<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of oil of Oriental Sesame (芝麻油) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, oil of Oriental Sesame (芝麻油) with Latin name Oleum Sesami has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Lung; Spleen; Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Sesamum indicum DC as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of dizziness, blurred vision, tinnitus, impaired hearing, premature greying of the hair and beard, loss of hair after a serious disease, constipation.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of leaf of wrinkled gianthyssop (霍香叶) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, leaf of wrinkled gianthyssop (霍香叶) with Latin name Folium Agastachis has properties of Minor Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses Foeniculum vugare Mill as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Treatment of dampness blocking the spleen and stomach manifested as epigastric and abdominal distension, nausea, vomiting and poor appetite. Agastache (Huoxiang) is used with Atractylodes rhizome (Cangzhu), Magnolia bark (Houpo) and Pinellia tuber (Ban. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Bulb of Greenish Lily (炙百合) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Bulb of Greenish Lily (炙百合) with Latin name Bulbus Lilii Preparata has properties of Minor cold; Sweet, affects the Heart meridian(s), uses Lilium brownii var. viridulum Baker.; Lilium pumilum DC.;Lilium lancifolium Thunb. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. To moisurize the lung and relieve cough (lung-dryness with cough and hemoptysis). 2. To relieve cardiac heat and tranquilize the mind (convalescence of febrile diseases or yin-deficiency with heat manifested as irritability, insomnia, dreaminess, palpi. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Liauorice Root (炙甘草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Liauorice Root (炙甘草) with Latin name Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach; Heart meridian(s), uses Radix Glycyrrhizae. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of deficiency of spleen and stomach, lassitude, palpitation, arrhythmia.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Scorpion (炙全蝎) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Scorpion (炙全蝎) with Latin name Scorpio Preparata has properties of Mild; Pungent, affects the Liver meridian(s), uses Buthus martensii karsch as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Anti-convulsive and sedative.2. Exerting significant and prolong hypotensive effect.3. Buthotoxin can induce respiratory paralysis, salivation and convulsion.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Common St Paulswort Equivalent plant: Siegesbeckia orientalis var pubescens, Siegesbeckia orientalis var glabrescens (希莶) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Common St Paulswort Equivalent plant: Siegesbeckia orientalis var pubescens, Siegesbeckia orientalis var glabrescens (希莶) with Latin name Siegesbeckia orientalis has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Liver meridian(s), uses aerial parts as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-damp impediment pain, lassitude in lumbus and knees, hemiplegia, hypertension, malaria, jaundice, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, wind papules, damp sore, animal and insect bites.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of white Indian Bread (白茯苓) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, white Indian Bread (白茯苓) with Latin name Poriae Alba has properties of Mild; Sweet; Neutral, affects the Lung; Spleen; Heart meridian(s), uses Poria cocos (Schw. ) Wolf as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of edema with oliguria, dizziness and palpitation caused by retained fluid, diminished function of the spleen marked by anorexia, loose stools or diarrhea, restlessness and insomnia.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Kusnezoff Monkshood Root (制草乌) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Kusnezoff Monkshood Root (制草乌) with Latin name Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii Preparata has properties of Hot; Pungent, affects the Spleen; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of rheumatic and rheumatoid arthralgia, precordial and abdominal pain with cold sensation, abdominal colic caused by cold, anaethesia.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Chaulmoogra seed (大枫子仁) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Chaulmoogra seed (大枫子仁) with Latin name Semen Chaulmoograe has properties of Hot; Pungent, affects the Spleen; Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Hydnocarpus anthelmintica Pier. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Chaulmoogric oil inhibits the growth of Bacillus tuberculosis and other acid-fast bacillus in vitro, its effect is as 100 times as that of phenol.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Cassia Twig (制桂枝) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Cassia Twig (制桂枝) with Latin name Ramulus Cinnamomi Preparata has properties of Warm; Pungent; Sweet, affects the Lung; Bladder; Heart meridian(s), uses Cinnamomum cassia Presl. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of common cold, epigastric pain with cold feeling, amenorrhea due to cold in blood, arthralgia, edema, cardiac palpitation, gastrointestinal neurosis with a feeling of masses of gas rushing up through the chest to the throat from the lower abdom. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Root of Ural Licorice (炙草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Root of Ural Licorice (炙草) with Latin name Radix Glycyrrhizae Praeparata has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch; Glycyrrhiza inflate Bat.;Glycyrrhiza glabra L. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of deficiency of spleen and stomach, lassitude, palpitation, arrhythmia.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Indian Bread peel (茯苓皮) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Indian Bread peel (茯苓皮) with Latin name Exodermis Poria has properties of Mild; Sweet; Neutral, affects the Spleen; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses Poroa cocos (Schw.) Wolf. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. An active component pachyman promotes macrophage phagocytosis in mice, and enhances lymphocyte-blastogensis rate in vitro.2. Preventing the formation of gastric ulcer under stress in rats3. Diuretic and liver-protective.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Stink-bug (九香虫) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Stink-bug (九香虫) with Latin name Aspongopus has properties of Warm; Salty, affects the Spleen; Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Aspongopus chinensis Dallas as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of epigastric pain with distension due to cold in the stomach or due to stagnation of qi in the liver and stomach, impotence and aching of the loins and knees in deficiency syndromes of kidney.