Why do you stay away from the news?
I feel like news increases my anxiety. I already have a diagnosed anxiety problem which I've been struggling with for years and the news tends to make it worse. Unfortunately staying away from the news makes me pretty ignorant regarding certain things but oh well, I'd rather be ignorant than worrying.
What is toxic masculinity?
My ex girlfriend once asked me about a sports game. I told her I didn’t know the answer because I don’t watch sports. She told me “You need to start doing things that real men do.” My ex girlfriend now works two jobs to care for her two children by two different fathers. One is in jail, and the other makes his child support payments with drug money. I bet they love sports, though! Toxic masculinity can absolutely destroy someone who doesn’t know who they are. I’ve been mocked and called gay by family members since before I even knew what being gay was, or knew how to spell the word because I never took interest in sports, and maybe wasn’t the most masculine kid. Then again, what child is masculine? Today, rather than sports, I take interest in photography, acting, modeling, and my sense of fashion is spectacular. Every male in my family has been arrested at least once, has a child who was born out of wedlock, and didn’t make it past high school except me, but none of that matters because they’re sports fans! I’m a bisexual man, but I can assure you that I’m more of a man than any man who has ever questioned my manhood.
How do people brute force your passwords?
Brute forcing rarely happens in the first place. And when it does, it's not thru the system UI. It usually happens when system has been compromised and the password data has been retrieved and stored on the hacker's or another hacker controlled machine. The raw password data is analysed and perhaps run thru a precalculated rainbow table.
What are some brilliant FOREIGN shows I should be watching?
Like the others, it depends on your definition of foreign. These are comedy shorts rather than shows, but try Service apres vente and Un gars, Une fille for a laugh. You just want to get into some shows from other English speaking countries than the USA? If you liked The Young Ones try Bottom, including the live shows, and Filthy, Rich, and Catflap for a bit of alt humour. In fact, if you don't know much British comedy then you're missing out on a gold mine.
What’s the dumbest thing you’ve heard your teacher say?
Hold on let me get my list out. From my AP US History teacher: "The moon landing was faked" From the AP bio teacher: "Penguins are mammals" From my physics teacher: " heavier things fall faster"
If an obese person attempts to lose weight and starts eating healthy, would the plaque on their arteries decrease and/or disappear over time?
Point of clarification, just being obese doesn't mean that there are plaques in arteries (arteriosclerosis). Being obese only raises the risk for developing plaques. That said, a healthier diet and weight loss in a person that does have plaques can slowly decrease the natural progression of the plaques.
Why do so many people think Multiculturalism is a bad thing?
I myself am a product of French, Irish, Jewish, Italian, Cherokee, Blackfoot Sioux and Muskogee Native American Ancestry. I see multiculturalism as a solution to racism and a way to battle ignorance of culture which leads to intolerance. Why shouldn't white people celebrate their diverse heritage if they have one? Why do white skinned people get pigeonholed into "white culture" white isn't even a real race it's a label for people who look European.
Who or what do you pray for?
While I don't personally pray anymore, I always think about this quote from C.S. Lewis who I hold in very high regard, I pray because I can’t help myself. I pray because I’m helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me all the time, waking and sleeping. It doesn’t change God, it changes me.
Why does light cast from two equidistant lamp posts not cancel out shadows?
You have two light sources independently adding light to the region. Light A and Light B, both emitting 1 "unit" let's say. Where they both can reach it is receiving 2 units. Where neither can reach it is receiving 0 units. When you are blocking one light but not the other (occurs on both sides due to your positioning) it is receiving 1 unit. Therefore you can see all the area receiving 2 units, as well as the shallow shadows caused by you blocking 1 light but not the other, and if you looked behind yourself or turned around you would see the deep shadow caused by your body blocking both light sources. Since reflection occurs most of the time yes it would be slightly washed out. there are still shadows but it's more likely that the area you are casting a shadow in actually gets something like 1.4 units of light. And yes, this can definitely wash out. if Light A emits 1 unit but Light B emits 750, the 'shadow' might not even be noticeable due to reflection and you'd be seeing areas of 751 units vs areas of 750.8 or something and not be able to discern the difference with your eyes. "Shadows" are really just your interpretation of how an area appears less lit than what is nearby.
Why flash memory is always in multiples of 8 (256GB, 512GB) while hard drives use a round number?
Hard drives are lying. As for your second question, it's easier to quote the 'gross' storage capacity because the 'net' storage capacity depends on how the drive is formatted, which is up to the user/OEM and isn't something the drive manufacturer has control over.
How does the quality/quantity of historical evidence for Jesus compare to that of other notable historical figures like Julius Caesar?
Historical theologian here. We have no concrete, substantial evidence for the existence of Jesus beyond the tradition that followed in the late 1st century and forward. In my studies, the most convincing evidence for the existence of Jesus are the writings of Flavius Josephus, who mentions Jesus a couple of times. I say these are the most credible because Josephus was a historian and had no real motivation to propagate the story of Jesus besides telling his story accurately. At the very least, his writings show that by the end of the 1st century, rumors were flying around the Jewish/Roman world about this guy Jesus of Nazareth. In terms of historical artifacts, the James Ossuary is pretty compelling. An Ossuary is a vessel that contains the bones of the dead, and this one in particular is labeled, "James, son of Joseph, Brother of Jesus." That's pretty much all we got there, and it's not really that credible. Having that said, biblical scholarship is convinced that Jesus of Nazareth was a historical person. He led a sociopolitical/spiritual revolution during a time of various Jewish political uprisings, all coming to a head with the Jewish Wars, which occurred shortly after the time of Jesus. The gospel accounts, which were written by different people in different cities, give a proper context for Jesus' life and setting in ancient Palestine, and we are able to assume the years Jesus lived based on existing historical records of the sociopolitical structure in that part of the world. We can also infer a lot about Jesus' life/social status by the gospel texts (though we often debate this topic). Let's not forget that the guy led a group of people that established some community-based followings in various cities within 50 years of his death and all four gospel accounts were written by 120 CE (besides later additions here and there). The gospels of Matthew and Luke seem to have been written using a similar source (named "Q" by scholars), which would have been written even closer to the projected dates of Jesus' life. The Acts of the Apostles and the Pauline Epistles also sort of corroborate the same story, especially involving the Council of Jerusalem (though they give different perspectives). The particular trajectory of Christianity before the 3rd century CE shows that there is some drive behind the formation of the Christian community, and it is not even close to accurate to summarize early Christianity as a continuation of Judaism. While we definitely have more concrete evidence of dudes like Julius Caesar, it's not outlandish to think of Jesus of Nazareth as a historical figure. We definitely have more evidence of his life than the life of, say, Hermes Trismagistus, Plato, or Philo Judaeus. At the end of the day, the Romans recorded what mattered to them - Roman people, politics, and affairs. The Jews were a fringe group that were around in the Roman world, but were definitely a minority population, so there doesn't seem to be much interest for the Romans to historically record some renegade Jew that they crucified. edit: I mentioned the Shroud of Turin. I shouldn'ta done that. edit2: Mark didn't draw from Source Q. My bad.
