5 values
you re most welcome
232 21 9342 1167391
222 11 6231 1145261
343 21 4412 1142441
222 11 2211 1121221
what s the charge
1542 4 251 754251
1431 3 141 543131
1312 1 231 231221
1211 1 121 121111
some friends of mine took me to the mall to go shopping it was so big i think i could get lost if i went there alone
4391 5231944 35 9391 2336 91 23 251 9466 23 53 45333395 32 144 43 935 3 25396 3 73264 512 6342 35 3 1192 25121 46391
3261 3121633 23 6261 1224 61 12 141 6344 12 32 34222263 21 133 32 623 2 14264 2 52243 311 4231 23 2 1161 14111 34261
1441 2241411 42 4441 2444 41 24 231 4144 24 24 13444442 42 111 14 342 4 23444 4 24341 212 4412 42 4 1142 23121 14441
1221 1121211 21 2221 1222 21 12 121 2122 12 12 12222221 21 111 12 221 2 12222 2 12221 111 2211 21 2 1121 12111 12221
there s no evidence of who it was
25121 4 93 17341971 35 153 32 144
14111 3 62 16231651 23 142 21 133
23121 1 44 13411421 42 134 42 111
12111 1 22 12211211 21 122 21 111
there was a time when both the clerical assistant and the secretary resigned at the same time i then had to handle their work temporarily the workload was incredibly heavy so i started to set priorities for the jobs and hired part time staff to handle routine work finally i managed to keep the operation smooth until we found someone to fill the vacancy
25121 144 4 2391 1519 9325 251 76123746 444342492 494 251 417212422 21435914 42 251 4491 2391 3 2519 544 23 549461 25132 1326 21933242362 251 13266344 144 3972143962 51472 43 3 4242214 23 412 3233232314 532 251 6394 494 53214 3422 2391 42455 23 549461 2322391 1326 5394662 3 9494514 23 6113 251 331242339 493325 29236 11 53294 4391391 23 5366 251 7474972
14111 133 3 1261 1416 6214 141 54112534 333231361 363 141 315111312 11323613 31 141 3361 1261 2 1416 433 12 436341 14121 1214 11622131242 141 12144233 133 2651132642 41362 32 2 3131113 12 311 2122121213 321 141 4263 363 42113 2311 1261 31333 12 436341 1221261 1214 3263442 2 6363313 12 4112 141 221131226 362214 26124 11 32263 3261261 12 3244 141 6353652
23121 111 1 2441 1314 3423 231 24124214 111412142 141 231 112212123 21142411 12 231 1141 2441 4 2314 311 24 314141 23142 1424 21444212443 231 14244411 111 4422114343 31133 14 4 1212211 24 112 4244242411 242 231 3431 141 34211 4122 2441 12122 24 314141 2432441 1424 2441443 4 4141211 24 4114 231 441212444 144423 34244 11 24341 1441441 24 2444 231 3121423
12111 111 1 1221 1212 2212 121 12112112 111211121 121 121 111111112 11121211 11 121 1121 1221 2 1212 211 12 212121 12121 1212 11222111222 121 12122211 111 2211112222 21122 12 2 1111111 12 111 2122121211 121 121 2221 121 22111 2111 1221 11111 12 212121 1221221 1212 1221222 2 2121111 12 2112 121 221111222 122212 22122 11 12221 1221221 12 1222 121 2111212
may i speak to mrs liu please
942 3 43146 23 924 632 361441
632 2 32134 12 613 422 241331
413 4 14114 24 421 443 441111
212 2 12112 12 211 222 221111
how long will it take to get there
531 6395 1366 32 2461 23 512 25121
421 4263 1244 21 1341 12 311 14111
341 4442 1444 42 2141 24 212 23121
221 2221 1222 21 1121 12 111 12111
i can t believe that
3 749 2 9163171 2542
2 536 1 6142161 1431
4 214 2 3144131 2312
2 112 1 2122121 1211
fine sir for how many people please
5391 432 532 531 9492 313361 361441
3261 321 321 421 6362 212241 241331
2441 142 242 341 4143 414441 441111
1221 121 121 221 2122 212221 221111
what if i can t meet that requirement
1542 35 3 749 2 9112 2542 21123219192
1431 23 2 536 1 6111 1431 11122116161
1312 42 4 214 2 4112 2312 21134214142
1211 21 2 112 1 2111 1211 11122112121
