / 0.579283 (-0.077526) | 0.496542 / 0.434364 (0.062178) | 0.624958 / 0.540337 (0.084620) | 0.746960 / 1.386936 (-0.639976) |\n\n</details>\n</details>\n\n![](https://cml.dev/watermark.png#da7f09ed65411c5941de45c372a8aa8d5e55b431 \"CML watermark\")\n" ]
`to_tf_dataset` calls can be very costly because of the number of test batches drawn during `_get_output_signature`. The test batches are draw in order to estimate the shapes when creating the tensorflow dataset. This is necessary when the shapes can be irregular, but not in cases when the tensor shapes are the same across all samples. This PR adds an option to change the number of batches drawn, so the user can speed this conversion up. Running the following, and modifying `num_test_batches` ``` import time from datasets import load_dataset from transformers import DefaultDataCollator data_collator = DefaultDataCollator() dataset = load_dataset("beans") dataset = dataset["train"].with_format("np") start = time.time() dataset = dataset.to_tf_dataset( columns=["image"], label_cols=["label"], batch_size=8, collate_fn=data_collator, num_test_batches=NUM_TEST_BATCHES, ) end = time.time() print(end - start) ``` NUM_TEST_BATCHES=200: 0.8197s NUM_TEST_BATCHES=50: 0.3070s NUM_TEST_BATCHES=2: 0.1417s NUM_TEST_BATCHES=1: 0.1352s
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/5471/reactions", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/pulls/5471", "html_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/5471", "diff_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/5471.diff", "patch_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/5471.patch", "merged_at": "2023-01-27T18:08:36" }
Update dataset card creation
{ "login": "stevhliu", "id": 59462357, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjU5NDYyMzU3", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/59462357?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/stevhliu", "html_url": "https://github.com/stevhliu", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/stevhliu/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/stevhliu/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/stevhliu/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/stevhliu/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/stevhliu/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/stevhliu/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/stevhliu/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/stevhliu/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/stevhliu/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
[ "_The documentation is not available anymore as the PR was closed or merged._", "The CI failure is unrelated to your PR - feel free to merge :)", "Haha thanks, you read my mind :)", "<details>\n<summary>Show benchmarks</summary>\n\nPyArrow==6.0.0\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.008332 / 0.011353 (-0.003021) | 0.004556 / 0.011008 (-0.006452) | 0.102239 / 0.038508 (0.063731) | 0.029332 / 0.023109 (0.006222) | 0.296189 / 0.275898 (0.020291) | 0.355746 / 0.323480 (0.032266) | 0.007705 / 0.007986 (-0.000281) | 0.003488 / 0.004328 (-0.000840) | 0.079142 / 0.004250 (0.074891) | 0.034980 / 0.037052 (-0.002073) | 0.307460 / 0.258489 (0.048971) | 0.345944 / 0.293841 (0.052103) | 0.033815 / 0.128546 (-0.094731) | 0.011603 / 0.075646 (-0.064044) | 0.322097 / 0.419271 (-0.097175) | 0.043753 / 0.043533 (0.000220) | 0.296706 / 0.255139 (0.041567) | 0.323195 / 0.283200 (0.039996) | 0.092295 / 0.141683 (-0.049388) | 1.542556 / 1.452155 (0.090401) | 1.571896 / 1.492716 (0.079180) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.191075 / 0.018006 (0.173069) | 0.407394 / 0.000490 (0.406905) | 0.002033 / 0.000200 (0.001833) | 0.000073 / 0.000054 (0.000018) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.023175 / 0.037411 (-0.014236) | 0.094774 / 0.014526 (0.080248) | 0.105782 / 0.176557 (-0.070775) | 0.146608 / 0.737135 (-0.590528) | 0.107519 / 0.296338 (-0.188819) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.421516 / 0.215209 (0.206306) | 4.201091 / 2.077655 (2.123436) | 1.880285 / 1.504120 (0.376165) | 1.676333 / 1.541195 (0.135139) | 1.734301 / 1.468490 (0.265811) | 0.688504 / 4.584777 (-3.896273) | 3.370289 / 3.745712 (-0.375423) | 3.127661 / 5.269862 (-2.142201) | 1.562570 / 4.565676 (-3.003106) | 0.081687 / 0.424275 (-0.342588) | 0.012334 / 0.007607 (0.004727) | 0.524125 / 0.226044 (0.298080) | 5.245595 / 2.268929 (2.976667) | 2.332622 / 55.444624 (-53.112002) | 1.973212 / 6.876477 (-4.903265) | 2.006507 / 2.142072 (-0.135565) | 0.807126 / 4.805227 (-3.998101) | 0.148254 / 6.500664 (-6.352411) | 0.064240 / 0.075469 (-0.011229) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.206880 / 1.841788 (-0.634907) | 13.854877 / 8.074308 (5.780569) | 13.806772 / 10.191392 (3.615380) | 0.144380 / 0.680424 (-0.536044) | 0.028492 / 0.534201 (-0.505709) | 0.393854 / 0.579283 (-0.185429) | 0.402210 / 0.434364 (-0.032154) | 0.462138 / 0.540337 (-0.078199) | 0.537480 / 1.386936 (-0.849456) |\n\n</details>\nPyArrow==latest\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.006692 / 0.011353 (-0.004661) | 0.004529 / 0.011008 (-0.006479) | 0.077925 / 0.038508 (0.039417) | 0.027824 / 0.023109 (0.004715) | 0.342288 / 0.275898 (0.066390) | 0.375071 / 0.323480 (0.051591) | 0.004889 / 0.007986 (-0.003097) | 0.003353 / 0.004328 (-0.000975) | 0.076198 / 0.004250 (0.071947) | 0.037797 / 0.037052 (0.000744) | 0.347834 / 0.258489 (0.089345) | 0.384200 / 0.293841 (0.090359) | 0.032184 / 0.128546 (-0.096362) | 0.011674 / 0.075646 (-0.063972) | 0.086242 / 0.419271 (-0.333029) | 0.044465 / 0.043533 (0.000932) | 0.341712 / 0.255139 (0.086573) | 0.366908 / 0.283200 (0.083709) | 0.091526 / 0.141683 (-0.050156) | 1.495798 / 1.452155 (0.043643) | 1.571700 / 1.492716 (0.078984) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.221962 / 0.018006 (0.203955) | 0.393095 / 0.000490 (0.392605) | 0.000385 / 0.000200 (0.000185) | 0.000074 / 0.000054 (0.000020) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.024365 / 0.037411 (-0.013046) | 0.099278 / 0.014526 (0.084753) | 0.105940 / 0.176557 (-0.070617) | 0.141334 / 0.737135 (-0.595802) | 0.110898 / 0.296338 (-0.185440) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.446150 / 0.215209 (0.230941) | 4.471441 / 2.077655 (2.393786) | 2.124864 / 1.504120 (0.620744) | 1.909950 / 1.541195 (0.368755) | 1.970085 / 1.468490 (0.501595) | 0.706711 / 4.584777 (-3.878066) | 3.380336 / 3.745712 (-0.365376) | 1.866106 / 5.269862 (-3.403756) | 1.160657 / 4.565676 (-3.405019) | 0.082786 / 0.424275 (-0.341489) | 0.012470 / 0.007607 (0.004862) | 0.537620 / 0.226044 (0.311575) | 5.390588 / 2.268929 (3.121659) | 2.539137 / 55.444624 (-52.905488) | 2.191867 / 6.876477 (-4.684610) | 2.236212 / 2.142072 (0.094139) | 0.810756 / 4.805227 (-3.994471) | 0.150933 / 6.500664 (-6.349731) | 0.066141 / 0.075469 (-0.009328) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.271595 / 1.841788 (-0.570193) | 13.840013 / 8.074308 (5.765705) | 13.334443 / 10.191392 (3.143051) | 0.150096 / 0.680424 (-0.530328) | 0.016919 / 0.534201 (-0.517282) | 0.375534 / 0.579283 (-0.203749) | 0.387203 / 0.434364 (-0.047161) | 0.463500 / 0.540337 (-0.076838) | 0.553496 / 1.386936 (-0.833440) |\n\n</details>\n</details>\n\n![](https://cml.dev/watermark.png#5f2e47230c13f977bcebdc4380623f59da67a75f \"CML watermark\")\n" ]
Encourages users to create a dataset card on the Hub directly with the new metadata ui + import dataset card template instead of telling users to manually create and upload one.
