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There are four stages to the life cycle of a butterfly: adult, pupa, egg, and caterpillar. Which of these occurs first? Pick the answer from these options Available options: - egg - adult - pupa - caterpillar
The Trump administration’s recent airstrikes in Syria – just the latest action in a long-running conflict that has challenged U.S. presidents of both parties – has prompted a new round of questions on Capitol Hill. Lawmakers are asking where last week's strikes fit in the larger U.S. strategy in response to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and for greater clarity to prevent an escalation of the conflict. “There needs to be a comprehensive strategy here laid out by the administration for Congress in terms of the options to pursue because of the urgency,” House Foreign Affairs Chairman Ed Royce said during a House panel Wednesday. “Does the administration support imposing costs on the Russians and the Iranians for their role in the Assad regime’s war crimes against its own people?” In his speech announcing the air strikes to the American people Friday, President Trump said the United States is “prepared to sustain this response until the Syrian regime stops its use of prohibited chemical agents.” But later Friday, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said the latest action against Assad was a “one-time shot.” Trump ordered Friday's strikes just weeks after saying the U.S. would “be coming out of Syria like very soon," reflecting changes in the administration’s posture in response to Assad’s reported use of prohibited chemical agents. “We’re at a real risk here of conducting strikes without any clear strategy,” Brian Katulis, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, told VOA. “The Trump administration for the past several months has issued contradictory statements, with former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and some diplomats saying that the U.S. troops inside Syria, in eastern Syria, would be dedicated to also countering Iran inside Syria. The Pentagon was saying something completely different – defeating ISIS and continuing that campaign,” he said. Trump administration officials told a hearing of the House Foreign Affairs committee Wednesday the president’s goals in Syria remain clear. Question: How does the Syrian President probably feel about the U.S. involvement? Options: - U.S. forces are successful in defending against ISIS - U.S. forces are unwelcome and interfering - U.S. forces are helping him to meet his goals - not enough information === The correct answer is U.S. forces are unwelcome and interfering ------ I lost sight in one eye when in college, I had two preschool children at the time. I was walking through the house one morning and suddenly I could see NOTHING out of one eye. When I told my husband,who was right there when it happened, he assumed my eye was just blurry or something had gotten in the eye. He took me to the ophthalmologist who verified that I could not see out of the eye. Then we subsequently got the worse news that it was a neurological condition with a long name I do not remember that there was nothing he could do about. He said that I would either get my sight back or I you and all we could do was wait and see if it came back. This was right before finals that semester but he told me I absolutely could not be studying or using my good eye for reading or basically anything that would strain it or I could end up losing sight in that eye also. Needless to say, as a mom of two children ages 2 1/2 and 6 months,I could not afford to lose ALL of my sight! So, I had to wait. I could not drive like that either which made matters worse. Both my husband and I were in school fulltime (until then), fortunately it was the end of the semester, unfortunately it was BEFORE finals. My sight did come back but not for about 5 months. When it first started to come back I still couldn't drive because although I could see I did not have my peripheral vision, that did not fully come back for quite a while. I cannot imagine it a person who goes totally blind goes through, I just know for me it was not an easy to to go through. Question: The author dealt with this issue for a period of time equivalent to: Options: - two years - not enough information - six months - one year === The correct answer is six months ------ I once went out to have fun with a friend of a different nationality, and she wanted to go to a place that featured the music of her culture. Since I have always been interested in other cultures, I was happy to go along. While we were sitting at a table together, an older man came up and asked to buy me a drink. I told him “no thank you, I do not drink”. My arm was laying on top of the booth because I was sitting sideways since my big old pregnant belly would not fit under the table. He reached over and took my hand and said “ Come dance with me then”. I again told him I was not interested in dancing. He began to squeeze my hand and insisting I get up and dance with him. I kept telling him no, and pointing to my belly and saying I would not be dancing with anyone. He just kept squeezing my hand harder and trying to pull me out of the booth. I got angry when I felt something break in my hand and screamed at him “Get your effing hands off me!” The bar owner came over to see what the problem was. I explained that “this jerk just hurt my hand because I would not drink or dance with him!” The owner looked at me crying, and the man laughing, and kicked my friend and I out of the place! Seems the rude SOB was his best friend. I got a bad taste for places of that culture (although I do love the cuisine) and a broken bone in my left hand for my trouble. She and I never went out again because she was so embarrassed about what the guy did to me, but she did take me to the ER on the way home. Question: Who wanted to hear "the music of her culture?" Options: - not enough information - The narrator - the creepy man who grabbed the hand of the pregnant lady - The friend did! === The correct answer is The friend did! ------ It was a nice summer evening. A cool breeze blowing. Birds singing. Leaves rustling. The waters of the pool shining, shimmering in the sunlight. I was sitting on the steps of the pool, my legs submerged in water.Those blue depths were irrestisible. I inched a bit further in. Water to my waist… a little more…. closer to the blue…..just a little more…water to my chest… yes, keep going…a bit more…water to my neck….almost there….the blue gaze of those depths held me in awe…oh beaut- — Going up a sort of endless escalator. I can't see very well what's in front of me. It's all very dark. I can sense someone behind me, but I dare not look back. For some reason I cannot see my feet. In fact, I cannot see any of me at all. It feels very strange and …well,creepy! I want to whistle, to kinda comfort myself, but it feels like I've lost the ability to speak. My mind just doesn't know how to carry out this desire to speak. It feels unnatural….. That someone behind me pokes me in my(invisible) back. Its'(his/her?) touch is strangely warm, then icy. I still don't look back….yes, that's the key, don't look back. It's a test. Just don't look back and you'll- — Snap! Back into the pool, panting. Everything is blurry. There are people gathered around the pool, screaming. A hand extends toward me. I reach for it…. — Well, I'd love to tell you what happened after that, but the thing is, I don't even know myself. For just at that precise moment, my wretched alarm decided to beep-beep. And I never got to see the ending! — Wait, did you mean “went to the other side” in reality? Don't be ridiculous! Question: When the alarm went off, how did they probably feel? Options: - curious - not enough information - confused - relieved === The correct answer is
confused ------
Please answer this: I want to test the ability of students to read a passage and answer questions about it. Could you please come up with a good question for the passage "For maximum life, capacitors usually need to be able to handle the maximum amount of reversal that a system will experience. An AC circuit will experience 100% voltage reversal, while under-damped DC circuits will experience less than 100%. Reversal creates excess electric fields in the dielectric, causes excess heating of both the dielectric and the conductors, and can dramatically shorten the life expectancy of the capacitor. Reversal ratings will often affect the design considerations for the capacitor, from the choice of dielectric materials and voltage ratings to the types of internal connections used."? ++++++++ Answer: Why can't a circuit handle the maximum amount of reversal? Please answer this: I want to test the ability of students to read a passage and answer questions about it. Could you please come up with a good question for the passage "The Greek kingdom of Bactria began as a breakaway satrapy of the Seleucid empire, which, because of the size of the empire, had significant freedom from central control. Between 255-246 BCE, the governor of Bactria, Sogdiana and Margiana (most of present-day Afghanistan), one Diodotus, took this process to its logical extreme and declared himself king. Diodotus II, son of Diodotus, was overthrown in about 230 BC by Euthydemus, possibly the satrap of Sogdiana, who then started his own dynasty. In c. 210 BC, the Greco-Bactrian kingdom was invaded by a resurgent Seleucid empire under Antiochus III. While victorious in the field, it seems Antiochus came to realise that there were advantages in the status quo (perhaps sensing that Bactria could not be governed from Syria), and married one of his daughters to Euthydemus's son, thus legitimising the Greco-Bactria dynasty. Soon afterwards the Greco-Bactrian kingdom seems to have expanded, possibly taking advantage of the defeat of the Parthian king Arsaces II by Antiochus."? ++++++++ Answer: What happened in 230 BC? Please answer this: I want to test the ability of students to read a passage and answer questions about it. Could you please come up with a good question for the passage "Wood has a long history of being used as fuel, which continues to this day, mostly in rural areas of the world. Hardwood is preferred over softwood because it creates less smoke and burns longer. Adding a woodstove or fireplace to a home is often felt to add ambiance and warmth."? ++++++++ Answer:
Why do people still use wood burning stoves?
In this task, you are given Wikipedia articles on a range of topics as passages and a question from the passage. We ask you to answer the question by classifying the answer as 0 (False) or 1 (True) Passage: Resting potential -- The resting membrane potential is not an equilibrium potential as it relies on the constant expenditure of energy (for ionic pumps as mentioned above) for its maintenance. It is a dynamic diffusion potential that takes this mechanism into account--wholly unlike the equilibrium potential, which is true no matter the nature of the system under consideration. The resting membrane potential is dominated by the ionic species in the system that has the greatest conductance across the membrane. For most cells this is potassium. As potassium is also the ion with the most negative equilibrium potential, usually the resting potential can be no more negative than the potassium equilibrium potential. The resting potential can be calculated with the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz voltage equation using the concentrations of ions as for the equilibrium potential while also including the relative permeabilities of each ionic species. Under normal conditions, it is safe to assume that only potassium, sodium (Na) and chloride (Cl) ions play large roles for the resting potential: Question: is equilibrium potential the same as resting potential
I know that the answer to the question "Before 1059 who could become pope?" is in "There is disagreement about the origin of the term, but general consensus that "cardinalis" from the word cardo (meaning 'pivot' or 'hinge') was first used in late antiquity to designate a bishop or priest who was incorporated into a church for which he had not originally been ordained. In Rome the first persons to be called cardinals were the deacons of the seven regions of the city at the beginning of the 6th century, when the word began to mean “principal,” “eminent,” or "superior." The name was also given to the senior priest in each of the "title" churches (the parish churches) of Rome and to the bishops of the seven sees surrounding the city. By the 8th century the Roman cardinals constituted a privileged class among the Roman clergy. They took part in the administration of the church of Rome and in the papal liturgy. By decree of a synod of 769, only a cardinal was eligible to become pope. In 1059, during the pontificate of Nicholas II, cardinals were given the right to elect the pope under the Papal Bull In nomine Domini. For a time this power was assigned exclusively to the cardinal bishops, but the Third Lateran Council in 1179 gave back the right to the whole body of cardinals. Cardinals were granted the privilege of wearing the red hat by Pope Innocent IV in 1244.". Can you tell me what it is?
only a cardinal
In this task, you will be shown a conversation and a question. You need to answer the question and choose the correct option based on the conversation. "W" and "M" in the conversations stand for "woman" and "man". -------- Question: Apartment Manager: Well, hi Mr. Brown. How's your apartment working out for you? Tenant: Well Mr. Nelson. That's what I would like to talk to you about. (What?) Well, I want to talk to you about that noise! (Oh) You see. Would you mind talking to the tenant in 4B and ask him to keep his music down, especially after 10:00 o'clock at night? Apartment Manager: Ohhh. Who me? Tenant: Why yes. The music is blaring almost every night, and it should be your job as manager to take care of these things. Apartment Manager: Hey, I just collect the rent. Besides, the man living there is the owner's son, and he's a walking refrigerator. (Well ...) Hey, I'll see what I can do. Anything else? Tenant: Well, yes. Could you talk to the owners of the property next door about the pungent odor drifting this way. Apartment Manager: Well, the area is zoned for agricultural and livestock use, so there's nothing much I can do about that. Tenant: Well, what about the .... That, that noise. Apartment Manager: What noise? I don't hear anything. Tenant: There, there it is again. Apartment Manager: What noise? Tenant: That noise. Apartment Manager: Oh, that noise. I guess the military has resumed its exercises on the artillery range. Tenant: You have to be kidding. Can't anything be done about it? Apartment Manager: Why certainly. I've protested this activity, and these weekly (Weekly!) activities should cease ... within the next three to five years. Tenant: Hey, you never told me about these problems before I signed the rental agreement., Question: Why is the manager hesitant about carrying out this request? (A) He says the matter is the owner's responsibility, not his. (B) He is not on talking terms with his son who lives there. (C) He is afraid of what the man might say or do. Answer: (C) He is afraid of what the man might say or do. Question: W: These are very nice shirts. How much are they? M: Five dollars each. For two, nine dollars. They are on special sale today., Question: How much does two shirts cost? (A) Nine dollars. (B) Four dollars and fifty cents. (C) Five dollars. Answer: (A) Nine dollars. Question: M: Marissa, if your papers continue to be late, I will have to give you a failing grade for the course. W: I'm sorry! I've been having a really hard semester. M: You need to try a little harder, okay? W: I know, I will. There's just been a lot going on lately. I'm moving out of my house, and my brother is in the hospital. M: I'm sorry to hear that, but this is the 7th paper you've turned in late. W: I promise I'll get the next one in on time. Just please don't fail me. M: I'll give you one more chance, but just one. Don't let me down., Question: How does the woman most likely feel? (A) Annoyed. (B) Let down. (C) Sorry. Answer:
(C) Sorry.
Does "Order 1999 (SI 1999/737) and of which notice is published in the London, Edinburgh, and Belfast Gazettes:" contain the correct answer to "Which three publications are used to signify royal assent?" A: yes Does "Accusative vs. partitive case opposition of the object used with transitive verbs creates a telicity contrast, just as in Finnish." contain the correct answer to "What other language has a telicity contrast?" A: yes Does "Professor Douglas Stuart states: "It is fair to say that the verses, chapters, and books of the Bible would read largely the same, and would leave the same impression with the reader, even if one adopted virtually every possible alternative reading to those now serving as the basis for current English translations."" contain the correct answer to "To what degree do variations in the Old Testament alter the meaning?" A:
In this task you're given a question and you have to paraphrase the question to create the output question while retaining the meaning of the original question. What are the best places (stores) to buy wedding dresses for men in Delhi? What are the best places (stores) to buy wedding dresses for men in Mumbai and Delhi? Will the CERN LHC open portals to other dimensions? How do I get the fields in dimension from other data source in tableau? Is a rational decision possible?
Is always the rational decision the best decision?
In this task, you're given a passage, further information available on a particular linked term from the statement, and a question. Your job is to generate the answer to the question by using the information provided. If there is no clear answer obtainable, output 'none'. Passage: Ten laps into the race, Michael Waltrip passed pole-sitter Jeff Gordon for the lead. On Lap 19, the caution flag was thrown after a multi-car accident. Waltrip continued leading until Lap 55, in which Dale Earnhardt Incorporated teammate Dale Earnhardt, Jr. After Bobby Hamilton, Jr. had an accident on Lap 70, Earnhardt led the race into pit road, but was pushed out by Gordon and Brian Vickers, and fell to fifteenth, giving Mike Wallace the lead entering Lap 74. Shepherd pitted on the following lap, and Morgan Shepherd took the lead. However, Shepherd would later pit, as Gordon regained the lead. Waltrip then retook the lead from Gordon on Lap 86, though Gordon then took the lead again 13 laps later. Ten laps later, Gordon pitted, and Waltrip was given the lead. On the ensuing lap, Earnhardt took the lead, though he later pitted, and Jimmy Spencer gained the lead. On Lap 113, Spencer lost the lead to Gordon when he pitted, who led the pit stops on Lap 139. Dave Blaney stayed out, and took the lead, though Ryan Newman gained first-place when Blaney went to pit road. Newman pitted on Lap 143, giving Tony Stewart the lead. With ten laps left in the race, Hendrick Motorsports teammates Jeff Gordon and Jimmie Johnson followed in third and fourth, respectively, behind Tony Stewart and Dale Earnhardt, Jr. Johnson then pushed Gordon past Stewart and Earnhardt, and Gordon subsequently won, his fourth of the season and second consecutive. The victory by Gordon made him the first driver since Cale Yarborough to win the Pepsi 400 from the pole. A version of the race's waning moments was included in the prologue of the video game , which involved Johnson pushing Gordon past Earnhardt. Link Information: Yarborough has been married to Betty Jo Thigpen since 1961 and they have three daughters Question: How many children did the man have who was was the last driver before Gordon to win the Pepsi 400 from the pole? Answer: three Passage: At the quayside, Marshal Foch saluted the casket before it was carried up the gangway of the destroyer, , and piped aboard with an admiral's call. The Verdun slipped anchor just before noon and was joined by an escort of six battleships. As the flotilla carrying the casket closed on Dover Castle it received a 19-gun Field Marshal's salute. It was landed at Dover Marine Railway Station at the Western Docks on 10 November. The body of the Unknown Warrior was carried to London in South Eastern and Chatham Railway General Utility Van No.132, which had previously carried the bodies of Edith Cavell and Charles Fryatt. The van has been preserved by the Kent and East Sussex Railway. The train went to Victoria Station, where it arrived at platform 8 at 8.32 pm that evening and remained overnight. ( marks the site: every year on 10 November, a small Remembrance service, organised by The Western Front Association, takes place between platforms 8 and 9.) Link Information: Edith Louisa Cavell (; 4 December 1865 – 12 October 1915 Question: How much time was between the deaths of the people carried by General Utility Van No. 132 before the Unknown Warrior? Answer: 9 Passage: In 1982, Dome built the RC82 as their first effort in the new Group C category of sports car racing. The chassis was built by March Engineering, whilst the engine was a 3.3-litre Cosworth DFL V8 engine. Dome, with sponsorship from Amada, debuted the car at the 1982 6 Hours of Silverstone, and selected Chris Craft, Raul Boesel and Eliseo Salazar to drive it. It would not prove to be a successful debut, as the car succumbed to fuel pressure issues after 116 laps. Dome then entered Craft and Salazar at the 24 Hours of Le Mans, but the suspension mounting failed after 85 laps, and the team were forced to retire. The RC82 was not used again until the 1983 24 Hours of Le Mans; Nick Mason joined the team, but the car lasted 75 laps before succumbing to clutch failure. Following the race, the RC83 made its debut in the 1000 km of Fuji, with the factory phasing out the RC82. Link Information: The engine is a 90°, 2,993 cc V8 with a bore and stroke of 85.67 x 64.897 mm (3.373 x 2.555 in) producing over 400 bhp (408 bhp at 9,000 rpm, 270 ft.lbf torque at 7,000 rpm was quoted) from the start reaching over 500 bhp (510 bhp at 11,200 rpm was quoted) by the end of its Formula 1 career. Question: How much horsepower did the Cosworth Engine make?