we ve been discussing the project for two hours let s take a break
11 71 9119 4347244395 251 3236172 532 213 53224 612 4 2461 4 92146
11 61 6116 3235233263 141 2124151 321 112 42213 411 3 1341 3 61134
11 31 3114 1412311442 231 4243122 242 214 34321 412 1 2141 1 32114
11 21 2112 1211211221 121 2122111 121 112 22211 211 1 1121 1 21112
we re using worms
11 21 24395 13294
11 11 23263 12163
11 21 31442 14241
11 11 21221 12121
excuse me would you tell me how to return to hilton hotel i m afraid i lost my way
177241 91 13264 232 2166 91 531 23 212229 23 536239 53216 3 9 452434 3 6342 92 142
155231 61 12243 222 1144 61 421 12 111216 12 424126 42114 2 6 331323 2 4231 62 132
122311 41 14341 343 2144 41 341 24 212324 24 344244 34214 4 4 122141 4 4412 43 113
111211 21 12221 222 1122 21 221 12 111212 12 222122 22112 2 2 111121 2 2211 22 112
ok i will arrange it for you
36 3 1366 4224951 32 532 232
24 2 1244 3113631 21 321 222
44 4 1444 1221421 42 242 343
22 2 1222 1111211 21 121 222
what does your sister look like mike
1542 4314 2322 434212 6336 6361 9361
1431 3213 2221 323111 4224 4241 6241
1312 1411 3432 141212 4444 4441 4441
1211 1211 2221 121111 2222 2221 2221
what else i ve got to do join the army
1542 1641 3 71 532 23 43 6339 251 4292
1431 1431 2 61 321 12 32 4226 141 3162
1312 1411 4 31 242 24 14 3444 231 1243
1211 1211 2 21 121 12 12 2222 121 1122
and how many bags do you have
494 531 9492 9454 43 232 5471
363 421 6362 6333 32 222 4361
141 341 4143 3121 14 343 3131
121 221 2122 2111 12 222 2121
i enjoyed myself too
3 1963214 924165 233
2 1642213 623143 122
4 1434311 431142 244
2 1222211 221121 122
dollars and for a hard one only dollars
4366424 494 532 4 5424 391 3962 4366424
3244313 363 321 3 4313 261 2642 3244313
1444121 141 242 1 3121 441 4443 1444121
1222111 121 121 1 2111 221 2222 1222111
yeah it was scary but exhilarating
2145 32 144 47422 922 175364242395
2134 21 133 35312 621 154243131263
3113 42 111 12123 332 123441212442
2112 21 111 11112 221 112221111221
the kind that never goes out of fashion i guess
251 6394 2542 91712 5314 322 35 5445339 3 52144
141 4263 1431 61611 3213 221 23 3334226 2 32133
231 4441 2312 41312 2411 432 42 2113444 4 23111
121 2221 1211 21211 1211 221 21 1112222 2 12111
no i won t i m going to skip tv tonight and work on your chess game with you if that s ok with you
93 3 139 2 3 9 53395 23 4633 27 2393552 494 1326 39 2322 75144 5491 1325 232 35 2542 4 36 1325 232
62 2 126 1 2 6 32263 12 3422 16 1262341 363 1214 26 2221 54133 3361 1214 222 23 1431 3 24 1214 222
44 4 144 2 4 4 24442 24 1444 23 2444232 141 1424 44 3432 23111 2141 1423 343 42 2312 1 44 1423 343
22 2 122 1 2 2 12221 12 1222 12 1222121 121 1212 22 2221 12111 1121 1212 222 21 1211 1 22 1212 222
well let s get down to business shall we now is probably a good time to start our discussion the main purpose of this meeting is to talk about the benefits and disadvantages of our new project
1166 612 4 512 4319 23 92439144 45466 11 931 34 32394962 4 5334 2391 23 42422 322 4347244339 251 9439 3223341 35 2534 9112395 34 23 2466 49322 251 91915324 494 4344474924514 35 322 911 3236172
1144 411 3 311 3216 12 62326133 34344 11 621 23 21263642 3 3223 1261 12 31311 221 3235233226 141 6326 2212231 23 1423 6111263 23 12 1344 36221 141 61613213 363 3233363613313 23 221 611 2124151
1144 412 1 212 1414 24 33144111 13144 11 441 41 42431343 1 2441 2441 24 12122 432 1412311444 231 4144 4324411 42 2341 4112442 41 24 2144 13432 231 31412421 141 1411131421211 42 432 411 4243122
