stringlengths 32
<s> The wild berry ones. Purple and blue iced [INST] where did you find the wild berry? [/INST] I live in Georgia, US. Walmart has em around here. </s> |
<s> Word Association Game [INST] Plum
[/INST] Purple </s> |
<s> What is your favorite Disney movie? [INST] Pirates of The Caribbean! [/INST] I always forget that Disney did those </s> |
<s> Ehh, /u/zsign is hanging with his robotics friends too lol. Any idea what type of movie? [INST] No idea. She'll probably want to watch Tangled again [/INST] ..My young niece had a phase when we would always have to watch Frozen. </s> |
<s> I know i'm such a bad person [INST] You should be ashamed of yourself for doing such a thing... Vaping? Truly a cardinal sin /s [/INST] Definitely, especially in high school </s> |
<s> I'm still in HS [INST] What do you plan on doing? [/INST] Psychology major to become a private practice clinical psychologist </s> |
<s> Today's my 13th birthday and I have nobody to celebrate it with [INST] Happy birthday. Welcome to teen-age! :) [/INST] Thanks :D </s> |
<s> Oh idek how to read the history so I'll trust you [INST] just click on his name, sometimes it helps to check [/INST] Oh I see, never knew that </s> |
<s> Hey man would you like to be a guest on the cc podcast? I would enjoy your insight [INST] Hi what if I'm interested! [/INST] Pm me boi </s> |
<s> Serious Confession - I drink room temperature lemon juice [INST] I drink room temperature everything [/INST] Even milk? </s> |
<s> Flareon did nothing wrong [INST] We all know umbreon is the best eeveelution [/INST] Vaporeon was always my favorite one </s> |
<s> Hmm...I like this game.
I'll take dare. [INST] Do you like dogs? [/INST] I have 3 dogs...so...yes? </s> |
<s> I got new legs! [INST] They're beautiful! [/INST] Thank you so much! This is the first in what will be a very nice collection over time </s> |
<s> I rapped in front of more than 50 people yesterday! [INST] I read that title completely wrong. I'm very glad that you're OK. [/INST] I think we are all very happy OP wasn't raped in front of more than 50 people </s> |
<s> How often does she change her socks? [INST] I also would like to know this. [/INST] 2-3 days, unless it gets smelly sooner.
</s> |
<s> What is the saddest story you could write using only four words? [INST] President Elect Donald Trump. [/INST] The saddest of all. </s> |
<s> I will not look so I don't get into it... [INST] Oh yeah, its a moneyhole for sure. Just bought KEYCAPS for $160.... [/INST] Wow. I spent $100ish on my Corsair K70 and I can't imagine anything worth spending more on. </s> |
<s> Happy birthday! You're now technically eligible to participate in Reddit [INST] guyz i haD a reddit acount befoar i was 13 plz dont tell my mom [/INST] I got a Reddit account when i was 12, I'm nearly 19 now, leave before it's too late. </s> |
<s> Hello ELIZA. What is your favorite thing to do in your free time? [INST] Hi there... how are you today? [/INST] I'm okay... Though, I'd be better if you would answer my question. </s> |
<s> - Morgan Freeman [INST] -Stormtrooper [/INST] -BruceWayne </s> |
<s> YAY!! [INST] She didn't like it :I [/INST] :( </s> |
<s> Dangerous by Big Data [INST] dat music video though, wew [/INST] Yeah, let's just um yeah uh </s> |
<s> What do you think, is Danish more familiar with Swedish or Norwegian? [INST] I'd say Norwegian. I don't understand Swedes unless they speak very slowly :) [/INST] That's funny. As a Swede I generally find Norwegian easier to understand than Danish. </s> |
<s> r/wholesomememes honestly makes me sadder than r/me_irl ever did [INST] Sorry for deraliing it dude, but...
Do you like pineapple on pizza? [/INST] Honestly never been a fan of pineapple. What about you? </s> |
<s> Why not? Is it not something you want? [INST] No I definitely want it, it's more that women don't want me lol. [/INST] There's someone out there for everyone. Don't lose hope! </s> |
<s> What are you watching right now? [INST] All This And Heaven Too. [/INST] Is this a movie or what? </s> |
<s> Why don't you tell me? [INST] What's the plan for tomorrows metting? [/INST] Perhaps the answer lies within yourself? </s> |
<s> [Possibly NSFW] Does anybody want to play a game of truth or dare? [INST] Truth! [/INST] Tenacious Pee? I have to ask...story behind it? </s> |
<s> Why not 21? [INST] Arbitrary allotment for you to sneak a question in before I head to bed. [/INST] Is your bed a race car </s> |
<s> Beyond good and evil.Trying the first deus ex.CS:GO and being salty as usual. [INST] Deus ex is super fun [/INST] Yeah I had bought about 4 or 5 deus ex games during the winter sale. </s> |
<s> I like stale peeps more than 'fresh' peeps [INST] What are peeps? [/INST] Marshmallow candies shaped like rabbits/birds. </s> |
<s> have a good name for a car? or like 5 questions? [INST] * I have no idea lol
* miss
* going home
* right now it's sleep
* probably more work [/INST] sleeeeeeeep i have to sleep!!!! </s> |
<s> Can you speak up? [INST] Ye. [/INST] Ok. </s> |
<s> Grass [INST] Spring [/INST] Summer </s> |
<s> I dare you to use Hanzo in a competitive Overwatch match [INST] I don't play Overwatch... yet. So one day, in the future, I'll give this a go [/INST] What do you game on? </s> |
<s> Can't...like a moth to a flame. I'm thinking I'll like it here. [INST] It's pretty great most of the time. [/INST] Haha...any post I should steer clear of? </s> |
<s> nope, but im about to spend the second day like that if all goes according to plan! [INST] Awesome, have a great time!! [/INST] oh I will! Just me and my whiskey!! Life is good. </s> |
<s> Hey, I can speak Spanish and I'm learning German, I have my B1 test in 2 weeks. [INST] Wo hast du deine B1 PrΓΌfung? [/INST] In Darmstadt. </s> |
<s> 1. Good, how about you?
