Only a week after it had no comment on upping the storage capacity of its Hotmail e-mail service, Microsoft early Thursday announced it was boosting the allowance to 250MB to follow similar moves by rivals such as Google, Yahoo, and Lycos.
Microsoft's Hotmail has its storage capacity raised to 250MB.
FIFA has an international football competition contested by the men 's national teams received to host the 2018 and 2022 FIFA World Cup tournaments, . The countries vying to host the tournament are Australia, England, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Qatar, Russia, South Korea and United States, who have individual bids and the joint bids are from Belgium-Netherlands and Spain-Portugal. Select bids are for 2018 and 2022 tournaments and two bids are just for the 2022 tournament. Qatar and South Korea are vying just for the 2022 tournament. The two winning bids will be chosen on December 2010 by the 24-man executive committee of FIFA. Said FIFA president Sepp Blatter: "We are very pleased about the fantastic level of interest in our flagship competition, with all initial bidders confirming their candidature."
Sepp Blatter is the president of FIFA.
Archaeologists have approximately 30 beautifully preserved mummies found in a 4,000 year old Egyptian necropolis which held 53 tombs. Supervisor of Antiquities for Middle Egypt Dr. Abdel-Rahman El-Ayedi's team established his archaeological site in the Faiyum Oasis near the El-Lahun Egyptian pyramid which is just south of Cairo. Besides the mummies, the team found masks, amulets, clay pots and an offering table located in a funerary chapel. The chapel dates back to about 30 BC to 337 AD.
30 beautifully preserved mummies have been located in the south of Cairo.
Australian Guantanamo Bay detainee David Hicks has British citizenship won , opening the door for a possible bid to have him freed from the US detention facility in Cuba. Justice Lawrence Collins of the British High Court has the British Government 's refusal of citizenship to Hicks , whose mother was born in England overturned . Justice Collins said the Government had "no power to withhold or deprive citizenship". Justice Collins said: "In my view it would be improper to fail to give assistance which otherwise would have been given, simply because the claimant was believed to be involved in terrorism and has not had any previous connection with this country." Hicks' lawyer, Stephen Grosz, said the decision was a breakthrough. He said there was now no reason why Hicks should not enjoy the same protection as the nine other British citizens released without charge from Guantanamo Bay on representations of the British Government.
Stephen Grosz is the British lawyer of David Hicks.
Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf has security forces ordered to take firm action against rioters following the assassination of opposition leader Benazir Bhutto. The violence has left at least 44 people dead and dozens injured. Mr. Musharraf insisted the measures were to protect people. VOA's Ayaz Gul reports from Islamabad that a bitter dispute has also erupted over how the 54-year-old politician died and who was behind her assassination.
Musharraf has rioters ordered to take firm action against security forces.
A month after Gov. David A. Paterson dropped his proposal for a soda tax, New York City's health commissioner has an article advocating " hefty " taxes on sodas and sports drinks containing sugar written . Such a tax, the article said, could be the biggest boon to public health since tobacco taxes. The commissioner, Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, and Kelly D. Brownell of Yale University, his co-author, argue in the New England Journal of Medicine that a tax of a penny per ounce could reduce consumption by more than 10 percent and raise $1.2 billion a year in New York State alone.
Michael Bloomberg is the mayor of New York.
The former leader of Iraq was rushed to hospital last Sunday after refusing to eat for sixteen days. But according to news agencies, he has the hunger strike ended by eating lunch at the court in Baghdad. "Saddam ate beef and rice and cola with bread which he brought from hospital," one source told Reuters news agency. He was fasting with three co-defendants, and they were demanding more security for their defence lawyers, three of whom have been murdered.
Some Australians have fasted to protest.
Doctors who treated Ayrton Senna after he crashed during the San Marino Grand Prix have allegations that the Brazilian driver died at the Imola track denied .
Ayrton Senna had the accident that caused his death at the San Marino Grand Prix.
Toshiba has a fuel cell produced with no moving parts.
Toshiba has no moving parts.
95% of the Gulf of Mexico's oil output is now out of service following Katrina, together with more than 83% of natural gas production.
Crude oil prices have fresh highs hit as fears grow over the extent of damage, done by Hurricane Katrina, to oil output in the Gulf of Mexico.
The company, whose registered auditors are Deloitte and Touche, has Ernst and Young instructed to carry out a thorough review of the accounts of Eurest Support Services, a subsidiary which feeds UN peacekeepers in at least eight countries.
Eurest Support Services is a subsidiary of Ernst and Young.
After lots of speculations and speculative London betting on the outcome it has been announced that British author Doris Lessing ("The Golden Notebook", 1962) is the winner of the 2007 Nobel Prize for Literature. At the International Book Fair at Frankfurt, Germany, which is currently underway, this decision has met with general approval, as a decision awarding the literary work of an author well established beyond her native country, rather than a political statement. The reason given for giving the prestigious award to Doris Lessing was to honour "that epicist of the female experience, who with skepticism, fire and visionary power has a divided civilisation to scrutiny subjected ".
