Start: 10/3/12 Yesterday: 10/6/12 I remember back when this movie came out, my friend and I were planning to go see it a few days after it released. No deal. Not even a week after it premiered, there's no showings anywhere in our city (there's about 6 movie theatres here.). We couldn't figure out why. I just now got around to watching it and I can both understand the theatre's decision, but I also don't like it. Hot Rod is a great comedy, a parody of the sort of redemption feel-good films. Andy Samberg plays Rod Kimble. He's hilariously melodramatic with the role but overall a great fit. His crew is made up of 2 other great actors, Bill Hader and Danny McBride. Their dumb antic had me crying with laughter. The sidegags are also terrific. Having Ebenzer Scrooge show up, the Calvin pissing tattoo, and the weird videos Rod's brother "produces" are just some of them. This movie was great and unappreciated. It might be a hit or miss with you depending on the type of comedy you like. I'd give it a 7.5/10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Start: 10/3/12 Today: 10/7/12 This is another one that I've only caught bits and pieces of on television and at friends' house. It starts off pretty slow. I like exposition and suspense and comedy at the beginning, but Shaun of the Dead was a bit patchy there. That's not to say it didn't transform into a hilarious, dark comedy. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are a terrific duo (Hot Fuzz is on my list) and this movie doesn't disappoint. On a side note, I loved seeing actors/actresses I'd seen in British television/movies like Penelope Wilton (Harriet Jones) from Doctor Who, Martin Freeman (John Watson) from Sherlock and Bill Nighy (Rufus Scrimgeour) from Harry Potter. The movie deserves an 7/10
"I'm pretty excited that you're interested in South America, too. I'm thinking of going down for the 2016 Olympics. Does Peruvian food use lots of plantains?"
So, I already have one tattoo (a vampire bite with "Little Monster" written under it) that can easily be hidden by an underwear. So no one except my close friends, boyfriend and now internet knows that I have one. It's been one year and a half since I got it and I really like it. For at least one year now, I thought about a second one that I would like: a snake that would be just above my right ankle. This snake has a lot of significations for me, and one of them (the most obvious one for people that know me) is because of Slytherin (one of the four Hogwarts houses in Harry Potter). I really want to get it soon, because right now I'm in Germany for three months and for me it would be even more significant to get it here. The problem is: my mom hates tattoos. And she would see this one, and not understand (she would make the link between this and Slytherin without thinking further and would think it's stupid and that I would regret it). We had a huge fight about tattoos two years ago and she told me that girls with tattoos are ugly, can't find a job, etc etc. Of course, I don't agree with that. But I know what she would think of me if I get that tattoo, and I don't like that. So I don't know what I should do? Get the tattoo or not? Do any of you ever was in a situation like this?
I'm so glad I'm getting all these positive responses! Maybe we can also start posting Bella-related pictures. Also, I'm not opposed to mild Twilight-hating, as long as it's a Bella-vs-Bella-type thing like this:http://imgur.com/b6Gie (I made this myself.)
From what I understand it just seems like a shitty romance novel, but apparently it has a huge movie deal and outsold Harry Potter on Amazon. Why is it so special?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drfmDnSeZaM&list=UUFXGlyr6oIo_mBWV4pP-aZw&index=2&feature=plcp Give it a listen and comment. anything i missed? anything i got wrong?
I've really never thought Snapes love for Lily to be 'obsessive'. The reason he hated Harry was because he expected him to look like her, but he didn't. He looked like James, a man who had bullied and tormented him his entire schooling career. I know I would be pissed. And so he took it out on Harry, at first because he was the spit of his dad, and then because Harry fought back, which Snape saw as a sign of the arrogance that James had. And you gotta admit, Harry was a bit of a dick. Especially in the 5th book, where he flips out every couple of pages and gets angry at Cho Chang for things like crying. I mean she just lost her boyfriend, for fuck sake. Not everyone can be as emotionally stunted as Harry. Real trauma, over there! And all Harry wants from her is for her to make HIM feel better, even though she's feeling like absolute crap. Talk about selfish. I know I'm ranting here, but I honestly never connected with Harry as a character. He was just far too angsty. And I'm the same with the marauders, I think Lupin was the only really good egg amongst them. In short, Snape was a really good guy. A devoted teacher and head of house, a brave man staring death (literally) in the face every day, and a constant reminder that love works in sometimes strange ways, but it does last forever.
Hi, my name is Christiana/Christy I want penpals. I want them all. If any of those words interested you, I would love to talk to you. Send me a PM and we'll get chatting. Even if you see this post a year from now, I still want to hear from you. Any age, any gender, any country. Other people in Australia would be cool too. I like to think that I don't judge people, so whatever sort of person you are, you can tell me anything, I won't care, I'll accept you. :) Promise. Except smoking cigarettes or excessive drinking. Those things don't sit well with me. Anything else though, I'm cool with! :D Eagerly awaiting all your PM's :D
EDIT: I mean trivia just referring to Harry potter!
As a smug atheist, caucasian, liberal-socialist-Democrat-anarchist-leftist, Commie-loving pinko, peaceloving, hormonal teenager, cat obsessed, hivemind fueled, intolerant, arrogant, brave, whining, hippy-dippy, childfree, endlessly jerking, misogynistic, misandrist, minority hating, minority loving, transgender, gun obsessed, gun control loving, welfare supporting, overly-PC, black comedy using, lonely, white-knighting, black-knighting, trolling, pro-choice, anti-theist, anti-religious, Fundie bashing, Muslim bashing, non-religious, America-hating, Sweden-worshipping, democracy hating, democracy supporting, technocratic, autistic, pedophile apologist, ephebophile apologist, rape apologist, rape obsessed, Fox News hating, Public radio loving, Al Jazeera reading, Daily Show fanboying, militant atheist, The God Delusion reading, anti-cop, Police State fearing, anti-military, pro-soldier, entitled, greedy, spoilt, lazy, childish, weed smoking, frugal, perverted, porn obsessed, Gone Wild visiting, video game playing, jobless, economically illiterate, 18 year old, men's rights supporting, men's rights activist-mocking, cakeday-celebrating, anime-watching, otaku, r/introvert, pro-eugenics, eternally-friend-zoned-by-my-hot-friend moping, Chik-Fil-A-hating, anti-fat, fat, software pirating, torrent loving, Tesla adoring, Apple hating, IPad using, Linux loving, Pope-hating, anti-Romney, Republican-bashing, Obama dick riding, Sagan worshipping, Dawkins loving, Neil Degrasse Tyson obsessed, Ron Paul fawning, Ron Paul mocking, libertarian hating, MythBusters watching, Game of Thrones streaming, cute animals loving, cat owning, IQ snobbish, EA-raging, Steam-gushing, indie supporting, Diablo III bashing, TF2 playing, corporation-hating, Nickelback loathing, anti-zionist, anti-Israel, anti-TSA, hippy, smelly OWS rioting, paranoid, pun thread-making, anti-circumcision, glasses wearing, asexual, bisexual, heterosexual, gay, lesbian, militant feminist, sexist, Breaking Bad watching, The Wire glorifying, Two and a Half Men bashing, Family Guy quoting, GIF using, easily amused, meme loving, "YOLO" and "arrow to the knee" hating, Gangnam Style listening, anti-Bieber, anti-Twilight, anti-50 Shades of Grey, Harry Potter reading, Bill Nye-fanboying, Youtube watching, imgur spamming, guy-who-loses-and-restores-his-faith-in-humanity-a-lot, reddiquette-ignoring, contrarian, magical skyfairy mocking, skeptic, philosophist, realist, pragmatist, idealist, pessimist, irrationalist, Ayn Rand mocking, pseudo-intellectual, overweight, pale, virginal, neckbearded, girlfriend wanting, karma whoring, science-worshipping, gullible, anti-furry, beta male, 9Gag raging, 4chan quoting, brony, no-fapping, bacon eating, 90s kid who is literally Hitler... I don't much care for it.
