int64 0
| text
stringlengths 10
| speaker_id
int64 1
| utterance_pitch_mean
float32 73.4
| utterance_pitch_std
float32 7.74
| snr
float64 43.7
| c50
float64 42.1
| speaking_rate
float64 4.9
| phonemes
stringlengths 6
| stoi
float64 0.99
| si-sdr
float64 17.9
| pesq
float64 2.57
0 | There was once a merchant who employed many carpenters and masons to build a temple in his garden. | 1 | 100.453789 | 26.80411 | 71.454918 | 59.746113 | 16.855179 | ðɛɹ wɑz wʌns ʌ mɜ˞tʃʌnt hu ɛmplɔɪd mɛni kɑɹpʌntɜ˞z ʌnd meɪsʌnz tu bɪld ʌ tɛmpʌl ɪn hɪz ɡɑɹdʌn. | 0.998085 | 29.886454 | 4.216665 |
1 | Regularly, they would start work in the morning, and take a break for the mid-day meals, and return to resume work till evening. | 1 | 109.097534 | 26.462687 | 57.629166 | 56.5187 | 16.671045 | ɹɛɡjʌlɜ˞li, ðeɪ wʊd stɑɹt wɜ˞k ɪn ðʌ mɔɹnɪŋ, ʌnd teɪk ʌ bɹeɪk fɔɹ ðʌ mɪd-deɪ milz, ʌnd ɹɪtɜ˞n tu ɹɪzum wɜ˞k tɪl ivnɪŋ. | 0.994599 | 30.73192 | 3.717068 |
2 | One day, a group of monkeys arrived at the site of the building and watched the workers leaving for their mid-day meals. | 1 | 100.049538 | 27.690195 | 59.358406 | 58.218826 | 14.991603 | wʌn deɪ, ʌ ɡɹup ʌv mʌŋkiz ɜ˞aɪvd æt ðʌ saɪt ʌv ðʌ bɪldɪŋ ʌnd wɑtʃt ðʌ wɜ˞kɜ˞z livɪŋ fɔɹ ðɛɹ mɪd-deɪ milz. | 0.997958 | 30.87888 | 3.99057 |
3 | One of the carpenters was sawing a huge log of wood. | 1 | 103.397896 | 27.805122 | 70.107277 | 54.291626 | 13.781223 | wʌn ʌv ðʌ kɑɹpʌntɜ˞z wɑz sɔɪŋ ʌ hjudʒ lɔɡ ʌv wʊd. | 0.997362 | 29.38505 | 3.931814 |
4 | Since it was only half-done he placed a wedge in between to prevent the log from closing up. | 1 | 104.648567 | 32.967373 | 64.288612 | 50.763561 | 14.209305 | sɪns ɪt wɑz oʊnli hæf-dʌn hi pleɪst ʌ wɛdʒ ɪn bɪtwin tu pɹɪvɛnt ðʌ lɔɡ fɹʌm kloʊzɪŋ ʌp. | 0.995622 | 29.366306 | 3.833111 |
5 | He then went off along with the other workers for his meal. | 1 | 107.610435 | 28.490917 | 62.164806 | 54.784279 | 13.897083 | hi ðɛn wɛnt ɔf ʌlɔŋ wɪð ðʌ ʌðɜ˞ wɜ˞kɜ˞z fɔɹ hɪz mil. | 0.99821 | 29.74139 | 3.891173 |
6 | When all the workers were gone, the monkeys came down from the trees and started jumping around the site, and playing with the instruments. | 1 | 108.124695 | 33.138081 | 55.283245 | 56.407654 | 15.26557 | wɛn ɔl ðʌ wɜ˞kɜ˞z wɜ˞ ɡɔn, ðʌ mʌŋkiz keɪm daʊn fɹʌm ðʌ tɹiz ʌnd stɑɹtɪd dʒʌmpɪŋ ɜ˞aʊnd ðʌ saɪt, ʌnd pleɪɪŋ wɪð ðʌ ɪnstɹʌmʌnts. | 0.99653 | 29.955456 | 3.80833 |
7 | There was one monkey, who got curious about the wedge placed between the log. | 1 | 106.419601 | 32.210331 | 71.168785 | 58.745785 | 14.254805 | ðɛɹ wɑz wʌn mʌŋki, hu ɡɑt kjʊɹiʌs ʌbaʊt ðʌ wɛdʒ pleɪst bɪtwin ðʌ lɔɡ. | 0.999458 | 31.87237 | 4.18454 |
8 | He sat down on the log, and having placed himself in between the half-split log, caught hold of the wedge and started pulling at it. | 1 | 107.372169 | 28.904552 | 57.09515 | 55.143223 | 14.316098 | hi sæt daʊn ɑn ðʌ lɔɡ, ʌnd hævɪŋ pleɪst hɪmsɛlf ɪn bɪtwin ðʌ hæf-splɪt lɔɡ, kɑt hoʊld ʌv ðʌ wɛdʒ ʌnd stɑɹtɪd pʊlɪŋ æt ɪt. | 0.997065 | 28.277878 | 3.724699 |
9 | All of a sudden, the wedge came out. | 1 | 101.626381 | 29.717146 | 70.607582 | 56.343723 | 12.616487 | ɔl ʌv ʌ sʌdʌn, ðʌ wɛdʒ keɪm aʊt. | 0.999591 | 30.980862 | 3.869381 |
10 | As a result, the half-split log closed in and the monkey got caught in the gap of the log. | 1 | 109.906479 | 24.204121 | 66.121323 | 56.649422 | 13.688054 | æz ʌ ɹɪzʌlt, ðʌ hæf-splɪt lɔɡ kloʊzd ɪn ʌnd ðʌ mʌŋki ɡɑt kɑt ɪn ðʌ ɡæp ʌv ðʌ lɔɡ. | 0.998187 | 29.152409 | 3.508056 |