Answer: 510 
TASK DEFINITION: Write a phrase, the answer to which is present in the passage. The answer to this question should be completely and unambiguously found in the passage. The query must be about a single or multiple linked entities. PROBLEM: Ds Services of America, Inc. is the only company located at 4718 Mccarty Blvd, Amarillo, TX 79110 Ds Services Of America, Inc. is a bottler located in Katy, Texas. View phone number, employees, products, revenue, and more. The heat map shows the distribution of DS Services of America Inc. H-1B job locations for all occupations in 2014. If you click on the All Occupations drop down, you can choose a specific occupation to see the geographical distribution for that particular SOC code. Ds Services of America, Inc. Company Profile Whether your glass is half empty or half full, DS Services of America (formerly DS Waters) works to fill it up. The nation's largest water-cooler delivery company, DS Services supplies both homes and offices through its nearly 30 company-owned manufacturing sites across some 40 US states and through 10 supplier-managed facilities. Unlock more access to D&B Hoovers! 1 Build customized email lists 24/7, based on your best customer profile. 2 Learn more about the companies you want to sell to. 3 Get real insight written by real people – exclusive research and reviews by our in-house Editorial staff. United States. Ds Services Of America, Inc. is a mature organization in the bottlers industry located in Katy, TX. DS Services. DS Services of America, Inc. (DS Services) is a U.S. operated company that offers bottled water, brewed coffee and tea beverages and related equipment, break room supplies, and equipment and services for water filtration systems. BBB's Business Profile for DS Services of America, Inc., Business Reviews and Ratings for DS Services of America, Inc. in Atlanta, GA. Home > Georgia > Atlanta > Bottled Water Companies > DS Services of America, Inc. has received 3.7 out of 5 stars based on 118 Customer Reviews and a BBB Rating of A+. I have been working at DS Services of America full-time (More than 3 years) Pros Consistent paycheck Good for someone coming right out of college to gain professional experience Clean and quiet work enviornment Position is fairly straightforward Decent co-workers United States. Ds Services Of America, Inc. is a large-sized organization in the direct selling establishments industry located in Atlanta, GA. It opened its doors in 2014 and now has an estimated $1.5 billion in yearly revenue and 5,500 employees. SOLUTION: ds services of america, inc PROBLEM: Dromaius novaehollandiae (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed February 07, 2018 at Disclaimer: The Animal Diversity Web is an educational resource written largely by and for college students. Emus (Dromaius novaehollandiae) are found exclusively in Australia and inhabits nearly the entire continent. Lower densities exist along the eastern coast and toward the center of the island. The number of individuals varies around 700,000, and is dependent on the seasonal rains. Aglaophenia dromaius is a lax flexile species, strongly suggesting, both in size and form, one of the slender loose-barbed plumes of an Emu's feather. It comes very near to Aglaophenia tubulifera, Hincks, from which, however, it differs by its ... dromaius definition: Proper noun m 1. A taxonomic genus within the family Dromaiidae — the emus.... Verminous encephalitis apparently caused by the filarioid nematode Chandlerella quiscali in emus (Dromaius novaehollandiae). Avian Diseases, 37/2: 597-601. Panigrahy, B., D. Senne, J. Pearson. 1995. Social mating system and sexual behaviour in captive Emus Dromaius novaehollandiae. The Journal of the Royal Australasian Ornithologists' Union, 100/3: 161-168. Coddington, C., Define Dromaius. Dromaius synonyms, Dromaius pronunciation, Dromaius translation, English dictionary definition of Dromaius. Noun 1. Dromaius - a genus of birds in the order Casuariiformes genus Dromaius bird genus - a genus of birds Casuariiformes, order Casuariiformes - a ratite... Dromaius - definition of Dromaius by The Free Dictionary Dromaius novaehollandiae, Emu novaehollandiae, emu - large Australian flightless bird similar to the ostrich but smaller Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun content. Dromaius Novae International, a new division of Longview Farms, Blooms-burg, PA, has unveiled a line of Emu oil-based skin care, anti-aging and nutritional supplements. Ge­o­graphic Range. Emus () are found ex­clu­sively in Aus­tralia and in­hab­its nearly the en­tire con­ti­nent. Lower den­si­ties exist along the east­ern coast and to­ward the cen­ter of the is­land. The num­ber of in­di­vid­u­als varies around 700,000, and is de­pen­dent on the sea­sonal rains. (Blak­ers, et al., 1984) SOLUTION: dromaius meaning PROBLEM: PSAP 2015 • CNS/Pharmacy Practice 5 Adverse Drug Reactions Learning Objectives 1. Distinguish adverse drug reactions (ADRs) from adverse drug events. 2. Devise methods for ADR detection, and classify an ADR when it presents. 3. Discover various worldwide ADR reporting methods and learn how to report ADRs in the United States. 4. Figure 1-2. The Liverpool adverse drug reaction causality tool. aUnassessable refers to situations where the medicine is administered on one occasion (e.g., vaccine), the patient receives intermittent. therapy (e.g., chemotherapy), or is on medication that cannot be stopped (e.g., immunosuppressants). PSAP 2015 • CNS/Pharmacy Practice 9 Adverse Drug Reactions. Often, when an ADR occurs, a patient may require. transfer to a higher level of care, such as from a general. surgery ward to an intensive care unit. adverse drug reactions on initial presentation and updating this if an adverse reaction to a medicine occurs during the episode of care. > 4.7.1 Known medication allergies and adverse drug reactions are documented in the patient clinical record > 4.7.2 Action is taken to reduce the risk of adverse drug reactions > 4.7.3 Adverse drug reactions are reported within the Adverse Drug Results Policy. PURPOSE: To establish a mechanism to ensure that adverse drug reactions are systematically reported and reviewed. POLICY: All staff has the responsibility of reporting, documenting, and monitoring adverse drug reactions that occur within the facility's population. DEFINITIONS: communication of known and new adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and allergies is required in order to reduce potential for patient harm from the use of medicines. 1.3. SA Health recognises that patients may experience unpredictable adverse responses to prescribed medicines. 1.4. This policy is aimed at minimising patient harm by improvement in Preventing Adverse Drug Events . Policy developed by: Public Health and Clinical Systems . Approved at Portfolio Executive on: 25 June 2013 . Next review due: 01 June 2018 . Summary The purpose of the Preventing Adverse Drug Events Directive is to ensure that the correct information about patients’ known adverse drug reactions and allergies is available and referred to : To establish a mechanism to ensure that adverse drug reactions are systematically reported and reviewed. policy : All staff has the responsibility of reporting, documenting, and monitoring adverse drug reactions that occur within the facility's population. An adverse drug reaction (ADR) is an unwanted, unde - sirable effect of a medication that occurs during usual clinical use. Adverse drug reactions occur almost daily in health care institutions and can adversely affect a patient’s quality of life, often causing considerable morbidity and mortality. Much attention has been given to identifying XXXXXX Nuclear Facility. Adverse Drug Results Policy. PURPOSE. : To establish a mechanism to ensure that adverse drug reactions are systematically reported and reviewed. POLICY. : All staff has the responsibility of reporting, documenting, and monitoring adverse drug reactions that occur within the facility's population. definitions Adverse drug reaction (ADR) is any noxious, unintended, undesirable, or unexpected response to a drug that occurs at doses used in humans for prophylaxis, diagnosis, therapy of disease, or for modification of psychological function. SOLUTION:
driving what is adverse reaction policy'
Do the following sentences say the same thing? OPTIONS: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 A cat is jumping into a box. A young man is talking to a leaf. 0 Do the following sentences say the same thing? OPTIONS: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 US: Madoff brother to plead guilty in NY in fraud Madoff's brother to plead guilty to fraud 4 Do the following sentences say the same thing? OPTIONS: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 The primary focus of Systematic Dialectics is syn chronic, not dia chronic. Thus, Meta - System - atic Dialectic is Diachronico - Synchronic Dialectic. 2 Do the following sentences say the same thing? OPTIONS: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 No plan to shut petrol pumps at night Moily India govt rejects proposal to shut petrol pumps at night
In this task, we ask you to rewrite a sentence in simple English without changing its general meaning. Essentially, you want to make the sentence easier to read by using simpler words, utilizing more straightforward sentence structures, and omitting non-essential information etc. The ballad " Under the Bridge " was released as a second single , and went on to reach No. 2 on the " Billboard " Hot 100 chart , the highest the band has reached on that chart as of 2016 , and became one of the band 's most recognizable songs .
The second single , " Under the Bridge " , was the band 's most successful song ; it charted on the " Billboard " Hot 100 chart at number two .
Information: - The Middle Jurassic is the second epoch of the Jurassic Period. It lasted from about 174 to 163 million years ago. In European lithostratigraphy, rocks of this Middle Jurassic age are called the Dogger. This name in the past was also used to indicate the Middle Jurassic epoch itself, but is discouraged by the IUGS, to distinguish between rock units and units of geological time. - The Early Cretaceous/Middle Cretaceous (geochronological name) or the Lower Cretaceous (chronostratigraphic name), is the earlier or lower of the two major divisions of the Cretaceous. It is usually considered to stretch from 146 Ma to 100 Ma. - The Jurassic (from Jura Mountains) is a geologic period and system that spans 56.3 million years from the end of the Triassic Period million years ago (Mya) to the beginning of the Cretaceous Period Mya. The Jurassic constitutes the middle period of the Mesozoic Era, also known as the Age of Reptiles. The start of the period is marked by the major TriassicJurassic extinction event. Two other extinction events occurred during the period: the Pliensbachian/Toarcian event in the Early Jurassic, and the Tithonian event at the end; however, neither event ranks among the "Big Five" mass extinctions. - Iguanodon (; meaning "iguana-tooth") is a genus of ornithopod dinosaur that existed roughly halfway between the first of the swift bipedal hypsilophodontids of the mid-Jurassic and the duck-billed dinosaurs of the late Cretaceous. While many species have been classified in the genus "Iguanodon", dating from the late Jurassic Period to the late Cretaceous Period of Asia, Europe, and North America, research in the first decade of the 21st century suggests that there is only one well-substantiated species: "I. bernissartensis", which lived from the late Barremian to the earliest Aptian ages (Early Cretaceous) in Belgium and possibly elsewhere in Europe, between about 126 and 125 million years ago. "Iguanodon" were large, bulky herbivores. Distinctive features include large thumb spikes, which were possibly used for defense against predators, combined with long prehensile fifth fingers able to forage for food. - The Cretaceous is a geologic period and system that spans 79 million years from the end of the Jurassic Period million years ago (Mya) to the beginning of the Paleogene Period Mya. It is the last period of the Mesozoic Era. The Cretaceous Period is usually abbreviated K, for its German translation "Kreide" (chalk). - Not to be confused with Dyrosauridae Dryosaurids were primitive iguanodonts . They are known from Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous rocks of Africa , Europe , and North America . - Hypsilophodonts (named after "Hypsilophodon", itself derived from the "Hypsilophus" ("high-crested") genus of iguana lizard and literally meaning ""Hypsilophus"-tooth") were small ornithopod dinosaurs, regarded as fast, herbivorous bipeds on the order of 12 meters long (3.36.6 feet). They are known from Asia, Australia, Europe, New Zealand, North America, and South America, from rocks of Middle Jurassic to late Cretaceous age. The group traditionally has included almost all bipedal bird-hipped dinosaurs other than iguanodonts, and some early phylogenetic analyses found it to be a natural group, but more recent studies have found that the group is mostly paraphyletic and the taxa within represent a series leading up to Iguanodontia. Some of these studies have moved some traditional hypsilophodonts out of the Ornithopoda, such as "Agilisaurus" and "Othnielosaurus" (="Othnielia"). Thus, the only certain member at this time is "Hypsilophodon". After reading the paragraphs above, choose the best answer for the entity that related to 'dryosauridae' with the relationship of 'parent taxon'. Choices: - iguanodontia - mya Answer:
Part 1. Definition Given a paragraph from a Wikipedia article about some topic, and a question related to the topic, determine whether the question is answerable from the paragraph. If the question is answerable, answer "True", otherwise, answer "False". Part 2. Example Another approach to brain function is to examine the consequences of damage to specific brain areas. Even though it is protected by the skull and meninges, surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid, and isolated from the bloodstream by the blood–brain barrier, the delicate nature of the brain makes it vulnerable to numerous diseases and several types of damage. In humans, the effects of strokes and other types of brain damage have been a key source of information about brain function. Because there is no ability to experimentally control the nature of the damage, however, this information is often difficult to interpret. In animal studies, most commonly involving rats, it is possible to use electrodes or locally injected chemicals to produce precise patterns of damage and then examine the consequences for behavior. Question: What is surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid? Answer: True Explanation: The paragraph comes from the wikipedia page on the brain. The answer to the question is the brain which can be found in the paragraph. Part 3. Exercise The palace measures 108 metres (354 ft) by 120 metres (390 ft), is 24 metres (79 ft) high and contains over 77,000 m2 (830,000 sq ft) of floorspace. The floor area is smaller than the Royal Palace of Madrid, the Papal Palace in Rome, the Louvre in Paris, the Hofburg Palace in Vienna, or the Forbidden City. There are 775 rooms, including 19 state rooms, 52 principal bedrooms, 188 staff bedrooms, 92 offices, and 78 bathrooms. The principal rooms are contained on the piano nobile behind the west-facing garden façade at the rear of the palace. The centre of this ornate suite of state rooms is the Music Room, its large bow the dominant feature of the façade. Flanking the Music Room are the Blue and the White Drawing Rooms. At the centre of the suite, serving as a corridor to link the state rooms, is the Picture Gallery, which is top-lit and 55 yards (50 m) long. The Gallery is hung with numerous works including some by Rembrandt, van Dyck, Rubens and Vermeer; other rooms leading from the Picture Gallery are the Throne Room and the Green Drawing Room. The Green Drawing Room serves as a huge anteroom to the Throne Room, and is part of the ceremonial route to the throne from the Guard Room at the top of the Grand Staircase. The Guard Room contains white marble statues of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, in Roman costume, set in a tribune lined with tapestries. These very formal rooms are used only for ceremonial and official entertaining, but are open to the public every summer. Question: What did court presentations later turn into? Answer:
In this task, you are given Wikipedia articles on a range of topics as passages and a question from the passage. We ask you to answer the question by classifying the answer as 0 (False) or 1 (True) Ex Input: Passage: Alternative minimum tax -- Each year a taxpayer must calculate and then pay the greater of an alternative minimum tax (AMT) or regular tax. Effectively for high income earners who mitigate their tax position from the day-to-day income tax, an end-of-year consolidation of all taxable income is requested and submitted. This is then paid in arrears (from the normal payroll income tax) less any allowable deductions. For many taxpayers, the effective marginal tax rates are 0% (exemption), 26% (low bracket), 28% (high bracket), 32.5% (low bracket with exemption phase out), and 35% (high bracket with exemption phase out), with increasing taxable income as modified for AMT. As with regular federal income tax, rates and exemptions vary by filing status. The lower rate and the exemption are phased out above certain income levels at 25% of AMT income. A lower rate applies on long-term capital gains (and qualifying dividends). Question: does alternative minimum tax apply to capital gains Ex Output: 1 Ex Input: Passage: Little Witch Academia -- An anime television series of Little Witch Academia was announced on June 24, 2016 following the final episode of Space Patrol Luluco. The series aired in Japan between January 9, 2017 and June 26, 2017. For the first cour, the opening theme is ``Shiny Ray'' by YURiKA while the ending theme is ``Hoshi o Tadoreba'' (星を辿れば, If You Follow the Stars) by Yuiko Ōhara. For the second cour, the opening theme is ``Mind Conductor'' by Yurika while the ending theme is ``Tōmei na Tsubasa'' (透明な翼, Invisible Wings) by Ōhara. The series ran for 25 episodes released across nine BD/DVD volumes. Netflix began streaming the first 13 episodes with an English dub as of June 30, 2017. The remaining 12 episodes began streaming as of August 15; but they were labeled as the show's second season. Question: will little witch academia get a third season Ex Output: 0 Ex Input: Passage: Columbidae -- The distinction between ``doves'' and ``pigeons'' is not consistent. In modern everyday speech, as opposed to scientific usage or formal usage, ``dove'' frequently indicates a pigeon that is white or nearly white. However, some people use the terms ``dove'' and ``pigeon'' interchangeably. In contrast, in scientific and ornithological practice, ``dove'' tends to be used for smaller species and ``pigeon'' for larger ones, but this is in no way consistently applied. Historically, the common names for these birds involve a great deal of variation between the terms. The species most commonly referred to as ``pigeon'' is the species known by scientists as the rock dove, one subspecies of which, the domestic pigeon, is common in many cities as the feral pigeon. Question: is there such a thing as a white dove Ex Output:
After a year roaming the surface of Mars, Nasa has failed to find any evidence that its atmosphere is supporting life, it was revealed today. The Curiosity rover currently scanning the Red Planet has not detected any methane, a gas that is produced by living things. Since landing in Gale Crater last year, every morning and evening the car-size probe has analysed Mars' air and scanned it with a tiny laser in search of the greenhouse gas. Scroll down for video. Disappointment: The Curiosity rover has scanned Mars for methane every day but has not found any, which probably means it does not support life. Not finding it means that it is unlikely that microbes. capable of producing the gas are living below the planet's surface,. scientists said today. NASA had high hopes that the rover would inhale methane after. orbiting spacecraft and Earth-based telescopes detected plumes of the. gas several years ago. On Earth, most of the gas is a by-product of. life, spewed when animals digest or plants decay. 'If you had microbial life somewhere on Mars that was really healthy and. cranking away, you might see some of the signatures of that in the. atmosphere,' said mission scientist Paul Mahaffy of NASA's Goddard Space. Flight Center. During Curiosity's first eight months on the red planet, it probed. the air during the day and at night as the season changed from spring to. summer. Journey: Curiosity has traveled around one mile in the past year. This map shows where the rover has been between landing at 'Bradbury Landing' on August 6 last year and August 1. 'Every time we looked, we never saw it,' said Christopher. Webster, of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, who led the research. published online in the journal Science. Webster said while the. result was 'disappointing in many ways,' the hunt for the elusive gas. continues. While methane is linked to living things, it can also be made. by non-biological processes. Mars today is a hostile place -. extremely dry and constantly bombarded by radiation. Billions of years. ago, the planet boasted a thicker atmosphere and possible lakes. Scientists generally agree that nothing can exist on the Martian surface. at present since it's too toxic. If there are living things on Mars,. scientists theorize they're likely underground. Just because. Curiosity didn't detect methane near its landing site doesn't mean the. gas is not present elsewhere on the planet, said Bill Nye, chief. executive of the Planetary Society, a space advocacy group. At work: Curiosity spends its time analysing all elements of Mars using a series of lasers and probes - but some results have been disappointing fo scientists on Earth. 'Suppose. you're an alien coming to Earth and you landed in the Four Corners. area, would you feel as if you've explored the Earth?' he said. Several. years ago, scientists became excited at the prospect of. methane-producing microbes after Michael Mumma of NASA's Goddard Space. Flight Center noticed a mysterious belch of methane from three regions. in Mars' western hemisphere. Mumma, who had no role in the latest study, said he stood by his observations. Earlier. this month, Curiosity reached its first rest stop in its long trek. toward Mount Sharp, a mountain rising from Gale Crater near the equator. The rover will take monthly readings of the Martian atmosphere during. the road trip, expected to last almost a year. Curiosity previously. found evidence of an ancient environment that could have once been. suitable for microscopic life. While the latest finding diminishes hope. for present-day life, scientists still hope to uncover signs of ancient. life by looking for organic compounds at the base of Mount Sharp. Write highlights. Curiosity rover has found no sign of methane, which is produced by life. Robot has spent a year on Red Planet scanning its surface and atmosphere. 'If you had life somewhere on Mars, you might see some', NASA says. By. Sarah Griffiths. PUBLISHED:. 08:28 EST, 8 July 2013. |. UPDATED:. 08:30 EST, 8 July 2013. For those who live in fear of our eight-legged friends, it's the stuff of nightmares. Engineers in Hong Kong have made a robotic spider that accurately replicates the creepy leg movements of real arachnids. The Robugtix T8 robot contains 26 little motors under its 3D printed case to make the spider move in a way that will certainly scare those terrified of the creatures. Scroll down for video... The Robugtix T8 robot contains 26 little motors under its 3D printed case - three in each leg and two in its abdomen - to make the spider move in a realistic way. Each of the robo-tarantula's legs houses. three motors, with two more used to animate the creature's abdomen,. allowing it to strike scary poses. The 3D printed spiderbot is powered by a microcontroller that runs a movement engine called Bigfoot Inverse Kinematics. The means that the master of the octopod does not have to send the robot intricate instructions. Using a wireless controller, an. individual can select a gait and tell the spider in which direction to. travel, making it ideal for stealth attacks and pranks. The engine handles all the complex mathematical theory and calculations required to control a multi-legged walking robot, leaving the operator free to focus on what it actually wants the spider to do. For example, a user can tell the spider to walk forward at a certain speed, while the engine takes care of detail such as inverse kinematics, leg trajectory planning and motor control. The company selling the robot says: 'This makes it quite easy even for absolute beginners to. play with advanced robotics.' The 3D printed spiderbot is powered by a microcontroller that runs a movement engine called Bigfoot Inverse Kinematics. It handles all the complex maths needed to control a multi-legged walking robot so the user only has to issue simple instructions. Unlike the T8 robot, real tarantulas (pictured) come in over 900 varieties and it is thought that they produce small quantities of silk from their feet, enabling them to cling to smooth surfaces. Owners of the scary toy may want to refrain from shocking a friend with arachnophobia and a good aim though, as the robotic mini beast costs over £900. The robot is the brainchild of a research, engineering and design company called Amoeba Robotics in Hong Kong, which specialises in making innovative robotics systems. It is on sale from the Robugtix website that creates bio-inspired multi-legged robots and is expected to ship in September. Luckily, for those who want more terror for their money there is a slightly less-realistic six-legged robot available for just over £160. The IITSII is a hexapod version of the T8 that contains 18 motors instead of 26, so there are still three in each leg. As there are no motors in the insect critter's body, it can't pose like it's spider peer, but still uses the same engine to move around in a realistic way. Both scary products come as kits and need to be built. The Controllers cost extra but there is scope for technophiles to create their own communication methods with the robots as they are open devices. Users of spider bot can choose between pre-programming their own sequences or directly controlling the robot in real time with. the wireless Robugtix Controller. Write highlights.
