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95 percent of that school funding can’t even be spent until 2022 and this bill actually will delay school reopening | 0 | The White House The White House The White House * Home * Administration * Priorities * The Record * Briefing Room * Español * InstagramOpens in a new window * FacebookOpens in a new window * XOpens in a new window * YouTubeOpens in a new window * Contact Us * Privacy Policy * Copyright Policy * Accessibility Statement Menu Close To search this site, enter a search term Search ## Mobile Menu Overlay * Administration Show submenu for “Administration”” * President Joe Biden * Vice President Kamala Harris * First Lady Dr. Jill Biden * Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff * The Cabinet * Executive Offices Show submenu for “Executive Offices”” * Council of Economic Advisers * Council on Environmental Quality * Domestic Policy Council * Gender Policy Council * National Economic Council * National Security Council * National Space Council * Office of Intergovernmental Affairs * Office of Management and Budget * Office of the National Cyber Director * Office of National Drug Control Policy * Office of Public Engagement * Office of Science and Technology Policy * Office of the United States Trade Representative * Climate Policy Office * Presidential Personnel Office * Priorities * Briefing Room * The White House Show submenu for “The White House”” * Presidents * First Families * The Grounds * Our Government * Get Involved Show submenu for “Get Involved”” * Write or Call The White House * Join Us * White House Fellows * White House Internship Program * The Record * Disclosures * Español * Contact Us * Privacy Policy * Copyright Policy * Accessibility Statement * InstagramOpens in a new window * FacebookOpens in a new window * XOpens in a new window * YouTubeOpens in a new window The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500 To search this site, enter a search term Search April 28, 2021 # FACT SHEET: The American Families Plan 1. Home 2. Briefing Room 3. Statements and Releases Today, President Biden announced the American Families Plan, an investment in our kids, our families, and our economic future.In March, the President signed into law the American Rescue Plan, which continues to provide immediate relief to American families and communities. Approximately 161 million payments of up to $1,400 per person have gone out to households, schools are reopening, and 100 percent of Americans ages 16 and older are now eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine. The Rescue Plan is projected to lift more than five million children out of poverty this year, cutting child poverty by more than half. While too many Americans are still out of work, we are seeing encouraging signs in the labor market, as businesses begin to rehire and some of the hardest hit sectors begin to reopen.But the President knows that we need to do more. It is not enough to restore where we were prior to the pandemic. We need to build a stronger economy that does not leave anyone behind – we need to build back better. President Biden knows a strong middle class is the backbone of America. He knows it should be easier for American families to break into the middle class, and easier to stay in the middle class. He knows that we need to continue to enable those who dropped out of the workforce – particularly the approximately two million women who left due to COVID – to rejoin and stay in the workforce. And, he knows that, unlike in past decades, policies to make life easier for American families must focus on bringing everyone along: inclusive of gender, race, or place of residence – urban, suburban, or rural.The American Jobs Plan and the American Families Plan are once-in-a- generation investments in our nation’s future. The American Jobs Plan will create millions of good jobs, rebuild our country’s physical infrastructure and workforce, and spark innovation and manufacturing here at home. The American Families Plan is an investment in our children and our families—helping families cover the basic expenses that so many struggle with now, lowering health insurance premiums, and continuing the American Rescue Plan’s historic reductions in child poverty. Together, these plans reinvest in the future of the American economy and American workers, and will help us out- compete China and other countries around the world.To grow the middle class, expand the benefits of economic growth to all Americans, and leave the United States more competitive, President Biden’s American Families Plan will: * Add at least four years of free education. Investing in education is a down payment on the future of America. As access to high school became more widely available at the turn of the 20th Century, it made us the best-educated and best-prepared nation in the world. But everyone knows that 13 years is not enough today. The American Families Plan will make transformational investments from early childhood to postsecondary education so that all children and young people are able to grow, learn, and gain the skills they need to succeed. It will provide universal, high quality preschool to all three- and four- year-olds. It will provide Americans two years of free community college. It will invest in making college more affordable for low- and middle-income students, including students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), and institutions such as Hispanic-serving institutions, Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-serving institutions, and other minority-serving institutions (MSIs). And, it will invest in our teachers as well as our students, improving teacher training and support so that our schools become engines of growth at every level. * _Provide direct support to children and families._ Our nation is strongest when everyone has the opportunity to join the workforce and contribute to the economy. But many workers struggle to both hold a full-time job and care for themselves and their families. The American Families Plan will provide direct support to families to ensure that low- and middle-income families spend no more than seven percent of their income on child care, and that the child care they access is of high-quality. It will also provide direct support to workers and families by creating a national comprehensive paid family and medical leave program that will bring America in line with competitor nations that offer paid leave programs. The program will allow people to manage their health and the health of their families. And, it will provide critical nutrition assistance to families who need it most and expand access to healthy meals to our nation’s students – dramatically reducing childhood hunger. * _Extend tax cuts for families with children and American workers_. While the American Rescue Plan provided meaningful relief for hundreds of millions of Americans, too many families and workers feel the squeeze of too-low wages and the high costs of meeting their basic needs and their aspirations. At the same time, the wealthiest Americans continue to get further and further ahead. The American Families Plan will extend key tax cuts in the American Rescue Plan that benefit lower- and middle-income workers and families, including the Child Tax Credit, the Earned Income Tax Credit, and the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit. In addition to making it easier for families to make ends meet, tax credits for working families have been shown to boost child academic and economic performance over time. The American Families Plan will also extend the expanded health insurance tax credits in the American Rescue Plan. These credits are providing premium relief that is lowering health insurance costs by an average of $50 per person per month for nine million people, and will enable four million uninsured people to gain coverage. Leading economic research has shown that the investments proposed in the American Families Plan will yield significant economic returns – boosting productivity and economic growth, producing a larger, more productive, and healthier workforce on a sustained basis, and generating savings to states and the federal government. Evidence shows that a dollar invested in high-quality early childhood programs for low-income children will result in up to $7.30 in benefits, including increased wages, improved health, and reduced crime. Parental paid leave has been shown to keep mothers in the workforce, increasing labor force participation and boosting economic growth. And, sustained tax credits for families with children have been found to yield a lifetime of benefits, ranging from higher educational attainment to higher lifetime earningsIn all, the American Families Plan includes $1.8 trillion in investments and tax credits for American families and children over ten years. It consists of about $1 trillion in investments and $800 billion in tax cuts for American families and workers. Alongside the American Families Plan, the President will be proposing a set of measures to make sure that the wealthiest Americans pay their share in taxes, while ensuring that no one making $400,000 per year or less will see their taxes go up. When combined with President Biden’s American Jobs Plan, this legislation will be fully paid for over 15 years, and will reduce deficits over the long term. ADD AT LEAST FOUR YEARS OF FREE PUBLIC EDUCATION, CLOSE EQUITY GAPS, AND MAKE COLLEGE MORE AFFORDABLE Early in the 20th century, the expansion of access to free public high school in the United States set a new global standard. Direct public investment in our children’s future propelled U.S. economic growth and enhanced our global competitiveness. Now, mounting evidence suggests that 13 years of school is no longer sufficient to prepare our students for success in today’s economy. Research tells us that we must invest early to support our children’s development and readiness for academic success; our transforming economy requires that we provide every student the opportunity to obtain a postsecondary degree or certificate. That is why the American Families Plan calls for an additional four years of free, public education for our nation’s children. Specifically, President Biden is calling for $200 billion for free universal pre-school for all three- and four-year-olds and $109 billion for two years of free community college so that every student has the ability to obtain a degree or certificate. In addition, he is calling for an approximately $85 billion investment in Pell Grants, which would help students seeking a certificate or a two- or four-year degree. Recognizing that access to postsecondary education is not enough, the American Families Plan includes $62 billion to invest in evidence-based strategies to strengthen completion and retention rates at community colleges and institutions that serve students from our most disadvantaged communities. This is alongside a $46 billion investment in HBCUs, TCUs, and MSIs. President Biden is also calling for $9 billion to train, equip and diversify American teachers in order to ensure that our high school graduates are ready for success. These investments, combined with those laid out in the President’s American Jobs Plan, will boost earnings, expand employment opportunities, and enable the U.S. to win the 21st century._UNIVERSAL PRE-SCHOOL FOR ALL THREE- AND FOUR-YEAR-OLDS_ Preschool is critical to ensuring that children start kindergarten with the skills and supports that set them up for success in school. In fact, research shows that kids who attend universal pre-K are more likely to take honors classes and less likely to repeat a grade, and another study finds low-income children who attend universal programs do better in math and reading as late as eighth grade. Unfortunately, many children, but especially children of color and low- income children, do not have access to the full range of high-quality pre- school programs available to their more affluent peers. In addition to providing critical benefits for children, preschool has also been shown to increase labor force participation among parents – especially women — boosting family earnings and driving economic growth. By some estimates, the benefits of a universal pre-K system to U.S. GDP are more than three times greater than the investment needed to provide this service. * President Biden is calling for a national partnership with states to offer free, high-quality, accessible, and inclusive preschool to all three-and four-year-olds, benefitting five million children and saving the average family $13,000, when fully implemented. This historic $200 billion investment in America’s future will first prioritize high-need areas and enable communities and families to choose the settings that work best for them. The President’s plan will also ensure that all publicly-funded preschool is high-quality, with low student-to-teacher ratios, high-quality and developmentally appropriate curriculum, and supportive classroom environments that are inclusive for all students. The President’s plan will leverage investments in tuition-free community college and teacher scholarships to support those who wish to earn a bachelor’s degree or another credential that supports their work as an educator, or to become an early childhood educator. And, educators will receive job-embedded coaching, professional development, and wages that reflect the importance of their work. All employees in participating pre-K programs and Head Start will earn at least $15 per hour, and those with comparable qualifications will receive compensation commensurate with that of kindergarten teachers. These investments will give American children a head start and pave the way for the best-educated generation in U.S. history. FREE COMMUNITY COLLEGE AND OTHER POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION INVESTMENTSFor much of the 20th century, graduating from high school was a gateway to a stable job and a living wage. But over the last 40 years, we have seen the most growth in jobs requiring higher levels of job preparation, including education and training. Today, 70 percent of jobs are held by people with more than a high school degree. American workers need and deserve additional support to build their skills, increase their earnings, remain competitive, and share in the benefits of the new economy. President Biden’s plan will expand access to affordable postsecondary education, laying the groundwork for innovation and inclusive economic growth for all Americans. Specifically, President Biden’s plan will: * Offer two years of free community college to all Americans, including DREAMers. The current crisis has led to a steep college enrollment decline, particularly for low-income students and students of color. As of Fall 2020, high-minority and high-poverty high schools saw a 9.4 percent and 11.4 percent decline in college enrollment, respectively. But even before the pandemic, cost remained a barrier to attending and graduating from community college for many Americans. President Biden’s $109 billion plan will ensure that first-time students and workers wanting to reskill can enroll in a community college to earn a degree or credential for free. Students can use the benefit over three years and, if circumstances warrant, up to four years, recognizing that many students’ lives and other responsibilities can make full-time enrollment difficult. If all states, territories, and Tribes participate, about 5.5 million students would pay $0 in tuition and fees. * Provide up to approximately $1,400 in additional assistance to low-income students by increasing the Pell Grant award. While nearly 7 million students depend on Pell Grants, the grant has not kept up with the rising cost of college. Over the last 50 years, the value of Pell Grants has plummeted. The maximum grant went from covering nearly 80 percent of the cost of a four-year college degree to under 30 percent — leading millions of low-income students to take out debt to finance their education. One in three community college students receive Pell Grants to pay for their education. Among students of color, nearly 60 percent of Black, half of American Indian or Alaska Native, almost half of Latino, and over one-third of Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander students rely on Pell Grants to pay for college. The American Families Plan will increase the maximum Pell Grant award by approximately $1,400, a down payment on President Biden’s commitment to double the maximum award. The plan also allows DREAMers to access Pell Grants. * Increase college retention and completion rates. An education beyond high school can lead to higher pay, financial stability, social mobility, and better health outcomes. It also has public benefits such as a reduction in crime rates and higher civic engagement. However, far too many students enter college but do not graduate. Research shows that only approximately three out of five students finish any type of degree or certificate program within six years. To complete, students need additional support. The President is proposing a bold $62 billion grant program to invest in completion and retention activities at colleges and universities that serve high numbers of low-income students, particularly community colleges. States, territories, and Tribes will receive grants to provide funding to colleges that adopt innovative, proven solutions for student success, including wraparound services ranging from child care and mental health services to faculty and peer mentoring; emergency basic needs grants; practices that recruit and retain diverse faculty; transfer agreements between colleges; and evidence-based remediation programs. * Provide two years of subsidized tuition and expand programs in high-demand fields at HBCUs, TCUs, and MSIs. Research has found that HBCUs, TCUs, and MSIs are vital to helping underrepresented students move to the top of the income ladder. For example, while HBCUs are only three percent of four-year universities, their graduates make up approximately 80 percent of Black judges, half of Black lawyers and doctors, and 25 percent of Black undergraduates earning STEM degrees. Yet, these institutions have significantly less resources than other top colleges and universities, undermining their ability to grow and