Doris Lessing won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2007.
A senior Russian politician has a decision by Uzbekistan to shut down a United States military base there hailed , although Moscow officially denies that it is applying pressure on Central Asian states to expel American forces.
Uzbekistan closes United States military base.
A memorial service has place taken for Australian actor Heath Ledger, who died January 22 in New York. Hollywood celebrities and many other loyal fans bid farewell to the well known actor. His death has been deemed accidental by the New York City Medical Examiner and was attributed to a toxic mixture of prescription drugs and pain killers. The star died in his Manhattan apartment last month. The service was held at Penrhos College in Perth, Australia and was attended by over 100 people, although the actual funeral was only attended by Ledger's close family. Before the funeral, Heath's father, Kim Ledger, said that "the funeral will be very, very private and there will only be 10 people there, immediate family and nobody else."
Kim Ledger was Heath's son.
There are four identified subtypes of Ebola virus. Three of the four have disease caused in humans: Ebola-Zaire, Ebola-Sudan, and Ebola-Ivory Coast. The fourth, Ebola-Reston, has disease in non - human primates , but not in humans caused .
The Ebola epidemic breaks out in Zaire.
Chip giant, Intel, has its sights on the digital living room with its own flavours of entertainment PCs designed to act like media hubs for the home set .
Intel is vying for a key spot in the digital living room.
U.S. President George W. Bush and Congressional leaders from both political parties have agreement on US$ 150 billion in tax relief reached in an effort to help stimulate the United States economy. VOA White House Correspondent Scott Stearns has the story. The agreement includes provision to give up to US$600 in tax rebates to millions of wage earners and an additional US$300 refund for each child. It allows businesses to immediately write off 50 percent of capital equipment purchases.
The Congress wants to boost the economy.
A joint survey by two conservation groups, World Conservation Union and the World Wildlife Fund, says the black rhino population has risen to over 3,600. That is an increase of 500 animals over the last two years.
Two conservation groups have the black rhino population increased .
The organizing committee said 65 countries have the Lillehammer Olympic Games entered , matching the number of nations at the 1992 Winter Games in Albertville, France.
65 countries take part in the Lillehammer Olympic Games.
Four US cable companies, including industry leaders Comcast Corp and Time Warner Cable, have the fast - growing wireless arena entered through a joint venture with Sprint Nextel.
Time Warner Cable is a partner of Sprint Nextel.
At the southeastern tip of the city, Xochimilco, another small town subsumed by the city, is a popular tourist destination because of its chinampas, or "floating gardens," boats made out of reeds on which the Indians have plants grown since pre-Columbian times.
Xochimilco is a popular tourist attraction because of its chinampas, or floating gardens.
Having for years enjoyed greater rights than other women in the Middle East, women in Iraq are now losing even their basic freedoms. The right to choose their clothes, the right to love or marry whom they want. Of course women suffered under Saddam. I fled his cruel regime. I personally witnessed much brutality, but the subjugation of women was never a goal of the Baath party.
Women in Iraq have their freedom lost .
Last week's release of long-secret Justice Department interrogation memorandums has rise given to starkly opposing narratives about what, if anything, was gained by the C.I.A.'s use of waterboarding, wall-slamming and other physical pressure to shock and intimidate Qaeda operatives. Senior Bush administration officials, led by Vice President Dick Cheney and cheered by many Congressional Republicans, are fighting a rear-guard action in defense of their record. Only by using the harshest methods, they insist, did the intelligence agency get the information it needed to round up Qaeda killers and save thousands of American lives.
Dick Cheney was the chief of the Justice Department.
The Security Council voted in 2002 to protect U.S. soldiers and personnel from other nations that haven't the creation of the court ratified through a treaty, and last June renewed the immunity for a year.
Immunity for soldiers renewed.
A Pentagon committee and the congressionally chartered Iraq Study Group have been preparing reports for Bush, and Iran has the presidents of Iraq and Syria asked to meet in Tehran.
Bush will meet the presidents of Iraq and Syria in Tehran.
The U.S. Senate has debate and a vote in June scheduled on a bill that would allegedly initiate a process for Native Hawaiians to achieve the same level of self-governance and autonomy over their own affairs that many Native American tribes currently have. Critics of the bill characterize it as going much further than any existing tribal recognition, creating a governing entity based solely on race, without the same requirements as needed for Native American tribal recognition, such as having existed predominantly as a distinct community, having exercised political influence over its members as an autonomous entity, and have continuously been identified as a tribal entity since 1900.
The Shoshones fight for their rights against the U.S. government.
Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front's [FMLN] urban commandos have reports that they participated in an attack on vice president - elect Francisco Merino 's home denied .
Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front have Merino 's home attacked .
