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Giant in the Playground
[TOWN] Town Guidelines (please read)
Free Form Roleplaying
[{"from":"wxdruid","timestamp":"2006-12-04T01:28:00","value":"<b><span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">Welcome to the Town<\/span><\/b>\n<span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">This is a place where you create a character and roleplay him\/her\/it across the threads. Your character can range from a Human to a Tarrasque to an Orc or whatever you can dream of. There are endless possibilities. The goal is to have fun and RP with anyone in Town. The topics listed below are to help YOU integrate your character into the Town population and to help you have fun. If you have any questions just PM or ask a council member, we are here to help everyone.<\/span>\n<b><u><span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">Council Members<\/span><\/u><\/b>\n\nCouncil Members\n\nnone currently\n\n<b><u><span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">Topics<\/span><\/u><\/b>\n<span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">The Town Council<\/span>\n<span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">PC\u2019s and NPC\u2019s: Creation, Development and Interaction<\/span>\n<span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">TIAP (Town Indoctrination and Apprentice Program)<\/span>\n<span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">Godmodding: What it is and How to Avoid it<\/span>\n<span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">Plots: How to Create and Interact with them<\/span>\n<span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">Threads: Overview, Creating, Populating and Plotting<\/span>\n<span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">Town Law<\/span>\n<span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">Election Guidelines<\/span>\n<span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">Definitions and Acronyms<\/span>","word-count":172,"index":0,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-04T01:29:00","value":"<b>Town Council<\/b>\n The Council is a group of seven regular role players who have been elected into office by their peers. Their job consists of giving general help to anyone who needs it (and looking pretty \ud83d\ude09). If you have a question, bring it to a council member and they can help. If it is a large question, bring it to the town hall thread where the entire council (And any interested Town folks) can discuss it.\n Mainly the Council is consulted when someone wishes to create a large plot, as stated in the plot section, but if you would like to suggest changes to town, they are good people to ask.\n One of these members is the current town Mayor. The Mayor is a shiny council member who is the main voice of the council, and in reality has little more power than the rest of the council. However, they have been elected alone out of everyone else, so they are normally the most experienced and knowledgeable (not to mention friendly) of the lot of Council members, which is saying something.\n Note that the Council members have no TRUE authority besides what you give them. They are not Mods, they have not been appointed by Rich Burlew, and they were elected by people in the town. They can disapprove of something, and you can ignore them if you really feel compelled to. They are, however, knowledgeable about Town and freeform role playing, so I would advise listening to them, since they do know what they are talking about.","word-count":259,"index":1,"from-alternative":"User1"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-04T01:29:00","value":"<b>PC\u2019s and NPC\u2019s: Creation, Development and Interaction<\/b>\n PC Characters: These are what make this town run, what give it something to actually <i>do.<\/i> Without characters, there would be nothing.\n Character Creation is a very interesting process. Here is what I suggest:\n 1) Come up with a general idea. Not too general, and perhaps with some certain interesting details, but nothing really set. Give him a decent background explanation, but not a very rigid one. If you are into DnD type stuff, maybe write up some stats for him just so you can get an estimate of what he can do.\n 2) Post your mostly complete character in the Characters of Town thread. This allows people to learn just exactly who they are talking to. I also suggest getting a custom made avatar so that people will see what your character looks like.\n 3) Send your character to Town. I know, here I am telling you not to totally create your character, and then throw him into the place anyways? What am I thinking, right?\n Well I notice that people tend to get an idea of what their character is, and then when they come to Town they find themselves wanting to play something different, but they get confined by their character. So what I suggest is having an overview of your character and letting the details fall into place as you go. It gives you a more relaxed character creation, and one that tends to give you a character you like to play.\n 4) Give your character time to develop and look around town. This will be when your character begins to \u2018harden\u2019 and gain personality. This may change, but this is when you decide who exactly your character is and where he\/she came from, etc.\n 5) Plot time! Once you do everything else, begin bringing in plots to further develop, reveal, whatever, your character. These can be background plots, random plots, just anything to have fun with.\n As for general limits and explanations of how to do step 1:\n You can have any race, be from anywhere, and have any background. Town is pretty much a planar crossroads, you can meet ANYTHING here. I do recommend that you stay away from gods\/deities\/way too powerful characters until you get the hang of things though. Above all, try to have fun. We have characters ranging widely in seriousness, though the town (as of now) is a bit more serious than humorous.\n You can have more than one character, but like the powerful characters, I recommend mastering playing one character before moving on to multiple characters. I also highly recommend that keep yourself to 3-4 characters at max. Let me tell you from personal experience, when it gets beyond that, it can get hectic. Very hectic.\n Now NPC\u2019s are the \u2018backup characters.\u2019 They are normally not very developed, have one simple task that they perform, and that\u2019s it for them. In all but the rarest cases they are tied to a certain thread, as mentioned in the thread section.\n In general, if the creator of an NPC is online, let them use him\/her. If they are not, try not to do anything major to the NPC, unless you have permission. Otherwise, feel free to do what you like to them.\n As a side note: Character speech is usually given a specific color to distinguish it from descriptive text. It is very helpful for all of us.","word-count":574,"index":2,"from-alternative":"User1"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-04T01:30:00","value":"<span style=\"color:red\"><b>-Notice as of 2009 and more recent times-\nThis section is no longer relevant as the TIAP has been abandoned and unstickied. This post has only been left for historical purposes.<\/b><\/span>\n<b>TIAP (Town Indoctrination and Apprentice Program)<\/b>\n Should you have questions, or just want someone to help you out, you can go to the TIAP thread and get a \u2018mentor\u2019 to help you out. This person will help you as much or as little as you want. I highly advise you to take advantage of this. I see a vast difference between the people who do get help from them, and the people who do not. Trust me, you will benefit from their experience.\n All you have to do is go the thread and post that you want a mentor. It is advised that you give a time zone and preferred method of communication (like AIM, PM, e-mail). The mentors will come to you after that, and you two will work out the rest.","word-count":165,"index":3,"from-alternative":"User1"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-04T01:31:00","value":"<b>Godmodding: What it is and How to Avoid it<\/b>\n\nGodmodding: Taking control of someone else's character without their expressive permission. This term applies to any extent of control, especially including any reactions to something you have done.\n\nUsing this definition of godmodding condenses our rule \u2018Do not Godmod\u2019 to one very simple but inclusive rule: Do not control someone else\u2019s character. This seems a simple enough thing to avoid, but in some situations (such as combat) people take control in a limited way without realizing it.\nStill using combat as our example, here are three examples of godmodding. One blatant, one general, and one subtle in successive order:\n (And yes, Vael is me. Darn my godmodding! \ud83d\ude09)\n\n1. Vael shoots a blast of energy at (PC) and the energy rends (PC) who falls dead with a wail.\n2. Vael swings a sword at (PC) and strikes home, leaving a small angry red line of blood.\nThe third example is split into two posts by two separate people to show the entire situation:\n3. Post (PC) \u2013 (PC) draws his weapon and readies himself for combat, going on the defensive.\nPost (Vael) \u2013 Vael slashes (NPC), giving him a gaping wound and reverses the attack, striking at (PC)\n\nThe first example of godmodding is obvious, I attacked someone and killed them, usurping all of their control over their character, not even allowing them to describe how they died.\nThe second example is fairly noticeable as well. I attacked and rather than allowing them control over their character, I went ahead and said that they were hit rather than giving them a chance to respond.\nThe last one is a rather subtle godmod, though it is still there. I did not post a definite reaction for the PC, only saying that I attacked them. I did not kill anyone\u2019s NPC without their permission, only using the NPC with general license. However, what I did do was presume that I hit the NPC. What if (PC), or another person nearby had wanted to prevent me from harming the NPC? I effectively denied them a chance to react to my attack, though my use of the NPC was okay.\n\nGodmodding in non-combat situations is just as bad as doing it within combat. Some examples of non-combat godmodding are as follows:\n\n1. Vael casts Heal and cures (PC)\u2019s wounds.\n2. Stealthily Vael picks (PC)\u2019s pocket and steals (something).\n3. Vael dodges the bouncer blocking the door and runs outside.\n\nIn the first example I did not allow someone the chance to say how grievous their injury was, or even if they had something that would resist healing spells. In short, they lost a chance to react. You would normally assume people like getting healed, but in town people are crazy, so you never know.