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Myrrhtree gum resin (制没药) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Myrrhtree gum resin (制没药) with Latin name Myrrha Praeparata has properties of Mild; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Liver; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses Commiphora myrrha Engl as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Its aqueous infusion inhibits the growth of skin fungi such as Trichophyton violaceum.2. Inhibiting the excessive secretion of bronchi and uterus.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of seed of spine date (枣仁) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, seed of spine date (枣仁) with Latin name semen zizphi spinosae has properties of Mild; Sweet; Sour, affects the Spleen; Liver; Heart; Gallbladder meridian(s), uses Ziziphus jujuba var spinosa (Bunge)Hu as the part for treatment, and is indicated for The chief components are jujuboside A and B. 1. Intraperitoneal injection its decoction ( 2.5-5.0g/kg ) exerts sedative and hypnotic effects in rats. 2. Intravenous injection of its decoction exerts significant and proloned hypotensive effect in anesthetized dogs. 3. Occasionally causing heart block. 4. Inducing hysterospasm.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Fresh rehmannia root (生地黄) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Fresh rehmannia root (生地黄) with Latin name Radix Rehmanniae has properties of Cold; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Liver; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses Rehmannia gultinosa Libosch. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Its decoction exerts a protective effect on experimental hepatitis of mice induced by carbon tetrachloride.2. Gastric feeding or injection of its decoction, water infusion or alcoholic extract can lower the blood sugar level in rabbits (this result is controversial in the recent years).3. Intravenous injection of its extract exerts a hypertensive and diuretic effect in rabbits and dogs.4. Its alcoholic extract shortens the blood coagulation time in rabbits.5. Its water infusion inhibits the growth of some pathogenic fungi.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Tribulus fruit (白蒺藜) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Tribulus fruit (白蒺藜) with Latin name Fructus Tribuli has properties of Warm; Bitter, affects the Lung; Liver meridian(s), uses Tribulus terestris L. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of headache and dizziness, distending pain in the chest and costal regions, cessation of milk secretion, mastitis, redness of the eye with formation of nebula, urticaria with itching.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Sea-horse (海马) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Sea-horse (海马) with Latin name Hippocampus has properties of Warm; Sweet; Salty, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Hippocampus kelloggi Jordan et Snyder.;Hippocampus histrix Kaup.; Hippocampus kuda Bleeker.; Hippocampus trimaculatus Leach.;Hippocampus japonicus Kaup as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Exerting gonadotropic effect, ie., prolonging estruation and increasing the weight of ovary and uterus in female mice and that of prostate, seminal vesicl and musculi levator ani in male mice.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Sea-ear Shell (石决明) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Sea-ear Shell (石决明) with Latin name Concha Haliotidis has properties of Cold; Salty, affects the Liver meridian(s), uses Haliotis diversicolor Reeve.;Haliotis discus hannai Ino.;Haliotis ovina Gmelin.;Haliotis ruber ( Leach).;Haliotis asinine Linnaeus.;Hatiotis laevigata (Donovan). as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Improves eyesight.2. Haemostatic.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Pipe Fish (海龙) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Pipe Fish (海龙) with Latin name Syngnathus has properties of Warm; Sweet; Salty, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Solenognathus hard-wickii (Gray).;Syngnathoides biaculeatus (Bloch).;Syngnathus acus Linnaeus as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of impotence and seminal emission, mass in the abdomen, scrofula, traumatic injuries, external use for carbuncles and boils.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Rhizome of Fragrant Solomonseal (制黄精) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Rhizome of Fragrant Solomonseal (制黄精) with Latin name Rhizoma Polygonati Praeparata has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Lung; Spleen; Kidney meridian(s), uses Polygonatum kingianum Coll. et Hemsl.;Polygonatum sibiricum Red.;Polygonatum cyrtonema Hua as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Promoting lymphocyte-blastogenesis. 2. Increasing coronary flow and myocardial contractility. 3. Lowering the level of blood lipids. 4. Inhibiting the growth of Bacillus tuberculosis and various kinds of fungi in vitro.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Shortstalk Monkshood Equivalent plant: Aconitum nagarum var lasiandrum (雪上一枝蒿) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Shortstalk Monkshood Equivalent plant: Aconitum nagarum var lasiandrum (雪上一枝蒿) with Latin name Aconitum brachypodum has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-damp bone pain, knocks and falls, pain in limbs, toothache,toxin swelling of sores, pain from carcinoma, pain in joints.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Tokay Gecko (蛤蚧) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Tokay Gecko (蛤蚧) with Latin name Gecko has properties of Mild; Salty, affects the Lung; Kidney meridian(s), uses Gekko gecko Linnaeus. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of dyspnea or asthma in deficiency syndromes, cough and hemoptysis in consumptive diseases, impotence, seminal emission.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Root of Japanese Stemona (制百部) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Root of Japanese Stemona (制百部) with Latin name Radix Stemonae Preparata has properties of Minor Warm; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Lung meridian(s), uses Stemona japonica (Bl). Miq. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Relieving cough in common cold. Stemona root (Baibu) is used with Schizonepeta (Jingjie), Platycodon root (Jiegeng) and Aster root (Ziwan). 2. Relieving whooping cough. Stemona root (Baibu) is used with Glehnia root (Beishashen), Tendrilled fritillary bulb (Chuanbeimu) and Swallowwort rhizome (Baiqian). 3. Relieving cough due to tuberculosis. Stemona root (Baibu) is used with Ophiopogon root (Maidong) and Fresh rehmannia root (Shengdihuang). 4. Lice of the head or body. The herb is made into a 20% tincture, or a 50% decoction used as an external wash.5. Pinworm. The 30-ml 100% decoction as an enema before sleep, daily for five days.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Carbonized palm fiber, Carbonized petiole of windmill palm (棕榈炭) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Carbonized palm fiber, Carbonized petiole of windmill palm (棕榈炭) with Latin name Carbonized Vagina Trachycarpus Wagnerianus has properties of Mild; Bitter; Punkery, affects the Lung; Large Intestine; Liver meridian(s), uses Trachycarpus fortunei H. wendl. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of: 1. Hemorrhages due to extravasation of blood by heat manifested as cough with blood, vomiting with blood, epistaxis, bloody stool and uterine bleeding. Carbonized petiole of windmill palm (Zonglutan) is used with Imperata rhizome (Baimaogen). </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Germinated Barley (炒麦芽) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Germinated Barley (炒麦芽) with Latin name Fructus Hordei germinatus Preparata has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses Hordeum vulgare L. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Its decoction promotes the secretion of pepsin and gastric juice.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Knoxia Root (红大戟) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Knoxia Root (红大戟) with Latin name Radix Knoxiae has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Lung; Spleen; Kidney meridian(s), uses Knoxia valerianoides Thorel et Pitard. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of hydrothorax and ascites with constipation and oliguria, carbuncles, sores, scrofula.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared tuber of Pinellia (制半夏) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared tuber of Pinellia (制半夏) with Latin name Rhizoma Pinelliae Preparata has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses Pinellia ternata (Thunb.) Breit. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of cough and asthma with much phlegm, dizziness and palpitation due to retention of phlegm and fluid, vertigo caused by wind-phlegm, headache with cold extremities due to attack of phlegm , stuffiness in the chest and the epigastrium, globus hys. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Snake Slough (蛇蜕) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Snake Slough (蛇蜕) with Latin name Periostracum Serpentis has properties of Mild; Sweet; Salty, affects the Liver meridian(s), uses Elaphe taeniura Cope.;Elaphe carinata (Guenther).;Zaocys dhumnades (Cantor). as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of infantile convulsion, nebula, inflammation of the throat, boils, cuaneous itching.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Largetrifoliolious Bugbane Rhizome (炙升麻) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Largetrifoliolious Bugbane Rhizome (炙升麻) with Latin name Rhizoma Cimicifugae Praeparata has properties of Minor cold; Pungent, affects the Lung; Spleen; Large Intestine; Stomach meridian(s), uses Cimicifuga heracleifolia Kom.;Cimicifuga dahurica (Turcz.) Maxim.;Cimicifuga foetida L. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory. Gastric infusion of its extract (mainly containing ferulic acid) in a dosage of 1.0g/kg can lower the body temperature of normal rats and relieve the pain elicited by acetic acid in mice.2. Inhibiting myocardium, slowing heart rate and lowering heart rate and lowering blood pressure.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Spine Date Seed (炒枣仁) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Spine Date Seed (炒枣仁) with Latin name Semen Ziziphi Spinosae Preparata has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Liver; Heart; Gallbladder meridian(s), uses Ziziphus jujuba Mill. var. spinosa (Bunge) Hu ex H. F. Chou as the part for treatment, and is indicated for The chief components are jujuboside A and B. 1. Intraperitoneal injection its decoction ( 2.5-5.0g/kg ) exerts sedative and hypnotic effects in rats. 2. Intravenous injection of its decoction exerts significant and proloned hypotensive effect in anesthetized dogs. 3. Occasionally causing heart block. 4. Inducing hysterospasm.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Camphorar (樟脑) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Camphorar (樟脑) with Latin name Camphora has properties of Hot; Pungent, affects the Spleen; Heart meridian(s), uses Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Presi as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Local application to the skin exerts a mild local anesthetic effect. 2. Oral use in small amount produces a feeling of warmth and comfort in the stomach, while in large dose causes irritating and leads to nausea and vomiting. 3. Stimulating the central nervous system, and also non-selectively the respiration. Large dose may cause convulsion.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Long-noded Pit Viper (蕲蛇) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Long-noded Pit Viper (蕲蛇) with Latin name Agkistrodon has properties of Warm; Sweet; Salty, affects the Liver meridian(s), uses Agkistrodon acutus (Guenther). as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treament of chronic rheumatic or rheumatoid arthritis with numbeness and contracture, hemiplegia in stroke, convulsion, tetanus, leprosy, scabies ringworm.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Ephedra (炙麻黄) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Ephedra (炙麻黄) with Latin name Herba Ephedrae Preparata has properties of Warm; Pungent; Slightly Bitter, affects the Lung; Bladder meridian(s), uses Ephedra sinica Stapf;Ephedra intermedia Schrenk' et C. A. Mey.;Ephedra equisetina Bge. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Its effects on cardiovascular system are similar to epinephrine in many aspects, but persist seven to ten times longer. The myocardial contractility and cardiac output are augmented and cardiac, cerebral and muscular blood flows are increased.2. Its bronchodilative effect is less prominent but more sustained than epinephrine.3. Mydriatic upon local application to the eye.4. Antipyretic, diaphoretic and diuretic.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared root and rhziome of Sorrel Rhubarb (制大黄) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared root and rhziome of Sorrel Rhubarb (制大黄) with Latin name Radix et Rhizoma Rhei Praeparata has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Large Intestine; Stomach; Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses Rheum palmatum L.;Rheum officinale Baill.;Rheum tanguticum Maxim. ex Balf. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Sennoside A is the component for purgation.2. Promoting biliary secretion and enhancing the amount of bilirubin and bile acid.3. Rhein and Emodin exert bacteriostatic effect by inhibting the synthesis of DNA, RNA and protein in bacteria4. Emodin is a component for hypotensive5. Oral use of its extract reduces the raio of serum cholesterol and total phospholipid in rabbits with hypercholesterolemia.6. Chrysophanol, an other active component, exerts a hemostatic effect.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Turtle Shell (鳖甲) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Turtle Shell (鳖甲) with Latin name Carapax Trionycis has properties of Cold; Salty, affects the Spleen; Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Trionyx sinensis Wiegmann as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of fever due to deficiency of yin, consumptive fever, dizziness, tremor or fainting due to deficiency of yin, amenorrhea, mass in the abdomen, chronic malaria with splenomegaly.