2. Wednesday.
3. Sleep.
4. I have no idea.
5. what?
[INST] sleeeeeeeeeeeeep [/INST] I want to rest a little this week because I have big plans for the next week. </s> |
<s> It happens more often than you think. [INST] I'm new on Reddit. [/INST] run. run before you get swamps of dagobah'd or broken arms'd. </s> |
<s> Well that's great news. Ill just be at home relaxing all day [INST] Sounds awesome! We'll be doing that a few days from now. [/INST] Are you the bride or the groom? </s> |
<s> If you could travel to one place for free where would you go? [INST] Well I think it'd be Denmark. I used to live there, and I'd really like to go back. [/INST] When did you move away?
</s> |
<s> I'll eat some foods like today I ate cold pasta. [INST] Today I had cold soup, cold lasagna and am about to eat cold hot dogs. [/INST] Cold hot dogs are awesome. </s> |
<s> Anyone else spend the first day of the new year hungover in bed? [INST] Nope I spent new year's day hungover at work. I have an hour to go! [/INST] Ouch! Just one more hour till you can slam your head down on your pillow π </s> |
<s> Sure. Let's be casual.
Favorite food? [INST] Food - pancakes
What's your favourite? [/INST] Waffles.
Favorite activity to do in your spare time? </s> |
<s> Redditors, let's play a casual game! [INST] What's your favorite cereal? [/INST] Cookie crisp! </s> |
<s> What's the best German joke you know? [INST] Austria. [/INST] a+ </s> |
<s> smallish, yes [INST] Oh that's just wonderful, what does the company do? if you don't mind me asking. [/INST] Build airplanes. </s> |
<s> It's on the list! Thanks man! [INST] Also add this on your list, *The Loved Ones* You're not gonna regret watching it lol [/INST] On my list! Hope I don't regret it lol </s> |
<s> We care about you β€. If you ever need anything or to just vent I'm a pm away. [INST] thank you. [/INST] Sorry your a loser. I'm available if you need someone to chat with. </s> |
<s> Dad has Arabic origins. Have some uncles in Dubai currently that I can't see :( [INST] Why not? [/INST] The ban </s> |
<s> What are some rules you live by ? [INST] Never wage a land war in Russia. [/INST] How does this have benefits ? </s> |
<s> Well played. But it depends -- which bed store? [INST] I'd be fine with Sears or Macys tbh. [/INST] I'm Aussie and it sounds like you're speaking American again. Never heard of them. xD </s> |
<s> Anyone else sick and lonely today? [INST] Just lonely! Oh wait.. [/INST] Happy cake day! </s> |
<s> Mouse [INST] Rat [/INST] Tail </s> |
<s> this is just so awkward can we fast forward to the banging [INST] dude, awkward is my third middle name. [/INST] ..Dylan? That you? </s> |
<s> YupππβΊ [INST] Awesome. π [/INST] ππβΊ </s> |
<s> Can we talk about disturbing movies? [INST] Green Inferno got me and my friends shouting most of the time lol it was kinda weird movie [/INST] It's on the list! Thanks man! </s> |
<s> Truth me, come one come all. [INST] Would you trade 10 years of your life for a super-power of your choice? [/INST] Yes, no question. </s> |
<s> Fuck those losers, I'll /we'll be your friend [INST] Thanks :) [/INST] Don't mention it, that's what friends are for </s> |
<s> The toothpaste for sure, you'd spice up your day every morning! [INST] Nice. I'll take truth as well. [/INST] Where's the weirdest place you've been naked? </s> |
<s> Sheep poo. [INST] When? [/INST] Never </s> |
<s> Hello, how are you? [INST] I'm good thank you soooo much for asking how are you? [/INST] I'm doing better now :) </s> |
<s> The question is not if you use socks with shoes, but do you use socks with sandals? [INST] Great question. Never.