This is my first time posting to /r/circlebroke, so please go easy on my tender young anus. Our tale begins with the paradoxical combination of something Reddit despises with something Reddit has a perpetual boner over: [50 Shades of Grey and Emma Watson.](http://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/10z09f/emma_watson_says_shes_down_for_nude_scenes_as/) The readers of /r/movies often crack the shits over low quality posts, but since it's Emma Watson they don't seem to mind sending a celebrity rumour to top of the subreddit and degrading into a celebrity gossip magazine as readers pop the world's largest ever collective stiffy. Maybe, though, the thread could include some constructive and intelligent discussion? Perhaps we'll find some insightful observations and critique on Watson's apparent transition from "the chick from Harry Potter" into "serious Hollywood actress"? Let's read on to the top comment: > If true, the male audience for this movie has just skyrocketed. Okay, that wasn't so bad. The movie probably would get a few extra neckbeards through the door if it had some scenes of Emma Watson in bondage, but of course it doesn't take long for this particular thread to degrade into a wonderful circlejerk about how Emma Watson is literally le most attractive girl in the world and everyone is going to [literally ejaculate if she stars in a 50 Shades of Grey movie](http://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/10z09f/emma_watson_says_shes_down_for_nude_scenes_as/c6hxqo9). That particular comment thread continues on to become the pinnacle of quality with a [*hilarious* gif of Emma Watson and Pedobear] (http://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/10z09f/emma_watson_says_shes_down_for_nude_scenes_as/c6hyhid) followed up with an extremely mature gif concerning [Emma Watson copping a cheeky willy up the bottom.](http://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/10z09f/emma_watson_says_shes_down_for_nude_scenes_as/c6hyjjn) We move on to the second highest rated comment which, in true jerky nature, is a reaction gif. > http://i.imgur.com/n53Rn.gif The replies add even more to the discussion, including [another gif, this time of Watson moving her head to the side,](http://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/10z09f/emma_watson_says_shes_down_for_nude_scenes_as/c6hycmb) which is apparently enough to arouse the average Redditor. The next top comment is [yet another reaction gif.](http://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/10z09f/emma_watson_says_shes_down_for_nude_scenes_as/c6hv9ox) We are truly witnessing some high quality discussion here as replies to this comment sway between reaction gifs and sexualised photos of Watson. As we move down the thread we continue to spot some insightful commentary from /r/movies readers, including a clever little [joke about boners and Harry Potter](http://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/10z09f/emma_watson_says_shes_down_for_nude_scenes_as/c6hv38y) (BECAUSE EMMA WATSON WAS IN THE HARRY POTTER MOVIES LOL. GET IT??), [the desire to see her chocolate starfish](http://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/10z09f/emma_watson_says_shes_down_for_nude_scenes_as/c6hvo11), the obligatory [jerk over what a terrible book 50 Shades is](http://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/10z09f/emma_watson_says_shes_down_for_nude_scenes_as/c6hvqot) (including the ever popular "[a child could write a better book](http://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/10z09f/emma_watson_says_shes_down_for_nude_scenes_as/c6hytmk)"), a [boner reference AND a gif](http://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/10z09f/emma_watson_says_shes_down_for_nude_scenes_as/c6hwk9l) combined into one shining star of a quality comment, [a bit more about masturbating](http://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/10z09f/emma_watson_says_shes_down_for_nude_scenes_as/c6hvws3) and another [boner reference.](http://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/10z09f/emma_watson_says_shes_down_for_nude_scenes_as/c6hvbry) The rest of the thread is filled with the usual [retarded hyperbole](http://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/10z09f/emma_watson_says_shes_down_for_nude_scenes_as/c6hv42d) over how [unbelievably appealing](http://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/10z09f/emma_watson_says_shes_down_for_nude_scenes_as/c6hundz) Emma Watson is, as well as countless boner and masturbation references. In any other sub this wouldn't stand out to me, but this is from a subreddit that [spoke out against blatant circlejerking a month ago.](http://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/yg8ix/new_guidelines_regarding_circlejerk_topics/) I'm not sure if this was worthy of being posted here, but I just found it amusing how a subreddit that usually takes itself fairly seriously when it comes discussion suddenly loses their minds and degrades into a bunch of 15 year old boys making dick jokes when the *slightest possibility* of an attractive celebrity doing nude scenes is announced.
A picture is worth a thousand words. What those words are should not be forced by just the title chosen by some ninny. Ignore title, Admire Picture, Stop complaining.. EDIT.. She does have a LOAD of perfect and flawless features that I like to swoon over. Hell, I [once called her a hooker](http://www.reddit.com/r/EmmaWatson/comments/kivnr/face_of_an_angel_body_of_a_hooker/) and got tons of upvotes.
Hey guys on a subreddit about an attractive female, can we stop talking about how attractive this attractive female is? Thanks. Also we all know she's attractive so if you could all just stop writing that, that'd be great.
This is a topic I have mulled over in my mind a lot recently as I was rereading through the series. Seeing the elementary classes on the webcast of JKR gave me the push to post it. For those who do not have kids yet at what age will you introduce them to the world of Harry Potter. For those who do have younger children when did you introduce them to it? A few aspects about it stick out to me. The first few books are amazing for children, but as Harry and fans grew up so did the story. The last 3 books in particular touch on fairly dark and mature topics. Topics that wouldn't really be that well suited for a pre-teen. We as fans were forced to wait and grow up between book releases but with all 7 books available now once you start even if you read at a very slow pace (half a chapter a night) you will be done with the series within a year. Being that I want to read and experience Harry Potter with my children I think that I will turn it into a bed time story. Going through and marking storyline breaks rather then chapter breaks. That way they get about 15 min or so of Harry Potter before bed and are left with suspense until the next night. Though things will depend on how popular Harry Potter is at the current time and how much of a threat spoilers are to them the pace may be accelerated. After and only after each book will I let my children watch the movie. I also think that encouraging analysis of the story and discussion about things as I read them the story will greatly improve their interest in books and spur a more critical mindset in them. Finally the gem of my plan is that I will read them many times as younger children the Tales of Beedle the Bard (with exception of the Hairy Heart for the first few years). So that when they actually are exposed to Harry Potter for the first time they have not entirely new to the game. To watch their mind make the connection from the name Dumbledore in his personal notes about the tales. To the floored expression I can expect when the Tales and the Three Brothers becomes such a central part of Deathly Hallows. So what are your plans?
Look, regardless of the merits of this surgery ethically, theres some users here (I'm looking at you /u/Geoffreyarnold) that are slinging around a lot of bad information. LL surgery was originally used for any sort of crush/growth plate injury and is used quite frequently every year. Its the bread and butter or orthopedics. If you don't believe me, look up any sort of literature on ORIF and utilization: are just a few examples.
Bret Easton Ellis - Less Than Zero & Rules of Attraction. American Psycho i can take or leave. George Orwell - Down and Out in Paris and London. Jeffrey Eugenies - The Virgin Sucides. Evelyn Waugh - Brideshead Revisted. Douglas Coupland - All Families are Psychotic (or anything else, he's pretty good). Haruki Murakami - The Wild Sheep Chase. Joseph Heller - Catch-22. John Kennedy O'Toole - The Confederacy of Dunces. Stephen King - IT (in fact any of his big books are amazing). These are enjoyable without being too heavy. Hope you find something you like!
