Text Classification
10K - 100K
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int64 0
with its dogged hollywood naturalism and the inexorable passage of its characters toward sainthood , windtalkers is nothing but a sticky-sweet soap . | 0 |
. . . has its moments , but ultimately , its curmudgeon does n't quite make the cut of being placed on any list of favorites . | 0 |
leigh 's film is full of memorable performances from top to bottom . | 1 |
the code talkers deserved better than a hollow tribute . | 0 |
i have to admit that i am baffled by jason x . | 0 |
an excellent romp that boasts both a heart and a mind . | 1 |
why sit through a crummy , wannabe-hip crime comedy that refers incessantly to old movies , when you could just rent those movies instead , let alone seek out a respectable new one ? | 0 |
holden caulfield did it better . | 0 |
has the marks of a septuagenarian ; it 's a crusty treatment of a clever gimmick . | 0 |
a b-movie you can sit through , enjoy on a certain level and then forget . | 1 |
chokes on its own depiction of upper-crust decorum . | 0 |
ms . seigner and mr . serrault bring fresh , unforced naturalism to their characters . | 1 |
buy is an accomplished actress , and this is a big , juicy role . | 1 |
thoughtful , provocative and entertaining . | 1 |
writer-director david jacobson and his star , jeremy renner , have made a remarkable film that explores the monster 's psychology not in order to excuse him but rather to demonstrate that his pathology evolved from human impulses that grew hideously twisted . | 1 |
the sort of film that makes me miss hitchcock , but also feel optimistic that there 's hope for popular cinema yet . | 1 |
' . . . despite lagging near the finish line , the movie runs a good race , one that will have you at the edge of your seat for long stretches . ' | 1 |
a slam-bang extravaganza that is all about a wild-and-woolly , wall-to-wall good time . | 1 |
the film is a fierce dance of destruction . its flame-like , roiling black-and-white inspires trembling and gratitude . | 1 |
the message is that even the most unlikely can link together to conquer all kinds of obstacles , whether they be of nature , of man or of one another . | 1 |
the film is exhilarating to watch because sandler , liberated from the constraints of formula , reveals unexpected depths as an actor . | 1 |
i hate the feeling of having been slimed in the name of high art . | 0 |
. . . a good film that must have baffled the folks in the marketing department . | 1 |
what lifts the film high above run-of-the-filth gangster flicks is its refusal to recognise any of the signposts , as if discovering a way through to the bitter end without a map . | 1 |
not since ghostbusters has a film used manhattan 's architecture in such a gloriously goofy way . | 1 |
the directing and story are disjointed , flaws that have to be laid squarely on taylor 's doorstep . but the actors make this worth a peek . | 1 |
an original gem about an obsession with time . | 1 |
so bland and utterly forgettable that it might as well have been titled generic jennifer lopez romantic comedy . | 0 |
i did n't believe for a moment in these villains or their plot . | 0 |
more maudlin than sharp . | 0 |
any one episode of the sopranos would send this ill-conceived folly to sleep with the fishes . | 0 |
the film goes from being an unusual sci-fi character study to a chase flick that detracts from its ending . | 0 |
an amusing and unexpectedly insightful examination of sexual jealousy , resentment and the fine line between passion and pretence . | 1 |
awesome creatures , breathtaking scenery , and epic battle scenes add up to another 'spectacular spectacle . ' | 1 |
even as it pays earnest homage to turntablists and beat jugglers , old schoolers and current innovators , scratch is great fun , full of the kind of energy it 's documenting . | 1 |
directors brett morgen and nanette burstein have put together a bold biographical fantasia . | 1 |
there 's an epic here , but you have to put it together yourself . | 0 |
a highly intriguing thriller , coupled with some ingenious plot devices and some lavishly built settings . . it 's a worthwhile tutorial in quantum physics and slash-dash | 1 |
este M-i apenas mais um ( longo ) episM-sdio do programa da mtv . a M-znica diferenM-ga M-i que , desta vez , a paramount teve o mau gosto de exibi-lo nos cinemas . | 0 |
absorbing character study by andrM-i turpin . | 1 |
only two words will tell you what you know when deciding to see it : anthony . hopkins . | 1 |
burns ' fifth beer-soaked film feels in almost every possible way -- from the writing and direction to the soggy performances -- tossed off . | 0 |
like all of egoyan 's work , ararat is fiercely intelligent and uncommonly ambitious . | 1 |
the only excitement comes when the credits finally roll and you get to leave the theater . | 0 |
to the vast majority of more casual filmgoers , it will probably be a talky bore . | 0 |
every individual will see the movie through the prism of his or her own beliefs and prejudices , but the one thing most will take away is the sense that peace is possible . that , in itself , is extraordinary . | 1 |
you can feel the heat that ignites this gripping tale , and the humor and humanity that root it in feeling . | 1 |
maybe you 'll be lucky , and there 'll be a power outage during your screening so you can get your money back . | 0 |
instead of hitting the audience over the head with a moral , schrader relies on subtle ironies and visual devices to convey point of view . | 1 |