\nSecond example. What if the character is sharp-eyed, clever, or simple lucky? Again, try to do something rather than succeed.\nThird example. Now this seems okay, and perhaps in responding to someone else\u2019s post it would be. But if someone says \u201cI block the door\u201d and you run past them without letting them respond, it is godmodding. This, perhaps, is not the best example, as it could be either godmodding or a reaction statement that is fine. I include it merely so that you can see that there are different levels to godmodding, and that it is complex to determine whether some things are godmodding are not. If you aren\u2019t sure, don\u2019t act, try to act.\n\nNow that I have defined godmodding and given some examples, the question to answer is: How can I avoid godmodding by accident?\nThe answer is this: You can try to do anything to someone, but they control what actually happens to themselves. Never deny someone a chance to react, no matter what you do. Before you post, consider what you have written. Do you directly affect someone with it, adversely or positively? Do you block them off from some options that someone would normally have in their situation? If the answer to either question is yes, you probably need to revise your post.\nNote, however, that the definition states that this is only godmodding if you do <b>not<\/b> have someone\u2019s permission. If you obtain someone\u2019s OOC permission to godmod, then feel free to godmod against them within their restraints. However, I recommend that you merely work out someone\u2019s response before time, just in case something unexpected comes up (like another player interfering).\n\n<span style=\"color:black\">However, just as bad as taking control of someone else's character is making your own never get affected by them. As Regiji says: \"The counter part to an irresistable force is an immovable object.\" Therefore, you should let people at least achieve SOMETHING when they attempt to affect you. You don't have to all the time, but if your character is continually \"immovable\" you will be godmodding, and people will be extremely likely to ignore you. So don't just \"I dodge\" everything, okay? Let people do something to you if they try.<\/span>\nAlso note that there is another form of godmodding similar to the above, which will be known as \u2018passive godmodding\u2019 (kudos to Iames for the name). Passive godmodding is when a player ignores an entirely legitimate post for little to no reason. If you miss reading a post, that is one thing, but to ignore a post intentionally is very bad form. You are allowed to react to someone\u2019s post in nearly any way you want, but ignoring it really should not be done unless they are godmodding or adversely affecting an ongoing plot without permission. On that last note-","word-count":940,"index":4,"from-alternative":"User1"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-04T01:31:00","value":"<b>Plots: How to Create and Interact with them<\/b>\n\nPlots are rather delicate issues in Town. Most people have preconceived notions as to how they want their plot to begin, proceed and end, so even normally allowed posts may be considered godmodding (or at least interfering) for the purposes of a plot.\nWhen interacting with something that appears to be an ongoing plot, consider your actions carefully. If they have significant impact on the plot, you normally should check your action with the player either by PM or OOC conversation.\nActually tacking down a definitive way to avoid this is rather tricky, because what you can and cannot do to a plot is largely determined by the plot\u2019s nature and its creator. In general, if your character has an easy and simple solution to a plot problem, check with the creator of the plot. Characters in plots are also largely immune to death from non-plot sources, since their health may be vital to the advancement of a story, so try not to fatally wound them, or you may be ignored.\nCreating a plot is fairly simple. Think of your plot. If it affects a large portion of town, involves a character who is supposed to be fairly powerful, or involves a large number of NPC\u2019s (think army or large group), you should get it approved by the council. Please note, however, that the council DOES NOT have the authority to keep you from creating and starting your plot. They do, however, give you a general idea of how the town will react to the plot, whether it seems as though you might godmod with your plot, and what they think should be improved\/changed\/edited from your plot. The final decision of whether your plot happens or not comes from YOU. The council is merely a handy group which can give you advice and ideas for your plot. If the council does not approve of your plot, and you run it anyways, many people may ignore your plot due to the problems that the council saw in it. It is far easier for everyone if you merely abide by the councils decisions and advice.\nWhen running your plot, I urge you to be adaptive. Let people join in with their own ideas and abilities, and be willing to see your plot change and the final ending be somewhat different. If you have your heart set on a certain ending or a certain path, either try to work around people\u2019s acts\/decisions, or talk to them OOC about what you would prefer. Most people will understand your preferences, and abide by your wishes. It is your plot after all. However, they want to have fun too. Try not to just ignore what someone does unless you have too. I know I said earlier that people have preconceived notions, and that they have the liberty to ignore posts if they interfere, but I find that the best plots are the ones that go with the flow and work with the characters as they react. If you want to make an exclusive, extremely rigid plot, I advise that you write a story rather than play it out on the boards. Interaction is what RP is all about, after all.","word-count":542,"index":5,"from-alternative":"User1"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-04T01:32:00","value":"<b>Threads: Overview, Creating, Populating and Plotting<\/b>\n The real, main thing to know about threads is this: each one represents a different place in town. You are only supposed to post (and \u2018exist\u2019) in one thread at a time, unless your character can create an avatar or some such, which is entirely possible. When you go somewhere else, post that you are leaving the thread you are in and go to the next place you want to go. In general, every building attaches to the Street thread in some way, so you can just leave on thread, go into the street thread for a single post, and then into your new thread. Certain places are connected in other ways which are usually specified in the first post.\n For example:\n\n 1) The Temple of Inari, Sneak\u2019s Milk Bar Restaurante, and Trog\u2019s Tavern are connected by portal-mirrors. Basically you step through the appropriate mirror and end up in the other thread.\n 2) Trog's Second Floor is connected to Trog\u2019s tavern via stairs, as one might guess. While the second floor does not have any <i>normal<\/i> method to get out into the streets, people have been known to slip out of windows\u2026\n\n Also, within certain threads there are \u2018subsections\u2019 that allow people to know exactly where within the thread someone is. You must state within the thread when moving between subsections, and normally at the top of your post you should state what subsection you are in. Most partitioned threads make a note of this in the first post.\n Examples include:\n\n 1) The Temple of Inari- The Temple of Inari is divided into the Sanctuary, Gardens, Summoning Chamber, Hospital Wing, Priest Quarters, and the Ice Chamber, as well as the Meditation Chambers.\n 2) Trog\u2019s Second Floor- There are 20 rooms on the second floor, and quite a few are permanently (or temporarily) occupied.\n 3) Sneak\u2019s Milk Bar Restaurante- There are 26 tables\/booths\/sitting areas in the restaurant.\n\n For the most part, we are relaxed about posting the area at the top of your post, but when someone new enters the thread, or when you are first posting, etc, you should probably state where in the thread you are.\n Some types of threads are temporal distortions, and your character can coexist in one or more of these threads while also in a normal thread. These places include (but are not limited to :P):\n\n 1) Any Court Trial\n 2) The Arena\n 3) \u2018Party\u2019 Events\n\n Some threads also contain permanent NPC\u2019s. Normally the first post in a thread gives you a general overview of the NPC\u2019s contained within the thread. While the owner of the thread is not in, feel free to control the NPC\u2019s as you will as long as you do not grievously injure them, steal all of their wealth, etc. Just don\u2019t do anything major to them.\n Also, not all threads are IC threads. Threads that are OOC are usually labeled \u2018OOC\u2019 in some part of their title. Within an OOC thread you do not need to use brackets, parentheses, etc, since no one will post in them IC at all.\n I cannot stress enough just how much you should read the first post in a thread before posting in a thread. Every vital piece of information about a thread is normally listed in that first post. Even if you have been around a while, you never know, something might have been updated or changed.\n\n Restarting a thread is a tradition carried over from the old boards, and a method used to keep down the number of pages in a thread. Once a thread hits 50 pages, we will begin a new thread with another Roman Numeral to the side. In order to restart a thread, the simplest method is this:\n\n 1) Quote the first post of the old thread.\n 2) Copy it, and remove the quote tags.\n 3) Start a new thread and give it the name with appropriate Roman Numeral.\n 4) Paste in the old thread\u2019s first post.\n 5) Create the thread.\n\n Creating a new thread\/area is something that anyone can do. You need no permission to create one. I do, however, suggest that you do the following things if you create a thread. Keep in mind that this is for everyone\u2019s convenience.\n First, in the first post, give everyone a description of the area, and a little extra depending on what type of place it is. If it is a wilderness location, then a description alone will suffice. If it is a shop or tavern, list what you sell. If it is a temple, give a general description of the deity worshipped there.\n Second, list the general personality\/description\/speech color of any NPC's that reside in the area.\n Third, add anything else that seems necessary or just plain interesting or fun.\n\n Populating your created thread is something that gives people a lot of trouble. It\u2019s like trying to get a new business off the ground. However, I have compiled a few things that may help you get started.