8 values
Why is it important to lift weights?
Lifting weights is important for many reasons. Lifting weights can impact a body's physical appearance and strength, has anti-aging benefits, helps prevent osteoporosis, improves joint health, and improves cardiovascular health. Additionally, there are many popular competitions centered around strength and conditioning which has indirectly promoted various strength sports throughout the world.
Agram götermek näme üçin möhüm?
Agram götermek köp sebäplere görä möhümdir. Agram götermek bedeniň daşky görnüşine we güýjüne täsir edip biler, garrylyga garşy peýdalary bar, osteoporozyň öňüni almaga kömek edýär, bilelikdäki saglygy gowulaşdyrýar we ýürek-damar saglygyny gowulaşdyrýar. Mundan başga-da, dünýäde dürli güýçli sport görnüşlerini gytaklaýyn öňe süren güýç we kondisioner bilen baglanyşykly köp meşhur ýaryşlar bar.
Who is Marina Vishmidt
Marina Vishmidt (born 1976) is an American writer, editor and critic. She lectures at the Centre for Cultural Studies at Goldsmiths, University of London in the MA program Culture Industry, and teaches Art Theory in the MA Art Praxis at the Dutch Art Institute in Arnhem. Her research mainly concerns the relationship between art, value and labour. She further explores this through works on debt, social reproduction and artistic entrepreneurialism. In 2013, she completed her PhD entitled 'Speculation as a Mode of Production in Art and Capital' at the Queen Mary University of London.
Marina Vishmidt (born 1976) is an American writer, editor and critic. She lectures at the Centre for Cultural Studies at Goldsmiths, University of London in the MA program Culture Industry, and teaches Art Theory in the MA Art Praxis at the Dutch Art Institute in Arnhem. Her research mainly concerns the relationship between art, value and labour. She further explores this through works on debt, social reproduction and artistic entrepreneurialism. In 2013, she completed her PhD entitled 'Speculation as a Mode of Production in Art and Capital' at the Queen Mary University of London.
Marina Wişmidt kim?
Marina Wişmidt (1976-njy ýylda doglan) Amerikaly ýazyjy, redaktor we tankytçy. London uniwersitetiniň Goldsmiths medeni öwreniş merkezinde MA Medeniýet senagaty programmasynda leksiýa berýär we Arnhemdäki Gollandiýa sungat institutynda MA sungat praktikasynda sungat teoriýasyny öwredýär. Gözlegleri, esasan, sungat, gymmatlyk we zähmet arasyndaky gatnaşyklara degişlidir. Mundan başga-da, bergi, sosial köpelmek we çeper telekeçilik boýunça eserler arkaly öwrenýär. 2013-nji ýylda Londonyň Şa aýal Mary uniwersitetinde 'Sungatda we paýtagtda önümçilik usuly hökmünde spekulýasiýa' atly doktorlyk derejesini tamamlady.
Marina Wişmidt (1976-njy ýylda doglan) Amerikaly ýazyjy, redaktor we tankytçy. London uniwersitetiniň Goldsmiths medeni öwreniş merkezinde MA Medeniýet senagaty programmasynda leksiýa berýär we Arnhemdäki Gollandiýa sungat institutynda MA sungat praktikasynda sungat teoriýasyny öwredýär. Gözlegleri, esasan, sungat, gymmatlyk we zähmet arasyndaky gatnaşyklara degişlidir. Mundan başga-da, bergi, sosial köpelmek we çeper telekeçilik boýunça eserler arkaly öwrenýär. 2013-nji ýylda Londonyň Şa aýal Mary uniwersitetinde 'Sungatda we paýtagtda önümçilik usuly hökmünde spekulýasiýa' atly doktorlyk derejesini tamamlady.
How many dwarf planets are there in our solar system?
Currently only 5 objects are officially recognized as dwarf planets in our solar system. These are named as Ceres, Pluto, Eris, Haumea, and Makemake.
Gün ulgamymyzda näçe sany planeta bar?
Häzirki wagtda Gün ulgamymyzda diňe 5 obýekt resmi planetalar hökmünde ykrar edildi. Bulara Ceres, Pluto, Eris, Haumea we Makemake diýilýär.
Why do hindus worship idols?
Religion is man made. History teaches us that Religion was invented to separate humans and create a fear. Religion and Faith are different. Hinduism is not a religion but on the contrary it is a way of life. There is no one leader or master in hinduism like in christianity or islam and it is totally inclusive. Anyone can call themselves a hindu and no one will balk at them. The qualities we admire in humans that we wish to pursue cannot be easily manifested. Thus an idol sometimes takes it's place. As an example the monkey god is known for courage. So anytime you need to stand up you pray to the monkey god. The elephant god is for good beginnings. So start your day with a prayer to elephant god. Thus you have 1000's of idols each representing a specific character in humans.
Näme üçin hindus butlara çokunýar?
Din adam tarapyndan döredildi. Taryh, diniň adamlary aýyrmak we gorky döretmek üçin oýlanyp tapylandygyny öwredýär. Din we iman başga. Hindiizm din däl-de, tersine, durmuş ýoludyr. Hristiançylykda ýa-da yslamda bolşy ýaly hinduizmde hiç bir lider ýa-da ussat ýok we ol doly öz içine alýar. Her kim özüni hindu diýip biler we hiç kim olara garşy çykmaz. Adamlarda haýran galdyrýan häsiýetlerimiz, aňsatlyk bilen ýüze çykyp bilmez. Şeýlelik bilen but käwagt ýerini alýar. Mysal hökmünde maýmyn taňry batyrlyk bilen tanalýar. Şonuň üçin islendik wagt turmaly bolanyňyzda maýmyn hudaýyna doga edýärsiňiz. Pil taňry gowy başlangyçlar üçin. Şonuň üçin günüňizi pil hudaýyna doga bilen başlaň. Şeýlelik bilen, adamlarda belli bir häsiýeti görkezýän 1000-den gowrak but bar.
What are some of the best movies for kids?
Some movies that most children will enjoy include Disney Movies like Bambi, The Jungle Book and Peter Pan, Pixar movies like Toy Story, Cars and the Incredibles and Studio Ghibli movies like Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro and Ponyo.
Çagalar üçin iň gowy filmler haýsylar?
Çagalaryň köpüsiniň göwnünden turjak käbir filmlerde “Bambi”, “Jungle Book” we “Peter Pan” ýaly “Disneý” filmleri, “Oýnawaç hekaýasy”, “Awtoulaglar” we “Incredibles” we “Spirited Away”, “Goňşym Totoro” we “Ponyo” ýaly “Pixar” filmleri bar.
Give me a list of the last 7 FIFA world cup winning teams
2022 Argentina 2018 France 2014 Germany 2010 Spain 2006 Italy 2002 Brazil 1998 France
Maňa FIFA dünýä çempionatynda ýeňiji bolan soňky 7 toparyň sanawyny beriň
2022 Argentina 2018 Fransiýa 2014 Germaniýa 2010 Ispaniýa 2006 Italiýa 2002 Braziliýa 1998 Fransiýa
Apply the traditional western culture label (domesticated pet, farm animal, wild animal) to each of the following animals: dog, sheep, horse, wolf, cat, zebra, cow
dog: Domesticated pet sheep: Farm animal horse: Farm animal wolf: Wild animal cat: Domesticated pet zebra: Wild animal cow: Farm animal
Adaty günbatar medeniýet belligini (öý haýwanlary, ferma haýwanlary, ýabany haýwanlar) aşakdaky haýwanlaryň hersine ulanyň: it, goýun, at, möjek, pişik, zebra, sygyr
it: Öý haýwanlary goýun: Fermer haýwan at: Fermer haýwany möjek: Wildabany haýwan pişik: Öý haýwanlary zebra: Wildabany haýwan sygyr: Fermer haýwany
What time of year does school normally start in the United States?
School normally starts in early Fall, in either August or September
ABŞ-da adatça ýylyň haýsy wagty başlaýar?
Mekdep adatça güýzüň başynda, awgust ýa-da sentýabr aýlarynda başlaýar
What are some ways in which I could use old books?
- Donate them to a charity - donate them to a prison - Sell them online - Try origami with book pages - Hollow the books out and stick them together to create a storage unit - Cut the book covers and use it as bookmarks - Cut the book covers to create a collage - use the pages to create a wreath - sell them to a thrift store
Köne kitaplary ulanmagyň haýsy ýollary bar?
- Olary haýyr-sahawata bagyşlaň - olary türmä bagyşlaň - Olary onlaýn satyň - Kitap sahypalary bilen origami synap görüň - Kitaplary boşadyň we ammar bölümini döretmek üçin birleşdiriň - Kitabyň gapaklaryny kesiň we bellikler hökmünde ulanyň - Kolla create döretmek üçin kitabyň gapaklaryny kesiň - wenok döretmek üçin sahypalary ulanyň - olary söwda dükanyna satyň
What are five capital cities in Asia?
Five capital cities in Asia are Bangkok, Jakarta, Seoul, Manila, and Hanoi.
Aziýanyň bäş paýtagty näme?
Aziýanyň bäş paýtagty Bangkok, Jakarta, Seul, Manila we Hanoýdyr.
In the series A Song of Ice and Fire, who is the founder of House Casterly?
Corlos, son of Caster
“Buz we ot aýdymy” seriýasynda “House Casterly” -ny esaslandyryjy kim?
Karlos, Kasteriň ogly
Give me three spicy authentic Chinese food dishes
There are many spicy Chinese food out there, among those the following are the local favorite dishes. 1. Chongqing Spicy Chicken 2. Kung Pao Chicken 3. Fish-Flavored Shredded Pork
Maňa üç sany ýakymly hytaý nahar tagamyny beriň
Ol ýerde köp sanly hytaý nahary bar, aşakdakylaryň arasynda ýerli halaýan tagamlar bar. 1. Çongçin ajy towuk 2. Kung Pao towugy 3. Balyk tagamly bölek doňuz eti
How do I get in shape?
In order to get in good physical shape, you need to take multiple aspects of physical health into account. Some keys components that influence one's physical health are diet, exercising, and recovery. All of these need to be considered. In order to improve your physical health, you should put your body under a manageable amount of physical stress. For this stress to lead to improved health, you must remember to also recover! Recovery happens through eating high quality foods in the appropriate portions and by getting an adequate amount of sleep. Without also prioritizing these components of recovery, you will not "build up" your body, but rather continue to "break it down". Remember this saying, "Stress + Rest = Growth".
Men nähili görnüşde bolmaly?
Gowy fiziki görnüşe eýe bolmak üçin beden saglygynyň birnäçe tarapyny göz öňünde tutmaly. Adamyň beden saglygyna täsir edýän käbir esasy komponentler iýmitlenmek, maşk etmek we dikeldişdir. Bularyň hemmesini göz öňünde tutmaly. Beden saglygyňy gowulaşdyrmak üçin bedeniňi dolandyryp boljak mukdarda fiziki stres astynda goýmaly. Bu stresiň saglygyň gowulaşmagyna sebäp bolmagy üçin, sagalmagy hem ýatdan çykarmaly dälsiňiz! Dikeldiş degişli böleklerde ýokary hilli iýmitleri iýmek we ýeterlik mukdarda uky almak arkaly bolýar. Dikeldişiň bu böleklerini ileri tutman, bedeniňizi "gurmarsyňyz", tersine, "döwmegi" dowam etdirersiňiz. "Stress + dynç = ösüş" diýen bu sözleri ýadyňyzdan çykarmaň.
How can I improve Kafka performance with Spark?
To improve performance, you can adjust the consumer and producer settings to match your use case. Additionally, you can use the latest versions of Kafka and Spark and increase the number of partitions in the topics. You can also optimize the code by using efficient transformations and caching.
“Spark” bilen Kafkanyň öndürijiligini nädip gowulandyryp bilerin?
Iş öndürijiligini gowulandyrmak üçin sarp edijini we öndürijiniň sazlamalaryny ulanyş ýagdaýyňyza laýyklaşdyryp bilersiňiz. Mundan başga-da, “Kafka” we “Spark” -yň iň soňky wersiýalaryny ulanyp, mowzuklardaky bölümleriň sanyny köpeldip bilersiňiz. Şeýle hem, täsirli üýtgeşmeler we keş keşleri ulanyp, kody optimizirläp bilersiňiz.
Tell me different stages in data lifecycle.
1. Data Ingestion: In this stage, data from producers is ingested and collected for later processing. 2. Data Processing: Once the data is ingested and collected, mostly in raw format, it goes through various processing steps. It is one of the core responsibilities of data pipelines. This stage can further divide into sub-stages. 3. Data Storage: All the collected and processing is stored in various formats. Based on specific needs, there can be one or more tools or paradigm employed. 4. Data Analysis or Visualisation: In this layer, processed data is analysed to derive meaningful insights and mostly present in some visual form.
Maglumat ömrüniň dürli tapgyrlaryny aýdyň.
1. Maglumatlaryň siňdirilmegi: Bu etapda öndürijilerden maglumatlar özleşdirilýär we soňraky gaýtadan işlemek üçin ýygnalýar. 2. Maglumatlary gaýtadan işlemek: Maglumatlar esasan çig görnüşde özleşdirilenden we ýygnanandan soň, dürli gaýtadan işlemek ädimlerinden geçýär. Maglumat turbageçirijileriniň esasy jogapkärçiliklerinden biridir. Bu etap mundan beýläk kiçi tapgyrlara bölünip biler. 3. Maglumatlary saklamak: collectedhli ýygnan we gaýtadan işlemek dürli formatlarda saklanýar. Aýratyn zerurlyklardan ugur alyp, bir ýa-da birnäçe gural ýa-da paradigma ulanylyp bilner. 4. Maglumatlaryň derňewi ýa-da wizuallaşdyrma: Bu gatlakda gaýtadan işlenen maglumatlar manyly düşünjeleri almak üçin derňelýär we esasan käbir wizual görnüşde bolýar.
I bought two bottles of 2L coca-cola when they were on special, but when I checked my receipt, I was charged the full price! Please contact me on 0410787999 or to discuss a refund!
I've found two pieces of personally identifiable information (PII) in the provided text: - A person's Australian mobile phone number: 0410787999 - An email address: The Australian government defines PII as "Information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context" (source:
Iki çüýşe 2L koka-kola aýratyn bolanda satyn aldym, ýöne kwitansiýamy barlap görenimde, bahasy doly tölendi! Yzyna gaýtaryp bermek barada 0410787999 ýa-da bilen habarlaşmagyňyzy haýyş edýäris!
Berlen tekstde şahsyýeti anyklaýan maglumatlaryň iki bölegini (PII) tapdym: - Bir adamyň Awstraliýada jübi telefon belgisi: 0410787999 - E-poçta salgysy: Awstraliýa hökümeti PII-ni "Bir adamy tanamak, habarlaşmak ýa-da tapmak ýa-da kontekstde şahsyýeti tanamak üçin özbaşdak ýa-da başga maglumatlar bilen ulanyp boljak maglumatlar" diýip kesgitleýär (çeşme: au / acsc / view-all-content / sözlügi / şahsyýeti anyklaýan-maglumat-pii)
What type of television program did Julia Child work on?
Julia Child was famous for her cooking shows
Julia Çaga haýsy teleýaýlym programmasynda işledi?
Julia Çaga nahar bişirmek bilen meşhur boldy
Which of the following ski resorts are located in Utah: Alta Ski Area, Brighton Ski Resort, Snowbird, Solitude Mountain Resort, Deer Valley Resort, Park City Mountain, Woodward Park City, Nordic Valley Resort, Powder Mountain, Snowbasin, Sundance Resort, Beaver Mountain Resort, Cherry Peak Resort, Brian Head Resort, Eagle Point Resort, Keystone, Copper Mountain, Vail Resort, Beaver Creek, Eldora
The following ski resorts are in Utah: Alta Ski Area, Brighton Ski Resort, Snowbird, Solitude Mountain Resort, Deer Valley Resort, Park City Mountain, Woodward Park City, Nordic Valley Resort, Powder Mountain, Snowbasin, Sundance Resort, Beaver Mountain Resort, Cherry Peak Resort, Brian Head Resort, Eagle Point Resort
Aşakdaky lykia kurortlarynyň haýsy Ututa ştatynda ýerleşýär: Alta ly Skia meýdançasy, Braýton ly Skia kurorty, Garbird, itudeeke-täk dag şypahanasy, Keýik jülgesi kurorty, Park Siti dagy, Wudward Park şäheri, Demirgazyk jülgesi kurorty, Poroşok dagy, Garbasin, Sundance kurorty, Beaver Mountain Resort, Cherry Peak Resort, Brian Head Resort, Eagle Point Resort, Keystone, Mis Mountain, Vail Resort, Beaver Creek, Eldora
Aşakdaky lykia kurortlary ahuta ştatynda: Alta ly Skia meýdançasy, Braýton ly Skia kurorty, Garbird, itudeeke-täk dag şypahanasy, Keýik jülgesi kurorty, Park Siti dagy, Wudward Park şäheri, Demirgazyk jülgesi kurorty, Poroşok dagy, Garbasin, Sundance kurorty, Beaver Mountain Resort, Cherry Peak Resort, Brian Head Resort, Eagle Point Resort
Will the Penrith Panthers win the NRL Grand Final this year?
While it is very hard to predict the outcome of a future sporting event, all evidence shows that the Penrith Panthers have been very successful in the recent past, winning both the 2021 and 2022 NRL Grand Finals and losing the 2020 NRL Grand Final. Since the introduction of Ivan Cleary as the head coach and his son Nathan Cleary as the star halfback the team have built out a formidable playing group and have been consistently successful. The biggest doubt is the slow start of the 2023 season, with the loss of key playmaker Api Koroisau to the Balmain Tigers and edge forward Villame Kikau to the Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs the team has struggled to find the same form as they had starting the previous three seasons.
“Penrith Panthers” şu ýyl NRL Grand Finalda ýeňiji bolarmy?
Geljekki sport ýaryşynyň netijesini çaklamak gaty kyn bolsa-da, ähli subutnamalar “Penrith Panters” -iň soňky geçmişde 2021-nji we 2022-nji ýyllardaky NRL Grand finalynda ýeňiş gazanyp, 2020-nji ýyldaky NRL Grand Finalda ýeňiji bolandygyny görkezýär. Iwan Kleýri baş tälimçi hökmünde we ogly Natan Kleýri ýyldyz ýarymgoragçy hökmünde hödürläninden bäri topar uly oýun toparyny döretdi we yzygiderli üstünlik gazandy. Iň uly şübhe, 2023-nji ýyl möwsüminiň haýal başlamagy, esasy oýunçy Api Koroisau-nyň “Balmain Tigers” -den we öňe saýlanan Villame Kikau-dan “Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs” -a ýeňilmegi bilen topar öňki görnüşine meňzeş görnüşi tapmak üçin göreşdi. üç möwsüm.
According to this paragraph, how many NCAA championships has UVA won?
In the 21st century alone, UVA teams have won seventeen NCAA championships. The men's teams have won recent NCAA titles in basketball (2019); lacrosse (2003, 2006, 2011, 2019, and 2021); baseball (2015); soccer (2009 and 2014); and tennis (2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2022). UVA women have won recent NCAA titles in rowing (2010 and 2012) and swimming & diving (2021 and 2022). The Cavaliers rank first in the ACC (a power conference) with 22 men's NCAA Championships, and rank second in the conference with nine women's NCAA Championships.
UVA has won 17 NCAA championships.
Bu abzasa görä, UVA näçe NCAA çempionatynda ýeňiji boldy?
Diňe 21-nji asyrda UVA toparlary NCAA-nyň on ýedi çempionatynda ýeňiji boldy. Erkek toparlar basketbolda (2019) soňky NCAA titullaryny gazandylar; lakros (2003, 2006, 2011, 2019 we 2021); beýsbol (2015); futbol (2009 we 2014); we tennis (2013, 2015, 2016, 2017 we 2022). UVA zenanlary küreklemek (2010 we 2012) we suwda ýüzmek we suwa çümmek (2021 we 2022) boýunça soňky NCAA titullaryny gazandylar. “Cavaliers” 22 erkek NCAA çempionaty bilen ACC-de (güýç konferensiýasy) birinji, dokuz sany NCAA çempionaty bilen konferensiýada ikinji orny eýeledi.
UVA 17 NCAA çempionatynda ýeňiji boldy.
What colors are in the traditional style of American tattoos?
American traditional tattoos consist mostly of thick black lines with black shading and red, blue, yellow, and green. Sometimes you will see brown and white also used in American traditional tattoos.
Amerikan tatuirovkalarynyň adaty stilinde haýsy reňkler bar?
Amerikanyň adaty tatuirovkalary esasan gara reňkli we gyzyl, gök, sary we ýaşyl reňkli gara çyzyklardan durýar. Käwagt Amerikanyň adaty tatuirovkalarynda ulanylýan goňur we ak reňkleri görersiňiz.
Name an old wives tale
Swallowing gum will cause it to stick to your stomach for seven years. This is not true and is considered an old wives' tale
Garry aýallaryň ertekisini aýdyň
Sarygy ýuwutmak, ýedi ýyllap garnyňyza ýapyşmagyna sebäp bolar. Bu dogry däl we garry aýallaryň ertekisi hasaplanýar
What is the weather like in San Francisco, CA?
The weather in San Francisco is more mild than in the northern climates of the United States, and its seasonal weather pattern is different as well. Throughout the northern climates, there are four distinct seasons, including a warm (often hot and humid) summer and cold winter (with frequent temperatures below freezing) separated by more mild fall and winter seasons. In the city of San Francisco, the four seasons include a rainy, cool winter, relatively dry and sunny fall and spring, and a summer famous for it's cool foggy weather. This summer fog often fails to reach the suburbs of San Francisco, which are typically hot and dry in the summer.
San-Fransisko, Kaliforniýa ştatynda howa nähili?
San-Fransiskodaky howa ABŞ-nyň demirgazyk howa şertlerine garanyňda has ýumşak we möwsümleýin howa ýagdaýy hem başga. Demirgazyk howa şertlerinde dört aýratyn möwsüm bar, şol sanda yssy (köplenç yssy we çygly) tomus we sowuk gyş (doňmagyň aşagynda ýygy-ýygydan) has ýumşak güýz we gyş möwsümleri bilen bölünýär. San-Fransisko şäherinde dört möwsüm ýagyşly, salkyn gyş, birneme gurak we güneşli güýz we ýaz we salkyn dumanly howa bilen meşhur tomus öz içine alýar. Bu tomus duman köplenç tomusda yssy we gurak San-Fransiskonyň töwereklerine baryp bilmeýär.