support more students. President Biden is calling on Congress to make a historic investment in HBCU, TCU, and MSI affordability. Specifically, he is calling for a new $39 billion program that provides two years of subsidized tuition for students from families earning less than $125,000 enrolled in a four-year HBCU, TCU, or MSI. The President is also calling for $5 billion to expand existing institutional aid grants to HBCUs, TCUs, and MSIs, which can be used by these institutions to strengthen their academic, administrative, and fiscal capabilities, including by creating or expanding educational programs in high-demand fields (e.g., STEM, computer sciences, nursing, and allied health), with an additional $2 billion directed towards building a pipeline of skilled health care workers with graduate degrees. These investments, combined with the $45 billion proposed in the American Jobs Plan targeted to these institutions, will enable America’s HBCUs, TCUs, and MSIs to tackle longstanding inequities in postsecondary education and make the U.S. more competitive on the global stage. _EDUCATION AND PREPARATION FOR TEACHERS_ Few people can have a bigger impact on a child’s life than a great teacher. Unfortunately, the U.S. faces a large and growing teacher shortage. Before the pandemic, schools across the nation needed an estimated additional 100,000 certified teachers, resulting in key positions going unfilled. Shortages of certified teachers disproportionately impact schools with higher percentages of students of color, which have a higher proportion of teachers that are uncertified and in their first or second year, exacerbating educational disparities. At the same time, while teachers of color can have a particularly strong impact on students of color, around one in five teachers are people of color, compared to more than half of K-12 public school students. President Biden is calling on Congress to invest $9 billion in American teachers, addressing shortages, improving training and supports for teachers, and boosting teacher diversity.These investments will improve the quality of new teachers entering the profession, increase retention rates and increase the number of teachers of color, all of which will improve student outcomes like academic achievement and high school graduation rates, resulting in higher long-term earnings, job creation and a boost to the economy. In addition, as more teachers stay in the profession, a virtuous cycle is created, wherein districts save money on recruiting and training new teachers and can invest those funds back into programs that directly impact students.Specifically, President Biden’s plan will: * Address teacher shortages, improve teacher preparation, and strengthen pipelines for teachers of color. President Biden is calling on Congress to double scholarships for future teachers from $4,000 to $8,000 per year while earning their degree, strengthening the program, and expanding it to early childhood educators. The President’s plan also invests $2.8 billion in Grow Your Own programs and year-long, paid teacher residency programs, which have a greater impact on student outcomes, teacher retention, and are more likely to enroll teacher candidates of color. His plan targets $400 million for teacher preparation at HBCUs, TCUs, and MSIs and $900 million for the development of special education teachers. * Help current teachers earn in-demand credentials. Many teachers are eager to answer the call to get certified in areas their schools need, like special education, but are deterred due to the high cost of professional programs. President Biden is calling on Congress to invest $1.6 billion to provide educators with opportunities to obtain additional certifications in high-demand areas like special education, bilingual education, and certifications that improve teacher performance. This funding will support over 100,000 educators, with priority for public school teachers with at least two years of experience at schools with a significant portion of low-income students or significant teacher shortages. All funds will be available immediately, flowing through the states, and available until expended. * Invest in educator leadership. Millions of teachers – and the students they educate – would stand to benefit from greater mentorship and leadership opportunities. President Biden is calling on Congress to invest $2 billion to support programs that leverage teachers as leaders, such as high-quality mentorship programs for new teachers and teachers of color. These programs are proven tools to improve both student outcomes and teacher retention by providing new teachers with the support they need. The President’s plan will also leverage teachers as leaders of other key priorities within their school buildings, and compensate teachers for this work, recognizing the incredible expertise of our veteran educators, and their value in supporting the next generation of great teachers. PROVIDE DIRECT SUPPORT TO CHILDREN AND FAMILIESThe hope of a middle-class life has gotten further and further out of reach for too many American families, as the costs of raising children – from child care to taking paid leave time to care for a new child or when a child is ill – have grown. Middle-class families and those trying to break into the middle class increasingly feel the strain of these rising costs, while wage growth has failed to keep up. These rising costs impact our economy as a whole as well. In part due to the lack of family friendly policies, the United States has fallen behind its competitors in female labor force participation. One study found that a lack of child care options costs the United States economy $57 billion per year in lost earnings, productivity, and revenue. Another study found that lack of paid leave options cost workers $22.5 billion each year in lost wages._CHILD CARE_ The high cost of child care continues to make it hard for parents – especially women — to work outside the home and provide for their families. Difficulty in finding high-quality, affordable child care leads some parents to drop out of the labor force entirely, some to reduce their work hours, and others to turn down a promotion. When a parent drops out of the workforce, reduces hours, or takes a lower-paying job early in their careers—even temporarily—there are lifetime consequences on earnings, savings, and retirement. These costs are especially significant for mothers and people of color, exacerbating inequality and harming the economic security of their families, as 91 percent of the income gains experienced by middle-class families over the last forty years were driven by women’s earnings.High-quality early care and education lay a strong foundation so that children can take full advantage of education and training opportunities later in life. The evidence is clear: for early years, quality care is education. This especially important for children from low-income families, who too often start school without access to high-quality educational opportunities. A study by Nobel Laureate James Heckman found that every dollar invested in a high-quality, birth to five program for the most economically disadvantaged children resulted in $7.30 in benefits as children grew up healthier, were more likely to graduate high school and college, and earned more as adults.Building on the American Jobs Plan’s investments in school and child care infrastructure and workforce training, President Biden’s American Families Plan will ensure low and middle-income families pay no more than 7 percent of their income on high-quality child care for children under 5 years-old, saving the average family $14,800 per year on child care expenses, while also generating lifetime benefits for three million children, supporting hundreds of thousands of child care providers and workers, allowing roughly one million parents, primarily mothers, to enter the labor force, and significantly bolstering inclusive and equitable economic growth. Specifically, President Biden’s plan will invest $225 billion to: * Make child care affordable. Families will pay only a portion of their income based on a sliding scale. For the most hard-pressed working families, child care costs for their young children would be fully covered and families earning 1.5 times their state median income will pay no more than 7 percent of their income for all children under age five. The plan will also provide families with a range of inclusive and accessible options to choose from for their child, from child care centers to family child care providers to Early Head Start. * Invest in high-quality child care. Child care providers will receive funding to cover the true cost of quality early childhood care and education–including a developmentally appropriate curriculum, small class sizes, and culturally and linguistically responsive environments that are inclusive of children with disabilities. These investments support positive interactions that promote children’s social-emotional and cognitive development. * Invest in the child care workforce. More investment is needed to support early childhood care providers and educators, more than nine in ten of whom are women and more than four in ten of whom are women of color. They are among the most underpaid workers in the country and nearly half receive public income support programs. The typical child care worker earned $12.24 per hour in 2020—while receiving few, if any, benefits, leading to high turnover and lower quality of care. This investment will mean a $15 minimum wage for early childhood staff and ensure that those with similar qualifications as kindergarten teachers receive comparable compensation and benefits. And, it will ensure child care workers receive job-embedded coaching and professional development, along with additional training opportunities funded by the American Jobs Plan and American Families Plan. These investments will lead to better quality care, while also enabling these workers to care for their own families, reducing government spending on income support programs and increasing tax revenues. _PAID LEAVE_ The United States has fallen behind our economic competitors in the number of women participating in the labor force. The pandemic has exacerbated this problem, pushing millions of people—especially women—out of the workforce, eroding more than 30 years of progress in women’s labor force participation and resulting in a $64 billion loss in wages and economic activity per year. A lack of family-friendly policies, such as paid family and medical leave for when a worker need time to care for a new child, a seriously ill family member, or recover from their own serious illness, has been identified as a key reason for the U.S. decline in competitiveness. The United States is one of the only countries in the world that doesn’t guarantee paid leave. Nearly one in four mothers return to work within two weeks of giving birth and one in five retirees left or were forced to leave the workforce earlier than planned to care for an ill family member. Further, today nearly four of five private sector workers have no access to paid leave. 95 percent of the lowest wage workers, mostly women and workers of color, lack any access to paid family leave.Paid family and medical leave supports workers and families and is a critical investment in the strength and equity of our economy. President Biden’s American Families Plan will: * Create a national comprehensive paid family and medical leave program. The program will ensure workers receive partial wage replacement to take time to bond with a new child, care for a seriously ill loved one, deal with a loved one’s military deployment, find safety from sexual assault, stalking, or domestic violence, heal from their own serious illness, or take time to deal with the death of a loved one. It will guarantee twelve weeks of paid parental, family, and personal illness/safe leave by year 10 of the program, and also ensure workers get three days of bereavement leave per year starting in year one. The program will provide workers up to $4,000 a month, with a minimum of two-thirds of average weekly wages replaced, rising to 80 percent for the lowest wage workers. We estimate this program will cost $225 billion over a decade. President Biden’s paid leave plan has broad benefits for working families and the economy as a whole. Studies have shown that, under state paid leave laws, new mothers are 18 percentage points more likely to be working a year after the birth of their child. In addition, paid leave can reduce racial disparities in wage loss between workers of color and white workers, improve child health and well-being, support employers by improving employee retention and reducing turnover costs, and increase women’s labor force participation. Over 30 million workers, including 67 percent of low-wage workers, do not have access to a single paid sick day. Low-wage and part-time workers, a majority of whom are women, are less likely to have access to paid sick days. The COVID pandemic has highlighted the need for a national paid sick leave policy, to help workers and their loved ones quickly recover from short-term illness and prevent the spread of disease. Therefore, the President calls upon Congress to pass the Healthy Families Act which will require employers to allow workers to accrue seven days paid sick leave per year to seek preventative care for them or their family– such as getting a flu shot, recovering from short-term illness, or caring for a sick child or family member or a family member with disability-related needs.NUTRITIONThe pandemic has added urgency to the issue of nutrition insecurity, which disproportionately affects low-income families and families of color. No one should have to worry about whether they can provide nutritious food for themselves or their children. A poor diet jeopardizes a child’s ability to learn and succeed in school. Nutrition insecurity can also have long-lasting negative impact on overall health and put children at higher risk for diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Today, one-fifth of American children are obese, and research shows that childhood obesity increases the likelihood of obesity in adulthood. In addition to the incredible financial burden on the health care system, diet-related diseases carry significant economic and national security implications by decreasing work productivity, increasing job absenteeism, and threatening military readiness _._ A recent study found that U.S. children are getting their healthiest meals at school, demonstrating that school meals are one of the federal government’s most powerful tools for delivering nutrition security to children. To ensure the nutritional needs of families are met, President Biden’s plan will invest $45 billion to: * Expand summer EBT to all eligible children nationwide. The Summer EBT Demonstrations helps low-income families with children eligible for free and reduced-price meals during the school year purchase food during the summer. Research shows that this program decreases food insecurity among children and has led to positive changes in nutritional outcomes. The American Families Plan builds on the American Rescue Plan’s support for Summer Pandemic-EBT by investing more than $25 billion to make the successful program permanent and available to all 29 million children receiving free and reduced-price meals. * Expand healthy school meals. The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) allows high-poverty schools to provide meals free of charge to all of their students. It is currently available to individual schools, groups of schools within a district, or an entire district with at least 40 percent of students participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or other means tested programs. The program is particularly important because some families whose children would be eligible for free meals may not apply for them due to stigma or not fully understanding the application process. In addition, other families in high-poverty schools may still be facing food insecurity but make just enough to not qualify for free school meals. However, only 70 percent of eligible schools have adopted CEP, because some schools would receive reimbursement below the free meal rate. The President’s plan will fund $17 billion to expand free meals for children in the highest poverty districts by reimbursing a higher percentage of meals at the free reimbursement rate through CEP. Additionally, the plan will lower the threshold for CEP eligibility for elementary schools to 25 percent of students participating in SNAP. Targeting elementary students will drive better long-term health outcomes by ensuring low-income children are receiving nutritious meals at an early age. The plan will also expand direct certification to automatically enroll more students for school meals based on Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income data. This proposal will provide free meals to an additional 9.3 million children, with about 70 percent in elementary schools. * Launch a healthy foods incentive demonstration. To build on progress made during the Obama Administration to improve the nutrition standards of school meals, this new $1 billion demonstration will support schools that are further expanding healthy food offerings. For example, schools adopting specified measures that exceed current school meal standards will receive an enhanced reimbursement as an incentive. * Facilitate re-entry for formerly incarcerated individuals through SNAP eligibility. Individuals convicted of a drug-related felony are currently ineligible to receive SNAP benefits unless a state has taken the option to eliminate or modify this restriction. Denying these individuals—many of whom are parents of young children—SNAP benefits jeopardizes nutrition security and poses a barrier to re-entry into the community in a population that already faces significant hurdles to obtaining employment and stability. SNAP is a critical safety net for many individuals as they search for employment to support themselves and their families. This restriction disproportionately impacts African Americans, who are convicted of drug offenses at much higher rates than white Americans. _UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE REFORM_ The unemployment insurance (UI) system is a critical lifeline to workers at the hardest times. During the pandemic, it saved millions from poverty and helped people put food on the table. But, the system is in desperate need of reform and strengthening. Too often Americans found themselves waiting weeks to get the benefits they deserved. Too often the benefits Americans would automatically receive would’ve been too low and would not have gone long enough absent Congress stepping in. Too often the safeguards to prevent fraud in the system have been insufficient. And it has been unemployed people of color who have borne the brunt of the UI system’s weaknesses. President Biden is committed to strengthening and reforming the system for the long term. That’s why he won $2 billion in the American Rescue Plan to put toward UI system modernization, equitable access, and fraud prevention. And, that’s why he wants to work with Congress to automatically adjust the length and amount of UI benefits unemployed workers receive depending on economic conditions. This will ensure future legislative delay doesn’t undermine economic recovery and it will enable permanent reform of the system to provide the safety net that workers deserve in the hardest times. TAX CUTS FOR AMERICA’S FAMILIES AND WORKERSWhile the American Rescue Plan provided meaningful relief for hundreds of millions of Americans, that is just a first step. Now is the time to build back better, to help families and workers who for too long have felt the squeeze of stagnating wages and an ever-increasing cost-of-living. Direct assistance to families in the form of tax credits paid on a regular basis lifts children and families out of poverty, makes it easier for families to make ends meet, and boosts the academic and economic performance of children over time. But if Congress does not act, millions of American families and workers will see their taxes go up at the end of the year. President Biden believes we must extend the American Rescue Plan’s expanded tax credits that lifted millions of children out of poverty, made it easier for families to afford child care, and ensured that low-income workers without children would not continue to be taxed into poverty.Specifically, President Biden’s plan will: * Extend expanded ACA premiums tax credits in the American Rescue Plan. Health care should be a right, not a privilege, and Americans facing illness should never have to worry about how they are going to pay for their treatment. No one should face a choice between buying life-saving medications or putting food on the table. President Biden has a plan to build on the Affordable Care Act and lower prescription drug costs for everyone by letting Medicare negotiate prices, reducing health insurance premiums and deductibles for those who buy coverage on their own, creating a public option and the option for people to enroll in Medicare at age 60, and closing the Medicaid coverage gap to help millions of Americans gain health insurance. The American Families Plan will build on the American Rescue Plan and continue our work to make health care more affordable. The American Rescue Plan included a historic investment in reducing Americans’ health care costs. The biggest improvement in health care affordability since the Affordable Care Act, the American Rescue Plan provided two years of lower health insurance premiums for those who buy coverage on their own, saving families an average of $50 per person per month. The American Families Plan will make those premium reductions permanent, a $200 billion investment. As a result, nine million people will save hundreds of dollars per year on their premiums, and four million uninsured people will gain coverage. The Families Plan will also invest in maternal health and support the families of veterans receiving health care services. * Extend the Child Tax Credit increases in the American Rescue Plan through 2025 and make the Child Tax Credit permanently fully refundable. The President is calling for the Child Tax Credit expansion, first enacted in the American Rescue Plan, to be extended. This legislation expands the Child Tax Credit from $2,000 per child to $3,000 per child for six-years old and above, and $3,600 per child for children under six. It also makes 17-year-olds eligible for the first time and makes the credit fully refundable on a permanent basis, so that low-income families—the families that need the credit the most—can benefit from the full tax credit. The expanded Child Tax Credit in the American Rescue Plan benefited nearly 66 million children, and it was the single largest contributor to the plan’s historic reductions in child poverty.For a family with two parents earning a combined $100,000 per year and two children under six, the Child Tax Credit expansion means an additional $3,200 per year in tax relief. For a family with two parents earning a combined $24,000 per year and two children under six, the expansion means even more, with a credit increase of than $4,400 because the full credit was not previously fully available to them.The credit would also be delivered regularly. This means that families will not need to wait until tax season to receive a refund. Instead, they will receive regular payments that allow them to cover household expenses as they arise.The American Families Plan will make permanent the full refundability of the Child Tax Credit, while extending the other expansions to the Child Tax Credit through 2025—when the 2017 law’s individual provisions expire. The President is committed to working with Congress to achieve his ultimate goal of making permanent the Child Tax Credit as well as all of the expansions he signed into law in the American Rescue Plan. * Permanently increase tax credits to support families with child care needs. To help families afford child care, President Biden is calling on Congress to make permanent the temporary Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit (CDCTC) expansion enacted in the American Rescue Plan. Families will receive a tax credit for as much as half of their spending on qualified child care for children under age 13, up to a total of $4,000 for one child or $8,000 for two or more children. A 50 percent reimbursement will be available to families making less than $125,000 a year, while families making between $125,000 and $400,000 will receive a partial credit with benefits at least as generous as those they receive today. The credit can be used for expenses ranging from full-time care to after school care to summer care.This is a dramatic expansion of support to low- and middle-income families. In 2019, a family claiming a CDCTC for the previous year got less than $600 on average towards the cost of care, and many low-income families got nothing. If Congress fails to extend the CDCTC expansion, more than 6 million families could see their taxes go up at the end of the year – many by thousands of dollars – making obtaining affordable child care more difficult. Importantly, this tax credit works in tandem with the American Families Plan’s direct investments in childcare affordability for families with young children. * Make the Earned Income Tax Credit Expansion for childless workers permanent. Before this year, the federal tax code taxed low-wage childless workers into poverty or deeper into poverty — the only group of workers it treated this way. The American Rescue Plan addressed this problem by roughly tripling the EITC for childless workers, benefitting 17 million low-wage workers, many of whom are essential workers including cashiers, cooks, delivery drivers, food preparation workers, and childcare providers. For example, a childless worker who works 30 hours per week at $9 per hour earns income that, after taxes, leaves them below the federal poverty line. By increasing her EITC to more than $1,100, this EITC expansion helps pull such workers out of poverty.The President is calling on Congress to make this expansion permanent. President Biden believes our tax code should reward work and not wealth. And that means rewarding workers who work hard every day at modest wages to provide their communities with essential services. * Give IRS the authority to regulate paid tax preparers. Tax returns prepared by certain types of preparers have high error rates. These preparers charge taxpayers large fees while exposing them to costly audits. As preparers play a crucial role in tax administration, and will be key to helping many taxpayers claim the newly-expanded credits, IRS oversight of tax preparers is needed. The President is calling on Congress to pass bipartisan legislation that will give the IRS that authority. _TAX REFORM THAT REWARDS WORK – NOT WEALTH_ The President’s tax agenda will not only reverse the biggest 2017 tax law giveaways, but reform the tax code so that the wealthy have to play by the same rules as everyone else. It will ensure that high-income Americans pay the tax they owe under the law—ending the unfair system of enforcement that collects almost all taxes due on wages, while regularly collecting a smaller share of business and capital income. The plan will also eliminate long-standing loopholes, including lower taxes on capital gains and dividends for the wealthy, that reward wealth over work. Importantly, these reforms will also rein in the ways that the tax code widens racial disparities in income and wealth. President Biden’s plan uses the resulting revenue to rebuild the middle class, investing in education and boosting wages. It will also give tax relief to middle-class families, dramatically reducing child poverty and cutting the cost of child care in half for many families. The result of the President’s individual tax reforms will be a tax code with fewer loopholes for the wealthy and more opportunity for low- and middle-income Americans.Altogether, these tax reforms focused on the highest income Americans would raise about $1.5 trillion across the decade. In combination with the American Jobs Plan, which produces long-term deficit reduction through corporate tax reform, all of the investments would be fully paid for over the next 15 years.President Biden’s plan will: * Revitalize enforcement to make the wealthy pay what they owe. We have a two-tiered system of tax administration in this country: regular workers pay the taxes they owe on wages and salaries while some wealthy taxpayers aggressively plan to avoid the tax laws. Those with the highest incomes generate income in opaque categories where misreporting rates can reach 55 percent. A recent study found that the top one percent failed to report 20 percent of their income and failed to pay over $175 billion in taxes that they owed. But today, the IRS does not even have the resources to fully investigate this evasion. As a result of budget cuts, audit rates on those making over $1 million per year fell by 80 percent between 2011-2018.The President’s proposal would change the game—by making sure the wealthiest Americans play by the same set of rules as all other Americans.It would require financial institutions to report information on account flows so that earnings from investments and business activity are subject to reporting more like wages already are.It would also increase investment in the IRS, while ensuring that the additional resources go toward enforcement against those with the highest incomes, rather than Americans with actual income less than $400,000. Additional resources would focus on large corporations, businesses, and estates, and higher-income individuals. Altogether, this plan would raise $700 billion over 10 years. * Increase the top tax rate on the wealthiest Americans to 39.6 percent. One of the 2017 tax cut’s clearest giveaways to the wealthy was cutting the top income tax rate from 39.6 percent to 37 percent, exclusively benefitting the wealthiest households—those in the top one percent. This rate cut alone gives a couple with $2 million in taxable an annual tax cut of more than $36,400. The President’s plan restores the top tax bracket to what it was before the 2017 law, returning the rate to 39.6 percent, applying only to those within the top one percent. * End capital income tax breaks and other loopholes for the very top. The President’s tax reform will end one of the most unfair aspects of our tax system: that the tax rate the wealthy pay on capital gains and dividends is less than the tax rate that many middle-class families pay on their wages. Households making over $1 million—the top 0.3 percent of all households—will pay the same 39.6 percent rate on all their income, equalizing the rate paid on investment returns and wages. Moreover, the President would eliminate the loophole that allows the wealthiest Americans to entirely escape tax on their wealth by passing it down to heirs. Today, our tax laws allow these accumulated gains to be passed down across generations untaxed, exacerbating inequality. The President’s plan will close this loophole, ending the practice of “stepping-up” the basis for gains in excess of $1 million ($2.5 million per couple when combined with existing real estate exemptions) and making sure the gains are taxed if the property is not donated to charity. The reform will be designed with protections so that family-owned businesses and farms will not have to pay taxes when given to heirs who continue to run the business. Without these changes, billions in capital income would continue to escape taxation entirely.The President is also calling on Congress to close the carried interest loophole so that hedge fund partners will pay ordinary income rates on their income just like every other worker. While equalizing tax rates on wages and capital gains will address this disparity, permanently eliminating carried interest is an important structural change that is necessary to ensure that we have a tax code that treats all workers fairly. The President would also end the special real estate tax break—that allows real estate investors to defer taxation when they exchange property—for gains greater than $500,000, and the President would also permanently extend the current limitation in place that restricts large, excess business losses, 80 percent of which benefits those making over $1 million.Finally, high-income workers and investors generally pay a 3.8 percent Medicare tax on their earnings, but the application is inconsistent across taxpayers due to holes in the law. The President’s tax reform would apply the taxes consistently to those making over $400,000, ensuring that all high-income Americans pay the same Medicare taxes. To view this fact sheet in your browser, click here. ### Next Post: President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Approves New Jersey Disaster Declaration President Joseph R. 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Donate Follow us Email Open Search... Search * Election 2024 * Abortion in the U.S. * Health Policy 101 ## Medicaid * Search * Graphics & Interactives * Polls * Home * Medicaid * 10 Things to Know About the Unwinding of the Medicaid Continuous Enrollment Provision # 10 Things to Know About the Unwinding of the Medicaid Continuous Enrollment Provision Jennifer Tolbert and Meghana Ammula Published: Jun 09, 2023 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Print 1. Medicaid enrollment increased since the start of the pandemic, primarily due to the continuous enrollment provision. 2. KFF estimates that between 8 million and 24 million people will lose Medicaid coverage during the unwinding of the continuous enrollment provision. 3. The Medicaid continuous enrollment provision stopped “churn” among Medicaid enrollees. 4. States approaches to unwinding the continuous enrollment provision vary. 5. Maximizing streamlined renewal processes can promote continuity of coverage as states unwind the continuous enrollment provision. 6. States have obtained temporary waivers to pursue strategies to support their unwinding plans. 7. Certain groups may be at greater risk of losing Medicaid coverage during the unwinding period. 8. States can partner with MCOs, community health centers, and other partners to conduct outreach. 9. Timely data on disenrollments and other metrics will be useful for monitoring how the unwinding is proceeding. 