15 values
private static function retrieveClosurePattern($pure, $closureName) { $pattern = '/'; if (!$pure) { $pattern .= preg_quote(self::$registeredDelimiters[0]) . "\s*"; } $pattern .= "$closureName\(([a-z0-9,\.\s]+)\)"; if (!$pure) { $pattern .= "\s*" . preg_quote(self::$registeredDelimiters[1]); } return $pattern . "/i"; }
$bool = self::evaluateTypedCondition($array, $expression); if (!$bool) { $hit->parentNode->removeChild($hit); } else { $hit->removeAttribute('n-if'); } } return $doc->saveHTML(); }
foreach ($flatArray as $key => $value) { $pattern = '/' . $key . '([^.]|$)/'; if (preg_match($pattern, $expression, $matches)) { switch (gettype($flatArray[$key])) { case 'boolean': $expression = str_replace($key, $flatArray[$key] ? 'true' : 'false', $expression); break; case 'NULL': $expression = str_replace($key, 'false', $expression); break; case 'string': $expression = str_replace($key, '"' . $flatArray[$key] . '"', $expression); break; case 'object': $expression = self::executeClosure($expression, $key, $flatArray[$key], $flatArray); break; default: $expression = str_replace($key, $flatArray[$key], $expression); break; } $bool = eval("return $expression;"); } }
$backup = ['sys' => $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS'], 'server' => $_SERVER];
protected function checkTrustedHostPattern() { if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['trustedHostsPattern'] === GeneralUtility::ENV_TRUSTED_HOSTS_PATTERN_ALLOW_ALL) { $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage( 'Trusted hosts pattern is configured to allow all header values. Check the pattern defined in Admin' . ' Tools -> Settings -> Configure Installation-Wide Options -> System -> trustedHostsPattern' . ' and adapt it to expected host value(s).', 'Trusted hosts pattern is insecure', FlashMessage::WARNING )); } else { if (GeneralUtility::hostHeaderValueMatchesTrustedHostsPattern($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage( '', 'Trusted hosts pattern is configured to allow current host value.' )); } else { $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage( 'The trusted hosts pattern will be configured to allow all header values. This is because your $SERVER_NAME:$SERVER_PORT' . ' is "' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . '" while your HTTP_HOST is "' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '". Check the pattern defined in Admin' . ' Tools -> Settings -> Configure Installation-Wide Options -> System -> trustedHostsPattern' . ' and adapt it to expected host value(s).', 'Trusted hosts pattern mismatch', FlashMessage::ERROR )); } } }
set: function(k, v) { v = coerce(k, v, this._schema, this) const path = k.split('.') const childKey = path.pop() const parentKey = path.join('.') if (!(parentKey == '__proto__' || parentKey == 'constructor' || parentKey == 'prototype')) { const parent = walk(this._instance, parentKey, true) parent[childKey] = v } return this },
var isValidKey = function (key) { return key !== '__proto__' && key !== 'constructor' && key !== 'prototype'; };
function _merge(target, source) { if (target === source) { return target; } for (var key in source) { if (!, key)) { continue; } var sourceVal = source[key]; var targetVal = target[key]; if (typeof targetVal !== 'undefined' && typeof sourceVal === 'undefined') { continue; } if (isObjectOrArrayOrFunction(targetVal) && isObjectOrArrayOrFunction(sourceVal)) { target[key] = _merge(targetVal, sourceVal); } else { target[key] = clone(sourceVal); } } return target; }
const busboyOptions = deepmerge.all([{ headers: Object.assign({}, req.headers) }, options || {}, opts || {}]) const stream = busboy(busboyOptions) let completed = false let files = 0 req.on('error', function (err) { stream.destroy() if (!completed) { completed = true done(err) } }) stream.on('finish', function () { log.debug('finished receiving stream, total %d files', files) if (!completed) { completed = true setImmediate(done) } }) stream.on('file', wrap) req.pipe(stream) .on('error', function (error) { req.emit('error', error) }) function wrap (field, file, filename, encoding, mimetype) { log.debug({ field, filename, encoding, mimetype }, 'parsing part') files++ eos(file, waitForFiles) if (field === '__proto__') { file.destroy(new Error('__proto__ is not allowed as field name')) return } handler(field, file, filename, encoding, mimetype) } function waitForFiles (err) { if (err) { completed = true done(err) } } return stream }
export function deepExtend (a, b) { // TODO: add support for Arrays to deepExtend if (Array.isArray(b)) { throw new TypeError('Arrays are not supported by deepExtend') } for (const prop in b) { if (hasOwnProperty(b, prop)) { if (b[prop] && b[prop].constructor === Object) { if (a[prop] === undefined) { a[prop] = {} } if (a[prop] && a[prop].constructor === Object) { deepExtend(a[prop], b[prop]) } else { a[prop] = b[prop] } } else if (Array.isArray(b[prop])) { throw new TypeError('Arrays are not supported by deepExtend') } else { a[prop] = b[prop] } } } return a }
depthedLookup: function(name) { return [this.aliasable('container.lookup'), '(depths, "', name, '")']; },
function curry(func) { return (thiz, args) => local.Reflect.apply(func, thiz, args); }
if (NODE_VERSION >= 10) { it('Dynamic import attack', (done) => { process.once('unhandledRejection', (reason) => { assert.strictEqual(reason.message, 'process is not defined'); done(); }); const vm2 = new VM();` (async () => { try { await import('oops!'); } catch (ex) { // ex is an instance of NodeError which is not proxied; const process = ex.constructor.constructor('return process')(); const require = process.mainModule.require; const child_process = require('child_process'); const output = child_process.execSync('id'); process.stdout.write(output); } })(); `); }); }
function merge(target, source, options = {}) { if (!isObjectOrClass(target)) throw new TypeError('Property "target" requires object type'); if (!source) return target; if (!isObjectOrClass(source)) throw new TypeError('Property "source" requires object type'); if (source === target) return target; const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source); keys.push(...Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source)); for (const key of keys) { if (key === '__proto__') continue; if (options.filter && !options.filter(source, key)) continue; if ((options.combine || options.adjunct) && target.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue; const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key); if (options.descriptor && (descriptor.get || descriptor.set)) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, descriptor); continue; } let srcVal = source[key]; if (srcVal === undefined) continue; delete descriptor.get; delete descriptor.set; if (!options.descriptor) { descriptor.enumerable = true; descriptor.configurable = true; descriptor.writable = true; } let trgVal = target[key]; if (isObjectOrClass(srcVal)) { if (options.deep) { if (!isObjectOrClass(trgVal)) { descriptor.value = trgVal = {}; Object.defineProperty(target, key, descriptor); } merge(trgVal, srcVal, options); continue; } if (options.clone) srcVal = merge({}, srcVal, options); } else if (Array.isArray(srcVal)) { if (options.arrayMerge && Array.isArray(trgVal)) { if (typeof options.arrayMerge === 'function') srcVal = options.arrayMerge(trgVal, srcVal); else srcVal = merge.arrayCombine(trgVal, srcVal); } else if (options.clone) srcVal = srcVal.slice(); } descriptor.value = srcVal; Object.defineProperty(target, key, descriptor); } return target; }
getAndCreate = function(path, object, defaultValue) { var aPath, key, value; if (object == null) { return; } if (!isObject(object)) { return; } aPath = ("" + path).split("."); value = object; key = aPath.shift(); if (key === 'constructor' && typeof object[key] === 'function') { return object; } if (key === '__proto__') { return object; } while (key) { key = key.replace("%2E", "."); if (value[key] == null) { value[key] = {}; } if (aPath.length === 0) { if (defaultValue != null) { value[key] = defaultValue; } } value = value[key]; key = aPath.shift(); } return value; };
function set(root, space, value) { var i, c, val, nextSpace, curSpace = root; space = parse(space); val = space.pop(); for (i = 0, c = space.length; i < c; i++) { nextSpace = space[i]; if ( nextSpace === '__proto__' || nextSpace === 'constructor' || nextSpace === 'prototype' ) { return null; } if (isUndefined(curSpace[nextSpace])) { curSpace[nextSpace] = {}; } curSpace = curSpace[nextSpace]; } curSpace[val] = value; return curSpace; }
function wrap (field, file, filename, encoding, mimetype) { log.debug({ field, filename, encoding, mimetype }, 'parsing part') files++ eos(file, waitForFiles) if (field === '__proto__') { file.destroy(new Error('__proto__ is not allowed as field name')) return } handler(field, file, filename, encoding, mimetype) }
function isPrototypePolluted(key) { return ['__proto__', 'constructor', 'prototype'].includes(key) }