1122 211 1 111 1212 12 22122111 12122 11 221 21 21221222 1 1221 1221 12 11111 221 1211211222 121 2122 2212211 21 1221 2111221 21 12 1122 12221 121 21211211 121 1211121211111 21 221 211 2122111
well the first thing you should do is make sure it s not at home then if it isn t you need to call your credit card companies and cancel your cards next you need to replace whatever you lost your driver s license things like that
1166 251 53242 25395 232 453264 43 34 9461 4221 32 4 932 42 5391 2519 35 32 349 2 232 9114 23 7466 2322 721432 7424 739349314 494 749716 2322 74244 9172 232 9114 23 2136471 15421712 232 6342 2322 423712 4 6371941 253954 6361 2542
1144 141 32131 14263 222 342243 32 23 6341 3211 21 3 621 31 4261 1416 23 21 236 1 222 6113 12 5344 2221 511321 5313 526236213 363 536514 2221 53133 6151 222 6113 12 1124351 14311611 222 4231 2221 312611 3 4251631 142633 4241 1431
1144 231 24212 23442 343 134341 14 41 4141 1321 42 1 442 12 3441 2314 42 42 414 2 343 4111 24 2144 3432 221142 2121 244414411 141 214214 3432 21211 4122 343 4111 24 2144121 13121312 343 4412 3432 124312 1 4421411 234421 4441 2312
1122 121 12111 12221 222 122221 12 21 2121 1211 21 1 221 11 2221 1212 21 21 212 1 222 2111 12 1122 2221 111121 1111 122212211 121 112112 2221 11111 2111 222 2111 12 1122111 12111211 222 2211 2221 112211 1 2211211 122211 2221 1211
hi i m here to look at the one bedroom apartment you have for rent
53 3 9 5121 23 6336 42 251 391 9142339 434229192 232 5471 532 2192
42 2 6 4111 12 4224 31 141 261 6131226 323116161 222 4361 321 1161
34 4 4 3121 24 4444 12 231 441 3112444 141224142 343 3131 242 2142
22 2 2 2111 12 2222 11 121 221 2111222 121112121 222 2121 121 1121
yes things like seafood and penicillin type drugs
214 253954 6361 4145334 494 3193736639 2231 42254
213 142633 4241 3133223 363 2162524426 1221 31233
311 234421 4441 1112441 141 4144244444 2341 12321
211 122211 2221 1111221 121 2122122222 1221 11211
the other team lost by three points
251 32512 2149 6342 92 25211 333924
141 21411 1136 4231 62 14111 222613
231 42312 2114 4412 33 23211 444421
121 21211 1112 2211 22 12111 222211
where on the road
15121 39 251 2344
14111 26 141 1233
13121 44 231 2411
12111 22 121 1211
chinese food sounds good
7539141 5334 432944 5334
5426131 3223 322633 3223
2344111 2441 143411 2441
1222111 1221 122211 1221
there re a lot of chuckholes on this old highway driving on it is experience demanding
25121 21 4 632 35 7527653614 39 2534 364 5355142 4237395 39 32 34 1731231971 419494395
14111 11 3 421 23 5425442413 26 1423 243 4234132 3126263 26 21 23 1521121651 316363263
23121 21 1 442 42 2332434411 44 2341 441 3423113 1243442 44 42 41 1241241421 114141442
12111 11 1 221 21 1221222211 22 1221 221 2212112 1122221 22 21 21 1121121211 112121221
a set of ancient china it is really invaluable
4 412 35 4973192 75394 32 34 214662 3974624961
3 311 23 3652161 54263 21 23 113442 2663423641
1 112 42 1424142 23441 42 41 211443 4431431341
1 111 21 1212121 12221 21 21 111222 2221221221
yeah yeah it was really interesting you know i m in a bit of a hurry but here s my card we should definitely meet up again and continue our discussion
2145 2145 32 144 214662 39212142395 232 6931 3 9 39 4 932 35 4 52222 922 5121 4 92 7424 11 453264 4153932162 9112 23 45439 494 73923921 322 4347244339
2134 2134 21 133 113442 26111131263 222 4621 2 6 26 3 621 23 3 42112 621 4111 3 62 5313 11 342243 3132621142 6111 22 33326 363 52612621 221 3235233226
3113 3113 42 111 211443 44212112442 343 4441 4 4 44 1 342 42 1 33223 332 3121 1 43 2121 11 134341 1124442143 4112 34 12144 141 24424431 432 1412311444