10. The number of people without health insurance could increase if people who lose Medicaid coverage are unable to transition to other coverage. At the start of the pandemic, Congress enacted the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), which included a requirement that Medicaid programs keep people continuously enrolled through the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE), in exchange for enhanced federal funding. As part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, signed into law on December 29, 2022, Congress delinked the continuous enrollment provision from the PHE, ending continuous enrollment on March 31, 2023. The CAA also phases down the enhanced federal Medicaid matching funds through December 2023. Primarily due to the continuous enrollment provision, Medicaid enrollment has grown substantially compared to before the pandemic and the uninsured rate has dropped. During the unwinding of the continuous enrollment provision, millions of people are expected to lose Medicaid and that could reverse recent gains in coverage, though not everyone who loses Medicaid will become uninsured. States could begin disenrolling people starting in April, but many did not resume disenrollments until May, June, or July. To be eligible for enhanced federal funding during the unwinding, states must meet certain requirements. To date, as reported in the KFF Medicaid Enrollment and Unwinding Tracker, there is wide variation in the number of people who have been disenrolled and in disenrollment rates across states with publicly available data. This brief describes 10 key points about the unwinding of the Medicaid continuous enrollment provision, highlighting data and analyses that can inform the unwinding process as well as legislation and guidance issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) that lay out the rules states must follow during the unwinding period and the flexibilities available to them. ### 1\. Medicaid enrollment increased since the start of the pandemic, primarily due to the continuous enrollment provision. KFF estimates that enrollment in Medicaid/CHIP enrollment will have grown by 23.3 million to nearly 95 million from February 2020 to the end of March 2023, when the continuous enrollment provision ended (Figure 1). Overall enrollment increases reflect economic conditions related to the pandemic, the adoption of the Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act in several states (NE, MO, OK), as well as the continuous enrollment provision included in the FFCRA. This provision requires states to provide continuous coverage for Medicaid enrollees in order to receive enhanced federal funding. By preventing states from disenrolling people from coverage, the continuous enrollment provision has helped to preserve coverage during the pandemic. It also increased state spending for Medicaid, though KFF has estimated that the enhanced federal funding from a 6.2 percentage point increase in the federal match rate (FMAP) exceeded the higher state costs through 2022. The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 decoupled the Medicaid continuous enrollment provision from the PHE and terminated this provision on March 31, 2023. Starting April 1, 2023, states could resume Medicaid disenrollments. States will be eligible for the phase-down of the enhanced FMAP (6.2 percentage points through March 2023; 5 percentage points through June 2023; 2.5 percentage points through September 2023 and 1.5 percentage points through December 2023) if they comply with certain rules. They cannot restrict eligibility standards, methodologies, and procedures and cannot increase premiums as required in FFCRA. Further, states must also comply with federal rules about conducting renewals. Lastly, states are required to maintain up to date contact information and attempt to contact enrollees prior to disenrollment when mail is returned. (Back to top) ### 2\. KFF estimates that between 8 million and 24 million people will lose Medicaid coverage during the unwinding of the continuous enrollment provision. While the number of Medicaid enrollees who may be disenrolled during the unwinding period is highly uncertain, KFF estimates that between 7.8 million and 24.4 million people could lose Medicaid coverage during the 12-month unwinding period reflecting an 8% and 28% decline in enrollment (Figure 2). If Medicaid enrollment decreased by 18%, the midpoint of the range, 17 million people would lose Medicaid coverage. These projected coverage losses are consistent with estimates from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) suggesting that as many as 15 million people will be disenrolled, including 6.8 million who will likely still be eligible. Findings from a survey of Medicaid enrollees fielded just prior to the start of the unwinding period suggest that many people who will be disenrolled in the coming months may continue to be eligible. While most enrollees were unaware that states are permitted to resume disenrollments suggesting they may not know that they will need to renew their coverage in the coming months, nearly two-thirds of enrollees said they have not had a change in income or circumstance that would make them ineligible for Medicaid. While the share of individuals disenrolled across states will vary due to differences in how states prioritize renewals, it is expected that the groups that experienced the most growth due to the continuous enrollment provision—ACA expansion adults, other adults, and children—will experience the largest enrollment declines. Efforts to conduct outreach, education and provide enrollment assistance can help ensure that those who remain eligible for Medicaid are able to retain coverage and those who are no longer eligible can transition to other sources of coverage. (Back to top) ### 3\. The Medicaid continuous enrollment provision stopped “churn” among Medicaid enrollees. The temporary loss of Medicaid coverage in which enrollees disenroll and then re-enroll within a short period of time, often referred to as “churn,” occurs for a several reasons. Enrollees may experience short-term changes in income or circumstances that make them temporarily ineligible. Alternatively, some people who remain eligible may face barriers to maintaining coverage due to renewal processes and periodic eligibility checks. Eligible individuals are at risk for losing coverage if they do not receive or understand notices or forms requesting additional information to verify eligibility or do not respond to requests within required timeframes. Churn can result in access barriers as well as additional administrative costs. Estimates indicate that among full- benefit beneficiaries enrolled at any point in 2018, 10.3% had a gap in coverage of less than a year (Figure 3). About 4.2% were disenrolled and then re-enrolled within three months and 6.9% within six months. Another analysis examining a cohort of children newly enrolled in Medicaid in July 2017 found that churn rates more than doubled following annual renewal, signaling that many eligible children lose coverage at renewal. By halting disenrollment during the PHE, the continuous enrollment provision has also halted this churning among Medicaid enrollees. Seven states have waivers approved (6) or pending (1) to allow for guaranteed continuous enrollment beyond what is allowed under current law, including approvals in Washington and Oregon to guarantee Medicaid coverage for children through age six. (Back to top) ### 4\. State approaches to unwinding the continuous enrollment provision vary. States are taking different approaches to unwinding the continuous enrollment provision. CMS requires states to submit renewal redistribution plans that describe how the state will prioritize renewals, how long the state plans to take to complete the renewals as well as the processes and strategies the state is considering or has adopted to reduce inappropriate coverage loss during the unwinding period. As of May 9, 2023, 30 states had posted their renewal redistribution plan, which had to be submitted to CMS by February 15, 2023 for most states. Differences in state renewal and other policies and in how they implement those policies are likely to lead to differences across states in the extent of Medicaid enrollment declines during the unwinding period. According to a KFF survey conducted in January 2023, states have taken a variety of steps to prepare for the end of the continuous enrollment provision (Figure 4). Under CMS guidance, states had the option to start the unwinding period by initiating the first batch of renewals in February, March, or April. Eight states started the process in February, another 15 started in March, and 28 states began in April. Most states (43) said they plan to take 12-14 months to complete all renewals (the remaining eight states said they planned to take less than 12 months to complete renewals). All states indicated they had taken steps to update enrollee contact information during the past year and nearly three-quarters of states (38) were planning to follow up with enrollees who do not respond to a renewal request before terminating coverage. (Back to top) ### 5\. Maximizing streamlined renewal processes can promote continuity of coverage as states unwind the continuous enrollment provision. Under the ACA, states must seek to complete administrative (or “ex parte”) renewals by verifying ongoing eligibility through available data sources, such as state wage databases, before sending a renewal form or requesting documentation from an enrollee. Some states suspended renewals as they implemented the continuous enrollment provision and made other COVID-related adjustments to operations. Completing renewals by checking electronic data sources to verify ongoing eligibility reduces the burden on enrollees to maintain coverage. While 31 states have taken action in the past year to increase ex parte renewal rates, in many states, the share of renewals completed on an ex parte basis is low. Although states were not required to process ex parte renewals while the continuous enrollment provision was in place, of the 43 states that were processing ex parte renewals for MAGI groups (people whose eligibility is based on modified adjusted gross income) in January 2023, 18 states reported completing 50% or more of renewals using ex parte processes. Twenty states completed less than 50% of renewals on an ex parte basis, including 11 states where less than 25% of renewals were completed using ex parte processes (Figure 5). The number of states reporting they complete more than 50% of renewals using ex parte processes for non-MAGI groups (people whose eligibility is based on being over age 65 or having a disability) is even lower at 6. As states begin to unwind the continuous enrollment provision, there are opportunities to promote continuity of coverage among enrollees who remain eligible by increasing the share of renewals completed using ex parte processes and taking other steps to streamline renewal processes (which will also tend to increase enrollment and spending). CMS guidance notes that states can increase the share of ex parte renewals they complete without having to follow up with the enrollee by expanding the data sources they use to verify ongoing eligibility. However, when states do need to follow up with enrollees to obtain additional information to confirm ongoing eligibility, they can facilitate receipt of that information by allowing enrollees to submit information by mail, in person, over the phone, and online. While nearly all states accept information in-person (51 states) and by mail (50 states), slightly fewer provide options for individuals to submit information online (48 states) or over the phone (46 states). A proposed rule, released on September 7, 2022, seeks to streamline enrollment and renewal processes in the future by applying the same rules for MAGI and non-MAGI populations, including limiting renewals to once per year, prohibiting in-person interviews and requiring the use of prepopulated renewal forms. Overall, every state has taken at least one action to align renewal processes for non-MAGI populations with those for MAGI populations, including 45 states that have eliminated in-person interviews, 42 states that limit renewals to once per year, and 33 states that send pre-populated renewal forms. (Back to top) ### 6\. States have obtained temporary waivers to pursue strategies to support their unwinding plans. As states prepare to complete redeterminations for all Medicaid enrollees, many may face significant operational challenges related to staffing shortages and outdated systems. To reduce the administrative burden on states, CMS announced the availability of temporary waivers through Section 1902(e)(14)(A) of the Social Security Act. These waivers will be available on a time-limited basis and will enable states to facilitate the renewal process for certain enrollees with the goal minimizing procedural terminations. As of February 24, 2023, CMS had approved a total of 188 waivers for 47 states (Figure 6). These waivers include strategies allowing states to: renew enrollee coverage based on SNAP and/or TANF eligibility; allow for ex parte renewals of individuals with zero income verified within the past 12 months; allow for renewals of individuals whose assets cannot be verified through the asset verification system (AVS); partner with managed care organizations (MCOs), enrollment brokers, or use the National Change of Address (NCOA) database or US postal service (USPS) returned mail to update enrollee contact information; extend automatic enrollment in MCO plans up to 120 days; and extend the timeframe for fair hearing requests. (Back to top) ### 7\. Certain groups may be at greater risk of losing Medicaid coverage during the unwinding period. As states resume redeterminations and disenrollments, certain individuals, including people who have moved, immigrants and people with limited English proficiency (LEP), people with disabilities, and older adults, will be at increased risk of losing Medicaid coverage or experiencing a gap in coverage due to barriers completing the renewal process, even if they remain eligible for coverage. Enrollees who have moved may not receive important renewal and other notices, especially if they have not updated their contact information with the state Medicaid agency. In 2020, one in ten Medicaid enrollees moved in-state and while shares of Medicaid enrollees moving within a state has trended downward in recent years, those trends could have changed in 2021 and 2022. An analysis of churn rates among children found that while churn rates increased among children of all racial and ethnic groups, the increase was largest for Hispanic children, suggesting they face greater barriers to maintaining coverage. Additionally, people with LEP and people with disabilities are more likely to encounter challenges due to language and other barriers accessing information in needed formats. An analysis of state Medicaid websites found that while a majority of states translate their online application landing page or PDF application into other languages, most only provide Spanish translations (Figure 7). That same analysis revealed that a majority of states provide general information about reasonable modifications and teletypewriter (TTY) numbers on or within one click of their homepage or online application landing page, but fewer states provide information on how to access applications in large print or Braille or how to access American Sign Language interpreters. Older adults may also be at higher risk of losing coverage during the unwinding period. Early findings from a survey of health insurance consumers found that two-thirds of older Medicaid enrollees reported they had not previously participated in a renewal of their Medicaid coverage (Figure 8). Enrollees who do not have experience actively renewing Medicaid coverage may be less prepared for what to expect when their eligibility is redetermined in the coming months, lessening their ability to navigate and complete the renewal process. Additionally, nearly half of older Medicaid enrollees provided updated contact information to the state Medicaid agency compared to just a third of Medicaid enrollees overall. CMS guidance about the unwinding of the continuous enrollment provision stresses the importance of conducting outreach to enrollees to update contact information and provides strategies for partnering with other organizations to increase the likelihood that enrollee addresses and phone numbers are up to date. CMS guidance also outlines specific steps states can take, including ensuring accessibility of forms and notices for people with LEP and people with disabilities and reviewing communications strategies to ensure accessibility of information. Ensuring accessibility of information, forms, and assistance will be key for preventing coverage losses and gaps among these individuals. (Back to top) ### 8\. States can partner with MCOs, community health centers, and other partners to conduct outreach. States can collaborate with health plans and community organizations to conduct outreach to enrollees about the need to complete their annual renewal during the unwinding period. CMS has issued specific guidance allowing states to permit MCOs to update enrollee contact information and facilitate continued enrollment. According to a survey of non-profit, safety net health plans that participate in Medicaid, a majority of responding MCOs reported that they are sending updated member contact information to their state. Additionally, nearly two-thirds of states (33) are planning to send MCOs advance lists of members for whom the state is initiating the renewal process and about half will send lists of members who have not submitted renewal forms and are at risk of losing coverage or who have been disenrolled indicating whether the member was determined no longer eligible or disenrolled for paperwork reasons (Figure 9). States can also work with community health centers, navigators and other assister programs, and community-based organizations to provide information to enrollees and assist them with updating contact information, completing the Medicaid renewal process, and transitioning to other coverage if they are no longer eligible. A survey of health centers conducted in late 2021 found that nearly 50% of responding health centers reported they have or plan to reach out to their Medicaid patients with reminders to renew their coverage and to schedule appointments to assist them with renewing coverage. Similarly, a survey of Marketplace assister programs found that assister programs were planning a variety of outreach efforts, such as public education events and targeted outreach in low-income communities, to raise consumer awareness about the end of the continuous enrollment provision. Additionally, nearly six in ten assister programs said they had proactively reached out to their state to explore ways to help consumers; supported the state sharing contact information with them on individuals who need to renew their Medicaid coverage; and were planning to recontact Medicaid clients to update their contact information. Connecting Medicaid enrollees with assister programs could help people navigate the renewal process; a large majority of Medicaid enrollees say having a state expert help them with the process of renewing their Medicaid coverage and looking for other coverage, if needed, would be useful. (Back to top) ### 9\. Timely data on disenrollments and other metrics will be useful for monitoring how the unwinding is proceeding. As part of a broad set of unwinding reporting requirements, states provided baseline data at the start of the unwinding period and then will submit monthly reports that will be used to monitor unwinding metrics through June 2024 (Figure 10). Through the monthly reports, states are reporting total renewals due in the reporting month, the number of enrollees whose coverage was renewed, including via ex parte processes, the number of enrollees who were determined ineligible and disenrolled, the number of enrollees disenrolled for procedural reasons, and the number of renewals that remain pending. The Consolidated Appropriations Act included additional reporting requirements for states and requires that CMS make the data reported by states publicly available (Figure 10). The legislation also imposes penalties in the form of reduced federal matching payments for states that do not comply with the reporting requirements. States that do not report the required data face a reduction in federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) of up to one percentage point for the quarter in which the requirements are not met. If CMS determines a state is out of compliance with any applicable redetermination and reporting requirements, it can require the state to submit a corrective action plan and can require the state to suspend all or some terminations for procedural reasons until the state takes appropriate corrective action. Collectively, these metrics are designed to demonstrate states’ progress towards restoring timely application processing and initiating and completing renewals of eligibility for all Medicaid and CHIP enrollees and can assist with monitoring the unwinding process to identify problems as they occur. However, while the new data reporting requirements are useful, they will not provide a complete picture of how the unwinding is proceeding and whether certain groups face barriers to maintaining coverage. To fully assess the impact of the unwinding will require broader outcome measures, such as continuity of coverage across Medicaid, CHIP, Marketplace, and employer coverage, gaps in coverage over time, and increases in the number of the uninsured, data that will not be available in the short-term. (Back to top) ### 10\. The number of people without health insurance could increase if people who lose Medicaid coverage are unable to transition to other coverage. The share of people who lack health insurance coverage dropped to 8.6% in 2021, matching the historic low in 2016, largely because of increases in Medicaid coverage, and to a lesser extent, increases in Marketplace coverage. However, as states resume Medicaid disenrollments, these coverage gains are likely to be reversed. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that 6.2 million people who are disenrolled from Medicaid over the next 18 months will become uninsured, and that the uninsured rate will increase to 10.1% by 2033. CMS guidance provides a roadmap for states to streamline processes and implement other strategies to reduce the number of people who lose coverage even though they remain eligible. However, there will also be current enrollees who are determined to be no longer be eligible for Medicaid, but who may be eligible for ACA marketplace or other coverage. A MACPAC analysis examined coverage transitions for adults and children who were disenrolled from Medicaid or separate CHIP (S-CHIP) and found that very few adults or children transitioned to federal Marketplace coverage, only 21% of children transitioned from Medicaid to S-CHIP, while 47% of children transitioned from S-CHIP to Medicaid (Figure 11). A KFF analysis revealed that among people disenrolling from Medicaid, roughly two-thirds (65%) had a period of uninsurance in the year following disenrollment, and only 26% enrolled in another source of coverage for the full year following disenrollment (Figure 12). Together, these findings suggest that individuals face barriers moving from Medicaid to other coverage programs, including S-CHIP. Simplifying those transitions to reduce the barriers people face could help ensure people who are no longer eligible for Medicaid do not become uninsured. Importantly, these findings also show that large shares of enrollees (41% in the KFF analysis) reenroll in Medicaid after a period of time, and many after a period of uninsurance. Reducing the number of people who lose coverage for procedural reasons even though they remain eligible can also help to reduce the number of people who become uninsured The proposed eligibility and enrollment rule aims to smooth transitions between Medicaid and CHIP by requiring the programs to accept eligibility determinations from the other program, to develop procedures for electronically transferring account information, and to provide combined notices. States can also consider sharing information on consumers losing Medicaid who may be eligible for Marketplace coverage with Marketplace assister programs; however, in a 2022 survey, few assister programs (29%) expected states to provide this information although nearly half were unsure of their state’s plans. #### Topics * Medicaid * Coronavirus (COVID-19) * Uninsured #### Tags * Eligibility * Enrollment * Access to Care * Medicaid\'s Future * Public Health ### Also of Interest * Medicaid Enrollment and Unwinding Tracker * How Many People Might Lose Medicaid When States Unwind Continuous Enrollment? * State Policy Choices Are Likely to Affect the Extent of Medicaid Enrollment Declines During the Unwinding Period * As States Prepare to Resume Disenrollments, Medicaid/CHIP Enrollment Will Reach Nearly 95 million in March, and the Pandemic-Era Enrollment Growth of 23 million Accounts for 1 in 4 Enrollees * Implications of Continuous Eligibility Policies for Children’s Medicaid Enrollment Churn Get The Latest On Health Policy Sign Up For Email Alerts Your Email Address Sign Up * Topics * Affordable Care Act * COVID-19 * Global Health Policy * Health Costs * Health Misinformation and Trust * HIV/AIDS * Medicaid * Medicare * Mental Health * Patient and Consumer Protections * Private Insurance * Racial Equity and Health Policy * Uninsured * Women’s Health Policy * Sections * Polling * State Health Facts * Graphics & Interactives * Charts & Slides * KFF Health News * Social Impact Media * Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker * Newsroom * News Releases * Events * Subscribe to Emails * Cite Us/Reprint * Media Contacts * About Us * From Drew Altman * Our People * Our Programs * KFF Board * Contact Us * Support Our Work * Join Our Team * Privacy Policy * Follow Us * Email Alerts * Facebook * Instagram * LinkedIn * Threads * X * RSS Feeds * YouTube  © 2024 KFF Powered by WordPress VIP * Citations and Reprints * Privacy Policy KFF Headquarters: 185 Berry St., Suite 2000, San Francisco, CA 94107 | Phone 650-854-9400 Washington Offices and Barbara Jordan Conference Center: 1330 G Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005 | Phone 202-347-5270 | Email Alerts: | | The independent source for health policy research, polling, and news, KFF is a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco, California. , Presidential Candidate: We\'re 17 minutes into this debate, and except for your little speech in the beginning, we have had these three acting as if the race is between the four of us. * Laura Barron-Lopez: He issued a dire warning about the stakes of electing former President Donald Trump a second time. * Fmr. Gov. Chris Christie: I\'m in this race because the truth needs to be spoken. He is unfit. This is a guy who just said this past week that he wants to use the Department of Justice to go after his enemies when he gets in there. And there is no bigger issue in this race, Megyn, than Donald Trump. * Laura Barron-Lopez: Instead, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy repeated Trump\'s lies about 2020 and embraced a racist conspiracy theory that claims white Americans, at the direction of elites, Democrats, or sometimes Jewish people, are being replaced by people of color. Vivek Ramaswamy (R), Presidential Candidate: That the Great Replacement Theory is not some grand right-wing conspiracy theory, but a basic statement of the Democratic Party\'s platform, that the 2020 election was indeed stolen by big tech. * Laura Barron-Lopez: It\'s a conspiracy theory that was cited by the white men who carried out mass shootings in Pittsburgh, El Paso, and Buffalo. And former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, who is gaining traction in the polls and with GOP donors, confronted Trump on China, but little else. Nikki Haley (R), Presidential Candidate: This is where Trump went wrong. Trump was good on trade. But that\'s all he was with China, because here he allowed fentanyl to continue to come over. He continued to allow them to take — he would give them technology that would build up their military and hurt us. He allowed the Chinese infiltration for them to buy up farmland, to put money in our universities, and to continue to do things that were harmful for America. * Laura Barron-Lopez: Tied with Haley for second place, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis defended his past pledge to shoot undocumented people crossing the border if they have backpacks. Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), Presidential Candidate: The commander in chief not only has a right, you have a responsibility to fight back against these people. * Question: And does that mean shooting first? * Gov. Ron DeSantis: It means you\'re going to categorize them as foreign terrorist organizations. * Laura Barron-Lopez: And spent much of his time positioning himself to the right of Haley. * Gov. Ron DeSantis: Nikki Haley said the other day there should be no limits on legal immigration and that corporate CEOs should set the policy on that. * Nikki Haley: That\'s not true. Quit lying. * Gov. Ron DeSantis: There needs to be limits on immigration. * Laura Barron-Lopez: In fact, it was Haley, not Trump, who came under repeated fire. * Vivek Ramaswamy: Nikki is corrupt. * Gov. Ron DeSantis: And you have other candidates up here like Nikki Haley. She caves any time the left comes after. * Nikki Haley: And I love all the attention, fellows. Thank you for that. * Laura Barron-Lopez: With the Iowa caucuses just 39 days away and only two more primary debates on the calendar, candidates will blanket early states, in the hopes of toppling the current front-runner. For the \"PBS NewsHour,\" I\'m Laura Barron-Lopez. ## Listen to this Segment Play 00:00 … Volume Watch (3) not-for-profit organization. Sections * The Latest * Politics * Arts * Nation * World * Economy * Science * Health * Education About * About Us * TV Schedule * Press * Feedback * Funders * Support * Newsletters * Podcasts * Jobs * Privacy * Terms of Use Stay Connected * Facebook * YouTube * Instagram * X * TikTok * Threads * RSS Subscribe to Here\'s the Deal with Lisa Desjardins Enter your email address Subscribe Thank you. Please check your inbox to confirm. ## Support our journalism Learn more about Friends of the News Hour. Support for News Hour Provided By *  Amid a flurry of attacks in tonight\'s final GOP presidential debate, many of the candidates\' claims were misleading or flat wrong. Here\'s what the USA TODAY Fact Check Team found on some of the most noteworthy claims from former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy. More from the USA TODAY Fact-Check Team: * Guidelines: How we identify, research and rate claims * Newsletter: Sign up for Checking the Facts; truth delivered daily to your inbox * Facebook: Like our page to get our latest debunks throughout the day ## Vivek Ramaswamy claim: Climate change is a hoax “The climate change agenda is a hoax because it has nothing to do with the climate. … 98% reduction in climate disaster-related deaths in the last century. Eight times as many people are going to die of cold temperatures this year than warm ones.\" Sign-up for Your Vote: Text with the USA TODAY elections team. This is inaccurate on multiple counts. The hoax claim is wrong: The vast majority of climate scientists (97%) agree that human activity is causing climate change, which in turn has caused an increase in the frequency and intensity of natural disasters. And a decrease in deaths relating to these natural disasters isn’t proof that climate change is a hoax either. Experts previously told USA TODAY that social factors and technological improvements, such as early warning systems and robust building engineering, have saved lives during the growing number of natural disasters. These experts also said it’s difficult to accurately measure deaths associated with natural disasters because different parts of the world have different protocols for measuring mortality, numbers can be skewed by few high-mortality eve and high-quality, unbiased data isn’t always easily accessible. And Ramaswamy’s hot and cold stat isn’t exactly clear cut. Though there doesn’t appear to be a clear consensus about the rate at which cold-related deaths outnumber those caused by the heat, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reports there are nearly four times as many cold- related deaths, while the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics says there are roughly two times as many. A study published by the Lancet found that there were roughly 10 times as many cold-related deaths as heat-related deaths, but the findings were solely based on European cities. Other USA TODAY debunks about the legitimacy of climate change: * Claim: Decreasing natural disaster-related death counts show climate change isn\'t real (False) * Claim: Climate change is a \'scam\' because the US was hotter in 1913 than 2023 (False) * Claim: The US was \'much hotter\' in 1936 than in 2023(False) * Claim: 96% of climate data is corrupted (False) -Hannah Hudnall ## Vivek Ramaswamy claim: Jan. 6 now does look like an inside job There is absolutely no evidence supporting this claim. More than 1,000 people have been arrested and faced charges stemming from their actions at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, with more than 700 having either pled guilty or been convicted at trial as of Oct. 6. Among those convicted of helping plan or incite the activities was then-Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio, who was sentenced to 22 years in prison for helping orchestrate the plot. Stewart Rhodes, who founded the Oath Keepers militia and said the rioters “should have brought rifles,” to the Capitol, was sentenced to 18 years for his role. Fourth Republican debate live updates: GOP debate live updates: What to know as 2024 Republican candidates face off in Alabama A pair of viral claims about government or law enforcement involvement in the riot have been debunked in recent months. Social media users claimed a video showed a man flashing a badge while inside the Capitol, but USA TODAY reported that the man had been previously identified as an HVAC technician by his own attorney, and the item he flashed resembled the vape he was later filmed using. Another viral claim focused on a Trump supporter named Ray Epps, who was accused of being an undercover federal agent before pleading guilty in September to charges stemming from the riot. Numerous outlets have debunked claims that Epps was a government agent. Other USA TODAY debunks on the nature of the Jan. 6 riot: * Fact check roundup: False narratives linger two years after Jan. 6 attack on Capitol * Claim: A video shows antifa inside the Capitol building with floor plans and dressed as Trump supporters on Jan. 6, proving the attack was a setup (False) * Claim: FBI operatives organized the attack (False) * Claim: The Jan. 6 House select committee destroyed records that would exonerate Trump (False) -Nate Trela ## Nikki Haley claim: Every 30 minutes spent watching TikTok makes a person 17% more antisemitic “For every 30 minutes that someone watches TikTok, every day, they become 17% more antisemitic.” Haley is significantly misstating the nature of a survey that suggests TikTok is a driver of a surge in antisemitism. The study was published Nov. 30 on X by Anthony Goldbloom, the former CEO of data science platform Kaggle. It suggests that spending at least 30 minutes a day on TikTok increases the chances by 17% that a person responding to the survey holds antisemitic or anti-Israel views. By comparison, the increase with at least 30 minutes of use per day was 6% for an Instagram user and 2% for an X (formerly Twitter) user. Goldbloom said this on the TikTok findings: \"This is not surprising when you consider that for every view of a TikTok video with a pro-Israel hashtag in the US, there are 54 views of videos with pro-Palestinian hashtags.\" – Joedy McCreary ## Nikki Haley claim: She quit Boeing’s board over bailout “When they decided, after COVID, that they wanted to go for a corporate bailout – I’ve never supported corporate bailouts, so I respectfully stepped back and got off the board.