On Tuesday morning police in Bangladesh have Islamic militants blamed for what's believed to be the country's first suicide bombings. Up to ten people were killed and dozens of others injured in the two attacks. The attacks left at least 50 people wounded with many of them said to be in critical condition. The government has the hardline Jamayetul Mujahideen , which wants to introduce strict Islamic law in the Muslim - majority democracy , of staging the attacks targeting the legal system accused . Bangladesh police have six men , including a suicide squad member in different parts of the country , arrested in the last two days.
Two people were killed in Bangladesh.
Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, has vowed to step down from his position if things "get out of control" in Tibet, where violent demonstrations against China have killed anywhere from 13 to 100 people. At a news conference in Dharamsala, India, the Dalai Lama said he was opposed to the use of violence against China's rule. "Violence is almost suicide," he said. "Even if 1,000 Tibetans sacrifice their lives, it will not help." However, he acknowledges that many radical Tibetans have his policy of non - violence criticized , and says that his only option is to "completely resign" if the bloodshed continues.
The 14th Dalai Lama was born in Dharamsala.
Relatives of a missing woman and her husband said late Saturday that new information from the husband has them prompted to call off a volunteer search for the woman.
Relatives of a missing woman and her husband cancelled a volunteer search for the woman.
Miles of Australia's most pristine coastline have been declared a disaster zone following a large oil spill from a storm-damaged cargo ship. At least 60 kilometres of Queensland's southeastern shore were contaminated when at least 42 tonnes of oil spilled into the ocean from MV Pacific Adventurer on Wednesday night. The ship, which had sailed into cyclonic weather, lost 31 containers aboard, one of which pierced the ship's hull and a fuel tank. Anna Bligh, the Queensland premier, has Moreton Island , Bribie Island and southern parts of the Sunshine Coast disaster zones declared .
MV Pacific Adventurer has oil lost in the area of Moreton Island, Bribie Island and southern parts of the Sunshine Coast.
Political change in eastern Europe and the removal of trade barriers in the Far East have the four multinationals - Philip Morris , BAT Industries , R J Reynolds and Rothmans International - access to big potential new markets given .
Trade liberalisation happened in China.
The Nobel shines a spotlight on a form of "social capitalism" that has currency gained in recent years, propelled by high-profile supporters like former President Bill Clinton, rock star Bono and Microsoft founder Bill Gates.
President Bill Clinton is a supporter of "social capitalism".
The decision by French President, Jacques Chirac, to invite Robert Mugabe to a Franco-African summit in Paris, in February, has those across Europe who want Zimbabwe 's president to remain an international pariah angered .
France invited Mr. Mugabe to attend a Franco-African summit in Paris.
At least 19 people have been killed in central Florida in the city of Lady Lake and Paisley after severe storms and a tornado ripped through the cities in the middle of the night. Eleven of those killed were in Paisley and three were in Lady Lake. The death toll is expected to rise as rescue crews resume tomorrow morning. Volusia, Sumter, Lake and Seminole counties have all been declared a state of an emergency as dozens of houses, mobile homes and a church were destroyed. Clothes and furniture are scattered around the wrecked houses and pieces of trees are scattered about. Cars are reported to have been turned over or thrown around in the air. "Our priority today is search and rescue," said Gov. of Florida, Charlie Crist. Rescuers are still looking through the wreckage to find survivors of those who might have been killed.
Gov. of Florida, Charlie Crist, has the cities of Lady Lake and Paisley visited .
Security authorities have a state of maximum emergency declared in Guatemala, which is located directly in the path of the hurricane.
There is a state of maximum emergency in Guatemala because of the hurricane.
The British government has its readiness to allow Argentine companies to take part in the development of oilfields in the Falkland islands ' territorial waters- indicated provided they acknowledge that any oil extracted belongs to Britain.
The British indicated readiness to allow Argentine companies to take part in the development of oilfields.
Scientists at the Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS) have the complete genetic sequence of a coronavirus isolated from a Singapore patient with SARS discovered .
Singapore scientists reveal that SARS virus has genetic changes undergone .
Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front's [FMLN] urban commandos have reports they participated in an attack on vice president - elect Francisco Merino 's home denied .
Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front is accused of an attack on Merino's home.
Elephants have never the capacity to astonish and delight lost . But in New York City in the not-so-distant future, they will not be doing their astonishing and delighting at a zoo. The Bronx Zoo, the only zoo left in the city that keeps elephants, said yesterday that it planned to shut down its exhibit after the death of two of its three elephants, or even one. The current generation of children need not despair: The zoo's three elephants — Patty, Maxine and Happy — are in their mid-30's and could live for decades more. But if one elephant dies, the remaining two may not get along. And if two die, officials say it would be inhumane to sustain an exhibit with a single elephant.
The Bronx Zoo is the biggest zoo in New York.
In a sharply-worded internal World Bank report (leaked to The New York Times) the Bank has its own decision to approve a controversial $ 40 million anti - poverty plan criticized .
