Dataset Viewer
Auto-converted to Parquet
7 values
<gh_stars>1-10 # AUTOGENERATED! DO NOT EDIT! File to edit: 01_image_classification.ipynb (unless otherwise specified). __all__ = ['data'] # Cell from import * # Cell data = DataBlock(blocks = (ImageBlock, CategoryBlock), get_items = get_image_files, get_y = parent_label, splitter = GrandparentSplitter(valid_name='val'), item_tfms = RandomResizedCrop(128, min_scale=0.35), batch_tfms = Normalize.from_stats(*imagenet_stats) )
<reponame>Heyjoy/P3<filename><gh_stars>0 import math # models hyperParmeter TrainTestSplitSize = 0.2 N_EPOCH = 20 Verbose = 1 BatchSize = 64 zeroSteeringCount = 3 #GaussianNoiseStddev = 1 # Imgae Process tuning paramter IMGPath = '../data/IMG/' CSVPath = '../data/driving_log.csv' ImgShape = [160, 320, 3] ResizedShape = [64, 64, 3] cropBottom = math.floor(ImgShape[0]/6) # cropTop = cropBottom * 2 AngleOffset = 0.25 # offset for left and right camera ## Image flip random FilpProb = 0.5 ## Brightness random RandomBrightOffset = 0.25 ## translate Image method parameter x_trRange = int(ImgShape[1]/10) # 320 = 6.4*50 y_trRange = int(ImgShape[0]/10) # 160 = 6.4 *25 trShiftAngle = 0.4
<reponame>pep7/GorillaBot # Copyright (c) 2013-2016 <NAME> # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software # and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without # restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or # substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING # BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, # DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. import logging import message from plugins.util import admin, command, humanize_list from queue import Empty @command("admincommandlist") def admincommands(m): """Provide a list of admin-only commands.""" #- !admincommands #- #- ```irc #- < GorillaWarfare> !admincommands #- < GorillaBot> My available admin commands are join, part, quit, setcommand, #- and unset. See for documentation. #- ``` #- #- Say the available admin-only commands. This does not display command aliases. commands = [key for key in if not[key][1]] commands.sort() if len(commands) == 0:, "I have no available admin commands. See " " for documentation.") elif len(commands) == 1:, "My available admin command is {0}. See " " for " "documentation.".format(commands[0])) else:, "My available admin commands are {0}. See " " for " "documentation.".format( humanize_list(commands))) @command("admins", "botops", "oplist") def adminlist(m): """Provide a list of current bot admins.""" #- !adminlist #- #- ```irc #- < GorillaWarfare> !adminlist #- < GorillaBot> My bot admin is GorillaWarfare. #- ``` #- #- Say the current bot operators. ops = list(["botops"].keys()) if ops: if len(ops) == 1:, "My bot admin is " + ops[0] + ".") else:, "My bot admins are " + humanize_list(ops)) else: nick =["nick"], "{0} has no master. {0} is a free bot.".format(nick)) @command("pingall", "highlightall") def attention(m): """Ping everyone currently joined to the channel. Be careful to only turn this on if you trust those in the channel not to abuse it.""" #- !attention #- #- ```irc #- < GorillaWarfare> !attention #- < GorillaBot> user1, user2, user3: GorillaWarfare wants your attention #- ``` #- #- Ping all of the users in the channel. #- #- #### Settings #- `on` - Anyone can use this command. Be sure you trust everyone in the channel not to abuse #- it. #- `admin` - Only bot admins can use this command. logger = logging.getLogger("GorillaBot") attention_setting ='attention', m.location) if attention_setting == 'admin': if not, "Please ask a bot operator to perform this action for" " you.") return elif attention_setting != 'on':, "Command not enabled.") return # Okay, we're authorized to do this. ignored_messages = []"NAMES {}".format(m.location)) while True: try: msg =, 120) except Empty: logger.error("No response from server when trying to get nicks. Shutting down.") return if isinstance(msg, message.Numeric): if msg.number == '353': nicks = msg.body.split() nicks = nicks[2:] nicks[0] = nicks[0][1:] sender =["nick"] try: nicks.remove(sender) nicks.remove(["nick"]) except ValueError: pass, "{0}: {1} wants your attention" .format(", ".join(nicks), sender)) break ignored_messages.append(msg) for msg in ignored_messages: @command("commandlist", "help") def commands(m): """Provide a list of commands available to all users.""" #- !commands #- #- ```irc #- < GorillaWarfare> !commands #- < GorillaBot> My available commands are admincommands, adminlist, commands, hug, #- link, spotify, and xkcd. See #- for documentation. #- ``` #- #- Say the available all-user commands. This does not display command aliases. commands = [key for key in if not[key][1]] commands.sort() if len(commands) == 0:, "I have no available commands. See " " for documentation.") elif len(commands) == 1:, "My available command is {0}. See " " for " "documentation.".format(commands[0])) else:, "My available commands are {0}. See " " for " "documentation.".format( humanize_list(commands)))
<reponame>jdmartinez36/azure-batch-cli-extensions # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from enum import Enum # These properties are reserved for application template use # and may not be used on jobs using an application template PROPS_RESERVED_FOR_TEMPLATES = { 'jobManagerTask', 'jobPreparationTask', 'jobReleaseTask', #'commonEnvironmentSettings', 'usesTaskDependencies', 'onAllTasksComplete', 'onTaskFailure', 'taskFactory'} PROPS_PERMITTED_ON_TEMPLATES = PROPS_RESERVED_FOR_TEMPLATES.union({ 'templateMetadata', 'parameters', 'metadata'}) ATTRS_RESERVED_FOR_TEMPLATES = { 'job_manager_task', 'job_preparation_task', 'job_release_task', #'common_environment_settings', 'uses_task_dependencies', 'on_all_tasks_complete', 'on_task_failure', 'task_factory'} # These properties are reserved for job use # and may not be used on an application template PROPS_RESERVED_FOR_JOBS = { 'id', 'displayName', 'priority', 'constraints', 'poolInfo', 'applicationTemplateInfo'} # Properties on a repeatTask object that should be # applied to each expanded task. PROPS_ON_REPEAT_TASK = { 'displayName', 'containerSettings', 'resourceFiles', 'environmentSettings', 'constraints', 'userIdentity', 'exitConditions', 'clientExtensions', 'outputFiles', 'packageReferences'} PROPS_ON_COLLECTION_TASK = PROPS_ON_REPEAT_TASK.union({ 'multiInstanceSettings', 'dependsOn'}) # Dates used as cutoffs for different SDK extension versions class KnownTemplateVersion(Enum): Dec2018 = "2018-12-01"
<reponame>Tiago-S-Ribeiro/Python-Pro-Bootcamp<filename>100_days_of_code/Intermediate+/day_37/ import requests import datetime as dt from data import USER, TOKEN, G_ID, PXL_ENDPOINT, NEW_PIXEL_ENDPOINT, GRAPH_ENDPOINT headers = { "X-USER-TOKEN": TOKEN } today = #------------------- Create a new user using POST ------------------- new_graph_params = { "token": TOKEN, "username": USER, "agreeTermsOfService": "yes", "notMinor": "yes" } response =, json=new_graph_params) print(response.text) #---------------- Create a new Pixela graph using POST ---------------- graph_config = { "id": G_ID, "name": "Reading Graph", "unit": "pages", "type": "int", "color": "momiji" } response =, json=graph_config, headers=headers) print(response.text) #-------------------- Create a new pixel using POST -------------------- pixel_params = { "date": today.strftime("%Y%m%d"), "quantity": input("How many pages did you read today? ") } response =, json=pixel_params, headers=headers) print(response.text) #----------------------- Update a pixel using PUT ----------------------- put = { "quantity": "14" } date = dt.datetime(year=2022, month=1, day=10) update_endpoint = f"{NEW_PIXEL_ENDPOINT}/{date.strftime('%Y%m%d')}" response = requests.put(url=update_endpoint, json=put, headers=headers) print(response.text) #---------------------------- Delete a pixel ---------------------------- response = requests.delete(url=update_endpoint, headers=headers) print(response.text)
from .directory import DirectoryClient from .organization import OrganizationClient from .service import ServiceClient
import discord import secrets import itertools import random import re import os from keepAlive import keep_alive import requests import json client = discord.Client() prefix = '&' diceTypes = [4,6,8,10,12,20,100] dnd5e_races = ["DragonBorn", "Dwarf", "Elf", "Gnome", "Half-Elf", "Halfing", "Half-Orc", "Human", "Tiefling", "Orc of Exandria", "Leonin", "Satyr", "Aarakocra", "Genasi", "Goliath", "Aasimar", "Bugbear", "Firbolg", "Goblin", "Hobgoblin", "Kenku", "Kobold", "Lizardfolk", "Orc", "Tabaxi", "Triton", "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "Feral Tiefling", "Tortle", "Changeling", "Kalashtar", "Orc of Eberron", "Shifter", "Warforged", "Gith", "Centaur", "Loxodon", "Minotaur", "Simic Hybrid", "Vedalken", "Verdan", "Locatah", "Grung"] dnd5e_races_phb = ["DragonBorn", "Dwarf", "Elf", "Gnome", "Half-Elf", "Halfing", "Half-Orc", "Human", "Tiefling"] dnd5e_classes = ["Barbarian", "Bard", "Cleric", "Druid", "Fighter", "Monk", "Paladin", "Ranger", "Rogue", "Sorcerer", "Walorck", "Wizard", "Artificer", "Blood Hunter"] dnd5e_classes_phb = ["Barbarian", "Bard", "Cleric", "Druid", "Fighter", "Monk", "Paladin", "Ranger", "Rogue", "Sorcerer", "Walorck", "Wizard"] def searchCondition(query): response = requests.get(''+query) json_data = json.loads(response.text) name = json_data['name'] desc = '' for i in json_data['desc']: desc = desc + i+"\n" return (name,desc) def conditionList(): response = requests.get('') json_data = json.loads(response.text) cond = '' for i in json_data['results']: cond = cond + i['index']+", " return cond[:-2] def searchAbility(query): response = requests.get(''+query) json_data = json.loads(response.text) name = json_data['name'] desc = '' for i in json_data['desc']: desc = desc + i+"\n" skills = '' for i in json_data['skills']: skills = skills + i['name'] + ", " return (name,desc,skills[:-2]) def abilityList(): response = requests.get('') json_data = json.loads(response.text) cond = '' for i in json_data['results']: cond = cond + i['index']+", " return cond[:-2] def skillList(): response = requests.get('') json_data = json.loads(response.text) cond = '' for i in json_data['results']: cond = cond + i['index']+", " return cond[:-2] def searchSkill(query): response = requests.get(''+query) json_data = json.loads(response.text) name = json_data['name'] desc = '' for i in json_data['desc']: desc = desc + i+"\n" abi = json_data['ability_score']['index'] return (name,desc,abi) def damageList(): response = requests.get('') json_data = json.loads(response.text) damage = '' for i in json_data['results']: damage = damage + i['index']+", " return damage[:-2] def searchDamage(query): response = requests.get(''+query) json_data = json.loads(response.text) name = json_data['name'] desc = '' for i in json_data['desc']: desc = desc + i+"\n" return (name,desc) def helpList(): string = '**Praise Asmodeus**'+'\n'+'Bot prefix: '+ prefix + '\n' + 'Rolling Dice: &[#dice]d[Type], ex: &8d6' + '\n' + 'Random Race(w/Expansions): &randrace' + '\n' + 'Random Race(PHB): &randracephb'+ '\n' + 'Random Class(w/Expansions): &randclass' + '\n' + 'Random Class(PHB): &randclassphb' + '\n' + 'Random Ability Scores: &randas'+ '\n' + 'Roll d20 with advantage: &adv' + '\n' + 'Roll d20 with disadvantage: &ddv' + '\n' + 'Roll 1d20: &r' + '\n' + 'Generate Random Character(w/Expansions): &randchar' + '\n' + 'Generate Random Character(PHB): &randcharphb' + '\n' + 'Ability Scores List: &abi' + '\n' + 'Ability Scores Descriptions: &[ability], ex:&dex' + '\n' + 'Conditions List: &cond' + '\n' + 'Conditions Description: &[condition], ex: &exhaustion' + '\n' + 'Skills List: &skills' + '\n' + 'Skills Description: &[skill], ex:&animal-handling' + '\n' + 'Damage Types: &damage' + '\n' + 'Damage Types Description: &[type], ex: &thunder' return string def diceRoll(message): split = re.split('&|d',message) number = int(split[1]) dice = int(split[2]) string = '' result = 0 if dice in diceTypes: if number == 1: rand = random.randrange(1, dice+1) result = rand string = string + str(rand) else: for i in itertools.repeat(None, number): rand = random.randrange(1, dice+1) result = result + rand string = string + str(rand) + ', ' else: string = 'Invalid' result = dice return (string[:-2],result) def randAS(): string = '' ability = 0 total = 0 for i in itertools.repeat(None, 6): one = random.randrange(1, 7) two = random.randrange(1, 7) three = random.randrange(1, 7) four = random.randrange(1, 7) list = [one, two, three, four] list2 = '(' lowest = min(list) ability = sum(list) - lowest total = total + ability counter = 0 for i in list: counter = counter + 1 if i != lowest and counter == 4: list2 = list2 + ' '+ str(i) + ' )' if i != lowest and counter != 4: list2 = list2 + ' '+str(i) + ' ,' if i == lowest and counter == 4: list2 = list2 + ' '+'~~'+str(i)+'~~' + ' )' lowest = 0 if i == lowest and counter != 4: list2 = list2 + ' '+'~~'+str(i)+'~~' + ' ,' lowest = 0 string = string + list2 + ' = '+'**'+str(ability)+'**'+ "\n" return string + 'Total: ' + '**'+str(total)+'**' @client.event async def on_ready(): print('We have logged in as {0.user}'.format(client)) @client.event async def on_message(message): if == client.user: return if re.fullmatch(prefix+r'\d*d\d*',message.content): (string,result) = diceRoll(message.content) if string == 'Invalid': await +"\n"+'Invalid dice format: d'+str(result)) else: await +"\n"+ '**Rolls:** '+ string +"\n"+ '**Total:** '+ str(result) ) if re.fullmatch(prefix+r'randrace',message.content): racechoice = secrets.choice(dnd5e_races) await +"\n"+racechoice) if re.fullmatch(prefix+r'randracephb',message.content): classchoice = secrets.choice(dnd5e_races_phb) await +"\n"+classchoice) if re.fullmatch(prefix+r'randclass',message.content): racechoice = secrets.choice(dnd5e_classes) await +"\n"+racechoice) if re.fullmatch(prefix+r'randclassphb',message.content): classchoice = secrets.choice(dnd5e_classes_phb) await +"\n"+classchoice) if re.fullmatch(prefix+r'randas',message.content): await +"\n"+randAS()) if re.fullmatch(prefix+r'adv',message.content): rand = random.randrange(1, 21) rand2 = random.randrange(1, 21) if rand > rand2: rand = '**'+str(rand)+'**' rand2 = str(rand2) else: rand = str(rand) rand2 = '**'+str(rand2)+'**' await +"\n"+'**Advantage Rolls:** '+ rand+ ', ' + rand2 ) if re.fullmatch(prefix+r'ddv',message.content): rand = random.randrange(1, 21) rand2 = random.randrange(1, 21) if rand < rand2: rand = '**'+str(rand)+'**' rand2 = str(rand2) else: rand = str(rand) rand2 = '**'+str(rand2)+'**' await +"\n"+'**Disadvantage Rolls:** '+ rand+ ', ' + rand2 ) if re.fullmatch(prefix+r'r',message.content): rand = random.randrange(1, 21) await +"\n"+'**Roll:** ' + str(rand)) if re.fullmatch(prefix+r'randchar',message.content): racechoice = secrets.choice(dnd5e_races) classchoice = secrets.choice(dnd5e_classes) await +"\n" +'**Race:** '+"\n"+racechoice+"\n"+'**Class:** '+classchoice + "\n" +'**Ability Scores:** ' +"\n" +randAS()) if re.fullmatch(prefix+r'randcharphb',message.content): racechoice = secrets.choice(dnd5e_races_phb) classchoice = secrets.choice(dnd5e_classes_phb) await +"\n" +'**Race:** '+"\n"+racechoice+"\n"+'**Class:** '+classchoice + "\n" +'**Ability Scores:** ' +"\n" +randAS()) if re.fullmatch(r'&blinded|&charmed|&deafened|&exhaustion|&frightened|&grappled|&incapacitated|&invisible|&paralyzed|&petrified|&poisoned|&restrained|&stunned|&unconscious',message.content): (name,desc)=searchCondition(message.content[1:]) await +"\n" +'**Name:** '+name+"\n"+'**Desc:** '+desc) if re.fullmatch(r'&str|&con|&dex|&wis|&cha|&int',message.content): (name,desc,skills)=searchAbility(message.content[1:]) await +"\n" +'**Name:** '+name+"\n"+'**Desc:** '+desc+"\n"+'**Skills:** '+skills) if re.fullmatch(prefix+r'cond',message.content): cond = conditionList() await +"\n" +'**Conditions:** '+cond) if re.fullmatch(prefix+r'abi',message.content): abi = abilityList() await +"\n" +'**Ability Scores:** '+abi) if re.fullmatch(prefix+r'skills',message.content): skill = skillList() await +"\n" +'**Skills:** '+skill) if re.fullmatch(r'&acrobatics|&animal-handling|&arcana|&athletics|&deception|&history|&insight|&intimidation|&investigation|&medicine|&nature|&perception|&performance|&persuasion|&religion|&sleight-of-hand|&stealth|&survival',message.content): (name,desc,abi)=searchSkill(message.content[1:]) await +"\n" +'**Name:** '+name+"\n"+'**Desc:** '+desc+"\n"+'**Ability Mod:** '+abi) if re.fullmatch(prefix+r'damage',message.content): damage = damageList() await +"\n" +'**Damage Types:** '+damage) if re.fullmatch(r'&acid|&bludgeoning|&cold|&fire|&force|&lightning|&necrotic|&piercing|&poison|&psychic|&radiant|&slashing|&thunder',message.content): (name,desc)=searchDamage(message.content[1:]) await +"\n" +'**Damage Type:** '+name+"\n"+'**Desc:** '+desc) if re.fullmatch(prefix+r'help',message.content): await +"\n" + helpList()) keep_alive()'TOKEN'))