\" Haley, who was elected to Boeing’s board of directors in April 2019, resigned in March 2020, saying in a letter to the company’s management that she could not support its bid for government assistance early in the COVID-19 pandemic. Haley did, however, support other government funding for Boeing. She backed a $900 million package of subsidies for Boeing manufacturing facilities in South Carolina in 2009 while she was a state lawmaker and candidate for governor, according to The Wall Street Journal. And as governor, she signed a law in 2013 to give Boeing $120 million in bond money as part of an expansion, The Post and Courier of Charleston reported. – Joedy McCreary ## Ron DeSantis claim: He delivered on all of his campaign promises in Florida “100% of the things I promised as governor, I delivered on those promises. I beat the Left time and time again.” This is false. While DeSantis has followed through on some of his campaign promises since being elected governor in 2018, he has not fulfilled all of them, according to PolitiFact’s “DeSant-O-Meter” scorecard. His most prominent broken campaign promises relate to tax cuts. In 2018, DeSantis pledged to work to lower the corporate tax rate in Florida, and while it temporarily dropped from 2019 to 2021 primarily as the result of federal changes, it returned to 5.5% in 2022 – the same tax rate it was before DeSantis took office. The governor also failed to follow through on his pledge to lower Florida’s communication services tax, which is assessed on telecommunications, audio and video streaming, direct-to-home satellite and related services. Florida consistently has one of the highest such taxes in the country, a fact which has not changed since DeSantis took office. -Brad Sylvester ## Ron DeSantis claim: Haley called for unlimited legal immigration, policy set by corporate CEOs “Nikki Haley said the other day there should be no limits on legal immigration and that corporate CEOs should set the policy on that.” – DeSantis Haley responded to this claim by asserting DeSantis was lying. DeSantis – who has previously levied the same attack against Haley – is indeed mischaracterizing her proposed reforms for legal immigration as detailed during a Nov. 2 town hall. “For too long, Republican and Democrat presidents dealt with immigration based on a quota – ‘We’ll take X number this year, we’ll take X number the next year and the debate is on the number,’” Haley said. “We need to do it based on merit. We need to go to our industries and say, ‘What do you need that you don’t have?’” she added. “So, think agriculture, think tourism, think tech. We want the talent that’s going to make us better. Then, you bring people in that can fill those needs.” Haley has previously advocated easing legal pathways for new workers as a way to address labor shortages, The New York Times reported in November. – Joedy McCreary ## Ron DeSantis claim: The Biden administration wants to get rid of cash “So one of the dangers we’re going to face, what Biden wants, is a central bank, digital currency. They want to get rid of cash, crypto, they want to force you to do that.” This is inaccurate. Though President Joe Biden’s administration has researched the possible implications of digital currency, no concrete plans to implement such a thing have been made. In March 2022, Biden signed an executive order to promote the development of digital assets and cryptocurrencies, asking federal agencies to evaluate the viability of such a central bank digital currency. Experts previously told USA TODAY that even if a digital currency were implemented in the future, it would serve as a possible alternative to physical currency, not a replacement. They also said as long as the Federal Reserve retains its independence, politicians would have no direct role in the creation or distribution of physical or digital currency. USA TODAY found no record of Biden saying he supports eliminating cash. * Fact check: Biden\'s executive order will evaluate concept of a digital currency, not launch it -Hannah Hudnall ## Nikki Haley claim: ‘I never said government should go and require anyone\'s name on the internet’ In a Fox News interview on Nov. 14, Haley said, \"Every person on social media should be verified by their name,” but she did not say who should do the verification – government or social media companies. Haley called it a matter of national security to reduce the influence of foreign “bot” accounts that spread misinformation. In the same interview, Haley said she would require social media platforms to be transparent with their algorithms so Americans can “see why they\'re pushing what they\'re pushing.” Other GOP candidates presented her remarks as saying the government was entitled to know the identities. A day later, Haley walked back her verification stance and said she believed social media companies should be doing the verification. “I don’t mind anonymous American people having free speech,\" Haley said. \"What I don’t like is anonymous Russians and Chinese and Iranians having free speech.\" -Nate Trela ## Ron DeSantis claim: Toddler died after fentanyl exposure at Florida Airbnb “There was an 18-month-old baby who was crawling on the floor of an Airbnb rental. There was fentanyl residue on the carpet and the baby died.” The Florida governor recycled an anecdote he previously brought up during the second GOP primary debate in September. He was talking about the 2021 death of 19-month-old Enora Lavenir. She and her family stayed at a rental property in Wellington, Florida, while they visited from France, according to a report from the Palm Beach Post on the wrongful death lawsuit her family filed in March in Palm Beach County. The lawsuit alleges that the home was not properly cleaned after a party was held there in which fentanyl and other drugs were present. But official reports have not yet confirmed that. The county medical examiner’s office ruled her death accidental and said it was caused by acute fentanyl toxicity. It is not clear how the child ingested the substance, and an incident report from the county sheriff’s office did not indicate how the toddler was exposed to the drug, according to the newspaper report. She was napping on the afternoon of Aug. 7, 2021, when her mother found her unresponsive. She was taken to a hospital, where she was pronounced dead. – Joedy McCreary ## Chris Christie claim: Ramaswamy has voted in the Republican primaries for less than 12 years “I’ve known (Haley) for 12 years, which is longer than he’s even started to vote in a Republican primary.” This is true. Ramaswamy said he was a libertarian in college and voted as a libertarian in 2004, but didn’t vote in 2008, 2012 or 2016, according to Reuters. He says he then voted for former President Donald Trump in 2020. Ramaswamy has said he doesn’t strongly identify with either political party and is merely using the Republican party as a “vehicle” to stand for “America- first principles.” -Hannah Hudnall ## Vivek Ramaswamy claim: Nikki Haley was bankrupt when she stepped down from the UN “Nikki, you were bankrupt when you left the U.N. … And now you’re a multimillionaire. That math doesn’t add up. It adds up to the fact that you are corrupt.” This overstates the nature of Haley’s financial situation, according to Forbes. When Haley stepped down as former President Donald Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations in 2018, her parents owed over $1 million and were in danger of losing their home, according to Forbes. Haley and her husband then loaned them hundreds of thousands of dollars to help. Though Haley’s 2018 financial disclosure report showed she was at least $1.5 million in debt, most of that was a $1 million mortgage. Forbes reported that she had nearly $100,000 in her bank accounts and $185,000 coming in each year in salary. There are no reports from Forbes or other reputable outlets that Haley declared bankruptcy. -Hannah Hudnall ## Ron DeSantis claim: He removed two Soros-backed prosecutors in Florida “We beat George Soros when we removed two of his radical district attorneys.” DeSantis has indeed removed two prosecutors that Democratic megadonor George Soros backed. In August, the Florida governor suspended Orlando-area State Attorney Monique Worrell, a Democrat and the only Black woman serving as a local prosecutor in the state, according to NBC News. Worrell was elected in 2020 with donations that included more than $2 million from the Soros-backed Our Vote Our Voice Political Action Committee. A statement from DeSantis’ office claims Worrell was “neglecting her duty to faithfully prosecute crime in her jurisdiction.” Worrell referred to her suspension as a “political hit job.” DeSantis also dismissed Tampa-area prosecutor Andrew Warren in 2022 for “refusing to enforce Florida law,” according to a statement from his office. Warren, like Worrell, was elected in 2020 with help from a Soros-backed committee. -Brad Sylvester ## Nikki Haley claim: Unemployment in South Carolina fell from 11% to 3% “We moved unemployment from 11% to 3%.” Haley is slightly overstating how far that rate dropped, according to numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The unemployment rate in South Carolina was 10.8% when Haley was sworn in as governor in January 2011. But that rate never reached 3% during her term, BLS statistics show. Rather, it bottomed out at 4.4% in January 2017 when she left office. – Joedy McCreary ## Support of Israel in war with Hamas unwavering for most candidates Israel’s war with Hamas is nearly two months old, with fighting ramping up again after a humanitarian pause that allowed for the release of hostages held by Hamas and prisoners held by Israel. Most of the candidates on stage tonight have continuously offered support for Israel, which Hamas attacked on Oct. 7. Chris Christie said degrading Hamas’s military capabilities must be Israel’s highest priority in the war. Ron DeSantis has remained staunchly supportive of Israel, calling for defunding the United Nations after it called for a ceasefire without the body condemning Hamas. Nikki Haley has been looking ahead, questioning whether a two-state solution would be viable after the conflict ends. Vivek Ramaswamy remains an outlier among the debate participants, openly questioning how much financial support the U.S. should provide Israel and for how long. Misinformation about the conflict continues to spread. Here are some claims we have debunked: * Fact check roundup: Israel-Hamas war sparks many misleading claims online * Claim: Hamas attack on Supernova music festival was a false flag (False) * Claim: Video proves IDF tanks fired on Israeli citizens in a kibbutz on Oct. 7 (False) * Claim: Video shows a Doctors Without Borders medic aiding terrorists (False) * Claim: Gaza Health Ministry announced all ICU patients at Al Shifa Hospital had died (False) * Claim: Video shows Palestinians faking war injuries (False) * Claim: Photo shows American troops praying before being deployed to Israel (False) – Nate Trela ## US aid to Ukraine divides Republican candidates Nearly two years after Russia\'s invasion of Ukraine began, there remain differing views among Republican presidential candidates about continuing U.S. support for Ukraine\'s defense. Trump, who is again choosing to skip the debate, has repeatedly suggested the U.S. is providing too much support to Ukraine. He has also refused to say whether he wants Russia or Ukraine to prevail in the conflict. DeSantis has been skeptical of U.S. support for Ukraine, saying in a March statement that the war is a \"territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia\" and not one of the country\'s \"vital national interests.\" In a Fox News interview, Ramaswamy said the U.S. has done enough to help Ukraine, while Christie has said he supports continuing U.S. support for Ukraine. Haley, though, has said U.S. support should not come in the form of cash or troops on the ground, but through collaborating with allies to be sure Ukraine has \"the equipment and the ammunition to win.\" Meanwhile, U.S. lawmakers have been increasingly split over continuing to provide standalone aid to Ukraine and Israel. Some Republicans have called for aid to be tied to funding for border security and cuts to the IRS. The war in Ukraine has frequently been the subject of misinformation: * Fact check roundup: What\'s true and what\'s false about the Russian invasion of Ukraine * Claim: US Special Forces arrested Ukrainian officials on Nov. 13 (False) * Claim:Zelenskyy surrendered and Ukraine has fallen (False) * Claim: Putin invaded Ukraine to take out the ‘main hub’ for bioweapons labs, child trafficking and money laundering (False) * Claim: US accidentally sent Ukraine an extra $6.2 billion (False) * Claim: US aid to Ukraine is double expenditure for Afghanistan War (False) * Claim: NATO sent 10,000 troops to Ukraine (False) * Claim: China is providing tanks for Ukraine to use against Russia (False) – Chris Mueller & Hannah Hudnall ## Talk of Trump indictments, civil trial persists despite absence Former President Donald Trump continues to loom large over the four Republican hopefuls on the debate stage. Trump has not taken part in any debates during this election cycle and is holding a private fundraiser instead of participating in this one. Yet he remains the party’s central figure in light of both his commanding lead in the polls and his unprecedented legal troubles. Much of Trump’s focus has been on his civil fraud trial in New York, where prosecutors claim he committed fraud by inflating the value of his assets and are seeking an estimated $250 million in damages, among other penalties. A gag order was restored against the former president who has called the trial a “scam” and a “disgrace” and asserted the judge who ruled he committed fraud knew nothing about him. The series of prosecutions against Trump began in March, when he was indicted for allegedly falsifying business records related to hush-money payments intended to silence two women before the 2016 election. Trump also faces charges for allegedly mishandling classified documents and allegedly conspiring to steal the 2020 presidential election, including his role in the Jan. 6 insurrection. Trump and several allies were indicted in August by a Georgia grand jury that accused them of trying to overturn his 2020 election loss in the state, where Trump lost to President Joe Biden by about 12,000 votes. Both Trump\'s candidacy and his legal woes have been the subject of an array of false or misleading claims on social media: * Fact check roundup: What’s true and false on Trump indictments * Claim: Trump announced his running mate for the 2024 election (False) * Claim: Video shows US military member calling Trump the \'real\' president (False) * Claim: Trump said he is still commander-in-chief during a campaign speech (False) * Claim: New York Attorney General Letitia James was arrested (False) * Claim: 80% of Donald Trump\'s civil fraud case was dismissed for violating the statute of limitations (False) * Claim: Trump had Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis impeached (False) * Claim: Charges against Trump include potential for death penalty (False) * Claim: Trump was charged with espionage (False) * Claim: Biden ordered Trump\'s indictment in classified documents probe (False) – Joedy McCreary ## Jan. 6 riot remains part of campaign The Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot continues to loom over the field of GOP presidential candidates, even though none of the debate participants had direct ties to the storming of the Capitol or the certification of election results that day. Former President Donald Trump has won legal battles over the past month to keep from being kicked off the ballot in Michigan, Minnesota and Colorado. Each effort was based on the claim that Trump bore responsibility for the attack on the Capitol and should be disqualified under a post-Civil War-era clause of the 14th Amendment that bars anyone who \"engaged in insurrection\" after taking an oath to uphold the Constitution from holding higher office. The candidates participating in tonight’s debate have largely agreed that those responsible for the events at the Capitol should be held accountable, although Ron DeSantis has balked at calling it an insurrection and Vivek Ramaswamy has been circumspect about whether Trump bears any responsibility for what happened. Speaker Mike Johnson has brought the events forward again by releasing footage from the Capitol, a process slowed by his decision to blur the faces of rioters. The released video has already been co-opted into the steady flow of misinformation surrounding the riot. Here are some claims we’ve previously debunked: * Fact check roundup: False narratives linger two years after Jan. 6 attack on Capitol * Claim: FBI operatives organized the attack (False) * Claim: Pence was arrested that day (False) * Claim: The Jan. 6 House select committee destroyed records that would exonerate Trump (False) * Claim: A video showed the Trump family celebrating the riots from a nearby tent (False) * Claim: Image shows a federal agent posing as a Trump supporter during Jan. 6 riot (False) – Nate Trela ## Abortion sparks debate, misinformation after Roe v. Wade ruling Abortion rights are likely to be a key issue for voters as the 2024 presidential election nears. Since the Supreme Court overturned the landmark Roe v. Wade decision in June 2022, eliminating the constitutional right to have an abortion, more than a dozen states have banned, or attempted to ban, abortion. Meanwhile, progressive organizations and activists have scored seven straight victories in statewide ballots, most recently in Ohio. Democrats have sought to use the issue to mobilize voters ahead of the 2024 election. Republican presidential candidates have generally been opposed to the procedure, but vary in how they would try to regulate it if elected. Trump has suggested he would work with “both sides” of the abortion issue and has denounced total restrictions on abortions. He criticized Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ signing of legislation banning abortion after six weeks in his state. At the third GOP presidential debate in Miami, Haley said she considers herself \"pro-life\" but believes abortion is “a personal issue for every woman and every man,\" while Christie has called for leaving the matter up to individual states. Businessman Vivek Ramaswamy has said he does not support a federal ban on abortion and believes the matter is a state issue but lamented the abortion referendum recently passed in his home state of Ohio. Abortion has sparked a flurry of misinformation online: * Claim: Nebraska teen charged with a felony after using abortion pills faces five years in prison (Partly false) * Claim: The abortion pill caused 28 maternal deaths and over 4,200 adverse events (False) * Claim: Texas teen got 96 years in prison for crossing state lines for abortion (Satire) * Claim: A California ballot measure would ‘extend abortions up to 9 months’ (False) * Claim: A 12-year-old girl who gets an abortion in Alabama is thrown in prison for life (False) * Claim: Planned Parenthood clinics are shutting down all over the country (False) * Claim: Biden proposed a constitutional amendment to overturn Roe v. Wade in 1982 (Partly false) * Claim: Abortions were banned before AR-style semi-automatic rifles (Missing context) * Claim: Roe v. Wade marked the end of women dying from abortions (False) * Claim: Mike Johnson said women have ‘a duty’ to give birth to ‘at least one able-bodied worker’ (False) – BrieAnna Frank & Hannah Hudnall ## Election integrity remains focus for GOP candidates The next election is less than a year away, but the fight over the results of the last one continues. A key issue for the four candidates on the debate stage remains whether they trust the election process in the U.S. Allegations of voter fraud from Trump and his allies are at the root of two indictments against the former president, who is accused of trying to steal the 2020 election. His claims have resonated throughout the Republican Party and eroded confidence in the process, even as state-level reviews of the 2022 midterm elections found no indication of systemic problems with voter fraud. Some of the candidates taking part in the debate have made moves in their states to enhance the integrity of elections. * Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis created Florida’s Office of Election Crimes and Security. A year ago, his administration accused 20 felons ineligible to vote of illegally casting ballots in 2020 and charged them with third-degree felonies. * Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley as governor signed a law in 2011 that requires South Carolina voters to show photo ID. * Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie vetoed a bill in 2016 that would automatically register New Jerseyans to vote when they obtain or renew their driver’s license, calling it “a cocktail of fraud,” reported. Misinformation has circulated about the integrity of the elections. Here are some that have been debunked: * Fact check roundup: False claims about election fraud, candidates swirl amid 2022 midterms * Claim: Maricopa County, Arizona, officials admitted to breaking the law, improperly certifying machines that failed during election (False) * Claim: Arizona task force found Gov. Katie Hobbs interfered in 2022 election as secretary of state (False) * Claim: Douglass Mackey was sentenced to prison for \'making memes disparaging Hillary Clinton’ (False) * Claim: A software company\'s contract allows officials to override election results (False) * Claim: Malware, remote access caused printer problems; 200,000 \'ejected\' ballots in Arizona (False) * Claim: A chart shows election fraud in the Michigan AG’s race (False) * Claim: Georgia is Democrats\' test site for 2024 \'private takeover of election offices’ (False) * Claim: Blackout in live stream in Nevada points to election theft (False) * Claim: Fraud due to Texas voting machine adding voters as polls close (False) * Claim: Photo showing ballots from 2022 midterms in the trash is evidence of fraud (False) * Claim: Democrats used 47 million mail-in ballots to steal every election (False) * Claim: Joe Biden did not legally win the presidential election (False) – Joedy McCreary Featured Weekly Ad About Us Newsroom Staff Ethical Principles Responsible Disclosure Request a Correction Press Releases Accessibility Sitemap Subscription Terms & Conditions Terms of Service Privacy Policy Your Privacy Choices Contact Us Help Center Manage Account Give Feedback Get Home Delivery eNewspaper USA TODAY Shop USA TODAY Print Editions Licensing & Reprints Advertise With Us Advertising Acceptance Policy Careers Internships Support Local Business News Tips Submitting letters to the editor Podcasts Newsletters Mobile Apps Facebook X Instagram LinkedIn Threads YouTube Reddit Flipboard 10Best USAT Wine Club Shopping Best-selling Booklist Southern Kitchen Jobs Sports Betting Sports Weekly Studio Gannett Classifieds Homefront Home Internet Blueprint Auto Insurance Pet Insurance Travel Insurance Credit Cards Banking Personal Loans LLC Formation Payroll Software © 2024 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Satellite Information Network, LLC. |