there 's suspension of disbelief and then there 's bad screenwriting . . . this film packs a wallop of the latter . | 0 |
troll the cult section of your local video store for the real deal . | 0 |
bourne , jason bourne . he can scale a building like a super hero , he can out-stealth any agent , he 'll get the girl . he 's super spy ! | 1 |
beneath the uncanny , inevitable and seemingly shrewd facade of movie-biz farce . . . lies a plot cobbled together from largely flat and uncreative moments . | 0 |
the message of such reflections -- intentional or not -- is that while no art grows from a vacuum , many artists exist in one . | 1 |
it uses the pain and violence of war as background material for color . | 0 |
can be viewed as pure composition and form -- film as music | 1 |
this time kaufman 's imagination has failed him . | 0 |
this submarine drama earns the right to be favorably compared to das boot . | 1 |
i ca n't quite recommend it -- it 's too patched together -- but i almost can ; it 's the kind of movie that makes you want to like it . | 0 |
plays like some corny television production from a bygone era | 0 |
highly recommended as an engrossing story about a horrifying historical event and the elements which contributed to it . | 1 |
. . . tara reid plays a college journalist , but she looks like the six-time winner of the miss hawaiian tropic pageant , so i do n't know what she 's doing in here . . . | 0 |
. . . turns so unforgivably trite in its last 10 minutes that anyone without a fortified sweet tooth will likely go into sugar shock . | 0 |
the film belongs to the marvelous verdu , a sexy slip of an earth mother who mourns her tragedies in private and embraces life in public | 1 |
[ a ] rather thinly-conceived movie . | 0 |
this heist flick about young brooklyn hoods is off the shelf after two years to capitalize on the popularity of vin diesel , seth green and barry pepper . it should have stayed there . | 0 |
upsetting and thought-provoking , the film has an odd purity that does n't bring you into the characters so much as it has you study them . | 1 |
a thoughtful , provocative , insistently humanizing film . | 1 |
one thing 's for sureM-^Wif george romero had directed this movie , it would n't have taken the protagonists a full hour to determine that in order to kill a zombie you must shoot it in the head . | 0 |
it 's technically sumptuous but also almost wildly alive . | 1 |
a trite psychological thriller designed to keep the audience guessing and guessing -- which is not to be confused with suspecting -- until it comes time to wrap things up and send the viewers home . | 0 |
director roger kumble offers just enough sweet and traditional romantic comedy to counter the crudity . and there 's the inimitable diaz , holding it all together . | 1 |
the cat 's meow marks a return to form for director peter bogdanovich . . . | 1 |
an atonal estrogen opera that demonizes feminism while gifting the most sympathetic male of the piece with a nice vomit bath at his wedding . | 0 |
enjoy it for what it is ; you can hate yourself later . | 1 |
shattering , devastating documentary on two maladjusted teens in a downward narcotized spiral . extraordinary debut from josh koury . | 1 |
a sharp and quick documentary that is funny and pithy , while illuminating an era of theatrical comedy that , while past , really is n't . | 1 |
thoughtless , random , superficial humour and a lot of very bad scouse accents | 0 |
the very definition of what critics have come to term an `` ambitious failure . `` | 0 |
there is a real subject here , and it is handled with intelligence and care . | 1 |
overall , it 's a very entertaining , thought-provoking film with a simple message : god is love . | 1 |
wilco fans will have a great time , and the movie should win the band a few new converts , too . | 1 |
works better in the conception than it does in the execution . . . winds up seeming just a little too clever . | 0 |
a three-hour cinema master class . | 1 |
you 'll have more fun setting fire to yourself in the parking lot . you 'll be more entertained getting hit by a bus . | 0 |
all the filmmakers are asking of us , is to believe in something that is improbable . | 1 |
eight legged freaks ? no big hairy deal . | 0 |
a `` black austin powers ? `` i prefer to think of it as `` pootie tang with a budget . `` sa da tay ! | 1 |
hey arnold ! the movie is what happens when you blow up small potatoes to 10 times their natural size , and it ai n't pretty . | 0 |
a pathetic exploitation film that tries to seem sincere , and just seems worse for the effort . | 0 |
sayles . . . once again strands his superb performers in the same old story . | 0 |
an action/thriller of the finest kind , evoking memories of day of the jackal , the french connection , and heat . | 1 |
routine and rather silly . | 0 |
the dangerous lives of altar boys ' take on adolescence feels painfully true . | 1 |
its appeal will probably limited to lds church members and undemanding armchair tourists . | 0 |
a silly , self-indulgent film about a silly , self-indulgent filmmaker . | 0 |
it 's an often-cute film but either needs more substance to fill the time or some judicious editing . | 1 |
the movie has an infectious exuberance that will engage anyone with a passing interest in the skate/surf culture , the l . a . beach scene and the imaginative ( and sometimes illegal ) ways kids can make a playground out of the refuse of adults . | 1 |
the cumulative effect of the movie is repulsive and depressing . | 0 |
it 's a frankenstein-monster of a film that does n't know what it wants to be . | 0 |
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