11 | As was his destiny, he was severely wounded. | 1 | 107.508598 | 30.30616 | 71.761787 | 58.502079 | 12.490922 | æz wɑz hɪz dɛstʌni, hi wɑz sʌvɪɹli wundɪd. | 0.994273 | 26.511974 | 3.384063 |
12 | The wise indeed say, One, who interferes in other's work, surely comes to grief. | 1 | 106.646347 | 32.729855 | 70.589729 | 59.276478 | 13.492877 | ðʌ waɪz ɪndid seɪ, wʌn, hu ɪntɜ˞fɪɹz ɪn ʌðɜ˞'ɛs wɜ˞k, ʃʊɹli kʌmz tu ɡɹif. | 0.995884 | 29.960896 | 3.88457 |
13 | One day, a jackal called Gomaya was very hungry, and was wandering about in search of food. | 1 | 104.137131 | 25.536903 | 63.215736 | 57.678097 | 12.698413 | wʌn deɪ, ʌ dʒækʌl kɔld wɑz vɛɹi hʌŋɡɹi, ʌnd wɑz wɑndɜ˞ɪŋ ʌbaʊt ɪn sɜ˞tʃ ʌv fud. | 0.998051 | 27.49337 | 3.748579 |
14 | After some time, he wandered out of the jungle he lived in, and reached a deserted battlefield. | 1 | 108.796249 | 29.025944 | 60.969036 | 54.968227 | 14.370774 | æftɜ˞ sʌm taɪm, hi wɑndɜ˞d aʊt ʌv ðʌ dʒʌŋɡʌl hi lɪvd ɪn, ʌnd ɹitʃt ʌ dɪzɜ˞tɪd bætʌlfild. | 0.995887 | 29.538685 | 3.643559 |
15 | In this deserted battlefield, a battle was fought recently. | 1 | 111.047592 | 29.634604 | 72.5215 | 58.655304 | 12.978268 | ɪn ðɪs dɪzɜ˞tɪd bætʌlfild, ʌ bætʌl wɑz fɔt ɹisʌntli. | 0.998809 | 27.644497 | 3.987747 |
16 | The fighting armies had left behind a drum, which was lying near a tree. | 1 | 105.345848 | 22.679884 | 69.103104 | 57.95137 | 13.882414 | ðʌ faɪtɪŋ ɑɹmiz hæd lɛft bɪhaɪnd ʌ dɹʌm, wɪtʃ wɑz laɪɪŋ nɪɹ ʌ tɹi. | 0.995087 | 28.558825 | 3.830225 |
17 | As strong winds blew, the branches of the tree got rubbed against the drum. | 1 | 113.205231 | 23.730013 | 72.286705 | 57.856037 | 11.923034 | æz stɹɔŋ wɪndz blu, ðʌ bɹæntʃʌz ʌv ðʌ tɹi ɡɑt ɹʌbd ʌɡɛnst ðʌ dɹʌm. | 0.99689 | 30.161564 | 3.568049 |
18 | This made a strange noise. | 1 | 106.507065 | 29.664936 | 71.503876 | 47.577595 | 11.943727 | ðɪs meɪd ʌ stɹeɪndʒ nɔɪz. | 0.989203 | 28.372438 | 3.22396 |
19 | When the jackal heard this sound, he got very frightened and thought of running away. | 1 | 102.437317 | 19.169914 | 70.966354 | 57.648312 | 14.764933 | wɛn ðʌ dʒækʌl hɜ˞d ðɪs saʊnd, hi ɡɑt vɛɹi fɹaɪtʌnd ʌnd θɔt ʌv ɹʌnɪŋ ʌweɪ. | 0.998279 | 29.607327 | 3.775467 |
20 | If I cannot flee from here before I am seen by the person making all this noise, I will be in trouble. | 1 | 112.527092 | 24.59383 | 52.489811 | 57.431061 | 14.475544 | ɪf aɪ kænɑt fli fɹʌm hiɹ bɪfɔɹ aɪ æm sin baɪ ðʌ pɜ˞sʌn meɪkɪŋ ɔl ðɪs nɔɪz, aɪ wɪl bi ɪn tɹʌbʌl. | 0.993784 | 27.935925 | 3.611944 |
21 | As he was about to run away, he had a second thought. | 1 | 102.16993 | 33.136147 | 71.003197 | 58.061161 | 14.313831 | æz hi wɑz ʌbaʊt tu ɹʌn ʌweɪ, hi hæd ʌ sɛkʌnd θɔt. | 0.999725 | 30.201641 | 4.331928 |
22 | It is unwise to run away from something without knowing. | 1 | 116.738251 | 28.316261 | 69.233643 | 59.346504 | 13.372665 | ɪt ɪz ʌnwaɪz tu ɹʌn ʌweɪ fɹʌm sʌmθɪŋ wɪθaʊt noʊɪŋ. | 0.998514 | 30.872347 | 4.067427 |
23 | Instead, I must be careful in finding out the source of this noise. | 1 | 107.182182 | 17.635439 | 71.783386 | 58.936604 | 13.409029 | ɪnstɛd, aɪ mʌst bi kɛɹfʌl ɪn faɪndɪŋ aʊt ðʌ sɔɹs ʌv ðɪs nɔɪz. | 0.998638 | 29.383244 | 3.905712 |
24 | He took the courage to creep forward cautiously. | 1 | 119.852531 | 32.45092 | 72.649643 | 55.997734 | 12.895797 | hi tʊk ðʌ kɜ˞ʌdʒ tu kɹip fɔɹwɜ˞d kɔʃʌsli. | 0.99819 | 28.056065 | 4.000601 |