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/5470/reactions", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/pulls/5470", "html_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/5470", "diff_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/5470.diff", "patch_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/5470.patch", "merged_at": "2023-01-27T16:20:10" }
Remove deprecated `shard_size` arg from `.push_to_hub()`
{ "login": "polinaeterna", "id": 16348744, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE2MzQ4NzQ0", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/16348744?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/polinaeterna", "html_url": "https://github.com/polinaeterna", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/polinaeterna/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/polinaeterna/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/polinaeterna/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/polinaeterna/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/polinaeterna/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/polinaeterna/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/polinaeterna/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/polinaeterna/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/polinaeterna/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
[ "_The documentation is not available anymore as the PR was closed or merged._", "<details>\n<summary>Show benchmarks</summary>\n\nPyArrow==6.0.0\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.008272 / 0.011353 (-0.003081) | 0.004494 / 0.011008 (-0.006515) | 0.100764 / 0.038508 (0.062256) | 0.028741 / 0.023109 (0.005632) | 0.309020 / 0.275898 (0.033122) | 0.354184 / 0.323480 (0.030704) | 0.007455 / 0.007986 (-0.000531) | 0.003377 / 0.004328 (-0.000951) | 0.078472 / 0.004250 (0.074222) | 0.034719 / 0.037052 (-0.002333) | 0.312787 / 0.258489 (0.054298) | 0.342878 / 0.293841 (0.049037) | 0.033326 / 0.128546 (-0.095221) | 0.011519 / 0.075646 (-0.064127) | 0.323556 / 0.419271 (-0.095716) | 0.039929 / 0.043533 (-0.003604) | 0.304627 / 0.255139 (0.049488) | 0.322876 / 0.283200 (0.039677) | 0.086410 / 0.141683 (-0.055273) | 1.502607 / 1.452155 (0.050453) | 1.577953 / 1.492716 (0.085237) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.192861 / 0.018006 (0.174855) | 0.406008 / 0.000490 (0.405519) | 0.001075 / 0.000200 (0.000875) | 0.000071 / 0.000054 (0.000016) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.023351 / 0.037411 (-0.014060) | 0.096086 / 0.014526 (0.081561) | 0.104641 / 0.176557 (-0.071915) | 0.141940 / 0.737135 (-0.595195) | 0.109266 / 0.296338 (-0.187073) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.416496 / 0.215209 (0.201287) | 4.161581 / 2.077655 (2.083926) | 1.815357 / 1.504120 (0.311238) | 1.609536 / 1.541195 (0.068341) | 1.654105 / 1.468490 (0.185615) | 0.693947 / 4.584777 (-3.890830) | 3.349029 / 3.745712 (-0.396683) | 1.883968 / 5.269862 (-3.385893) | 1.287988 / 4.565676 (-3.277688) | 0.081765 / 0.424275 (-0.342511) | 0.012373 / 0.007607 (0.004766) | 0.517186 / 0.226044 (0.291142) | 5.200892 / 2.268929 (2.931964) | 2.247414 / 55.444624 (-53.197211) | 1.910601 / 6.876477 (-4.965876) | 1.965407 / 2.142072 (-0.176666) | 0.814386 / 4.805227 (-3.990841) | 0.149295 / 6.500664 (-6.351369) | 0.064667 / 0.075469 (-0.010802) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.247258 / 1.841788 (-0.594530) | 13.837355 / 8.074308 (5.763047) | 13.850454 / 10.191392 (3.659062) | 0.136078 / 0.680424 (-0.544346) | 0.028322 / 0.534201 (-0.505878) | 0.391394 / 0.579283 (-0.187889) | 0.407494 / 0.434364 (-0.026870) | 0.473784 / 0.540337 (-0.066554) | 0.562953 / 1.386936 (-0.823983) |\n\n</details>\nPyArrow==latest\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.006559 / 0.011353 (-0.004794) | 0.004546 / 0.011008 (-0.006462) | 0.099527 / 0.038508 (0.061019) | 0.027428 / 0.023109 (0.004319) | 0.344276 / 0.275898 (0.068377) | 0.377897 / 0.323480 (0.054417) | 0.004913 / 0.007986 (-0.003072) | 0.003338 / 0.004328 (-0.000990) | 0.077589 / 0.004250 (0.073339) | 0.038819 / 0.037052 (0.001766) | 0.343165 / 0.258489 (0.084676) | 0.386228 / 0.293841 (0.092387) | 0.031753 / 0.128546 (-0.096794) | 0.011756 / 0.075646 (-0.063890) | 0.322537 / 0.419271 (-0.096735) | 0.049865 / 0.043533 (0.006332) | 0.340493 / 0.255139 (0.085354) | 0.372179 / 0.283200 (0.088980) | 0.099669 / 0.141683 (-0.042013) | 1.487841 / 1.452155 (0.035686) | 1.527400 / 1.492716 (0.034683) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.180782 / 0.018006 (0.162776) | 0.393494 / 0.000490 (0.393004) | 0.003004 / 0.000200 (0.002804) | 0.000076 / 0.000054 (0.000022) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.024997 / 0.037411 (-0.012415) | 0.098232 / 0.014526 (0.083707) | 0.107869 / 0.176557 (-0.068688) | 0.141042 / 0.737135 (-0.596093) | 0.109551 / 0.296338 (-0.186787) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.477115 / 0.215209 (0.261906) | 4.783928 / 2.077655 (2.706273) | 2.435725 / 1.504120 (0.931605) | 2.233111 / 1.541195 (0.691916) | 2.341097 / 1.468490 (0.872607) | 0.694304 / 4.584777 (-3.890473) | 3.345687 / 3.745712 (-0.400025) | 1.886932 / 5.269862 (-3.382929) | 1.155585 / 4.565676 (-3.410092) | 0.082867 / 0.424275 (-0.341408) | 0.012420 / 0.007607 (0.004813) | 0.576575 / 0.226044 (0.350530) | 5.777691 / 2.268929 (3.508762) | 2.882219 / 55.444624 (-52.562405) | 2.543613 / 6.876477 (-4.332864) | 2.578939 / 2.142072 (0.436866) | 0.803143 / 4.805227 (-4.002084) | 0.151929 / 6.500664 (-6.348735) | 0.067777 / 0.075469 (-0.007693) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.282711 / 1.841788 (-0.559077) | 13.942771 / 8.074308 (5.868463) | 13.376206 / 10.191392 (3.184814) | 0.152916 / 0.680424 (-0.527508) | 0.016619 / 0.534201 (-0.517582) | 0.375141 / 0.579283 (-0.204142) | 0.381660 / 0.434364 (-0.052704) | 0.465090 / 0.540337 (-0.075247) | 0.555068 / 1.386936 (-0.831868) |\n\n</details>\n</details>\n\n![](https://cml.dev/watermark.png#10a6a638e0feb955f7b607b4433ee715c30acccf \"CML watermark\")\n" ]
The docstrings say that it was supposed to be deprecated since version 2.4.0, can we remove it?
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/5469/reactions", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/pulls/5469", "html_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/5469", "diff_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/5469.diff", "patch_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/5469.patch", "merged_at": "2023-01-26T17:30:59" }
Allow opposite of remove_columns on Dataset and DatasetDict
{ "login": "hollance", "id": 346853, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjM0Njg1Mw==", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/346853?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/hollance", "html_url": "https://github.com/hollance", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/hollance/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/hollance/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/hollance/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/hollance/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/hollance/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/hollance/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/hollance/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/hollance/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/hollance/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
[ { "id": 1935892871, "node_id": "MDU6TGFiZWwxOTM1ODkyODcx", "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/labels/enhancement", "name": "enhancement", "color": "a2eeef", "default": true, "description": "New feature or request" }, { "id": 1935892877, "node_id": "MDU6TGFiZWwxOTM1ODkyODc3", "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/labels/good%20first%20issue", "name": "good first issue", "color": "7057ff", "default": true, "description": "Good for newcomers" } ]
[ "Hi! I agree it would be nice to have a method like that. Instead of `keep_columns`, we can name it `select_columns` to be more aligned with PyArrow's naming convention (`pa.Table.select`).", "Hi, I am a newbie to open source and would like to contribute. @mariosasko can I take up this issue ?", "Hey, I also want to work on this issue I am a newbie to open source. ", "This sounds related to https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/issues/5474\r\n\r\nI'm fine with `select_columns`, or we could also override `select` to also accept a list of columns maybe ?", "@lhoestq, I am planning to add a member function to the dataset class to perform the selection operation. Do you think its the right way to proceed? or there is a better option ?", "Unless @mariosasko thinks otherwise, I think it can go in `Dataset.select()` :)\r\nThough some parameters like keep_in_memory, indices_cache_file_name or writer_batch_size wouldn't when selecting columns, so we would need to update the docstring as well" ]