2112 2112 21 111 111222 22111111221 222 2221 2 2 22 1 221 21 1 22112 221 2111 1 22 1111 11 122221 1112221122 2111 22 11122 121 12212221 221 1211211222
did you get the camera
434 232 512 251 749124
323 222 311 141 536113
141 343 212 231 214121
121 222 111 121 112111
oh how silly of me can we correct it here
35 531 43662 35 91 749 11 7322172 32 5121
24 421 32442 23 61 536 11 5211151 21 4111
43 341 14443 42 41 214 11 2422122 42 3121
22 221 12222 21 21 112 11 1211111 21 2111
hi it was awful i think i put forward some great ideas but none of them were accepted
53 32 144 41526 3 25396 3 322 5321424 4391 52142 34144 922 9391 35 2519 1121 47713214
42 21 133 31324 2 14264 2 221 3211313 3261 31131 23133 621 6261 23 1416 1111 35512113
34 42 111 11234 4 23444 4 432 2421121 1441 22112 41111 332 4441 42 2314 1121 12214211
22 21 111 11122 2 12222 2 221 1211111 1221 11111 21111 221 2221 21 1212 1111 11112111
take the lift over there and turn left you won t miss it
2461 251 6352 3712 25121 494 2229 6152 232 139 2 9344 32
1341 141 4231 2611 14111 363 1216 4131 222 126 1 6233 21
2141 231 4422 4312 23121 141 2324 4122 343 144 2 4411 42
1121 121 2211 2211 12111 121 1212 2111 222 122 1 2211 21
i think we did
3 25396 11 434
2 14264 11 323
4 23444 11 141
2 12222 11 121
it s free but the monthly sticker is
32 4 5211 922 251 9392562 4237612 34
21 3 3111 621 141 6261442 3125411 23
42 1 2211 332 231 4442343 1242412 41
21 1 1111 221 121 2221222 1121211 21
yes but i don t know the exact time
214 922 3 439 2 6931 251 17472 2391
213 621 2 326 1 4621 141 15351 1261
311 332 4 144 2 4441 231 12122 2441
211 221 2 122 1 2221 121 11111 1221
good idea there is a good nightclub nearby isn t it
5334 3414 25121 34 4 5334 935527629 914292 349 2 32
3223 2313 14111 23 3 3223 623415426 613162 236 1 21
2441 4111 23121 41 1 2441 442322433 411233 414 2 42
1221 2111 12111 21 1 1221 221211222 211122 212 1 21
i prefer a one bedroom apartment
3 321512 4 391 9142339 434229192
2 211311 3 261 6131226 323116161
4 421212 1 441 3112444 141224142
2 211111 1 221 2111222 121112121
yes you could use five or six units but five or six wouldn t be very efficient i recommend seven
214 232 73264 241 5371 32 437 29324 922 5371 32 437 132649 2 91 7122 155373192 3 217399194 41719
213 222 52243 231 3261 21 325 26213 621 3261 21 325 122436 1 61 6112 133252161 2 115266163 31616
311 343 24341 311 2431 42 142 34421 332 2431 42 142 143414 2 31 3123 122424142 4 212444141 11314
211 222 12221 211 1221 21 121 22211 221 1221 21 121 122212 1 21 2112 111212121 2 111222121 11212
here is your receipt thank you
5121 34 2322 2171332 25496 232
4111 23 2221 1151221 14364 222
3121 41 3432 2121442 23144 343
2111 21 2221 1111221 12122 222
i m glad you re on your ten year reunion planning committee
3 9 5644 232 21 39 2322 219 2142 2129339 36499395 739932211
2 6 3433 222 11 26 2221 116 2131 1126226 24366263 526621111
4 4 2411 343 21 44 3432 214 3112 2134444 44144442 244442211
2 2 1211 222 11 22 2221 112 2111 1122222 22122221 122221111
dana i can t bring those numbers back to my office they ll turn it down flat
4494 3 749 2 92395 25341 9299124 9476 23 92 355371 2512 66 2229 32 4319 5642
3363 2 536 1 61263 14231 6266113 6354 12 62 233251 1412 44 1216 21 3216 3431
1141 4 214 2 32442 23411 4343121 3124 24 43 422421 2313 44 2324 42 1414 2412
1121 2 112 1 21221 12211 2222111 2112 12 22 211211 1212 22 1212 21 1212 1211
i don t think so you are flattering me
3 439 2 25396 43 232 421 5642212395 91