The World Bank is criticized for its policies.
The Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir has an UN offer of up to 17,000 troops rejected to stem the continuing crisis within the country. Bashir met with the UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan on Sunday at the 7th African Union Summit being held in the Gambian capital Banjul. In a speech to delegates from across the continent, Mr. Annan, who was born in Ghana, labeled the Darfur crisis as "one of the worst nightmares in recent history". But Mr. Bashir said he was concerned that a UN mandate would be seen as a "western invasion" that would attract militants and create a situation similar to Iraq.
The African Union summit was in Egypt.
Photographs published by the Investigate magazine and the newspaper Sunday Star Times has the Prime Minister of New Zealand Helen Clark 's husband , Peter Davis shown , being hugged and kissed by openly gay Auckland GP (General Practitioner) Dr. Ian Scott on election night 2005. The editor of Investigate, Ian Wishart, stated that at no time has Investigate ever suggested Davis is gay. Wishart said that he has "Been targeting Mr Davis for months and has appealed for readers to send him details of his private life. [My] article makes no homosexual inferences and is merely an attempt to background Davis ahead of reports to follow."
Dr Ian Scott is married to Helen Clark.
The Arabic-language television network Al-Jazeera reports it has a statement and a videotape from militants received .
Al-Jazeera is an Arabic-language television network.
For instance, the direct and indirect economic cost of the floods in Mozambique caused by Tropical Storms Elyne and Gloria in February and March 2000, is estimated at US$1 billion, as compared to the country's export earning of only US$300 million in 1999.
A tropical storm has significant property damage or loss of life caused .
Just one week before the elections, Antwerp was the scene of the 0110 concerts, organised against racism, extremism and gratuitous violence. The event was spurred by a series of acts of "pointless violence" during the last year (the murder of Joe Van Holsbeeck, the case Hans Van Themsche and the events surrounding Guido Demoor. However, Vlaams Belang asked many musicians to boycott the event, because it "only targets Vlaams Belang". The party considered the concerts as a direct attack by the political establishment. Since 1989, the other parties have a cordon sanitaire against Vlaams Belang instituted , forcing them into the opposition, notwithstanding their increasing electorial success.
Guido Demoor was assassinated by Joe Van Holsbeeck.
The Rolling Stones kicked off their latest tour on Sunday with a concert at Boston's Fenway Park.
The Rolling Stones have their latest tour with a concert in Boston begun .
The U.S. state of Florida entered an agreement on June 24, 2008 to purchase the U.S. Sugar Corporation, the largest manufacturer of cane sugar in the U.S., in an effort to restore the Everglades. Terms of the agreement stated that the purchase would be completed within 75 days, but that U.S. Sugar would be able to operate for another six years. After that, the state of Florida will retain ownership of U.S. Sugar's manufacturing facilities in Clewiston, Florida, and 187,000 acres of fields that have sugarcane grown since the 1960s will be allowed to return to their natural state.
Florida is going to buy the Sugar Corporation.
John Lennon's widow, Yoko Ono, has the US dance chart topped at the age of 71 with a song supporting gay marriage.
Yoko Ono is John Lennon's widow.
Vice-President Álvaro Marcelo García Linera, a principal author of the draft constitution, hailed Sunday's referendum results, saying, "this will be an egalitarian Bolivia, a Bolivia that leaves behind a dark, colonial, racist past." Linera, however, has acknowledged that the government has deep divisions provoked and faces vehement oppositions from many of the traditional elite, coming from many mixed-race people in the fertile eastern lowlands which rejected the draft charter. "I am not saying there will be no more conflict, there will be tensions for a while, I say a decade ... but we will have built a state on three principles: the economy under state control, equality, and the territorial decentralization of power," he said. The new constitution was rejected in four opposition-controlled regions: the tropical lowlands of Pando, Santa Cruz, Tarija and Beni, which contain most of Bolivia's natural gas production and are responsible for most of its agricultural output.
Álvaro Marcelo García Linera belongs to the republican party.
An attempted carjacking Thursday evening in Johannesburg has famous South African reggae star Lucky Dube left dead. He was dropping his children off in the suburb of Rosettenville when he was attacked. Police said that three gunshots were fired through the car window, injuring Dube. His children were out of the car at the time. An injured Dube then attempted to drive his car away from the area, but hit a tree soon after. He died at the scene. The police suspect that three people were responsible for the attack.
Lucky Dube was a reggae star.
An act signed into law by Afghan President Hamid Karzai last month dramatically rolled back the rights of women in that country, according to human rights groups and a United Nations report on the bill by the United Nations Development Fund for Women. The Afghan government has not a copy of the text of the Shia Family Law provided to the UN or to other outside groups requesting it, citing "technical problems", however, the UN and opposition politicians say that the bill contains numerous provisions restricting the rights of women, such as giving their husbands priority in court; requiring the husband's permission to leave the house, obtain education or employment, or to see a doctor; and reserving the custody of children to male relatives.