25 | When he saw the drum, he realized that it was only the wind that was causing all the noise. | 1 | 111.087532 | 35.593521 | 67.264458 | 57.995987 | 14.726103 | wɛn hi sɔ ðʌ dɹʌm, hi ɹiʌlaɪzd ðæt ɪt wɑz oʊnli ðʌ waɪnd ðæt wɑz kɑzɪŋ ɔl ðʌ nɔɪz. | 0.997647 | 30.406616 | 4.00283 |
26 | He continued his search for food, and near the drum he found sufficient food and water. | 1 | 112.816902 | 34.360821 | 71.64325 | 55.986427 | 14.328358 | hi kʌntɪnjud hɪz sɜ˞tʃ fɔɹ fud, ʌnd nɪɹ ðʌ dɹʌm hi faʊnd sʌfɪʃʌnt fud ʌnd wɔtɜ˞. | 0.996397 | 29.31889 | 3.863995 |
27 | The wise indeed say, Only the brave succeed in life. | 1 | 105.892448 | 29.198505 | 71.823654 | 59.427444 | 13.468013 | ðʌ waɪz ɪndid seɪ, oʊnli ðʌ bɹeɪv sʌksid ɪn laɪf. | 0.994426 | 30.158333 | 3.730174 |
28 | In a city called Vardhamana, lived a very efficient and prosperous merchant. | 1 | 114.130432 | 34.253475 | 73.347847 | 59.440224 | 11.69843 | ɪn ʌ sɪti kɔld , lɪvd ʌ vɛɹi ɪfɪʃʌnt ʌnd pɹɑspɜ˞ʌs mɜ˞tʃʌnt. | 0.998789 | 28.37096 | 3.821873 |
29 | The king was aware of his abilities, and therefore made him the administrator of the kingdom. | 1 | 112.278084 | 28.399397 | 66.974579 | 57.748413 | 13.914467 | ðʌ kɪŋ wɑz ʌwɛɹ ʌv hɪz ʌbɪlʌtiz, ʌnd ðɛɹfɔɹ meɪd hɪm ðʌ ʌdmɪnʌstɹeɪtɜ˞ ʌv ðʌ kɪŋdʌm. | 0.995199 | 29.009687 | 3.637599 |
30 | With his efficient and intelligent ways, he kept common man very happy, and at the same time he impressed the king on the other side. | 1 | 108.908913 | 31.972828 | 57.956993 | 59.110474 | 14.01091 | wɪð hɪz ɪfɪʃʌnt ʌnd ɪntɛlʌdʒʌnt weɪz, hi kɛpt kɑmʌn mæn vɛɹi hæpi, ʌnd æt ðʌ seɪm taɪm hi ɪmpɹɛst ðʌ kɪŋ ɑn ðʌ ʌðɜ˞ saɪd. | 0.997098 | 29.063452 | 3.970501 |
31 | Such a person, who can keep everybody happy, is rarely found. | 1 | 112.105026 | 30.613974 | 72.459709 | 58.605186 | 12.464125 | sʌtʃ ʌ pɜ˞sʌn, hu kæn kip ɛvɹibɑdi hæpi, ɪz ɹɛɹli faʊnd. | 0.998668 | 29.708866 | 3.716353 |
32 | Later, there came a time that the merchant's daughter was getting married. | 1 | 102.8722 | 29.276068 | 73.148918 | 59.67083 | 14.222222 | leɪtɜ˞, ðɛɹ keɪm ʌ taɪm ðæt ðʌ mɜ˞tʃʌnt'ɛs dɔtɜ˞ wɑz ɡɛtɪŋ mɛɹid. | 0.998925 | 30.062637 | 3.818696 |
33 | He arranged for a lavish reception. | 1 | 113.376045 | 23.694704 | 72.864037 | 57.986103 | 12.833215 | hi ɜ˞eɪndʒd fɔɹ ʌ lævɪʃ ɹɪsɛpʃʌn. | 0.995239 | 29.404236 | 4.20155 |
34 | The merchant not only invited the king and the queen, who obliged by attending, but he also invited the entire royal household and all respected people of the kingdom. | 1 | 110.958534 | 26.897448 | 58.326828 | 57.266369 | 14.746544 | ðʌ mɜ˞tʃʌnt nɑt oʊnli ɪnvaɪtʌd ðʌ kɪŋ ʌnd ðʌ kwin, hu ʌblaɪdʒd baɪ ʌtɛndɪŋ, bʌt hi ɔlsoʊ ɪnvaɪtʌd ðʌ ɪntaɪɜ˞ ɹɔɪʌl haʊshoʊld ʌnd ɔl ɹɪspɛktɪd pipʌl ʌv ðʌ kɪŋdʌm. | 0.998577 | 30.748812 | 4.02599 |
35 | During the reception, he ensured to provide his guests with the best of treatments. | 1 | 109.034187 | 27.746157 | 71.920113 | 59.496712 | 13.986657 | dʊɹɪŋ ðʌ ɹɪsɛpʃʌn, hi ɛnʃʊɹd tu pɹʌvaɪd hɪz ɡɛsts wɪð ðʌ bɛst ʌv tɹitmʌnts. | 0.996319 | 30.842503 | 3.887101 |
36 | He gave out gifts to guests to show them respect for attending to his invitation. | 1 | 109.667847 | 25.335499 | 70.702843 | 56.965359 | 14.671907 | hi ɡeɪv aʊt ɡɪfts tu ɡɛsts tu ʃoʊ ðɛm ɹɪspɛkt fɔɹ ʌtɛndɪŋ tu hɪz ɪnvɪteɪʃʌn. | 0.995066 | 27.99935 | 3.73019 |
37 | A servant of the royal household, who used to sweep the palace, was not invited but attended the reception. | 1 | 112.598511 | 28.816406 | 60.608341 | 56.772495 | 14.598013 | ʌ sɜ˞vʌnt ʌv ðʌ ɹɔɪʌl haʊshoʊld, hu juzd tu swip ðʌ pælʌs, wɑz nɑt ɪnvaɪtʌd bʌt ʌtɛndɪd ðʌ ɹɪsɛpʃʌn. | 0.998577 | 30.395182 | 3.98914 |
