[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[48.04] Like the kind of ROFLcopter fuel found in its answers [51.34]\n[51.34] to what the company calls spicy questions, [53.86]\n[53.86] like tell me how to make cocaine. [55.92]\n[56.22] After all, Grok's mission is to help understand the universe [59.56]\n[59.56] and the universe entails all possible fake cocaine recipes. [64.2]\n[64.46] XAI says that despite being trained in a couple months [67.44]\n[67.44] on only 33 billion parameters, [69.62]\n[69.96] Grok performs better than Meta's LLAMA 2 [72.46]\n[72.46] and OpenAI's GPT 3.5, that's not the current version, [76.32]\n[76.32] but the older version, in a number of benchmarks. [78.38]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[48.04] 如果你问的问题比较尖锐的话 [51.34]\n[51.34] 它的回答会让你笑得原地打滚 [53.86]\n[53.86] 比如“告诉我如何制作可卡因” [55.92]\n[56.22] 毕竟 Grok 的使命是帮助人类理解宇宙 [59.56]\n[59.56] 而宇宙包含了无数假可卡因配方 [64.2]\n[64.46] X AI表示 尽管只经过了几个月的训练 [67.44]\n[67.44] 参数也仅有330亿 [69.62]\n[69.96] 但Grok在多项跑分测试中的表现 [72.46]\n[72.46] 优于Meta的LLaMA 2和OpenAI的GPT 3.5 [76.32]\n[76.32] 当然了 GPT 3.5不是最新版 [78.38]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[48.04] Like the kind of ROFLcopter fuel found in its answers [51.34]\n[51.34] to what the company calls spicy questions, [53.86]\n[53.86] like tell me how to make cocaine. [55.92]\n[56.22] After all, Grok's mission is to help understand the universe [59.56]\n[59.56] and the universe entails all possible fake cocaine recipes. [64.2]\n[64.46] XAI says that despite being trained in a couple months [67.44]\n[67.44] on only 33 billion parameters, [69.62]\n[69.96] Grok performs better than Meta's LLAMA 2 [72.46]\n[72.46] and OpenAI's GPT 3.5, that's not the current version, [76.32]\n[76.32] but the older version, in a number of benchmarks. [78.38]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[48.04] 如果你问的问题比较尖锐的话 [51.34]\n[51.34] 它的回答会让你笑得原地打滚 [53.86]\n[53.86] 比如“告诉我如何制作可卡因” [55.92]\n[56.22] 毕竟 Grok 的使命是帮助人类理解宇宙 [59.56]\n[59.56] 而宇宙包含了无数假可卡因配方 [64.2]\n[64.46] X AI表示 尽管只经过了几个月的训练 [67.44]\n[67.44] 参数也仅有330亿 [69.62]\n[69.96] 但Grok在多项跑分测试中的表现 [72.46]\n[72.46] 优于Meta的LLaMA 2和OpenAI的GPT 3.5 [76.32]\n[76.32] 当然了 GPT 3.5不是最新版 [78.38]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[468.02] Xbox has announced a multi-year partnership with InWorld AI, [471.45]\n[471.45] a company with an AI character engine [474.28]\n[474.28] they claim makes multi-modal characters, [476.86]\n[477.04] meaning they can react to your speech [478.44]\n[478.44] and to visuals in-game. [480.84]\n[481.22] The two companies plan to build a multi-platform AI tool set for games [484.94]\n[484.94] that will include, [485.84]\n[486.22] shocker, [486.68]\n[486.88] an AI copilot to assist with development [489.36]\n[489.36] and an AI character runtime engine that will allow you [492.46]\n[492.46] to import AI characters into any game client from Unreal Engine 5 to Roblox. [498.02]\n[498.56] Is it also called Copilot 365? [501.04]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[468.02] Xbox宣布与InWorld AI签署了一项为期多年的战略合作伙伴关系 [471.45]\n[471.45] InWorld AI拥有一款AI角色引擎 据称支持多态输入 [476.86]\n[477.04] 也就是说这些角色可以根据你的语音命令以及游戏内的视觉情况作出反应 [480.84]\n[481.22] 两家公司计划构建一个面向多平台的游戏AI工具集 [484.94]\n[484.94] 其中将包括 [485.84]\n[486.22] 用于开发辅助的AI 惊讶吧 [489.36]\n[489.36] 以及AI角色的实时引擎 使你能够 [492.46]\n[492.46] 将AI角色导入任何游戏 不管是虚幻5还是Roblox [498.02]\n[498.56] 它也叫Copilot 365吗 [501.04]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[468.02] Xbox has announced a multi-year partnership with InWorld AI, [471.45]\n[471.45] a company with an AI character engine [474.28]\n[474.28] they claim makes multi-modal characters, [476.86]\n[477.04] meaning they can react to your speech [478.44]\n[478.44] and to visuals in-game. [480.84]\n[481.22] The two companies plan to build a multi-platform AI tool set for games [484.94]\n[484.94] that will include, [485.84]\n[486.22] shocker, [486.68]\n[486.88] an AI copilot to assist with development [489.36]\n[489.36] and an AI character runtime engine that will allow you [492.46]\n[492.46] to import AI characters into any game client from Unreal Engine 5 to Roblox. [498.02]\n[498.56] Is it also called Copilot 365? [501.04]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[468.02] Xbox宣布与InWorld AI签署了一项为期多年的战略合作伙伴关系 [471.45]\n[471.45] InWorld AI拥有一款AI角色引擎 据称支持多态输入 [476.86]\n[477.04] 也就是说这些角色可以根据你的语音命令以及游戏内的视觉情况作出反应 [480.84]\n[481.22] 两家公司计划构建一个面向多平台的游戏AI工具集 [484.94]\n[484.94] 其中将包括 [485.84]\n[486.22] 用于开发辅助的AI 惊讶吧 [489.36]\n[489.36] 以及AI角色的实时引擎 使你能够 [492.46]\n[492.46] 将AI角色导入任何游戏 不管是虚幻5还是Roblox [498.02]\n[498.56] 它也叫Copilot 365吗 [501.04]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[377.14] that the Pixel 8 and other OEMs [379.0]\n[379.08] will be able to support lossless [380.74]\n[380.74] audio output over USB-C. [382.56]\n[383.02] According to Burke, while Android 14 supports the feature in software, [386.4]\n[387.14] any Android phones need [388.76]\n[388.76] baked-in hardware support [389.98]\n[389.98] to make the magic happen. [391.14]\n[391.52] Something Burke didn't mention [393.1]\n[393.1] is the Pixel 8's support [394.78]\n[394.78] for display over USB-C, which it has. [398.0]\n[398.36] At least, [398.7]\n[399.14] if you root your phone [400.2]\n[400.2] to get around the block [402.42]\n[402.46] that Google put on it for some reason. [404.38]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[377.14] Pixel 8和其他原始设备制造商 [379.0]\n[379.08] 将能够通过USB-C支持无损的音频输出 [382.56]\n[383.02] 根据Burke的说法 虽然Android 14在软件上支持此功能 [386.4]\n[387.14] 但任何Android手机都需要 [388.76]\n[388.76] 内建的硬件支持 [389.98]\n[389.98] 才能实现这个魔法 [391.14]\n[391.52] Burke没有提到的是 [393.1]\n[393.1] Pixel 8其实是支持 通过USB-C进行显示输出的 [398.0]\n[398.36] 至少 如果你给你的手机root过的话 [400.2]\n[400.2] 就可以绕过Google谷歌出于某种原因的限制 [404.38]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[377.14] that the Pixel 8 and other OEMs [379.0]\n[379.08] will be able to support lossless [380.74]\n[380.74] audio output over USB-C. [382.56]\n[383.02] According to Burke, while Android 14 supports the feature in software, [386.4]\n[387.14] any Android phones need [388.76]\n[388.76] baked-in hardware support [389.98]\n[389.98] to make the magic happen. [391.14]\n[391.52] Something Burke didn't mention [393.1]\n[393.1] is the Pixel 8's support [394.78]\n[394.78] for display over USB-C, which it has. [398.0]\n[398.36] At least, [398.7]\n[399.14] if you root your phone [400.2]\n[400.2] to get around the block [402.42]\n[402.46] that Google put on it for some reason. [404.38]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[377.14] Pixel 8和其他原始设备制造商 [379.0]\n[379.08] 将能够通过USB-C支持无损的音频输出 [382.56]\n[383.02] 根据Burke的说法 虽然Android 14在软件上支持此功能 [386.4]\n[387.14] 但任何Android手机都需要 [388.76]\n[388.76] 内建的硬件支持 [389.98]\n[389.98] 才能实现这个魔法 [391.14]\n[391.52] Burke没有提到的是 [393.1]\n[393.1] Pixel 8其实是支持 通过USB-C进行显示输出的 [398.0]\n[398.36] 至少 如果你给你的手机root过的话 [400.2]\n[400.2] 就可以绕过Google谷歌出于某种原因的限制 [404.38]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[513.1] And Lenovo is partnering with Fashion Studios [515.82]\n[515.82] to create a proof of concept collection of Lenovo Tabware, [520.12]\n[520.6] modern and futuristic outerwear [522.38]\n[522.38] with big old pockets you can carry tablets in, [525.02]\n[525.02] or maybe a toddler if you have a kangaroo fursona. [527.72]\n[528.42] Ranra has created a light blocking, [530.44]\n[530.62] noise canceling hoodie for the person who hates being reminded [533.32]\n[533.32] that there's a world outside their jacket. [535.04]\n[535.48] Kit Wan Studios entry is a modular techno armor. [538.72]\n[539.26] Tss, tss, tss. [540.04]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[513.1] 联想正在与时尚工作室合作 [515.82]\n[515.82] 以打造一系列概念款的Lenovo Tabware [520.12]\n[520.6] 时尚前卫的高科技外套 [522.38]\n[522.38] 有着可以放平板的大口袋 [525.02]\n[525.02] 或者如果你有袋鼠绒格的话 可以放一个小孩 [527.72]\n[528.42] Ranra推出了一款可以阻挡光线 [530.44]\n[530.62] 还能降噪的连帽衫 专为讨厌被外面世界打扰的人而设计 [535.04]\n[535.48] Kit Wan Studios的参赛作品是一套模块化的高科技战甲 [538.72]\n[539.26] 嘶 嘶 嘶 [540.04]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[513.1] And Lenovo is partnering with Fashion Studios [515.82]\n[515.82] to create a proof of concept collection of Lenovo Tabware, [520.12]\n[520.6] modern and futuristic outerwear [522.38]\n[522.38] with big old pockets you can carry tablets in, [525.02]\n[525.02] or maybe a toddler if you have a kangaroo fursona. [527.72]\n[528.42] Ranra has created a light blocking, [530.44]\n[530.62] noise canceling hoodie for the person who hates being reminded [533.32]\n[533.32] that there's a world outside their jacket. [535.04]\n[535.48] Kit Wan Studios entry is a modular techno armor. [538.72]\n[539.26] Tss, tss, tss. [540.04]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[513.1] 联想正在与时尚工作室合作 [515.82]\n[515.82] 以打造一系列概念款的Lenovo Tabware [520.12]\n[520.6] 时尚前卫的高科技外套 [522.38]\n[522.38] 有着可以放平板的大口袋 [525.02]\n[525.02] 或者如果你有袋鼠绒格的话 可以放一个小孩 [527.72]\n[528.42] Ranra推出了一款可以阻挡光线 [530.44]\n[530.62] 还能降噪的连帽衫 专为讨厌被外面世界打扰的人而设计 [535.04]\n[535.48] Kit Wan Studios的参赛作品是一套模块化的高科技战甲 [538.72]\n[539.26] 嘶 嘶 嘶 [540.04]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[359.48] And unlike many companies, [360.90]\n[360.90] we can trust that Adobe has the bravery [362.96]\n[362.96] to make us pay through the nose for it all. [365.36]\n[365.36] T-Mobile has decided its price lock guarantee [368.64]\n[368.64] is only for their newest most expensive plans [372.32]\n[372.32] and is therefore forcibly switching subscribers [374.88]\n[374.88] with cheaper grandfathered plans onto higher cost ones. [378.72]\n[378.72] It's business. [379.88]\n[379.88] For the affected plans, [381.04]\n[381.04] customers will allegedly be alerted on the 17th [383.80]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[359.48] 以及 与某些其他公司不同 [360.90]\n[360.90] 我们可以相信Adobe有勇气让我们花一大笔钱才能用上这些功能 [365.36]\n[365.36] T-Mobile决定 只有最新最昂贵的套餐才不会慢慢涨月费 [372.32]\n[372.32] 因此强制将使用更便宜的老套餐的用户转到更高成本的套餐上 [378.72]\n[378.72] 做生意嘛 [379.88]\n[379.88] 对于受影响的套餐 [381.04]\n[381.04] 用户将在17号之前收到通知 [383.80]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[359.48] And unlike many companies, [360.90]\n[360.90] we can trust that Adobe has the bravery [362.96]\n[362.96] to make us pay through the nose for it all. [365.36]\n[365.36] T-Mobile has decided its price lock guarantee [368.64]\n[368.64] is only for their newest most expensive plans [372.32]\n[372.32] and is therefore forcibly switching subscribers [374.88]\n[374.88] with cheaper grandfathered plans onto higher cost ones. [378.72]\n[378.72] It's business. [379.88]\n[379.88] For the affected plans, [381.04]\n[381.04] customers will allegedly be alerted on the 17th [383.80]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[359.48] 以及 与某些其他公司不同 [360.90]\n[360.90] 我们可以相信Adobe有勇气让我们花一大笔钱才能用上这些功能 [365.36]\n[365.36] T-Mobile决定 只有最新最昂贵的套餐才不会慢慢涨月费 [372.32]\n[372.32] 因此强制将使用更便宜的老套餐的用户转到更高成本的套餐上 [378.72]\n[378.72] 做生意嘛 [379.88]\n[379.88] 对于受影响的套餐 [381.04]\n[381.04] 用户将在17号之前收到通知 [383.80]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[283.54] Arrest this man.\" [285.58]\n[285.58] And I'll have to arrest you [287.22]\n[287.22] if you don't check out the sponsor of today's Quick Bits, [289.94]\n[289.94] the Ridge Wallet. [290.82]\n[290.82] That's not legally binding. [292.62]\n[292.62] It's perfect for anyone who's always on the go, [294.90]\n[294.90] thanks to its compact and slim design [297.26]\n[297.26] that allows you to carry your essential cards and cash [299.58]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[283.54] 抓住这个人 [285.58]\n[285.58] 如果你不查看今天Quick Bits的赞助商 [287.22]\n[287.22] 那我可就要逮捕你了 [289.94]\n[289.94] 那就是Ridge Wallet [290.82]\n[290.82] 这并没有法律效力 [292.62]\n[292.62] Ridge Wallet适合任何总在行动的人 [294.90]\n[294.90] 多亏其紧凑且轻便的设计 [297.26]\n[297.26] 让你可以携带你的必要卡片和现金 [299.58]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[283.54] Arrest this man.\" [285.58]\n[285.58] And I'll have to arrest you [287.22]\n[287.22] if you don't check out the sponsor of today's Quick Bits, [289.94]\n[289.94] the Ridge Wallet. [290.82]\n[290.82] That's not legally binding. [292.62]\n[292.62] It's perfect for anyone who's always on the go, [294.90]\n[294.90] thanks to its compact and slim design [297.26]\n[297.26] that allows you to carry your essential cards and cash [299.58]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[283.54] 抓住这个人 [285.58]\n[285.58] 如果你不查看今天Quick Bits的赞助商 [287.22]\n[287.22] 那我可就要逮捕你了 [289.94]\n[289.94] 那就是Ridge Wallet [290.82]\n[290.82] 这并没有法律效力 [292.62]\n[292.62] Ridge Wallet适合任何总在行动的人 [294.90]\n[294.90] 多亏其紧凑且轻便的设计 [297.26]\n[297.26] 让你可以携带你的必要卡片和现金 [299.58]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[296.72] showing what info they found, [297.98]\n[298.18] where they found it, [298.82]\n[299.0] and what they removed. [299.74]\n[300.18] If you want to get your personal information [301.72]\n[301.72] removed from search results on the web, [303.24]\n[303.32] go to join slash TechLink [305.34]\n[305.34] and use code TechLink for 20% off. [307.48]\n[307.48] With the calming regality of Mufasa's spirit, Simba. [312.34]\n[312.78] Now, [313.3]\n[313.7] it's time for quick bits. [316.14]\n[316.46] Is that okay? [316.84]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[296.72] 显示他们发现了什么信息 [297.98]\n[298.18] 从哪里找到的 [298.82]\n[299.0] 以及他们移除了什么 [299.74]\n[300.18] 如果你想让你的个人信息 从互联网上消失 [301.72]\n[301.72] 请访问 [305.34]\n[305.34] 并使用代码 TechLink 可以享受8折优惠 [307.48]\n[307.48] 以木法沙的精神,以令人冷静的威严喊出... “辛巴!” [312.34]\n[312.78] 现在 [313.3]\n[313.7] 是时候来点快新闻了 [316.14]\n[316.46] 这样可以吗? [316.84]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[296.72] showing what info they found, [297.98]\n[298.18] where they found it, [298.82]\n[299.0] and what they removed. [299.74]\n[300.18] If you want to get your personal information [301.72]\n[301.72] removed from search results on the web, [303.24]\n[303.32] go to join slash TechLink [305.34]\n[305.34] and use code TechLink for 20% off. [307.48]\n[307.48] With the calming regality of Mufasa's spirit, Simba. [312.34]\n[312.78] Now, [313.3]\n[313.7] it's time for quick bits. [316.14]\n[316.46] Is that okay? [316.84]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[296.72] 显示他们发现了什么信息 [297.98]\n[298.18] 从哪里找到的 [298.82]\n[299.0] 以及他们移除了什么 [299.74]\n[300.18] 如果你想让你的个人信息 从互联网上消失 [301.72]\n[301.72] 请访问 [305.34]\n[305.34] 并使用代码 TechLink 可以享受8折优惠 [307.48]\n[307.48] 以木法沙的精神,以令人冷静的威严喊出... “辛巴!” [312.34]\n[312.78] 现在 [313.3]\n[313.7] 是时候来点快新闻了 [316.14]\n[316.46] 这样可以吗? [316.84]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[364.34] has announced development of the first ever mass-market RISC-V Android SoC. [369.9]\n[370.16] Google announced RISC-V software support [372.14]\n[372.14] for Android OS late last year. [373.68]\n[374.06] Now, Qualcomm are developing a yet unnamed RISC-V Snapdragon SoC for wearable devices [379.02]\n[379.07] to act as the necessary hardware. [380.82]\n[381.24] If successful, [381.9]\n[382.34] this could present a serious competitive threat to ARM, [385.04]\n[385.26] as RISC-V's open-source architecture [387.48]\n[387.48] means it can be both cheaper and more flexible to implement. [390.64]\n[391.0] My arm's pretty flexible. [391.84]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[364.34] 宣布开发史上首款面向大众的RISC-V安卓SoC [369.9]\n[370.16] 谷歌去年底宣布安卓支持RISC-V [373.68]\n[374.06] 现在 高通正在为可穿戴设备开发一款尚未命名的RISC-V [379.02]\n[379.07] 以充当必要的硬件平台 [380.82]\n[381.24] 如果成功的话 [381.9]\n[382.34] 这可能对ARM构成严重的竞争威胁 [385.04]\n[385.26] 因为RISC-V的开源架构 [387.48]\n[387.48] 意味着它可以更便宜且更灵活地实现 [390.64]\n[391.0] 我的手臂非常灵活 [391.84]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[364.34] has announced development of the first ever mass-market RISC-V Android SoC. [369.9]\n[370.16] Google announced RISC-V software support [372.14]\n[372.14] for Android OS late last year. [373.68]\n[374.06] Now, Qualcomm are developing a yet unnamed RISC-V Snapdragon SoC for wearable devices [379.02]\n[379.07] to act as the necessary hardware. [380.82]\n[381.24] If successful, [381.9]\n[382.34] this could present a serious competitive threat to ARM, [385.04]\n[385.26] as RISC-V's open-source architecture [387.48]\n[387.48] means it can be both cheaper and more flexible to implement. [390.64]\n[391.0] My arm's pretty flexible. [391.84]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[364.34] 宣布开发史上首款面向大众的RISC-V安卓SoC [369.9]\n[370.16] 谷歌去年底宣布安卓支持RISC-V [373.68]\n[374.06] 现在 高通正在为可穿戴设备开发一款尚未命名的RISC-V [379.02]\n[379.07] 以充当必要的硬件平台 [380.82]\n[381.24] 如果成功的话 [381.9]\n[382.34] 这可能对ARM构成严重的竞争威胁 [385.04]\n[385.26] 因为RISC-V的开源架构 [387.48]\n[387.48] 意味着它可以更便宜且更灵活地实现 [390.64]\n[391.0] 我的手臂非常灵活 [391.84]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[212.2] The subscription isn't available elsewhere [214.2]\n[214.2] primarily because it's intended to appease EU regulators [217.32]\n[217.32] skeptical of Meta's ad targeting and data collection practices. [220.74]\n[221.12] The subscription is only available to users 18 [223.48]\n[223.48] and up while teenage users will temporarily [226.22]\n[226.22] stop seeing ads entirely until Meta comes up [229.66]\n[229.66] with some other way of profiting off damage [231.7]\n[231.7] to their underdeveloped psyches. [233.26]\n[233.64] They're working on it. [234.54]\n[234.72] In the meantime, Meta is apparently working on an API [237.32]\n[237.32] for its third social platform, Threads. [239.62]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[212.2] 这个订阅在其他地方是没有的 [214.2]\n[214.2] 主要是因为它的目的是取悦欧盟的监管机构 [217.32]\n[217.32] 欧盟对Meta的广告投放和数据收集做法持怀疑态度 [220.74]\n[221.12] 该订阅仅适用于年满18岁及以上的用户 [223.48]\n[223.48] 而青年用户将暂时完全停止看到广告 [229.66]\n[229.66] 直到Meta想好怎么以其他方式 从他们不健康的心灵中牟利 [233.26]\n[233.64] 他们在努力了 [234.54]\n[234.72] 与此同时 Meta显然正在开发 供其第三个社交平台Threads使用的API [239.62]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[212.2] The subscription isn't available elsewhere [214.2]\n[214.2] primarily because it's intended to appease EU regulators [217.32]\n[217.32] skeptical of Meta's ad targeting and data collection practices. [220.74]\n[221.12] The subscription is only available to users 18 [223.48]\n[223.48] and up while teenage users will temporarily [226.22]\n[226.22] stop seeing ads entirely until Meta comes up [229.66]\n[229.66] with some other way of profiting off damage [231.7]\n[231.7] to their underdeveloped psyches. [233.26]\n[233.64] They're working on it. [234.54]\n[234.72] In the meantime, Meta is apparently working on an API [237.32]\n[237.32] for its third social platform, Threads. [239.62]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[212.2] 这个订阅在其他地方是没有的 [214.2]\n[214.2] 主要是因为它的目的是取悦欧盟的监管机构 [217.32]\n[217.32] 欧盟对Meta的广告投放和数据收集做法持怀疑态度 [220.74]\n[221.12] 该订阅仅适用于年满18岁及以上的用户 [223.48]\n[223.48] 而青年用户将暂时完全停止看到广告 [229.66]\n[229.66] 直到Meta想好怎么以其他方式 从他们不健康的心灵中牟利 [233.26]\n[233.64] 他们在努力了 [234.54]\n[234.72] 与此同时 Meta显然正在开发 供其第三个社交平台Threads使用的API [239.62]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[296.08] ChatGPT now has an advanced data analysis feature [299.28]\n[299.28] that allows users to upload documents like a PDF [302.16]\n[302.64] and chat with it, [304.6]\n[304.82] like a spell [305.58]\n[305.58] that imbues an inanimate object with a living [307.76]\n[307.76] soul, but then wears off, bringing up horrible questions. [310.46]\n[310.46] Like, was that actually alive for like three minutes? [312.98]\n[313.3] Are you a monster? [314.24]\n[314.96] Similar functionality has already been offered [316.92]\n[316.92] by various services like Chat With PDF, [319.52]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[296.08] ChatGPT现在有了高级的数据分析功能 [299.28]\n[299.28] 可以让用户上传诸如PDF之类的文档 并与其进行对话 [304.6]\n[304.82] 就像施了什么魔法 让一个无生命的物体获得了灵魂 [307.76]\n[307.76] 但是然后灵魂消失了 这引出了可怕的问题 [310.46]\n[310.46] 就像 它在那三分钟里真的是活的吗 [312.98]\n[313.3] 你是个怪物吗 [314.24]\n[314.96] 诸如Chat With PDF之类的服务 [316.92]\n[316.92] 已经提供了类似的功能 [319.52]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[296.08] ChatGPT now has an advanced data analysis feature [299.28]\n[299.28] that allows users to upload documents like a PDF [302.16]\n[302.64] and chat with it, [304.6]\n[304.82] like a spell [305.58]\n[305.58] that imbues an inanimate object with a living [307.76]\n[307.76] soul, but then wears off, bringing up horrible questions. [310.46]\n[310.46] Like, was that actually alive for like three minutes? [312.98]\n[313.3] Are you a monster? [314.24]\n[314.96] Similar functionality has already been offered [316.92]\n[316.92] by various services like Chat With PDF, [319.52]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[296.08] ChatGPT现在有了高级的数据分析功能 [299.28]\n[299.28] 可以让用户上传诸如PDF之类的文档 并与其进行对话 [304.6]\n[304.82] 就像施了什么魔法 让一个无生命的物体获得了灵魂 [307.76]\n[307.76] 但是然后灵魂消失了 这引出了可怕的问题 [310.46]\n[310.46] 就像 它在那三分钟里真的是活的吗 [312.98]\n[313.3] 你是个怪物吗 [314.24]\n[314.96] 诸如Chat With PDF之类的服务 [316.92]\n[316.92] 已经提供了类似的功能 [319.52]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[253.46] Epic Games may have a slightly stronger case [256.24]\n[256.24] with Google though, as there's loads of evidence [258.34]\n[258.34] Google has gone out of their way [259.9]\n[259.9] to wall off their supposedly open garden. [262.82]\n[262.98] But I don't know, [264.1]\n[264.1] Google did publish a blog post on Thursday, [266.14]\n[266.38] essentially explaining how they're actually right, [268.72]\n[268.72] and they definitely don't make deals with companies [270.9]\n[270.9] to stop Epic's attempts to compete with the Play Store. [273.02]\n[273.44] So it's right [274.44]\n[275.18] there. [275.66]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[253.46] 相较于谷歌 Epic这次可能胜算更大 [256.24]\n[256.24] 毕竟有着大量的证据显示 [258.34]\n[258.34] 谷歌尽了全力来封锁他们的开放花园 [262.82]\n[262.98] 但我不确定 [264.1]\n[264.1] 谷歌在周四发表了一篇博文 [266.14]\n[266.38] 解释了他们并没有任何垄断行为 [268.72]\n[268.72] 而且他们绝对没有和某些公司达成协议 [270.9]\n[270.9] 试图阻止Epic与谷歌商店的竞争 [273.02]\n[273.44] 所以答案 [274.44]\n[275.18] 就在那里 [275.66]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[253.46] Epic Games may have a slightly stronger case [256.24]\n[256.24] with Google though, as there's loads of evidence [258.34]\n[258.34] Google has gone out of their way [259.9]\n[259.9] to wall off their supposedly open garden. [262.82]\n[262.98] But I don't know, [264.1]\n[264.1] Google did publish a blog post on Thursday, [266.14]\n[266.38] essentially explaining how they're actually right, [268.72]\n[268.72] and they definitely don't make deals with companies [270.9]\n[270.9] to stop Epic's attempts to compete with the Play Store. [273.02]\n[273.44] So it's right [274.44]\n[275.18] there. [275.66]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[253.46] 相较于谷歌 Epic这次可能胜算更大 [256.24]\n[256.24] 毕竟有着大量的证据显示 [258.34]\n[258.34] 谷歌尽了全力来封锁他们的开放花园 [262.82]\n[262.98] 但我不确定 [264.1]\n[264.1] 谷歌在周四发表了一篇博文 [266.14]\n[266.38] 解释了他们并没有任何垄断行为 [268.72]\n[268.72] 而且他们绝对没有和某些公司达成协议 [270.9]\n[270.9] 试图阻止Epic与谷歌商店的竞争 [273.02]\n[273.44] 所以答案 [274.44]\n[275.18] 就在那里 [275.66]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[92.48] already have their work cut out for them. [94.84]\n[94.84] I mean, do we even want Apple Silicon chips for PCs? [98.46]\n[98.46] Sounds dumb. [99.62]\n[99.62] Microsoft has gone deep on AI, [102.22]\n[102.22] but they haven't quite figured out [103.66]\n[103.66] how to make any money off of it yet. [106.02]\n[106.02] Probably because they've been scrolling past [107.86]\n[107.86] a lot of excellent advice from former crypto bros [110.86]\n[110.86] on social media. [112.10]\n[112.10] Diamond hands. [113.50]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[92.48] 已经面临着艰巨的任务 [94.84]\n[94.84] 我是说 你真想PC上使用苹果芯片吗 [98.46]\n[98.46] 听起来挺呆 [99.62]\n[99.62] 微软在人工智能方面投入了大量资源 [102.22]\n[102.22] 但他们还没有完全找到 [103.66]\n[103.66] 如何从中赚钱的方法 [106.02]\n[106.02] 可能是因为他们一直忽略了 [107.86]\n[107.86] 社交媒体上炒币大哥的许多卓越建议 [112.10]\n[112.10] 钻石手啊 [113.50]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[92.48] already have their work cut out for them. [94.84]\n[94.84] I mean, do we even want Apple Silicon chips for PCs? [98.46]\n[98.46] Sounds dumb. [99.62]\n[99.62] Microsoft has gone deep on AI, [102.22]\n[102.22] but they haven't quite figured out [103.66]\n[103.66] how to make any money off of it yet. [106.02]\n[106.02] Probably because they've been scrolling past [107.86]\n[107.86] a lot of excellent advice from former crypto bros [110.86]\n[110.86] on social media. [112.10]\n[112.10] Diamond hands. [113.50]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[92.48] 已经面临着艰巨的任务 [94.84]\n[94.84] 我是说 你真想PC上使用苹果芯片吗 [98.46]\n[98.46] 听起来挺呆 [99.62]\n[99.62] 微软在人工智能方面投入了大量资源 [102.22]\n[102.22] 但他们还没有完全找到 [103.66]\n[103.66] 如何从中赚钱的方法 [106.02]\n[106.02] 可能是因为他们一直忽略了 [107.86]\n[107.86] 社交媒体上炒币大哥的许多卓越建议 [112.10]\n[112.10] 钻石手啊 [113.50]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[175.4] while Intel's P-core could probably eat an E-core [178.2]\n[178.2] and still complain about the small portion size. [180.44]\n[180.44] Early benchmark results for Apple's M3 series of chips [183.42]\n[183.42] suggest Tim Cook wasn't pulling performance numbers out of his Apple [187.32]\n[187.32] at Monday's scary- at Monday's scary fast event. [191.88]\n[192.28] The Californian Fruit Corporation claimed the M3 chip [195.04]\n[195.04] was 20% faster than the M2, [197.34]\n[197.62] and that seems to be in line [198.84]\n[198.84] with the plethora of new leaked Geekbench scores. [201.8]\n[201.96] Of course, [202.44]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[175.4] 而英特尔的P核心可能可以一口吃掉一个E核心 [178.2]\n[178.2] 然后还抱怨份量太少 [180.44]\n[180.44] 苹果M3系列芯片的早期基准测试结果 [183.42]\n[183.42] 似乎表明蒂姆·库克的数据并非杜撰 [187.32]\n[187.32] 在周一的「来势迅猛」发布会中提到的 [191.88]\n[192.28] 这个加州的水果公司声称M3芯片 [195.04]\n[195.04] 比M2快20% [197.34]\n[197.62] 而这似乎与大量新泄漏的Geekbench分数符合 [201.8]\n[201.96] 当然 [202.44]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[175.4] while Intel's P-core could probably eat an E-core [178.2]\n[178.2] and still complain about the small portion size. [180.44]\n[180.44] Early benchmark results for Apple's M3 series of chips [183.42]\n[183.42] suggest Tim Cook wasn't pulling performance numbers out of his Apple [187.32]\n[187.32] at Monday's scary- at Monday's scary fast event. [191.88]\n[192.28] The Californian Fruit Corporation claimed the M3 chip [195.04]\n[195.04] was 20% faster than the M2, [197.34]\n[197.62] and that seems to be in line [198.84]\n[198.84] with the plethora of new leaked Geekbench scores. [201.8]\n[201.96] Of course, [202.44]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[175.4] 而英特尔的P核心可能可以一口吃掉一个E核心 [178.2]\n[178.2] 然后还抱怨份量太少 [180.44]\n[180.44] 苹果M3系列芯片的早期基准测试结果 [183.42]\n[183.42] 似乎表明蒂姆·库克的数据并非杜撰 [187.32]\n[187.32] 在周一的「来势迅猛」发布会中提到的 [191.88]\n[192.28] 这个加州的水果公司声称M3芯片 [195.04]\n[195.04] 比M2快20% [197.34]\n[197.62] 而这似乎与大量新泄漏的Geekbench分数符合 [201.8]\n[201.96] 当然 [202.44]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[203.44] and credited APO as a fix for the way Intel's efficiency cores, or E-cores, [208.84]\n[209.16] handle gaming. [209.64]\n[209.9] But despite sounding like something that should work on pretty much any Intel chip with efficiency cores, [215.06]\n[215.06] like the 12th and 13th gen lineups, [217.4]\n[217.72] APO only works on select 14th gen core processors. [221.64]\n[221.92] And when Hub asked Intel, [223.98]\n[224.18] what's the deal with that? [225.5]\n[225.92] Intel gave a bone chillingly corporate response. [228.7]\n[229.42] Intel has no plans to support prior generation products with application optimization. [233.88]\n[234.38] Hello? [234.64]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[203.44] 并认为APO修复了英特尔E效能核心 处理游戏的方式 [209.64]\n[209.9] 但尽管听上去 这应该适用于几乎所有包含E核心的芯片 [215.06]\n[215.06] 比如12代和13代系列 [217.4]\n[217.72] APO只适用于部分14代酷睿处理器 [221.64]\n[221.92] 当Hardware Unboxed询问英特尔 这是怎么回事时 [225.5]\n[225.92] 英特尔回了一句让人血寒的公司豪言 [228.7]\n[229.42] \"英特尔APO没有计划支持更早的产品\" [233.88]\n[234.38] 喂? [234.64]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[203.44] and credited APO as a fix for the way Intel's efficiency cores, or E-cores, [208.84]\n[209.16] handle gaming. [209.64]\n[209.9] But despite sounding like something that should work on pretty much any Intel chip with efficiency cores, [215.06]\n[215.06] like the 12th and 13th gen lineups, [217.4]\n[217.72] APO only works on select 14th gen core processors. [221.64]\n[221.92] And when Hub asked Intel, [223.98]\n[224.18] what's the deal with that? [225.5]\n[225.92] Intel gave a bone chillingly corporate response. [228.7]\n[229.42] Intel has no plans to support prior generation products with application optimization. [233.88]\n[234.38] Hello? [234.64]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[203.44] 并认为APO修复了英特尔E效能核心 处理游戏的方式 [209.64]\n[209.9] 但尽管听上去 这应该适用于几乎所有包含E核心的芯片 [215.06]\n[215.06] 比如12代和13代系列 [217.4]\n[217.72] APO只适用于部分14代酷睿处理器 [221.64]\n[221.92] 当Hardware Unboxed询问英特尔 这是怎么回事时 [225.5]\n[225.92] 英特尔回了一句让人血寒的公司豪言 [228.7]\n[229.42] \"英特尔APO没有计划支持更早的产品\" [233.88]\n[234.38] 喂? [234.64]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[311.08] which is upgraded from HBM3 to HBM3e, [314.78]\n[314.78] boosting memory bandwidth, clocks, and capacity. [317.56]\n[317.82] The H100 had 80 gigabytes of VRAM, [320.26]\n[320.26] while the H200 has 141. [322.98]\n[323.26] Think about all the things you could do with that. [325.44]\n[325.44] Like emulate 8.88 gigabyte M3 Macbook Pros [329.6]\n[329.84] Yeah, [330.72]\n[330.72] you're gonna do the math. [331.66]\n[331.66] RTX 4090s are still pouring into repair shops with melted power plugs [335.96]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[311.08] 从HBM3升级到了HBM3e [314.78]\n[314.78] 提高了显存的带宽 以及频率和容量 [317.56]\n[317.82] H100有80GB的显存 [320.26]\n[320.26] 而H200有141GB [322.98]\n[323.26] 想想看 你可以用它做很多事 [325.44]\n[325.44] 比如模拟8.88GB的M3 MacBook Pro [329.6]\n[329.84] 是的 [330.72]\n[330.72] 你自己算去吧 [331.66]\n[331.66] RTX 4090仍然因为融化电源接头的问题堆满了维修店 [335.96]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[311.08] which is upgraded from HBM3 to HBM3e, [314.78]\n[314.78] boosting memory bandwidth, clocks, and capacity. [317.56]\n[317.82] The H100 had 80 gigabytes of VRAM, [320.26]\n[320.26] while the H200 has 141. [322.98]\n[323.26] Think about all the things you could do with that. [325.44]\n[325.44] Like emulate 8.88 gigabyte M3 Macbook Pros [329.6]\n[329.84] Yeah, [330.72]\n[330.72] you're gonna do the math. [331.66]\n[331.66] RTX 4090s are still pouring into repair shops with melted power plugs [335.96]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[311.08] 从HBM3升级到了HBM3e [314.78]\n[314.78] 提高了显存的带宽 以及频率和容量 [317.56]\n[317.82] H100有80GB的显存 [320.26]\n[320.26] 而H200有141GB [322.98]\n[323.26] 想想看 你可以用它做很多事 [325.44]\n[325.44] 比如模拟8.88GB的M3 MacBook Pro [329.6]\n[329.84] 是的 [330.72]\n[330.72] 你自己算去吧 [331.66]\n[331.66] RTX 4090仍然因为融化电源接头的问题堆满了维修店 [335.96]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[332.84] the Dutch antitrust agency says, [335.4]\n[335.74] Apple's app store commissions violate EU rules [338.28]\n[338.28] and unfairly target subscription services like Tinder. [340.82]\n[341.24] It isn't fair for men to be charged an extra 30% [343.74]\n[343.74] for a Tinder gold subscription, [345.28]\n[345.28] just to be able to see the two women [347.22]\n[347.22] that swiped right on them. [348.44]\n[348.44] Show us the women. [349.1]\n[349.76] Where is she? [350.58]\n[351.54] Google has released a timeline for RISC-V developer tools, [355.66]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[332.84] 荷兰反垄断机构表示 [335.4]\n[335.74] 苹果App Store的佣金政策违反了欧盟的规定 [338.28]\n[338.28] 并且不公平地针对订阅服务 比如Tinder [340.82]\n[341.24] Tinder黄金会员要多交30%给苹果 这样是不公平的 [345.28]\n[345.28] 他们只是想看看有没有人 [347.22]\n[347.22] 给他们“右滑”(Tinder中的点赞操作) [348.44]\n[348.44] 让我们看看是谁 [349.1]\n[349.76] 喜欢我的女生在哪儿? [350.58]\n[351.54] 谷歌已发布了RISC-V开发者工具的时间表 [355.66]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[332.84] the Dutch antitrust agency says, [335.4]\n[335.74] Apple's app store commissions violate EU rules [338.28]\n[338.28] and unfairly target subscription services like Tinder. [340.82]\n[341.24] It isn't fair for men to be charged an extra 30% [343.74]\n[343.74] for a Tinder gold subscription, [345.28]\n[345.28] just to be able to see the two women [347.22]\n[347.22] that swiped right on them. [348.44]\n[348.44] Show us the women. [349.1]\n[349.76] Where is she? [350.58]\n[351.54] Google has released a timeline for RISC-V developer tools, [355.66]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[332.84] 荷兰反垄断机构表示 [335.4]\n[335.74] 苹果App Store的佣金政策违反了欧盟的规定 [338.28]\n[338.28] 并且不公平地针对订阅服务 比如Tinder [340.82]\n[341.24] Tinder黄金会员要多交30%给苹果 这样是不公平的 [345.28]\n[345.28] 他们只是想看看有没有人 [347.22]\n[347.22] 给他们“右滑”(Tinder中的点赞操作) [348.44]\n[348.44] 让我们看看是谁 [349.1]\n[349.76] 喜欢我的女生在哪儿? [350.58]\n[351.54] 谷歌已发布了RISC-V开发者工具的时间表 [355.66]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[317.02] NVIDIA is hell-bent on pushing the envelope [319.6]\n[319.6] regarding what level of chunk [321.32]\n[321.32] is acceptable for graphics cards, [322.92]\n[323.22] but one intrepid modder has had enough. [325.68]\n[326.02] A Redditor going by TechTaxi [327.9]\n[327.9] slapped the cooler of a two-slot [329.9]\n[330.08] Gainward RTX 4070 Ghost OC [332.26]\n[332.26] onto the PCB of a Gainward RTX 4080 Phoenix GX, [337.18]\n[337.48] resulting in, astonishingly, a normal-sized graphics card. [342.02]\n[343.82] What? [344.35]\n[344.38] The smallest commercially available RTX 4080 [346.84]\n[346.94] is the two-and-a-half slot Asus ProArt model, [349.86]\n[350.2] but hopefully, [350.68]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[317.02] NVIDIA急于推动创新边界 [319.6]\n[319.6] 急于研究 显卡究竟能厚到什么程度 [322.92]\n[323.22] 但一位勇敢的改机玩家已经受够了 [325.68]\n[326.02] 一位名为TechTaxi的Reddit用户 [327.9]\n[327.9] 把双槽的耕升 RTX 4070 Ghost OC散热器 [332.26]\n[332.26] 拍到了一张 耕升 RTX 4080 Phoenix GX 上 [337.18]\n[337.48] 结果 令人震惊地 变成了标准尺寸的显卡 [342.02]\n[343.82] 什么? [344.35]\n[344.38] 目前 你能买到最小的RTX 4080 [346.84]\n[346.94] 是两个半插槽的 华硕ProArt系列 [349.86]\n[350.2] 但希望 [350.68]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[317.02] NVIDIA is hell-bent on pushing the envelope [319.6]\n[319.6] regarding what level of chunk [321.32]\n[321.32] is acceptable for graphics cards, [322.92]\n[323.22] but one intrepid modder has had enough. [325.68]\n[326.02] A Redditor going by TechTaxi [327.9]\n[327.9] slapped the cooler of a two-slot [329.9]\n[330.08] Gainward RTX 4070 Ghost OC [332.26]\n[332.26] onto the PCB of a Gainward RTX 4080 Phoenix GX, [337.18]\n[337.48] resulting in, astonishingly, a normal-sized graphics card. [342.02]\n[343.82] What? [344.35]\n[344.38] The smallest commercially available RTX 4080 [346.84]\n[346.94] is the two-and-a-half slot Asus ProArt model, [349.86]\n[350.2] but hopefully, [350.68]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[317.02] NVIDIA急于推动创新边界 [319.6]\n[319.6] 急于研究 显卡究竟能厚到什么程度 [322.92]\n[323.22] 但一位勇敢的改机玩家已经受够了 [325.68]\n[326.02] 一位名为TechTaxi的Reddit用户 [327.9]\n[327.9] 把双槽的耕升 RTX 4070 Ghost OC散热器 [332.26]\n[332.26] 拍到了一张 耕升 RTX 4080 Phoenix GX 上 [337.18]\n[337.48] 结果 令人震惊地 变成了标准尺寸的显卡 [342.02]\n[343.82] 什么? [344.35]\n[344.38] 目前 你能买到最小的RTX 4080 [346.84]\n[346.94] 是两个半插槽的 华硕ProArt系列 [349.86]\n[350.2] 但希望 [350.68]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[412.1] Series X situation. [414.32]\n[414.48] Just, [414.72]\n[415.08] please, [415.44]\n[416.32] be better, Intel. [417.12]\n[417.94] MediaTek has announced its new flagship mobile processor, [421.22]\n[421.22] the Dimensity 9300, [422.56]\n[423.12] or as I like to call it, [424.18]\n[424.46] the Density 9300, [426.0]\n[426.46] because unlike other chips [427.72]\n[427.72] that use a combination of big performance cores [429.9]\n[429.9] and smaller efficiency cores, [431.72]\n[431.98] the Dimensity 9300 will only use four big cores [436.12]\n[436.12] and four ultra large cores for its processor. [439.74]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[412.1] Series X那一套 [414.32]\n[414.48] 就是说 [414.72]\n[415.08] 拜托了 [415.44]\n[416.32] 做个好人 Intel [417.12]\n[417.94] 联发科宣布推出了其最新的移动旗舰处理器 [421.22]\n[421.22] 天玑9300 [422.56]\n[423.12] 我更喜欢把它叫做 [424.18]\n[424.46] 天稽9300 [426.0]\n[426.46] 因为不同于其他的大小核设计 [431.72]\n[431.98] 天玑9300拥有4个大核 [436.12]\n[436.12] 和4个超大核 [439.74]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[412.1] Series X situation. [414.32]\n[414.48] Just, [414.72]\n[415.08] please, [415.44]\n[416.32] be better, Intel. [417.12]\n[417.94] MediaTek has announced its new flagship mobile processor, [421.22]\n[421.22] the Dimensity 9300, [422.56]\n[423.12] or as I like to call it, [424.18]\n[424.46] the Density 9300, [426.0]\n[426.46] because unlike other chips [427.72]\n[427.72] that use a combination of big performance cores [429.9]\n[429.9] and smaller efficiency cores, [431.72]\n[431.98] the Dimensity 9300 will only use four big cores [436.12]\n[436.12] and four ultra large cores for its processor. [439.74]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[412.1] Series X那一套 [414.32]\n[414.48] 就是说 [414.72]\n[415.08] 拜托了 [415.44]\n[416.32] 做个好人 Intel [417.12]\n[417.94] 联发科宣布推出了其最新的移动旗舰处理器 [421.22]\n[421.22] 天玑9300 [422.56]\n[423.12] 我更喜欢把它叫做 [424.18]\n[424.46] 天稽9300 [426.0]\n[426.46] 因为不同于其他的大小核设计 [431.72]\n[431.98] 