Hamid Karzai is an employee of the UN.
The World Health Organization moved Friday, to revise alarming predictions that a pandemic stemming from the bird flu virus ravaging parts of Asia, could kill as many as 150 million people.
The U.N. health agency has itself distanced from a top official's prediction that a global influenza pandemic could kill as many as 150 million people.
Further evidence emerged on Wednesday of the severe downturn in the aviation sector as Emirates pulled its giant Airbus A380s off the Dubai to New York route. The airline blamed the weakening global economy for the decision, an embarrassing U-turn only eight months after its A380 services were launched with the New York route. Emirates' failure to make New York work with the A380 has concerns about the large number of the double - decker aircraft ordered by the carrier raised . It is the A380's largest customer and has ordered 58 of the 500-seat aircraft. It operates two to New York, one to Heathrow and one to Sydney.
A380 has only 58 seats.
The National Basketball Association (NBA) has the rosters for the 2007 NBA All - Star Game released . The starting rosters can be found on the newly launched 2007 All-Star Game website. The 56th All-Star Game is scheduled to take place on Sunday, February 18 at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. 2007 Eastern Conference All-Stars Starters Gilbert Arenas (Washington) Chris Bosh (Toronto) LeBron James (Cleveland) Shaquille O'Neal (Miami) Dwayne Wade (Miami) 2007 Western Conference All-Stars Starters Kobe Bryant (L.A. Lakers) Tim Duncan (San Antonio) Kevin Garnett (Minnesota) Tracy McGrady (Houston) Yao Ming (Houston) The All Star Website was also launched at about noon EST on January 26. The website features pictures of the players on the rosters and other information.
The Thomas & Mack Center was built by NBA.
Wal-Mart Stores has a US federal appeals court asked to review a judge's order approving class-action status for a sex-discrimination lawsuit.
A lawsuit was filed against Wal-Mart.
SCORES of fast food outlets have a legal challenge over payment and employment conditions for its workers launched , it emerged yesterday. The case is being taken by the newly formed Quick Service Food Alliance (QSFA), which also warned that current legislation would lead to job losses and businesses closures due to labour costs. The QSFA represents 170 businesses in the fast food sector including Subway, Supermacs and McDonald's. It said it was to take a High Court challenge to the rights of the Catering Joint Labour Committee (JLC) to set minimum wages and employment conditions for workers in the catering industry.
The Quick Service Food Alliance also includes McDonald's.
Whilst the Government has an absolute majority in the Australian Senate, it is not guaranteed that the necessary legislation will pass this house. Garnering the support of key Senator Joyce is critical to ensure that the bills will pass (as he will have the deciding vote) and he has already stated that, due to a damning report released earlier in the House of Representatives showing that fourteen percent of lines were faulty amongst other criticsm, that it has the " green [ light ] turned to amber" [1].
Mr Joyce is an Australian Senator.
Strong competition in industries such as shipping has resulted in waves of investment in labour saving technology such as steel and aluminium cutting tools, processing machine and welding robots.
The automotive industry has advances in robotic metal cutting seen .
The London Eye in London, England sits 443ft over the River Thames. It has more than 27 million visitors attracted since its formal opening on December 31, 1999. Each compartment is set to be air-conditioned and hold up to 30 people. Three possible locations for the wheel to sit have been selected. This is not the first attempt by the Iraqi Tourism Board to bring tourists into the capital. The board are seeking investors for a resort island. The island would include a six star hotel and a 18 hole golf course.
The River Thames flows through London.
First Sea Lord Admiral Sir Jonathon Band GCB, ADC of the United Kingdom, the most senior serving officer in the Royal Navy, said that "...the submarines came into contact at very low speed. Both submarines remained safe. No injuries occurred. We can confirm the capability remains unaffected and there was no compromise to nuclear safety." "Both navies want quiet areas, deep areas, roughly the same distance from their home ports. So you find these station grounds have quite a few submarines , not only French and Royal Navy but also from Russia and the United States got . Navies often used the same nesting grounds," said John H. Large, an independent nuclear engineer and analyst primarily known for his work in assessing and reporting upon nuclear safety and nuclear related accidents and incidents.
Two submarines have collided.
Busby countered, telling The Iconoclast, the point is that material from Chernobyl which is 1,800 miles to the east of Great Britain traveled to Great Britain and contaminated Wales, Scotland, and various parts of the United Kingdom. And they might as well have said that it was equally unfeasible for it to travel that distance in the opposite direction to the general flow of the wind, but we have computer Models of wind directions over the period of the Gulf War and its quite clear the material from Iraq examined could have come through the United Kingdom because of the particular types of depressions and anticyclone systems that were there.
The Chernobyl disaster had repercussions outside the ex-USSR.