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of root of Morinda officinalis (巴戟) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root of Morinda officinalis (巴戟) with Latin name Radix Morindae officinalis has properties of Minor Warm; Pungent; Sweet, affects the Kidney meridian(s), uses Morinda officinalis How as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of impotence, seminal emission, infertility menstrual disorders, pain and cold feeling in the lower abdomen; rheumatic arthralgia; limpness of the legs.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Sweet Wormwood seed (青蒿子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Sweet Wormwood seed (青蒿子) with Latin name Semen Artemisiae has properties of Cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Liver; Kidney; Gallbladder meridian(s), uses Artemisia apiacea Hance;Artemisia annua L. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Artemisinine from its volatile oil is an effective antimalarial agent on mice, monkey, chicken and human malaria. The malarial parasite will disappear in blood after oral administration of 100mg/kg for 3 days in mice and 200mg/kg for2-3 days in monkey. The therapeutic effect of artemisinie is similar to that of chloroquine.2. Antipyretic.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared fruit of Seville orange (炒枳壳) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared fruit of Seville orange (炒枳壳) with Latin name Fructus Aurantii Preparata has properties of Minor cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Large Intestine; Stomach meridian(s), uses Citrus aurantiu L. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of distension and pain in the chest and hypochondriac regions due to stagnation of qi, indigestion with retention of phlegm and fluid, gastroptosis, prolapse of the rectum, prolapse of the uterus.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of leaf of Cabline potchouli (广藿香叶) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, leaf of Cabline potchouli (广藿香叶) with Latin name Folium Pogostemonis has properties of Minor Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) Benth as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of lingering of turbid damp in the spleen and stomach manifested by stuffiness in the epigastrium and vomiting, summer-damp affection marked by lassitude and stuffiness in the chest, cold-damp affection in summer time marked by abdominal pain, v. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Tortoise Shell (龟甲) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Tortoise Shell (龟甲) with Latin name Carapax et Plastrum Testudinis has properties of Mild; Sweet; Salty, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Chinemys reevesii (Gray) as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of consumptive fever and night sweating due to deficiency of yin, vertigo, tremors, weakness of legs, forgetfulness.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Egg Capsule of Mantid (桑螵蛸) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Egg Capsule of Mantid (桑螵蛸) with Latin name Ootheca Mantidis has properties of Mild; Sweet; Salty, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Tenodera sinensis Saussure;Statilia maculata (Thunberg).;Hierodula patellifera (Serville). as the part for treatment, and is indicated for To arrest spontaneous emission, to reduce excessive urination, and to cure turbid discharge from the urethra. cturnal emission, spermatorrhea, enuresis, frequent urination, turbid discharge with urine.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared bark of Officinal magnolia (炙厚朴) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared bark of Officinal magnolia (炙厚朴) with Latin name Magnoliae Officinalis Praeparata has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Large Intestine; Stomach meridian(s), uses Magnolia officinalis Rehd. et Wils.;Magnolia officinalis Rehd. et Wils. var. biloba Rehd. et Wils. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Broad-spectrum antibacterial.2. Magnocurarine, one of the active components, can relaxstriated muscles.3. Its decoction stimulates the smooth muscles of intestines and bronchii in rabbits in vitro.4. Magnocuraine may also lower blood pressure and accelerate heart rate.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Papermulberry Fruit (楮实) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Papermulberry Fruit (楮实) with Latin name Fructus Broussonetiae has properties of Cold; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Heart meridian(s), uses Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) Vent. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of aching and weakness of the loins and knees, consumptive fever, dizziness and blurred visiidn, nebula, edema.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared pollen of longbract cattail (蒲黄炭) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared pollen of longbract cattail (蒲黄炭) with Latin name pollen typhae Preparata has properties of Cool; Pungent; Sweet, affects the Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses Typha angustifolia L.;Typha orientalis Presl as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Strengthening the tone and promoting rhythmical contraction of uterus in animals and human. 2. Its decoction lowers blood pressure and shortens blood clotting time.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of seed of Cluster Mallow (冬葵子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, seed of Cluster Mallow (冬葵子) with Latin name Semen Malvae verticillatae has properties of Cold; Sweet, affects the Bladder; Large Intestine; Small Intestine meridian(s), uses Malva verticillata L. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Its fatty oil is a purgative.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Light wheat (浮小麦) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Light wheat (浮小麦) with Latin name Fructus Tritici levis has properties of Cool; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses Triticum aestivum as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Antisudorific.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared root-bark White Mulberry (炙桑柏皮) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared root-bark White Mulberry (炙桑柏皮) with Latin name Cortex Mori radicis Praeparata has properties of Cold; Sweet, affects the Lung meridian(s), uses Morus alba L. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Its extract is hypotensive, cardio-inhibitory and vasoconstrictive, and excites the intestines and uterus in experimental animals.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Pinellia Tuber (法半夏) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Pinellia Tuber (法半夏) with Latin name Rhizoma Pinelliae Preparata has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses Rhizoma Pinelliae as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of cough and asthma with copious phlegm, dizziness and palpitation caused by wind-phlegm and phlegm retention, headache due to adverse rising of phlegm.