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Subject: aiesec polska - eurolds 2000 jarek , czy enron moze pomoc w organizacji tej imprezy ? bylaby to dobra okazja nawiazania wielu pozytecznych kontaktow . wicek - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 02 / 17 / 2000 08 : 51 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " andrzej wodnicki " on 02 / 16 / 2000 02 : 50 : 05 am to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : aiesec polska - eurolds 2000 szanowny panie kaminski ! nazywam sie andrzej wodnicki i jestem czlonkiem stowarzysznia studentow aiesec przy szkole glownej handlowej ( dawnej sgpis ) . prosze o poswiecenie paru chwil na przeczytanie tego maila . ( kontakt do pana otrzymalem od kolegi , ktory organizowal prezentacje firmy enron na sgh , a posrednio od pana jarka astramowicza , przedstawiciela enron na polske . ) w imieniu aiesec polska chcialbym zwrocic sie do pana z wielka prosba pomocy przy wydarzeniu , ktore w tym roku organizujemy . aiesec polska , a w szczegolnosci aiesec przy szkole glownej handlowej ma zaszczyt organizowac w tym roku european leadership development seminar . jest to seminarium na temat przywodztwa skierowne do obecnych i przyszlych czlonkow rad wykonawczych komitetow lokalnych aiesec w calej europie . po raz pierwszy aiesec polska ma mozliwosc organizacji takiego wydarzenia i stanowi ono dla nas olbrzymie wyzwanie . przygotowywalismy sie do niego od kilku lat i obecnie jestesmy juz w koncowej fazie organizacji eurolds 2000 . projekt rozpoczyna sie 7 marca 2000 roku oficjalnym otwarciem przez pana prezydenta aleksandra kwasniewskiego w sali kongresowej . pozniej odbeda sie dyskusje panelowe ( udzial wielu znakomitych gosci - m . in jan krzysztof bielecki , jacek saryusz wolski , andrzej olechowski ) oraz wyklady i prezentacje regionow polski w auli spadochronowej szkoly glownej handlowej , a nastepnie delegaci udadza sie do hotelu mrongovia na szkolenia , casy i wyklady na temat przywodztwa . ( szczegolowy program eurolds 2000 przesylam w zalaczniku . ) jak do tej pory staralismy sie mozliwie najwiecej dokonac wlasnymi silami , jednak obecnie na 3 tygodnie przed tym wydarzeniem stoimy przed pewnym problemem i stad tez pojawil sie pomysl skontaktowania pana , jako osoby , ktora moglaby nam wydatnie pomoc . chcielibysmy poprosic pana o wsparcie finansowe . wspolpracujemy juz z wieloma firmami i instytucjami ( m . in . deloitte & touche , arthur andersen , fundusz phare , fundacja konrada adenauera oraz wieloma innymi ) , jednak na obecnym etapie organizacji projektu wciaz brakuje nam 12000 $ . poczatkowo chcielismy nawiazac kontakt z pania eileen price z londynu , jednak wydaje nam sie , ze pan jako zalozyciel aiesec w polsce powienien po pierwsze o takim wydarzeniu wiedziec , a po drugie mamy nadzieje , ze moze nam pan pomoc . bardzo prosze o odpowiedz , z powazaniem andrzej wodnicki prezydent eurolds 2000 aiesec szkola glowna handlowa - attl . htm - eurolds _ prezentacja . ppt | 0 |
Subject: vince and stinson , i got this resume from my friend ming sit who has a ph . d . from stanford . please take a look at his resume to see if we can use him . i classify him as a structurer , but things may change after all these years . zimin - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by zimin lu / hou / ect on 05 / 17 / 2000 04 : 08 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " sit , ming " on 05 / 17 / 2000 02 : 41 : 50 pm to : " zimin lu ( e - mail ) " cc : subject : - resume . doc | 0 |
Subject: re : many helyette , sorry for not getting back to you earlier . i took a few days off before my family goes back to california . i have arranged a replacement for you for the houston and new york risk courses . my colleagues , stinson gibner and steve leppard , gave two presentations . i shall be speaking in london on thursday only . steve leppard will make a presentation on friday in my place . i look forward to meeting you in london . i want to make sure that we can sit down for a few minutes and talk about the paris presentations . vince | 0 |
Subject: re : replacement of stolen chairs fyi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kevin g moore / hou / ect on 04 / 18 / 2000 01 : 22 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - reggie wilson 04 / 18 / 2000 12 : 57 pm to : kevin g moore / hou / ect @ ect cc : william smith / corp / enron @ enron , shirley crenshaw / hou / ect @ ect , mike a roberts / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : replacement of stolen chairs kevin , if you guys had aerons ( mesh ) and / or vecta ( leather ) chairs , my group typically will not be responsible for the replacement of those chairs as i ' m not aware of who has taken the chairs or where they may have gone . my group does not stock these chairs , therefore we order as requested by business units and charge your co / rc . there will be two chairs delivered to the locations mentioned below , however , they will not be the vecta or aeron chairs . you may want to contact enron security and maybe they can investigate further . thanks , reggie kevin g moore 04 / 18 / 2000 10 : 54 am to : reggie wilson / epsc / hou / ect @ ect , william smith / corp / enron @ enron , shirley crenshaw / hou / ect @ ect , mike a roberts / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : replacement of stolen chairs hi reggie , we spoke regarding the chairs on monday . please , we need these chairs as soon as possible , without being charged . we paid for all new chairs each time we moved and it ' s not fair we pay again . thanks kevin moore p . s . these chairs were taken . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kevin g moore / hou / ect on 04 / 18 / 2000 10 : 46 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enron north america corp . from : william smith @ enron 04 / 18 / 2000 10 : 00 am to : reggie wilson / epsc / hou / ect @ ect cc : shirley crenshaw / hou / ect @ ect , kevin g moore / hou / ect @ ect subject : replacement of stolen chairs reggie , there may already be a request floating around for a standard black office chair for ebl 972 d . it was stolen over a weekend several weeks ago . in addition to that one , my own chair at eb 3132 a was stolen this past weekend . could you come up with a couple of decent ones for us ? if you need to charge them to us , our numbers are 0011 and 100038 . as always , call me if you need to at x 58322 . thanks ! sam smith | 0 |
Subject: fw : mark boland - cv vince : tony vasut , another recruiter , is bringing mark boland in for a series of interviews on 3 / 20 and 3 / 21 , and asked if there was any chance that you or someone in your group would be able to interview him . his resume is attached , and i will also send you a list of his deals under separate cover . shirley has told me that you will be in and out for the next several weeks , so if you are unavailable would you please suggest someone else in your group who might be able to interview mark ? thanks , as always , molly - - - - - original message - - - - - from : vasut , tony sent : tuesday , march 13 , 2001 9 : 59 am to : magee , molly subject : fw : mark boland - cv molly : here is mark ' s resume as discussed . please let me know if anyone in research ( preferably vince ) is available to meet w / him on either 3 / 20 or 3 / 21 . thanks , tony - - - - - original message - - - - - from : port , david sent : monday , march 12 , 2001 10 : 46 am to : vasut , tony subject : fw : mark boland - cv - - - - - original message - - - - - from : mark . boland @ seb . se @ enron sent : monday , march 12 , 2001 8 : 10 am to : port , david subject : mark boland - cv > to summarize my situation : i ' m in charge of structuring equity linked , ir , > fx , commodity and other > linked bonds and investments for one of northern europe s leading banks . > i ' m 34 years old and married to lisa who is swedish . i have over 7 years > in the structured derivatives business in capital > markets , with a solid wall street foundation at bankers trust and overseas > at a more senior level > of sales , structuring and managing deals from conception to completion . > > > > > thanks and regards , > mark > > mark m . boland > seb merchant banking > 10640 stockholm , sweden > > telephone + 46 8 5062 3224 > cell + 46 70 772 3224 > > this e - mail is from seb , skandinaviska enskilda banken . it may contain > privileged and confidential information and is intended for the named > recipient ( s ) only . if you are not an intended recipient , please notify us > immediately by reply e - mail , delete this e - mail from your system and > destroy any copy hereof . > - boland . doc | 0 |
Subject: re : weekly report vasant thanks for your clarification . i understand how this can happen and i feel better for having heard from you folks . rgds dp - - - - - original message - - - - - from : shanbhogue , vasant sent : thursday , march 08 , 2001 5 : 33 pm to : port , david cc : kaminski , vince ; kindall , kevin subject : weekly report hi david , i understand that you were slightly upset over a comment kevin kindall made in one of his weekly reports . the wording was unfortunate , but the intention was never to disparage anybody . it is just that since research gets data from a large number of sources , we feel obligated to the data donor to ask any requester for clarification of need . i completely understand that rac typically has access to much sensitive information and they have a right to know much information . we just want to make sure there is open flow of information ( it is in everybody ' s best interests and the company ' s best interests ) and that everybody is aware of how data is flowing . best wishes , vasant | 0 |
Subject: digital voice recorders dear sir / madam our company is designer and manufacturer of digital voice recorders ( dvr ) edic - mini http : / / www . telesys . ru / english / edic - mini . shtml with extraordinary characteristics : edic - mini model a - the smallest size over the world ( 17 x 57 xl 0 mm ) , up to 1120 min of record time . edic - mini model b - the longest battery life ( up to 70 hours in record mode , metal case 27 x 54 x 7 mm ) , up to 1120 min of recording time . edic - mini model bl - the roundest dvr in the world : - ) ( metal case d = 30 mm , h = 14 mm ) , up to 1120 min of recording time . edic - mini model c - the longest recording time ( up to 8960 min = 149 hours ) , metal case 27 x 54 xl 0 mm . coming soon : edic - mini model s - stereo digital voice recorder . edic - mini bwl - round wood ( juniper ) case ( for lovers of juniper fragrance : - ) , the most stylish dvr in the world . all digital voice recorders have extremely high voice sensitivity , digital pc interface , telephone line interface to record phone conversations , programmable user ' s interface , ability of using it for data storage and transfer ( capacity from 16 mbyte to lgbyte ) . also we produce voice modules ( assembled pcb only ) emm http : / / www . telesys . ru / english / modules . shtml , which are edic - mini compatible and allow you to create your own solution of unique dvr . we are looking for dealers for selling our product , but pls note , that we don ' t offer cheap product , we offer unique one - it has no competitors in the word market now . we are ready to design and produce any kind of dvr upon your request . low volume order ( 100 + ) is acceptable too . welcome to our website http : / / www . telesys . ru / english to get more information . * * * sorry , if this information isn ' t interesting for you . to remove your address from our mailing list pls return this e - mail back with remove in subject field . thank you . with best regards , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - yana korshun , sales manager of " telesystems " e - mail : isales @ telesys . ru www site in russian : http : / / www . telesys . ru www site in english : http : / / www . telesys . ru / english never send spam . it is bad . | 1 |
Subject: re : publication submission question martin , i don ' t see any problem . the article supportsenron ' s position . please , go ahead . vince - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 04 / 09 / 2001 02 : 02 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vince j kaminski 04 / 05 / 2001 01 : 01 pm to : martin lin / hou / ect @ ect cc : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : publication submission question martin , let me read it friday . we run our papers by our pr department to review for any potential conflict with the company line . i shall fwd it to them . i think you should submit it as an enron employee with a note that it was developed when you were at ut . vince from : martin lin on 04 / 02 / 2001 11 : 59 am to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : publication submission question my supervising professors from ut and i are finishing a paper ( finally ! ) that is based on work done for my phd . all of the research was done while i was a grad student . i have a couple of questions regarding submission of this paper ( to ieee transactions on power systems ) . 1 . should i submit it with my affiliation as the university of texas at austin or as enron ( ena , corp , etc ) ? 2 . what legal or other reviews / clearances would i need ? a draft of the paper for your review is attached . thanks , martin | 0 |
Subject: failure notice hi . this is the qmail - send program at maill 9 b . gl 9 . rapidsite . net . i ' m afraid i wasn ' t able to deliver your message to the following addresses . this is a permanent error ; i ' ve given up . sorry it didn ' t work out . : 64 . 18 . 7 . 10 failed after i sent the message . remote host said : 571 message refused - - - below this line is a copy of the message . return - path : received : from mxl 1 . stngvaol . us . mxservers . net ( 204 . 202 . 242 . 100 ) by maill 9 b . gl 9 . rapidsite . net ( rs ver 1 . 0 . 95 vs ) with smtp id 1 - 017201846 for ; tue , 19 jul 2005 07 : 00 : 50 - 0400 ( edt ) received : from unknown [ 211 . 168 . 67 . 248 ] ( helo mailwisconsin . com ) by mxl 1 . stngvaol . us . mxservers . net ( mxl _ mta - 1 . 3 . 8 - 10 p 4 ) with smtp id 06 ddcd 24 . 14068 . 061 . mxl 1 . stngvaol . us . mxservers . net ; tue , 19 jul 2005 07 : 00 : 48 - 0400 ( edt ) received : from 205 . 214 . 42 . 66 ( squirrelmail authenticated user projecthoneypot @ projecthoneypot . org ) ; by mailwisconsin . com with http id j 87 gzo 30516488 ; tue , 19 jul 2005 10 : 57 : 46 + 0000 message - id : date : tue , 19 jul 2005 10 : 57 : 46 + 0000 subject : just to her . . . from : " barry castillo " to : antonio _ ortiz 33 @ jobops . com user - agent : squirrelmail / 1 . 4 . 3 a x - mailer : squirrelmail / 1 . 4 . 3 a mime - version : 1 . 0 content - type : text / html ; charset = iso - 8859 - 1 content - transfer - encoding : 8 bit x - priority : 3 ( normal ) importance : normal x - spam - flag : yes x - spam : [ f = 1 . 0000000000 ; heur = 0 . 500 ( 1000 ) ; stat = 0 . 997 ; spamtraq - heur = 1 . 000 ( 2005071819 ) ] x - mail - from : x - source - ip : [ 211 . 168 . 67 . 248 ] x - loop - detect : 1 x - distloop - detect : 1 soft viagra at $ 1 . 62 per dose ready to boost your sex life ? positive ? time to do it right now ! order soft viagra at incredibly low prices starting at $ 1 . 99 per dose ! unbeiivabie ! | 1 |
Subject: cplex stinson , enclosed are the details of the cplex purchase . if everyone agrees , i will assume that ebs is responsible for 1 / 3 of the cost ( with taxes etc . must be close to $ 15 , 000 ) . krishna and grant , what do you think ? - samer " kim turley " on 05 / 25 / 2000 02 : 22 : 30 pm please respond to to : cc : subject : revised ilog quote 5 - 25 - 00 hi chonawee , you are right , i did make a mistake on the calculation , though it isn ' t exactly 2 / 3 of the previous 3 pak quote . sorry about that and so glad you caught it . i multiplied by 1 . 5 and i meant to use 1 . 3 . we have discounted deployment paks which we discount by quantity . our chart starts with a 3 pak so i took that number from our price list and multiplied by 1 . 3 to get 14 , 560 . 00 . for 2 deployments , i take $ 4 , 500 for one , plus 10 % off for the second license 4 , 050 , then times 1 . 3 = 11 , 115 . 00 . here is the revised quote . i checked the other numbers again and they are correct . again , i am sorry for the mistake . regards , * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * may 25 , 2000 enron corporation a single user cplex v 6 . 6 development license with callable library and mixed integer , 2 cplex floating deployment licenses with mixed integer and 2 opl studios , all with first year ' s maintenance and on win nt on an intel pc . once you have a cplex development license with maintenance and update services , then you can purchase deployment licenses ( run time / license derivative works ) item 1 description fee - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 cplex floating development license , callable library , mixed integer $ 15 , 300 . 00 2 maintenance on item 1 2 , 295 . 00 3 2 opl studio 10 , 000 . 00 4 maintenance on item 3 3 , 000 . 00 5 2 cplex floating deployment / mixed integer 11 , 115 . 00 6 maintenance on item 5 1 , 667 . 25 - - - - - - - - - - - - total $ 43 , 377 . 25 the cost of ( optional ) annual maintenance and update services is 15 % of the license fees . the customer is responsible for and must add any applicable sales tax , value - added ( ad valorem ) tax , duty or other transaction tax associated with the sale . this quotation is firm for 30 days and subject to the terms of the ilog license agreement and the ilog maintenance agreement . order information fax a purchase order ( with clear shipping and billing address ) to match the above items , attention kim turley . as soon as we receive your purchase order , we will ship the software and simultaneously send you an invoice by separate mail for payment . payment terms are net 30 . regards , kim turley ilog direct sales ilog inc . , lake tahoe office 889 alder avenue , suite 200 incline village , nv 89451 , usa phone : ( 775 ) 832 - 1960 , ext . 130 fax : ( 775 ) 831 - 7755 email : kturley @ ilog . com have you downloaded your free copy of opl studio ? if not , please visit : http : / / www . ilog . com / products / oplstudio / ilog : powering your software http : / / www . ilog . com http : / / www . cplex . com ask me about our - ampl training june 15 - 16 - next opl studio training , june 2000 p . s . from now until june 30 , 2000 , any ilog cplex licensee may acquire ilog opl studio for just $ 5 , 000 ( 50 % discount ) . ask me about the details ! | 0 |
Subject: your online sales are low because you don _ t have enough visitors ? submitting your website in search engines may increase your online sales dramatically . lf you invested time and money into your website , you simply must submit your website oniine otherwise it wili be invisibie virtualiy , which means efforts spent in vain . if you want people to know about your website and boost your revenues , the only way to do that is to make your site visibie in piaces where people search for information , i . e . submit your website in muitiple search engines . submit your website oniine and watch visitors stream to your e - business . best regards , kenethmckenzie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | 1 |