The Robugtix T8 robo-tarantula has 26 motors under a 3D-printed shell to move in a super realistic way. Engineers in Hong Kong created the £900 octopod, which includes a clever engine to do the complex maths required to make the mini monster move. A smaller, cheaper six-legged robot is also available for techie prangsters.
A question is presented to you in this task, and your job is to write a potentially correct answer. what did heisenberg say about electrons?
wolfgang ernst pauli worked with werner karl heisenberg
Given the question: Question: What do I say when I am meeting people for the first time? Options: - hugging - introducing yourself - making friends - smiling - shake hands Explain why a human would choose "introducing yourself" to answer the question above: The answer is:
how to introduce yourself - quora
Question: The plant suffered in the shade, where did it need to be planted instead? Options: - brightness - sunny delight - direct sunlight - bright light - tanning The answer is "direct sunlight" because
rivers flow trough valleys.
At 5 p.m. EDT, Grace's center was near latitude 25.6 north, longitude 93.7 west or about 280 miles east-southeast of Corpus Christi. Generate a new sentence that is, on a scale from 0 to 5, a b). in textual similarity to the above sentence.
At 11 a.m. EDT, Fabian's center was near latitude 18.1 north and longitude 53.2 west, or about 550 miles east of the Leewards.
In this task, you will be shown a correct English sentence. You need to generate an incorrect form of the input sentence. That 's why I will not be hard as I am alone .
That 's why i will not hard as i am alon .
Stream of consciousness rationale: Students goes to school to enhance their knowledge. Teachers help them commit to memory new skills. Teacher's main job is to teach New skills in such a way that it helps students to learn it easily. The question and answer pair are described below.
Q: It is a teachers job to help students commit to memory new skills, what is the teachers main job in the classroom to help students do? Options: - make tape - memorize - never forget - concentrate - learn A: learn
A disk drive contains a microprocessor to handle the internal functions of the drive. A microprocessor functions as the central processing unit of a microcomputer. Choose your answer: Does the word "microprocessor" mean the same thing in the above two sentences? pick from the following. (1). different meanings. (2). the same meaning.
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you will be given text in English. You need to translate the text into the Sinhali language. It is often regarded as the first children's museum in the United States. Output:
එය එක්සත් ජනපදයේ පළමු ළමා කෞතුකාගාරය ලෙස සැලකේ.
Question: Question: He was eating too much while no exercising enough, what did he suffer as a result? Choices: - hungry - gas - obesity - gain weight - feeling full The rationale to choose "gain weight" as the answer is that: Answer:
eating and not exercising makes you gain weight
Parrot is a kind of bird, not the reasoning for what question and answer pair?
Q: Which of the following two sentences does not make sense? Options: - Sentence A: "Parrot is a beautiful tree" - Sentence B: "Parrot is a beautiful bird" A: Sentence A
In this task, you're given an article and an answer. Your task is to generate the question for the answer based on the given article. Article: Glynis Davis: I first piled on the pounds when I was in the family way and I couldn't lose them afterwards. Then I joined a slimming club. My target was 140 pounds and I lost 30 pounds in six months. I felt great and people kept saying how good I looked. But Christmas came and I started to slip back into my old eating habits. I told myself I'd lose the weight at slimming classes in the new year... but it didn't happen. Instead of losing the pounds, I put them on. I'd lost willpower and tried to believe that the old bag of fish and chips didn't make any difference -- but the _ don't lie. Roz Juma: To be honest, I never weigh myself any more. I've learnt to be happy with myself. It seemed to me that I would feel sorry about every spoonful of tasty food that passed my lips. My idea is simple. You shouldn't be too much thinking about food and dieting. Instead, you should get on with life and stop dreaming of a super thin body. This is obviously the size I'm meant to be and, most of all, I'm happy with it. Lesley Codwin: I was very happy at winning Young Slimmer of the year. I'd look in the mirror unable to believe this slim lady was me! That might have been my problem -- perhaps from then on I didn't pay any attention to myself. Winning a national competition makes everything worse, though. Because you feel the eyes of the world are fixed upon you. I feel a complete failure because I've put on weight again. Ros Langfod: Before moving in with my husband Gavin, I'd always been about 110 pounds, but the pleasant housework went straight to my waist and I put on 15 pounds in a year. Every so often I try to go on a diet... I'm really good in a few days, then end up having the children's leftovers or eating happily chocolate -- my weakness. I'd like to be slim, but right now my duty is the children and home. I might take more exercise when my kids are older. Answer: Their own slimming matter. What do you think the four women were talking about? Article: Chris Medina was an outstanding star on a Monday night's audition of American Idol (,). He made the Americans moved for more than just his singing. Chris performed the famous band The Script's song "Breakeven" and he brought along his beloved fiancee , Juliana Ramos, who is limited to a wheelchair following a terrible car accident. There is a very touching emotional story behind them. Chris, an amazing singer, said he fell in love with Juliana the first moment he saw her and they became engaged soon afterwards. They had planned to get married two years after getting engaged. But shortly before they could hold each other's hands into the marriage hall, Juliana, suffered from a brain injury in a tragic car accident. On the exact day they were supposed to get married, Chris shared a song he wrote for his fiancee. "I'm giving all I've got to give/ To pull you through/ In your darkest hour, I will be your light," were some of his _ lyrics. Juliana's idol is Oprah Winfrey and Idol judge Steven could see that she remains a fan of Chris' music, accompanying him to the audition. Chris received a ticket to Hollywood, which Juliana proudly waved. While he is heading to Hollywood to pursue his dream of singing, Chris continues to take care of Juliana, alongside her mother. Chris' love story touched more than the Americans. It reached Irish rockers The Script, who spoke highly of the young man and his songs at the audition. "Chris Medina: not only are you a major talent, but you are one in a billion! Stay strong and never give up. This world needs more men like you." the band's guitarist, Mark Sheehan, said. Answer: Chris' lyrics showed his true love for Juliana. Which of the following is TRUE, according to the passage? Article: "Food in France is still primarily about pleasure,"says Mark Singer, technical director of cuisine at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris."Cooking and eating are both pastimes and pleasure."The French might start their day with bread, butter, jam, and perhaps something hot to drink -- it's a time of the day when the whole family can be united. Singer, born in Philadelphia, has lived in France for more than 40 years. "Although things have changed greatly in the past 20 years when it comes to food in the country,"he says,"and what was a big affair with eating has been slowly softened up, there are still events in the year, like birthdays and New Year's Eve and Christmas Eve that are still really anchored in traditional food and cooking. But it's not every day." Some people think French food life may be a performance, adds Jennifer Berg, director of graduate food studies at New York University."They want to believe that France is this nation where people are spending five hours a day going to 12 different markets to get their food. The reality is most croissants are factory-made, and most people are buying convenience food, except for the very small group of people in high society. But part of our identity relies on believing that myth." In Italy, as in France, takeout is still ly rare."Eating fast is not at all part of our culture,"says Marco Bolasco, editorial director of Slow Food and an Italian food expert. Our meals are relaxed, even during a lunch break. Food in Italy is love, and nutrition, and pleasure, he says. An Italian child's first experience with food is not small round cakes or rice or eggs, but probably ice cream, notes Bolasco. Status and wealth play less of a role in food. Answer: People eat faster than before.
How have things about French food changed?
I hate doing laundry. Matching socks is a horrible waste of time. Everytime i do laundry socks get lost. i was tired of searching for matching socks. Write the next sentence, by choosing from: a). I find doing laundry relaxing.; b). I threw out all my old socks and bought all plain white socks.;
In this task, you are given a context, a subject, a relation, and many options. Based on the context, from the options select the object entity that has the given relation with the subject. Answer with text (not indexes). Context: Military patrol was a team winter sport in which athletes competed in cross-country skiing, ski mountaineering and rifle shooting. It was usually contested between countries or military units. The military patrol competition encompassed 25 kilometer cross-country skiing (15 km for women) and rifle shooting. The size of the patrol was four members. The total climb had to be from 500 to 1200 meters (300 to 700 for women). The rules were very similar to modern biathlon. Traditionally the participating patrol had to consist of one officer, one non-commissioned officer (NCO) and two privates. The officer carried a pistol instead of a rifle and did not take part in the shooting. The total weight of the backpacks of the NCO and the privates had to be at least 24 kilograms. In later years the competitors did not carry backpacks, and the rifles were small bore rifles, similar to those in biathlon. The patrol leader did not have any kind of weapon., The Olympic Oath (distinct from the Olympic creed) is a solemn promise made by one athlete judge or official and coach at the Opening Ceremony of each Olympic Games. Each oath taker is from the host nation and takes the oath on behalf of all athletes, officials, or coaches at the currently celebrated games. While reciting the oath, the oath taker holds a corner of the Olympic Flag., Paul Camille Albert Mandrillon (6 September 1891 22 March 1969) was a French biathlete who competed in the early 1920s. At the 1924 Winter Olympics he won the bronze medal in the military patrol event, together with his younger brother Maurice; he was also the flag bearer of the French delegation, and took the Olympic Oath, the first for the Winter Olympics., Gabriel Maurice Mandrillon ( August 23 , 1902 -- February 11 , 1981 ) was a French skier . He was the brother of Camille Mandrillon . Mandrillon was born in Les Rousses . In 1923 , he was fourth in the international ranking of ski jumping . He was a member of the national Olympic military patrol team in 1924 which placed third . At the 1928 Winter Olympics he finished 33rd at the 18 km cross-country skiing event . He died in Lons - le - Saunier ., Subject: maurice mandrillon, Relation: occupation, Options: (A) biathlete (B) judge (C) military (D) mountaineering (E) officer (F) ski mountaineering biathlete Context: The Reich Main Security Office (German: "Reichssicherheitshauptamt" or RSHA) was an organization subordinate to Heinrich Himmler in his dual capacities as "Chef der Deutschen Polizei" (Chief of German Police) and "Reichsführer-SS", the head of the Nazi Party's "Schutzstaffel" (SS). The organization's stated duty was to fight all "enemies of the Reich" inside and outside the borders of Nazi Germany., Sicherheitsdienst ("Security Service"), full title Sicherheitsdienst des Reichsführers-SS, or SD, was the intelligence agency of the SS and the Nazi Party in Nazi Germany. The organization was the first Nazi Party intelligence organization to be established and was considered a sister organization with the Gestapo, which the SS had infiltrated heavily after 1934. Between 1933 and 1939, the SD was administered as an independent SS office, after which it was transferred to the authority of the Reich Main Security Office ("Reichssicherheitshauptamt"; RSHA), as one of its seven departments/offices. Its first director, Reinhard Heydrich, intended for the SD to bring every single individual within the Third Reich's reach under "continuous supervision.", The National Socialist German Workers' Party (abbreviated NSDAP), commonly referred to in English as the Nazi Party, was a political party in Germany that was active between 1920 and 1945 and practised the ideology of Nazism. Its precursor, the German Workers' Party ("Deutsche Arbeiterpartei"; DAP), existed from 1919 to 1920. , Nazi Germany is the common English name for the period in German history from 1933 to 1945, when Germany was governed by a dictatorship under the control of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party (NSDAP). Under Hitler's rule, Germany was transformed into a fascist state in which the Nazi Party took totalitarian control over nearly all aspects of life. The official name of the state was "Deutsches Reich" from 1933 to 1943 and "Großdeutsches Reich" ("Greater German Reich") from 1943 to 1945. The period is also known under the names the Third Reich and the National Socialist Period (abbreviated as "NS-Zeit"). The Nazi regime came to an end after the Allied Powers defeated Germany in May 1945, ending World War II in Europe., Reinhard Tristan Eugen Heydrich (7 March 1904  4 June 1942) was a high-ranking German Nazi official during World War II, and a main architect of the Holocaust. He was an SS-"Obergruppenführer und General der Polizei" (Senior Group Leader and Chief of Police) as well as chief of the Reich Main Security Office (including the Gestapo, Kripo, and SD). He was also "Stellvertretender Reichsprotektor" (Deputy/Acting Reich-Protector) of Bohemia and Moravia, in what is now the Czech Republic. Heydrich served as president of the International Criminal Police Commission (ICPC; later known as Interpol) and chaired the January 1942 Wannsee Conference, which formalised plans for the Final Solution to the Jewish Questionthe deportation and genocide of all Jews in German-occupied Europe., The Gestapo, abbreviation of Geheime Staatspolizei, or the Secret State Police, was the official secret police of Nazi Germany and German-occupied Europe., SS-Brigadeführer was an SS rank that was used in Nazi Germany between the years of 1932 and 1945. "Brigadeführer" was also an SA rank after briefly being known as "Untergruppenführer" in late 1929 and 1930., Heinz Jost ( 9 July 1904 -- 12 November 1964 ) was an SS - Brigadeführer and a Generalmajor ( Brigadier General ) of Police . Jost was involved in espionage matters as the Sicherheitsdienst ( Security Service ) or ( SD ) section chief of office VI ( foreign intelligence ) of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt ( Reich Main Security Office ) or RSHA . Jost was also responsible for genocide in eastern Europe as commander of Einsatzgruppe A from March to September 1942 ., Subject: heinz jost, Relation: member_of, Options: (A) europe (B) group (C) interpol (D) s (E) schutzstaffel (F) the national schutzstaffel Context: Alan Eugene Jackson (born October 17, 1958) is an American singer and songwriter. He is known for blending traditional honky tonk and mainstream country sounds and penning many of his own songs. Jackson has recorded 16 studio albums, three greatest hits albums, two Christmas albums, two gospel albums and several compilations., A Lot About Livin' (And a Little 'bout Love) is the third studio album by American country music artist Alan Jackson. It was released on October 6, 1992, and produced the singles "Chattahoochee", "She's Got the Rhythm (And I Got the Blues)", "Tonight I Climbed the Wall", "(Who Says) You Can't Have It All" and "Mercury Blues". "Chattahoochee" and "She's Got the Rhythm" were both Number One hits on the Hot Country Songs charts, while the other three songs all reached Top Five., Hot Country Songs is a chart published weekly by "Billboard" magazine in the United States., Country music is a genre of United States popular music that originated in the southern United States in the 1920s. It takes its roots from the southeastern genre of United States, such as folk music (especially Appalachian folk music), and blues music. Blues modes have been used extensively throughout its recorded history. Country music often consists of ballads and dance tunes with generally simple forms and harmonies accompanied by mostly string instruments such as banjos, electric and acoustic guitars, dobros and fiddles as well as harmonicas. According to Lindsey Starnes, the term "country music" gained popularity in the 1940s in preference to the earlier term "hillbilly music"; it came to encompass Western music, which evolved parallel to hillbilly music from similar roots, in the mid-20th century. The term "country music" is used today to describe many styles and subgenres. The origins of country music are the folk music of working-class Americans, who blended popular songs, Irish and Celtic fiddle tunes, traditional English ballads, and cowboy songs, and various musical traditions from European immigrant communities. In 2009 country music was the most listened to rush hour radio genre during the evening commute, and second most popular in the morning commute in the United States., `` Chattahoochee '' is a song co-written and recorded by American country music artist Alan Jackson . It was released in May 1993 as the third single from his album A Lot About Livin ' ( And a Little ' bout Love ) . The album is named for a line in the song itself . Jackson wrote the song with Jim McBride . `` Chattahoochee '' also received CMA awards for Single of the Year and Song of the Year ., Subject: chattahoochee , Relation: followed_by, Options: (A) 17 (B) 2009 (C) 20th (D) 20th century (E) a (F) acoustic (G) album (H) all (I) century (J) chattahoochee (K) christmas (L) country music (M) cowboy (N) cowboy songs (O) dance (P) electric (Q) eugene (R) five (S) folk music (T) gospel (U) guitars (V) hot (W) i (X) in the morning (Y) is (Z) mainstream ([) mercury (\) mercury blues (]) morning (^) music (_) number one (`) number one hits (a) october (b) october 17 (c) often (d) one (e) popular songs (f) rush hour (g) songs (h) the blues (i) the other (j) the wall (k) third (l) three (m) today (n) tonight (o) united (p) who says (q) you
mercury blues
In this task, you are given a context and four options. Each option is a suggested ending for the context. You should read the context and pick the best ending for the context. Please answer with "A", "B", "C", and "D". A boy with dark hair and no shirt is mowing a dirt patch with small patches of grass using a large, orange, push lawn mower. as the boy <sep> (A) continues, he starts to try and mow the grass with the yellow, wind powered, when he is done, he tosses the mower and walks onto the right side of the yard to break the grass apart. (B) finishes his task, he takes the mower off of the camera frame but instead of disappearing behind the screen, he appears to be zooming in on the grass on the left. (C) mows, he pauses and flashes to the camera and two ends are shown before suddenly zipping back to the beginning. (D) mows the dirt patch, large amounts of dirt come up from the ground in a smog like blizzard. D [header] How to help a friend cope with a breakup (for girls ) [title] Actively listen to your friend. [step] Active listening is an approach you can use to get the most out of your interaction with your friend. When you're actively engaged and communicating openly with your friend, you are showing your friend that you understand her feelings and are supportive of her. <sep> (A) This will also show your friend that you really mean what you say. Your friend may feel embarrassed or upset by this approach, and will likely move on her own. (B) Often when a breakup occurs, it can lead to feelings of loneliness and self-doubt. As a friend using active listening skills, you are communicating to your friend through actions that she is not alone and that value her thoughts and feelings. (C) [substeps] As you listen to your friend and get to know her better, you can start to practice listening in ways that engage her and build your friendship. There are several ways to actively listen to what your friend says, including: practice active listening on a regular basis. (D) If you make eye contact and nod in agreement, your friend is better able to hear you, she understands that you are understanding her and that you are empathizing with her. [substeps] Don't interrupt your friend when she is talking. B [header] How to be less emotional [title] Practice breathing techniques. [step] Breathing can help calm you down when you're experiencing overwhelming emotions such as rage, endless crying, or deep disappointment. If you're feeling overwhelmed by emotional intensity, pause to focus on your breathing. <sep> (A) Breathing techniques can help you manage your emotions more effectively and help you handle intense emotions better. You may notice that as you experience intense emotions, they bring you further from experiencing yourself and your body. (B) This will help you realize what's triggering your emotional outbursts and ensure you're not suppressing it. [substeps] When watching tv, sit in a quiet spot and take in a big, steady breath. (C) [substeps] When you're feeling rushed, slow down and focus on your breathing. The more frequently you do this, the harder it will be to remain calm and collected. (D) Take in a deep breath slowly to relax and calm you down. [substeps] Take a brief moment to breathe deeply before and during a conversation that impedes your flow of thoughts.