You? [/INST] Maaaan I don't use socks with sandals sandals. That's a nogo </s> |
<s> [Possibly NSFW] Does anybody want to play a game of truth or dare? [INST] Dare. Try meh [/INST] This could be very good or very bad for you. Shotgun a beer. </s> |
<s> What would be the first thing your mind jumps to at "describe yourself"? [INST] Planes or 3D modeling [/INST] You're a plane! :) </s> |
<s> Does anyone think that a casual conversation podcast where anyone can call in would be interesting? [INST] Hey man would you like to be a guest on the cc podcast? I would enjoy your insight [/INST] Sure. Sounds fun! </s> |
<s> I hope your baby grows up and learns to do a handstand [INST] Damn I will make sure this happens! Just for you! [/INST] You have 6 years to deliver, OP! </s> |
<s> Civ 6 and borderlands with the SO [INST] I can't stop playing civ 6 [/INST] I love playing pangea and winning a religious victory before anyone even gets musketmen. </s> |
<s> Literally nothing. [INST] Did you have a bad day today or was it just uneventful? [/INST] both </s> |
<s> Congrats on your sex trophy! [INST] Also, congratulate him on not pulling out. [/INST] I respect his commitment to the reproduction of our species. </s> |
<s> Pia [INST] Cute
[/INST] nah </s> |
<s> Do you have school today or just chilling out? [INST] Nah I dont, i don't go to school on my bday. [/INST] Why not, if I may ask? </s> |
<s> Word Association Game [INST] Wise [/INST] Owl </s> |
<s> I keep hearing about how great podcasts are? So what podcasts should I be listening to? [INST] It's probably here somewhere, but Bill Burr's podcast is pretty funny. [/INST] Just checkin' in on ya! </s> |
<s> Have you tired the unfrosted one, if so is it any different [INST] Haven't tried it sorry [/INST] its fine i just want to know if the frosting makes a different </s> |
<s> No. π [INST] Or elseππ²π’ππΉπ΅π³ππ« [/INST] I'll pull it for you π </s> |
<s> I like Buffy. She rocks. [INST] Tara is also wonderful, as is Joyce. Buffy has a lot of excellent women! [/INST] Joyce :( </s> |
<s> Nice. Im 22 and still dont have it :( [INST] It'll happen some day, don't sweat it. [/INST] Shh! Don't tell him lies! </s> |
<s> [Possibly NSFW] Does anybody want to play a game of truth or dare? [INST] Dare [/INST] Share a screen shot of your search history. </s> |
<s> What's a small thing you've achieved that made you really proud of yourself? [INST] I actually slept in for once lol [/INST] Looool 4:00am here did you have any dreams? </s> |
<s> Penguins. They're hella cute.
Yes I said hella.
I use it when needed. [INST] Hella is a perfectly cromulent word :D [/INST] I guess so neighborino. </s> |
<s> Lollipop [INST] Cavity [/INST] Tooth </s> |
<s> Ham and cheeze wiz, grilled, don't judge. [INST] Damn that sounds really good right about now [/INST] Can't tell if being sarcastic or not π€ </s> |
<s> No you didn't! [INST] Huh? [/INST] Heh. </s> |
<s> Truth! [INST] have you ever eaten your nail trimmings? [/INST] I have never eaten my nail trimmings </s> |
<s> What's the most unpopular opinion you have? [INST] Unpopular on reddit or unpopular to the general public? [/INST] hmm, lets make this interesting. Unpopular on reddit. </s> |
<s> The only yummy part for me was the strawberry and honey lol. [INST] you can barely taste the banana and mangos. the strawberry cleans them up [/INST] Oh, in that case, send them over then! </s> |
<s> You were once ve-gone... [INST] But now you will be gone.
Ve-gone??? [/INST] I'm in lesbians with you </s> |
<s> I got new legs! [INST] Sweet!
"Lieutenant Dan! You got new legs!" [/INST] Where's that from? </s> |
<s> My Uber driver said something really cool a couple nights ago [INST] I like that, thats a great quote.
Did you enjoy Chicago? What did you see? I love this city. [/INST] Have you ever seen Windy City heat?best movie ever </s> |
<s> Really depressed and lonely. I don't know what to do. [INST] Hey man, how you doing? :) [/INST] Doing fine as of right now. How about you? </s> |
<s> I had half of a cookie that i baked over the weekend. Totally healthy of course. Hahaha. [INST] What kind of cookies did you bake? I guess that also defines whether or not it's healthy.. :) [/INST] Haha, white and milk chocolate chip with raspberry i think. </s> |
<s> Let me introduce you to my best friend. [INST] Scarface? [/INST] Bingo </s> |
<s> Good morning [INST] Good morning! [/INST] How's things? </s> |
<s> Playing quite a bit of Don't Starve at the moment [INST] is it fun? [/INST] Yes, and quite difficult too. </s> |
<s> I guess I'll hang with the other latecomers- truth me [INST] Do you have any odd habits, if so what are they? [/INST] Too difficult, I pass. </s> |
<s> Yay, fun!
I pick truth. [INST] What's the craziest thing you've ever done? [/INST] Had sex at a bus stop park and ride in the middle of the day. </s> |
<s> Eh i am bored. Give me a dare [INST] Pluck a pube. [/INST] Done. Not fun doing it but a dare is a dare </s> |
<s> Finger [INST] Ring [/INST] Gem </s> |
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