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of white seed of Oriental Sesame (芝麻) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, white seed of Oriental Sesame (芝麻) with Latin name Semen Sesami has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Lung; Spleen; Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Sesamum indicum DC as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of dizziness, blurred vision, tinnitus, impaired hearing, premature greying of the hair and beard, loss of hair after a serious disease, constipation.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of rhizome of Verticillate Paris (七叶一枝花) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, rhizome of Verticillate Paris (七叶一枝花) with Latin name Rhizoma Paridis verticillatae has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Liver meridian(s), uses Paris verticillata M. Bieb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Virustatic, esp. on Asia influenza A virus, and bacteriostatic. 2. Antitussive and antiasthmatic. 3. An active component, pariphyllin, exerts a sedative effect on mice and in synergistic with pentobarbital sodium. 4. Pariphyllin inhibits uterocervical carcinoma14 in mice.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of watermelon rind (西瓜皮) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, watermelon rind (西瓜皮) with Latin name Exocarpium Citrulli has properties of Cold; Sweet; Neutral, affects the Stomach; Heart meridian(s), uses Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Mansfelf. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. An active component, citrulline, raises urea level in blood and in urine, thus promotes diuresis.2. Oral administration of cucurbocitrin, another active component, or its aqueous extract can lower blood pressure and capillary pressure in healthy person.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Glehnia root (沙参) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Glehnia root (沙参) with Latin name Radix Glehniae has properties of Minor cold; Sweet, affects the Lung; Stomach meridian(s), uses Glehnia littoralis Fr. Sehmidt ex Miq;Adenophora tetraphylla (Thunb.) Fisch as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of: 1. Deficient yin of the lungs with heat manifested as dry cough or cough with scanty sputum, hoarse voice from a chronic cough, dry throat and thirst. Glehnia root (Shashen) is used with Ophiopogon root (Maidong) and Tendrilled fritillary bu. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of all-grass of Longspur epimedium (仙灵脾) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, all-grass of Longspur epimedium (仙灵脾) with Latin name herba epimedii has properties of Warm; Pungent; Sweet, affects the Lung; Kidney meridian(s), uses Epimediumbrevicornum Maxim.;Epimedium sagittatum (Sieb. et Zucc.) Maxim.;Epimedium pubescens Maxm.;Epimedium wushanense T. S. Ying;Epimedium koreanum Nakai as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Dilating coronary artery and increasing coronary flow.2. Acting as androgenic hormone, such as increasing the weight of prostate, seminal vesicle and musculi levator ani in mice.3. Enhancing lymphocyte-blastogenesis rate.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared root of tatarian aster (炙紫菀) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared root of tatarian aster (炙紫菀) with Latin name radix asteris Praeparata has properties of Warm; Pungent; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Lung meridian(s), uses Aster tataricus L. f. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Inhibiting the growth of some gram-negative bacteria and influenzae virus in vitro. 2. Its benzene and methyl alcohol extract exert an expectorant effect.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of fruit of Chinese Nmagnoliavine (北五味) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, fruit of Chinese Nmagnoliavine (北五味) with Latin name Fructus Schiandrae has properties of Warm; Sweet; Sour, affects the Lung; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses Schisandra chinensis (Turcz. ) Baill as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Its decoction exerts bacteriostatic effect on Pseudomonas aeruginosa (1:128), Staphylococcus aureus (1:64), Flexner's bacillus (1:32) and typhoid bacillus (1:8) in vitro.2. Schizandrin, one of its active components, can protect the liver from damage.3. Enhancing lymphocyte-blastogenesis rate.4. Cardiotonic and sedative.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Fresh soybean (新豉) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Fresh soybean (新豉) with Latin name Semen Sojae has properties of Cold; Pungent; Sweet; Slightly Bitter, affects the Lung; Stomach meridian(s), uses Glycine max (L.) Merr. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of chills, fever and headache in colds and influenza, vexation, oppressed feeling in the chest and insomnia.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Capillaris, Oriental wormwood (陈蒿) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Capillaris, Oriental wormwood (陈蒿) with Latin name Herba Artemisiae Scopariae has properties of Minor cold; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Stomach; Liver; Gallbladder meridian(s), uses Artemisia capillaris Thunb.;Artemisia scoparia Waldst. et Kit. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of jaundice . </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Purple perilla fruit, Prepared Perilla seed (炒苏子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Purple perilla fruit, Prepared Perilla seed (炒苏子) with Latin name Fructus Perillae Preparata has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Large Intestine meridian(s), uses Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of: 1. Upward perversion of lung qi caused by excessive phlegm fluid manifested as cough with white profuse sputum, or asthma and fullness and stifling sensation in the chest and hypochondriac region. Perilla seed (Suzi) is used with White musta. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Antelope Horn (羚羊角) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Antelope Horn (羚羊角) with Latin name Cornu Saigae Tataricae has properties of Cold; Salty, affects the Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses Saiga tatarica Linnaeus as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Intraperitoneal injection of its alcoholic extract (0.05mg/g) exerts sedative effect in mice.2. Its alcoholic extract and hydrolsate lower vaccine-induced fever in rabbits.3. Analgesic, anti-convulsive and hypotensive.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Seed of Flaststem Milkvetch (沙苑蒺藜) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Seed of Flaststem Milkvetch (沙苑蒺藜) with Latin name Semen Astragali Complanati has properties of Warm; Sweet, affects the Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Astragalus complanatus R.Br as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of headache and dizziness, distending pain in the chest and costal regions, cessation of milk secretion, mastitis, redness of the eye with formation of nebula, urticaria with itching.