Subject: turn your paypal account into a non - stop cash machine ! ! ( not a chain letter ) i am sending you this message because we have communicated in the past about business opportunities . i hope you will enjoy this one as much as i do . turn your paypal account into a non - stop cash machine ! re - occurring 100 % commissions paid directly to your paypal account ! 4 out of 10 visitors join instantly ! shouldn ' t you be next ? did i mention that it ' s free for 15 days ? simply go to : http : / / www . paypal - profits . com / a / turnkeyim / best wishes , tony & donna scurlock turnkeyim @ hotmail . com the best home - based business on the planet ! ! we build your downline - - 1000 to 3500 members added per month ! ! free to join ! ! minimum monthly income ! ! get all the details at : http : / / www . lifelong - income . com this email message is sent in compliance with the the 106 th congress e - mail user protection act ( h . r . 1910 ) and the unsolicited commercial electronic mail act of 2000 ( h . r . 3113 ) . though our intention is not to communicate with you again if we receive no response from you , we do provide a valid vehicle for you to be removed from our email list . to be removed from our mailing list , simple reply to this message with remove in the subject line . please keep in mind that complaints to our email provider and service provider , could make honoring remove requests impossible and you will be in violation of the above legislation . | 1 |
Subject: promotion vince , congrats on your promotion to md . doug | 0 |
Subject: re : enron credit model docs for the comparative model study - to be sent to professor duffie @ stanford hi ben , i think i have read all the papers that are to be used in the comparative model study to be sent to professor duffie at stanford . these documents are all listed below . please let me know if i have omitted any ( however , don ' t get the impression that i am begging for more papers to read ) . now i will try to transform my notes into a draft for professor duffie . thanks , iris list of papers for comparative model study 1 . actively managing corporate credit risk : new methodologies and instruments for non - financial firms by r . buy , v . kaminski , k . pinnamaneni & v . shanbhogue chapter in a risk book entitled credit derivatives : application for risk management , investment and portfolio optimisation 2 . neural network placement model by george albanis , enroncredit ( 12 / 22 / 00 ) 3 . pricing parent companies and their subsidiaries : model description and data requirements by ben parsons and tomas valnek , research group 4 . a survey of contingent - claims approaches to risky debt valuation by j . bohn www . kmv . com / products / privatefirm . html 5 . the kmv edf credit measure and probabilities of default by m . sellers , o . vasicek & a . levinson www . kmv . com / products / privatefirm . html 6 . riskcalc for private companies : moody ' s default model moody ' s investor service : global credit research 7 . discussion document : asset swap model by ben parsons , research group ( 4 / 20 / 01 ) 8 . asset swap calculator : detailed functional implementation specification ( version 1 . 0 ) by ben parsons , research group 9 . discussion document : live libor bootstrapping model by ben parsons , research group ( 4 / 20 / 01 ) 10 . the modelling behind the fair market curves : including country and industry offsets by nigel m . price , enron credit trading group 11 . pricing portfolios of default swaps : synthetic cbos - moody ' s versus the full monte ( carlo ) by nigel m . price , enron credit trading group 12 . placement model vl . 0 : discussion document by ben parsons , research group , 2000 13 . credit pricing methodology - enroncredit . com by ben parsons , research group 14 . correlation : critical measure for calculating profit and loss on synthetic credit portfolios by katherine siig , enron credit group 15 . discussion document : var model for enron credit by ben parsons , research group , ( 1 / 3 / 01 ) 16 . methodology to implement approximate var model for the credit trading portfolio by kirstee hewitt , research group | 0 |
Subject: i want to mentor you this week i showed 62 people how to get over 30 sign / ups each week . how much would that be worth to you ? let me mentor you . i mentor at no charge . i will show you how to get 100 ' s of paid / for sign / ups eas . ily and without spending a cent on normal mark . eting campaigns . i can mentor you personally on a powerful " one to one " basis and supply you with contact details of thousands of pre - qualified people who will join your business ( subject to individual terms ) . i will make your bus / iness earn up to 500 times more than it currently is and that ' s a guarantee . i can help all types of bus / iness . opps , m / l . m , net / work mark . eting programs and any other type of web site on the ' net like mainstream or niche retail or mem . ber sites . if you are interested just ask . for example : i will show you how to drive sign / ups to your business almost handsfree . the only thing you have to do , is start the snowball rolling the and rest is fully automated . i will mentor you , to show you how to promote using e . mail mark / eting to get huge results while spending almost nothing using cheap pre - qualified targeted contact lists . i will show you how to get into the top 10 search results for 5 keywords on the best 20 search engines to include google , msn , yahoo etc . i can help anyone with any type of business . there is no restriction to the type of business you want me to help you build providing its legal . to find out if i can mentor you please send me an email to : mentor 888 @ isp - q . com with " mentor me " in the subject and your business name , url and own name in the message . asking for more information . = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = i reserve the right to refuse my service to anyone without breaching my code of conduct or advertising standards . in such instances i am not obliged to give a reason for refusal of my mentoring service . to find out if i can mentor you please send me an email to : mentor 888 @ isp - q . com with " mentor me " in the subject and your business name and url and own name in the message . note ; if i have upset you in any way by sending you this email please forgive me and send an email to : mentor 888 @ isp - q . com with the word " off " in the subject and i will never bother you again . | 1 |
Subject: friday brown bag on derivative pricing hello all : if you think any of your people would be interested in the following - please pass the messages on . thanks ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * message one dear everyone , we understand the as members of enron research group , all of us are working on very interesting projects , some of which are ground - breaking , and we all keep a very keen mind on any development of new technology . we also find out , through our own experience , that at this age of information explosion , it becomes more and more difficult to have enough time and energy to keep abreast with most of the exciting stuff taking place in this department , let alone in the industry . it is also our personal experience that many a project we are working on has partially been attempted by other members of this group . as a remedy , we propose that the research group start an informal brown bag lunch group meeting , once every two weeks on friday , for about 50 minutes . it is hoped that it will provide a forum for us to facilitate with new technology and development , as well as with each other , s work , so that we do not have to reinvent the wheels . we envision the following : in this meeting ( or seminar ) , each one of us will take turns to make presentations to the group . the topics could range from theoretical consideration to practical implementation , be it option pricing , process modelling , insurance issue , or monte carlo simulation , or anything one finds fascinating . the presentation material could be papers you have been reading recently , projects you are working on , some problem that bothers you , or an idea that is fascinating . you choose your own presentation style . it could be everything - you - always - wanted - to - know - but - were - afraid - to - ask , hand waving style , or it can involve nitty - gritty , detailed derivations , anyway a style that suits you and the topic . or it can simply be a dry - run for your presentation at the next risk conference . zimin and alex will take upon the responsibility of organizing the seminar . we hope the seminar will be up and running in two - three weeks . for that purpose your support will be greatly appreciated . please let either zimin or alex know if you are interested in giving a presentation to the group and provide a tentative schedule . surely the rest of the group will be happy to hear your presentation . we encourage everyone to participate this brown bag meeting , either to give a talk or just sit in . zimin lu alex huang message two dear everyone , it looks like the proposed bblop has great support and is to have a great start . vince , grant , , amitava , kevin , clayton and chonawee have promised to give presentations to us . vince will kindly deliver the inaugural presentation next friday ( march 31 ) on new methodology for option pricing ( precise title tba ) . bblop will start at 12 noon and last about 45 to 50 minutes . let ' s make this a new enron tradition ! best regards . zimin , alex | 0 |
Subject: energycast dear vince , i hope your trip to australia was successful . it ' s one of my favorite places to go . i ' ve copied you on the email to mike initiating enron ' s trial service to energycast . thanks for helping to set this up . would you ask the authorities in enron to refresh my access to enrononline ? my guest user id as ena 61296 and my guest password was tr 84 byl 3 . they no longer work , probably because i haven ' t visited the site in months as we were in full development mode on energycast . vince , you will note in our website references to forward prices of power in nepool , nypp , and pjm . we use reuters as a reference - - not satisfactory . if your traders like energycast and enron became a client , would enron consider linking its prices to our site ? we have to improve over the reuters quotes and regard enrononline or bloomberg as the best candidates . over time , as our service spreads i believe this could help generate deal flow for your traders . let me know what you think . ed | 0 |
Subject: claim your free $ 1000 home depot gift card . claim your home depot gift card - a $ 1000 value . were sure you can find a use for this gift card in your area . ( ) . by exclusiverewards ystyxapg | 1 |
Subject: re : abstract thanks vince . this is good but i also need a title . it would be good if you can as part of the talk present an example of a technical problem addressed by your group describing the problem and the general methodology employed or developed . you can also start with an introduction about your organization and the program . shmuel shmuel s . oren , professor dept . of industrial engineering and operations research 4117 etcheverry hall university of california berkeley , ca 94720 - 1777 e - mail : oren @ ieor . berkeley . edu phone : ( 510 ) 642 - 1836 or 5484 fax : ( 510 ) 642 - 1403 - - - - - original message - - - - - from : to : cc : ; sent : monday , october 02 , 2000 6 : 44 am subject : abstract > shmuel , > > this is the abstract for my presentation on the 23 rd of october . > i am in london and paris this week . i can be reached at my > private e - mail address vkaminski @ aol . com . > > please , feel free to suggest modifications to the abstract . > > > > vince > > > * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * > > > the last three years were characterized by exceptionally high volatility > of > > the power prices in the us markets . the market developments have created > a > > number of unique challenges for energy industry economists . one immediate > > question we have to answer is how to measure volatility of energy prices . > > although we can all agree that the prices in the power markets are > > characterized by high variability , the traditional measures used in > financial > > economics ( annualized standard deviation of log price returns ) may not > fit > > well electricity prices . the second challenge is to explain the sources > of > > high price volatility and to answer the question to what extent it can be > > attributed to problems that can be addressed in the long run . such > problems > > include flaws in market design that allow some market participants to > abuse > > market power , limited availability and / or unequal access to transmission , > > temporary shortages of generation capacity . some factors underlying high > > volatility of electricity prices may be of permanent nature and may be a > > necessary price to pay for increased market efficiency and expanded > customer > > choice . > > | 0 |
Subject: 2000 expenses as you all know the deadline for 2000 invoices to ap was on friday , december 15 , 2000 . in order to get all 2000 expenses accounted for in 2000 , i need an e - mail from you with name of the vendor , amount , cost center to be billed to , contact person ( if any ) . some of the costs to consider : services provided to enron in 2000 but we have not receive the invoices , employee expense reports , and / or any purchases we made in 2000 , but have not submit the invoices to ap by the cutoff date . i need this information by noon friday , december 29 , 2000 . if you have any questions , call me at 5 - 7094 . thanx irma , kristi and ramona , will you make sure everyone in hr department know the deadline . thanx . | 0 |
Subject: veryy useful how to save on y slapstick our medlcations over 70 % . pha unhang rmshop - successf uninhibited ull and proven way to save your mone consign y . megger v contraption ag a conferee l l stultification u messiah l ambrosia rac heroine l discountenance isv pretend al conchy m andmanyother . best p exaltation rlces . worldwid digraph e shlpplng . easy order f roulade orm . total confi monocle dentiaiity . 250 , 000 pitiless satisfied customers . order today and sa prowess ve ! | 1 |
Subject: class request : xl 97 range - 567 excel 97 , range names and database features , william smith your approval is required for william smith to attend the following class . to grant approval , send a reply to " lpharr @ enron . com " ( notesmail : lerea pharr / hou / ect @ ect ) . be sure to include employee ' s name and class number in reply . excel 97 , range names and database features session dates & times : 4 / 11 / 2000 8 : 30 : 00 am - 11 : 30 : 00 am location : eb 572 no show / participant fee : $ 110 . 00 if you have any questions , please call the technology training coordinator at 713 - 853 - 1816 . | 0 |
Subject: houston trip hello everyone ! regarding the tiger team research project houston trip , these are the rsvp ' s i ' ve received : jaideep singh dennis feerick kim whitsel " and team 1 " ram vittal heather thorne pat henahan vincent chen jack rejtman deepa mallik josh leventhal edson otani omar bassal stephen lessar clayton dediocinto . note : heather and jack have requested to stay in houston until sunday ( expenses other than air fare , beyonfd friday at enron will be individually borne ) . donna , would you please review this list , add the individual names of " team # 1 ) , add any additional faculty , t . a . ' s etc , that will be attending , and returnm this list to me and my assistant , " melinda mccarty " who will begin the arrangements . also , if others would prefer sunday returns to phily , on the same terms offered heather and jack , please so indicate no later than tuesday , dec . 20 . please inform donna , who will then prepare and forward to me and my assistant melinda ( e - mail address above ) one complete , confirmed list of attendees . the plan will be to leave phily on thurs afternoon , arrive late aft thursday , dinner at churrasco ' s south america restaurant thursday evening with me , vince , vance , jeff shankman , and possibly a few others from enron . hotel thursday evening and ground transportation through return to airport will be arranged by enron . friday will be reserved for an enron tour , and individual meetings the teams would like to set up with members from variuous business units return will be scheduled for early fri evening , except for those electing to stay through sunday . again , except for return to airport and airfare , expenses beyond friday afternoon will be borne by each respective student ( though we encourage you to stay and look around this great city of houston ! ) . thanks donna , for your immediate assistance with this - - vinve , vance , jeff and i are excited about the trip ! ! regards ! - - christie . | 0 |
Subject: ke casino spring fling competition : ) fre : rpvnltb welcome to ms @ casino - a revolution in cyber gamlng ! ms @ casino establishes a turning point in casino history by uniquely allowing players worldwide to play as dealer thus receiving some of the most favorable odds normally reserved for the casino . ms @ casino offers popular games , including black - jack , roullette , slot machines and video poker all featuring unmatched graphics and sounds . you may play with real money or just play for fun ( no bank details needed ) questions and answers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - q : ms @ casino offers matchless credibility and it ' s easy to check . how ? a : robert as player and graham as dealer enter one of the games . once the game is over , they verify that one ' s losing sum is the other ' s winning sum . q : ms @ casino offers the highest payouts available . how is that possible ? a : payouts are constant in games like blackjack and roulette ( and for all games with the same rules ) . ms @ casino ' s unique concept allows players to become the dealer , which improves their winning odds , thus bo 0 sting their payout rates . the top daily player ( determined at 23 : 59 ) gets $ 200 bonus ! winnings generated from playing as dealer are also accumulated . the scoreboard will be updated every hour . visit our site http : / / 4 highrollers . net - try your luck no deposit required ! best regards , virginia hancock casino manager | 1 |
Subject: re : update on iris molly , it seems that we got only bill bradford so far . given that almost everybody will be out that week , we probably should move the interview to the beginning of january , even if it means higher costs . vince enron north america corp . from : molly magee 12 / 18 / 2000 06 : 57 pm to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : shirley crenshaw / hou / ect @ ect subject : update on iris bill bradford has returned our call , and is scheduled to see iris at 11 : 30 am on 12 / 28 . more info as it becomes available . molly | 0 |