set: function(k, v) { for (const path of FORBIDDEN_KEY_PATHS) { if (k.startsWith(`${path}.`)) { return this } } v = coerce(k, v, this._schema, this) const path = k.split('.') const childKey = path.pop() const parentKey = path.join('.') const parent = walk(this._instance, parentKey, true) parent[childKey] = v return this },
getValue = function(path, object, valueIfMissing) { var aPath, key, value; if (valueIfMissing == null) { valueIfMissing = void 0; } if (object == null) { return valueIfMissing; } aPath = ("" + path).split("."); value = object; key = aPath.shift(); if (key === 'constructor' && typeof object[key] === 'function') { return; } if (key === '__proto__') { return; } if (aPath.length === 0) { value = value[key.replace("%2E", ".")]; if (value == null) { value = valueIfMissing; } } else { while (value && key) { value = value[key.replace("%2E", ".")]; if (value == null) { value = valueIfMissing; } key = aPath.shift(); } value = 0 === aPath.length ? value : valueIfMissing; } return value; };
PropertiesReader.prototype.set = function (key, value) { var parsedValue = ('' + value).trim(); this._properties = this._propertyAppender(this._properties, key, parsedValue); var expanded = key.split('.'); var source = this._propertiesExpanded; while (expanded.length > 1) { var step = expanded.shift(); if (expanded.length >= 1 && typeof source[step] === 'string') { source[step] = {'': source[step]}; } source = (source[step] = source[step] || {}); } if (typeof parsedValue === 'string' && typeof source[expanded[0]] === 'object') { source[expanded[0]][''] = parsedValue; } else { source[expanded[0]] = parsedValue; } return this; };
uploads.upload = async function (socket, data) { const methodToFunc = { 'user.uploadCroppedPicture': socketUser.uploadCroppedPicture, 'user.updateCover': socketUser.updateCover, 'groups.cover.update': socketGroup.cover.update, }; if (!socket.uid || !data || !data.chunk || !data.params || !data.params.method || !methodToFunc[data.params.method]) { throw new Error('[[error:invalid-data]]'); } inProgress[] = inProgress[] || {}; const socketUploads = inProgress[]; const { method } = data.params; socketUploads[method] = socketUploads[method] || { imageData: '' }; socketUploads[method].imageData += data.chunk; try { const maxSize = data.params.method === 'user.uploadCroppedPicture' ? meta.config.maximumProfileImageSize : meta.config.maximumCoverImageSize; const size = image.sizeFromBase64(socketUploads[method].imageData); if (size > maxSize * 1024) { throw new Error(`[[error:file-too-big, ${maxSize}]]`); } if (socketUploads[method].imageData.length < data.params.size) { return; } data.params.imageData = socketUploads[method].imageData; const result = await methodToFunc[data.params.method](socket, data.params); delete socketUploads[method]; return result; } catch (err) { delete inProgress[]; throw err; } };
function attachToBody (options, req, reply, next) { if (req.raw[kMultipart] !== true) { next() return } const consumerStream = options.onFile || defaultConsumer const body = {} const mp = req.multipart((field, file, filename, encoding, mimetype) => { body[field] = body[field] || [] body[field].push({ data: [], filename, encoding, mimetype, limit: false }) const result = consumerStream(field, file, filename, encoding, mimetype, body) if (result && typeof result.then === 'function') { result.catch((err) => { // continue with the workflow err.statusCode = 500 file.destroy(err) }) } }, function (err) { if (!err) { req.body = body } next(err) }, options) mp.on('field', (key, value) => { if (key === '__proto__') { mp.destroy(new Error('__proto__ is not allowed as field name')) return } if (body[key] === undefined) { body[key] = value } else if (Array.isArray(body[key])) { body[key].push(value) } else { body[key] = [body[key], value] } }) }
run(code, filename) { let dirname; let resolvedFilename; let script; if (code instanceof VMScript) { script = this.options.strict ? code._compileNodeVMStrict() : code._compileNodeVM(); resolvedFilename = pa.resolve(code.filename); dirname = pa.dirname(resolvedFilename); } else { const unresolvedFilename = filename || 'vm.js'; if (filename) { resolvedFilename = pa.resolve(filename); dirname = pa.dirname(resolvedFilename); } else { resolvedFilename = null; dirname = null; } const prefix = this.options.strict ? STRICT_MODULE_PREFIX : MODULE_PREFIX; script = new vm.Script(prefix + this._compiler(code, unresolvedFilename) + MODULE_SUFFIX, { filename: unresolvedFilename, displayErrors: false, importModuleDynamically }); } const wrapper = this.options.wrapper; const module = this._internal.Contextify.makeModule(); try { const closure = script.runInContext(this._context, DEFAULT_RUN_OPTIONS); const returned =, module.exports, this._prepareRequire(dirname), module, resolvedFilename, dirname); return this._internal.Decontextify.value(wrapper === 'commonjs' ? module.exports : returned); } catch (e) { throw this._internal.Decontextify.value(e); } }
function get(root, path) { var i, c, space, nextSpace, curSpace = root; if (!root) { return root; } space = parse(path); if (space.length) { for (i = 0, c = space.length; i < c; i++) { nextSpace = space[i]; if ( nextSpace === '__proto__' || nextSpace === 'constructor' || nextSpace === 'prototype' ) { return null; } if (isUndefined(curSpace[nextSpace])) { return; } curSpace = curSpace[nextSpace]; } } return curSpace; }
function makeCheckAsync(internal) { return (hook, args) => { if (hook === 'function' || hook === 'generator_function' || hook === 'eval' || hook === 'run') { const funcConstructor = internal.Function; if (hook === 'eval') { const script = args[0]; args = [script]; if (typeof(script) !== 'string') return args; } else { // Next line throws on Symbol, this is the same behavior as function constructor calls args = => `${arg}`); } if (args.findIndex(arg => /\basync\b/.test(arg)) === -1) return args; const asyncMapped = => arg.replace(/async/g, 'a\\u0073ync')); try { // Note: funcConstructor is a Sandbox object, however, asyncMapped are only strings. funcConstructor(...asyncMapped); } catch (u) { // u is a sandbox object // Some random syntax error or error because of async. // First report real syntax errors try { // Note: funcConstructor is a Sandbox object, however, args are only strings. funcConstructor(...args); } catch (e) { throw internal.Decontextify.value(e); } // Then async error throw new VMError('Async not available'); } return args; } throw new VMError('Async not available'); }; }
EXTENSIONS['.' + ext] = (module, filename, dirname) => { if (vm.options.require.context !== 'sandbox') { try { module.exports = Contextify.readonly(host.require(filename)); } catch (e) { throw Contextify.value(e); } } else { let script; try { // Load module let contents = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8'); contents = vm._compiler(contents, filename); const code = host.STRICT_MODULE_PREFIX + contents + host.MODULE_SUFFIX; // Precompile script script = new Script(code, { __proto__: null, filename: filename || 'vm.js', displayErrors: false, importModuleDynamically }); } catch (ex) { throw Contextify.value(ex); } const closure = script.runInContext(global, { __proto__: null, filename: filename || 'vm.js', displayErrors: false, importModuleDynamically }); // run the script closure(module.exports, module.require, module, filename, dirname); } };
jQuery.extend = jQuery.fn.extend = function() { var options, name, src, copy, copyIsArray, clone, target = arguments[ 0 ] || {}, i = 1, length = arguments.length, deep = false; // Handle a deep copy situation if ( typeof target === "boolean" ) { deep = target; // Skip the boolean and the target target = arguments[ i ] || {}; i++; } // Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy) if ( typeof target !== "object" && !isFunction( target ) ) { target = {}; } // Extend jQuery itself if only one argument is passed if ( i === length ) { target = this; i--; } for ( ; i < length; i++ ) { // Only deal with non-null/undefined values if ( ( options = arguments[ i ] ) != null ) { // Extend the base object for ( name in options ) { copy = options[ name ]; // Prevent never-ending loop if ( target === copy ) { continue; } // Recurse if we're merging plain objects or arrays if ( deep && copy && ( jQuery.isPlainObject( copy ) || ( copyIsArray = Array.isArray( copy ) ) ) ) { src = target[ name ]; // Ensure proper type for the source value if ( copyIsArray && !Array.isArray( src ) ) { clone = []; } else if ( !copyIsArray && !jQuery.isPlainObject( src ) ) { clone = {}; } else { clone = src; } copyIsArray = false; // Never move original objects, clone them target[ name ] = jQuery.extend( deep, clone, copy ); // Don't bring in undefined values } else if ( copy !== undefined ) { target[ name ] = copy; } } } } // Return the modified object return target; };
function zipObject(keys, values) { const out = {}; for (let i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; ++i) { out[keys[i]] = values[i]; } return out; }