Nikki Haley said the other day there should be no limits on legal immigration and that corporate CEOs should set the policy on that | 1 | Skip to site indexSearch & Section NavigationSection Navigation SEARCH Log in Sunday, October 6, 2024 Today’s Paper  # Angelo Fichera ## Recent and archived work by Angelo Fichera for The New York Times ### Latest 1. July 19, 2024 ### “If you look at the arrow at the bottom, that’s the lowest level — the one on the bottom, heavy red arrow — that’s the lowest level of illegal immigrants ever to come into our country in recorded history right there, right there. And that was my last week in office.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 2. July 19, 2024  ### Fact-Checking the Immigration Chart That Trump Says ‘Saved My Life’ Donald J. Trump escaped an assassination attempt with only an ear wound after he turned to show a graphic, which he again highlighted at the R.N.C. But the facts on immigration are misleading. By Angelo Fichera Leer en español 3. July 19, 2024 ### “We also left $85 billion worth of military equipment” in Afghanistan. This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 4. July 18, 2024 ### “And then we had that horrible, horrible result that we’ll never let happen again. The election result. We’re never going to let that happen again. They used Covid to cheat.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 5. July 18, 2024 ### “We had no inflation.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 6. July 18, 2024 ### “He decided to leave behind the comforts of an unbelievable business empire. To leave behind everything he had ever built. To answer the call to serve our nation. Unlike his predecessor, it was not a decision born out of necessity. Unlike the current president, it was not a decision that would enrich his family.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 7. July 17, 2024 ### “Meanwhile pro-crime district attorneys have turned our cities into giant crime zones.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 8. July 17, 2024 ### “The guy who advised Obama not to take out Osama. Joe Biden advised against the mission that killed Osama bin Laden.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 9. July 17, 2024 ### “Let’s look at Biden’s E.V. mandates.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 10. July 17, 2024 ### “Biden’s F.B.I. has even stated that practicing Catholics present an elevated risk of domestic terrorism simply because of their faith.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 11. July 17, 2024 ### Donald Trump is “an American whom even Barack Obama admits people consider the American dream.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 12. July 16, 2024 ### “Gas hit a low of $1.87 a gallon” under the Trump administration This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 13. July 16, 2024 ### “To Biden’s violent crime crisis, fueled by Democrats’ pro-criminal sanctuary cities and defund-the-police policies like we have seen in my home state of New York.“ This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 14. July 16, 2024 ### “And while pockets are pinched, Biden is trying to force you to buy an electric vehicle.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 15. July 16, 2024 ### “Just last week, Ruben Gallego voted to let the millions of people who poured into our country illegally cast a ballot in this upcoming election.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 16. July 15, 2024 ### “President Trump will make those tax cuts permanent. But if Joe and Kamala are re-elected, they say they are going to let them expire. That will be the biggest tax increase in American history.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 17. July 15, 2024 ### “They promised normalcy and gave us Transgender Visibility Day on Easter Sunday.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 18. June 27, 2024 ### “He wants to get rid of Social Security. He thinks that there’s plenty to cut in Social Security. He’s wanted to cut Social Security and Medicare both times.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 19. June 27, 2024 ### “And what he’s done to the Black population is horrible, including the fact that for 10 years he called them superpredators.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 20. June 27, 2024 ### “We have the largest number of terrorists coming into our country right now. All terrorists, all over the world, not just in South America, all over the world. They come from the Middle East, everywhere, all over the world. They’re pouring in. And this guy just left it open.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 21. June 27, 2024 ### “We have 1,000 trillionaires in America — I mean billionaires in America — and what’s happening, they’re in a situation where they in fact pay 8.2 percent in taxes.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 22. June 27, 2024 ### “He’s the only president other than Herbert Hoover who’s lost more jobs than he had when he began.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 23. June 27, 2024 Fact Check ### Fact-Checking Biden’s and Trump’s Claims on Domestic Policy We scrutinized the presidential candidates’ recent claims on abortion, health care, crime and climate change ahead of the debate. By Linda Qiu 24. April 8, 2024  ### The Method Behind Trump’s Mistruths A close examination of every public word from the former president during a crucial week of his campaign. By Angelo Fichera 25. March 16, 2024  ### Examining Trump’s Alternate Reality Pitch The war in Ukraine. Hamas’s attack on Israel. Inflation. The former president has insisted that none would have occurred if he had remained in office after 2020. By Angelo Fichera 26. March 8, 2024 ### “You know, there are 1,000 billionaires in America. You know what the average federal tax is for these billionaires? They are making great sacrifices: 8.2 percent. That’s far less than the vast majority of Americans’ pay.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 27. March 7, 2024 ### The Republican Party wants “families to grow. It’s why we strongly support continued nationwide access to in vitro fertilization.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 28. March 7, 2024 ### “From our small towns to America’s most iconic city streets, life is getting more and more dangerous.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 29. March 7, 2024 ### “Many of my friends on the other side of the aisle want to put Social Security on the chopping block.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 30. March 7, 2024 ### “We’ve already cut the federal deficit over a trillion dollars.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 31. March 7, 2024 ### “15 million new jobs in just three years — a record.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 32. March 7, 2024 ### “In fact, my policies have attracted $650 billion in private sector investment, in clean energy, advanced manufacturing, creating tens of thousands of jobs here in America!” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 33. March 6, 2024  Fact Check ### Trump’s Super Tuesday Speech: Assessing 10 False and Misleading Claims After racking up a series of wins that cleared the field, former President Donald J. Trump moved to a general election message. Here’s a fact check. By Angelo Fichera 34. Feb. 29, 2024 ### ‘We built 571 miles of border wall, much more than I promised I’d build.’ This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 35. Feb. 29, 2024 FACT CHECK ### “Now the United States is being overrun by the Biden migrant crime. It’s a new form of vicious violation to our country.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 36. Feb. 29, 2024 FACT CHECK ### “Because of Joe Biden’s policies — and the more than eight million people who have crossed the border — the United States is being invaded.” This was featured in live coverage. By Angelo Fichera 37. Feb. 24, 2024  Fact Check ### Fact-Checking Trump and Haley’s War of Words Nikki Haley and her onetime boss, former President Donald J. Trump, have used false and misleading claims about polls and tax proposals while exchanging jabs on the campaign trail. By Angelo Fichera 38. Feb. 21, 2024  fact check ### Fact-Checking Biden’s Recent Economic Talking Points President Biden has made some misleading statements during campaign and public events in recent weeks as he discussed taxes, industry, jobs and more. By Angelo Fichera 39. Feb. 5, 2024  Fact CHECK ### No, Border Deal Won’t ‘Allow’ 5,000 Unauthorized Immigrants a Day Republican critics are misrepresenting one provision of a bipartisan deal to suggest that it permits 5,000 illegal crossings a day. By Angelo Fichera 40. Feb. 5, 2024  Fact Check ### Opposing border deal, Donald Trump falsely denies endorsing Senator James Lankford. The former president issued in 2022 a glowing endorsement of Mr. Lankford, the Republican lawmaker now pushing a bipartisan border deal that Mr. Trump opposes. By Angelo Fichera Page **1** of **8** 1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4 5. 5 6. 6 7. 7 8. 8 ## Site Index ## Site Information Navigation * © 2024 The New York Times Company * NYTCo * Contact Us * Accessibility * Work with us * Advertise * T Brand Studio * Your Ad Choices * Privacy Policy * Terms of Service * Terms of Sale * Site Map * Canada * International * Help * Subscriptions |
Never keep sliced onions for use the next day even if placed in sealed airtight bags or in the refrigerator Their consumption must be immediate as it can be dangerous to consume them afterwards | 2 | ..I cut up an onion the other day and had a piece left over. A friend told me that if I keep the onion and use it again it would be poisonous. Is that true? All related (82) Sort Recommended  Beth Goldowitz I read more than anyone I know, probably to excess. · Author has 17.9K answers and 67.4M answer views · 4y It is absolutely not true. As long as the onion is well wrapped so it isn\'t exposed to air, it\'s fine in the fridge for two or three days. It will start to dry out after that, so just make sure to use the rest of it promptly. If you\'re not going to use it within a day or two, the best thing to do is put it in a sealed plastic bag or plastic container and freeze it. Its texture won\'t be the same as a fresh onion once thawed, but it will be good to use in making stock, or to add flavor to a pot of beans. Foods stored in the fridge do not become poisonous. Being chilled does not change the essentia Continue Reading It is absolutely not true. As long as the onion is well wrapped so it isn\'t exposed to air, it\'s fine in the fridge for two or three days. It will start to dry out after that, so just make sure to use the rest of it promptly. If you\'re not going to use it within a day or two, the best thing to do is put it in a sealed plastic bag or plastic container and freeze it. Its texture won\'t be the same as a fresh onion once thawed, but it will be good to use in making stock, or to add flavor to a pot of beans. Foods stored in the fridge do not become poisonous. Being chilled does not change the essential nature of fruits, vegetables, meat, or grains. Just don\'t wait too long to use the rest of your onion. Upvote · 9910 Sponsored by Amazon Web Services (AWS) Looking to build or host your own website? Try AWS for free. Whether you\'re looking to build, host, or create in the cloud, AWS offers free, hands-on experience. Sign Up 999175  Umar Sheriff Habibullah Former Operations Manager at Jupiter International Hotel (2015–2017) · Author has 363 answers and 2.7M answer views · 5y Originally Answered: I cut up a garlic clove the other day and I had a piece left over. my friend told me to throw that out because it would be poisonous if I used it again. Is there any truth to that? · Dear Judy Crossman, In my experience , i can say the cut garlic clove is not poisonous for next day. Let me explain in two life regular home activities. 1\. During the Eid ( Ramadan &Bakrid festival )time all our ladies they start peeling garlic skin and keep it ready to make garlic paste to make Biriyani so the process of peeling garlic skin takes place at least a weeks ahead. But we keep in the fri Continue Reading Dear Judy Crossman, In my experience , i can say the cut garlic clove is not poisonous for next day. Let me explain in two life regular home activities. 1\. During the Eid ( Ramadan &Bakrid festival )time all our ladies they start peeling garlic skin and keep it ready to make garlic paste to make Biriyani so the process of peeling garlic skin takes place at least a weeks ahead. But we keep in the fridge covered as it smells a lot. 2\. second during the marriage time all over family relations visit our home a week ahead . so it was... Upvote · 93  Assistant Bot · Aug 18 No, that’s not true. A cut onion does not become poisonous after being stored. However, there are a few important points to keep in mind: 1. Storage: If you have a leftover piece of onion, store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator. This helps prevent it from drying out and reduces the risk of contamination. 2. Shelf Life: A cut onion can typically be kept in the refrigerator for about 7 to 10 days. After that, it may start to spoil or develop an off smell, indicating it should be discarded. 3. Food Safety: Always check for signs of spoilage (like an unusual odor, sliminess, or mold) before usi Continue Reading No, that’s not true. A cut onion does not become poisonous after being stored. However, there are a few important points to keep in mind: 1. Storage: If you have a leftover piece of onion, store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator. This helps prevent it from drying out and reduces the risk of contamination. 2. Shelf Life: A cut onion can typically be kept in the refrigerator for about 7 to 10 days. After that, it may start to spoil or develop an off smell, indicating it should be discarded. 3. Food Safety: Always check for signs of spoilage (like an unusual odor, sliminess, or mold) before using a leftover onion. If it looks or smells bad, it\'s best to throw it away. In summary, as long as the onion is stored properly and shows no signs of spoilage, it is safe to use again. Upvote · Related questions More answers below Will cutting an onion and not using it until the next day be dangerous? How true is this fact that, onions turn poisonous if left cut for another day? Do cut onion left in open turn toxic? Do half cut onions exposed to air for 12 hours or more turn poisonous? Why? Do onions become toxic or otherwise dangerous within a day of being cut open?  Barbara Cotie Former Leasing Analyst: Retired · Author has 314 answers and 216.4K answer views · Updated 4y That bad information comes from a comment made on line back in like 2008. The comment was removed because it was written as fact. The truth is: When handled properly, cut onions are not poisonous. After being cut, onions can be stored in the refrigerator in a sealed container for up to 7 days. A widely circulated claim states uncooked, leftover onions are \'poisonous\' because they\'re \'a huge magnet for bacteria,\' thus likely to spoil. Only if the onions are not handled properly. If that fact was true I\'d be dead 20 years ago. But I like onion so much that there is never too many onions in a rec Continue Reading That bad information comes from a comment made on line back in like 2008. The comment was removed because it was written as fact. The truth is: When handled properly, cut onions are not poisonous. After being cut, onions can be stored in the refrigerator in a sealed container for up to 7 days. A widely circulated claim states uncooked, leftover onions are \'poisonous\' because they\'re \'a huge magnet for bacteria,\' thus likely to spoil. Only if the onions are not handled properly. If that fact was true I\'d be dead 20 years ago. But I like onion so much that there is never too many onions in a recipe that are cooked! Upvote · 93 Related questions Will cutting an onion and not using it until the next day be dangerous? How true is this fact that, onions turn poisonous if left cut for another day? Do cut onion left in open turn toxic? Do half cut onions exposed to air for 12 hours or more turn poisonous? Why? Do onions become toxic or otherwise dangerous within a day of being cut open? Is it safe to eat onions that have been left out overnight? Is it harmful to cut onions and eat them later? Can I keep onions outside in room temperature, and for how long? If I use only half of an onion, should I refrigerate the unused half? What makes humans so resistant to the toxins in onions? Can onions cause food poisoning? Does a chopped onion become poisonous after some time? Are wild onion bulbs poisonous? What are some of their toxic effects and antidotes for them? Is it okay to rinse a knife with water only after cutting \"clean\" ingredients such as onions? What is the reason it is not advisable to leave chopped, diced, cut onion openly outside or in the fridge in a container? What happens if chopped onion is stored in fridge for later use, why is it not a good thing to do? Related questions Will cutting an onion and not using it until the next day be dangerous? How true is this fact that, onions turn poisonous if left cut for another day? Do cut onion left in open turn toxic? Do half cut onions exposed to air for 12 hours or more turn poisonous? Why? Do onions become toxic or otherwise dangerous within a day of being cut open? Is it safe to eat onions that have been left out overnight? Advertisement About · Careers · Privacy · Terms · Contact · Languages · Your Ad Choices · Press · © Quora, Inc. 2024  |