Subject: associate & analyst prc update the prc process for the associate & analyst programs has been revised . the office of the chairman , in conjunction with the heads of each operating company , has established a prc committee for the associates and one for the analysts . each committee will oversee the respective prc meetings . details of the process are as follows : i . prc committee members associate prc committee sally beck don w . black dan catagnola paul chivers ed coats dave duran bob hayes sean homes fred kelly dick leibert sean long scott neal ozzie pagan kevin presto brad richter mark ruane jim steffes analyst prc committee dave bowers federico cerisoli ed coats david crews brenda herod rogers herndon ben jacoby steve jernigan william gehle jay lewis ( james w ) paul mead mike norris rockey storie jon thomsen emilio vicens ii . meeting logistics enron will hold eastern hemisphere associate and analyst prc meetings on july 17 th in london . the prc for the eastern hemisphere will include europe , india and asia and will be chaired by john sherriff . the western hemisphere associate and analyst prc meetings will be held on july 19 th in houston . the prc for the western hemisphere will include south america , calgary , portland , houston and australia ( houston administers it ) and will be chaired by joe sutton . the analyst prc will be conducted from 8 : 00 a . m . to 12 : 30 p . m . , and the associate prc will be conducted from 1 : 30 p . m . to 6 : 30 p . m . iii . process each prc representative has been randomly assigned 15 to 17 associates or analysts that they will represent in the prc meeting . please note the prc rep is not representing only those individuals who may work in his or her specific opco but individuals that work throughout the organization . the prc rep will continue to represent the assigned associates or analysts during their entire tenure with the program . the prc reps are expected to contact the prc supervisor and gather performance information ( including pre - ratings if available ) . the program will prepare a binder for each prc rep that includes consolidated feedback from the pep system for their assigned associates or analysts and will provide this to the prc representatives on july 7 th . associates and analysts will be pre - rated by their business unit supervisor using the six performance ratings ( superior - issues ) and the management professional feedback form as detailed in the pep system . the pre - ratings must be loaded into pep by july 6 th . the associate and analyst ratings will be cross - calibrated by tenure at the meeting as follows : associates : level 1 : 0 to 6 months level 2 : 7 to 12 months levels 3 & 4 will be reviewed together : 13 months + . analysts : level 1 : 0 to 6 months level 2 : 7 to 12 months level 3 : 13 to 24 months level 4 and 5 will be reviewed together : 25 months + the rating determined in the global cross calibration meeting is final , and cannot be changed once the meeting has ended . following the global associate and analyst prc , the associates , and the analysts , supervisors will obtain the final rating from the prc representative . the supervisors must ensure that an evaluation session is conducted and the final rating is communicated to each associate and analyst by september 15 th . the completed form must be signed by the associate or analyst and returned to terry bosien in human resources by 9 / 18 / 00 . iv . promotions all promotions must be recommended in the prc . associates are eligible for promotion to manager at their 18 and 24 month anniversary . timing . anniversaries that occur from april lst through september 30 th should be recommended in the july prc and those that occur from october lst through march 31 st should be recommended in the december prc . if the promotion is granted it would become effective on the lst of the month following the prc , or on the associate , s anniversary date , whichever is later . associates promoted after march 31 st for the july prc and after september 30 th for the december prc will be evaluated as associates for prc purposes , not as a manager ( i . e . an associate was promoted to manager effective april lst . in the july prc the individual should be evaluated as an associate not as a manager ) . 2 nd year analysts are to be recommended for promotion to 3 rd year analysts after completing the 2 nd year , utilizing the same timing criteria outlined above ( i . e . , an analyst who completes the 2 nd year on september 30 th should be recommended for promotion to 3 rd year analyst in the july prc ) . 3 rd year analysts may be recommended for promotion to associate after completing the 3 rd year , utilizing the same timing criteria outlined above ( i . e . , an analyst who completes the 3 rd year on september 30 th should be recommended for promotion to associate in the july prc ) . please call terry bosien at 713 / 853 - 5230 or celeste roberts at 713 / 853 - 0555 if you have any questions . | 0 |
Subject: referral mr . kaminski , i have attached a resume below i thought you might find of interest , it is from a business school acquaintance of mine , denis suvorov . denis is a highly intelligent ph . d . candidate at my former school and is currently looking for opportunities within a research / modelling framework . he has significant academic experience working on asset pricing models and after speaking with pavel zadorozhny about his background and objectives , he recommended i forward a copy of his credentials to you . i hope this is suitable and would be of interest to you . thanks , matthew frank | 0 |
Subject: re : summer internship position hi vince , paulo oleira ( one of the m . i . t attending our meeting on wed ) ' s research interest turned out to be a match for april hodgeson ( vp of content origination ) . i had him talk to april ( stinson was on the call as well ) to discuss his research interest and what he would likely to do for april . i suggested ( and april agrees ) that paulo would intern with her and matt and perform research on how end users ( consumers and business ) improved experience with epowered content can be quantified . this may include performing control experiments at m . i . t . we decided not to over specify what he would do since it is likely to change as soon as he arrives . i suggested once he starts , he will work with april and matt harris ( vp enterprise origination ) and they will define what the student needs to complete for the internship . addiontionally , tom gros agrees that this type of research are needed and this is a great way to start . i will proceed to have recruiting contact the student with an offer to start around may 22 , 2000 unless someone tells me otherwise . regards , ravi . p . s . charlene , please include paulo in your may 22 , 2000 start group . paulo will report to me within ebs research group but will work on a day - to - day basis with april and matt . as you ' ve mentioned that compensation is somewhat fixed but please keep in mind that this person is a phd candidate with very specialized skill set . please contact vince before extending an offer that may be too low , etc . - - - - - forwarded by ravi thuraisingham / enron communications on 02 / 17 / 00 09 : 27 am - - - - - charlene jackson @ enron 02 / 17 / 00 08 : 25 am to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : celeste roberts / hou / ect @ ect , vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , ravi thuraisingham / enron communications @ enron communications @ ect subject : re : summer internship position celeste , we need to make sure that the interns in vince ' s group are coordinated and incorporated with the rest of the summer associates . they should be offered the same starting dates , i believe they are may 22 , 2000 june 5 , 2000 . i am not sure about the june date . would you check and let vince know . they should also be offered the same starting salary package as the others . they will be included in training ( a few days ) and any other events we host . thanks | 0 |
Subject: re : actions on anjam ' s resignation i will sit anjam down before he leaves and explain the confidentiality provisions in his contract and that we will pursue them vigorously . melanie - can you give me a copy , steve , let me know when he is leaving - i ' ll do it closer to the time . richard steven leppard 26 / 10 / 2000 10 : 13 to : dale surbey / lon / ect @ ect , vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , melanie doyle / lon / ect @ ect cc : richard lewis / lon / ect @ ect , simon hastings / lon / ect @ ect subject : actions on anjam ' s resignation all my preferred approach to dealing with anjam ' s departure is given below . these recommendations are informed by the fact that i don ' t feel anjam has much to offer his next employer , except what code and data he can remove from enron : hr - type stuff : 1 . get anjam off the trading floor as soon as possible . there is no need for him to remain on the floor . 2 . determine where anjam is heading . we need to know who is going to know our positions and curves next . it - type stuff : 1 . ask him to catalogue the contents of his h : drive , since the rest of the group will need to support his work in the future . this should take no more than a day or two . 2 . get it to obtain their backups of anjam ' s h : drive for weekly intervals over the last two months . this will allow us to determine what he has deleted . 3 . get it to provide a snapshot of anjam ' s notes folders , and provide records of mail sent out to the internet over the last couple of months . i ' m worried about code / data he may have zipped up and mailed out . 4 . ask it to use a utility program to determine what has been deleted from anjam ' s c : drives . there may be useful info here too . steve | 0 |
Subject: re : sfa individual registrations hi julie , it is so nice to hear from you . i have had several conversations with the houston compliance people regarding how to keep my sfa licenses current . as per your request , i will respond to your questions in your email : - - - - - original message - - - - - from : russell , julie sent : friday , april 06 , 2001 10 : 19 am to : mack , iris subject : sfa individual registrations iris your mails regarding sfa registration finally made their way to me , as i look after all enron ' s individual registrations with the sfa . at present , we are able to register overseas based individuals , although this may change towards the end of the year when the fsa takes over from the sfa as lead regulator in the uk . i am sort of overseas . however i will be spending some time in the london office ( which is another reason why i don ' t want to lose my sfa designations ) . as a matter of fact , i will be coming to london office in a week or two - and staying there for a while . there is still a lot of uncertainty surrounding how the fsa will implement individual registrations , but it has stated that anyone registered with the sfa at the point at which the fsa takes over , will be automatically ' grandfathered ' across to the new regulator . time will tell , what will happen thereafter . what we need to do as far as your registration is concerned , is to submit a transfer form to the sfa to move your registration to enron . i shall put a form in the mail to you ( please let me know where to send it ) for signature and update of personal details . my enron office address in houston is as follows : iris mack research department 1400 smith street , 1972 d houston , texas 77002 usa as we have to submit the form to the sfa with original signatures , please return it to me at enron house and i can get it authorised by our sfa compliance officer , jonathan marsh . i will then inform you when i receive confirmation of your acc could you respond to the following by return e - mail ; name of the sfa regulated firm where you were last registered ; banque nationale de paris paribas at 10 harewood avenue in london date ( approximation ) when you left the above ; august 2000 type of registration you held - please note we can only register you in the following registers ; general representative , futures and options representative , securities representative or corporate finance representative i passed three exams : derivatives , securities and regulations the final question is whether you are going to be based in houston permanently or whether you know at this stage if / when you will be returning to the uk . right now i will be spending time in both houston and london . see above explanation . hopefully i have answered all your questions . please let me know if you require additional information . kind regards , iris look forward to hearing from you best regards julie julie russell compliance and regulatory | 0 |
Subject: re : argentina power & gas market modelling okay julian poole 03 / 17 / 2000 10 : 35 am to : michael guerriero / enron _ development @ enron _ development cc : vince j kaminski @ ect , grant masson @ ect , jeff kabel / enron _ development @ enron _ development , rodolfo freyre / enron _ development @ enron _ development , diego hollweck / enron _ development @ enron _ development , bernardo andrews / enron _ development @ enron _ development , mario aguilar benitez / enron _ development @ enron _ development , santiago subject : re : argentina power & gas market modelling all , let ' s arrange a conference call next week to discuss the process . how does tuesday afternoon fit everyone ' s schedule ? julian enron international from : michael guerriero 03 / 17 / 2000 03 : 49 pm to : vince j kaminski @ ect , grant masson @ ect , jeff kabel / enron _ development @ enron _ development , julian poole / enron _ development @ enron _ development , rodolfo freyre / enron _ development @ enron _ development , diego hollweck / enron _ development @ enron _ development , bernardo andrews / enron _ development @ enron _ development , mario aguilar benitez / enron _ development @ enron _ development , santiago cc : subject : argentina power & gas market modelling i would like to initiate a team to address the continued improvement of the argentine power & gas market models . i spoke with vince this morning and we reviewed that history of work to date and what we will need to do from here . a summary is as follows : team : ba members : julian poole lead mario benitez associate ba associates : diego hollweck associate bernardo andrews associate santiago porta associate houston members : to be named . time schedule : as soon as possible . completed before june 1 , 2000 winter in argentina . scope of work : power model : advance the current model from basic load forecasting to incorporate weather , hydrology , improved short term and long term forecasting . natural gas model : build a supply and demand load forecasting model incorporating weather , thermal demand , pipeline flow rates , well head supply , improved short term and long term forecasting . phase i - data request power historic weather : temperature - daily , hourly , min , max , average humidity precipitation cloud cover regionally forward weather : temperature - daily , hourly , min , max , average humidity precipitation cloud cover regionally historic hydrology : reservoir levels reservoir capacity current hydrology : reservoir levels remote monitoring : aireal , pressure device , laser snow pack : density volume and mass power supply : current and future capacity transmission capacity : current and future capacity natural gas data list to be developed phase ii - power model development phase iii - natural gas model development we will take advantage of the fact that the associates are in houston for the next two weeks . vince is out next week but we can start with a process discussion with grant masson next week . julian please get a meeting scheduled as soon as possible . we should immediately start collecting data . thanks mfg | 0 |
Subject: visit by enron , 19 october 2000 a team of key executives from enron will be on campus on the 19 th of october for the purposes of meeting with key staff and faculty to learn more about the school and how the firm can gain a greater presence here . included in this group will be : vince kaminski , director of research christie patrick , vp , university relations mike rosen , director , university affairs group i have developed a proposed agenda for the visit . please review and confirm that you are available to meet with one or more of the enron team at the times specified . if so , please provide me a prefered meeting location . if not , please alternate times and locations . 8 : 00 - 9 : 00 breakfast with donna piazze and keith weigelt to discuss " tiger team fap project " the ivy grill , inn at penn 9 : 00 - 10 : 30 meeting with raffi amit , ian macmillan , emily cieri and anne stamer to discuss the sol c . snider entreprenuer center and its related programs , the business plan competition and webi . . . 4 th floor conference room , vance hall ? ? ? 10 : 30 - 12 : 00 christie and mike hold discussions with cara tyler , bob bonner and pat rose regarding recruiting processes and procedures . . . cms conference room 10 : 30 - ? ? ? broadband executive meets with gerry mccartney and other university officials to discuss campus needs , future usage projections , etc . 10 : 30 - 11 : 30 vince meets with sid winter reference jones center and related research 11 : 30 - 12 : 00 vince meets with howard kunruether to discuss risk management 12 : 00 - 1 : 15 pm group lunch with jerry wind at faculty club to discuss the e - fellows program 2 : 00 - 3 : 00 pm christie and mike meet with mike baltes to discuss co - branding issues with wharton and upenn 5 : 00 pm all will attend the et conference dinner event please confirm your willingness and availability to support this agenda . thanks for your help . tom | 0 |
Subject: are you ready to get it ? hello ! viagra is the # 1 med to struggle with mens ' erectile dysfunction . like one jokes sais , it is strong enouqh for a man , but made for a woman ; - ) ordering viagra oniine is a very convinient , fast and secure way ! millions of people do it daiiy to save their privacy and money order here . . . | 1 |
Subject: moody ' s upgrade to the great and powerful research group : as you may know , moody ' s has recently upgraded enron from baa 2 to baal . we had been on watch for an upgrade for a while and after their intitial credit meeting , they still had questions primarily related to our control of market and credit risk . to that end , jeff mcmahon and tim despain had rick buy , bill bradford and i meet with eight members of the moody ' s team . the questions centered around policy and procedure in the wholesale businesses . we discussed var , stress testing and potential credit exposure . to make a long story short , subsequent to that meeting , they reconvened their committee and announced the upgrade . i want you to know how critical your contribution was to the discussion and will continue to be as the bar gets raised . i am sure that next year they will continue to be concerned with our risk management capabilities as well as extensions of our current platform - tail risk , intra day risk , operational risk , and enterprise wide risk . thank you for your efforts in supporting rac - it has tangible benefits . ted p . s . - there is still lots of interesting opportunities to extend the paradigm | 0 |
Subject: tage resume submittal vince , two candidates for your review . please call me . ? paul johnson , cpc president ( 281 ) 497 - 8595 ? please visit our website ? www . austingrp . com - wood , shelly . doc - jpbresume 2 . doc | 0 |