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of PreparedFruit of Medicine Terminalia (炮诃子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, PreparedFruit of Medicine Terminalia (炮诃子) with Latin name Fructus Terminaliae Preparata has properties of Mild; Sour; Bitter; Punkery, affects the Lung; Large Intestine meridian(s), uses Terminaliae chebula Retz as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of protracted diarrhea with hematochezia and prolapse of the rectum, chronic cough with sore throat and hoarseness of voice.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of lotus rhizome (藕汁) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, lotus rhizome (藕汁) with Latin name Succus Rhizoma Lotus has properties of Mild; Sweet; Punkery, affects the Lung; Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treament of hematemesis, hemoptysis, hematuria, abnormal uterine bleeding.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of oil of Cabline potchouli (广藿香油) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, oil of Cabline potchouli (广藿香油) with Latin name Oleum Pogostemonis has properties of Minor Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) Benth as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of lingering of turbid damp in the spleen and stomach manifested by stuffiness in the epigastrium and vomiting, summer-damp affection marked by lassitude and stuffiness in the chest, cold-damp affection in summer time marked by abdominal pain, v. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Dried Lacquer (干漆) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Dried Lacquer (干漆) with Latin name Resina Toxicodendri has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses Toxicodendron vernicifl um (Stokes) F. A. Barkl. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of amenorrhea and mass formation in the abdomen caused by blood stasis, abdominal pain due to intestinal parasitosis.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Loquat Leaf (炙枇杷叶) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Loquat Leaf (炙枇杷叶) with Latin name Folium Eriobotryae Praeparata has properties of Minor cold; Bitter, affects the Lung; Stomach meridian(s), uses Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb. ) Lindl. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Its decoction inhibits the growth of Staphylococcus aureus in vitro.2. Its saponins exert an expectorant effect.3. Inhibiting the influenza virus.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Defatted Croton Seed Powder (巴豆霜) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Defatted Croton Seed Powder (巴豆霜) with Latin name Semen Crotonis Pulveratum has properties of Hot; Pungent, affects the Lung; Large Intestine; Stomach meridian(s), uses Croton tiglium L. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of constipation and indigestion due to accumulation of cold; ascites and edema with oliguria and constipation; inflammation of the throat.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of fruit of Malaytea scurfpea (破故纸) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, fruit of Malaytea scurfpea (破故纸) with Latin name Fructus Psoraleae Corylifoliae has properties of Extreme Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Kidney meridian(s), uses Psoralea corylifolia L. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Corylifolinin ( isobavachalcone ) dilates coronary artery significantly. 2. Promoting phagocytosis of macrophage. 3. Exciting the intestinal smooth muscles in vivo or in vitro, and relaxing the uterus of guinea-pigs in vitro.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Mume flower, Japanese apricot flower (绿萼梅) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Mume flower, Japanese apricot flower (绿萼梅) with Latin name Flos Mume has properties of Sour; astringent; neutral, affects the Liver; stomach meridian(s), uses Prumus mume (Sieb.) Zieb. et Zucc. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of: 1. Qi stagnation in the liver and stomach manifested as distension and pain in the hypochondriac regions, belching and epigastric pain. Mume flower (Lu'emei) is used with Bupleurum root (Chaihu), Cyperus tuber (Xiangfu), Green tangerine peel. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Frankincense (制乳香) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Frankincense (制乳香) with Latin name Resina Olibani Praparata has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses Boswellia carterii Birdw as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Exerting significant analgesic effect.2. Dilating the peripheral blood vessels.3. Enhancing the phagocytosis of macrophages in the abdominal cavity of mice.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Clove leaf (丁香叶) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Clove leaf (丁香叶) with Latin name Folium Caryophylli has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Spleen; Stomach; Kidney meridian(s), uses Eugenia caryophylata Thunb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of hiccup, vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea and epigastric and abdominal pain with cold sensation in deficiencycold syndromes of the spleen and stomach, impotence due to deficiency of the kidney yang.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of root of Laxflower Cowparsnip (大独活) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root of Laxflower Cowparsnip (大独活) with Latin name Radix Heraclei maximi has properties of Minor Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Bladder; Liver meridian(s), uses Heracleum maximum Bartram as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of rheumatic arthritis with pain in the lower back and knees, headache due to attack of cold on the Shaoyin Channel characterized by association of headache with precordial pain and cold legs.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Black-tail Snake (乌梢蛇) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Black-tail Snake (乌梢蛇) with Latin name Zaocys has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Liver meridian(s), uses Zaocys dhumnades (Cantor). as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of chronic rheumatiod arthritis with numbness and ankylosis, hemiplegia in stroke, convulsion, tetanus, leprosy, scabies, scrofula with suppuration.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Lotus seed (石莲子) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Lotus seed (石莲子) with Latin name Semen Nelumbinis has properties of Sweet; astringent; neutral, affects the Spleen; kidney; heart meridian(s), uses Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of protracted diarrhea due to hypofunction of the spleen, seminal emission, leukorrhagia, palpitation, insomnia.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared FLeeceflower Root (制首乌) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared FLeeceflower Root (制首乌) with Latin name Radix Polygoni Multiflori Preparata has properties of Minor Warm; Sweet; Bitter; Punkery, affects the Liver; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses Radix Polygoni Multiflori as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of anemia, dizziness and tinnitus, premature greying of the hair and beard, soreness and weakness of the loins and the knees, abnormal uterine bleeding and excessive leukorrhea, general debility in chronic malaria, hyperlipemia.