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Suikinkutsu, Domra
Domra is string, Suikinkutsu is percussion.
Haýsy guralyň simli ýa-da zarbalydygyny kesgitläň: Suikinkutsu, Domra
Domra simli, Suikinkutsu zarba.
What are some best practices to prepare biryani
Preparing biryani is more of an art. And results continue to improve as you start taking cues from various aspects of the ingredients being used. Most important steps that could lead to quality issues are around managing moisture while protein cooks. Especially when you use chicken. Chicken tends to release a lot of moisture and that can spoil the dish. A recommendation would be to cook all of the chicken 50% through without any seasoning in a separate pot. It'll release significant moisture in this process. Once done, you can then separate out chicken from the stock and use the chicken for Biryani. One of the other gotcha while cooking Biryani is while preparing rice. Rice should never be fully cooked before it's mixed with chicken. Remember that rice and seasoned chicken has to be cooked together for several minutes. To get best results make sure you cook rice in boiling water only 70% through. It should be bit uncooked. Then use that rice to mix with seasoned chicken and continue following the Biryani recipe from that point onwards.
Birýany taýýarlamak üçin iň oňat tejribeler haýsylar?
Birýany taýýarlamak has köp sungat. Ulanylýan maddalaryň dürli taraplaryndan göz açyp başlanyňyzda netijeler gowulaşmagyny dowam etdirýär. Hil meselesine sebäp bolup biljek iň möhüm ädimler, belok bişirilende çyglylygy dolandyrmakdyr. Esasanam towuk ulananyňyzda. Towuk köp çyglylygy goýberýär we bu tabagy zaýalap biler. Towuklaryň hemmesini aýratyn gazanda tagam bermezden 50% bişirmeli. Bu amalda ep-esli çyglylygy çykarar. Bir gezek gutaransoň, towugy ätiýaçdan aýyryp, Birýany üçin towugy ulanyp bilersiňiz. Birýany bişirip otyrka, beýleki gotleriň biri tüwi taýýarlaýarka. Tüwi towuk bilen garylmazdan ozal doly bişirilmeli däldir. Tüwi we tagamly towuk birnäçe minutlap bilelikde bişirilmelidigini ýadyňyzdan çykarmaň. Iň oňat netijeleri almak üçin tüwi gaýnag suwda diňe 70% bişirýändigiňize göz ýetiriň. Biraz bişirilmeli. Soňra şol tüwi tejribeli towuk bilen garyşdyrmak üçin ulanyň we şol ýerden Biryani reseptini dowam etdiriň.
Classify each of the following as either a liquid or a solid: puddle, cup, house, dog, bowl, water, juice
A puddle, water, and juice are liquids. Cups, houses, dogs, and bowls are solids.
Aşakdakylaryň hersini suwuk ýa-da gaty diýip toparlara bölüň: howuz, käse, jaý, it, jam, suw, suw
Howuz, suw we şire suwuklykdyr. Kuboklar, jaýlar, itler we jamlar gaty.
Given a reference text about the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) awards, tell me how many albums need to be sold to get an award.
In the United States, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) awards certification based on the number of albums and singles sold through retail and other ancillary markets. Other countries have similar awards (see music recording certification). Certification is not automatic; for an award to be made, the record label must first request certification. The audit is conducted against net shipments after returns (most often an artist's royalty statement is used), which includes albums sold directly to retailers and one-stops, direct-to-consumer sales (music clubs and mail order) and other outlets. Description and qualifications A platinum award for the album GHV2 of Madonna A Gold record is a song or album that sells 500,000 units (records, tapes, and compact discs). The award was launched in 1958; originally, the requirement for a Gold single was one million units sold and a Gold album represented $1 million in sales (at wholesale value, around a third of the list price). In 1975, the additional requirement of 500,000 units sold was added for Gold albums. Reflecting growth in record sales, the Platinum award was added in 1976, for albums able to sell one million units, and singles selling two million units. The Multi-Platinum award was introduced in 1984, signifying multiple Platinum levels of albums and singles. In 1989, the sales thresholds for singles were reduced to 500,000 for Gold and 1,000,000 for Platinum, reflecting a decrease in sales of singles. In 1992, RIAA began counting each disc in a multi-disc set as one unit toward certification. Reflecting additional growth in music sales, the Diamond award was instituted in 1999 for albums or singles selling ten million units. Because of these changes in criteria, the sales level associated with a particular award depends on when the award was made.
As of 1989, a song or album needed to exceed a sales threshold of 500,000 for Gold and 1,000,000 for Platinum. In 1999 after a growth in music sales, the Diamond award was introduced for songs or albums that sold over 10,000,000 units.
Amerikanyň ordingazgy senagaty birleşiginiň (RIAA) baýraklary barada salgylanma teksti berlensoň, baýrak almak üçin näçe albomyň satylmalydygyny aýdyň.
Amerikanyň Birleşen Ştatlarynda Amerikanyň ordingazgy senagaty birleşigi (RIAA) bölek we beýleki goşmaça bazarlarda satylan albomlaryň we aýdymlaryň sanyna esaslanyp sertifikat berýär. Beýleki ýurtlarda hem şuňa meňzeş baýraklar bar (aýdym ýazgy şahadatnamasyna serediň). Şahadatnama awtomatiki däl; baýrak berilmegi üçin ýazgy belligi ilki bilen şahadatnama talap etmeli. Gözegçilik, göni satyjylara we bir duralga, göni sarp edijilere satuw (aýdym-saz klublary we poçta sargytlary) we beýleki söwda nokatlaryna satylan albomlary öz içine alýan girdejilerden soň (köplenç hudo .nigiň roýalti beýany ulanylýar) arassa iberilmegine garşy geçirilýär. Düşündiriş we kär Madonnanyň GHV2 albomy üçin platina baýragy Altyn ýazgy, 500 000 birlik (ýazgylar, lentalar we ykjam diskler) satýan aýdym ýa-da albom. Baýrak 1958-nji ýylda başlandy; Aslynda, “Altyn ýeke” talap bir million satyldy we “Altyn” albomy satuwda 1 million dollar boldy (lomaý bahada, sanaw bahasynyň üçden birine golaý). 1975-nji ýylda Altyn albomlary üçin satylan 500,000 birlik goşmaça talap goşuldy. Rekord satuwynyň ösüşini görkezýän Platinum baýragy, 1976-njy ýylda bir million satyp bilýän albomlar we iki million birlik satan aýdymçylar üçin goşuldy. “Multi-Platinum” baýragy 1984-nji ýylda hödürlenip, köp sanly albom we albom derejesini aňladýar. 1989-njy ýylda ýekelikdäki satuw çäkleri altyn üçin 500 000, Platina üçin bolsa 1 000 000 çenli azaldyldy, bu ýekelikdäki satuwlaryň azalandygyny görkezýär. 1992-nji ýylda RIAA her diski sertifikatlaşdyrmak üçin bir birlik hökmünde köp diskli toplumda sanap başlady. Aýdym-saz satuwynda goşmaça ösüşi görkezýän Almaz baýragy, 1999-njy ýylda on million birlik satan albomlar ýa-da aýdymçylar üçin döredildi. Kriteriýlerdäki bu üýtgeşmeler sebäpli belli bir baýrak bilen baglanyşykly satuw derejesi baýragyň haçan berilmegine baglydyr.
1989-njy ýyla çenli bir aýdym ýa-da albom, Altyn üçin 500,000, Platina üçin bolsa 1 000 000 çäkden geçmeli. 1999-njy ýylda aýdym-saz satuwynyň ösüşinden soň, 10,000,000-den gowrak satylan aýdym ýa-da albom üçin Almaz baýragy gowşuryldy.
Who are the most influential Asian celebrities?
Michelle Yeoh, having won the Oscar for best actress in 2023 and making history as the first Asian lead actress winner. Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan are also iconic Asian celebrities who are very well-known for their martial arts and action films.
Aziýanyň iň täsirli meşhurlary kimler?
Mişel ohoh, 2023-nji ýylda iň oňat aktrisa diýen ugurda Oskara mynasyp bolup, Aziýanyň ilkinji baş aktrisasy hökmünde taryh gazandy. Brýus Li we Jeki Çan söweş sungaty we hereket filmleri bilen tanalýan Aziýanyň meşhurlarydyr.
I'm hosting a breakfast party - what should I serve?
Depending on how many people you're hosting and how much cooking you want to do the morning of, there are several options. If you're hosting a big group, it may be best to get the prep done ahead of time so you can enjoy the party. This could be achieved by setting up a bagel bar. Lay out platforms of assorted bagels, cream cheeses, and toppings. Some common topping examples are Lox, tomatoes, cucumbers, red onion and capers. Guest can then toast their own bagels and make a plate according to their preferences. Another option would be to prep and assemble breakfast casseroles the night before and pop them into the oven before you're due to eat. This way you can serve a hot breakfast without needing to do all the cooking the morning of. Here is a highly rated breakfast casserole recipe: Ingredients: - 1 x Bag Frozen Shredded Potatoes - 1 lb breakfast sausage meat - 1 chopped onion - 1 chopped pepper - Dozen Eggs - Shredded cheddar cheese Instructions - Cook chopped onion and pepper in olive oil for 5 minutes until soft. - Add in breakfast sausage into the pan and cook through. Be sure to break up sausage a you cook to avoid having big chunks. - In another pan try the shredded potato until crispy. - To assemble, layer the potato with the sausage mixture into a baking dish. - Scramble 12 eggs and a cup of shredded cheese - pour mixture over the sausage and potatoes. - Top with cheese and bake for 45 minutes at 350 degrees until the eggs are cooked through.
Ertirlik naharyny myhman alýaryn - nämä hyzmat etmeli?
Näçe adamy myhman alýandygyňyza we irden näçe nahar bişirmek isleýändigiňize baglylykda birnäçe wariant bar. Uly topara ýer eýeçiligini edýän bolsaňyz, oturylyşykdan lezzet almak üçin taýýarlygy öňünden ýerine ýetirmek iň gowusy bolup biler. Bagel çyzygyny gurmak arkaly gazanyp bolar. Dürli görnüşli baglar, krem ​​peýnirleri we topbaklar düzüň. Käbir adaty mysallar Lox, pomidor, hyýar, gyzyl sogan we kepir. Soňra myhman öz haltalaryny tostlap, isleglerine görä tabak ýasap biler. Başga bir wariant, öten agşam ertirlik naharlaryny taýýarlamak we ýygnamak we nahar iýmezden ozal ojakda goýmak. Şeýlelik bilen, ertirlik naharyny taýýarlamagyň zerurlygy bolmazdan, gyzgyn ertirlik hödürläp bilersiňiz. Ine, ýokary baha berlen ertirlik kasetiniň resepti: Goşundylar: - 1 x Bag doňdurylan bölek kartoşka - 1 funt ertirlik kolbasa eti - 1 dogralan sogan - 1 dogralan burç - onlarça ýumurtga - Parçalanan kedr peýniri Görkezmeler - Dogralan sogan we burç zeýtun ýagynda ýumşak bolýança 5 minut bişirmeli. - Gazana ertirlik kolbasa goşup, bişirmeli. Uly böleklerden gaça durmak üçin bişirýän kolbasaňyzy hökman döwüň. - Başga bir gazanda, ownuk kartoşkany çişýänçä synap görüň. - embygnamak üçin kartoşkany kolbasa garyndysy bilen çörek bişirilýän tabaga goýuň. - 12 ýumurtga we bir käse bölek peýnir - Kolbasa we kartoşkanyň üstüne garyndy guýuň. - Peýnir bilen ýokaryk we ýumurtga bişýänçä 45 minutda 350 dereje bişirmeli.
When was the theory of comparative advantage developed?
In an economic model, agents have a comparative advantage over others in producing a particular good if they can produce that good at a lower relative opportunity cost or autarky price, i.e. at a lower relative marginal cost prior to trade. Comparative advantage describes the economic reality of the work gains from trade for individuals, firms, or nations, which arise from differences in their factor endowments or technological progress. (The absolute advantage, comparing output per time (labor efficiency) or per quantity of input material (monetary efficiency), is generally considered more intuitive, but less accurate — as long as the opportunity costs of producing goods across countries vary, productive trade is possible.) David Ricardo developed the classical theory of comparative advantage in 1817 to explain why countries engage in international trade even when one country's workers are more efficient at producing every single good than workers in other countries. He demonstrated that if two countries capable of producing two commodities engage in the free market (albeit with the assumption that the capital and labour do not move internationally), then each country will increase its overall consumption by exporting the good for which it has a comparative advantage while importing the other good, provided that there exist differences in labor productivity between both countries. Widely regarded as one of the most powerful yet counter-intuitive insights in economics, Ricardo's theory implies that comparative advantage rather than absolute advantage is responsible for much of international trade.
The classical theory of comparative advantage was developed in 1817 by David Ricardo.
Deňeşdirme artykmaçlygy teoriýasy haçan ösdürilipdir?
Ykdysady modelde, agentler beýlekilerden has pes mümkinçilik bahasyndan ýa-da awtomatiki bahadan, ýagny söwdadan ozal has az marginal bahadan öndürip bilseler, belli bir önüm öndürmekde beýlekilerden deňeşdireniňde artykmaçlyga eýe. Deňeşdirilen artykmaçlyk, faktorlar ýa-da tehnologiki ösüşdäki tapawutlardan gelip çykýan şahsyýetler, firmalar ýa-da halklar üçin söwdadan gazanylan işleriň ykdysady hakykatyny suratlandyrýar. (Her gezek öndürilýän önümi (zähmet netijeliligi) ýa-da giriş materialynyň mukdaryny (pul netijeliligi) deňeşdirip, mutlak artykmaçlyk, has içgin, ýöne has takyk hasaplanýar - ýurtlar boýunça haryt öndürmek üçin mümkinçilik çykdajylary üýtgese, öndürijilikli söwda mümkin.) Deýwid Rikardo deňeşdirme artykmaçlygynyň nusgawy teoriýasyny 1817-nji ýylda bir ýurduň işçileri beýleki ýurtlardaky işçilerden has gowy öndürip bilýän hem bolsa, halkara söwdasy bilen meşgullanýandygyny düşündirmek üçin ösdürdi. Iki haryt öndürmäge ukyply iki ýurduň erkin bazara gatnaşýan bolsa (maýa we zähmet halkara derejesinde hereket etmeýär diýen çaklama bilen), her bir ýurt deňeşdirip boljak gowy zady eksport etmek bilen umumy sarp edilişini artdyrjakdygyny görkezdi. iki ýurduň arasynda zähmet öndürijiliginde tapawutlar bar bolsa, beýleki gowy zatlary import etmekde artykmaçlyk. Ykdysadyýetde iň güýçli, ýöne garşylykly düşünjeleriň biri hökmünde giňden kabul edilen Rikardonyň teoriýasy, halkara söwdasynyň köpüsinde mutlak artykmaçlyk däl-de, deňeşdirme artykmaçlygynyň jogapkärdigini aňladýar.
Deňeşdiriş artykmaçlygynyň nusgawy teoriýasy 1817-nji ýylda Deýwid Rikardo tarapyndan döredildi.
What is Women's freestyle 48 kg competition featured in 2017 World Wrestling Championships?
The women's freestyle 48 kilograms is a competition featured at the 2017 World Wrestling Championships, and was held in Paris, France on 24 August 2017.
The women's freestyle 48 kilograms is a competition featured at the 2017 World Wrestling Championships, and was held in Paris, France on 24 August 2017. This freestyle wrestling competition consisted of a single-elimination tournament, with a repechage used to determine the winners of two bronze medals.
Zenanlaryň erkin usulda 48 kilograma çenli 2017-nji ýyldaky dünýä çempionatynda nämeler görkezilýär?
Zenanlaryň erkin usulda 48 kilograma, 2017-nji ýylyň Dünýä çempionatynda görkezilen we 2017-nji ýylyň 24-nji awgustynda Fransiýanyň Pari Paris şäherinde geçirilen ýaryş.
Zenanlaryň erkin usulda 48 kilograma, 2017-nji ýylyň Dünýä çempionatynda görkezilen we 2017-nji ýylyň 24-nji awgustynda Fransiýanyň Pari Paris şäherinde geçirilen ýaryş. Erkin göreş boýunça bu ýaryş iki sany bürünç medalyň ýeňijilerini kesgitlemek üçin ulanylýan bir gezeklik ýaryşdan ybaratdy.
Classify each of the following as a novel or poem: "A Silvia", "L'Infinito" , "I Promessi Sposi"
" A Silvia" is a poem, " L'Infinito" is a poem, " I Promessi Sposi" is a novel
Aşakdakylaryň hersini roman ýa-da goşgy hökmünde toparlara bölüň: "Silwiýa", "L'Infinito", "I Promessi Sposi"
"Silwiýa" goşgy, "L'Infinito" goşgy, "I Promessi Sposi" romandyr
Who was the Apostle Paul?
Apostle Paul, who was also known as Saint Paul, was a Christian Apostle who spread the teachings of Jesus Christ. According to the book of Acts in the bible, Paul was Pharisees and lead persecution of early disciples of Jesus. He encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus to find Christians there and bring them bound to Jerusalem. But on his way a light brighter than a sun shone around him and those with him from heaven at mid day. Then he fell to the ground and heard a voice, "Saul, saul, why are you persecuting me?". and he said "who are you?" then the lord said, "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. It is hard for you to kick against the goads." Paul asked "What do you want me to do?" then the lord said "Arise and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do." Having been made blind, he was lead to the city and days later his sight was restored by Ananias of Damascus. Then Paul was baptized and immediately started to proclaim Christian message. He proclaimed mainly to the gentiles and he is also known as an Apostle to the gentiles. He planted several churches in Galatia, Philippi, Thessalonika, Corinth and Ephesus.Thirteen or Fourteen of the twenty seven books in the new Testament was written by Paul through the guidance of the holy spirit.
Resul Pawlus kimdi?
Keramatly Pawlus hökmünde hem tanalýan resul Pawlus Isa Mesihiň taglymatlaryny ýaýradýan hristian resulydy. Injildäki Resullaryň Işleri kitabyna görä, Pawlus fariseý bolup, Isanyň irki şägirtleriniň yzarlanmagyna sebäp bolupdyr. Ol Hristianlary tapmak we Iýerusalime eltmek üçin Damaska ​​barýan ýolda Isa bilen duşuşdy. Hisöne ýolda we gündizine asmandan ýanyndakylar güne garanyňda has ýagty şöhle saçýardy. Soňra ýere ýykyldy we bir ses eşitdi: "Şawul, saul, näme üçin meni yzarlaýarsyň?". we "sen kim?" diýdi. Soňra Reb: "Men yzarlaýan Isa men, size taýaklara degmek kyn" diýdi. Pawlus "Näme etmegimi isleýärsiň?" Diýip sorady. Soňra hojaýyn "Tur-da, şähere gir, saňa näme etmelidigiňi aýdarlar" diýdi. Kör bolansoň, şähere eltildi we birnäçe günden soň Damaskly Ananiýa gözüni dikeltdi. Soňra Pawlus çokundyryldy we derrew hristian habaryny wagyz edip başlady. Ol esasan beýleki milletlere wagyz etdi we butparazlara resul hökmünde hem tanalýar. Galatýa, Filippi, Salonika, Korintos we Efesde birnäçe ýygnak gurdy. Täze amenthtdäki ýigrimi ýedi kitabyň on üç ýa-da on dördüsi Pawlus tarapyndan mukaddes ruhuň ýolbaşçylygynda ýazyldy.
What is binary search ?
In computer science, binary search, also known as half-interval search, logarithmic search, or binary chop, is a search algorithm that finds the position of a target value within a sorted array. Binary search compares the target value to the middle element of the array. If they are not equal, the half in which the target cannot lie is eliminated and the search continues on the remaining half, again taking the middle element to compare to the target value, and repeating this until the target value is found. If the search ends with the remaining half being empty, the target is not in the array. The binary search runs in logarithmic time in the worst case, making O(log n) comparisons, where n is the number of elements in the array. Binary search is faster than linear search except for small arrays. However, the array must be sorted first to apply binary search. There are specialized data structures designed for fast searching, such as hash tables, that can be searched more efficiently than binary search. However, binary search can solve a wider range of problems, such as finding the next-smallest or next-largest element in the array relative to the target even if it is absent from the array. There are numerous variations of binary search. In particular, fractional cascading speeds up binary searches for the same value in multiple arrays. Fractional cascading efficiently solves several search problems in computational geometry and numerous other fields. Exponential search extends binary search to unbounded lists. The binary search tree and B-tree data structures are based on binary search.
Binary search is a search algorithm that finds the position of a target value in a sorted array. It eliminates the half in which the target value cannot lie. It searches the value in the other half. This continues by repeating the middle element to compare to the target value until the target value is found. Binary search is faster than linear search except for small arrays.
Ikilik gözleg näme?
Informatika ylymlarynda ýarym aralyk gözleg, logarifmiki gözleg ýa-da ikilik çapmak diýlip hem bilinýän ikilik gözlegi, tertipleşdirilen massiwde maksat bahasynyň ýerini tapýan gözleg algoritmidir. Ikilik gözleg, maksat bahasyny massiwiň orta elementi bilen deňeşdirýär. Deň däl bolsa, nyşanyň ýatyp bilmeýän ýarysy ýok edilýär we gözleg galan ýarysynda dowam edýär, maksat bahasy bilen deňeşdirmek üçin orta elementi alýar we maksat bahasy tapylýança gaýtalaýar. Gözleg galan ýarysynyň boş bolmagy bilen gutarsa, maksat massiwde däl. Ikilik gözleg, iň erbet ýagdaýda logarifmiki döwürde işleýär O (log n) deňeşdirmeler, nirede n massiwdäki elementleriň sanydyr. Ikilik gözleg, kiçi massiwlerden başga çyzykly gözlegden has çalt. Şeýle-de bolsa, ikilik gözlegini ulanmak üçin ilki bilen tertipleşdirilmeli. Ikitaraplaýyn gözlegden has netijeli gözläp boljak hash tablisalary ýaly çalt gözlemek üçin ýöriteleşdirilen maglumat gurluşlary bar. Şeýle-de bolsa, ikilik gözlegi, massiwde ýok bolsa-da, nyşana görä iň kiçi ýa-da iň uly elementi tapmak ýaly has giň meseläni çözüp biler. Ikilik gözleginiň köp dürli görnüşleri bar. Hususan-da, fraksiýa kaskadly köp massiwde şol bir baha üçin ikili gözlegleri çaltlaşdyrýar. Bölekleýin kaskad hasaplama geometriýasynda we beýleki köp sanly gözleg meselelerini netijeli çözýär. Ekspensial gözleg ikilik gözlegini çäklendirilmedik sanawlara çenli giňeldýär. Ikilik gözleg agajy we B agaç maglumatlary gurluşlary ikilik gözlegine esaslanýar.