Subject: fw : fyi - more on truck s / d vince : i ' d like to send you some articles on the fleet card business . if you have some time , i ' d like to discuss the meeting that we had with comdata ( which has a 60 % market share of the fleet card business ) . they have some live data that potentially could be very interesting ; however , i ' d like to discuss it with you . shawn what a mess ! ( statistical data included ) john d . schulz 03 / 26 / 2001 traffic world page 25 copyright 2001 gale group inc . all rights reserved . copyright 2001 journal of commerce , inc . truckers still waiting for signs of pent - up freight demand ; earnings shortfalls , layoffs loom if you are waiting for trucking to kick - start the nation ' s economic recovery , pull up a chair and wait awhile . trucking ceos say they haven ' t seen this slow a first quarter in a decade . " perhaps the weakest first quarter for freight demand since swift became a public company in 1990 , " phoenix - based swift transportation chairman and ceo jerry moyes said . the first - quarter trucking mantra historically has been this : everybody loses money in january , hopes for a break - even february and earns whatever profit there is in the quarter in march . that formula may not hold this year . gregory l . quesnel , president and ceo of con - way transportation services and emery worldwide parent cnf inc . , said the current slowdown was first detected late in the third quarter last year and has become " more pronounced in each successive quarter . " march , he said , has been " as disappointing as the first two months this year . " layoffs already are occurring at the major ltl carriers . yellow freight system has idled as many as 1 , 000 teamsters and hundreds of white - collar back - office workers . most large carriers are warning of profit shortfalls that will cause them to miss analysts ' first - quarter estimates . but there are deeper fears , too . marginal players may be forced into bankruptcy . small , family - owned carriers may be unable to exit the industry on their own terms because of the shocking decline in the value of used trucks that is causing some companies to be valued at less than half their worth of just two years ago . swift ' s volume drop - off began with shipments originating on the west coast in january and february and it is continuing in march , moyes said . coupled with reduced demand from the southwest , moyes said swift will not meet analysts ' first - quarter earnings expectations . swift is not alone . " we hauled less freight in february than february a year ago , " said bob hammel , executive vice president of pittsburgh - based pitt ohio express , a leading privately held eastern regional ltl carrier . " the slowdown in manufacturing began in the middle of last year and it was precipitous . nobody anticipated the speed in which manufacturing demand fell off . " even con - way , the most profitable ltl operation in the past five years , said it would have a decline in first - quarter operating income compared with the year - ago period . con - way ' s tonnage declines were estimated in the " mid - single - digit " percentage range . roadway express estimated that its current tonnage levels are running 10 to 11 percent below those a year ago , which will result in an approximately one - half of 1 percent ( 0 . 5 percent ) decline in its operating ratio . ( see sidebar ) pat hanley , overnite transportation ' s senior vice president and chief financial officer , said freight figures were flat in february year over year but rose slightly in march . overnite is the exception to the ltl industry with as many as 24 new terminals scheduled to be opened this year . " january was pretty good to us , but february was flat . it ' s coming back in march . we ' re probably up in low single digits , 3 to 4 percent . we ' re picking back up . the economy has hurt us . if you had asked us at the start of the year , we ' d have said we ' d be up double - digits , " hanley said . the national economic picture is " a big concern , " hanley said . " we ' re not seeing pressure on prices , at least not so far . we ' re seeing customers ship 10 pallets a day instead of 20 . the shipment size is coming down . certainly we ' re concerned . we ' ll do o . k . , but not as great as we ' d like . " forget consumer confidence surveys or the producer pricing index or whatever stars align in federal reserve board chairman alan greenspan ' s world . the genuine leading indicator of any national economic trend is trucking , which is always a first - in , first - out industry in any economic slowdown . to hear trucking industry leaders tell it , get comfortable with beans and franks for dinner . it ' s going to be awhile before it ' s filet mignon time again . shippers see what ' s happening as well but say it ' s still too early in the year for carriers to start cutting rates to fill empty trucks . " all the carriers we talk with report flat or slightly declining business levels - - definitely slower than early last year , " said bill huie , assistant vice president of corporate transportation for nch corp . , irving , texas . " with a couple of exceptions , carriers we talk with have no plans for expansion in the next few months . we are getting feelers about some possible lane adjustments to boost revenue . but generally it appears a little early in the economic downturn for much price movement . " the national ltl carriers are seeing the same things . " our business is down pretty substantially for the first quarter , " said roger dick , spokesman for yellow corp . , parent of yellow freight system and two large regional ltl carriers , jevic transportation , delanco , n . j . , and saia motor freight , duluth , ga . usfreightways corp . , citing what it called the nation ' s " serious economic slowdown , " said it expects first - quarter earnings to fall " very substantially below " current wall street consensus . extreme weather conditions also contributed to the already weakened operating environment , usf chairman , president and ceo samuel k . skinner added . " traditionally , the first quarter builds momentum slowly , with march being the strongest month of the period , " skinner said in a statement . " this year , the economic slowdown of the fourth quarter of 2000 accelerated in january and february , softening even the normal modest expectations for those two months . " it ' s not just the ltl industry that ' s hurting . the morgan stanley dean witter truckload freight index continues to show the worst demand - supply relationship since analyst james j . valentine began tracking the data in april 1994 . two events can cause weakness in the index , according to valentine . they are either an abundance of excess trucks on the road or weak freight demand . " so far in 2001 , we have seen the confluence of both factors , but the fall - off in demand has far outpaced the increase in supply , " valentine wrote in his most recent " trucking snapshot " for early march . year - to - date measurement for truckload demand is down 25 percent year over year , according to valentine ' s index , while supply is up only 7 percent . that would indicate the over capacity was a significant issue last year but was " masked by the strong economy , " valentine says . in a more ominous note , valentine believes overcapacity will continue to plague the truckload industry for the next one to two years . only a reaccelerating national economy can bring the demand - supply back in balance for the truckload sector in the near term , valentine predicts . the overproduction of new class 8 trucks from early 1998 through early last year has put too many trucks on the roads and caused supply to back up at manufacturers , wholesalers and other retailers . used trucks have lost on average more than 30 percent of their value over the past 18 months . anecdotally , one used truck dealer , music city truck & equipment , in lavergne , tenn . , is holding a " two - for - one " sale on three - to five - year - old class 8 freightliners . you can buy two for around $ 30 , 000 , less than a brand new chevy suburban suv . what that means is a trucker who bought a 1998 class 8 truck for $ 70 , 000 and depreciated half the value over three years has a piece of equipment on the books this year at $ 35 , 000 . but assuming it has lost 30 percent of that value , it may only be worth $ 24 , 500 in actuality . for a carrier with a 100 - truck fleet , that equates to a loss of more than $ 1 million on assets . the glut may last for a while , according to valentine ' s analysis . assuming a three - year trade - in cycle , most of the class 8 tractors in the truckload sector are just now rolling over to the used - truck market . that means that overcapacity will plague the truckload industry for at least the next year . that will result in some of the marginal carriers exiting the business , as did nearly 1 , 900 carriers last year that either closed or declared bankruptcy . " we can see from indexes , surveys and other information available to us that it is unlikely there will be any significant improvement in march and freight demands will continue to be soft throughout the month . based on all of these factors , we expect usfreightways ' profits for the first quarter to be very substantially less than published analysts ' forecasts , " skinner said . in addition , severe weather conditions including an earthquake in seattle , rainstorms in california and blizzards in the northeast have added cost and decreased efficiencies , skinner added . expectations at each of usf ' s operating companies have been affected , some more than others . the ltl , logistics , reverse logistics and freight - forwarding units are all showing decreased revenue and volume over a similar period last year , skinner said . further job cuts at usf worldwide , its freight forwarder , would be in the offing as cost controls at the unit would be " accelerated " in the wake of the softening economy , skinner said . late last year , skinner said the rebuilding process at usf worldwide would be a two - year process . but the worsening economy has made that rebuilding job harder , he said . " we are seeing evidence that the slowing economy is , in fact , further impeding progress in this area , " skinner said . " during the fourth quarter of 2000 and continuing into the first quarter of 2001 , the company has taken steps to increase cost efficiencies . among these actions are a substantial cutback in capital spending and significant reductions in the labor force . these cost - control efforts will be accelerated to partially counterbalance the damaging impact of the current economic and weather conditions . " in the 2000 first quarter , usf posted $ 22 . 3 million net income , a 27 percent rise from the $ 17 . 5 million earnings in the 1999 first quarter . at the time , that was usf ' s 15 th straight quarter - over - quarter earnings increase . it came on $ 608 . 2 million revenue , an 18 . 5 percent rise in from the $ 513 . 2 million revenue in the 1999 first quarter . analysts had been estimating usf to earn about $ 3 . 50 a share earnings for 2001 , compared with actual $ 3 . 61 earnings per share for all of last year . in the fourth quarter last year , usf earned $ 23 . 7 million , or 91 cents a share . trucking in a snapshot market what ' s going on msdw [ * ] truckload remains in record - low territory , indicating freight index the worst demand - supply relationship since msdw began tracking the date in april 1994 . diesel prices diesel prices in the first quarter of 2001 have come down 6 % sequentially from 4 qo 0 . however , the average price for the quarter remains 6 % above that of lqo 0 . wti oil opec recently agreed to reduce supply by 5 % and has stated a price objective of $ 25 per barrel . capacity retail sales of class 8 tractors ( new trucks entering the market ) came down in january , but inventory ( trucks that will enter the market at some point ) to sales ratio hit a new high of 3 . 4 months gdp 4 qo 0 gdp increased 1 . 1 % and economists see u . s . recession in 2001 with + 0 . 5 % and - 1 . 4 % gdp forecast for lqol and 2 qol , respectively . retail sales retail sales rose 0 . 7 % in january . while this was better than forecast , the upside was likely the result of excessive clearance sales after a disappointing holiday season . consumer the conference board ' s measure of consumer confidence confidence fell again ( nine points ) in february after registering the largest one - month decline in 10 years in january ( 14 points ) . napm the february napm rose slightly to 41 . 9 . however , it still indicates a contracting manufacturing sector . leading the index of leading economic indicators economic rose 0 . 8 % in january , while indicator msdw had forecast a 0 . 6 % increase . this represents the first rise in four months . stock after a recent pullback , trucking stocks remain perfonnance up year - to - date with tl stocks up 5 % , regional ltl stocks up 9 % and national ltl stocks up 13 % . investor for the week ended february 28 , mutual fund outflows totaled $ 309 million , compared with inflows of $ 2 billion in the prior week . market implications msdw [ * ] truckload negative for all tl carriers . freight index diesel prices the downward trend is positive for all carriers , especially tl carriers , which have greater exposure to fuel than ltl carriers . wti oil negative for all carriers , as $ 25 per barrel is still 25 % higher than the $ 20 per barrel average since 1990 . capacity negative for tl carriers , not a major concern for ltl carriers , which measure capacity by the number of terminals . gdp negative for all carriers . retail sales negative for both ti and ltl carriers . consumer negative for all carriers confidence napm negative for all carriers . leading positive for all carriers . economic indicator stock positive , however , stocks could pull perfonnance back further in the short term as fundamentals catch up . investor negative . source : morgan stanley dean witter research | 0 |
Subject: hello all just wanted to share the list of " one - page " bios and summary statements that i have collected to this point . i have two more yet to come and will share them asap . have a great weekend and i look forward to seeing everyone in " sunny / warm waco " next week . by the way , bill petty has challenged everyone to a 40 minute jog along the river on friday morning at 6 : 45 a . m . so bring your jogging gear . i also have heard from very reliable sources that bennett stewart is the odds on favorite to " win the race " ( cynthia leaked the story that he ' s been in training now for several months ) . i ' ll also be sending you driving / parking , etc . instructions early next week . have a great weekend , john - bennett _ stewart . doc - david palumbo current bio . doc - g _ ferrell . doc - ivaysmanbiosketch . doc - jmartinbiosketch . doc - korpi _ bio _ plus _ views _ v 2 . doc - m _ froehls . doc - srivastava new econ . rtf john d . martin carr p . collins chair in finance finance department baylor university po box 98004 waco , tx 76798 254 - 710 - 4473 ( office ) 254 - 710 - 1092 ( fax ) j _ martin @ baylor . edu web : http : / / hsb . baylor . edu / html / martinj / home . html | 0 |
Subject: new recruit : matthew williams work and training plan attached . those in the us please feel free to resize the document to your printer ' s content . steve | 0 |
Subject: your approval is requested please be informed that you have one or more srrs requests that are outstanding due to a pending action to approve or reject decision on your part . please go to the srrs ( lotus notes desktop icon ) and select the " requests awaiting my approval " option and complete the necessary action . more srrs request information can be seen within the request by clicking on " resource display " . your response will enable the srrs process to continue for eventual closure . thank you , information risk management | 0 |
Subject: fw : modified version lance , any comment ? vince - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 04 / 05 / 2001 08 : 37 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from : beth perlman / enron @ enronxgate on 04 / 04 / 2001 04 : 50 pm to : louise kitchen / hou / ect @ ect , tim belden / hou / ect @ ect , kevin m presto / hou / ect @ ect , hunter s shively / hou / ect @ ect cc : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect subject : fw : modified version this may be of interest to you . i was contacted by steve lake from argonne national laboratory who is interested in selling us some of their models and mapping software . let me know if there is any interest . thanks , beth - - - - - original message - - - - - from : " lake , stephan " @ enron nron . com ] sent : wednesday , april 04 , 2001 3 : 52 pm to : perlman , beth cc : conzelmann , guenter subject : fw : modified version beth , i enjoyed talking with you this afternoon regarding possible enron / argonne national laboratory collaboration . as i mentioned , one of our divisions , decision information sciences has built state of the art tools for modeling and simulating energy use . they have trained many country energy ministries on the use of their tools as well as solved complex energy technology issues . i ' ve attached a presentation which describes some of their capabilities in this area . decision information sciences also has done much work in studying critical infrastructure issues in both gas and electric systems which also may be of interest . finally , they have been pioneers in the development of agent based complex adaptive systems for modeling very complex systems that are impossible to view with over approaches . i will also include a copy of my correspondences with one of your e - business groups under separate transmission . regards , stephan lake manager , business development and marketing argonne national laboratory 630 - 252 - 5685 telephone 630 - 252 - 5230 fax - - - - - original message - - - - - from : conzelmann , guenter sent : monday , april 02 , 2001 4 : 50 pm to : lake , stephan subject : modified version guenter conzelmann manager , national and international studies section energy and environmental systems analysis group argonne national laboratory 9700 south cass avenue building 900 argonne , il 60439 - 4832 telephone : + + 1 - 630 - 252 - 7173 fax : + + 1 - 630 - 252 - 6073 email : guenter @ anl . gov web : http : / / enpep . dis . anl . gov / enpep / fedex / dhl address : 1200 international parkway woodridge , il 60517 - enpep overview industrial partnership 02 lake . ppt | 0 |
Subject: asking for advice regarding summer associate position at enron gentlemen , here is a guy who is looking for a summer associate position . i looked at his resume and think that he may be worth talking to . pavel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by pavel zadorozhny / hou / ect on 01 / 12 / 2001 01 : 37 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dmitri villevald on 01 / 03 / 2001 06 : 56 : 54 pm to : " pavel zadorozhny ( e - mail ) " cc : subject : asking for advice regarding summer associate position at enron dear mr . zadorozhny : maxim philippov suggested that i write you . being a first - year mba student at owen graduate school of management ( vanderbilt university ) with a finance concentration , i am looking for a summer associate position at enron . the area of my particular interest is enron ' s risk management products ( commodity derivatives research and trading ) . graduating from novosibirsk state university with major in physics , i am eager to apply my experience with the use of theoretical and statistical physics techniques to the managing of modeling processes and creating complex financial and trading models . i strongly believe that my graduate education coupled with undergraduate background in physics , solid work experience in finance and proven entrepreneurial spirit will allow me to contribute to enron as a summer associate . i would really appreciate your advice regarding employment opportunities at enron and would like to find out more about enron capital & trade resources corp . i will call you within this week to follow up on my request . thank you very much for your time . sincerely , dmitri villevald enclosure : resume > p . s . looking through an example of margin risk hedging at enron ' s web site , i think i found a small mistake there . url of this page is ( producer application ) the second sentence of the paragraph beginning with " paradigm and enron exchange . . . " states the following . for example , if the actual margin is $ 1 . 25 / mmbtu for a given month , then paradigm will pay enron $ 0 . 13 / mmbtu . alternatively , if the actual margin is $ 2 . 00 / mmbtu , then enron will pay paradigm $ 0 . 62 / mmbtu . i believe , if i am reading it correctly , the money should flow in the opposite direction , namely : for example , if the actual margin is $ 1 . 25 / mmbtu for a given month , then enron will pay paradigm $ 0 . 13 / mmbtu . alternatively , if the actual margin is $ 2 . 00 / mmbtu , then paradigm will pay enron $ 0 . 62 / mmbtu . am i right ? again , thank you very much for your time . - resume . doc | 0 |