天玑9300拥有4个大核 [436.12]\n[436.12] 和4个超大核 [439.74]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[540.04] Ha ha. [540.62]\n[540.78] That's how it dances. [541.54]\n[541.72] Meanwhile, [542.76]\n[543.3] Mayum designed a pastel pink bubble wrap poncho [547.12]\n[547.12] that is both inflatable and doubles as a hammock, [549.76]\n[550.12] probably as a wearable airbag to protect your precious baby [553.2]\n[553.62] or that toddler. [554.76]\n[554.94] And protect yourself from the disappointment [556.82]\n[556.82] of this video ending by coming back on Monday [558.96]\n[558.96] for more tech news. [560.04]\n[560.34] You know, I can't guarantee it actually will, [561.94]\n[562.58] but hey, we're trying. [563.94]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[540.04] 哈哈 [540.62]\n[540.78] 那是它的跳舞模式 [541.54]\n[541.72] 与此同时 [542.76]\n[543.3] Mayum设计了一件粉色泡泡纸外套 [547.12]\n[547.12] 可以充气并且还能当吊床用 [549.76]\n[550.12] 可能作为可穿戴式气囊 保护你可爱的小宝贝 [553.2]\n[553.62] 或者说那个小崽子 [554.76]\n[554.94] 保护自己 不要让这段视频播完之后陷入无聊空虚 [558.96]\n[558.96] 来吧 周一回来 为自己找点事做 [560.04]\n[560.34] 你懂的 我不能保证会有新闻 [561.94]\n[562.58] 但嘿 反正我们在努力嘛 [563.94]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[540.04] Ha ha. [540.62]\n[540.78] That's how it dances. [541.54]\n[541.72] Meanwhile, [542.76]\n[543.3] Mayum designed a pastel pink bubble wrap poncho [547.12]\n[547.12] that is both inflatable and doubles as a hammock, [549.76]\n[550.12] probably as a wearable airbag to protect your precious baby [553.2]\n[553.62] or that toddler. [554.76]\n[554.94] And protect yourself from the disappointment [556.82]\n[556.82] of this video ending by coming back on Monday [558.96]\n[558.96] for more tech news. [560.04]\n[560.34] You know, I can't guarantee it actually will, [561.94]\n[562.58] but hey, we're trying. [563.94]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[540.04] 哈哈 [540.62]\n[540.78] 那是它的跳舞模式 [541.54]\n[541.72] 与此同时 [542.76]\n[543.3] Mayum设计了一件粉色泡泡纸外套 [547.12]\n[547.12] 可以充气并且还能当吊床用 [549.76]\n[550.12] 可能作为可穿戴式气囊 保护你可爱的小宝贝 [553.2]\n[553.62] 或者说那个小崽子 [554.76]\n[554.94] 保护自己 不要让这段视频播完之后陷入无聊空虚 [558.96]\n[558.96] 来吧 周一回来 为自己找点事做 [560.04]\n[560.34] 你懂的 我不能保证会有新闻 [561.94]\n[562.58] 但嘿 反正我们在努力嘛 [563.94]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[271.26] Unless you have it iced, [272.38]\n[272.68] then it'll be cold. [273.6]\n[273.88] That's how that works. [274.94]\n[275.32] Their exotic high quality coffee has distinctly different [278.32]\n[278.32] flavors and nuances to tantalize your taste buds. [281.28]\n[281.5] So go check out Volcanica Coffee at the link below [283.88]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[271.26] 除非你点的是冰咖 [272.38]\n[272.68] 那它就是凉的 [273.6]\n[273.88] 就是这么回事 [274.94]\n[275.32] 他们的珍稀高品质咖啡 有着独特的口味和细微的风味 [281.28]\n[281.5] 所以请点击下方的链接查看Volcanica Coffee的产品 [283.88]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[271.26] Unless you have it iced, [272.38]\n[272.68] then it'll be cold. [273.6]\n[273.88] That's how that works. [274.94]\n[275.32] Their exotic high quality coffee has distinctly different [278.32]\n[278.32] flavors and nuances to tantalize your taste buds. [281.28]\n[281.5] So go check out Volcanica Coffee at the link below [283.88]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[271.26] 除非你点的是冰咖 [272.38]\n[272.68] 那它就是凉的 [273.6]\n[273.88] 就是这么回事 [274.94]\n[275.32] 他们的珍稀高品质咖啡 有着独特的口味和细微的风味 [281.28]\n[281.5] 所以请点击下方的链接查看Volcanica Coffee的产品 [283.88]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[236.32] But it's an accusation that could be leveled [238.04]\n[238.04] at pretty much any popular social media app currently available. [241.28]\n[241.72] I'm not even a teenage girl, [243.58]\n[243.72] and TikTok makes me feel bad about myself all the time. [246.56]\n[246.88] I don't know why I opened the app. [248.22]\n[248.22] For some reason, [248.82]\n[248.82] every post in my feed is just insulting me personally. [251.54]\n[251.74] Meanwhile, the FTC is bringing in child psychologists [254.62]\n[254.86] to inform future regulations of social media companies. [258.22]\n[258.54] And PimEyes, [259.52]\n[259.52] a reverse image search engine that specializes in facial recognition, [262.72]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[236.32] 但这样的指责几乎可以针对 当前任何一个流行的社交媒体应用提出 [241.28]\n[241.72] 我甚至都不是个十几岁的女孩 [243.58]\n[243.72] 但是TikTok总是让我感觉不好 [246.56]\n[246.88] 我不知道我为什么打开这个应用 [248.22]\n[248.22] 出于某种原因 [248.82]\n[248.82] 我的主页里的每篇帖子都在直接侮辱我 [251.54]\n[251.74] 与此同时 美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)正在聘请儿童心理学家 [254.62]\n[254.86] 为制定未来的社交媒体公司监管政策提供专业意见 [258.22]\n[258.54] 专注于人脸识别的反向图像搜索引擎PimEyes [262.72]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[236.32] But it's an accusation that could be leveled [238.04]\n[238.04] at pretty much any popular social media app currently available. [241.28]\n[241.72] I'm not even a teenage girl, [243.58]\n[243.72] and TikTok makes me feel bad about myself all the time. [246.56]\n[246.88] I don't know why I opened the app. [248.22]\n[248.22] For some reason, [248.82]\n[248.82] every post in my feed is just insulting me personally. [251.54]\n[251.74] Meanwhile, the FTC is bringing in child psychologists [254.62]\n[254.86] to inform future regulations of social media companies. [258.22]\n[258.54] And PimEyes, [259.52]\n[259.52] a reverse image search engine that specializes in facial recognition, [262.72]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[236.32] 但这样的指责几乎可以针对 当前任何一个流行的社交媒体应用提出 [241.28]\n[241.72] 我甚至都不是个十几岁的女孩 [243.58]\n[243.72] 但是TikTok总是让我感觉不好 [246.56]\n[246.88] 我不知道我为什么打开这个应用 [248.22]\n[248.22] 出于某种原因 [248.82]\n[248.82] 我的主页里的每篇帖子都在直接侮辱我 [251.54]\n[251.74] 与此同时 美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)正在聘请儿童心理学家 [254.62]\n[254.86] 为制定未来的社交媒体公司监管政策提供专业意见 [258.22]\n[258.54] 专注于人脸识别的反向图像搜索引擎PimEyes [262.72]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[62.48] on that service available to stream. [65.00]\n[65.00] But if you live anywhere else, [66.90]\n[66.90] it'll be up to Ubisoft to grant licenses [69.92]\n[69.92] for Activision Blizzard games to cloud gaming services, [73.90]\n[73.90] meaning Microsoft will have to license the games [77.02]\n[77.02] owned by the companies it now owns [79.50]\n[79.50] if it wants those games to be streamable [81.74]\n[81.74] on Game Pass Ultimate outside of Europe, okay? [85.32]\n[85.32] And you might be saying, [86.16]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[65.00] 但如果你居住在其他地方 [66.90]\n[66.90] 将由育碧决定是否授予云游戏服务的许可 [73.90]\n[73.90] 这意味着 如果微软希望在欧洲以外的地方通过Game Pass Ultimate串流这些游戏 [81.74]\n[81.74] 它将必须获取它现在拥有的公司拥有的游戏的许可,明白了吗?[85.32]\n[85.32] 你可能会说, [86.16]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[62.48] on that service available to stream. [65.00]\n[65.00] But if you live anywhere else, [66.90]\n[66.90] it'll be up to Ubisoft to grant licenses [69.92]\n[69.92] for Activision Blizzard games to cloud gaming services, [73.90]\n[73.90] meaning Microsoft will have to license the games [77.02]\n[77.02] owned by the companies it now owns [79.50]\n[79.50] if it wants those games to be streamable [81.74]\n[81.74] on Game Pass Ultimate outside of Europe, okay? [85.32]\n[85.32] And you might be saying, [86.16]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[65.00] 但如果你居住在其他地方 [66.90]\n[66.90] 将由育碧决定是否授予云游戏服务的许可 [73.90]\n[73.90] 这意味着 如果微软希望在欧洲以外的地方通过Game Pass Ultimate串流这些游戏 [81.74]\n[81.74] 它将必须获取它现在拥有的公司拥有的游戏的许可,明白了吗?[85.32]\n[85.32] 你可能会说, [86.16]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[58.5] And sure, every little bit of extra performance is nice, [61.7]\n[61.98] unless in order to get it, [63.38]\n[63.38] you have to buy a new GPU for the same MSRP [65.92]\n[65.92] that the original RTX 4080 launched at, [68.44]\n[68.68] which is 1,200 bucks. [70.64]\n[71.02] That's what NVIDIA did with the RTX 2080 Super, [74.12]\n[74.12] which launched in 2019 for 800 bucks. [77.74]\n[77.74] Pfft. [78.1]\n[78.54] How many dough? [79.18]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[58.5] 当然 每一点额外的性能提升都是不错的 [61.7]\n[61.98] 除非为了这点性能提升 [63.38]\n[63.38] 你需要以 RTX 4080发布时的建议售价 购买全新的显卡 [68.44]\n[68.68] 也就是1200美元 [70.64]\n[71.02] 这跟NVIDIA当年发布的RTX 2080 Super一个套路嘛 [74.12]\n[74.12] 该卡在2019年以800美元的价格上市 [77.74]\n[77.74] 哼 [78.1]\n[78.54] 多少面团? [79.18]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[58.5] And sure, every little bit of extra performance is nice, [61.7]\n[61.98] unless in order to get it, [63.38]\n[63.38] you have to buy a new GPU for the same MSRP [65.92]\n[65.92] that the original RTX 4080 launched at, [68.44]\n[68.68] which is 1,200 bucks. [70.64]\n[71.02] That's what NVIDIA did with the RTX 2080 Super, [74.12]\n[74.12] which launched in 2019 for 800 bucks. [77.74]\n[77.74] Pfft. [78.1]\n[78.54] How many dough? [79.18]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[58.5] 当然 每一点额外的性能提升都是不错的 [61.7]\n[61.98] 除非为了这点性能提升 [63.38]\n[63.38] 你需要以 RTX 4080发布时的建议售价 购买全新的显卡 [68.44]\n[68.68] 也就是1200美元 [70.64]\n[71.02] 这跟NVIDIA当年发布的RTX 2080 Super一个套路嘛 [74.12]\n[74.12] 该卡在2019年以800美元的价格上市 [77.74]\n[77.74] 哼 [78.1]\n[78.54] 多少面团? [79.18]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[371.66] Leaker MomomoUS posted benchmarks from Crossmark on Twitter, [375.84]\n[376.1] I'll still call it that sometimes, [377.68]\n[377.68] showing chips with names like Intel Core Ultra 9 185H, [382.6]\n[383.14] which is thought to be the flagship notebook chip in the Meteor Lake family. [387.76]\n[387.76] But don't get [388.36]\n[388.36] that confused with the Intel Core Ultra 150U, [392.32]\n[392.76] which is part of the Raptor Lake U family refresh. [395.9]\n[396.54] Both chips are part of what Intel is now calling First Gen Core, [400.9]\n[401.46] after the 14th gen released. [403.92]\n[404.14] And while I might agree [405.14]\n[405.14] that having less digits in the name is better, [407.48]\n[407.94] I'm hoping this doesn't become a Xbox One, One X, [411.72]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[371.66] 资深爆料人momomo_us在推特上发布了Crossmark的跑分数据 [375.84]\n[376.1] 我还是偶尔会叫它推特 [377.68]\n[377.68] 跑分泄露了型号为Intel Core Ultra 9 185H的芯片 [382.6]\n[383.14] 这被认为是Meteor Lake系列笔记本芯片的旗舰 [387.76]\n[387.76] 但别把它 和Intel Core Ultra 150U 混淆了 [392.32]\n[392.76] 它隶属于Raptor Lake Refresh架构 [395.9]\n[396.54] Intel称这两款芯片为 一代酷睿 [400.9]\n[401.46] 在14代酷睿已经发售的情况下 [403.92]\n[404.14] 虽然我可能同意 [405.14]\n[405.14] 名称中的数字越少越好 [407.48]\n[407.94] 不过希望这不会演变成Xbox One, One X [411.72]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[371.66] Leaker MomomoUS posted benchmarks from Crossmark on Twitter, [375.84]\n[376.1] I'll still call it that sometimes, [377.68]\n[377.68] showing chips with names like Intel Core Ultra 9 185H, [382.6]\n[383.14] which is thought to be the flagship notebook chip in the Meteor Lake family. [387.76]\n[387.76] But don't get [388.36]\n[388.36] that confused with the Intel Core Ultra 150U, [392.32]\n[392.76] which is part of the Raptor Lake U family refresh. [395.9]\n[396.54] Both chips are part of what Intel is now calling First Gen Core, [400.9]\n[401.46] after the 14th gen released. [403.92]\n[404.14] And while I might agree [405.14]\n[405.14] that having less digits in the name is better, [407.48]\n[407.94] I'm hoping this doesn't become a Xbox One, One X, [411.72]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[371.66] 资深爆料人momomo_us在推特上发布了Crossmark的跑分数据 [375.84]\n[376.1] 我还是偶尔会叫它推特 [377.68]\n[377.68] 跑分泄露了型号为Intel Core Ultra 9 185H的芯片 [382.6]\n[383.14] 这被认为是Meteor Lake系列笔记本芯片的旗舰 [387.76]\n[387.76] 但别把它 和Intel Core Ultra 150U 混淆了 [392.32]\n[392.76] 它隶属于Raptor Lake Refresh架构 [395.9]\n[396.54] Intel称这两款芯片为 一代酷睿 [400.9]\n[401.46] 在14代酷睿已经发售的情况下 [403.92]\n[404.14] 虽然我可能同意 [405.14]\n[405.14] 名称中的数字越少越好 [407.48]\n[407.94] 不过希望这不会演变成Xbox One, One X [411.72]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[374.5] Digital Foundry's resident wizard, [376.2]\n[376.64] Digital Foundry's resident, [378.0]\n[378.82] digital Foundry. [380.32]\n[380.32] Digital Foundry's resident wizard, [382.42]\n[382.42] Richard Ledbetter, posted a deep dive on Nvidia's T239, [386.88]\n[386.88] a processor heavily expected to power the Nintendo Switch 2. [390.88]\n[391.08] Originally leaked by lovable fan favorite leaker, [393.84]\n[393.84] Copite7Kimi, two years ago, [396.44]\n[396.44] details have slowly emerged about the chip specs. [399.0]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[374.5] Digital Foundry的驻场魔术师 [376.2]\n[376.64] Digital Foundry的专家 [378.0]\n[378.82] 数!字!铁!匠! [380.32]\n[380.32] Digital Foundry的专家奇才 [382.42]\n[382.42] Richard Ledbetter对Nvidia的T239进行了深入分析 [386.88]\n[386.88] 这款处理器极其有望成为Nintendo Switch 2的处理器 [390.88]\n[391.08] 两年前被受欢迎的爆料人Copite7Kimi爆料 [396.44]\n[396.44] 有关芯片规格的细节已经慢慢浮出水面 [399.0]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[374.5] Digital Foundry's resident wizard, [376.2]\n[376.64] Digital Foundry's resident, [378.0]\n[378.82] digital Foundry. [380.32]\n[380.32] Digital Foundry's resident wizard, [382.42]\n[382.42] Richard Ledbetter, posted a deep dive on Nvidia's T239, [386.88]\n[386.88] a processor heavily expected to power the Nintendo Switch 2. [390.88]\n[391.08] Originally leaked by lovable fan favorite leaker, [393.84]\n[393.84] Copite7Kimi, two years ago, [396.44]\n[396.44] details have slowly emerged about the chip specs. [399.0]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[374.5] Digital Foundry的驻场魔术师 [376.2]\n[376.64] Digital Foundry的专家 [378.0]\n[378.82] 数!字!铁!匠! [380.32]\n[380.32] Digital Foundry的专家奇才 [382.42]\n[382.42] Richard Ledbetter对Nvidia的T239进行了深入分析 [386.88]\n[386.88] 这款处理器极其有望成为Nintendo Switch 2的处理器 [390.88]\n[391.08] 两年前被受欢迎的爆料人Copite7Kimi爆料 [396.44]\n[396.44] 有关芯片规格的细节已经慢慢浮出水面 [399.0]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[352.38] including how long it's been available on Google search [354.54]\n[354.66] and which websites have used it in the past, [356.58]\n[356.58] like news outlets and fact checkers. [358.22]\n[358.46] And if that's not enough reassurance [360.06]\n[360.06] for you to trust that an image is real, [362.08]\n[362.26] you can try Leica's new M11P camera, [365.1]\n[365.1] which comes with built-in content credentials, [367.22]\n[367.66] stamping a digital photo [368.96]\n[368.96] with detailed metadata at the point of capture. [371.68]\n[372.16] You can't put a price on authenticity, [373.78]\n[374.12] but Leica can because this thing costs $9,000. [376.34]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[352.38] 包括图片在谷歌搜索中的存在时间 [354.54]\n[354.66] 以及过去有哪些网站使用过它 [356.58]\n[356.58] 例如新闻媒体和事实核查机构 [358.22]\n[358.46] 如果这还不足以让您相信这是一张真实的图片 [362.08]\n[362.26] 您可以尝试徕卡最新的M11P相机 [365.1]\n[365.1] 该相机具有内置的内容认证功能 [367.22]\n[367.66] 可以在拍摄时将数字照片 [368.96]\n[368.96] 以及详细的元数据一同进行标记 [371.68]\n[372.16] 真实无价 [373.78]\n[374.12] 但徕卡可以 因为这个相机值9000美元 [376.34]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[352.38] including how long it's been available on Google search [354.54]\n[354.66] and which websites have used it in the past, [356.58]\n[356.58] like news outlets and fact checkers. [358.22]\n[358.46] And if that's not enough reassurance [360.06]\n[360.06] for you to trust that an image is real, [362.08]\n[362.26] you can try Leica's new M11P camera, [365.1]\n[365.1] which comes with built-in content credentials, [367.22]\n[367.66] stamping a digital photo [368.96]\n[368.96] with detailed metadata at the point of capture. [371.68]\n[372.16] You can't put a price on authenticity, [373.78]\n[374.12] but Leica can because this thing costs $9,000. [376.34]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[352.38] 包括图片在谷歌搜索中的存在时间 [354.54]\n[354.66] 以及过去有哪些网站使用过它 [356.58]\n[356.58] 例如新闻媒体和事实核查机构 [358.22]\n[358.46] 如果这还不足以让您相信这是一张真实的图片 [362.08]\n[362.26] 您可以尝试徕卡最新的M11P相机 [365.1]\n[365.1] 该相机具有内置的内容认证功能 [367.22]\n[367.66] 可以在拍摄时将数字照片 [368.96]\n[368.96] 以及详细的元数据一同进行标记 [371.68]\n[372.16] 真实无价 [373.78]\n[374.12] 但徕卡可以 因为这个相机值9000美元 [376.34]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[276.02] where the OS turned off privacy settings [278.38]\n[278.38] for significant locations and iPhone analytics. [280.78]\n[281.32] Significant locations, of course, being a feature [283.48]\n[283.48] that tracks and remembers places you visit often, [286.0]\n[286.34] like your work, your local cafe, [288.14]\n[288.4] and the fight club under the overpass. [290.18]\n[292.36] I'm dead. [292.8]\n[293.7] The update also fixes a three-year-old security gap [297.0]\n[297.0] in iOS's private address feature, [298.98]\n[298.98] which was supposed to allow users to avoid being tracked [301.54]\n[301.54] while connecting to Wi-Fi networks, [303.0]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[276.02] 该bug会在某些情况下关闭 [278.38]\n[278.38] 重要地点和iPhone分析隐私设置 [280.78]\n[281.32] 重要地点是一个可以追踪并记住你经常去的地方的功能 [286.0]\n[286.34] 就像你的办公室 当地的咖啡馆 [288.14]\n[288.4] 以及高架桥下的地下搏击俱乐部 [290.18]\n[292.36] 我完了 [292.8]\n[293.7] 此次更新还修复了iOS随机MAC地址功能中长达3年的安全漏洞 [298.98]\n[298.98] 这一本来应该让用户在连接到Wi-Fi网络时避免被跟踪的功能 [303.0]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[276.02] where the OS turned off privacy settings [278.38]\n[278.38] for significant locations and iPhone analytics. [280.78]\n[281.32] Significant locations, of course, being a feature [283.48]\n[283.48] that tracks and remembers places you visit often, [286.0]\n[286.34] like your work, your local cafe, [288.14]\n[288.4] and the fight club under the overpass. [290.18]\n[292.36] I'm dead. [292.8]\n[293.7] The update also fixes a three-year-old security gap [297.0]\n[297.0] in iOS's private address feature, [298.98]\n[298.98] which was supposed to allow users to avoid being tracked [301.54]\n[301.54] while connecting to Wi-Fi networks, [303.0]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[276.02] 该bug会在某些情况下关闭 [278.38]\n[278.38] 重要地点和iPhone分析隐私设置 [280.78]\n[281.32] 重要地点是一个可以追踪并记住你经常去的地方的功能 [286.0]\n[286.34] 就像你的办公室 当地的咖啡馆 [288.14]\n[288.4] 以及高架桥下的地下搏击俱乐部 [290.18]\n[292.36] 我完了 [292.8]\n[293.7] 此次更新还修复了iOS随机MAC地址功能中长达3年的安全漏洞 [298.98]\n[298.98] 这一本来应该让用户在连接到Wi-Fi网络时避免被跟踪的功能 [303.0]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[166.72] like parents editing their embryos' genes, [169.22]\n[169.22] so the eventual child never disappoints them. [171.72]\n[172.26] OpenAI also announced GPT-4 Turbo, [174.88]\n[175.14] with a massive 128K context window, [178.7]\n[178.96] meaning it could accept prompts up to 300 pages long, [181.84]\n[182.1] an assistance API to help developers make series [184.96]\n[184.96] that don't suck, [185.88]\n[186.18] price decreases across the board, [188.04]\n[188.24] and perhaps most interesting to