So I have this friend, he's my best friend and a fellow redditor. We've known each other since elementary school, and kept in contact after I moved before high school. Fairly recently I moved to a new state to find out that his mom lived within 10 minutes of my new house. Crazy right? So this friend of mine got his heart broken recently, so I drove 4 hours one way to go pick him up, bring him to my place, and back just to have a friend nearby. While he was here my boyfriend and I (I am a female) took him to a strip club, to cheer him up after his recent lady troubles. (I am a girl) We got a stripper talking to him, and he got a lap dance. My boyfriend and I tried talking him up to said stripper, and tried to steer the conversation away from Harry Potter when possible, as "Jasmine" did not seem to interested. He felt awkward going up to give her money while she was on the stage, so I went with him. Got my shirt pulled up and had some smelly girl rub her face in my tits. While standing next to my best male friend. Even got lap dances together.
So, among Harry Potter fans they have this whole "wizard rock" thing that's basically just fans making music about the books, both from a "hey, I like this stuff" standpoint and often from the point of view of characters within the fictional universe. I was wondering if such a thing existed for Doctor Who (after all, there's fanart and fanfiction, so why not?) and whether a Doctor Who concept album would be of interest to anyone.
Literally so brave.
Just a question. Like how Harry Potter kept getting darker and darker to the point where the 6th and 7th book were downright dark. *Ignore the below part* I'm just thinking, like how Percy Jackson books at first were *very* childish and how in the latest book, it was **almost** evident that Percy got laid.
Animal's People by Indra Sinha. The Laramie Project by Moises Kaufman Angels in America by Tony Kushner.
Not to insult everyone's (including my own) favorite fantasy series as a child, but I really do not understand the hype that has built around the series. It is pretty clear it has not been thought out very well, because there is no real explanation for the hiding of the wizard world, and no attempted integration of 'muggle' technology besides a train and a bit of other random machines thrown in. I mean sure, it's a great story - for children. But why do so many people tout the book as one of the best fantasy series every written, and act as if it has no flaws?
Closed for now.
You eyes definitely look amazing enough without the addition of heavy eye makeup, love that natural, sexy look! Also, sweet whale broach!
Hello again witches and wizards. I bring you yet another action packed and really awesome duel. Most likely the top two witches and wizards of the age aside from the greats they are going to battle if out today. First thing first I have [Updated the bracket](http://imgur.com/Mm7Jk). And now to get the show on the road. Mad-Eye vs McGonagall. [Here are the rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/comments/10366e/come_one_come_all_to_the_ultimate_wizard_duel_32/) Ok so first off we have [Minerva McGonagall](http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Minerva_McGonagall). One of if not the best witches of her time maybe even all of history, McGonagall is a force to be reckoned with. She is a transfiguration master but is also a skilled dueler. Causing Severus Snape to flee and taking on the dark lord himself. However she is more set for teaching. Will she be able to overcome the best Auror of all time or will she fall in defeat. In the other corner we have [Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody](http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Alastor_Moody). The ministry's greatest Auror ever having filled half the cells in Azkaban himself. He is also considered the most dangerous of any of the participants during the Battle of The 7 Potter's being targeted by Lord Voldemort himself and only being killed by him due to a surprise attack from behind when Mundugus fled. Will he be able to wipe McGonagall out of the way. Or will she take rest of his nose and his whole body down. You guys decide vote by leaving a comment with a REASON I cannot tell you how many comments I had to throw out yesterday with no reasons. Voting is open until 3PM 10/12/12 EST. Be fair be kind and be realistic.
Perhaps you could view this a different way. You meet a girl when you are 10 and she is perhaps the most amazing girl you have ever met. For all instances, she should not be your friend as you know you are weird but she doesn't care and hangs out with you anyway. The two of you become close friends for a few years but then have a falling out due to your own feelings of inadequacy. She begins dating the people who have made your life hell for several years, and out of that spite and jealousy you make more poor decisions. Eventually you learn something that could hurt the girl and the small family she has began to form. Ultimately, your attempts to save the girl fail and all that is left is her son with the boy who tormented you throughout your school years. When you look at the boy, you see not only the man who tormented you but the eyes of the girl staring back at you on *his* face. Then, nearly 20 years after you were last friends with her, you only have the memory of the girl who talked to you and showed you friendship but you were always too afraid to push that friendship to a deeper emotional level. Only her eyes on her sons face as you lay bleeding to death in his arms. Is he pathetic? Perhaps.
Interesting episode of This American Life about Amusement Parks and their employees: http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/443/amusement-park
My google fu skills failed me. Looking for stills from each Harry Potter movie/promotional material showing Emma Watson as Hermione under as similar conditions (wardrobe, angle, lighting, etc.) as possible. Surely this compilation must exist.
Love is sometimes pathetic. Just my two cents.
Non-fiction might be a welcome change for you. "A brief history of time" - S. Hawking It's worth it's title as a bestseller.
Hello I am desperately looking for a new magic heavy (preferably complete) series to read, I've exhausted all the authors I enjoy but maybe someone can open my eyes to something new. ---------- Likes: Author: Sanderson I love his system of magic having read all of "The Stormlight Archive" and "Mistborn" books. Author: Modesitt His recluse series of books of which I've read them all were superb. Author: P.V. Brett The Painted Man and Desert spear have me craving the next book Author: Rothfuss His kingkiller chronicles were a treat. Author: Jim Butcher The dresden series of books whilst the magic system was not my usual cup of tea the characters made up for its difference. ---------- Dislikes: Lord of the rings - Just didnt do it for me, I like serious characters. Harry Potter - I really cant make it through the magic system, it is juvenile to me. ---------- No Particular Interest: The Wheel of Time Series- After 7 books or so I just got tired. The Malazan Series Of Books - After the first two it just felt the same. ---------- Help would be much appreciated.
Never have bothered to get a reddit account till now. Too many days of coming on this subreddit and reading all the post and never being able to add the conversation. So I finally caved and got one.
To make this clear I strongly believe there should never be any add-on's to the series etc. But how interesting would it be to read about Draco's point of view from years 1-7 as well. Learning information about Voldemort, the Death Eaters, etc. from Lucius. And having it all synchronize with the actual Harry Potter series. Just a cool idea I guess. Would never want it to ever happen though..I guess..
As interesting as this was to read, you ruined it for me with the introduction of Harry Potter at the end. Try not to get shot, and I'll cheers you tonight for surviving another spin around the sun.