Ikilik gözleg, tertipleşdirilen massiwde maksat bahasynyň ýagdaýyny tapýan gözleg algoritmidir. Maksat bahasynyň ýatyp bilmeýän ýarysyny ýok edýär. Beýleki ýarysynda bahany gözleýär. Bu, maksat bahasy tapylýança maksat bahasy bilen deňeşdirmek üçin orta elementi gaýtalamak bilen dowam edýär. Ikilik gözleg, kiçi massiwlerden başga çyzykly gözlegden has çalt.
From the passage provided, extract the list of software products sold by Adobe in the order they appear in the passage.
Adobe Inc., originally called Adobe Systems Incorporated, is an American multinational computer software company incorporated in Delaware and headquartered in San Jose, California. It has historically specialized in software for the creation and publication of a wide range of content, including graphics, photography, illustration, animation, multimedia/video, motion pictures, and print. Its flagship products include Adobe Photoshop image editing software; Adobe Illustrator vector-based illustration software; Adobe Acrobat Reader and the Portable Document Format (PDF); and a host of tools primarily for audio-visual content creation, editing and publishing. Adobe offered a bundled solution of its products named Adobe Creative Suite, which evolved into a subscription software as a service (SaaS) offering named Adobe Creative Cloud. The company also expanded into digital marketing software and in 2021 was considered one of the top global leaders in Customer Experience Management (CXM). Adobe was founded in December 1982 by John Warnock and Charles Geschke, who established the company after leaving Xerox PARC to develop and sell the PostScript page description language. In 1985, Apple Computer licensed PostScript for use in its LaserWriter printers, which helped spark the desktop publishing revolution. Adobe later developed animation and multimedia through its acquisition of Macromedia, from which it acquired Adobe Flash; video editing and compositing software with Adobe Premiere, later known as Adobe Premiere Pro; low-code web development with Adobe Muse; and a suite of software for digital marketing management. As of 2022, Adobe has more than 26,000 employees worldwide. Adobe also has major development operations in the United States in Newton, New York City, Arden Hills, Lehi, Seattle, Austin and San Francisco. It also has major development operations in Noida and Bangalore in India.
- Adobe Photoshop - Adobe Illustrator - Adobe Acrobat Reader - Adobe Creative Suite - Adobe Flash - Adobe Premiere Pro - Adobe Muse
Berlen bölümden Adobe tarapyndan satylan programma üpjünçiliginiň önümleriniň sanawyny bölekde görkezilişi ýaly çykaryň.
Aslynda Adobe Systems Incorporated diýlip atlandyrylýan Adobe Inc., Delawerde ýerleşýän we merkezi Kaliforniýa ştatynyň San-Hose şäherinde ýerleşýän Amerikanyň köpmilletli kompýuter programma üpjünçiligi kompaniýasydyr. Taryhy taýdan grafika, fotosurat, illýustrasiýa, animasiýa, multimediýa / wideo, kinofilmler we çap ýaly köp sanly mazmuny döretmek we neşir etmek üçin programma üpjünçiliginde ýöriteleşendir. Baýdak önümlerine Adobe Photoshop şekil redaktirleme programma üpjünçiligi girýär; Adobe Illustrator wektor esasly illýustrasiýa programma üpjünçiligi; Adobe Acrobat Reader we göçme resminama formaty (PDF); we esasan audio-wizual mazmuny döretmek, redaktirlemek we neşir etmek üçin gurallaryň köpüsi. Adobe, Adobe Creative Cloud atly hyzmat (SaaS) hökmünde abuna programma üpjünçiligine öwrülen Adobe Creative Suite atly önümleriniň toplumlaýyn çözgüdini hödürledi. Şeýle hem bu kompaniýa sanly marketing programma üpjünçiligine öwrüldi we 2021-nji ýylda Müşderi Tejribe Dolandyryşy (CXM) boýunça öňdebaryjy dünýä liderleriniň biri hasaplandy. “Adobe” 1982-nji ýylyň dekabrynda “PostScript” sahypasynyň düşündiriş dilini ösdürmek we satmak üçin “Xerox PARC” -den aýrylandan soň bu kompaniýany döreden Jon Warnok we Çarlz Geşke tarapyndan esaslandyryldy. 1985-nji ýylda “Apple Computer” “LaserWriter” printerlerinde ulanmak üçin “PostScript” -e ygtyýarnama berdi, bu iş stolunyň neşir edilmegine sebäp boldy. Soňra “Adobe” “Macromedia” -ny satyn almak arkaly animasiýa we multimediýa döretdi, ondan “Adobe Flash” -i satyn aldy; wideo redaktirlemek we Adobe Premiere bilen kompozisiýa programma üpjünçiligi, soňra Adobe Premiere Pro ady bilen tanalýar; Adobe Muse bilen pes kodly web ösüşi; we sanly marketing dolandyryşy üçin programma üpjünçiligi toplumy. 2022-nji ýyla çenli “Adobe” -niň dünýäde 26,000-den gowrak işgäri bar. “Adobe” ABŞ-da Nýuton, Nýu-Yorkork, Arden Hills, Lehi, Sietl, Ostin we San-Fransisko ýaly uly ösüş amallaryna eýe. Şeýle hem Hindistanda Noida we Bangalorda uly ösüş amallary bar.
- Adobe Photoshop - Adobe Illustrator - Adobe Acrobat Reader - Adobe Creative Suite - Adobe Flash - “Adobe Premiere Pro” - Adobe Muse
Write a polite e-mail from my cat to the neighbor's cat, asking it to please stay out of his special area of the lawn.
Dear Mittens, How are you? It's been a lovely summer so far, and I can see that you are enjoying the great outdoors like I am. Our backyard has some lovely sunny spots to warm up in. You are most welcome to visit whenever you like. However, may I make one request? The southwest corner of the lawn beyond the oak tree is my special warming spot. I regularly use it and would be grateful if you could instead use another area if you visit, like the concrete slab immediately west. Gratefully, Grumpers
Pişigimden goňşymyzyň pişigine sypaýy e-poçta ýazyň, gazonyň ýörite meýdanyndan daşda durmagyňyzy haýyş edýärin.
Gadyrly Mittens, Ýagdaýlaryňyz nähili? Şu wagta çenli ajaýyp tomus boldy, men ýaly açyk howada hezil edýändigiňizi görýärin. Biziň howlymyzda gyzmak üçin ajaýyp güneşli ýerler bar. Islän wagtyňyz baryp bilersiňiz. Şeýle-de bolsa, bir haýyş edip bilerinmi? Dub agajynyň aňyrsyndaky gazonyň günorta-günbatar burçy meniň ýörite ýylylyk ýerimdir. Men ony yzygiderli ulanýaryn we derrew günbatara beton plita ýaly baryp görseňiz başga bir ýer ulanyp bilseňiz minnetdar bolardym. Şükür, Grumpers
What are some of the most popular tourist attractions in Rome?
Rome, Italy is of the most popular travel destinations in the world. People travel to Rome in particular to visit the Roman Colosseum and the Forum, which are ancient ruins. Tourists often make a quick visit to Vatican City to visit the Vatican Museum, which houses world renowned pieces of art. The Trevi Fountain and the Piazza Venezia are also quite popular.
Rimde iň meşhur syýahatçylyk ýerleri haýsylar?
Rim, Italiýa dünýäde iň meşhur syýahatçylyk ýerlerinden biridir. Adamlar, esasanam, gadymy harabaçylyklar bolan Rim kolosiýasyna we foruma baryp görmek üçin Rime gidýärler. Syýahatçylar köplenç dünýä belli sungat eserleri bolan Watikan muzeýine baryp görmek üçin Watikan şäherine tiz baryp görýärler. Trewi çüwdürimi we Piazza Wenesiýa hem meşhur.
Tell me the capital of the UK. Then tell me a famous song about that city.
The capital of the United Kingdom is London. One song about that city is "London Bridge is Falling Down".
Angliýanyň paýtagtyny aýdyň. Soňra maňa şol şäher hakda meşhur aýdym aýdyň.
Angliýanyň paýtagty London. Şol şäher hakda bir aýdym "London köprüsi ýykylýar".
Identify which car manufacturer is Italian or American: Abarth, Buick
Buick is American, Abarth is Italian
Haýsy awtoulag öndürijisiniň italýan ýa-da amerikalydygyny kesgitläň: Abarth, Buik
Buik Amerikaly, Abarth italýan
What are data warehouses design patterns
Bottom-up design In the bottom-up approach, data marts are first created to provide reporting and analytical capabilities for specific business processes. These data marts can then be integrated to create a comprehensive data warehouse. The data warehouse bus architecture is primarily an implementation of "the bus", a collection of conformed dimensions and conformed facts, which are dimensions that are shared (in a specific way) between facts in two or more data marts. Top-down design The top-down approach is designed using a normalized enterprise data model. "Atomic" data, that is, data at the greatest level of detail, are stored in the data warehouse. Dimensional data marts containing data needed for specific business processes or specific departments are created from the data warehouse. Hybrid design Data warehouses (DW) often resemble the hub and spokes architecture. Legacy systems feeding the warehouse often include customer relationship management and enterprise resource planning, generating large amounts of data. To consolidate these various data models, and facilitate the extract transform load process, data warehouses often make use of an operational data store, the information from which is parsed into the actual DW. To reduce data redundancy, larger systems often store the data in a normalized way. Data marts for specific reports can then be built on top of the data warehouse. A hybrid DW database is kept on third normal form to eliminate data redundancy. A normal relational database, however, is not efficient for business intelligence reports where dimensional modeling is prevalent. Small data marts can shop for data from the consolidated warehouse and use the filtered, specific data for the fact tables and dimensions required. The DW provides a single source of information from which the data marts can read, providing a wide range of business information. The hybrid architecture allows a DW to be replaced with a master data management repository where operational (not static) information could reside. The data vault modeling components follow hub and spokes architecture. This modeling style is a hybrid design, consisting of the best practices from both third normal form and star schema. The data vault model is not a true third normal form, and breaks some of its rules, but it is a top-down architecture with a bottom up design. The data vault model is geared to be strictly a data warehouse. It is not geared to be end-user accessible, which, when built, still requires the use of a data mart or star schema-based release area for business purposes.
* Bottom-Up approach: Supporting f
Maglumat ammarlarynyň dizaýn nagyşlary näme
Aşakdaky dizaýn Aşak-aşaky çemeleşmede, ilki bilen belli bir iş amallary üçin hasabat we analitiki mümkinçilikleri üpjün etmek üçin maglumatlar martlary döredilýär. Soňra bu maglumatlar martlary giňişleýin maglumat ammaryny döretmek üçin birleşdirilip bilner. Maglumat ammary awtobus arhitekturasy, ilkinji nobatda, iki ýa-da has köp maglumat aralygyndaky faktlaryň arasynda paýlaşylýan (belli bir usulda) ölçegler bolan laýyk ölçegleriň we laýyk gelýän faktlaryň ýygyndysydyr. -Okarky dizaýn -Okardan aşak çemeleşme, adaty kärhana maglumat modelini ulanyp düzülendir. "Atom" maglumatlary, ýagny iň uly jikme-jiklikler maglumatlar ammarynda saklanýar. Belli bir iş prosesi ýa-da belli bölümler üçin zerur maglumatlary öz içine alýan ölçegli maglumat bellikleri maglumat ammaryndan döredilýär. Gibrid dizaýn Maglumat ammarlary (DW) köplenç konsentrator we spik arhitekturasyna meňzeýär. Ammary iýmitlendirýän miras ulgamlary köplenç müşderi gatnaşyklaryny dolandyrmagy we köp mukdarda maglumat döredýän kärhana çeşmelerini meýilleşdirmegi öz içine alýar. Bu dürli maglumat modellerini birleşdirmek we göçürmäni üýtgetmek prosesini ýeňilleşdirmek üçin maglumat ammarlary köplenç amaly maglumatlar dükanyndan peýdalanýarlar, maglumatlar hakyky DW-e bölünýär. Maglumatlaryň artykmaçlygyny azaltmak üçin has uly ulgamlar köplenç maglumatlary kadaly ýagdaýda saklaýarlar. Specificörite hasabatlar üçin maglumatlar bellikleri soňra maglumat ammarynyň üstünde gurlup bilner. Gibrid DW maglumat bazasy maglumatlaryň artykmaçlygyny ýok etmek üçin üçünji adaty görnüşde saklanýar. Adaty baglanyşyk bazasy, ölçegli modellemegiň agdyklyk edýän işewürlik habarlary üçin täsirli däl. Kiçijik maglumat martlary konsolidirlenen ammardan maglumat satyn alyp biler we süzülen, anyk maglumatlary zerur fakt tablisalary we ölçegleri üçin ulanyp biler. DW maglumatlar bazalarynyň okap bilýän ýeke-täk maglumat çeşmesini üpjün edýär we köp sanly iş maglumatlary berýär. Gibrid arhitektura, DW-ni amaly (statik däl) maglumatlaryň ýaşap biljek esasy maglumat dolandyryş ammary bilen çalyşmaga mümkinçilik berýär. Maglumatlar gümmezini modellemek komponentleri konsentrator we spiker arhitekturasyna eýerýär. Bu modelleme stili, üçünji adaty görnüşden we ýyldyz shemasyndan iň oňat tejribelerden ybarat gibrid dizaýn. Maglumatlar kassasy modeli hakyky üçünji adaty görnüş däl we käbir düzgünlerini bozýar, ýöne aşaky dizaýny bilen ýokarky arhitektura. Maglumat ammary modeli berk maglumat ammary bolmaly. Ahyrky ulanyja elýeterli bolmak üçin niýetlenen däldir, gurlanda henizem maglumat maksatly ýa-da ýyldyz shemasy esasly goýberiş meýdançasyny iş maksatly ulanmagy talap edýär.
* Aşakdaky çemeleşme: f
Extract all the academic degrees from the text
Schmidt was born in Falls Church, Virginia, and grew up in Falls Church and Blacksburg, Virginia. He is one of three sons of Eleanor, who had a master's degree in psychology, and Wilson Emerson Schmidt, a professor of international economics at Virginia Tech and Johns Hopkins University, who worked at the U.S. Treasury Department during the Nixon Administration. Schmidt spent part of his childhood in Italy as a result of his father's work and has stated that it had changed his outlook. Schmidt graduated from Yorktown High School in the Yorktown neighborhood of Arlington County, Virginia, in 1972, after earning eight varsity letter awards in long-distance running. He attended Princeton University, starting as an architecture major and switching to electrical engineering, earning a Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree in 1976. From 1976 to 1980, Schmidt resided at the International House Berkeley, where he met his future wife, Wendy Boyle. In 1979, at the University of California, Berkeley, Schmidt earned an M.S. degree for designing and implementing a network (Berknet) linking the campus computer center with the CS and EECS departments. There, he also earned a PhD degree in 1982 in EECS, with a dissertation about the problems of managing distributed software development and tools for solving these problems.
Master's Degree in Psychology Bachelor of Science in Engineering Master's of Science PhD in EECS
Academichli akademiki derejeleri tekstden çykaryň
Şmidt Wirjiniýa ştatynyň Fols kilisesinde doguldy we Wirjiniýa ştatynyň Folks buthanasynda we Bleksburgda ulaldy. Psihologiýa boýunça magistr derejesini alan Eleanoryň we Nikson administrasiýasy döwründe ABŞ-nyň Gazna ministrliginde işlän Wirjiniýa Tehnologiýa we Jon Hopkins uniwersitetiniň halkara ykdysadyýet boýunça professory Wilson Emerson Şmidtiň üç oglunyň biri. Şmidt çagalygynyň bir bölegini kakasynyň işi netijesinde Italiýada geçirdi we dünýägaraýşynyň üýtgändigini aýtdy. Şmidt 1972-nji ýylda Wirjiniýa ştatynyň Arlington etrabynyň Yorkorktaun etrabynda ýerleşýän townorktaun orta mekdebini gutardy we uzak aralyga ylgamakda sekiz gezek hat baýragyny alandan soň. Arhitektura hünäri bolup başlap, elektrik in engineeringenerçiligine geçip, 1976-njy ýylda in Engineeringenerçilik ugry boýunça bakalawr derejesini alan Prinston uniwersitetinde okady. 1976-njy ýyldan 1980-nji ýyla çenli Şmidt Berkeli halkara öýünde ýaşady we geljekki aýaly Wendi Boýl bilen tanyşdy. 1979-njy ýylda Berkli Kaliforniýa uniwersitetinde Şmidt M.S. gazandy. Uniwersitet şäherçesiniň kompýuter merkezini CS we EECS bölümleri bilen baglanyşdyrýan tor (Berknet) dizaýny we durmuşa geçirilmegi üçin dereje. Şol ýerde, 1982-nji ýylda EECS-de PhD derejesini aldy we paýlanan programma üpjünçiligini dolandyrmagyň meseleleri we bu meseleleri çözmek üçin gurallar barada dissertasiýa aldy.
Psihologiýa boýunça magistr derejesi In Engineeringenerçilik ugry boýunça bakalawr Ylym magistri EECS ylymlarynyň kandidaty
Classify each artist as "country" or "rap": Brad Paisley, Morgan Wallen, 50 Cent, Thomas Rhett, 21 Savage, Gucci Mane
Brad Paisley: Country Morgan Wallen: Country 50 Cent: Rap Thomas Rhett: Country 21 Savage: Rap Gucci Mane: Rap
Her bir hudo
Bred Paýsli: Countryurt Morgan Wallen: Countryurt 50 Cent: Rep Tomas Rhet: Countryurt 21 wagşy: Rap Gucci Mane: Rap
What other names are used to refer to Taweret, the Egyptian goddess:
The Egyptian goddess Taweret can be called Taouris, Taueret, Taurt, Tawaret, Ta-weret, Thoeris, Thouéris, Toeris, Tuart, Tuat or Twert.
Müsüriň taňrysy Taweret üçin başga haýsy atlar ulanylýar:
Müsür taňrysy Taweret Taouris, Taueret, Taurt, Tawaret, Ta-aret, Thoeris, Touris, Toeris, Tuart, Tuat ýa-da Twert diýip atlandyrylyp bilner.
What were the 'Big Four' railway companies in the UK before nationalisation
The Big Four were London, Midland and Scotland (LMS), London and North Eastern Railway (LNER), Great Western Railway (GWR) and Southern Railway (SR)
Angliýada millileşmezden ozal “Uly dört” demir ýol kompaniýalary haýsylardy
Uly dörtlik London, Midland we Şotlandiýa (LMS), London we Demirgazyk Gündogar demirýoly (LNER), Beýik Günbatar Demirýoly (GWR) we Günorta Demirýol (SR) boldy.
What is the Mile of Music?
The Mile of Music is an annual 4-day music festival held in Appleton, WI. Started in 2013, each year of the festival increments an additional 'mile,' so 2023 will be celebrating Mile 10. The artists that perform are typically up-and-coming artists who only play original music at the festival. Sets tend to be about an hour long, and they are hosted throughout the approximate 1-mile stretch of downtown Appleton on College Avenue at various coffee shops, bars, restaurants and parks. A wide range of musical genres have been represented, including: rock, country, jazz, folk, hip hop and circus punk. Some performers come from the local area, such as Kyle Megna and The Monsoons. Others are more regional performers, like Bascom Hill. But many performers come from across the country, and have performed on multiple 'Miles', such as Chestnut Grove, The Quiet Hollers and Jamie Kent. Repeat bands often feel famous during the four days of the festival, leading Jamie Kent to write his song 'Famous (in Appleton)'. In conjunction with the music festival, an annual supported bike ride was launched called Bike to the Beat. Riders can stop at several locations along routes of various distances to get refreshments and hear performers from the festival.
Sazyň aralygy näme?
“Mile of Music”, WI-nyň Appleton şäherinde her ýyl 4 günlük aýdym-saz festiwalydyr. 2013-nji ýyldan başlap, festiwalyň her ýyl goşmaça “mil” artýar, şonuň üçin 2023-nji ýyl Mile 10-y bellär. Çykyş edýän hudo .nikler, adatça, festiwalda diňe özboluşly saz çalýan häzirki zaman sungat işgärleri. Toplumlar bir sagada golaý dowam edýär we olar Appleton şäheriniň kollej şaýolundaky takmynan 1 mil uzynlygynda dürli kofe dükanlarynda, barlarda, restoranlarda we seýilgählerde ýerleşýär. Aýdym-saz resanrlarynyň giň topary görkezildi, şol sanda: rok, ýurt, jaz, halk, hip-hop we sirk pank. Käbir ýerine ýetirijiler Kaýl Megna we Musson ýaly ýerli ýerlerden gelýär. Beýlekiler Baskom Hill ýaly sebitleýin ýerine ýetirijilerdir. Manyöne ýerine ýetirijileriň köpüsi ýurduň dürli künjeginden gelip, Çeçen Grove, The Quiet Hollers we Jeými Kent ýaly birnäçe “Maýlda” çykyş etdi. Gaýtalanýan toparlar festiwalyň dört gününde köplenç meşhur bolýarlar, Jeými Kentiň 'Meşhur (Appletonda)' aýdymyny ýazmagyna sebäp bolýar. Aýdym-saz festiwaly bilen bilelikde her ýyl goldanýan “Bike to the Beat” atly welosiped sürüşi başlandy. Atlylar dynç almak we festiwaldan ýerine ýetirijileri diňlemek üçin dürli aralyklaryň ugurlary boýunça birnäçe ýerde durup bilerler.
Identify which car manufacturer is Japanese or American: Isuzu, Cadillac
Isuzu is Japanese, Cadillac is American
Haýsy awtoulag öndürijisiniň ýapon ýa-da amerikalydygyny kesgitläň: Isuzu, Kadillak
Isuzu ýapon, kadillak amerikaly
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Crotale, Kannel
Kannel is string, Crotale is percussion.
Haýsy guralyň simli ýa-da zarba bolandygyny kesgitläň: Crotale, Kannel
Kanal simli, Crotale zarba.