me, [190.56]\n[191.02] Copyright Shield, [192.26]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[166.72] 就像父母编辑胚胎基因一样 [169.22]\n[169.22] 这样最终的孩子永远不会让他们失望 [171.72]\n[172.26] OpenAI还公布了GPT-4 Turbo [174.88]\n[175.14] 支持巨大的128K上下文长度 [178.7]\n[178.96] 这意味着它可以接受长达300页的提示词 [181.84]\n[182.1] 一个辅助API 用于帮助开发人员在应用中嵌入辅助AI [185.88]\n[186.18] 价格全面下降 [188.04]\n[188.24] 而且对我来说也许最有趣的是 [190.56]\n[191.02] 版权之盾 [192.26]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[166.72] like parents editing their embryos' genes, [169.22]\n[169.22] so the eventual child never disappoints them. [171.72]\n[172.26] OpenAI also announced GPT-4 Turbo, [174.88]\n[175.14] with a massive 128K context window, [178.7]\n[178.96] meaning it could accept prompts up to 300 pages long, [181.84]\n[182.1] an assistance API to help developers make series [184.96]\n[184.96] that don't suck, [185.88]\n[186.18] price decreases across the board, [188.04]\n[188.24] and perhaps most interesting to me, [190.56]\n[191.02] Copyright Shield, [192.26]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[166.72] 就像父母编辑胚胎基因一样 [169.22]\n[169.22] 这样最终的孩子永远不会让他们失望 [171.72]\n[172.26] OpenAI还公布了GPT-4 Turbo [174.88]\n[175.14] 支持巨大的128K上下文长度 [178.7]\n[178.96] 这意味着它可以接受长达300页的提示词 [181.84]\n[182.1] 一个辅助API 用于帮助开发人员在应用中嵌入辅助AI [185.88]\n[186.18] 价格全面下降 [188.04]\n[188.24] 而且对我来说也许最有趣的是 [190.56]\n[191.02] 版权之盾 [192.26]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[104.42] we absolutely cannot tip over ice cream trucks [108.2]\n[108.2] and slurp everything up inside for free. [110.58]\n[110.78] We cannot, [111.42]\n[111.42] or we do it, we're doing it, we're doing it. [113.52]\n[113.52] This is wrong, unless everyone else is doing it, [119.74]\n[119.74] in which case it's fine. [121.04]\n[121.04] Then we'll see. [122.12]\n[122.42] Speaking of AI, [123.62]\n[123.62] OpenAI proved they're a real tech giant by holding their first [127.5]\n[127.5] Dev Day event this morning. [129.06]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[104.42] 我们绝对不能把冰淇凌车推翻 [108.2]\n[108.2] 然后零元购里面的冰淇凌 [110.58]\n[110.78] 我们不能这样做 [111.42]\n[111.42] 这是不对的 除非其他人都这么做 [119.74]\n[119.74] 那样的话就没事 [121.04]\n[121.04] 等着瞧吧 [122.12]\n[122.42] 说到人工智能 [123.62]\n[123.62] 今天上午 真正的科技巨头OpenAI举办了他们的首个开发者日活动 [129.06]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[104.42] we absolutely cannot tip over ice cream trucks [108.2]\n[108.2] and slurp everything up inside for free. [110.58]\n[110.78] We cannot, [111.42]\n[111.42] or we do it, we're doing it, we're doing it. [113.52]\n[113.52] This is wrong, unless everyone else is doing it, [119.74]\n[119.74] in which case it's fine. [121.04]\n[121.04] Then we'll see. [122.12]\n[122.42] Speaking of AI, [123.62]\n[123.62] OpenAI proved they're a real tech giant by holding their first [127.5]\n[127.5] Dev Day event this morning. [129.06]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[104.42] 我们绝对不能把冰淇凌车推翻 [108.2]\n[108.2] 然后零元购里面的冰淇凌 [110.58]\n[110.78] 我们不能这样做 [111.42]\n[111.42] 这是不对的 除非其他人都这么做 [119.74]\n[119.74] 那样的话就没事 [121.04]\n[121.04] 等着瞧吧 [122.12]\n[122.42] 说到人工智能 [123.62]\n[123.62] 今天上午 真正的科技巨头OpenAI举办了他们的首个开发者日活动 [129.06]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[225.34] and you can't even engrave it, for Christ's sake. [227.48]\n[227.7] What if I want to send one to my mom [229.54]\n[229.56] that says, I love you, mom, here's the third Apple Pencil? [232.58]\n[232.72] But none of that really matters [233.86]\n[233.86] for a big enough chunk of Apple fans [235.8]\n[235.8] who'll just buy the new one and ask us [238.34]\n[238.34] why it's not charging magnetically after. [240.92]\n[241.22] As for actual iPad refreshes, [242.5]\n[243.1] those will probably arrive in the spring or summer, [245.32]\n[245.7] maybe alongside a folding iPad, [247.8]\n[248.02] which I will purchase immediately. [249.0]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[225.34] 甚至不能刻字 给点面子好吧 [227.48]\n[227.7] 说实话 如果我想送给我妈怎么办 [229.54]\n[229.56] 来条“妈妈我爱你 这是第三代Apple Pencil”怎么样 [232.58]\n[232.72] 但对于数量足够多的果粉来说 这些都无所谓 [235.8]\n[235.8] 他们会直接购买新的产品 然后再问我们为什么它不能磁吸充电 [240.92]\n[241.22] 至于iPad的真正更新 [242.5]\n[243.1] 那可能会在春季或夏季到来 [245.32]\n[245.7] 也许会和一款折叠iPad一起亮相 [247.8]\n[248.02] 那我会立即购买的 [249.0]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[225.34] and you can't even engrave it, for Christ's sake. [227.48]\n[227.7] What if I want to send one to my mom [229.54]\n[229.56] that says, I love you, mom, here's the third Apple Pencil? [232.58]\n[232.72] But none of that really matters [233.86]\n[233.86] for a big enough chunk of Apple fans [235.8]\n[235.8] who'll just buy the new one and ask us [238.34]\n[238.34] why it's not charging magnetically after. [240.92]\n[241.22] As for actual iPad refreshes, [242.5]\n[243.1] those will probably arrive in the spring or summer, [245.32]\n[245.7] maybe alongside a folding iPad, [247.8]\n[248.02] which I will purchase immediately. [249.0]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[225.34] 甚至不能刻字 给点面子好吧 [227.48]\n[227.7] 说实话 如果我想送给我妈怎么办 [229.54]\n[229.56] 来条“妈妈我爱你 这是第三代Apple Pencil”怎么样 [232.58]\n[232.72] 但对于数量足够多的果粉来说 这些都无所谓 [235.8]\n[235.8] 他们会直接购买新的产品 然后再问我们为什么它不能磁吸充电 [240.92]\n[241.22] 至于iPad的真正更新 [242.5]\n[243.1] 那可能会在春季或夏季到来 [245.32]\n[245.7] 也许会和一款折叠iPad一起亮相 [247.8]\n[248.02] 那我会立即购买的 [249.0]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[135.12] enthusiasts only got more upset about Apple's decision to under-equip the base model MacBook Pro [140.52]\n[140.52] after the company's VP [141.96]\n[141.96] of worldwide marketing, Bob Borchers, [144.66]\n[145.0] totally borked himself by telling bilibili creator, Yee Lee [150.52]\n[151.2] that eight gigabytes of RAM on the M3 MacBook [153.96]\n[153.96] Pro is analogous to 16 gigabytes on other systems. [158.32]\n[158.6] Now, [159.0]\n[159.0] you can acknowledge that Apple's software and hardware optimization is high art, [163.82]\n[163.82] while also being glad you weren't drinking some delicious 2% milk when you heard Borchers claim. [168.96]\n[169.18] Because I changed my pants enough times in one day, okay? [172.58]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[135.12] 果粉只会对苹果的低能MacBook Pro更加失望 [140.52]\n[140.52] 尤其是在得知该公司的全球市场营销副总裁Bob Borchers [144.66]\n[145.0] 对着Bilibili UP主林亦LYi狺狺狂吠之后 [150.52]\n[151.2] 说什么M3 MacBook Pro 上的8GB RAM [153.96]\n[153.96] 相当于其他系统上的16GB RAM [158.32]\n[158.6] 现在 [159.0]\n[159.0] 你可以承认 苹果的软硬件优化是高科技 [163.82]\n[163.82] 但当你听到Borchers的发言时 你也可以庆幸自己在没喝2%的脱脂牛奶 [168.96]\n[169.18] 我一天内换裤子的次数已经够多了 好吧? [172.58]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[135.12] enthusiasts only got more upset about Apple's decision to under-equip the base model MacBook Pro [140.52]\n[140.52] after the company's VP [141.96]\n[141.96] of worldwide marketing, Bob Borchers, [144.66]\n[145.0] totally borked himself by telling bilibili creator, Yee Lee [150.52]\n[151.2] that eight gigabytes of RAM on the M3 MacBook [153.96]\n[153.96] Pro is analogous to 16 gigabytes on other systems. [158.32]\n[158.6] Now, [159.0]\n[159.0] you can acknowledge that Apple's software and hardware optimization is high art, [163.82]\n[163.82] while also being glad you weren't drinking some delicious 2% milk when you heard Borchers claim. [168.96]\n[169.18] Because I changed my pants enough times in one day, okay? [172.58]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[135.12] 果粉只会对苹果的低能MacBook Pro更加失望 [140.52]\n[140.52] 尤其是在得知该公司的全球市场营销副总裁Bob Borchers [144.66]\n[145.0] 对着Bilibili UP主林亦LYi狺狺狂吠之后 [150.52]\n[151.2] 说什么M3 MacBook Pro 上的8GB RAM [153.96]\n[153.96] 相当于其他系统上的16GB RAM [158.32]\n[158.6] 现在 [159.0]\n[159.0] 你可以承认 苹果的软硬件优化是高科技 [163.82]\n[163.82] 但当你听到Borchers的发言时 你也可以庆幸自己在没喝2%的脱脂牛奶 [168.96]\n[169.18] 我一天内换裤子的次数已经够多了 好吧? [172.58]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[460.50] users will start seeing prompts to create and use pass keys, [464.20]\n[464.20] which are digital credentials unlocked [466.00]\n[466.00] by things like a fingerprint, a face scan, a pin, [469.44]\n[469.44] basically anything that doesn't give you the option [471.36]\n[471.36] of using strong password one exclamation mark [474.00]\n[474.00] for every account you have. [475.72]\n[475.72] Pass keys are rolling out in more places [477.62]\n[477.62] across the tech universe, [479.28]\n[479.28] but you can still use your password [481.44]\n[481.44] and opt out of seeing the new prompts every time you log in, [484.80]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[460.50] 用户将开始看到提示创建和使用Passkeys [464.20]\n[464.20] 它是通过指纹、面部扫描、PIN等解锁的数字凭证 [469.44]\n[469.44] 基本上任何可以防止你通过给任何账号加一个感叹号 造出\"强\"密码的方式 [475.72]\n[475.72] Passkeys正在技术界的更多地方推出 [479.28]\n[479.28] 您仍然可以使用密码 [481.44]\n[481.44] 并关闭登陆时弹出的风险提示 [484.80]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[460.50] users will start seeing prompts to create and use pass keys, [464.20]\n[464.20] which are digital credentials unlocked [466.00]\n[466.00] by things like a fingerprint, a face scan, a pin, [469.44]\n[469.44] basically anything that doesn't give you the option [471.36]\n[471.36] of using strong password one exclamation mark [474.00]\n[474.00] for every account you have. [475.72]\n[475.72] Pass keys are rolling out in more places [477.62]\n[477.62] across the tech universe, [479.28]\n[479.28] but you can still use your password [481.44]\n[481.44] and opt out of seeing the new prompts every time you log in, [484.80]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[460.50] 用户将开始看到提示创建和使用Passkeys [464.20]\n[464.20] 它是通过指纹、面部扫描、PIN等解锁的数字凭证 [469.44]\n[469.44] 基本上任何可以防止你通过给任何账号加一个感叹号 造出\"强\"密码的方式 [475.72]\n[475.72] Passkeys正在技术界的更多地方推出 [479.28]\n[479.28] 您仍然可以使用密码 [481.44]\n[481.44] 并关闭登陆时弹出的风险提示 [484.80]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[112.44] claiming that no human being would ever know the difference, [115.78]\n[116.42] which is both wrong [117.52]\n[117.52] and honestly pretty insulting to AMD's core customer demographic, [121.02]\n[121.34] pedantic nerds. [122.24]\n[122.66] You can't slip it past us! [124.34]\n[126.32] The Zen 4C cores are meant to be feature identical to Zen 4 [129.74]\n[129.74] while having a smaller footprint, [131.6]\n[131.88] previously being used in their Epic server chips to cram unreasonable number of cores onto a single processor. [137.46]\n[137.82] AMD also used Zen 4C cores in the lower-end Ryzen Z1 variant of the ROG Ally handheld, [144.22]\n[144.66] but AMD didn't advertise that right away. [147.24]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[112.44] 声称没人能察觉到差别 [115.78]\n[116.42] 这既是错的 [117.52]\n[117.52] 而且这么说还挺侮辱AMD的核心客户群体的 [121.02]\n[121.34] 啰嗦的书呆子 [122.24]\n[122.66] 你别想蒙混过去! [124.34]\n[126.32] Zen 4C核心在功能上应与Zen 4完全相同 [129.74]\n[129.74] 但占用更小的面积 [131.6]\n[131.88] 之前被用于EPYC服务器芯片 将离谱数量的核心塞入单个处理器 [137.46]\n[137.82] AMD还在低端Ryzen Z1版ROG Ally手柄游戏主机上使用了Zen 4C核心 [144.22]\n[144.66] 但AMD并没有立即对此进行广告宣传 [147.24]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[112.44] claiming that no human being would ever know the difference, [115.78]\n[116.42] which is both wrong [117.52]\n[117.52] and honestly pretty insulting to AMD's core customer demographic, [121.02]\n[121.34] pedantic nerds. [122.24]\n[122.66] You can't slip it past us! [124.34]\n[126.32] The Zen 4C cores are meant to be feature identical to Zen 4 [129.74]\n[129.74] while having a smaller footprint, [131.6]\n[131.88] previously being used in their Epic server chips to cram unreasonable number of cores onto a single processor. [137.46]\n[137.82] AMD also used Zen 4C cores in the lower-end Ryzen Z1 variant of the ROG Ally handheld, [144.22]\n[144.66] but AMD didn't advertise that right away. [147.24]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[112.44] 声称没人能察觉到差别 [115.78]\n[116.42] 这既是错的 [117.52]\n[117.52] 而且这么说还挺侮辱AMD的核心客户群体的 [121.02]\n[121.34] 啰嗦的书呆子 [122.24]\n[122.66] 你别想蒙混过去! [124.34]\n[126.32] Zen 4C核心在功能上应与Zen 4完全相同 [129.74]\n[129.74] 但占用更小的面积 [131.6]\n[131.88] 之前被用于EPYC服务器芯片 将离谱数量的核心塞入单个处理器 [137.46]\n[137.82] AMD还在低端Ryzen Z1版ROG Ally手柄游戏主机上使用了Zen 4C核心 [144.22]\n[144.66] 但AMD并没有立即对此进行广告宣传 [147.24]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[283.14] YouTube has launched a global effort to try [285.46]\n[285.46] and stop viewers from using ad blockers. [287.28]\n[287.76] The site probably saw no other choice [289.5]\n[289.5] after the usage of ad blockers increased [292.3]\n[292.3] due to YouTube strategically spending years [294.3]\n[294.3] making their monetization system worse [296.28]\n[296.28] in response to issues with their own algorithm. [298.56]\n[298.92] But back in 2016, [300.42]\n[300.42] the European commission agreed with a privacy advocate [302.92]\n[302.92] that software designed to detect ad blockers is illegal [306.66]\n[306.66] without consent in the EU. [308.56]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[283.14] YouTube开始了一项全球行动 试图阻止观众使用广告拦截器 [287.28]\n[287.76] 该网站可能别无选择 [289.5]\n[289.5] 广告拦截器的使用增加了 [292.3]\n[292.3] 这是因为YouTube花了好几年的时间 让他们的广告系统变得更糟 [296.28]\n[296.28] 以应对推荐算法机制本身的问题 [298.56]\n[298.92] 但是早在2016年 [300.42]\n[300.42] 欧盟委员会就赞同一位隐私倡导者的观点 [302.92]\n[302.92] 即在欧盟地区 未经同意 禁止检测广告拦截器的存在 [308.56]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[283.14] YouTube has launched a global effort to try [285.46]\n[285.46] and stop viewers from using ad blockers. [287.28]\n[287.76] The site probably saw no other choice [289.5]\n[289.5] after the usage of ad blockers increased [292.3]\n[292.3] due to YouTube strategically spending years [294.3]\n[294.3] making their monetization system worse [296.28]\n[296.28] in response to issues with their own algorithm. [298.56]\n[298.92] But back in 2016, [300.42]\n[300.42] the European commission agreed with a privacy advocate [302.92]\n[302.92] that software designed to detect ad blockers is illegal [306.66]\n[306.66] without consent in the EU. [308.56]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[283.14] YouTube开始了一项全球行动 试图阻止观众使用广告拦截器 [287.28]\n[287.76] 该网站可能别无选择 [289.5]\n[289.5] 广告拦截器的使用增加了 [292.3]\n[292.3] 这是因为YouTube花了好几年的时间 让他们的广告系统变得更糟 [296.28]\n[296.28] 以应对推荐算法机制本身的问题 [298.56]\n[298.92] 但是早在2016年 [300.42]\n[300.42] 欧盟委员会就赞同一位隐私倡导者的观点 [302.92]\n[302.92] 即在欧盟地区 未经同意 禁止检测广告拦截器的存在 [308.56]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[218.34] GPD has gone as far as to accuse Team Red [220.78]\n[220.78] of breach of contract [222.24]\n[222.54] because they didn't supply enough Ryzen 7 7840U APUs. [226.7]\n[227.04] Like all the best stories involving delayed products, [229.46]\n[229.82] GPD posted an update on the Win Max 2's Indiegogo page [233.18]\n[233.72] saying that AMD did not deliver enough of the chips [236.56]\n[236.56] to GPD's upstream supplier [238.6]\n[238.6] and therefore they didn't receive [240.46]\n[240.46] their expected second batch of APUs [242.44]\n[242.44] to fulfill backer orders. [244.0]\n[244.52] According to GPD themselves, [245.86]\n[246.06] all configurations with 32 gigs or 64 gigs of memory [249.38]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[218.34] GPD甚至指责AMD违约 [222.24]\n[222.54] 因为他们没有提供足够的Ryzen 7 7840U APU [226.7]\n[227.04] 和所有延迟发售的产品一样 [229.46]\n[229.82] GPD在Win Max 2的Indiegogo页面上发布了一篇更新 [233.18]\n[233.72] 表示AMD并没有将足够的芯片交付给GPD的上游供应商 [238.6]\n[238.6] 因此他们也没收到他们预期的第二批APU [242.44]\n[242.44] 以完成捐款者的订单 [244.0]\n[244.52] 根据GPD自己的说法 [245.86]\n[246.06] 所有配置具有32GB或64GB内存 [249.38]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[218.34] GPD has gone as far as to accuse Team Red [220.78]\n[220.78] of breach of contract [222.24]\n[222.54] because they didn't supply enough Ryzen 7 7840U APUs. [226.7]\n[227.04] Like all the best stories involving delayed products, [229.46]\n[229.82] GPD posted an update on the Win Max 2's Indiegogo page [233.18]\n[233.72] saying that AMD did not deliver enough of the chips [236.56]\n[236.56] to GPD's upstream supplier [238.6]\n[238.6] and therefore they didn't receive [240.46]\n[240.46] their expected second batch of APUs [242.44]\n[242.44] to fulfill backer orders. [244.0]\n[244.52] According to GPD themselves, [245.86]\n[246.06] all configurations with 32 gigs or 64 gigs of memory [249.38]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[218.34] GPD甚至指责AMD违约 [222.24]\n[222.54] 因为他们没有提供足够的Ryzen 7 7840U APU [226.7]\n[227.04] 和所有延迟发售的产品一样 [229.46]\n[229.82] GPD在Win Max 2的Indiegogo页面上发布了一篇更新 [233.18]\n[233.72] 表示AMD并没有将足够的芯片交付给GPD的上游供应商 [238.6]\n[238.6] 因此他们也没收到他们预期的第二批APU [242.44]\n[242.44] 以完成捐款者的订单 [244.0]\n[244.52] 根据GPD自己的说法 [245.86]\n[246.06] 所有配置具有32GB或64GB内存 [249.38]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[314.34] carbon fiber, and aluminum. [316.22]\n[316.22] Upgrade your everyday carry with the Ridge Wallet. [318.50]\n[318.50] Check them out in the link below [319.54]\n[319.54] and use the code linked at checkout for free shipping [322.26]\n[322.26] and 10% off your purchase. [323.96]\n[323.96] Quick Bits aren't what you think they are. [327.02]\n[327.02] Wait, what do you think they are? [329.46]\n[329.46] What the f***? [330.30]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[314.34] 以及碳纤维和铝等材料 [316.22]\n[316.22] 用Ridge钱包升级您的日常携带品 [318.50]\n[318.50] 在下方链接中查看详细信息 [319.54]\n[319.54] 并在结账时使用链接中的代码可以免运费 [322.26]\n[322.26] 还可享受10%的优惠 [323.96]\n[323.96] “Quick Bits”并不是你所想的那样 [327.02]\n[327.02] 等一下 你认为它们是什么? [329.46]\n[329.46] 什么(消音) [330.30]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[314.34] carbon fiber, and aluminum. [316.22]\n[316.22] Upgrade your everyday carry with the Ridge Wallet. [318.50]\n[318.50] Check them out in the link below [319.54]\n[319.54] and use the code linked at checkout for free shipping [322.26]\n[322.26] and 10% off your purchase. [323.96]\n[323.96] Quick Bits aren't what you think they are. [327.02]\n[327.02] Wait, what do you think they are? [329.46]\n[329.46] What the f***? [330.30]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[314.34] 以及碳纤维和铝等材料 [316.22]\n[316.22] 用Ridge钱包升级您的日常携带品 [318.50]\n[318.50] 在下方链接中查看详细信息 [319.54]\n[319.54] 并在结账时使用链接中的代码可以免运费 [322.26]\n[322.26] 还可享受10%的优惠 [323.96]\n[323.96] “Quick Bits”并不是你所想的那样 [327.02]\n[327.02] 等一下 你认为它们是什么? [329.46]\n[329.46] 什么(消音) [330.30]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[25.76] The biggest buyout in gaming history [27.94]\n[27.94] went ahead right after the UK's Competition [30.42]\n[30.42] and Markets Authority approved an altered deal [33.34]\n[33.34] that will see Ubisoft holding the cloud gaming rights [36.58]\n[36.58] to current and future Activision Blizzard games [39.62]\n[39.62] outside of the European economic area. [42.02]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[25.76] 