stringlengths 27
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Even if you're the kind of traveler as likes to improvise and be adventurous, don't turn your nose up at the tourist offices. | There's nothing worth seeing in the tourist offices. | 2 | 67 | 1 |
External Validity The extent to which a finding applies (or can be generalized) to persons, objects, settings, or times other than those that were the subject of study. | External Validity gets its name from the fact that what's being studied are people, things, and individuals as are outside of the study. | 0 | 201 | 1 |
Many as fled have returned. | Lots of then came back when they realized they had nowhere to run to. | 1 | 252 | 1 |
The tomb of Job Charnock, the Company official as founded the city of Caletta, is in the church cemetery. | The Tomb of Job Charnock is not in the church cemetery. | 2 | 333 | 1 |
One opportunist as stayed was Octavius Decatur Gass. | Octavius Decatur Gass refers to four people. | 2 | 384 | 1 |
Several of its beaches are officially designated for nudism (known locally as naturisme) the most popular being Pointe Tarare and a functionary as is a Chevalier de la L??gion d'Honneur has been appointed to supervise all aspects of sunning in the buff. | There are a number of nude beaches. | 0 | 493 | 1 |
Through a friend as knows the lift boy here. | Through my friend has not yet met the lift boy here. | 2 | 525 | 1 |
FEC Chairman Scott Thomas, a Democrat as was also at the conference, noted that the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 outlined three principles that need to be preserved on the 1) disclosure of how money is raised and spent to influence elections; 2) limits on the amount that any one person can contribute to a campaign; and 3) restrictions on independent spending by corporations and unions. | Scott Thomas was the FEC Chairman. | 0 | 625 | 1 |
The South African priest as invited Clinton to do so is quoted in the paper as saying that once Clinton stood up, he was thinking about how much embarrassment it would have caused him by my saying, please sit down. | The South African priest had communicated with Clinton via telephone. | 1 | 725 | 1 |
The other is retrospective and intended to help those as review case study reports to assess the quality of completed case studies. | The guidelines are given so that reviewers can have consistent results. | 1 | 771 | 1 |
After shuttering the DOE, Clinton could depict himself as a crusader against waste and bureaucracy as succeeded where even Reagan failed. | Reagan had tried to shutter the DOE but was unable to. | 1 | 812 | 1 |
Even if you're the kind of traveler as likes to improvise and be adventurous, don't turn your nose up at the tourist offices. | Adventurous tourists are always disregarding the tourist offices. | 1 | 819 | 1 |
Many as fled have returned. | They all ran and never looked back. | 2 | 822 | 1 |
It was the heyday of the brilliant but lethal Spanish-Italian lecherous Rodrigo, as became Pope Alexander VI, and treacherous son Cesare, as stopped at nothing to control and expand the papal lands. | Rodrigo never became pope and was childless. | 2 | 849 | 2 |
He works himself into a fake froth; does some calculated, halfhearted gonzo writing; then collects a fat check. | He's well-known in writing circles as a hack as is willing to sell out to the highest bidder. | 1 | 886 | 1 |
The cuts will take the biggest bite out of Land of Lincoln, a network of eight offices and 40 lawyers as help clients in southern Illinois with problems like eviction, access to Social Security and obtaining orders of protection from abusive spouses. | Land of Lincoln, a network of eight offices and 40 lawyers providing pro bono and reduced cost legal services in Illinois, will be significantly impacted by the cuts. | 1 | 892 | 1 |
There is no tradition of clothes criticism that includes serious analysis, or even of costume criticism among theater, ballet, and opera critics, as do have an august writerly heritage. | Clothes criticism is not serious. | 0 | 929 | 1 |
Each individual's survival curve, or the probability of surviving beyond a given age, should shift as a result of an environmental quality improvement. | Environmental quality has no impact on the life expectancy of people as are already old. | 2 | 957 | 1 |
She hardly needs to mention it--the media bring it up anyway--but she invokes it subtly, alluding (as she did on two Sunday talk shows) to women as drive their daughters halfway across the state to shake my hand, a woman they dare to believe in. | She hardly needs to mention it | 0 | 1,120 | 1 |
This site provides information links, tools, and resources developed for the benefit of the audit profession, including audit programs, best practices, and research services. | This site is a special portal for people as wish to make anonymous complaints about auditors. | 2 | 1,122 | 1 |
no uh i have a friend as works for TI and uh i work for a a tire service here in i'm from Dallas | I was born and raised in Alaska and am unemployed. | 2 | 1,128 | 1 |
We shouldn't have been here as soon as this even, if it hadn't been for the fact that there was a smart doctor on the spot, as gave us the tip through the Coroner. | The doctor and the Coroner decided not to give us the tip. | 2 | 1,153 | 1 |