Never keep sliced onions for use the next day even if placed in sealed airtight bags or in the refrigerator Their consumption must be immediate as it can be dangerous to consume them afterwards | 2 | How long can curries be kept in fridge and reheated? I am an intern and don’t have time to cook everyday : r/IndianFood Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home r/IndianFood A chip A close button Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit Expand user menu Open settings menu * Log In / Sign Up * Advertise on Reddit * Shop Collectible Avatars ### Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Or check it out in the app stores Go to IndianFood r/IndianFood r/IndianFood Indian Food is your step by step guide to simple and delicious home cooking. From regional Indian cuisine to popular dishes from around the globe, our community\'s focus is to make cooking easy. Come join us and learn! * * * 911K Members 22 Online • 2 yr. ago dilsedesi95 ADMIN MOD # How long can curries be kept in fridge and reheated? I am an intern and don’t have time to cook everyday question I have a fridge and microwave, how long do curries usually last inside fridge? I am planning to cook 2-3 curries at a time and put them in fridge and eat them by using microwave. I will be cooking dal fry, sambar, vegetable curries, chicken curry, etc. Edit: Thank you all for the responses, I’ll try to respond to as many as possible. My best takeaway is cook large scale, put them in batches in air tight containers and 3-5 days in fridge or even more in freezer. Thank you. Read more Insubuy • Promoted Your parents\' visit will be stressful enough. Getting them travel health insurance shouldn’t be. Shop Now , and just your personal luck. Food at my place literally lasts for several weeks before going bad, in the fridge. Reply reply 6 more replies 6 more replies More replies  water to defrost. Make sure to get dishwasher safe zip locks if you try this. Otherwise you can always use a normal Tupperware, but it’s less space efficient and I assume as an intern you don’t have a massive freezer. Reply reply 3 more replies 3 more replies More replies IceBlueLugia • 2y ago • 4-5 days easy. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I’ve eaten cooked curries with meat 5 days later and it’s been fine Reply reply 3 more replies 3 more replies More replies Top 1% Rank by size Public Anyone can view, post, and comment to this community # More posts you may like Related India Food South Asia Asia Place forward back * r/indiasocial r/indiasocial Casual Corner For Indians 1.3M Members 824 Online ### For people who say khichdi is a food for sick people 305 upvotes · 121 comments * r/IndianFood r/IndianFood Indian Food is your step by step guide to simple and delicious home cooking. 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If you have any medical issues please visit a licensed doctor. 21K Members 20 Online ### How can I meal prep a massive amount of chicken? 2 upvotes · 9 comments * r/sousvide r/sousvide Welcome to SousVide: The subreddit for everything cooked in a temperature controlled water-bath. Join the discussion, improve the community! 374K Members 22 Online ### Sous vide to medium rare so it turns medium when reheating? 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Whether you\'re here to relish in the mastery of artisanal Neapolitan Pizza, or embark on a journey of learning to unravel its timeless charm, you\'ve found your home. Dive in, savor the flavors, share your experiences, and discover the magic of Neapolitan Pizza with us! 24K Members 8 Online ### Can I make extra dough balls and freeze it/refrigerate to later on? 3 upvotes · 17 comments * r/MealPrepSunday r/MealPrepSunday /r/MealPrepSunday is a subreddit dedicated to meal prepping. This is a space to discuss all things about meal prepping. Whether you\'re looking to prep to save time, money, or to get in those gains, this is the place to ask questions, get answers, and share your meal preps with the world of Reddit! Happy prepping! 4.9M Members 36 Online ### Looking for any suggestions: I need to meal prep and actually eat it. 13 upvotes · 6 comments * r/SalsaSnobs r/SalsaSnobs Lovers of Salsa, Guacamole, & Pico de Gallo. Whether you want to learn, teach or simply need a recipe. 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Never keep sliced onions for use the next day even if placed in sealed airtight bags or in the refrigerator Their consumption must be immediate as it can be dangerous to consume them afterwards | 2 | ..If I use only half of an onion, should I refrigerate the unused half? All related (47) Sort Recommended  Assistant Bot · Aug 17 Yes, you should refrigerate the unused half of the onion. Wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or place it in an airtight container to prevent it from drying out and to minimize odor absorption. Refrigerated, it should stay fresh for about a week. Your response is private Was this worth your time? This helps us sort answers on the page. Absolutely not Definitely yes Upvote ·  · Author has 357 answers and 501.2K answer views · 5y Unfortunately, There’s a lot of negative stuff out there about putting cut onions in the fridge. Here’s the facts straight from many years in the catering trade, and I’ve not poisened anyone yet! When handled properly, cut onions are not poisonous. After being cut the onions can be stored in the fridge, but only in a sealed container for up to 7 days. Puting them in a sealed container cuts off access to the majority of bacteria that can access it. It’s a fact there is a widely circulated claim stating uncooked, leftover are \'poisonous\' simply because they\'re \'a huge magnet for bacteria,\' and as s Continue Reading Unfortunately, There’s a lot of negative stuff out there about putting cut onions in the fridge. Here’s the facts straight from many years in the catering trade, and I’ve not poisened anyone yet! When handled properly, cut onions are not poisonous. After being cut the onions can be stored in the fridge, but only in a sealed container for up to 7 days. Puting them in a sealed container cuts off access to the majority of bacteria that can access it. It’s a fact there is a widely circulated claim stating uncooked, leftover are \'poisonous\' simply because they\'re \'a huge magnet for bacteria,\' and as such are likely to spoil. which is absolute rubbish if they are stored properly and handled the right way I.e. in a sealed container. Upvote · 95 Sponsored by Amazon Web Services (AWS) Store and protect your data. Get started for free. Reliable & secure cloud storage: scale on demand so you have the storage you need, when you need it. Sign Up 9969  Lane Johnson Been cooking for my family since 1966. · Author has 1.3K answers and 901K answer views · 5y I have been cooking for a our family for 52 years. We\'re fine, thanks. I have saved or used parts of onions almost every week of that time. I put the unused part in a zip lock bag now and refrigerate it. I don\'t refrigerate whole onions. Before zip lock baggies, I wrapped the unused part in plastic wrap or put it in a closeable container. Covering the cut onion is to keep it from stinking up the other stuff. Who tells these scare stories? Upvote · 91 Related questions More answers below Can we use a cut onion properly stored in a refrigerator after 5 days? Do half cut onions exposed to air for 12 hours or more turn poisonous? Why? If you need to use half an onion, which half should be left in order to prolong shelf life? Why shouldn\'t onions be kept in the fridge? What is the reason it is not advisable to leave chopped, diced, cut onion openly outside or in the fridge in a container? What happens if chopped onion is stored in fridge for later use, why is it not a good thing to do?  Dane Brooke Former AppDevMeister at Boeing (company) · Author has 2.4K answers and 2.6M answer views · 5y I always do. I also cut the onion so the part I put back has ALL the rootlets on it (that tells you how to orient the onion to cut it for partial use. The reason for this doesn’t have to do so much with the orientation of the part of the onion you are using up as it has to do with the part you are saving for later. Saving the rootlets means you can use the root end to “hold” the onion together as you cut more and more of it off. To see why this is advantageous, watch Jacques Pepin cut an onion, or see the Alex French Guy Cooking video Upvote · 92 Related questions Can we use a cut onion properly stored in a refrigerator after 5 days? Do half cut onions exposed to air for 12 hours or more turn poisonous? Why? If you need to use half an onion, which half should be left in order to prolong shelf life? Why shouldn\'t onions be kept in the fridge? What is the reason it is not advisable to leave chopped, diced, cut onion openly outside or in the fridge in a container? What happens if chopped onion is stored in fridge for later use, why is it not a good thing to do? If I am slicing an onion for dinner tonight, do I need to refrigerate the unused portion? Is it true that you cannot place a cut onion in the refrigerator because they absorb toxins and will poison you? I’ve done this most of my life and it’s never made me ill. It’s not always necessary to use an entire onion at one time. I cut up an onion the other day and had a piece left over. A friend told me that if I keep the onion and use it again it would be poisonous. Is that true? How safe is it to use previously chopped and stored onions (in the refrigerator), and how long can we store them? Is it necessary to refrigerate onions? How long can onions be stored at room temperature? Do red onions go bad in the fridge? Will cutting an onion and not using it until the next day be dangerous? How long should I keep a cut onion? How long can I keep uncooked unpeeled onions, if stored in the fridge? Is it safe to eat onions that have been left out overnight? Related questions Can we use a cut onion properly stored in a refrigerator after 5 days? Do half cut onions exposed to air for 12 hours or more turn poisonous? Why? If you need to use half an onion, which half should be left in order to prolong shelf life? Why shouldn\'t onions be kept in the fridge? What is the reason it is not advisable to leave chopped, diced, cut onion openly outside or in the fridge in a container? What happens if chopped onion is stored in fridge for later use, why is it not a good thing to do? If I am slicing an onion for dinner tonight, do I need to refrigerate the unused portion? Advertisement About · Careers · Privacy · Terms · Contact · Languages · Your Ad Choices · Press · © Quora, Inc. 2024  |
Never keep sliced onions for use the next day even if placed in sealed airtight bags or in the refrigerator Their consumption must be immediate as it can be dangerous to consume them afterwards | 2 | Does anyone vacuum seal their food or meals? : r/MealPrepSunday Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home r/MealPrepSunday A chip A close button Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit Expand user menu Open settings menu * Log In / Sign Up * Advertise on Reddit * Shop Collectible Avatars ### Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Or check it out in the app stores Go to MealPrepSunday r/MealPrepSunday r/MealPrepSunday /r/MealPrepSunday is a subreddit dedicated to meal prepping. This is a space to discuss all things about meal prepping. Whether you\'re looking to prep to save time, money, or to get in those gains, this is the place to ask questions, get answers, and share your meal preps with the world of Reddit! Happy prepping! * * * 4.9M Members 36 Online • 1 yr. ago MyPomeranianIsHere ADMIN MOD # Does anyone vacuum seal their food or meals? I like a lot of variety, and I get the ick from food that doesn’t taste fresh (ex. Food that is technically good but not supposed to be mushy, freezer burn, etc.). Vacuum sealing has definitely kept my produce fresh, and I’m planning to apply it towards whole meals. I am in the process of making some vacuum sealed uncooked freezer meals. Mostly dump and go pressure cooker meals. The vacuum seal is mostly to prevent freezer burn. Have you vacuum sealed any of your meals or food, frozen or otherwise? Do you feel like it has made a difference or is it a waste of time and energy? I am planning to make enough freezer meals to last the semester for dinners and some other meals. A little less than 16 weeks. I’m hoping that the vacuum sealing will keep the taste and texture okay since it will technically be past the 3 month mark (still safe in freezer). But I may need to adjust and only make half a semester and then the other half at a later time. Read more BoschOfficial • Promoted At Bosch, everything revolves around high-quality technologies and services. And the people are top quality too. Our teams rely on cooperation, openness, respect and just the right amount of goofiness - that\'s Bosch. * , cooked vegetables, even deserts that we don\'t mind getting a little smashed up (turning leftover pie into pie bowl, basically, or excess canolli filling, etc.) I\'ve done muffins for grab and go breakfasts too. We\'ve done vegetable scraps that eventually get turned into vegetable broth. Another one of my go-to meals is sealing pre-made salads in glass jars and storing them in the fridge. Usually would only make a couple of these at a time since I have never tried freezing them. I completely get the ick when it comes to freezer burn and mushy food. I\'ve found that cheap quality pasta (Aldi store brands) get extremely mushy, but other store brands like Walmart, Publix, food lion, etc. hold up just fine. Also, long noodles like the standard spaghetti hold up a lot better than penne and such. Other than pastas, I\'ve never had any issues with things feeling mushy if they weren\'t mushy when they were freshly cooked. I have had issues with cucumbers getting absolutely disgusting after being vacuum sealed. I\'ve never had any problems with freezer burn as long as it vacuums/seals properly and doesn\'t get punctured in the freezer. I did the vacuum seal and freeze method for about 3 months with a standard foodsaver type suction vacuum sealer before I coughed up the big bucks for a commercial chamber vacuum sealer. They are a bit expensive, and large, but do a much better job at getting all the air out. Especially with things that have liquid in them. The bags for the chamber sealers are a lot cheaper too because they don\'t require the textured side. I got mine for about $800 at Costco, but have definitely re-cooped at least twice that cost within a year due to how much it reduced my spending on food. Reply reply 5 more replies 5 more replies More replies Patriot009 • 1y ago • I\'ll vacuum seal uneaten apple slices and avocado halves to prevent oxidation. I put a few splashes of lemon juice in before I seal them up. Reply reply eumenides__ • 1y ago • It’s absolutely fine for longer than 16 weeks. My mom’s partner vacuum seals EVERYTHING like if you don’t finish a bag of Cheetos he’ll vacuum seal it in a separate bag. I’ve had food he’s made that I’ve eaten well after 6 months and it’s been good. I don’t eat meat though so I’m not sure of meat storage. Make the packages as flat as possible for easy thawing and don’t prep rice or pasta, that’s easy enough to cook when you need. I think it’s fine and convenient for storage if you have a small freezer but not something I’m interested in doing myself honestly. Reply reply  Reply reply Tinkerpro • 1y ago • I vacuum seal both pre-cooked meals and uncooked meat. It works great. No freezer burn, and as for the pre-cooked stuff, ready to eat in minutes. Especially for those times I need something quick Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size Public Anyone can view, post, and comment to this community # More posts you may like Related Meal Food forward back * r/Costco r/Costco Welcome to Costco, we love you. Disclaimer: This is an unofficial Costco subreddit, r/Costco is not affiliated with Costco Wholesale Corporation or any of their subsidiaries. 765K Members 158 Online ### Anybody Buy This? 256 upvotes · 109 comments * r/MealPrepSunday r/MealPrepSunday /r/MealPrepSunday is a subreddit dedicated to meal prepping. This is a space to discuss all things about meal prepping. 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