\n\n 1) Start with a BANG. This is a very good way to attract people. When your thread starts, have a sale, throw a party, do something entirely random and attention getting, but just attract people to the thread for that initial creation. The flood may die off, but if you do well enough that first time it could be your rescue from descent into darkness.\n 2) For pities sake, don\u2019t just make a shop. Shops are nice and everything, but they do not give people a place to interact extensively. Add something onto your shop if it has to be a shop. Give people more reason to come than just buy things, and shout out your specialties.\n 3) Be unique. We have bars, taverns, and temples. Try for something new, or something old with a really unusual flair.\n 4) Be active within your own thread. Do things to make people come, and when they do come, BE THERE. NPC\u2019s are nice and all, but they don\u2019t attract people to your thread.\n\n Plots and threads are an interesting combination. Sometimes, when people do not want to intrude in the town, they create and entirely new thread for just their plot. This allows them greater freedom with what they do, since they only affect people who desire to be affected, since they would not be in the thread without wanting to get involved in the plot. Normally it is not suggested that you get Council permission for plot creation if the plot is within its own thread.","word-count":1090,"index":6,"from-alternative":"User1"},{"from":"wxdruid","timestamp":"2006-12-04T01:36:00","value":"<b><span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">Town Law (In Character)<\/span><\/b>\n<span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">The Town Police exist in the Town to uphold the law, enforce the peace and arrest criminals. When you break the law the police will take an interest in your character. You may try to escape them or choose to get arrested, but be aware that if you evade arrest the police will continue to try and arrest you. If you have a particular storyline that you are running, you may want to consider PMing the officer that is trying to arrest you and work out a compromise. (Realize that compromise may be that you allow your character to be arrested at a later date.)<\/span>\n<span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">You may also report a crime at the Police Station. The NPC fairies are there to take down the information and inform the officers of the details.<\/span>\n<span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">The Law \u2013 Most of the laws are common sense and the list below is not all inclusive and the punishments are not set in stone and may be changed as the circumstances warrant. <\/span>\n\n {table=\"head\"]<b>The Crime<\/b>|<b>The Punishment<\/b>|<b>Other<\/b>\nMurder|36 hours|No bail, resurrection fine, one week parole and weapon restriction.\nBattery|24+ hours|2,000gp bail and healing fine, one week parole and 3 day weapon restriction\nAssault|18 hours|1,000gp bail, 3 day parole and weapon restriction\nResisting Arrest|6 hours|no bail, 3 day parole and weapon restriction\nKidnapping|24 hours|2,000gp +(500 * days kidnapped) as fine, week parole.\nPoisoning|24 hours|2,000gp, week parole, healing expenses\nTorture|48 hours|No bail, 500 to 3,000 fine and week parole\nTheft\/Robbery|12 to 24 hours|500 bail + gold equal to stolen items\nVandalism|12 hours|Pay for repairs, one day of community service\nForgery|6 hours|500gp\nDesecration|6 hours |500gp, one day of community service to temple\nJay walking|No hours|50gp\nDisturbing the Peace|6 hours|150gp\nBar Brawls|6 hours|300gp plus paying for your share of the damages\nStreaking|6 hours|150gp\nContempt of Court|6 hours|No bail\nTrespassing|6 hours|100gp[\/table]\n\n <span style=\"color:black\"><span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">You have the choice to follow or not follow the laws in Town, you also have the choice of staying in jail or escaping. If you feel you were wrongly arrested you may request a trial or the police may request a trial for you. You should be released with the expectation that you will show up in court for your trial. If you wish to avoid a trial and know you are guilty you can complete the appropriate punishment and then be released.<\/span><\/span>\n<span style=\"color:black\"><span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">The Courts (In Character and Out of Character)<\/span><\/span>\n<span style=\"color:black\"><span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">The Courthouse is for filing cases and where the judges post their links to the trials they are running. <\/span><\/span>\n<span style=\"color:black\"><span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">Current judges are members to the Council and Gwen, prospective judges may put in their application at the Town Hall thread.<\/span><\/span>\n<span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">You may ask another character to represent you as your lawyer in the courtroom or you may represent yourself.<\/span>\n<span style=\"color:black\"><span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">Anyone can file a case, you may do it IC or OOC, but it must be in the proper format.<\/span><\/span>\n<span style=\"color:black\"><span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">___________ vs __________<\/span><\/span>\n<span style=\"color:black\"><span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">Accused of ___________<\/span><\/span>\n<span style=\"color:black\"><span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">Evidence: http:\/\/<\/span><\/span>\n<span style=\"color:black\"><span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">Witnesses:<\/span><\/span>\n<span style=\"color:black\"><span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">A judge will review the case and start a trial thread, requesting everyone\u2019s presence in the courtroom. The first post will list at a minimum the following items. Each judge can tailor the first post to his or her personal choice.<\/span><\/span>\n<span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">Here is where we will start ________ vs ________Trial. <\/span>\n<span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">\nA few ground rules:\n\nEveryone that is required for the trial will be heard (I will determine if your voice needs to be heard)\nI will tolerate no disruptions in the courtroom (you will be asked to leave, if you don't I will call the police and they will cart you off in handcuffs)\nI am the Judge, I have the final say, I will listen to all arguments, just be patient.\n\nWill ___________ please appear before me.\n\n__________ is accused of (offense)\n\nDetails\u2014 http:\/\/<\/span>\n<span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">\nWould ___________ please state your plea for the record.<\/span>\n<span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">\nPossible witnesses:<\/span>\n<span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">When everyone has been heard the judge will post a verdict. You can accept it and the sentence or you can protest the ruling and request a member of the Council to re-hear the case and it will go back to the courtroom.<\/span>","word-count":727,"index":7,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"wxdruid","timestamp":"2006-12-04T01:36:00","value":"<b><span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">Election Guidelines<\/span><\/b>\n<span style=\"color:black\"><span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">The Mayor or Council will start a nomination thread, nominations will last for one week. Anyone can nominate a Townie for Mayor or the Council. Each player can nominate somebody else <b>once<\/b>, they cannot nominate themselves. Three nominations are needed to be added to the ballot. If you do not wish to run for Mayor or the Council you may decline the nomination and be removed from the ballot.<\/span><\/span>\n<span style=\"color:black\"><span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">Voting \u2013 One vote per available position, not per account. If 3 council seats are open you may vote for 3 different people, not the same person multiple times. If you vote for the same person multiple times your PM will be discarded. The voting thread can be started by anyone on the Council or the two people collecting the votes (election officials). All votes will be PM\u2019d to the election officials. They will check for duplicate votes or one person voting multiple times.<\/span><\/span>\n\nHow to Vote - One vote per available position, please send a PM to Exachix and Supagoof (election officials) using one PM, copy and past Supagoof ; Exachix in the 'To' box. If 3 council seats are open you may vote for 3 different people, not the same person multiple times. If you vote for the same person multiple times your PM will be discarded. If you want to know when they read it, put a check mark in the box 'Request a read receipt for this message' in the misc options area below the message.\n\n<span style=\"color:black\"><span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">Results \u2013 The election officials will confirm and coordinate the final results before posting. The top three people receiving the most votes are on the council. If there is a tie a properly sided die will determine who is elected to the council.<\/span><\/span>\n<span style=\"color:black\"><span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">Council members and the Mayor serve for 6 months. They can be elected for two consecutive terms and then take one term off. Elections will take place every three months for half of the council. <\/span><\/span>\n<u><span style=\"color:black\"><span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">Current Council Members<\/span><\/span><\/u>\n\nNone\n\n<u><span style=\"color:black\"><span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">Terms and dates served:<\/span><\/span><\/u>\n<span style=\"color:black\"><span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">Mayors:<\/span><\/span>\n<span style=\"color:black\"><span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">Mortia (June? \u2013 November 2006)<\/span><\/span>\n<span style=\"color:black\"><span style=\"font-family: Verdana\">Gwen (November 2006 \u2013 May 2007, June 2007-November 2007))<\/span><\/span>\n\nCouncil Members:(Current ones in bold)\n\nArtemis97 (Aug 2007 - ?)\nAtreyu, the Masked Llama (June? \u2013 Nov 2006, Dec 2006-Mar 2007)\nBlackout (Aug 2007 - ?)\nBookboy (Aug 2007 - ?)\nDeath, your friend the Reaper (June? \u2013 Mar 2007)\nDeadly\/Ilias (Apr 2007-June 2007)\nDraken (Aug 2007 - ?)