New poster with a lot of frustration over dumbasses, bitches, and harassment, so this will be long, but there is sass at the end. I lost my shit for the first time today after several things building up, and I think I need an army to kill the people who shop at my store. I worked at a K(nockoff)Mart for two years and it was redneck hell. I've mostly managed to block it out. I've been at my current grocery store job for a year. In the time I've been at Food Shitty I haven't had a manager tell me a customer has complained on me a single time until a week ago, and it was in a two-day span. At my job we also have a gas station. I'm a cashier, but sometimes I get stuck filling in at the gas n go. Our rewards program allows $0.15 off per gallon up to 20 gallons, but you have to hit 150 points to get it. Long story short, this hillbilly bitch wasn't understanding that you had to get 150 before you got a discount, despite me telling her numerous times in a polite manner how it worked. She called my manager to say I was rude and cussed her out. Customer two came in the next day. I was on the first register beside self checkout. We were slammed and understaffed, and our SC operator was on break. This lady's machine kept screwing up and I told her I would be over to fix it as soon as I finished my current order. She didn't like that and just threw her stuff back in her buggy and came through my line, screaming and cursing, blaming me. I offered to get a manager but she declined. After her transaction my manager called to tell me she had told him I yelled and cursed at her. What?! Seriously two people back to back? Needless to say I was not looking forward to working this current week. Sunday I was working self checkout helping a customer. A man comes over and wants to get beer. My manager asks for his id since I'm busy. The guy pitches a fit saying he's 57 and this is bullshit (state law, dude). He leaves and comes back a few minutes later. I'm alone so I ask, "Hi, how are you doing? Sorry you had to get your license," and take his id. He doesn't say anything and I walk away when I put in his dob. When the transaction is over he walks past my podium and I tell him to have a good night, to which he replies, "Cunt." Um. Okay. My manager heard and went out to find him but he had already gotten away. Then tonight. Fucking tonight. I was at the gas station again and I answer the phone. If it's general stuff I give an answer, but most of the time they need someone in the store. Tonight this lady called because she had gotten expired eggs. My first thought was why the fuck didn't she just bring them back like what do you want me to do over the phone? I said, "Okay, I'm at the gas n go so I personally can't do anything, but I'd be happy to page you to customer service. I'm not 100% positive, but they'll probably tell you to bring them in for a refund or exchange. The only thing is we're pretty busy so you might not get a response if I page you to the store." The lady said it was fine, so I paged. The line went off and I assumed she got an answer. Nope. She called back four goddamn times. Each time I explained to her the exact same thing I said before. She kept asking for a direct line to customer service, and I kept trying to tell her that there isn't one, our phones all ring when any of our three numbers are dialed, but she said I was lying and a stupid bitch. I just noped and hung up. THEN a manager from another store called us and was like, "What in the world is going on over there? A lady said she had tried to talk to someone but she got on hold for an hour." Wtf lady wtf it was like five minutes total at the most and I told you what to do with your eggs! And I told you we were busy and you said okay! And then my night ended on a splendid note. Some fat old guy came up and asked for five in gas and change for a twenty. I gladly would have done it, but the first words out if his mouth were, "Hey sugar tits!" I said, "Wow no that is not acceptable, take your money and leave." He got like right up in the mic and kept saying I couldn't refuse him service because he was a customer and I was too pretty to be rude. Okay. I don't think I'm gorgeous or anything, mostly cause I need to lose 4895 pounds, but I guess I have a nice face and a nice rack. I work in a part of town that's right between normal people and creepers. So I'm used to being harassed. No, it isn't okay, but I usually get revenge in the form of squashed bread, cleaning products with meat, or broken eggs. At this point, with all the shit from the past week, I had had enough. I said, "You know, that could be considered sexual harassment. I've had it up to here with you assholes being rude and inappropriate. So yeah, I'm gonna refuse you service. Take your goddamn money, get in your shitty car, and go the fuck home before I call my manager or worse, you stupid prick." It was glorious. I felt like the universe opened up and bathed me in Nutella, TARDIS energy, and an eighth Harry Potter book. Afterward I called my manager and he said he would totally back me if the dude calls tomorrow to complain. But yeah. That's my shitty week story. So glad I found you, Tales from Retail.
I want to see a book that takes place in the Maurauder's time
This was mine, "Tomorrow it will be an year since the release of the last Harry Potter movie. And we fans will have to be reminded there won't be a next one. There will be no book or movie to wait for now. But are things like this video, and the big dedication of all the fans, that keep the magic alive. J. K. Rowling said one year ago that "Whether you come back by page, or big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home.", and so it will. All the things we kept from these amazing years will remain." I found it just now on a YouTube video. The commenter was GiovannaClapis, and they posted it two months ago.
Ruined my evening last night when it was changed to private. http://i.imgur.com/x3cG7.jpg
Games I have Game | Condition | Console |:--|:--:|--:| Kirby's Dreamland | Cart only | GB ~~Pokemon Yellow~~ | ~~Cart only~~ | ~~GB~~ Pokemon Green (Jap)* | Cart only | GB Star Trek Generations | Cart only | GB Yu-Gi-Oh: Dark Duel Stories** | Cart only | GBC Disney's Extreme Skate Adventures | Cart only | GBA Harry Potter: Chamber of Secrets | Cart only | GBA Megaman & Bass | Cart only | GBA Pacman World | Cart only | GBA ~~Zelda: A Link to the Past~~ | ~~Cart only~~ | ~~GBA~~ Animal Crossing Wild World | Cart/Box | DS Spiderman 2 | Cart only | DS A Bug's Life | Disc only | PS1 Ape Escape | Disc only | PS1 Crash Bandicoot Warped | Disc only| PS1 F1 2000 | Disc only | PS1 Syphon Filter | CiB | PS1 EA Sports: MVP Baseball 2005 | CiB | PS2 Gretzky NHL 2005 | in cylowrap | PS2 Kingdom Hearts (Greatest Hits) | CiB | PS2 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 | cart/box | GEN Monopoly Party | disc/case | GCN Shadow the Hedgehog | CiB | GCN Sonic Heroes | in cylowrap | GCN Sonic Heroes | disc/case | GCN Super Smash Brothers Melee | CiB | GCN Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon | CiB | GCN Fable | CiB | Xbox Halo 2: Limited Collector's Edition | CiB | Xbox Star Trek: Shattered Universe | CiB | Xbox Starwars Starfighter Special Edition | CiB | Xbox Tetris World | CiB | Xbox Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow | CiB | Xbox Caesars Palace | Cart | SGG The Lion King | Cart | SGG #3 | Cart | SGG #4 | Cart | SGG I picked up 4 Sega Game Gear games, 2 I know off the top of my head and 2 that I don't. I'm willing to trade all of my haves, would like to get deals done by Tuesday.. *Doesn't save **Possibly doesn't save, or I might've deleted my save file Want Game | Console |:--|--:| Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg | GCN Luigi's Mansion | GCN Super Mario Sunshine | GCN Digimon Digimon World | PS1 Grandia | PS1 Pandemonium | PS1 Pandemonium2 | PS1 ~~Pokemon Snap~~ | ~~N64~~ ~~Donkey Kong 64~~ | ~~N64~~ Banjo-Kazooie | N64 Megaman Battle Network 6 | GBA Feel free to make an offer. I own a SNES, Nintendo 64, Playstation 1, Gamecube, Wii, Xbox 360 and DS.
That took some serious dedication to type.
I'm sure someone would have done a fanfic of it.