What is the most ridiculous dream you've ever had?
Had a super realistic feeling dream that I won a fan-tryout with the Boston Bruins hockey team, worked out and practiced with the team and was allowed to sit on the bench with them during a pre season game, all of which was an amazing and fun experience. What made it ridiculous was that with the game well in hand and winding down with just a few minutes to play, the players urged the coach to let me get on the ice for a shift. The coach eventually agreed and I was sent out on the ice. We won the face off and the puck was in the offensive zone, I was just standing around watching them fight for the puck in the corner, and all of a sudden my guy gets the puck and looks over at me and sends me a quick pass. I shove my stack at it and it bounces off my stick directly to one of my guys, and he slaps it into the net with a one timer. So I get an assist on the goal, but in a most realistic and possible way. The guys all go crazy that I got an assist and they think it's the funniest thing they've ever seen and they treat me like I just won the Stanley Cup. It was awesome, I was sad when I woke up and realized it wasn't true.
If you could create an animal, what would it be?
I would create spirit animals. A tiny animal manifestation of its human and would sit on their shoulder. The human couldn't harm it but everyone could see what type of person they were purely based on the animal/being sitting on their shoulder.
Could an automated world where only 25% of people need to be employed work, or is it against human nature?
I do believe such a society would work. A small apartment, food, basic internet like TV and internet and a limited consumer basket would be provided to all. I do believe people would accept it over time. The real question is what would the mental state of such a population be? What mental disorders would be suppressed or pop up? At what point do the 25% working decide that if you want to have kids, you have to work?
When is the last time you changed your opinion on a political discussion, and what were the circumstances?
Gun control. I used to be well for it and by observing discussions things came up like the increasing violent crime in Britain and acid attacks and stuff, or how statisticians pull a sneaky by including suicide by firearms jn murder counts and such, and the fsct-based discussion changed my mind
If you were given a sticker and a cup, how would you have fun?
If I was given a sticker that had a picture of two attractive girls on it I would stick it on the side of the cup fill the cup with hot cocoa and go around with a hot cocoa mustache and wait for people to get the joke and crack up.
Why doesn't atoms nuclei collapse?
>The question I'm asking is, if the strong nuclear force is that much stronger than the electromagnetic force at the distances of a atom nucleus, why does it have a radius? It's the same thing as will the atom. Nucleons occupy discrete orbitals within the nucleus.
Were Ancient Greeks offended that the Romans adopted Greek mythology and made it their own?
I don't particularly understand the question. Why would they be offended? If you believed that Zeus was king of the gods, would you be offended if somebody else also believed that? the Greeks and Romans generally conceived of other religions with analogies to their own, so the Egyptians worshipped "Zeus Ammon", in Gaul the god "Mars Lenus" was popular, and Tacitus claims that Mercury, probably Wodin, was the most popular god in Germany. As for the mythological figures, remember that Italy was absolutely a part of the landscape of Greek myth. If the myth of Daedalus says that he flew to Italy, why would the Greeks be offended that Italians told the story too? I am assuming you are asking the question as an analogy to modern examples of cultural appropriation, however that does not accurate model the discourse between Greeks and Romans, and is rather anachronistic in the context of the classical world.
What's the game that you played for the longest time?
Probably Civ or Age of Mythology because I always return to them, but for the last year and half I've been playing Fate Grand Order almost daily (missed a few days). Like all good mobile games, it demands that you grind and grind and grind, and because it has biweekly events you rarely if ever get a breath, especially because I'm running two different accounts.
Is there anything theoretical that suggests something (material or digitally) can be forced to be faster than light?
The framework of general and special relativity does permit you to input velocities faster than the speed of light into the equations. The problem is that the numbers you get out are physically unacceptable. For most intents and purposes, we treat these computations to imply that the speed of light is a strict upper bound on one's velocity. When positing "If you could travel faster than light." what people are doing is bending over backwards to take these unphysical results from the calculations and finding a way to justify them. Just because we don't currently know how to travel back in time, for example, doesn't mean its not possible. But it is one possible consequence of going faster than light. There is a rich tradition of this in science: Just because we find the results of a calculation to be counterintuitive doesn't mean its wrong.
What song you want to be played at your funeral?
I had decided some time ago to have a funeral playlist of my favorite rock and classical music, but then I thought better of it and left directions to play that awful muted background organ music instead. My reasoning is that I don't want to ruin great music for my loved ones by associating Queen or The Rolling Stones with my death. But I may change my mind again, who knows?
Do gemstones fade in sunlight?
Gemstones are normally colored due to trace amounts of certain metals (e.g. corundum with trace amounts of chromium is a ruby, with iron and some others it's blue and a sapphire). These don't undergo reactions and degrade the way organic dyes do when exposed to UV light. They can, however, alter their state when exposed to heat, and with sunlight that will happen, but very slowly. Heat treatment is used commercially to alter the color of certain gemstones. It's a similar thing with exposure to x-rays or gamma radiation.
Why are there so many different programming languages?
That's only part of it. Originally, programmers coded directly in machine code (binary). Assembly language came along to make it easier; the instructions were a little closer to english, so it was easier to understand, but there was still a one to one correspondence between assembly instructions and machine code. Higher level languages like FORTRAN were a huge jump because one instruction compiled into a number of machine instructions, making coding much easier. Some languages are optimized for specific purposes. COBOL is generally used in the financial industry, in part because it's so English like that it's a bit easier for non-programmers to follow (at least that's the theory, not sure how true it really is). FORTRAN is really good for highly mathematical code. C# is excellent for Windows and web apps. Most of the very popular languages are super versatile though. People keep trying to come up with better, easier, more efficient languages.
How are sewers made?
I interned one summer many years ago at the NYC Dept of Environmental Protection’s Sewer Analysis group. I can confirm that the sewers generally run down the middle of the street. For installation and repair, the street is closed and gets torn up. The oldest sewers in the city only date back to the mid-nineteenth century, so it makes sense that the streets are used to route services. It’d be wasteful to tear up buildings to lay new services.
What skill do you feel like you've reached a plateau at?
Driving. I've driven in cities and suburbs as a pizzaman. I've commuted to work an hour both ways. I don't feel as if I am improving on my driving or navigation techniques anymore.
What is the strangest/funniest time someone has pocket dialed you and what did they say?
my father once pocket dialed me ten times and didnt say a word, I got quite worried and started calling him back, he answered but didnt talk. he had no idea he was calling and answering me, this went on for like half an hour, it drove me crazy lol
How would you convince a stranger out of suicide?