\nEmperor Indurain (June? \u2013 Mar 2007)\nExachix (June 2007 - Aug 2007)\nFenric (Apr 2007-June 2007)\nGwen (Oct 2006 \u2013 Nov 2006)\nEl Jaspero (Dec 2006 - May 2007)\nLordVader (Aug 2007 - ?)\nNecroPaladin (June 2007 - Aug 2007)\nRex Idiotarum (Aug 2007 - ?)\nSneak (June? \u2013 Oct 2006)\nSophistemon (Apr 2007-Aug 2007)\nTrog (June? \u2013 Mar 2007, Mar 2007 - May 2007)\nVael\/Earin (Dec 2006-May 2007, June 2007 - June 2007)\nWukei (June? \u2013 Nov 2006)","word-count":510,"index":8,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-04T01:37:00","value":"<b>What in tarnation does _____ mean?<\/b>\n (Yeah, so sue me, I\u2019m a southerner. Like it I say! LIKE IT!)\n\n IC- In character. This is everything you write about your character\u2019s actions, appearance or speech.\n\n OOC- Out of character. This everything that YOU say, and not your character. Generally people either place OOC speech within double parentheses ((like this)) or brackets [hey look, an example!].\n\n PC- Player character. This is someone that is controlled by another human being. Unless someone out there is an alien, in which case I mean no offense.\n\n NPC- Non-player character. This is a poor person who is human-less. Anyone can control him.\n\n Alt- Alternate. A PC whose player has more than one account to differentiate characters. An Alt is the account(s) created after the \u2018primary\u2019 or first account.\n<span style=\"color:red\">--PLEASE NOTE THAT BY FORUM RULES ALTS ARE NO LONGER ALLOWED--<\/span>\n\n Italics speech- Telepathy or character thoughts. If thoughts are telepathy, it is usually very clearly stated, or the speaker puts \u2018@(pc name)\u2019 in front of it. Italics may also be used to specify a spell name that the PC just cast.\n\nDead time- an amusing IC explanation for when someone goes offline. When a character is struck by dead time (which can happen in numerous ways) they are going offline.","word-count":214,"index":9,"from-alternative":"User1"},{"from":"wxdruid","timestamp":"2006-12-05T16:22:00","value":"Please refrain from posting on this thread. If you have any suggestions or complaints, please post them in the Town Hall thread, or you may PM a council member.","word-count":29,"index":10,"from-alternative":"User0"}]
Giant in the Playground
New Stick City
Free Form Roleplaying
[{"from":"Lord Magtok","timestamp":"2007-01-01T21:02:00","value":"[purged! You can't read how awful i was now!]","word-count":9,"index":0,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"Lord Sidereal","timestamp":"2007-01-01T23:53:00","value":"Having stumbled through the portal, Parson the Monk sees the unfolding scene. Recognising the Agent as in need of assistance, he nimbly somersault's to the mans aid, striking at several of the androids with a flurry of blows.","word-count":38,"index":1,"from-alternative":"User1"}]
Giant in the Playground
Beaches of Katani [Plot]
Free Form Roleplaying
[{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-30T22:25:00","value":"A fair distance from Town (namely a country or two away) there is a large section of beaches that is remote and beautiful, all in all a good place for a vacation.\nApparently a large military group agreed with this, and somehow relocated a massive fortress onto a more hidden section of the beach...\n[hr]\nEarin, Alena, and SASO appear amidst the frings of a tropical forest, but in a place where they can clearly see the fortress.","word-count":78,"index":0,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"wxdruid","timestamp":"2006-12-30T22:26:00","value":"Alena steps away from Earin and ruffles her wings, keeping them away from the undergrowth.","word-count":15,"index":1,"from-alternative":"User1"},{"from":"Lord Magtok","timestamp":"2006-12-30T22:28:00","value":"SASO steps away, and loads and cleans his guns.\n<span style=\"font-size:xx-small\"><span style=\"color:blue\">Should've done this before we left...<\/span><\/span>","word-count":17,"index":2,"from-alternative":"User2"},{"from":"Hoseki","timestamp":"2006-12-30T22:29:00","value":"Hoseki appears and looks at the fortress. <span style=\"color:teal\">\"Nice architecture.\"<\/span>","word-count":10,"index":3,"from-alternative":"User3"},{"from":"Lord Magtok","timestamp":"2006-12-30T22:31:00","value":"SASO monetarily looks up from gun-cleaning.\n<span style=\"color:blue\">Yeah. Its a shame it that we might have to blow it up.<\/span>","word-count":20,"index":4,"from-alternative":"User2"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-30T22:34:00","value":"\"It is fairly well built, though I wonder how it got here. Certainly wasn't here when <i>I<\/i> first saw this place.\"\nEarin considers the well built fortress.\n\"But you know, I assume they used magic to bring it here or something, so there might be some weakpoints since it wasn't built with this place in mind.\"","word-count":56,"index":5,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"Rebonack","timestamp":"2006-12-30T22:35:00","value":"Regiji and George wink into existence a few feet from Earin. Most of those feet happen to be straight up in the air.\n\n\"Damnit Sal! Shift us in <i>on the ground<\/i> for once!\"\n\n<span style=\"color:blue\"><i>Sorry about that.<\/i><\/span>","word-count":37,"index":6,"from-alternative":"User4"},{"from":"wxdruid","timestamp":"2006-12-30T22:37:00","value":"Alena looks over at the fortress, <span style=\"color:darkslateblue\">I don't know very much about architecture.<\/span>","word-count":14,"index":7,"from-alternative":"User1"},{"from":"Lord Magtok","timestamp":"2006-12-30T22:37:00","value":"<span style=\"color:blue\">I imagine a forest like this gets a lot of rainfall.\nYou don't suppose we could dig underneath the soft, wet dirt and get them from below, do you?<\/span>","word-count":30,"index":8,"from-alternative":"User2"},{"from":"Hoseki","timestamp":"2006-12-30T22:38:00","value":"<span style=\"color:teal\">\"Oh, it's fascinating. You can tell a lot abot a civilization by its architecture.\"<\/span> Hoseki says cheerfully.","word-count":18,"index":9,"from-alternative":"User3"},{"from":"Penguinizer","timestamp":"2006-12-30T22:42:00","value":"<span style=\"color:red\">It is surprising isnt it. <\/span><span style=\"color:black\">George says.<\/span>\n\n((Its getting late here, going off soon))","word-count":16,"index":10,"from-alternative":"User5"},{"from":"wxdruid","timestamp":"2006-12-30T22:43:00","value":"Alena casts <i>Steel Shadows<\/i> and darkness forms around her body, forming shadow armor and a shield as she waits to move forwards.","word-count":22,"index":11,"from-alternative":"User1"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-30T22:44:00","value":"\"Digging would take far too long. They'd notice, unless we can get a quick way to dig. I assume we'll want to find a relatively unwatched place and either climb over or teleport through the walls.\"","word-count":36,"index":12,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"Penguinizer","timestamp":"2006-12-30T22:45:00","value":"<span style=\"color:red\">Or hope the door suffers spontanious existance failure.<\/span>","word-count":9,"index":13,"from-alternative":"User5"},{"from":"Lord Magtok","timestamp":"2006-12-30T22:45:00","value":"SASO activates a cloaking device on his rmor, and from all sides, one would only see the scenery past him, due to advanced camoflage technology.\n\n<span style=\"color:blue\">What about flying in?<\/span>","word-count":30,"index":14,"from-alternative":"User2"},{"from":"Rebonack","timestamp":"2006-12-30T22:46:00","value":"Regiji settles to the ground slowly, then tosses the red rock to Earin.\n\n\"You forgot your temple contacting rock... thing.\"\n\nRegiji glances at George.\n\n\"A SEF event? Eh, I could have helped with that, but I left my sister's gift at home,\" he shrugs apologetically.","word-count":45,"index":15,"from-alternative":"User4"},{"from":"Hoseki","timestamp":"2006-12-30T22:48:00","value":"<span style=\"color:teal\">\"I could turn into a Tarswerdef to tunnel in.\"<\/span> Hoseki says.","word-count":12,"index":16,"from-alternative":"User3"},{"from":"wxdruid","timestamp":"2006-12-30T22:50:00","value":"<span style=\"color:darkslateblue\">Let's just sneak in and get her. <\/span>","word-count":9,"index":17,"from-alternative":"User1"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-30T22:51:00","value":"Earin grins at Hoseki.\n\"That works. Of course, who knows where we'll end up, or where she is... assuming that she <i>is<\/i> in the castle, of course.\"","word-count":27,"index":18,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"Lord Magtok","timestamp":"2006-12-30T22:51:00","value":"((Seems we have a several good options...unless the deity Plot hath chosen our path beforehand. What say you, almighty Plot?))","word-count":20,"index":19,"from-alternative":"User2"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-30T22:54:00","value":"((*Stephen stands over Plot's body, holding a bloody chainsaw*\n<span style=\"color:darkred\">What? It wasn't me, I swear!<span style=\"color:black\">\nIn other words, go for whatever))\n<\/span><\/span>","word-count":24,"index":20,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"Hoseki","timestamp":"2006-12-30T22:59:00","value":"((&gt;.&lt;))\n\nHoseki grins and points to herself. <span style=\"color:teal\">\"Hopper sense. Within a range depending on my size, I can detect the exact nature of any object or being. No barriers. She's an Elan too, right?\"<\/span>","word-count":35,"index":21,"from-alternative":"User3"},{"from":"Rebonack","timestamp":"2006-12-30T22:59:00","value":"Regiji suddenly has an idea. He snaps his fingers then digs the probe out of his pack. He points to Elya's holy symbol, then at the fortress.\n\n\"Is she inside there?\"","word-count":31,"index":22,"from-alternative":"User4"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-30T23:00:00","value":"\"Well... mostly. But even if you sense her as human, we should be fine, since I don't believe these people <i>are<\/i> human.\"\nEarin nods to Regiji.\n\"I'm fairly sure.\"","word-count":29,"index":23,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"Hoseki","timestamp":"2006-12-30T23:04:00","value":"<span style=\"color:teal\">\"Alright. How's this: I burrow under the ground, allowing myself to grow as needed. Once I sense her and figure out exactly where she is, I'll come back and teleport us all there. Then, we can get her, eliminating any guards (I'll tell you if there are any) and we'll teleport back. Sound okay?\"<\/span>","word-count":55,"index":24,"from-alternative":"User3"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-30T23:06:00","value":"\"Lets hear Regiji's idea first, then we'll see.\"","word-count":8,"index":25,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"Rebonack","timestamp":"2006-12-30T23:06:00","value":"Regiji nods to the probe, which begins bobbing about in the air happily.