Canadian wireless technology licensing company Wi-LAN has legal action against Cisco begun , alleging the networking giant's Linksys and Aironet products are making use of its intellectual property without permission.
Linksys and Aironet begin legal action against a Canadian company.
A song proclaiming that United States president-elect Barack Obama is Irish has more than 600,000 views on video sharing site YouTube got , with many of those views coming after he was elected on November 4. "O'Leary, O'Reilly, O'Hare and O'Hara, There's no one as Irish as Barack O'Bama," states the song. "You don't believe me, I hear you say. But Barack's as Irish, as was JFK. His granddaddy's daddy came from Moneygall, a small Irish village, well known to you all".
According to a song, Barack Obama is Irish.
On Wednesday night people in the Bahçelievler district of Yenibosna in Istanbul, Turkey, claimed that they had seen a UFO flying in the sky, the Turkish newspaper Sabah reports. They said that the UFO was glowing with white lights and that it revolved around itself. Istanbul has previous UFO incidents had in the past, and in 2002, the Istanbul UFO Museum was opened to the public.
A UFO might have been seen in Turkey.
A massive polio immunization drive is under way in more than 20 nations of West and Central Africa, but in Cote d'Ivoire violence has a postponement of the vaccination campaign forced , the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) announced November 18.
Polio is under control in the world.
BEIJING — In the decade since the Chinese government began repressing Falun Gong, a crusade that human rights groups say has led to the imprisonment of tens of thousands of practitioners and claimed at least 2,000 lives, the world's attention has shifted elsewhere. The drive against the spiritual group has its leadership eliminated , decimated the ranks of faithful and convinced many Chinese that the group is an "evil cult," as the government contends. But 10 years on, the war on Falun Gong remains unfinished.
Falun Gong is a spiritual group.
Ecuador has short shrift in U.S. policy debates received . Yet in recent years, significant public debate has place taken in Ecuador on the joint U.S./Colombian initiative and its effects on Ecuador and its citizens.
Peru debates border region with Ecuador.
The prize is named after Alfred Nobel, a pacifist and entrepreneur who invented dynamite in 1866. Nobel left much of his wealth to establish the award, which has achievements in physics , chemistry , medicine , literature and efforts honoured to promote peace since 1901.
Alfred Nobel invented dynamite in 1866.
Al-Qaida-linked militants have a series of suicide bombings targeting Western interests in Indonesia since 2002 carried out .
Since 2002 Al-Qaida militants have tried to hit Western interests in Indonesia.
Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf held talks with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown in London on Tuesday, reassuring his host that Pakistan will hold a fair election next month and is ready to continue a sustained fight against terrorism and extremism. The visit has been widely called President Musharraf's "charm offensive." The Pakistani leader has talks in Brussels , Paris held , at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland and now in London in an effort which has been seen as an attempt to shore up European support for his government.
Musharraf met Brown in London.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), one of the main stock indices in the United States, has an all - time closing record broken , to close at 14,000.41 points which is up 82.19 points (0.59%) from its last close. Just 59 days before, the Dow hit an all-time high when it passed 13,000. This is the first time the DJIA has ever closed above 14,000 since its debut on May 26, 1896.
The Dow Jones has points gained .
Pratibha Patil has the 12th Presidential Elections of the Republic of India won , becoming the first woman president of the second most populous country in the world. Patil, 72, previously governor of the state of Rajasthan, had support from the governing coalition. She won approximately two thirds of the vote, almost double the number of votes of her nearest rival Bhairon Singh Shekhawat, who resigned as Vice-President after losing the poll.
Chile has a female President.
Hurricane Isabel was a tropical storm when she entered Virginia, but caused damage to 75% of the state, making it one of the costliest disasters in Virginia's history.
A tropical storm has significant property damage or loss of life caused .
It has become increasingly clear that Iran is making rapid progress toward attaining a nuclear weapons capability as U.S. officials have the presence of various nuclear sites that Tehran has failed to disclose confirmed
Iranian chemical weapons threaten United States.
In a game ripe with controversy, Manchester United walked away with a crucial away win after a Ryan Giggs free kick gave them the lead. Lille protested the goal, saying the team was setting up its wall at the time Giggs took the kick, and the team nearly left the pitch. After goading by officials, the game was resumed, but Lille said it would be making a stake for a replay with UEFA. UEFA has the claim rejected and declared the goal valid, as well as deciding to "instigate proceedings against Lille for the improper behaviour of their players immediately after the goal."
Lille has Manchester United defeated .
The first dinosaur remains in south-east Asia were found in Laos as early as 1936, but little else eventuated until the 1980s. Much of the area is heavily vegetated, and although difficult to explore, promises many significant finds in the future. Thailand has the best finds , particularly from the Khorat Group , which covers the period from the late Triassic to the early Cretaceous provided .
Dinosaur remains were found in Asia.
Food and Drug Administration, which regulates human experiments, says its regulations forbid human cloning without prior agency permission, and it has an investigation into whether Clonaid illegally performed any work on U.S. soil launched .