I just wanna say that I know what you're feeling. It's so hard when you feel lots of things and the "other" doesn't seem to care
**A Careful Review of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 (SPOILER ALERT)** Firstly, this may contain spoilers-- I use the word "may" to indicate that I am merely vomiting words onto this page and my brain at 3:30 in the morning may not recognize that what it has said is, indeed, as spoiler. I was overall very impressed by David Yates and his ability to contrive a gripping storyline that was both in line with the novel and sensible in context to the other movies. I think it would be pretty cool if someone thought up a holistic grading rubric under which we (the Harry Potter Fandom) could scrutinize all of the movies. Of course, because I favor a strict interpretation of the Novels, one of the most important factors in a review is how closely the movie ties into the book. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 does this like no other Harry Potter movie has before. The movie not only kept J.K. Rowling's plot blow for blow (with few exceptions), but whole passages from the book are quoted word for word. I was impressed by the Order of the Phoenix in its ability to stay true to Rowling's ideas, but the Deathly Hallows Part 1 blew it out of the water. That being said, the main purpose of this note is to reflect upon the choices David Yates made in the new film as I wait for the caffeine to drain from my body or for my brain to shut down for the sake of exhaustion. The 6 main choices I want to discuss are: 1. The overall light, sarcastic, witty, and "fun" tone of the film 2. The way in which Hedwig was killed* 3. The limited roles of Rufus Scrimgeour, Rita Skeeter, and Kreacher (Including the omission of the black lake story) 4. The omission of details in the Godric's Hollow scene 5. The portrayal of the Three Brother's Story 6. The ending of the film **1. The overall light, sarcastic, witty, and "fun" tone of the film** Even though the first half of the book is incredibly depressing (e.g. Hedwig, Moody, the Authoritarian Magical Society), the movie was undeniably designed to get a lot of laughter. There are some sobering moments, yes, and the scene in Godric's Hallow was downright frightening, but most of the scenes without action are packed with little sparks of humor reminiscent of the sixth movie. If I had known going into the premier that this would be the case, I would have been worried. The Half-Blood Prince overdid this light tone until by the middle of the movie, instead of being funny, the movie was just awkward. The humor in this movie, however, works well. It makes an otherwise dull and depressing movie a little more entertaining and a little more engaging. **2. The way in which Hedwig is killed** After the montage of the three best friends preparing to leave their homes behind, Harry sets Hedwig free outside #4 Privet Dr. in a fairly final sort of goodbye to his connection with Hogwarts. As he and Hagrid commence on their long and tense journey to the Burrow, pestered by those pesky murderous Death Eaters, Hedwig comes out of nowhere to beat away one Death Eater before being hit by another with a killing curse. Does my description seem a little abrupt? That's kind of how it happened in the movie. Hedwig is gone, then suddenly there, then gone again. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I can think of only three acceptable reasons to change or omit an event in the book when making a movie: 1) to fit the constraints of time; 2) to adapt the event from novel to film; or 3) to change it as an artistic decision. We can examine Yates's decision under two of these conditions: as an adaptation from novel to film, or as an artistic decision. With the first, it would make more sense to do it Yates's way because it's boring to see an owl in a cage get hit with a curse, and impractible to have Harry fly up to the back of the Motorcycle and set the sidecar on fire, let alone adding a sidecar in the first place. I think under this lens, the changes were acceptable, and even preferable to the novel's version. With the second however, it gets a little dicey. If Yates changed Hedwig's death for artistic purposes, he has done it in order to wake Harry up from his Hogwart's mentality of "safe" magic (that is, nothing can harm him while he's at school). If this was Yates's intention, than he did it well, but lost a lot of the emotion behind Hedwig's death. In either case, it was acceptable, and all is forgiven when the movie is viewed as a whole. **3. The limited roles of Rufus Scrimgeour, Rita Skeeter, and Kreacher (Including the omission of the black lake story)** Scrimgeour's role in the 7th film is just big enough so that when Kingsley announces the Death Eater's coup to the guests at the wedding, the audience knows what he's talking about. Skeeter is never mentioned by name, and only seen on the back of Dumbledore's Biography (and I'm pretty sure that the book is so titled, which is a little bit blundering). Kreacher's only role in the film is fetching Mundungus Fletcher (which also serves to reintroduce Dobby to the series), and he never tells his story about the black lake. Truly, I can forgive David Yates for these blunders because he most likely ran out of time in the movie. **4. The omission of details in the Godric's Hollow scene** This is a little nit-picky because it's perfectly understandable that Yates ran out of time in his movie, but the remnants of Harry's first house and the monument that now resides there seems like a perfect emotional climax of the movie, wherein Harry finally faces head on the full extent to which his life was ruined that Halloween night. I'm not angry at Yates for omitting it, but rather surprised. I think it's also notable, however, that in Bagshot's house, Nagini never calls Voldemort. I didn't like that decision because it only would have taken about five extra seconds to do and it's pretty important to the novel. **5. The portrayal of the Three Brother's Story** I loved this part. It was absolutely, without a question, my favorite part of the entire movie. Yates took what could have been the most boring five minutes of the movie and made it into the most interesting and awesome story-within-a-story ever. I loved the ink-on-parchment style it was animated, and the special effects were pretty cool. It reminded me a lot of the Dark Stanley tale from the Simpsons. This representation, specifically, makes the Deathly Hallows Part 1 better than three, four, and six. **6. The ending of the film** When I was thinking about it this summer, I was convinced that the film would end with Dobby's death. Then, about two weeks ago I changed my mind: I thought it would be much more dramatic if the first part ended when Ron left Harry and Hermione. I was right... the first time. Damn my second-guessing! I would have like the ending a lot better if Yates had ended it with Dobby's death. It would have given the film a much more emotional ending. In addition, the very end, I think, should have been left off until the next part. Voldemort holding the elder wand, standing on Dumbledore's broken grave was supposed to be ominous, but it didn't end up working. Now Harry's decision between Hallows and Horcruxes has been made for him, and there's no suspense as to which he will choose (although there is little to begin with, since Yates didn't explain quite everything the enlightenment of the Deathly Hallows meant). I'd like to end this note with a solid bitch-fest about everything I didn't like about the movie. Most of these were probably cut for time, but I still feel fully justified in whining because it's impossible to whine enough about the third, fourth, and sixth movie. There was still no funeral, which makes the sixth movie suck even worse. Scrimgeour didn't pester the three friend's enough when reading Dumbledore's will. There wasn't enough of Kreacher. I understand why Yates added the dance between Harry and Hermione, but I still hated it-- it was the only point at which the light tone of the film felt really awkward. Pettigrew didn't die saving Harry's life. There were way too many closeups on Harry, Ron and Hermione when they were sitting in the tent. It was just stupid. There would just be five seconds of silence with a closeup on Hermione then a line, then three seconds of silence with a closeup on Harry. So stupid. I didn't like how long it took for the knife to travel through the air. We get it, it's dramatic. I didn't like that there was no funeral for Dobby. Luna is my favorite character, Yates, way to ruin his death for me. I also HATED, that there was no gravestone that bore "Here Lies Dobby: A Free Elf," nor was there, in fact, a gravestone that bore "Where Your Treasure Is, There Your Heart Is Also." All forgivable in the end, but there will always be room for improvement. *I realize at this point, there are some spoilers in the note. **TL;DR** If you don't want to read an exhaustive review of a HP movie, why are you on this sub?
Thank you to everyone who entered...the winner I have selected is......[icewindfirex with her snitch braclet inspired by Harry Potter!](http://imgur.com/G4H6E) enjoy and thanks again to everyone who participated!
I'm completely *obsessed* with genderbending right now, but I'm starting to run out of really good fics that are actually being updated (Im looking at you Kithren!) I know y'all know a lot of good fics, so can you help me? This is a list of what I read. Harry Potter (crossovers too) Naruto Yu-Gi-Oh! D.Gray-Man (not Yullen) Doctor Who (no crossovers) Soul Eater (no main characters) Glee And I don't read slash, or femslash.
So I had a really weird dream last night where you could buy the deathly hallows in league. No idea why I was mixing harry potter and league, could be because I am currently sick, but I think it might be super cool although you could never use the same name. I was thinking about it and it would be neat if an item liked this existed for super late game. This item could only be available after a certain time late game that would allow you to combine three strong items that normally are not matched together in order to create one strong end game item. There could be different components that made up the item such as: 1. Guardian Angel. This would be like the resurrection stone. It obviously allows you to come back to life with a health percentage but when combined with this new item could have some cool debuff? 2. Rod Of Ages? Void Staff? Some powerfull AP casting "wand" could be like the elder wand. Thinking of some added buff to it while staying balanced would be challenging. 3. New Item. Stealth Item? QSS? An item that allows you to either cleanse like QSS does or that allows you to stealth for a period of time to escape battles. It could be a neat defensive item. Feel free to piggyback off of this how you want! Let me know what you think or if I am talking crazy!
