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wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-879.wav|Didn't say anything about his name. Wasn't the sort of encounter where names matter.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-727.wav|That so?. I haven't heard anything about that. But if that's true... well, he was an enemy combatant.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-881.wav|It was late one night as I was leaving the harbour. He was waiting on the corner in a bright white jacket, classic Saramirizian style...
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-98.wav|Gotta be bloody stupid or freakin' evil to scab. Or, I guess... scared, maybe. But scared of what, of who?
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-507.wav|It's a minor nuisance. It's all good.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-10.wav|Oh. Good, good! What matters do you want to discuss with Evrart?
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-549.wav|A Mesquese epic then, all across Martinaise.. I hope it will be a real bonanza for you.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-576.wav|Polar weasel? Oh... I know what you mean. I'm pretty sure he's actually Occidental though. So you're gonna be commitin' fratricide, my racist friend.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-83.wav|Keeps you warm on a day like this. Or any day, for that matter.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-385.wav|Imagine, you cops going on a strike, but then another cop comes in and says: 'Let us cop! For less money.'
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-63.wav|I hear you and it's... uh, pleasure meeting you, Harry.. But do keep an eye out for an alternative, alright?
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-808.wav|Maybe, maybe not.. Either way, I'm not institutional. A man's got to blaze his own trail, in my book...
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-174.wav|A man walking on the edge of a razor, eh? Leaves more for me!
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-457.wav|Why not? Must be nice being something else for a change. The rest of us are just folks.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-483.wav|Hidin', gatherin' themselves. The harbour's in full lockdown, friend. No getting in or out... for the time being.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-416.wav|So.... How'd you like our harbour?
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-236.wav|Sure thing, my friend, I can help you out.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-561.wav|I'll be okay here, doing lookout.. Quite the sight, aren't they? Getting to like that red, I am...
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-601.wav|Like I said before, I don't know much about this weasel, but the bossman said he's a real piece of work.. Thanks for helping out, friend.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-893.wav|A very old-school organising technique, the sort of thing communistas used to do before the Revolution.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-389.wav|You a scab now?
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-352.wav|He was an agent of the opposition, attempting to undermine our honourable efforts.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-293.wav|You're quite the righteous man.. Honour allows us to keep a respectful distance from each other. So, what do you need?
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-411.wav|It's that really cool flying desperado spin kick you did, boiadeiro. Often performed by the most hard-bodied boiadeiros on the steppes.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-696.wav|Besides, there are no non-corrupt systems in the world anyway. And moralism is the most corrupt of them all.
wavs/alternative-0-Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-520-0.wav|In parts. Four in total. The helmet was the first to go, the kid says he tore it off and kicked it into the sea. I believe him. The boots.... Well, it looks like you're wearing them.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-169.wav|I don't operate in that capacity. I'm not a granter of passage.. The passage grants itself.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-874.wav|Is that so?. Well, in that case, I salute you, boia, and wish you good fortune on this grand ideological quest.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-193.wav|From back when you were not a cop, but a heavy-set dark-skinned dockworker named Santiago John?
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-782.wav|Ah, now I see. Can't say I'm surprised. You seem to take your communism seriously. Not a bad thing, mind you. It's good for a man to take time to think about the whole socio-political world picture.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-869.wav|Just in time, the faithful partner arrives with the key that turns the lock. You two make a good pair...
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-746.wav|Especially getting those boots off him. You'd have an easier time wrestling the spurs off a boiadeiro than that.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-840.wav|So they were lovers, eh? Makes sense, he seemed like a romantic, in his way.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-402.wav|Aye-aye, sir.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-656.wav|I'm really sorry, friend. Frittte's nearby, get some nosaphed.. Good stuff. Helps against heart attacks too.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-548.wav|Smart choice,. It's only that one spot you need armoured too, the one the bullet hits.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-244.wav|Good one, officer.. Don't worry, we here have solidarity with the RCM.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-838.wav|I don't know. Guess not everyone remembers.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-559.wav|Serious business, as I'm sure you now realize. The boss would have been glad to tell you. Alas, you cannot get to him anymore.
wavs/alternative-0-Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-470-0.wav|Time will tell.... I'll tell Evrart you dropped by. I'm sure he'll be glad.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-46.wav|Hey, if the rich folk screw over poor folk, with little concern for their merits or futures, why shouldn't poor folk screw over rich folk from time to time?
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-686.wav|A none-of-the-above kind of man? No harm in being that.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-69.wav|Boiadeiro!
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-490.wav|To get me into trouble. To sic the pigs on me, pardon the choice of words. Not mine.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-184.wav|No need to get aggressive.. I'm really not the one to ask.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-641.wav|Probably not.. I wouldn't even know where to start with that. Much better here at the harbour, for an honest Union man like me.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  SCAB LEADER-30.wav|So do we, scab!