Tell me about the career of Erik Dekker
Hendrik "Erik" Dekker (born 21 August 1970) is a retired Dutch professional road racing cyclist active from 1992 until 2006. He was a member of the Rabobank cycling team from 1992 till 2006. From 2007 to 2015 he was one of Rabobank's team managers. Cycling career Amateur career Dekker rode his first race at eight, and soon became successful. In 1985 he was invited to join the national selection for juniors. As an amateur, his most important results were second places at the youth world championships in Bergamo in 1987 and at the road race in the 1992 Summer Olympics. In that Olympic road race, Dekker got away at 30 km before the finish, together with Fabio Casartelli and Dainis Ozols. Dekker was outsprinted by Casartelli, but was so happy that he won a medal that he also finished with his arms in the air. Directly after the Olympic Games, he became professional, and rode his first race a few weeks later in the Tour de l'Avenir. Professional career His first win as a professional was a stage of the Tour of the Basque Country of 1994, the year he rode his first Tour de France. In 1997 Dekker won the Ronde van Nederland, but a large part of 1998 was lost because of injuries. The year 2000 was Dekker's best. He won three stages in the 2000 Tour de France, although neither a sprinter nor a favourite for the overall win, and was voted most combative cyclist. In the autumn of that year, Dekker won his first classic, the Clásica de San Sebastián. In 2001 Dekker won the Amstel Gold Race and the UCI Road World Cup. In the 2001 Tour de France he took a stage, after having helped his teammate Marc Wauters to a stage win. At the end of the year he was named Dutch Sportsman of the year. The years 2002 and 2003 were less successful because of injuries. He came back in 2004 in the spring classics and a victory in Paris–Tours. He had announced his retirement for the autumn of 2006, but he crashed heavily in the 2006 Tour de France and decided to stop. Managing career In 2007, Dekker started as team manager of the Rabobank team. At the end of the 2015 season, he left the team.
Hendrik "Erik" Dekker (born 21 August 1970) is a retired Dutch professional road racing cyclist active from 1992 until 2006. He was a member of the Rabobank cycling team from 1992 till 2006. From 2007 to 2015 he was one of Rabobank's team managers. Cycling career Amateur career Dekker rode his first race at eight, and soon became successful. In 1985 he was invited to join the national selection for juniors. As an amateur, his most important results were second places at the youth world championships in Bergamo in 1987 and at the road race in the 1992 Summer Olympics. In that Olympic road race, Dekker got away at 30 km before the finish, together with Fabio Casartelli and Dainis Ozols. Dekker was outsprinted by Casartelli, but was so happy that he won a medal that he also finished with his arms in the air. Directly after the Olympic Games, he became professional, and rode his first race a few weeks later in the Tour de l'Avenir. Professional career His first win as a professional was a stage of the Tour of the Basque Country of 1994, the year he rode his first Tour de France. In 1997 Dekker won the Ronde van Nederland, but a large part of 1998 was lost because of injuries. The year 2000 was Dekker's best. He won three stages in the 2000 Tour de France, although neither a sprinter nor a favourite for the overall win, and was voted most combative cyclist. In the autumn of that year, Dekker won his first classic, the Clásica de San Sebastián. In 2001 Dekker won the Amstel Gold Race and the UCI Road World Cup. In the 2001 Tour de France he took a stage, after having helped his teammate Marc Wauters to a stage win. At the end of the year he was named Dutch Sportsman of the year. The years 2002 and 2003 were less successful because of injuries. He came back in 2004 in the spring classics and a victory in Paris–Tours. He had announced his retirement for the autumn of 2006, but he crashed heavily in the 2006 Tour de France and decided to stop. Managing career In 2007, Dekker started as team manager of the Rabobank team. At the end of the 2015 season, he left the team.
Erik Dekkeriň karýerasy barada gürrüň beriň
Hendrik "Erik" Dekker (1970-nji ýylyň 21-nji awgustynda doglan) 1992-nji ýyldan 2006-njy ýyla çenli işjeň işleýän Gollandiýaly professional ýol ýaryş tigirçisidir. 1992-nji ýyldan 2006-njy ýyla çenli Rabobank welosiped toparynyň agzasydy. 2007-nji ýyldan 2015-nji ýyla çenli Rabobank toparynyň dolandyryjylaryndan biridi . Tigir sürmek karýerasy Höwesjeň karýera Dekker sekiz ýaşynda ilkinji ýaryşyna çykdy we tiz wagtdan üstünlik gazandy. 1985-nji ýylda ýetginjekler üçin milli saýlama gatnaşmaga çagyryldy. Höwesjeň hökmünde 1987-nji ýylda Bergamoda geçirilen ýaşlar dünýä çempionatynda we 1992-nji ýylda geçirilen tomusky Olimpiýa oýunlarynda ikinji orny eýeledi. Şol Olimpiýa ýol ýaryşynda Dekker Fabio Kasartelli we Dainis Ozols bilen pellehanadan 30 km öň gaçdy. Dekker Kasartelli tarapyndan öňe saýlandy, ýöne medal alandygyna şeýle bir begendi welin, elleri bilen howada gutardy. Olimpiýa oýunlaryndan soň gönüden-göni professional boldy we birnäçe hepdeden soň “Tour de l'Avenir” ýaryşyna çykdy. Hünär hünäri Hünärmen hökmünde ilkinji ýeňşi, ilkinji “Tour de France” -e münen ýylynda, 1994-nji ýylda “Bask Countryurdunyň syýahaty” boldy. 1997-nji ýylda Dekker Ronde van Nederlandda ýeňiji boldy, ýöne 1998-nji ýylyň köp bölegi şikesler sebäpli ýitdi. 2000-nji ýyl Dekkeriň iň gowusy boldy. 2000-nji ýylda geçirilen “Tour de France” ýaryşynda üç basgançakda ýeňiş gazandy, ýöne ne ýeňiş gazandy, ne-de umumy ýeňiş üçin halaýan bolsa-da, iň köp tigir sürýän diýlip saýlandy. Şol ýylyň güýzünde Dekker ilkinji klassiki “Klassika de San Sebastiany” gazandy. 2001-nji ýylda Dekker Amstel altyn ýaryşynda we UCI ýol dünýä çempionatynda ýeňiji boldy. 2001-nji ýylda geçirilen “Tour de France” ýaryşynda kärdeşi Mark Wautersiň ýeňiş gazanmagyna kömek edensoň, sahna çykdy. .Ylyň ahyrynda Gollandiýanyň ýylyň sportçysy diýlip saýlandy. 2002 we 2003-nji ýyllar şikesler sebäpli az üstünlik gazandy. 2004-nji ýylda bahar klassikasynda we Pari Paris - Turlarda ýeňiş gazandy. Ol 2006-njy ýylyň güýzünde pensiýa çykjakdygyny mälim edipdi, ýöne 2006-njy ýylda geçirilen “Tour de France” ýaryşynda agyr heläkçilige uçrady we bu işi bes etmek kararyna geldi. Karýerany dolandyrmak 2007-nji ýylda Dekker Rabobank toparynyň topar dolandyryjysy bolup işe başlady. 2015 möwsüminiň ahyrynda komandadan çykdy.
Hendrik "Erik" Dekker (1970-nji ýylyň 21-nji awgustynda doglan) 1992-nji ýyldan 2006-njy ýyla çenli işjeň işleýän Gollandiýaly professional ýol ýaryş tigirçisidir. 1992-nji ýyldan 2006-njy ýyla çenli Rabobank welosiped toparynyň agzasydy. 2007-nji ýyldan 2015-nji ýyla çenli Rabobank toparynyň dolandyryjylaryndan biridi . Tigir sürmek karýerasy Höwesjeň karýera Dekker sekiz ýaşynda ilkinji ýaryşyna çykdy we tiz wagtdan üstünlik gazandy. 1985-nji ýylda ýetginjekler üçin milli saýlama gatnaşmaga çagyryldy. Höwesjeň hökmünde 1987-nji ýylda Bergamoda geçirilen ýaşlar dünýä çempionatynda we 1992-nji ýylda geçirilen tomusky Olimpiýa oýunlarynda ikinji orny eýeledi. Şol Olimpiýa ýol ýaryşynda Dekker Fabio Kasartelli we Dainis Ozols bilen pellehanadan 30 km öň gaçdy. Dekker Kasartelli tarapyndan öňe saýlandy, ýöne medal alandygyna şeýle bir begendi welin, elleri bilen howada gutardy. Olimpiýa oýunlaryndan soň gönüden-göni professional boldy we birnäçe hepdeden soň “Tour de l'Avenir” ýaryşyna çykdy. Hünär hünäri Hünärmen hökmünde ilkinji ýeňşi, ilkinji “Tour de France” -e münen ýylynda, 1994-nji ýylda “Bask Countryurdunyň syýahaty” boldy. 1997-nji ýylda Dekker Ronde van Nederlandda ýeňiji boldy, ýöne 1998-nji ýylyň köp bölegi şikesler sebäpli ýitdi. 2000-nji ýyl Dekkeriň iň gowusy boldy. 2000-nji ýylda geçirilen “Tour de France” ýaryşynda üç basgançakda ýeňiş gazandy, ýöne ne ýeňiş gazandy, ne-de umumy ýeňiş üçin halaýan bolsa-da, iň köp tigir sürýän diýlip saýlandy. Şol ýylyň güýzünde Dekker ilkinji klassiki “Klassika de San Sebastiany” gazandy. 2001-nji ýylda Dekker Amstel altyn ýaryşynda we UCI ýol dünýä çempionatynda ýeňiji boldy. 2001-nji ýylda geçirilen “Tour de France” ýaryşynda kärdeşi Mark Wautersiň ýeňiş gazanmagyna kömek edensoň, sahna çykdy. .Ylyň ahyrynda Gollandiýanyň ýylyň sportçysy diýlip saýlandy. 2002 we 2003-nji ýyllar şikesler sebäpli az üstünlik gazandy. 2004-nji ýylda bahar klassikasynda we Pari Paris - Turlarda ýeňiş gazandy. Ol 2006-njy ýylyň güýzünde pensiýa çykjakdygyny mälim edipdi, ýöne 2006-njy ýylda geçirilen “Tour de France” ýaryşynda agyr heläkçilige uçrady we bu işi bes etmek kararyna geldi. Karýerany dolandyrmak 2007-nji ýylda Dekker Rabobank toparynyň topar dolandyryjysy bolup işe başlady. 2015 möwsüminiň ahyrynda komandadan çykdy.
When was the Berlin wall torn down?
After World War II and its subsequent occupation by the victorious countries, the devastated city was divided; West Berlin became a de facto exclave of West Germany, surrounded by the Berlin Wall (from August 1961 to November 1989) and East German territory. East Berlin was declared capital of East Germany, while Bonn became the West German capital. Following German reunification in 1990, Berlin once again became the capital of all of Germany.
The Berlin wall was torn down in 1989.
Berliniň diwary haçan ýykyldy?
Ikinji jahan urşundan we ýeňiji ýurtlar tarapyndan basylyp alnandan soň weýran edilen şäher ikä bölündi; Günbatar Berlin Berlin diwary (1961-nji ýylyň awgustyndan 1989-njy ýylyň noýabr aýyna çenli) we Gündogar Germaniýanyň territoriýasy bilen gurşalan Günbatar Germaniýanyň de-fakto eksklawyna öwrüldi. Gündogar Berlin Gündogar Germaniýanyň paýtagty diýlip yglan edildi, Bonn bolsa Günbatar Germaniýanyň paýtagty boldy. 1990-njy ýylda Germaniýanyň birleşmeginden soň Berlin ýene bir gezek Germaniýanyň paýtagty boldy.
1989-njy ýylda Berliniň diwary ýykyldy.
Give me three recipes from different cuisines that I can make with potatoes and chicken
You could make potato dumplings in a chicken broth, which comes from German cuisine. Another recipe is mashed potatoes and fried chicken from the American South. You could also try making a Thai curry with chicken and potatoes.
Maňa kartoşka we towuk bilen ýasap boljak dürli aşhanalardan üç resept beriň
Nemes aşhanasyndan gelýän towuk çorbasynda kartoşka köfte ýasap bilersiňiz. Beýleki bir resept, Amerikanyň günortasyndaky kartoşka we gowrulan towuk. Şeýle hem towuk we kartoşka bilen Taý köri taýýarlap bilersiňiz.
Give a list of all the names of people that Arboe trained under?
Arboe was born at Rønne on the island of Bornholm, Denmark. He was the son of Otto Henrik Arboe and Oliva Elisabeth Saxtorph. He attended the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts building school and ornament school from 1855 to 1862 where he was a student of Gustav Friedrich Hetsch (1788–1864) and also trained under Niels Sigfred Nebelong (1806–1871).
Gustav Friedrich Hetsch and Niels Sigfred Nebelong
Arboe-iň tälim alan adamlarynyň atlarynyň sanawyny beriň?
Arboe Daniýanyň Bornholm adasyndaky Ronne şäherinde dünýä indi. Ol Otto Henrik Arboe we Oliwa Elisabet Sakstorfyň ogly. 1855-1862-nji ýyllar aralygynda Daniýanyň Korollyk Şekillendiriş sungaty akademiýasynyň gurluşyk mekdebinde we bezeg mekdebinde okap, Gustaw Fridrih Hetsiň (1788–1864) okuwçysydy we Niels Sigfred Nebelong (1806–1871) döwründe tälim aldy.
Gustaw Fridrih Hets we Niels Sigfred Nebelong
What are the top 3 items that I need when traveling by plane.
When packing for this trip, you should pack: 1. An empty reusable water bottle to fill at the airport so you can stay hydrated. 2. A packable airplane travel pillow so that you can sleep comfortably on the flight. 3. A snack in case you get hungry.
Uçar bilen syýahat edenimde iň zerur 3 zat haýsylar?
Bu syýahat üçin taýynlanyňyzda, gaplamaly: 1. Gidratly bolup bilersiňiz, howa menzilinde doldurmak üçin boş gaýtadan ulanylýan suw çüýşesi. 2. Uçuşda rahat uklap bilmek üçin gaplanan uçar syýahat ýassyk. 3. Aç bolsaňyz, nahar.
Classify each of the following as either a brass or woodwind instrument: flute, clarinet, oboe, trombone, trumpet, and tuba.
-Woodwind instruments: flute, clarinet, and oboe -Brass instruments: trombone, trumpet, and tuba
Aşakdakylaryň hersini bürünç ýa-da agaç gurallary hökmünde toparlara bölüň: fleýta, klarnet, obo, trombon, surnaý we tuba.
-Woodwind gurallary: fleýta, klarnet we obo -Brass gurallary: trombon, surnaý we tuba
Given a reference text about parks in Edina, determine the average size of its parks.
Edina's parkland and open space total more than 1,550 acres (6.3 km2). The Edina Park and Recreation Department oversees 44 parks, which include amenities such as baseball, football and soccer fields; softball diamonds; basketball and tennis courts; outdoor skating rinks; playground equipment for young children; and picnic shelters. The Department also maintains eight miles (13 km) of scenic pathways for bicycling, walking, jogging, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing.
Since there are 44 total parks and a total of 1,550 acres across all parks, the average size of each park would be about 35 acres, because 1,550 divided by 44 is 35 after rounding to the nearest whole number.
Edinadaky seýilgähler barada maglumat berilýär, seýilgähleriniň ortaça ululygyny kesgitläň.
Edinanyň seýilgähi we açyk meýdany 1,550 gektardan gowrak (6,3 km2). Edina seýilgähi we dynç alyş bölümi, beýsbol, futbol we futbol meýdançalary ýaly amatlyklary öz içine alýan 44 seýilgähe gözegçilik edýär; göwher göwher; basketbol we tennis kortlary; açyk konki meýdançalary; ýaş çagalar üçin oýun enjamlary; we piknik üçin gaçybatalga. Şeýle hem, bölüm welosiped sürmek, pyýada ýöremek, ylgamak, dagdan typmak we gar ýagmak üçin sekiz mil (13 km) ajaýyp ýollary saklaýar.
Jemi 44 seýilgäh we ähli seýilgählerde jemi 1,550 gektar bolansoň, her seýilgähiň ortaça ululygy takmynan 35 gektar bolar, sebäbi 44-e bölünen 1,550 iň ýakyn sanlara aýlanandan soň 35 bolýar.
What is the capital of Hawaii?
Honolulu means "sheltered harbor" or "calm port" in Hawaiian; its old name, Kou, roughly encompasses the area from Nuʻuanu Avenue to Alakea Street and from Hotel Street to Queen Street, which is the heart of the present downtown district. The city's desirability as a port accounts for its historical growth and importance in the Hawaiian archipelago and the broader Pacific region. Honolulu has been the capital of the Hawaiian Islands since 1845, first of the independent Hawaiian Kingdom, and after 1898 of the U.S. territory and state of Hawaii. The city gained worldwide recognition following Japan's attack on nearby Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, which prompted the entry of the U.S. into World War II; the harbor remains a major naval base, hosting the U.S. Pacific Fleet, the world's largest naval command.
Honolulu has been the capital of Hawaii since 1845. Honolulu has been the capital of the independent Hawaiian Kingdom and since 1898 of the U.S. territory and state of Hawaii.
Gawaýiniň paýtagty näme?
Honolulu Gawaýide "gaçybatalga duralgasy" ýa-da "asuda port" diýmekdir; köne ady Kou, Nuʻuanu şaýolundan Alakea köçesine we myhmanhana köçesinden häzirki şäher merkeziniň merkezi bolan Şa aýal köçesine çenli meýdany öz içine alýar. Şäheriň port hökmünde islenmegi, Gawaýi arhipelagynda we Pacificuwaş umman sebitinde taryhy ösüşini we ähmiýetini görkezýär. Honolulu 1845-nji ýyldan bäri Gawaýi adalarynyň paýtagty, ilki garaşsyz Gawaýi Patyşalygy, 1898-nji ýyldan soň ABŞ-nyň territoriýasy we Gawaýi döwleti. 1941-nji ýylyň 7-nji dekabrynda Japanaponiýanyň golaýyndaky Pearl Harbora ABŞ-nyň Ikinji jahan urşuna girmegine sebäp bolan hüjüminden soň şäher dünýä derejesinde tanaldy; duralga, dünýäniň iň uly deňiz serkerdesi bolan ABŞ Pacificuwaş ummany flotuny kabul edýän esasy deňiz bazasy bolmagynda galýar.
Honolulu 1845-nji ýyldan bäri Gawaýiniň paýtagty bolup gelýär. Honolulu garaşsyz Gawaýi Patyşalygynyň paýtagty we 1898-nji ýyldan bäri ABŞ-nyň territoriýasy we Gawaýi ştatydyr.
Why are ragdoll cats called ragdolls?
Ragdoll cats are best known for their docile, placid temperament and affectionate nature. The name 'Ragdoll' is derived from the tendency to go limp and relax when picked up, just like an old fashioned doll made from and stuffed with rags. In fact, it is not uncommon to see a Ragdoll cat held by its owner as if it were a baby - on its back, legs in the air, limp and calm as can be. Most cat breeds would never tolerate that. The breed is particularly popular in both the United Kingdom and the United States.
Näme üçin ragdoll pişiklerine ragdolls diýilýär?
Ragdoll pişikleri mylaýym, mylaýym häsiýeti we mähirli tebigaty bilen meşhurdyr. 'Ragdoll' ady, edil köne moda gurjak ýaly, halydan ýasalan we doldurylan ýaly, alnanda dynç almak we dynç almak meýlinden gelip çykýar. Aslynda, eýesi tarapyndan saklanýan Ragdoll pişigini çaga ýaly - arkasynda, aýaklarynda howada, el-aýakda we asudalykda görmek seýrek däl. Pişik tohumlarynyň köpüsi muňa asla çydam edip bilmez. Bu tohum Angliýada we ABŞ-da has meşhurdyr.
Do any airlines sponsor the UEFA Champions League (as of 2023)?
Sponsorship Like the FIFA World Cup, the UEFA Champions League is sponsored by a group of multinational corporations, in contrast to the single main sponsor typically found in national top-flight leagues. When the Champions League was created in 1992, it was decided that a maximum of eight companies should be allowed to sponsor the event, with each corporation being allocated four advertising boards around the perimeter of the pitch, as well as logo placement at pre- and post-match interviews and a certain number of tickets to each match. This, combined with a deal to ensure tournament sponsors were given priority on television advertisements during matches, ensured that each of the tournament's main sponsors was given maximum exposure. From the 2012–13 knockout phase, UEFA used LED advertising hoardings installed in knock-out participant stadiums, including the final stage. From the 2015–16 season onwards, UEFA has used such hoardings from the play-off round until the final. The tournament's main sponsors for the 2021–24 cycle are: Oppo FedEx Turkish Airlines Heineken N.V. Heineken (except Albania, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Norway and Turkey) Heineken Silver Just Eat Takeaway 10bis (Israel only) Menulog (Australasia only) Bistro (Slovakia only) Just Eat Denmark France Ireland Italy Spain Switzerland United Kingdom Lieferando (Germany and Austria only) Pyszne (Poland only) Grubhub and Seamless (United States only) SkipTheDishes (Canada only) Takeaway (Belgium, Bulgaria and Luxembourg only) Thuisbezorgd (Netherlands only) Mastercard PepsiCo Pepsi Pepsi Max Gatorade Lay's (except Australasia, Balkan states, Turkey, Ireland and the United Kingdom) Smith's (Australasia only) Walkers (United Kingdom and Ireland only) Ruffles (Turkey only) Chipsy (Croatia, Albania, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and North Macedonia only) Rockstar Sony PlayStation 5 (United States only) Adidas is a secondary sponsor and supplies the official match ball, the Adidas Finale, and Macron supplies the referees' kit. Hublot is also a secondary sponsor as the official fourth official board of the competition. Individual clubs may wear jerseys with advertising. However, only two sponsorships are permitted per jersey in addition to that of the kit manufacturer, at the chest and the left sleeve. Exceptions are made for non-profit organisations, which can feature on the front of the shirt, incorporated with the main sponsor or in place of it; or on the back, either below the squad number or on the collar area. If a club plays a match in a nation where the relevant sponsorship category is restricted (such as France's alcohol advertising restriction), then they must remove that logo from their jerseys. For example, when Rangers played French side Auxerre in the 1996–97 Champions League, they wore the logo of Center Parcs instead of McEwan's Lager (both companies at the time were subsidiaries of Scottish & Newcastle).
Yes, Turkish Airlines is among the sponsors of the UEFA Champions League in the 2021-2024 cycle.
Haýsydyr bir awiakompaniýa UEFA Çempionlar ligasyna hemaýatkärlik edýärmi (2023-nji ýyla çenli)?