2 326 1 14264 32 222 311 3431111263 61
4 144 2 23444 14 343 121 2412212442 41
2 122 1 12222 12 222 111 1211111221 21
i m sorry i was too tired to fall asleep
3 9 43222 3 144 233 23214 23 5466 446113
2 6 32112 2 133 122 12113 12 3344 334112
4 4 14223 4 111 244 24211 24 2144 114114
2 2 12112 2 111 122 12111 12 1122 112112
both the new paint and new carpet will be finished by next week
9325 251 911 34392 494 911 742312 1366 91 53934514 92 9172 1116
6214 141 611 23261 363 611 531211 1244 61 32623413 62 6151 1114
3423 231 411 41442 141 411 212412 1444 31 24441311 33 4122 1114
2212 121 211 21221 121 211 111211 1222 21 12221211 22 2111 1112
why haven t you answered the phone
152 54719 2 232 49411214 251 35391
142 43616 1 222 36311113 141 24261
133 31314 2 343 14111211 231 43441
122 21212 1 222 12111111 121 22221
i eat more fruits and vegetables and limit amounts of fatty and fried foods
3 142 9321 522324 494 7151249614 494 63932 4932924 35 54222 494 52314 53344
2 131 6211 312213 363 6131136413 363 42621 3622613 23 33112 363 31213 32233
4 112 4421 223421 141 3121213411 141 44442 1443421 42 21223 141 22411 24411
2 111 2211 112211 121 2111112211 121 22221 1222211 21 11112 121 11211 12211
it looks so cute is it a parrot
32 63364 43 7221 34 32 4 342232
21 42243 32 5211 23 21 3 231121
42 44441 14 2321 41 42 1 412242
21 22221 12 1211 21 21 1 211121
oh sure credit card is fine
35 4221 721432 7424 34 5391
24 3211 511321 5313 23 3261
43 1321 221142 2121 41 2441
22 1211 111121 1111 21 1221
here i d better get a call from you
5121 3 4 912212 512 4 7466 5239 232
4111 2 3 611111 311 3 5344 3126 222
3121 4 1 312212 212 1 2144 2244 343
2111 2 1 211111 111 1 1122 1122 222
it s great unfortunately we re going to spend a fortune doing everything up
32 4 52142 2953222942162 11 21 53395 23 43194 4 5322291 43395 1712225395 23
21 3 31131 2632112631142 11 11 32263 12 32163 3 3211261 32263 1611214263 22
42 1 22112 3424223412143 11 21 24442 24 14141 1 2422341 14442 1312323442 34
21 1 11111 2212112211122 11 11 12221 12 12121 1 1211221 12221 1211212221 22
what kind of character do you think you have
1542 6394 35 754247212 43 232 25396 232 5471
1431 4263 23 543135111 32 222 14264 222 4361
1312 4441 42 231212212 14 343 23444 343 3131
1211 2221 21 121111111 12 222 12222 222 2121
mom what are you doing
939 1542 421 232 43395
626 1431 311 222 32263
444 1312 121 343 14442
222 1211 111 222 12221
i also like going to the movies
3 4643 6361 53395 23 251 937314
2 3432 4241 32263 12 141 626213
4 1414 4441 24442 24 231 443411
2 1212 2221 12221 12 121 222211
ok i will you have said that many times
36 3 1366 232 5471 4434 2542 9492 23914
24 2 1244 222 4361 3323 1431 6362 12613
44 4 1444 343 3131 1141 2312 4143 24411
22 2 1222 222 2121 1121 1211 2122 12211
morning madam this is the window for foreign exchange savings how can i help you
9329395 94449 2534 34 251 139431 532 5321359 17754951 4473954 531 749 3 5163 232
6216263 63336 1423 23 141 126321 321 3211236 15543631 3362633 421 536 2 4142 222
4424442 41114 2341 41 231 144141 242 2421424 12231421 1134421 341 214 4 3144 343
2212221 21112 1221 21 121 122121 121 1211212 11121211 1122211 221 112 2 2122 222
my computer won t turn on
92 73932212 139 2 2229 39
62 52622111 126 1 1216 26
43 24443212 144 2 2324 44
22 12222111 122 1 1212 22
that was the only thing that i saw that was wrong with the apartment
2542 144 251 3962 25395 2542 3 441 2542 144 12395 1325 251 434229192
1431 133 141 2642 14263 1431 2 331 1431 133 11263 1214 141 323116161