I'm trained in suicide intervention and the short answer is you can't convince someone to not want to die by suicide. The end goal of intervention is to disable their suicide plan and create a safe plan to keep them safe. The first task in intervention when you've established that suicide is the intention is to talk through the problems. Talking about the issues doesn't make them go away, this is what the safe plan is for. The safe plan is where you take away the objects of harm (pills etc) and ensure the person knows where to get proper help. Just FYI what you see in the movies where the person grabs the suicidal person to prevent them jumping actually results in a high (can't remember figures it's > 33%) chance of the grabber being pulled to their death with the jumper. So never attempt to physically save anyone.
What is the worse thing that has happened to you/seen while working retail?
I don't know about worst, but the most depressing thing I saw when I worked in retail was the loneliness in some of the customers. It seemed like their entire life revolved around coming to the store, picking something out, and then returning it within a few days. Some would go through the effort to place a web order at the counter and purposely order the wrong size just so they would have to come back multiple times as they wouldn't try on the items when they picked them up. I only worked retail for three months and saw the same people come in over and over exchanging product after product that they sometimes didn't even unfold.
What was the moment you realized you had fallen in love?
Hmmm the moment I realized I didn't care what anyone thought about the person I was seeing. Literally nothing coukd change the way I view this woman. We aren't together anymore but I love her till this day and we speak very often . She is 14 years older than me.
What is a recurring theme in your dreams?
I've had at least five dreams that have involved me being attacked by former Pro Wrestler Ahmed Johnson. I'll always be at some random place (i.e. the gas station, grocery store, mall, etc.) and Ahmed will come out of nowhere and hit me with his finishing move, "The Pearl River Plunge." It will never hurt that bad, but he will always apologize and say that he "thought I was somebody else." I'm very serious about this. I think I need to talk to someone.
Have you ever stared down or shrugged off embarrassment and thus saved a potentially mortifying situation?
If I take a bad fall doing something I get up and scream TA DA! to make sure everyone in hearing distance knows I totally did it on purpose. This has 'worked' in instances such as: Me falling into a garbage can Me flipping my bike and landing face first on the sidewalk Me running into a door after staring at the boys to my right Me accidentally kicking my TKD master in the nuts. It didn't really work with the last one, but I tried it. I also laugh my way out of situations. Probably too often.
Where do you feel the safest?
I feel safest in my living room, original I know, but there is a reason as always. A few years ago my grandmother passed away and last year my grandfather. My family keeps their pictures in the living room so when I’m there I feel like my grandparents are watching over me and keeping me safe. It also reminds me of how much they loved me and would go to the end of the earth to make sure I was happy. Love you grandma and grandpa ❤️❤️
How do dogs sense when they are approaching a previously visited place?
My guess would be that your dog only gets taken on car trips lasting longer than 10-15 minutes when you are going to visit them. At the very least it's the most common long car trip so it's just a matter of conditioning.
If bugs are attracted to bright lights, why don’t they fly towards the sun during the day?
They’re not naturally attracted to lights; they evolved to use the Sun and Moon for navigation. When they fly past an artificial light source, their tiny brains think they’re off-course, and they turn towards the light to compensate.
What's the stupidest school rule did you encounter?
I went to private school and all the rules were ridiculous! One rule was: if you got into a fight, both students will get suspended or expelled. It doesn’t matter if you was defending yourself or not you still got in trouble. That’s problematic because what if you was being attacked? The administration expects you to just let you get attacked and not fight back �‍♀️�‍♀️�‍♀️ I’m so happy I’m in college and don’t attend that school no more!
What really causes 'stage fright' and what is it that we are actually scared of?
One time I had to go up on stage and just announce a few things at a martial arts course, stuff like, who has won the student of the week award and who was going to be taking their black belt that week and random stuff like that. There were a few hundred people in the audience. I was just about to go up the steps onto the stage and make the announcements when a friend tapped my arm and asked me, 'Aren't you scared?' I said, 'no, why would I be scared?' She replied, 'oh, you know, talking on front of all those people.' All of a sudden, when she said that, I felt really nervous and scared. Really self-conscious and anxious! I had been all right till she pointed out to me that I should be scared! I don't even know what I was scared of but after she said that I started to feel really anxious! I think it's quite interesting that some people get stage-fright and some don't and wonder why that is?
What decision did you regret at the time, but looking back are happy with the choice you made?
Letting my psychiatrist at college call my parents to tell them how much I was struggling with depression. I thought my psychiatrist was a traitor and had thoughts of stopping treatment altogether. I'm so glad she did tell my parents though. It really got the ball rolling to help me feel better. My psychiatrist saved my life and I owe her everything. I'm glad she made that call.
If you were 23 again, what is the one virtue you would follow and live by for your next several years?
I am 23 and have many decisions to make with how I want to proceed with my life these next several years. I am trying to simplify my thought-process by having just one "virtue" to guide my decision-making, whether it's "fearlessness" or "kindness" or something along those lines. For those of you older than 23, what is the one virtue you would recommend for a naive and confused 23 y/o to anchor onto moving forward?
Which do you prefer; coffee or tea?
Coffee. It's very rarely I'll pick tea over coffee but nothing beats a nice afternoon tea with a couple of good biscuits. Preferably Digestives. What? I'm English.
What is the weirdest thing you have been dumped by your ex over?
Looked after my extremely needy, agoraphobia ridden, manic depressive girlfriend for 2 years and forgot to take care of myself. She dumped me because I didn't do anything for her and I'd been 'letting myself go'. Sigh.
Why is it so difficult to get manned craft to the moon nowadays but it was possible several times in the 1960's and 70's?
It was even more difficult back then. We did it because it was considered worth the effort. Today we don't have the international intrigue and we know what precisely is on the moon so the reasons for going that existed back then do not exist today. Today's reasons for going are not enough to convince society to expend the effort and resources to accomplish the trip.
What's the difference between the S&P 500, DOW, NASDAQ, and the NYSE?
The school is selling cookies to raise money. S&P 500 is a collection of the 500 highest selling students. Dow (Dow Jones Industrial Average) is the average of the schools 30 best students. NASDAQ is the schools largest bake sale (stock exchange), but students can't buy baked good from each other, it's done via the school. NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) is another bake sale, but where students can sell directly to each other.
How do we know that gravity effects time?
You get weird paradoxes if gravity does not affect time. Imagine you shine a 500 nm laser from the ground to a space station. Is the laser the same when it reaches the space station? If so, you increased the potential energy for free. You could turn it into a particle and antiparticle, send it back down, and get energy. Did you increase the intensity? That can't be right, since photons are particles. You can't send one photon and receive 1.1 photons. Does the frequency increase? But lasers are also waves. If you send a million pulses, you must receive a million pulses. The solution is that time passes at a different rate. You're sending the same number of pulses but time passes faster at the space station so it experiences it as a lower frequency. There's also the fact that light, as a wave, should follow the shortest path, but gravitational lensing has been verified. This suggest that the curved path is the shortest, and Euclidean geometry doesn't apply to real life. Combine those with experiments with atomic clocks, and show that they give the same results for exactly how strong gravitational time dilation is, and it's enough to conclude gravitational time dilation.