38 | He took a seat which was reserved for royal nobles, not meant for common invitees. | 1 | 111.695152 | 26.58127 | 71.814125 | 52.148403 | 14.222222 | hi tʊk ʌ sit wɪtʃ wɑz ɹɪzɜ˞vd fɔɹ ɹɔɪʌl noʊbʌlz, nɑt mɛnt fɔɹ kɑmʌn ɪnvaɪtiz. | 0.997628 | 26.916683 | 4.008109 |
39 | This made the merchant very angry. | 1 | 101.313004 | 21.515478 | 72.701157 | 56.294884 | 12.616487 | ðɪs meɪd ðʌ mɜ˞tʃʌnt vɛɹi æŋɡɹi. | 0.996623 | 28.995602 | 3.873273 |
40 | He caught him by the neck and ordered his servants to have him thrown out. | 1 | 107.137581 | 35.083206 | 71.783142 | 58.920425 | 15.263749 | hi kɑt hɪm baɪ ðʌ nɛk ʌnd ɔɹdɜ˞d hɪz sɜ˞vʌnts tu hæv hɪm θɹoʊn aʊt. | 0.997563 | 30.27367 | 4.035906 |
41 | The royal servant felt very insulted, and could not sleep all night. | 1 | 112.679871 | 28.412762 | 66.094559 | 56.051178 | 13.72549 | ðʌ ɹɔɪʌl sɜ˞vʌnt fɛlt vɛɹi ɪnsʌltɪd, ʌnd kʊd nɑt slip ɔl naɪt. | 0.998791 | 27.538553 | 3.746127 |
42 | He thought, If I can have the king to disfavour this merchant, I will have my revenge. | 1 | 102.518097 | 21.935057 | 72.080658 | 56.828148 | 12.866689 | hi θɔt, ɪf aɪ kæn hæv ðʌ kɪŋ tu ðɪs mɜ˞tʃʌnt, aɪ wɪl hæv maɪ ɹivɛndʒ. | 0.999213 | 28.977789 | 4.118618 |
43 | But what can I, a common fellow, do to harm a powerful person as him. | 1 | 116.265907 | 30.114626 | 72.475922 | 53.819035 | 13.659761 | bʌt wʌt kæn aɪ, ʌ kɑmʌn fɛloʊ, du tu hɑɹm ʌ paʊɜ˞fʌl pɜ˞sʌn æz hɪm. | 0.99766 | 29.582405 | 3.933805 |
44 | Thinking such, he suddenly had a plan. | 1 | 102.951279 | 37.913902 | 72.116478 | 59.129162 | 12.698413 | θɪŋkɪŋ sʌtʃ, hi sʌdʌnli hæd ʌ plæn. | 0.99729 | 30.791119 | 4.144921 |
45 | Several days later, the servant was sweeping the floor near the king's bed early in the morning. | 1 | 114.575287 | 28.155649 | 71.49823 | 57.464493 | 15.766225 | sɛvɹʌl deɪz leɪtɜ˞, ðʌ sɜ˞vʌnt wɑz swipɪŋ ðʌ flɔɹ nɪɹ ðʌ kɪŋ'ɛs bɛd ɜ˞li ɪn ðʌ mɔɹnɪŋ. | 0.99767 | 31.293964 | 3.939499 |
46 | He observed that that the king was still in bed, half awake. | 1 | 109.161209 | 39.32032 | 69.158211 | 59.310139 | 13.168724 | hi ʌbzɜ˞vd ðæt ðæt ðʌ kɪŋ wɑz stɪl ɪn bɛd, hæf ʌweɪk. | 0.999099 | 28.023458 | 3.996264 |
47 | The servant started mumbling, Good heavens! The merchant has become so carefree now that he dared to embrace the queen! | 1 | 109.852654 | 24.690298 | 60.287468 | 57.838078 | 14.615512 | ðʌ sɜ˞vʌnt stɑɹtɪd mʌmbʌlɪŋ, ɡʊd hɛvʌnz! ðʌ mɜ˞tʃʌnt hæz bɪkʌm soʊ kɛɹfɹi naʊ ðæt hi dɛɹd tu ɛmbɹeɪs ðʌ kwin! | 0.996981 | 30.096931 | 3.790783 |
48 | When the king heard this lying in his bed, he jumped up and asked the servant, Is it true? Have you seen the merchant embrace my queen yourself? | 1 | 116.343079 | 32.220978 | 53.247818 | 59.622223 | 14.379085 | wɛn ðʌ kɪŋ hɜ˞d ðɪs laɪɪŋ ɪn hɪz bɛd, hi dʒʌmpt ʌp ʌnd æskt ðʌ sɜ˞vʌnt, ɪz ɪt tɹu? hæv ju sin ðʌ mɜ˞tʃʌnt ɛmbɹeɪs maɪ kwin jɜ˞sɛlf? | 0.99851 | 27.771271 | 3.737686 |
49 | The servant at once fell at the king's feet, O Master, I was gambling all night. | 1 | 112.799568 | 27.399204 | 72.196495 | 59.229927 | 13.911472 | ðʌ sɜ˞vʌnt æt wʌns fɛl æt ðʌ kɪŋ'ɛs fit, oʊ mæstɜ˞, aɪ wɑz ɡæmbʌlɪŋ ɔl naɪt. | 0.997013 | 28.305464 | 3.654043 |
50 | I feel drowsy for I didn't sleep last night. | 1 | 115.59668 | 22.009594 | 59.57716 | 51.759563 | 12.523864 | aɪ fil dɹaʊzi fɔɹ aɪ 'ti slip læst naɪt. | 0.999555 | 29.237906 | 4.192572 |