这是游戏史上最大的收购 [27.94]\n[27.94] 在英国竞争与市场管理局批准修改后 正式进行 [33.34]\n[33.34] 这笔交易将使育碧获得云游戏的权利 [36.58]\n[36.58] 适用于欧洲经济区以外 现有和未来的动视暴雪游戏 [42.02]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[25.76] The biggest buyout in gaming history [27.94]\n[27.94] went ahead right after the UK's Competition [30.42]\n[30.42] and Markets Authority approved an altered deal [33.34]\n[33.34] that will see Ubisoft holding the cloud gaming rights [36.58]\n[36.58] to current and future Activision Blizzard games [39.62]\n[39.62] outside of the European economic area. [42.02]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[25.76] 这是游戏史上最大的收购 [27.94]\n[27.94] 在英国竞争与市场管理局批准修改后 正式进行 [33.34]\n[33.34] 这笔交易将使育碧获得云游戏的权利 [36.58]\n[36.58] 适用于欧洲经济区以外 现有和未来的动视暴雪游戏 [42.02]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[82.44] buy a whole bunch of slightly inferior chips [84.3]\n[84.46] and then jury-rig them together [85.78]\n[85.78] into a monstrous Franken-chip yearning for love [88.1]\n[88.1] and acceptance in a world that fears and misunderstands it. [90.58]\n[90.66] Google Glass may be gone, [91.94]\n[92.16] but the glass holes are back. [94.0]\n[94.22] That's right, with the release of the MetaQuest 3, [96.6]\n[96.94] grown adults with money, [98.3]\n[98.56] not me, have been wearing their fancy new face computers [101.58]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[82.44] 买下一大堆性能略低的芯片 [84.3]\n[84.46] 然后将它们粗制滥造地拼凑在一起 [85.78]\n[85.78] 生成一个渴望爱与被理解的怪物芯片 [88.1]\n[88.1] 在这样一个畏惧并误解它的世界中 [90.58]\n[90.66] 谷歌眼镜也许消失了 [91.94]\n[92.16] 但现在那些\"眼镜混蛋\"回来了 [94.0]\n[94.22] 是的 随着MetaQuest 3的发布 [96.6]\n[96.94] 有钱的成年人 [98.3]\n[98.56] 不是我 已经戴上了他们时髦的新款佩戴式电脑 [101.58]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[82.44] buy a whole bunch of slightly inferior chips [84.3]\n[84.46] and then jury-rig them together [85.78]\n[85.78] into a monstrous Franken-chip yearning for love [88.1]\n[88.1] and acceptance in a world that fears and misunderstands it. [90.58]\n[90.66] Google Glass may be gone, [91.94]\n[92.16] but the glass holes are back. [94.0]\n[94.22] That's right, with the release of the MetaQuest 3, [96.6]\n[96.94] grown adults with money, [98.3]\n[98.56] not me, have been wearing their fancy new face computers [101.58]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[82.44] 买下一大堆性能略低的芯片 [84.3]\n[84.46] 然后将它们粗制滥造地拼凑在一起 [85.78]\n[85.78] 生成一个渴望爱与被理解的怪物芯片 [88.1]\n[88.1] 在这样一个畏惧并误解它的世界中 [90.58]\n[90.66] 谷歌眼镜也许消失了 [91.94]\n[92.16] 但现在那些\"眼镜混蛋\"回来了 [94.0]\n[94.22] 是的 随着MetaQuest 3的发布 [96.6]\n[96.94] 有钱的成年人 [98.3]\n[98.56] 不是我 已经戴上了他们时髦的新款佩戴式电脑 [101.58]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[275.98] On the other hand, another thing that might help Epic [278.08]\n[278.08] get what it wants is once again, [280.02]\n[280.18] leveraging the power of gamers. [282.04]\n[282.64] Fortnite re-released the original island map on the weekend, [285.9]\n[285.9] breaking its own records for concurrent players. [288.32]\n[288.94] We need those guys on deck again [290.58]\n[290.58] to flood the trials call-in line once more, [293.32]\n[293.6] and implore the judge [294.64]\n[295.16] to subscribe to their YouTube channels. [296.84]\n[297.46] It's the only way. [298.58]\n[298.92] Your honor, I'm based. [300.26]\n[300.78] You don't get it, [302.56]\n[302.56] Judge. [302.82]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[275.98] 此外 发挥游戏玩家的力量或许是 [280.02]\n[280.18] 让Epic倍感自信的另一个原因 [282.04]\n[282.64] 周末 堡垒之夜重新推出了原始岛屿地图 [285.9]\n[285.9] 打破了游戏的最高同时在线玩家纪录 [288.32]\n[288.94] 我们需要他们再站出来 [290.58]\n[290.58] 再次打爆法院的电话 [293.32]\n[293.6] 并恳求那位法官 [294.64]\n[295.16] 订阅他们的YouTube频道 [296.84]\n[297.46] 这是唯一的办法 [298.58]\n[298.92] 大人 您懂吗 我很火的 [300.26]\n[300.78] 您不了解 [302.56]\n[302.56] 法官大人 [302.82]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[275.98] On the other hand, another thing that might help Epic [278.08]\n[278.08] get what it wants is once again, [280.02]\n[280.18] leveraging the power of gamers. [282.04]\n[282.64] Fortnite re-released the original island map on the weekend, [285.9]\n[285.9] breaking its own records for concurrent players. [288.32]\n[288.94] We need those guys on deck again [290.58]\n[290.58] to flood the trials call-in line once more, [293.32]\n[293.6] and implore the judge [294.64]\n[295.16] to subscribe to their YouTube channels. [296.84]\n[297.46] It's the only way. [298.58]\n[298.92] Your honor, I'm based. [300.26]\n[300.78] You don't get it, [302.56]\n[302.56] Judge. [302.82]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[275.98] 此外 发挥游戏玩家的力量或许是 [280.02]\n[280.18] 让Epic倍感自信的另一个原因 [282.04]\n[282.64] 周末 堡垒之夜重新推出了原始岛屿地图 [285.9]\n[285.9] 打破了游戏的最高同时在线玩家纪录 [288.32]\n[288.94] 我们需要他们再站出来 [290.58]\n[290.58] 再次打爆法院的电话 [293.32]\n[293.6] 并恳求那位法官 [294.64]\n[295.16] 订阅他们的YouTube频道 [296.84]\n[297.46] 这是唯一的办法 [298.58]\n[298.92] 大人 您懂吗 我很火的 [300.26]\n[300.78] 您不了解 [302.56]\n[302.56] 法官大人 [302.82]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[348.74] Despite the air of mystery, [350.22]\n[350.22] the device is essentially a rebadged version [352.98]\n[352.98] of the Find N3 from Oppo, [355.78]\n[355.78] who've already allowed YouTuber, Jaggot Review, [358.02]\n[358.02] to post a hands-on with the device, [359.90]\n[359.90] where he compares it to the Galaxy Z Fold 5. [362.46]\n[362.46] The Open seems to have a wider inside and outside display [365.74]\n[365.74] and a far more subtle hinge crease in the screen, [368.66]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[348.74] 尽管被神秘气氛笼罩着,[350.22]\n[350.22] 但这款设备本质上Oppo的Find N3换壳 [355.78]\n[355.78] 他们已经允许YouTuber Jaggot Review [358.02]\n[358.02] 发布了这款设备的实际体验视频 [359.90]\n[359.90] 其中他将其与Galaxy Z Fold 5进行了比较 [362.46]\n[362.46] Open似乎具有更宽的内部和外部显示屏 [365.74]\n[365.74] 以及屏幕上的铰链折痕也更加不明显 [368.66]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[348.74] Despite the air of mystery, [350.22]\n[350.22] the device is essentially a rebadged version [352.98]\n[352.98] of the Find N3 from Oppo, [355.78]\n[355.78] who've already allowed YouTuber, Jaggot Review, [358.02]\n[358.02] to post a hands-on with the device, [359.90]\n[359.90] where he compares it to the Galaxy Z Fold 5. [362.46]\n[362.46] The Open seems to have a wider inside and outside display [365.74]\n[365.74] and a far more subtle hinge crease in the screen, [368.66]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[348.74] 尽管被神秘气氛笼罩着,[350.22]\n[350.22] 但这款设备本质上Oppo的Find N3换壳 [355.78]\n[355.78] 他们已经允许YouTuber Jaggot Review [358.02]\n[358.02] 发布了这款设备的实际体验视频 [359.90]\n[359.90] 其中他将其与Galaxy Z Fold 5进行了比较 [362.46]\n[362.46] Open似乎具有更宽的内部和外部显示屏 [365.74]\n[365.74] 以及屏幕上的铰链折痕也更加不明显 [368.66]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[432.02] Because, [432.38]\n[432.64] I mean, why go one at a time [433.92]\n[433.92] when you can ruin everyone's day? [435.74]\n[436.24] But your day will only improve [437.88]\n[437.88] if you come back on Monday for more tech news. [440.04]\n[440.22] But first, hey, you know what? [441.22]\n[441.7] Why don't you get some rest, enjoy your weekend. [443.2]\n[443.96] You could write a short, [445.02]\n[445.2] steamy romance about your two favorite companies. [447.16]\n[447.72] Their love is forbidden, [448.62]\n[449.0] but they can't fight their own hearts [450.7]\n[451.44] or their quarterly earnings. [453.16]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[432.02] 因为 嗯 当你可以毁掉所有人的生活时 [433.92]\n[433.92] 为什么要一个一个来呢 [435.74]\n[436.24] 但是 如果下周一回来收看科技新闻 你的生活只会稳中向好 [440.04]\n[440.22] 但首先 嘿 你知道吗 [441.22]\n[441.7] 为什么你不好好休息一下 享受周末呢 [443.2]\n[443.96] 你可以给最喜欢的两家公司写点涩涩的短篇同人文 [447.16]\n[447.72] 禁忌之爱 [448.62]\n[449.0] 但人们无法违背自己内心的想法 [450.7]\n[451.44] 也无法抵挡他们的季度业绩 [453.16]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[432.02] Because, [432.38]\n[432.64] I mean, why go one at a time [433.92]\n[433.92] when you can ruin everyone's day? [435.74]\n[436.24] But your day will only improve [437.88]\n[437.88] if you come back on Monday for more tech news. [440.04]\n[440.22] But first, hey, you know what? [441.22]\n[441.7] Why don't you get some rest, enjoy your weekend. [443.2]\n[443.96] You could write a short, [445.02]\n[445.2] steamy romance about your two favorite companies. [447.16]\n[447.72] Their love is forbidden, [448.62]\n[449.0] but they can't fight their own hearts [450.7]\n[451.44] or their quarterly earnings. [453.16]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[432.02] 因为 嗯 当你可以毁掉所有人的生活时 [433.92]\n[433.92] 为什么要一个一个来呢 [435.74]\n[436.24] 但是 如果下周一回来收看科技新闻 你的生活只会稳中向好 [440.04]\n[440.22] 但首先 嘿 你知道吗 [441.22]\n[441.7] 为什么你不好好休息一下 享受周末呢 [443.2]\n[443.96] 你可以给最喜欢的两家公司写点涩涩的短篇同人文 [447.16]\n[447.72] 禁忌之爱 [448.62]\n[449.0] 但人们无法违背自己内心的想法 [450.7]\n[451.44] 也无法抵挡他们的季度业绩 [453.16]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[383.66] which still sounds... [386.04]\n[386.04] Damn it. [386.5]\n[387.0] The cyber attack caused huge delays and congestion, [389.2]\n[389.36] and some data was apparently stolen by the perpetrators, [391.86]\n[391.86] who are believed to be foreign state actors. [394.36]\n[394.68] But I reckon they should see whether the front fell off. [397.58]\n[397.58] Widely reported issues with SanDisk Extreme Pro SSDs [400.99]\n[400.99] are the result of hardware issues unfixable by any firmware update, [405.32]\n[405.52] according to data recovery company Atingo. [408.36]\n[408.36] Their managing director told Futurezone that some of the components [411.9]\n[411.9] SanDisk used are too big for their circuit boards, [415.1]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[383.66] 听起来还是挺… [386.04]\n[386.04] 淦 [386.5]\n[387.0] 此次网络攻击导致严重拥堵 且一些数据据称已被攻击者窃取 [391.86]\n[391.86] 攻击者被认为是受境外势力指使 [394.36]\n[394.68] 但我想他们应该看看 船头是不是炸了 [397.58]\n[397.58] 故障频出的闪迪 Extreme Pro SSD [400.99]\n[400.99] 是无法通过任何固件更新修复的硬件问题 [405.32]\n[405.52] 根据数据恢复公司Atingo的说法 [408.36]\n[408.36] 该公司的总经理告诉Futurezone 一些元件 [411.9]\n[411.9] 对于电路板来说 太大了 [415.1]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[383.66] which still sounds... [386.04]\n[386.04] Damn it. [386.5]\n[387.0] The cyber attack caused huge delays and congestion, [389.2]\n[389.36] and some data was apparently stolen by the perpetrators, [391.86]\n[391.86] who are believed to be foreign state actors. [394.36]\n[394.68] But I reckon they should see whether the front fell off. [397.58]\n[397.58] Widely reported issues with SanDisk Extreme Pro SSDs [400.99]\n[400.99] are the result of hardware issues unfixable by any firmware update, [405.32]\n[405.52] according to data recovery company Atingo. [408.36]\n[408.36] Their managing director told Futurezone that some of the components [411.9]\n[411.9] SanDisk used are too big for their circuit boards, [415.1]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[383.66] 听起来还是挺… [386.04]\n[386.04] 淦 [386.5]\n[387.0] 此次网络攻击导致严重拥堵 且一些数据据称已被攻击者窃取 [391.86]\n[391.86] 攻击者被认为是受境外势力指使 [394.36]\n[394.68] 但我想他们应该看看 船头是不是炸了 [397.58]\n[397.58] 故障频出的闪迪 Extreme Pro SSD [400.99]\n[400.99] 是无法通过任何固件更新修复的硬件问题 [405.32]\n[405.52] 根据数据恢复公司Atingo的说法 [408.36]\n[408.36] 该公司的总经理告诉Futurezone 一些元件 [411.9]\n[411.9] 对于电路板来说 太大了 [415.1]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[174.06] Hey, they may not like their competition, [175.86]\n[176.1] but dammit, they respect them enough to invest. [178.26]\n[178.7] But while respect is nice [179.94]\n[179.94] and all, I'm sure Japan's top three banks, [182.46]\n[182.46] as well as the state-backed Development Bank of Japan, [185.24]\n[185.48] are probably miffed about the paperwork they'll have to redo [188.44]\n[188.44] since they already authorized $12.7 billion [191.66]\n[191.66] to help finance the merger. [193.54]\n[195.74] Oh, [196.36]\n[196.6] to go all the way around the circle. [198.3]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[174.06] 嘿 他们可能不喜欢竞争 [175.86]\n[176.1] 不过淦他的 他们尊重对手 以至于还给对方投资 [178.26]\n[178.7] 但尊重固然好 [179.94]\n[179.94] 日本三大银行 [182.46]\n[182.46] 以及日本政府背景的日本开发银行 [185.24]\n[185.48] 现在可能对他们将不得不重做的文书工作感到恼火 [188.44]\n[188.44] 因为他们批准了127亿美元 [191.66]\n[191.66] 为合并提供资金援助 [193.54]\n[195.74] 哦 [196.6]\n[196.6] 爱的魔力转圈圈 [198.3]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[174.06] Hey, they may not like their competition, [175.86]\n[176.1] but dammit, they respect them enough to invest. [178.26]\n[178.7] But while respect is nice [179.94]\n[179.94] and all, I'm sure Japan's top three banks, [182.46]\n[182.46] as well as the state-backed Development Bank of Japan, [185.24]\n[185.48] are probably miffed about the paperwork they'll have to redo [188.44]\n[188.44] since they already authorized $12.7 billion [191.66]\n[191.66] to help finance the merger. [193.54]\n[195.74] Oh, [196.36]\n[196.6] to go all the way around the circle. [198.3]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[174.06] 嘿 他们可能不喜欢竞争 [175.86]\n[176.1] 不过淦他的 他们尊重对手 以至于还给对方投资 [178.26]\n[178.7] 但尊重固然好 [179.94]\n[179.94] 日本三大银行 [182.46]\n[182.46] 以及日本政府背景的日本开发银行 [185.24]\n[185.48] 现在可能对他们将不得不重做的文书工作感到恼火 [188.44]\n[188.44] 因为他们批准了127亿美元 [191.66]\n[191.66] 为合并提供资金援助 [193.54]\n[195.74] 哦 [196.6]\n[196.6] 爱的魔力转圈圈 [198.3]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[343.6] This would prevent Reddit from appearing in search results [346.56]\n[346.66] and reduce the number of visitors to the site. [348.9]\n[349.18] But the company's leadership apparently believe [351.38]\n[351.66] that Reddit can survive without search. [354.28]\n[354.28] They're not alone either. [355.5]\n[355.5] Over 500 news organizations have installed blockers [358.36]\n[358.36] to prevent their content from being collected [360.34]\n[360.34] for AI training databases since last year. [362.94]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[343.6] 这将使Reddit不再出现在搜索结果中 [346.56]\n[346.66] 从而减少该网站的访问者数量 [348.9]\n[349.18] 但Reddit的高层显然相信 [351.38]\n[351.66] Reddit即使没有搜索也能生存下去 [354.28]\n[354.28] 他们并不孤单 [355.5]\n[355.5] 自去年以来 有超过500家新闻机构安装了屏蔽程序 [358.36]\n[358.36] 以防止他们的内容被用于AI的训练数据集 [362.94]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[343.6] This would prevent Reddit from appearing in search results [346.56]\n[346.66] and reduce the number of visitors to the site. [348.9]\n[349.18] But the company's leadership apparently believe [351.38]\n[351.66] that Reddit can survive without search. [354.28]\n[354.28] They're not alone either. [355.5]\n[355.5] Over 500 news organizations have installed blockers [358.36]\n[358.36] to prevent their content from being collected [360.34]\n[360.34] for AI training databases since last year. [362.94]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[343.6] 这将使Reddit不再出现在搜索结果中 [346.56]\n[346.66] 从而减少该网站的访问者数量 [348.9]\n[349.18] 但Reddit的高层显然相信 [351.38]\n[351.66] Reddit即使没有搜索也能生存下去 [354.28]\n[354.28] 他们并不孤单 [355.5]\n[355.5] 自去年以来 有超过500家新闻机构安装了屏蔽程序 [358.36]\n[358.36] 以防止他们的内容被用于AI的训练数据集 [362.94]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[29.36] According to stats from ad blocking company [31.22]\n[31.22] and name for the history of spirits, [33.46]\n[33.46] Ghostory, 90% of users [35.26]\n[35.26] who gave a reason for uninstalling their adblocker cited YouTube's recent policy [39.9]\n[39.9] change. [40.24]\n[40.6] But Google's hatred for adblockers makes the fact [43.3]\n[43.3] that they sponsored last month's ad filtering dev summit, [47.1]\n[47.36] a conference for adblock developers, [49.92]\n[50.3] quite confusing. [51.26]\n[51.68] They even gave a presentation, the sickos, [54.22]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[29.36] 根据广告屏蔽器公司Ghostery的数据 有90%的用户 [35.26]\n[35.26] 在卸载Adblocker时给出的原因是YouTube最近的政策变更 [40.24]\n[40.6] 但Google对Adblocker的厌恶 [43.3]\n[43.3] 让他们上个月赞助的广告过滤开发峰会 [47.1]\n[47.36] 一个面向广告屏蔽开发者的峰会 [49.92]\n[50.3] 看起来够迷惑的 [51.26]\n[51.68] 他们甚至做了一个演讲 这群变态 [54.22]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[29.36] According to stats from ad blocking company [31.22]\n[31.22] and name for the history of spirits, [33.46]\n[33.46] Ghostory, 90% of users [35.26]\n[35.26] who gave a reason for uninstalling their adblocker cited YouTube's recent policy [39.9]\n[39.9] change. [40.24]\n[40.6] But Google's hatred for adblockers makes the fact [43.3]\n[43.3] that they sponsored last month's ad filtering dev summit, [47.1]\n[47.36] a conference for adblock developers, [49.92]\n[50.3] quite confusing. [51.26]\n[51.68] They even gave a presentation, the sickos, [54.22]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[29.36] 根据广告屏蔽器公司Ghostery的数据 有90%的用户 [35.26]\n[35.26] 在卸载Adblocker时给出的原因是YouTube最近的政策变更 [40.24]\n[40.6] 但Google对Adblocker的厌恶 [43.3]\n[43.3] 让他们上个月赞助的广告过滤开发峰会 [47.1]\n[47.36] 一个面向广告屏蔽开发者的峰会 [49.92]\n[50.3] 看起来够迷惑的 [51.26]\n[51.68] 他们甚至做了一个演讲 这群变态 [54.22]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[364.88] The White House has issued an executive order [367.02]\n[367.02] on safe, secure, and trustworthy artificial intelligence, [370.32]\n[370.64] which pushes for greater transparency of AI models [373.18]\n[373.38] and labeling of AI-created content. [375.68]\n[375.92] The order will require developers of AI systems [378.42]\n[378.42] with the potential to seriously disrupt public safety, [381.02]\n[381.02] civil rights, the economy, or national security [383.44]\n[383.44] to share critical testing information with the government. [386.86]\n[387.36] This would apply primarily to future models [389.8]\n[389.8] beyond a certain power level, let's say over [391.98]\n[392.78] 9,000. [393.78]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[364.88] 白宫发布了一项总统行政令 [367.02]\n[367.02] 关于构建安全可信人工智能 [370.32]\n[370.64] 敦促加大对AI模型透明度的要求 [373.18]\n[373.38] 以及对由AI生成的内容进行标注 [375.68]\n[375.92] 该行政令将要求 那些开发具有潜在能力 [381.02]\n[381.02] 有可能严重破坏公共安全、公民权利、经济或国家安全的AI系统的人 [383.44]\n[383.44] 与政府分享关键的测试信息 [386.86]\n[387.36] 这主要适用于未来 、战斗力超过某个阈值的模型 比如9000 [393.78]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[364.88] The White House has issued an executive order [367.02]\n[367.02] on safe, secure, and trustworthy artificial intelligence, [370.32]\n[370.64] which pushes for greater transparency of AI models [373.18]\n[373.38] and labeling of AI-created content. [375.68]\n[375.92] The order will require developers of AI systems [378.42]\n[378.42] with the potential to seriously disrupt public safety, [381.02]\n[381.02] civil rights, the economy, or national security [383.44]\n[383.44] to share critical testing information with the government. [386.86]\n[387.36] This would apply primarily to future models [389.8]\n[389.8] beyond a certain power level, let's say over [391.98]\n[392.78] 9,000. [393.78]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[364.88] 白宫发布了一项总统行政令 [367.02]\n[367.02] 关于构建安全可信人工智能 [370.32]\n[370.64] 敦促加大对AI模型透明度的要求 [373.18]\n[373.38] 以及对由AI生成的内容进行标注 [375.68]\n[375.92] 该行政令将要求 那些开发具有潜在能力 [381.02]\n[381.02] 有可能严重破坏公共安全、公民权利、经济或国家安全的AI系统的人 [383.44]\n[383.44] 与政府分享关键的测试信息 [386.86]\n[387.36] 这主要适用于未来 、战斗力超过某个阈值的模型 比如9000 [393.78]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[78.66] But you won't be able to verify [79.88]\n[79.88] that right now unless you're verified on X [82.8]\n[82.8] and you get into the early access program. [85.46]\n[85.72] Those people must be laughing so hard. [88.06]\n[88.56] Now, yes, it's true that Elon joined multiple calls [92.24]\n[92.24] from experts to pause AI development [94.94]\n[94.94] for the safety of humanity. [96.42]\n[96.78] But as he explained back in June, [98.62]\n[99.0] he quote, [99.86]\n[100.02] didn't think anyone would actually agree to the pause. [103.02]\n[103.62] See, [103.9]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[78.66] 不过除非你在X上有实名认证且加入了该项目的抢先体验 [82.8]\n[82.8] 否则没法确认这一点 [85.46]\n[85.72] 那些人现在肯定笑得停不下来 [88.06]\n[88.56] 冷知识 埃隆·马斯克曾支持多项专家发起的倡议 [92.24]\n[92.24] 呼吁暂停AI发展以确保人类安全 [96.42]\n[96.78] 但正如他在今年6月解释的那样 [98.62]\n[99.0] “没想到真有人会支持暂停” [103.02]\n[103.62] 嗯 [103.9]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[78.66] But you won't be able to verify [79.88]\n[79.88] that right now unless you're verified on X [82.8]\n[82.8] and you get into the early access program. [85.46]\n[85.72] Those people must be laughing so hard. [88.06]\n[88.56] Now, yes, it's true that Elon joined multiple calls [92.24]\n[92.24] from experts to pause AI development [94.94]\n[94.94] for the safety of humanity. [96.42]\n[96.78] But as he explained back in June, [98.62]\n[99.0] he quote, [99.86]\n[100.02] didn't think anyone would actually agree to the pause. [103.02]\n[103.62] See, [103.9]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[78.66] 不过除非你在X上有实名认证且加入了该项目的抢先体验 [82.8]\n[82.8] 否则没法确认这一点 [85.46]\n[85.72] 那些人现在肯定笑得停不下来 [88.06]\n[88.56] 冷知识 埃隆·马斯克曾支持多项专家发起的倡议 [92.24]\n[92.24] 呼吁暂停AI发展以确保人类安全 [96.42]\n[96.78] 但正如他在今年6月解释的那样 [98.62]\n[99.0] “没想到真有人会支持暂停” [103.02]\n[103.62] 嗯 [103.9]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[425.4] to offer taxpayers with simple returns [427.72]\n[427.72] a free alternative for filing their taxes. [429.94]\n[430.38] Those companies then made those free alternatives harder to find than a reason to get up in the morning [434.94]\n[435.34] or a reason to go to bed at night. [437.04]\n[437.16] Why is it both? [437.94]\n[441.0] When the IRS banned them from doing that, [442.74]\n[443.02] both H&R Block and Intuit, [444.7]\n[444.84] the makers of TurboTax, [446.08]\n[446.44] left the agreement. [447.16]\n[447.52] Intuit has been lobbying against direct filing for over a decade, [451.16]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[425.4] 为那些纳税申报相对简单的纳税人 提供了免费的替代方案 [429.94]\n[430.38] 然后这些公司将这些免费替代方案 [432.3]\n[432.62] 变得比找早起理由还要困难 [434.94]\n[435.34] 或者说找晚上上床的理由 [437.04]\n[437.16] 为什么这两个都是? [437.94]\n[441.0] 当IRS禁止他们这么做时 [442.74]\n[443.02] 万豪和Intuit(TurboTax的制造商) [446.44]\n[446.44] 离开了这个协议 [447.16]\n[447.52] Intuit已经游说反对直接申报十多年了 [451.16]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[425.4] to offer taxpayers with simple returns [427.72]\n[427.72] a free alternative for filing their taxes. [429.94]\n[430.38] Those companies then made those free alternatives harder to find than a reason to get up in the morning [434.94]\n[435.34] or a reason to go to bed at night. [437.04]\n[437.16] Why is it both? [437.94]\n[441.0] When the IRS banned them from doing that, [442.74]\n[443.02] both H&R Block and Intuit, [444.7]\n[444.84] the makers of TurboTax, [446.08]\n[446.44] left the agreement. [447.16]\n[447.52] Intuit has been lobbying against direct filing for over a decade, [451.16]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[425.4] 为那些纳税申报相对简单的纳税人 提供了免费的替代方案 [429.94]\n[430.38] 然后这些公司将这些免费替代方案 [432.3]\n[432.62] 变得比找早起理由还要困难 [434.94]\n[435.34] 或者说找晚上上床的理由 [437.04]\n[437.16] 为什么这两个都是? [437.94]\n[441.0] 当IRS禁止他们这么做时 [442.74]\n[443.02] 万豪和Intuit(TurboTax的制造商) [446.44]\n[446.44] 离开了这个协议 [447.16]\n[447.52] Intuit已经游说反对直接申报十多年了 [451.16]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[178.76] So really, your guess is as good as mine. [180.4]\n[181.1] Both of the potential RTX 40 Super series cards are expected [184.68]\n[184.68] to include a higher memory bus, [186.48]\n[186.78] the RTX 40 Super with a 320-bit bus, [189.42]\n[189.66] and the RTX 4070 Super with a 256-bit bus. [193.22]\n[193.56] Personally, [194.08]\n[194.08] though, I'm waiting for the RTX 40 Super Duper series [196.98]\n[197.3] that slots very nicely in between the RTX 4080 Splendid [200.94]\n[200.94] and the 4090 Wow! Very Cool. [203.72]\n[206.14] Now we just need the 4070 Click. [207.46]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[178.76] 所以说实话 我猜的并不会比你准 [180.4]\n[181.1] RTX 40 Super系列的两款潜在显卡 [184.68]\n[184.68] 预计都包括更宽的内存总线 [186.48]\n[186.78] RTX 40 Super采用320位总线 [189.42]\n[189.66] 而RTX 4070 Super采用256位总线 [193.22]\n[193.56] 就我个人而言 [194.08]\n[194.08] 其实我在等RTX 40 Super Duper™系列 [196.98]\n[197.3] 它非常完美地位于RTX 4080 Splendid™ [200.94]\n[200.94] 和4090 Wow!Very Cool™系列之间 [203.72]\n[206.14] 现在我们只需要4070咔哒™系列了 [207.46]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[178.76] So really, your guess is as good as mine. [180.4]\n[181.1] Both of the potential RTX 40 Super series cards are expected [184.68]\n[184.68] to include a higher memory bus, [186.48]\n[186.78] the RTX 40 Super with a 320-bit bus, [189.42]\n[189.66] and the RTX 4070 Super with a 256-bit bus. [193.22]\n[193.56] Personally, [194.08]\n[194.08] though, I'm waiting for the RTX 40 Super Duper series [196.98]\n[197.3] that slots very nicely in between the RTX 4080 Splendid [200.94]\n[200.94] and the 4090 Wow! Very Cool. [203.72]\n[206.14] Now we just need the 4070 Click. [207.46]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[178.76] 所以说实话 我猜的并不会比你准 [180.4]\n[181.1] RTX 40 Super系列的两款潜在显卡 [184.68]\n[184.68] 预计都包括更宽的内存总线 [186.48]\n[186.78] RTX 40 Super采用320位总线 [189.42]\n[189.66] 而RTX 4070 Super采用256位总线 [193.22]\n[193.56] 就我个人而言 [194.08]\n[194.08] 其实我在等RTX 40 Super Duper™系列 [196.98]\n[197.3] 它非常完美地位于RTX 4080 Splendid™ [200.94]\n[200.94] 和4090 Wow!Very Cool™系列之间 [203.72]\n[206.14] 现在我们只需要4070咔哒™系列了 [207.46]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[256.72] Oh, Quick Bits? [258.12]\n[258.12] No, dude. [258.94]\n[259.64] Sick bits! I don't like this. [261.5]\n[261.5] Sick bits! [262.8]\n[264.16] Oh, so sick. [265.16]\n[265.72] Apple has released iOS [267.4]\n[267.4] and iPadOS 17.1, notably addressing recent problems [271.7]\n[271.7] with screen burn-in for the iPhone, [273.58]\n[273.82] improving AirDrop, and fixing a bug [276.02]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[256.72] 哇偶 科技快讯 [258.12]\n[258.12] 不 老铁 [258.94]\n[259.64] 棒棒快讯!我不喜欢这个 [261.5]\n[261.5] Sick bits! [262.8]\n[264.16] 哦 真是太棒了 [265.16]\n[265.72] 苹果发布了iOS [267.4]\n[267.4] 和iPadOS 17.1 特别解决了最近iPhone的屏幕烧屏问题 [273.58]\n[273.82] 改善了AirDrop 并且修复了一个bug [276.02]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[256.72] Oh, Quick Bits? [258.12]\n[258.12] No, dude. [258.94]\n[259.64] Sick bits! I don't like this. [261.5]\n[261.5] Sick bits! [262.8]\n[264.16] Oh, so sick. [265.16]\n[265.72] Apple has released iOS [267.4]\n[267.4] and iPadOS 17.1, notably addressing recent problems [271.7]\n[271.7] with screen burn-in for the iPhone, [273.58]\n[273.82] improving AirDrop, and fixing a bug [276.02]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[256.72] 哇偶 科技快讯 [258.12]\n[258.12] 不 老铁 [258.94]\n[259.64] 棒棒快讯!我不喜欢这个 [261.5]\n[261.5] Sick bits! [262.8]\n[264.16] 哦 真是太棒了 [265.16]\n[265.72] 苹果发布了iOS [267.4]\n[267.4] 和iPadOS 17.1 特别解决了最近iPhone的屏幕烧屏问题 [273.58]\n[273.82] 改善了AirDrop 并且修复了一个bug [276.02]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[0.06] Wow, [0.84]\n[1.2] oh my gosh, you clicked on our thumbnail. [2.68]\n[2.68] We just put it out there [3.38]\n[3.38] and we didn't know anyone would click and watch [5.18]\n[5.18] thank you, oh my God. [6.8]\n[6.8] The fact that Google pays to be the default search engine on many devices is well-known [11.52]\n[11.52] but thanks to a recent New York Times report [13.86]\n[13.86] and testimony coming out of the US v. Google Antitrust trial, [17.52]\n[17.74] we now know how much, [18.9]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[0.06] 喔~ [0.84]\n[1.2] 哇靠 你点开了视频封面 [2.68]\n[2.68] 我们只是随便放上去的 [3.38]\n[3.38] 完全不知道有人会点进来看 [5.18]\n[5.18] 谢谢 你真的太好了 [6.8]\n[6.8] 谷歌通过塞钱来使其成为默认搜索引擎这事并非鲜为人知 [11.52]\n[11.52] 但多亏了《纽约时报》最近的一篇报道 [13.86]\n[13.86] 以及美国对谷歌的反垄断诉讼中 曝光的证词 [17.52]\n[17.74] 我们得以一窥具体数值 [18.9]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[0.06] Wow, [0.84]\n[1.2] oh my gosh, you clicked on our thumbnail. [2.68]\n[2.68] We just put it out there [3.38]\n[3.38] and we didn't know anyone would click and watch [5.18]\n[5.18] thank you, oh my God. [6.8]\n[6.8] The fact that Google pays to be the default search engine on many devices is well-known [11.52]\n[11.52] but thanks to a recent New York Times report [13.86]\n[13.86] and testimony coming out of the US v. Google Antitrust trial, [17.52]\n[17.74] we now know how much, [18.9]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[0.06] 喔~ [0.84]\n[1.2] 哇靠 你点开了视频封面 [2.68]\n[2.68] 我们只是随便放上去的 [3.38]\n[3.38] 完全不知道有人会点进来看 [5.18]\n[5.18] 谢谢 你真的太好了 [6.8]\n[6.8] 谷歌通过塞钱来使其成为默认搜索引擎这事并非鲜为人知 [11.52]\n[11.52] 但多亏了《纽约时报》最近的一篇报道 [13.86]\n[13.86] 以及美国对谷歌的反垄断诉讼中 曝光的证词 [17.52]\n[17.74] 我们得以一窥具体数值 [18.9]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[357.42] PCI SIG has now redesigned the connector, [360.14]\n[360.14] so hopefully future generations of financially questionable decision makers [364.18]\n[364.18] won't endure the suffering you have. [366.18]\n[366.4] It's not actually your fault. [367.94]\n[367.94] I was joking. [368.56]\n[368.56] Stop writing that comment. [369.78]\n[370.14] Australia's ports are reopening after being shut down by a massive cyber attack three days ago, [375.68]\n[375.86] according to DP World Australia, [377.78]\n[377.98] which is not related to what you're thinking of. [380.62]\n[380.62] It's actually the country's biggest ports operator, [383.34]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[357.42] PCI SIG现已对接头进行了重新设计 [360.14]\n[360.14] 所以希望未来犹豫着的割手党 [364.18]\n[364.18] 不用承受你们现在的痛苦 [366.18]\n[366.4] 其实那并不是你的锅 [367.94]\n[367.94] 我只是开个玩笑 [368.56]\n[368.56] 别写毒评论了 [369.78]\n[370.14] 三天前的网络攻击已经结束 澳大利亚的港口重新开放 [375.68]\n[375.86] 根据DP World Australia的说法 [377.78]\n[377.98] 跟你刚想的那个不沾边 [380.62]\n[380.62] 它实际上是澳大利亚最大的港口运营商 [383.34]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[357.42] PCI SIG has now redesigned the connector, [360.14]\n[360.14] so hopefully future generations of financially questionable decision makers [364.18]\n[364.18] won't endure the suffering you have. [366.18]\n[366.4] It's not actually your fault. [367.94]\n[367.94] I was joking. [368.56]\n[368.56] Stop writing that comment. [369.78]\n[370.14] Australia's ports are reopening after being shut down by a massive cyber attack three days ago, [375.68]\n[375.86] according to DP World Australia, [377.78]\n[377.98] which is not related to what you're thinking of. [380.62]\n[380.62] It's actually the country's biggest ports operator, [383.34]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[357.42] PCI SIG现已对接头进行了重新设计 [360.14]\n[360.14] 所以希望未来犹豫着的割手党 [364.18]\n[364.18] 不用承受你们现在的痛苦 [366.18]\n[366.4] 其实那并不是你的锅 [367.94]\n[367.94] 我只是开个玩笑 [368.56]\n[368.56] 别写毒评论了 [369.78]\n[370.14] 三天前的网络攻击已经结束 澳大利亚的港口重新开放 [375.68]\n[375.86] 根据DP World Australia的说法 [377.78]\n[377.98] 跟你刚想的那个不沾边 [380.62]\n[380.62] 它实际上是澳大利亚最大的港口运营商 [383.34]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[224.16] And that's not how they work. [227.34]\n[227.34] Last week, a group of US lawmakers [229.34]\n[229.34] petitioned the Biden administration [231.20]\n[231.20] to cut China off from RISC-V, an idea that, [235.22]\n[235.22] I mean, doesn't seem particularly concerning [237.24]\n[237.24] to the Chinese members of RISC-V International, [239.98]\n[239.98] including Alibaba Cloud, Huawei, ZTE, and Tencent, [243.58]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[224.16] 而开源并不是这么整的 [227.34]\n[227.34] 上周,一群美国立法者向拜登政府请愿 [231.20]\n[231.20] 要求切断中国与RISC-V的联系 这个想法 [235.22]\n[235.22] 我是说 对RISC-V国际组织的中国成员来说 似乎并不特别令人担忧 [239.98]\n[239.98] 包括阿里云、华为、中兴和腾讯在内 [243.58]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[224.16] And that's not how they work. [227.34]\n[227.34] Last week, a group of US lawmakers [229.34]\n[229.34] petitioned the Biden administration [231.20]\n[231.20] to cut China off from RISC-V, an idea that, [235.22]\n[235.22] I mean, doesn't seem particularly concerning [237.24]\n[237.24] to the Chinese members of RISC-V International, [239.98]\n[239.98] including Alibaba Cloud, Huawei, ZTE, and Tencent, [243.58]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[224.16] 而开源并不是这么整的 [227.34]\n[227.34] 上周,一群美国立法者向拜登政府请愿 [231.20]\n[231.20] 要求切断中国与RISC-V的联系 这个想法 [235.22]\n[235.22] 我是说 对RISC-V国际组织的中国成员来说 似乎并不特别令人担忧 [239.98]\n[239.98] 包括阿里云、华为、中兴和腾讯在内 [243.58]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[329.56] but also allegedly secret projects by both Nvidia and AMD. [333.72]\n[334.12] In fact, [334.6]\n[334.6] he's willing to build their chips with Intel's foundry. [337.02]\n[337.54] This guy's tough. [338.38]\n[338.84] I'm already fan casting Dwayne Johnson [340.7]\n[340.7] to play him in the inevitable biopic. [342.66]\n[344.58] Lisa Su. [345.18]\n[346.68] Google is launching About This Image, [348.94]\n[349.18] a tool to verify the origin [350.84]\n[350.84] and context of an image, [352.38]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[329.56] 即使不仅是高通 据说NVIDIA和AMD都有相关的保密项目 [333.72]\n[334.12] 事实上 [334.6]\n[334.6] 他愿意让Intel代工生产他们的芯片 [337.02]\n[337.54] 这家伙可不好惹 [338.38]\n[338.84] 我已经开始幻想 巨石强森将在必然会来的传记片中出演 [342.66]\n[344.58] 苏博士 [345.18]\n[346.68] 谷歌推出了“关于此图片”(About This Image) [348.94]\n[349.18] 这是一个可以验证图片源头和上下文的工具 [352.38]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[329.56] but also allegedly secret projects by both Nvidia and AMD. [333.72]\n[334.12] In fact, [334.6]\n[334.6] he's willing to build their chips with Intel's foundry. [337.02]\n[337.54] This guy's tough. [338.38]\n[338.84] I'm already fan casting Dwayne Johnson [340.7]\n[340.7] to play him in the inevitable biopic. [342.66]\n[344.58] Lisa Su. [345.18]\n[346.68] Google is launching About This Image, [348.94]\n[349.18] a tool to verify the origin [350.84]\n[350.84] and context of an image, [352.38]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[329.56] 即使不仅是高通 据说NVIDIA和AMD都有相关的保密项目 [333.72]\n[334.12] 事实上 [334.6]\n[334.6] 他愿意让Intel代工生产他们的芯片 [337.02]\n[337.54] 这家伙可不好惹 [338.38]\n[338.84] 我已经开始幻想 巨石强森将在必然会来的传记片中出演 [342.66]\n[344.58] 苏博士 [345.18]\n[346.68] 谷歌推出了“关于此图片”(About This Image) [348.94]\n[349.18] 这是一个可以验证图片源头和上下文的工具 [352.38]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[376.84] In partnership with New Lab, [378.74]\n[378.74] Airspace Link, and the Michigan Department of Transportation, [381.78]\n[382.3] Ford is testing automated delivery drones [384.56]\n[384.56] at a giant hundred-year-old train station [387.02]\n[387.02] that was closed in the late 1980s. [389.02]\n[389.4] The project covers a three-mile radius [391.28]\n[391.28] around Michigan Central Station, [392.98]\n[393.24] which is 100% haunted, [395.06]\n[395.28] both by the spirit of 20th century industrialism [397.74]\n[397.74] and packs of feral train-spotting enthusiasts. [400.52]\n[401.14] They love Ewan McGregor movies. [403.1]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[376.84] 福特与New Lab, Airspace Link和密歇根州交通部合作 [381.78]\n[382.3] 在一座拥有百年历史的 于80年代闲置的火车站 进行无人机自动送货的测试 [389.02]\n[389.4] 该项目覆盖了以密歇根中央车站为中心的三英里半径 [392.98]\n[393.24] 百分之百是闹鬼的 [395.06]\n[395.28] 既有20世纪工业主义的幽灵存在 [397.74]\n[397.74] 也有一群野生的火车发烧友 [400.52]\n[401.14] 他们喜欢尤恩·麦克格雷戈(Ewan McGregor)的电影 [403.1]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[376.84] In partnership with New Lab, [378.74]\n[378.74] Airspace Link, and the Michigan Department of Transportation, [381.78]\n[382.3] Ford is testing automated delivery drones [384.56]\n[384.56] at a giant hundred-year-old train station [387.02]\n[387.02] that was closed in the late 1980s. [389.02]\n[389.4] The project covers a three-mile radius [391.28]\n[391.28] around Michigan Central Station, [392.98]\n[393.24] which is 100% haunted, [395.06]\n[395.28] both by the spirit of 20th century industrialism [397.74]\n[397.74] and packs of feral train-spotting enthusiasts. [400.52]\n[401.14] They love Ewan McGregor movies. [403.1]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[376.84] 福特与New Lab, Airspace Link和密歇根州交通部合作 [381.78]\n[382.3] 在一座拥有百年历史的 于80年代闲置的火车站 进行无人机自动送货的测试 [389.02]\n[389.4] 该项目覆盖了以密歇根中央车站为中心的三英里半径 [392.98]\n[393.24] 百分之百是闹鬼的 [395.06]\n[395.28] 既有20世纪工业主义的幽灵存在 [397.74]\n[397.74] 也有一群野生的火车发烧友 [400.52]\n[401.14] 他们喜欢尤恩·麦克格雷戈(Ewan McGregor)的电影 [403.1]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[56.78] Gurman has also adjusted his prediction for when the new M3 MacBooks will launch [61.27]\n[61.27] from this month to early next year. [63.54]\n[63.96] Last time Apple launched new MacBook chips so early in the year was 2015. [67.52]\n[68.04] Maybe they should have delayed the iPhone 15 lineup too, [70.62]\n[70.72] since yet another issue has been found, [72.54]\n[72.84] this time affecting just the 15 Pro Max. [75.4]\n[75.74] Some new owners of the flagship iPhone [77.64]\n[77.64] are reporting screen burn-in on its OLED display on social media. [81.4]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[56.78] Gurman还调整了他关于新款M3 MacBook发布时间的预测 [61.27]\n[61.27] 从本月改到了明年年初 [63.54]\n[63.96] 上一次苹果在年初发布新芯片的MacBook 是在2015年 [67.52]\n[68.04] 也许他们也应该推迟iPhone 15系列的发布时间 [70.62]\n[70.72] 因为又发现了另一个问题 [72.54]\n[72.84] 这次只影响iPhone 15 Pro Max [75.4]\n[75.74] 一些新购买这款旗舰iPhone的用户 [77.64]\n[77.64] 在社交媒体上报告说 其OLED显示屏出现了烧屏现象 [81.4]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[56.78] Gurman has also adjusted his prediction for when the new M3 MacBooks will launch [61.27]\n[61.27] from this month to early next year. [63.54]\n[63.96] Last time Apple launched new MacBook chips so early in the year was 2015. [67.52]\n[68.04] Maybe they should have delayed the iPhone 15 lineup too, [70.62]\n[70.72] since yet another issue has been found, [72.54]\n[72.84] this time affecting just the 15 Pro Max. [75.4]\n[75.74] Some new owners of the flagship iPhone [77.64]\n[77.64] are reporting screen