Why are treadmills automatic?
I don't know for sure, but I'm gonna throw out a few possibilities. Constant pace. Setting a constant speed helps keep you from slowing down and doing "junk miles." Fancier treadmills have programs that vary speed and incline to simulate hills, warm-ups, and cool-downs. Form. Having to push the track will change your posture, so you're no longer quite practicing your running form. Presumably an easy-to-rotate track could mitigate this, but the track needs to be taut to give you a solid running surface. Stability. On a powered treadmill, it's easy to stay on when not gripping the handles. Speed up to move forward, slow down to move back. On a track powered by the runner it may be more difficult to stay centered, largely due to friction in the track. There may be engineering solutions, but I can't think of one that wouldn't negatively affect the safety or ease of use. All in all I think your best bet is to run on a track or outside (provided you can find some quiet neighborhoods to do it in).
What part of everyday infrastructure would cause the most chaos if it went haywire for one hour?
An hour isn't that long. I think pretty much anything going down for an hour would be handled alright. That said, imagine if somehow roads were unusable. I don't even know how that would present itself, but the terror of it happening again would be enough to get some major changes done in transportation infrastructure. Walking paths, bike paths, intracity trains, intercity trains, would all get design and funding boosts. So should it happen again, it would have less impact.
Which villain actually had a point?
Literally any villain (excluding liquid, really.) in the Metal Gear series. Big Boss wanted to create a haven for soldiers, to fight for what's right, not what a country tells them to. Liquid Snake, honestly, just had daddy problems. Solidus Snake was trying to end the tyranny of the patriots, a group of A.I.s who controlled America (at the time) from behind the scenes. The Boss (The Joy) was performing her mission for america, and took the fall for unexpected events, and played it through to the end. Liquid Ocelot made himself a villain for one reason, to get Snake to destroy the patriots, freeing the world from absolute control. Hot Coldman was trying to make a means to undeniably defend his country, even if his means were extreme. (Though necessary, I suppose for the specific point he was trying to prove) Senator Armstrong (I know it's a spinoff, but it had the same general villain role) wanted a better America, but, as villains are like to do, went about it all wrong. Cipher, and Skullface, to a lesser extent, were only trying to-- Sorry, ran out of budget on that one, making this the full release.
What should everybody know about money?
It's worth is entirely dependent on the whims of the people using it. It is essentially like a pop idol, as soon as that idol loses popularity they become just a normal person. Money only has value that a merchant attaches to it, if they think it is worthless, then money is literally just paper, except useless for most tasks you'd use paper for.
What's one of the best feelings that's not sexual?
When every musician in a jam session suddenly locks on the same page. It doesn't always last that long, but knowing that the feelings which the prior chaos inspired in you also led the other musicians to the same point, and now at this moment everyone is pushing to externalize their feelings in the same's transcendent.
What is your opinion on "male abortion"?
I think that it's a bad idea. It is a shame that there are problems with the child support system, but that doesn't mean we should opt for this without trying to reform it. The one major problem is that if a child is born to a relatively poor mother who cannot count on the father for some support, who loses? the child. It's not helping anyone to have child that don't have the resources to have adequate food, shelter, etc. because the father wanted to opt-out of parenting and/or child support. The other problem is that while a woman should make an informed decision when deciding on abortion, if the man makes clear he will not give the child any support, depending on the situation, it gives her few options and may lead to her having an abortion that she doesn't want to have and she may feel forced into it if she only really has part of the funds/resources the baby will need. I won't argue that the situation is 100% fair in which a woman can choose to have an abortion or keep the child and in the latter case the man has to pay child support, but that child support is meant to help provide for the child (even if it is sometimes abused) and in my view, makes sense given the fact that children deserve to be cared for and the man had 50% responsibility for the pregnancy. I think to some degree we need to accept that the biological realities make it so that some degree of unfairness in deciding to have or not have children will always exist and that it would be far better for society than to have "male abortion".
Has anyone noticed I wear the same jeans every day?
One time I had been wearing the same pair of jeans for three days in a row cause they were the only name brand jeans I had. this guy walks up to me in front of everyone and tells me "Hey weren't you wearing those pants the day after yesterday?" I felt my ears getting hot but I just smiled and said yea. it wasn't until he said the same thing to another person that I got it. close call though.
What is the funniest thing you have heard someone say in their sleep?
My older brother frequently talks in his sleep. I vivdly remember on a family vacation, we shared a hotel room. I was in one of the two beds and he was in the other. I was working in a paper (in college at the time) and I hear him roll over and he mumbles " as camel coochie" and I absolutely lost. I was laughing so hard I woke him up.
Could there be new elements in extra terrestrial environments?
Elements 1 (hydrogen) to 94 (plutonium) are naturally occurring, either because they have stable or very long-lived isotopes, or because they are produced by the decay of natural radioactive elements. For example, carbon is a natural element because it has stable isotopes. Promethium (element #61) is also a natural element. Even though its most stable isotope has a half-life of about 20 years, so that it should all have decayed since the formation of the Earth, it is continually being produced in small quantities by natural fission of uranium. These elements are well-characterised, and we know all their most stable isotopes. Elements with atomic numbers 95 to about 110 need to be produced in the lab. But we have synthesized enough isotopes of these to be confident that we've seen their most stable isotope. None are long enough to have lasted since the formation of Earth, so they do not occur naturally. Beyond element 110, things get tricky. It is hard to produce these in the lab, and the isotopes we know are all neutron-poor. For each element we generally see that isotopes with too few protons are unstable. Add a few neutrons and the half-life increases, until we get to its most table isotope(s). More neutrons than that, and the stability decreases again. For these super-heavy elements we haven't reached the most stable isotope because it's hard to get enough neutrons to reach that peak. For instance, element 114 has five known isotopes, with mass numbers 285 to 289 (that is, 114 protons and 171 to 175 neutrons). All these have half-lives of less than five seconds. The most stable one is predicted to be around 298, so we're still missing nine neutrons, but we don't know just how stable it will be. It's possible that some stable-ish isotopes might still be lurking in these undiscovered areas. Beyond element 118, the most massive element yet synthesized, we have no data whatsoever. Can these be produced in the universe? One way is inside supernovae. Then you get a massive, rapid flux of free neutrons that atomic nuclei can absorb. This occurs on much faster timescales than radioactive decay, so even unstable nuclei can gain neutrons before decaying. They absorb as many as they can possibly hold, then once the neutron flux stops, they start to decay. Neutron-heavy nuclei tend to decay by converting a neutron into a proton and an electron. This increases the atomic number (we get one element higher in the periodic table) but leaves its mass unchanged. So this could be one way of getting heavier elements. Whether this process extends up to superheavy elements is not known, but it's at least possible that it might and that there might be isotopes up there with lifetimes long by human timescales but short on geologic ones.