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-511.wav|Not much. Technical stuff mostly. That was the interesting part.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-562.wav|Don't worry about me. I live to alleviate the worries of our brothers. See if any other insane killers turn up. Then I'll run. And live.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-302.wav|Was not meant as... provocation or ridicule.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-779.wav|Could be coming from one of the jammed lorries? Cargo's been sitting out for a while.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-724.wav|A really cool guy.
wavs/alternative-0-Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-696-0.wav|Besides, there are no non-corrupt systems in the world anyway. Moralism least of all.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-555.wav|Right! You talked to the boss, eye-to-eye, like men of the plain. If you have any more questions, I'm set to talk.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-615.wav|Yes.. You said as much.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-473.wav|Harry.... It's cool. But I'm sure you could come up with something even cooler.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-741.wav|I guess you won't be collecting them all then. That's less work for you, at least!
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-384.wav|Knocked him out good.... Like the flying desperado!
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-65.wav|Wow! This is major! You're like... a man born anew!. Okay, so if you can't find it, maybe make up a new one?
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-442.wav|A key, huh?. What door is this key supposed to open?
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-47.wav|I think it's best you make up your own mind, now that you've met him.. In my eyes, he is a capable organizer and a decent businessman.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-480.wav|It calls back to an older era, where this was commonplace, though. You have a true boiadeiro heart.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-882.wav|He asked me for a light. We shared cigarettes. Then he asked if I ever thought about 'getting into some of the extra-physical branches of communism'.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-96.wav|Beats me. Somewhere in the ground, I think.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-896.wav|It was late one night as I was leaving the harbour. He was waiting on the corner in a classic Saramirizian jacket, a lot like the one you've got there...
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-157.wav|Are you quite sure?
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-44.wav|See, I am primarily a lazy person.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-553.wav|You know... serious business.. I'm sure the big boss would be glad to tell you. You'll have to ask him first.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-467.wav|Any political movement goes through a period of strife. Shame you got mixed up in it, though.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-431.wav|Speakin' of! What brings the RCM here? To the Wild North? Come to see the strife?
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-750.wav|Good luck if you go for those boots, though. You'd have an easier time wrestling the spurs off a boiadeiro than getting them off him.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-186.wav|What a thought!. Why would noble workers resort to such a thing. Unless they were pushed, of course.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-305.wav|Always glad to help out the RCM. Shame I can't do more, things are meagre at the moment, due to...
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-505.wav|So I went to this boy. He said he'll make me his prison bitch. He's got eyes everywhere, the cops in his pocket and he's the king of Jamrock.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-207.wav|Plenty to go around. Don't get greedy and try to swipe mine, though.. You've got your own.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-311.wav|Nothing to worry about, really. The jam's a bit of a mess, cargo can't get in or out. The rationing is a bit stricter, is all. Supplies should last the strike, though.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-323.wav|He's probably in his container at the harbour, so head right on in there.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-810.wav|Didn't realize you could smell communism.. But then, I've never studied the subject...
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-349.wav|Sure thing.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-587.wav|I'm more of a philosophical dockworker. I like to talk about the big picture stuff. Who I am. Who you are. What we are fighting for...
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-719.wav|I don't know about that. Anyway, like I said before, bossman said that weasel's not a friendly boia.. So thanks for helping out.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-665.wav|First, don't fight him. Obviously. Second, get him to share his theory by being subordinate. Admit your lack of expertise. Basically grovel. That's how I'd do it,. You're welcome.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-709.wav|Too bad. Can't live in this world without a good name, friend. Important things, they are. Vessels of the soul.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-892.wav|No idea. I took it to mean he was asking me to join some sort of underground cell...
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-639.wav|I don't believe you. Poste L'Aventurier said the same thing. They tried to get me to be their postman. So fun, so easy, they said. It's just walking.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-243.wav|Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.. But these scabs ain't begging, they ain't holding on to their integrity.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-446.wav|They're sort of like you. Preserve the rule of law and all that. Except it's Evrart's law.. But, really, they're just like you.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-583.wav|Hehe, I'm not so sure about the hustle-grind, but.... You know, it doesn't matter. It's a good thing you're doing. Thanks.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-160.wav|Hold on, man. Keep it slow and steady, don't succumb to fate. It can take time to come up with a really good one...
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-163.wav|There's no rush to find yourself.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-827.wav|Remember Dobreva and Abadanaiz...
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-445.wav|Oh, say no more. I got you.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-291.wav|He should be more careful, that Johannes. Can I have the card?
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-807.wav|I wish I could help. Unfortunately, I don't know many communistas.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-777.wav|Hrmmm. Have you tried a butcher shop?