Subject: re : forecast rates ! vince , we responded to kellie and osman on march 21 . don reid decided that he did not need a curve for turkey at this time . regards , maureen vince j kaminski 03 / 27 / 2000 06 : 14 pm to : kellie fleeks / enron _ development @ enron _ development cc : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , maureen raymond / hou / ect @ ect , farouk lalji / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : forecast rates ! kellie , i was on vacation last week . sorry for the delay in getting back to you . i am forwarding this request to maureen raymond who is handling such requests . vince kaminski to : vince j kaminski @ ect cc : subject : forecast rates ! vince , your name was given as a contact to get information on some exchange rates . don reid is needing some information on forecast rates and inflation rates for turkish ponds for the years 2000 - 2006 . if you can help me we really would appreciate it , we need it as soon as possible . thank you in advance for your help . kellie 5 . 5205 | 0 |
Subject: re : worldpower mark , i have an inquiry from a publishing house who are preparing a book on the world power markets . they wanted us to sponsor it ( at the cost of 19 , 000 pounds ) but the reaction from our power desks was lukewarm . they are offering us an opportunity to advertise in this publocatio . i am attaching the message with the terms . vince - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 01 / 21 / 2000 12 : 28 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " isherwood production " on 01 / 21 / 2000 06 : 40 : 08 pm to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : re : worldpower dear mr , kaminski , i have two advertising positions to offer you as follows : 1 . outside back cover ( plus 200 personalised books ) o 6 , 950 . 00 2 . inside front cover spread ( plus 200 personalised books ) o 7 , 950 . 00 please let me know which ( if any ) options you prefer . kind regards , anna liza sales director * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * worldpower suite 16 , imperial studios london , sw 6 2 ag united kingdom info @ commodities - now . com www . commodities - now . com tel : + 44 ( 0 ) 171 736 0774 fax : + 44 ( 0 ) 171 736 1196 - attl . htm | 0 |
Subject: career opportunity dear mr . kaminski : i recently sent you a copy of my resume and am just following up to see if it reached you without any problems ? i know you are a very busy professional and i would like to apologize for any inconvienence i have caused . i am just very dedicated in trying to obtain a career with your very well - respected company . i would really like to put my expereince and education to work for enron , as well as establish my life around the company . i am looking for an entry - level postion if that ' s what it takes to bulid my life and family enron corporation . once again mr . kaminski , i am deeply apologetic for taking up any of your time . any information you could help me with about my resume would be greatly appreciated . thank you for your valuable time . warmest regards , eric hilton | 0 |
Subject: information you requested from economic capital iconference thank you for requesting information about our products during the registration for the recent erisk iconference on economic capital . please click on the link below to read an overview of our offerings in the areas of analytics , consulting , and risk transfer : note : if you can ' t open this pdf , you need to upgrade to the new version of adobe acrobat reader at additional materials : read a case study about implementation of our erisk analytics at cobank : read a case study about implementation of p & c raroc at the st . paul companies : if you would like to speak directly with an erisk representative , please contact angela isaac at aisaac @ erisk . com regarding consulting and risk transfer projects and murray nash at mnash @ erisk . com to learn more about our erisk analytics product . regards , erisk client services this is a one - time mailing only . to subscribe to our regular email newsletter , please register at if you received this mailing in error , please email info @ erisk . com with " unsubscribe " in the subject line . | 0 |
Subject: all graphics software available , cheap oem versions . good morning , we we offer latest oem packages of all graphics and publishinq software from corel , macromedia , adobe and others . $ 80 adobe photoshop 8 . 0 / cs $ 140 macromedia studio mx 2004 $ 120 adobe acrobat 7 . 0 professional $ 150 adobe premiere pro 1 . 5 $ 90 corel designer 10 $ 90 quickbooks 2004 professional edition $ 75 adobe paqemaker 7 . 0 $ 70 xara x vl . 1 $ 75 adobe audition 1 . 5 $ 90 discreet 3 d studio max 7 $ 115 adobe golive cs $ 135 adobe after effects 6 . 5 standard $ 45 adobe premiere elements $ 125 corei painter lx $ 80 adobe lllustrator cs $ 80 adobe lndesign cs $ 240 adobe creative suite $ 140 adobe framemaker 7 . 1 $ 50 uiead cool 3 d production studio 1 . 0 . 1 $ 90 alias motion builder 6 professionai $ 30 quicken 2004 premier home & biz $ 30 adobe photoshop eiements 3 . 0 $ 110 adobe premiere pro 7 . 0 learn more . . . sincerely , meivin | 1 |
Subject: term insurance is out aggressive underwriting programs such as . . . table 5 to standard on permanent cases ! other company term to permanent life insurance with non - med underwriting ! simplified and guarantee issue programs for multi - life cases ! low cost lifetime guarantees ! underwriting events ! . . . diversified brokerage specialists has been combining the very best in technology and personal service since 1946 ! make sure to ask about our full line of disability ltc products ! " if we can ' t do it , it can ' t be done ! " call diversified brokerage specialists today ! or please fill out the form below for more information name : e - mail : phone : city : state : visit us online at : www . dbs 50 . com we don ' t want anyone to receive our mailings who does not wish to . this is professional communication sent to insurance professionals . to be removed from this mailing list , do not reply to this message . instead , go here : http : / / www . insuranceiq . com / optout legal notice | 1 |
Subject: re : ll visa - anshuman shrivastava molly : for your information , i received this reply from anshuman today . as i mentioned in my voicemail to you today after seeing the note from neil mcgregor , there is no possible way that anshuman could be in the us to work on february 5 th . until i receive all of his documents , and the necessary information from you regarding his position in the us , i do not have the information to send to the attorneys for the visa application . once they receive the paperwork , they will need to prepare the documents in triplicate , and send to me . at this stage , i will send the documents to anshuman in india and he will need to make an appointment at the us consulate in order to have the ll visa stamped into his passport . he will not be able to come to the states to work without this visa in his passport ! all of this could take approx . 3 - 4 weeks to accomplish . i think march would be a more realistic timeframe ! please let me have your thoughts . thanks margaret - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by margaret daffin / hou / ect on 01 / 25 / 2001 09 : 45 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - anshuman srivastav @ enron _ development 01 / 25 / 2001 12 : 35 : 53 am to : margaret daffin / hou / ect @ ect cc : sandeep kohli / enron _ development @ enron _ development , harsimran subject : re : ll visa - anshuman shrivastava hi margaret , apologies for not getting in touch earlier . i am unfortunately out of mumbai and will be back only on sunday . will send you all the documents on monday morning . they will reach you by latest wednesday . appreciate the help ! ! thanks ! regards , anshuman margaret daffin @ ect 01 / 24 / 2001 10 : 57 pm to : anshuman . srivastav @ enron . com cc : molly magee / hou / ect @ ect , vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , jane allen / hou / ect @ ect , timothy callahan / na / enron @ enron , ranendra sengupta / enron _ development @ enron _ development , wade cline / enron _ development @ enron _ development , neil mcgregor / enron _ development @ enron _ development @ ect , harsimran subject : ll visa - anshuman shrivastava anshuman : please go ahead and complete the visa questionnaire and send the required documents so that i can proceed with your working visa for the us . regardless of the length of time you will be in the us , you will still need the ll visa in order to work here . many thanks margaret - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by margaret daffin / hou / ect on 01 / 24 / 2001 11 : 24 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - margaret daffin 01 / 23 / 2001 11 : 01 am to : anshuman . srivastav @ enron . com cc : molly magee / hou / ect @ ect , vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , jane allen / hou / ect @ ect , timothy callahan / na / enron @ enron , ranendra sengupta / enron _ development @ enron _ development , wade cline / enron _ development @ enron _ development , neil mcgregor / enron _ development @ enron _ development @ ect , harsimran subject : ll visa - anshuman shrivastava anshuman : i have been asked to contact you regarding your possible move to houston , texas . in order that i may begin the process of getting you an ll immigration visa , i will need you to complete the attached visa questionnaire and return it to me with copies of the following documents : a copy of all pages of your passport , even if blank copies of all previous us visas issued an updated resume , showing months and years copies of all diplomas and transcripts received if you have dependent family members coming to the states with you , copies of their passports please send to my attention , via fedex to : enron corp . 3 allen center , 3 ac 2026 a 333 clay street houston , tx 77002 please call me with any questions you may have at 713 - 345 - 5083 . | 0 |
Subject: clear benefits of creative design lt is really hard to recollect a company : the market is full of suqgestions and the information isoverwheiming ; but a good catchy logo , stylish statlonery and outstandlng webslte wiil make the task much easier . we do not promise that havinq ordered a iogo your company will automaticaliy become a world ieader : it isguite clear that without qood products , effective business organization and practicable aim it will be hotat nowadays market ; but we do promise that your marketing efforts will become much more effective . here is the list of clear benefits : creativeness : hand - made , original logos , specially done to reflect your distinctive company image . convenience : logo and stationery are provided in all formats ; easy - to - use content management system letsyou change your website content and even its structure . promptness : you will see logo drafts within three business days . affordability : your marketing break - through shouldn ' t make gaps in your budget . 100 % satisfaction guaranteed : we provide unlimited amount of changes with no extra fees for you to be surethat you will love the result of this collaboration . have a look at our portfolio _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | 1 |
Subject: tiger team hi vince , re : my voice mail sent earlier today , i think this is the group requesting the telephone conference . they prefer a call tuesday , 16 jan , after 2 pm . let me know ! thanks ! - - christie . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by christie patrick / hou / ect on 01 / 12 / 2001 09 : 26 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " vittal , maheshram " on 12 / 26 / 2000 10 : 59 : 38 am to : " ' vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com ' " cc : " ' christie . patrick @ enron . com ' " subject : re : houston trip dear vince / christie , thanks for coming to philadelphia to present an overview of the projects . we enjoyed meeting you and your colleagues and look forward to working with enron . i would also like to pass on my team ' s appreciation for the dinner as well . we wanted to give you an update on our project and get some feedback and additional information prior to our upcoming visit to houston on january 19 th . our project is going to be geared to the 3 rd option you mentioned . we plan on addressing some part of the retail energy services business . we are considering two options regarding this topic and would like to pursue either ( i ) how customers are acquired and recommending new processes and ways to serve retail customers , or ( ii ) studying the supply chain and coming up with recommendations for areas for further investments . however , we would like to get some more information on the retail energy services before truly scoping the project . we are also very open to suggestions , especially if you had a much broader or different scope in mind ; so please let us know . we have not yet reviewed the introductory information received last week , but here are the questions we have specific to the retail energy services unit : can we look at its overall business plan or a more detailed summary than is in the annual report ? what is the pricing philosophy / overall structure ? who are the customers and how are they acquired ? what would the customers be doing if they did not work with enron ? what are the international expansion plans and capabilities ? is there any important regulatory summary information we can have ? if this information is not already covered in the review material you sent , will you be able recommend other sources where we may find such information ? after we have reviewed the material sent to us recently , we may want to schedule a phone call with you and / or one of your colleagues directly involved in the retail energy services business . i would like to call you in the new year to discuss this further . in the meantime , please feel free to call me at ( 215 ) 546 - 9416 if you need any information . regards , retail energy services tiger team ram dennis jason omar steve clay | 0 |
Subject: re : contact info glenn , please , contact rudi zipter to set up an interview with him and david port . vince " glenn darrah " on 04 / 25 / 2001 04 : 27 : 03 pm please respond to gdarrah @ bigfoot . com to : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com cc : subject : contact info vincent , congratulations on spearheading the mind ' s eye madness event - it looks like quite a success . my biggest disappointment is that i am leaving enron this week and have been too busy to participate as much as i would like . i have had continued interest in the work and presentations that amy oberg has done , so would have really enjoyed the workshop yesterday . i am still considering doing some or all of the motorcade friday , however that may work . separately , thanks for the update in the lobby today on the enterprise risk project . please keep in touch with me . as i mentioned , my redeployment period ends tomorrow ( april 26 ) , but i currently do not have an outside job lined up and still have a lot of interest in the project if something can be worked out over the next few weeks . although he is not in the same group as david port , i have worked a lot with brad larson in the rac underwriting group - he may be a good source of information on me also . contact information : e - mail : gdarrah @ bigfoot . com phone : 713 . 668 . 4277 cell : 713 . 320 . 5615 thanks , glenn darrah get your free download of msn explorer at http : / / explorer . msn . com | 0 |
Subject: re : qian ( frank ) feng interview with the research group shirley : we ' ve also been in touch with frank . he wasn ' t going to receive his class schedule until yesterday , so we will follow up today and find a mutually convenient date . molly shirley crenshaw 01 / 16 / 2001 09 : 51 am to : molly magee / hou / ect @ ect cc : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , kevin kindall / corp / enron @ enron , bob lee / na / enron @ enron subject : re : qian ( frank ) feng interview with the research group hi molly : i guess it is time to try and schedule frank ' s interview . we would like to bring him in sometime around the first of february ( when krishna returns ) . please contact him and see what a good time for him would be . attached is his resume and interview request form . - enron _ resume . doc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by shirley crenshaw / hou / ect on 01 / 16 / 2001 09 : 42 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enron north america corp . from : molly magee 12 / 20 / 2000 05 : 35 pm to : shirley crenshaw / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : re : qian ( frank ) feng interview with the research group you , too , shirley . we ' ll be back in touch . molly shirley crenshaw 12 / 20 / 2000 02 : 07 pm to : cheryl arguijo / enron _ development @ enron _ development , molly magee / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : qian ( frank ) feng interview with the research group hello molly and cheryl : attached is frank ' s resume . we still have quite a bit of time as we want to schedule this for after krishna returns on the 25 th of january . this position would be for the research group directly , and would include all of vince ' s direct reports . thanks and merry christmas and happy new year ! ! | 0 |
Subject: re : grading graders usually follow the following guidelines : - half of the class gets a - and above ; - the other half of the class gets b + and below - instructors seldom ever give grades below b - , but it happens in rare cases - the highest grade possible is a + jason | 0 |
Subject: invitation to cera multiclient study workshop mr . vincent j . kaminski managing director enron capital & trade resources corp . dear mr . kaminski : you are cordially invited to attend a special workshop during ceraweek 2001 in houston addressing new and subtle dynamics in the oil market that could be costing companies millions of dollars in lost revenue . the workshop presents insights from a recent cera study entitled : " the hole in the barrel : capturing value from a volatile oil price " . ? the speakers will explain the challenges and suggest practical steps not only to mitigate these forces , but use them as a way to increase revenue . time : monday , february 12 , 2001 , 2 : 00 - 5 : 00 pm location : westin galleria , houston , tx cost : the workshop is a deliverable to members of the hole in the barrel : capturing value from a volatile oil price . for non - members of the hole in the barrel multiclient study , a fee of us $ 3 , 500 will be charged ( fee can be applied to the purchase of the study ) . please visit our online prospectus for the study located at : for more information , please contact me at badedamola @ cera . com or + 1 617 441 - 1348 . barry adedamola associate director , oil & global strategies our relationship with you is very important to us . ? if you wish not to receive e - mail notifications from cera , please send a reply to this message with " donotemail " as the subject of your message . ( mailto : info @ cera . com ? subject = donotemail ) | 0 |