China’s Defense Ministry said Thursday that a U.S. decision to disinvite China from a major international maritime exercise is “unconstructive.” A ministry statement said despite the decision, China will continue playing a role in “maintaining peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.” The United States announced its move Wednesday, saying Beijing’s “destabilizing behavior” in the South China Sea is inconsistent with the principles of the U.S.-led drill. “China’s continued militarization of disputed features in the South China Sea only serve to raise tensions and destabilize the region,” read a statement from Lt. Col. Christopher Logan, a Pentagon spokesman. The statement said that disinviting China from the 2018 RIMPAC is an “initial” response to Beijing’s South China Sea activities. It did not specify what other steps may be taken. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said China’s activity in the South China Sea was for self-defense and that it was a “much smaller scale” than what the United States had done in Hawaii and Guam. “We hope that the U.S. will change such a negative mindset,” he said at a joint news conference with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Since 2014, China has taken part in RIMPAC, the world’s largest international maritime drill, which is held every two years in Hawaii. It’s a reflection of expanding U.S.-China military ties, despite tensions over Beijing’s construction of man-made islands in the South China Sea, some of which have been militarized. "We have strong evidence that China has deployed anti-ship missiles, surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems, and electronic jammers to contested features in the Spratly Islands region of the South China Sea. China's landing bomber aircraft at Woody Island has also raised tensions," the Pentagon statement said. "We have called on China to remove the military systems immediately and to reverse course on the militarization of disputed South China Sea features," the statement added. "We believe these recent deployments and the continued... Question: After the end of the text, how will the public view of China's military change? === The answer to the above question is OPTIONS: - they may not be seen as trustworthy - not enough information - they will be seen as breaking their agreement not to militarize the Spratly islands - they may not be asked back to RIMPAC they will be seen as breaking their agreement not to militarize the Spratly islands There was a boy named Chan who loved his parents, though they did not love him back; he was not even given a first name. He had been born in the wrong month, during the wrong phase of the moon, his parents told him, and had brought them nothing but bad luck. The promotion at the factory promised to his father was taken away at the last moment. The garden his mother worked in nearly every day never produced anything more than the most meager of weeds since Chan's birth. It was often sunny in the little Chinese village, but there was an almost constant gloom over their house, as if a rogue cloud were blocking the sun only over their property. And his parents, of course, blamed Chan for everything. He was small for his age, and usually quiet. He liked to listen to people instead of talking, filling himself with stories. He was a good boy and always did as he was told, and could see the good in his parents, even if others couldn't. Every so often, his mother would allow him a sweet, or his father would bring home an origami folding kit. They didn't like to show it to others, but his parents could be kind. Chan was patient and knew they would love him eventually. He was digging one day between the fence and the west side of the house for grubs to feed to his pet chameleon, Rainbow. It was a warm July day not long after his tenth birthday. He often went there because it was cool and damp from the shade of the trees, and the worms seemed to like it there. He never took more than he needed, then he thanked the grubs for sacrificing their lives so that Rainbow could remain living and being his pet. Chan was very kind-hearted when it came to grubs. Question: What is most likely Chan's family's social status? === The answer to the above question is OPTIONS: - Upper middle-class - Poor - not enough information - Very wealthy Answer: Poor When Patch finally found his way out of the seed-pod, Toro was gone, and there were rats all around him. Some hid beneath the huge black seed-pods, some scuttled in the shadows of the nearby mountain. Patch knew from their smells there were at least a dozen of them. There was another smell too, mixed with that of the rats. The very same unsavory squirrel-smell he had detected in Silver's abandoned drey. "What do you want?" Patch asked, from his perch atop the mound of seed-pods. He was concerned but not yet frightened. Rats and squirrels were neither friends nor enemies. Squirrels were bigger and stronger, but rats were far more numerous. There were legends of long-ago wars between the two species, but no squirrel Patch knew had ever been attacked by rats. Squirrels lived aboveground, in the sun; rats frequented the night and the dark underworld. Of course, squirrels found rats disgusting and disagreeable -- but so did all other animals. An unusually large rat climbed up to the top of a seed-pod. It was almost as big as Patch himself. Rats usually avoided light, but this one stood unafraid beneath the sun, and demanded: "Who are you?" "I am Patch son of Silver, of the Seeker clan, of the Treetops tribe, of the Center Kingdom," Patch said. "Who are you that asks?" "I am Snout," the rat replied. "Why are you here?" "I came to look for food." "This is our food. These mountains are ours." "Your food?" Patch asked, bewildered. There was no ownership of food in the Center Kingdom, not until it had actually been eaten. "That's ridiculous. It's food. It belongs to whoever finds it first." "Then you belong to us," Snout hissed. "Because we are the rats who will suck the marrow from your broken bones." Question: After the end of the text, Patch might: === The answer to the above question is OPTIONS: - Decide to live underground - not enough information - Start a war between rats and squirrels - Discover the source of the unsavory smell
Discover the source of the unsavory smell
Premise: "Program Information" Hypothesis: Program data. yes Premise: "yadda yadda make it formally into one dictionary before obviating the need for dictionaries at all." Hypothesis: Make it into two dictionaries. no Premise: "right uh-huh Colorado is beautiful" Hypothesis: Colorado is beautiful.
In this task, you're given a sentence and your task is to generate a simplified sentence that focuses on lexical paraphrasing from the original sentence given in the input. this structure is still used for determining the teams in the playoffs in the american hockey league. the american hockey league still uses this format to determine playoff teams. tag team match for the world tag team championship 08:51 2 chavo guerrero -lrb- c -rrb- defeated jimmy wang yang. in a tag team match for the world tag team championship 08:51 2 chavo guerrero -lrb- c -rrb- won against jimmy wang yang. the tuvaluan language is spoken by virtually everyone , while a language very similar to gilbertese is spoken on nui.
nearly everyone speaks the tuvaluan language , while the people on nui speak a language very similar to gilbertese.
Given a document, generate a short title of the document. The title should convey the main idea/event/topic about which the document is being written. Note that URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link]. -------- Question: Sam Smith’s “The Thrill of It All” ** * Sam Smith follows up his 2014 debut “In the Lonely Hour ” with his sophomore effort “The Thrill of it All.” Much like its predecessor this album finds its core in soft ballads. Smith’s emotive voice can be a real asset somewhat flexibly conveying feeling. The hit “Too Good at Goodbyes” and the second track “Say it First” seem to indicate that Smith is setting out to be a male counterpart to Adele. His voice is dynamic in the way it bends. While his singing is not as boomingly confident as Adele’s his voice is able to zig and zag even as it maneuvers into an occasionally whisper-y falsetto. In addition to aiming for Adele’s turf Smith is going for a classic R&B and gospel vibe. That can be heard on both “One Last Song” and “Midnight Train ” the latter of which sounds like a soulful answer to Radiohead’s “Creep.” Smith gets more righteous on “HIM” and gets softly groovy on “Baby You Make Me Crazy.” Sometimes Smith ’s higher register can be a tad grating. However he can somehow slightly irritate and entertain simultaneously. He duets successfully with up-and-coming singer Yebba on “No Peace ” and hits a sweet spot with the slow-burning “Palace.” This record feels more lived-in and fully realized than his debut. Each of the songs on its own is decent but you get the feeling once you finish with the closer (and second single) “Pray ” that Smith is taking the easy route. He should stretch beyond the ballads as he 's capable of more. This feels like a sequel to his first record almost in a retreading kind of way. “The Thrill of it All ” while a fitting showcase for Smith’s skill lacks an extra spark. It’s good but it could be better. “Too Good at Goodbyes” Smith ’s songs often seem at first a tad innocuous but on repeat listens they begin to pack power. This one is a real winner. “Midnight Train” Radiohead comparisons aside this song has some real momentum showcasing Smith at his most vocally butter-soaked. The doo-wop style backing vocals are also a nice touch. “Baby You Make Me Crazy” This has some potent swagger. This song’s little boost makes you wonder what Smith would do if he was pushed a notch or two further. Answer: Sam Smith's ' The Thrill of It All' shows he may be Adele's male counterpart Question: "There 's some reluctance to put a lot of time into -LSB- unseating Democrats -RSB- , versus -LSB- building -RSB- a more progressive Congress overall ," said former Communications Workers of America union President Larry Cohen , a top Bernie Sanders adviser who now chairs the board of the Our Revolution political group that was spawned from the senator 's 2016 presidential campaign . Answer: Bernie backers give Dem incumbents a pass in 2018 . Question: Democrat Jon Ossoff might win next Tuesday 's special congressional election in Georgia , but he 's already accomplished something nearly as impressive -- forcing Mitt Romney to come to President Donald Trump 's defense . In a fundraising email for Ossoff 's opponent , Republican Karen Handel , Romney asked for help to defend Trump 's agenda from the Democrats : . Romney called Trump a "phony" and a "fraud" during the 2016 presidential campaign , and he declined to endorse the Republican nominee . Last month , Romney called on Trump to abandon his promise to pull the US out of the Paris climate agreement . But Ossoff , a center-left Democrat running in a district Trump barely carried , has apparently compelled Romney to come back into the fold . Answer:
Mitt Romney Begs Georgia Voters to Give Donald Trump One More Chance .
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a context from an academic paper and you have to write an answerable question based on the context. Your questions can be extractive, abstractive, or yes-no questions. Problem:We therefore use reduction in softmax probability of the correct relation as our signaling strength metric for the model. We call this metric ${\Delta }_s$ (for delta-softmax), which can be written as: where $rel$ is the true relation of the EDU pair, $t_i$ represents the token at index $i$ of $N$ tokens, and $X_{mask=i}$ represents the input sequence with the masked position $i$ (for $i \in 1 \ldots N$ ignoring separators, or $\phi $, the empty set). Solution:
How is the delta-softmax calculated?