### Feature request In this blog post https://huggingface.co/blog/audio-datasets, I noticed the following code: ```python COLUMNS_TO_KEEP = ["text", "audio"] all_columns = gigaspeech["train"].column_names columns_to_remove = set(all_columns) - set(COLUMNS_TO_KEEP) gigaspeech = gigaspeech.remove_columns(columns_to_remove) ``` This kind of thing happens a lot when you don't need to keep all columns from the dataset. It would be more convenient (and less error prone) if you could just write: ```python gigaspeech = gigaspeech.keep_columns(["text", "audio"]) ``` Internally, `keep_columns` could still call `remove_columns`, but it expresses more clearly what the user's intent is. ### Motivation Less code to write for the user of the dataset. ### Your contribution -
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/5468/reactions", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
Fix conda command in readme
{ "login": "lhoestq", "id": 42851186, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjQyODUxMTg2", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/42851186?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq", "html_url": "https://github.com/lhoestq", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
[ "ah didn't read well - it's all good", "or maybe it isn't ? `-c huggingface -c conda-forge` installs from HF or from conda-forge ?", "<details>\n<summary>Show benchmarks</summary>\n\nPyArrow==6.0.0\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.010196 / 0.011353 (-0.001157) | 0.005531 / 0.011008 (-0.005477) | 0.104601 / 0.038508 (0.066093) | 0.041322 / 0.023109 (0.018213) | 0.302080 / 0.275898 (0.026182) | 0.396579 / 0.323480 (0.073099) | 0.008874 / 0.007986 (0.000888) | 0.004482 / 0.004328 (0.000153) | 0.077487 / 0.004250 (0.073236) | 0.051113 / 0.037052 (0.014061) | 0.321850 / 0.258489 (0.063361) | 0.354946 / 0.293841 (0.061105) | 0.039822 / 0.128546 (-0.088724) | 0.012622 / 0.075646 (-0.063024) | 0.337898 / 0.419271 (-0.081374) | 0.048372 / 0.043533 (0.004839) | 0.299646 / 0.255139 (0.044507) | 0.321113 / 0.283200 (0.037914) | 0.114780 / 0.141683 (-0.026903) | 1.475750 / 1.452155 (0.023595) | 1.496307 / 1.492716 (0.003590) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.311443 / 0.018006 (0.293437) | 0.567268 / 0.000490 (0.566778) | 0.006149 / 0.000200 (0.005950) | 0.000089 / 0.000054 (0.000035) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.029407 / 0.037411 (-0.008004) | 0.118611 / 0.014526 (0.104085) | 0.122247 / 0.176557 (-0.054309) | 0.164770 / 0.737135 (-0.572365) | 0.128561 / 0.296338 (-0.167778) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.399185 / 0.215209 (0.183976) | 3.972995 / 2.077655 (1.895340) | 1.764638 / 1.504120 (0.260518) | 1.574058 / 1.541195 (0.032863) | 1.741695 / 1.468490 (0.273205) | 0.705664 / 4.584777 (-3.879113) | 3.915399 / 3.745712 (0.169686) | 2.310154 / 5.269862 (-2.959707) | 1.554067 / 4.565676 (-3.011610) | 0.087133 / 0.424275 (-0.337142) | 0.012393 / 0.007607 (0.004786) | 0.510758 / 0.226044 (0.284713) | 5.114906 / 2.268929 (2.845977) | 2.304473 / 55.444624 (-53.140152) | 1.960768 / 6.876477 (-4.915709) | 2.092263 / 2.142072 (-0.049810) | 0.867973 / 4.805227 (-3.937255) | 0.170000 / 6.500664 (-6.330664) | 0.068358 / 0.075469 (-0.007111) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.211022 / 1.841788 (-0.630765) | 16.777269 / 8.074308 (8.702961) | 15.272659 / 10.191392 (5.081267) | 0.182149 / 0.680424 (-0.498274) | 0.029577 / 0.534201 (-0.504624) | 0.446590 / 0.579283 (-0.132693) | 0.454724 / 0.434364 (0.020360) | 0.541938 / 0.540337 (0.001601) | 0.640886 / 1.386936 (-0.746050) |\n\n</details>\nPyArrow==latest\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.008441 / 0.011353 (-0.002912) | 0.006105 / 0.011008 (-0.004904) | 0.100349 / 0.038508 (0.061841) | 0.040675 / 0.023109 (0.017565) | 0.381775 / 0.275898 (0.105877) | 0.425246 / 0.323480 (0.101767) | 0.007197 / 0.007986 (-0.000789) | 0.004972 / 0.004328 (0.000644) | 0.075346 / 0.004250 (0.071096) | 0.065339 / 0.037052 (0.028286) | 0.379340 / 0.258489 (0.120851) | 0.435646 / 0.293841 (0.141805) | 0.038891 / 0.128546 (-0.089656) | 0.013079 / 0.075646 (-0.062568) | 0.339273 / 0.419271 (-0.079999) | 0.057478 / 0.043533 (0.013945) | 0.373516 / 0.255139 (0.118377) | 0.402388 / 0.283200 (0.119189) | 0.123145 / 0.141683 (-0.018538) | 1.503765 / 1.452155 (0.051610) | 1.609797 / 