function loadLocale(name) { var oldLocale = null, aliasedRequire; // TODO: Find a better way to register and load all the locales in Node if ( locales[name] === undefined && typeof module !== 'undefined' && module && module.exports ) { try { oldLocale = globalLocale._abbr; aliasedRequire = require; aliasedRequire('./locale/' + name); getSetGlobalLocale(oldLocale); } catch (e) { // mark as not found to avoid repeating expensive file require call causing high CPU // when trying to find en-US, en_US, en-us for every format call locales[name] = null; // null means not found } } return locales[name]; }
static php_mb_regex_t *php_mbregex_compile_pattern(const char *pattern, int patlen, OnigOptionType options, OnigEncoding enc, OnigSyntaxType *syntax TSRMLS_DC) { int err_code = 0; int found = 0; php_mb_regex_t *retval = NULL, **rc = NULL; OnigErrorInfo err_info; OnigUChar err_str[ONIG_MAX_ERROR_MESSAGE_LEN]; found = zend_hash_find(&MBREX(ht_rc), (char *)pattern, patlen+1, (void **) &rc); if (found == FAILURE || (*rc)->options != options || (*rc)->enc != enc || (*rc)->syntax != syntax) { if ((err_code = onig_new(&retval, (OnigUChar *)pattern, (OnigUChar *)(pattern + patlen), options, enc, syntax, &err_info)) != ONIG_NORMAL) { onig_error_code_to_str(err_str, err_code, err_info); php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "mbregex compile err: %s", err_str); retval = NULL; goto out; } zend_hash_update(&MBREX(ht_rc), (char *) pattern, patlen + 1, (void *) &retval, sizeof(retval), NULL); } else if (found == SUCCESS) { retval = *rc; } out: return retval; }
*/ static int wddx_stack_destroy(wddx_stack *stack) { register int i; if (stack->elements) { for (i = 0; i < stack->top; i++) { if (((st_entry *)stack->elements[i])->data) { zval_ptr_dtor(&((st_entry *)stack->elements[i])->data); } if (((st_entry *)stack->elements[i])->varname) { efree(((st_entry *)stack->elements[i])->varname); } efree(stack->elements[i]); } efree(stack->elements); } return SUCCESS;
nfsd4_encode_layoutget(struct nfsd4_compoundres *resp, __be32 nfserr, struct nfsd4_layoutget *lgp) { struct xdr_stream *xdr = &resp->xdr; const struct nfsd4_layout_ops *ops = nfsd4_layout_ops[lgp->lg_layout_type]; __be32 *p; dprintk("%s: err %d\n", __func__, nfserr); if (nfserr) goto out; nfserr = nfserr_resource; p = xdr_reserve_space(xdr, 36 + sizeof(stateid_opaque_t)); if (!p) goto out; *p++ = cpu_to_be32(1); /* we always set return-on-close */ *p++ = cpu_to_be32(lgp->lg_sid.si_generation); p = xdr_encode_opaque_fixed(p, &lgp->lg_sid.si_opaque, sizeof(stateid_opaque_t)); *p++ = cpu_to_be32(1); /* we always return a single layout */ p = xdr_encode_hyper(p, lgp->lg_seg.offset); p = xdr_encode_hyper(p, lgp->lg_seg.length); *p++ = cpu_to_be32(lgp->lg_seg.iomode); *p++ = cpu_to_be32(lgp->lg_layout_type); nfserr = ops->encode_layoutget(xdr, lgp); out: kfree(lgp->lg_content); return nfserr; }
static int mwifiex_pcie_init_evt_ring(struct mwifiex_adapter *adapter) { struct pcie_service_card *card = adapter->card; struct mwifiex_evt_buf_desc *desc; struct sk_buff *skb; dma_addr_t buf_pa; int i; for (i = 0; i < MWIFIEX_MAX_EVT_BD; i++) { /* Allocate skb here so that firmware can DMA data from it */ skb = dev_alloc_skb(MAX_EVENT_SIZE); if (!skb) { mwifiex_dbg(adapter, ERROR, "Unable to allocate skb for EVENT buf.\n"); kfree(card->evtbd_ring_vbase); return -ENOMEM; } skb_put(skb, MAX_EVENT_SIZE); if (mwifiex_map_pci_memory(adapter, skb, MAX_EVENT_SIZE, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE)) return -1; buf_pa = MWIFIEX_SKB_DMA_ADDR(skb); mwifiex_dbg(adapter, EVENT, "info: EVT ring: skb=%p len=%d data=%p buf_pa=%#x:%x\n", skb, skb->len, skb->data, (u32)buf_pa, (u32)((u64)buf_pa >> 32)); card->evt_buf_list[i] = skb; card->evtbd_ring[i] = (void *)(card->evtbd_ring_vbase + (sizeof(*desc) * i)); desc = card->evtbd_ring[i]; desc->paddr = buf_pa; desc->len = (u16)skb->len; desc->flags = 0; } return 0; }
static int cac_get_serial_nr_from_CUID(sc_card_t* card, sc_serial_number_t* serial) { cac_private_data_t * priv = CAC_DATA(card); SC_FUNC_CALLED(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL); if (card->serialnr.len) { *serial = card->serialnr; SC_FUNC_RETURN(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, SC_SUCCESS); } if (priv->cac_id_len) { serial->len = MIN(priv->cac_id_len, SC_MAX_SERIALNR); memcpy(serial->value, priv->cac_id, priv->cac_id_len); SC_FUNC_RETURN(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, SC_SUCCESS); } SC_FUNC_RETURN(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, SC_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); }
static void mbochs_remove(struct mdev_device *mdev) { struct mdev_state *mdev_state = dev_get_drvdata(&mdev->dev); mbochs_used_mbytes -= mdev_state->type->mbytes; vfio_unregister_group_dev(&mdev_state->vdev); kfree(mdev_state->pages); kfree(mdev_state->vconfig); kfree(mdev_state); }
static void put_ucounts(struct ucounts *ucounts) { unsigned long flags; if (atomic_dec_and_test(&ucounts->count)) { spin_lock_irqsave(&ucounts_lock, flags); hlist_del_init(&ucounts->node); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ucounts_lock, flags); kfree(ucounts); } }
static ssize_t rpmsg_eptdev_write_iter(struct kiocb *iocb, struct iov_iter *from) { struct file *filp = iocb->ki_filp; struct rpmsg_eptdev *eptdev = filp->private_data; size_t len = iov_iter_count(from); void *kbuf; int ret; kbuf = kzalloc(len, GFP_KERNEL); if (!kbuf) return -ENOMEM; if (!copy_from_iter_full(kbuf, len, from)) return -EFAULT; if (mutex_lock_interruptible(&eptdev->ept_lock)) { ret = -ERESTARTSYS; goto free_kbuf; } if (!eptdev->ept) { ret = -EPIPE; goto unlock_eptdev; } if (filp->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK) ret = rpmsg_trysend(eptdev->ept, kbuf, len); else ret = rpmsg_send(eptdev->ept, kbuf, len); unlock_eptdev: mutex_unlock(&eptdev->ept_lock); free_kbuf: kfree(kbuf); return ret < 0 ? ret : len; }
int gnutls_x509_ext_import_proxy(const gnutls_datum_t * ext, int *pathlen, char **policyLanguage, char **policy, size_t * sizeof_policy) { ASN1_TYPE c2 = ASN1_TYPE_EMPTY; int result; gnutls_datum_t value = { NULL, 0 }; if ((result = asn1_create_element (_gnutls_get_pkix(), "PKIX1.ProxyCertInfo", &c2)) != ASN1_SUCCESS) { gnutls_assert(); return _gnutls_asn2err(result); } result = _asn1_strict_der_decode(&c2, ext->data, ext->size, NULL); if (result != ASN1_SUCCESS) { gnutls_assert(); result = _gnutls_asn2err(result); goto cleanup; } if (pathlen) { result = _gnutls_x509_read_uint(c2, "pCPathLenConstraint", (unsigned int *) pathlen); if (result == GNUTLS_E_ASN1_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND) *pathlen = -1; else if (result != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) { gnutls_assert(); result = _gnutls_asn2err(result); goto cleanup; } } result = _gnutls_x509_read_value(c2, "proxyPolicy.policyLanguage", &value); if (result < 0) { gnutls_assert(); goto cleanup; } if (policyLanguage) { *policyLanguage = (char *); } else { gnutls_free(; = NULL; } result = _gnutls_x509_read_value(c2, "proxyPolicy.policy", &value); if (result == GNUTLS_E_ASN1_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND) { if (policy) *policy = NULL; if (sizeof_policy) *sizeof_policy = 0; } else if (result < 0) { gnutls_assert(); goto cleanup; } else { if (policy) { *policy = (char *); = NULL; } if (sizeof_policy) *sizeof_policy = value.size; } result = 0; cleanup: gnutls_free(; asn1_delete_structure(&c2); return result; }
void usb_sg_cancel(struct usb_sg_request *io) { unsigned long flags; int i, retval; spin_lock_irqsave(&io->lock, flags); if (io->status) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&io->lock, flags); return; } /* shut everything down */ io->status = -ECONNRESET; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&io->lock, flags); for (i = io->entries - 1; i >= 0; --i) { usb_block_urb(io->urbs[i]); retval = usb_unlink_urb(io->urbs[i]); if (retval != -EINPROGRESS && retval != -ENODEV && retval != -EBUSY && retval != -EIDRM) dev_warn(&io->dev->dev, "%s, unlink --> %d\n", __func__, retval); } }
static int validate_user_key(struct fscrypt_info *crypt_info, struct fscrypt_context *ctx, u8 *raw_key, const char *prefix) { char *description; struct key *keyring_key; struct fscrypt_key *master_key; const struct user_key_payload *ukp; int res; description = kasprintf(GFP_NOFS, "%s%*phN", prefix, FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE, ctx->master_key_descriptor); if (!description) return -ENOMEM; keyring_key = request_key(&key_type_logon, description, NULL); kfree(description); if (IS_ERR(keyring_key)) return PTR_ERR(keyring_key); if (keyring_key->type != &key_type_logon) { printk_once(KERN_WARNING "%s: key type must be logon\n", __func__); res = -ENOKEY; goto out; } down_read(&keyring_key->sem); ukp = user_key_payload(keyring_key); if (ukp->datalen != sizeof(struct fscrypt_key)) { res = -EINVAL; up_read(&keyring_key->sem); goto out; } master_key = (struct fscrypt_key *)ukp->data; BUILD_BUG_ON(FS_AES_128_ECB_KEY_SIZE != FS_KEY_DERIVATION_NONCE_SIZE); if (master_key->size != FS_AES_256_XTS_KEY_SIZE) { printk_once(KERN_WARNING "%s: key size incorrect: %d\n", __func__, master_key->size); res = -ENOKEY; up_read(&keyring_key->sem); goto out; } res = derive_key_aes(ctx->nonce, master_key->raw, raw_key); up_read(&keyring_key->sem); if (res) goto out; crypt_info->ci_keyring_key = keyring_key; return 0; out: key_put(keyring_key); return res; }