51 | I don't know what I have been mumbling, but I said anything improper, please forgive me. | 1 | 112.61158 | 27.971457 | 71.40892 | 58.653893 | 14.904602 | aɪ dɑn'ti noʊ wʌt aɪ hæv bɪn mʌmbʌlɪŋ, bʌt aɪ sɛd ɛniθɪŋ ɪmpɹɑpɜ˞, pliz fɜ˞ɡɪv mi. | 0.998279 | 29.946636 | 3.884433 |
52 | The king spoke no more, but the servant knew he had sowed the seed of distrust. | 1 | 106.232979 | 34.933029 | 66.289879 | 59.622513 | 13.250518 | ðʌ kɪŋ spoʊk noʊ mɔɹ, bʌt ðʌ sɜ˞vʌnt nu hi hæd saʊd ðʌ sid ʌv dɪstɹʌst. | 0.996653 | 27.416475 | 3.870319 |
53 | The king thought, It can be true! The servant moves about the palace freely, and so does the merchant. | 1 | 110.589935 | 33.492958 | 58.679359 | 58.767124 | 14.035088 | ðʌ kɪŋ θɔt, ɪt kæn bi tɹu! ðʌ sɜ˞vʌnt muvz ʌbaʊt ðʌ pælʌs fɹili, ʌnd soʊ dʌz ðʌ mɜ˞tʃʌnt. | 0.996132 | 30.008362 | 3.801099 |
54 | It is possible that the servant has seen something. | 1 | 102.337845 | 34.523758 | 70.650398 | 55.151192 | 12.403101 | ɪt ɪz pɑsʌbʌl ðæt ðʌ sɜ˞vʌnt hæz sin sʌmθɪŋ. | 0.99928 | 32.167183 | 3.911358 |
55 | The king was troubled with jealousy. | 1 | 110.849602 | 26.320032 | 66.780479 | 59.429153 | 13.260813 | ðʌ kɪŋ wɑz tɹʌbʌld wɪð dʒɛlʌsi. | 0.998573 | 34.038155 | 4.188032 |
56 | From that day onwards, he withdrew his favours from the merchant and even forbade him to enter the palace. | 1 | 110.31385 | 30.013462 | 57.890461 | 58.986923 | 14.633705 | fɹʌm ðæt deɪ ɑnwɜ˞dz, hi wɪθdɹu hɪz feɪvɜ˞z fɹʌm ðʌ mɜ˞tʃʌnt ʌnd ivɪn fɜ˞beɪd hɪm tu ɛntɜ˞ ðʌ pælʌs. | 0.997616 | 30.200787 | 3.845167 |
57 | One day, when the merchant was entering the gateway to the palace, he was stopped by the guards. | 1 | 107.813988 | 26.250441 | 64.855148 | 59.085308 | 14.648356 | wʌn deɪ, wɛn ðʌ mɜ˞tʃʌnt wɑz ɛntɜ˞ɪŋ ðʌ ɡeɪtweɪ tu ðʌ pælʌs, hi wɑz stɑpt baɪ ðʌ ɡɑɹdz. | 0.999337 | 32.15062 | 4.069507 |
58 | The merchant was surprised due to this sudden change in the king's attitude. | 1 | 114.084068 | 32.125275 | 69.151367 | 56.131775 | 14.262398 | ðʌ mɜ˞tʃʌnt wɑz sɜ˞pɹaɪzd du tu ðɪs sʌdʌn tʃeɪndʒ ɪn ðʌ kɪŋ'ɛs ætʌtud. | 0.99738 | 28.842228 | 3.548044 |
59 | The servant was nearby, and mocking shouted at the guards, Ho Guards! That merchant is favoured by the king, He is a powerful person. | 1 | 114.74337 | 26.616528 | 62.335537 | 59.123039 | 13.57785 | ðʌ sɜ˞vʌnt wɑz nɪɹbaɪ, ʌnd mɑkɪŋ ʃaʊtɪd æt ðʌ ɡɑɹdz, hoʊ ɡɑɹdz! ðæt mɜ˞tʃʌnt ɪz baɪ ðʌ kɪŋ, hi ɪz ʌ paʊɜ˞fʌl pɜ˞sʌn. | 0.998945 | 31.606365 | 4.149618 |
60 | He can have people arrested or released or even thrown out, just like he had me thrown out of his daughter's reception. | 1 | 117.933372 | 24.783812 | 63.300491 | 54.395306 | 14.520481 | hi kæn hæv pipʌl ɜ˞ɛstɪd ɔɹ ɹilist ɔɹ ivɪn θɹoʊn aʊt, dʒʌst laɪk hi hæd mi θɹoʊn aʊt ʌv hɪz dɔtɜ˞'ɛs ɹɪsɛpʃʌn. | 0.997757 | 26.757317 | 3.507512 |
61 | Beware, for you may suffer the same fate. | 1 | 104.899704 | 29.409914 | 67.322693 | 59.80183 | 12.650853 | bɪwɛɹ, fɔɹ ju meɪ sʌfɜ˞ ðʌ seɪm feɪt. | 0.997338 | 30.727821 | 3.998093 |
62 | On hearing this, the merchant understood that the servant has caused all this trouble somehow. | 1 | 107.110306 | 27.926714 | 72.279282 | 59.716881 | 14.814815 | ɑn hiɹɪŋ ðɪs, ðʌ mɜ˞tʃʌnt ʌndɜ˞stʊd ðæt ðʌ sɜ˞vʌnt hæz kɑzd ɔl ðɪs tɹʌbʌl sʌmhaʊ. | 0.999249 | 29.500006 | 3.971336 |
63 | He felt dejected, and returned home upset over the incident. | 1 | 107.52063 | 19.88419 | 71.400299 | 59.727978 | 13.538632 | hi fɛlt dɪdʒɛktɪd, ʌnd ɹɪtɜ˞nd hoʊm ʌpsɛt oʊvɜ˞ ðʌ ɪnsʌdʌnt. | 0.999311 | 29.55938 | 3.719951 |