''' defines all the sources necessary for building cgui.pyd ''' import os BUILD_BUDDYLIST_GUI = False thisdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) sources = ''' src/ctextutil.cpp src/SplitImage4.cpp src/ScrollWindow.cpp src/skinvlist.cpp src/pyutils.cpp src/cwindowfx.cpp src/SkinSplitter.cpp src/alphaborder.cpp src/skin/skinobjects.cpp src/skin/SkinBitmap.cpp src/LoginWindow.cpp src/DragMixin.cpp src/MiscUI.cpp src/SelectionEvent.cpp src/InputBox.cpp src/ExpandoTextCtrl.cpp src/ExpandEvent.cpp src/GettextPython.cpp '''.split() include_dirs = ''' src src/skin src/Animation src/Animation/Platform src/Animation/Platform/wx src/BuddyList '''.split() boost_env_dir = os.getenv('BOOST_DIR') if boost_env_dir is not None: include_dirs.append(boost_env_dir) # rtf rtf_files = \ ''' DebugUtil.cpp HTMLEncoder.cpp MSIMEncoder.cpp MSNEncoder.cpp RTFToX.cpp StyleDesc.cpp StringUtil.cpp XHTMLEncoder.cpp YahooEncoder.cpp '''.split() sources.extend('src/RTFToX/%s' % s for s in rtf_files) include_dirs.append('src/RTFToX') import sys if sys.platform == 'win32': sources.extend(''' src/alphaborder_win.cpp src/win/PlatformMessagesWin.cpp src/win/WindowSnapperWin.cpp src/WindowSnapper.cpp src/win/FullscreenWin.cpp src/win/WinUtils.cpp src/win/WinTaskbar.cpp src/win/WinJumpList.cpp src/win/RichEditUtils.cpp src/TransparentFrame.cpp src/Statistics.cpp src/IconUtils.cpp '''.split()) include_dirs.extend([ 'src/win', ]) if BUILD_BUDDYLIST_GUI: sources.extend(''' src/TreeList.cpp src/BuddyList.cpp '''.split())
from http.server import HTTPServer, SimpleHTTPRequestHandler class MyHTTPRequestHandler(SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): def do_GET(self): self.send_response(200) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(b"hi there") if __name__ == '__main__': server_address = ('', 8000) httpd = HTTPServer(server_address, MyHTTPRequestHandler) httpd.serve_forever()
#!/usr/bin/env python """ TAP protocol client library. Copyright (c) 2010 <NAME> <<EMAIL>> """ import socket import string import random import struct import asyncore import mc_bin_server import mc_bin_client from memcacheConstants import REQ_MAGIC_BYTE, RES_MAGIC_BYTE from memcacheConstants import REQ_PKT_FMT, RES_PKT_FMT, MIN_RECV_PACKET from memcacheConstants import SET_PKT_FMT, DEL_PKT_FMT, INCRDECR_RES_FMT import memcacheConstants class TapConnection(mc_bin_server.MemcachedBinaryChannel): def __init__(self, server, port, callback, clientId=None, opts={}, user=None, pswd=None): mc_bin_server.MemcachedBinaryChannel.__init__(self, None, None, self._createTapCall(clientId, opts)) self.server = server self.port = port self.callback = callback self.identifier = (server, port) self.user = user self.pswd = pswd self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.connect((server, port)) def create_socket(self, family, type): if not self.user: mc_bin_server.MemcachedBinaryChannel.create_socket(self, family, type) return self.family_and_type = family, type = mc_bin_client.MemcachedClient(self.server, self.port), self.pswd or "") sock = sock.setblocking(0) self.set_socket(sock) def _createTapCall(self, key=None, opts={}): # Client identifier if not key: key = "".join(random.sample(string.letters, 16)) dtype=0 opaque=0 cas=0 extraHeader, val = self._encodeOpts(opts) msg=struct.pack(REQ_PKT_FMT, REQ_MAGIC_BYTE, memcacheConstants.CMD_TAP_CONNECT, len(key), len(extraHeader), dtype, 0, len(key) + len(extraHeader) + len(val), opaque, cas) return msg + extraHeader + key + val def _encodeOpts(self, opts): header = 0 val = [] for op in sorted(opts.keys()): header |= op if op in memcacheConstants.TAP_FLAG_TYPES: val.append(struct.pack(memcacheConstants.TAP_FLAG_TYPES[op], opts[op])) elif op == memcacheConstants.TAP_FLAG_LIST_VBUCKETS: val.append(self._encodeVBucketList(opts[op])) else: val.append(opts[op]) return struct.pack(">I", header), ''.join(val) def _encodeVBucketList(self, vbl): l = list(vbl) # in case it's a generator vals = [struct.pack("!H", len(l))] for v in vbl: vals.append(struct.pack("!H", v)) return ''.join(vals) def processCommand(self, cmd, klen, vb, extralen, cas, data): extra = data[0:extralen] key = data[extralen:(extralen+klen)] val = data[(extralen+klen):] return self.callback(self.identifier, cmd, extra, key, vb, val, cas) def handle_connect(self): pass def handle_close(self): self.close() class TapClient(object): def __init__(self, servers, callback, opts={}, user=None, pswd=None): for t in servers: tc = TapConnection(, t.port, callback,, opts, user, pswd) class TapDescriptor(object): port = 11211 id = None def __init__(self, s): = s if ':' in s:, self.port = s.split(':', 1) self.port = int(self.port) if '@' in, ='@', 1) def __repr__(self): return "<TapDescriptor %s@%s:%d>" % ( or "(anon)",, self.port)
<gh_stars>1000+ #!/usr/bin/python3 """ [[][Bluemaestro]] temperature/humidity/pressure monitor """ # todo most of it belongs to DAL... but considering so few people use it I didn't bother for now from datetime import datetime, timedelta from pathlib import Path import re import sqlite3 from typing import Iterable, Sequence, Set, Optional from my.core import get_files, LazyLogger, dataclass, Res from my.core.sqlite import sqlite_connect_immutable from my.config import bluemaestro as config # todo control level via env variable? # i.e. HPI_LOGGING_MY_BLUEMAESTRO_LEVEL=debug logger = LazyLogger(__name__, level='debug') def inputs() -> Sequence[Path]: return get_files(config.export_path) Celsius = float Percent = float mBar = float @dataclass class Measurement: dt: datetime # todo aware/naive temp : Celsius humidity: Percent pressure: mBar dewpoint: Celsius # fixme: later, rely on the timezone provider # NOTE: the timezone should be set with respect to the export date!!! import pytz # type: ignore tz = pytz.timezone('Europe/London') # TODO when I change tz, check the diff def is_bad_table(name: str) -> bool: # todo hmm would be nice to have a hook that can patch any module up to delegate = getattr(config, 'is_bad_table', None) return False if delegate is None else delegate(name) from my.core.cachew import cache_dir from my.core.common import mcachew @mcachew(depends_on=lambda: inputs(), cache_path=cache_dir('bluemaestro')) def measurements() -> Iterable[Res[Measurement]]: # todo ideally this would be via arguments... but needs to be lazy dbs = inputs() last: Optional[datetime] = None # tables are immutable, so can save on processing.. processed_tables: Set[str] = set() for f in dbs: logger.debug('processing %s', f) tot = 0 new = 0 # todo assert increasing timestamp? with sqlite_connect_immutable(f) as db: db_dt: Optional[datetime] = None try: datas = db.execute(f'SELECT "{}" as name, Time, Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, Dewpoint FROM data ORDER BY log_index') oldfmt = True db_dts = list(db.execute('SELECT last_download FROM info'))[0][0] if db_dts == 'N/A': # ??? happens for 20180923-20180928 continue if db_dts.endswith(':'): db_dts += '00' # wtf.. happens on some day db_dt = tz.localize(datetime.strptime(db_dts, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) except sqlite3.OperationalError: # Right, this looks really bad. # The device doesn't have internal time & what it does is: # 1. every X seconds, record a datapoint, store it in the internal memory # 2. on sync, take the phone's datetime ('now') and then ASSIGN the timestamps to the collected data # as now, now - X, now - 2X, etc # # that basically means that for example, hourly timestamps are completely useless? because their error is about 1h # yep, confirmed on some historic exports. seriously, what the fuck??? # # The device _does_ have an internal clock, but it's basically set to 0 every time you update settings # So, e.g. if, say, at 17:15 you set the interval to 3600, the 'real' timestamps would be # 17:15, 18:15, 19:15, etc # But depending on when you export, you might get # 17:35, 18:35, 19:35; or 17:55, 18:55, 19:55, etc # basically all you guaranteed is that the 'correct' interval is within the frequency # it doesn't seem to keep the reference time in the database # # UPD: fucking hell, so you can set the reference date in the settings (calcReferenceUnix field in meta db) # but it's not set by default. log_tables = [c[0] for c in db.execute('SELECT name FROM sqlite_sequence WHERE name LIKE "%_log"')] log_tables = [t for t in log_tables if t not in processed_tables] processed_tables |= set(log_tables) # todo use later? frequencies = [list(db.execute(f'SELECT interval from {t.replace("_log", "_meta")}'))[0][0] for t in log_tables] # todo could just filter out the older datapoints?? dunno. # eh. a bit horrible, but seems the easiest way to do it? # note: for some reason everything in the new table multiplied by 10 query = ' UNION '.join( f'SELECT "{t}" AS name, unix, tempReadings / 10.0, humiReadings / 10.0, pressReadings / 10.0, dewpReadings / 10.0 FROM {t}' for t in log_tables ) if len(log_tables) > 0: # ugh. otherwise end up with syntax error.. query = f'SELECT * FROM ({query}) ORDER BY name, unix' datas = db.execute(query) oldfmt = False db_dt = None for i, (name, tsc, temp, hum, pres, dewp) in enumerate(datas): if is_bad_table(name): continue # note: bluemaestro keeps local datetime if oldfmt: tss = tsc.replace('Juli', 'Jul').replace('Aug.', 'Aug') dt = datetime.strptime(tss, '%Y-%b-%d %H:%M') dt = tz.localize(dt) assert db_dt is not None else: # todo cache? m ='_(\d+)_', name) assert m is not None export_ts = int( db_dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(export_ts / 1000, tz=tz) dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(tsc / 1000, tz=tz) ## sanity checks (todo make defensive/configurable?) # not sure how that happens.. but basically they'd better be excluded lower = timedelta(days=6000 / 24) # ugh some time ago I only did it once in an hour.. in theory can detect from meta? upper = timedelta(days=10) # kinda arbitrary if not (db_dt - lower < dt < db_dt + timedelta(days=10)): # todo could be more defenive?? yield RuntimeError('timestamp too far out', f, name, db_dt, dt) continue assert -60 <= temp <= 60, (f, dt, temp) ## tot += 1 if last is not None and last >= dt: continue # todo for performance, pass 'last' to sqlite instead? last = dt new += 1 p = Measurement( dt=dt, temp=temp, pressure=pres, humidity=hum, dewpoint=dewp, ) yield p logger.debug('%s: new %d/%d', f, new, tot) #'total items: %d', len(merged)) # for k, v in merged.items(): # # TODO shit. quite a few of them have varying values... how is that freaking possible???? # # most of them are within 0.5 degree though... so just ignore? # if isinstance(v, set) and len(v) > 1: # print(k, v) # for k, v in merged.items(): # yield Point(dt=k, temp=v) # meh? from my.core import stat, Stats def stats() -> Stats: return stat(measurements) from my.core.pandas import DataFrameT, as_dataframe def dataframe() -> DataFrameT: """ %matplotlib gtk from my.bluemaestro import dataframe dataframe().plot() """ df = as_dataframe(measurements(), schema=Measurement) # todo not sure how it would handle mixed timezones?? # todo hmm, not sure about setting the index return df.set_index('dt') def fill_influxdb() -> None: from my.core import influxdb influxdb.fill(measurements(), measurement=__name__) def check() -> None: temps = list(measurements()) latest = temps[:-2] from my.core.error import unwrap prev = unwrap(latest[-2]).dt last = unwrap(latest[-1]).dt # todo stat should expose a dataclass? # TODO ugh. might need to warn about points past 'now'?? # the default shouldn't allow points in the future... # # TODO also needs to be filtered out on processing, should be rejected on the basis of export date? POINTS_STORED = 6000 # on device? FREQ_SEC = 60 SECS_STORED = POINTS_STORED * FREQ_SEC HOURS_STORED = POINTS_STORED / (60 * 60 / FREQ_SEC) # around 4 days NOW = assert NOW - last < timedelta(hours=HOURS_STORED / 2), f'old backup! {last}' assert last - prev < timedelta(minutes=3), f'bad interval! {last - prev}' single = (last - prev).seconds
import datetime from ..dojo_test_case import DojoTestCase from dojo.models import Test from import AcunetixParser class TestAcunetixParser(DojoTestCase): def test_parse_file_with_one_finding(self): testfile = open("unittests/scans/acunetix/one_finding.xml") parser = AcunetixParser() findings = parser.get_findings(testfile, Test()) for finding in findings: for endpoint in finding.unsaved_endpoints: endpoint.clean() self.assertEqual(1, len(findings)) with self.subTest(i=0): finding = findings[0] self.assertEqual("Medium", finding.severity) self.assertEqual(352, finding.cwe) self.assertEqual(, 9, 24), self.assertIsNotNone(finding.description) self.assertGreater(len(finding.description), 0) self.assertFalse(finding.false_p) self.assertEqual("Vijay Test Imapact", finding.impact) self.assertIsNotNone(finding.references) self.assertGreater(len(finding.references), 0) self.assertEqual(1, len(finding.unsaved_endpoints)) # check endpoints self.assertEqual(1, len(finding.unsaved_endpoints)) endpoint = finding.unsaved_endpoints[0] self.assertEqual('https', endpoint.protocol) self.assertEqual(443, endpoint.port) self.assertEqual('', self.assertEqual('some/path', endpoint.path) def test_parse_file_with_multiple_finding(self): testfile = open("unittests/scans/acunetix/many_findings.xml") parser = AcunetixParser() findings = parser.get_findings(testfile, Test()) for finding in findings: for endpoint in finding.unsaved_endpoints: endpoint.clean() self.assertEqual(4, len(findings)) with self.subTest(i=0): finding = findings[0] self.assertEqual("Medium", finding.severity) self.assertEqual(, 2, 27), self.assertIsNotNone(finding.description) self.assertEqual("CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:L", finding.cvssv3) self.assertFalse(finding.false_p) self.assertEqual("A single machine can take down another machine's web server with minimal bandwidth and side effects on unrelated services and ports.", finding.impact) # check that this finding have references self.assertIsNotNone(finding.references) self.assertGreater(len(finding.references), 0) # check endpoints self.assertEqual(1, len(finding.unsaved_endpoints)) endpoint = finding.unsaved_endpoints[0] self.assertIsNone(endpoint.protocol) self.assertIsNone(endpoint.port) self.assertEqual('', self.assertIsNone(endpoint.path) # check req/resp self.assertEqual(1, len(finding.unsaved_req_resp)) req_resp = finding.unsaved_req_resp[0] self.assertIn('req', req_resp) self.assertIsNotNone(req_resp['req']) self.assertIsInstance(req_resp['req'], str) self.assertIn('resp', req_resp) self.assertIsNotNone(req_resp['resp']) self.assertIsInstance(req_resp['resp'], str) with self.subTest(i=1): finding = findings[1] self.assertEqual("Possible virtual host found", finding.title) self.assertEqual("Low", finding.severity) self.assertEqual(200, finding.cwe) self.assertEqual(, 2, 27), self.assertIsNotNone(finding.description) self.assertEqual("CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N", finding.cvssv3) self.assertFalse(finding.false_p) self.assertEqual("Possible sensitive information disclosure.", finding.impact) # check that this finding have references self.assertIsNotNone(finding.references) self.assertGreater(len(finding.references), 0) # check endpoints self.assertEqual(1, len(finding.unsaved_endpoints)) endpoint = finding.unsaved_endpoints[0] self.assertIsNone(endpoint.protocol) self.assertIsNone(endpoint.port) self.assertEqual('', self.assertIsNone(endpoint.path) # check req/resp self.assertEqual(1, len(finding.unsaved_req_resp)) req_resp = finding.unsaved_req_resp[0] self.assertIn('req', req_resp) self.assertIsNotNone(req_resp['req']) self.assertIsInstance(req_resp['req'], str) self.assertIn('resp', req_resp) self.assertIsNotNone(req_resp['resp']) self.assertIsInstance(req_resp['resp'], str) with self.subTest(i=2): finding = findings[2] self.assertEqual("Unencrypted connection (verified)", finding.title) self.assertEqual("Low", finding.severity) self.assertEqual(310, finding.cwe) self.assertEqual(, 2, 