Dataset Viewer issue: DatasetWithScriptNotSupportedError
- opened
I am aware that the viewer does not work when custom code needs to be run in oder to build the dataset. However, for retrieval datasets it is an issue, as the corpus and queries subsets have different structures, and thus need custom code to build them.
Could you allow this script to be run ?
Thanks in advance.
Error details:
Error code: DatasetWithScriptNotSupportedError
Hi ! Have you tried defining the two configurations using YAML ?
e.g. you ccould remove the dataset script and add this in the YAML section at the top of your README:
- config_name: documents
data_files: documents.json
- config_name: queries
data_files: queries.json
This should enable the Dataset Viewer and make it easier for users to load this dataset (no need to trust_remote_code=True
This is perfect (and much easier than relying on the script...) ! Thank you :)
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