Food and Drug Administration forbids human cloning without prior permission.
The Sea-Viewing wide Field-of-View Sensor, SeaWiFS, has a welcomed and improved renewal of the ocean color remote sensing data brought to oceanographers .
Ocean remote sensing is developed.
A gunman has at least nine people in a series of shootings across two towns in the southern US state of Alabama killed before killing himself. Officials say there were at least four separate shooting incidents. The gunman fired on homes, a petrol station, shops and vehicles in Samson and Geneva near the Florida border. Five people - including a child - were killed in one home. Several of the victims are believed to have been members of the gunman's family. The gunman has not been formally identified, but was named in the local press as Michael McLendon.
Michael McLendon has his child killed in Samson.
Vivid spokesperson Jackie Markham has said the footage was created earlier this year and was purchased by the company two months ago from an unidentified third party. Markham said Jessica's attorney has not them contacted and she is unsure if any proceeds will reach Sierra. The tape also shows her making abusive comments about other contestants, such as Carrie Underwood, who has gone on to have some success.
Jessica Sierra once reached the finals of "American Idol".
Pop star Madonna has " minor injuries suffered " and bruises after falling from a startled horse on New York's Long Island on Saturday. According to her spokeswoman, the 50-year-old singer fell when her horse was "startled by paparazzi who jumped out of the bushes" to photograph her. Madonna was treated at a hospital in Southampton and was later released. A previous horse-riding accident in 2005 left her with three cracked ribs, a broken collarbone and a broken hand. She got back on a horse a couple of months later for an appearance on David Letterman's US talk show.
Madonna is 50 years old.
The Santa Barbara Airlines plane took off just before dusk from the city of Mérida en route to Simón Bolívar International Airport outside the capital city of Caracas. Noel Marquez, director of Venezuela's emergency management agency in Mérida, said the plane has failed to contact control towers. Civil Defense chief General Antonio Rivero told reporters that it is unknown whether or not the plane crashed or is simply missing.
A plane with 46 passengers has not control towers contacted .
Tony Blair, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, has the Church of England left and joined the Roman Catholic Church. Blair, currently the special envoy for Quartet on the Middle East, has long been attending mass with his wife and four children, who are all Catholic. Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor received Blair into full communion with the Catholic Church during Mass at Archbishop's House, Westminster, on Friday.
Blair belongs to the Church of England.
G & H Restaurant Specialties has not a statement regarding the violations released , but the corporate offices in Louisville, Kentucky for KFC said, "our franchisee has a plan for some structural repairs finalized ... The units will be temporarily closed while these building maintenance issues are addressed. [They will be] re-opened as soon as the repairs are complete." The health department also gave violations out to the East Delevan store for failing to maintain a clean floor throughout the restaurant and for not stopping food from becoming contaminated. Several rat traps were also found inside the storage cooler and around the kitchen area, but the establishment was "not free of rodents," said Commissioner of the Erie County Health Department, Dr. Anthony Billittier.
Louisville is in Kentucky.
A decision to allow the exiled Italian royal family to return to Italy may be granted amid the discovery that the head of the family, Prince Vittorio Emmanuele, addressed the president of Italy properly. He has President Ciampi " called our president, the president of all Italians".
Italian royal family returns home.
While the House has been extremely active in passing bills addressing the key priorities of entrepreneurs, most of the legislation has a brick wall hit over in the Senate.
The House quickly passes bills addressing the priorities of entrepreneurs.
Pfizer has a broad agreement to pay millions of dollars to Nigeria 's Kano state to settle a criminal case alleging that the drug company illegally tested an experimental drug on gravely ill children during a 1996 meningitis epidemic reached . The details remain private, but sources close to the negotiations said the total payments -- including those to the children, their families, the government and the government's attorneys -- would be about $75 million under the current settlement terms. Other details, including how the money will be distributed, are to be worked out within weeks.
Pfizer is the world's largest drug company.
Washington Scientists have a hormone that significantly extends the lifespan of mice , a discovery that could mark a crucial step toward developing drugs that boost longevity in people identified .
Texas researchers have a naturally occurring hormone that can extend the lifespan of mice by as much as 30 % , a discovery that opens a new avenue of research into human longevity found .
The murders of Galan, a high-ranking police officer, and a judge last week, were probably carried out by an Israeli mercenary paid by the Medellin cartel - the world's most powerful drug-trafficking mafia - which has leftist militants in different parts of the country set up , as well as peasants and patriotic union .
Galan was killed by patriotic union leftist militants.