Hemaýatkärlik FIFA Dünýä çempionaty ýaly, UEFA Çempionlar ligasy, milli ýokary derejeli ligalarda tapylan ýeke-täk hemaýatkäriň tersine, köpmilletli korporasiýalar topary tarapyndan hemaýatkärlik edýär. 1992-nji ýylda Çempionlar ligasy döredilende, çärä hemaýatkärlik etmek üçin iň köp sekiz kompaniýanyň rugsat berilmegi karar edildi, her bir korporasiýa meýdançanyň perimetri boýunça dört sany mahabat tagtasy bölünip berildi, şeýle hem deslapky we logotip ýerleşdirildi. oýundan soňky söhbetdeşlikler we her oýna belli bir mukdarda bilet. Bu, ýaryşyň hemaýatkärleriniň oýunlar wagtynda telewizion mahabatlarynda ileri tutulmagyny üpjün etmek baradaky şertnama bilen bilelikde ýaryşyň esasy hemaýatkärleriniň hersine iň ýokary derejede täsir edilmegini üpjün etdi. 2012–13 nokaut tapgyryndan başlap, UEFA jemleýji tapgyry goşmak bilen, nokauta gatnaşýan stadionlarda oturdylan LED mahabat tagtalaryny ulandy. 2015–16 möwsüminden başlap, UEFA pleý-off tapgyryndan finala çenli şeýle saklamalary ulandy. 2021–24 aýlawy üçin ýaryşyň esasy hemaýatkärleri: Oppo FedEx Türk howa ýollary Heineken N.V. Heineken (Albaniýa, Azerbaýjan, Bosniýa we Gersegowinadan başga, Fransiýa, Gazagystan, Kosowa, Norwegiýa we Türkiýe) Heineken Kümüş Diňe alyp gidiň 10bis (diňe Ysraýyl) Menulog (diňe Awstraliýa) Bistro (diňe Slowakiýa) Diňe iýiň Daniýa Fransiýa Irlandiýa Italiýa Ispaniýa Şweýsariýa Angliýa Lieferando (diňe Germaniýa we Awstriýa) Pysne (Diňe Polşa) Grubhub we Seamless (diňe ABŞ) SkipTheDishing (diňe Kanada) Takeaway (Belgiýa, Bolgariýa we Lýuksemburg) Thuisbezorgd (Diňe Gollandiýa) Mastercard PepsiCo Pepsi Pepsi Maks Gatorade Lay's (Awstraliýa, Balkan döwletleri, Türkiýe, Irlandiýa we Angliýa) Smitiň (diňe Awstraliýa) Gezelençler (diňe Angliýa we Irlandiýa) Ruffles (diňe Türkiýe) Çipsi (Horwatiýa, Albaniýa, Serbiýa, Çernogoriýa, Bosniýa we Gersegowina, Kosowa we Demirgazyk Makedoniýa) Rok ýyldyzy Sony PlayStation 5 (diňe ABŞ) “Adidas” ikinji derejeli hemaýatkär bolup, resmi oýun topy, “Adidas Finale”, Makron bolsa eminler toplumyny üpjün edýär. Hublot, bäsleşigiň resmi dördünji resmi geňeşi hökmünde ikinji derejeli hemaýatkärdir. Aýry-aýry klublar mahabat bilen forma geýip bilerler. Şeýle-de bolsa, toplum öndürijisinden başga, döşünde we çep ýeňinde her forma üçin diňe iki hemaýatkärlige rugsat berilýär. Esasy hemaýatkäri bilen birleşdirilen ýa-da onuň ýerine köýnegiň öň tarapynda bolup bilýän telekeçilik däl guramalar üçin kadadan çykmalar bolýar; ýa-da arka tarapda, ýa-da toparyň belgisiniň aşagynda ýa-da ýakanyň meýdanynda. Bir klub degişli hemaýatkärlik kategoriýasy çäklendirilen ýurtda (Fransiýanyň alkogol mahabatynyň çäklendirilmegi ýaly) bir oýun oýnasa, şol nyşany formalaryndan aýyrmaly. Mysal üçin, 1996–97 Çempionlar ligasynda “Reýnjers” ​​fransuz tarapy “Auxerre” oýnanda, MakEwan Lageriň ýerine “Centre Parcs” nyşanyny geýdiler (şol wagt iki kompaniýa hem Şotlandiýanyň we Nýukaslyň golçur kärhanalarydy).
Hawa, Türk Howaýollary 2021-2024-nji aýlawda UEFA Çempionlar ligasynyň hemaýatkärleriniň arasynda.
What's the main benefits of a Subaru Forester Wilderness?
Alongside the facelift model, Subaru released a new model called the Forester Wilderness for the North American market. It is intended to be a more off-road-oriented version of the Forester, and is positioned between the Limited and Touring trim levels in the Forester lineup. Visually, the Forester has more body cladding, and on the inside, copper-colored accents. It features a 0.5 inches (13 mm) lift for a total of 9.2 inches (230 mm) of ground clearance, the Wilderness also has all-terrain tires, a modified final drive ratio, and a stronger roof rack than previous models. Subaru's StarTex water-repellent seats are also standard. The Wilderness is powered by the same 2.5-liter FB25D naturally-aspirated four cylinder engine powering other North American market Foresters. The Wilderness uses an Enhanced Dual-Function X-Mode version. The X-Mode is upgraded and re-tuned, with settings for snow, dirt, deep snow and mud. Additional wheel-slip is allowed to occur, which provides an advantage in harsh driving conditions.
The Forester Wilderness provides 0.5 inches (13 mm) lift that increases ground clearance to 9.2 inches (230mm). The vehicle comes with all-terrain tires, modified final drive ratio, stronger roof rack, and water-repellent seats. The engine size is the same, but it includes an enhanced dual-function x-mode with additional wheel-slip allowance to handle harsh driving conditions in snow, dirt, deep snow, and mud.
Subaru tokaý çölüniň esasy peýdalary näme?
Faselift modeli bilen bir hatarda Subaru Demirgazyk Amerikanyň bazary üçin “Forester çöllügi” atly täze modeli çykardy. “Forester” -iň has ýoldan gönükdirilen görnüşi bolmak üçin niýetlenendir we “Forester” hataryndaky “Limited” we “Touring” trim derejeleriniň arasynda ýerleşýär. Görnüşe görä, Forester has köp beden örtügine, iç tarapynda bolsa mis reňkli nagyşlara eýe. Jemi 9,2 dýuým (230 mm) ýer arassalamak üçin 0,5 dýuým (13 mm) göteriji, Çölde şeýle hem ähli ýer tekerleri, üýtgedilen gutarnykly gatnaşygy we öňki modellerden has güýçli üçek tekjesi bar. “Subaru” -nyň “StarTex” suwdan goraýan oturgyçlary hem adaty. Çöl, 2,5 litrlik FB25D tebigy islegli dört silindrli hereketlendiriji bilen işleýär, Demirgazyk Amerikanyň beýleki tokaýçylary bilen işleýär. Çölde “Enhanced Dual-Function X-Mode” wersiýasy ulanylýar. “X-Mode” täzelendi we täzeden düzüldi, gar, kir, çuň gar we palçyk sazlamalary bar. Goşmaça tigir süýşmegine ýol berilýär, bu agyr sürmek şertlerinde artykmaçlygy üpjün edýär.
“Forester çöllügi” ýer arassalanyşyny 9,2 dýuýma (230mm) çenli ýokarlandyrýan 0,5 dýuým (13 mm) göteriji üpjün edýär. Ulag ähli ýerdäki tekerler, üýtgedilen soňky hereketlendiriji gatnaşygy, has güýçli üçek tekjesi we suwdan goraýan oturgyçlar bilen üpjün edilýär. Dwigateliň ululygy birmeňzeş, ýöne garda, kirde, çuň garda we palçykda agyr sürüş şertlerini dolandyrmak üçin goşmaça tigir süýşürmek üçin goşmaça goşa funksiýaly x re modeimini öz içine alýar.
What is Redis?
Redis is an in-memory data structure store, used as a distributed, in-memory key-value database, cache and message broker, with optional durability.
Redis näme?
Redis, ýatda saklanýan maglumat gurluşy dükany bolup, paýlanylýan, ýatda saklaýan açar gymmaty maglumatlar bazasy, keş we habar dellaly hökmünde ulanylýar, goşmaça berkligi bar.
Write an opening passage to a story that is based on a world where cloning is rampant, in the style of dark humor.
I love the mornings. Everything feels original for a few moments. Until it hits me. My dog, licking my hand to rouse me from bed, is a copy. My moist hand was copied. My wife sleeping quietly beside me, perfect in every way, was cloned 4 days ago. It's not just living things either, my car, my coffee mug, my barbecue, my hockey sticks, all copies. My pajamas were copied after I burned my entire house down 5 days ago because I couldn't figure out how to stop a leak in my bathroom sink (I walked outside with the dog, but got new copies of everything the next day). It's a life full of convenience. I hate it.
Klonirlemegiň giň ýaýran dünýäsine, garaňky degişme äheňine esaslanýan hekaýa ýazyň.
Ertirleri gowy görýärin. Hemme zat birnäçe pursat özboluşly duýulýar. Maňa degýänçä. Bedatan ýerimden oýarmak üçin elimi ýalap, itim, göçürme. Çygly elim göçürildi. 4 gün öň ýanymda ýuwaşlyk bilen uklaýan aýalym, her tarapdan ajaýypdy. Diňe janly-jandarlar däl, maşynym, kofe küýzäm, mangal, hokkeý taýaklarym, ähli nusgalarym. Pijamalarym 5 gün ozal tutuş öýümi ýakanymdan soň göçürildi, sebäbi hammam çüýşesindäki syzmagy nädip saklamalydygyny bilip bilmedim (it bilen daşaryk çykdym, ýöne ertesi gün hemme zadyň täze nusgalaryny aldym). Bu amatlylykdan doly durmuş. Men muny ýigrenýärin.
Is the blue-ring octopus harmless?
The greater blue-ringed octopus (Hapalochlaena lunulata) is one of four species of extremely venomous blue-ringed octopuses belonging to the family Octopodidae. This particular species of blue-ringed octopus is known as one of the most toxic marine animals in the world.
No, it is extremely toxic.
Gök halkaly sekiz ot zyýany ýokmy?
Has uly gök halkaly sekiz (Hapalochlaena lunulata), Octopodidae maşgalasyna degişli aşa zäherli gök reňkli sekiz otuň dört görnüşiniň biridir. Mawy halkaly oktopusyň bu aýratyn görnüşi, dünýäde iň zäherli deňiz haýwanlarynyň biri hökmünde bellidir.
, Ok, bu gaty zäherlidir.
In which regions has Starbucks come under scrutiny?
Starbucks, an American coffee company and coffeehouse chain, has been the subject of multiple controversies. Public and employee criticism against the company has come from around the world, including a wide range issues from tax avoidance in Europe, anti-competitive practices in the United States, human rights issues in multiple countries, and labor issues involving union busting, questions about pay equity, and ethics in partnerships in Africa.
Criticism of Starbucks has been noted in Europe, the United States, as well as Africa.
“Starbucks” haýsy sebitlerde gözegçilik astyna alyndy?
Amerikaly kofe kompaniýasy we kofehana zynjyry bolan “Starbucks” köp jedelleriň temasyna öwrüldi. Kompaniýa garşy jemgyýetçilik we işgärleriň tankytlary, Europeewropada salgytdan gaça durmak, ABŞ-da bäsdeşlige garşy tejribe, köp ýurtda adam hukuklary we kärdeşler arkalaşygy bilen baglanyşykly zähmet meselesi ýaly köp sanly meseläni öz içine alýar. deňlik we Afrikadaky hyzmatdaşlykda ahlak tölemek.
“Starbucks” -yň tankytlary Europeewropada, ABŞ-da we Afrikada bellendi.
How can UV light be used?
UV light is electromagnetic radiation. It has a wavelength that is shorter than regular visible light. UV light can be used in water purification to kill viruses and bacteria in city water. Continuous flow UV lights can kill virus and bacteria up to 99.999%. This is very helpful because it keeps people from ingesting virus and bacteria in their water source. UV light has other applications such as tanning beds. UV light can also be used in disinfecting services too.
UV çyrasyny nädip ulanyp bolar?
UV ýagtylygy elektromagnit şöhlelenmesidir. Tolkun uzynlygy, adaty görünýän ýagtylykdan has gysga. UV çyrasy suwy arassalamakda şäher suwundaky wiruslary we bakteriýalary öldürmek üçin ulanylyp bilner. Üznüksiz akym UV çyralary 99.999% -e çenli wirusy we bakteriýalary öldürip biler. Bu gaty peýdaly, sebäbi adamlary suw çeşmesine wirus we bakteriýalary iýmekden saklaýar. UV çyrasynyň aşgar düşekleri ýaly beýleki programmalary bar. UV çyrasy dezinfeksiýa hyzmatlarynda hem ulanylyp bilner.
Extract the awards that Bob Sanders gained throughout his career, and put them in a comma-separated list.
Demond "Bob" Sanders (born February 24, 1981) is an American former professional football player who was a safety in the National Football League (NFL) for eight seasons. He played college football for the Iowa Hawkeyes and was drafted by the Indianapolis Colts in the second round of the 2004 NFL Draft. He was named NFL Defensive Player of the Year in 2007 and also played for the San Diego Chargers in his final season in 2011. Sanders was nicknamed "The Sandman" because of his hard hits and tackles, and was also called "The Eraser" by former Colts' coach Tony Dungy because of his tendency to erase the mistakes of his teammates. He spent the majority of his career battling injuries, having played more than six games in a single season only twice, in 2005 and 2007.
NFL Defensive Player of the Year in 2007
Bob Sandersiň tutuş karýerasynda gazanan baýraklaryny çykaryň we yzygiderli bölünen sanawda goýuň.
Demond "Bob" Sanders (1981-nji ýylyň 24-nji fewralynda doglan) Amerikanyň öňki futbol futbolçysy, Milli Futbol Ligasynda (NFL) sekiz möwsümde howpsuzlygy üpjün etdi. Iowa Hawkeyes üçin kollej futbolyny oýnady we 2004-nji ýyldaky NFL Taslamasynyň ikinji tapgyrynda Indianapolis Kolts tarapyndan taýýarlandy. 2007-nji ýylda NFL ýylyň gorag oýunçysy diýlip saýlandy we 2011-nji ýylda soňky möwsüminde San-Diýego Çarjersinde-de oýnady. Sanders gaty urgylary we çekeleşikleri sebäpli "Sandman" lakamyny aldy, topardaky ýalňyşlyklaryny pozmak meýli sebäpli Koltsyň öňki tälimçisi Toni Dungy tarapyndan "The Eraser" diýlip atlandyryldy. 2005-nji we 2007-nji ýyllarda bir möwsümde alty gezekden gowrak oýun oýnap, karýerasynyň köp bölegini şikeslere garşy göreşdi.
2007-nji ýylda NFL ýylyň goragçysy
Tell me whether these are popular sports are more popular in United States of America or in Australia.
Basketball, American Football, Baseball, and Lacrosse are more popular in the United States of America. Soccer, Australian Rules Football, Rugby, and Cricket are more popular in Australia.
Bularyň meşhur sport görnüşleriniň Amerikanyň Birleşen Ştatlarynda ýa-da Awstraliýada has meşhurdygyny aýdyň.
Basketbol, ​​Amerikan futboly, beýsbol we lakros Amerikanyň Birleşen Ştatlarynda has meşhurdyr. Futbol, ​​Awstraliýa düzgünleri Futbol, ​​regbi we kriket Awstraliýada has meşhurdyr.
Cuzco, Machu Pichu is a famous place located in which country?
Cusco, Machu Picchu haýsy ýurtda ýerleşýän meşhur ýer?
What do you need when you see a blue flag during the race?
Race The race begins with a warm-up lap, after which the cars assemble on the starting grid in the order they qualified. This lap is often referred to as the formation lap, as the cars lap in formation with no overtaking (although a driver who makes a mistake may regain lost ground). The warm-up lap allows drivers to check the condition of the track and their car, gives the tyres a chance to warm up to increase traction and grip, and also gives the pit crews time to clear themselves and their equipment from the grid for the race start. Jacques Villeneuve qualifying at the 2005 United States Grand Prix in his Sauber C24 Once all the cars have formed on the grid, after the medical car positions itself behind the pack, a light system above the track indicates the start of the race: five red lights are illuminated at intervals of one second; they are all then extinguished simultaneously after an unspecified time (typically less than 3 seconds) to signal the start of the race. The start procedure may be abandoned if a driver stalls on the grid or on the track in an unsafe position, signalled by raising their arm. If this happens, the procedure restarts: a new formation lap begins with the offending car removed from the grid. The race may also be restarted in the event of a serious accident or dangerous conditions, with the original start voided. The race may be started from behind the Safety Car if race control feels a racing start would be excessively dangerous, such as extremely heavy rainfall. As of the 2019 season, there will always be a standing restart. If due to heavy rainfall a start behind the safety car is necessary, then after the track has dried sufficiently, drivers will form up for a standing start. There is no formation lap when races start behind the Safety Car. Under normal circumstances, the winner of the race is the first driver to cross the finish line having completed a set number of laps. Race officials may end the race early (putting out a red flag) due to unsafe conditions such as extreme rainfall, and it must finish within two hours, although races are only likely to last this long in the case of extreme weather or if the safety car is deployed during the race. When a situation justifies pausing the race without terminating it, the red flag is deployed; since 2005, a ten-minute warning is given before the race is resumed behind the safety car, which leads the field for a lap before it returns to the pit lane (before then the race resumed in race order from the penultimate lap before the red flag was shown). In the 1950s, race distances varied from 300 km (190 mi) to 600 km (370 mi). The maximum race length was reduced to 400 km (250 mi) in 1966 and 325 km (202 mi) in 1971. The race length was standardised to the current 305 km (190 mi) in 1989. However, street races like Monaco have shorter distances, to keep under the two-hour limit. Drivers may overtake one another for position over the course of the race. If a leader comes across a backmarker (slower car) who has completed fewer laps, the back marker is shown a blue flag telling them that they are obliged to allow the leader to overtake them. The slower car is said to be "lapped" and, once the leader finishes the race, is classified as finishing the race "one lap down". A driver can be lapped numerous times, by any car in front of them. A driver who fails to complete more than 90% of the race distance is shown as "not classified" in the results. Throughout the race, drivers may make pit stops to change tyres and repair damage (from 1994 to 2009 inclusive, they could also refuel). Different teams and drivers employ different pit stop strategies in order to maximise their car's potential. Three dry tyre compounds, with different durability and adhesion characteristics, are available to drivers. Over the course of a race, drivers must use two of the three available compounds. The different compounds have different levels of performance and choosing when to use which compound is a key tactical decision to make. Different tyres have different colours on their sidewalls; this allows spectators to understand the strategies. Under wet conditions, drivers may switch to one of two specialised wet weather tyres with additional grooves (one "intermediate", for mild wet conditions, such as after recent rain, one "full wet", for racing in or immediately after rain). A driver must make at least one stop to use two tyre compounds; up to three stops are typically made, although further stops may be necessary to fix damage or if weather conditions change. If rain tyres are used, drivers are no longer obliged to use both types of dry tyres.
Allow the leader to overtake.
Racearyş wagtynda gök baýdak göreniňizde size näme gerek?
Acearyş Racearyş gyzgyn aýlaw bilen başlaýar, şondan soň awtoulaglar başlangyç setde öz hünärleri boýunça ýygnanýarlar. Bu aýlaw, köplenç emele geliş aýlawy diýlip atlandyrylýar, sebäbi awtoulaglar hiç hili öňe geçmezden emele gelýär (ýalňyşlyk goýberen sürüji ýitirilen ýeri yzyna alyp biler). Upylylyk aýlawy sürüjilere ýoluň we awtoulagynyň ýagdaýyny barlamaga mümkinçilik berýär, tekerleri çekmegi we saklamagy ýokarlandyrmak üçin tekerleri gyzdyrmaga mümkinçilik berýär, şeýle hem çukur ekipa .laryna özlerini we enjamlaryny setden arassalamaga wagt berýär. ýaryşyň başlangyjy. Valak Villeneuve, Sauber C24-de 2005-nji ýylda Amerikanyň Birleşen Ştatlarynyň Gran Prisine gatnaşmaga hukuk gazandy Thehli awtoulaglar torda emele gelensoň, lukmançylyk awtoulagy paketiň arkasynda durandan soň, ýodanyň üstündäki ýagtylyk ulgamy ýaryşyň başlanandygyny görkezýär: bir sekunt aralygynda bäş sany gyzyl çyra ýakylýar; hemmesi ýaryşyň başlanandygyny görkezmek üçin kesgitlenmedik wagtdan (adatça 3 sekuntdan az) soň bir wagtda söndürilýär. Sürüji torda ýa-da ýolda howpsuz ýagdaýda dursa, elini ýokary galdyryp signal berse, başlangyç prosedurasy terk edilip bilner. Şeýle ýagdaý ýüze çyksa, prosedura täzeden başlar: panjardan aýrylan kemsidiji awtoulag bilen täze döreýiş aýlawy başlaýar. Çynlakaý heläkçilik ýa-da howply şertler bolan ýagdaýynda başlangyç başlangyç güýji ýok bolan ýaryş täzeden başlap biler. Racearyşa gözegçilik, ýaryşyň aşa aşa ýagyş ýaly aşa howply boljakdygyny duýsa, Howpsuzlyk Awtoulagynyň aňyrsyndan başlap bolar. 2019 möwsümine çenli hemişe täzeden başlar. Güýçli ýagyş sebäpli howpsuzlyk awtoulagynyň aňyrsynda başlangyç zerur bolsa, ýol ýeterlik guradylandan soň sürüjiler dik durmak üçin dörediler. Howpsuzlyk awtoulagynyň aňyrsynda ýaryşlar başlanda emele geliş aýlawy ýok. Adaty ýagdaýlarda ýaryşyň ýeňijisi belli bir aýlawy tamamlap pellehanadan geçen ilkinji sürüjidir. Officialsaryş işgärleri aşa ýagyş ýaly howply şertler sebäpli ýaryşy ir tamamlap bilerler (gyzyl baýdak goýup) we iki sagadyň içinde tamamlanmalydyr, ýöne ýaryşlar diňe aşa howa şertlerinde ýa-da howpsuzlyk ýagdaýynda dowam eder. ýaryş wagtynda awtoulag ýerleşdirilýär. Haçan-da bir ýaryş ýaryşy bes etmezden duruzmagy dogry hasaplasa, gyzyl baýdak ýerleşdirilýär; 2005-nji ýyldan başlap, çukur zolagyna gaýdyp barmazdan öň meýdançany alyp barýan howpsuzlyk awtoulagynyň arkasynda ýaryş täzeden başlamazdan ozal on minutlyk duýduryş berilýär (ondan ozal ýaryş gyzyl reňkden soňky aýlawdan ýaryş tertibi boýunça täzeden başlandy) baýdak görkezildi). 1950-nji ýyllarda ýaryş aralyklary 300 km (190 mil) -dan 600 km (370 mil) aralygynda üýtgeýärdi. Iň ýokary ýaryş uzynlygy 1966-njy ýylda 400 km (250 mil) we 1971-nji ýylda 325 km (202 mil) çenli azaldyldy. Racearyşyň uzynlygy 1989-njy ýylda häzirki 305 km (190 mil) çenli standartlaşdyryldy. Şeýle-de bolsa, Monako ýaly köçe ýaryşlary has gysga aralyklar, iki sagatlyk çäkde saklamak üçin. Sürüjiler ýaryşyň dowamynda pozisiýa üçin biri-birinden öňe geçip bilerler. Leaderolbaşçy az aýlawlary tamamlan yzky marker (haýal awtoulag) bilen ýüzbe-ýüz bolsa, yzky markerde lideriň üstünden geçmegine rugsat bermelidigini aýdýan gök baýdak görkezilýär. Has haýal awtoulag "gysylýar" we lider ýaryşy gutarandan soň ýaryşy "bir aýak aşak" diýip kesgitleýär. Sürüjini öňündäki islendik awtoulag bilen birnäçe gezek gysyp bolýar. Racearyş aralygynyň 90% -den gowragyny ýerine ýetirip bilmedik sürüji, netijelerde "klassifikasiýa däl" hökmünde görkezilýär. Racearyşyň dowamynda sürüjiler tekerleri üýtgetmek we zeperleri bejermek üçin çukur duralgalaryny edip bilerler (1994-nji ýyldan 2009-njy ýyla çenli ýangyç guýup bilerler). Dürli toparlar we sürüjiler awtoulaglarynyň mümkinçiliklerini artdyrmak üçin dürli çukurlary saklamak strategiýalaryny ulanýarlar. Sürüjiler üçin dürli berklik we ýelme häsiýetleri bolan üç sany gury teker birleşmesi bar. Racearyşyň dowamynda sürüjiler elýeterli üç birleşmäniň ikisini ulanmalydyrlar. Dürli birleşmeleriň öndürijilik derejesi we haýsy birleşmäni haçan ulanmalydygyny saýlamak esasy taktiki karar. Dürli tekerleriň gyralarynda dürli reňkler bar; bu tomaşaçylara strategiýalara düşünmäge mümkinçilik berýär. Çygly şertlerde sürüjiler goşmaça çukurly iki sany ýöriteleşdirilen çygly howa tekeriniň birine geçip bilerler (biri "aralyk", ýumşak çygly şertler üçin, soňky ýagyşdan soň, biri "doly çygly", ýagyşdan ýa-da derrew ýaryş üçin). Sürüji iki teker birleşmesini ulanmak üçin azyndan bir duralga etmeli; Adatça üç duralga edilýär, ýogsa zyýany düzetmek ýa-da howa şertleri üýtgese, duralgalar zerur bolup biler. Rainagyş tekerleri ulanylsa, sürüjiler gury tekerleriň iki görnüşini hem ulanmaga borçly däldirler.