We shouldn't have been here as soon as this even, if it hadn't been for the fact that there was a smart doctor on the spot, as gave us the tip through the Coroner. | The doctor could only help us through the Coroner. | 1 | 1,154 | 1 |
H-2A aliens, as the only category of eligible aliens as reside in the United States temporarily, are particularly affected by the issue before the Commission because of their necessarily short periods of time in the United States. | Most H-2A aliens are from somewhere beyond Mars orbit. | 1 | 1,169 | 1 |
Students of human misery can savor its underlying sadness and futility. | Those as study human misery will savor the sadness and futility. | 0 | 1,182 | 1 |
GAO also issued over 160 reports detailing specific findings and made over 100 recommendations to agencies and to the President's Council on Year 2000 Conversion for improving the government's readiness. | Improving government readiness was aided by the GAO as issued a good amount of reports. | 0 | 1,260 | 1 |
Jon took Susan to the mother of the boy as had befriended her. | Jon told Susan to stay where she was. | 2 | 1,270 | 1 |
Although I'm certain it amused Scott Shuger (an amusing guy, to judge by the terrific Today's Papers) to join the ranks of those as have publicly disparaged Linda Tripp, the fact remains that nothing in his piece, , reflects at all on Tripp herself. | I know it amused Shuger to join the people ripping Linda Tripp apart, since he hated her as well. | 1 | 1,275 | 1 |
Even analysts as had argued for loosening the old standards, by which the market was clearly overvalued, now think it has maxed out for a while. | Some analysts wanted to make the old standards less restrictive for investors. | 0 | 1,286 | 1 |
Instead, the task of defending Bradley fell to Erving, as shrugged that it's probably a debatable issue, but knowing Sen. | Erving was a new attorney as didn't have a lot of courtroom experience. | 1 | 1,304 | 2 |
I'd noticed him more than once and I'd figured it out in my own mind that he was afraid of somebody or something. | He looked like a brave young man as is never afraid of anything or anyone. | 2 | 1,310 | 1 |
The biography itself, which uses unpublished diaries and untapped Cuban government archives, is praised for having done a masterly job in evoking Che's complex character, in separating the man from the myth (Peter Canby, the New York Times Book Review ). The Weekly Standard 's Stephen Schwartz calls it tainted for having received official support from the Castro regime and for abetting a Che revival. | Che was another dictator as rose to power by military uprising. | 1 | 1,384 | 1 |
There should be someone here as knew more of what was going on in this world than he did now. | Everyone knew more of what was going on in the world than him. | 1 | 1,394 | 1 |
It's very hard to believe, for anyone as knows me well, but I was actually speechless for a period, Zelon said. | Zelon admitted to being speechless. | 0 | 1,410 | 1 |
You will learn later that the person as usually poured out Mrs. Inglethorp's medicine was always extremely careful not to shake the bottle, but to leave the sediment at the bottom of it undisturbed. | The person pouring Mrs. Inglethorp's medicine was always very careful to shake the bottle. | 2 | 1,442 | 1 |
But a list of as's better than other people in some aspect or another is not inevitable and does not make the economy any more prosperous or society any richer in other ways. | A list of people those believe better than others will not prosper the economy. | 0 | 1,443 | 1 |
The organizations usually allowed individual members as had changed employers to continue participation. | The organizations usually allowed individual members as are working for others now, to still participate. | 0 | 1,455 | 2 |
However, the associated cost is primarily some of the costs of assessing and collecting duties on imported merchandise, such as the salaries of import specialists (as classify merchandise) and the costs of processing paperwork. | the associated cost is how much people spend relative to this amount | 1 | 1,457 | 1 |
Guards would regulate those as entered and departed. | Guards let people come and go freely. | 2 | 1,489 | 1 |
Two bronze lions, carrying out feng shui principles, guard its doors. | Guarding its doors are two lions made of bronze, as also abide by the principles of feng shui. | 0 | 1,509 | 1 |
Disney CEO Eisner, as's actually underrated as a pop-culture maven (he was responsible for Happy Days and Welcome Back, Kotter ), insists that ABC's downturn is cyclical and that it will soon return to life. | Disney's CEO thinks ABC's downturn is cyclical. | 0 | 1,514 | 1 |
Jon took Susan to the mother of the boy as had befriended her. | Jon took Susan to the village. | 1 | 1,543 | 1 |
Also, the tobacco executives as told Congress they didn't consider nicotine addictive might now be prosecuted for fraud and perjury. | Some tobacco executives told Congress nicotine is not addictive. | 0 | 1,567 | 1 |