Why does the length of music files differ from how long the file plays?
In streaming especially, media files come with not only the media content but also some metadata like Title, Artist, and Length. This is important because you can't estimate the length of a song you haven't finished downloading. Since this data isn't directly calculated from the actual length of the song, it can be wrong. How a media player deals with an inconsistency may vary. If the number is shorter than the actual length, it may either stop early or keep playing. If the number is longer than the actual length, it may either keep "playing" where there is no data and thus play nothing, or it may stop when it detects that there is no more data. Unfortunately, in streaming, what looks like "no more data" may just be a pause, so to be safe, they choose to keep playing where there may not be data. Then when the reach the given length, they request the next song.
What's an old game that you really miss playing?
Sunset Riders (with 4 people). Edit: My dad's work Mac in the early 90s had a game called "Crystal Quest". I used to play that for hours.
Why didn't the Europeans, during the height of the North American fur trading industry just simply bring the animals back to Europe, breed them, and sell them that way?
What would it cost to transport, breed, and raise a wild animal population in a farm or ranch like setting to point of commercial viability back then? Not very many animals in the history of mankind have received this treatment, and it usually takes quite a bit of time.
What's the most awkward thing you've said to someone you're attracted to?
What I meant to say: "I cant believe I'm lucky enough to date a great girl like you." What I actually said: "I cant believe I'm dating someone like you." How I tried to Bolster the statement: "not like that, its just that you're pretty special." Yep, that's not something you should say to girls that you would like to continue dating.
What is a "despite popular opinion" fact about yourself?
Despite popular opinion I don't really like myself. What people see is a moderately handsome, physically fit, and intelligent individual. In reality I don't like my own personality, or overall appearances. As well as I just want one person I can be connected to but I always get pushed away. Or find a reason to push them away.
Why didn't America keep the statue of liberty polished so it didn't turn green?
The patina (the copper rust) is considered by a lot of people to be aesthetically pleasing and is therefore designed into a lot of different architecture. The statue was designed to rust and turn green
Why did people actually believe the world was going to end in 2012?
2012 marked a transition period in the Mayan calendar, from one chronological cycle to another -- since they measured cycles in millennia (over 5, to be exact), the tail end of their 4th cycle (cycles 1-3 were more mythological than historic) hit on December 21, 2012. Thing is, they didn't seem to have put much emphasis on this; the year would simply "reset" to 0 at the start of the 5th cycle. They would have clearly celebrated this, since it's a major "New Year" party, but nowhere in their literature (that we know of) did they imply that a transition from one cycle to the next was an apocalyptic or transformative event. People believed it because folks who were out to make a few bucks knew just enough about the Mayans to make gibberish sound authentic, and 2012 tied in to loads of other New Age and UFO-conspiracy beliefs, so it cast an especially wide net of believers. [Edit: December 21]
What is the strangest thing you have seen or encountered while hiking?
My friend and I went hiking once, and we decided to go up a certain hill that was close to a fence because it had a really great view. We found a place to sit and started relaxing when all of a sudden we heard gunshots, and loud ones too. I stoop up to see what was going on when I saw a man on a rooftop with a gun that was pointed right at me. I dropped down on the floor immediately and was scared shitless. My friend called 911 and we crawled off that hill in the grass so we wouldn't be seen while we continued to hear gunshots. At one point, it was quiet, so my friend stood up to see if he had left. He started shooting again so she immediately dropped down again. We crawled for our lives down that hill. TLDR, my friend and I got shot at
What’s your best advice against anxiety?
Anytime I start to feel like my anxiety is like super high and increasing and panic is gonna happen, I try to slow my breathing down as slow as I can. All while telling myself it’s going to pass. Usually helps but takes a min.
What's something you thought was okay as a child but now realize is actually far from okay?
I once thought it was normal for parents to beat their kids. Until I went to boarding school and at some point my then best friend and I chatted about our lives at home. Then I found out that not everyone gets a beating from their parents. I was probably 14 or 15 at the time.
What is something you like about the company you work for?
It is extremely focused on the future of the industry and direction/strategy of the company's growth. I work in an industry that is heavily impacted by both technology and cultural movements, and it is important to stay current. Because of their anticipatory emphasis, they do not lay people off and the company is constantly growing. More companies need to stop focusing on how much juice they can squeeze out of the lemons they have and more on where the next batch of lemons is coming from.
Why are the large predator species dying out?
Large predators like lions and tigers generally have huge home ranges of dozens of square kilometers. When humans start to develop areas in these home ranges it causes "habitat fragmentation" and cuts off the animal's ability to access resources and potential mates. It also doesn't help that farmers with livestock will kill large predators to protect their businesses. There's lots of other problems too but those are two major ones. Source: work with predatory cats in africa
Why do radios have better reception when you are near and/or holding the aerial?
It depends entirely on the situation and the type of radio. But i think the most general explanation is that now part of the antenna. You and the antenna will receive frequencies differently (reception strength) . Sometimes that's helpful, a lot of the times it isnt.
What happens if we're isolated for a long time?
Humans are biological wired to be social because we depend on others for protection, caring, food(hunting), and our brain chemistry rewards us when we succeed in conforming to the group. So, usually, serotonin and a host of other chemicals are negatively altered when isolated leading to depression. Seriouslydepressed people can become self-destructive and sometimes also murderous. However, the real answer is more complicated. Depresssion isn't always 100% the result of isolation. Extroversion and introversion are on a continuum. Some people like being alone 80% of the time and enjoy it. Others have a genetic propensity for depression and for still others, social contact makes them more depressed. Another example to muddy the waters, would be Monks. Buddhist monks spend time in isolation praying and trying to find spiritual enlightenment(nirvana). These monks report feelings of happiness and ecstasy after being isolated for months on end.
What would you do if you won the lottery?
1) Invest in real estate - depending on how much I won, I'd try to buy an entire apartment building. A cash cow investment that will pay dividends monthly while increasing its value over time. 2) Put the rest in medium risk stocks. 3) Live comfortably while trying to build a consulting/political career. I think it would be a very boring/pointless existence to just sit around all day "enjoying life" without actually doing anything that could make a lasting impact on the world.
What is the weirdest thing your dog/cat has ever done?
My previous cat used to lick weird random stuff, like chairs or the carpet. But the funny part was that he was embarrassed about it. He’d go to town licking, but when he realized that we saw him, he’d stop mid-lick and just. stare with a wide-eyed expression. Then he’d slooooowly back away. It was hilarious.
What was the worst crime you ever reported?
I was five, so I reported it to my mother, who then called 911. But I witnessed a murder in my front yard. A son who was drunk, killed his dad with a pool cue. Not a fun thing for a 5 year old to witness.