\n\n\"See if you can find her.\"\n\n<span style=\"color:green\">\"Yay! I get to be helpful!\"<\/span> the orb thrills.\n\nThe cyan blue light on its surface flares a little brighter as it pans its vision about in the direction of the fortress.\n\n<span style=\"color:green\">\"Let's see, she's...\"<\/span>\n\n((Is she inside? Oo))","word-count":60,"index":26,"from-alternative":"User4"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-30T23:08:00","value":"((yes she is))","word-count":3,"index":27,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"Penguinizer","timestamp":"2006-12-30T23:10:00","value":"George expresses agreement for the plan.","word-count":6,"index":28,"from-alternative":"User5"},{"from":"Rebonack","timestamp":"2006-12-30T23:12:00","value":"<span style=\"color:green\">\"Yes. I see her,\"<\/span> the orb continues to twirl about in the air. Regiji grabs it and hold it eye level with himself.\n\n\"Show me.\"\n\nHe goes vacant for a moment, then blinks.\n\n\"Ok... I've got her position. This is probably going to be rough, they're on guard since Earin beat one of their officers senseless.\"\n\n<span style=\"color:green\">\"I got to help save the day!\" <\/span>the probe enthuses as it rolls about in the sand.","word-count":75,"index":29,"from-alternative":"User4"},{"from":"wxdruid","timestamp":"2006-12-30T23:15:00","value":"Alena watches and waits, she hums a quiet tune with inspire courage included.","word-count":13,"index":30,"from-alternative":"User1"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-30T23:15:00","value":"\"Ok. Hoseki? If you could use your idea now?\"","word-count":9,"index":31,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"Lord Magtok","timestamp":"2006-12-30T23:17:00","value":"((Am I the only one with the words \"beaches of normandy\" in their head whenver they see the thread title? ))","word-count":21,"index":32,"from-alternative":"User2"},{"from":"Penguinizer","timestamp":"2006-12-30T23:19:00","value":"((I keep on thinking that this feels like a combination of metal gear solid and james bond :P))","word-count":18,"index":33,"from-alternative":"User5"},{"from":"Lord Magtok","timestamp":"2006-12-30T23:22:00","value":"((When we get in the castle, I might pull a Splinter Cell if I get the chance.\ud83d\ude01 ))","word-count":18,"index":34,"from-alternative":"User2"},{"from":"Hoseki","timestamp":"2006-12-30T23:24:00","value":"Hoseki nods and turns into a Huge, dusty brown armor-plated creature that otherwise resembles a breaver. Opening her mouth, she suddenly begins eating the dirt at an extremely fast rate. She quickly vanishes from view.","word-count":35,"index":35,"from-alternative":"User3"},{"from":"Penguinizer","timestamp":"2006-12-30T23:24:00","value":"((I got the idea of enchanting the egg sandwich with explosive runes :P))","word-count":13,"index":36,"from-alternative":"User5"},{"from":"Lord Magtok","timestamp":"2006-12-30T23:25:00","value":"((That wouldn't be very tasty.))","word-count":5,"index":37,"from-alternative":"User2"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-30T23:26:00","value":"((Why does it say \"Explosive sandwich on this- *BOOM*))\nEarin watches Hoseki, shaking his head.\n\"I'm glad that she isn't trying to kill me anymore.\"","word-count":25,"index":38,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"Rebonack","timestamp":"2006-12-30T23:27:00","value":"Regiji quirks an eyebrow at Hoseki's transformation.\n\n\"Well, if I ever need to dig a ditch <i>really<\/i> fast I know who to call.\"\n\n<span style=\"color:green\">\"Regiji!\"<\/span> the probe moans. <span style=\"color:green\">\"I've got sand between my joints!\"<\/span>\n\n\"Go soak yourself in the ocean then.\"","word-count":42,"index":39,"from-alternative":"User4"},{"from":"Lord Magtok","timestamp":"2006-12-30T23:32:00","value":"((Then the probe will whine about being rusty or wet.\nBy the way, the first time you mentioned the probe, my first thoughts were about alien probes. Eww.))\n\nSASO shines his weapons some more, when he is once again contacted by Lord Magtok.\n\n<b><i>Hey, agent. Glad to see you're doing OK. Still thinking about your murder?<\/i><\/b>\n<span style=\"color:blue\"><i>You did that. You know you did that. I don't know how you took control of me, but you did.<\/i><\/span>\n<b><i>Don't get all worked up, agent. He can be brought back by Iames. Besdies, you made the right choice. There is no reason to allow threats to potentially continue.<\/i><\/b>\n<span style=\"color:blue\"><i>The worm got away. What do you mean there is no more threat?<\/i><\/span>\n<b><i>Your enemy has fear and respect for you now. That is the greatest advantage.<\/i><\/b>\n<span style=\"color:blue\"><i>I swear, I'm gonna kill you.<\/i><\/span>","word-count":141,"index":40,"from-alternative":"User2"},{"from":"Rebonack","timestamp":"2006-12-30T23:34:00","value":"((Oh it certainly will. And a fist sized alien probe? Ouch.))\n\n<span style=\"color:green\">\"Regiji!\"<\/span> comes a voice that manages to drown out the sound of the waves. <span style=\"color:green\">\"The water's too cold!\"<\/span>\n\nRegiji intentionally fails his Listen check.","word-count":37,"index":41,"from-alternative":"User4"},{"from":"Hoseki","timestamp":"2006-12-30T23:34:00","value":"Hoseki, under the fortress and cloaked from detection, magical or mundane, stops and focuses on her hopper sense, allowing herself to expand deeper into the earth until she can sense an Elan or human in the structure.","word-count":37,"index":42,"from-alternative":"User3"},{"from":"wxdruid","timestamp":"2006-12-30T23:36:00","value":"Alena continues to hum as she watches the others in the group.","word-count":12,"index":43,"from-alternative":"User1"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-30T23:39:00","value":"Hoseki can sense a very faint human\/Elan lifeform towards the bottom of the fortress in the north west corner.","word-count":19,"index":44,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"Hoseki","timestamp":"2006-12-30T23:42:00","value":"((Any guards?))","word-count":2,"index":45,"from-alternative":"User3"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-30T23:43:00","value":"((Are you looking for human and Elan life forms only?))","word-count":10,"index":46,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"Hoseki","timestamp":"2006-12-30T23:48:00","value":"((She's not looking for a specific kind of life individually and not noticing anything else, just extending her sense (noting all substances and life other than human or Elan) until it finds a human or Elan, then examining the surrounding area.))","word-count":41,"index":47,"from-alternative":"User3"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-30T23:51:00","value":"((Kdokey then. Thats what I thought, just making sure))\nHoseki senses a number of strange, almost dual lifeforces in the air. There are about ten, but the strange dualistic effect might throw her off somewhat.","word-count":35,"index":48,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"Lord Magtok","timestamp":"2006-12-30T23:55:00","value":"((Ten sets of alien siamese twins?\ud83e\udd28\nJust kidding. I'm sure whatever Steve has will be cooler than that))","word-count":18,"index":49,"from-alternative":"User2"},{"from":"Hoseki","timestamp":"2006-12-30T23:58:00","value":"Making a small grunting noise of satisfaction, Hoseki retracts what she grew to extrend her sense that far and heads back through the tunnel, which fills itself behind her. When she reaches the end, she returns to her Eperan form and grins. <span style=\"color:teal\">\"I've found Elya. There are about ten guards, so be ready to fight when I teleport you. Everybody ready?\"<\/span>","word-count":62,"index":50,"from-alternative":"User3"},{"from":"wxdruid","timestamp":"2006-12-31T00:00:00","value":"<span style=\"color:darkslateblue\">I'm ready to go<\/span>","word-count":5,"index":51,"from-alternative":"User1"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-31T00:02:00","value":"Earin nods, putting his hands ready to catch his daggers as they slip out of his hidden wrist sheathes.","word-count":19,"index":52,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"Rebonack","timestamp":"2006-12-31T00:08:00","value":"\"I've already zeroed in on her, so I'll be shifting over myself,\" Regiji says with a nod. \"Remember, we want to keep the noise down to a minimum. This needs to be quick and silent.\"\n\nHe chuckles.\n\n\"Good thing we have Earin the ninja on our side then.\"","word-count":48,"index":53,"from-alternative":"User4"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-31T00:09:00","value":"Earin glances around.\n\"Actually, will anyone be bothered if I just negate sound entirely?\"","word-count":14,"index":54,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"Hoseki","timestamp":"2006-12-31T00:12:00","value":"<span style=\"color:teal\">\"Not me.\"<\/span> Hoseki says, scratching her left elbow.","word-count":9,"index":55,"from-alternative":"User3"},{"from":"wxdruid","timestamp":"2006-12-31T00:13:00","value":"Alena looks a bit startled at the suggestion and stops her humming, <span style=\"color:darkslateblue\">um, go ahead?<\/span>","word-count":16,"index":56,"from-alternative":"User1"},{"from":"Lord Magtok","timestamp":"2006-12-31T00:13:00","value":"<span style=\"color:blue\">I'm fine with that.<\/span>","word-count":5,"index":57,"from-alternative":"User2"},{"from":"Rebonack","timestamp":"2006-12-31T00:17:00","value":"\"If it could make the Probe shut up for a few minutes then I'm all for it.\"\n\nThe probe comes zipping back to Regiji and darts into his pack.\n\n<span style=\"color:green\">\"Yay! Time to save the damsel in distress!\"<\/span>","word-count":38,"index":58,"from-alternative":"User4"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-31T00:20:00","value":"Earin nods.\n\"Lets go then.\"","word-count":5,"index":59,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"Hoseki","timestamp":"2006-12-31T00:22:00","value":"Hoseki nods and teleports everyone except Regiji to the place where Elya is.","word-count":13,"index":60,"from-alternative":"User3"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-31T00:29:00","value":"Hoseki, for obvious reasons, teleports the group to the closest area that can contain the group. Which is, unfortunately, right among the guards.\nOf course, her other choice would have been to teleport everyone into solid stone, then getting them shunted out among the guards after everyone was stunned and injured from the experience.\nThere are ten guards, as she said, and they all have spined arms and legs. They wear a streamlined, almost reptilian looking armor made of gleaming silver. Upon seeing the intruders, six draw their swords and advance, while two stand back, preparing to cast spells. Two more stand back to protect the spellcasters.