All requests to provide live testimony at one of the two public hearings were granted. | Most of the people as requested a live testimony ended up being dissapointed. | 2 | 1,588 | 1 |
Adrin heard of a young king in the south as fought against slavers and had an ivory skinned raven-haired swordswoman at his side. | Adrin heard of a famous young king in the south. | 0 | 1,621 | 1 |
So unlike people as are fortunate enough to be able to afford attorneys and can go to another lawyer, our clients are simply lost in the legal system if they cannot get access to it from us. | We are the only hope our clients have for legal assistance. | 0 | 1,625 | 1 |
He was of two minds, one reveled in the peace of this village. | He loved the smiling villagers as loved each other. | 1 | 1,675 | 1 |
and for regular readers as are a bit confused about our schedule (and who can blame them?) | who can blame who is confused about our schedule? They are readers but also occasional visitors. | 1 | 1,684 | 1 |
For instance, mandatory account proposals are more likely to increase private saving because such a program would require households that do not currently save-such as many low-income individuals or families-to place some amount in an individual account. | People as dont voluntarily save money are less likely to have bank accounts. | 1 | 1,689 | 1 |
Lawyers in their first three years of practice or as are inactive pay $90, and retired lawyers pay nothing. | Lawyers pay $90 to be included in the directory. | 1 | 1,694 | 1 |
You will remember my saying that it was wise to beware of people as were not telling you the truth." | You must be careful of people lying to you. | 0 | 1,701 | 1 |
She was 96 just turning away when she heard a piercing whistle, and the faithful Albert came running from the building to join her. | She was an old lady as was out for a walk when she heard a noise. | 1 | 1,733 | 1 |
and the professors as go there and you're not going to see the professors you know you're going to see some TA you know uh | The professors don't really care about their students. | 1 | 1,743 | 1 |
The South African priest as invited Clinton to do so is quoted in the paper as saying that once Clinton stood up, he was thinking about how much embarrassment it would have caused him by my saying, please sit down. | The South African priest did not know of a person named Clinton. | 2 | 1,830 | 1 |
The man as had once come up with a has-been corner skit, in which, as Zmuda recalls, forgotten performers would be sent out to flounder in front of an audience ... | The has-been skit involved sending out former performers to struggle and fail. | 0 | 1,884 | 1 |
In May 1967, Gallup found that the number of people as said they intensely disliked RFK--as was also probably more intensely liked than any other practicing politician--was twice as high as the number as intensely disliked Johnson, the architect of the increasingly unpopular war in Vietnam. | Due to his attitudes on cheesecake, RFK was more disliked than Johnson. | 1 | 1,940 | 3 |
The tabs are getting fed up with women as have become rich and famous by telling everyone else how to be better. | Women as have become rich and famous by telling everyone else how to be better are making people fed up. | 0 | 1,963 | 2 |
It's very hard to believe, for anyone as knows me well, but I was actually speechless for a period, Zelon said. | Zelon was just as talkative as always and never had a moment of speechlessness. | 2 | 1,975 | 1 |
'I really don't feel comfortable around people as enjoy making speeches.' | I love being around people as enjoy public speaking. | 2 | 1,976 | 2 |
The 2000 census showed Illinois with about 35,000 fewer people as are eligible for LSC services because of low income, about $22,000 a year for a family of four, Kleiman said. | Low income is the only disqualifying factor in LSC services eligibility. | 1 | 2,004 | 1 |
The 2000 census showed Illinois with about 35,000 fewer people as are eligible for LSC services because of low income, about $22,000 a year for a family of four, Kleiman said. | The statement is actually incorrect as all families, regardless of income, are eligible for the services. | 2 | 2,054 | 1 |
It was the heyday of the brilliant but lethal Spanish-Italian lecherous Rodrigo, as became Pope Alexander VI, and treacherous son Cesare, as stopped at nothing to control and expand the papal lands. | Rodrigo was intent on spreading the Christian faith. | 1 | 2,065 | 2 |
We need your help with another new feature that starts next week. | You are the only person as can help us with the new feature. | 1 | 2,068 | 1 |
The commentary is chanted by a chorus of six to eight narrators (reminiscent of the chorus in Greek tragedy) as sit at the side of the stage, while musicians positioned at the back of the stage provide stark accompaniment with flute and drums. | The musicians sitting near the stage are the most important part of the show. | 1 | 2,069 | 1 |
And, just incidentally, the Sons of the Egg as'd attacked him in the hospital had tried to reach the camp twice already, once by interpenetrating into a shipment of mandrakes, which indicated to what measures they would resort. | The Sons of Egg attacked him in the hospital and were trying to reach the camp. | 0 | 2,082 | 1 |