27), self.assertIsNotNone(finding.description) self.assertEqual("CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:N", finding.cvssv3) self.assertFalse(finding.false_p) self.assertEqual("Possible information disclosure.", finding.impact) # check that this finding have no references self.assertIsNone(finding.references) # check endpoints self.assertEqual(1, len(finding.unsaved_endpoints)) endpoint = finding.unsaved_endpoints[0] self.assertIsNone(endpoint.protocol) self.assertIsNone(endpoint.port) self.assertEqual('www.itsec<EMAIL>', self.assertIsNone(endpoint.path) # check req/resp self.assertEqual(1, len(finding.unsaved_req_resp)) req_resp = finding.unsaved_req_resp[0] self.assertIn('req', req_resp) self.assertIsNotNone(req_resp['req']) self.assertIsInstance(req_resp['req'], str) self.assertIn('resp', req_resp) self.assertIsNotNone(req_resp['resp']) self.assertIsInstance(req_resp['resp'], str) def test_parse_file_with_example_com(self): testfile = open("unittests/scans/acunetix/XML_http_example_co_id_.xml") parser = AcunetixParser() findings = parser.get_findings(testfile, Test()) for finding in findings: for endpoint in finding.unsaved_endpoints: endpoint.clean() self.assertEqual(7, len(findings)) with self.subTest(i=0): finding = findings[0] self.assertEqual("HTML form without CSRF protection", finding.title) self.assertEqual("Medium", finding.severity) self.assertEqual(, 4, 28), self.assertIsNotNone(finding.description) self.assertEqual("CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:N/I:L/A:N", finding.cvssv3) self.assertFalse(finding.false_p) self.assertIn("An attacker could use CSRF to trick a victim into accessing a website hosted by the attacker,", finding.impact) # aggregated self.assertEqual(3, finding.nb_occurences) # check that this finding have references self.assertIsNotNone(finding.references) self.assertGreater(len(finding.references), 0) # check endpoints self.assertEqual(3, len(finding.unsaved_endpoints)) endpoint = finding.unsaved_endpoints[0] self.assertIsNone(endpoint.protocol) self.assertIsNone(endpoint.port) self.assertEqual('', self.assertEqual('h/search', endpoint.path) endpoint = finding.unsaved_endpoints[1] self.assertIsNone(endpoint.protocol) self.assertIsNone(endpoint.port) self.assertEqual('', self.assertEqual('m/zmain', endpoint.path) # check req/resp self.assertEqual(3, len(finding.unsaved_req_resp)) for req_resp in finding.unsaved_req_resp: self.assertIn('req', req_resp) self.assertIsNotNone(req_resp['req']) self.assertIsInstance(req_resp['req'], str) self.assertIn('resp', req_resp) self.assertIsNotNone(req_resp['resp']) self.assertIsInstance(req_resp['resp'], str) with self.subTest(i=6): finding = findings[6] self.assertEqual("Content Security Policy (CSP) not implemented", finding.title) self.assertEqual("Info", finding.severity) self.assertEqual(, 4, 28), self.assertIsNotNone(finding.description) self.assertFalse(finding.false_p) self.assertIn("CSP can be used to prevent and/or mitigate attacks that involve content/code injection,", finding.impact) # check that this finding have references self.assertIsNotNone(finding.references) self.assertGreater(len(finding.references), 0) # check endpoints self.assertEqual(1, len(finding.unsaved_endpoints)) endpoint = finding.unsaved_endpoints[0] self.assertIsNone(endpoint.protocol) self.assertIsNone(endpoint.port) self.assertEqual('', self.assertIsNone(endpoint.path) # check req/resp self.assertEqual(1, len(finding.unsaved_req_resp)) req_resp = finding.unsaved_req_resp[0] self.assertIn('req', req_resp) self.assertIsNotNone(req_resp['req']) self.assertIsInstance(req_resp['req'], str) self.assertIn('resp', req_resp) self.assertIsNotNone(req_resp['resp']) self.assertIsInstance(req_resp['resp'], str)
# This module is used to map the old Python 2 names to the new names used in # Python 3 for the pickle module. This needed to make pickle streams # generated with Python 2 loadable by Python 3. # This is a copy of lib2to3.fixes.fix_imports.MAPPING. We cannot import # lib2to3 and use the mapping defined there, because lib2to3 uses pickle. # Thus, this could cause the module to be imported recursively. IMPORT_MAPPING = { '__builtin__' : 'builtins', 'copy_reg': 'copyreg', 'Queue': 'queue', 'SocketServer': 'socketserver', 'ConfigParser': 'configparser', 'repr': 'reprlib', 'tkFileDialog': 'tkinter.filedialog', 'tkSimpleDialog': 'tkinter.simpledialog', 'tkColorChooser': 'tkinter.colorchooser', 'tkCommonDialog': 'tkinter.commondialog', 'Dialog': 'tkinter.dialog', 'Tkdnd': 'tkinter.dnd', 'tkFont': 'tkinter.font', 'tkMessageBox': 'tkinter.messagebox', 'ScrolledText': 'tkinter.scrolledtext', 'Tkconstants': 'tkinter.constants', 'Tix': 'tkinter.tix', 'ttk': 'tkinter.ttk', 'Tkinter': 'tkinter', 'markupbase': '_markupbase', '_winreg': 'winreg', 'thread': '_thread', 'dummy_thread': '_dummy_thread', 'dbhash': 'dbm.bsd', 'dumbdbm': 'dbm.dumb', 'dbm': 'dbm.ndbm', 'gdbm': 'dbm.gnu', 'xmlrpclib': 'xmlrpc.client', 'SimpleXMLRPCServer': 'xmlrpc.server', 'httplib': 'http.client', 'htmlentitydefs' : 'html.entities', 'HTMLParser' : 'html.parser', 'Cookie': 'http.cookies', 'cookielib': 'http.cookiejar', 'BaseHTTPServer': 'http.server', 'test.test_support': '', 'commands': 'subprocess', 'urlparse' : 'urllib.parse', 'robotparser' : 'urllib.robotparser', 'urllib2': 'urllib.request', 'anydbm': 'dbm', '_abcoll' : '', } # This contains rename rules that are easy to handle. We ignore the more # complex stuff (e.g. mapping the names in the urllib and types modules). # These rules should be run before import names are fixed. NAME_MAPPING = { ('__builtin__', 'xrange'): ('builtins', 'range'), ('__builtin__', 'reduce'): ('functools', 'reduce'), ('__builtin__', 'intern'): ('sys', 'intern'), ('__builtin__', 'unichr'): ('builtins', 'chr'), ('__builtin__', 'unicode'): ('builtins', 'str'), ('__builtin__', 'long'): ('builtins', 'int'), ('itertools', 'izip'): ('builtins', 'zip'), ('itertools', 'imap'): ('builtins', 'map'), ('itertools', 'ifilter'): ('builtins', 'filter'), ('itertools', 'ifilterfalse'): ('itertools', 'filterfalse'), ('itertools', 'izip_longest'): ('itertools', 'zip_longest'), ('UserDict', 'IterableUserDict'): ('collections', 'UserDict'), ('UserList', 'UserList'): ('collections', 'UserList'), ('UserString', 'UserString'): ('collections', 'UserString'), ('whichdb', 'whichdb'): ('dbm', 'whichdb'), ('_socket', 'fromfd'): ('socket', 'fromfd'), ('_multiprocessing', 'Connection'): ('multiprocessing.connection', 'Connection'), ('multiprocessing.process', 'Process'): ('multiprocessing.context', 'Process'), ('multiprocessing.forking', 'Popen'): ('multiprocessing.popen_fork', 'Popen'), ('urllib', 'ContentTooShortError'): ('urllib.error', 'ContentTooShortError'), ('urllib', 'getproxies'): ('urllib.request', 'getproxies'), ('urllib', 'pathname2url'): ('urllib.request', 'pathname2url'), ('urllib', 'quote_plus'): ('urllib.parse', 'quote_plus'), ('urllib', 'quote'): ('urllib.parse', 'quote'), ('urllib', 'unquote_plus'): ('urllib.parse', 'unquote_plus'), ('urllib', 'unquote'): ('urllib.parse', 'unquote'), ('urllib', 'url2pathname'): ('urllib.request', 'url2pathname'), ('urllib', 'urlcleanup'): ('urllib.request', 'urlcleanup'), ('urllib', 'urlencode'): ('urllib.parse', 'urlencode'), ('urllib', 'urlopen'): ('urllib.request', 'urlopen'), ('urllib', 'urlretrieve'): ('urllib.request', 'urlretrieve'), ('urllib2', 'HTTPError'): ('urllib.error', 'HTTPError'), ('urllib2', 'URLError'): ('urllib.error', 'URLError'), } PYTHON2_EXCEPTIONS = ( "ArithmeticError", "AssertionError", "AttributeError", "BaseException", "BufferError", "BytesWarning", "DeprecationWarning", "EOFError", "EnvironmentError", "Exception", "FloatingPointError", "FutureWarning", "GeneratorExit", "IOError", "ImportError", "ImportWarning", "IndentationError", "IndexError", "KeyError", "KeyboardInterrupt", "LookupError", "MemoryError", "NameError", "NotImplementedError", "OSError", "OverflowError", "PendingDeprecationWarning", "ReferenceError", "RuntimeError", "RuntimeWarning", # StandardError is gone in Python 3, so we map it to Exception "StopIteration", "SyntaxError", "SyntaxWarning", "SystemError", "SystemExit", "TabError", "TargetScopeError", "TypeError", "UnboundLocalError", "UnicodeDecodeError", "UnicodeEncodeError", "UnicodeError", "UnicodeTranslateError", "UnicodeWarning", "UserWarning", "ValueError", "Warning", "ZeroDivisionError", ) try: TaskletExit except NameError: pass else: PYTHON2_EXCEPTIONS += ("TaskletExit",) try: WindowsError except NameError: pass else: PYTHON2_EXCEPTIONS += ("WindowsError",) for excname in PYTHON2_EXCEPTIONS: NAME_MAPPING[("exceptions", excname)] = ("builtins", excname) MULTIPROCESSING_EXCEPTIONS = ( 'AuthenticationError', 'BufferTooShort', 'ProcessError', 'TimeoutError', ) for excname in MULTIPROCESSING_EXCEPTIONS: NAME_MAPPING[("multiprocessing", excname)] = ("multiprocessing.context", excname) # Same, but for 3.x to 2.x REVERSE_IMPORT_MAPPING = dict((v, k) for (k, v) in IMPORT_MAPPING.items()) assert len(REVERSE_IMPORT_MAPPING) == len(IMPORT_MAPPING) REVERSE_NAME_MAPPING = dict((v, k) for (k, v) in NAME_MAPPING.items()) assert len(REVERSE_NAME_MAPPING) == len(NAME_MAPPING) # Non-mutual mappings. IMPORT_MAPPING.update({ 'cPickle': 'pickle', '_elementtree': 'xml.etree.ElementTree', 'FileDialog': 'tkinter.filedialog', 'SimpleDialog': 'tkinter.simpledialog', 'DocXMLRPCServer': 'xmlrpc.server', 'SimpleHTTPServer': 'http.server', 'CGIHTTPServer': 'http.server', # For compatibility with broken pickles saved in old Python 3 versions 'UserDict': 'collections', 'UserList': 'collections', 'UserString': 'collections', 'whichdb': 'dbm', 'StringIO': 'io', 'cStringIO': 'io', }) REVERSE_IMPORT_MAPPING.update({ '_bz2': 'bz2', '_dbm': 'dbm', '_functools': 'functools', '_gdbm': 'gdbm', '_pickle': 'pickle', }) NAME_MAPPING.update({ ('__builtin__', 'basestring'): ('builtins', 'str'), ('exceptions', 'StandardError'): ('builtins', 'Exception'), ('UserDict', 'UserDict'): ('collections', 'UserDict'), ('socket', '_socketobject'): ('socket', 'SocketType'), }) REVERSE_NAME_MAPPING.update({ ('_functools', 'reduce'): ('__builtin__', 'reduce'), ('tkinter.filedialog', 'FileDialog'): ('FileDialog', 'FileDialog'), ('tkinter.filedialog', 'LoadFileDialog'): ('FileDialog', 'LoadFileDialog'), ('tkinter.filedialog', 'SaveFileDialog'): ('FileDialog', 'SaveFileDialog'), ('tkinter.simpledialog', 'SimpleDialog'): ('SimpleDialog', 'SimpleDialog'), ('xmlrpc.server', 'ServerHTMLDoc'): ('DocXMLRPCServer', 'ServerHTMLDoc'), ('xmlrpc.server', 'XMLRPCDocGenerator'): ('DocXMLRPCServer', 'XMLRPCDocGenerator'), ('xmlrpc.server', 'DocXMLRPCRequestHandler'): ('DocXMLRPCServer', 'DocXMLRPCRequestHandler'), ('xmlrpc.server', 'DocXMLRPCServer'): ('DocXMLRPCServer', 'DocXMLRPCServer'), ('xmlrpc.server', 'DocCGIXMLRPCRequestHandler'): ('DocXMLRPCServer', 'DocCGIXMLRPCRequestHandler'), ('http.server', 'SimpleHTTPRequestHandler'): ('SimpleHTTPServer', 'SimpleHTTPRequestHandler'), ('http.server', 'CGIHTTPRequestHandler'): ('CGIHTTPServer', 'CGIHTTPRequestHandler'), ('_socket', 'socket'): ('socket', '_socketobject'), }) PYTHON3_OSERROR_EXCEPTIONS = ( 'BrokenPipeError', 'ChildProcessError', 'ConnectionAbortedError', 'ConnectionError', 'ConnectionRefusedError', 'ConnectionResetError', 'FileExistsError', 'FileNotFoundError', 'InterruptedError', 'IsADirectoryError', 'NotADirectoryError', 'PermissionError', 'ProcessLookupError', 'TimeoutError', ) for excname in PYTHON3_OSERROR_EXCEPTIONS: REVERSE_NAME_MAPPING[('builtins', excname)] = ('exceptions', 'OSError') PYTHON3_IMPORTERROR_EXCEPTIONS = ( 'ModuleNotFoundError', ) for excname in PYTHON3_IMPORTERROR_EXCEPTIONS: REVERSE_NAME_MAPPING[('builtins', excname)] = ('exceptions', 'ImportError')
<reponame>Shea192/pytorch-lightning<gh_stars>1-10 import torch from pytorch_lightning import Trainer from tests.base import EvalModelTemplate import tests.base.utils as tutils def test_training_epoch_end_metrics_collection(tmpdir): """ Test that progress bar metrics also get collected at the end of an epoch. """ num_epochs = 3 class CurrentModel(EvalModelTemplate): def training_step(self, *args, **kwargs): output = super().training_step(*args, **kwargs) output['progress_bar'].update({'step_metric': torch.tensor(-1)}) output['progress_bar'].update({'shared_metric': 100}) return output def training_epoch_end(self, outputs): epoch = self.current_epoch # both scalar tensors and Python numbers are accepted return { 'progress_bar': { f'epoch_metric_{epoch}': torch.tensor(epoch), # add a new metric key every epoch 'shared_metric': 111, } } model = CurrentModel(tutils.get_default_hparams()) trainer = Trainer( max_epochs=num_epochs, default_root_dir=tmpdir, overfit_pct=0.1, ) result = assert result == 1 metrics = trainer.progress_bar_dict # metrics added in training step should be unchanged by epoch end method assert metrics['step_metric'] == -1 # a metric shared in both methods gets overwritten by epoch_end assert metrics['shared_metric'] == 111 # metrics are kept after each epoch for i in range(num_epochs): assert metrics[f'epoch_metric_{i}'] == i
<reponame>nvuillam/checkov<filename>tests/cloudformation/graph_builder/ import os from unittest import TestCase from checkov.cloudformation.graph_builder.graph_components.block_types import BlockType from checkov.cloudformation.graph_builder.local_graph import CloudformationLocalGraph from checkov.cloudformation.parser import parse TEST_DIRNAME = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) class TestLocalGraph(TestCase): def test_build_graph_with_single_resource(self): relative_file_path = "../checks/resource/aws/example_APIGatewayXray/APIGatewayXray-PASSED.yaml" definitions = {} file = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(TEST_DIRNAME, relative_file_path)) (definitions[relative_file_path], definitions_raw) = parse(file) local_graph = CloudformationLocalGraph(definitions) local_graph.build_graph(render_variables=False) self.assertEqual(1, len(local_graph.vertices)) resource_vertex = local_graph.vertices[0] self.assertEqual("AWS::ApiGateway::Stage.MyStage", self.assertEqual("AWS::ApiGateway::Stage.MyStage", self.assertEqual(BlockType.RESOURCE, resource_vertex.block_type) self.assertEqual("CloudFormation", resource_vertex.source) self.assertDictEqual(definitions[relative_file_path]["Resources"]["MyStage"]["Properties"], resource_vertex.attributes)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from argh.decorators import arg from lain_sdk.util import warn, info from lain_cli.utils import get_version_lists, lain_yaml, check_phase, ClusterConfig @arg('phase', help="lain cluster phase id, can be added by lain config save") @arg('-r', '--registry', help='registry url') def appversion(phase, registry=None): """ Show available app versions in remote registry of lain """ check_phase(phase) params = dict(name=phase) if registry is not None: params['registry'] = registry cluster_config = ClusterConfig(**params) yml = lain_yaml(ignore_prepare=True) version_list = get_version_lists(phase, yml.appname, ClusterConfig=cluster_config) print_available_version(version_list) def print_available_version(version_list): if len(version_list) == 0: warn("No available release versions.") else: info("Below are the available versions: ") for version in version_list: print(version)