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-266.wav|Jean-Luc himself would say the philosophy has proven... overly heroic for the scabs to convert to. Not enough intuition.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-826.wav|I couldn't tell you. Once I declined his offer, we finished our cigarettes and he disappeared back into the night. Just before he melted into the shadows he turned to me and said...
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-9.wav|Ah, I was just messing with you.. No one's ever seen a cop scab.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-40.wav|But my own code serves me well. If my code starts failing, a code can fail a man as well as a man can fail a code, then I will have to submit to a new one. Which may well be communism.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-642.wav|That's okay. I have no idea what I'm doing either. I don't even know what day it is.... Don't tell me. It's a better day that way.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-271.wav|Oh, sorry, friend. Didn't mean to throw it like that... it's a thing we harbour folk do. Comes naturally.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-187.wav|Your dead guy, was an enemy combatant.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-31.wav|Even a weak child can think it. The only things holding someone back are I can't and I shouldn't.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-485.wav|No, man. Not today. Today is war.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-319.wav|So why should they be the only ones with the power to take stuff over?
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-332.wav|Then how can anything ever be 'mine'? But that's okay, we don't have to agree. The prairie is wide enough for all of us.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-354.wav|Words guide our life, we commune with each thing through its word. Every word is also a name, is it not?
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-517.wav|I did some research into this armadura. Let's say I have friends at the library,. I didn't get into the material science, just how it comes off.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-85.wav|Like me and you. Exactly so.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-681.wav|... the wolf always wants more. I like wolves.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-894.wav|It was alright. A little like something out of a Vespertine spy novel, but I must respect the effort.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-481.wav|Yet it calls back to an older era, where this was commonplace. You have a true boiadeiro heart.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-205.wav|Suspicious activity? How very troublesome... yet, take a look around. Strikers, protests, scabs, isn't it all so very suspicious?
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-195.wav|Good thing too. I've known Johannes for a few years now, be sinister if he turned into a completely different person overnight.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-606.wav|None of this mess we're in. This jivin' and jugglin'... What's it for?. To feed our children I guess.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-258.wav|Yeah, the two-and-a-half-metre tall Semenese supremacist there.. Walk right past him...
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-100.wav|Suit yourself. Yet one can't live nameless; names are important things. Vessels of the soul.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-307.wav|Right, always glad to help out the RCM! We're on the same branch, you and I. Humans, I mean, not slithering scabs.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-250.wav|Oh, okay. Good luck with that.. So, what do you need?
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-873.wav|I have to say, though: It sounds like you've found yourself a proper hunt.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-119.wav|Yes, friend. The world is certainly stupid enough to have stupid features.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-303.wav|Right, always glad to help out! We're on the same branch, you and I. Not like these slithering scabs.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-306.wav|You know, the winter's fat is slowly running out and all. Still better than scabbing, though.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-403.wav|I get it, hush-hush about the secret technology.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-261.wav|Don't worry, I'm sure it's not completely impossible. For example, you could best Measurehead in a physical confrontation.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-4.wav|A kind of a worm, content with mere survival. They come, they want to do our job for shittier pay, screwing over both themselves and us. Everybody loses.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-781.wav|Now that is an important subject, but also a sensitive one. Still, good of you to just come straight out with it. No beating about the bush...
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-292.wav|Oh, John's been out drinking himself blind again? He should watch his step, that John. Can I have the card?
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-597.wav|Yeah.... The janitor who gave me the key to his apartment said the guy's a bit of an asshole.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-165.wav|If you say so.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-379.wav|Wire tapping. Telescopic batons. Futuristic circuit-bending to infiltrate harbour machinery. Maybe you could even knock that Kvalsund crane over using some remote controls...
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-486.wav|Heh.. The little boia did good on his promise.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-804.wav|Oh, I see...
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-465.wav|There are types of danger. The one I'm usually concerned with is lung cancer, or getting mauled by wildlife. Not... bullets.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-39.wav|I have nothing against communists, they are honourable boiadeiros.. And they have good analysis.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-800.wav|So you've given up copping and now you're hunting communistas. Care to say why?
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-190.wav|Umm.... But that's not you, officer?
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-510.wav|I learned that people don't want to talk to a drunk Union man about some armour.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-28.wav|Never grateful. Were we ever grateful, we'd have nothing. You fight for every piece.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-5.wav|Personally, I'd rather beg than scab. If the gentlemen shouting on the street came begging, maybe they'd have gotten something.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-170.wav|Aye, walk right past Measurehead and go in.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-48.wav|By Heavens, why would he not be corrupt? We live in a harsh and disordered world, see. And in this world...
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-26.wav|All of it. However, right now we want all the harbour workers to be on the company's board, so they could take part in the decision-making process.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-871.wav|Sound like you two may have been riding together too long. The strain of the open range, and so on...