burn-in on its OLED display on social media. [81.4]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[56.78] Gurman还调整了他关于新款M3 MacBook发布时间的预测 [61.27]\n[61.27] 从本月改到了明年年初 [63.54]\n[63.96] 上一次苹果在年初发布新芯片的MacBook 是在2015年 [67.52]\n[68.04] 也许他们也应该推迟iPhone 15系列的发布时间 [70.62]\n[70.72] 因为又发现了另一个问题 [72.54]\n[72.84] 这次只影响iPhone 15 Pro Max [75.4]\n[75.74] 一些新购买这款旗舰iPhone的用户 [77.64]\n[77.64] 在社交媒体上报告说 其OLED显示屏出现了烧屏现象 [81.4]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[406.52] Fortunately, some developers are continuing the tradition [408.62]\n[408.62] of bad Windows OSs by making a 3.3 gigabyte version [412.38]\n[412.38] of Windows 11 [413.12]\n[413.12] that its creators don't even recommend you use. [415.7]\n[416.04] What horrors will they think of next? [417.58]\n[418.14] And Green Power Motor Company has announced the MegaBeast, [421.36]\n[421.36] a fully electric school bus, [423.96]\n[424.34] I love it, [424.96]\n[424.96] with 387 kilowatt hour battery, nearly 300 miles of range [428.74]\n[428.74] and space for up to 90 passengers [430.34]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[406.52] 幸运的是 一些开发人员延续了烂Windows的传统 [408.62]\n[408.62] 制作出了一个3.3GB的Windows 11版本 [413.12]\n[413.12] 但开发者们甚至不推荐你使用它 [415.7]\n[416.04] 他们接下来还能想出什么? [417.58]\n[418.14] GreenPower汽车宣布推出MegaBeast [421.36]\n[421.36] 这是一辆全电动校车 [423.96]\n[424.34] 电池容量为387千瓦时,续航里程接近300英里 (480千米) [428.74]\n[428.74] 车厢可容纳最多90名乘客 [430.34]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[406.52] Fortunately, some developers are continuing the tradition [408.62]\n[408.62] of bad Windows OSs by making a 3.3 gigabyte version [412.38]\n[412.38] of Windows 11 [413.12]\n[413.12] that its creators don't even recommend you use. [415.7]\n[416.04] What horrors will they think of next? [417.58]\n[418.14] And Green Power Motor Company has announced the MegaBeast, [421.36]\n[421.36] a fully electric school bus, [423.96]\n[424.34] I love it, [424.96]\n[424.96] with 387 kilowatt hour battery, nearly 300 miles of range [428.74]\n[428.74] and space for up to 90 passengers [430.34]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[406.52] 幸运的是 一些开发人员延续了烂Windows的传统 [408.62]\n[408.62] 制作出了一个3.3GB的Windows 11版本 [413.12]\n[413.12] 但开发者们甚至不推荐你使用它 [415.7]\n[416.04] 他们接下来还能想出什么? [417.58]\n[418.14] GreenPower汽车宣布推出MegaBeast [421.36]\n[421.36] 这是一辆全电动校车 [423.96]\n[424.34] 电池容量为387千瓦时,续航里程接近300英里 (480千米) [428.74]\n[428.74] 车厢可容纳最多90名乘客 [430.34]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[387.84] tools and documentation necessary to fix its devices [391.02]\n[391.02] available to users and independent repair shops nationwide. [394.88]\n[395.3] This follows the recent passing of a California right [397.82]\n[397.82] to repair law, also supported by Apple. [399.86]\n[400.22] If the federal bill is in any way similar, [402.48]\n[402.48] it would be a huge step in the right direction, [404.36]\n[404.58] but might shy away from restricting software locks, [407.32]\n[407.68] Apple's favorite anti-repair tactic. [409.66]\n[409.8] There's still plenty of room for optimism though, [411.66]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[387.84] 以及工具和文档 供全美用户和独立维修店使用 [394.88]\n[395.3] 这是加州维修权法的最新进展 该法案也得到了苹果的支持 [399.86]\n[400.22] 如果这项联邦法案在某种程度上类似的话 [402.48]\n[402.48] 那将是向正确方向迈出的重要一步 [404.36]\n[404.58] 但可能管不住软件锁定 这是苹果最喜欢的反维修策略 [409.66]\n[409.8] 当然仍然有很多乐观的空间 [411.66]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[387.84] tools and documentation necessary to fix its devices [391.02]\n[391.02] available to users and independent repair shops nationwide. [394.88]\n[395.3] This follows the recent passing of a California right [397.82]\n[397.82] to repair law, also supported by Apple. [399.86]\n[400.22] If the federal bill is in any way similar, [402.48]\n[402.48] it would be a huge step in the right direction, [404.36]\n[404.58] but might shy away from restricting software locks, [407.32]\n[407.68] Apple's favorite anti-repair tactic. [409.66]\n[409.8] There's still plenty of room for optimism though, [411.66]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[387.84] 以及工具和文档 供全美用户和独立维修店使用 [394.88]\n[395.3] 这是加州维修权法的最新进展 该法案也得到了苹果的支持 [399.86]\n[400.22] 如果这项联邦法案在某种程度上类似的话 [402.48]\n[402.48] 那将是向正确方向迈出的重要一步 [404.36]\n[404.58] 但可能管不住软件锁定 这是苹果最喜欢的反维修策略 [409.66]\n[409.8] 当然仍然有很多乐观的空间 [411.66]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[86.16] Riley, can you shut up about cloud gaming? [88.40]\n[88.40] No one cares about that, [89.42]\n[89.42] to which I'd say everyone said the same about mobile games, [92.32]\n[92.32] and now those make the most money in the gaming industry. [95.84]\n[95.84] But hey, it was all worth it for Xbox to own Call of Duty [99.00]\n[99.00] and more importantly, Crash Bandicoot. [101.46]\n[101.46] Meanwhile, the FTC says they're still focused [103.92]\n[103.92] on stopping the deal and are preparing an argument [106.52]\n[106.52] to submit to an appeals court in December. [109.24]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[86.16] Riley 你能不能别再谈云游戏了? [88.40]\n[88.40] 没人在乎这个 [89.42]\n[89.42] 对此我会说,每个人都曾对手机游戏有过同样的看法 [92.32]\n[92.32] 而现在移动游戏 在游戏行业中是最能赚钱的 [95.84]\n[95.84] 但是嘿 为了让Xbox拥有《使命召唤》这一点也是值得的 [99.00]\n[99.00] 更重要的是 还有《古惑狼》 [101.46]\n[101.46] 与此同时,美国联邦贸易委员会表示他们仍然致力于 [103.92]\n[103.92] 阻止这笔交易 并准备提起上诉 将在12月提交法院 [109.24]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[86.16] Riley, can you shut up about cloud gaming? [88.40]\n[88.40] No one cares about that, [89.42]\n[89.42] to which I'd say everyone said the same about mobile games, [92.32]\n[92.32] and now those make the most money in the gaming industry. [95.84]\n[95.84] But hey, it was all worth it for Xbox to own Call of Duty [99.00]\n[99.00] and more importantly, Crash Bandicoot. [101.46]\n[101.46] Meanwhile, the FTC says they're still focused [103.92]\n[103.92] on stopping the deal and are preparing an argument [106.52]\n[106.52] to submit to an appeals court in December. [109.24]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[86.16] Riley 你能不能别再谈云游戏了? [88.40]\n[88.40] 没人在乎这个 [89.42]\n[89.42] 对此我会说,每个人都曾对手机游戏有过同样的看法 [92.32]\n[92.32] 而现在移动游戏 在游戏行业中是最能赚钱的 [95.84]\n[95.84] 但是嘿 为了让Xbox拥有《使命召唤》这一点也是值得的 [99.00]\n[99.00] 更重要的是 还有《古惑狼》 [101.46]\n[101.46] 与此同时,美国联邦贸易委员会表示他们仍然致力于 [103.92]\n[103.92] 阻止这笔交易 并准备提起上诉 将在12月提交法院 [109.24]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[259.52] I don't know. [260.22]\n[260.78] Get someone to Google it. [261.84]\n[262.04] Volcanica Coffee sources their beans from the finest crops [265.06]\n[265.06] in the best volcanic regions from around the world. [267.84]\n[267.84] Volcanoes, [268.68]\n[268.98] that's hot. [269.64]\n[270.04] Like your coffee. [270.9]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[259.52] 这我不知道 [260.22]\n[260.78] 找人Google一下嘛 [261.84]\n[262.04] Volcanica Coffee的咖啡豆 来自世界各地最优质的火山地区 [267.84]\n[267.84] 火山 好热 [269.64]\n[270.04] 就像你的咖啡一样 [270.9]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[259.52] I don't know. [260.22]\n[260.78] Get someone to Google it. [261.84]\n[262.04] Volcanica Coffee sources their beans from the finest crops [265.06]\n[265.06] in the best volcanic regions from around the world. [267.84]\n[267.84] Volcanoes, [268.68]\n[268.98] that's hot. [269.64]\n[270.04] Like your coffee. [270.9]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[259.52] 这我不知道 [260.22]\n[260.78] 找人Google一下嘛 [261.84]\n[262.04] Volcanica Coffee的咖啡豆 来自世界各地最优质的火山地区 [267.84]\n[267.84] 火山 好热 [269.64]\n[270.04] 就像你的咖啡一样 [270.9]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[48.16] won't simply feature modified off the shelf [50.72]\n[50.72] arm cortex chips, [51.92]\n[51.92] but a fully custom architecture called Orion. [55.34]\n[55.34] Building their own custom architecture [56.76]\n[56.76] is partly why Apple was able to achieve [58.76]\n[58.76] the mind blowing performance and efficiency boost [61.40]\n[61.40] they did with the M1, [63.04]\n[63.04] which made the PC master race question everything [65.84]\n[65.84] they had ever known. [67.12]\n[67.12] Gaben is just a man. [70.16]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[48.16] 这不仅仅只是小改的ARM Cortex公版方案 [51.92]\n[51.92] 而是名为Orion的全自定义架构 [55.34]\n[55.34] 正是通过自研架构 [56.76]\n[56.76] 苹果M1 才能得到令人难以置信的性能和能效提升 [63.04]\n[63.04] 让PC党们开始怀疑自己认知 [67.12]\n[67.12] G胖只是普通人? [70.16]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[48.16] won't simply feature modified off the shelf [50.72]\n[50.72] arm cortex chips, [51.92]\n[51.92] but a fully custom architecture called Orion. [55.34]\n[55.34] Building their own custom architecture [56.76]\n[56.76] is partly why Apple was able to achieve [58.76]\n[58.76] the mind blowing performance and efficiency boost [61.40]\n[61.40] they did with the M1, [63.04]\n[63.04] which made the PC master race question everything [65.84]\n[65.84] they had ever known. [67.12]\n[67.12] Gaben is just a man. [70.16]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[48.16] 这不仅仅只是小改的ARM Cortex公版方案 [51.92]\n[51.92] 而是名为Orion的全自定义架构 [55.34]\n[55.34] 正是通过自研架构 [56.76]\n[56.76] 苹果M1 才能得到令人难以置信的性能和能效提升 [63.04]\n[63.04] 让PC党们开始怀疑自己认知 [67.12]\n[67.12] G胖只是普通人? [70.16]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[345.04] and 113% in World War Z. [347.84]\n[348.24] But the driver also boosts DirectX 12 title Returnal by 53%. [353.46]\n[353.74] Extreme Tech notes that some DX 11 titles performances [357.16]\n[357.32] are being compared to the driver [358.74]\n[358.74] before the most recent one, [360.56]\n[360.84] but I don't wanna split hairs. [361.86]\n[362.24] I wanna talk about number go up, [364.18]\n[364.18] up, up, up, up, where the clouds gonna clear, [367.38]\n[367.7] as put so eloquently by Canadian country pop sensation, [371.04]\n[371.04] Shania Twain. [371.76]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[345.04] 以及《僵尸世界大战》 113% [347.84]\n[348.24] 但是该驱动还可以将DirectX 12的《死亡回归》的帧率提升53% [353.46]\n[353.74] Extreme Tech指出 一些DX 11游戏的表现 [357.16]\n[357.32] 是将更旧的驱动程序 与最新驱动程序进行了比较 [360.56]\n[360.84] 但我不想纠结那么多 [361.86]\n[362.24] 我想说的是“数字向上增长” [364.18]\n[364.18] 涨 涨 涨到卡兹所在的地方 [367.38]\n[367.7] 正如加拿大乡村流行天后尚妮雅·特温 所说的那样 [371.76]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[345.04] and 113% in World War Z. [347.84]\n[348.24] But the driver also boosts DirectX 12 title Returnal by 53%. [353.46]\n[353.74] Extreme Tech notes that some DX 11 titles performances [357.16]\n[357.32] are being compared to the driver [358.74]\n[358.74] before the most recent one, [360.56]\n[360.84] but I don't wanna split hairs. [361.86]\n[362.24] I wanna talk about number go up, [364.18]\n[364.18] up, up, up, up, where the clouds gonna clear, [367.38]\n[367.7] as put so eloquently by Canadian country pop sensation, [371.04]\n[371.04] Shania Twain. [371.76]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[345.04] 以及《僵尸世界大战》 113% [347.84]\n[348.24] 但是该驱动还可以将DirectX 12的《死亡回归》的帧率提升53% [353.46]\n[353.74] Extreme Tech指出 一些DX 11游戏的表现 [357.16]\n[357.32] 是将更旧的驱动程序 与最新驱动程序进行了比较 [360.56]\n[360.84] 但我不想纠结那么多 [361.86]\n[362.24] 我想说的是“数字向上增长” [364.18]\n[364.18] 涨 涨 涨到卡兹所在的地方 [367.38]\n[367.7] 正如加拿大乡村流行天后尚妮雅·特温 所说的那样 [371.76]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[108.9] Basic at-home stuff. [110.16]\n[110.46] The Guardian newspaper has accused Microsoft of damaging its reputation by inserting an AI-generated poll [116.49]\n[116.49] beside a Guardian article on Microsoft Start about the tragic death of a young Australian woman. [122.02]\n[122.44] The AI program, [123.44]\n[123.44] using its state-of-the-art ability to parse language [125.36]\n[125.36] and context, constructed a poll [126.9]\n[126.9] that asked readers to vote on what they thought the cause of death was. [130.92]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[108.9] 简单 在家也能做 [110.16]\n[110.46] 《卫报》指责微软损害了该报的声誉 因为他们在Microsoft Start上刊登的 [116.49]\n[116.49] 一篇年轻澳大利亚女子惨死的文章边上插入了AI生成的投票 [122.02]\n[122.44] 这个AI程序 [123.44]\n[123.44] 通过其先进的语言分析能力 [125.36]\n[125.36] 结合上下文构建出了一个投票 [126.9]\n[126.9] 要求读者投票 他们认为死因是什么 [130.92]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[108.9] Basic at-home stuff. [110.16]\n[110.46] The Guardian newspaper has accused Microsoft of damaging its reputation by inserting an AI-generated poll [116.49]\n[116.49] beside a Guardian article on Microsoft Start about the tragic death of a young Australian woman. [122.02]\n[122.44] The AI program, [123.44]\n[123.44] using its state-of-the-art ability to parse language [125.36]\n[125.36] and context, constructed a poll [126.9]\n[126.9] that asked readers to vote on what they thought the cause of death was. [130.92]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[108.9] 简单 在家也能做 [110.16]\n[110.46] 《卫报》指责微软损害了该报的声誉 因为他们在Microsoft Start上刊登的 [116.49]\n[116.49] 一篇年轻澳大利亚女子惨死的文章边上插入了AI生成的投票 [122.02]\n[122.44] 这个AI程序 [123.44]\n[123.44] 通过其先进的语言分析能力 [125.36]\n[125.36] 结合上下文构建出了一个投票 [126.9]\n[126.9] 要求读者投票 他们认为死因是什么 [130.92]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[222.82] Google went to court today to defend itself from Epic Games, [226.18]\n[226.18] who accused Google of anti-competitive behavior [228.86]\n[228.86] concerning the Play Store way back in August 2020, [232.1]\n[232.56] after three years of dramatic tension. [235.16]\n[235.34] I can only hope this ends in a passionate makeout, [237.28]\n[237.52] but we'll see. [238.12]\n[238.34] If this sounds familiar, [239.43]\n[239.43] it's because Epic went through this whole song [241.54]\n[241.54] and dance with Apple already, only to pretty much lose. [246.28]\n[246.58] And if you have no idea what I'm talking about, [248.86]\n[248.86] I made a tech longer on it. [250.5]\n[250.5] Just save that for later. [253.1]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[222.82] 受Epic指控 谷歌今日出席法庭辩护 [226.18]\n[226.18] Epic在2020年8月 指控谷歌Play Store是垄断行为 [232.1]\n[232.56] 经过三年的剧烈争吵 我只能希望这最终结果将是激情四射 [237.28]\n[237.52] 让我们拭目以待 [238.12]\n[238.34] 如果这听起来有点似曾相识 [239.43]\n[239.43] 那是因为Epic已经和苹果闹过官司了 虽然他们几乎是输得一塌糊涂 [246.28]\n[246.58] 如果你不知道我在说什么 [248.86]\n[248.86] 我之前做过一期新闻解读 [250.5]\n[250.5] 记得待会儿去看 [253.1]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[222.82] Google went to court today to defend itself from Epic Games, [226.18]\n[226.18] who accused Google of anti-competitive behavior [228.86]\n[228.86] concerning the Play Store way back in August 2020, [232.1]\n[232.56] after three years of dramatic tension. [235.16]\n[235.34] I can only hope this ends in a passionate makeout, [237.28]\n[237.52] but we'll see. [238.12]\n[238.34] If this sounds familiar, [239.43]\n[239.43] it's because Epic went through this whole song [241.54]\n[241.54] and dance with Apple already, only to pretty much lose. [246.28]\n[246.58] And if you have no idea what I'm talking about, [248.86]\n[248.86] I made a tech longer on it. [250.5]\n[250.5] Just save that for later. [253.1]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[222.82] 受Epic指控 谷歌今日出席法庭辩护 [226.18]\n[226.18] Epic在2020年8月 指控谷歌Play Store是垄断行为 [232.1]\n[232.56] 经过三年的剧烈争吵 我只能希望这最终结果将是激情四射 [237.28]\n[237.52] 让我们拭目以待 [238.12]\n[238.34] 如果这听起来有点似曾相识 [239.43]\n[239.43] 那是因为Epic已经和苹果闹过官司了 虽然他们几乎是输得一塌糊涂 [246.28]\n[246.58] 如果你不知道我在说什么 [248.86]\n[248.86] 我之前做过一期新闻解读 [250.5]\n[250.5] 记得待会儿去看 [253.1]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[192.56] a commitment to pay legal costs for OpenAI customers [195.92]\n[195.92] who get sued for copyright infringement over AI-generated works. [200.34]\n[200.62] Similar promises are made by IBM, Microsoft, [203.02]\n[203.24] Adobe, and more, [204.24]\n[204.52] at the same time that [205.86]\n[205.86] some of those same companies are trying to make sure copyright holders aren't screwed over by generative AI, [211.7]\n[212.02] which is now [212.52]\n[212.52] so pervasive, you can use it in freaking Microsoft Paint. [215.58]\n[216.36] Honestly, [216.78]\n[217.26] I don't care if little Mateo didn't know what he was generating on the family computer. [221.26]\n[221.44] He's going to jail. [222.34]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[192.56] 承诺为因AI生成作品而被起诉的OpenAI客户 支付法律费用 [200.34]\n[200.62] IBM 微软 Adobe等也有类似的承诺 [204.24]\n[204.52] 与此同时 [205.86]\n[205.86] 其他同行正试图确保 由AI生成的内容不侵犯版权所有者的权益 [211.7]\n[212.02] 现在 AI生成功能 [212.52]\n[212.52] 已经普遍到微软画图都有了 [215.58]\n[216.36] 老实说 [216.78]\n[217.26] 我不在乎小Mateo在自家的电脑上生成了什么 [221.26]\n[221.44] 他得坐牢 [222.34]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[192.56] a commitment to pay legal costs for OpenAI customers [195.92]\n[195.92] who get sued for copyright infringement over AI-generated works. [200.34]\n[200.62] Similar promises are made by IBM, Microsoft, [203.02]\n[203.24] Adobe, and more, [204.24]\n[204.52] at the same time that [205.86]\n[205.86] some of those same companies are trying to make sure copyright holders aren't screwed over by generative AI, [211.7]\n[212.02] which is now [212.52]\n[212.52] so pervasive, you can use it in freaking Microsoft Paint. [215.58]\n[216.36] Honestly, [216.78]\n[217.26] I don't care if little Mateo didn't know what he was generating on the family computer. [221.26]\n[221.44] He's going to jail. [222.34]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[192.56] 承诺为因AI生成作品而被起诉的OpenAI客户 支付法律费用 [200.34]\n[200.62] IBM 微软 Adobe等也有类似的承诺 [204.24]\n[204.52] 与此同时 [205.86]\n[205.86] 其他同行正试图确保 由AI生成的内容不侵犯版权所有者的权益 [211.7]\n[212.02] 现在 AI生成功能 [212.52]\n[212.52] 已经普遍到微软画图都有了 [215.58]\n[216.36] 老实说 [216.78]\n[217.26] 我不在乎小Mateo在自家的电脑上生成了什么 [221.26]\n[221.44] 他得坐牢 [222.34]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[173.06] but the third product to bear the name Apple Pencil. [175.86]\n[176.5] No doubt as punishment for daring to try and get a glimpse behind Tim Apple's curtain. [180.62]\n[181.84] You're coming into my boudoir. [183.4]\n[184.72] I didn't give you permission. [186.48]\n[186.86] But a glimpse of Apple's reasoning [188.32]\n[188.32] would be nice to help the new $80 Pencil make sense. [192.24]\n[192.48] It charges exclusively through a USB-C port, [195.34]\n[195.58] hidden under a slider on its butt. [198.16]\n[198.52] But it's much better than the first-gen Pencil's [200.52]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[173.06] 而是第三代苹果铅笔的登场 [175.86]\n[176.5] 毫无疑问 这是对那些胆敢试图窥探Tim Apple背后的惩罚 [180.62]\n[181.84] 你跑到我闺房来了 [183.4]\n[184.72] 我没给你许可 [186.48]\n[186.86] 但了解一下苹果的想法 [188.32]\n[188.32] 应该有助于让这支售价80美元的新铅笔变得有道理 [192.24]\n[192.48] 它只能通过USB-C接口充电 [195.34]\n[195.58] 位于其底部的滑盖之下 [198.16]\n[198.52] 但它比一代铅笔要好 [200.52]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[173.06] but the third product to bear the name Apple Pencil. [175.86]\n[176.5] No