static int sco_sock_sendmsg(struct socket *sock, struct msghdr *msg, size_t len) { struct sock *sk = sock->sk; int err; BT_DBG("sock %p, sk %p", sock, sk); err = sock_error(sk); if (err) return err; if (msg->msg_flags & MSG_OOB) return -EOPNOTSUPP; lock_sock(sk); if (sk->sk_state == BT_CONNECTED) err = sco_send_frame(sk, msg, len); else err = -ENOTCONN; release_sock(sk); return err; }
static BOOL region16_simplify_bands(REGION16* region) { /** Simplify consecutive bands that touch and have the same items * * ==================== ==================== * | 1 | | 2 | | | | | * ==================== | | | | * | 1 | | 2 | ====> | 1 | | 2 | * ==================== | | | | * | 1 | | 2 | | | | | * ==================== ==================== * */ RECTANGLE_16* band1, *band2, *endPtr, *endBand, *tmp; int nbRects, finalNbRects; int bandItems, toMove; finalNbRects = nbRects = region16_n_rects(region); if (nbRects < 2) return TRUE; band1 = region16_rects_noconst(region); endPtr = band1 + nbRects; do { band2 = next_band(band1, endPtr, &bandItems); if (band2 == endPtr) break; if ((band1->bottom == band2->top) && band_match(band1, band2, endPtr)) { /* adjust the bottom of band1 items */ tmp = band1; while (tmp < band2) { tmp->bottom = band2->bottom; tmp++; } /* override band2, we don't move band1 pointer as the band after band2 * may be merged too */ endBand = band2 + bandItems; toMove = (endPtr - endBand) * sizeof(RECTANGLE_16); if (toMove) MoveMemory(band2, endBand, toMove); finalNbRects -= bandItems; endPtr -= bandItems; } else { band1 = band2; } } while (TRUE); if (finalNbRects != nbRects) { int allocSize = sizeof(REGION16_DATA) + (finalNbRects * sizeof(RECTANGLE_16)); region->data = realloc(region->data, allocSize); if (!region->data) { region->data = &empty_region; return FALSE; } region->data->nbRects = finalNbRects; region->data->size = allocSize; } return TRUE; }
buflist_getfile( int n, linenr_T lnum, int options, int forceit) { buf_T *buf; win_T *wp = NULL; pos_T *fpos; colnr_T col; buf = buflist_findnr(n); if (buf == NULL) { if ((options & GETF_ALT) && n == 0) emsg(_(e_no_alternate_file)); else semsg(_(e_buffer_nr_not_found), n); return FAIL; } // if alternate file is the current buffer, nothing to do if (buf == curbuf) return OK; if (text_locked()) { text_locked_msg(); return FAIL; } if (curbuf_locked()) return FAIL; // altfpos may be changed by getfile(), get it now if (lnum == 0) { fpos = buflist_findfpos(buf); lnum = fpos->lnum; col = fpos->col; } else col = 0; if (options & GETF_SWITCH) { // If 'switchbuf' contains "useopen": jump to first window containing // "buf" if one exists if (swb_flags & SWB_USEOPEN) wp = buf_jump_open_win(buf); // If 'switchbuf' contains "usetab": jump to first window in any tab // page containing "buf" if one exists if (wp == NULL && (swb_flags & SWB_USETAB)) wp = buf_jump_open_tab(buf); // If 'switchbuf' contains "split", "vsplit" or "newtab" and the // current buffer isn't empty: open new tab or window if (wp == NULL && (swb_flags & (SWB_VSPLIT | SWB_SPLIT | SWB_NEWTAB)) && !BUFEMPTY()) { if (swb_flags & SWB_NEWTAB) tabpage_new(); else if (win_split(0, (swb_flags & SWB_VSPLIT) ? WSP_VERT : 0) == FAIL) return FAIL; RESET_BINDING(curwin); } } ++RedrawingDisabled; if (GETFILE_SUCCESS(getfile(buf->b_fnum, NULL, NULL, (options & GETF_SETMARK), lnum, forceit))) { --RedrawingDisabled; // cursor is at to BOL and w_cursor.lnum is checked due to getfile() if (!p_sol && col != 0) { curwin->w_cursor.col = col; check_cursor_col(); curwin->w_cursor.coladd = 0; curwin->w_set_curswant = TRUE; } return OK; } --RedrawingDisabled; return FAIL; }
void gdImageWBMPCtx (gdImagePtr image, int fg, gdIOCtx * out) { int x, y, pos; Wbmp *wbmp; /* create the WBMP */ if ((wbmp = createwbmp (gdImageSX (image), gdImageSY (image), WBMP_WHITE)) == NULL) { gd_error("Could not create WBMP"); return; } /* fill up the WBMP structure */ pos = 0; for (y = 0; y < gdImageSY(image); y++) { for (x = 0; x < gdImageSX(image); x++) { if (gdImageGetPixel (image, x, y) == fg) { wbmp->bitmap[pos] = WBMP_BLACK; } pos++; } } /* write the WBMP to a gd file descriptor */ if (writewbmp (wbmp, &gd_putout, out)) { gd_error("Could not save WBMP"); } /* des submitted this bugfix: gdFree the memory. */ freewbmp(wbmp); }
int fscrypt_setup_filename(struct inode *dir, const struct qstr *iname, int lookup, struct fscrypt_name *fname) { int ret = 0, bigname = 0; memset(fname, 0, sizeof(struct fscrypt_name)); fname->usr_fname = iname; if (!dir->i_sb->s_cop->is_encrypted(dir) || fscrypt_is_dot_dotdot(iname)) { fname-> = (unsigned char *)iname->name; fname->disk_name.len = iname->len; return 0; } ret = fscrypt_get_crypt_info(dir); if (ret && ret != -EOPNOTSUPP) return ret; if (dir->i_crypt_info) { ret = fscrypt_fname_alloc_buffer(dir, iname->len, &fname->crypto_buf); if (ret) return ret; ret = fname_encrypt(dir, iname, &fname->crypto_buf); if (ret) goto errout; fname-> = fname->; fname->disk_name.len = fname->crypto_buf.len; return 0; } if (!lookup) return -ENOKEY; /* * We don't have the key and we are doing a lookup; decode the * user-supplied name */ if (iname->name[0] == '_') bigname = 1; if ((bigname && (iname->len != 33)) || (!bigname && (iname->len > 43))) return -ENOENT; fname-> = kmalloc(32, GFP_KERNEL); if (fname-> == NULL) return -ENOMEM; ret = digest_decode(iname->name + bigname, iname->len - bigname, fname->; if (ret < 0) { ret = -ENOENT; goto errout; } fname->crypto_buf.len = ret; if (bigname) { memcpy(&fname->hash, fname->, 4); memcpy(&fname->minor_hash, fname-> + 4, 4); } else { fname-> = fname->; fname->disk_name.len = fname->crypto_buf.len; } return 0; errout: fscrypt_fname_free_buffer(&fname->crypto_buf); return ret; }
latin_ptr2len(char_u *p) { return MB_BYTE2LEN(*p); }
static netdev_tx_t hns_nic_net_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *ndev) { struct hns_nic_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev); int ret; assert(skb->queue_mapping < ndev->ae_handle->q_num); ret = hns_nic_net_xmit_hw(ndev, skb, &tx_ring_data(priv, skb->queue_mapping)); if (ret == NETDEV_TX_OK) { netif_trans_update(ndev); ndev->stats.tx_bytes += skb->len; ndev->stats.tx_packets++; } return (netdev_tx_t)ret; }
ex_function(exarg_T *eap) { char_u *line_to_free = NULL; (void)define_function(eap, NULL, &line_to_free); vim_free(line_to_free); }
struct addr_t* MACH0_(get_entrypoint)(struct MACH0_(obj_t)* bin) { struct addr_t *entry; int i; if (!bin->entry && !bin->sects) { return NULL; } if (!(entry = calloc (1, sizeof (struct addr_t)))) { return NULL; } if (bin->entry) { entry->addr = entry_to_vaddr (bin); entry->offset = addr_to_offset (bin, entry->addr); entry->haddr = sdb_num_get (bin->kv, "mach0.entry.offset", 0); } if (!bin->entry || entry->offset == 0) { // XXX: section name doesnt matters at all.. just check for exec flags for (i = 0; i < bin->nsects; i++) { if (!strncmp (bin->sects[i].sectname, "__text", 6)) { entry->offset = (ut64)bin->sects[i].offset; sdb_num_set (bin->kv, "mach0.entry", entry->offset, 0); entry->addr = (ut64)bin->sects[i].addr; if (!entry->addr) { // workaround for object files entry->addr = entry->offset; } break; } } bin->entry = entry->addr; } return entry; }
static long do_get_mempolicy(int *policy, nodemask_t *nmask, unsigned long addr, unsigned long flags) { int err; struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm; struct vm_area_struct *vma = NULL; struct mempolicy *pol = current->mempolicy; if (flags & ~(unsigned long)(MPOL_F_NODE|MPOL_F_ADDR|MPOL_F_MEMS_ALLOWED)) return -EINVAL; if (flags & MPOL_F_MEMS_ALLOWED) { if (flags & (MPOL_F_NODE|MPOL_F_ADDR)) return -EINVAL; *policy = 0; /* just so it's initialized */ task_lock(current); *nmask = cpuset_current_mems_allowed; task_unlock(current); return 0; } if (flags & MPOL_F_ADDR) { /* * Do NOT fall back to task policy if the * vma/shared policy at addr is NULL. We * want to return MPOL_DEFAULT in this case. */ down_read(&mm->mmap_sem); vma = find_vma_intersection(mm, addr, addr+1); if (!vma) { up_read(&mm->mmap_sem); return -EFAULT; } if (vma->vm_ops && vma->vm_ops->get_policy) pol = vma->vm_ops->get_policy(vma, addr); else pol = vma->vm_policy; } else if (addr) return -EINVAL; if (!pol) pol = &default_policy; /* indicates default behavior */ if (flags & MPOL_F_NODE) { if (flags & MPOL_F_ADDR) { err = lookup_node(addr); if (err < 0) goto out; *policy = err; } else if (pol == current->mempolicy && pol->mode == MPOL_INTERLEAVE) { *policy = next_node_in(current->il_prev, pol->v.nodes); } else { err = -EINVAL; goto out; } } else { *policy = pol == &default_policy ? MPOL_DEFAULT : pol->mode; /* * Internal mempolicy flags must be masked off before exposing * the policy to userspace. */ *policy |= (pol->flags & MPOL_MODE_FLAGS); } if (vma) { up_read(&current->mm->mmap_sem); vma = NULL; } err = 0; if (nmask) { if (mpol_store_user_nodemask(pol)) { *nmask = pol->w.user_nodemask; } else { task_lock(current); get_policy_nodemask(pol, nmask); task_unlock(current); } } out: mpol_cond_put(pol); if (vma) up_read(&current->mm->mmap_sem); return err; }