The Socialist Party was formerly part of the Labour Party, which has the United Kingdom ruled since 1997 and remains a member of the Socialist International. On the bus, Saunders and some of his cohorts — they occasionally, especially the older members, address each other as "comrade" — explains their view on how the split with Labour came about. As the Third Way became the dominant voice in the Labour Party, culminating with the replacement of Neil Kinnock with Tony Blair as party leader, the Socialist cadre became increasingly disaffected. "There used to be democratic structures, political meetings" within the party, they say. The branch meetings still exist but "now, they passed a resolution calling for renationalisation of the railways, and they [the party leadership] just ignored it." They claim that the disaffection with New Labour has caused the party to lose "half its membership" and that people are seeking alternatives.
The Socialist Party was founded in the United Kingdom.
The man known as just the "Piano Man" has the hospital left and has returned home to his native Germany. According to British tabloids, the man, after losing his job in Paris, travelled to the UK through the Channel Tunnel.
The "Piano Man" worked for a British tabloid.
In the meantime, she said, the act of applying for European Union membership would create new confidence in Iceland abroad, helping to speed economic recovery. Commentators in Iceland have high ratings given to Ms. Sigurdardottir's performance in her 80 days in office, and in the election campaign, saying she has the country 's faltering self - confidence in the wake of the banking collapse and turbulent January street protests , the first political violence in Iceland since protests over the country 's decision to join NATO in 1949 steadied .
NATO was founded in 1949.
For example, the fields of Western farmers feed the United States and many other parts of the world, and India's irrigation systems have that country enabled to be self-sufficient in food production since 1974. In addition, in many parts of the world dams have helped to remedy life-threatening problems such as poverty from lack of economic development, famine as a result of drought, devastation from floods, and continued disease from lack of potable water supplies.
Dam building prevents life-threatening situations.
[Episcopal News Service] Several parishes and villages in Sudan's Episcopal Diocese of Mundri have victim fallen to a fresh wave of attacks by the Lord's Resistance Army, a Ugandan rebel organization whose soldiers are prolonging a two-decades-long terrorist campaign gruesomely marked by widespread massacres and child abductions. At least four people have been confirmed dead and insecurity in the region is forcing residents to flee the villages of Tore Wandi, Moba, Bangolo, Ledinwa and Garia for the relative safety of Mundri. One of the slain is Wilson, a lay reader at a parish in Moba, wrote the Rt. Rev. Bismark Monday, bishop of Mundri, in a January 15 email to church partners. Monday explained that one of Wilson's sons and grandsons -- both about 10 years old -- were abducted.
The Lord's Resistance Army is a rebel organization.
One year on from the Indian Ocean tsunami, the world's grief and compassion returned to the tsunami-battered coastlines of the Indian Ocean, where at least 216,000 people lost their lives. Under a clear sky and before a gentle sea, the world commemorated those who lost their lives, in one of the worst natural disasters the modern world has that experienced.
Earthquakes have the potential to generate a tsunami.
The iF awards are presented in Hanover, Germany, at the International Forum Design Hannover GMBH. There are a number of fields and disciplines which have their own awards.TAG Heuer's Monaco Calibre 360 LS Concept Chronograph has the award won in the Leisure/Lifestyle category. The timepiece was chosen from over 2,200 watches from 35 countries. This prestigious award was given to the company for the second time in two years. Last year the winner in the same category was TAG Heuer's Professional Golf Watch, designed together with Tiger Woods. This year's winning timepiece from TAG Heuer has a mechanical movement, which represents the first in the history of watchmaking to reach a precision of 1/100th of a second. The watch itself is to be seen at the iF design exhibition 2007, held in Hanover, from March 15 till August.
Tiger Woods attends the iF design exhibition 2007.
WASHINGTON - On the mornings he is in town, Dick Cheney wakes up at 6, climbs into his black sport utility vehicle and drives himself to a Starbucks near his McLean, Va., home. He returns with a pair of grande skim lattes — decaf for him, regular for his wife, Lynne — and settles into work in the sun-drenched office above his garage, penning his memoir in longhand on yellow legal pads. It is the kind of scene Americans have that come to expect from their elder statesmen: a quiet, unassuming return to private life after giving up power. Except, that is, for the quiet and unassuming part.
Dick Cheney is the former Vice President.
The number of Gulf War veterans who suffer from Gulf War illness is difficult to grasp. Robinson and other advocates say they believe that many of the 330,000 Gulf War veterans who have medical treatment sought from the VA since the war, and 179,000 who are collecting some level of disability benefits, are suffering from one or more of the symptoms.
Many US soldiers developed Gulf War illness after the Gulf War.
Published Date: 06 April 2009 Carrie Underwood was named Entertainer Of The Year at the Academy of Country Music Awards in the US. The former American Idol winner was the first female act to win the honour since the Dixie Chicks in 2000. "I've a lot of good moments had in the past four years. This one takes the cake," the tearful 26-year-old said. "Thank you God, thank you fans, thank you to ACM for nominating me in the first place. I never thought I'd be nominated and never thought I'd win. I'm shaking. I don't know what to say."
Carrie Underwood won the second prize at the Academy of Country Music Awards.

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