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys #from heapq import heappush, heappop, heapify from random import randint, choice, seed try: import numpy #import scipy.sparse.linalg as la except ImportError: print("numpy not found") if sys.version_info.major>=3: long = int from bruhat.util import write class Point(object): """ A Point is a vertex in a Graph (an undirected graph). Each Point has a "desc", this is any distinguishing characteristic (colour/type, etc.) as respected by isomorphisms of Graph's. The "desc" can be any string. """ def __init__(self, desc, idx, nbd=None, colour="", **kw): self.desc = desc self._colour = colour self._desc = {} # cache get_desc self.idx = idx if nbd is None: nbd = [] self.nbd = nbd self.__dict__.update(kw) def __str__(self): return "Point(desc=%r, idx=%s, nbd=%s)"%( self.desc, self.idx, [p.idx for p in self.nbd]) __repr__ = __str__ def get_colour(self): return self._colour def set_colour(self, colour): self._desc = {} # clear cache self._colour = colour colour = property(get_colour, set_colour) def get_desc(self, depth=1, source=None): assert self.nbd is not None assert depth>=0 assert depth<=1 #_desc = self._desc.get(depth) #if _desc: # return _desc desc = self.desc+str(self._colour) if depth==0: #self._desc = desc return desc if source is None: source = [] else: assert self not in source descs = [a.get_desc(depth-1, source+[self]) for a in self.nbd if a not in source] descs.sort() desc = "%s[%s]"%(desc, ' '.join(descs)) #self._desc = desc return desc #def __str__(self): # return "Point(%s: %s)"%(self.desc, descs) class Graph(object): """ Undirected graph. """ def __init__(self, points=[], **attrs): self.__dict__.update(attrs) self.descs = {} # cache, map point -> desc self.deps = None # map point -> list of points self.attrs = dict(attrs) self.points = list(points) for i, point in enumerate(points): assert point.idx == i def add(self, desc='', **kw): "add a Point" assert not self.descs assert self.deps is None i = len(self.points) point = Point(desc, i, **kw) self.points.append(point) return point def add_directed(self, pi, pj, desc='directed'): "encode a directed edge using a path with two extra (coloured) Point's" pa = self.add("%s_a"%desc) pb = self.add("%s_b"%desc) self.join(pi, pa) self.join(pa, pb) self.join(pb, pj) def __str__(self): return "Graph(%s)"%(self.points,) def __len__(self): return len(self.points) def __getitem__(self, idx): return self.points[idx] def join(self, pi, pj): points = self.points if type(pi) in [int, long]: pi = points[pi] if type(pj) in [int, long]: pj = points[pj] if pi not in pj.nbd: pj.nbd.append(pi) if pj not in pi.nbd: pi.nbd.append(pj) @classmethod def build(cls, Gx): m, n = Gx.shape points = [] for i in range(m): g = Gx[i] assert g.sum()==4 weights = [] for j in numpy.where(g)[0]: weights.append(Gx[:, j].sum()) weights.sort() desc = ''.join(str(w) for w in weights) a = Point(desc, i) points.append(a) #print [a.desc for a in points] for i in range(m): g = Gx[i] a = points[i] for j in numpy.where(g)[0]: for i1 in numpy.where(Gx[:, j])[0]: if i1 != i: a.nbd.append(points[i1]) return cls(points, m=m, n=n) def map(self, fn): points = [None]*len(self) for p in self.points: p = Point(p.desc, fn[p.idx]) points[p.idx] = p for p in self.points: for p1 in p.nbd: points[fn[p.idx]].nbd.append(points[fn[p1.idx]]) # whoops.. tricky return self.__class__(points, **self.attrs) def get_desc(self, depth=1): return [v.get_desc(depth) for v in self.points] def get_stats(self, depth=1): stats = {} for point in self: desc = point.get_desc(depth) stats[desc] = stats.get(desc, 0) + 1 return stats # ---------- HOTSPOT -----------------------------> def get_orbits(self, depth=1): orbits = {} assert depth==1 if self.deps is None: deps = {} for p in self.points: deps[p] = [p]+p.nbd # 1-neighbours self.deps = deps descs = self.descs for p in self.points: desc = descs.get(p) if desc is None: desc = p.get_desc(depth) descs[p] = desc orbit = orbits.setdefault(desc, []) orbit.append(p) return orbits # map desc -> list of points def set_colour(self, p, colour=''): if colour: assert p.colour=='' else: assert p.colour p.colour = colour for p in self.deps[p]: self.descs[p] = None # clear cache Bag = Graph # backwards compat class Tanner(Graph): # This is the Tanner graph @classmethod def build(cls, Gx, Gz=None): if Gz is not None: return cls.build2(Gx, Gz) m, n = Gx.shape checks = [Point('c', i) for i in range(m)] bits = [Point('b', i+m) for i in range(n)] for i in range(m): for j in range(n): if Gx[i, j]==0: continue checks[i].nbd.append(bits[j]) bits[j].nbd.append(checks[i]) return cls(checks+bits, m=m, n=n) @classmethod def build2(cls, Gx, Gz): # This is the Tanner graph mx, n = Gx.shape mz, n = Gz.shape xchecks = [Point('x', i, row=i) for i in range(mx)] zchecks = [Point('z', i+mx, row=i) for i in range(mz)] bits = [Point('b', i+mx+mz, row=i) for i in range(n)] for i in range(mx): for j in range(n): if Gx[i, j]==0: continue xchecks[i].nbd.append(bits[j]) bits[j].nbd.append(xchecks[i]) for i in range(mz): for j in range(n): if Gz[i, j]==0: continue zchecks[i].nbd.append(bits[j]) bits[j].nbd.append(zchecks[i]) return cls(xchecks+zchecks+bits, mx=mx, mz=mz, n=n) def shortstr(self): m, n = self.m, self.n rows = [] for i in range(m): # checks row = ['.']*n p = self.points[i] for p1 in p.nbd: row[p1.idx-m] = '1' row = ''.join(row) rows.append(row) return '\n'.join(rows) def from_sparse_ham(n, H): points = [] for i in range(n): p = Point('(%s)'%H[i, i], i) points.append(p) for i, j in H.keys(): if i!=j: points[i].nbd.append(points[j]) graph = Graph(points) return graph def from_ham(H, syndromes=None): if syndromes is not None: return from_ham_syndromes(H, syndromes) # <------ return n = len(H) points = [] for i in range(n): p = Point('(%s)'%H[i, i], i) points.append(p) for i in range(n): for j in range(n): if i==j: continue if H[i, j]: points[i].nbd.append(points[j]) graph = Graph(points) return graph def from_ham_syndromes(H, syndromes): n = len(H) # dimension of state space assert len(syndromes)==n # one syndrome for each basis vector m = len(syndromes[0]) # each syndrome has m check values points = [] for i in range(n): p = Point('(%s)'%H[i, i], i) points.append(p) checks = [] for i in range(m): c = Point('c', n+i) checks.append(c) for i in range(n): for j in range(n): if i==j: continue if H[i, j]: points[i].nbd.append(points[j]) for j in range(m): if syndromes[i][j]: points[i].nbd.append(checks[j]) checks[j].nbd.append(points[i]) graph = Graph(points+checks) return graph def get_perm(m, n, fn): U = numpy.zeros((m, m), dtype=int) for i in range(m): j = fn[i] U[i, j] = 1 V = numpy.zeros((n, n), dtype=int) for i in range(n): j = fn[i+m]-m V[j, i] = 1 return U, V def search_recursive(graph0, graph1, fn=None, depth=1): assert depth>0 if fn is None: fn = {} if len(graph0)!=len(graph1): return assert graph0 is not graph1 orbits0 = graph0.get_orbits(depth) orbits1 = graph1.get_orbits(depth) if len(orbits0) != len(orbits1): return keys0 = list(orbits0.keys()) keys1 = list(orbits1.keys()) keys0.sort() keys1.sort() if keys0 != keys1: return idx = len(fn) # choose any uncoloured graph0 point p = graph0.points[idx] assert p.colour == '' key = p.get_desc(depth) orbit = orbits1[key] #p.colour = str(idx) graph0.set_colour(p, str(idx)) # go through each candidate in graph1 for p1 in orbit: assert p1.colour == '' #p1.colour = str(idx) graph1.set_colour(p1, str(idx)) assert fn.get(idx) is None fn[idx] = p1.idx if len(fn) == len(graph0): yield dict(fn) else: for _fn in search_recursive(graph0, graph1, fn, depth): yield _fn del fn[idx] assert len(fn) == idx #p1.colour = '' graph1.set_colour(p1) #p.colour = '' graph0.set_colour(p, '') class Backtrack(Exception): pass class State(object): def __init__(self, graph0, graph1, depth=1): orbits0 = graph0.get_orbits(depth) # map: desc -> list of points orbits1 = graph1.get_orbits(depth) # map: desc -> list of points if len(orbits0) != len(orbits1): raise Backtrack() # <-------------- raise keys0 = list(orbits0.keys()) keys1 = list(orbits1.keys()) keys0.sort() keys1.sort() if keys0 != keys1: raise Backtrack() # <-------------- raise self.graphs = graph0, graph1 self.orbitss = orbits0, orbits1 self.keyss = keys0, keys1 self.idx0 = None self.depth = depth def choose(self, idx0): assert self.idx0 is None assert idx0 is not None graph0, graph1 = self.graphs p0 = graph0.points[idx0] assert p0.colour == '' key0 = p0.get_desc(self.depth) self.orbit1 = self.orbitss[1][key0] assert self.orbit1 # otherwise: wtf? self.idx0 = idx0 # source index: this is constant self.idx1 = 0 # search target index self.p0 = p0 self.p1 = None def choose_best(self): XXX orbits0 = self.orbitss[0] items = orbits0.items() items.sort(key = lambda item : len(item[1])) p = items[0][1][0] # first guy in smallest orbit self.choose(p.idx) return p.idx def do(self, fn): graph0, graph1 = self.graphs # make assignment: idx0 -> idx1 p0 = self.p0 #assert p0.colour == '' #p0.colour = str(self.idx0) graph0.set_colour(p0, str(self.idx0)) p1 = self.orbit1[self.idx1] #assert p1.colour == '' #p1.colour = str(self.idx0) graph1.set_colour(p1, str(self.idx0)) assert fn.get(self.idx0) is None fn[self.idx0] = p1.idx assert self.p1 is None self.p1 = p1 def undo(self, fn): graph0, graph1 = self.graphs # undo assignment del fn[self.idx0] assert self.p1 is not None p0 = self.p0 p1 = self.p1 assert p1.colour==str(self.idx0) assert p0.colour==str(self.idx0) #p0.colour = '' #p1.colour = '' graph0.set_colour(p0) graph1.set_colour(p1) self.p1 = None def next(self): assert self.p1 is None self.idx1 += 1 if self.idx1 >= len(self.orbit1): raise Backtrack() # <-------------- raise def search(graph0, graph1, depth=1, fn=None, verbose=False): # return dict: int --> int assert graph0 is not graph1 if len(graph0) != len(graph1): return # doesn't help any: #if graph0.get_stats() != graph1.get_stats(): # return if fn is None: fn = {} remain = range(len(graph0)) orbits = graph0.get_orbits(depth) graph1.get_orbits() keys = list(orbits.keys()) keys.sort(key = lambda key : len(orbits[key])) remain = [] for key in keys: for p in orbits[key]: if p.idx not in fn: remain.append(p.idx) #for idx in fn.keys(): # remain.remove(idx) remain.sort() for idx in fn: graph0.set_colour(graph0[idx], str(idx)) graph1.set_colour(graph1[fn[idx]], str(idx)) try: state = State(graph0, graph1, depth) except Backtrack: return idx = remain.pop(0) state.choose(idx) #idx = remain.pop(randint(0, len(remain)-1)) #state.choose(idx) #idx = state.choose_best() #remain.remove(idx) stack = [state] while stack: if verbose: print( "SEARCH", len(stack)) for idx in remain: assert fn.get(idx) is None assert len(remain)+len(fn)+1==len(graph0) state = stack[-1] assert len(remain)+len(fn)==len(graph0) if verbose: print( fn) if len(fn) == len(graph0): if verbose: print( "FOUND") yield dict(fn) else: # try to add another state try: _state = State(graph0, graph1, depth) #idx = remain.pop(randint(0, len(remain)-1)) idx = remain.pop(0) _state.choose(idx) #idx = _state.choose_best() #remain.remove(idx) stack.append(_state) if verbose: print( "PUSH") continue except Backtrack: if verbose: print( "BACK") # the above do() doesn't work pass # next while stack: state = stack[-1] if verbose: print( "UNDO") assert len(remain)+len(fn)==len(graph0) state.undo(fn) assert len(remain)+len(fn)+1==len(graph0) try: if verbose: print( "NEXT") break # ok, finished backtracking except Backtrack: if verbose: print( "POP") state = stack.pop() # discard this guy #remain.append(state.idx0) remain.insert(0, state.idx0) def all_autos(Gx): #Gx = parse(gcolor_gauge) m, n = Gx.shape graph0 = graph1 = for fn in search(graph0, graph1): U, V = get_perm(m, n, fn) yield U, V def peterson_graph(): inside = [Point('', i) for i in range(5)] outside = [Point('', i+5) for i in range(5)] graph = Graph(inside+outside) for i in range(5): graph.join(i, (i+2)%5) graph.join(i, (i+3)%5) graph.join(i, i+5) if i<4: graph.join(i+5, i+6) else: graph.join(i+5, i+1) return graph def cyclic_graph(): n = 5 points = [Point('', i) for i in range(n)] graph = Graph(points) # for i in range(n): # points[i].nbd.append(points[(i+1)%n]) # points[(i+1)%n].nbd.append(points[i]) for i in range(n): graph.add_directed(points[i], points[(i+1)%n]) return graph gcolor_gauge = """ 1111........... 11..11......... ..11..11....... . ....1111....... 11......11..... 1.1.....1.1.... ........1111... ..11......11... .1.1.....1.1... 1...1...1...1.. ........11..11. .1...1...1...1. ....11......11. ........ ..1...1...1...1 ....1.1.....1.1 """ gcolor_stab = """ 11111111....... 1111....1111... 11..11..11..11. """ cube_ham = """ 6111.... 14..11.. 1..4.11. .11.2..1 . ..11..21 ....1110 """ def parse(s): s = s.replace('.', '0') lines = s.split() lines = [l.strip() for l in lines if l.strip()] rows = [list(int(c) for c in l) for l in lines] if rows: n = len(rows[0]) for row in rows: assert len(row)==n, "rows have varying lengths" a = numpy.array(rows, dtype=numpy.int32) return a def test(): # Find rotation symmetry of the code. It's S_4 with order 24. Gx = parse(gcolor_gauge) m, n = Gx.shape graph0 = graph1 = #global search #search = search_recursive count = 0 for fn in search(graph0, graph1): #print "iso", fn graph = #print graph.shortstr() U, V = get_perm(m, n, fn) Gx1 =,, V)) assert numpy.abs(Gx-Gx1).sum()==0 count += 1 #print "count:", count assert count == 24 # S_3 symmetry of cubical hamiltonian depth = 1 H = parse(cube_ham) graph0 = from_ham(H) graph1 = from_ham(H) count = 0 for fn in search(graph0, graph1, depth=depth): count += 1 assert count == 6 graph0 = peterson_graph() graph1 = peterson_graph() assert len(list(search(graph0, graph1, depth=1))) == 120 # directed graph graph0 = cyclic_graph() graph1 = cyclic_graph() assert len(list(search(graph0, graph1))) == 5 #for f in (search(graph0, graph1)): # print(f) from bruhat.argv import argv if __name__ == "__main__": if argv.profile: import cProfile as profile"test()") else: test() print( "OK")
<reponame>subaruclover/apis-fixed<filename><gh_stars>0 """ Show the results of different acc with plots input data files: .csv files with one week data from sample data House ID: E001 ~ E004 created by Qiong TODO: plot the sample data (from apis-emulator/data/input/Sample) and compare it with our acc data (try: compare p2) """ import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns sns.set(style="white") import pandas as pd import os import global_var as gl inputFile = "sample_acc_60.csv" inputData = pd.read_csv(inputFile) memory = inputData.to_numpy() # calculate the coefficient w.r.t gl.acc filename = os.path.splitext(inputFile)[0] check_acc = filename.split("_")[2] coeff = int(60 / gl.acc) if int(check_acc) == gl.acc: print("acc correctly received") # PLOT Houses data rows_e001 = list(range(0, 10000, 4)) rows_e002 = [x + 1 for x in rows_e001] rows_e003 = [x + 2 for x in rows_e001] rows_e004 = [x + 3 for x in rows_e001] pvc_e001 = memory[rows_e001, 0] load_e001 = memory[rows_e001, 1] p2_e001 = memory[rows_e001, 2] rsoc_e001 = memory[rows_e001, 3] pvc_e002 = memory[rows_e002, 0] load_e002 = memory[rows_e002, 1] p2_e002 = memory[rows_e002, 2] rsoc_e002 = memory[rows_e002, 3] pvc_e003 = memory[rows_e003, 0] load_e003 = memory[rows_e003, 1] p2_e003 = memory[rows_e003, 2] rsoc_e003 = memory[rows_e003, 3] pvc_e004 = memory[rows_e004, 0] load_e004 = memory[rows_e004, 1] p2_e004 = memory[rows_e004, 2] rsoc_e004 = memory[rows_e004, 3] """ Plot data """ # fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 12)) fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(4, 1, figsize=(12, 12)) ax0_2 = ax0.twinx() ax1_2 = ax1.twinx() ax2_2 = ax2.twinx() ax3_2 = ax3.twinx() fig.suptitle("The default scenario, E001-E004, acc=%i" % gl.acc) pvc_e001_plot = ax0.plot(pvc_e001[:24 * 7 * coeff], 'm*-', label="PV E001") load_e001_plot = ax0.plot(load_e001[:24 * 7 * coeff], 'y--', label="Load E001") p2_e001_plot = ax0.plot(p2_e001[:24 * 7 * coeff], 'b', label="p2 E001") rsoc_e001_plot = ax0_2.plot(rsoc_e001[:24 * 7 * coeff], 'g', label="RSOC E001") # ticks = np.arange(0, 24*7*coeff, 24*coeff) ax0_ticks = ax0.set_xticks(np.linspace(0, 24*7*coeff, 8, endpoint=True)) hours = np.round(np.linspace(0, 24*7*coeff, 8, endpoint=True) / coeff).astype(int) label = [] for i in range(len(hours)): label.append(str(hours[i])) # ['0', '24', '48', '72', '96', '120', '144', '168'] ax0_labels = ax0.set_xticklabels(label) # ax0.set_xlabel("Hour") ax0.set_ylabel("Power (W)") ax0_2.set_ylabel(" % ") plots_e001 = pvc_e001_plot + load_e001_plot + p2_e001_plot + rsoc_e001_plot labels_e001 = [plot.get_label() for plot in plots_e001] ax0.legend(plots_e001, labels_e001, loc='upper left') pvc_e002_plot = ax1.plot(pvc_e002[:24 * 7 * coeff], 'm*-', label="PV E002") load_e002_plot = ax1.plot(load_e002[:24 * 7 * coeff], 'y--', label="Load E002") p2_e002_plot = ax1.plot(p2_e002[:24 * 7 * coeff], 'b', label="p2 E002") rsoc_e002_plot = ax1_2.plot(rsoc_e002[:24 * 7 * coeff], 'g', label="RSOC E002") ax1_ticks = ax1.set_xticks(np.linspace(0, 24*7*coeff, 8, endpoint=True)) ax1_labels = ax1.set_xticklabels(label) # ax1.set_xlabel("Hour") ax1.set_ylabel("Power (W)") ax1_2.set_ylabel(" % ") plots_e002 = pvc_e002_plot + load_e002_plot + p2_e002_plot + rsoc_e002_plot labels_e002 = [plot.get_label() for plot in plots_e002] ax1.legend(plots_e002, labels_e002, loc='upper left') pvc_e003_plot = ax2.plot(pvc_e003[:24 * 7 * coeff], 'm*-', label="PV E003") load_e003_plot = ax2.plot(load_e003[:24 * 7 * coeff], 'y--', label="Load E003") p2_e003_plot = ax2.plot(p2_e003[:24 * 7 * coeff], 'b', label="p2 E003") rsoc_e003_plot = ax2_2.plot(rsoc_e003[:24 * 7 * coeff], 'g', label="RSOC E003") ax2_ticks = ax2.set_xticks(np.linspace(0, 24*7*coeff, 8, endpoint=True)) ax2_labels = ax2.set_xticklabels(label) # ax2.set_xlabel("Hour") ax2.set_ylabel("Power (W)") ax2_2.set_ylabel(" % ") plots_e003 = pvc_e003_plot + load_e003_plot + p2_e003_plot + rsoc_e003_plot labels_e003 = [plot.get_label() for plot in plots_e003] ax2.legend(plots_e003, labels_e003, loc='upper left') pvc_e004_plot = ax3.plot(pvc_e004[:24 * 7 * coeff], 'm*-', label="PV E004") load_e004_plot = ax3.plot(load_e004[:24 * 7 * coeff], 'y--', label="Load E004") p2_e004_plot = ax3.plot(p2_e004[:24 * 7 * coeff], 'b', label="p2 E004") rsoc_e004_plot = ax3_2.plot(rsoc_e004[:24 * 7 * coeff], 'g', label="RSOC E004") ax3_ticks = ax3.set_xticks(np.linspace(0, 24*7*coeff, 8, endpoint=True)) ax3_labels = ax3.set_xticklabels(label) ax3.set_xlabel("Hour") ax3.set_ylabel("Power (W)") ax3_2.set_ylabel(" % ") plots_e004 = pvc_e004_plot + load_e004_plot + p2_e004_plot + rsoc_e004_plot labels_e004 = [plot.get_label() for plot in plots_e004] ax3.legend(plots_e004, labels_e004, loc='upper left') else: print("check acc value and try again") # Compare MSE (or sth. likely) to check different acc