static int async_polkit_callback(sd_bus_message *reply, void *userdata, sd_bus_error *error) { _cleanup_(sd_bus_error_free) sd_bus_error error_buffer = SD_BUS_ERROR_NULL; AsyncPolkitQuery *q = userdata; int r; assert(reply); assert(q); q->slot = sd_bus_slot_unref(q->slot); q->reply = sd_bus_message_ref(reply); r = sd_bus_message_rewind(q->request, true); if (r < 0) { r = sd_bus_reply_method_errno(q->request, r, NULL); goto finish; } r = q->callback(q->request, q->userdata, &error_buffer); r = bus_maybe_reply_error(q->request, r, &error_buffer); finish: async_polkit_query_free(q); return r; }
unsigned long insn_get_seg_base(struct pt_regs *regs, int seg_reg_idx) { struct desc_struct *desc; short sel; sel = get_segment_selector(regs, seg_reg_idx); if (sel < 0) return -1L; if (v8086_mode(regs)) /* * Base is simply the segment selector shifted 4 * bits to the right. */ return (unsigned long)(sel << 4); if (user_64bit_mode(regs)) { /* * Only FS or GS will have a base address, the rest of * the segments' bases are forced to 0. */ unsigned long base; if (seg_reg_idx == INAT_SEG_REG_FS) rdmsrl(MSR_FS_BASE, base); else if (seg_reg_idx == INAT_SEG_REG_GS) /* * swapgs was called at the kernel entry point. Thus, * MSR_KERNEL_GS_BASE will have the user-space GS base. */ rdmsrl(MSR_KERNEL_GS_BASE, base); else base = 0; return base; } /* In protected mode the segment selector cannot be null. */ if (!sel) return -1L; desc = get_desc(sel); if (!desc) return -1L; return get_desc_base(desc); }
int inet6_sk_rebuild_header(struct sock *sk) { struct ipv6_pinfo *np = inet6_sk(sk); struct dst_entry *dst; dst = __sk_dst_check(sk, np->dst_cookie); if (!dst) { struct inet_sock *inet = inet_sk(sk); struct in6_addr *final_p, final; struct flowi6 fl6; memset(&fl6, 0, sizeof(fl6)); fl6.flowi6_proto = sk->sk_protocol; fl6.daddr = sk->sk_v6_daddr; fl6.saddr = np->saddr; fl6.flowlabel = np->flow_label; fl6.flowi6_oif = sk->sk_bound_dev_if; fl6.flowi6_mark = sk->sk_mark; fl6.fl6_dport = inet->inet_dport; fl6.fl6_sport = inet->inet_sport; security_sk_classify_flow(sk, flowi6_to_flowi(&fl6)); final_p = fl6_update_dst(&fl6, np->opt, &final); dst = ip6_dst_lookup_flow(sk, &fl6, final_p); if (IS_ERR(dst)) { sk->sk_route_caps = 0; sk->sk_err_soft = -PTR_ERR(dst); return PTR_ERR(dst); } __ip6_dst_store(sk, dst, NULL, NULL); } return 0; }
static void ffs_user_copy_worker(struct work_struct *work) { struct ffs_io_data *io_data = container_of(work, struct ffs_io_data, work); int ret = io_data->req->status ? io_data->req->status : io_data->req->actual; if (io_data->read && ret > 0) { use_mm(io_data->mm); ret = copy_to_iter(io_data->buf, ret, &io_data->data); if (iov_iter_count(&io_data->data)) ret = -EFAULT; unuse_mm(io_data->mm); } io_data->kiocb->ki_complete(io_data->kiocb, ret, ret); if (io_data->ffs->ffs_eventfd && !(io_data->kiocb->ki_flags & IOCB_EVENTFD)) eventfd_signal(io_data->ffs->ffs_eventfd, 1); usb_ep_free_request(io_data->ep, io_data->req); io_data->kiocb->private = NULL; if (io_data->read) kfree(io_data->to_free); kfree(io_data->buf); kfree(io_data); }
void * gdImageWBMPPtr (gdImagePtr im, int *size, int fg) { void *rv; gdIOCtx *out = gdNewDynamicCtx(2048, NULL); gdImageWBMPCtx(im, fg, out); rv = gdDPExtractData(out, size); out->gd_free(out); return rv; }
static void cancel_att_send_op(struct att_send_op *op) { if (op->destroy) op->destroy(op->user_data); op->user_data = NULL; op->callback = NULL; op->destroy = NULL; }
static void lo_release(struct gendisk *disk, fmode_t mode) { struct loop_device *lo = disk->private_data; int err; if (atomic_dec_return(&lo->lo_refcnt)) return; mutex_lock(&lo->lo_ctl_mutex); if (lo->lo_flags & LO_FLAGS_AUTOCLEAR) { /* * In autoclear mode, stop the loop thread * and remove configuration after last close. */ err = loop_clr_fd(lo); if (!err) return; } else if (lo->lo_state == Lo_bound) { /* * Otherwise keep thread (if running) and config, * but flush possible ongoing bios in thread. */ blk_mq_freeze_queue(lo->lo_queue); blk_mq_unfreeze_queue(lo->lo_queue); } mutex_unlock(&lo->lo_ctl_mutex); }
int inet6_csk_xmit(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb, struct flowi *fl_unused) { struct ipv6_pinfo *np = inet6_sk(sk); struct flowi6 fl6; struct dst_entry *dst; int res; dst = inet6_csk_route_socket(sk, &fl6); if (IS_ERR(dst)) { sk->sk_err_soft = -PTR_ERR(dst); sk->sk_route_caps = 0; kfree_skb(skb); return PTR_ERR(dst); } rcu_read_lock(); skb_dst_set_noref(skb, dst); /* Restore final destination back after routing done */ fl6.daddr = sk->sk_v6_daddr; res = ip6_xmit(sk, skb, &fl6, np->opt, np->tclass); rcu_read_unlock(); return res; }
struct net *get_net_ns_by_id(struct net *net, int id) { struct net *peer; if (id < 0) return NULL; rcu_read_lock(); spin_lock_bh(&net->nsid_lock); peer = idr_find(&net->netns_ids, id); if (peer) get_net(peer); spin_unlock_bh(&net->nsid_lock); rcu_read_unlock(); return peer; }
static inline int init_new_context(struct task_struct *tsk, struct mm_struct *mm) { #ifdef CONFIG_X86_INTEL_MEMORY_PROTECTION_KEYS if (cpu_feature_enabled(X86_FEATURE_OSPKE)) { /* pkey 0 is the default and always allocated */ mm->context.pkey_allocation_map = 0x1; /* -1 means unallocated or invalid */ mm->context.execute_only_pkey = -1; } #endif init_new_context_ldt(tsk, mm); return 0; }
static int cbs_av1_read_uvlc(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, GetBitContext *gbc, const char *name, uint32_t *write_to, uint32_t range_min, uint32_t range_max) { uint32_t value; int position, zeroes, i, j; char bits[65]; if (ctx->trace_enable) position = get_bits_count(gbc); zeroes = i = 0; while (1) { if (get_bits_left(gbc) < zeroes + 1) { av_log(ctx->log_ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid uvlc code at " "%s: bitstream ended.\n", name); return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA; } if (get_bits1(gbc)) { bits[i++] = '1'; break; } else { bits[i++] = '0'; ++zeroes; } } if (zeroes >= 32) { value = MAX_UINT_BITS(32); } else { value = get_bits_long(gbc, zeroes); for (j = 0; j < zeroes; j++) bits[i++] = (value >> (zeroes - j - 1) & 1) ? '1' : '0'; value += (1 << zeroes) - 1; } if (ctx->trace_enable) { bits[i] = 0; ff_cbs_trace_syntax_element(ctx, position, name, NULL, bits, value); } if (value < range_min || value > range_max) { av_log(ctx->log_ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "%s out of range: " "%"PRIu32", but must be in [%"PRIu32",%"PRIu32"].\n", name, value, range_min, range_max); return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA; } *write_to = value; return 0; }
ex_function(exarg_T *eap) { (void)define_function(eap, NULL); }
void rose_stop_timer(struct sock *sk) { del_timer(&rose_sk(sk)->timer); }
destroyPresentationContextList(LST_HEAD ** l) { PRV_PRESENTATIONCONTEXTITEM * prvCtx; DUL_SUBITEM * subItem; if (*l == NULL) return; prvCtx = (PRV_PRESENTATIONCONTEXTITEM*)LST_Dequeue(l); while (prvCtx != NULL) { subItem = (DUL_SUBITEM*)LST_Dequeue(&prvCtx->transferSyntaxList); while (subItem != NULL) { free(subItem); subItem = (DUL_SUBITEM*)LST_Dequeue(&prvCtx->transferSyntaxList); } LST_Destroy(&prvCtx->transferSyntaxList); free(prvCtx); prvCtx = (PRV_PRESENTATIONCONTEXTITEM*)LST_Dequeue(l); } LST_Destroy(l); }
R_API RConfigNode* r_config_set(RConfig *cfg, const char *name, const char *value) { RConfigNode *node = NULL; char *ov = NULL; ut64 oi; if (!cfg || STRNULL (name)) { return NULL; } node = r_config_node_get (cfg, name); if (node) { if (node->flags & CN_RO) { eprintf ("(error: '%s' config key is read only)\n", name); return node; } oi = node->i_value; if (node->value) { ov = strdup (node->value); if (!ov) { goto beach; } } else { free (node->value); node->value = strdup (""); } if (node->flags & CN_BOOL) { bool b = is_true (value); node->i_value = (ut64) b? 1: 0; char *value = strdup (r_str_bool (b)); if (value) { free (node->value); node->value = value; } } else { if (!value) { free (node->value); node->value = strdup (""); node->i_value = 0; } else { if (node->value == value) { goto beach; } free (node->value); node->value = strdup (value); if (IS_DIGIT (*value)) { if (strchr (value, '/')) { node->i_value = r_num_get (cfg->num, value); } else { node->i_value = r_num_math (cfg->num, value); } } else { node->i_value = 0; } node->flags |= CN_INT; } } } else { // Create a new RConfigNode oi = UT64_MAX; if (!cfg->lock) { node = r_config_node_new (name, value); if (node) { if (value && is_bool (value)) { node->flags |= CN_BOOL; node->i_value = is_true (value)? 1: 0; } if (cfg->ht) { ht_insert (cfg->ht, node->name, node); r_list_append (cfg->nodes, node); cfg->n_nodes++; } } else { eprintf ("r_config_set: unable to create a new RConfigNode\n"); } } else { eprintf ("r_config_set: variable '%s' not found\n", name); } } if (node && node->setter) { int ret = node->setter (cfg->user, node); if (ret == false) { if (oi != UT64_MAX) { node->i_value = oi; } free (node->value); node->value = strdup (ov? ov: ""); } } beach: free (ov); return node; }