Read the following context and choose the correct option to answer the question. Context: The U.S.-led coalition in Afghanistan dropped more bombs during the first quarter of 2018 than it has in the same period in any of the last 15 years, according to Pentagon data. The increased bombing is the latest evidence the 17-year-old war in Afghanistan is significantly intensifying since U.S. President Donald Trump announced his new military strategy for the country in August. Coalition planes dropped 1,186 weapons on Afghanistan during the first three months of 2018, according to figures released by U.S. Air Forces Central Command. The previous record (1,083) was set during the height of the war in 2011. The U.S. has not released 2001 to 2003 airstrike data. Those figures do not include activity by the Afghan Air Force (AAF), which has stepped up its aerial bombardment since gaining the ability to conduct airstrikes two years ago. The AAF carries out between 4 to 12 airstrikes every day, according to the Afghan Ministry of Defense. If recent trends are any indication, 2018 is likely to get even more violent. Fighting traditionally picks up during the warmer months, and the coalition has expanded its bombing campaign against the Islamic State group, as well as narcotic labs and other Taliban revenue sources. But there is little indication the expanded airstrikes are helping end the conflict, says Thomas Johnson, an Afghanistan specialist who teaches national security affairs at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. "It's basically a tactic of desperation," said Johnson, author of Taliban Narratives: The Use of Power and Stories in the Afghanistan Conflict. "There's never been an insurgency in history that's been defeated purely through air power." Even high-level U.S. military officials concede the conflict remains a stalemate. According to the latest U.S. military estimate, the Afghan government controls 56 percent of Afghanistan's districts, with insurgents controlling or contesting the rest. Insurgent attacks also have continued. Nearly 60 people died Sunday when an Islamic State... Question: What is the AAF responsible for? Options: A. the country's commercial aircraft B. not enough information C. daily airstrikes D. aerial strategy and tactics C Read the following context and choose the correct option to answer the question. Context: The filming was kind of a long process, but maybe it didn’t need to be? Or maybe it did? The first night of filming at the Thornbury Bowls Club was for a test shoot with mine and Rosie’s camera, to work out which one we wanted to use for her film. The second night of filming involved us getting establishing shots of the location. The third night of filming involved us mainly shooting Rosie’s script. And the fourth night of shooting involved us mainly shooting Bell’s script and getting any other shots we needed to get. Perhaps we didn’t need an entire night of filming just to get establishing shots and filler shots, but it certainly made it a lot easier having multiple shots to choose from. For the two nights of shooting we certainly didn’t get that much coverage, which meant in the edit we were somewhat stuck using certain shots because we didn’t have other options. This was mainly because of time limitations with actors and batteries on cameras dying and such. I’m so neurotic I would have happily spent two nights shooting establishing shots and filler shots and two nights on each shoot, but not everyone wants to rearrange the rest of their life to fit around such projects. I get a tad obsessive if I’m allowed, which can often benefit me, although I do become a giant pain in everyone else’s ass. The main thing I learnt from the filming process was that you can plan out exactly what you want to do, and how your going to do it, but once you get into the location with the actors this plan often changes – however, you are still much better of having the plan than none at all! As the neurotic freak I am, I had all the shots I wanted to use storyboarded. I had originally planned to shoot all the establishing shots, stick them in a timeline and then also shoot the other shots (with fill in actors) and add them to the timeline to see how it looked. Of course no one else was interested in spending an entire night shooting the film – but with them as stands in – just so I could complete my psychotic endeavour of... Question: what does the author say it pays to be a perfectionist when shooting a film? Options: A. It depends.... B. not enough information C. Hope to answer it later D. Could be if you play the shot sequence in your D Read the following context and choose the correct option to answer the question. Context: "Maybe we're being too harsh with the letter," said Janine. "Hon, as his parents we have a responsibility to his well being," said Bob. "I know but I just think he doesn't need this added pressure." "Jan, I'll be damned if I'm gonna support and house a drug addict." "I just think maybe he's going through tough times or something. He told me the other day he wanted to see a therapist." "Hmm." "Maybe there's something going on we don't understand. I mean didn't he seem a little paranoid to you today at lunch?" "Paranoia is a side-effect of the marijuana." "Well I still think we are being a little harsh, I mean, we can't just throw our son out on the street." "Babe, its our job to be harsh when it comes to this kind of stuff. It's for his own good. Either he chooses to keep living rent free in the condo without the pot or he chooses to ruin his life." "I know but don't you think we should let this little phase run its course? I mean, we're not entirely innocent ourselves. Eventually he's gonna want to stop smoking pot," "I don't know if he is, Jan. He's expressed to me several times that he has no interest in quitting." "He's said that to me too." "Well I think that's a pretty big red flag, don't you?" "Yes." "He needs to get his priorities in order and realize that drugs aren't gonna do him any good. If we have to force him to do that then that's what has to be done. I mean, tell me you haven't had any difficulty falling asleep at night with the notion that our sons are drug addicts." "Well at least Ben has a job and is paying his own rent." "I know but those people he hangs out with, Mack and Allison, those dopers that spend their time smoking weed, they...they're our age, and did you see their house, the stacks of books and newspapers and the marijuana pipes laying on the coffee table? It sickens me that there are people out there like that." Question: How long had the son been likely using drugs? Options: A. several months B. not enough information C. a few days D. many years
Question: I took the water bottle out of the backpack so that *it* would be handy. the backpack it OPTIONS: - no - yes ----- Answer: no Question: Sam took French classes from Adam , because *he* was known to speak it fluently. Sam he OPTIONS: - no - yes ----- Answer: no Question: Kirilov ceded the presidency to Shatov because *he* was less popular. Shatov he OPTIONS: - no - yes ----- Answer: no Question: The police arrested all of the gang members . *They* were trying to stop the drug trade in the neighborhood. the gang members They OPTIONS: - no - yes ----- Answer:
In this task, you are given a context, a subject, a relation, and many options. Based on the context, from the options select the object entity that has the given relation with the subject. Answer with text (not indexes). Context: Mount Meharry is the highest mountain in Western Australia. It is located in the Hamersley Range within the southeastern part of Karijini National Park in the Pilbara region, approximately from Wittenoom, and from Tom Price., Iron ores are rocks and minerals from which metallic iron can be economically extracted. The ores are usually rich in iron oxides and vary in color from dark grey, bright yellow, or deep purple to rusty red. The iron itself is usually found in the form of magnetite (72.4% Fe), hematite (69.9% Fe), goethite (62.9% Fe), limonite or siderite (48.2% Fe)., The Regional Development Commissions Act 1993 is legislation passed by the Parliament of Western Australia:, The Fortescue River is an ephemeral river in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. It is the third longest river in the state., The Northern Territory (abbreviated as NT) is a federal Australian territory in the central and central northern regions of Australia. It shares borders with Western Australia to the west (129th meridian east), South Australia to the south (26th parallel south), and Queensland to the east (138th meridian east). To the north, the territory is bordered by the Timor Sea, the Arafura Sea and the Gulf of Carpentaria. Despite its large areaover , making it the third largest Australian federal divisionit is sparsely populated. The Northern Territory's population of 244,000 (2016) makes it the least populous of Australia's eight major states and territories, having fewer than half as many people as Tasmania., Ophthalmia Range is a range in the Pilbara region of Western Australia . The range is located approximately 1,190 kilometres ( 739 mi ) North of Perth and the nearest town is Newman which is found approximately 20 kilometres ( 12 mi ) South of the range in the Hamersley Range . The first European to discover the range was the explorer Francis Thomas Gregory in 1861 who was on expedition in the area in 1861 and noted the obvious iron ore deposits that colour the range . The range was later named in 1876 by Ernest Giles ; Giles was temporarily blinded when he reached the area after travelling East from the headwaters of the Ashburton River and had to be led by his second in charge Alec Ross ; he named the range after his condition at the time . Giles ' vision later recovered and he left unimpressed with the land . The next expedition to the area was conducted in 1896 when Aubrey Woodward Newman attempted to lead a party overland from Cue to Roebourne . Newman succumbed to Typhoid prior to the expedition beginning and William Rudell took command . He later named Mount Newman ( 1,053 metres ( 3,455 ft ) ) in the Ophthalmia Range after his deceased leader . The area was surveyed by a geologist named H. Talbot in 1913 . Talbot travelled through the area north of Peak Hill as part of a larger survey that had been commenced in 1910 . Mostly interested in finds of gold and copper , no mentions were made of iron ore as being part of the work . Mount Whaleback , which has been mined for iron ore for over 20 years , is a part of the range . The eastern end of the Ophthalmia Range is connected to the Hamersley Range ., The Hamersley Range is a mountainous region of the Pilbara, Western Australia. The range runs from the Fortescue River in the northeast, 460 km south. The range contains Western Australia's highest point, Mount Meharry, which reaches approximately AHD. There are many extensively-eroded gorges, such as Wittenoom Gorge. The twenty highest peaks in Western Australia are in the Hamersley Range. Geologically, they are some of the most ancient regions of the earth's crust known as the Pilbara craton., A bioregion is an ecologically and geographically defined area that is smaller than an ecozone, but larger than an ecoregion or an ecosystem, in WWF classification scheme. There is also an attempt to use the term in a rank-less generalist sense, similar to the terms "biogeographic area" or "biogeographic unit"., The Great Australian Bight is a large oceanic bight, or open bay, off the central and western portions of the southern coastline of mainland Australia., The Southern Ocean, also known as the Antarctic Ocean or the Austral Ocean, comprises the southernmost waters of the World Ocean, generally taken to be south of 60° S latitude and encircling Antarctica. As such, it is regarded as the fourth-largest of the five principal oceanic divisions: smaller than the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans but larger than the Arctic Ocean. This ocean zone is where cold, northward flowing waters from the Antarctic mix with warmer subantarctic waters., South Australia (abbreviated as SA) is a state in the southern central part of Australia. It covers some of the most arid parts of the country. With a total land area of , it is the fourth-largest of Australia's states and territories. It has a total of 1.7 million people, and its population is the most highly centralised of any state in Australia, with more than 75 percent of South Australians living in the capital, Adelaide, or its environs. Other population centres in the state are relatively small., Western Australia (abbreviated as WA) is a state occupying the entire western third of Australia. It is bounded by the Indian Ocean to the north and west, the Great Australian Bight and Southern Ocean to the south, the Northern Territory to the north-east and South Australia to the south-east. Western Australia is Australia's largest state with a total land area of 2,529,875 square kilometres (976,790 sq mi), and the second-largest country subdivision in the world however, a significant part of it is sparsely populated. The state has about 2.6 million inhabitants, around 11% of the national total. 92% of the population lives in the south-west corner of the state., The Pilbara is a large, dry, thinly populated region in the north of Western Australia. It is known for its Aboriginal peoples, its ancient landscapes, the red earth, its vast mineral deposits, in particular iron ore and as a global biodiversity hotspot for subterranean fauna. It is one of nine regions of the "Regional Development Commissions Act 1993", and is also a bioregion under the Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA)., The Indian Ocean is the third largest of the world's oceanic divisions, covering (approximately 20% of the water on the Earth's surface). It is bounded by Asia on the north, on the west by Africa, on the east by Australia, and on the south by the Southern Ocean or, depending on definition, by Antarctica. It is named after the country of India. The Indian Ocean is known as "Ratnkara", ""the mine of gems"" in ancient Sanskrit literature, and as "Hind Mahsgar", ""the great Indian sea"", in Hindi., The Pilbara Craton is an old and stable part of the continental lithosphere located in Pilbara, Western Australia., The Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA) is a biogeographic regionalisation of Australia developed by the Australian Government's Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities. It was developed for use as a planning tool, for example for the establishment of a National Reserve System., Australia, officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania and numerous smaller islands. It is the world's sixth-largest country by total area. The neighbouring countries are Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and East Timor to the north; the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu to the north-east; and New Zealand to the south-east. Australia's capital is Canberra, and its largest urban area is Sydney., Subject: ophthalmia range, Relation: instance_of, Options: (A) 1 (B) area (C) bay (D) bight (E) bioregion (F) classification scheme (G) color (H) continent (I) country (J) craton (K) definition (L) department (M) environment (N) five (O) government (P) gulf (Q) india (R) interim (S) iron ore (T) island (U) legislation (V) meridian (W) mountain (X) ocean (Y) park (Z) part ([) point (\) population (]) principal (^) range (_) rank (`) region (a) river (b) sea (c) stable (d) state (e) system (f) term (g) territory (h) water mountain Context: Fragoria is a browser based , free to play massively multiplayer online role play game of a Russian indie developer Rusoftware and its Europe based successor Datcroft Games . Fragoria is set in a massive , fully realized world based on Slavic fairy tales and legends of the modern world . There are more than 800 quests that can be played and several dungeons that can be explored . There are also a handful of PvP games to become involved in , ranging from simple 1 on 1 duels to full - scale wars with objectives . The game features an advanced pet system , an auction house for players to sell their items , a mail system , an extensive crafting system and four professions to choose from . The game is played on the Adobe Flash engine , in an isometric 3D perspective . It has been praised for its ability to efficiently use the engine . The game principle of the fantasy role - playing game is orientated to the games Diablo and World of Warcraft ( WoW ) ., A rich Internet application (RIA; sometimes called an Installable Internet Application) is a Web application that has many of the characteristics of desktop application software, typically delivered by way of a site-specific browser, a browser plug-in, an independent sandbox, extensive use of JavaScript, or a virtual machine. Adobe Flash, JavaFX, and Microsoft Silverlight are currently the three most common platforms., Adobe Animate (formerly called Adobe Flash and Shockwave Flash) is a multimedia software platform for production of animations, browser games, rich Internet applications, desktop applications, mobile applications and mobile games. Flash displays text, vector graphics and raster graphics to provide animations, video games and applications. It allows streaming of audio and video, and can capture mouse, keyboard, microphone and camera input., A browser game is a computer game that is played over the Internet using a web browser. Browser games can be run using standard web technologies or browser plug-ins. The creation of such games usually involves use of standard web technologies as a frontend and other technologies to provide a backend. Browser games include all video game genres and can be single-player or multiplayer. Browser games are also portable and can be played on multiple different devices, web browsers, and operating systems. Browser games come in many genres and themes that appeal to both regular and casual players., Subject: fragoria, Relation: distribution, Options: (A) adobe flash (B) browser game (C) internet (D) web browser browser game Context: Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (known professionally as Columbia Pictures and Columbia, and formerly CBC Film Sales Corporation) is an American film studio, production company and film distributor that is a member of the Sony Pictures Motion Picture Group, a division of Sony Entertainment's Sony Pictures subsidiary of the Japanese conglomerate Sony. The studio was founded in 1918 as Cohn-Brandt-Cohn Film Sales by brothers Jack and Harry Cohn and Jack's best friend Joe Brandt, released its first feature film in August 1922. It adopted the Columbia Pictures name in 1924, and went public two years later. Its name is derived from "Columbia", a national personification of the United States, which is used as the studio's logo. In its early years, it was a minor player in Hollywood, but began to grow in the late 1920s, spurred by a successful association with director Frank Capra. With Capra and others, Columbia became one of the primary homes of the screwball comedy. In the 1930s, Columbia's major contract stars were Jean Arthur and Cary Grant. In the 1940s, Rita Hayworth became the studio's premier star and propelled their fortunes into the late 1950s. Rosalind Russell, Glenn Ford, and William Holden also became major stars at the studio., Cry of the Werewolf , also known as Daughter of the Werewolf , is a 1944 film starring Nina Foch , based on a story by Griffin Jay and directed by Henry Levin ., Nina Foch (born Nina Consuelo Maud Fock; April 20, 1924 December 5, 2008) was a Dutch-American actress of film, stage, and television. After signing a contract with Columbia Pictures at age nineteen, the tall, blonde Foch became a regular in the studio's horror pictures and films noir before establishing herself as a leading lady in the mid-1940s through the 1950s, often playing roles as cool, aloof sophisticates. Her career spanned six decades, consisting of over fifty feature films and over one hundred television appearances., A feature film is a film (also called a movie, motion picture or just film) with a running time long enough to be considered the principal or sole film to fill a program. The notion of how long this should be has varied according to time and place. According to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the American Film Institute, and the British Film Institute, a feature film runs for 40 minutes or longer, while the Screen Actors Guild states that it is 80 minutes or longer., Henry Levin (5 June 1909 1 May 1980) began as a stage actor and director but was most notable as an American film director of over fifty feature films., Subject: cry of the werewolf, Relation: production_company, Options: (A) american film institute (B) british film institute (C) columbia pictures
columbia pictures
Information: - In ice hockey, the goaltender is the player responsible for preventing the hockey puck from entering their team's net, thus preventing the opposing team from scoring. The goaltender usually plays in or near the area in front of the net called the "goal crease" (often referred to simply as " the crease" or "the net"). Goaltenders tend to stay at or beyond the top of the crease to cut down on the angle of shots. In today's age of goaltending there are two common styles, butterfly and hybrid (hybrid is a mix of the traditional stand-up style and butterfly technique). Because of the power of shots, the goaltender wears special equipment designed to protect the body from direct impact. The goalie is one of the most valuable players on the ice, as their performance can greatly change the outcome or score of the game. One-on-one situations, such as breakaways and shootouts, have the tendency to highlight a goaltender's pure skill, or lack thereof. Only one goaltender is allowed to be on the ice for each team at any given time. - A team sport includes any sport which involves two or more players working together towards a shared objective. A team sport is an activity in which individuals are organized into opposing teams which compete to win. Examples are basketball, volleyball, water polo, handball, lacrosse, cricket, baseball, and the various forms of football and hockey. - Ice hockey is a contact team sport played on ice, usually in a rink, in which two teams of skaters use their sticks to shoot a vulcanized rubber puck into their opponent's net to score points. Ice hockey teams usually consist of six players each: one goaltender, and five players who skate up and down the ice trying to take the puck and score a goal against the opposing team. - Boules is a collective name for a wide range of games in which the objective is to throw or roll heavy balls (called "boules" in France, and "bocce" in Italy) as close as possible to a small target ball. - HockeyAllsvenskan (previously Allsvenskan and SuperAllsvenskan) is the second-highest league in the Swedish ice hockey system (after the SHL). As of the 201213 season, HockeyAllsvenskan has by far the highest average attendance of any second-tier league in Europe, averaging 3,227 spectators per game. Since the 200910 season, the league consists of fourteen teams. - Södertälje is a city and the seat of Södertälje Municipality, Stockholm County, Sweden with 75,283 inhabitants in 2014. - Sweden, officially the Kingdom of Sweden (Swedish: ), is a Scandinavian country in Northern Europe. It borders Norway to the west and Finland to the east, and is connected to Denmark in the southwest by a bridge-tunnel across the Öresund. At , Sweden is the third-largest country in the European Union by area, with a total population of 10.0 million. Sweden consequently has a low population density of , with the highest concentration in the southern half of the country. Approximately 85% of the population lives in urban areas. - Finland , officially the Republic of Finland, is a sovereign state in Northern Europe. A peninsula with the Gulf of Finland to the south and the Gulf of Bothnia to the west, the country has land borders with Sweden to the northwest, Norway to the north, and Russia to the east. Estonia is south of the country across the Gulf of Finland. Finland is a Nordic country situated in the geographical region of Fennoscandia, which also includes Scandinavia. Finland's population is 5.5 million (2014), staying roughly on the same level over the past two decades. The majority of the population is concentrated in the southern region. In terms of area, it is the eighth largest country in Europe and the most sparsely populated country in the European Union. - Northern Europe is the northern part or region of Europe. Although no definitive borders or definition exists for the term, geographically, Northern Europe may be considered to consist approximately of all of Europe above the 52nd parallel north; which includes (from west to east) most or all of: Iceland, the Republic of Ireland, the Isle of Man, the United Kingdom, the Faroe Islands, the Netherlands, northern Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, northern Poland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and northwest Russia. However, narrower definitions may also be used based on other geographical factors, such as climate and ecology. Greenland, geographically a part of North America, is politically a part of the Kingdom of Denmark, and may be included depending on the definition. - Granite is a common type of felsic intrusive igneous rock that is granular and phaneritic in texture. Granites can be predominantly white, pink, or gray in color, depending on their mineralogy. The word "granite" comes from the Latin "granum", a grain, in reference to the coarse-grained structure of such a holocrystalline rock. By definition, granite is an igneous rock with at least 20% quartz and up to 65% alkali feldspar by volume. - Scandinavia is a historical and cultural region in Northern Europe characterized by a common ethnocultural North Germanic heritage and mutually intelligible North Germanic languages. - The European Union (EU) is a political and economic union of member states that are located primarily in Europe. It has an area of , and an estimated population of over 510 million. The EU has developed an internal single market through a standardised system of laws that apply in all member states. EU policies aim to ensure the free movement of people, goods, services, and capital within the internal market, enact legislation in justice and home affairs, and maintain common policies on trade, agriculture, fisheries, and regional development. Within the Schengen Area, passport controls have been abolished. A monetary union was established in 1999 and came into full force in 2002, and is composed of 19 EU member states which use the euro currency. - Ice is water frozen into a solid state. Depending on the presence of impurities such as particles of soil or bubbles of air, it can appear transparent or a more or less opaque bluish-white color. - Curling is a sport in which players slide stones on a sheet of ice towards a target area which is segmented into four concentric circles. It is related to bowls, boules and shuffleboard. Two teams, each with four players, take turns sliding heavy, polished granite stones, also called "rocks", across the ice "curling sheet" towards the "house", a circular target marked on the ice. Each team has eight stones. The purpose is to accumulate the highest score for a "game"; points are scored for the stones resting closest to the centre of the house at the conclusion of each "end", which is completed when both teams have thrown all of their stones. A game usually consists of eight or ten ends. - Södertälje Municipality ("Södertälje kommun") is a municipality in Stockholm County in east central Sweden. Its seat is located in the city of Södertälje. - In geometry, two or more objects are said to be concentric, coaxal, or coaxial when they share the same center or axis. Circles, regular polygons and regular polyhedra, and spheres may be concentric to one another (sharing the same center point), as may cylinders (sharing the same central axis). - Stockholm (or ) is the capital of Sweden and the most populous city in the Nordic countries; 932,917 people live in the municipality, approximately 1.5 million in the urban area, and 2.3 million in the metropolitan area. The city is spread across 14 islands on the coast in the southeast of Sweden at the mouth of Lake Mälaren, by the Stockholm archipelago and the Baltic Sea. The area has been settled since the Stone Age, in the 6th millennium BC, and was founded as a city in 1252 by a Swedish statesman Birger Jarl. It is also the capital of Stockholm County. - Norway (; Norwegian: (Bokmål) or (Nynorsk); Sami: "Norgga"), officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a sovereign and unitary monarchy whose territory comprises the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula plus the island Jan Mayen and the archipelago of Svalbard. The Antarctic Peter I Island and the sub-Antarctic Bouvet Island are dependent territories and thus not considered part of the Kingdom. Norway also lays claim to a section of Antarctica known as Queen Maud Land. Until 1814, the Kingdom included the Faroe Islands (since 1035), Greenland (1261), and Iceland (1262). It also included Shetland and Orkney until 1468. It also included the following provinces, now in Sweden: Jämtland, Härjedalen and Bohuslän. - Denmark is a Scandinavian country in Europe. The southernmost and smallest of the Nordic countries, it is south-west of Sweden and south of Norway, and bordered to the south by Germany. The Kingdom of Denmark is the sovereign state that comprises Denmark proper and two autonomous constituent countries in the North Atlantic Ocean: the Faroe Islands and Greenland. Denmark has a total area of , and a population of 5.7 million. The country consists of a peninsula, Jutland, and an archipelago of 443 named islands, with the largest being Zealand and Funen. The islands are characterised by flat, arable land and sandy coasts, low elevation and a temperate climate. - Shuffleboard, more precisely deck shuffleboard, and also known as floor shuffleboard, is a game in which players use cues to push weighted discs, sending them gliding down a narrow court, with the purpose of having them come to rest within a marked scoring area. As a more generic term, it refers to the family of shuffleboard-variant games as a whole. - Södertälje Sportklubb, also known as Södertälje SK and often referred to as SSK, is a Swedish professional ice hockey club playing in HockeyAllsvenskan. The second highest level of pro hockey in Sweden. Södertälje were charter members of Elitserien when the league was founded in 1975 and have since played 24 seasons in the league (19751978, 19801981, 19831992, 19961998, 20012006, 20072011). Södertälje SK's fan club is known as the "SSK Support". - Bowls or lawn bowls is a sport in which the objective is to roll biased balls so that they stop close to a smaller ball called a "jack" or "kitty". It is played on a bowling green which may be flat (for "flat-green bowls") or convex or uneven (for "crown green bowls"). It is normally played outdoors (although there are many indoor venues) and the outdoor surface is either natural grass, artificial turf, or cotula (in New Zealand). - AXA Sports Center or Södertälje Event Arena is an indoor sporting arena located in Södertälje , Sweden that was built in 1970 as Scaniarinken . The capacity of the arena is 6,200 but before the renovation and name change in 2005 it could host much larger numbers , with the record being 11,372 people . It is the home arena of the Södertälje SK ice hockey team and the AXA / Marlboro curling team . - Stockholm County ("Stockholms län") is a county or "län" (in Swedish) on the Baltic sea coast of Sweden. It borders Uppsala County and Södermanland County. It also borders Mälaren and the Baltic Sea. The city of Stockholm is the capital of Sweden. Stockholm County is divided by the historic provinces of Uppland (Roslagen) and Södermanland (Södertörn). More than one fifth of the Swedish population lives in the county. Stockholm County is also one of the statistical "riksområden" (national areas) according to , Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics within the EU. With more than two million inhabitants, Stockholm is the most densely populated county of Sweden. Given the information above, choose from the list below the object entity that exhibits the relation 'located in the administrative territorial entity' with the subject 'axa sports center'. Choices: - antarctica - bowling green - center - centre - denmark - estonia - europe - european union - finland - france - gray - greenland - härjedalen - ireland - isle of man - italy - latvia - most - new zealand - northern - northwest - norway - of - orkney - poland - rock - russia - scandinavia - schengen - shetland - south - southwest - stockholm - stockholm county - sweden - södermanland county - södertälje - södertälje municipality - time - union - united kingdom - uppsala county Answer:
södertälje municipality
Detailed Instructions: Given an English sentence, convert it into the french language. Problem:The Stampede were coached by Earle Bruce during the 1995 season , and for the first 4 games of the 1996 season , before he announced his resignation to spend more time with his family . Solution:
Earle Bruce a entraîné les Stampede au cours de la saison 1995 et des 4 premiers matchs de la saison 1996 , avant qu' il n' annonce sa démission pour passer plus de temps avec sa famille .