#!/usr/bin/python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '2' import glob, csv, librosa, os, subprocess, time import numpy as np import pandas as pd import data_vn try: from StringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from io import StringIO __author__ = '<EMAIL>' # data path data_path = "asset/data/" # # process Vivos corpus # def process_vivos(csv_file, category): parent_path = data_path + 'vivos/' labels, wave_files = [], [] # create csv writer writer = csv.writer(csv_file, delimiter=',') # read label-info content_filename = parent_path + category + '/prompts.txt' label_info = pd.read_table(content_filename, usecols=['ID'], index_col=False, delim_whitespace=True) # print(label_info) # testpoint: label_info # read file IDs # file_ids = [] # for uid in label_info.ID.values: # print(uid) # testpoint: uid # folder_path, filename = uid.split("_") # for d in [parent_path + category + '/waves/%s' % folder_path]: # print(d) # testpoint: folder_path # a = glob.glob(d + '*.txt') # print(a) # b = sorted(glob.glob(d + '*.txt')) # print(b) # for f in sorted(glob.glob(d + '*.txt')): # # print(f[-12:-4]) # file_ids.extend([f[-12:-4]]) # # print(file_ids) file_ids = label_info.ID # print(file_ids) # testpoint: file_ID # preprocess content_ = open(content_filename, 'r') title_content = content_.readline() # print(title_content) # Result: 'ID\t\tContent\n' for i, f in enumerate(file_ids): # wave file name wave_file = parent_path + category + '/waves/%s/' % f[0:10] + f + '.wav' # print(wave_file) fn = wave_file.split('/')[-1] # print(fn) target_filename = 'asset/data/preprocess_vn/mfcc/' + fn + '.npy' # print(target_filename) if os.path.exists(target_filename): continue print("Vivos corpus preprocessing (%d/%d) - ['%s']" % (i, len(file_ids), wave_file)) # load wave file wave, sr = librosa.load(wave_file, sr=16000, mono=True) # default: sr=22050Hz # re-sample (48K --> 16K) # wave = wave[::3] # get mfcc feature mfcc = librosa.feature.mfcc(wave, sr=16000) # get label index curr_content = content_.readline() curr_content = curr_content[(len(fn)-3):(len(curr_content))] print(curr_content) label = data_vn.str2index(curr_content) # save result (exclude small mfcc data to prevent CTC loss) if len(label) < mfcc.shape[1]: # save meta info writer.writerow([fn] + label) # save mfcc, mfcc, allow_pickle=False) # check saved features print(data_vn.index2str(label), '\n') # delay for observation and analysis # time.sleep(10) # # Create directories # if not os.path.exists('asset/data/preprocess_vn'): os.makedirs('asset/data/preprocess_vn') if not os.path.exists('asset/data/preprocess_vn/meta'): os.makedirs('asset/data/preprocess_vn/meta') if not os.path.exists('asset/data/preprocess_vn/mfcc'): os.makedirs('asset/data/preprocess_vn/mfcc') # # Run pre-processing for training # # Vivos corpus for training csv_file_train = open('asset/data/preprocess_vn/meta/train.csv', 'w') process_vivos(csv_file_train, 'train') csv_file_train.close() # # Run pre-processing for testing # # Vivos corpus for test csv_file_test = open('asset/data/preprocess_vn/meta/test.csv', 'w') process_vivos(csv_file_test, 'test') csv_file_test.close()
from functools import partial from . import utils import numpy as np import jax.numpy as jnp import jax.random as random from jax import grad, jit, vmap, lax, jacrev, jacfwd, jvp, vjp, hessian #class Lattice(seed, cell_params, sim_params, def random_c0(subkeys, odds_c, n): """Make random initial conditions given odds ratio of cell types.""" n_ctypes = len(odds_c) n_c = (n * odds_c / odds_c.sum()).astype(int) n_c =[0].add(n - n_c.sum()) c0 = jnp.repeat(jnp.arange(n_ctypes), n_c) nmap = np.ndim(subkeys) - 1 fun = lambda sk: random.permutation(sk, c0) for _ in range(nmap): fun = vmap(fun) return n_c, fun(subkeys) @jit def dE_swap(ij, c, W, AL): """ Energy differential after swapping cells i and j. Depends only on i, j, and their neighbors """ new_c =[ij].set(c[ij[::-1]]) E_local = -W[ c[ij, None], c[AL[ij]]].sum() E_local_swap = -W[new_c[ij, None], new_c[AL[ij]]].sum() return E_local_swap - E_local @jit def quadratic_form(a, G): """Quadratic form of column vector `a` induced by matrix `G`""" return a.T @ G @ a @jit def P_swap(dE, beta): """ Probability of a swap between cells i and j. Symmetric w.r.t. i and j. """ # Glauber dynamics probability # return 1 / (1 + jnp.exp(beta * dE)) # Metropolis acceptance probability return jnp.minimum(1., jnp.exp(-beta * dE)) @jit def swap_ij(c, ij): """Swaps cells i and j in the cell type state vector `c`. """ cji = c[ij][::-1] return[ij].set(cji) @jit def accept_swap(c, P, ij): """ Returns cell state and log-probability after swapping i <--> j """ return swap_ij(c, ij) @jit def reject_swap(c, P, ij): """ Returns cell state and log-probability after rejecting i <--> j """ return c, jnp.log(1 - P) @jit def make_swap(c, P, ij, accept): """ Returns cell state vector and log-probability of event after an accepted/rejected swap of cells `i` and `j`. """ return lax.cond(accept, accept_swap, reject_swap, c, P, ij) @jit def get_random_pair(key, AL): """Returns indices of a pair of adjacent cells""" i, Aj = random.randint( key=key, shape=(2,), minval=jnp.array([0, 0]), maxval=jnp.array(AL.shape) ) j = AL[i, Aj] return jnp.array([i, j]) @jit def take_MC_step(key, c, beta, W, AL, n): """ Randomly selects a swap between adjacent cells and accepts/rejects. Acceptance is based on Metropolis algorithm. """ key, sk1, sk2 = random.split(key, 3) # Pick random interface and acceptance threshold ij = get_random_pair(sk1, AL) thresh = random.uniform(key=sk2) # Take a Metropolis step dE = dE_swap(ij, c, W, AL) P = P_swap(dE, beta) accept = P > thresh new_c = make_swap(c, P, ij, accept) expected_dE = P * dE return key, new_c, expected_dE @jit def propose_swap(key, c, beta, W, AL): """ """ ij = get_random_pair(key, AL) c_swap = swap_ij(c, ij) dE = dE_swap(ij, c, W, AL) P = P_swap(dE, beta) return ij, c_swap, dE, P @jit def local_alignment(c, A, k, I, O): s = I[c] @ O s_swap = I[c_swap] @ O m_diff_nb = (A_k * diff_nb) @ s / n_diff_nb @jit def local_alignment_change(ij, c, c_swap, AL, k, I, O): A_k = get_knn_adjacency_matrix(AL, k) # cells that are neighbors (within k radii) of # `i` but not `j` and vice-versa - i.e. different neighbors diff_nb = jnp.expand_dims(jnp.logical_xor(*A_k[ij]), 1) n_diff_nb = 4 * k + 2 s = I[c] @ O s_swap = I[c_swap] @ O m_diff_nb = (A_k * diff_nb) @ s / n_diff_nb m_diff_nb_swap = (A_k * diff_nb) @ s_swap / n_diff_nb return ((m_diff_nb_swap ** 2) - (m_diff_nb ** 2)).sum() mapped_local_alignment_change = vmap( local_alignment_change, in_axes=(None, None, None, None, 0, None, None) ) #@jit def take_MC_step2(args, step): """ Randomly selects a swap between adjacent cells and accepts/rejects. Acceptance is based on Metropolis algorithm. """ key, c_t, beta_t, W, AL, *align_args = args c = c_t[step] beta = beta_t[step] new_key, sk1, sk2 = random.split(key, 3) # Propose a random swap ij, c_swap, dE, P = propose_swap(sk1, c, beta, W, AL) expected_d_eta = P * mapped_local_alignment_change( ij, c, c_swap, AL, *align_args ).mean() # Accept/reject thresh = random.uniform(key=sk2) do_swap = P > thresh new_c = lax.cond(do_swap, lambda: c_swap, lambda: c) return ( new_key,[step + 1].set(new_c), beta_t, W, AL, *align_args ), expected_d_eta @partial(jit, static_argnums=(2, 3, 4)) def simulate(theta, args, nsweeps, n, n_ctypes): key, c, t, _, *more_args = args beta_t = jnp.power(10., -utils.map_linear(t, theta[0], theta[1])) W = jnp.eye(n_ctypes) * theta[2] new_args, expected_d_etas = lax.scan( take_MC_step2, (key, c, beta_t, W, *more_args), jnp.repeat(jnp.arange(nsweeps), n), ) return new_args, expected_d_etas @partial(jit, static_argnums=(2, 3, 4)) def simulate_loss(theta, args, nsweeps, n, n_ctypes): return simulate(theta, args, nsweeps, n, n_ctypes)[1].mean() @partial(jit, static_argnums=(2, 3)) def update(theta, args, nt, lr): """Performs one update step on T.""" # Compute the gradients on replicates eta, grads = jax.value_and_grad( simulate, )(T, key, l, nt) new_T = T - grads * lr_toy return new_T, loss, grads @partial(jit, static_argnums=3) def update_toy(T, key, l, nt, lr_toy): """Performs one update step on T.""" # Compute the gradients on replicates loss, grads = jax.value_and_grad( simulate_loss, )(T, key, l, nt) new_T = T - grads * lr_toy return new_T, loss, grads @jit def MC_iteration(step, args): key, c, *extra = args key, c, expected_dE = take_MC_step(*args) return key, c, *extra @jit def MC_sweep(key, c, beta, W, AL, n): args = (key, c, beta, W, AL, n) return lax.fori_loop(0, n, MC_iteration, args) @jit def n_cmatch_t(c_t, AL): """Returns number of homotypic interfaces at each time-point.""" return cmatch_t(c_t, c_t[:, AL]).sum(axis=(1, 2)) // 2 @jit def get_E_cell(c, W): return W[c[:, None], c[AL]].mean(axis=1) #### sorting metrics def get_identity(n_ctypes): """Returns the (n_ctypes, n_ctypes) identity matrix.""" return jnp.eye(n_ctypes, dtype=int) def get_difference_matrix(n_ctypes): """ Returns a (n_ctypes, n_ctypes - 1) matrix `O` with -1 on the principal diagonal and 1 elsewhere. `O @ u` thus computes a difference on the components of `u`. """ return 1 - 2 * jnp.eye(n_ctypes, n_ctypes - 1, dtype=int) @jit def get_num_neighbors(k): return 1 + 3 * k * (k + 1) @jit def pow_matrix(A, k): return lax.fori_loop(1, k, lambda i, M: jnp.matmul(M, A), A) @jit def get_knn_adjacency_matrix(AL, k): n, nnb = AL.shape diag_true = jnp.diag(jnp.ones(n, dtype=bool)) A = adjacency_matrix_from_adjacency_list(AL, dtype=bool) A = A | diag_true A = pow_matrix(A, k) return A equal_vec_scalar = vmap(lambda a, b: a == b, (0, None)) equal_outer_1d_1d = vmap(equal_vec_scalar, (None, 0)) equal_outer_1d_2d = vmap(equal_outer_1d_1d, (None, 0)) equal_outer_2d_1d = vmap(equal_outer_1d_1d, (0, None)) mult_vec_scalar = vmap(lambda a, b: a * b, (0, None)) mult_outer_1d_1d = vmap(mult_vec_scalar, (None, 0)) mult_outer_1d_2d = vmap(mult_outer_1d_1d, (None, 0)) mult_outer_2d_1d = vmap(mult_outer_1d_1d, (0, None)) @jit def local_spin(c, AL, k): """ """ A_k = get_knn_adjacency_matrix(AL, k) nnb = get_num_neighbors(k) s_i = jnp.array([-1, 1])[c] return A_k @ s_i / nnb @jit def knn_alignment_per_cell(c, AL, k, I, O): """ Return alignment of cell types `c` in local neighborhoods. `c` is the cell type vector of shape `(n,)` with dtype `int` `A` is the `(n, n)`cell-cell adjacency matrix (can be Boolean) `I` is the `(n_ctypes, n_ctypes)` identity matrix, where `n_ctypes` is the number of cell types in the tissue. `O` is the `(n_ctypes, n_ctypes - 1)` difference matrix with `-1` on the principal diagonal and `1` elsewhere. `I[c] @ O` converts cell types (non-negative `int`) to spins (difference vectors). The sum of spin vector components lies in [-1, 1]. `nnb` is the number of neighbors in the (regular) lattice within distance `k`. """ A_k = get_knn_adjacency_matrix(AL, k) nnb = get_num_neighbors(k) s_i = I[c] @ O m_i = A_k @ s_i / nnb return 1 - (m_i ** 2).mean(axis=1) @jit def knn_alignment_tissue(c, AL, k, I, O): """ Return mean alignment of cell types in a tissue by averaging over neighborhoods. This is equivalent to `knn_alignment_per_cell(*args).mean()` `c` is the cell type vector of shape `(n,)` with dtype `int` `A` is the `(n, n)`cell-cell adjacency matrix (can be Boolean) `I` is the `(n_ctypes, n_ctypes)` identity matrix, where `n_ctypes` is the number of cell types in the tissue. `O` is the `(n_ctypes, n_ctypes - 1)` difference matrix with `-1` on the principal diagonal and `1` elsewhere. `I[c] @ O` converts cell types (non-negative `int`) to spins (difference vectors). The sum of spin vector components lies in [-1, 1]. `nnb` is the number of neighbors in the (regular) lattice within distance `k`. """ A_k = get_knn_adjacency_matrix(AL, k) nnb = get_num_neighbors(k) s_i = I[c] @ O m_i = A_k @ s_i / nnb return 1 - (m_i ** 2).mean() #### Graph def adjacency_matrix_from_adjacency_list(AL, dtype=bool): """ Returns adjacency matrix for a nnb-regular graph given the adjacency list. """ n, nnb = AL.shape A = jnp.zeros((n, n), dtype=dtype) return[jnp.repeat(jnp.arange(n), nnb), AL.flatten()].set(1) def get_adjacency_matrix_periodic(rows, cols=0): """Construct adjacency matrix for a periodic hexagonal lattice of dimensions rows x cols.""" AL = get_adjacency_list_periodic(rows, cols, **kwargs) return adjacency_matrix_from_adjacency_list(AL) def get_adjacency_list_periodic(rows, cols=0): """Construct adjacency matrix for a periodic hexagonal lattice of dimensions rows x cols.""" # Assume square if not specified if cols == 0: cols = rows n = rows * cols row, col = np.meshgrid(np.arange(rows), np.arange(cols)) row = row.flatten() col = col.flatten() # Get row of adjacent cells dr = np.array([0, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1]) AL_row = np.add.outer(row, dr) % rows # Get column of adjacent cells, accounting for staggering dc1 = np.array([1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0]) dc2 = np.array([1, 1, 0, -1, 0, 1]) AL_col = np.add.outer(col, dc1) AL_col[1::2] += dc2 - dc1 AL_col = AL_col % cols return rows * AL_col + AL_row def hex_grid(rows, cols=0, r=1., sigma=0, **kwargs): """ Returns XY coordinates of a regular 2D hexagonal grid (rows x cols) with edge length r. Points are optionally passed through a Gaussian filter with std. dev. = sigma * r. """ print("Deprecated: please use `cx.geom.hex_grid") # Check if square grid if cols == 0: cols = rows # Populate grid x_coords = np.linspace(-r * (cols - 1) / 2, r * (cols - 1) / 2, cols) y_coords = np.linspace(-np.sqrt(3) * r * (rows - 1) / 4, np.sqrt(3) * r * (rows - 1) / 4, rows) X = [] for i, x in enumerate(x_coords): for j, y in enumerate(y_coords): X.append(np.array([x + (j % 2) * r / 2, y])) X = np.array(X) # Apply Gaussian filter if specified if sigma != 0: X = np.array([np.random.normal(loc=x, scale=sigma*r) for x in X]) return X def get_outer_idx(rows, cols): """Returns the indices of cells on the border of the lattice grid""" print("Deprecated: please use `cx.geom.get_outer_idx") return np.array([ rows * c + r for c in range(cols) for r in range(rows) if ((r in (0, rows - 1)) or (c in (0, cols - 1))) ])
from flask import current_app, request, make_response, jsonify, abort from api.blueprint import api from core import crossdomain from flask_security import auth_token_required, roles_required from flask_login import current_user from jsonschema import validate from jsonschema.exceptions import ValidationError from api.views.all_views import api_version from api.correction import correction_api @api.route('/<api_version>/corrections/<int:correction_id>', methods=['GET', 'OPTIONS']) @crossdomain(origin='*', headers='authentication-token') @auth_token_required @api_version def get_correction(api_version, correction_id): correction = correction_api.find_correction_by_id(correction_id) if(correction): return jsonify( correction.to_dict() ) else: abort(404) @api.route('/<api_version>/corrections', methods=['POST', 'OPTIONS']) @crossdomain(origin='*', headers='authentication-token') @auth_token_required @api_version def add_correction(api_version): json = request.get_json() schema = { "content" : "string", "file_id" : "number", "format" : "string", "required": ["content", "file_id", "format"] } try: validate(json, schema) except ValidationError as ve: return make_response(jsonify( { 'error': ve.message } ), 400) correction = correction_api.add_correction(json['content'], json['file_id'], json['format']) return jsonify( correction.to_dict() ) @api.route('/<api_version>/corrections/<int:correction_id>', methods=['PUT', 'OPTIONS']) @crossdomain(origin='*', headers='authentication-token') @auth_token_required @api_version def update_correction(api_version, correction_id): json = request.get_json() schema = { "content" : "string", "format" : "string", "required": ["content", "format"] } try: validate(json, schema) except ValidationError as ve: return make_response(jsonify( { 'error': ve.message } ), 400) correction = correction_api.find_correction_by_id(correction_id) if(correction): correction = correction_api.update_correction_content(correction, content=json['content']) return jsonify( correction.to_dict() ) else: abort(404)