Subject: good morning vince , attached is a note written by a former phd student of mine . he comments on the calif power problem and i thought you and others at enron might enjoy his insights . john - california is worth 50 basis points . doc john d . martin carr p . collins chair in finance finance department baylor university po box 98004 waco , tx 76798 254 - 710 - 4473 ( office ) 254 - 710 - 1092 ( fax ) j _ martin @ baylor . edu web : http : / / hsb . baylor . edu / html / martinj / home . html | 0 |
Subject: save your money by getting an oem software ! need in software for your pc ? just visit our site , we might have what you need . . . best regards , johnsie | 1 |
Subject: june 21 - 22 retail electricity conference dear workshop participant : i hope you will be able to join us for the conference on " retail participation in competitive power markets " to be held at the littlefield conference center , stanford university , on june 21 - 22 , 2001 . conference attire will be business casual . the meeting will begin on thursday morning , june 21 , at 9 : 00 a . m . and will conclude by 5 : 00 p . m . on friday , june 22 . a continental breakfast will be available in the meeting room each morning beginning at 8 : 30 a . m . please visit the " june 21 - 22 " meeting under for a description of the meeting and some information about hotels . please help us in our planning by using the form there to respond back to emf about your participation . we have listed potential participants and planned presentations based upon previous messages . please update me with any additional presentations or changes in existing presentations . i look forward to seeing you in june . in the interim , please do not hesitate to call me or email me if you have questions or suggestions regarding this workshop . hill huntington hillard g . huntington emf - an international forum on energy and environmental markets voice : ( 650 ) 723 - 1050 408 terman center fax : ( 650 ) 725 - 5362 stanford university email : hillh @ stanford . edu stanford , ca 94305 - 4026 emf website : http : / / www . stanford . edu / group / emf / | 0 |
Subject: re : information vince , i will look into this right away . i am sorry for the slow response . in the future please send me e - mails at shalesh _ ganjoo @ enron . net because i check that address more frequently than this one . thank you . shalesh ganjoo vince j kaminski 11 / 21 / 2000 09 : 15 am to : shalesh ganjoo / hou / ect @ ect cc : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , stinson gibner / hou / ect @ ect subject : information shalesh , please , look into it . can we give them this information ? i see a remote possibility of a gain for enron : it ' s in our interest to support the growth of this market and part of the process is development of the infrastructure for this market and maintaining public interest . vince - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 11 / 21 / 2000 09 : 18 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " yann d ' halluin " on 11 / 16 / 2000 01 : 18 : 39 pm to : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com cc : subject : information dear sir : the scientific computation group at the university of waterloo , ontario , canada , has recently started to be very interested in the recent developments of the bandwidth market . we find that the specifics of the bandwidth market offer challenges from the modelling point of view . however , we have encountered difficulties when looking for data , and we were wondering if you could help us . specifically we would like to know for a given city pair for the different existing type of lines ( e . g . oc 3 , ocl 2 , oc 48 . . . . ) 1 . what has been the spot lease prices ( e . g . $ / line - type / mile ) for the past 12 months ? 2 . what is the price of the dark fiber for a given type of line ? 3 . what is the maintenance cost $ / month ? ( for the same lines , e . g . oc 3 , ocl 2 , oc 48 , . . . ) 4 . what is the upgrading cost for the different lines ? ( e . g . how much does it cost to upgrade ) oc 3 - - > ocl 2 oc 3 - - > oc 48 ocl 2 - - > oc 48 5 . how long does it take to upgrade a line from a certain capacity to another ( e . g . 1 month , 2 month , . . . ) ? we realize that some of these questions may ask for confidential data , in that case we would really appreciate if an order of magnitude was provided . i look forward to hearing from you . sincerely , yann d ' halluin p . s : here is a link to our web page : http : / / www . scicom . uwaterloo . ca - - this email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed . any unauthorized review , use , disclosure or distribution is prohibited . if you are not the intended recipient , please contact the sender by reply e - mail and destroy all copies of the original message . | 0 |
Subject: the inn at penn danielle fyi . this is the information regarding the best hotel for the meeting on december the 6 th , 9 : 00 - 12 : 00 . vince http : / / www . innatpenn . com / contact . html the inn at penn sansom common , 3600 sansom street philadelphia , pa . 19104 phone : 1 - 800 - 809 - 7001 fax : 215 - 222 - 4600 please , mention that the stay is related to the university business when making the reservation . tom piazze at wharton can confirm it . tom piazze phone : ( 215 ) 898 1615 piazzet @ wharton . upenn . edu | 0 |
Subject: resid fx option - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by zimin lu / hou / ect on 08 / 17 / 2000 09 : 57 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - zimin lu 08 / 17 / 2000 09 : 59 am to : stinson gibner / hou / ect @ ect , paulo issler / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : resid fx option i have created a directory residfx in where i put my monte - carlo model ( c project ) and calling spreadsheet for the valuation . zimin | 0 |
Subject: wichai narongwanich dear toni : please arrange a payment of $ 10 , 000 to wichai as a sigining bonus as agreed upon with him at the time of his offer . thanks , krishna . | 0 |
Subject: mark keeter presentation - proposal - solution the july 6 th meeting from 2 : 30 till 4 : 30 is being held in eb 45 cl | 0 |
Subject: re : e - commerce & continental europe anjam , this would be a good opportunity to update the content on the intranet site and expand the coverage into new areas . can you arrange some it resources for us ? if everyone in research works on developing the content , we just need it to publish it out to the intranet . thoughts ? ? - dale enron europe from : anjam ahmad 15 / 06 / 2000 10 : 01 to : sven becker / fra / ect @ ect cc : dale surbey / lon / ect @ ect , vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , stinson gibner / hou / ect @ ect , joe gold / lon / ect @ ect subject : e - commerce & continental europe hi sven , thanks a lot for your note - i think it would be great to see what we can do to help you & joe ' s business units . plenty of our knowledge is no longer proprietary in that quite a lot of this information is now in the public domain - we can sit down and discuss this on thursday afternoon if that works for you . regards , anjam x 35383 sven becker 14 / 06 / 2000 19 : 10 to : anjam ahmad / lon / ect @ ect cc : clemens mueller / lon / ect @ ect subject : re : research group intranet site anjam , congratulations on your initiative . i appreciate that you share this information throughout enron . as you may know , my group is working with joe ' s business units to create so - called market hubs . i see great potential in sharing some of the information that you have acucmulated and that is not proprietary to enron . i would appreciate if we could sit down tomorrow and talk about the possibility to leverage on the existing know - how . regards sven please respond to anjam ahmad / lon / ect to : ect europe cc : subject : research group intranet site research group intranet site following the recent lunch presentations , there has been considerable interest from enron europe staff in improving their quantitative skills , helping to maintain our competitive advantage over competitors . we have recently created the research group ' s intranet site which you can find on the enron europe home page under london research group . the site contains an introduction to the group and also information on : derivatives pricing risk management weather derivatives extensive links weather derivatives credit risk extensive links database if you have any questions or issues on quantitative analysis ( including hedging and risk management of derivatives ) please don ' t hesitate to get in touch . regards , anjam ahmad research group first floor enron house x 35383 | 0 |
Subject: i ' m in hospital ! ! ! i ' ve had a burst appendix and pneumonia . call debbie for details on 936 - 321 - 8836 ( home ) or 936 - 499 - 4996 ( cell ) or me directly on 713 - 598 - 0732 ( but i share a room with someone , so we may disturb them . . . . steve - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tel : 713 - 345 - 8980 cell : 713 - 598 - 0732 | 0 |
Subject: re : mg metals : summary of var methodology and current status dear all , anjam and myself had a highly productive and informative set of meetings with andreas barkchis of mg metals ny on thursday 20 th july in the ny office . firstly we should say " thanks " to andreas for being so helpful in addressing out numerous requests for information - we look forward to establishing a solid working relationship with him going forward . find below a summary of version _ 1 a for initial rough calculation of mg metal ' s var . also anjam , kirstee ( from london side ) and cantekin , grant , vince and myself ( houston side ) have been working for last 2 days on the spreadsheet var model . the current status of this effort and a plan for future progress is summarized in the enclosed document : v @ r methodology for mg metals positions version _ 1 a introduction this document describes the initial rough model for calculations value - at - risk for mg metals . this model will be implemented in a spreadsheet , which will serve as a prototype for the risktrac implementation . risk factors the following positions represent most of mg metal , s risk and will be covered by version _ 1 a : - base metals , positions including : - aluminium ; - copper ; - gold ; - lead ; - nickel ; - silver ; - tin ; - zinc ; risk related to these positions will be quantified by simulating forward prices for each metal . - copper concentrate ; risk related to these positions will be quantified by simulating tc charges . - cocoa beans ; risk related to these positions will be quantified by simulating forward prices for cocoa beans . therefore these 10 curves will drive the risk : price curves for aluminium , copper , gold , lead , nickel , silver , tin , zinc and cocoa beans plus tc curve for copper concentrate . assumptions and simplifications : - for each metal we are going to use a single price curve or all types of products ( physical , financial , lme traded , comex traded , scrap , alloy , stock , etc . ) ; - delta , gamma approach for risk on options , positions ; components required to implement v @ r model : - current forward prices available from mercur ; - current implied volatilities available through reuters ; - current positions from mercur ; - history of prices required to calculate factor loadings and correlations across commodities ; methodology version _ 1 a will be based on risk matrix approach . we will calculate principal components for each metal and cocoa beans to take in account the correlations along the term structure . we will also calculate the correlations across commodities based on prompt month prices history for last 3 months . portfolio hierarchy each position will be assigned to one of the following portfolios under the whole portfolio agg - metals : - mg metal - mg metal - mg metall recycling gmbh , ffm ; under each of these sub - portfolio there will be the following sub - portfolios : - comex ; - frame contract ; - lme ; - lme alloy ; - lme metal index ; - option call ; - option put ; - physical ; - physical alloy ; - physical real ; - physical scrap ; - price part . ; - prov . billing ; - stock ; - stock alloy ; - stock comex ; - stock physical ; - stock scrap ; | 0 |
Subject: re : uk portfolios and books setup in risktrac naveen and matthew , i started looking systematically through uk positions and corresponding var numbers in the risckrac . i found a few inconsistencies so far . 1 . the portfolio elsb 1 - nbp has a book elsb 1 under it . the sum of delta positions for this book is 239 , 021 , 655 , the sum of gamma positions is - 211 , 031 , 450 . var for the portfolio elsb 1 - nbp is zero . the same refers to a few other portfolios , for example elsb 2 - nbp , elsb 3 - nbp , e 2 xxl - nbp . 2 . the portfolio elsbp 1 - ppp also has the book elsb 1 under it . this book contains the positions on pppwdl through pppwd 6 and pppwel through pppwe 4 . the same refers to the other books , for example elsb 2 . this looks messy . can someone in rac go over all the portfolios , all the corresponding books and curves in risktrac and make sure they are set up properly ? thank you , tanya . | 0 |
Subject: earn high commissions for booking online northstar travel media , llc and mailpound . com , a division of smart travel technologies , inc . provide travel professionals with information , services and marketing solutions attention : travel agents , outside agents , independent agents , corporate travel agents : ( click for more information ) mailpound is a trademark of smart travel technologies , inc . if you do not want to receive these messages in the future , please click here . please do not reply to this email . for questions or comments on this offer , please contact the supplier . for all other inquiries , please email us at support @ mailpound . com . http : / / xent . com / mailman / listinfo / fork | 1 |
Subject: wharton entrepreneurship conference info . this looks like a great opportunity for us . jeff - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by jeffrey a shankman / hou / ect on 10 / 04 / 2000 05 : 54 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - kristin gandy @ enron 10 / 04 / 2000 02 : 14 pm to : jeffrey a shankman / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : wharton entrepreneurship conference info . do you want to participate in this event ? kristin - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kristin gandy / na / enron on 10 / 04 / 2000 02 : 08 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cassandra santos on 09 / 29 / 2000 01 : 04 : 21 pm to : celeste . roberts @ enron . com cc : kristin . gandy @ enron . com subject : wharton entrepreneurship conference info . dear celeste and kristin : i am re - sending information regarding the wharton entrepreneurship conference and the opportunities to sponsor the conference as well as participate in the expo . we are expecting the conference to double in size with more than 1000 attendees . in addition , we would like to emphasize that the spirit of entrepreneurship is alive and well outside of the " dot . com " world including in large , innovative companies such as enron . we have already lined up some smash hit speakers including christy jones of trilogy and pcorder as well as anita roddick of the body shop . we would be very interested to have the participation of enron in the conferences as a sponsor or at the very least , a participant in our career expo . thank you very much for your time and consideration . sincerely , cassandra santos co - chair , wharton entrepreneurship conference 215 . 732 . 7940 h 215 . 498 . 3243 w - resend enron . doc - fundraising packet 2000 . doc | 0 |
Subject: additional e - mail addresses vince , three new students gave me their e - mails : wooddy @ rice . edu , lamas @ rice . edu , tbalestrery @ houston . rr . com jason | 0 |
Subject: are you happy about your size and sexual performance ? experience more powerful orgasms http : / / www . siratu . com / ss / our thoughts are free . less is more . the best way out is always through . patience is the companion of wisdom . one swallow does not make a summer . | 1 |
Subject: mec advisory board meeting we are still in discussions with mec about a transaction , but it seems to be moving in the right direction . they have asked to set up an advisory meeting in december to meet the senior team members . mr . plotnick indicated that he expects to have his cto in place by then . i am trying to arrange our first meeting the week of december 5 or december 12 . please send me a short list of times you have available for a two hour meeting . once again , i would like to thank each of you for your help with this project . regards , mark mark lay enron investment partners 333 clay st . , suite 3800 houston , tx 77002 p 713 - 853 - 7408 f 713 - 345 - 7670 | 0 |
Subject: impress your girl with a huge cumshot ! heya ! has your cum ever dribbled and you wish it had shot out ? have you ever wanted to impress your girl with a huge cumshot ? spur - m is the only site to offer an all natural male enhancement formula that is proven to increase your sperm volume by up to 500 % . our highly potent , volume enhancing formula will give our results in days and comes with an impressive 100 % guarantee . imagine the difference ( look and feel ) between dribbling your cum compared to shooting out burst after burst . try spur - m now ! and with our money back guarantee you have absolutely nothing to lose ! look here : http : / / tabboulehs . net / cum / no thanks : http : / / tabboulehs . net / rr . php | 1 |
Subject: re : aiesec polska - eurolds 2000 czesc wicek , dzieki za notke . spotkalem sie z ta osoba w ubieglym tygodniu - niestety ale wczesniej bylem na urlopie i nikt mi nie sygnalizowal nic na ten temat . a . wodnicki niestety pomieszal fakty i moj numer kontaktowy dostal od ciebie a nie twoj ode mnie - tak jak pisze w swojej notatce . biorac pod uwage , ze pozostalo niecale 7 dni od dnia mojego z nim spotkania do dnia rozpoczecia - nie bylo fizycznej mozliwosci wprowadzenia enron formalnie jako sponsora - zwlaszcza biorac pod uwage , ze caly pr dept . jest zaangazowany w otwarcie siedziby w londynie jutro i pojutrze a aiesec potrzebowal ode mnie decyzje i pieniadze w piatek czyli dwa dni temu . jedyne co moglem zrobic ( i zrobilem ) to wprowadzilem ich do kilku innych instytucji ( czytaj kolegow z hz ) ktorzy mogli podjac decyzje szybciej . pan andrzej wodnicki niestety przyznal sie do organizacyjnego balaganu w wyniku ktorego zagubiono moje namiary telefoniczne i faksowe , a nikt nie pomyslal o zajzeniu do ksiazki telefonicznej po numer naszego biura w warszawie . drugi problem to to ze zabral sie on za organizacje dodatkowych srodkow na dwa tygodnie przed rozpoczeciem imprezy . niestety nic wiecej instytucjonalnie nie moglem dla nich zrobic . zasugerowalem tez , ze gdyby nie dopieli calego finansowania to jeszcze moge sprobowac zebrac mala grupe ludzi , ktorzy mogliby ew . dofinansowac brakujaca kwote jako darowizne indywidualna - ale biorac pod uwage kto jest w komitecie honorowym i ze kwasniewski jest glownym sponsorem - taka forma moze byc politycznie niewlasciwa . mam od nich dostac jakas informacje w przyszlym tygodniu czy dzieki moim dzialaniom cos im sie uda czy tez beda nadal potrzebowac pomocy . pech - ale niestety zawiedli organizacyjnie . pozdrowienia - jarek | 0 |
Subject: localized software , all languages available . hello , we would like to offer localized software versions ( german , french , spanish , uk , and many others ) . aii iisted software is available for immediate downioad ! no need to wait 2 - 3 week for cd deiivery ! just few exampies : - norton lnternet security pro 2005 - $ 29 . 95 - windows xp professionai with sp 2 fuil version - $ 59 . 95 - corei draw graphics suite 12 - $ 49 . 95 - dreamweaver mx 2004 ( homesite 5 . 5 inciudinq ) - $ 39 . 95 - macromedia studio mx 2004 - $ 119 . 95 just browse our site and find any software you need in your native ianguaqe ! best reqards , kayieen | 1 |