tabstop_set(char_u *var, int **array) { int valcount = 1; int t; char_u *cp; if (var[0] == NUL || (var[0] == '0' && var[1] == NUL)) { *array = NULL; return OK; } for (cp = var; *cp != NUL; ++cp) { if (cp == var || cp[-1] == ',') { char_u *end; if (strtol((char *)cp, (char **)&end, 10) <= 0) { if (cp != end) emsg(_(e_argument_must_be_positive)); else semsg(_(e_invalid_argument_str), cp); return FAIL; } } if (VIM_ISDIGIT(*cp)) continue; if (cp[0] == ',' && cp > var && cp[-1] != ',' && cp[1] != NUL) { ++valcount; continue; } semsg(_(e_invalid_argument_str), var); return FAIL; } *array = ALLOC_MULT(int, valcount + 1); if (*array == NULL) return FAIL; (*array)[0] = valcount; t = 1; for (cp = var; *cp != NUL;) { int n = atoi((char *)cp); // Catch negative values, overflow and ridiculous big values. if (n < 0 || n > 9999) { semsg(_(e_invalid_argument_str), cp); vim_free(*array); *array = NULL; return FAIL; } (*array)[t++] = n; while (*cp != NUL && *cp != ',') ++cp; if (*cp != NUL) ++cp; } return OK; }
void rose_start_idletimer(struct sock *sk) { struct rose_sock *rose = rose_sk(sk); del_timer(&rose->idletimer); if (rose->idle > 0) { rose->idletimer.function = rose_idletimer_expiry; rose->idletimer.expires = jiffies + rose->idle; add_timer(&rose->idletimer); } }
int snd_ctl_replace(struct snd_card *card, struct snd_kcontrol *kcontrol, bool add_on_replace) { struct snd_ctl_elem_id id; unsigned int idx; struct snd_kcontrol *old; int ret; if (!kcontrol) return -EINVAL; if (snd_BUG_ON(!card || !kcontrol->info)) { ret = -EINVAL; goto error; } id = kcontrol->id; down_write(&card->controls_rwsem); old = snd_ctl_find_id(card, &id); if (!old) { if (add_on_replace) goto add; up_write(&card->controls_rwsem); ret = -EINVAL; goto error; } ret = snd_ctl_remove(card, old); if (ret < 0) { up_write(&card->controls_rwsem); goto error; } add: if (snd_ctl_find_hole(card, kcontrol->count) < 0) { up_write(&card->controls_rwsem); ret = -ENOMEM; goto error; } list_add_tail(&kcontrol->list, &card->controls); card->controls_count += kcontrol->count; kcontrol->id.numid = card->last_numid + 1; card->last_numid += kcontrol->count; up_write(&card->controls_rwsem); for (idx = 0; idx < kcontrol->count; idx++, id.index++, id.numid++) snd_ctl_notify(card, SNDRV_CTL_EVENT_MASK_ADD, &id); return 0; error: snd_ctl_free_one(kcontrol); return ret; }
static void smp_task_done(struct sas_task *task) { if (!del_timer(&task->slow_task->timer)) return; complete(&task->slow_task->completion); }
PHP_FUNCTION(mb_ereg_search_init) { size_t argc = ZEND_NUM_ARGS(); zval *arg_str; char *arg_pattern = NULL, *arg_options = NULL; int arg_pattern_len = 0, arg_options_len = 0; OnigSyntaxType *syntax = NULL; OnigOptionType option; if (zend_parse_parameters(argc TSRMLS_CC, "z|ss", &arg_str, &arg_pattern, &arg_pattern_len, &arg_options, &arg_options_len) == FAILURE) { return; } if (argc > 1 && arg_pattern_len == 0) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Empty pattern"); RETURN_FALSE; } option = MBREX(regex_default_options); syntax = MBREX(regex_default_syntax); if (argc == 3) { option = 0; _php_mb_regex_init_options(arg_options, arg_options_len, &option, &syntax, NULL); } if (argc > 1) { /* create regex pattern buffer */ if ((MBREX(search_re) = php_mbregex_compile_pattern(arg_pattern, arg_pattern_len, option, MBREX(current_mbctype), syntax TSRMLS_CC)) == NULL) { RETURN_FALSE; } } if (MBREX(search_str) != NULL) { zval_ptr_dtor(&MBREX(search_str)); MBREX(search_str) = (zval *)NULL; } MBREX(search_str) = arg_str; Z_ADDREF_P(MBREX(search_str)); SEPARATE_ZVAL_IF_NOT_REF(&MBREX(search_str)); MBREX(search_pos) = 0; if (MBREX(search_regs) != NULL) { onig_region_free(MBREX(search_regs), 1); MBREX(search_regs) = (OnigRegion *) NULL; } RETURN_TRUE; }
static void ndpi_reset_packet_line_info(struct ndpi_packet_struct *packet) { packet->parsed_lines = 0, packet->empty_line_position_set = 0, packet->host_line.ptr = NULL, packet->host_line.len = 0, packet->referer_line.ptr = NULL, packet->referer_line.len = 0, packet->content_line.ptr = NULL, packet->content_line.len = 0, packet->accept_line.ptr = NULL, packet->accept_line.len = 0, packet->user_agent_line.ptr = NULL, packet->user_agent_line.len = 0, packet->http_url_name.ptr = NULL, packet->http_url_name.len = 0, packet->http_encoding.ptr = NULL, packet->http_encoding.len = 0, packet->http_transfer_encoding.ptr = NULL, packet->http_transfer_encoding.len = 0, packet->http_contentlen.ptr = NULL, packet->http_contentlen.len = 0, packet->http_cookie.ptr = NULL, packet->http_cookie.len = 0, packet->http_origin.len = 0, packet->http_origin.ptr = NULL, packet->http_x_session_type.ptr = NULL, packet->http_x_session_type.len = 0, packet->server_line.ptr = NULL, packet->server_line.len = 0, packet->http_method.ptr = NULL, packet->http_method.len = 0, packet->http_response.ptr = NULL, packet->http_response.len = 0, packet->http_num_headers = 0; }
static void timerfd_setup_cancel(struct timerfd_ctx *ctx, int flags) { if ((ctx->clockid == CLOCK_REALTIME || ctx->clockid == CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM) && (flags & TFD_TIMER_ABSTIME) && (flags & TFD_TIMER_CANCEL_ON_SET)) { if (!ctx->might_cancel) { ctx->might_cancel = true; spin_lock(&cancel_lock); list_add_rcu(&ctx->clist, &cancel_list); spin_unlock(&cancel_lock); } } else if (ctx->might_cancel) { timerfd_remove_cancel(ctx); } }
xmlValidCtxtNormalizeAttributeValue(xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr elem, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *value) { xmlChar *ret, *dst; const xmlChar *src; xmlAttributePtr attrDecl = NULL; int extsubset = 0; if (doc == NULL) return(NULL); if (elem == NULL) return(NULL); if (name == NULL) return(NULL); if (value == NULL) return(NULL); if ((elem->ns != NULL) && (elem->ns->prefix != NULL)) { xmlChar fn[50]; xmlChar *fullname; fullname = xmlBuildQName(elem->name, elem->ns->prefix, fn, 50); if (fullname == NULL) return(NULL); attrDecl = xmlGetDtdAttrDesc(doc->intSubset, fullname, name); if ((attrDecl == NULL) && (doc->extSubset != NULL)) { attrDecl = xmlGetDtdAttrDesc(doc->extSubset, fullname, name); if (attrDecl != NULL) extsubset = 1; } if ((fullname != fn) && (fullname != elem->name)) xmlFree(fullname); } if ((attrDecl == NULL) && (doc->intSubset != NULL)) attrDecl = xmlGetDtdAttrDesc(doc->intSubset, elem->name, name); if ((attrDecl == NULL) && (doc->extSubset != NULL)) { attrDecl = xmlGetDtdAttrDesc(doc->extSubset, elem->name, name); if (attrDecl != NULL) extsubset = 1; } if (attrDecl == NULL) return(NULL); if (attrDecl->atype == XML_ATTRIBUTE_CDATA) return(NULL); ret = xmlStrdup(value); if (ret == NULL) return(NULL); src = value; dst = ret; while (*src == 0x20) src++; while (*src != 0) { if (*src == 0x20) { while (*src == 0x20) src++; if (*src != 0) *dst++ = 0x20; } else { *dst++ = *src++; } } *dst = 0; if ((doc->standalone) && (extsubset == 1) && (!xmlStrEqual(value, ret))) { xmlErrValidNode(ctxt, elem, XML_DTD_NOT_STANDALONE, "standalone: %s on %s value had to be normalized based on external subset declaration\n", name, elem->name, NULL); ctxt->valid = 0; } return(ret); }
GF_Err dinf_Read(GF_Box *s, GF_BitStream *bs) { GF_Err e = gf_isom_box_array_read(s, bs, dinf_AddBox); if (e) { return e; } if (!((GF_DataInformationBox *)s)->dref) { GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_CONTAINER, ("[iso file] Missing dref box in dinf\n")); ((GF_DataInformationBox *)s)->dref = (GF_DataReferenceBox *)gf_isom_box_new(GF_ISOM_BOX_TYPE_DREF); } return GF_OK; }
void jbd2_journal_lock_updates(journal_t *journal) { DEFINE_WAIT(wait); jbd2_might_wait_for_commit(journal); write_lock(&journal->j_state_lock); ++journal->j_barrier_count; /* Wait until there are no reserved handles */ if (atomic_read(&journal->j_reserved_credits)) { write_unlock(&journal->j_state_lock); wait_event(journal->j_wait_reserved, atomic_read(&journal->j_reserved_credits) == 0); write_lock(&journal->j_state_lock); } /* Wait until there are no running t_updates */ jbd2_journal_wait_updates(journal); write_unlock(&journal->j_state_lock); /* * We have now established a barrier against other normal updates, but * we also need to barrier against other jbd2_journal_lock_updates() calls * to make sure that we serialise special journal-locked operations * too. */ mutex_lock(&journal->j_barrier); }
static inline void vmacache_invalidate(struct mm_struct *mm) { mm->vmacache_seqnum++; /* deal with overflows */ if (unlikely(mm->vmacache_seqnum == 0)) vmacache_flush_all(mm); }
static struct rpmsg_device *rpmsg_virtio_add_ctrl_dev(struct virtio_device *vdev) { struct virtproc_info *vrp = vdev->priv; struct virtio_rpmsg_channel *vch; struct rpmsg_device *rpdev_ctrl; int err = 0; vch = kzalloc(sizeof(*vch), GFP_KERNEL); if (!vch) return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); /* Link the channel to the vrp */ vch->vrp = vrp; /* Assign public information to the rpmsg_device */ rpdev_ctrl = &vch->rpdev; rpdev_ctrl->ops = &virtio_rpmsg_ops; rpdev_ctrl->dev.parent = &vrp->vdev->dev; rpdev_ctrl->dev.release = virtio_rpmsg_release_device; rpdev_ctrl->little_endian = virtio_is_little_endian(vrp->vdev); err = rpmsg_ctrldev_register_device(rpdev_ctrl); if (err) { kfree(vch); return ERR_PTR(err); } return rpdev_ctrl; }