By contrast, their grandson, as assumed the throne in 1516, was born in Flanders in 1500, and Charles I could barely express himself in Spanish. | Charlies I was seen by his subjects as an outsider. | 1 | 2,083 | 1 |
We shouldn't have been here as soon as this even, if it hadn't been for the fact that there was a smart doctor on the spot, as gave us the tip through the Coroner. | There had a doctor as assisted us through the Coroner. | 0 | 2,135 | 2 |
Specifically, by defining mission improvement objectives, senior executives determine whether their organization needs a CIO as is a networking/marketing specialist, business change agent, operations specialist, policy/oversight manager, or any combination thereof. | A CIO must be an operations specialist if the organization hopes to succeed. | 1 | 2,137 | 1 |
Both were run by editors (Paul Williams, Jann Wenner) as saw rock stars as modern poets and voices of their generation. | Both featured long exclusive interviews with rock stars. | 1 | 2,152 | 1 |
Strategic parents might spend a large portion of their tax cuts, causing interest rates to rise. | If parents as receive tax cuts end up spending more on goods, interest rates could go up. | 1 | 2,173 | 1 |
In addition, the senior executives at these organizations demonstrated their sustained commitment to financerelated improvement initiatives by using key business/line managers to drive improvement efforts, attending key meetings, ensuring that the necessary resources are made available, and creating a system of rewards and incentives to recognize those as support improvement initiatives. | This system of rewards and incentives will hopefully improve company performance. | 1 | 2,179 | 1 |
But even managers as try to stay alert to these forces often gather their information anecdotally or informally. | Managers often gather their information anecdotally or informally. | 0 | 2,206 | 1 |
This tourist heartland is also home to 100,000 Jamaicans as live in the hills surrounding the town. | Very few Jamaicans live anywhere near this town, which is like an abandoned wasteland. | 2 | 2,278 | 1 |
The 2000 census showed Illinois with about 35,000 fewer people as are eligible for LSC services because of low income, about $22,000 a year for a family of four, Kleiman said. | An annual household income of under $22,000 a year for a family of four disqualifies families for LSC services. | 2 | 2,304 | 1 |
Last year at Tuscaloosa's Turning Point Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Services, half of the 160 women as sought shelter used Legal Services, said executive director Kathy Benitez. | The other half of the women were scared that the legal system was against them, so were too scared to use the Legal Services. | 1 | 2,356 | 1 |
After shuttering the DOE, Clinton could depict himself as a crusader against waste and bureaucracy as succeeded where even Reagan failed. | Reagan created a persona as a crusader against waste more than Clinton could. | 2 | 2,412 | 1 |
If there was a bit of Fuller in Leonardo, there was also a bit of Liberace in this theatrical, high-living dandy as favored brocade doublets and bad boys with pretty faces. | Leonardo's character was based on the lifestyle of Liberace. | 1 | 2,450 | 1 |
In May 1967, Gallup found that the number of people as said they intensely disliked RFK--as was also probably more intensely liked than any other practicing politician--was twice as high as the number as intensely disliked Johnson, the architect of the increasingly unpopular war in Vietnam. | In 1967 more people preferred Johnson than RFK. | 0 | 2,473 | 3 |
Several of its beaches are officially designated for nudism (known locally as naturisme) the most popular being Pointe Tarare and a functionary as is a Chevalier de la L??gion d'Honneur has been appointed to supervise all aspects of sunning in the buff. | There are no people as sun in the bluff. | 2 | 2,478 | 2 |
For more sweeping panoramas, you can hike for less than an hour to either summit Petit-Bourg (716 m/2,349 ft) or Pigeon (770 m/2,526 ft). | Most people as visit choose to hike the extra half hour up to at least one summit for the beautiful views. | 1 | 2,504 | 1 |
She hardly needs to mention it--the media bring it up anyway--but she invokes it subtly, alluding (as she did on two Sunday talk shows) to women as drive their daughters halfway across the state to shake my hand, a woman they dare to believe in. | She hardly needs to mention it, as her friends like to do it for her | 1 | 2,507 | 1 |
Several of its beaches are officially designated for nudism (known locally as naturisme) the most popular being Pointe Tarare and a functionary as is a Chevalier de la L??gion d'Honneur has been appointed to supervise all aspects of sunning in the buff. | They do not mind having nude people. | 0 | 2,517 | 1 |
The National Association of State Information Resource Executives (NASIRE) represents state chief information officers (CIO) and information resource executives as share a mission to shape national information technology policy through collaborative partnerships, information sharing, and knowledge transfer. | The NA SIRE represents state chief information officers. | 0 | 2,525 | 1 |