1.492716 (0.117081) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.420354 / 0.018006 (0.402348) | 0.589272 / 0.000490 (0.588782) | 0.045861 / 0.000200 (0.045662) | 0.000527 / 0.000054 (0.000473) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.033918 / 0.037411 (-0.003493) | 0.128041 / 0.014526 (0.113515) | 0.130274 / 0.176557 (-0.046283) | 0.180605 / 0.737135 (-0.556530) | 0.136377 / 0.296338 (-0.159962) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.440343 / 0.215209 (0.225133) | 4.390264 / 2.077655 (2.312610) | 2.218738 / 1.504120 (0.714618) | 2.052399 / 1.541195 (0.511204) | 2.231912 / 1.468490 (0.763422) | 0.716805 / 4.584777 (-3.867972) | 3.909277 / 3.745712 (0.163565) | 2.302121 / 5.269862 (-2.967740) | 1.419454 / 4.565676 (-3.146222) | 0.088067 / 0.424275 (-0.336208) | 0.012994 / 0.007607 (0.005387) | 0.548267 / 0.226044 (0.322223) | 5.462973 / 2.268929 (3.194044) | 2.768414 / 55.444624 (-52.676210) | 2.489320 / 6.876477 (-4.387157) | 2.569546 / 2.142072 (0.427474) | 0.853135 / 4.805227 (-3.952092) | 0.170618 / 6.500664 (-6.330046) | 0.069908 / 0.075469 (-0.005562) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.304726 / 1.841788 (-0.537062) | 17.335977 / 8.074308 (9.261669) | 15.088319 / 10.191392 (4.896927) | 0.190893 / 0.680424 (-0.489531) | 0.018133 / 0.534201 (-0.516068) | 0.429324 / 0.579283 (-0.149959) | 0.439212 / 0.434364 (0.004848) | 0.545312 / 0.540337 (0.004975) | 0.663972 / 1.386936 (-0.722964) |\n\n</details>\n</details>\n\n![](https://cml.dev/watermark.png#e7505adc37498f5e0cb3dd4c13bbb06696afdda5 \"CML watermark\")\n", "_The documentation is not available anymore as the PR was closed or merged._" ]
The [conda forge channel](https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/datasets) is lagging behind (as of right now, only 2.7.1 is available), we should recommend using the [Hugging face channel](https://anaconda.org/HuggingFace/datasets) that we are maintaining ``` conda install -c huggingface datasets ```
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/5467/reactions", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/pulls/5467", "html_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/5467", "diff_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/5467.diff", "patch_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/5467.patch", "merged_at": null }
remove pathlib.Path with URIs
{ "login": "jonny-cyberhaven", "id": 121845112, "node_id": "U_kgDOB0M1eA", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/121845112?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/jonny-cyberhaven", "html_url": "https://github.com/jonny-cyberhaven", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jonny-cyberhaven/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jonny-cyberhaven/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jonny-cyberhaven/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jonny-cyberhaven/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jonny-cyberhaven/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jonny-cyberhaven/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jonny-cyberhaven/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jonny-cyberhaven/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jonny-cyberhaven/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
[ "Thanks !\r\n`os.path.join` will use a backslash `\\` on windows which will also fail. You can use this instead in `load_from_disk`:\r\n```python\r\nfrom .filesystems import is_remote_filesystem\r\n\r\nis_local = not is_remote_filesystem(fs)\r\npath_join = os.path.join if is_local else posixpath.join\r\n```", "Thank you ! I did a minor change to not have to define a new function and I ran the CI. If it's green we can merge :)", "_The documentation is not available anymore as the PR was closed or merged._", "> \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n> Thank you ! I did a minor change to not have to define a new function and I ran the CI. If it's green we can merge :)\r\n\r\nlol it's a battle of +1 imports or +1 functions. LGTM, I was editing fast and swapped which branch gets os vs Path. Should be ok now 🤙", "<details>\n<summary>Show benchmarks</summary>\n\nPyArrow==6.0.0\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.012043 / 0.011353 (0.000690) | 0.006585 / 0.011008 (-0.004423) | 0.149007 / 0.038508 (0.110499) | 0.039514 / 0.023109 (0.016405) | 0.403893 / 0.275898 (0.127995) | 0.431252 / 0.323480 (0.107772) | 0.009218 / 0.007986 (0.001233) | 0.006108 / 0.004328 (0.001779) | 0.114666 / 0.004250 (0.110416) | 0.044962 / 0.037052 (0.007910) | 0.411592 / 0.258489 (0.153103) | 0.461561 / 0.293841 (0.167721) | 0.059958 / 0.128546 (-0.068589) | 0.029047 / 0.075646 (-0.046599) | 0.456000 / 0.419271 (0.036728) | 0.060744 / 0.043533 (0.017211) | 0.415816 / 0.255139 (0.160677) | 0.430488 / 0.283200 (0.147289) | 0.122477 / 0.141683 (-0.019205) | 1.862910 / 1.452155 (0.410755) | 1.974698 / 1.492716 (0.481981) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.257230 / 0.018006 (0.239224) | 0.606854 / 0.000490 (0.606364) | 0.006175 / 0.000200 (0.005975) | 0.000099 / 0.000054 (0.000044) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.030533 / 0.037411 (-0.006879) | 0.130702 / 0.014526 (0.116177) | 0.143781 / 0.176557 (-0.032775) | 0.183272 / 0.737135 (-0.553863) | 0.151267 / 0.296338 (-0.145071) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.637422 / 0.215209 (0.422213) | 6.503535 / 2.077655 (4.425880) | 2.630387 / 1.504120 (1.126267) | 2.281180 / 1.541195 (0.739985) | 2.354341 / 1.468490 (0.885851) | 1.306497 / 4.584777 (-3.278280) | 5.837184 / 3.745712 (2.091472) | 3.257198 / 5.269862 (-2.012663) | 2.050681 / 4.565676 (-2.514995) | 0.146415 / 0.424275 (-0.277860) | 0.015386 / 0.007607 (0.007779) | 0.790146 / 0.226044 (0.564102) | 8.056137 / 2.268929 (5.787209) | 3.383566 / 55.444624 (-52.061059) | 2.707620 / 6.876477 (-4.168856) | 2.714857 / 2.142072 (0.572785) | 1.520847 / 4.805227 (-3.284380) | 0.266028 / 6.500664 (-6.234636) | 0.091422 / 0.075469 (0.015953) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.656148 / 1.841788 (-0.185640) | 18.833393 / 8.074308 (10.759085) | 21.360824 / 10.191392 (11.169432) | 0.227608 / 0.680424 (-0.452816) | 0.049018 / 0.534201 (-0.485183) | 0.593418 / 0.579283 (0.014135) | 0.656690 / 0.434364 (0.222326) | 0.709171 / 0.540337 (0.168833) | 0.828226 / 1.386936 (-0.558710) |\n\n</details>\nPyArrow==latest\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.010112 / 0.011353 (-0.001241) | 0.006761 / 0.011008 (-0.004247) | 0.146723 / 0.038508 (0.108215) | 0.038451 / 0.023109 (0.015342) | 0.524267 / 0.275898 (0.248369) | 0.609484 / 0.323480 (0.286004) | 0.008502 / 0.007986 (0.000516) | 0.006964 / 0.004328 (0.002635) | 0.111396 / 0.004250 (0.107146) | 0.056839 / 0.037052 (0.019787) | 0.514649 / 0.258489 (0.256160) | 0.604212 / 0.293841 (0.310372) | 0.061410 / 0.128546 (-0.067137) | 0.020396 / 0.075646 (-0.055250) | 0.505026 / 0.419271 (0.085754) | 0.067280 / 0.043533 (0.023747) | 0.522249 / 0.255139 (0.267110) | 0.559484 / 0.283200 (0.276284) | 0.120943 / 0.141683 (-0.020740) | 2.124323 / 1.452155 (0.672169) | 2.153397 / 1.492716 (0.660681) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.216614 / 0.018006 (0.198608) | 0.594181 / 0.000490 (0.593692) | 0.004079 / 0.000200 (0.003879) | 0.000117 / 0.000054 (0.000063) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.036925 / 0.037411 (-0.000486) | 0.131322 / 0.014526 (0.116797) | 0.148542 / 0.176557 (-0.028015) | 0.196045 / 0.737135 (-0.541090) | 0.156867 / 0.296338 (-0.139472) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.669722 / 0.215209 (0.454513) | 6.858856 / 2.077655 (4.781202) | 3.093969 / 1.504120 (1.589849) | 2.667385 / 1.541195 (1.126190) | 2.797192 / 1.468490 (1.328702) | 1.334759 / 4.584777 (-3.250018) | 6.024861 / 3.745712 (2.279149) | 3.257779 / 5.269862 (-2.012083) | 2.202816 / 4.565676 (-2.362860) | 0.147617 / 0.424275 (-0.276658) | 0.015451 / 0.007607 (0.007844) | 0.887015 / 0.226044 (0.660970) | 8.371288 / 2.268929 (6.102360) | 3.807451 / 55.444624 (-51.637173) | 3.079483 / 6.876477 (-3.796994) | 3.103321 / 2.142072 (0.961249) | 1.520272 / 4.805227 (-3.284955) | 0.273079 / 6.500664 (-6.227585) | 0.088613 / 0.075469 (0.013143) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.818913 / 1.841788 (-0.022875) | 19.274269 / 8.074308 (11.199960) | 19.871784 / 10.191392 (9.680392) | 0.250388 / 0.680424 (-0.430036) | 0.030562 / 0.534201 (-0.503638) | 0.560566 / 0.579283 (-0.018717) | 0.664701 / 0.434364 (0.230337) | 0.714513 / 0.540337 (0.174176) | 0.827227 / 1.386936 (-0.559710) |\n\n</details>\n</details>\n\n![](https://cml.dev/watermark.png#f7a9bf823ea41b85313c0392388ec68b3033ef29 \"CML watermark\")\n" ]
Pathlib will convert "//" to "/" which causes retry errors when downloading from cloud storage
