Review dataset script

by larrylawl - opened

Dataset review request for larrylawl/opus


Loads OPUS as HuggingFace dataset. OPUS is an open parallel corpus covering 700+ languages and 1100+ datasets.

Given a src and tgt language, this repository can load all available parallel corpus. To my knowledge, other OPUS datasets on HuggingFace loads a specific corpus

Files to review


cc @lhoestq @polinaeterna @mariosasko @albertvillanova

Cool ! This can be super convenient :)
Can you make this dataset public for reviewing ?

Hi Quentin, sorry for the late reply. I made the dataset public. However, I realised that the loading is slow when used at scale, thus this dataset may not be useful. The loading is slow because I used opustools under the hood, which downloads and parses xml files.

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