I think our future is screwed. Nowadays youth is pretty much divided by those who read Shakespeare, listen to Queen, and have actual talent, and those who read aforementioned crap, listen to Call Me Maybe, and do nothing but play football, yet set medical careers as their profession of choice. Unless we can educate the current youth, we're going to end up with the future Ray Bradbury predicted in his book Fahrenheit 451.
What do you think of this love letter that I wrote a few years ago? Always and forever, always and forever. But now I feel like we're so close to never. My heart never stops crying, exploding to fill this indefatigable void left in the absence of you, my truly and dearly beloved. And I can not help but wonder if there is a means by which we may concoct a system through which we can plan to enter back into each others lives that will not unduly burden our separate spiritual sojourns. I, as you may know, aspire to be lover of love; I crave love--making, doing, perusing, thinking, seeking. And I can not live without it's benevolent energy. My love was forged in the smithey of our mutual soul, a soul now somnolent and saddened by its unexpected smothering; yet, a soul still smoldering on. Our union was devoid of its true glory in its waning hours, a glory I will not forget as I attempt to soldier on into the nebulous void of future. I can not help but wonder aloud if, by some special tactic or spirit, we could have kept alive that glorious flame and proceeded always and forever into a real future. But the fault is mine; and I pity you for craving such a pitiful creature as myself. How malevolent of me to not see how and why and that some-when the simple and sultry semiotic slip of my sinful self would destroy our togetherness. How sorry, deeply sorry and without recourse, I must be for causing you a deep and hurtful pain that I know will not quickly abide. I wish you peace and happiness, and that it be free from the torment I inflicted upon you. Know now though that my unconscious mind is on track to disentangle itself from our destiny, and it's pitifully painful panoply upon my soul. What hurts the most now is to think of the dreams we once had, of children and india and love and being-there with one another, a dream and a hope that sustained us through the pain of a yesteryear that was less loving and fulfilled than it should have been. A love deferred will for sure explode, and I just hope the explosion is in us as one, not two. I know that I will never forget you, because in so many ways, my dear allyson, you have created me, unleashed a terrible affliction of desire from a place I would wary know existed but for the tremendous reach of your brilliantly pale flame. Remember our discussion driving into the sunset at the beginning of summer? That was, in so many ways, deeply reflective of the structure of our desire. It's time, emphasis on time, feeling at the right time, all of this for me is a retrospective window unto what had happened those terrible nights, whence I became afflcited with self loathing. (I call that discussion a metonym for our desire. This term is technical, but very useful for souls like us who desire an understanding of our own desire, so if you have the time maybe wikipedia it, its quite an interesting concept and will help in future i'm sure. At the very least, you understand the term already much better than petty lauren and her book knowledge every could. Make me proud when she is drunk and pandering about philosophy of need and desire; explain to her what all of her books really talk about. You know more than many could dream of.) That it happened at sunset, and that it was a tribute to the glory, the gory power of a radiance and beauty that was only outweighed by our knowing of it's impermanence, and our inability to capture it on camera and save it for later. That it was together and linked, and that we could not have experienced it alone. That the sun was us, brilliantly decaying beneath mountains and clouds of terristial impermanence. It can only give me hope, then, that that sun will rise again, and (now that I am able to awoken early, and not afflicted with drugged-out drama) that it will rise and be consumed by us together. But first we must soldier through this night of uncertainty, navigate a path apart and alone that together, we may see the whole as greater than the sum of our singularity. I promise you that I will write beautiful wedding vows, and I want to write them for you, my love. You are more than a rusing muse, you are imprinted upon my soul, you are my soul, incarnate and carnal, forever and never and ever. I am just now finishing the seventh harry potter (in gross anticipation of thursdays festivities, for which my sister has kindly lent a ticket) and I can not in good conscience divorce its thematic power from associations with your being. The radiant glow of the novels feature quest can not be divorced, for me at least, from the content of our own desire. I can now only hope, like the young mr potter, that I have a leg up on the statistical implausibility of the future I wish to forge, not because this world is one of destiny and cruel fate, nor less because of the virtue of good over evil, such a clear and nonsensical bore; I can only hope, because you are a thing worth fighting for. The passion you have created in my has a sharp edge, as you know. It is a passion that is far too powerful for me to contain in a single body. It will seep out from the crux of my optic nerve and brain and into my blood like a drug more powerful than that pitiful whiskey that destroyed me. And because it comes from what was we, it will inevitably and sooner rather than later ooze from your radiant pores. You deserve sugar, err, splenda in your bowl because you are love. If I can not make you scream anymore, someone must. It is with refined self-pity (now that I am crying in courthouse library, I had better finish this up) that I hope you will never forget that it was not you or me but we that furnished that repeated consummation of a power of heaven and earth, that sweet wet explosion for which I live to hope to see again. Te amo con todo mi corazón y nunca voy a dejar.
typo note: you have down /r/AGameofThrones that should be simply /r/GameofThrones. The link is correct, just not the text in the list.
what's your best memory of working there.
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/90351727/hogwarts_map.jpg It's actually over 23k pixels wide and 20k pixels high. So I scaled it down a bit, but it's still quite large. It is going to get printed at 3M factory with over 1,5m x 1,5m as it's size. It's going to cover one whole wall! :D As I said, it's not finished yet. More forest, little mountain details and Hogsmeade needs to be added. Quidditch stadium and dragon fight arena is also already in the map. The lines are places where mountains' slopes starts. You can ask me some questions about whre I'm going to put stuff etc. and make suggestions about something! :D As you can see, lot of detail needs to be added and adjustments and cleaning needs to be done, but later you might see it fully finished. :) At the end of this month. Not sure yet if I'm going to show it then :P
"It shows us nothing more or less than the deepest, most desperate desire of our hearts."
I killed Sirius Black!
Alright, I've been going through the books recently and a couple of thoughts have struck me: 1. In J.K. Rowling's fictional world, you have wizards, and muggles. Wizards do magic, and muggles do science (in a manner of speaking). This led me to the thought: Are wizards simply just mutants? Sorta like X-Men, but everyone has the same mutation where they can bend reality. If this were true, then isn't Magic just a function of science? OR if this isn't true, could it be possible that Science is simply created by wizards in order to keep muggles busy? So in a way, could science simply be a function of magic? 2. J.K. Rowling is a witch and the Harry Potter books are Non-Fiction. Yes I said it. What if Rowling is simply a part of the Ministry of Magic who was hired to write a biography of Harry Potter to the muggle world. Why do this? Because the ministry wishes the magical world to come out to muggle world so they can become one world (maybe because the wizarding world's population is getting smaller, therefore they need muggles to mate with). Also, by making this tale of Harry Potter and making it such a big hit, it is making the shock of this whole "magical world" much less of a shock than it could have been. Think about it, if the Harry Potter books hadn't existed the world would be greatly up-in-arms if the magical world had simply come out to the rest of the world. By showing everyone an example of their world (Harry Potter books), this allows for the world to not be as up-in-arms about this new world (in fact, I can see many people being very okay with it). That's it. I need to get out more.
I hope she doesn't, seven books is fine for me. I think she did a good job of ending it on a high note and taking the Beatles approach instead of the Rolling Stones one.
How did Snape "stalk" Lily?? As far as we know from books/movies, Snape begged Dumbledore to do save Lily (and her family) in exchange for "anything", thereby committing himself to working against Voldemort for as long as necessary, and he went into her house right after she was killed and mourned for the woman he had loved since he was 10 years old. Two separate instances. Totally not stalking.