Lideriň öňe geçmegine rugsat beriň.
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Hyoshigi, Ronroco
Ronroco is string, Hyoshigi is percussion.
Haýsy guralyň simli ýa-da zarbalydygyny kesgitläň: Hyoshigi, Ronroco
Ronroco simli, Hyoshigi zarba.
Tell me whether these are days of the week or months in the year: Monday, Saturday, March, December, October, Tuesday, January, Wednesday, Friday, April.
The following are days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. The following are are months in the year: January, March, April, October, December.
Bu hepdäniň ýa-da ýylyň aýlarydygyny aýdyň: Duşenbe, Şenbe, Mart, Dekabr, Oktýabr, Sişenbe, Januaryanwar, Çarşenbe, Juma, Aprel.
Aşakdakylar hepdäniň günleri: Duşenbe, Sişenbe, Çarşenbe, Juma we Şenbe. Aşakdakylar ýylyň aýlary: ýanwar, mart, aprel, oktýabr, dekabr.
Identify which animal species is alive or extinct: Ganges River Dolphin, Helicoprion
Helicoprion is extinct, Ganges River Dolphin is alive.
Haýsy haýwan görnüşleriniň diridigini ýa-da ýok bolandygyny kesgitläň: Gang derýasy Delfin, Dikuçar
Dikuçar ýok boldy, Gang derýasy Delfin diri.
Which is a species of fish? Shaver or Razorfish
Balyklaryň haýsy görnüşi? Sakgal ýa-da Razorfish
Tell me whether each of these players is a quarterback or running back: Ezekiel Elliot, Peyton Manning, Lamar Jackson, Leonard Fournette, Sam Darnold, Derrick Henry
Ezekiel Elliot: Running Back Peyton Manning: Quarterback Lamar Jackson: Quarterback Leonard Fournette: Running Back Sam Darnold: Quarterback Derrick Henry: Running Back
Bu oýunçylaryň hersiniň çärýekçi ýa-da yza gaýdyp gelýändigini aýdyň: Ezekiýel Elliot, Peýton Manning, Lamar Jekson, Leonard Förnet, Sam Darnold, Derrik Genri
Ezekiýel Elliot: Yzyna ylgaýar Peýton Manning: Çärýek Lamar Jekson: Çärýek Leonard Fournette: Yzyna ylgaýar Sam Darnold: Çärýek Derrik Genri: Yzyna ylgaýar
What were five of the best english language situation comedies from the 1990s?
1. Seinfeld 2. Friends 3. Cheers 4. Frazier 5. The Simpsons
1990-njy ýyllardan iňlis dilindäki iň oňat komediýalaryň haýsylary bardy?
1. Seýnfeld 2. Dostlar 3. Şatlyk 4. Frazier 5. Simpsonlar
What is the genomics of disease?
With the advent of next-generation sequencing we are obtaining enough sequence data to map the genes of complex diseases including infertility, breast cancer or Alzheimer's disease. Genome-wide association studies are a useful approach to pinpoint the mutations responsible for such complex diseases. Through these studies, thousands of DNA variants have been identified that are associated with similar diseases and traits. Furthermore, the possibility for genes to be used at prognosis, diagnosis or treatment is one of the most essential applications. Many studies are discussing both the promising ways to choose the genes to be used and the problems and pitfalls of using genes to predict disease presence or prognosis. Genome-wide association studies have successfully identified thousands of common genetic variants for complex diseases and traits; however, these common variants only explain a small fraction of heritability. Rare variants may account for some of the missing heritability. Large-scale whole genome sequencing studies have rapidly sequenced millions of whole genomes, and such studies have identified hundreds of millions of rare variants. Functional annotations predict the effect or function of a genetic variant and help to prioritize rare functional variants, and incorporating these annotations can effectively boost the power of genetic association of rare variants analysis of whole genome sequencing studies. Some tools have been developed to provide all-in-one rare variant association analysis for whole-genome sequencing data, including integration of genotype data and their functional annotations, association analysis, result summary and visualization. Meta-analysis of whole genome sequencing studies provides an attractive solution to the problem of collecting large sample sizes for discovering rare variants associated with complex phenotypes.
Keseliň genomikasy näme?
Geljekki nesil yzygiderliliginiň peýda bolmagy bilen önelgesizlik, döş keseli ýa-da Alsgeýmer keseli ýaly çylşyrymly keselleriň genlerini kartalaşdyrmak üçin ýeterlik yzygiderli maglumatlary alýarys. Genom boýunça birleşme gözlegleri, şeýle çylşyrymly keseller üçin jogapkär mutasiýalary kesgitlemek üçin peýdaly çemeleşme. Bu gözlegleriň netijesinde şuňa meňzeş keseller we häsiýetler bilen baglanyşykly müňlerçe DNK warianty ýüze çykaryldy. Mundan başga-da, genleriň çaklamada, diagnozda ýa-da bejergide ulanylmagy iň möhüm programmalardan biridir. Köp gözleglerde ulanyljak genleri saýlamagyň geljegi uly ýollary, keselleriň bardygyny ýa-da çaklamasyny çaklamak üçin genleri ulanmagyň kynçylyklary we ýalňyşlyklary ara alnyp maslahatlaşylýar. Genom boýunça birleşigiň gözlegleri çylşyrymly keseller we häsiýetler üçin müňlerçe umumy genetiki warianty üstünlikli kesgitledi; Şeýle-de bolsa, bu umumy wariantlar diňe mirasdarlygyň az bölegini düşündirýär. Seýrek görnüşler ýitip giden miraslaryň käbirine sebäp bolup biler. Uly göwrümli genleriň yzygiderliligi boýunça gözlegler millionlarça genomlary çaltlyk bilen yzarlady we şeýle gözlegler ýüzlerçe million seýrek görnüşleri ýüze çykardy. Funksional düşündirişler genetiki wariantyň täsirini ýa-da işleýşini çaklaýar we seýrek funksional wariantlary ileri tutmaga kömek edýär we bu bellikleri goşmak, genleriň yzygiderliliginiň seýrek görnüşleriniň derňewiniň genetiki birleşiginiň güýjüni güýçlendirip biler. Käbir gurallar genotip maglumatlarynyň integrasiýasy we olaryň funksional düşündirişleri, birleşigiň derňewi, netijeleriň gysgaça mazmuny we wizuallaşdyrylmagy ýaly bütin genom yzygiderliligi maglumatlary üçin seýrek duş gelýän birleşme derňewini üpjün etmek üçin işlenip düzüldi. Genhli yzygiderli gözlegleriň meta-derňewi, çylşyrymly fenotipler bilen baglanyşykly seýrek görnüşleri tapmak üçin uly nusga ululyklaryny ýygnamak meselesini özüne çekiji çözgüt bilen üpjün edýär.
Given this paragraph about battles during India Independence day, what was the date when India win the Independence
August 15, 1947
Independence Day is celebrated annually on 15 August as a public holiday in India commemorating the nation's independence from the United Kingdom on 15 August 1947, the day when the provisions of the Indian Independence Act, which transferred legislative sovereignty to the Indian Constituent Assembly, came into effect. India retained King George VI as head of state until its transition to a republic, when the Constitution of India came into effect on 26 January 1950 (celebrated as Indian Republic Day) and replaced the dominion prefix, Dominion of India, with the enactment of the sovereign law Constitution of India. India attained independence following the independence movement noted for largely non-violent resistance and civil disobedience.
Hindistanyň Garaşsyzlyk günündäki söweşler barada bu abzasy göz öňünde tutup, Hindistanyň garaşsyzlygy gazanan senesi haýsy boldy
1947-nji ýylyň 15-nji awgusty
Garaşsyzlyk güni her ýyl 15-nji awgustda, Hindistanda 1947-nji ýylyň 15-nji awgustynda Angliýanyň garaşsyzlygyny ýada salýan köpçülikleýin baýramçylyk hökmünde bellenilip geçilýär. täsiri. Hindistan konstitusiýasy 1950-nji ýylyň 26-njy ýanwarynda güýje girýänçä (Hindistan Respublikasy güni hökmünde bellenilip geçilýär) we hökümdarlyk prefiksi, Hindistan Dominiony, güýje girýänçä, Hindistan korol Jorj VI-ny döwlet baştutany edip saklady. özygtyýarly kanun Hindistanyň konstitusiýasy. Hindistan garaşsyzlyk hereketinden soň esasan zorluksyz garşylyk we raýat boýun egmezligi bilen garaşsyzlyga eýe boldy.
What is trekking ? Discuss various types of trekking.
Trekking refers to travel by foot through remote destinations that are in most cases inaccessible and unknown to visitors.Trekking is mainly of four kinds: 1 Easy Trekking: This type of activity if for beginners and basically involves the view of colorful horizons or sight of beautiful nature. 2 Moderate Trekking: Moderate trekking is more challenging than easy trekking. It is performed on medium to slightly higher altitudes. The individuals doing this type of trekking should be energetic. 3 Strenuous Trekking: This type of trekking requires strenuous physical efforts. It is basically done on high altitude regions and is suitable only for those who have some previous experience of trekking. 4 Difficult Trekking: Fourth type of trekking is done on steep slopes. Generally professional or experienced trekkers do this type of trekking. This type of trekking requires high level of precision skill and endurance by the trekker.
Gezelenç näme? Gezelençiň dürli görnüşlerini ara alyp maslahatlaşyň.
Trekking, köplenç elýeterli däl we gelýänlere mälim bolmadyk uzak ýerlerden pyýada syýahat etmegi aňladýar. Trekking esasan dört görnüşlidir: 1 Easyönekeý gezelenç: Täze başlanlar üçin we esasanam reňkli gözýetimleri ýa-da owadan tebigaty görmegi öz içine alýan işiň bu görnüşi. 2 Orta ýol ýörişi: Orta trek etmek aňsat trek etmekden has kyn. Orta we birneme beýikliklerde ýerine ýetirilýär. Bu görnüşli trek bilen meşgullanýan adamlar gujurly bolmaly. 3 Güýçli gezelenç: trekiň bu görnüşi güýçli fiziki tagallalary talap edýär. Esasan beýik belentliklerde edilýär we diňe trekking tejribesi bolanlar üçin amatly. 4 Kyn ýöriş: Dördünji görnüş dik eňňitlerde edilýär. Adatça hünärmen ýa-da tejribeli trekkerler bu görnüşli trekk bilen meşgullanýarlar. Gezelençiň bu görnüşi, trekker tarapyndan ýokary derejeli takyklyk we çydamlylygy talap edýär.
What rhymes with orange?
There is only one perfect rhyming word for orange which is "sporange." A sporange is an old botanical term for "sporangium." The sporangium is the portion of a fern where asexual spores are created.
Mämişi bilen haýsy rifmalar?
Pyrtykal üçin "sporange" diýilýän ýekeje ajaýyp rifma sözi bar. Sporange "sporangium" üçin köne botanika termini. Sporangium, aseksual sporlaryň döredilen fern bölegidir.
How to add two cells in Excel?
You can use the =cell1 + cell2 operation where cell1 is the first cell and cell2 is the 2nd cell
Excel-de iki öýjügi nädip goşmaly?
Öýjük1 birinji öýjük, 2-nji öýjük bolsa 2-nji öýjük bolan = cell1 + cell2 amalyny ulanyp bilersiňiz
When was Galaga released?
Galaga is a 1981 fixed shooter arcade video game developed and published by Namco. In North America, it was released by Midway Manufacturing. It is the sequel to Galaxian (1979), Namco's first major video game hit in arcades. Controlling a starship, the player is tasked with destroying the Galaga forces in each stage while avoiding enemies and projectiles. Some enemies can capture a player's ship via a tractor beam, which can be rescued to transform the player into a "dual fighter" with additional firepower.
Galaga was released in 1981 as a fixed shooter arcade video game developed and published by Namco.
Galaga haçan boşadyldy?
Galaga, Namco tarapyndan işlenip düzülen we 1981-nji ýylda döredilen atyşykly arça wideo oýun. Demirgazyk Amerikada “Midway Manufacturing” tarapyndan çykaryldy. “Namco” -nyň arkada düşen ilkinji esasy wideo oýny bolan “Galaxian” -yň (1979) dowamy. Ayldyz ýyldyzyna gözegçilik etmek bilen, oýnaýja duşmanlardan we hüjümlerden gaça durmak bilen, her etapda Galaga güýçlerini ýok etmek tabşyrylýar. Käbir duşmanlar oýunçynyň gämisini traktor şöhlesi arkaly ele alyp bilerler, bu oýunçyny goşmaça ýangyn güýji bilen "goşa söweşiji" öwürmek üçin halas edilip bilner.
Galaga 1981-nji ýylda Namco tarapyndan işlenip düzülen we çap edilen arkaýyn wideo oýun hökmünde goýberildi.
Who is Asa Wood?
Asa Butler Wood (August 26, 1865 - May 7, 1945) was an American politician and newspaper publisher, serving as a state senator in the U.S. state of Nebraska from 1924 to 1930. Born in Wapello County, Iowa. Wood entered the newspaper business as a printer in his teens In 1887, at the age of 21, he founded the Gering Courier, a newspaper he ran until his death in 1945. He was known as "the dean of the newspapermen of the Nebraska Panhandle,” and was at one time president of the Nebraska Press Association. He was also a breeder of cattle, and, like many publishers of that time, the local postmaster. In 1925, he was elected state senator of Nebraska's Thirty-third District. He served as a Republican senator through 1930, and was known as an advocate of clean government and irrigation policy. Described as a "walking encyclopedia" of western Nebraska history,he served as president of the Nebraska Historical Society from 1936 to 1938. He left the Courier to his son, Warren Wood, on his death in 1945.
Born in Iowa, Asa Wood was a politician and newspaper publisher who later served as a state senator of Nebraska.
Asa Wood kim?
Asa Batler Wud (1865-nji ýylyň 26-njy awgusty - 1945-nji ýylyň 7-nji maýy) Amerikaly syýasatçy we gazet neşirçisi bolup, 1924-1930-njy ýyllar aralygynda ABŞ-nyň Nebraska ştatynda ştat senatory bolup işledi. Aýowa ştatynyň Wapello etrabynda doguldy. Wud ýetginjeklik döwründe gazet işine printer hökmünde girdi 1887-nji ýylda, 21 ýaşynda, 1945-nji ýylda ölýänçä dolandyrýan “Gering Courier” gazetini esaslandyrdy. Ol “Nebraska Panhandliniň gazetleriniň dekany hökmünde tanalýardy. , "Bir wagtlar Nebraska metbugat birleşiginiň prezidenti bolupdy. Şeýle hem, maldarçylyk edýärdi we şol döwürdäki neşirçileriň köpüsi ýaly ýerli poçta müdiri. 1925-nji ýylda Nebraskanyň Otuz üçünji etrabynyň ştat senatory saýlandy. 1930-njy ýyla çenli respublikan senator bolup işledi we arassa hökümetiň we suwaryş syýasatynyň tarapdary hökmünde tanalýardy. Günbatar Nebraska taryhynyň "gezelenç ensiklopediýasy" hökmünde häsiýetlendirilen, 1936-njy ýyldan 1938-nji ýyla çenli Nebraska taryhy jemgyýetiniň prezidenti bolup işledi. 1945-nji ýylda aradan çykanda, Kurýerden ogly Warren Wuda gitdi.
Aýowa şäherinde doglan Asa Wud syýasatçy we gazet neşirçisi bolup, soňra Nebraskanyň ştat senatory bolup işledi.
Give me the list of all French president during the fifth Republic
Sure, this is the list of all the French presidents elected during the 5th Republic : - Charles De Gaule, from 1959 to 1969, Charles de Gaulle resigned after losing a referendum - Georges Pompidou, from 1969 to 1974, died of sickness during his presidency, - Valéry-Giscard d’Estaing, from 1974 to 1981, at this period he was the youngest elected president, - François Mitterrand, from 1981 to 1995, he is te first reelected president - Jacques Chirac, from 1995 to 2007, was reelected with the support of to the "popular front" against the far right, - Nicolas Sarkozy, from 2007 to 2012, was known for his conservative stance on law and order issues, - François Hollande, from 2012 to 2017, was elected on socialist promises, but lied and had run an ultra-capitalist politic - Emmanuel Macron from 2012 to today, the youngest president in the modern era, the first reelected president since the change for the five-year term, french people call him "Jupiter" because he is known for his abuse of power and because he ordered violent repression of demonstrations and strikes.
Bäşinji respublikadaky ähli fransuz prezidentleriniň sanawyny maňa beriň
Elbetde, bu 5-nji respublikada saýlanan ähli fransuz prezidentleriniň sanawy: - 1959-1969-njy ýyllar aralygynda Çarlz De Gaul referendumy ýitirenden soň işinden çekildi - 1969-njy ýyldan 1974-nji ýyla çenli Georges Pompidou, prezidentlik döwründe kesel sebäpli aradan çykdy, - Waleri-Giskard d'Estaing, 1974-nji ýyldan 1981-nji ýyla çenli, bu döwürde iň ýaş saýlanan prezident boldy, - Fransua Mitterrand, 1981-nji ýyldan 1995-nji ýyla çenli ilkinji gezek prezident saýlandy - Chirak Şirak, 1995-2007-nji ýyllar aralygynda sag tarapdaky "meşhur front" goldawy bilen gaýtadan saýlandy, - Nikolas Sarkozi, 2007-nji ýyldan 2012-nji ýyla çenli kanun we tertip meselelerinde konserwatiw tutumy bilen tanalýardy, - Fransua Olland, 2012-nji ýyldan 2017-nji ýyla çenli sosialistik wadalar boýunça saýlandy, ýöne aşa kapitalistik syýasaty ýalan sözledi we alyp bardy - Emmanuel Makron, 2012-nji ýyldan şu güne çenli, häzirki döwrüň iň ýaş prezidenti, bäş ýyllyk üýtgemeginden bäri ilkinji gezek saýlanan prezident, fransuzlar häkimiýetden hyýanatçylykly peýdalanýandygy we buýruk berenligi sebäpli oňa "upupiter" diýýärler. demonstrasiýalaryň we iş taşlaýyşlaryň gazaply repressiýasy.
Classify list as breeds of either a 'dog' or a 'cat': Border Collie, Siamese, Maine Coon, German Shepard, Persian, and Corgi?
Border Collie is a breed of dog. Siamese is a breed of cat. Maine Coon is breed of cat. German Shepard is a breed of dog. Persian is a breed of cat. Corgi is breed of dog.
Sanawy “itiň” ýa-da “pişigiň” tohumy hökmünde toparlara bölüň: Serhet Kolli, Siam, Maýn Kun, German Şepard, Pars we Korgi?
Serhet Kolli itleriň tohumydyr. Siam pişigiň tohumydyr. Maine Kun pişigiň tohumydyr. Nemes Shepard itiň tohumydyr. Pars pişigiň tohumydyr. Corgi it tohumyndan.
How long do I need to work before I retire?
Typically you need to work until the age of 65 before you can retire. Some jobs may offer you a 401k if you work at the job for an extended period of time which you have access to at the age of 65. You might be able to retire sooner than the age of 65 if you own your own business, and it makes enough money to support your current lifestyle. Important things to consider before you retire is whether you have enough money to sustain your lifestyle plus account for yearly inflation, and whether you will want to work part time or do consulting work in retirement to keep yourself busy and give you sense of purpose.
Pensiýa çykmazdan ozal näçe wagt işlemeli?