Could the Mongols really have conquered Western Europe?
Consider Europe in this period was heavily populated and contained a huge amount of states and kingdoms. Alexander conquered a vast area of land in a short time, but population density was much lower and the conquest of a single state gained him most of his territorial gain. My point is that the sheer time it would take to conquer a vast, politically diverse and complicated area, without major social, cultural and political changes within the 'Mongol Empire' taking place, mean the conquest of all of Europe is unlikely. Then there are geographic variations to consider, etc. They certainly would have done some damage, though.
How much income/year do you consider a "comfortable life" (in USD)?
It's not how much you make per year, but how much you save. So depending on where you live, any amount that allows you to save 20,000/year would be pretty comfortable and as your savings grows, you'd become more and more secure financially, which means more comfort.
If the US were all wedding guests, what persona would each state have at the wedding?
I'm going to try to be as offensive as I can: South Carolina is the small town girl bride who is rebelling against her father's conservative ways. Oregon is the husband - a city boy who graduated with a double major in sociology and modern art, is a feminist and grows his own cannabis. Mississippi is the "touch my daughter before the wedding and I'll bring out my shotgun" father. He sheds some tears as he leads his daughter to the altar Alabama is the crazy redneck uncle who lives in a cabin in the woods somewhere and thought a good gift for his niece would be taxidermied deer head he shot last fall Nevada is the alcoholic aunt who sadly refuses the champagne, but then sneaks a little later. She steps out every 10 minutes for a smoke too. .haha, it's funny how we all have the same opinion of nevada.
What is something that everyone else seems to find annoying but doesn't really bother you?
Mobile phones. People make too big a deal if it makes a noise to a point where it no longer makes any rational sense. You could be having a meeting next to a construction site full of drilling, shouting and hammering. But somehow if someone's phone makes a noise for 1-3 seconds then the world is ending. The only exception where I find it annoying is in cinemas, but that's simply because I find everything other people do annoying when watching a film.
How is a single, 30ish male with no children, supposed to act around kids?
I am in my 30’s, don’t have kids, and coach little league. I just talk to them like they were my friend. Most kids like talking about things I like anyways. Like Marvel/DC movies or baseball. I don’t baby talk or talk down to them. Just be careful with your language.
In Star Wars, why do Sith Masters take apprentices when it seems like all Sith Apprentices eventually try to kill their Master?
That's the point. It's to ensure the Sith keep growing in strength. Weakness has no place in the Sith and if the master is not strong enough he is useless. This way they keep growing, instead of stagnating like the Jedi Order did.
What causes bleeding after IUD insertion?
Insertion of a foreign body can cause inflammatory responses which can lead to blood loss Physical trauma to the endometrium from the iud The hormones prevent withdrawal bleeding. But regardless, spotting happens Copper creates a hostile environment in the uterus. Bleeding is a response to that.
What would You do with 700 Ferrero Rocher Chocolates?
Create a reward system for users who figure out their own problems. If they create a ticket, tell them you will give them one Ferrero Rocher Chocolate as a treat for them being able to use Google to figure it out and not bug you. This will cut down your overhead and mark you as the dominant male in your place of work.
What concept album would make a great movie?
Mastodon actually made a "movie" of sorts for their album Crack the Skye. It's kind of a long form music video more than a movie, but it's still pretty cool.
How are suicide bombers able to so easily circumvent what is considered the deepest human trait: self-preservation?
Self-preservation is not the deepest human trait as we can see when people sacrifice themselves for others. Survival of the fittest doesn't refer to the individual but to the genes that are passed on by your relatives. There are situations where looking after yourself will get everyone killed but if one person sacrifices them-self then their family can survive and pass on these genes.
Why are cops associated with donuts?
Not all that long ago, donut shops were the only food places that were open super late where one could sit in relative peace and quite and have a coffee and a snack, which cops needed at that point in their late night shift. From then on, the stereotype kind of just took off.
If a genie gave you the choice of changing your height permanently or choosing your weight that would never change, which would you choose?
This would be easy for me: I'm very comfortable with my height but can't eat or work out enough, regardless how I try, to stop being skinny. As a male, that's an issue. I'd pick a nice normal weight and keep my height.
What's the best advice you can give to someone about to enter college?
Don't blow off your first year. It's easy to think "ahhh no big deal, I'll get my GPA back up next year." It doesn't work that way, it just puts you in a huge hole. Meet new people. Get involved in things that you are passionate about. Remember, no one knows you when you first enter college. No one knows if, in high school, you were the Prom King, or star athlete, or loner who ate lunch by himself. You can enter college with a fresh slate and leave as much of the previous baggage behind as you want to. And obviously, always always always always use protection.
Why is insects drawn to lights?
Insects fly in a straight line by keeping the moon off to the side at a fixed angle. As the moon is far away the reflected light is coming in as nearly parallel rays so the angle to moon does not change as you move in straight line. You may have noticed if you drive along a long road at night the moon will be hanging out in the same spot out of the window. Well, when there is an artificial ground based light source that is bright enough the insect will mistake it for the moon. Since the source is close, if the insect moves in a straight line the angle to the source changes. Think of moving past a candle on a table, as you pass it, it goes from being in front of you to being right off to the side, to eventually being behind you. The angle to the candle is constantly changing even though you are moving in a straight line. Well the insects do not know the candle is close, they think it is the moon, so the angle to it should not change. Since the angle does change they change their direction to keep the light in the same spot. Well if you keep doing this you end up spirally in until you are close to the light. So they are not really attracted to the light they are just trying to keep it in the same spot of their vision. You an set up an open fire and watch moths fly in a spiral of death as they circle getting closer and closer until they fly into the flame. Good Times. tl;dr Not really drawn to the light, just confused by how close the light is.
How do we know LEDs have a lifespan of 25+ years when the technology hasn't even been around that long?
LEDs have been around well over 25 years, WHITE Leds are the ones you see today, but red and green where common. Blue was invented in the 90s I believe and that allowed for the development of white LED. if I remember correctly. This is why so much stuff uses blue LEDs, because it's like the kewl new LED. Old steroes from the 80s commonly had red or green LEDs on them as did many electronics. I believe a Japanese scientists broke the code for the blue LED. In any case LEDs have been around for several decades in one form or another. That all being said, don't actually expect a modern LED bullfight to last 25 years. I've had several and they die or lose brightness far more often than they should. In most cases this is likely due to a lack of quality manufacturing of the entire light bulb. The light emitting diode itself rarely fails, but the connection from the socket to the LED seems to be suspect and prone to corrosion and thermal breakdown, thus it's not made well enough, particularly in the earlier generations or cheaper iterations of the bulb.
What are you addicted to?