This task is about translating a given English language sentence to Spanish. Example Input: But let's swivel around and look at me frontally. Example Output: Pero giremos y obsérvenme de frente. Example Input: Sounds craaazzy interetsting, I know... Example Output: Parece increíiiiblemente interesante, lo sé... Example Input: Let's find a vector that is orthogonal to these guys, and if I sum that vector to some linear combination of these guys, I'm going to get v3, and I'm going to call that vector y3. y3 is equal to v3 minus the projection of v3 onto the subspace spanned by u1 and u2. So I could call that subspace-- let me just write it here. Example Output:
Así que esta es mi primera cosa que he normalizado.
In this task, you are given a question in English, and your task is to translate it into Persian. What is the property tax rate in Granville, Ohio? How is it compared to the one of Texas?
میزان مالیات بر دارایی در گرانویل اوهایو چقدر است؟ این در مقایسه با شهرهای تگزاس چگونه است؟
(CNN) -- The U.S. space shuttle program retired in 2011, leaving American astronauts to hitchhike into orbit. But after three long years, NASA's successor is almost ready to make an entrance. Orion, the agency's newest manned spaceship, is being prepared for its first mission in December. In future missions, it will journey into deep space -- to Mars and beyond -- farther than humans have ever gone before. Orion comes loaded with superlatives. It boasts the largest heat shield ever built and a computer 400 times faster than the ones on the space shuttles. It will be launched into space on the most powerful rocket NASA has ever made. No astronauts will be aboard the December flight, which will test the spacecraft's systems for future manned missions. Final work on the spacecraft is under way at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Orion came one step closer to completion this month with the stacking of the crew module atop the service module. "Now that we're getting so close to launch, the spacecraft completion work is visible every day," Orion Program Manager Mark Geyer said in a statement. A 3,600-mile journey When complete, the Orion capsule will resemble a fencing foil, with a tall spire shooting up from a rounded base. At the top will sit a launch abort system, with downward-facing thrusters that would save the crew from a jarring crash in the event of a rocket malfunction. The bottom portion, the service module, will perform various functions such as in-space propulsion and cargo storage. Nestled between the two will be the crew module, capable of supporting human life from launch until recovery. Attached to the service module will be a United Launch Alliance Delta IV Heavy rocket. For the first time since the space shuttle's debut launch in 1981, the crew compartment will ride on the tip of the rocket rather than hanging onto its side, evoking the configuration of the famous Apollo or Gemini missions. Do you have any questions?
When is the Orion's first mission and what will it test?
State Route 204 (SR 204) is part of Maine's system of numbered state highways, located in Hancock County. It runs from State Route 3 in Trenton, passing State Route 184 in Lamoine, and ending at the intersection with Seal Point and Marlboro Beach roads. The route is 6.5 mi long. State Route 204 is one of Maine's popular tourist attractions A: It's impossible to say Wuqiang County () is county of southeastern Hebei province, China. It is under the administration of Hengshui City, with a population of 210,000 residing in an area of 442 km2 . Both China National Highway 307 and G1811 Huanghua–Shijiazhuang Expressway pass through the county. Wuqiang County is 442 km2 in size A: Yes Annabelle's Affairs is a 1931 American pre-Code romantic comedy film directed by Alfred L. Werker and starring Victor McLaglen, Jeanette MacDonald and Roland Young. The film is based on the play "Good Gracious Annabelle" by Clare Kummer. It is the only one of MacDonald's films to be considered lost. It was well received by critics, but did not perform well at the box office. Jeannette MacDonald made a lot of bad movies. A:
It's impossible to say
Detailed Instructions: Write the right answer to the question based on the context passage. Q: I woke at dawn when Digger climbed over me to get out of bed, and I woke again an hour later when Pa called, "Everyone up who wants breakfast!" Across the room, Little Bit was dressing in a T-shirt and jeans that had been mine a year before. Ma had put a stack of clean clothes at the foot of the bed for me. I dressed without caring what I put on. The only important items were my cowboy boots and my Roy Rogers belt with two holsters for cap guns, even though I only had one cap gun left, and its trigger was broken. When I used the toilet, I sat on the front edge of the seat, watching the water beneath me, and scooted off as soon as I was done. I had seen a cartoon in a book at Grandpa Abner's that showed a fish leaping out of a toilet bowl and a woman staring at it with big eyes. I thought that was funny and I knew it was impossible, but I didn't think there was any reason to take chances. Ma called, "Little Bit has to use the bathroom." I yelled, "I'm almost done." Ma called, "Are you off the toilet?" I yelled, "Yes!" Ma opened the door and brought Little Bit in. Squeezing toothpaste onto my toothbrush, I said, "I wasn't done yet." Ma said, "Your father's making breakfast in the restaurant." That meant we should hurry, so I slid the brush over my teeth while Little Bit sat next to the sink, and then I ran out of the house. Stepping into the sunlight was stepping into Florida. I didn't smell oranges -- Ma had explained that oranges grew further south -- but I smelled a humid pinelands that was not like the New Orleans suburb I had known. Question: Who needed to hurry in the bathroom? A:
The narrator and Little Bit.
Emeryville-based Ask Jeeves agreed to sell a business software division to a Sunnyvale-based rival , Kanisa , for $ 4.25 million . Ask Jeeves Wednesday announced it plans to sell its enterprise software division , Jeeves Solutions , to Kanisa . Please tell me if the sentences above mean the same.
Pick your answer from: [+] television is quieter. [+] radio is quieter. Complete the following sentence. James just bought a new television that could hardly be heard over the radio because the
television is quieter.
Is a watchmaker likely to be able to fix an Apple Watch? Given the above question, please answer with reasoning first!
A watchmaker makes and repairs watches using tiny instruments to fix coils, springs, gears, and other metal parts.. The Apple Watch is a computer driven watch that can connect to devices using wireless technology. Apple Watches do not have the usual springs and gears of traditional watches. Therefore, the answer is no.
input: OPTIONS: - Dyewithchemicaldye. - Mixdifferenthairdyesatthesametime. - Leaveyourhairwithdyelonger. - Doasthedirectionstellyou. Now, answer this question: Read the following article and answer the question. Article: Colorful hair speaks more about beauty. Now it becomes popular and people are dyeing their hair to make it different. Dyeing hair with natural products is good for health while dyeing with chemicals is harmful. Researches have found that dyeing hair with chemicals can make people have cancer. Lead is very harmful for the human body and it is used in most hair dyes. Since the base of hair is the scalp ,you may have allergic reaction . While dyeing your hair it is important to take some safety measures. You can follow them even when you are applying dye on your hair at home. * It is better to apply hair dye for a few minutes. If you leave your hair with dye, longer than the necessary time,then you may get some skin problems. * Don't forget to wear gloves while applying dye on the hair. This will protect the skin of your hands. * After applying hair dye it is important to wash your hair with water. * Hair dyes are made of chemicals. If you mix different hair dyes ,there may be chemical reaction. So, It is not a good idea to mix different hair dyes at the same time. * Finally all the bags of hair dyes carry the directions( ) Try to follow them very carefully. This will lower the chance of allergic reaction. Question: How can you make the chance of allergic reaction lower? Answer: A: output: Doasthedirectionstellyou. input: OPTIONS: - Because he studies well. - Because he looks good. - Because he can play many instruments. - Because he is funny. Now, answer this question: Read the following article and answer the question. Article: My friend Tom is a schoolboy. Everyone likes him very much because he is funny. He can play many instruments. When he is with his friends, he often plays for them. Today is October 8th. It's Tom's birthday. He has a big and interesting party at home. Many friends come to his party. Tom's mother cooks a lot of food for them. Everyone gives a beautiful gift to him. Sally gives him an English dictionary because Tom also likes English. Bob gives Tom a guitar because he likes playing the guitar very much. At the party, Tom plays the guitar and he also plays the piano. We sing many songs and play some interesting games. We have a good time today. ,. Question: Why does everyone like Tom very much? Answer: A: output: Because he is funny. input: OPTIONS: - Computers and the Internet. - The Greatest Invention of This Century. - Gangster Internet Bars. - How to use the Internet Now, answer this question: Read the following article and answer the question. Article: Today almost everyone knows computers and the Internet. If I ask you "What is the most important thing in your life?" may be you will say "Computers and the Internet". The first computer was made in 1946. It was very big but it worked slowly.. Today, computers are getting smaller, and smaller, but they work faster and faster. What can computers do? A writer has said, "People can't live without computers today." The Internet came a little later than computers. It is about twenty-five years later than computers. But now it can be found almost everywhere. We can use it to read books, send e-mails, do some shopping, play games or make friends. 21*cnjy*com Young men, especially the middle school students like the Internet very much. They often go into the Internet bars as soon as they are free. They make friends on the Internet and maybe they have never seen these friends. They don't know their names, ages and sex . They are so interested in making the "unreal friends" that they can't put their heart into study. Some of them play the games in the Internet bars all day and all night. Many of them can't catch up with others in many subjects because of that. Now the government has done many things. Some gangster Internet bars have been banned . But that's not enough. The teachers and parents are still worrying about their students and children. We can use computers and the Internet to learn more about the world. But at the same time, we should remember that computers and the Internet could not do all the things.www-2-1-cnjy-com Question: Which is the best title of the passage? Answer: A: output:
Computers and the Internet.
I want to test the ability of students to read a passage and answer questions about it. Could you please come up with a good question for the passage "Eventually the 12-inch (300 mm) 33 1⁄3 rpm LP prevailed as the predominant format for musical albums, and 10-inch LPs were no longer issued. The last Columbia Records reissue of any Frank Sinatra songs on a 10-inch LP record was an album called Hall of Fame, CL 2600, issued on October 26, 1956, containing six songs, one each by Tony Bennett, Rosemary Clooney, Johnnie Ray, Frank Sinatra, Doris Day, and Frankie Laine. The 10-inch LP however had a longer life in the United Kingdom, where important early British rock and roll albums such as Lonnie Donegan's Lonnie Donegan Showcase and Billy Fury's The Sound of Fury were released in that form. The 7-inch (175 mm) 45 rpm disc or "single" established a significant niche for shorter duration discs, typically containing one item on each side. The 45 rpm discs typically emulated the playing time of the former 78 rpm discs, while the 12-inch LP discs eventually provided up to one half-hour of recorded material per side."?
Which artists remained popular on older abum types after the 12 inch option became popular?
Answer the question Monarch butterflies use milkweed plants during all of their life stages. Milkweed plants grow in open areas, such as grasslands and wetlands. They also often grow between row crops. Given this information, which of these biotechnologies would pose the greatest threat to monarch butterflies? Pick from: [+] development of new antibiotics. [+] development of new herbicides. [+] development of disease-resistant crops. [+] development of insect-resistant crops.
development of new herbicides
(Q). If a person loses their balance while on roller skating and can't recover what happened to them? A. injury B. falling down C. injuries D. hit people E. move fast The best answer is (A). B (Q). Feet that have been in boots all day will what? A. walk B. hands C. stay still D. stink E. sing The best answer is (A). D (Q). Sam went climbing but wasn't good at it. He was nimble and had what? A. fingers B. dexterity C. skill D. muscles E. strength The best answer is (A).
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, given a sentence in English Tokens, your task is to convert it into the English language Interstate 80 is closed between mile markers 266 and 267 , with a 281-mile long detour to get around it : Eastbound through traffic must leave I-80 at Des Moines and travel north along Interstate 35 then east to Dubuque via U.S. Route 20 , where it can move south along U.S. Route 61 to return to Interstate 80 at the Quad Cities , with westbound through traffic following the opposite route . Output:
Interstate 80 is closed between mile markers 266 and 267, with a 281-mile long detour to get around it: Eastbound through traffic must leave I-80 at Des Moines and travel north along Interstate 35 then east to Dubuque via U.S. Route 20, where it can move south along U.S. Route 61 to return to Interstate 80 at the Quad Cities, with westbound through traffic following the opposite route.
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, given a sentence in the English language, your task is to convert it into the Chinese language. Stewart does issue a warning against using inferred consent saying, “They may have been sending these people messages for years, but this does not establish consent.” Output:
Part1. When did Jaco Pastorius die ? **** Part2. numeric Part1. Where is Tornado Alley ? **** Part2. location Part1. What is a fear of being alone ? **** Part2.