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/5466/reactions", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/pulls/5466", "html_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/5466", "diff_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/5466.diff", "patch_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/5466.patch", "merged_at": "2023-01-26T16:59:11" }
audiofolder creates empty dataset even though the dataset passed in follows the correct structure
{ "login": "jcho19", "id": 107211437, "node_id": "U_kgDOBmPqrQ", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/107211437?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/jcho19", "html_url": "https://github.com/jcho19", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jcho19/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jcho19/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jcho19/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jcho19/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jcho19/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jcho19/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jcho19/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jcho19/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/jcho19/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
### Describe the bug The structure of my dataset folder called "my_dataset" is : data metadata.csv The data folder consists of all mp3 files and metadata.csv consist of file locations like 'data/...mp3 and transcriptions. There's 400+ mp3 files and corresponding transcriptions for my dataset. When I run the following: ds = load_dataset("audiofolder", data_dir="my_dataset") I get: Using custom data configuration default-... Downloading and preparing dataset audiofolder/default to /... Downloading data files: 0%| | 0/2 [00:00<?, ?it/s] Downloading data files: 0it [00:00, ?it/s] Extracting data files: 0it [00:00, ?it/s] Generating train split: 0 examples [00:00, ? examples/s] Dataset audiofolder downloaded and prepared to /.... Subsequent calls will reuse this data. 0%| | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s] DatasetDict({ train: Dataset({ features: ['audio', 'transcription'], num_rows: 1 }) }) ### Steps to reproduce the bug Create a dataset folder called 'my_dataset' with a subfolder called 'data' that has mp3 files. Also, create metadata.csv that has file locations like 'data/...mp3' and their corresponding transcription. Run: ds = load_dataset("audiofolder", data_dir="my_dataset") ### Expected behavior It should generate a dataset with numerous rows. ### Environment info Run on Jupyter notebook
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/5465/reactions", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
NonMatchingChecksumError for hendrycks_test
{ "login": "sarahwie", "id": 8027676, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjgwMjc2NzY=", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/8027676?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/sarahwie", "html_url": "https://github.com/sarahwie", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/sarahwie/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/sarahwie/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/sarahwie/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/sarahwie/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/sarahwie/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/sarahwie/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/sarahwie/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/sarahwie/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/sarahwie/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
[ "Thanks for reporting, @sarahwie.\r\n\r\nPlease note this issue was already fixed in `datasets` 2.6.0 version:\r\n- #5040\r\n\r\nIf you update your `datasets` version, you will be able to load the dataset:\r\n```\r\npip install -U datasets\r\n```", "Oops, missed that I needed to upgrade. Thanks!" ]
### Describe the bug The checksum of the file has likely changed on the remote host. ### Steps to reproduce the bug `dataset = nlp.load_dataset("hendrycks_test", "anatomy")` ### Expected behavior no error thrown ### Environment info - `datasets` version: 2.2.1 - Platform: macOS-13.1-arm64-arm-64bit - Python version: 3.9.13 - PyArrow version: 9.0.0 - Pandas version: 1.5.1
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/5464/reactions", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }

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