Cannabis, definitely. I haven't had any since December of 2017, but I think about it every single day. I plan on going back to it, I'm just not living in a legal country this year. The day I return to legal soil, though, you bet I'll be back. In an abstract sense, though, one of my friends accused me if being "addicted to nostalgia," and I feel like she's totally right.
What is the most ridiculous reason you have been given for being fired?
when i was 17 the manager claimed that an unknown coworker had stolen money out of the cash register (happened on my day off) and if one of us didn't confess within 24 hours, all of us were fired. no one confessed so he fired the entire crew. this was regional coffee shop many years ago.
Do you trust anyone with your life?
I mean, in a lot of ways, every time you get in a car you are trusting somebody with your life, or when you walk accross a pedestrian crossing, or if you eat at a restaurant, etc. It's that we normally don't make a conscious decision to frame this as entrusting someone with our life.
What's your favorite "What a small world we live in" story?
I traveled to Australia and New Zealand one summer with a group of people for school credit and ran into some people I played hockey with in High School. Then, the next summer, I went to Europe on vacation and ran into a girl I went to Australia and New Zealand with the summer before! Small small world
Why did your 2015 new year resolution fail?
Because I left my wife. My resolution was to make my marriage better and my wife happier. On the last day in August I realised just how unrealistic my hopes were so I left her. This year my resolution is for me to be happier and get a divorce.
What would the written language of the Mali Empire have been?
I think most of the writing that's survived in the sahel is arabic, the mauritanian manuscripts are and the most famous timbuktu manuscripts are too. However, according to University of Cape Town the Timbuktu manuscripts do also contain works in Songhay, Fulfulde, Tamasheq and Hausa. The problem is the manuscripts aren't all from the mali empire time, some are from later and some earlier and as far as I am aware they haven't been catalogued enough for anyone to be able to say for sure when those languages were first used and if that was after or before the mali empire lost timbuktu (Timbuktu was recently captured by islamic rebels and the cape town university group working at it lost funding so a lot of work is still to be done in studying the manuscripts). Possibly someone who'd actually been to timbuktu would be able to tell you for sure.
Why do people do/don't like planned parenthood, and why was it stripped of its funding?
They feel that abortion is murder and that that's all Planned Parenthood does. There were also some recently-released highly-edited videos that suggested they were selling baby parts. In reality, Planned Parenthood provides lots of services other than abortion, which only accounts for 3% of what they do (and no federal funding goes to abortion, since that's illegal). And they weren't selling baby parts, they were helping parents donate organs to medical research. The modern Republican party just isn't a fan of women in general, either. So anything that harms them is cool.
For those of you who felt like you drifted through life until you found your career (or didn't), what were some of your odd jobs and what are you doing now?
I was kind of drifting through life. I didn't change jobs a lot but I didn't try to make things happen for myself. I never got out of my high school job of flinging pizzas at Chuck E Cheese. I got offered a management position and it hit me that if I took the promotion, I would be stuck there. I had one guy that worked there at one time that said that working in a casino is always a good option. My next career was in an Indian casino. He was right, there is a job for everyone. I started in security and then moved over to table games dealing cards and finally worked up to table games supervisor. I had great health insurance and I made enough money to have a pretty good life. I used my extra in me to follow my dream of getting a pilot license. I turned that into my dream job of an airline pilot. If I ever can't fly anymore and will still need to work, I will go back to a casino. There is something for almost everyone.unless you have a criminal history.
Is Wheat, whole grain or otherwise, harmful to human health?
First point containing (hopefully) relevant discussion information: We have evolved to crave and seek out energy dense sources of nutrition. Quality fresh food has been a scarcity through most of our evolutionary history. As a result, the innate response is to cultivate and consume. The problem only becomes apparent in a post-scarcity world, where food availability is no longer a problem for the vast majority of humanity. Now we possess an embarrassment of edible wealth combined with the natural predilection to eat it as a scarce delicacy. This is true of wheat, but also fruits, refined sugars, meat, really EVERYTHING we throw at our bodies on a regular basis for "nutrition" purposes. Wheat is, in this regard, nothing special, but it remains the signature staple of the obese western world. Human feces are nutrient poor compared to other animals that have plenty to graze on (cows, for example). If we keep this up, it might start pushing our bodies to "throw out" more nutrients from our foods. Edit: grammar and minor corrections.
What are the most inspirational quotes you have come across?
Maybe not necessarily inspirational, but “I, a universe of atoms, an atom in the universe”. I used to mock cliche or overused quotes and this is probably the first one that resonated with me. Reminds you to appreciate how important you are, and yet, how insignificant you/your problems are as well. Sometimes you need to look at it from a different perspective and this provides both
What are the long term cons of not having a support group/close friends?
It depends on how well you can handle solitude. If you can't then you'll become more prone to getting depression or anxiety. You might end up seeking social contact in all the wrong places out of sheer desperation. If you can handle long-term solitude then there aren't any cons. You just get used to not having any friends.
What was your most memorable customer service experience and how did it make you feel?
Got trapped in O’Hare airport for 2 days on three flights in the middle of the summer with no weather. Finally got on a flight and they landed us in the wrong city. Told us they would get us a bus but it would be 4 hours away and a 2 hour drive home. United rep kept me on hold for 45 minutes and summarily told me her shift was over and hung up on me. Called 3 more times and never got a dime back. It made me feel bad.
Is a credit card/debit card required to rent a hotel room?
Yes a credit card is required. The reason so, it because, say you order room service, or order a movie on their TV, they bill your room and the charges appear on your credit card. It's hard to wrangle cash away from people, so hotels just charge the credit card. It's really all standard. Some decent motels will take cash if you're just spending one night. I've done this from time to time. If you want to check into a place that absolutely requires a credit card, you can purchase a pre-paid Visa card that works just like a credit card. You can buy these in lots of stores such as the grocery store. At the time of purchase they'll ask you how much you want to put on it, and pay the amount + service fee and you're set. As long as the hotel room expenses don't exceed the amount you put on the pre-paid card you're fine. I'd call ahead to the hotel and ask if they accept pre-paid credit cards. Because technically it's a gift card baring the Visa logo and "should" work just like a credit card.
What's an obscure video game from your childhood that you can't seem to remember the name of?
It was this video game that was on the SNES and it involved fighter jets and there was a screen before the mission where you'd pick and customize your fighter jet and there was an old man on that screen. Was loads of fun, but can't seem to remember the name.
Why do you own a self defense weapon, what is it?
Because I'm a member of a group that is disproportionately affected by violence against us, and I currently carry a Kel-Tec PF9 (though sometimes it's a Diamondback DB380 or a Rossi 351, depending on various factors). My home defense weapon is an H&R Pardner Tactical 12-gauge shotgun.
What’s your favorite way to relax and help you fall asleep faster before bed?
I usually put long videos on YouTube where people are talking constantly. I have two ways of doing it, sometimes I watch the video and fall asleep while doing so and other times I put the phone on my bedside table and listen to it with my eyes closed and eventually I fall asleep.