<reponame>WeiwenXu21/FRU<gh_stars>10-100 import math import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.python.util import nest import collections import pdb _FRUStateTuple = collections.namedtuple("FRUStateTuple", ("state", "t")) class FRUStateTuple(_FRUStateTuple): """Tuple used by FRU Cells for `state_size`, `zero_state`, and output state. Stores two elements: `(state, t)`, in that order. Where `state` is the hidden state and `t` is the time step. """ __slots__ = () @property def dtype(self): (state, t) = self if state.dtype != t.dtype: raise TypeError("Inconsistent internal state: %s vs %s" % (str(state.dtype), str(t.dtype))) return state.dtype class FRUCell(tf.contrib.rnn.RNNCell): """Implements a simple distribution based recurrent unit that keeps moving averages of the mean map embeddings of features of inputs. """ """ num_stats: phi size freqs: array of w freqs_mask: mask value when frequency is not equal to zero output_dims: output size recur_dims: r size seq_len: length of sequence """ def __init__(self, num_stats, freqs, freqs_mask, output_dims, recur_dims, seq_len, summarize=True, linear_out=False, include_input=False, activation=tf.nn.relu): self._num_stats = num_stats self._output_dims = output_dims self._recur_dims = recur_dims self._freqs_array = freqs self._nfreqs = len(freqs) self._freqs_mask_array = [0.0 if w == 0 and len(freqs) > 1 else freqs_mask for w in freqs] print "frequency_mask = ", self._freqs_mask_array self._summarize = summarize self._linear_out = linear_out self._activation = activation self._include_input = include_input # as tensorflow does not feed current time step to __call__ # I have to manually record it self._seq_len = seq_len self.W = [] self.b = [] """ nfreqs*num_stats """ @property def state_size(self): return FRUStateTuple(int(self._nfreqs * self._num_stats), 1) @property def output_size(self): return self._output_dims def __call__(self, inputs, state_tuple, scope=None): """ recur*: r state*: mu, state_tuple includes (state, t) stats*: phi freq*: frequency vector """ state, cur_time_step = state_tuple with tf.variable_scope(scope or type(self).__name__): self._freqs = tf.reshape(tf.get_variable("frequency", initializer=self._freqs_array, trainable=False), [1, -1, 1]) self._phases = tf.reshape(tf.get_variable("phase", [self._nfreqs], initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.1, dtype=tf.float32), trainable=True), [1, -1, 1]) self._freqs_mask = tf.reshape(tf.get_variable("frequency_mask", initializer=self._freqs_mask_array, trainable=False), [1, -1, 1]) # Make statistics on input. if self._recur_dims > 0: """ r_t = f(W^r mu_{t-1} + b^r) """ recur_output = self._activation(_linear( state, self._recur_dims, True, scope='recur_feats' ), name='recur_feats_act') """ phi_t = W^phi r_t + W^x x_t + b^phi """ stats = self._activation(_linear( [inputs, recur_output], self._num_stats, True, scope='stats', ), name='stats_act') else: stats = self._activation(_linear( inputs, self._num_stats, True, scope='stats' ), name='stats_act') # Compute moving averages of statistics for the state. with tf.variable_scope('out_state'): state_tensor = tf.reshape( state, [-1, self._nfreqs, self._num_stats], 'state_tensor' ) stats_tensor = tf.reshape( stats, [-1, 1, self._num_stats], 'stats_tensor' ) #cur_time_step = tf.Print(cur_time_step, [cur_time_step], message="cur_time_step = ") """ mu_t = mask*mu_{t-1} + cos(2*pi*w*t/T + 2*pi*phase)*phi_t """ out_state = tf.reshape(self._freqs_mask*state_tensor + 1.0/self._seq_len*tf.cos(2.0*math.pi/self._seq_len*tf.reshape(cur_time_step, shape=[-1, 1, 1])*self._freqs + 2.0*math.pi*self._phases)*stats_tensor, [-1, self.state_size.state], 'out_state') # Compute the output. if self._include_input: output_vars = [out_state, inputs] else: output_vars = out_state """ o_t = W^o mu_t + b^o """ output = _linear( output_vars, self._output_dims, True, scope='output' ) if not self._linear_out: output = self._activation(output, name='output_act') # update time step out_state_tuple = (out_state, cur_time_step+1) # Retrieve RNN Variables if not self.W: with tf.variable_scope('recur_feats', reuse=True): self.W.append(tf.get_variable('Matrix')) self.b.append(tf.get_variable('Bias')) with tf.variable_scope('stats', reuse=True): self.W.append(tf.get_variable('Matrix')) self.b.append(tf.get_variable('Bias')) with tf.variable_scope('output', reuse=True): self.W.append(tf.get_variable('Matrix')) self.b.append(tf.get_variable('Bias')) print("W = ", self.W) print("b = ", self.b) """ o_t and mu_t """ return (output, out_state_tuple) # No longer publicly expose function in tensorflow. def _linear(args, output_size, bias, bias_start=0.0, scope=None): """Linear map: sum_i(args[i] * W[i]), where W[i] is a variable. Args: args: a 2D Tensor or a list of 2D, batch x n, Tensors. output_size: int, second dimension of W[i]. bias: boolean, whether to add a bias term or not. bias_start: starting value to initialize the bias; 0 by default. scope: VariableScope for the created subgraph; defaults to "Linear". Returns: A 2D Tensor with shape [batch x output_size] equal to sum_i(args[i] * W[i]), where W[i]s are newly created matrices. Raises: ValueError: if some of the arguments has unspecified or wrong shape. """ if args is None or (nest.is_sequence(args) and not args): raise ValueError("`args` must be specified") if not nest.is_sequence(args): args = [args] # Calculate the total size of arguments on dimension 1. total_arg_size = 0 shapes = [a.get_shape().as_list() for a in args] for shape in shapes: if len(shape) != 2: raise ValueError( "Linear is expecting 2D arguments: %s" % str(shapes)) if not shape[1]: raise ValueError( "Linear expects shape[1] of arguments: %s" % str(shapes)) else: total_arg_size += shape[1] dtype = [a.dtype for a in args][0] # Now the computation. with tf.variable_scope(scope or "Linear"): matrix = tf.get_variable( "Matrix", [total_arg_size, output_size], initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.1, dtype=dtype), dtype=dtype) if len(args) == 1: res = tf.matmul(args[0], matrix) else: res = tf.matmul(tf.concat(args, 1), matrix) if not bias: return res bias_term = tf.get_variable( "Bias", [output_size], dtype=dtype, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(bias_start, dtype=dtype) ) return res + bias_term
<gh_stars>10-100 ################################################ ## Writen by <NAME> ################################################ from utilities import * from Co8 import * # Define dictionaries of ordinary gems and jewelry in the game. # Format is key : [value in gp, [list of proto numbers]] gem_table = { 1: [10, [12042, 12044]], 2: [50, [12041, 12042]], 3: [100, [12035, 12040]], 4: [500, [12034, 12039]], 5: [1000, [12010, 12038]], 6: [5000, [12036, 12037]] } jewelry_table = { 1: [50, [6180, 6190]], 2: [100, [6181, 6185]], 3: [200, [6157]], 4: [250, [6182, 6194]], 5: [500, [6186, 6191]], 6: [750, [6183, 6193]], 7: [1000, [6184, 6192]], 8: [2500, [6187, 6197]], 9: [5000, [6188, 6195]], 10: [7500, [6189, 6196]] } def RespawnInventory(attachee, num = 0): # Removes all attachee's inventory, and respawns it friom the InvenSource.mes line number specified by 'num'. # If num is not given in the function call, the function will attempt to use the default InvenSource.mes line number for the attachee, if one is defined. # If no InvenSource.mes line number is defined, the function will terminate. # Example call 1: RespawnInventory(attachee, 1) will create Burne's inventory(per line number 1 in InvenSource.mes) in attachee's inventory. # Example call 2: RespawnInventory(attachee) will attempt to create the attachee's pre-defined inventory (per InvenSource.mes). # If the attachee has no Inventory Source defined, the function will terminate. if num == 0: if attachee.type == obj_t_container: num = attachee.obj_get_int( obj_f_container_inventory_source) elif attachee.type == obj_t_npc: num = attachee.obj_get_int(obj_f_critter_inventory_source) else: print attachee, 'is not a valid type' return if num == 0: print attachee, 'has no inventory source defined' print 'Please specify an inventory to respawn' return ClearInv(attachee) CreateInv(attachee, num) return def ClearInv(attachee): # Removes all inventory from attachee. for num in range(4000, 13000): item = attachee.item_find_by_proto(num) while (item != OBJ_HANDLE_NULL): item.destroy() item = attachee.item_find_by_proto(num) return def CreateInv(attachee, num): # Creates inventory from the structured list created by GetInv from the InvenSource.mes line number 'num'. inv = GetInv(num) for i in range(len(inv)): if not (type(inv[i][0]) is str): if type(inv[i][1]) is int: if inv[i][0] <= 100: chance = inv[i][0] if chance >= game.random_range(1,100): create_item_in_inventory(inv[i][1], attachee) else: money = create_item_in_inventory(inv[i][0], attachee) money.obj_set_int(obj_f_money_quantity, inv[i][1]) else: if inv[i][0] == 100: n = game.random_range(0, len(inv[i][1]) - 1) create_item_in_inventory(inv[i][1][n], attachee) elif inv[i][0] >= 7000 and inv[i][0] <= 7003: money = create_item_in_inventory(inv[i][0], attachee) money.obj_set_int(obj_f_money_quantity, game.random_range(inv[i][1][0], inv[i][1][1])) else: gjlist = CalcGJ(inv[i][0], inv[i][1]) if gjlist != []: for k in range(len(gjlist)): create_item_in_inventory(gjlist[k], attachee) return def GetInv(num, filename = 'data\\rules\\InvenSource.mes'): # Reads InvenSource.mes, finds the line numbered 'num', and creates a structured list of the entries in that line. InvDict = readMes(filename) #readMes is in InvLine = InvDict[num][0] InvLine = InvLine.split(':') InvLine.remove(InvLine[0]) InvLine[0] = InvLine[0].strip() n = InvLine[0].find('_num') if n != -1: n = n + 7 InvLine[0] = InvLine[0][n:] inv = InvLine[0] inv = inv.split(' ') for i in range(len(inv)): if inv[i].find('(') == -1: inv[i] = inv[i].split(',') for j in range(len(inv[i])): if inv[i][j] == 'copper': inv[i][j] = 7000 elif inv[i][j] == 'silver': inv[i][j] = 7001 elif inv[i][j] == 'gold': inv[i][j] = 7002 elif inv[i][j] == 'platinum': inv[i][j] = 7003 elif type(inv[i][j]) is str and inv[i][j].find('-') != -1: inv[i][j] = inv[i][j].split('-') for k in range(len(inv[i][j])): inv[i][j][k] = ConvertToInt(inv[i][j][k]) if type(inv[i][j]) is str: inv[i][j] = ConvertToInt(inv[i][j]) else: temp1 = inv[i] temp1 = str(temp1) temp1 = temp1[1:-1] temp1 = temp1.split(',') for n in range(len(temp1)): temp1[n] = ConvertToInt(temp1[n]) temp2 = [100, temp1] inv[i] = temp2 return inv def ConvertToInt( string ): if type(string) is str: try: string = int(string) except: if not (string == 'gems' or string == 'jewelry'): print 'WARNING: NON-INTEGER FOUND' print 'Non-integer found is', string else: print 'WARNING: NON-STRING FOUND' print 'Non-string found is', string return string def CalcGJ(string, value): gjlist = [] if string == 'gems': table = gem_table elif string == 'jewelry': table = jewelry_table else: return gjlist if not (type(value) is int): value = ConvertToInt(value) if not (type(value) is int): return gjlist n = len(table) while value >= table[1][0]: if table[n][0] <= value: gjlist.append(table[n][1][game.random_range(0, len(table[n][1]) - 1)]) value = value - table[n][0] else: n = n - 1 return gjlist
# slope """ x_0: initial position dt: dt float iteration: integer a: accerelation 0 < a < 1 t: dt * iteration """ # class slope_field(object): # """docstring for slope_field""" # def __init__(self, arg): # super(slope_field, self).__init__() # self.arg = arg def slope(x_0, dt, iteration, a): x = np.array([x_0]) t = np.array([0]) for i in range(iteration): x_i = x[i] t_i = t[i] x_i = x_i + x_dot(x_i) * a t_i = t_i + dt x = np.append(x, np.array([x_i])) t = np.append(t, np.array([t_i])) return x, t
<filename>sdk/python/pulumi_azure/cognitive/ # coding=utf-8 # *** WARNING: this file was generated by the Pulumi Terraform Bridge (tfgen) Tool. *** # *** Do not edit by hand unless you're certain you know what you are doing! *** import warnings import pulumi import pulumi.runtime from typing import Any, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Union, overload from .. import _utilities __all__ = [ 'AccountNetworkAcls', ] @pulumi.output_type class AccountNetworkAcls(dict): @staticmethod def __key_warning(key: str): suggest = None if key == "defaultAction": suggest = "default_action" elif key == "ipRules": suggest = "ip_rules" elif key == "virtualNetworkSubnetIds": suggest = "virtual_network_subnet_ids" if suggest: pulumi.log.warn(f"Key '{key}' not found in AccountNetworkAcls. Access the value via the '{suggest}' property getter instead.") def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any: AccountNetworkAcls.__key_warning(key) return super().__getitem__(key) def get(self, key: str, default = None) -> Any: AccountNetworkAcls.__key_warning(key) return super().get(key, default) def __init__(__self__, *, default_action: str, ip_rules: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, virtual_network_subnet_ids: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None): """ :param str default_action: The Default Action to use when no rules match from `ip_rules` / `virtual_network_subnet_ids`. Possible values are `Allow` and `Deny`. :param Sequence[str] ip_rules: One or more IP Addresses, or CIDR Blocks which should be able to access the Cognitive Account. :param Sequence[str] virtual_network_subnet_ids: One or more Subnet ID's which should be able to access this Cognitive Account. """ pulumi.set(__self__, "default_action", default_action) if ip_rules is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "ip_rules", ip_rules) if virtual_network_subnet_ids is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "virtual_network_subnet_ids", virtual_network_subnet_ids) @property @pulumi.getter(name="defaultAction") def default_action(self) -> str: """ The Default Action to use when no rules match from `ip_rules` / `virtual_network_subnet_ids`. Possible values are `Allow` and `Deny`. """ return pulumi.get(self, "default_action") @property @pulumi.getter(name="ipRules") def ip_rules(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: """ One or more IP Addresses, or CIDR Blocks which should be able to access the Cognitive Account. """ return pulumi.get(self, "ip_rules") @property @pulumi.getter(name="virtualNetworkSubnetIds") def virtual_network_subnet_ids(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: """ One or more Subnet ID's which should be able to access this Cognitive Account. """ return pulumi.get(self, "virtual_network_subnet_ids")
from django.apps import AppConfig class ChatUsersConfig(AppConfig): name = 'chat_users'
from __future__ import print_function import sys import numpy as np def main(argv): np.random.seed(2) numPoints = 1001 xs = np.linspace(-5, 5, numPoints) probs = generateData(numPoints) convProbs = convolveProbs(probs) print(np.sum(convProbs)) plt.imshow(convProbs, interpolation = 'none') def generateData(numPoints): probs = list() for i in range(4): p1 = np.random.rand(numPoints) p1 /= np.sum(p1) probs.append(p1) return probs def convolveProbs(probs): numPoints = len(probs[0]) convProbs = np.diag(probs[0]) for p1 in probs[1:]: convProbsCopy = np.copy(convProbs) convProbs = np.zeros((numPoints, numPoints)) rowCumSums = np.zeros((numPoints, numPoints)) for j in range(numPoints): rowCumSums[:j, j] = np.cumsum(convProbsCopy[1:j+1, j][::-1])[::-1] for i in range(numPoints): convProbs[i, i:] += convProbsCopy[i, i:]*np.cumsum(p1[i:]) convProbs[i, i:] += rowCumSums[i, i:]*p1[i] convProbs[i, i+1:] += np.cumsum(convProbsCopy[i, i:-1])*p1[i+1:] return convProbs if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])
import os os.system('docker login -u "dashy2004" -p "12345678qwerty123"') os.system('docker build -t games-day .') os.system('docker tag games-day') os.system('docker push') print('The build passed yay!')