\n\nEarin quickly manifests his will to deaden sound in the room.","word-count":118,"index":61,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"wxdruid","timestamp":"2006-12-31T00:33:00","value":"Alena casts <i>Flicker<\/i> and <i>Killing Shadows<\/i>","word-count":6,"index":62,"from-alternative":"User1"},{"from":"Hoseki","timestamp":"2006-12-31T00:35:00","value":"Hoseki laughs. Silently, though, of course. Moving faster than would be possible for almost any other living being, she is suddenly behind one of the spellcasters and swinging a fist made of bircak (a subtance fifty times harder than any material found on this dimension) at its head.","word-count":48,"index":63,"from-alternative":"User3"},{"from":"Rebonack","timestamp":"2006-12-31T00:37:00","value":"Regiji materializes directly behind one of the spell casters and attempt to snaps the man's neck.\n\n((If you don't want any autohits on the grunts I'll change that. I'm used to being able to godmod squishy mooks from the last board I RPed at.))","word-count":44,"index":64,"from-alternative":"User4"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-31T00:47:00","value":"((Um, Regiji, if you'd allow them to respond, I'd really appreciate it. They may be NPC enemies, but I do have control over them at the moment))\nAlena's cone of shadow catches four of the six advancing warriors, tearing through the armor of three, staggering and pausing them, while the last fends the spell off to some degree, and keeps pace with the two that were unaffected. Two of them swing flickering blue swords at Alena, while the third attacks Earin.\nHoseki's target is caught offguard, but his bodyguard is not. He lunges back at her, his suit of armor shifting and changing, leaving him with four silver and clawed arms, one of which blocks her attack (oddly suffering no damage) and three of which swipe at her eyes and face.\nRegiji gets a good grip on the man's head, but his stiff armor leaves Regiji with problems as the joint between the helm and neck refuses to turn. The second bodyguard leaps at him, trying to grapple and pin him.","word-count":171,"index":65,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"wxdruid","timestamp":"2006-12-31T00:55:00","value":"Alena flickers to a spot behind them and casts <i>Eldritch disruption<\/i> at an enemy spellcaster.","word-count":15,"index":66,"from-alternative":"User1"},{"from":"Hoseki","timestamp":"2006-12-31T00:55:00","value":"Hoseki makes no attempt to dodge the blows and the claws cut deep into her face, though no blood spills. As the gashes heal she silently laughs again, swinging her bircak first around for the bodyguard. The fist in question is now coated in a powerful acid, however, designed by Hoseki on the spot to eat through the armor.","word-count":59,"index":67,"from-alternative":"User3"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-31T01:11:00","value":"Earin parries the attack against him, then counter attacks with a hidden dagger.","word-count":13,"index":68,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"Rebonack","timestamp":"2006-12-31T01:11:00","value":"((Duly noted. Old habits die hard I guess &gt;.&gt;))\n\nRegiji quirks an eyebrow at the unusually resistant armor and spots the guard moving in to assist. He sweeps one foot out behind himself for stabilization then proceeds to bend over backwards with the ease of an Olympic gymnast. Due to his current hold on the caster the poor man is pulled along with Regiji and finds his face growing nearer to the hard floor than he would probably be comfortable with. Regiji plants his now free hand on the ground (or on the caster's back if he face-plants) and continues his movement into a back hand-spring.\n\nRegiji's rather uninteresting leather boot is suddenly charged with opalescent kinetic energy as the kick makes its way toward the guard's chin. Should it hit home the man would likely be lifted off his feet and into the rafters if he's unfortunate enough.","word-count":149,"index":69,"from-alternative":"User4"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-31T01:18:00","value":"Hoseki's spellcaster is hit the Eldritch Disruption and finds his spellcasting weakened. Of course, as he was having trouble with casting in an area of pure silence, this is rather redundant.\nThe first bodyguard is slammed by Hoseki's fist and a number of ribs break, and his armor is eaten away at but oddly not destroyed. He growls and leaps at Hoseki, trying to hold her with two arms and rip her throat with the other two.\nThe second spellcaster wrenches himself in an odd fashion, trying to take Regiji and himself down to the floor. His bodyguard slams into the stone wall and slides down, unconcious or dead.\nTwo of the guards who were stunned split up and move to attack Regiji and Hoseki, their swords far more accurate than they should be. Another moves to attack Earin, while the two who had attempted to attack Alena before try again. Earin's attacker recieves a knife in the gut, but stoically takes the blow and swings his sword again.\n((Summary- Hoseki has a grapple attempt and a sword attack on her\nEarin is being attacked by two swordsmen\nRegiji is grappling a spellcaster who tried to 'trip' them both\nAlena is being attacked by two swordsmen))","word-count":206,"index":70,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"wxdruid","timestamp":"2006-12-31T01:24:00","value":"Alena flickers as the swords flash past, she reappears behind them and casts<i> Killing Shadows<\/i> at them","word-count":17,"index":71,"from-alternative":"User1"},{"from":"Rebonack","timestamp":"2006-12-31T01:25:00","value":"<i>Blast it all. These mooks are using Incarnum, or something like it. My aura won't erode it very quickly. Sal, shift me out of Merlin's personal space. Give me some numbers on these guys and synch my attacks up with the allies.<\/i>\n<span style=\"color:blue\"><i>Sure thing Regiji<\/i><\/span>\n\nRegiji simply winks out of existence, likely much to both the surprise of the caster and the meat shield who was rushing over to kill the oddly dressed intruder. He rematerializes standing on the wall up near the room's ceiling, but his body is obscured from view. ((yay for hide in plain sight))\n\nHe surveys the room to determine which of his friends could use the most help.","word-count":114,"index":72,"from-alternative":"User4"},{"from":"Hoseki","timestamp":"2006-12-31T01:28:00","value":"Grossly, Hoseki's throat is ripped out. Whether the fact that there is still no blood may or may not make it less gross. Not seeming to notice, another arm grows out of Hoseki's torso at a tremendous speed, made out of bircak and oozing the acid. Given the speed and location of the arm, it will probably rip right through the bodyguard's body. The sword of the other person trying to attack her bites through her flesh harmlessly and bloodlessly.","word-count":80,"index":73,"from-alternative":"User3"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-31T01:35:00","value":"Earin flicks out a second dagger and slices at his first opponent twice, then teleports behind his new opponent and tries to put a dagger through his throat.\n\nHoseki's punch explodes through the bodyguard, leaving a nasty spatter of blood, guts, and odd flickerings of incarnum behind him, which he falls back on, obviously dead. Her other attack backs off, raising his sword ready to defend himself.\nRegiji's caster and the appropriately termed 'meatshield' look around. The meatshield rushes to flank Hoseki, also raising his sword defensively.\nThe two attack Alena simply fall dead at her feet, slain by the repeated shadow spell.\nEarin dispatches his first attacker with ease, the slams a dagger into the armor of the second, stunning him, but not killing him.","word-count":126,"index":74,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"Hoseki","timestamp":"2006-12-31T01:40:00","value":"Hoseki laughs some more, an odd, crazed light in her eyes. Without looking at either of her flankers, two more bircak acidy fists sprout from her body and at an impossible speed towards them. Her earlier wounds heal over, including her ripped-out throat.","word-count":43,"index":75,"from-alternative":"User3"},{"from":"Lord Magtok","timestamp":"2006-12-31T01:40:00","value":"((Sorry everyone. Suddenly had to log off without warning and have dinner. I'm back))","word-count":14,"index":76,"from-alternative":"User2"},{"from":"Rebonack","timestamp":"2006-12-31T01:42:00","value":"Regiji notes that his pals seem to be holding their own, then vaults off the wall. He twists in mid-air and lands facing the caster with an orb of scintillating energy already formed around his fist. He swings his arm toward the poor grunt, fingers extended. The orb broadens and flattens into a shimmering blade that looks as though it's reasonably capable of opening up a number of important veins and arteries that even now pump blood to and from the caster's brain.\n\n((Hurry Magtok! There are still a few mooks left to kill!))","word-count":94,"index":77,"from-alternative":"User4"},{"from":"wxdruid","timestamp":"2006-12-31T01:42:00","value":"Alena frowns and flickers to another spot where she attempts to touch one of them and take them with her to the shadow plane.","word-count":24,"index":78,"from-alternative":"User1"},{"from":"Lord Magtok","timestamp":"2006-12-31T01:45:00","value":"SASO suddenly comes back into existence, with both of his blades out, and attempts to telekinetically knock a guard out by messing with his brain.\n\n<span style=\"color:blue\">Sorry about that sudden disappearance.<\/span>\n\nHe then attempts to telekinetically slam a guard agianst a wall.","word-count":42,"index":79,"from-alternative":"User2"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-31T01:47:00","value":"Earin takes advantage of his stunned opponent and kicks him towards the wall, then reappears in front of him, dagger aimed towards his throat. The man runs into it and gurgles on his own blood as he dies.\nHoseki easily dispatches her two attackers with blows to the head, and SASO shoves one into her fist with telekinesis.\nRegiji slices through the caster's neck, and Alena takes the other caster into the Shadow Plane.","word-count":74,"index":80,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"Hoseki","timestamp":"2006-12-31T01:49:00","value":"((Are they all dead now?))","word-count":5,"index":81,"from-alternative":"User3"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-31T01:50:00","value":"((Except for the one on the plane of shadow))","word-count":9,"index":82,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"wxdruid","timestamp":"2006-12-31T01:50:00","value":"Alena leaves the other caster there as she comes back to this plane. She looks quickly around for any other enemies.","word-count":21,"index":83,"from-alternative":"User1"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-31T01:53:00","value":"Earin slowly lets sound go back to its normal level and looks around. There are a few thick metal doors and a stairway on one end.","word-count":26,"index":84,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"Hoseki","timestamp":"2006-12-31T01:54:00","value":"Hoseki laughs, though she seems less crazed now. She reabsorbes her various acidy extremities. <span style=\"color:teal\">\"That was fun.