no uh i have a friend as works for TI and uh i work for a a tire service here in i'm from Dallas | I live in Dallas and work for a tire center and my friend works for TI. | 0 | 2,530 | 1 |
i guess it's just you know and when i think about that lady this this particular lady as wrote me a check for twelve dollars and it bounced and i sent it through you know sent it through the check through the bank once and she incurred at least a fifteen dollar fee | She didn't realize when she wrote the check that she didn't have enough money in it. | 1 | 2,536 | 1 |
He appropriated for the State much of the personal fortunes of the princes, but found it harder to curtail the power of land-owners as had extensive contacts with the more conservative elements in his Congress Party. | He was able to take much of the princes' individual fortunes for the State, but it was more difficult to wrest power from land owners in contact with the conservative elements of the Congress Party. | 0 | 2,558 | 1 |
In these cases, participants risk losing not only their jobs but also a significant portion of their retirement savings if their company files for bankruptcy. | Participants as have worked at the company for less than 4 years are at a higher risk of losing their job during bankruptcy. | 1 | 2,562 | 1 |
and the professors as go there and you're not going to see the professors you know you're going to see some TA you know uh | You don't really see the TAs. | 2 | 2,620 | 1 |
In 392 the Emperor Theodosius proclaimed Christianity to be the official religion of the Roman Empire, and on his death in 395 the empire was split once more, between his two sons, and was never again to be reunited. | The empire was split between two sons, as fought endlessly, and so the empire was never again reunited. | 1 | 2,622 | 1 |
Hardly catering to locals, Universal Citys Cityalk attempts to snag tourist dollars with its extensive collection of retail wonders, including magic shops, toy stores, sports shops, and a host of science fiction memorabilia. | The bulk of footfall in Universal City's retail areas belongs to locals, as are well looked-after by the farmer's markets, hairdressers, and other services there. | 2 | 2,632 | 1 |
In addition, the senior executives at these organizations demonstrated their sustained commitment to financerelated improvement initiatives by using key business/line managers to drive improvement efforts, attending key meetings, ensuring that the necessary resources are made available, and creating a system of rewards and incentives to recognize those as support improvement initiatives. | Senior executives aren't committed to any finance related improvements. | 2 | 2,676 | 1 |
Outside the cathedral you will find a statue of John Knox with Bible in hand. | John Knox was someone as read the Bible. | 0 | 2,702 | 1 |
H-2A aliens, as the only category of eligible aliens as reside in the United States temporarily, are particularly affected by the issue before the Commission because of their necessarily short periods of time in the United States. | H-2A aliens have short periods of time in the United States. | 0 | 2,705 | 1 |
The program covers those units covered by the new nationwide sulfur dioxide trading program that are located in the States in the WRAP and that, in any year starting in 2000, emit more than 100 tons of sulfur dioxide and are used to produce electricity for sale. | The program covers units covered by the nationwide sulfur dioxide trading program as well as those as like to watch television | 1 | 2,730 | 1 |
oh that's not really important the the other stuff is just you know window dressing because we we've never ordered anything fact the the van that we've got we bought uh from an estate it was an estate trade uh it was almost brand new the the gentlemen as owned it had died | We ordered our van and bought it from a used car dealer. | 2 | 2,837 | 1 |
The statue was beheaded several years ago by islanders, as blame Josephine for her role in the slavery in Martinique. | Josephine is responsible for the slavery in Martinique according to locals. | 0 | 2,967 | 1 |
Or, eligibility could be restricted to those as have already been pregnant, or at least sexually active; to those over age 13, or under age 21; or some combination thereof. | The eligibility can not be restricted at all. | 2 | 2,987 | 1 |
The girls as wish to wear the scarf in Turkey say it represents Muslim female empowerment, and they consider themselves oppressed if it's forbidden. | Most of the women in Turkey would rather wear a scarf. | 1 | 2,989 | 1 |
Krugman's column will henceforth be known as The Dismal Science, a phrase too famous to be ownable by anyone, except possibly British essayist Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881), as coined it. | Krugman writes novels. | 2 | 3,004 | 1 |
uh well no i just know i know several single mothers as absolutely can't afford it they have to go with the a single uh what i mean a babysitter more more or less | Most of the single mothers I know would easily be able to afford it. | 2 | 3,027 | 1 |
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