Subject: spring 2001 conference participation by jeffrey k . skilling rick / vince , good morning . in my 9 / 14 e - mail , i advised you of the practitioner - industry cefer ( center for energy finance education and research ) conference we are planning for spring 2001 . as you know , we would like to invite jeff skilling to be the keynote speaker at the thur . evening dinner . the following day ' s four topics consist of risk management , deregulation , real options , and international / globalization . the majority of invitees would be ( predominantly u . s . - based ) energy - industry practitioners , as well as several academics . given lead time issues in these matters , we have reserved hotel rooms in austin for feb . 22 , 2001 . could i ask you to ascertain jeff skilling ' s availability for that evening ? thanks , ehud ronn ehud i . ronn professor of finance and jack s . josey professor in energy studies director , center for energy finance education and research mccombs school of business university of texas at austin austin , tx . 78712 - 1179 voice : ( 512 ) 471 - 5853 fax : ( 512 ) 471 - 5073 internet : eronn @ mail . utexas . edu | 0 |
Subject: partnership mr . edward moko 18 independence close , johannesburg , south africa . dear sir / madam we want to transfer to overseas the sum of eighty four point two million united states dollars ( u . s . $ 84 . 2 , 000 , 000 . 00 ) from a bank in africa . i want to ask you to kindly look for a reliable and honest person who will be capable and fit to provide either an existing bank account or to set up a new bank account immediately to receive this money , though an empty bank account could serve this purpose as long as you will remain honest to me till the end of this important business trusting in you and believing in god that you will never let me down either now or in time to come . i am mr . edward moko . the external auditor of a bank . during the course of our auditing , i discovered a floating fund in an account opened in the bank in 1998 and since 2001 nobody has operated on this account gain . after going through some old files in the records , i discovered that the owner of the account died without a " heir apparent to the throne " hence the money is floating and if i do not remit this money out urgently it will be forfeited for nothing . the owner of this account who is mr . eshed . b . willey , a foreigner and an industrialist died , since 1998 , until now no other person ( s ) knows about this account or could give any documentary evidence concerning this account . as such this account has no other beneficiary and my investigation proved to me as well that eshed . b . willey until his death was the manager oriental diamond company , in south africa . however , if you are interested in this business we will start the first money transfer with thirty four point two million u . s . dollars ( u . s . $ 34 . 2 , 000 , 000 . 00 ) upon successful transaction without any disappointment from you . we shall also re - apply for the payment of the remaining amount to your account . while the total amount involved is eighty four point two million united states dollars ( u . s . $ 84 . 2 , 000 , 000 . 00 ) only . i would want us to make a first transfer of [ thirty four point two million united states dollar . u . s . $ 34 . 2 , 000 , 000 . 00 ) from this money into a safe foreigners account abroad before the rest . i am only contacting you as a foreigner because this money can not be approved to a local account , without valid international foreign " agreement " , but could only be approved to any foreigner with valid international credentials : passport or drivers license and foreign account because this sum is in u . s . dollars and the former owner of the account mr . eshed . b . willey is a foreigner too , thus the money could only be approved into a foreign account . however , knowing all this , we will reach a binding agreement in this regards . as a matter of urgency , i will inform you the next step to take , while you send your private telephone and fax number including the full details of the account to be used for the deposit . i want us to meet face to face to build confidence and to sign a binding agreement that will bind us together before transferring the money to any account of your choice where the fund will be safe . before we fly to your country for withdrawal , sharing and investments , i need your full co - operation to make this business a success , because the management is ready to approve this payment to any foreigner who has correct information of this account , which i will give to you , upon your positive response and once i am convinced that you are capable and will meet up with the instructions of a key bank official who is deeply involved with me in this business . i need your strong assurance that you will never let me down . with my influence and the position in the bank we can transfer this money to any foreigner ' s reliable account which you can provide with assurance that this money will be intact pending our physical arrival in your country for sharing . and to build confidence that you can come immediately to discuss with me face to face after which i will make this remittance in your presence and three of us will fly to your country at least two days ahead of the money going into the account . i will apply for annual leave to get visa immediately i hear from you that you are ready to act as directed . to prove the authenticity of the business i will use my position and influence to obtain all legal approvals for onward transfer of this money to your account with appropriate clearance from the relevant ministries , foreign exchange departments , embassy and board of internal revenue services . at the conclusion of this business , you will be given 35 % of the total amount , 60 % will be for me , while 5 % will be for expenses both parties might have incurred during this process . i look forward to your earliest reply through my email address . respectfully mr . edward moko . | 1 |
Subject: the stickiest faces ever ! ! ! ! shoot your wad all over her face . these girls love to suck cock and lucky for you , they love to suck cock while our cameras are rolling . " we have the nastiest cum sucking sluts available anywhere ! " click here you must be at least 18 to enter ! to be removed from our " in house " mailing list click here and you will automatically be removed from future mailings . you have received this email by either requesting more information on one of our sites or someone may have used your email address . if you received this email in error , please accept our apologies . | 1 |
Subject: any software backups for lowest pricest . best software prices . i exist as i am , that is enough . envy is the ulcer of the soul . | 1 |
Subject: re : final pivot table for mg metals globals positions data dear all , please see attached spreadsheet - we will have to think of a way to automate the position update - right now it ' s a manual process to convert the text file that andreas sends us to proper spreadsheet format and then pivot table the results - only takes about 20 minutes to do this however . note that the version la var model links via vlookup to the spreadsheet attached ( as you know , we have to use vlookup because mg does not necessarily have positions in all forward months , whilst the pivot table only produces numbers for forward months with a position ) . regards , anjam x 35383 positions as of 19 th july - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by anjam ahmad / lon / ect on 25 / 07 / 2000 20 : 41 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enron europe from : anjam ahmad 25 / 07 / 2000 19 : 17 to : cantekin dincerler / hou / ect @ ect cc : tanya tamarchenko / hou / ect @ ect , kirstee hewitt / lon / ect @ ect , grant masson / hou / ect @ ect , andreas . barschkis @ mgusa . com @ enron subject : re : positions data our pivot table ; we noticed that copper position for 19 th july has option included but this is not reported in mercur - i guess we should include the 5 , 248 tonnes for the copper option for 2000 . 09 , but we won ' t show any gamma . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by anjam ahmad / lon / ect on 25 / 07 / 2000 19 : 18 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enron europe from : anjam ahmad 25 / 07 / 2000 19 : 14 to : tanya tamarchenko / hou / ect @ ect cc : cantekin dincerler / hou / ect @ ect , andreas . barschkis @ mgusa . com @ enron subject : re : positions data hi tanya , we are using the data for 19 th july from andreas - see file attached . we are using this because we can reconcile to mercur print out that we got from andreas last wednesday . if you don ' t mind , perhaps cantekin can try again with this new sheet attached . we already looked at it , but would like to see what cantekin can come up with independently . i think the positions changed a lot from 3 rd july ( your data ) to 19 th july . thanks , anjam & kirstee | 0 |
Subject: mike roberts john , i have received your message regarding mike roberts . i could not agree more . mike deserves to be compensated for his exceptional contribution . additional recommendation . i think that all weather forecasting support should be consolidated under mike ( including the weather guys supporting power trading ) . in my view , it was a mistake to remove mike from power support . it would also mean a lot to him personally . vince | 0 |
Subject: re : fw : fw : visit to enron by professor nalin kulatilaka of boston university hi nalin , martin lin asked if you have a paper " or something " related to the lecture you will be giving to us on may 17 th . ciao , iris - - - - - original message - - - - - from : lin , martin sent : monday , april 30 , 2001 8 : 52 am to : mack , iris subject : re : fw : fw : visit to enron by professor nalin kulatilaka of boston university is there a paper or something related to this topic that we can look over beforehand ? thanks , martin iris mack / enron @ enronxgate 04 / 27 / 01 05 : 42 pm to : chonawee supatgiat / corp / enron @ enron , shalesh ganjoo / enron communications @ enron communications , martin lin / hou / ect @ ect , martin lin / contractor / enron communications @ enron communications cc : subject : fw : fw : visit to enron by professor nalin kulatilaka of boston university fyi - - - - - original message - - - - - from : mack , iris sent : monday , april 23 , 2001 2 : 45 pm to : crenshaw , shirley ; crenshaw , shirley ; dupont , anita cc : kaminski , vince ; ' nalink @ bu . edu ' subject : fw : fw : visit to enron by professor nalin kulatilaka of boston university hi , here is the title and abstract for professor kulatilaka ' s talk on may 17 th at our 11 : 30 am research group luncheon / seminar . iris title : " using the mobile internet to make new markets " abstract : professor kulatilaka will talk about some new ideas that he is working on which involve using the micro billing / payments capability of a packet - switched wireless network to create new markets . the potential markets range from spot markets for local spectrum to congestion - based pricing for highways . | 0 |
Subject: very sspecial offr hello , welcome to pharmon blaspheme line s numeral hop - one of the leading oniine pharmaceuti whether cal shops phantasmagoria v tercet g rencontre al l humect l l perpetuation a debtor ra mountain cl i plenipotentiary sv dissert a u trecento m andmanyother . - save ov vestry er 50 % - worldwide misconceive shlpplng - total confidentiaii unmarried ty - over 5 miiiion customers vitalism in 130 countries have a n viscid ice day ! | 1 |
Subject: re : enron case study update fantastic . i look forward to receiving them . also , will you be keeping dec . 5 th open , in case there is a need for you to meet with additional executives ? regards , cindy " john d . martin " 11 / 06 / 2000 09 : 54 pm to : cindy . derecskey @ enron . com cc : vkamins @ enron . com subject : re : enron case study update wow ! all on the same day . that ' s super . thank you so very much . vince is coming up to baylor on monday of next week and we will hash out our question list then . thanks john at 04 : 54 pm 11 / 6 / 00 - 0600 , you wrote : > good afternoon john , > > i just want to drop you a line to update you re : andy fastow . i have > confirmed a one hour interview slot with mr . fastow in monday , december 4 th > from > 11 : 00 a . m . - noon . this is in addition to your schedule interviews with > mr . lay and mr . skilling - outline below . > > if you have any questions , please do not hesitate to contact me at > 713 - 853 - 5670 . > > regards , > > cindy > > > - - - - - forwarded by cindy derecskey / corp / enron on 11 / 06 / 2000 04 : 49 pm - - - - - > > cindy > derecskey to : " john martin " > cc : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , christie patrick / hou / ect @ ect > 10 / 31 / 2000 subject : re : enron case study ( document link : cindy derecskey ) > 01 : 44 pm > > > > > > good afternoon john , > > i hope things are well with you . i am writing to update you on the status > of your meetings with andy fastow , ken lay and jeff skilling . i have > arranged the following meeting dates and times with ken lay and jeff > skilling , ( i am still trying to work with andy fastow ' s schedule ) : > > jeff skilling > december 4 th > 2 : 00 - 3 : 00 p . m . > > ken lay > december 4 th > 3 : 30 - 4 : 30 p . m . > > also , i will attempt to schedule the meeting with andy fastow for december > 4 th for convenience - this will also allow us to possibly schedule > additional meetings for the 5 th ( as needed ) . i will let you know as soon > as i ' m successful . > > regards , > > cindy derecskey > university affairs > enron corp . > > > > > john d . martin carr p . collins chair in finance finance department baylor university po box 98004 waco , tx 76798 254 - 710 - 4473 ( office ) 254 - 710 - 1092 ( fax ) j _ martin @ baylor . edu web : http : / / hsb . baylor . edu / html / martinj / home . html | 0 |
Subject: delivery status notification ( failure ) this is an automatically generated delivery status notification . delivery to the following recipients failed . antunes @ coppead . ufrj . br | 1 |
Subject: the latest ( last ? ) intended for mark a . palmer . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by mark s palmer / na / enron on 02 / 02 / 2001 08 : 02 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vince j kaminski @ ect 02 / 02 / 2001 08 : 45 am to : mark s palmer / na / enron @ enron cc : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , christie patrick / hou / ect @ ect subject : the latest ( last ? ) mark , i am sending you the final ( ? ) draft of the paper by john martin on enron ' s transformation . john martin is a prof from baylor who visited us a few weeks ago . can you take a look at the paper and bless it . i haven ' t read this last version of the paper yet and i will go through it on weekend . vince - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 02 / 02 / 2001 08 : 44 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " john d . martin " on 02 / 01 / 2001 04 : 15 : 36 pm to : vkamins @ enron . com cc : subject : the latest ( last ? ) vince , attached is my latest attempt to wrap everything together . our timetable is very short as we need an " approved by enron " version of the paper to don by next wednesday . don has already made editorial changes for us and may make some additional " writing style " changes but he doesn ' t change the content . i ' ll give you a call later today to alert you to the e - mail . take care , john p . s . i had a nice conversation with steve . sounds like he ' s landed a pretty good contract with wiley . - enron _ paper _ 2 _ 1 _ 01 . doc john d . martin carr p . collins chair in finance finance department baylor university po box 98004 waco , tx 76798 254 - 710 - 4473 ( office ) 254 - 710 - 1092 ( fax ) j _ martin @ baylor . edu web : http : / / hsb . baylor . edu / html / martinj / home . html | 0 |
Subject: year end 2000 performance feedback note : you will receive this message each time you are selected as a reviewer . you have been selected to participate in the year end 2000 performance management process by providing meaningful feedback on specific employee ( s ) . your feedback plays an important role in the process , and your participation is critical to the success of enron ' s performance management goals . to complete requests for feedback , access pep at http : / / pep . corp . enron . com and select perform review under performance review services . you may begin providing feedback immediately and are requested to have all feedback forms completed by friday , november 17 , 2000 . if you have any questions regarding pep or your responsibility in the process , please contact the pep help desk at : houston : 1 . 713 . 853 . 4777 , option 4 london : 44 . 207 . 783 . 4040 , option 4 email : perfmgmt @ enron . com thank you for your participation in this important process . the following is a cumulative list of employee feedback requests with a status of " open . " once you have submitted or declined an employee ' s request for feedback , their name will no longer appear on this list . review group : enron feedback due date : nov 17 , 2000 employee name supervisor name date selected - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - andrews , naveen c rudi c zipter oct 31 , 2000 baxter , ashley david davies nov 02 , 2000 campos , hector o peyton s gibner nov 06 , 2000 carson , richard l richard b buy oct 30 , 2000 crenshaw , shirley j wincenty j kaminski oct 26 , 2000 gorny , vladimir theodore r murphy ii nov 02 , 2000 kindall , kevin vasant shanbhogue oct 30 , 2000 lamas vieira pinto , rodrigo david port oct 31 , 2000 raymond , maureen j wincenty j kaminski nov 02 , 2000 supatgiat , chonawee peyton s gibner oct 27 , 2000 tamarchenko , tanya v vasant shanbhogue oct 26 , 2000 villarreal , norma e sheila h walton oct 26 , 2000 walton , sheila h david oxley oct 27 , 2000 yaman , sevil vasant shanbhogue oct 27 , 2000 yuan , ding richard l carson oct 31 , 2000 | 0 |
Subject: research seminar vince has asked that i forward the following : we will begin a seminar devoted to the book on " energy derivatives " , written by clewlow and strickland , every first and third friday of each month , beginning january 19 th . stinson gibner has volunteered to act as the seminar coordinator . on january 19 th only , the seminar will be held in eb 30 cl . every session thereafter will be in eb 49 cl . the seminar will be conducted like a " brown bag " ( everyone bring their own lunch ) . the seminar is mandatory for every member of the group who started after january 1 , 2000 . however , all other members of the group are invited to participate . the books have been ordered and hopefully will arrive by the day of the first meeting . vince kaminski | 0 |