Dataset Card for RedditQG

Dataset Summary

This dataset contains answer-question pairs from QA communities of Reddit.

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

[More Information Needed]



Dataset Structure

Data Instances

An example looks as follows.

    "id": "askscience/123",
    "qid": "2323",
    "answer": "A test answer.",
    "question": "A test question?",
    "score": 20

Data Fields

  • id: a string feature.
  • qid: a string feature. There could be multiple answers to the same question.
  • answer: a string feature.
  • question: a string feature.
  • score: an int feature which is the value of upvotes - downvotes.

Data Splits

  • train: 647763
  • valid: 36023
  • test: 36202

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

[More Information Needed]

Source Data

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

[More Information Needed]

Who are the source language producers?

Reddit users.

Personal and Sensitive Information

Samples with abusive words are discarded, but there could be samples containing personal information.

Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

[More Information Needed]

Discussion of Biases

[More Information Needed]

Other Known Limitations

[More Information Needed]

Additional Information

Dataset Curators

[More Information Needed]

Licensing Information

CC BY 4.0

Citation Information

    title = "Controllable Open-ended Question Generation with A New Question Type Ontology",
    author = "Cao, Shuyang  and
      Wang, Lu",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)",
    month = aug,
    year = "2021",
    address = "Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/2021.acl-long.502",
    pages = "6424--6439",
    abstract = "We investigate the less-explored task of generating open-ended questions that are typically answered by multiple sentences. We first define a new question type ontology which differentiates the nuanced nature of questions better than widely used question words. A new dataset with 4,959 questions is labeled based on the new ontology. We then propose a novel question type-aware question generation framework, augmented by a semantic graph representation, to jointly predict question focuses and produce the question. Based on this framework, we further use both exemplars and automatically generated templates to improve controllability and diversity. Experiments on two newly collected large-scale datasets show that our model improves question quality over competitive comparisons based on automatic metrics. Human judges also rate our model outputs highly in answerability, coverage of scope, and overall quality. Finally, our model variants with templates can produce questions with enhanced controllability and diversity.",
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