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-654.wav|Sure.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-82.wav|And then we might go wild together, which sounds fun. But I guess I have a strike to watch.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-571.wav|I got that key right here. And let me tell you, it's mighty good of you to help us out during the strike, working class solidarity, as they say.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-202.wav|Thank you plenty. I'll make sure John gets his card back.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-391.wav|I'm not really an admirer of dead bodies. Might be someone else from the Union can render assistance...
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-36.wav|Quite a shitty board, I must say. Means someone's gotta reform it. I, for one, want to face the fat ones', when decisions are made.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-497.wav|Serves me right for doing menial footwork. I dropped that probe right then and there, and it still got me into trouble,. One bad move is all it takes.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-150.wav|It's not enough. Not enough to get ahead. More about keepin' us in our place.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-136.wav|Can't live in this world without names, see. Important things, they are. Vessels of the soul.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-677.wav|Of course. I got you, you don't know anything.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-640.wav|It wasn't. I'm doing much better here at the harbour. Being an honest Union man with a lot of free time on his hands.
wavs/alternative-1-Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-470-1.wav|Time will tell.... I'll tell Evrart you dropped by. I'm sure he'll be glad.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-474.wav|A strong, solid name telling of dedication and honour.. Well met, Harrier.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-315.wav|Aye, now here's the thing... at any time, some other capitalist could take the place over with the blink of an eye, without even owning any of the buildings.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-105.wav|It can take time to come up with a good one, for sure.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-806.wav|Chasing a dream, huh? I have to respect that, boia...
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-55.wav|It means call me tomorrow.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-428.wav|It's but a rest area on the path leading across open plains,
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-891.wav|The same thing I always tell people who try to press some claim on me: I said, 'Every boiadeiro rides alone'.
wavs/alternative-0-Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-873-0.wav|I have to say, though: It sounds like you've found yourselves a proper hunt.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-252.wav|My friend, I respect the right to roam. The open range awaits...
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-241.wav|Oh! I'm sorry... didn't mean to throw it like that. It's a thing we harbour folk do, passing around cargo and such.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-466.wav|Yet you live?. It calls back to an older era, where this was commonplace. You have a true boiadeiro heart.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-718.wav|Yeah, it would be really bad if we got into an argument about it. Waste of a good noon. Or afternoon? Or night?. Anyway, thanks for helping out, friend.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-786.wav|Communistas, huh? Can't say that's where I thought you were heading with this. Not that I'm criticizing. It's good for a man to take his time and think about the whole socio-political world picture.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-267.wav|Not yet, no.. He's... incredibly strong.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-25.wav|Aye.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-16.wav|Body still hangin' in the tree?. Aye, that's a rough pickle... can't help you with that, sorry.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-177.wav|The mercenary, aye?. Who could have killed him, that's indeed the question. Why even do such a thing?
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-327.wav|Just the way the world works, boiadeiro.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-196.wav|How did you get his shift card anyway?
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-470.wav|Time will tell.... I'll tell the bossman you dropped by. I'm sure he'll be glad.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-577.wav|What you're looking for is a basement door behind the greenhouse, that's behind the Whirling-in-Rags, that's all I know. Our organisation is what you call compartmentalized. Means we keep out of each other's business.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-7.wav|We've explained the matters, but they don't listen.. This lot would be reasonable and go home if the big guy wasn't riling them up all the time.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-504.wav|At first I thought, why not, maybe the pieces can feed the strike? Buy us a few more days under the sun, you know.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-23.wav|This stuff, they already covered.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-151.wav|So, anything else you wanted to discuss, boiadeiro?
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-61.wav|Now that we're getting so well acquainted, what's your name?
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-199.wav|Highly unlikely. I've known John for several years now. Also, you told me you're a cop, remember? How did you get his shift card?
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-57.wav|I'd say a real name is what most people call you.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-566.wav|You know it, friend.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-414.wav|So, what's on your mind this time?
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-341.wav|I ain't the murderin' type. But that's just me. Large organizations like our Union have all sorts of men, with all sorts of skills.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-19.wav|We're negotiating our share.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-348.wav|Is it the dulcet tone of ultraliberalism I hear?
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-809.wav|Some are, some aren't.. It's a big institution, room for all kinds: communistas, Semenese supremacists, even an anti-institutional boiadeiro...
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-290.wav|Yes,. The city has a way of pairing souls. John's been out drinking himself blind...
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-211.wav|A name worthy of the man who holds it, friend. Names are important.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-116.wav|More a poetic thing. Any attempt to formulate a grand unified theory about it ends in the stupidest shit imaginable. Doesn't make it less true, though.
wavs/Call Me Manana-GATES  MANANA-662.wav|All right, I may have some advice for you on how to deal with Jean-Luc there, out of solidarity to the RCM. It's low on technology, however.