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Honeycomb (炙蜂房) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Honeycomb (炙蜂房) with Latin name Nidus Vespae Preparata has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Stomach meridian(s), uses Polistes olivaceous (Degeer).;Polistes japonicus Saussure.;Parapolybia varia Fabricius. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of toothache due to caries, sores, ulcers, mastitis, scrofula, ringworm, tinea unguium.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Snakegourd peel (瓜篓皮) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Snakegourd peel (瓜篓皮) with Latin name Pericarpium Trichosanthis has properties of Cold; Sweet; Slightly Bitter, affects the Lung; Large Intestine; Stomach meridian(s), uses Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim.;Trichosanthes rosthornii Harms as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of cough with yellowish sticky expectoration, oppressed feeling in the chest and costal pain.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Red Tangerine Peel (橘红皮) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Red Tangerine Peel (橘红皮) with Latin name Exocarpium Citri Rubrum has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Lung; Spleen meridian(s), uses Citrus reticulate Blanco and its cultivars as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of cough, itching of the throat and profuse expectoration in colds, nausea, vomiting and epigastric distension caused by improper diet or excessive drinking.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of rhizome of Biglcaf Yam (淮山药) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, rhizome of Biglcaf Yam (淮山药) with Latin name Rhizoma Dioscoreae has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Lung; Spleen; Kidney meridian(s), uses Dioscorea opposita Thunb as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Its decoction (1:12800) can promote the phagocytosis of leukocyte in vitro.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Prepared Jackinthepulpit Tuber (制南星) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Prepared Jackinthepulpit Tuber (制南星) with Latin name Rhizoma Arisaematis Praeparata has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Lung; Spleen; Liver meridian(s), uses Arisaema consanguineum Schott.; Arisaema amurense Maxim.;Arisaema heterophyllum Bl. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of intractable phlegm with cough, vertigo, stroke with phlegm in the throat, deviation of the eye and the mouth,and hemiplegia, epilepsy and convulsions, tetanus. External use of the crude drug for boils, sores, snake and insect bite.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Hot pepper (辣椒) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Hot pepper (辣椒) with Latin name fructus Capsici has properties of Hot; Pungent, affects the Spleen; Stomach; Heart meridian(s), uses fruit as the part for treatment, and is indicated for See Capsicum annuum.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Chrysanthemum Flower (菊花) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Chrysanthemum Flower (菊花) with Latin name Flos Chrysanthemi has properties of Minor cold; Pungent; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Lung; Liver meridian(s), uses capitulum as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Angina pectoris, hypertension, externally contracted wind-heat, wind warmth, fever and headache, dizziness, common cold, red eyes, red eyes with gall, swelling toxin of clove sore.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Chrysanthemum Flower (杭菊) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Chrysanthemum Flower (杭菊) with Latin name Flos Chrysanthemi has properties of Minor cold; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Lung; Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of wind-heat type common cold, headache and dizziness, inflammation of the eye, blurred vision.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Asiatic Pennywort Herb (积雪草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Asiatic Pennywort Herb (积雪草) with Latin name herba centellae has properties of Warm; Slightly Sweet; Bitter, affects the Liver meridian(s), uses whole herb with root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Sand qi abdominal pain, summerheat-heat diarrhea, dysentery, damp-heat jaundice, sand strangury, blood strangury, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, red eyes, swollen throat, wind papules, scab and lichen, swelling toxin of clove welling abscess, knocks and falls, hypertension.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Asiatic Pennywort Herb (落得打) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Asiatic Pennywort Herb (落得打) with Latin name herba centellae has properties of Cold; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Liver; Kidney meridian(s), uses Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Treatment of jaundice caused by damp-heat, heat stroke with diarrhea, urolithiasis and hematuria, carbuncles and boils, traumatic injuries.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Honeysuckle Flower (双花) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Honeysuckle Flower (双花) with Latin name Flos Lonicerae has properties of Cold; Sweet, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach; Heart meridian(s), uses Lonicera japonica Thunb.;Lonicera hypoglauca Miq.;Lonicera confuse DC.;Lonicera dasystyla Rehd. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Broad-spectrum antibiotic , chlorogenic acid, isochlorogenic acid and luteolin are the major active components2. Anti-inflammatory, 0.25g/kg intraperitoneally in mice.3. Antipyretic.4. Its aqueous distillate (1:1280) promotes white cell phagocytosis and enhances lymphocyte-blastogenesis rate in vitro.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Honeysuckle Flower (金银花) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Honeysuckle Flower (金银花) with Latin name Flos Lonicerae has properties of Cold; Sweet, affects the Lung; Stomach; Heart meridian(s), uses flower bud as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Infection of upper respiratory tract, tonsillitis, acute laryngitis, skin suppurations, welling abscess, viral conjunctivitis, influenza, pneumonia, mastitis, acute appendicitis, warm disease fever, heat toxin blood dysentery, swollen welling abscess and clove sores, throat impediment.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of rhizome of Common Turmeric (姜黄) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, rhizome of Common Turmeric (姜黄) with Latin name Rhizoma Curcumae longae has properties of Warm; Pungent; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Liver meridian(s), uses tuberoid as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Gallstones, jaundice, leukaemia in early stage and carcinoma of uterine cervix in early stage, chronic ulcer, chronic scab, blood stasis and qi stagnation, pain in chest and abdomen and rib-side, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, postpartum stasis stagnation abdominal pain, wind-heat impediment pain, knocks and falls, swollen welling abscess.