import os import sys from alembic import command from alembic import config directory = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) sys.path.insert(0, directory) import settings import data.db_session as db_session directory = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../..')) sys.path.insert(0, directory) from migrations import utils as migrations_utils def run(): alembic_cfg = config.Config(settings.ALEMBIC_INI) if not migrations_utils.is_current_rev_is_latest(): command.upgrade(alembic_cfg, 'head') def setup_db(): db_session.init_sql(settings.DB_CONNECTION) if __name__ == '__main__': run()
<filename> from setuptools import setup def readme(): with open('') as f: return setup( name='diffenv', version='0.2.9', author='<NAME>, <NAME>', author_email='<EMAIL>, <EMAIL>', url='', description='Compare development environments', long_description=readme(), long_description_content_type='text/markdown', include_package_data=True, scripts=['bin/diffenv'], license='MIT', packages=['diffenv'], install_requires=[ 'colorama', 'requests', 'ruamel.yaml', 'gitpython', 'psutil', 'importlib_metadata', ], zip_safe=False, )
<gh_stars>0 from pathlib import Path import cv2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from skimage import io, transform from datawriter import FolderWriter, ICDAR2015Writer from synthgen import RendererV3 import random # Define some configuration variables: NUM_IMG = -1 # no. of images to use for generation (-1 to use all available): # SECS_PER_IMG = 5 #max time per image in seconds SECS_PER_IMG = None # max time per image in seconds # INSTANCE_PER_IMAGE = 900 # no. of times to use the same image INSTANCE_PER_IMAGE = 5 # no. of times to use the same image # path to the data-file, containing image, depth and segmentation: SEED = 2001 def main(bg_dir: Path, depth_dir: Path, seg_dir: Path, font_dir: Path, text_path: Path, output_dir: Path, total_samples, viz): writer = ICDAR2015Writer(output_dir, total_samples) random.seed(SEED) np.random.seed(SEED) color_model_path = model_dir / 'colors_new.cp' font_model_path = model_dir / 'font_px2pt.pkl' RV3 = RendererV3(color_model_path, font_dir, text_path, font_model_path, max_time=SECS_PER_IMG) for i, image_path in enumerate(bg_dir.iterdir()): image_name = image_path.stem print('Processing', image_path) depth_path = depth_dir / (image_name + '.npz') if not depth_path.exists(): print(depth_path, 'does not exist. Skip') continue seg_path = seg_dir / (image_name + '.npz') if not seg_path.exists(): print(seg_path, 'does not exist. Skip') continue img = io.imread(str(image_path)) with np.load(depth_path) as data: depth = data['depth'] depth = (depth - depth.min()) / (depth.max() - depth.min()) depth = 1 - depth depth = depth * 255 with np.load(seg_path) as data: seg = data['seg'] area = data['area'] label = data['label'] # try: res = RV3.render_text(img, depth, seg, area, label, ninstance=INSTANCE_PER_IMAGE, viz=viz) # except Exception as e: # print(f'[ERROR] {image_path}: {e}') # print(res) if len(res) > 0: writer.write(res) # visualize the output: if viz: if 'q' == input('Continue? (q to quit)'): break writer.close() if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Generate Synthetic Scene-Text Images') parser.add_argument('data_dir', type=Path) parser.add_argument('--bg_dir', type=Path, default=None) parser.add_argument('--depth_dir', type=Path, default=None) parser.add_argument('--seg_dir', type=Path, default=None) parser.add_argument('--font_dir', type=Path, default=None) parser.add_argument('--text_path', type=Path, default=None) parser.add_argument('--model_dir', type=Path, default=None) parser.add_argument('--viz', action='store_true', dest='viz', default=False, help='flag for turning on visualizations') parser.add_argument('--output_dir', default='outputs', type=Path, help='path to store generated results') parser.add_argument('--total_samples', default=10000, help='Total number of samples to generate') args = parser.parse_args() bg_dir = args.bg_dir or Path(args.data_dir) / 'bg' depth_dir = args.depth_dir or Path(args.data_dir) / 'depths' seg_dir = args.seg_dir or Path(args.data_dir) / 'segs' font_dir = args.font_dir or Path(args.data_dir) / 'fonts' text_path = args.text_path or Path(args.data_dir) / 'text.txt' model_dir = args.model_dir or Path(args.data_dir) / 'models' output_dir = Path(args.output_dir) output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) main(bg_dir, depth_dir, seg_dir, font_dir, text_path, output_dir, args.total_samples, args.viz) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
import os from flask import Flask from flask_restful import Resource, Api app = Flask(__name__) api = Api(app) class EnvironmentVariablesEndpoint(Resource): def get(self): return [(key, os.environ[key]) for key in os.environ.keys()] api.add_resource(EnvironmentVariablesEndpoint, '/') if __name__ == '__main__':, host='', port=8000)
import math import pathlib import sys import torch import torch.nn as nn PROJECT_DIR = pathlib.Path(__file__).absolute().parent.parent.parent # main directory, the parent of src if str(PROJECT_DIR) not in sys.path: sys.path.append(str(PROJECT_DIR)) from src.model.ConvLayer import ConvLayer from src.model.PrimaryCaps import PrimaryCaps from src.model.DigitCaps import DigitCaps from src.model.Decoder import Decoder INPUT_WIDTH = 28 NUM_CONV_IN_CHANNELS = 1 CONV_KERNEL = 9 CONV_STRIDE = 1 NUM_CONV_OUT_CHANNELS = 256 NUM_PRIMARY_CHANNELS = 32 PRIMARY_CAPS_DIM = 8 PRIMARY_KERNEL = 9 PRIMARY_STRIDE = 2 DIGIT_CAPS_DIM = 16 NUM_CLASSES = 10 REGULARIZATION_SCALE = 0.0005 ITER = 3 DEC1_DIM = 512 DEC2_DIM = 1024 CUDA_ENABLED = True SMALL_DECODER = False DEVICE = 'cuda:0' CONV_SHARED_WEIGHTS = 0 # disabled PRIMARY_SHARED_WEIGHTS = 0 # disabled DIGIT_SHARED_WEIGHTS = 0 # disabled CONV_SHARED_BIAS = CONV_SHARED_WEIGHTS # to have coherency as default SQUASH_APPROX = False class Net(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_wh=INPUT_WIDTH, num_conv_in_channels=NUM_CONV_IN_CHANNELS, conv_kernel=CONV_KERNEL, conv_stride=CONV_STRIDE, num_conv_out_channels=NUM_CONV_OUT_CHANNELS, num_primary_channels=NUM_PRIMARY_CHANNELS, primary_caps_dim=PRIMARY_CAPS_DIM, primary_kernel=PRIMARY_KERNEL, primary_stride=PRIMARY_STRIDE, digit_caps_dim=DIGIT_CAPS_DIM, num_classes=NUM_CLASSES, regularization_scale=REGULARIZATION_SCALE, iter=ITER, dec1_dim=DEC1_DIM, dec2_dim=DEC2_DIM, cuda_enabled=CUDA_ENABLED, small_decoder=SMALL_DECODER, device=DEVICE, conv_shared_weights=CONV_SHARED_WEIGHTS, primary_shared_weights=PRIMARY_SHARED_WEIGHTS, digit_shared_weights=DIGIT_SHARED_WEIGHTS, conv_shared_bias=CONV_SHARED_BIAS, squash_approx=SQUASH_APPROX): super(Net, self).__init__() self.cuda_enabled = cuda_enabled if cuda_enabled: self.device = torch.device(device) else: self.device = torch.device('cpu') self.regularization_scale = regularization_scale conv_dimension = math.floor( (input_wh-conv_kernel+conv_stride)/conv_stride) primary_dimension = math.floor( (conv_dimension-primary_kernel+primary_stride)/primary_stride) self.conv = ConvLayer(in_channels=num_conv_in_channels, out_channels=num_conv_out_channels, kernel_size=conv_kernel, stride=conv_stride, cuda_enabled=cuda_enabled, device=device, shared_weights=conv_shared_weights, shared_bias=conv_shared_bias) self.primary = PrimaryCaps(in_channels=num_conv_out_channels, out_channels=num_primary_channels, out_caps_dim=primary_caps_dim, kernel_size=primary_kernel, stride=primary_stride, cuda_enabled=cuda_enabled, device=device, shared_weights=primary_shared_weights, squash_approx=squash_approx) self.digit = DigitCaps(in_dim=num_primary_channels*primary_dimension*primary_dimension, out_dim=num_classes, in_caps_dim=primary_caps_dim, out_caps_dim=digit_caps_dim, iter=iter, cuda_enabled=cuda_enabled, device=device, shared_weights=digit_shared_weights, squash_approx=squash_approx) decoder_in_dim = digit_caps_dim if small_decoder else num_classes * digit_caps_dim self.decoder = Decoder(in_dim=decoder_in_dim, l1_dim=dec1_dim, l2_dim=dec2_dim, out_dim=input_wh*input_wh, device=device, small_decoder=small_decoder) def forward(self, x, labels, is_training=True): out_conv = self.conv(x) out_primary = self.primary(out_conv) out_digit = self.digit(out_primary) reconstruction = self.decoder(out_digit, labels, is_training) return out_digit, reconstruction
<filename>instascrape/ import os import sys import json import logging import traceback from typing import * from io import BytesIO from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict import requests from instascrape.constants import * from instascrape.exceptions import * from import * from instascrape.utils import get_username_from_userid, set_mtime, get_biggest_media, verify_file, to_datetime __all__ = ("Post", "IGTV", "Profile", "Hashtag", "Explore") logger = logging.getLogger("instascrape") CommentItem = namedtuple("CommentItem", "author text created_time") class DataGetterMixin: @property def raw_data(self) -> dict: if self._full_data is None: self._obtain_full_data() return self._full_data def _find_or_get(self, *keys: str, data: dict = None, i: int = None): i = 0 if i is None else i key = keys[i] if data is not None: if key in data: return data[key] else: # get full data & find in it self._obtain_full_data() d = self._full_data[keys[0]] for k in keys[1:]: d = d[k] # raises KeyError return d else: # [1] find in initial data if key in self._init_data: d = self._init_data[key] # [2] find in full data (if not None) elif self._full_data is not None and key in self._full_data: d = self._full_data[key] else: # get full data & find in it self._obtain_full_data() d = self._full_data[key] # raises KeyError i += 1 return self._find_or_get(*keys, data=d, i=i) if len(keys) > 1 else d class AsDictMixin: info_vars = () def as_dict(self, *, extra: bool = False) -> OrderedDict: """Returns all 'info_vars' as an 'OrderedDict'. Arguments: extra: Add extra data to the dictionary if True. """ assert len(self.info_vars) > 0, "'AsDictMixin' should not be used in this class if 'info_vars' is intended to be empty" dictionary = OrderedDict({"_struct": self.__class__.__name__} if extra else {}) for attr in self.info_vars: dictionary[attr] = getattr(self, attr) return dictionary class MediaItem(AsDictMixin): """Represents a media item (image or video).""" info_vars = ("typename", "src", "width", "height", "is_video") @classmethod def compose_items(cls, data: dict) -> List["MediaItem"]: """Composes 'MediaItem' objects by extracting from 'data'.""" def make(node: dict) -> "MediaItem": typename = node["__typename"] if typename == "GraphImage": item = get_biggest_media(node["display_resources"]) elif typename == "GraphVideo": item = {"src": node["video_url"]} return cls(typename, item.get("src"), item.get("config_width"), item.get("config_height")) typename = data["__typename"] if typename in ("GraphImage", "GraphVideo"): items = [make(data)] elif typename == "GraphSidecar": items = [] data = data["edge_sidecar_to_children"]["edges"] for node in data: items.append(make(node["node"])) else: raise AssertionError("unrecognized typename: '{}'".format(typename)) return items def __init__(self, typename: str, src: str, width: int, height: int): self.typename = typename self.src = src self.width = width self.height = height def __repr__(self) -> str: return "MediaItem(typename='{}', src='{}', width={}, height={})".format(self.typename, self.src, self.width, self.height) def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: return isinstance(other, MediaItem) and self.src == other.src def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.src) @property def is_video(self) -> bool: """Returns True if this media is a video.""" return self.typename == "GraphStoryVideo" def download(self, dest: str, filename: str, *, write: bool = True, verify: bool = True) -> Optional[str]: """Download this media item to a file. Arguments: dest: Path to the destination directory. filename: Name of the file without extension. write: Write file to disk if True, write to memory otherwise (for testing and debugging). verify: Verify file integrity if True, check the size of file in bytes otherwise. Returns: The path to the downloaded file if download suceeded, False otherwise """ try: f = None logger.debug("Downloading file {0} -> {1}".format(self.src, dest)) r = requests.get(self.src, stream=True, timeout=30) # get info of the file mime = r.headers["Content-Type"] bytesize = int(r.headers["Content-Length"]) size = int(bytesize / 1024) if mime == "video/mp4": ext = ".mp4" elif mime == "image/jpeg": ext = ".jpg" else: raise DownloadError("Unsupported MIME type: {0}".format(mime), self.src) finish_filename = filename + ext finish_path = os.path.join(dest, finish_filename) part_filename = filename + ext + ".part" part_path = os.path.join(dest, part_filename) # skip if the file is existing and intact if os.path.isfile(finish_path): # verify file integrity using md5 if verify and verify_file(r.content, finish_path): logger.debug("~> [{0}] {1} [skip] (already downloaded)".format(mime, finish_filename)) return None # verify file by checking the size in byte if os.stat(finish_path).st_size == bytesize: logger.debug("~> [{0}] {1} [skip] (already downloaded)".format(mime, finish_filename)) return None # write to file f = open(part_path, "wb+") if write else BytesIO() for chunk in r.iter_content(1024): if chunk: f.write(chunk) logger.debug("=> [{0}] {1} [{2}x{3}] ({4} kB)".format(mime, finish_filename, self.width or "?", self.height or "?", size)) except Exception as e: raise DownloadError(str(e), self.src) from e else: # rename .part file to its real extension if f: f.close() os.rename(part_path, finish_path) return finish_path finally: if f and not f.closed: f.close() class ReelItem(MediaItem): """Represents a media item (image or video) of a reel.""" info_vars = ("typename", "src", "width", "height", "is_video", "id", "owner_username", "owner_id", "owner_profile_picture_url", "created_time", "expire_time", "cta_url") @classmethod def compose_items(cls, data: dict) -> List["ReelItem"]: """Composes 'ReelItem' objects by extracting from 'data'.""" def make(node: dict) -> "ReelItem": typename = node["__typename"] if typename == "GraphStoryImage": item = get_biggest_media(node["display_resources"]) elif typename == "GraphStoryVideo": item = get_biggest_media(node["video_resources"]) return cls(typename, item.get("src"), item.get("config_width"), item.get("config_height"), node) items = [] data = data["items"] for node in data: items.append(make(node)) return items def __init__(self, typename: str, src: str, width: int, height: int, data: dict): super().__init__(typename, src, width, height) = data def __repr__(self) -> str: return "ReelItem(typename='{}', src='{}', width={}, height={})".format(self.typename, self.src, self.width, self.height) def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: return isinstance(other, ReelItem) and self.src == other.src and == def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash( @property def is_video(self) -> bool: """Returns True if this media item is a video.""" return self.typename == "GraphStoryVideo" @property def id(self) -> str: """Returns the ID of this reel item.""" return["id"] @property def owner_username(self) -> str: """Returns the owner's username of this reel item.""" return["owner"]["username"] @property def owner_id(self) -> str: """Returns the owner's ID of this reel item.""" return["owner"]["id"] @property def owner_profile_picture_url(self) -> str: """Returns the URL of the owner's profile picture of this reel item.""" return["owner"]["profile_pic_url"] def owner_profile_picture(self) -> MediaItem: """Returns a 'MediaItem' that represents the owner's profile picture of this reel item.""" return MediaItem("GraphImage", self.owner_profile_picture_url, 150, 150) @property def created_time(self) -> int: """Returns the created time (timestamp) of this reel item.""" return int(["taken_at_timestamp"]) @property def expire_time(self) -> int: """Returns the expire time in timestamp of this reel item.""" return int(["expiring_at_timestamp"]) @property def cta_url(self) -> Optional[str]: """Returns the 'swipe up for more' URL of this reel item.""" return["story_cta_url"] class Post(AsDictMixin, DataGetterMixin): """Represents a Post entity.""" info_vars = ("shortcode", "url", "typename", "id", "owner_username", "owner_id", "owner_profile_picture_url", "created_time", "caption", "media_count", "likes_count", "comments_count") @classmethod def from_shortcode(cls, insta, shortcode: str): """Returns a 'Post' instance by shortcode.""" post = cls(insta, {"shortcode": shortcode}) post._obtain_full_data() return post def __init__(self, insta, data: dict): self._insta = insta self._init_data = data self._full_data = None self.shortcode = data["shortcode"] def _obtain_full_data(self): if self._full_data is None: logger.debug("Fetching initial json data of Post(shortcode='{}')...".format(self.shortcode)) self._full_data = self._insta._fetch_json_data(POST_URL.format(shortcode=self.shortcode))["shortcode_media"] def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Post(shortcode='{0}', typename='{1}')".format(self.shortcode, self.typename) def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: return isinstance(other, Post) and self.shortcode == other.shortcode and == def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.shortcode) def __len__(self) -> int: return self.media_count def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> MediaItem: return self.media_items()[index] def __iter__(self) -> MediaItem: for media in self.media_items(): yield media @property def url(self) -> str: """Returns the URL of this post.""" return "" + self.shortcode @property def typename(self) -> str: """Returns the typename of this post (one of 'GraphImage', 'GraphVideo', 'GraphSidecar').""" return self._find_or_get("__typename") @property def id(self) -> str: """Returns the ID of this post.""" return self._find_or_get("id") @property def owner_username(self) -> str: """Returns the owner's username this post.""" return self._find_or_get("owner")["username"] @property def owner_id(self) -> str: """Returns the owner's ID of this post.""" return self._find_or_get("owner")["id"] @property def owner_profile_picture_url(self) -> str: """Returns the URL of the owner's profile picture of this post.""" return self._find_or_get("owner", "profile_pic_url") def owner_profile_picture(self) -> MediaItem: """Returns a 'MediaItem' object of the owner's profile picture of this post.""" return MediaItem("GraphImage", self.owner_profile_picture_url, 150, 150) @property def created_time(self) -> int: """Returns the created_time (timestamp) of this post.""" return int(self._find_or_get("taken_at_timestamp")) @property def caption(self) -> str: """Returns the caption of this post.""" edges = self._find_or_get("edge_media_to_caption", "edges") if not edges: return "" return edges[0]["node"]["text"] @property def likes_count(self) -> int: """Returns the amount of likes of this post.""" return self._find_or_get("edge_media_preview_like")["count"] @property def comments_count(self) -> int: """Returns the amount of comments of this post.""" try: return self._find_or_get("edge_media_preview_comment")["count"] except KeyError: # fallback return self._find_or_get("edge_media_to_parent_comment")["count"] @property def media_count(self) -> int: """Returns the amount of media items in this post.""" return len(self.media_items()) def media_items(self) -> List[MediaItem]: """Returns a list of 'MediaItem' of this post.""" self._obtain_full_data() return MediaItem.compose_items(self._full_data) def likes(self) -> Group: """Retrieves likes of this post in the form of usernames. Returns: A 'Group' object that yields 'Profile' objects. """"Retrieving likes of :{0}".format(self.shortcode)) variables = {"shortcode": self.shortcode} nodes = self._insta._graphql_query_edges(QUERYHASH_LIKES, variables, "shortcode_media", "edge_liked_by") return Group(next(nodes), (Profile(self._insta, node) for node in nodes)) def comments(self): """Retrieves likes of this post in the form of usernames. Returns: - An integer that idicates the estimated amount of items. - A generator that yields 'CommentItem' -> namedtuple(author, text, created_time). """"Retrieving comments of :{0}".format(self.shortcode)) variables = {"shortcode": self.shortcode} nodes = self._insta._graphql_query_edges(QUERYHASH_COMMENTS, variables, "shortcode_media", "edge_media_to_comment") return next(nodes), (CommentItem(node["owner"]["username"], node["text"], node["created_at"]) for node in nodes) def download(self, dest: str = None, *, write: bool = True, verify: bool = True, on_item_start: Callable = None, on_item_finish: Callable = None, on_item_error: Callable = None): """Download all media items of this post. Arguments: dest: Path to the destination directory. write: Write file to disk if True, write to memory otherwise. verify: Verify file integrity if True, check the size of file in bytes otherwise. See ''. on_item_start: A callable (Post, int, MediaItem). Called on start of each item. on_item_finish: A callable (Post, int, MediaItem, str). Called on finish of each item. on_item_error: A callable (Post, int, MediaItem, Exception). Called on error of each item. """ dest = os.path.abspath(dest or "./") media_items = self.media_items() multi = self.media_count > 1 subdest = os.path.join(dest, self.shortcode) if multi else None if subdest and not os.path.isdir(subdest): os.mkdir(subdest) logger.debug("Downloading {0} ({1} media) [{2}]...".format(repr(self), len(media_items), self.typename)) logger.debug("Dest: " + dest) for i, item in enumerate(media_items): if on_item_start is not None: on_item_start(self, i, item) try: filename = str(i) if multi else self.shortcode file_path = or dest, filename, write=write, verify=verify) if file_path is not None: set_mtime(file_path, self.created_time) if on_item_finish is not None: on_item_finish(self, i, item, file_path) except Exception as e: # NOTE: if the Post has multiple media items to download, the occurrence of exception will NOT interrupt # the whole download of the post, unless user reraises the exception in 'on_item_error()'. exc_type, exc_value, tb = sys.exc_info() logger.error("{}: {}".format(exc_type.