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import blenderproc as bproc
import numpy as np
import os
import json
import bpy
import cv2
from PIL import Image
import math
from mathutils import Vector, Matrix
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--glb_path', type=str)
parser.add_argument('--output_dir', type=str, default='output')
args = parser.parse_args()
# load the glb model
def load_object(object_path: str) -> None:
"""Loads a glb model into the scene."""
if object_path.endswith(".glb") or object_path.endswith(".gltf"):
bpy.ops.import_scene.gltf(filepath=object_path, merge_vertices=False)
elif object_path.endswith(".fbx"):
elif object_path.endswith(".obj"):
elif object_path.endswith(".ply"):
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported file type: {object_path}")
def load_envmap(envmap_path: str) -> None:
"""Loads an environment map into the scene."""
world =
world.use_nodes = True
bg = world.node_tree.nodes['Background']
envmap ='ShaderNodeTexEnvironment')
envmap.image =['Color'], envmap.outputs['Color'])
def turn_off_metallic():
# use for albedo rendering, metallic will affect the color
materials = bproc.material.collect_all()
for mat in materials:
mat.set_principled_shader_value('Metallic', 0.0)
def camera_pose(azimuth, elevation, radius=1.5):
"""Camera look at the origin."""
azimuth = np.deg2rad(azimuth)
elevation = np.deg2rad(elevation)
x = radius * np.cos(azimuth) * np.cos(elevation)
y = -radius * np.sin(azimuth) * np.cos(elevation)
z = radius * np.sin(elevation)
camera_position = np.array([x, y, z])
camera_forward = camera_position / np.linalg.norm(camera_position)
camera_right = np.cross(np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]), camera_forward)
camera_right /= np.linalg.norm(camera_right)
camera_up = np.cross(camera_forward, camera_right)
camera_up /= np.linalg.norm(camera_up)
camera_pose = np.eye(4)
camera_pose[:3, 0] = camera_right
camera_pose[:3, 1] = camera_up
camera_pose[:3, 2] = camera_forward
camera_pose[:3, 3] = camera_position
return camera_pose
def scene_root_objects():
for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects.values():
if not obj.parent:
yield obj
def scene_meshes():
for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects.values():
if isinstance(, (bpy.types.Mesh)):
yield obj
def scene_bbox(single_obj=None, ignore_matrix=False):
bbox_min = (math.inf,) * 3
bbox_max = (-math.inf,) * 3
found = False
for obj in scene_meshes() if single_obj is None else [single_obj]:
found = True
for coord in obj.bound_box:
coord = Vector(coord)
if not ignore_matrix:
coord = obj.matrix_world @ coord
bbox_min = tuple(min(x, y) for x, y in zip(bbox_min, coord))
bbox_max = tuple(max(x, y) for x, y in zip(bbox_max, coord))
if not found:
raise RuntimeError("no objects in scene to compute bounding box for")
return Vector(bbox_min), Vector(bbox_max)
def normalize_scene():
bbox_min, bbox_max = scene_bbox()
scale = 1 / max(bbox_max - bbox_min)
for obj in scene_root_objects():
obj.scale = obj.scale * scale
# Apply scale to matrix_world.
bbox_min, bbox_max = scene_bbox()
offset = -(bbox_min + bbox_max) / 2
for obj in scene_root_objects():
obj.matrix_world.translation += offset
return scale, offset
def reset_normal():
reset normal
for obj in scene_meshes(): = obj
def change_to_orm():
materials = bproc.material.collect_all()
for mat in materials:
orm_color ='ShaderNodeCombineRGB')
principled_bsdf = mat.get_the_one_node_with_type("BsdfPrincipled")
# metallic -> Blue
if principled_bsdf.inputs['Metallic'].links:
metallic_from_socket = principled_bsdf.inputs['Metallic'].links[0].from_socket
metallic_link =, orm_color.inputs['B'])
metallic_value = principled_bsdf.inputs['Metallic'].default_value
orm_color.inputs['B'].default_value = metallic_value
principled_bsdf.inputs['Metallic'].default_value = 0.0
# roughness -> Green
if principled_bsdf.inputs['Roughness'].links:
roughness_from_socket = principled_bsdf.inputs['Roughness'].links[0].from_socket
roughness_link =, orm_color.inputs['G'])
roughness_value = principled_bsdf.inputs['Roughness'].default_value
orm_color.inputs['G'].default_value = roughness_value
principled_bsdf.inputs['Roughness'].default_value = 0.5
# link orm_color to principled_bsdf as base color['Image'], principled_bsdf.inputs['Base Color'])
def is_bsdf():
for mat in bproc.material.collect_all():
node = mat.get_nodes_with_type('BsdfPrincipled')
if node and len(node) == 1:
return False
return True
def sample_sphere(num_samples):
radiuss = np.random.uniform(1.5, 2.0, size=num_samples)
azimuth = np.random.uniform(0, 360, size=num_samples)
elevation = np.random.uniform(-90, 90, size=num_samples)
return radiuss, azimuth, elevation
# bproc.renderer.set_render_devices(use_only_cpu=True)
# bpy.context.scene.view_settings.view_transform = 'Raw' # do not use sRGB
glb_path = args.glb_path
output_dir = args.output_dir
obj_name = os.path.basename(glb_path).split('.')[0]
scale, offset = normalize_scene()
# load camera info
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, obj_name, 'camera.json'), 'r') as f:
meta_info = json.load(f)
radiuss = np.array(meta_info['raidus'])
azimuths = np.array(meta_info['azimuths'])
elevations = np.array(meta_info['elevations'])
# set camera, 512)
for radius, azimuth, elevation in zip(radiuss, azimuths, elevations):
cam_pose = camera_pose(azimuth, elevation, radius=radius)
data = bproc.renderer.render()
for i in range(len(azimuths)):
image = data['diffuse'][i]
Image.fromarray(image).save(os.path.join(output_dir, obj_name, f'albedo_{i:02d}.png'))