I've literally wanted to retweet everything that he says. He has me dying of laughter with everything he says
5/10 who's good at faking it.
I'm totally mystified by this Why are females attracted by this ? I heard Fifty Shades is some sort of porn-litterature with bondage and rape. And that Twilight is the best example of an unhealthy relationship. For god's sake it sold more than any Harry Potter ! What is going on ?!
Representing PA. Awesome park!
The topic is "Super Magical Space Lord Wars." This phrase is a running joke within my family and I would love to make T-Shirts with a design on it with this title for Christmas. There are a few things I would like for this t-shirt design: It needs to include the title "Super Magical Space Lord Wars." It would be nice for It to be super and magical. It would be excellent if it would include space, wars and/or lords. Any reference to Doctor Who, Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter is a plus. I know this request sounds so weird, but any ideas, even the simplest sketches are welcome. Thanks and Good Luck!
You may also want to add these art reddits, which tend to have fantasy submissions: * /r/ImaginaryLandscapes * /r/ImaginaryMonsters * /r/ImaginaryCharacters > We're out of space on the /r/Fantasy sidebar I know the new Reddit Wiki system is still in development, but in the meantime, you could group by categories into meta reddits like the sidebars for /r/comics and /r/sciencefiction. I did both of those, so if you would like any assistance just let me know. ---- **EDIT:** You have some TV/movie reddits, so how about: * /r/adventuretime * /r/angel * /r/BeingHuman * /r/buffy * /r/ghibli * /r/ghostbusters * /r/Grimm * /r/httyd * /r/MerlinBBC * /r/MisfitsTV * /r/OnceUponATime * /r/RobinHoodBBC * /r/Spartacus_TV * /r/Supernatural * /r/Touch * /r/trueblood * /r/thewalkingdead * /r/TWD * /r/warehouse13 * /r/xena
I have never been in this situation because my parents were cool with the idea of tattoos. I believe that tattoos are an art form. They are a great way to express oneself. If a snake is going to be something that is meaningful to you, then go for it. I agree that it will be even more meaningful while you are in Germany. I say go for it! It may lead to some arguing among you and your mother, but it will all blow over. It may take some time, but as a mother she will love you anyways.
I agree with the whole creepiness deal but not the pathetic part. I think Snape rocks so I have to disagree but upvote for a fresh perspective.
I would kind of like a prequel with the marauders and Voldemort's first reign of terror. For some reason, I imagine it to be much worse than his second.
I've been following this sub-reddit for a long time and was hoping that maybe somebody could help me out! Basically i'm heading up to London in late November and one of the places i'm definitely going to is the Studio Tour, now my question is how will I be able to get to it, specifically from Marble Arch? I've checked the site but the "getting there" section is more for Londoners than an outsider as I didn't really understand most of the codes and directions. tl;dr Need to get to the HP Studio Tour from Marble Arch (I'll be at Parkwood) via an efficient but not expensive/ affordable method. Could be via bus/ subway anything! Thanks a ton, really appreciate it :) Also if you'd like to throw in some other must go to places especially restaurants go ahead!
Not my type. But definitely sexy.
I am currently 5'5 and I am considering this surgery, 5" would take me to average height slightly above average height for the country I live in. The pain is fleeting, just like most surgical pains. After reading a few journals it doesn't really seem all that horrific. The actual procedure is done under complete anesthetic, so you just wake up with a dull ache in your legs. The most painful part seems to be cleaning surgical wounds on the skin, or if the metal extenders strike a nerve or something. I think height effects you positively as a person in the eyes of the society we live in. Take any 6 foot celebrity and shrink him to 5'5. Suddenly he's not the same person anymore. For instance, imagine if Johny Depp was 5'5. Think about the kinds of roles he'd get put into. Pirates of the Caribbean? Forget it. A good example of what happens is Elijah wood, he basically plays villains, children and hobbits. You can bet that Daniel Radcliffe wouldn't have been cast as Harry Potter if they realized he'd never go past 5'8. Movies are just an incredibly visible example, but this kind of stereotyping happens uncontrollably all through society. It's so subconscious but also extremely obvious when you look for it. How do I know? I wore height increasing shoes for a week. The difference is ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. Women's eyes follow you EVERYWHERE. (Might be something to do with the fact that if your a good looking 5'5 guy that is suddenly a good looking 5'8 guy, you become their dream man with no perceived physical drawbacks.) The sad truth was women that wouldn't look at me twice, that would make excuses to leave when I tried to talk to them at bars, we're suddenly very in-my-league, and actively trying to talk to me. Because of only a few inches. But it's not just the women, it's also much easier to have a 'presence'. In conversations if your tall you actually get listened to. If your short, you NEED to over-compensate. I've learned my whole life to compensate and become the center of parties, and incredibly well spoken and charismatic.. But at the end of the day I'm 5'5. I can't help but think what I'd be if I was still me in the body of a 5'8 man. And that's what propels me to get this surgery, a desire for self improvement. It's almost as if this height thing was a glass ceiling. Here's the trade I'm hoping to make. -6 months of my standing life (I intend to learn a new language fluently in this time). -~$10,000 - $60,000. Going to have to take a loan out. A small price to pay really -Some awkward explanations to friends and family (and current girlfriend) why I'm taller. (This is probably the most 'painful' part. Because it's basically me admitting i felt inferior and willingly going through supposed 'horrific' pain to correct it.) In exchange for: -3-4 inches gain in height. -Maybe some neat scars. On paper it seems petty, but you only live once, and if you took a 5'5 person and stood them next to a 6'1ft person, you'd wonder how they were both even the same species.
Twilight was crap. 50 Shades of Grey is porn and many women enjoy it, so I don't care.
I read so much when I was a kid, and at the age of 10 or 11 I read a *very* graphic novel about a girl having an incestuous relationship with her uncle. It wasn't a "Banned" book and it solidified for me how stupid it is to ban books. My school even gave us [this one](http://books.google.com/books/about/A_Family_Project.html?id=BqD1fwAJtRkC) to read, then took them back when they learned there was a swear word in it and donated all 75 copies to the library which gave them away to any kid that wanted one. People don't give kids enough credit. The flip side is Harry Potter, which people want to say is about satanism even though it is very clear, even to a young child, that it is fantasy.
Last year I missed a suicide jump by about 30 seconds. She landed on and wrote off a car. I'm pretty damn grateful for those 30 seconds because the sound was horrible enough, never mind seeing it.
You left out a word in the first sentence of the second paragraph.
[Obligatory HP:MoR link](http://www.hpmor.com/) (seriously though, you should read that fic if you haven't) And personally I'd say that science isn't a wizard or a muggle invention, it's a human invention. You can even see the wizards doing a type of (admittedly strange) science in their attempting to unravel the rules of alchemy, finding new charms, etc. Science ain't just tech and it ain't just labcoats, it's a way of thinking and a way of problem solving.
The covers fell off all of mine coz I kept dropping them in the bath when I was little (who doesn't read in the bath, honestly, although most of my friends think I'm crazy!) so they are just on my book shelf and I try not to read them. My PoA is in two parts and missing about three pages from the middle. I read them as ebooks now, or listen to the audiobooks.
To me Doctor Who is more than a show. I never watched the show for years but knew about it as I'm Irish and any British TV is well known in Ireland as we get most of our TV from there. I always assumed Doctor Who was some dumb show and I hate that I used to think that without ever watching. I started watching in early 2011 and the show has become really important to me. It made me a different person and made me want to be a better person. I was with a girl when I started watching it but we broke up and out of wanting to take my mind off it I re watched the whole reboot again and have been rewatching ever since. Not for previous reasons, just because I love it so much. It's really hard to put into word but it's just so close to my heart. More than I ever though a work of fiction could be (an I was a Harry Potter fan once). Does anyone else have similar feeling towards Doctor Who as I or am I loopy?