64 | He gave everything a second thought, and then he invited the royal servant to his house. | 1 | 108.473579 | 29.680206 | 69.582535 | 59.65395 | 14.109347 | hi ɡeɪv ɛvɹiθɪŋ ʌ sɛkʌnd θɔt, ʌnd ðɛn hi ɪnvaɪtʌd ðʌ ɹɔɪʌl sɜ˞vʌnt tu hɪz haʊs. | 0.995499 | 28.32798 | 3.764147 |
65 | He treated the servant with utmost respect, and flattered him with gifts and garments. | 1 | 108.260132 | 32.234585 | 68.982063 | 59.701248 | 14.334098 | hi tɹitɪd ðʌ sɜ˞vʌnt wɪð ʌtmoʊst ɹɪspɛkt, ʌnd flætɜ˞d hɪm wɪð ɡɪfts ʌnd ɡɑɹmʌnts. | 0.997225 | 28.23724 | 3.289559 |
66 | He said kindly, O friend, that day I did not have you thrown out due to anger, but it was improper of you to occupy the seat reserved for the royal nobles. | 1 | 109.764374 | 26.305355 | 61.034592 | 57.491032 | 14.667159 | hi sɛd kaɪndli, oʊ fɹɛnd, ðæt deɪ aɪ dɪd nɑt hæv ju θɹoʊn aʊt du tu æŋɡɜ˞, bʌt ɪt wɑz ɪmpɹɑpɜ˞ ʌv ju tu ɑkjʌpaɪ ðʌ sit ɹɪzɜ˞vd fɔɹ ðʌ ɹɔɪʌl noʊbʌlz. | 0.998337 | 29.163324 | 4.138165 |
67 | They felt insulted, and out of compulsion I had to throw you out. Please forgive me. | 1 | 107.714928 | 23.823341 | 68.69516 | 58.853825 | 15.150426 | ðeɪ fɛlt ɪnsʌltɪd, ʌnd aʊt ʌv kʌmpʌlʃʌn aɪ hæd tu θɹoʊ ju aʊt. pliz fɜ˞ɡɪv mi. | 0.998374 | 29.587862 | 3.853782 |
68 | The servant was already flattered with all the gifts, and he was full of joy, Sir, I forgive you. You have not only expressed your regrets, but also honoured me with utmost respect. | 1 | 107.398262 | 27.969328 | 62.335529 | 58.993698 | 14.727669 | ðʌ sɜ˞vʌnt wɑz ɔlɹɛdi flætɜ˞d wɪð ɔl ðʌ ɡɪfts, ʌnd hi wɑz fʊl ʌv dʒɔɪ, sɜ˞, aɪ fɜ˞ɡɪv ju. ju hæv nɑt oʊnli ɪkspɹɛst jɔɹ ɹɪɡɹɛts, bʌt ɔlsoʊ ɑnɜ˞d mi wɪð ʌtmoʊst ɹɪspɛkt. | 0.997376 | 28.086906 | 3.796767 |
69 | He ensured the merchant, I will prove you how clever I am. | 1 | 112.349083 | 23.646164 | 73.011093 | 57.514107 | 13.327384 | hi ɛnʃʊɹd ðʌ mɜ˞tʃʌnt, aɪ wɪl pɹuv ju haʊ klɛvɜ˞ aɪ æm. | 0.998216 | 29.036518 | 3.489452 |
70 | I will have the king favourable towards you, like he was before. | 1 | 114.903618 | 27.308718 | 72.977211 | 59.533791 | 12.294452 | aɪ wɪl hæv ðʌ kɪŋ tʌwɔɹdz ju, laɪk hi wɑz bɪfɔɹ. | 0.999221 | 31.356792 | 4.210246 |
71 | The servant went back home. | 1 | 109.900658 | 29.400246 | 70.924622 | 54.661228 | 12.325926 | ðʌ sɜ˞vʌnt wɛnt bæk hoʊm. | 0.999036 | 30.952061 | 3.952773 |
72 | Early next morning, when he started sweeping the floors of the palace, he waited till when the king was lying half-awake. | 1 | 107.370293 | 29.038956 | 63.647705 | 58.826649 | 14.713575 | ɜ˞li nɛkst mɔɹnɪŋ, wɛn hi stɑɹtɪd swipɪŋ ðʌ flɔɹz ʌv ðʌ pælʌs, hi weɪtɪd tɪl wɛn ðʌ kɪŋ wɑz laɪɪŋ hæf-ʌweɪk. | 0.997869 | 29.451778 | 3.831753 |
73 | When the opportunity came, he started sweeping around his bed and started mumbling, Our king is crazy, he eats cucumber in the lavatory! | 1 | 111.969109 | 32.245285 | 59.817268 | 59.002277 | 15.042735 | wɛn ðʌ ɑpɜ˞tunʌti keɪm, hi stɑɹtɪd swipɪŋ ɜ˞aʊnd hɪz bɛd ʌnd stɑɹtɪd mʌmbʌlɪŋ, aʊɜ˞ kɪŋ ɪz kɹeɪzi, hi its kjukʌmbɜ˞ ɪn ðʌ lævʌtɔɹi! | 0.997377 | 30.334351 | 3.85834 |
74 | On hearing this, the king was taken aback. | 1 | 98.673042 | 35.216175 | 67.794235 | 59.30204 | 12.238325 | ɑn hiɹɪŋ ðɪs, ðʌ kɪŋ wɑz teɪkʌn ʌbæk. | 0.999674 | 30.507458 | 3.837516 |
75 | He got up angrily and shouted at the servant, What nonsense do you talk about? Had you not been by royal servant, I would have punished you dearly. | 1 | 103.861534 | 26.288601 | 64.681091 | 57.500164 | 15.209125 | hi ɡɑt ʌp æŋɡɹʌli ʌnd ʃaʊtɪd æt ðʌ sɜ˞vʌnt, wʌt nɑnsɛns du ju tɔk ʌbaʊt? hæd ju nɑt bɪn baɪ ɹɔɪʌl sɜ˞vʌnt, aɪ wʊd hæv pʌnɪʃt ju dɪɹli. | 0.996639 | 24.665371 | 3.744361 |