static int may_create_in_sticky(struct dentry * const dir, struct inode * const inode) { if ((!sysctl_protected_fifos && S_ISFIFO(inode->i_mode)) || (!sysctl_protected_regular && S_ISREG(inode->i_mode)) || likely(!(dir->d_inode->i_mode & S_ISVTX)) || uid_eq(inode->i_uid, dir->d_inode->i_uid) || uid_eq(current_fsuid(), inode->i_uid)) return 0; if (likely(dir->d_inode->i_mode & 0002) || (dir->d_inode->i_mode & 0020 && ((sysctl_protected_fifos >= 2 && S_ISFIFO(inode->i_mode)) || (sysctl_protected_regular >= 2 && S_ISREG(inode->i_mode))))) { const char *operation = S_ISFIFO(inode->i_mode) ? "sticky_create_fifo" : "sticky_create_regular"; audit_log_path_denied(AUDIT_ANOM_CREAT, operation); return -EACCES; } return 0; }
int hsr_dev_finalize(struct net_device *hsr_dev, struct net_device *slave[2], unsigned char multicast_spec, u8 protocol_version) { struct hsr_priv *hsr; struct hsr_port *port; int res; hsr = netdev_priv(hsr_dev); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&hsr->ports); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&hsr->node_db); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&hsr->self_node_db); ether_addr_copy(hsr_dev->dev_addr, slave[0]->dev_addr); /* Make sure we recognize frames from ourselves in hsr_rcv() */ res = hsr_create_self_node(&hsr->self_node_db, hsr_dev->dev_addr, slave[1]->dev_addr); if (res < 0) return res; spin_lock_init(&hsr->seqnr_lock); /* Overflow soon to find bugs easier: */ hsr->sequence_nr = HSR_SEQNR_START; hsr->sup_sequence_nr = HSR_SUP_SEQNR_START; timer_setup(&hsr->announce_timer, hsr_announce, 0); timer_setup(&hsr->prune_timer, hsr_prune_nodes, 0); ether_addr_copy(hsr->sup_multicast_addr, def_multicast_addr); hsr->sup_multicast_addr[ETH_ALEN - 1] = multicast_spec; hsr->protVersion = protocol_version; /* FIXME: should I modify the value of these? * * - hsr_dev->flags - i.e. * IFF_MASTER/SLAVE? * - hsr_dev->priv_flags - i.e. * IFF_EBRIDGE? * IFF_TX_SKB_SHARING? * IFF_HSR_MASTER/SLAVE? */ /* Make sure the 1st call to netif_carrier_on() gets through */ netif_carrier_off(hsr_dev); res = hsr_add_port(hsr, hsr_dev, HSR_PT_MASTER); if (res) return res; res = register_netdevice(hsr_dev); if (res) goto fail; res = hsr_add_port(hsr, slave[0], HSR_PT_SLAVE_A); if (res) goto fail; res = hsr_add_port(hsr, slave[1], HSR_PT_SLAVE_B); if (res) goto fail; mod_timer(&hsr->prune_timer, jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(PRUNE_PERIOD)); return 0; fail: hsr_for_each_port(hsr, port) hsr_del_port(port); return res; }
static int ipxitf_ioctl(unsigned int cmd, void __user *arg) { int rc = -EINVAL; struct ifreq ifr; int val; switch (cmd) { case SIOCSIFADDR: { struct sockaddr_ipx *sipx; struct ipx_interface_definition f; rc = -EFAULT; if (copy_from_user(&ifr, arg, sizeof(ifr))) break; sipx = (struct sockaddr_ipx *)&ifr.ifr_addr; rc = -EINVAL; if (sipx->sipx_family != AF_IPX) break; f.ipx_network = sipx->sipx_network; memcpy(f.ipx_device, ifr.ifr_name, sizeof(f.ipx_device)); memcpy(f.ipx_node, sipx->sipx_node, IPX_NODE_LEN); f.ipx_dlink_type = sipx->sipx_type; f.ipx_special = sipx->sipx_special; if (sipx->sipx_action == IPX_DLTITF) rc = ipxitf_delete(&f); else rc = ipxitf_create(&f); break; } case SIOCGIFADDR: { struct sockaddr_ipx *sipx; struct ipx_interface *ipxif; struct net_device *dev; rc = -EFAULT; if (copy_from_user(&ifr, arg, sizeof(ifr))) break; sipx = (struct sockaddr_ipx *)&ifr.ifr_addr; dev = __dev_get_by_name(&init_net, ifr.ifr_name); rc = -ENODEV; if (!dev) break; ipxif = ipxitf_find_using_phys(dev, ipx_map_frame_type(sipx->sipx_type)); rc = -EADDRNOTAVAIL; if (!ipxif) break; sipx->sipx_family = AF_IPX; sipx->sipx_network = ipxif->if_netnum; memcpy(sipx->sipx_node, ipxif->if_node, sizeof(sipx->sipx_node)); rc = -EFAULT; if (copy_to_user(arg, &ifr, sizeof(ifr))) break; ipxitf_put(ipxif); rc = 0; break; } case SIOCAIPXITFCRT: rc = -EFAULT; if (get_user(val, (unsigned char __user *) arg)) break; rc = 0; ipxcfg_auto_create_interfaces = val; break; case SIOCAIPXPRISLT: rc = -EFAULT; if (get_user(val, (unsigned char __user *) arg)) break; rc = 0; ipxcfg_set_auto_select(val); break; } return rc; }
mark_context_stack(mrb_state *mrb, struct mrb_context *c) { size_t i; size_t e; if (c->stack == NULL) return; e = c->stack - c->stbase; if (c->ci) e += c->ci->nregs; if (c->stbase + e > c->stend) e = c->stend - c->stbase; for (i=0; i<e; i++) { mrb_value v = c->stbase[i]; if (!mrb_immediate_p(v)) { if (mrb_basic_ptr(v)->tt == MRB_TT_FREE) { c->stbase[i] = mrb_nil_value(); } else { mrb_gc_mark(mrb, mrb_basic_ptr(v)); } } } }
didset_options2(void) { // Initialize the highlight_attr[] table. (void)highlight_changed(); // Parse default for 'wildmode' check_opt_wim(); // Parse default for 'listchars'. (void)set_chars_option(curwin, &curwin->w_p_lcs); // Parse default for 'fillchars'. (void)set_chars_option(curwin, &p_fcs); #ifdef FEAT_CLIPBOARD // Parse default for 'clipboard' (void)check_clipboard_option(); #endif #ifdef FEAT_VARTABS vim_free(curbuf->b_p_vsts_array); tabstop_set(curbuf->b_p_vsts, &curbuf->b_p_vsts_array); vim_free(curbuf->b_p_vts_array); tabstop_set(curbuf->b_p_vts, &curbuf->b_p_vts_array); #endif }
image_load_jpeg(image_t *img, /* I - Image pointer */ FILE *fp, /* I - File to load from */ int gray, /* I - 0 = color, 1 = grayscale */ int load_data)/* I - 1 = load image data, 0 = just info */ { struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo; /* Decompressor info */ struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr; /* Error handler info */ JSAMPROW row; /* Sample row pointer */ jpeg_std_error(&jerr); jerr.error_exit = jpeg_error_handler; cinfo.err = &jerr; jpeg_create_decompress(&cinfo); jpeg_stdio_src(&cinfo, fp); jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, (boolean)1); cinfo.quantize_colors = FALSE; if (gray || cinfo.num_components == 1) { cinfo.out_color_space = JCS_GRAYSCALE; cinfo.out_color_components = 1; cinfo.output_components = 1; } else if (cinfo.num_components != 3) { jpeg_destroy_decompress(&cinfo); progress_error(HD_ERROR_BAD_FORMAT, "CMYK JPEG files are not supported! (%s)", file_rlookup(img->filename)); return (-1); } else { cinfo.out_color_space = JCS_RGB; cinfo.out_color_components = 3; cinfo.output_components = 3; } jpeg_calc_output_dimensions(&cinfo); img->width = (int)cinfo.output_width; img->height = (int)cinfo.output_height; img->depth = (int)cinfo.output_components; if (!load_data) { jpeg_destroy_decompress(&cinfo); return (0); } img->pixels = (uchar *)malloc((size_t)(img->width * img->height * img->depth)); if (img->pixels == NULL) { jpeg_destroy_decompress(&cinfo); return (-1); } jpeg_start_decompress(&cinfo); while (cinfo.output_scanline < cinfo.output_height) { row = (JSAMPROW)(img->pixels + (size_t)cinfo.output_scanline * (size_t)cinfo.output_width * (size_t)cinfo.output_components); jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, &row, (JDIMENSION)1); } jpeg_finish_decompress(&cinfo); jpeg_destroy_decompress(&cinfo); return (0); }
static unsigned long get_seg_limit(struct pt_regs *regs, int seg_reg_idx) { struct desc_struct *desc; unsigned long limit; short sel; sel = get_segment_selector(regs, seg_reg_idx); if (sel < 0) return 0; if (user_64bit_mode(regs) || v8086_mode(regs)) return -1L; if (!sel) return 0; desc = get_desc(sel); if (!desc) return 0; /* * If the granularity bit is set, the limit is given in multiples * of 4096. This also means that the 12 least significant bits are * not tested when checking the segment limits. In practice, * this means that the segment ends in (limit << 12) + 0xfff. */ limit = get_desc_limit(desc); if (desc->g) limit = (limit << 12) + 0xfff; return limit; }
const char * util_acl_to_str(const sc_acl_entry_t *e) { static char line[80], buf[20]; unsigned int acl; if (e == NULL) return "N/A"; line[0] = 0; while (e != NULL) { acl = e->method; switch (acl) { case SC_AC_UNKNOWN: return "N/A"; case SC_AC_NEVER: return "NEVR"; case SC_AC_NONE: return "NONE"; case SC_AC_CHV: strcpy(buf, "CHV"); if (e->key_ref != SC_AC_KEY_REF_NONE) sprintf(buf + 3, "%d", e->key_ref); break; case SC_AC_TERM: strcpy(buf, "TERM"); break; case SC_AC_PRO: strcpy(buf, "PROT"); break; case SC_AC_AUT: strcpy(buf, "AUTH"); if (e->key_ref != SC_AC_KEY_REF_NONE) sprintf(buf + 4, "%d", e->key_ref); break; case SC_AC_SEN: strcpy(buf, "Sec.Env. "); if (e->key_ref != SC_AC_KEY_REF_NONE) sprintf(buf + 3, "#%d", e->key_ref); break; case SC_AC_SCB: strcpy(buf, "Sec.ControlByte "); if (e->key_ref != SC_AC_KEY_REF_NONE) sprintf(buf + 3, "Ox%X", e->key_ref); break; case SC_AC_IDA: strcpy(buf, "PKCS#15 AuthID "); if (e->key_ref != SC_AC_KEY_REF_NONE) sprintf(buf + 3, "#%d", e->key_ref); break; default: strcpy(buf, "????"); break; } strcat(line, buf); strcat(line, " "); e = e->next; } line[strlen(line)-1] = 0; /* get rid of trailing space */ return line; }