\"<\/span>","word-count":18,"index":85,"from-alternative":"User3"},{"from":"Lord Magtok","timestamp":"2006-12-31T01:57:00","value":"Just in case there is anyone in an adjacent room SASO whispers.\n<span style=\"color:blue\"><span style=\"font-size:xx-small\">Where do we go from here?<\/span> <\/span>","word-count":21,"index":86,"from-alternative":"User2"},{"from":"wxdruid","timestamp":"2006-12-31T01:57:00","value":"<span style=\"color:darkslateblue\">Do you want me to look through them, Earin?<\/span> as Alena gestures towards the doors.","word-count":16,"index":87,"from-alternative":"User1"},{"from":"Rebonack","timestamp":"2006-12-31T01:58:00","value":"The glowing energy around Regiji's hand dissipates.\n\nThen he looks down at the spatters of blood on his shirt.\n\nHis arms drop to his sides in a minorly irritated fashion.","word-count":30,"index":88,"from-alternative":"User4"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-31T01:59:00","value":"Earin shrugs and reaches out with his telepathy, trying to find someone. His eyes flicker blue, and he seems to be a bit confused by something, then he shakes his head.\nHe walks down to the last door and tries to figure out how to open it. They are a solid, dark metal, and there are no handles, buttons, or any obvious methods of opening it.\n<span style=\"font-size:xx-small\">\"The only one thats occupied is this one. Now how do we get in?\"<\/span>\nHoseki can also sense that Earin is looking at the correct room.","word-count":93,"index":89,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"wxdruid","timestamp":"2006-12-31T02:00:00","value":"Alena looks at the door curiously, <span style=\"color:darkslateblue\">I can go incorporeal and try to walk through it?<\/span>","word-count":17,"index":90,"from-alternative":"User1"},{"from":"Rebonack","timestamp":"2006-12-31T02:02:00","value":"Regiji accompanies Earin on his search and proceeds to examine the odd doors. Regiji's eyes narrow.\n\n<span style=\"font-size:xx-small\">\"They appear to be made of plot device. It may be difficult to get through. Likely there's a convoluted puzzle we'll have to solve.\"<\/span>","word-count":41,"index":91,"from-alternative":"User4"},{"from":"Lord Magtok","timestamp":"2006-12-31T02:02:00","value":"<span style=\"color:blue\"> <span style=\"font-size:xx-small\">I'm sure one of us can smash through that wall...or cut it down... <\/span> <\/span>\n\nHe looks at his energy blades for a second.\n\n<span style=\"color:blue\"><span style=\"font-size:xx-small\">Wait..a plot device? Damn that Plot, always messing around with everything!<\/span><\/span>","word-count":40,"index":92,"from-alternative":"User2"},{"from":"Hoseki","timestamp":"2006-12-31T02:05:00","value":"<span style=\"color:teal\">\"It's the right door.\"<\/span> Hoseki says vaugely.","word-count":8,"index":93,"from-alternative":"User3"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-31T02:05:00","value":"((NOTICE: Anything in my plots can be bypassed, should you have a logical way to do it. I DID kill the plot. With a chainsaw. And I'll do it again. *chainsaw sound*))\n\nEarin glances at Alena.\n<span style=\"font-size:xx-small\">\"Will you be able to bring someone back through, or will you have to hope there is a way to open it from the other side?\"<\/span>","word-count":63,"index":94,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"wxdruid","timestamp":"2006-12-31T02:11:00","value":"<span style=\"color:darkslateblue\">We could travel back through the shadow plane, if there is no way to open the door from the inside.<\/span>","word-count":21,"index":95,"from-alternative":"User1"},{"from":"Rebonack","timestamp":"2006-12-31T02:12:00","value":"<span style=\"font-size:xx-small\">\"I could shift in and back out with her pretty easily. I doubt they have any Reality-Assertitron fields in here.\"<\/span>","word-count":21,"index":96,"from-alternative":"User4"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-31T02:13:00","value":"Earin thinks, then nods.\n\"Okay then. Actually, couldn't we all just teleport in?\"","word-count":13,"index":97,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"Rebonack","timestamp":"2006-12-31T02:14:00","value":"Regiji points at the black winged angle.\n\n<span style=\"font-size:xx-small\">\"You mean me or her?\"<\/span>","word-count":13,"index":98,"from-alternative":"User4"},{"from":"Lord Magtok","timestamp":"2006-12-31T02:14:00","value":"<span style=\"color:blue\"><span style=\"font-size:xx-small\">We could try to take them by suprise, and rapidly cut a hole in the door. In that moment, they might be shocked long enough for us to make our move.<\/span> <\/span>","word-count":34,"index":99,"from-alternative":"User2"},{"from":"wxdruid","timestamp":"2006-12-31T02:16:00","value":"<span style=\"color:darkslateblue\">I'm willing to do whatever, we just need to get it done and get out of here.<\/span>","word-count":18,"index":100,"from-alternative":"User1"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-31T02:16:00","value":"Earin looks between them all, then frowns.\n\"Actually, why didn't we just teleport in there in the first place?\"\n\n((Hoseki should remember that the area is far too small for any more than 3 people, and one person, Elya, is already inside))","word-count":42,"index":101,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"Hoseki","timestamp":"2006-12-31T02:18:00","value":"Hoseki smiles thinly. <span style=\"color:teal\">\"Sorry, should have mentioned that. It's only large enough for three people at one time, and Elya's already inside.\"<\/span>","word-count":23,"index":102,"from-alternative":"User3"},{"from":"Rebonack","timestamp":"2006-12-31T02:21:00","value":"<span style=\"font-size:xx-small\">\"I'm going in. I should be able to get in and out fast. There's a good chance that just killing the hell out of their guards has already alerted them to our presence.\"<\/span>\n\nRegiji winks out, rematerializing inside the cell.","word-count":41,"index":103,"from-alternative":"User4"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-31T02:26:00","value":"Its fairly dark inside the cell, the only lightsource a small, glowing blue orb in one corner.\n\nIn the other corner is a huddled form that must be Elya. Her legs are drawn up in front of her, and her arms wrapped around them. Regiji can't see her face, since she has it against the top of her knees, and her brown hair obscures the rest of her features.","word-count":69,"index":104,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"Rebonack","timestamp":"2006-12-31T02:29:00","value":"Fortunately for Regiji he doesn't need much of a light source for sight. The fact this his natural vision isn't too different from <i>True Sight<\/i> certainly helps. He extends one hand to the woman huddled in the corner.\n\n\"My name is Luke Skywalker, I'm here to rescue you,\" how he is able to maintain a straight face while saying this is a mystery even to the gods themselves.","word-count":68,"index":105,"from-alternative":"User4"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-31T02:31:00","value":"<span style=\"color:blue\"><span style=\"font-size:xx-small\">He didn't come...<\/span> <span style=\"color:black\">Elya doesn't move at all.<\/span><\/span>","word-count":11,"index":106,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"wxdruid","timestamp":"2006-12-31T02:32:00","value":"Alena keeps watch outside the door.","word-count":6,"index":107,"from-alternative":"User1"},{"from":"Rebonack","timestamp":"2006-12-31T02:34:00","value":"Regiji, with the amazing interpersonal skills he learned from the internet, anime, and blowing stuff up recognizes that she's probably talking about Earin.\n\n\"Your husband is on the other side of the door waiting for you,\" 'Luke Skywalker' says reassuringly. \"He threw together a rescue party as soon as he realized something was amiss.\"","word-count":54,"index":108,"from-alternative":"User4"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-31T02:37:00","value":"<span style=\"color:blue\"><span style=\"font-size:xx-small\">He didn't...<\/span> <span style=\"color:black\">Regiji's skills apparently aren't good enough to realize that Elya might be a bit beyond reasonable at this point.<\/span><\/span>","word-count":24,"index":109,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"Rebonack","timestamp":"2006-12-31T02:39:00","value":"Regiji walks over to Elya and kneels down beside her. He puts out one hand to place it on her shoulder.\n\n\"Let's get you out of here.\"","word-count":27,"index":110,"from-alternative":"User4"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-31T02:41:00","value":"Elya sobs quietly and doesn't resist.","word-count":6,"index":111,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"Lord Magtok","timestamp":"2006-12-31T02:43:00","value":"((Hey Regiji, aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?))","word-count":10,"index":112,"from-alternative":"User2"},{"from":"Rebonack","timestamp":"2006-12-31T02:45:00","value":"((Indeed I am. I'm also not wearing 'please shoot me' white.))\n\nRegiji and Elya both suddenly wink in on the other side of the door, Regiji kneeling and Elya still curled up in the fetal position.\n\n<span style=\"font-size:xx-small\">\"She's pretty broken up,\"<\/span> Regiji says, giving Earin a sympathetic look. <span style=\"font-size:xx-small\">\"We need to get her out of here.\"<\/span>","word-count":57,"index":113,"from-alternative":"User4"},{"from":"wxdruid","timestamp":"2006-12-31T02:48:00","value":"Alena watches Elya with concern","word-count":5,"index":114,"from-alternative":"User1"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2006-12-31T02:48:00","value":"Earin kneels next to her and puts his arms around her. When she still doesn't respond, he simply picks her up. Anyone attuned to psionics might notice that Earin suddenly does something to enhance his strength by an insane amount.\n\"Hoseki? Can you get us out?\"","word-count":46,"index":115,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"Hoseki","timestamp":"2006-12-31T02:50:00","value":"Hoseki nods and teleports them all to the sanctuary of the Temple of Inari.","word-count":14,"index":116,"from-alternative":"User3"},{"from":"Lord Magtok","timestamp":"2006-12-31T02:50:00","value":"((Quick, Regiji, we'll escape into the trash compacter. It won't hurt.))