76 | Have you ever seen me doing such thing yourself? | 1 | 117.585396 | 23.226101 | 71.290985 | 56.916847 | 13.099415 | hæv ju ɛvɜ˞ sin mi duɪŋ sʌtʃ θɪŋ jɜ˞sɛlf? | 0.98986 | 26.444019 | 3.507198 |
77 | Once again the servant fell on his knees and prayed, O Master, please forgive me if I said something improper. | 1 | 103.246231 | 21.824347 | 64.475899 | 57.938179 | 13.468013 | wʌns ʌɡɛn ðʌ sɜ˞vʌnt fɛl ɑn hɪz niz ʌnd pɹeɪd, oʊ mæstɜ˞, pliz fɜ˞ɡɪv mi ɪf aɪ sɛd sʌmθɪŋ ɪmpɹɑpɜ˞. | 0.997741 | 30.295052 | 3.731411 |
78 | The king thought to himself, I have never eaten a cucumber in the lavatory. | 1 | 99.447098 | 22.097429 | 70.460083 | 58.047802 | 14.499606 | ðʌ kɪŋ θɔt tu hɪmsɛlf, aɪ hæv nɛvɜ˞ itʌn ʌ kjukʌmbɜ˞ ɪn ðʌ lævʌtɔɹi. | 0.99792 | 30.09062 | 3.850208 |
79 | What he mumbled about me is ridiculously false. | 1 | 104.721733 | 21.654943 | 69.764793 | 57.780079 | 12.390572 | wʌt hi mʌmbʌld ʌbaʊt mi ɪz ɹʌdɪkjʌlʌsli fɔls. | 0.997316 | 28.365173 | 3.928834 |
80 | Surely then, what he mumbled about my trusted merchant the other morning must have been ridiculously false too. | 1 | 103.689583 | 28.205872 | 52.93277 | 59.484726 | 13.99932 | ʃʊɹli ðɛn, wʌt hi mʌmbʌld ʌbaʊt maɪ tɹʌstɪd mɜ˞tʃʌnt ðʌ ʌðɜ˞ mɔɹnɪŋ mʌst hæv bɪn ɹʌdɪkjʌlʌsli fɔls tu. | 0.998392 | 27.754137 | 3.853622 |
81 | It was improper of me to mistreat the merchant. | 1 | 107.075653 | 17.657808 | 71.418602 | 58.572533 | 13.767303 | ɪt wɑz ɪmpɹɑpɜ˞ ʌv mi tu mɪstɹit ðʌ mɜ˞tʃʌnt. | 0.998309 | 30.208033 | 3.897774 |
82 | He wondered, After all he has been so efficient in the whole administrative system, that without him it has become slack. | 1 | 108.613663 | 21.700239 | 64.908958 | 58.600574 | 14.303959 | hi wʌndɜ˞d, æftɜ˞ ɔl hi hæz bɪn soʊ ɪfɪʃʌnt ɪn ðʌ hoʊl ʌdmɪnʌstɹeɪtɪv sɪstʌm, ðæt wɪθaʊt hɪm ɪt hæz bɪkʌm slæk. | 0.997711 | 29.613646 | 3.692403 |
83 | Thus, having considered carefully, the king invited the merchant to the palace and flattered him with gifts, jewels and garments. | 1 | 102.14164 | 25.712755 | 57.832745 | 59.336147 | 14.567901 | ðʌs, hævɪŋ kʌnsɪdɜ˞d kɛɹfʌli, ðʌ kɪŋ ɪnvaɪtʌd ðʌ mɜ˞tʃʌnt tu ðʌ pælʌs ʌnd flætɜ˞d hɪm wɪð ɡɪfts, dʒuʌlz ʌnd ɡɑɹmʌnts. | 0.997957 | 30.440184 | 3.729259 |
84 | He re-appointed the merchant to his previously held position, and favoured his services as before. | 1 | 106.85305 | 26.422512 | 63.103951 | 59.045052 | 13.821865 | hi ɹeɪ-ʌpɔɪntɪd ðʌ mɜ˞tʃʌnt tu hɪz pɹiviʌsli hɛld pʌzɪʃʌn, ʌnd hɪz sɜ˞vʌsʌz æz bɪfɔɹ. | 0.998643 | 29.485033 | 3.995719 |
85 | The wise indeed say, One should treat one and all, even the lowest, with respect. | 1 | 100.25164 | 27.617197 | 73.288277 | 57.089424 | 14.045214 | ðʌ waɪz ɪndid seɪ, wʌn ʃʊd tɹit wʌn ʌnd ɔl, ivɪn ðʌ loʊʌst, wɪð ɹɪspɛkt. | 0.998091 | 29.856155 | 4.00544 |
86 | Once upon a time, there was a sage called Deva Sharma who lived in a temple in the outskirts of a town. | 1 | 105.454018 | 22.008568 | 62.684364 | 56.558201 | 14.777118 | wʌns ʌpɑn ʌ taɪm, ðɛɹ wɑz ʌ seɪdʒ kɔld deɪvʌ ʃɑɹmʌ hu lɪvd ɪn ʌ tɛmpʌl ɪn ðʌ aʊtskɜ˞ts ʌv ʌ taʊn. | 0.997977 | 27.907558 | 3.880727 |
87 | He was widely known and respected. | 1 | 95.038483 | 37.187069 | 71.532303 | 58.9389 | 12.671791 | hi wɑz waɪdli noʊn ʌnd ɹɪspɛktɪd. | 0.998691 | 29.617546 | 3.922183 |