R_API void r_anal_bb_free(RAnalBlock *bb) { if (!bb) { return; } r_anal_cond_free (bb->cond); R_FREE (bb->fingerprint); r_anal_diff_free (bb->diff); bb->diff = NULL; R_FREE (bb->op_bytes); r_anal_switch_op_free (bb->switch_op); bb->switch_op = NULL; bb->fingerprint = NULL; bb->cond = NULL; R_FREE (bb->label); R_FREE (bb->op_pos); R_FREE (bb->parent_reg_arena); if (bb->prev) { if (bb->prev->jumpbb == bb) { bb->prev->jumpbb = NULL; } if (bb->prev->failbb == bb) { bb->prev->failbb = NULL; } bb->prev = NULL; } if (bb->jumpbb) { bb->jumpbb->prev = NULL; bb->jumpbb = NULL; } if (bb->failbb) { bb->failbb->prev = NULL; bb->failbb = NULL; } R_FREE (bb); }
mrb_proc_copy(mrb_state *mrb, struct RProc *a, struct RProc *b) { if (a->body.irep) { /* already initialized proc */ return; } a->flags = b->flags; a->body = b->body; a->upper = b->upper; if (!MRB_PROC_CFUNC_P(a) && a->body.irep) { mrb_irep_incref(mrb, (mrb_irep*)a->body.irep); } a->e.env = b->e.env; /* a->e.target_class = a->e.target_class; */ }
char *gf_text_get_utf8_line(char *szLine, u32 lineSize, FILE *txt_in, s32 unicode_type) { u32 i, j, len; char *sOK; char szLineConv[1024]; unsigned short *sptr; memset(szLine, 0, sizeof(char)*lineSize); sOK = gf_fgets(szLine, lineSize, txt_in); if (!sOK) return NULL; if (unicode_type<=1) { j=0; len = (u32) strlen(szLine); for (i=0; i<len; i++) { if (!unicode_type && (szLine[i] & 0x80)) { /*non UTF8 (likely some win-CP)*/ if ((szLine[i+1] & 0xc0) != 0x80) { szLineConv[j] = 0xc0 | ( (szLine[i] >> 6) & 0x3 ); j++; szLine[i] &= 0xbf; } /*UTF8 2 bytes char*/ else if ( (szLine[i] & 0xe0) == 0xc0) { szLineConv[j] = szLine[i]; i++; j++; } /*UTF8 3 bytes char*/ else if ( (szLine[i] & 0xf0) == 0xe0) { szLineConv[j] = szLine[i]; i++; j++; szLineConv[j] = szLine[i]; i++; j++; } /*UTF8 4 bytes char*/ else if ( (szLine[i] & 0xf8) == 0xf0) { szLineConv[j] = szLine[i]; i++; j++; szLineConv[j] = szLine[i]; i++; j++; szLineConv[j] = szLine[i]; i++; j++; } else { i+=1; continue; } } szLineConv[j] = szLine[i]; j++; } szLineConv[j] = 0; strcpy(szLine, szLineConv); return sOK; } #ifdef GPAC_BIG_ENDIAN if (unicode_type==3) #else if (unicode_type==2) #endif { i=0; while (1) { char c; if (!szLine[i] && !szLine[i+1]) break; c = szLine[i+1]; szLine[i+1] = szLine[i]; szLine[i] = c; i+=2; } } sptr = (u16 *)szLine; i = (u32) gf_utf8_wcstombs(szLineConv, 1024, (const unsigned short **) &sptr); szLineConv[i] = 0; strcpy(szLine, szLineConv); /*this is ugly indeed: since input is UTF16-LE, there are many chances the gf_fgets never reads the \0 after a \n*/ if (unicode_type==3) gf_fgetc(txt_in); return sOK; }
void gdImageGifCtx(gdImagePtr im, gdIOCtxPtr out) { gdImagePtr pim = 0, tim = im; int interlace, BitsPerPixel; interlace = im->interlace; if (im->trueColor) { /* Expensive, but the only way that produces an acceptable result: mix down to a palette based temporary image. */ pim = gdImageCreatePaletteFromTrueColor(im, 1, 256); if (!pim) { return; } tim = pim; } BitsPerPixel = colorstobpp(tim->colorsTotal); /* All set, let's do it. */ GIFEncode( out, tim->sx, tim->sy, tim->interlace, 0, tim->transparent, BitsPerPixel, tim->red, tim->green, tim->blue, tim); if (pim) { /* Destroy palette based temporary image. */ gdImageDestroy( pim); } }
xmlValidNormalizeAttributeValue(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr elem, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *value) { xmlChar *ret, *dst; const xmlChar *src; xmlAttributePtr attrDecl = NULL; if (doc == NULL) return(NULL); if (elem == NULL) return(NULL); if (name == NULL) return(NULL); if (value == NULL) return(NULL); if ((elem->ns != NULL) && (elem->ns->prefix != NULL)) { xmlChar fn[50]; xmlChar *fullname; fullname = xmlBuildQName(elem->name, elem->ns->prefix, fn, 50); if (fullname == NULL) return(NULL); if ((fullname != fn) && (fullname != elem->name)) xmlFree(fullname); } attrDecl = xmlGetDtdAttrDesc(doc->intSubset, elem->name, name); if ((attrDecl == NULL) && (doc->extSubset != NULL)) attrDecl = xmlGetDtdAttrDesc(doc->extSubset, elem->name, name); if (attrDecl == NULL) return(NULL); if (attrDecl->atype == XML_ATTRIBUTE_CDATA) return(NULL); ret = xmlStrdup(value); if (ret == NULL) return(NULL); src = value; dst = ret; while (*src == 0x20) src++; while (*src != 0) { if (*src == 0x20) { while (*src == 0x20) src++; if (*src != 0) *dst++ = 0x20; } else { *dst++ = *src++; } } *dst = 0; return(ret); }
ASC_destroyAssociation(T_ASC_Association ** association) { OFCondition cond = EC_Normal; /* don't worry if already destroyed */ if (association == NULL) return EC_Normal; if (*association == NULL) return EC_Normal; if ((*association)->DULassociation != NULL) { ASC_dropAssociation(*association); } if ((*association)->params != NULL) { cond = ASC_destroyAssociationParameters(&(*association)->params); if (cond.bad()) return cond; } if ((*association)->sendPDVBuffer != NULL) free((*association)->sendPDVBuffer); free(*association); *association = NULL; return EC_Normal; }
destroyUserInformationLists(DUL_USERINFO * userInfo) { PRV_SCUSCPROLE * role; role = (PRV_SCUSCPROLE*)LST_Dequeue(&userInfo->SCUSCPRoleList); while (role != NULL) { free(role); role = (PRV_SCUSCPROLE*)LST_Dequeue(&userInfo->SCUSCPRoleList); } LST_Destroy(&userInfo->SCUSCPRoleList); /* extended negotiation */ delete userInfo->extNegList; userInfo->extNegList = NULL; /* user identity negotiation */ delete userInfo->usrIdent; userInfo->usrIdent = NULL; }
static void _php_mb_regex_set_options(OnigOptionType options, OnigSyntaxType *syntax, OnigOptionType *prev_options, OnigSyntaxType **prev_syntax TSRMLS_DC) { if (prev_options != NULL) { *prev_options = MBREX(regex_default_options); } if (prev_syntax != NULL) { *prev_syntax = MBREX(regex_default_syntax); } MBREX(regex_default_options) = options; MBREX(regex_default_syntax) = syntax; }
void __init(RBuffer *buf, r_bin_ne_obj_t *bin) { bin->header_offset = r_buf_read_le16_at (buf, 0x3c); bin->ne_header = R_NEW0 (NE_image_header); if (!bin->ne_header) { return; } bin->buf = buf; r_buf_read_at (buf, bin->header_offset, (ut8 *)bin->ne_header, sizeof (NE_image_header)); bin->alignment = 1 << bin->ne_header->FileAlnSzShftCnt; if (!bin->alignment) { bin->alignment = 1 << 9; } bin->os = __get_target_os (bin); ut16 offset = bin->ne_header->SegTableOffset + bin->header_offset; ut16 size = bin->ne_header->SegCount * sizeof (NE_image_segment_entry); bin->segment_entries = calloc (1, size); if (!bin->segment_entries) { return; } r_buf_read_at (buf, offset, (ut8 *)bin->segment_entries, size); bin->entry_table = calloc (1, bin->ne_header->EntryTableLength); r_buf_read_at (buf, (ut64)bin->header_offset + bin->ne_header->EntryTableOffset, bin->entry_table, bin->ne_header->EntryTableLength); bin->imports = r_bin_ne_get_imports (bin); __ne_get_resources (bin); }
find_start_brace(void) // XXX { pos_T cursor_save; pos_T *trypos; pos_T *pos; static pos_T pos_copy; cursor_save = curwin->w_cursor; while ((trypos = findmatchlimit(NULL, '{', FM_BLOCKSTOP, 0)) != NULL) { pos_copy = *trypos; // copy pos_T, next findmatch will change it trypos = &pos_copy; curwin->w_cursor = *trypos; pos = NULL; // ignore the { if it's in a // or / * * / comment if ((colnr_T)cin_skip2pos(trypos) == trypos->col && (pos = ind_find_start_CORS(NULL)) == NULL) // XXX break; if (pos != NULL) curwin->w_cursor.lnum = pos->lnum; } curwin->w_cursor = cursor_save; return trypos; }
int read_file(struct sc_card *card, char *str_path, unsigned char **data, size_t *data_len) { struct sc_path path; struct sc_file *file; unsigned char *p; int ok = 0; int r; size_t len; sc_format_path(str_path, &path); if (SC_SUCCESS != sc_select_file(card, &path, &file)) { goto err; } len = file ? file->size : 4096; p = realloc(*data, len); if (!p) { goto err; } *data = p; *data_len = len; r = sc_read_binary(card, 0, p, len, 0); if (r < 0) goto err; *data_len = r; ok = 1; err: sc_file_free(file); return ok; }
ga_init2(garray_T *gap, int itemsize, int growsize) { ga_init(gap); gap->ga_itemsize = itemsize; gap->ga_growsize = growsize; }
init_evalarg(evalarg_T *evalarg) { CLEAR_POINTER(evalarg); ga_init2(&evalarg->eval_tofree_ga, sizeof(char_u *), 20); }
R_API int r_core_bin_set_env(RCore *r, RBinFile *binfile) { RBinObject *binobj = binfile ? binfile->o: NULL; RBinInfo *info = binobj ? binobj->info: NULL; if (info) { int va = info->has_va; const char * arch = info->arch; ut16 bits = info->bits; ut64 baseaddr = r_bin_get_baddr (r->bin); /* Hack to make baddr work on some corner */ r_config_set_i (r->config, "", (binobj->info)? binobj->info->has_va: 0); r_config_set_i (r->config, "bin.baddr", baseaddr); r_config_set (r->config, "asm.arch", arch); r_config_set_i (r->config, "asm.bits", bits); r_config_set (r->config, "anal.arch", arch); if (info->cpu && *info->cpu) { r_config_set (r->config, "anal.cpu", info->cpu); } else { r_config_set (r->config, "anal.cpu", arch); } r_asm_use (r->assembler, arch); r_core_bin_info (r, R_CORE_BIN_ACC_ALL, R_CORE_BIN_SET, va, NULL, NULL); r_core_bin_set_cur (r, binfile); return true; } return false; }
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