\n\n((I gotta go again. Sorry.))","word-count":16,"index":117,"from-alternative":"User2"},{"from":"Rebonack","timestamp":"2006-12-31T02:54:00","value":"((I've got a <i>bad<\/i> feeling about this.))\n\nRegiji, as per normal, is unaffected by the teleportation.\n\n\"Get us out of here Sal, follow the leader.\"\n\n<span style=\"color:blue\"><i>Sure thing Regiji. Shifting in 3... 2... 1...<\/i><\/span>\n\nRegiji vanishes.","word-count":36,"index":118,"from-alternative":"User4"},{"from":"Penguinizer","timestamp":"2006-12-31T09:34:00","value":"((Everyone forgot me again :P, if it dont post when something happens then npc me.))\n\nGeorge wonders where he is and the teleports after the rest of the party.","word-count":29,"index":119,"from-alternative":"User5"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2007-01-01T21:17:00","value":"In the fortress, a portal opens up and Ac'tar steps through. After going through a large number of levels, doors, passwords, and guards, he finally gets to a large, circular room with four pillars at the four cardinal directions. In the center is a small pedestal with a pure black orb on top of it. He pauses.\n<i>Go get it.\n<\/i><span style=\"color:black\">Ac'tar walks towards it, and then suddenly passes out of Earin's vision and influence.\n<\/span>","word-count":76,"index":120,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2007-01-01T22:54:00","value":"A man in crimson armor appears next to two guards. They start and draw their swords, but one is engulfed in raging blue fire while the other is silenced forever with a swift stroke of the man's sword.\n<i><span style=\"color:blue\">Now where...\n<span style=\"color:navy\">Down the hallway.\n<\/span><\/span><\/i><span style=\"color:blue\"><span style=\"color:navy\"><span style=\"color:black\">The unidentified man stalks down the hallway, his sword ready. He comes to an intersecting T hallway and suddenly shifts against the wall as the man passes, and oddly remains unnoticed. His eyes blaze.\n<span style=\"color:blue\"><i>Weak minded fools.\n<\/i><span style=\"color:black\">Eventually, after passing many guards and men by either avoiding or slaying them, he comes to the chamber Ac'tar had been in. He eyes the area warily.\n<i><span style=\"color:royalblue\">We can foretell nothing.\n<span style=\"color:navy\">We know nothing.\n<\/span><\/span><\/i><span style=\"color:royalblue\"><span style=\"color:navy\"><span style=\"color:black\">The man nods, then cautiously steps fowards, then nods again as he feels an antimagic effect fall over him. He stalks towards the orb and reaches out, then just before he touches it, he senses something.\n<i><span style=\"color:blue\">They've reshaped the antimagic... there is a ready enchantment on the orb...\n<\/span><\/i><span style=\"color:blue\"><span style=\"color:black\">He considers the situation, then smirks.\n<span style=\"color:blue\"><i>Morons. So focused on magic...\n<\/i><span style=\"color:black\">He draws a nasty looking dagger from his boot and flings it at the orb. It bounces off.\n<i><span style=\"color:blue\">Hmm... maybe not. Ingenious... unaffected by magic, but protected by magic...\n<\/span><\/i><span style=\"color:blue\"><span style=\"color:black\">The strange man pauses and thinks.\n<i><span style=\"color:blue\">We need someone who can bypass magic without magic...\n<\/span><\/i><span style=\"color:blue\"><span style=\"color:black\">He moves out of the antimagic and vanishes.<\/span>\n<\/span><\/span><\/span><\/span><\/span><\/span><\/span><\/span><\/span><\/span><\/span><\/span><\/span><\/span><\/span>","word-count":249,"index":121,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"Rebonack","timestamp":"2007-01-02T03:25:00","value":"Regiji winks into the room where Admiral Ak'bar had ended his <i>Dominate Person<\/i> induced stroll.\n\nExcept, not really.\n\nWell, he is there, but he doesn't wink in. This mainly has to do with the fact that Regiji's fimbrii weave is currently bending light in the visable and infrared spectra around his body, in essence granting him concealment despite the fact that he's standing in the open. The fact that he has m4d leet stealth skillz helps too.\n\nHe glances around the room to get his bearings.","word-count":86,"index":122,"from-alternative":"User4"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2007-01-02T03:29:00","value":"Its a large, mostly empty circular room with a massive null magic field over it. Four pillars mark the edges and cardinal directions. In the center is a pedestal with a pure black orb on it.\nBlack doesn't quite capture it though. It literally seems to absorb light... and more. Regiji can almost see spare whisps of Incarnum being drawn into its darkened surface.","word-count":64,"index":123,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"Rebonack","timestamp":"2007-01-02T03:33:00","value":"Regiji's 'This is too easy' sense begins to nag at him. He approaches the orb cautiously, scanning the room for anything that might spring up out of the floor and impale him. Assuming nothing extraordinarily unpleasant like that takes place, he crosses the room to the pillar.\n\nHe places his hands on either side of the artifact and allows his aura of banality to extend around it.","word-count":67,"index":124,"from-alternative":"User4"},{"from":"AmberVael","timestamp":"2007-01-02T03:36:00","value":"Regiji feels the magic fade away from around the orb, and then, defying all rules of magic, the four pillars glow with energy and launch four <i>Magic Missiles<\/i> at Regiji, each spell shooting off five bolts.","word-count":36,"index":125,"from-alternative":"User0"},{"from":"Rebonack","timestamp":"2007-01-02T03:45:00","value":"Regiji grins as the orb comes free. He doesn't when he starts to be shot at. He can't help but wonder why whoever set up the pillars didn't bother warding the place with something that could actually penetrate an aura that distorts magic in general. Like an <i>Orb of Force<\/i> or something.\n\nThe missiles are simply consumed by his aura, except one. It inexplicably penetrates and thumps solidly in the small of his back. Hurts like getting hit with a rock, but hardly enough to discourage him. Fortunately Regiji's last shift wasn't cross-planer, so the array has already had enough time to re-charge.\n\n<i>Let's get out of here Sal. I don't like having crap thrown at me.<\/i>\n<span style=\"color:blue\"><i>Very well. Shifting in 3... 2... 1...<\/i><\/span>\n\nRegiji then ceases to be at the fortress along with their pretty black ball.","word-count":139,"index":126,"from-alternative":"User4"}]
Giant in the Playground
Trog's Tavern CXXXI
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"[{\"from\":\"AmberVael\",\"timestamp\":\"2006-12-27T03:19:00\",\"value\":\"<img src=\\\"http:\\/\\/(...TRUNCATED)
Giant in the Playground
Arena fight - Douglas - Douglas VS. Die Die My Darling - Cain
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"[{\"from\":\"Lord Sidereal\",\"timestamp\":\"2007-01-01T15:48:00\",\"value\":\"<span style=\\\"font(...TRUNCATED)
Giant in the Playground!-Event
Guild Wars! [Event]
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"[{\"from\":\"Lucky\",\"timestamp\":\"2006-11-06T05:32:00\",\"value\":\"Sorry about the title... not(...TRUNCATED)
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Police Station VI
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"[{\"from\":\"Lord Iames Osari\",\"timestamp\":\"2006-12-07T19:13:00\",\"value\":\"<span style=\\\"f(...TRUNCATED)
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"[{\"from\":\"Lykan\",\"timestamp\":\"2006-08-09T20:30:00\",\"value\":\"Wurmwreath is an isthmus sur(...TRUNCATED)
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The Hogfather (Organization)
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"[{\"from\":\"Death, your friend the Reaper\",\"timestamp\":\"2006-12-21T11:52:00\",\"value\":\"Well(...TRUNCATED)
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Lord Magtok vs Lord Iames Trial
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"[{\"from\":\"wxdruid\",\"timestamp\":\"2006-12-28T19:02:00\",\"value\":\"<span style=\\\"color:#2e8(...TRUNCATED)
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Giant in the Playground (roleplaying subforums only)

A semi-cleaned, processed version of the raw files uploaded elsewhere of the roleplaying sections (Play-by-Post Games) from Giant in the Playground, scraped on January 2025. I've made an effort to preserve as much as possible of the original HTML while simplifying and converting it to HTML5 where possible and cleaning it, with the notable exception of converting HTML linebreaks into newlines.

I'm almost directly using these files for private finetuning tests, but in most cases the data will likely need additional cleaning/processing.

For user convenience, some metadata on the posts was also provided. These can be used for preliminary data filtering without deeply inspecting the threads themselves.

I might update the dataset in the future if/when I improve the format or cleaning process.


The entirety of the In-character, Structured Games and Free Form Roleplaying subforums from GitP, for a total of about 26k threads and 6.4 million messages. The latter two subforums are in the "Message Board Games" parquet file.

Usage notes and quirks

  • The thread messages-usernames-timestamps are encapsulated into ShareGPT-like JSON strings; one row per complete thread. They need to be converted into your preferred structure for further processing into a usable dataset for training.
  • Be aware that many threads in the dataset are very long (~1500 messages and several megabytes of data) and will need to be clipped in some sensible manner.
  • Most slurs in the dataset are censored with asterisks ("****") like they were in the source forum. This might or might not be a problem (however, a short 1-epoch finetuning test I made on a few thousands short samples didn't show this quirk).
  • Some of the very recent data dated "yesterday" or "today" might not have correct timestamps.

Processing done

  • Converted all <br/> (and their variants) to \n
  • Skipped empty (0-messages) threads
  • Changed non-breakable spaces into regular spaces
  • Changed <font> tags to <span style="...">
  • Converted font sizes to the standard HTML absolute size keywords
  • Changed blockquotes into a cleaner format
  • Changed spoiler <div> into <details><summary> blocks
  • Replaced the main smilies with their emoji equivalent
  • Removed most redundant attributes from HTML tags
  • Removed unnecessary cosmetic styling from non-font tags
  • Removed diceroll warnings
  • Removed/normalized excessive spaces around many tags
  • Other minor cleanup
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Collection including lemonilia/Giant-in-the-Playground-RP