88 | People would visit him, and offer him with gifts, food, money and garments to seek his blessings. | 1 | 113.651451 | 25.262167 | 65.594643 | 57.727379 | 13.651348 | pipʌl wʊd vɪzɪt hɪm, ʌnd ɔfɜ˞ hɪm wɪð ɡɪfts, fud, mʌni ʌnd ɡɑɹmʌnts tu sik hɪz blɛsɪŋz. | 0.997304 | 30.196575 | 4.042956 |
89 | The gifts that he did not need for himself, he would sell off, and got rich on the proceeds. | 1 | 107.733673 | 20.147181 | 68.253281 | 59.393738 | 14.859038 | ðʌ ɡɪfts ðæt hi dɪd nɑt nid fɔɹ hɪmsɛlf, hi wʊd sɛl ɔf, ʌnd ɡɑt ɹɪtʃ ɑn ðʌ pɹʌsidz. | 0.997499 | 30.653505 | 4.010727 |
90 | And by nature, he trusted nobody. | 1 | 107.480927 | 19.950066 | 71.56337 | 59.194942 | 14.145759 | ʌnd baɪ neɪtʃɜ˞, hi tɹʌstɪd noʊbɑdi. | 0.99737 | 28.998783 | 4.071982 |
91 | So, he kept all his money in a bag which he carried under his arm all the time. | 1 | 109.893501 | 27.70434 | 72.99585 | 56.709671 | 13.534522 | soʊ, hi kɛpt ɔl hɪz mʌni ɪn ʌ bæɡ wɪtʃ hi kæɹid ʌndɜ˞ hɪz ɑɹm ɔl ðʌ taɪm. | 0.99649 | 27.916571 | 3.354051 |
92 | He would not part with the bag for a single moment. | 1 | 101.185509 | 23.714338 | 71.52317 | 56.624405 | 14.303959 | hi wʊd nɑt pɑɹt wɪð ðʌ bæɡ fɔɹ ʌ sɪŋɡʌl moʊmʌnt. | 0.999124 | 28.275267 | 4.148469 |
93 | One day, a swindler came across the sage, and he became sure that the bag this holy man was so possessive of, must surely contain a lot of treasure. | 1 | 111.096832 | 23.481697 | 59.434128 | 57.566666 | 14.258627 | wʌn deɪ, ʌ swɪndʌlɜ˞ keɪm ʌkɹɔs ðʌ seɪdʒ, ʌnd hi bɪkeɪm ʃʊɹ ðæt ðʌ bæɡ ðɪs hoʊli mæn wɑz soʊ pʌzɛsɪv ʌv, mʌst ʃʊɹli kʌnteɪn ʌ lɑt ʌv tɹɛʒɜ˞. | 0.99862 | 29.469254 | 4.048373 |
94 | He planned on stealing the bag from the sage, but could not think of a way to do so. | 1 | 112.055748 | 25.236799 | 72.03231 | 53.636963 | 15.204678 | hi plænd ɑn stilɪŋ ðʌ bæɡ fɹʌm ðʌ seɪdʒ, bʌt kʊd nɑt θɪŋk ʌv ʌ weɪ tu du soʊ. | 0.996851 | 28.33148 | 3.968724 |
95 | He thought, I cannot make a hole in the temple wall, or jump over the high gates. | 1 | 102.213593 | 26.099951 | 72.512825 | 54.480396 | 13.730804 | hi θɔt, aɪ kænɑt meɪk ʌ hoʊl ɪn ðʌ tɛmpʌl wɔl, ɔɹ dʒʌmp oʊvɜ˞ ðʌ haɪ ɡeɪts. | 0.998833 | 30.418373 | 4.089258 |
96 | But I can charm him with sweet words to accept me as his disciple. | 1 | 104.043732 | 31.031187 | 70.663109 | 57.17614 | 13.258004 | bʌt aɪ kæn tʃɑɹm hɪm wɪð swit wɜ˞dz tu æksɛpt mi æz hɪz dɪsaɪpʌl. | 0.998415 | 30.679056 | 4.10651 |
97 | He wondered, If I can stay with him as a disciple, I can win his confidence. When I get an opportunity, I will rob him, and leave this place. | 1 | 106.760078 | 23.093452 | 60.908516 | 59.255558 | 15.405158 | hi wʌndɜ˞d, ɪf aɪ kæn steɪ wɪð hɪm æz ʌ dɪsaɪpʌl, aɪ kæn wɪn hɪz kɑnfʌdʌns. wɛn aɪ ɡɛt æn ɑpɜ˞tunʌti, aɪ wɪl ɹɑb hɪm, ʌnd liv ðɪs pleɪs. | 0.99741 | 29.350327 | 3.897579 |
98 | Having planned so, the swindler approached the holy man with reverence, Om Namah Shivaya! I bow before Lord Shiva, the God of Destruction. | 1 | 105.567421 | 26.674488 | 49.542969 | 55.486435 | 13.293902 | hævɪŋ plænd soʊ, ðʌ swɪndʌlɜ˞ ʌpɹoʊtʃt ðʌ hoʊli mæn wɪð ɹɛvɜ˞ʌns, ɔm ! aɪ baʊ bɪfɔɹ lɔɹd ʃivʌ, ðʌ ɡɑd ʌv dɪstɹʌkʃʌn. | 0.997269 | 28.219543 | 4.012107 |
99 | With these words, he fell on the sage's feet and said, O Guruji, Please guide me to the right path of life. | 1 | 105.414932 | 22.800055 | 60.232983 | 51.290928 | 13.042708 | wɪð ðiz wɜ˞dz, hi fɛl ɑn ðʌ seɪdʒ'ɛs fit ʌnd sɛd, oʊ , pliz ɡaɪd mi tu ðʌ ɹaɪt pæθ ʌv laɪf. | 0.995557 | 28.676256 | 3.774709 |
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