doubt as punishment for daring to try and get a glimpse behind Tim Apple's curtain. [180.62]\n[181.84] You're coming into my boudoir. [183.4]\n[184.72] I didn't give you permission. [186.48]\n[186.86] But a glimpse of Apple's reasoning [188.32]\n[188.32] would be nice to help the new $80 Pencil make sense. [192.24]\n[192.48] It charges exclusively through a USB-C port, [195.34]\n[195.58] hidden under a slider on its butt. [198.16]\n[198.52] But it's much better than the first-gen Pencil's [200.52]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[173.06] 而是第三代苹果铅笔的登场 [175.86]\n[176.5] 毫无疑问 这是对那些胆敢试图窥探Tim Apple背后的惩罚 [180.62]\n[181.84] 你跑到我闺房来了 [183.4]\n[184.72] 我没给你许可 [186.48]\n[186.86] 但了解一下苹果的想法 [188.32]\n[188.32] 应该有助于让这支售价80美元的新铅笔变得有道理 [192.24]\n[192.48] 它只能通过USB-C接口充电 [195.34]\n[195.58] 位于其底部的滑盖之下 [198.16]\n[198.52] 但它比一代铅笔要好 [200.52]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[0.44] Another week, another tech news. [3.08]\n[3.08] Say, [3.36]\n[3.58] that reminds me of a song I learned in ComSci. [6.18]\n[6.78] Flip the switch and turn it on. [9.38]\n[9.38] Elon Musk's AI company called, what else, [12.14]\n[12.42] XAI, [13.0]\n[13.38] has unveiled Grok, [14.7]\n[14.9] a competitor to OpenAI's ChatGPT [17.4]\n[17.4] with real-time access to all posts on X, [20.44]\n[20.7] formerly Twitter. [21.36]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[0.44] 新的一周 新的科技新闻 [3.08]\n[3.08] 说来 [3.36]\n[3.58] 这让我想起了我在计科系学的一首歌 [6.18]\n[6.78] 哗~开关一拨它就嗖~ [9.38]\n[9.38] 埃隆·马斯克的人工智能公司 嗯 还能叫什么呢 [12.14]\n[12.42] X AI [13.0]\n[13.38] 推出了Grok [14.7]\n[14.9] 这是OpenAI ChatGPT的竞争对手 [17.4]\n[17.4] 能实时访问X 曾经叫Twitter 上的所有帖子 [21.36]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[0.44] Another week, another tech news. [3.08]\n[3.08] Say, [3.36]\n[3.58] that reminds me of a song I learned in ComSci. [6.18]\n[6.78] Flip the switch and turn it on. [9.38]\n[9.38] Elon Musk's AI company called, what else, [12.14]\n[12.42] XAI, [13.0]\n[13.38] has unveiled Grok, [14.7]\n[14.9] a competitor to OpenAI's ChatGPT [17.4]\n[17.4] with real-time access to all posts on X, [20.44]\n[20.7] formerly Twitter. [21.36]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[0.44] 新的一周 新的科技新闻 [3.08]\n[3.08] 说来 [3.36]\n[3.58] 这让我想起了我在计科系学的一首歌 [6.18]\n[6.78] 哗~开关一拨它就嗖~ [9.38]\n[9.38] 埃隆·马斯克的人工智能公司 嗯 还能叫什么呢 [12.14]\n[12.42] X AI [13.0]\n[13.38] 推出了Grok [14.7]\n[14.9] 这是OpenAI ChatGPT的竞争对手 [17.4]\n[17.4] 能实时访问X 曾经叫Twitter 上的所有帖子 [21.36]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[21.52] Now that access turned Microsoft's Tay chatbot [24.2]\n[24.2] into a racist psychopath back in 2016, [26.56]\n[26.56] but that doesn't matter. [27.58]\n[27.78] It's Musk time. [29.08]\n[29.08] Grok is named after science fiction writer, Robert A. [32.02]\n[32.02] Heinlein's neologism, meaning to understand intuitively or by empathy. [36.76]\n[37.24] So naturally, [38.3]\n[38.52] according to Elon, [39.3]\n[39.68] Grok is based and loves sarcasm. [42.12]\n[42.62] XAI's announcement on their site, please [44.68]\n[44.68] with you not to use it if you hate humor. [47.76]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[21.52] 虽然早在2016年 这种即时访问的能力 把微软的聊天机器人Tay [24.2]\n[24.2] 搞成了个种族歧视的疯子 [26.56]\n[26.56] 但那无关紧要 [27.58]\n[27.78] 现在是 马斯克时间 [29.08]\n[29.08] Grok的名字源自科幻作家Robert A. Heinlein创造的词汇 [32.02]\n[32.02] 意思是通过直觉或移情来理解 [36.76]\n[37.24] 理所应当的 [38.3]\n[38.52] 根据Elon的说法 [39.3]\n[39.68] Grok持有自己的立场并很喜欢讽刺 [42.12]\n[42.62] X AI 在他们网站的公告上说到 [44.68]\n[44.68] 如果你讨厌幽默的话 就不要使用它 [47.76]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[21.52] Now that access turned Microsoft's Tay chatbot [24.2]\n[24.2] into a racist psychopath back in 2016, [26.56]\n[26.56] but that doesn't matter. [27.58]\n[27.78] It's Musk time. [29.08]\n[29.08] Grok is named after science fiction writer, Robert A. [32.02]\n[32.02] Heinlein's neologism, meaning to understand intuitively or by empathy. [36.76]\n[37.24] So naturally, [38.3]\n[38.52] according to Elon, [39.3]\n[39.68] Grok is based and loves sarcasm. [42.12]\n[42.62] XAI's announcement on their site, please [44.68]\n[44.68] with you not to use it if you hate humor. [47.76]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[21.52] 虽然早在2016年 这种即时访问的能力 把微软的聊天机器人Tay [24.2]\n[24.2] 搞成了个种族歧视的疯子 [26.56]\n[26.56] 但那无关紧要 [27.58]\n[27.78] 现在是 马斯克时间 [29.08]\n[29.08] Grok的名字源自科幻作家Robert A. Heinlein创造的词汇 [32.02]\n[32.02] 意思是通过直觉或移情来理解 [36.76]\n[37.24] 理所应当的 [38.3]\n[38.52] 根据Elon的说法 [39.3]\n[39.68] Grok持有自己的立场并很喜欢讽刺 [42.12]\n[42.62] X AI 在他们网站的公告上说到 [44.68]\n[44.68] 如果你讨厌幽默的话 就不要使用它 [47.76]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[0.08] I can only assume Apple unveiled a number of new Macs powered by their new M3 processor today, [5.38]\n[5.38] but I can't know for sure because they scheduled their event to start like an hour after we finished filming this video. [10.7]\n[10.7] It's like I've been working on my Tim Cook impression for nothing. [14.22]\n[14.5] Some fresh leaks have sprung regarding NVIDIA's RTX 40 Super series of GPUs, [20.2]\n[20.2] specifically the RTX 4080 Super. [22.44]\n[22.7] The card's PCIe ID was found by someone, [25.64]\n[25.84] potentially with access to a beta driver, [27.72]\n[27.94] and added to the PCIe ID repository, [31.0]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[0.08] 我只能猜 Apple今天推出了搭载M3处理器的许多新Mac [5.38]\n[5.38] 但我无法确定 因为发布会在我们录完这个视频后 大约1小时开始 [10.7]\n[10.7] 哎 看来我模仿蒂姆·库克都是白费了 [14.22]\n[14.5] 有关NVIDIA RTX 40 Super系列显卡的最新泄漏 [20.2]\n[20.2] 具体是RTX 4080 Super [22.44]\n[22.7] 这张显卡的PCI ID被某人发现了 [25.64]\n[25.84] 可能这个人有权访问beta版驱动程序 [27.72]\n[27.94] 然后将其添加到了PCI ID存储库中 [31.0]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[0.08] I can only assume Apple unveiled a number of new Macs powered by their new M3 processor today, [5.38]\n[5.38] but I can't know for sure because they scheduled their event to start like an hour after we finished filming this video. [10.7]\n[10.7] It's like I've been working on my Tim Cook impression for nothing. [14.22]\n[14.5] Some fresh leaks have sprung regarding NVIDIA's RTX 40 Super series of GPUs, [20.2]\n[20.2] specifically the RTX 4080 Super. [22.44]\n[22.7] The card's PCIe ID was found by someone, [25.64]\n[25.84] potentially with access to a beta driver, [27.72]\n[27.94] and added to the PCIe ID repository, [31.0]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[0.08] 我只能猜 Apple今天推出了搭载M3处理器的许多新Mac [5.38]\n[5.38] 但我无法确定 因为发布会在我们录完这个视频后 大约1小时开始 [10.7]\n[10.7] 哎 看来我模仿蒂姆·库克都是白费了 [14.22]\n[14.5] 有关NVIDIA RTX 40 Super系列显卡的最新泄漏 [20.2]\n[20.2] 具体是RTX 4080 Super [22.44]\n[22.7] 这张显卡的PCI ID被某人发现了 [25.64]\n[25.84] 可能这个人有权访问beta版驱动程序 [27.72]\n[27.94] 然后将其添加到了PCI ID存储库中 [31.0]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[109.24] Bit harder to stop something from happening [111.32]\n[111.32] after it's already happened, but hey, best of luck. [114.16]\n[114.16] We have to go back in time. [116.24]\n[116.24] We have to go back, Marty. [117.60]\n[117.60] Best Buy will no longer sell movies [119.92]\n[119.92] in their physical form starting in 2024, [123.24]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[109.24] 当事情已经发生之后 阻止它就更加困难了 但祝你好运 [114.16]\n[114.16] 我们必须回到过去 [116.24]\n[116.24] 我们必须回去 Marty [117.60]\n[117.60] 从2024年开始 百思买将停止销售实体形式的电影 [123.24]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[109.24] Bit harder to stop something from happening [111.32]\n[111.32] after it's already happened, but hey, best of luck. [114.16]\n[114.16] We have to go back in time. [116.24]\n[116.24] We have to go back, Marty. [117.60]\n[117.60] Best Buy will no longer sell movies [119.92]\n[119.92] in their physical form starting in 2024, [123.24]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[109.24] 当事情已经发生之后 阻止它就更加困难了 但祝你好运 [114.16]\n[114.16] 我们必须回到过去 [116.24]\n[116.24] 我们必须回去 Marty [117.60]\n[117.60] 从2024年开始 百思买将停止销售实体形式的电影 [123.24]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[552.76] Attendees at ApeFest, [554.42]\n[554.42] the Bored Ape Yacht Club's annual NFT event in Hong Kong, [558.12]\n[558.4] reported severe eye pain, visual impairment, [561.34]\n[561.62] and skin damage similar to sunburns after the event. [565.26]\n[565.66] While it's tempting to assume [566.86]\n[566.86] that Zeus Almighty finally did something about crypto, [570.42]\n[570.78] this parallels a previous incident in Hong Kong in 2017, [574.42]\n[575.04] where contractors installed disinfecting UV lights [578.14]\n[578.38] instead of stage lights, [580.04]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[552.76] 位于香港的Bored Ape Yacht Club年度NFT活动ApeFest的与会者 [558.12]\n[558.4] 在活动结束后称出现了严重的眼痛 视力受损 [561.34]\n[561.62] 以及皮肤损伤 类似于晒伤的症状 [565.26]\n[565.66] 虽然我们可能会联想 [566.86]\n[566.86] 宙斯大神是否最终对加密货币采取了什么行动 [570.42]\n[570.78] 但这和2017年香港的一起事件很相似 [574.42]\n[575.04] 承包商使用空气消毒紫外线灯 替代了舞台灯光 [580.04]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[552.76] Attendees at ApeFest, [554.42]\n[554.42] the Bored Ape Yacht Club's annual NFT event in Hong Kong, [558.12]\n[558.4] reported severe eye pain, visual impairment, [561.34]\n[561.62] and skin damage similar to sunburns after the event. [565.26]\n[565.66] While it's tempting to assume [566.86]\n[566.86] that Zeus Almighty finally did something about crypto, [570.42]\n[570.78] this parallels a previous incident in Hong Kong in 2017, [574.42]\n[575.04] where contractors installed disinfecting UV lights [578.14]\n[578.38] instead of stage lights, [580.04]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[552.76] 位于香港的Bored Ape Yacht Club年度NFT活动ApeFest的与会者 [558.12]\n[558.4] 在活动结束后称出现了严重的眼痛 视力受损 [561.34]\n[561.62] 以及皮肤损伤 类似于晒伤的症状 [565.26]\n[565.66] 虽然我们可能会联想 [566.86]\n[566.86] 宙斯大神是否最终对加密货币采取了什么行动 [570.42]\n[570.78] 但这和2017年香港的一起事件很相似 [574.42]\n[575.04] 承包商使用空气消毒紫外线灯 替代了舞台灯光 [580.04]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[20.90] the only way any executives know how, adding an X. [25.02]\n[25.02] It's because they're all teenagers in the nineties. [27.18]\n[27.18] But this isn't just a naming change. [28.76]\n[28.78] Snapdragon X chips will be the first [31.12]\n[31.12] publicly available processors developed by Nuvia, [34.44]\n[34.44] a company founded by a few key members [36.54]\n[36.54] of the Apple Silicon team and acquired by Qualcomm in 2021. [41.14]\n[41.14] Like Apple's M1 and M2, Qualcomm's upcoming laptop CPUs, [45.12]\n[45.12] which will be revealed at the Snapdragon summit [47.28]\n[47.28] later this month, [48.16]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[20.90] 按他们唯一知道的方式进行了改名 加了个X [25.02]\n[25.02] 大概他们都跟九十年代的青少年似的 [27.18]\n[27.18] 但这并不只是改了个名 [28.76]\n[28.78] Snapdragon X 芯片将会是第一款由Nuvia开发并公开销售的新处理器 [34.44]\n[34.44] Nuvia是由苹果芯片团队中几位关键人员在2021年创立的 [36.54]\n[36.54] 并于2021年被高通收购 [41.14]\n[41.14] 与苹果的M1和M2一样 高通即将发布的笔记本CPU [45.12]\n[45.12] 将在本月晚些时候 在Snapdragon峰会上揭示 [48.16]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[20.90] the only way any executives know how, adding an X. [25.02]\n[25.02] It's because they're all teenagers in the nineties. [27.18]\n[27.18] But this isn't just a naming change. [28.76]\n[28.78] Snapdragon X chips will be the first [31.12]\n[31.12] publicly available processors developed by Nuvia, [34.44]\n[34.44] a company founded by a few key members [36.54]\n[36.54] of the Apple Silicon team and acquired by Qualcomm in 2021. [41.14]\n[41.14] Like Apple's M1 and M2, Qualcomm's upcoming laptop CPUs, [45.12]\n[45.12] which will be revealed at the Snapdragon summit [47.28]\n[47.28] later this month, [48.16]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[20.90] 按他们唯一知道的方式进行了改名 加了个X [25.02]\n[25.02] 大概他们都跟九十年代的青少年似的 [27.18]\n[27.18] 但这并不只是改了个名 [28.76]\n[28.78] Snapdragon X 芯片将会是第一款由Nuvia开发并公开销售的新处理器 [34.44]\n[34.44] Nuvia是由苹果芯片团队中几位关键人员在2021年创立的 [36.54]\n[36.54] 并于2021年被高通收购 [41.14]\n[41.14] 与苹果的M1和M2一样 高通即将发布的笔记本CPU [45.12]\n[45.12] 将在本月晚些时候 在Snapdragon峰会上揭示 [48.16]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[302.82] Epic is based on love sarcasm. [304.74]\n[345.2] My family has been [346.36]\n[346.36] using the same Quick Bits recipe since 1964. [349.88]\n[350.74] Except we took out all the asbestos and lead. [353.28]\n[354.98] We did. [355.4]\n[355.4] We did take it out, right? [356.84]\n[357.92] It'll stick to your ribs. [359.24]\n[359.24] It's good for you. [360.22]\n[360.22] And your lungs! [360.88]\n[361.82] Intel announced a while back [363.28]\n[363.28] that they were changing the naming scheme for their core processors, [366.38]\n[366.7] and now leaks have given us a taste of how much getting used to [369.68]\n[369.68] that is going to suck. [371.12]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[302.82] Epic的运作是建立在热爱讽刺上的 [304.74]\n[345.2] 我家从1964年开始 就一直在使用同样的科技快讯配方 [349.88]\n[350.74] 除了删去了配方中的石棉和铅 [353.28]\n[354.98] 删掉了吧? [355.4]\n[355.4] 删掉了吗? [356.84]\n[357.92] 它会粘在你的肋骨上 [359.24]\n[359.24] 对呀 石棉对你有好 [360.22]\n[360.22] 也对你的肺好! [360.88]\n[361.82] 英特尔之前宣布 [363.28]\n[363.28] 他们正在更改酷睿处理器的命名方式 [366.38]\n[366.7] 而现在 泄漏的消息让我们提前得知 新命名方式简直就是 [369.68]\n[369.68] 依托答辩 [371.12]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[302.82] Epic is based on love sarcasm. [304.74]\n[345.2] My family has been [346.36]\n[346.36] using the same Quick Bits recipe since 1964. [349.88]\n[350.74] Except we took out all the asbestos and lead. [353.28]\n[354.98] We did. [355.4]\n[355.4] We did take it out, right? [356.84]\n[357.92] It'll stick to your ribs. [359.24]\n[359.24] It's good for you. [360.22]\n[360.22] And your lungs! [360.88]\n[361.82] Intel announced a while back [363.28]\n[363.28] that they were changing the naming scheme for their core processors, [366.38]\n[366.7] and now leaks have given us a taste of how much getting used to [369.68]\n[369.68] that is going to suck. [371.12]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[302.82] Epic的运作是建立在热爱讽刺上的 [304.74]\n[345.2] 我家从1964年开始 就一直在使用同样的科技快讯配方 [349.88]\n[350.74] 除了删去了配方中的石棉和铅 [353.28]\n[354.98] 删掉了吧? [355.4]\n[355.4] 删掉了吗? [356.84]\n[357.92] 它会粘在你的肋骨上 [359.24]\n[359.24] 对呀 石棉对你有好 [360.22]\n[360.22] 也对你的肺好! [360.88]\n[361.82] 英特尔之前宣布 [363.28]\n[363.28] 他们正在更改酷睿处理器的命名方式 [366.38]\n[366.7] 而现在 泄漏的消息让我们提前得知 新命名方式简直就是 [369.68]\n[369.68] 依托答辩 [371.12]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[488.50] Pichai, who was part of the search team back then, [490.62]\n[490.62] thought that Apple's idea of offering [492.42]\n[492.42] two separate versions of Safari, [494.52]\n[494.52] one for Google and one for Yahoo, [496.50]\n[496.50] was maybe not as good as just adding a dropdown menu [499.62]\n[499.62] allowing users to switch search engines. [502.54]\n[502.54] It's nice to see a tech executive [503.98]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[488.50] 当时是搜索团队的一员的皮查伊 [490.62]\n[490.62] 认为苹果的想法 提供两个独立版本的Safari [494.52]\n[494.52] 一个用于谷歌 一个用于雅虎 [496.50]\n[496.50] 可能不如只是添加一个下拉菜单来得好 [499.62]\n[499.62] 让用户可以切换搜索引擎 [502.54]\n[502.54] 很高兴看到一个科技高管 [503.98]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[488.50] Pichai, who was part of the search team back then, [490.62]\n[490.62] thought that Apple's idea of offering [492.42]\n[492.42] two separate versions of Safari, [494.52]\n[494.52] one for Google and one for Yahoo, [496.50]\n[496.50] was maybe not as good as just adding a dropdown menu [499.62]\n[499.62] allowing users to switch search engines. [502.54]\n[502.54] It's nice to see a tech executive [503.98]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[488.50] 当时是搜索团队的一员的皮查伊 [490.62]\n[490.62] 认为苹果的想法 提供两个独立版本的Safari [494.52]\n[494.52] 一个用于谷歌 一个用于雅虎 [496.50]\n[496.50] 可能不如只是添加一个下拉菜单来得好 [499.62]\n[499.62] 让用户可以切换搜索引擎 [502.54]\n[502.54] 很高兴看到一个科技高管 [503.98]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[319.74] whose developer doesn't seem worried [321.34]\n[321.34] about losing its 400,000 users, [323.62]\n[323.8] probably because the users already paid the subscription fee. [327.16]\n[327.16] But are the PDFs alive? [328.7]\n[329.08] It's the spirit of Tim Cook. [330.6]\n[330.6] He's smiling on me. [331.72]\n[332.16] We're shooting this video [332.96]\n[332.96] so late that the sun is setting. [335.52]\n[336.18] iFixit has announced a partnership with Microsoft [338.44]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[319.74] 该开发人员似乎并不担心失去其40万用户 [323.62]\n[323.8] 也许因为这些用户已经支付了订阅费用 [327.16]\n[327.16] 但是PDF是活着的吗? [328.7]\n[329.08] 那是蒂姆·库克的魂魄 [330.6]\n[330.6] 他在微笑看着我 [331.72]\n[332.16] 我们拍这个视频的时间 [332.96]\n[332.96] 太晚了 太阳正在下山 [335.52]\n[336.18] iFixit宣布与微软合作 [338.44]" } ]
[ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一个擅长翻译科技新闻的翻译专家。请将以下内容翻译为中文,使用相同格式输出,并保留时间戳。不要漏掉任何信息。合并多行文本时,保留第一个和最后一个时间戳。\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[319.74] whose developer doesn't seem worried [321.34]\n[321.34] about losing its 400,000 users, [323.62]\n[323.8] probably because the users already paid the subscription fee. [327.16]\n[327.16] But are the PDFs alive? [328.7]\n[329.08] It's the spirit of Tim Cook. [330.6]\n[330.6] He's smiling on me. [331.72]\n[332.16] We're shooting this video [332.96]\n[332.96] so late that the sun is setting. [335.52]\n[336.18] iFixit has announced a partnership with Microsoft [338.44]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[319.74] 该开发人员似乎并不担心失去其40万用户 [323.62]\n[323.8] 也许因为这些用户已经支付了订阅费用 [327.16]\n[327.16] 但是PDF是活着的吗? [328.7]\n[329.08] 那是蒂姆·库克的魂魄 [330.6]\n[330.6] 他在微笑看着我 [331.72]\n[332.16] 我们拍这个视频的时间 [332.96]\n[332.96] 太晚了 太阳正在下山 [335.52]\n[336.18] iFixit宣布与微软合作 [338.44]" }, { "role": "user", "content": "[83.14] earn their trust, [83.98]\n[84.2] and wait for them to turn [85.18]\n[85.18] their back so they could plunge in the knife. [87.48]\n[88.04] Or maybe they care more about you using their browser. [91.02]\n[91.42] They may not care about your personal privacy, but hey, [93.86]\n[94.12] they're just acting like protective parents. [95.88]\n[96.32] If you're going to experiment with illicit extensions, [98.7]\n[98.86] I'd rather you did it here in Chrome. [100.78]\n[103.86] AMD has swapped some Zen 4 cores for smaller, [107.38]\n[107.38] more efficient Zen 4C cores in two new entry-level [111.22]\n[111.22] laptop APUs, [112.44]" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "[83.14] 赢得彼此的信任 [83.98]\n[84.2] 然后等他们转过身来 再捅他一刀 [87.48]\n[88.04] 又或许 他们只是更希望你继续使用他们的浏览器 [91.02]\n[91.42] 他们也许并不在乎你的个人隐私 但嘿 [93.86]\n[94.12] 他们只是像你爸妈一样保护着你 [95.88]\n[96.32] 如果你要尝试某些不怀好意的插件的话 [98.7]\n[98.86] 我宁愿你在Chrome上这么做 [100.78]\n[103.86] AMD在两款新的入门级笔记本APU上将一些Zen 4核心 [107.38]\n[107.38] 换成了更小巧高效的Zen 4C核心 [112.44]" } ] exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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