Teacher: You need to read the given passage and construct a question about the information present in the passage. The question should be answerable from the passage. Most importantly, only those questions are allowed whose answers cannot be determined from a single sentence. Do not generate questions that require only a single sentence to answer. Instead, try to combine two sentences and create a question from that combination. Do not create open-ended questions, i.e., the answers to them cannot be found precisely from the information provided in the passage. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example: Paragraph- Sent 1: A Republican bid to keep the government open past Friday includes no new money for the construction of a border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, according to several congressional aides familiar with ongoing talks. Sent 2: GOP leaders submitted the new offer Tuesday afternoon in an effort to appease Democrats, whose votes are needed to avert a shutdown of federal agencies, several House and Senate aides said. Sent 3: However, Republicans also insisted on increases in border security and defense spending, including money to repair existing fencing and new surveillance technology to patrol the nearly 2,000-mile border. Sent 4: Democrats have indicated that they would support such appropriations so long as no money goes toward an actual wall. Solution: Who has to be appeased to keep the government open? Reason: This is a good multi-sentence question because, "appease Democrats" is mentioned in Sent 2, while "keep the government open" is part of Sent 1. As this question requires more than one sentences to answer, it's a good question. Now, solve this instance: Paragraph- Sent 1: Bin Ladin and his aides did not need a very large sum to finance their planned attack on America. Sent 2: The 9/11 plotters eventually spent somewhere between $400,000 and $500,000 to plan and conduct their attack. Sent 3: Consistent with the importance of the project, al Qaeda funded the plotters. Sent 4: KSM provided his operatives with nearly all the money they needed to travel to the United States, train, and live. Sent 5: The plotters' tradecraft was not especially sophisticated, but it was good enough. Sent 6: They moved, stored, and spent their money in ordinary ways, easily defeating the detection mechanisms in place at the time. Sent 7: The origin of the funds remains unknown, although we have a general idea of how al Qaeda financed itself during the period leading up to 9/11. Sent 8: General Financing As we explained in chapter 2, Bin Ladin did not fund al Qaeda through a personal fortune and a network of businesses in Sudan. Sent 9: Instead, al Qaeda relied primarily on a fund-raising network developed over time. Sent 10: The CIA now estimates that it cost al Qaeda about $30 million per year to sustain its activities before 9/11 and that this money was raised almost entirely through donations. Sent 11: For many years, the United States thought Bin Ladin financed al Qaeda's expenses through a vast personal inheritance. Sent 12: Bin Ladin purportedly inherited approximately $300 million when his father died, and was rumored to have had access to these funds to wage jihad while in Sudan and Afghanistan and to secure his leadership position in al Qaeda. Sent 13: In early 2000, the U.S. government discovered a different reality: roughly from 1970 through 1994, Bin Ladin received about $1 million per year-a significant sum, to be sure, but not a $300 million fortune that could be used to fund jihad. Sent 14: Then, as part of a Saudi government crackdown early in the 1990s, the Bin Ladin family was forced to find a buyer for Usama's share of the family company in 1994. Sent 15: The Saudi government subsequently froze the proceeds of the sale. Sent 16: This action had the effect of divesting Bin Ladin of what otherwise might indeed have been a large fortune. Sent 17: Nor were Bin Ladin's assets in Sudan a source of money for al Qaeda. Sent 18: When Bin Ladin lived in Sudan from 1991 to 1996, he owned a number of businesses and other assets. Student:
How did the attack plotters avoid detection?
In this task, you are given a question and an answer. Answer "Yes" if the given answer correctly answers the question, otherwise answer "No". what does the temporal lobe part of the brain do, Answer: The temporal lobes are involved in the retention of visual memories , processing sensory input, comprehending language , storing new memories, emotion, and deriving meaning. Yes how does rainfall in new york affect the environment?, Answer: New York's population density has environmental pros and cons. No how are pointe shoes made, Answer: Pointe shoes developed from the desire for dancers to appear weightless and sylph -like and have evolved to enable dancers to dance en pointe (on the tips of their toes) for extended periods of time.
In this task, you will be given text in English. You need to translate the text into the Sinhali language. President Jerry Rawlings of Ghana also apologized for his country's involvement in the slave trade. ගානාවේ ජනපති ජෙරී රෝව්ලින්ග් ඔහුගේ රටේ වහල් වෙළඳාමට මැදිහත් වීම පිළිබඳව ද සමාව ඉල්ලන ලදී. Many moccasins were also decorated with various beads and other adornments. බොහෝ මුව හමින් සෑදූ සපත්තු විවිධ පබළු සහ වෙනත් සැරසිලි වලින් සරසා ඇත. These molecules are responsible for the browning of wine and their removal gives an element of stability in the future drink.
වයින් වල දුඹුරු පැහැයට මෙම අණු වගකිව යුතු අතර ඒවා ඉවත් කිරීඉමෙන් අනාගත පානයන්හි ස්ථාවරත්වයේ මූලද්‍රව්‍යය ලබාදෙයි.
The important part for answering this question is: Airboats are a very popular means of transportation in marshy and / or shallow areas where a standard inboard or outboard engine with a submerged propeller would be impractical, most notably in the Florida Everglades but also in the Indian River Lagoon, the Kissimmee and St. Johns rivers, and the Mekong River and Delta, as well as the Louisiana bayous and Mesopotamian Marshes. This justifies what answer for what question? Q & A:
Passage: Airboats are a very popular means of transportation in marshy and / or shallow areas where a standard inboard or outboard engine with a submerged propeller would be impractical, most notably in the Florida Everglades but also in the Indian River Lagoon, the Kissimmee and St. Johns rivers, and the Mekong River and Delta, as well as the Louisiana bayous and Mesopotamian Marshes. Question: Based on this passage, what kind of boat is used in the everglades? Airboats
In this task, you are given a question in English, and your task is to translate it into Persian. Input: Consider Input: How can I get an admission in list? Output: چگونه می توانم در لیست پذیرش بگیرم؟ Input: Consider Input: Which is correct: "bare in mind" or "bear in mind"? Output: کدام یک صحیح است:در ذهن برهنه یا توجه داشته باشید Input: Consider Input: Whether alloy are only isotropic and homogeneous like metals, or alloys also exhibit orthotropic/anisotropic and heterogeneous like CompositeMaterials?
Output: آیا آلیاژ فقط مانند فلزات ایزوتروپیک و یکدست هستند یا آلیاژها نیز مانند CompositeMaterials دارای ارتوتروپ / ناهمسانگرد و ناهمگن هستند؟
Given the task definition, example input & output, solve the new input case. You are given an unfinished English sentence, and you need to predict the rest of it. Example: chapter one Output: missus rachel lynde is surprised missus rachel lynde lived just where the avonlea main road dipped down into a little hollow fringed with alders and ladies eardrops and traversed by a brook This is the original sentence 'chapter one missus rachel lynde is surprised missus rachel lynde lived just where the avonlea main road dipped down into a little hollow fringed with alders and ladies eardrops and traversed by a brook' So, given 'chapter one,' we have correctly generated 'missus rachel lynde is surprised missus rachel lynde lived just where the avonlea main road dipped down into a little hollow fringed with alders and ladies eardrops and traversed by a brook' completing the sentence. New input case for you: as avonlea housekeepers were wont to tell in awed voices and keeping a sharp eye on the main road that crossed the hollow Output:
and wound up the steep red hill beyond
Premise: A young man and woman are laughing and drinking a beer. Hypothesis: A young pair enjoying a beer. .Choose the correct answer: Given the premise, can we conclude the hypothesis? Pick your answer from: a. yes; b. it is not possible to tell; c. no;
LISTEN NOW ! Hooray for Hollywood ! Rachael and Justin discuss the 80th annual Academy Awards . We tell you our feelings on the winners and losers and discuss at length , the AFI 100 greatest films . Generate a question about the above context.
What interest may the narrator have ? Options are: (I) None of the above choices . (II) They love make up . (III) They love films . (IV) They love literature .
A tie can be worn with a suit but a tree cannot be wore with a the reasoning for what question and answer pair?
Q: Pick which sentence is not logical. Options: - Sentence A: "He wore a tree with his suit." - Sentence B: "He wore a tie with his suit." A: Sentence A
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Conduction is the transfer of thermal energy. It occurs between objects or substances that are touching. Thermal conductors are materials that are good conductors of heat. Thermal insulators are materials that are poor conductors of heat. Both conductors and insulators have important uses. Convection is the transfer of thermal energy. This occurs as particles move within a fluid. The fluid may be a liquid or a gas. The particles within the fluid transfer energy by moving from warmer to cooler areas. They move in loops. These loops are called convection currents. Radiation is the transfer of thermal energy by waves. These waves can travel through empty space. When the waves reach objects, the heat is transferred to the objects. Radiation is how the Sun warms the Earths surface. <sep>What is it called when thermal energy is transferred between 2 objects that are touching<sep>Radiation
Q: Question: "wood cuts may be different depending if comes what part of the tree" Context: "Different pieces of wood cut from a large tree may differ decidedly, particularly if the tree is big and mature. In some trees, the wood laid on late in the life of a tree is softer, lighter, weaker, and more even-textured than that produced earlier, but in other trees, the reverse applies. This may or may not correspond to heartwood and sapwood. In a large log the sapwood, because of the time in the life of the tree when it was grown, may be inferior in hardness, strength, and toughness to equally sound heartwood from the same log. In a smaller tree, the reverse may be true." Answer: A: heartwood and sapwood Question: Question: "Why would a person struggle when upgrading from an old version of Windows to 8?" Context: "The interface of Windows 8 has been the subject of mixed reaction. Bright wrote that its system of hot corners and edge swiping "wasn't very obvious" due to the lack of instructions provided by the operating system on the functions accessed through the user interface, even by the video tutorial added on the RTM release (which only instructed users to point at corners of the screen or swipe from its sides). Despite this "stumbling block", Bright said that Windows 8's interface worked well in some places, but began to feel incoherent when switching between the "Metro" and desktop environments, sometimes through inconsistent means. Tom Warren of The Verge wrote that the new interface was "as stunning as it is surprising", contributing to an "incredibly personal" experience once it is customized by the user, but had a steep learning curve, and was awkward to use with a keyboard and mouse. He noted that while forcing all users to use the new touch-oriented interface was a risky move for Microsoft as a whole, it was necessary in order to push development of apps for the Windows Store. Others, such as Adrian Kingsley-Hughes from ZDNet, considered the interface to be "clumsy and impractical" due to its inconsistent design (going as far as considering it "two operating systems unceremoniously bolted together"), and concluded that "Windows 8 wasn't born out of a need or demand; it was born out of a desire on Microsoft's part to exert its will on the PC industry and decide to shape it in a direction—touch and tablets -- that allows it to compete against, and remain relevant in the face of Apple's iPad."" Answer: Answer: lack of instructions [Q]: Question: "What should be avoided if one wants the most efficient filament possible?" Context: "While inert gas reduces filament evaporation, it also conducts heat from the filament, thereby cooling the filament and reducing efficiency. At constant pressure and temperature, the thermal conductivity of a gas depends upon the molecular weight of the gas and the cross sectional area of the gas molecules. Higher molecular weight gasses have lower thermal conductivity, because both the molecular weight is higher and also the cross sectional area is higher. Xenon gas improves efficiency because of its high molecular weight, but is also more expensive, so its use is limited to smaller lamps." Answer: **** [A]: cooling input: Please answer the following: Question: "What preceded the cause of 268,000 tweets?" Context: "In January 2013, Destiny's Child released Love Songs, a compilation album of the romance-themed songs from their previous albums and a newly recorded track, "Nuclear". Beyoncé performed the American national anthem singing along with a pre-recorded track at President Obama's second inauguration in Washington, D.C. The following month, Beyoncé performed at the Super Bowl XLVII halftime show, held at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans. The performance stands as the second most tweeted about moment in history at 268,000 tweets per minute. At the 55th Annual Grammy Awards, Beyoncé won for Best Traditional R&B Performance for "Love on Top". Her feature-length documentary film, Life Is But a Dream, first aired on HBO on February 16, 2013. The film, which she directed and produced herself, featured footage from her childhood, her as a mother and businesswoman, recording, rehearsing for live performances, and her return to the spotlight following Blue Ivy's birth. Its DVD release in November 2013 was accompanied by footage from the Revel Presents: Beyoncé Live concerts and a new song, "God Made You Beautiful". In February 2013, Beyoncé signed a global publishing agreement with Warner/Chappell Music, which would cover her future songwriting and then-upcoming studio album." Answer: ++++++++++ output: American national anthem singing along with a pre-recorded track at President Obama's second inauguration Please answer this: Question: "Who dissented with the Puerto Rican majority?" Context: "Several days after the referendum, the Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi, Governor Luis Fortuño, and Governor-elect Alejandro García Padilla wrote separate letters to the President of the United States Barack Obama addressing the results of the voting. Pierluisi urged Obama to begin legislation in favor of the statehood of Puerto Rico, in light of its win in the referendum. Fortuño urged him to move the process forward. García Padilla asked him to reject the results because of their ambiguity. The White House stance related to the November 2012 plebiscite was that the results were clear, the people of Puerto Rico want the issue of status resolved, and a majority chose statehood in the second question. Former White House director of Hispanic media stated, "Now it is time for Congress to act and the administration will work with them on that effort, so that the people of Puerto Rico can determine their own future."" Answer: ++++++++ Answer: García Padilla Question: Question: "What did Ptahhotep and Heraclitus focus on?" Context: "The earliest recorded Western philosophy of time was expounded by the ancient Egyptian thinker Ptahhotep (c. 2650–2600 BC), who said, "Do not lessen the time of following desire, for the wasting of time is an abomination to the spirit." The Vedas, the earliest texts on Indian philosophy and Hindu philosophy, dating back to the late 2nd millennium BC, describe ancient Hindu cosmology, in which the universe goes through repeated cycles of creation, destruction, and rebirth, with each cycle lasting 4,320,000 years. Ancient Greek philosophers, including Parmenides and Heraclitus, wrote essays on the nature of time." Answer: Answer:
In this task, you are given a piece of an article. Your task is to generate a short summary of the text. Try to give the summary in just one sentence. Microsoft Corporation will still make millions of dollars from Windows XP, the more than a decade old version of its Windows operating system despite the fact that it stopped selling the software in 2010 and recently ceased supporting it.
Microsoft Corporation will still make millions from Windows XP.
Q: Sentence (1) I need to rest for a piece. Sentence (2) She bought a lovely piece of china.. Word: piece. OPTIONS: - different meanings - the same meaning ==--== A: different meanings Q: Sentence (1) The fashion did not catch. Sentence (2) He caught the allusion in her glance.. Word: catch. OPTIONS: - different meanings - the same meaning ==--== A: different meanings Q: Sentence (1) The alchemists tried to turn lead into gold. Sentence (2) Turn the heat down.. Word: turn. OPTIONS: - different meanings - the same meaning ==--== A:
different meanings
In just a bit. There are 8 bits in a byte. Word: "bit" different meanings Clear the leaves from the lawn. Clear snow from the road. Word: "clear" the same meaning He gave it up as a bad job. She did an outstanding job as Ophelia. Word: "job" the same meaning Raise a shout. Chew with your mouth shut -- were you raised in a barn? Word: "raise"
different meanings
Detailed Instructions: You are given an unfinished English sentence, and you need to predict the rest of it. Q: a child of about eleven garbed in a very short very tight very ugly dress of yellowish gray wincey she wore a faded brown sailor hat and beneath the hat extending down her back were A:
two braids of very thick decidedly red hair
In this task, you are given a sentence in the English language and your task is to convert it into the Hindi language. In translation, keep numbers as it is. In childhood, Duryodhan, with the clever mind of Shakuni tried a number of times to kill the Pandavas and during their youth when Yudhishthira was declared as the prince, Duryodhana sent the Pandavas to the Lakshagrah (house of lac) and set it on fire. But with the help of Vidur the Pandavas were saved and came out of the burning house of lac.
शकुनि के छलकपट से दुर्योधन ने पाण्डवों को बचपन में कई बार मारने का प्रयत्न किया तथा युवावस्था में भी जब युधिष्ठिर को युवराज बना दिया गया तो लाक्ष के बने हुए घर लाक्षाग्रह में पाण्डवों को भेजकर उन्हें आग से जलाने का प्रयत्न किया किन्तु विदुर की सहायता के कारण से वे उस जलते हुए गृह से बाहर निकल गये।
Please answer the following question: The peninsula and panhandle make for a long coast, this is why many people like to vacation or retire where? A. united states B. florida C. country D. where it is hot E. california The best answer is Answer:
In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc. There is a numeric or alphanumeric code that identifies the vehicle . The registration identifier is a numeric or alphanumeric ID that uniquely identifies the vehicle or vehicle owner within the issuing region 's vehicle register . RNAi may be used for large-scale screens that shut down each gene to analyse cellular process or cell division . RNAi may be used for large-scale screens that systematically shut down each gene in the cell , which can help to identify the components necessary for a particular cellular process or an event such as cell division . Public Ivy is a term started by Richard Moll in his 1985 book " Public Ivys : A Guide to America 's best public undergraduate colleges and universities " .
" Public Ivy " is a term coined by Richard Moll in his 1985 book " Public Ivies : A Guide to America 's Best Public Undergraduate Colleges and Universities " to refer to U.S. universities that are claimed to provide an Ivy League collegiate experience at a public university price .
Given a passage and a query based on the passage, generate an unambiguous, concise and simple answer to the query from information in the passage. Note that the answer may not be present in exact form. The Flu Is Contagious. Most healthy adults may be able to infect other people beginning 1 day before symptoms develop and up to 5 to 7 days after becoming sick. Children may pass the virus for longer than 7 days. Symptoms start 1 to 4 days after the virus enters the body. That means that you may be able to pass on the flu to someone else before you know you are sick, as well as while you are sick. Some people can be infected with the flu virus but have no symptoms. During this time, those persons may still spread the virus to others. The lymph nodes can swell making turning the head painful. The eyes can be sensitive to light. There can be a dry annoying cough. The flu is also contagious the day before the first symptoms begin. The person remains contagious for 5 to 7 days, as long as the body is producing new mucus, and they are also contagious as long as they have a fever. The Flu Is Contagious Most healthy adults may be able to infect other people beginning 1 day before symptoms develop and up to 5 to 7 days after becoming sick. Children may pass the virus for longer than 7 days. But just because you don't exhibit these symptoms, it doesn't mean you don't have the flu, researchers say. And you could be just as contagious. In fact, their study found that roughly three-quarters of people with seasonal or pandemic flu show either no symptoms or mild ones that aren't usually linked to flu. People with flu can spread it to others up to about 6 feet away. Most experts think that flu viruses are spread mainly by droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze or talk. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. Less often, a person might also get flu by touching a surface or object that has flu virus on it and then touching their own mouth or nose. Even If You Don't Have Symptoms, You May Still Have The Flu : Shots - Health News Roughly 1 in 5 unvaccinated people had the flu between 2006 and 2011, but only a quarter of them had symptoms, a study found. If you have already been exposed to the flu, but you don't have any symptoms, you can take Tamiflu for up to 6 weeks to help prevent you from getting sick. People often mistake the flu for the common cold, Hayward tells Shots. A lot of the time you may just have a runny nose, a bit of a cough, perhaps a sore throat, he says. But the classic flu symptoms of a sudden fever and muscle aches — the study shows that that very often doesn't happen. And it's often a much more mild illness. Influenza's incubation period is 1-4 days with 2 days being the most common for showing symptoms. There are many viruses that cause cold and flu symptoms that are not the common cold or influenza. If you were exposed to one of those it may take up to 7 days before symptoms appear. Discover how taking Tamiflu® (oseltamivir phosphate) within 48 hours of flu onset may help reduce the amount of time you are sick and help prevent the flu. Indications: Tamiflu is a prescription medicine used to treat the flu (influenza) in people 2 weeks of age and older who have had flu symptoms for no more than 2 days. Tamiflu can also reduce the chance of getting the flu in people 1 year and older. Tamiflu does not prevent bacterial infections that may happen with the flu. Query: how long can you have the flu
The Flu Is Contagious Most healthy adults may be able to infect up to 5 to 7 days after becoming sick. Children may pass the virus for longer than 7 days.