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Fresh Ginger (生姜) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Fresh Ginger (生姜) with Latin name Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens has properties of Warm; Pungent, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses fresh rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Wind-cold common cold, fever and aversion to wind, headache and nasal congestion, vomiting, phlegm-rheum cough asthma, distention fullness, diarrhea.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Cassia Bark (肉桂) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Cassia Bark (肉桂) with Latin name Cortex Cinmomi has properties of Hot; Pungent; Sweet, affects the Spleen; Liver; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses bark as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Impotence, uterus cold, cold pain in lumbus and knees, kidney vacuity asthma, yang vacuity dizziness, red eyes and sore pharynx, cold pain in heart and abdomen, vacuity cold vomiting and diarrhea, cold mounting, running piglet, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Cabbage (甘蓝) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Cabbage (甘蓝) with Latin name Brassica oleracea var. capitata has properties of Mild; Sweet; Sour; Punkery, affects the Lung meridian(s), uses leaf as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Damp-heat jaundice, pain from ulcer in digestive tract, stiffness in joints, vacuity detriment.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Root of Ural Licorice (甘草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Root of Ural Licorice (甘草) with Latin name Radix Glycyrrhizae has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach; Heart meridian(s), uses root and rhizome as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Its decoction can inhibit intestinal smooth muscles of rabbins in vitro, but glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhetinic acid have no this effect.2. Possessing an adrenocorticomimetic effect.3. Its extract and glycyrrhizin exerts a detoxifying effect.4. Antitussive and antiasthmatic. 5. Glycyrrhizin has anti-inflammatory effect similar to hydrocortisone.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Root of Ural Licorice (小甘草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Root of Ural Licorice (小甘草) with Latin name Radix Glycyrrhizae has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Lung; Spleen; Stomach; Heart meridian(s), uses Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch; Glycyrrhiza inflate Bat.;Glycyrrhiza glabra L. as the part for treatment, and is indicated for 1. Its decoction can inhibit intestinal smooth muscles of rabbins in vitro, but glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhetinic acid have no this effect.2. Possessing an adrenocorticomimetic effect.3. Its extract and glycyrrhizin exerts a detoxifying effect.4. Antitussive and antiasthmatic. 5. Glycyrrhizin has anti-inflammatory effect similar to hydrocortisone.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Lucid Ganoderma (灵芝(赤芝)) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Lucid Ganoderma (灵芝(赤芝)) with Latin name Ganoderma Lucidum seu Japonicum has properties of Mild; Sweet, affects the Lung; Spleen; Liver; Heart; Kidney meridian(s), uses dried sporocarp as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Hyperlipemia, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, septicemia, carcinoma, hepatitis, vacuity taxation, palpitation, insomnia, dizziness, fatigue hypodynamia, enduring cough and asthma, chronic bronchitis, silicosis.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of root of common htreewingnut (雷公藤) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root of common htreewingnut (雷公藤) with Latin name radix tripterygii wilfordii has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Liver; Heart meridian(s), uses root, leaf and flower as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic arthritis, glomerulonephritis, nephropathy syndrome, erythematous lupus, dryness in eyes and mouth, Behcet’s syndrome, psoriasis, eczema, leprosy, scab sore, intractable lichen.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of all-grass of Heartleaf Houttuynia (鱼腥草) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, all-grass of Heartleaf Houttuynia (鱼腥草) with Latin name Herba Houttuyniae has properties of Minor cold; Pungent, affects the Lung meridian(s), uses aerial parts as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Pulmonary welling abscess with hacking of pus and blood, lung heat phlegm cough, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, urinary tract infection, odynuria, chronic uterine cervical infection, leptospirosis, otitis media, cystitis, dysentery, mastitis, heat toxin sores, heat strangury.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of Aloe (芦荟) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, Aloe (芦荟) with Latin name Aloe has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Large Intestine; Stomach; Liver meridian(s), uses solid residue obtained by evaporating liquid which drains from leaves as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Constipation, child gan accumulation, ascariasis, fright wind, lichen.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of root of Membranous Milkvetch (黄芪) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root of Membranous Milkvetch (黄芪) with Latin name Radix Astragali has properties of Warm; Sweet, affects the Lung; Spleen meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Common cold, influenza, chronic wound ulcer, chronic glomerulonephritis, diabetes mellitus due to internal heat, qi vacuity edema, chronic gastritis, qi vacuity and hypodynamia, reduced food intake and sloppy stool, center qi fall, chronic diarrhea, prolapse of rectum, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, spontaneous sweating due to exterior vacuity.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of rhizome of Largehead Atractylodes (白术) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, rhizome of Largehead Atractylodes (白术) with Latin name Rhizoma Atractylodis macrocephalae has properties of Warm; Sweet; Bitter, affects the Spleen; Stomach meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Spleen qi vacuity, fatigue hypodynamia, reduced food intake with abdominal distention, sloppy stool, water-rheum collecting internally, inhibited urination, edema, phlegm-rheum dizziness, damp impediment, qi vacuity, spontaneous sweating, stirring fetus in pregnancy.. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the properties and uses of root of Baikal skullcap (黄芩) in TCM?[/INST] In TCM, root of Baikal skullcap (黄芩) with Latin name Radix Scutellariae has properties of Cold; Bitter, affects the Lung; Large Intestine; Stomach; Small Intestine; Gallbladder meridian(s), uses root as the part for treatment, and is indicated for Chest oppression with retching, diarrhea, jaundice, lung heat cough, infection of upper respiratory tract, acute tonsillitis, acute pharyngolaryngitis, ardent fever with vexation and thirst, blood heat, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, stirring fetus in pregnancy.. </s>
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