Thanks for the Harry Potter glasses! [My son loves them](http://i.imgur.com/iGS3l.jpg) and my daughter will be wearing them on Halloween to complete her Harry Potter quidditch costume. You sent the owl necklace too right? Pretty sure its not supposed to arrive until the end of this month but thanks again in advance because I know I am going to love it. :)
I'm trying to instill the habit of reading for pleasure in my little sister. But she already read all of the harry potter books and hunger game books in less than 2 months and I ran out of age appropriate material. She started Narnia and did not like it.
Wheel of Time /r/wot
One of my friends was saying that I dress up in pajamas and carry around a fake toad. Others have said to just wear gryffindor attire. What do you think would be easier?
After many attempts at online dating I finally found a redditor who was also obsessed with HP. After several texts involving innuendos such as "I'm fluent in parseltongue..." and "I will cast wengardium leviosa on that broomstick," we finally met up. Fast forward to the end of the night... I went against my best judgement and recreated a moment I saw on here. "10 points to Gryffindor!" I knew it could've made things weird and uncomfortable, but he died laughing and loved it. So, uh... thanks r/harrypotter for making my night!
["Vulgarity is no substitute for wit!"](http://i.imgur.com/34FrK.jpg)
Bellatrix is my favorite charater, I just love how insane and scary she is; she is the reason I now know Helena bonham Carter and Tim Burton. There are a few Bellatrix fan fics but most I've seen are bellamione slashes :/
[Harry Potter!!!!](https://www.google.com/search?q=Emma+Watson!&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=DvF&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=imvnsuol&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=iLFxUNfDIeiW2gWSmoGoAg&ved=0CGkQsAQ&biw=1711&bih=1180&sei=i7FxUMG_Nqbe2AXrnIDQAw) Upvotes for me!!!!
I have to say I loved it. I was not a big fan of JKR'S writing style in the HP series, but I loved the books for the world they created. I'm not loving it because I'm a Harry Potter fangirl, I honestly mostly forgot this was JKR writing. The sheer rawness, the grey morals in every character, how 3 dimensional every one was, and ofc, her own brand of making you loathe characters and root for others. I cried at the end. Goodbye, Pagford.
I don't have a question. I just wanted to put over Knoebel's as one of the most fun places on earth. Haven't been there in far too long.
My uncle lent me a hard drive with hundreds of books that he got in a lot in Kindle format, some are PDF. I'm going to write the authors here and if you wan't any of them shoot me a PM with what you want and an email address and I'll send them :) So the authors are. Kelley Armstrong-Most of her books. Lee Child- Jack Reacher Series. Eoin Colfer- Artemis Fowl Series Neil Gaiman- American Gods, Interworld, and Anansi boys. David Gemmell- Troy Series. Laurrell K Hamilton- Most of her books. Charlaine Harris- True Blood series. J.K Rowling- All the Harry Potters Steig Larsson- Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series. George R R Martin- First four Game of Thrones books! Karin Slaughter- Most of her books about Grant County James Patterson-Majority of his books, Terry Pratchett- 34 of his books :) EDIT I think I got everyone who PM'd me! If I missed you just PM me again! :)
Well The Hobbit Movie is coming out soon, maybe you can prep her by buying the LOTR extended edition box set and spend a couples days watching it with her? http://www.amazon.com/Lord-Rings-Picture-Trilogy-Extended/dp/B000654ZK0/ref=sr_1_1?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1349165231&sr=1-1&keywords=lord+of+the+rings+extended+edition Blu-ray Version http://www.amazon.com/Lord-Rings-Fellowship-Extended-Editions/dp/B0026L7H20/ref=sr_1_4?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1349165231&sr=1-4&keywords=lord+of+the+rings+extended+edition
You meet a boy when you are 10 and he's a little weird but you are friends with him any way. He becomes a close friend for a few years but then you have a falling out and are no longer friends. Then imagine that he stalks you around, hates your boyfriends out of spite and jealousy. Eventually he's ok with your husband and son being killed because then you would be alone again and he could make his move. When you die his obsession takes to a new level and he emotionally disabuses your son out of the rage that you dared to love another man and mother a child with that other man. Then, nearly 20 years after you were last friends with him he's laying there dying, with his last thoughts being of his undying love for you. Would you not think this man was completely pathetic rather than sweet/full of love?
I'd court that.
In sixth grade, all my buddies would joke around and call each other 'dildo'. I had no idea what that happened to be, and thought it would be funny if I had my mom put 'dildo' as my name on the back of my custom basketball jersey. She didn't like the idea. Forever a 'dildo'. TL;DR - I'm a dildo
Does anyone have links to things like the Sorting Hat and /r/harrypotter FAQ?
Danielle Harris? Regardless baberham Lincoln.
The park offers free admission, free parking, and free entertainment. Visitors are able to ride the park's attractions by purchasing either pay-one-price, all-day/unlimited-access wristbands (which are not usually available on weekends, except near the beginning and end of each season), limited-access hand stamps or books of tickets, with hand stamp costs varying depending on the height of the rider. Knoebels has several hand stamp options, such as "Sundown Plan" and "Bargain Nights", when the park offers discounts on regular ride passes. Knoebels all-day passes do not include: the Haunted Mansion, the Scenic Skyway, the Black Diamond dark ride, and the Crystal Pool which are additional fees. http://www.yelp.com/biz/knoebels-amusement-park-and-resort-elysburg
[Send]: Best American NonRequired Reading: 2009 Hells Angels and The Great Shark Hunt by: Hunter S. Thompson Last of the Mohicans by: Cooper Inferno by: Dante Gulliver's Travels by: Swift Don Juan and Other Plays by: Moliere Brothers K by: Duncan Island of the Day Before by: Umberto Ecco Russell Brand: My Booky Wook 2 [Want]: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (hardcover) Neil Gaiman books Haruki Murakami books Hayao Miyazaki books Nature and Adventure books I will consider almost any offer. Thanks for looking! (Edit): I stink at formatting.
[Here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtiinrQBqOVddE9Pb214RDExZFRmY0hzZDFXYklJVlE#gid=0) is the list of games for trade [Here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtiinrQBqOVddFc0ak9QSDJ3MWxxUk9XcmVoaGJkMlE#gid=0) is the list of all the games I own [Here](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044646635/) is my Steam account as well I will consider any fair offers PS3 Games I am looking for: * Jak & Daxter HD Collection * Dead Rising 2 * Just Cause 2 * Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time * LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7
Ooooooh Knoebels, I remember middle school field trips there years ago. Haven't been back in awhile, many memories
So you didn't Twilight???!!!
I am a 22 year old college student that also works full-time. I'm swapping majors to pre-med and plan on finishing my doctorate in the future. I play music, video games and paintball. I'm a Harry Potter and Star Wars geek and love films and live music. I'm making this post because I live about 30 minutes away from any friend or family member and I tend to get bored/lonely at home by myself. I'd like to find a cute girl who is down to geek out with me over horror movies and accompany me on random adventures. Message me if you're interested in making a new friend. Pictures can be provided if you seem cool.
I know it seems immature and I understand that Harry Potter was written for a certain audience. But, I was 16 once....I never went to boarding school, but I can only imagin how it would have been had I not lived with my parents. I know there are spells to prevent boys in girls dorms, but there are so many places... Sorry if ya'll think this is a dumb question, but I have always wondered.
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