Adatça, pensiýa çykmazdan ozal 65 ýaşa çenli işlemeli. Käbir işler, bu işde 65 ýaşyňyzda uzak wagtlap işleýän bolsaňyz, size 401k hödürläp biler. Öz işiňiz bar bolsa, 65 ýaşdan has ir pensiýa çykyp bilersiňiz we häzirki ýaşaýyş durmuşyňyzy goldamak üçin ýeterlik pul gazanýar. Pensiýa çykmazdan ozal göz öňünde tutmaly möhüm zatlar, ýaşaýyş durmuşyňyzy we ýyllyk inflýasiýa hasabyňyzy dowam etdirmek üçin ýeterlik puluňyzyň bardygyny ýa-da ýarym gün işlemek isleýändigiňizi ýa-da özüňizi işli saklamak we maksadyňyza düşünmek üçin pensiýa döwründe maslahat beriş işini etmek isleýändigiňizdir.
What are the 3 branches of science?
Modern Science is mainly constituted of three main branches, i.e. Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Formal Sciences as these three areas peruse the nature of our world and the universe most broadly. Thus, the three main branches of Science are: Natural Sciences Social Sciences Formal Sciences
Ylmyň 3 şahasy haýsylar?
Häzirki zaman ylym esasan üç esasy şahadan durýar, ýagny tebigy ylymlar, jemgyýetçilik ylymlary we resmi ylymlar, sebäbi bu üç ugur dünýämiziň we älemimiziň tebigatyna has giňişleýin göz aýlaýar. Şeýlelikde, Ylmyň üç esasy şahasy: Tebigat ylymlary Jemgyýetçilik ylymlary Formal ylymlar
What are some items I should stock up on from the grocery store to have in my pantry
canned beans, rice, shelf-stable plant-based milk, crackers, salsa, pasta, pasta sauce, oatmeal, pretzels, maple syrup, noodles, canned tomatoes, tortilla chips, tea, almond butter, walnuts, balsamic vinegar, tahini, dark chocolate, grits, dried cranberries, pistachios
Azyk dükanyndan ammarda saklamaly zatlarym näme?
konserwirlenen noýba, tüwi, tekjede durnukly ösümlik esasly süýt, krakerler, salsa, makaron, makaron sousy, süle, sarymsak, akja şerbeti, nahar, konserwirlenen pomidor, tortilla çipsi, çaý, badam ýagy, hoz, balzam sirkesi, tahini, garaňky şokolad, grits, guradylan kepenek, pisse
Can you recommend best taco places in Austin?
Guero's on S Congress offers great breakfast tacos with reasonable prices and diverse choices. Taco 620 can be hard to spot as it is a food truck located at the corner of FM 620 and FM 2222. But you can’t miss its delicious breakfast tacos. It offers only the classics: egg & potato and egg & cheese. The tacos are fresh, soft and tasty. For more formal choices for lunch or dinner, Cuantos on 12th St and Suerte on 6th St are Mexican restaurants with great seating area and lovely vibes for dating or friends/family gatherings.
Ostindäki iň gowy tako ýerlerini maslahat berip bilersiňizmi?
Gueronyň S kongresi, bahalary we dürli görnüşleri bilen ajaýyp ertirlik naharlaryny hödürleýär. Taco 620, FM 620 we FM 2222 burçunda ýerleşýän azyk ulagy bolany üçin ony görmek kyn. Itsöne onuň lezzetli ertirlik naharlaryny sypdyryp bilmersiňiz. Diňe klassikleri hödürleýär: ýumurtga, kartoşka we ýumurtga we peýnir. Tacos täze, ýumşak we tagamly. Günortanlyk ýa-da agşamlyk nahary üçin has resmi saýlawlar üçin 12-nji köçedäki Cuantos we 6-njy köçedäki Suerte ajaýyp oturgyçly we tanyşmak ýa-da dostlar / maşgala ýygnanyşyklary üçin ajaýyp öwüşginli Meksika restoranlarydyr.
What is electric current and how is it measured?
The movement of electric charge is known as an electric current, the intensity of which is usually measured in amperes. Current can consist of any moving charged particles; most commonly these are electrons, but any charge in motion constitutes a current. Electric current can flow through some things, electrical conductors, but will not flow through an electrical insulator. By historical convention, a positive current is defined as having the same direction of flow as any positive charge it contains, or to flow from the most positive part of a circuit to the most negative part. Current defined in this manner is called conventional current. The motion of negatively charged electrons around an electric circuit, one of the most familiar forms of current, is thus deemed positive in the opposite direction to that of the electrons. However, depending on the conditions, an electric current can consist of a flow of charged particles in either direction, or even in both directions at once. The positive-to-negative convention is widely used to simplify this situation. The process by which electric current passes through a material is termed electrical conduction, and its nature varies with that of the charged particles and the material through which they are travelling. Examples of electric currents include metallic conduction, where electrons flow through a conductor such as metal, and electrolysis, where ions (charged atoms) flow through liquids, or through plasmas such as electrical sparks. While the particles themselves can move quite slowly, sometimes with an average drift velocity only fractions of a millimetre per second, the electric field that drives them itself propagates at close to the speed of light, enabling electrical signals to pass rapidly along wires. In engineering or household applications, current is often described as being either direct current (DC) or alternating current (AC). These terms refer to how the current varies in time. Direct current, as produced by example from a battery and required by most electronic devices, is a unidirectional flow from the positive part of a circuit to the negative.  If, as is most common, this flow is carried by electrons, they will be travelling in the opposite direction. Alternating current is any current that reverses direction repeatedly; almost always this takes the form of a sine wave. Alternating current thus pulses back and forth within a conductor without the charge moving any net distance over time. The time-averaged value of an alternating current is zero, but it delivers energy in first one direction, and then the reverse. Alternating current is affected by electrical properties that are not observed under steady state direct current, such as inductance and capacitance. These properties however can become important when circuitry is subjected to transients, such as when first energised.
The movement of electric charge is known as an electric current, the intensity of which is usually measured in amperes.
Elektrik togy näme we nädip ölçelýär?
Elektrik zarýadynyň hereketi, adatça amperlerde ölçelýän elektrik togy diýilýär. Tok islendik hereket edýän zarýad bölejiklerinden ybarat bolup biler; köplenç bular elektronlar, ýöne hereketdäki islendik zarýad tok emele getirýär. Elektrik togy käbir zatlardan, elektrik geçirijilerden akyp biler, ýöne elektrik izolýatoryndan akmaz. Taryhy konwensiýa boýunça polo positiveitel tok, islendik polo positiveitel zarýad bilen akymyň ugruna ýa-da zynjyryň iň polo positiveitel böleginden iň negatiw tarapa akym hökmünde kesgitlenýär. Bu görnüşde kesgitlenen tok adaty tok diýilýär. Negativearamaz zarýadly elektronlaryň tokyň iň tanyş görnüşlerinden biri bolan elektrik zynjyrynyň töwereginde hereketi, şonuň üçin elektronlaryň tersine oňyn hasaplanýar. Şeýle-de bolsa, şertlere baglylykda elektrik togy zarýadly bölejikleriň iki tarapa ýa-da iki tarapa birbada akymyndan ybarat bolup biler. Oňyn-negatiw konwensiýa bu ýagdaýy ýönekeýleşdirmek üçin giňden ulanylýar. Elektrik togunyň bir materialdan geçmegi prosesine elektrik geçirijisi diýilýär we tebigaty zarýadlanan bölejikleriň we syýahat edýän materialynyň üýtgemegine sebäp bolýar. Elektrik toklaryna mysal hökmünde elektronlar metal ýaly geçirijiniň üsti bilen akýan we ionlaryň (zarýadly atomlaryň) suwuklyklardan ýa-da elektrik uçgunlary ýaly plazmalardan akýan metal geçirijisini öz içine alýar. Bölejikleriň özleri gaty haýal hereket edip bilýän bolsalar, käwagt ortaça tizlik tizligi sekuntda diňe bir millimetr bölekler bilen hereket edip bilýän bolsa, olary herekete getirýän elektrik meýdany ýagtylyk tizligine ýakynlaşyp, elektrik signallarynyň simleriň üstünden çalt geçmegine mümkinçilik berýär. In engineeringenerçilik ýa-da öý goşundylarynda tok köplenç göni tok (DC) ýa-da üýtgeýän tok (AC) hökmünde häsiýetlendirilýär. Bu adalgalar häzirki wagtyň üýtgemegine degişlidir. Batareýadan mysal hökmünde öndürilen we elektron enjamlaryň köpüsi tarapyndan talap edilýän göni tok, zynjyryň polo positiveitel böleginden otrisatel tarapa bir taraplaýyn akymdyr.  Köplenç bolşy ýaly, bu akym elektronlar tarapyndan amala aşyrylsa, ters tarapa syýahat ederler. Üýtgeýän tok, ugry yzygiderli tersleşdirýän islendik tok; elmydama diýen ýaly bu uly tolkun görnüşini alýar. Çalyşýan tok, wagtyň geçmegi bilen arassa aralygy geçirmezden, geçirijiniň içinde yza we yza impuls berýär. Üýtgeýän tokyň ortaça bahasy nol, ýöne energiýany ilki bir tarapa, soň bolsa tersine berýär. Üýtgeýän tok, induksiýa we sygymlylyk ýaly durnukly göni göni tokda gözegçilik edilmeýän elektrik häsiýetlerine täsir edýär. Bu häsiýetler, ýöne zynjyr geçirijilere sezewar bolanda, meselem, ilkinji gezek energiýa berlende möhüm bolup biler.
Elektrik zarýadynyň hereketi, adatça amperlerde ölçelýän elektrik togy diýilýär.
Explain the use of screens in basketball
In basketball, when a team has the ball, one person may set a screen by blocking a defender with his body but making sure his hands are not extended. This allows the person with the ball to pass, shoot, etc. without issuing any fouls. If the person setting a screen moves while screening, the referee will call a moving screen and the ball will be inbounded by the person who moved while screening from the half court line. In any case, screens do not foul the screener for contact unless they are to do physical contact with their hands or feet.
Basketbolda ekranlaryň ulanylyşyny düşündiriň
Basketbolda, bir toparyň topy bolanda, bir adam goragçyny bedeni bilen petikläp, elleriniň uzalmajakdygyna göz ýetirip ekrany goýup biler. Bu topy bolan adama hiç hili ýalňyşlyk goýbermezden geçmäge, atmaga we ş.m. mümkinçilik berýär. Ekrany düzýän adam ekranlaşdyrylanda hereket etse, emin hereket edýän ekrana jaň eder we ýarym kazyýet setirinden gözden geçirilende top göçürilen adam tarapyndan girer. Her niçigem bolsa, ekranlar elleri ýa-da aýaklary bilen fiziki aragatnaşyk gurmasa, ekrany kontakt üçin hapalamaýar.
Which of these sports involve a ball: swimming, baseball, javelin, hockey, cycling, high jump, tennis, , netball, basketball, and handball.
Hockey, tennis, baseball, basketball, netball, and handball involve a ball. High jump, javelin, swimming, and cycling do not involve a ball.
Bu sport görnüşleriniň haýsy bir topy öz içine alýar: suwda ýüzmek, beýsbol, naýza, hokkeý, tigir sürmek, ýokary bökmek, tennis, netbol, ​​basketbol we gandbol.
Hokke, tennis, beýsbol, basketbol, ​​netbol we gandbol bir topy öz içine alýar. Beýik bökmek, naýza, suwda ýüzmek we tigir sürmek topy öz içine almaýar.
What is a romance language?
Romance languages are a subset of languages derived from Latin roots into fully fledged nationally spoken languages. Examples of Romance languages are French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Romantika dili näme?
Romantiki diller, latyn köklerinden gelip çykan we doly derejede milli gürleýän dillere öwrülen dilleriň bir bölegi. Romantika dillerine mysal hökmünde fransuz, italýan, ispan we portugal dilleri bar.
What is the PEDALS method
PEDALS is a mnemonic to help in system design interviews, which stands for Process, Estimate, Design, Articulate Data Model, List Architecture and Scale
PEDALS usuly näme
“PEDALS”, “Prosess”, “Çaklama”, “Dizaýn”, “Maglumat modeli”, sanaw arhitekturasy we terezisi üçin niýetlenen ulgam dizaýn söhbetdeşliklerinde kömek etmek üçin mnemonikdir.
Luka Modrić (Croatian pronunciation: [lûːka mǒːdritɕ]; born 9 September 1985) is a Croatian professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for La Liga club Real Madrid and captains the Croatia national team. He plays mainly as a central midfielder, but can also play as an attacking midfielder or as a defensive midfielder. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest midfielders of all time, and as the greatest ever Croatian footballer. Born in Zadar, Modrić's childhood coincided with the Croatian War of Independence which displaced his family. In 2002, he was signed by Dinamo Zagreb at age 16, after showing promise with his hometown club NK Zadar's youth team. He continued his development in Zagreb, before spells on loan to Zrinjski Mostar and Inter Zaprešić. He made his debut for Dinamo in 2005 and won three consecutive league titles and domestic cups, being named the Prva HNL Player of the Year in 2007. In 2008, he moved to Premier League club Tottenham Hotspur for a club-record transfer fee of £16.5 million, where he led Spurs to their first UEFA Champions League appearance in almost 50 years, reaching the quarter-finals of the 2010–11 tournament. In the summer of 2012, Modrić joined Real Madrid for a £30 million transfer fee. There he became a key contributor and helped the team win La Décima and was selected for the 2013–14 Champions League squad of the season. After Zinedine Zidane took over Madrid, Modrić was critical to three consecutive Champions League titles from 2015–16 to 2017–18, each time being voted into the squad of the season. He has won twenty-two major trophies at Real Madrid, including five UEFA Champions League titles, three La Liga titles, one Copa del Rey, four Supercopa de España titles, four UEFA Super Cup titles and five FIFA Club World Cup titles. He won the La Liga Award for "Best Midfielder" in 2016 for the second time, and the UEFA Club Football Award for "Best Midfielder" in 2017 and 2018. In 2015, he became the first Croatian player to be included in the FIFA FIFPRO World 11, in which he was regularly included until 2019 and then again in 2022, as well in the UEFA Team of the Year between 2016 and 2018. In 2018, Modrić became the first Croatian player to win the UEFA Men's Player of the Year Award, and by winning The Best FIFA Men's Player and Ballon d'Or awards, he became the first player other than Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo to claim the awards in more than a decade. In 2019, he was awarded the Golden Foot award for career results and personality. Modrić made his international debut for Croatia against Argentina in March 2006, and scored his first international goal in a friendly match against Italy. Modrić has anchored Croatia's "second Golden Generation", participating in every major tournament Croatia has qualified for, including the UEFA Euro 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2020, as well as the 2006, 2014, 2018, and 2022 FIFA World Cup. At the Euro 2008, he was selected for the Team of the Tournament, becoming only the second Croatian to ever achieve this honour. Following group stage eliminations in his first two World Cups, Modrić led Croatia to the 2018 World Cup Final, winning the Golden Ball in process. At the following tournament, he led the team to a third-place finish, winning the Bronze Ball in process. In March 2021, he went on to become the country's most capped player in history. Furthermore, he has been named Croatian Footballer of the Year a record eleven times between 2007 and 2022.
Who is Luka Modric?
Luka Modric is a Croatian professional football (soccer) player. He is considered one of the best midfielders of all time and best Croatian player ever. He was born in Zadar, Croatia. In 2002, at the age of 16, he signed with the biggest Croatian soccer club, Dinamo Zagreb where is stayed till 2008 when he signed with Tottenham Hotspur in England. In 2012 he signed with Real Madrid in Spain where he currently plays.
Luka Modrić (Horwatiýanyň aýdylyşy: [lûːka mǒːdritɕ]; 1985-nji ýylyň 9-njy sentýabrynda doglan) Horwatiýanyň professional futbolçysy, La Liganyň Real Madrid klubynyň ýarym goragçysy bolup oýnaýan we Horwatiýa milli ýygyndysynyň kapitany. Esasan merkezi ýarymgoragçy hökmünde oýnaýar, ýöne hüjümçi ýarymgoragçy ýa-da gorag ýarym goragçysy hökmünde hem oýnap biler. Döwrüň iň beýik ýarymgoragçylarynyň biri we Horwatiýanyň iň beýik futbolçysy hasaplanýar. Zadarda doglan Modriçiň çagalygy Horwatiýanyň Garaşsyzlyk söweşine gabat geldi we maşgalasyny göçürdi. 2002-nji ýylda dogduk şäheri NK Zadaryň ýaşlar topary bilen wada berenden soň, 16 ýaşynda Dinamo Zagreb tarapyndan gol çekildi. Ösüşini Zrinjski Mostara we Inter Zaprešić karz bermezden ozal Zagrebde dowam etdirdi. 2005-nji ýylda “Dinamo” üçin ilkinji gezek 2007-nji ýylda “Prva HNL-iň ýylyň oýunçysy” diýen ada eýe bolup, yzly-yzyna üç gezek liganyň çempiony we içerki kubogyny aldy. 16,5 million, bu ýerde Spursy 50 ýyl töweregi wagt bäri ilkinji UEFA Çempionlar ligasyna çykardy we 2010–11 ýaryşlarynyň çärýek finalyna çykdy. 2012-nji ýylyň tomsunda Modrić 30 million funt sterling tölegi bilen Real Madride goşuldy. Ol ýerde esasy goşant goşdy we topara La Dekimanyň ýeňmegine kömek etdi we möwsümiň 2013–14 Çempionlar ligasynyň toparyna saýlandy. Zinedin Zidan Madridi eýeläninden soň, Modrić her gezek möwsümiň toparyna saýlananda, 2015–16-18-18-18 aralygynda Çempionlar ligasynyň çempion bolmagy üçin möhüm ähmiýete eýe boldy. Real Madride ýigrimi iki sany uly kubok gazandy, şol sanda UEFA Çempionlar ligasynyň bäş ady, La Liganyň üç ady, bir Kopa del Reý, dört sany Superkopa de España, dört sany UEFA Super kubogy we bäş sany FIFA Klub dünýä çempionaty. 2016-njy ýylda "Iň gowy ýarymgoragçy" baýragy üçin La Liganyň baýragyny, 2017-nji we 2018-nji ýyllarda "Iň gowy ýarymgoragçy" baýragy üçin UEFA klub futbol baýragyny aldy. 2015-nji ýylda FIFA FIFPRO-a goşulan ilkinji horwat oýunçysy boldy. 2019-njy ýyla çenli yzygiderli, soň bolsa 2022-nji ýylda, şeýle hem 2016-njy we 2018-nji ýyllar aralygynda UEFA-nyň ýylyň toparyna goşulýan 11-nji dünýä. 2018-nji ýylda Modrić UEFA-nyň ýylyň oýunçysy baýragyny alan ilkinji horwat oýunçysy boldy. , we FIFA-nyň iň gowy erkek oýunçysy we Ballon d'Or baýraklaryny almak bilen, Lionel Messiden ýa-da Kristiano Ronaldodan soňky on ýyldan gowrak wagt bäri baýrak alan ilkinji oýunçy boldy. 2019-njy ýylda karýeranyň netijeleri we şahsyýeti üçin "Altyn aýak" baýragy bilen sylaglandy. Modrić 2006-njy ýylyň mart aýynda Horwatiýa üçin Argentina bilen halkara ýaryşyna çykdy we Italiýa bilen geçirilen dostlukly oýunda ilkinji halkara pökgüsini tora girizdi. Modrić, UEFA Euroewro 2008, 2012, 2016 we 2020, şeýle hem 2006, 2014, 2018 we 2022 FIFA dünýä çempionaty ýaly Horwatiýanyň saýlan her uly ýaryşyna gatnaşan Horwatiýanyň "ikinji altyn nesli" -ni dakdy. Euroewro-2008 ýaryşynda ol bu topara saýlandy we bu hormata ýeten ikinji horwat boldy. Ilkinji iki dünýä çempionatynda toparlaýyn tapgyrdan soň, Modrić Horwatiýany 2018-nji ýyldaky Dünýä çempionatynyň finalyna çykardy we “Altyn top” gazandy. Indiki ýaryşda bürünç topy gazanyp, topary üçünji orna çykardy. 2021-nji ýylyň martynda ol ýurduň taryhynda iň köp oýnalan oýunçy boldy. Mundan başga-da, 2007-nji we 2022-nji ýyllar aralygynda on bir gezek Horwatiýanyň ýylyň futbolçysy diýlip saýlandy.
Luka Modric kim?
Luka Modric horwatiýaly professional futbol (futbol) oýunçysy. Döwrüň iň gowy ýarymgoragçylaryndan we şu wagta çenli iň gowy horwat oýunçysy hasaplanýar. Horwatiýanyň Zadar şäherinde dünýä indi. 2002-nji ýylda, 16 ýaşynda Horwatiýanyň iň uly futbol kluby Dinamo Zagreb bilen Angliýada Tottenham Hotspur bilen şertnama baglaşanda 2008-nji ýyla çenli saklanýar. 2012-nji ýylda Ispaniýada Real Madrid bilen şertnama baglaşdy.
Who are the top 4 in EPL?
The 2000s saw the rise of first Liverpool, and then Arsenal to real competitiveness, Chelsea finally breaking the duopoly by winning in 2004-05. The dominance of the so-called "Top Four" clubs. Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool and Manchester United saw them finish at the top of the table for the bulk of the decade, thereby guaranteeing qualification for the UEFA Champions League. Only three other clubs managed to qualify for the competition during this period: Newcastle United (2001–02 and 2002–03), Everton (2004–05) and Tottenham Hotspur (2009–10) – each occupying the final Champions League spot, with the exception of Newcastle in the 2002–03 season, who finished third. Following the 2003–04 season, Arsenal acquired the nickname "The Invincibles" as it became the first, and to date, only club to complete a Premier League campaign without losing a single game. In May 2008, Kevin Keegan stated that "Top Four" dominance threatened the division: "This league is in danger of becoming one of the most boring but great leagues in the world." Premier League chief executive Richard Scudamore said in defence: "There are a lot of different tussles that go on in the Premier League depending on whether you're at the top, in the middle or at the bottom that make it interesting." Between 2005 and 2012 there was a Premier League representative in seven of the eight Champions League finals, with only "Top Four" clubs reaching that stage. Liverpool (2005), Manchester United (2008) and Chelsea (2012) won the competition during this period, with Arsenal (2006), Liverpool (2007), Chelsea (2008) and Manchester United (2009 and 2011) all losing Champions League finals. Leeds United were the only non-"Top Four" side to reach the semi-finals of the Champions League, in the 2000–01 season. There were three Premier League teams in the Champions League semi-finals in 2006–07, 2007–08, and 2008–09, a feat only ever achieved five times (along with Serie A in 2002–03 and La Liga in 1999–2000). Additionally, between the 1999–2000 and 2009–10 seasons, four Premier League sides reached UEFA Cup or Europa League finals, with only Liverpool managing to win the competition in 2001. Arsenal (2000), Middlesbrough (2006) and Fulham (2010) all lost their finals. Although the group's dominance was reduced to a degree after this period with the emergence of Manchester City and Tottenham, in terms of all-time Premier League points won they remain clear by some margin. As of the end of the 2021–22 season – the 27th season of the Premier League – Liverpool, in fourth place in the all-time points table, were over 300 points ahead of the next team, Tottenham Hotspur. They are also the only teams to maintain a winning average of over 50% throughout their entire Premier League tenures.