Subject: re : enron contact info christie , thanks again for taking the time to visit wharton and share about enron and our upcoming project . i know each of us is excited about the opportunity to learn and contribute to enron . specifically , thank you for the awesome dinner at the palladium . it was a great way to get to know you , visant , and vince better . i look forward to visiting houston in january . please let me know if you need any additional information with regard to the trip . have a great holiday season , and i look forward to seeing each of you in january . sincerely , jason cummins - - - - - original message - - - - - from : christie . patrick @ enron . com to : fap @ management . wharton . upenn . edu cc : clayton . degiacinto . wgo 2 @ wharton . upenn . edu ; mallikd @ wharton . upenn . edu ; dennis . feerick . wgo 2 @ wharton . upenn . edu ; edsono @ wharton . upenn . edu ; gustavop @ wharton . upenn . edu ; hethorne @ wharton . upenn . edu ; jack . rejtman . wgo 2 @ wharton . upenn . edu ; singhjai @ wharton . upenn . edu ; marc . cummins . wgo 2 @ wharton . upenn . edu ; levent 86 @ wharton . upenn . edu ; whitselk @ wharton . upenn . edu ; thomas @ wharton . upenn . edu ; camoglum @ wharton . upenn . edu ; nicholas . levitt . wgo 2 @ wharton . upenn . edu ; bassalo @ wharton . upenn . edu ; mhenahan @ wharton . upenn . edu ; mvittal @ wharton . upenn . edu ; stephen . lessar . wgo 2 @ wharton . upenn . edu ; bhallat @ wharton . upenn . edu ; vincent . chen . wgo 2 @ wharton . upenn . edu ; weigelt @ wharton . upenn . edu ; fap @ management . wharton . upenn . edu ; christie . patrick @ enron . com ; vkamins @ enron . com ; jeffrey . a . shankman @ enron . com sent : 12 / 7 / 2000 7 : 33 pm subject : re : enron contact info hi evryone ! vince , vasant and i are very excited about the tiger project ! we all thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to meet with such an incredibly interesting , enthusiastic and intelligent group . thank you for your time ! for those interested in the houston trip on january 18 - 19 th , please let me know by the 15 th of december so that i can get the best deal on air fare ( one - month in advance ) . also , i ' ll be forwarding the enron information packages to donna piazze for your receipt next week . i am including jeff shankman in this reply , as jeff is a wharton grad , leader of one of our enron business units , and one of the most enthusiastic enron / wharton cheerleaders . please feel free to individually contact me if there is anything i can do for any of you . thanks again for your enthusiastic interest in enron ! - - christie . | 0 |
Subject: re : fwd : latest roster - rice no problem - pam at 05 : 42 pm 3 / 7 / 01 - 0600 , you wrote : > pam , > > thanks , > > yes , i need the e - mail addresses as well . > > vince > > > > > > pamela vande krol castro on 03 / 07 / 2001 04 : 19 : 01 pm > > to : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com > cc : > subject : fwd : latest roster - rice > > > let ' s try this again ! - pam > > > > date : wed , 07 mar 2001 16 : 13 : 42 - 0600 > > to : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com > > from : pamela vande krol castro > > subject : latest roster - rice > > > > here is your latest roster for mgmt 656 . let me know if you need the list > > of e - mail addresses or if there are any discrepancies that i should > > address . thanks for your help ! - pam ( 713 - 348 - 6223 ) > > ( see attached file : 656 . doc ) > > - 656 . xls | 0 |
Subject: visiting enron may 4 th dear vince , this is great news ! donna and i are delighted that you have time to see us on may 4 th . i ' ll be out of the office next week . by copy of this email to my assistant , carol lovell , i will ask her to get in touch with shirley for scheduling as well as directions on where to meet you . we ' ll be glad to meet with christie patrick as well . looking forward to meeting you , susan at 05 : 36 pm 4 / 6 / 01 - 0500 , you wrote : > susan , > > thank you for your message . i shall be glad to meet with you on may the > 4 th . > i shall ask my assistant , shirley crenshaw ( 713 ) 853 5290 , to call you to > set up the meeting . > > also , for your information , we have recently set up a special unit to > coordinate enron ' s > relationships with the universities . the person running this unit is > christie patrick . > please , feel free to contact her and give my name as a reference . i shall > coordinate the meeting > on may the 4 th with her . > > vince > > > additional information re christie : > > phone : ( 713 ) 853 - 6117 > > email : christie _ patrick @ enron . com > > > > > > " susan c . hansen " on 04 / 03 / 2001 04 : 33 : 54 pm > > to : vkamins @ enron . com > cc : > subject : visit from stanford ? > > > dear dr . kaminski , > > let me briefly introduce myself , i am the director of corporate relations > for the school of engineering at stanford university . in this role , i am > always on the watch for ways to bring our faculty together with companies > that have an appetite for engagement with top tier research institutions . > > i believe you know hill huntington , who is a senior researcher with > stanford ' s energy modeling forum . he suggested i get in touch with you for > some ideas about contacts at enron . i ' m in the process of planning a trip > to texas in early may along with my colleague donna lawrence , the > university ' s director of corporate relations . we were hoping to be able to > include a stop at enron on our itinerary . right now it appears that friday , > may 4 th would work best for us but we ' re at the very beginning of our trip > planning . > > the purpose of our visit would be to review the current relationship > between enron and stanford , to give you an overview of current priorities > in the school of engineering , and ask for your help in identifying the best > points of contact . > > i look forward to hearing from you about your availability , > > sincerely , > susan hansen > > > > > susan c . hansen > director , corporate relations > school of engineering > stanford university > stanford , ca 94305 - 4027 > ( 650 ) 725 - 4219 susan c . hansen director , corporate relations school of engineering stanford university stanford , ca 94305 - 4027 ( 650 ) 725 - 4219 | 0 |
Subject: ameriflash newsletter business highlights coal trading the liquidity in trading of the standard european coal agreement has increased significantly over the last 6 weeks . many counterparties that previously opted to stay on the sidelines finally chose to join the game . since the contract ' s inception at the beginning of the year , enron has traded a total of 5 . 3 million tons against the seca contract , of which 3 . 8 million tons has been traded via enrononline since july 2000 . we are 5 . 3 million tons of a total traded market of 5 . 8 million tons . principal investments tridium inc . , the leading provider of internet - based automation infrastructure solutions , announced the close of a $ 20 million round of capital funding . the funds will be used to increase tridium , s sales and technical support offices in north america , expand its operations into europe and asia , and enhance its technology and products . kroad ventures , l . p . and enron north america each contributed $ 10 million in venture capital . corporate development allegheny energy supply company , llc , a wholly owned subsidiary of allegheny energy , inc . , announced the signing of a definitive agreement under which allegheny energy supply will purchase three enron natural gas - fired merchant generating facilities . the acquisition is expected to close in the 2 nd quarter of 2001 . performance review the deadline to provide feedback is friday , november 17 . if you have been selected to provide feedback on one of your fellow employees , please take the time to fill out an evaluation online at www . pep . enron . com . in the news " enron corp . , already north america ' s biggest , buyer and seller of natural gas and electric power is dead serious about its efforts to capture a big slice of the $ 400 billion global trade in pulp , paper and lumber . " - reuters news service 2000 chairman , s award nominees please join us in congratulating the ena / eim / egm / employees who have been recognized as chairman , s award nominees . congratulations to : irma alvarez alan aronowitz rick bergseiker carol coats joya davis rufino durante sue foust julie gomez barbara gray jackie griffith john harrison gerri irvine kathy benedict michael kelley mike mcconnell dave nommensen ina norman juan padron veronica parra michael roberts rhonda robinson kevin sweeney helen taylor stacey white extra kudos to barbara gray , who is a finalist for the 2000 chairman , s award . barbara and ten other individuals are flying to san antonio from around the world to be honored at enron , s annual management conference . one of these finalists will be recognized as the 2000 chairman , s award winner . welcome new hires ena / eim / egm ena ) anil chandy , alejandra chavez egm ) marty cates , joanne underwood , brad miller transfers to ena / eim / egm ena ) mark wadlington , jennifer blay - smith , georgian landau , kathryn bussell , john coleman , steven gillespie , clarissa garcia , ina rangel , farouk lalji , eva rainer , chuchu wang , smith day egm ) gloria solis , carmella jones , nancy haralson legal stuff the information contained in this newsletter is confidential and proprietary to enron corp . and its subsidiaries . it is intended for internal use only and should not be disclosed outside of enron . | 0 |
Subject: the money control system the money control system would your lifestyle change if you had an extra $ 10 , 000 each and every month ? find out now ! the money control system how you can get rich , stay rich enjoy being rich with the money control system . here ' s what people are saying . i don ' t have any financial worries . . . i can now pursue the interests and hobbies and the things i want to do . . . the mutual funds we are into are rated among the top five . . . we are looking at probably 15 % , 20 % return . . . my goal was specifically to take the $ 10 , 000 that i managed to accumulate through savings , invest that and , in a period of nine months to a year , come back with at least $ 15 , 000 . i came back with $ 16 , 000 . i saved in taxes alone what i paid for my kid ' s first year of college . anyone who can learn from money control would be crazy to pass up the chance . the control steps work so well that anyone can become a millionaire . i ' m not a millionaire yet , but i ' m living like one . i call my time my own , and work whenever i decide to . i am only 30 years old , so i plan to work another five years and retire with the income from a million dollars worth of investments . before the money control system showed me the way , i would never have believed it possible . me , a millionaire ! b . h . salt lake city ut click here to learn more and change your life ! | 1 |
Subject: sample day - ahead lmp postings message sent from the pjm - customer - info mailing list at pjm - customer - info @ majordomo . pjm . com : from 04 / 10 / 00 through 05 / 12 / 00 , pjm will be posting sample day - ahead prices produced using the two - settlement software and generation bids and ties schedules as bid into the pjm real time market . perturbations may be applied to the demand bids in order to illustrate the impact of total demand mws bid on day - ahead lmps ( such perturbations will be discussed in the day - ahead case description file ) . sample prices will be posted for weekdays only . these prices are for illustration purposes only . they will not be used in any pjm settlements . sample lmps will be posted in a csv file using the following name convention yyyymmdd - da . csv . the names of files initially posted for 4 / 10 / 00 and 4 / 11 / 00 have been changed to this name convention . questions may be directed to pjm customer service at ( 610 ) 666 - 8980 . to unsubscribe from this list , send an e - mail to majordomo @ majordomo . pjm . com containing only the following line in the body of the e - mail : unsubscribe pjm - customer - info | 0 |
Subject: action learning project congratulations ! your company project was selected by the students for the 2001 action learning project program at rice university . the company day was a huge success last week , and we appreciate all your time and effort . on monday , january 22 , we will send you a list of your team members via email with a hard copy to follow . student team members will be in touch soon so that you can plan your first meeting . thanks for your continued support and interest in the jones school . = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = carrie chamberlin miller director of mba program jesse h . jones graduate school of management rice university 6100 main street , ms 531 houston , texas 77005 - 1892 phone : ( 713 ) 348 - 5260 fax : ( 713 ) 348 - 5251 e - mail : cmiller @ rice . edu http : / / www . ruf . rice . edu / ~ jgs / | 0 |
Subject: save your money buy getting this thing here you have not tried cialls yet ? than you cannot even imagine what it is like to be a real man in bed ! the thing is that a great errrectlon is provided for you exactly when you want . cialls has a iot of advantages over viagra - the effect lasts 36 hours ! - you are ready to start within just 10 minutes ! - you can mix it with alcohol ! we ship to any country ! get it riqht now ! . | 1 |
Subject: re : pserc industrial advisory board meeting invitation vince , i agree with alex on this issue . as an alternative for sponsorship . the ut electrical engineering dept . is interested in sponsorship for research activities such as the one i just completed or as martin performed when he was at ut ( just thought that i would mention this as a possible alternative ) . would you be interested in a presentation or a " brown bag lunch " on this subject ? lance alex huang 04 / 02 / 2001 08 : 55 am to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : lance cunningham / na / enron @ enron subject : re : pserc industrial advisory board meeting invitation vince , i think it is important to keep a good relationship with pserc , but as of now , it is not worth two days of your time to attend the board meeting . besides , since we are not a sponsor yet , we have virtually no voice in the meeting and our presence sometimes is awkward . again , even if we are one of the thirty or so sponsors , our voice is rather limited , for most of the other sponsors have different concerns from ours . one way to remedy this is to individually sponsor some research projects , via sumer intern or invited talks . alex | 0 |
Subject: research and development charges to gpg janice : here is the memo i spoke to you about concerning the charges that need to be reversed . if you have any questions , please call me . shirley - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by shirley crenshaw / hou / ect on 08 / 16 / 2000 09 : 54 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - kimberly watson @ enron 06 / 15 / 2000 03 : 26 pm to : kent miller / et & s / enron @ enron , martha janousek / et & s / enron @ enron , elaine concklin / et & s / enron @ enron , vera apodaca / et & s / enron @ enron , rod hayslett / fgt / enron @ enron , vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , pinnamaneni krishnarao / hou / ect @ ect , shirley crenshaw / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : research and development charges to gpg vince , krishna and i met to discuss the research and development cross charges to gpg for january through june . these charges are based upon a budgeted amount of allocating three resources to the gpg group ( two resources for revenue management and one resource for gpg marketing ) . we have utilized the r & d group some during the first half of the year , but not to the full extent of three resources . vince and krishna have agreed to reverse out some of the charges that were budgeted january through june . we will revisit this issue again toward the end of the year to determine if any adjustments are necessary for july through december . the budgeted amount january through june has been distributed between the nng and tw as follows : research and development budget ( $ 000 ) nng tw et & s january $ 46 . 7 $ 46 . 7 february $ 26 . 1 $ 20 . 4 $ 46 . 5 march $ 35 . 9 $ 10 . 2 $ 46 . 1 april $ 34 . 8 $ 10 . 2 $ 45 . 0 may $ 36 . 4 $ 8 . 8 $ 45 . 2 june $ 36 . 4 $ 8 . 8 $ 45 . 2 $ 274 . 7 out of the $ 274 . 7 budgeted for the first half of the year , $ 199 . 7 is to be reversed back to the research and development department . this reversal will occur in july . vince , vera apodaca ( ext . x 35980 ) will be our contact to help facilitate the reversal of these charges . elaine , the remaining $ 75 . 0 ( $ 274 . 7 - $ 199 . 7 ) is to be allocated with $ 50 . 0 going to the revenue management work order and $ 25 . 0 remaining in o & m . if anyone has any questions or needs additional information , please don ' t hesitate to call me ( x 33098 ) . thanks , kim . | 0 |
Subject: re : [ 879 ] ladybug regain your confidence with the best generic viagra from a licensed manufacturer it is only one click away | 1 |
Subject: re : insead high - tech acquisitions workshop ben thanks for attending . i was on " vacation " last week ( driving from ca to houston ) and could not answer your first message regardoing insead conference in time . the objective was to find out more about the he workshop on high - tech acquisitions and evaluate the usefulness of the program for enron . i shall be making a recommendation to jeff skilling that we should work with wharton as a partner in a number of different research projects . i shall try to catch you next week to find out what was said about valuation of small high - tech firms . vince benjamin parsons 06 / 12 / 2000 05 : 50 am to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : bryan seyfried / lon / ect @ ect subject : insead high - tech acquisitions workshop vince i attended the workshop on high - tech acquisitions at insead on saturday alongside participants from cisco , eads , razorfish and cable + wireless , and academics from insead and wharton . the basic premise was to discuss and get feedback from practitioners about the research project , and a phd study which is currently underway at wharton . the discussions were very interesting - especially as this was my first exposure to this area . examples of the discussions raised include why firms acquire new businesses instead of developing them in - house what degree of post - acquisition integration was optimal difficulties of us firms acquiring euro / asian high - tech companies how to value small high - tech firms how to quantify the success / failure of an acquisition my feeling is that further work with them in this area would be beneficial to enron because it would help the development of the academic research and give us first - hand access to the results . plus it would enable us to learn from the mistakes of others , through meeting practitioners at such workshops and having greater access to the case studies . i guess it could also aid our realignment within the high - tech / communication industry to be seen in such studies . regards ben | 0 |
Subject: interview schedule for yingquan shen ( charles ) please be aware of the correction on candidate ' s name . thank you stephanie - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by stephanie summers / na / enron on 10 / 10 / 2000 04 : 00 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - stephanie summers 10 / 10 / 2000 03 : 41 pm to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , zimin lu / hou / ect @ ect , alex huang / corp / enron @ enron , tanya tamarchenko / hou / ect @ ect , paulo issler / hou / ect @ ect cc : anita dupont / na / enron @ enron , shirley crenshaw / hou / ect @ ect , marlow anderson / corp / enron @ enron subject : interview schedule for yingquan shen ( charles ) please find the interview packet for the above - referenced person . the interview will occur on friday october 13 , 2000 . please print all three documents for your reference . if you have any questions , or conflicts of schedule , please do not hesitate to contact me . stephanie 58701 | 0 |