Please answer the following question: Eating less food at night time is sensible advice for someone trying to lose weight. The reason often given is that if eat you too much food at night, the body will store all those excess kilojoules as fat because we’re inactive until the next day. The reason sounds plausible, but if it was one hundred percent true then world hunger could be solved by just feeding people one meal at night time. What really matters is how much is eaten over days and weeks for weight gain or weight loss, not so much when it is eaten. There is merit though in advice to eat less at night time as it can help a person to cut back on the total quantity of food eaten. Eating lots of food in the evening can also be a marker for unhealthy dietary habits, especially if much of that extra food is going to fuel couch surfing exploits. So even though advice to eat less at night time seems logical, it hasn’t actually been well tested by science to see how effective it can be for losing weight. Filling this gap, a short-term study involving 29 healthy men looked at how 2 weeks of restricted night time eating fared against 2 weeks of ‘normal’ evening eating. Advice on restricting night eating was very clear: avoid any food or drink containing kilojoules between the hours of 7 pm and 6 am the next morning. No other changes to the participants’ diet or lifestyle was required so each person was free to eat whatever they wished during the day time hours until early evening. Twenty seven of the twenty nine people complied with following this advice for 2 weeks as well as the 2 week control period. Eating at night a waistline hazard So did people eat less when restricting night time eating? Yes, equal to 1000 kilojoules (about 250 Calories) per day less than during their normal eating pattern. This small energy difference was enough to see the men lose 0.4 kg over the 2 week restriction period, and gain 0.6 kg over the 2 week control period. What is the most probable reason why the participants decided to join the trails? - not enough information - to stop eating at night - to attempt to lose weight - to be able to eat more during the day A:
to attempt to lose weight
Inicio > Recursos externos > Formación de paisaje How do you say this sentence in English? Home > External resources > Education on landscape Esta variante se observa con mayor frecuencia en mujeres jóvenes. En general, también exhibe una evolución clínica más lenta que el CHC que es más común.[2] How do you say this sentence in English? This variant is found more frequently in young women. It also generally exhibits a slower clinical course than the more common HCC.[2] Asuntos internacionales Archives - Página 5 de 157 - Pressenza How do you say this sentence in English? International issues Archives - Page 3 of 90 - Pressenza A la derecha, la entrada al Rio di San Trovaso donde se encuentra la sede de la exposición Otherwise Occupied. How do you say this sentence in English?
On the right, the entrance to Rio di San Trovaso where the venue of the exhibition Otherwise Occupied is located.
Philip Philip Lawson is a pseudonym for Mystery novels by Michael Bishop written with Paul Di Filippo . Philip Lawson is a pseudonym used for mystery novels written by Michael Bishop with Paul Di Filippo . Are these two sentences paraphrases of each other? yes His musical partner Scott Boyer said : `` No one can write a more beautiful ballad than Talton . His musical partner Talton said , `` No one could write a more beautiful ballad than Scott Boyer . Are these two sentences paraphrases of each other? no Another release in 2008 directly compared the sequences of a second isolate of BiMoV from Florida with the sequence of SCSV from Taiwan . Another publication in 2008 directly compared the sequences of a second isolate of BiMoV from Florida to the sequence of SCSV from Taiwan . Are these two sentences paraphrases of each other? yes After Kuklinski gave him the money , Hoffman told him that the deal was a trick . Kuklinski told him , after Hoffman gave him the money , that the deal was a cunning . Are these two sentences paraphrases of each other?
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Fossils can be used to match up rock layers. As organisms change over time, they look different. Older fossils will look different than younger fossils. Some organisms only survived for a short time before going extinct. Knowing what organisms looked like at certain times also helps date rock layers. Some fossils are better than others for this use. The fossils that are very distinct at certain times of Earths history are called index fossils. Index fossils are commonly used to match rock layers. You can see how this works in Figure 2.30. If two rock layers have the same index fossils, then they're probably about the same age. <sep>What helps to date rock layers?<sep>Color
In this task, you are given a question. You have to answer the question based on your information. Are the documentaries Welcome to Durham, USA and The Agronomist both about Durham, North Carolina? no Philip Henry Gosse argued that God must have created the Earth and what other affront to evolution? fossil record is not evidence of evolution Imiliya is a town located in what pilgrimage site?
Teacher:In this task, you are given a context paragraph, a question based on that and corresponding answer of a question. Your task is to generate supporting fact/knowledge from context paragraph which helps in answering a given question. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Joan of Arc (French: Jeanne d'Arc , ] ; 6 January c. 1412 – 30 May 1431), nicknamed "The Maid of Orléans" (French: "La Pucelle d'Orléans" ), is considered a heroine of France for her role during the Lancastrian phase of the Hundred Years' War and was canonized as a Roman Catholic saint. Joan of Arc was born to Jacques d'Arc and Isabelle Romée, a peasant family, at Domrémy in north-east France. Joan said she received visions of the Archangel Michael, Saint Margaret, and Saint Catherine of Alexandria instructing her to support Charles VII and recover France from English domination late in the Hundred Years' War. The uncrowned King Charles VII sent Joan to the siege of Orléans as part of a relief mission. She gained prominence after the siege was lifted only nine days later. Several additional swift victories led to Charles VII's coronation at Reims. This long-awaited event boosted French morale and paved the way for the final French victory. Question: What is the name of the Museum with connections to the daughter of Jacques d'Arc and Isabelle Romée? Answer: Living Heritage Tree Museum Student:
Joan of Arc was born to Jacques dArc and Isabelle Romée, a peasant family, at Domrémy in northeast France.
Part 1. Definition In this task, given a sentence in the English language, your task is to convert it into the Hindi language. Part 2. Example The Prince, who is also an officer in the navy, is being treated only as a witness in this case, there have been no charges against him. Answer: राजकुमार, जो नौसेना में एक अधिकारी भी हैं, इस मामले में केवल गवाह माने जा रहे हैं, उनके खिलाफ़ कोई आरोप दाखिल नहीं किया गया है। Explanation: The above sentence is correctly translated from English to Hindi. Part 3. Exercise Even al-Maliki didn't know that Bush was coming until five minutes before he arrived. Answer:
यहां तक कि अल-मलिकी को पांच मिनट पहले तक यह भी पता नहीं था कि बुश आ रहे हैं।
Question: Old cowboy and indians movies always have a horse, they also usually take place in what region? Options: - canada - triple crown - england - american southwest - kentucky derby The answer is "american southwest" because The answer to this question is:
cowboys and indians both lived in the southwest.
In this task, you're given a context passage, followed by a question that needs to be answered. Based on the paragraph, you must write unambiguous answers to the questions and your answer must refer to a specific phrase from the paragraph. If multiple answers seem to exist, write the answer that is the most plausible. Okereke has discussed a natural progression in Bloc Party's compositional style to a more explorative, electronic direction. For the opening track on Intimacy, "Ares", Okereke was inspired to rap his lyrics after listening to the old-school hip hop of Afrika Bambaataa. According to Heather Phares of AllMusic, the song includes siren-like guitar chords and loud, complex drumming in the vein of dance acts The Prodigy and The Chemical Brothers. "Mercury" continues the complex drumming theme by incorporating layered percussion and contains a vocally manipulated chorus. The track is an attempt at drum and bass and features brass dissonance, effects Okereke has called "harsh, glacial, layered and energetic". "Zephyrus" begins with a solitary vocal line accompanied only by a drum machine pattern, while the Exmoor Singers provide background vocals in the rest of the composition. "Signs" is the only song that does not include guitars; instead, it is made up of a synthesiser pulse and multitracked samples of glockenspiel and mbira resembling the work of minimalist composer Steve Reich.Okereke has conceded that Intimacy covers Bloc Party's typical indie rock elements, but noted that the guitars have an artificial and manipulated sound, "almost like all the humanity has been bleached out". "Halo" has a fast tempo coupled with a guitar melody that uses only four chords, while "Trojan Horse" features syncopated guitars and distortion. "Talons" also incorporates distortion from both lead and rhythm guitars, while the final single "One Month Off" consists of tribal rhythms and sixteenth note guitar riffs. "Biko" has a slower tempo and includes guitar arpeggi throughout, while "Ion Square" incorporates guitar overdubbing and the use of hi-hat patterns throughout. According to Nick Southall of Drowned in Sound, "Better Than Heaven" encapsulates what Bloc Party had been trying to achieve in their previous works, "namely aligning all their different directional desires: to swoon, to rock, and to experiment all at once". The track features broken beats and layered vocals. Question: What is the name of the track that features broken beats and layered vocals? Better Than Heaven Alex was messing around and being wild and spilled his mom, Riley's coffee. Question: What will happen to Alex? say sorry The Bethencourt era ended in 1418 when Maciot sold his holdings and the rights to subjugate the remaining islands to Enrique Pérez de Guzmán. From this point on the intervention of the King of Castile increased. Between 1418 and 1445 dominion over the islands changed hands on a number of occasions. Finally, control over the conquered islands and the right to further conquests fell to Hernán Peraza The Elder and his children Guillén Peraza and Inés Peraza. The death of Guillén Peraza in the attack on La Palma has been immortalized in a moving lament. After the death of her brother Inés and her husband Diego García de Herrera became the sole rulers of the islands until 1477 when they ceded La Gomera to their son Hernán Peraza The Younger and the rights to the conquest of La Palma, Gran Canaria and Tenerife to the King of Castile. The island of La Gomera was not taken in battle but was incorporated into the Peraza-Herrera fiefdom through an agreement between Hernán Peraza The Elder and some of the insular aboriginal groups who accepted the rule of the Castilian. However, there were a number of uprisings by the guanches due to outrages committed by the rulers on the native Gomeros. The last one, in 1488 caused the death of the islands ruler, Hernán Peraza, whose widow, Beatriz de Bobadilla y Ossorio, had to seek the assistance of Pedro de Vera, conqueror of Gran Canaria, in order to snuff out the rebellion. The subsequent repression caused the death of two hundred rebels and many others were sold into slavery in the Spanish markets. Question: Who needed help ending the rebellion?
Beatriz de Bobadilla y Ossorio
instruction: In this task, given a sentence in English Tokens, your task is to convert it into the English language question: It was his fifth victory in the 2010 season of the US 's leading professional stock car series , drawing him level with Denny Hamlin for the most wins . answer: It was his fifth victory in the 2010 season of the US's leading professional stock car series, drawing him level with Denny Hamlin for the most wins. question: According to Frida Berrigan , co-author of the review entitled ` U.S. Military Assistance and Arms Transfers to Israel : U.S. Aid , Companies Fuel Israeli Military ' , U.S. military aid to Israel is about $ 3 billion a year . answer: According to Frida Berrigan, co-author of the review entitled 'U.S. Military Assistance and Arms Transfers to Israel: U.S. Aid, Companies Fuel Israeli Military', U.S. military aid to Israel is about $3 billion a year. question: By signing the agreement , both sides agree to pull back their forces to pre-conflict positions . answer:
By signing the agreement, both sides agree to pull back their forces to pre-conflict positions.
In this task, you need to translate the given English sentence to the French language Why do liver transplants fare better than those of other organs-a chronic rejection rate of two percent compared to up to 20 per cent for other organs?
Pourquoi les foies greffés ont-ils de meilleures chances de survie que d'autres organes (taux de rejet chronique de 2 % comparativement à jusqu'à 20 % pour d'autres organes)?
In this task, you will be presented with a question and you have to answer the question based on your knowledge. Your answers should be as short as possible. On what legend is the 1950 film based that starred the actress active between 1949 and 1969 and was the second film produced at the Udaya Studios ? Nalla Thanka The song The Other Side was by a singer with what middle name ? Joel How many years did the person that served as mayor of Seattle serve for ?
Please answer this: What is the question to: "The maximum capacity of the stadium, including standing room, is 105,000."? The topic is Cowboys Stadium. ++++++++ Answer: "what is the capacity of the cowboy stadium?" Please answer this: What is the question to: "As of April 2013, Zuckerberg is the chairman and chief executive of Facebook, Inc. and in 2013 his personal wealth was estimated to be US$13 .3 billion ."? The topic is Mark Zuckerberg. ++++++++ Answer: "who is the CEO OF FACEBOOK?" Please answer this: What is the question to: "Loan origination is a specialized version of new account opening for financial services organizations."? The topic is Loan origination. ++++++++ Answer:
"what are loan originations?"
In this task, you will be presented with a context from an academic paper and a question separated with a . You have to answer the question based on the context. As fig:fit shows, estimated test accuracy is highly correlated with actual test accuracy for various datasets, with worst-case values $\mu <1\%$ and $\sigma <5\%$ . Note that the number of free parameters is small ($||\le 6$) compared to the number of points (42–49 model-data configurations), demonstrating the appropriateness of the proposed function for modeling the complex error landscape. Question: What is proof that proposed functional form approximates well generalization error in practice? estimated test accuracy is highly correlated with actual test accuracy for various datasets appropriateness of the proposed function for modeling the complex error landscape Above all, we introduce two common baselines. The first one just selects the leading sentences to form a summary. It is often used as an official baseline of DUC, and we name it “LEAD”. The other system is called “QUERY_SIM”, which directly ranks sentences according to its TF-IDF cosine similarity to the query. Above all, we introduce two common baselines. The first one just selects the leading sentences to form a summary. It is often used as an official baseline of DUC, and we name it “LEAD”. The other system is called “QUERY_SIM”, which directly ranks sentences according to its TF-IDF cosine similarity to the query. In addition, we implement two popular extractive query-focused summarization methods, called MultiMR BIBREF2 and SVR BIBREF20 . Since our model is totally data-driven, we introduce a recent summarization system DocEmb BIBREF9 that also just use deep neural network features to rank sentences. To verify the effectiveness of the joint model, we design a baseline called ISOLATION, which performs saliency ranking and relevance ranking in isolation. Question: What models do they compare to? LEAD QUERY_SIM MultiMR SVR DocEmb ISOLATION We learn that a number of factors can influence the performance of adversarial attacks, including architecture of the classifier, sentence length and input domain. Question: What other factors affect the performance?
architecture of the classifier sentence length input domain
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. Write a phrase, the answer to which is present in the passage. The answer to this question should be completely and unambiguously found in the passage. The query must be about a single or multiple linked entities. Religion. Drake is Jewish and proud. Political Views. Drake is a Democrat and has talked about being a big fan of America's last two Democratic presidents. Forced from home. Francis Drake, the eldest son of a farmer, was born near Tavistock, Devonshire, England. His father, Robert Drake, later became a preacher and raised his twelve children as Protestants (followers of the Christian religion who are not part of the Roman Catholic Church). Raised in a poor environment, Drake's family, like many Protestants, was forced from their home after a Catholic uprising. Queen Elizabeth I had obvious faith in Drake – in 1572 she enlisted Drake as a privateer (pirate working for the head of a country) to sail to the Americas. Her minister, Lord Burghley, was not at all fond of Drake’s villainous behaviour, but did concede that he was a good weapon against the Spanish. The English navigator Sir Francis Drake was the first of his countrymen to sail around the world. His daring adventures at sea helped to establish England's naval supremacy over Spain and other European nations. Sir Francis Drake – to the Spanish, a wayward pirate; to the English, a hero. He could be considered a morally dubious hero in many ways, perhaps even a villain, but was still incredibly influential in Tudor times. Drake (c. 1540 – 1596) was born the eldest of 12 sons, in Tavistock, Devon. His father, Edmund Drake, was a farmer and preacher. Sir Francis Drake, favourite of Queen Elizabeth I, explorer, pirate, privateer - famous for 'singeing the King of Spain's beard' in his ship the Golden Hind... It was thought that she dined on the Golden Hind at Deptford in 1581 and it was after this meal that he became Sir Francis Drake. But in fact, she delegated the job of knighting Drake to Marquis de Marchaumont, a French ambassador. Drake's World (abbreviated by fans as DW) is a Canadian-American television sitcom that aired from 2002-2008. Created by music legend Gene Simmons, the show revolves around ac…tor Drake Rodriguez (played by Drake Bell) who stars in a show-within-a-show, entitled So Random!. It is noticeable for launching Drake Bell's career as an actor. The religions and political views of the influentials. The religion and political views of Drake. Drake grew up between Vancouver, Canada and Memphis, Tennessee. His mother is Jewish and his father a southern black American, putting him squarely in Baptist country. In Judaism, religious heritage is passed down through the mother and Drake has claimed being Jewish, making him the most famous black Jew since Lenny Kravitz. Drake even had a Bar Mitzvah and celebrates most major Jewish holidays with his mother. 1 In Judaism, religious heritage is passed down through the mother and Drake has claimed being Jewish, making him the most famous black Jew since Lenny Kravitz. Drake even had a Bar Mitzvah and celebrates most major Jewish holidays with his mother. 1. He acknowledges that God and faith are important to him as well, saying: Output:
drake's religion
Read the text and determine if the sentence is true: A: It's divided, yeah. B: Wow! A: It really is, so we've got our Cowboys here and, uh, I don't think anybody roots differently Sentence: somebody roots differently A: No Read the text and determine if the sentence is true: A: and then once they do get elected, they don't have the power or the authority or the willingness to do those things that they promised, you know, beforehand. B: Right. A: You know, maybe it just wasn't possible at all in the first place, you know, like the no new taxes thing. You know, that's, uh, with the economy going the way it is and everything, that was nearly ridiculous thing to, even try to do. B: Yeah. Yeah. Well, I don't think he's going to have to worry about that next year. Sentence: he's going to have to worry about that next year A: No Read the text and determine if the sentence is true: A: How do you feel about gun control? B: Well, uh, I mean I don't think that guns should be outlawed Sentence: guns should be outlawed A: No Read the text and determine if the sentence is true: A: How did Radio Shack work? B: If you go in and buy anything they want your phone number. And I don't think they're going to call me and ask me how it's functioning, Sentence: they're going to call him A:
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