Arsenal, Liverpool, Manchester United and Chelsea are know as the "Top Four" in the English Premier league.
EPL-de ilkinji 4-ler kimler?
2000-nji ýyllarda ilki Liwerpulyň, soňra bolsa “Arsenalyň” hakyky bäsdeşlige ukyplylygy ýokarlandy, Çelsi ahyrsoňy 2004-05-nji ýyllarda ýeňiş gazanyp, ikitaraplaýynlygy bozdy. "Iň gowy dört" klublaryň agdyklyk etmegi. “Arsenal”, “Çelsi”, “Liwerpul” we “Mançester Unitedunaýted” on ýyllygyň dowamynda stoluň başynda gutarandygyny gördüler we şeýlelik bilen UEFA Çempionlar ligasyna saýlanmagyny kepillendirdiler. Bu döwürde diňe üç klub bäsleşige gatnaşyp bildi: Nýukasl Unitedunaýted (2001–02 we 2002–03), Ewerton (2004–05) we Tottenham Hotspur (2009–10) - hersi Çempionlar ligasynyň soňky ornuny eýeledi. üçünji orny eýelän 2002–03 möwsüminde Nýukasldan başga. 2003–04 möwsüminden soň, "Arsenal" ilkinji bolup "Invincibles" lakamyny aldy we şu güne çenli diňe bir oýunda-da ýeňilmän premýer-liganyň kampaniýasyny tamamlan klub. 2008-nji ýylyň maý aýynda Kewin Kegan "Iň gowy dört" agdyklyk etmegiň bölünişige howp salýandygyny aýtdy: "Bu liganyň dünýäniň iň içgysgynç, ýöne beýik ligalarynyň birine öwrülmek howpy abanýar". Leagueokary liganyň ýerine ýetiriji direktory Riçard Skudamore goranmakda şeýle diýdi: "Premierokary ligada, ýokarda, ortada ýa-da aşakda bolmagyňyza baglylykda dürli-dürli çekeleşikler bar." 2005-2012-nji ýyllar aralygynda Çempionlar ligasynyň sekiz finalynyň ýedisinde premýer-liganyň wekili bardy, bu tapgyra diňe "Iň gowy dört" klub gatnaşdy. Bu döwürde Liwerpul (2005), Mançester Unitedunaýted (2008) we Çelsi (2012) ýeňiş gazandy, Arsenal (2006), Liwerpul (2007), Çelsi (2008) we Mançester Unitedunaýted (2009 we 2011) Çempionlar ligasynyň finalynda ýeňildi . "Lids Unitedunaýted" 2000–01 möwsüminde Çempionlar ligasynyň ýarym finalyna çykan ýeke-täk "Top Dört" däldi. 2006–07, 2007–08 we 2008–09-njy ýyllarda Çempionlar ligasynyň ýarym finalynda üç premýer-liganyň topary bardy, bu görkeziji diňe bäş gezek gazanyldy (2002–03-nji ýyllarda A seriýasy we 1999–2000-nji ýyllarda La Liga bilen bilelikde) ). Mundan başga-da, 1999–2000-nji we 2009-10 möwsümleriniň arasynda premýer-liganyň dört tarapy UEFA kubogyna ýa-da Europaewropa ligasynyň finalyna çykdy, 2001-nji ýylda diňe Liwerpul ýeňiş gazandy. Arsenal (2000), Midlsbro (2006) we Fulham (2010) hemmesi finalda utuldy. Toparyň agdyklyk etmegi bu döwürden soň Mançester Siti we Tottenhamyň peýda bolmagy bilen bir derejä çenli azalsa-da, premýer-liganyň ähli döwürdäki utuklary boýunça belli bir derejede tapawutlanýar. 2021–22 möwsüminiň ahyryna - premýer-liganyň 27-nji möwsümi - Hemişe oçko sanawynda dördünji orunda barýan Liwerpul, indiki topar Tottenham Hotspurdan 300 utuk öňde barýar. Şeýle hem, premýer-liganyň ähli işlerinde ortaça 50% -den gowrak ýeňiş gazanan ýeke-täk topardyr.
“Arsenal”, “Liwerpul”, “Mançester Unitedunaýted” we “Çelsi” Angliýanyň premýer-ligasynda “Iň gowy dörtlik” hökmünde tanalýarlar.
Who is the company Nestle
Nestlé S.A. (/ˈnɛsleɪ, -li, -əl/ NESS-lay, -⁠lee, -⁠əl, French: [nɛsle], German: [ˈnɛstlə] (listen)) is a Swiss multinational food and drink processing conglomerate corporation headquartered in Vevey, Vaud, Switzerland. It is the largest publicly held food company in the world, measured by revenue and other metrics, since 2014. It ranked No. 64 on the Fortune Global 500 in 2017 and No. 33 in the 2016 edition of the Forbes Global 2000 list of largest public companies.
Nestle S.A. is a Swiss multinational food and drink processing conglomerate corporation headquartered in Vevey, Vaud, Switzerland. It is the largest publicly held food company in the world, measured by revenue and other metrics, since 2014.
“Nestle” kompaniýasy kim?
Nestle S.A. (/ ˈnɛsleɪ, -li, -əl / NESS-lay, -⁠lee, -⁠əl, Fransuzça: [nɛsle], Nemesçe: Weweý, Vaud, Şweýsariýa. 2014-nji ýyldan bäri dünýäde girdeji we beýleki ölçegler bilen ölçelýän iň uly iýmit kompaniýasydyr. 2017-nji ýylda Fortune Global 500 sanawynda 64-nji, Forbes Global 2000 sanawynyň 2016-njy ýyldaky neşirinde 33-nji orny eýeledi. jemgyýetçilik kompaniýalary.
“Nestle S.A.” Şweýsariýanyň Wewe, Vaud şäherinde ýerleşýän Şweýsariýanyň köpmilletli iýmit we içgi gaýtadan işleýän birleşigi. 2014-nji ýyldan bäri girdeji we beýleki ölçegler bilen ölçelýän dünýädäki iň uly azyk kompaniýasydyr.
What is a Japanese dish of prepared rice, usually with some sugar and salt, accompanied by a variety of ingredients, such as seafood, often raw, and vegetables?
Sushi (すし, 寿司, 鮨, 鮓, pronounced [sɯɕiꜜ] or [sɯꜜɕi]) is a Japanese dish of prepared vinegared rice (鮨飯, sushi-meshi), usually with some sugar and salt, accompanied by a variety of ingredients (ねた, neta), such as seafood, often raw, and vegetables. Styles of sushi and its presentation vary widely, but the one key ingredient is "sushi rice", also referred to as shari (しゃり), or sumeshi (酢飯). The inventor of modern sushi is believed to be Hanaya Yohei, who invented nigiri-zushi, a type of sushi most known today, in which seafood is placed on hand-pressed vinegared rice, around 1824 in the Edo period (1603–1867). It was the fast food of the chōnin class in the Edo period. Sushi is traditionally made with medium-grain white rice, though it can be prepared with brown rice or short-grain rice. It is very often prepared with seafood, such as squid, eel, yellowtail, salmon, tuna or imitation crab meat. Many types of sushi are vegetarian. It is often served with pickled ginger (gari), wasabi, and soy sauce. Daikon radish or pickled daikon (takuan) are popular garnishes for the dish. Sushi is sometimes confused with sashimi, a similar dish in Japanese cuisine that consists of thinly sliced raw fish or occasionally meat.
Sushi is the answer to the question.
Adatça deňiz önümleri, köplenç çig we gök önümler ýaly dürli maddalar bilen bilelikde taýýarlanan tüwiniň ýapon nahary näme?
Sushi (す し, 寿司, 鮨, 鮓, [sɯɕiꜜ] ýa-da [sɯꜜɕi] diýilýär) ýapon nahary, taýýarlanan sirke tüwi (鮨 飯, suşi-meshi), adatça şeker we duz bilen dürli maddalar bilen bilelikde () Sea た, neta), deňiz önümleri, köplenç çig we gök önümler. Suşiniň görnüşleri we hödürlenişi dürli-dürli bolýar, ýöne esasy düzümi şari (し ゃ り) ýa-da sumeshi (酢 飯) diýlip atlandyrylýan "suşi tüwi". Döwrebap suşini oýlap tapyjy, 1824-nji ýylda Edo döwründe (1603–1867) deňiz önümleri el bilen basylan sirke tüwiniň üstünde goýlan suşiniň bir görnüşi bolan nigiri-zuşini oýlap tapan Hanaýa heoheý hasaplanýar. Edo döwründe çin synpynyň çalt naharydy. Suşi adatça goňur tüwi ýa-da gysga däne tüwi bilen taýýarlanyp bilinýän bolsa, orta däneli ak tüwi bilen ýasalýar. Düwürtik, ökjeli, sarymtyl, losos, tuna ýa-da gyrgyç eti ýaly deňiz önümleri bilen köplenç taýýarlanýar. Suşiniň köp görnüşi wegetarian. Köplenç duzlanan zynjyr (gari), wasabi we soýa sousy bilen berilýär. Daikon turp ýa-da duzlanan daikon (takuan) saçak üçin meşhur garniturlardyr. Suşi käwagt inçe kesilen çig balykdan ýa-da käwagt etden ybarat ýapon aşhanasyndaky şuňa meňzeş tagam sashimi bilen bulaşýar.
Suşi bu soraga jogap.
why do dogs like humans?
As humans we might not understand why dogs are such big fans of us. It could be that from a dogs perspective, humans seem to have an unlimited source of food at their disposal. Dogs may have developed their love for humans just because of all the free food they get from them. Since wolves evolved into dogs because of their symbiotic relationship with humans, one could argue that the domestication of wolves via selective breeding led to the reason most dogs like humans. Dogs also like humans because humans play with them and scratch them behind the ear. It could even be that dogs like humans because of a humans opposable thump, as humans could not throw a ball without them.
itler näme üçin adamlary halaýarlar?
Adamlar hökmünde itleriň näme üçin beýle muşdakdygyna düşünip bilmeris. Itleriň nukdaýnazaryndan adamlaryň ygtyýarynda çäksiz iýmit çeşmesi bar ýaly bolup biler. Itler, diňe mugt iýmitleri sebäpli adamlara bolan söýgüsini ösdüren bolmagy mümkin. Möjekler adamlar bilen simbiotik gatnaşygy sebäpli itlere öwrülendigi sebäpli, möjekleriň saýlama köpeltmek arkaly eldekileşdirilmegi itleriň köpüsiniň adam ýaly sebäbine sebäp bolandygyny öňe sürüp bolar. Itler hem adamlary halaýarlar, sebäbi adamlar olar bilen oýnaýarlar we gulagyň arkasyna dyrnaýarlar. Hatda itleriň adamlara garşy topy sebäpli adamlary halaýandyklary sebäpli, adamlar olarsyz top atyp bilmeýärler.
Why playing Phase 10 make people so angry?
Unlike a similar card game, Uno, players can target one another in a more direct way. This can cause players to feel singled out and targeted which may feel unfair. Skip cards can be given to anyone which means that everyone can skip the same person if they wanted to or make someone draw card after card until they are so far behind there is no reason for them to continue to play the game. This can be frustrating and cause players to lash out.
Näme üçin 10-njy tapgyra oýnamak adamlary gaty gaharlandyrýar?
Şuňa meňzeş kart oýnundan tapawutlylykda, oýunçylar has göni görnüşde biri-birini nyşana alyp bilerler. Bu, oýunçylaryň özlerini adalatsyz duýup bilýän we nyşana alynmagyna sebäp bolup biler. Geçmek kartoçkalary islendik adama berilip bilner, bu bolsa her kim bir adamdan kartoçkadan soň kartoçka çekmek islese ýa-da kartoçka çekmek islese, şol bir adamy taşlap biljekdigini aňladýar, bu oýny dowam etdirmäge hiç hili sebäp ýok. Bu lapykeç bolup, oýunçylaryň kowulmagyna sebäp bolup biler.
What are some necessary equipment for camping?
The equipment needed for camping can vary considerably depending on the kind of camping one is planning on doing. Here are some things that are commonly needed for camping comfortably: 1. A shelter, like a tent. 2. Sleeping bag 3. Sleeping pad or mattress 4. Camp lights 5. Camp kitchen utensils 6. A stove 7. Cutlery 8. Firewood 9. Clean drinking water, or water filters 10. A camp cooler
Lager üçin zerur enjamlar haýsylar?
Dynç alyş üçin zerur enjamlar, lageriň görnüşine baglylykda ep-esli üýtgäp biler. Dynç alyş üçin adatça zerur bolan käbir zatlar: 1. Çadyr ýaly gaçybatalga. 2. Uky sumkasy 3. leepatmak üçin düşek ýa-da düşek 4. Lager çyralary 5. Lagerdäki aşhana gap-gaçlary 6. Peç 7. Kesikler 8. Ojak 9. Arassa agyz suwy ýa-da suw süzgüçleri 10. Lager sowadyjysy
Which DJ Introduced BeatBullyz on the BBC Introducting stage?
Since their formation, the Beatbullyz have had a busy career performing at local venues in Swindon. In 2008, they came 1st in Channel 4's unsigned band competition, which won them a chance to star in the soap opera Hollyoaks. In the same year, they released their album Rootz. In 2009, they got their break in the form of Radio 1's Big Weekend in Swindon, where they appeared on the "BBC Introducing" stage, introduced by Radio 1 DJ Huw Stephens. He invited them back for the Maida Vale Session in July. In August that year, they performed at the Moonfest as well as supporting Example in the later part of 2009. In February 2010, they shared a stage with Scouting for Girls and backed N Dubz on their tour throughout March into April. Dappy from N Dubz said "Beatbullyz are too unique, I love them, no-one sounds like them, Beatbullyz all the way man." They played their own gigs throughout April, including a performance at the Playaway Festival. The next month they were back at Radio 1's Big Weekend in Wales where Fearne Cotten introduced them, pledging her support when they headlined the BBC Introducing stage. They released their debut single Skillz that May. In 2010 they shared a stage with Eliza Doolittle and performed at the Wireless Festival in July. They unveiled their second release, Bounce and then their third release Human Nature and the last release single Heartbeat Ft Lizzy Paterson.Beatbullyz played at the Big Arts Day in Swindon at Lydiard Park. They carried on touring, sharing the stage with such acts as Professor Green and Tinchy Stryder at Spa Bidlington. They recorded a track with, Lizzie Patterson, sister of Robert Patterson, in 2010. In August, they supported Jason Derulo on his UK tour as well as doing their own tour ending in February 2011. In September 2010, Beatbullyz released their album Human Nature and throughout December supported JLS on their tour across the UK in 2010. They supported Example in their hometown Swindon at the MECA. Bozo is featured on a track with another local from Swindon, Daine Gooden. In May 2011 they supported Coolio.
DJ Huw Stephens introduced BeatBullyz on the BBC Introducing stage on Radio 1.
Haýsy DJ Beat Bullyz bilen BBC tanyşdyryş sahnasynda tanyşdyrdy?
Döredileli bäri Beatbullyz Swindondaky ýerli ýerlerde çykyş etmek bilen meşgullandy. 2008-nji ýylda 4-nji kanalda gol çekmedik topar bäsleşiginde 1-nji ýeri eýeledi, bu olara "Hollyoaks" sabyn operasynda baş keşbi janlandyrmaga mümkinçilik berdi. Şol ýylda Rootz atly albomyny çykardylar. 2009-njy ýylda arakesmesini Swindonda Radio 1-iň uly dynç güni görnüşinde aldylar we şol ýerde 1-nji radio DJ Huw Stefens tarapyndan hödürlenen "BBC Giriş" sahnasynda çykyş etdiler. Olary iýul aýynda Maida Wale sessiýasyna çagyrdy. Şol ýylyň awgust aýynda “Moonfest” -de çykyş etdiler, şeýle hem 2009-njy ýylyň ahyrynda Mysal üçin goldaw berdiler. 2010-njy ýylyň fewral aýynda Gyzlar üçin Skaut bilen sahna paýlaşdylar we mart aýyndan aprel aýyna çenli N Dubz-a goldaw berdiler. N Dubzdan Dappi "Beatbullyz gaty üýtgeşik, men olary gowy görýärin, hiç kim ýaly däl, Beatbullyz adam ýaly" -diýdi. “Playaway” festiwalynda çykyş etmek bilen aprel aýynyň dowamynda öz sazlaryny oýnadylar. Ertesi aý, Uelsdäki “Radio 1” -niň Uly dynç güni gaýdyp geldiler, Fearne Kotten olary tanatdy, BBC tanyşdyryş tapgyryna başlanda goldaw berjekdigini aýtdy. Şol ýylyň maý aýynda ilkinji “Skillz” -ni çykardylar. 2010-njy ýylda Eliza Doolittle bilen sahna paýlaşdylar we iýul aýynda simsiz festiwalda çykyş etdiler. Ikinji çykan “Bounce” -ni, soňra üçünji çykan “Adam tebigaty” we iň soňky çykan “Heartbeat Ft Lizzy Paterson” -ny görkezdiler. Beatbullyz Lydiard Parkda Swindondaky Uly sungat gününde oýnady. Spa Bidlingtonda professor Grin we Tinçi Stryder ýaly sahnalar bilen sahnany paýlaşdylar. 2010-njy ýylda Robert Pattersonyň aýal dogany Lizi Patterson bilen aýdym ýazdylar. Awgust aýynda Jeýson Derulony Angliýa saparyna goldadylar, şeýle hem 2011-nji ýylyň fewral aýynda tamamlanjak gezelençlerini amala aşyrdylar. 2010-njy ýylyň sentýabr aýynda Beatbullyz “Adam tebigaty” atly albomyny çykardy. Dekabr aýynyň dowamynda JLS-i 2010-njy ýylda Angliýa gezelençlerinde goldadylar. MECA-da dogduk şäheri Swindonda Mysal goldadylar. Bozo, Swindonly başga bir ýerli ýaşaýjy Daýn Guden bilen ýolda görkezilýär. 2011-nji ýylyň maý aýynda Coolio-ny goldadylar.
Dj Huw Stefens BeatBullyz-i BBC-de 1-nji radio ýaýlymynda tanyşdyrmak sahnasynda tanyşdyrdy.
How many disciplines of rowing are there?
Rowing, sometimes called crew in the United States, is the sport of racing boats using oars. It differs from paddling sports in that rowing oars are attached to the boat using oarlocks, while paddles are not connected to the boat. Rowing is divided into two disciplines: sculling and sweep rowing. In sculling, each rower holds two oars—one in each hand, while in sweep rowing each rower holds one oar with both hands. There are several boat classes in which athletes may compete, ranging from single sculls, occupied by one person, to shells with eight rowers and a coxswain, called eights. There are a wide variety of course types and formats of racing, but most elite and championship level racing is conducted on calm water courses 2 kilometres (1.2 mi) long with several lanes marked using buoys.
There are two primary rowing disciplines: sweep rowing and sculling.
Küreklemek boýunça näçe ders bar?
ABŞ-da käwagt ekipa called diýlip atlandyrylýan küreklemek, gämi ulanyp, ýaryş gaýyklarynyň sportydyr. Gämi sporty bilen tapawutlanýar, sebäbi gaýyklar gämi bilen birikdirilmedik bolsa, gaýyklar gämi bilen birikdirilýär. Tigir sürmek iki ugra bölünýär: küreklemek we süpürmek. Gaýtalamakda, her bir çapyksuwar iki gämi tutýar - biri elinde, süpürişde her bir çapyksuwar iki eli bilen bir gämi tutýar. Birnäçe gaýyk synpy bar, bu ýerde türgenler bäsleşip bilerler, bir adamyň eýeleýän ýeke kellesinden başlap, sekiz kürekli gabyklara we sekiz diýlip atlandyrylýan gämi duralgasyna çenli. Acingaryşyň dürli görnüşleri we görnüşleri bar, ýöne iň saýlama we çempionat derejesindäki ýaryşlaryň köpüsi 2 kilometr (1,2 mil) uzynlykdaky rahat suw kurslarynda, buýlary ulanyp bellik edilen birnäçe zolak bilen geçirilýär.
Iki küreklemek boýunça iki esasy ders bar: süpürmek we küreklemek.

Turkmen Dolly 15k Dataset


This dataset is a Turkmen translation of the original Dolly 15k dataset. The Dolly dataset is a publicly available instruction-following dataset created by Databricks, containing 15,000 high-quality human-generated prompt-response pairs. This Turkmen version aims to extend the accessibility of instruction-following datasets to the Turkmen language community.

Dataset Details

  • Original Dataset: Dolly 15k
  • Language: Turkmen
  • Number of Samples: 15,000
  • Types of Tasks: Various, including open-ended generation, classification, extraction, and more
  • Translation Method: Google Translate

File Format

The dataset is provided in JSONL (JSON Lines) format. Each line in the file represents a single JSON object with the following structure:

  "instruction": "Original instruction in English",
  "context": "Original context in English (if applicable)",
  "response": "Original response in English",
  "category": "Category of the task",
  "instruction_tk": "Instruction translated to Turkmen",
  "context_tk": "Context translated to Turkmen (if applicable)",
  "response_tk": "Response translated to Turkmen"


  "instruction": "In the series A Song of Ice and Fire, who is the founder of House Casterly?",
  "context": "",
  "response": "Corlos, son of Caster",
  "category": "open_qa",
  "instruction_tk": "\"Buz we ot aýdymy\" seriýasynda \"House Casterly\" -ny esaslandyryjy kim?",
  "context_tk": "",
  "response_tk": "Karlos, Kasteriň ogly"


  • Original Dolly 15k dataset creators: Databricks
  • Translation: Google Translate


For questions or issues regarding this dataset, please contact:


The translations in this dataset were performed using Google Translate. While this approach allows for rapid translation of a large dataset, users should be aware that there might be inaccuracies, mistranslations, or loss of nuance, especially for complex or domain-specific content. Exercise caution when using this dataset for tasks requiring high precision in language understanding or generation.

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