__name__, exc_value)) logger.debug("".join(traceback.format_tb(tb))) if on_item_error is not None: on_item_error(self, i, item, e) continue class IGTV(Post): """Represents an IGTV Post entity.""" info_vars = ("shortcode", "url", "typename", "id", "owner_username", "owner_id", "owner_profile_picture_url", "created_time", "caption", "media_count", "likes_count", "comments_count", "title", "duration") def __init__(self, insta, data: dict): # In fact, the URL of a IGTV Post is '{shortcode}' # but I found out that using '{shortcode}' is just the same, since it is also considered as a Post super().__init__(insta, data) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "IGTV(title='{0}', shortcode='{1}')".format(self.title, self.shortcode) @property def title(self) -> str: """Returns the title of this IGTV post.""" return self._find_or_get("title") @property def duration(self) -> float: """Returns the video duration of this IGTV post.""" return float(self._find_or_get("video_duration")) @property def view_count(self) -> int: """Returns the video view count of this IGTV post.""" return self._find_or_get("video_view_count") class Story(AsDictMixin): """Represents a Story entity.""" info_vars = ("typename", "id", "reel_count") def __init__(self, data: dict): = data def __repr__(self): return NotImplemented def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: return isinstance(other, Story) and == def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash( def __len__(self) -> int: return self.reel_count def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> ReelItem: return self.reel_items()[index] def __iter__(self) -> ReelItem: for reel in self.reel_items(): yield reel @property def typename(self) -> str: """Returns the typename of this story.""" return["__typename"] @property def id(self) -> str: """Returns the ID of this story.""" return["id"] @property def reel_count(self) -> int: """Returns the amount of reel items in this story.""" return len(self.reel_items()) def reel_items(self) -> List[ReelItem]: """Returns a list of reel items of this story.""" return ReelItem.compose_items( def download(self, dest: str = None, *, write: bool = True, verify: bool = True, on_item_start: Callable = None, on_item_finish: Callable = None, on_item_error: Callable = None): """Download all reel items of this story. Arguments: dest: Path to the destination directory. write: Write file to disk if True, write to memory otherwise. verify: Verify file integrity if True, check the size of file in bytes otherwise. See ''. on_item_start: A callable (Story, int, ReelItem). Called on start of each item. on_item_finish: A callable (Story, int, ReelItem, str). Called on finish of each item. on_item_error: A callable (Story, int, ReelItem, Exception). Called on error of each item. """ dest = os.path.abspath(dest or "./") reel_items = self.reel_items() logger.debug("Downloading {0} ({1} media) [{2}]...".format(repr(self), len(reel_items), self.typename)) logger.debug("Dest: " + dest) for i, item in enumerate(reel_items): if on_item_start is not None: on_item_start(self, i, item) try: filename = to_datetime(item.created_time) file_path =, filename, write=write, verify=verify) if file_path is not None: set_mtime(file_path, item.created_time) if on_item_finish is not None: on_item_finish(self, i, item, file_path) except Exception as e: # NOTE: if the Story has multiple reel items to download, the occurrence of exception will NOT interrupt # the whole download of the story, unless user reraises the exception in 'on_item_error()'. exc_type, exc_value, tb = sys.exc_info() logger.error("{}: {}".format(exc_type.__name__, exc_value)) logger.debug("".join(traceback.format_tb(tb))) if on_item_error is not None: on_item_error(self, i, item, e) continue class UserStory(Story): """Represents a Story entity that belongs to a Profile.""" info_vars = ("typename", "id", "latest_reel_media", "reel_count", "owner_username", "owner_id", "owner_profile_picture_url", "seen_time") def __init__(self, data: dict): super().__init__(data) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "UserStory(owner_username='{0}', typename='{1}')".format(self.owner_username, self.typename) @property def latest_reel_media(self) -> int: """Returns the created time of the latest reel media (timestamp) of this story.""" return int(["latest_reel_media"]) @property def owner_username(self) -> str: """Returns the owner's username of this story.""" return["owner"]["username"] @property def owner_id(self) -> str: """Returns the owner's ID of this story.""" return["owner"]["id"] @property def owner_profile_picture_url(self) -> str: """Returns the URL of the owner's profile picture of this story.""" return["owner"]["profile_pic_url"] def owner_profile_picture(self) -> MediaItem: """Returns a 'MediaItem' object of the owner's profile picture of this story.""" return MediaItem("GraphImage",["owner"]["profile_pic_url"], 150, 150) @property def seen_time(self) -> Optional[int]: """Returns the seen time (timestamp) of this story if it has been seen, None otherwise.""" if["seen"]: return int(["seen"]) class HashtagStory(Story): """Represents a Story entity that belongs to a Hashtag.""" info_vars = ("typename", "id", "latest_reel_media", "reel_count", "tagname") def __init__(self, data: dict): super().__init__(data) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "HashtagStory(tagname='{0}', typename='{1}')".format(self.tagname, self.typename) @property def latest_reel_media(self) -> int: """Returns the created time of the latest reel media (timestamp) of this story.""" return int(["latest_reel_media"]) @property def tagname(self) -> str: """Returns the hashtag's tag name of this story.""" return["owner"]["name"] class Highlight(Story): """Represents a Highlight entity.""" info_vars = ("typename", "id", "title", "cover_media_thumbnail", "owner_username", "owner_id", "owner_profile_picture_url", "reel_count") def __init__(self, data: dict): super().__init__(data) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Highlight(title='{}')".format(self.title) @property def title(self) -> str: """Returns the title of this highlight.""" return["title"] @property def cover_media_thumbnail(self) -> str: """Returns the URL of the cover thumbnail of this highlight.""" return["cover_media"]["thumbnail_src"] @property def owner_username(self) -> str: """Returns the owner's username of this highlight.""" return["owner"]["username"] @property def owner_id(self) -> str: """Returns the owner's ID of this highlight.""" return["owner"]["id"] @property def owner_profile_picture_url(self) -> str: """Returns the URL of the owner's profile picture of this highlight.""" return["owner"]["profile_pic_url"] def owner_profile_picture(self) -> MediaItem: """Returns a 'MediaItem' object of the owner's profile picture of this highlight.""" return MediaItem("GraphImage",["owner"]["profile_pic_url"], 150, 150) class Profile(AsDictMixin, DataGetterMixin): """Represents a user Profile entity.""" info_vars = ("username", "url", "id", "fullname", "biography", "website", "followers_count", "followings_count", "mutual_followers_count", "is_verified", "is_private", "profile_picture_url") @classmethod def from_id(cls, insta, id: str): """Returns a Post instance from user ID. * This takes one more step to obtain the username of the user. """ username = get_username_from_userid(id) return cls.from_username(insta, username) @classmethod def from_username(cls, insta, username: str): """Returns a Post instance from username.""" profile = cls(insta, {"username": username}) profile._obtain_full_data() return profile def __init__(self, insta, data: dict): self._insta = insta self._init_data = data self._full_data = None self.username = data["username"] def _obtain_full_data(self): if self._full_data is None: logger.debug("Obtaining full data of Profile(username='{}')".format(self.username)) self._full_data = self._insta._fetch_json_data(PROFILE_URL.format(username=self.username))["user"] def __repr__(self): return "Profile(username='{0}', id='{1}')".format(self.username, def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Profile) and self.username == other.username and == def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash( @property def url(self) -> str: """Returns the URL of this profile.""" return "" + self.username @property def id(self) -> str: """Returns the ID (user ID) of this profile.""" return self._find_or_get("id") @property def fullname(self) -> str: """Returns the fullname of this profile.""" return self._find_or_get("full_name") @property def biography(self) -> str: """Returns the biography of this profile.""" return self._find_or_get("biography") @property def website(self) -> Optional[str]: """Returns the website of this profile if applicable, None otherwise.""" return self._find_or_get("external_url") @property def followers_count(self) -> int: """Returns the amount of followers this profile has.""" return self._find_or_get("edge_followed_by")["count"] @property def followings_count(self) -> int: """Returns the amount of users this profile is following.""" return self._find_or_get("edge_follow")["count"] @property def mutual_followers_count(self) -> int: """Returns the amount of mutual followers of this profile.""" return self._find_or_get("edge_mutual_followed_by")["count"] @property def is_verified(self) -> bool: """Returns True if this profile is verified, False otherwise""" return self._find_or_get("is_verified") @property def is_private(self) -> bool: """Returns True if this profile is private, False otherwise""" return self._find_or_get("is_private") @property def profile_picture_url(self) -> str: """Retunrs the URL of the profile picture of this profile.""" return self._find_or_get("profile_pic_url_hd") def profile_picture(self) -> MediaItem: """Retunrs a 'MediaItem' of the profile picture of this profile.""" return MediaItem("GraphImage", self.profile_picture_url, 320, 320) def timeline_posts(self) -> PostGroup: """Retrieves timeline posts of this profile. Returns: A 'PostGroup' object. """ self._obtain_full_data()"Retrieving timeline posts of @{0}".format(self.username)) variables = {"id":} nodes = self._insta._graphql_query_edges(QUERYHASH_TIMELINE, variables, "user", "edge_owner_to_timeline_media", self._full_data) return Group.of_posts(next(nodes), (Post(self._insta, node) for node in nodes)) def saved_posts(self) -> PostGroup: """Retrieves saved posts of this profile. * Requires authentication. Returns: A 'PostGroup' object. """ if not self._insta.authenticated: raise AuthenticationRequired() self._obtain_full_data()"Retrieving saved posts of @{0}".format(self.username)) variables = {"id":} nodes = self._insta._graphql_query_edges(QUERYHASH_SAVED, variables, "user", "edge_saved_media", self._full_data) return Group.of_posts(next(nodes), (Post(self._insta, node) for node in nodes)) def tagged_posts(self) -> PostGroup: """Retrieves tagged posts of this profile. Returns: A 'PostGroup' object. """"Retrieving tagged posts of @{0}".format(self.username)) variables = {"id":} nodes = self._insta._graphql_query_edges(QUERYHASH_TAGGED, variables, "user", "edge_user_to_photos_of_you") return Group.of_posts(next(nodes), (Post(self._insta, node) for node in nodes)) def igtv_posts(self) -> PostGroup: """Retrieves IGTV posts of this profile. Returns: A 'PostGroup' object. """ self._obtain_full_data()"Retrieving IGTV video posts of @{0}".format(self.username)) variables = {"id":} nodes = self._insta._graphql_query_edges(QUERYHASH_IGTV, variables, "user", "edge_felix_video_timeline", self._full_data) return Group.of_posts(next(nodes), (IGTV(self._insta, node) for node in nodes)) def followers(self) -> Group: """Retrieves followers of this profile. * Requires authentication. Returns: A 'Group' object that yields 'Profile' instances. """ if not self._insta.authenticated: raise AuthenticationRequired()"Retrieving followers of @{0}".format(self.username)) variables = {"id":} nodes = self._insta._graphql_query_edges(QUERYHASH_FOLLOWERS, variables, "user", "edge_followed_by") return Group(next(nodes), (Profile(self._insta, node) for node in nodes)) def followings(self) -> Group: """Retrieves profiles that this profile is following. * Requires authentication. Returns: A 'Group' object that yields 'Profile' instances. """ if not self._insta.authenticated: raise AuthenticationRequired()"Retrieving followings of @{0}".format(self.username)) variables = {"id":} nodes = self._insta._graphql_query_edges(QUERYHASH_FOLLOWINGS, variables, "user", "edge_follow") return Group(next(nodes), (Profile(self._insta, node) for node in nodes)) def highlights(self) -> List[Highlight]: """Retrieves highlights of this profile. * Requires authentication. Returns: A list of 'Highlight' objects. """ if not self._insta.authenticated: raise AuthenticationRequired()"Retrieving story highlights of @{0}".format(self.username)) # [1] retrieve all available highlights of this user variables = {"user_id":, "include_chaining": False, "include_reel": False, "include_suggested_users": False, "include_logged_out_extras": False, "include_highlight_reels": True} data = self._insta._graphql_query(QUERYHASH_HIGHLIGHTS, variables)["user"]["edge_highlight_reels"] nodes = [edge["node"] for edge in data["edges"]] if not nodes: logger.warning("No visible highlight is found for this profile.") return [] # [2] do GraphQL query to get the reel items data of all highlights at once logger.debug("Fetching json data of highlights of @{} ...".format(self.username)) variables = {"highlight_reel_ids": [str(node["id"]) for node in nodes], "precomposed_overlay": False, "show_story_viewer_list": False} url = QUERY_URL.format(QUERYHASH_REELITEMS, json.dumps(variables)) data = self._insta._fetch_json_data(url)["reels_media"] hs = [] for d in data: for node in nodes: if node["id"] == d["id"]: d.update(node) break else: continue # produce 'Highlight' object hs.append(Highlight(d)) return hs def story(self) -> Optional[UserStory]: """Retrieves the currently visible story of this profile. * Requires authentication. Returns: A 'UserStory' object if applicable, None otherwise. """ if not self._insta.authenticated: raise AuthenticationRequired()"Retrieving story of @{0}".format(self.username)) variables = {"reel_ids": [], "precomposed_overlay": False, "show_story_viewer_list": False} data = self._insta._graphql_query(QUERYHASH_REELITEMS, variables)["reels_media"] if not data: logger.warning("No visible story is available now for this profile.") return return UserStory(data[0]) class Hashtag(DataGetterMixin): """Represents a Hashtag entity.""" @classmethod def from_tagname(cls, insta, tagname: str): """Returns a Hashtag instance from tag name.""" hashtag = cls(insta, {"name": tagname}) hashtag._obtain_full_data() return hashtag def __init__(self, insta, data: dict): self._insta = insta self._init_data = data self._full_data = None self.tagname = data["name"] def _obtain_full_data(self): if self._full_data is None: logger.debug("Obtaining full data of Hashtag(tagname='{}')".format(self.tagname)) self._full_data = self._insta._fetch_json_data(HASHTAG_URL.format(tagname=self.tagname))["hashtag"] def __repr__(self): return "Hashtag(tagname='{0}')".format(self.tagname) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Hashtag) and self.tagname == other.tagname and == def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.tagname) @property def id(self) -> str: """Returns the ID of this hashtag.""" return self._find_or_get("id") @property def profile_picture_url(self) -> str: """Returns the URl of the profile picture of this hashtag.""" return self._find_or_get("profile_pic_url") def profile_picture(self) -> MediaItem: """Returns a 'MediaItem' of the profile picture of this hashtag.""" return MediaItem("GraphImage", self.profile_picture_url, 320, 320) def top_posts(self) -> PostGroup: """Retrieves top posts if this hashtag. * Only 9 posts at most. Returns: A 'PostGroup' object. """ self._obtain_full_data()"Retrieving top posts of #{0}".format(self.tagname)) nodes = self._insta._graphql_query_edges("", {}, "hashtag", "edge_hashtag_to_top_posts", self._full_data) return Group.of_posts(next(nodes), (Post(self._insta, node) for node in nodes)) def recent_posts(self) -> PostGroup: """Retrieves most recent posts if this hashtag. Returns: A 'PostGroup' object. """"Retrieving recent posts of #{0}".format(self.tagname)) variables = {"tag_name": self.tagname} nodes = self._insta._graphql_query_edges(QUERYHASH_HASHTAG, variables, "hashtag", "edge_hashtag_to_media") return Group.of_posts(next(nodes), (Post(self._insta, node) for node in nodes)) def story(self) -> Optional[HashtagStory]: """Retrieves the current visible Story of this hashtag. * Requires authentication. Returns: A 'HashtagStory' object. """ if not self._insta.authenticated: raise AuthenticationRequired()"Retrieving story of #{0}".format(self.tagname)) variables = {"tag_names": [self.tagname], "precomposed_overlay": False, "show_story_viewer_list": False} data = self._insta._graphql_query(QUERYHASH_REELITEMS, variables)["reels_media"] if not data: logger.warning("No visible story is avaliable now for this hashtag.") return return HashtagStory(data[0]) class Explore: """Represents the Explore entity in the discover section.""" def __init__(self, insta): self._insta = insta def __repr__(self): return "Explore()" def posts(self) -> PostGroup: """Retrieves posts of explore. * Requires authentication. Returns: A 'PostGroup' object. """ if not self._insta.authenticated: raise AuthenticationRequired()"Retrieving explore posts...") nodes = self._insta._graphql_query_edges(QUERYHASH_EXPLORE, {}, "user", "edge_web_discover_media") return Group.of_posts(next(nodes), (Post(self._insta, node) for node in nodes))
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