2312 111 231 4443 23442 2312 4 111 2312 111 12442 1423 231 141224142
1211 111 121 2222 12221 1211 2 111 1211 111 11221 1212 121 121112121
at thirty six and the eighteen gets to london at fifty five the thirty two at nine
42 253222 437 494 251 13552119 5124 23 639439 42 53522 5371 251 253222 213 42 9391
31 142112 325 363 141 12341116 3113 12 426326 31 32312 3261 141 142112 112 31 6261
12 234223 142 141 231 14232114 2121 24 444144 12 24223 2431 231 234223 214 12 4441
11 122112 121 121 121 12121112 1111 12 222122 11 12112 1221 121 122112 112 11 2221
hello do you remember me i bought some vases from you yesterday
51663 43 232 21919912 91 3 932552 4391 74414 5239 232 214212442
41442 32 222 11616611 61 2 622341 3261 63313 3126 222 213111332
31444 14 343 21414312 41 4 343232 1441 31111 2244 343 311212113
21222 12 222 11212211 21 2 222121 1221 21111 1122 222 211111112
but it s true it s a nasty habit i can t think why i ever started anyway it s obviously got you in its grip
922 32 4 2221 32 4 4 94422 54932 3 749 2 25396 152 3 1712 4242214 492142 32 4 397332462 532 232 39 324 5233
621 21 3 1121 21 3 3 63312 43621 2 536 1 14264 142 2 1611 3131113 362132 21 3 266222342 321 222 26 213 3122
332 42 1 2231 42 1 1 41123 31342 4 214 2 23444 133 4 1312 1212211 143113 42 1 433443143 242 343 44 421 2244
221 21 1 1121 21 1 1 21112 21221 2 112 1 12222 122 2 1211 1111111 122112 21 1 222222122 121 222 22 211 1122
calm down
7469 4319
5346 3216
2144 1414
1122 1212
do you think you could pick him out of a line up
43 232 25396 232 73264 3376 539 322 35 4 6391 23
32 222 14264 222 52243 2254 426 221 23 3 4261 22
14 343 23444 343 24341 4424 344 432 42 1 4441 34
12 222 12222 222 12221 2212 222 221 21 1 2221 22
well i anyways i was just thinking of the red envelopes i wanna make a list of all the things i m gonna buy with my red envelope money i can t wait i m gonna have so much money mom can i get a pen and a piece of paper i want a new transformer no two transformers the optimums prime and maybe the wheeljack i ll get a psp game ahahah and i ll buy the entire class lunch at macdonald s
1166 3 4921424 3 144 6242 25396395 35 251 214 197163314 3 14994 9461 4 6342 35 466 251 253954 3 9 53994 922 1325 92 214 19716331 93912 3 749 2 1432 3 9 53994 5471 43 9275 93912 939 749 3 512 4 319 494 4 33171 35 34312 3 1492 4 911 22494532912 93 213 224945329124 251 33239294 32391 494 94291 251 151166476 3 66 512 4 343 5491 454545 494 3 66 922 251 192321 76444 62975 42 947439464 4
1144 2 3621323 2 133 4231 14264263 23 141 113 166142213 2 13663 6341 3 4231 23 344 141 142633 2 6 32663 622 1214 62 113 16614221 62612 2 536 1 1321 2 6 32663 4361 32 6254 62612 626 536 2 311 3 216 363 3 22151 23 23211 2 1361 3 611 11363321611 62 112 113633216113 141 22126263 21261 363 63261 141 141144354 2 44 311 3 232 3361 343434 363 2 44 622 141 161211 54333 42654 31 635326343 3
1144 4 1431131 4 111 3312 23444442 42 231 211 143144411 4 11441 4141 1 4412 42 144 231 234421 4 4 24441 333 1423 43 211 14314441 44413 4 214 2 1142 4 4 24441 3131 14 4323 44413 444 214 4 212 1 414 141 1 44121 42 41412 4 1142 1 411 22141242412 44 214 221412424121 231 44244341 42441 141 41331 231 131143124 4 44 212 1 414 2141 131313 141 4 44 333 231 142421 24111 43423 12 412144141 1
1122 2 1221121 2 111 2211 12222221 21 121 111 122122211 2 11221 2121 1 2211 21 122 121 122211 2 2 12221 222 1212 22 111 12212221 22212 2 112 1 1121 2 2 12221 2121 12 2212 22212 222 112 2 111 1 212 121 1 22111 21 21211 2 1121 1 211 11121121211 22 112 111211212111 121 22122221 21221 121 21221 121 121122112 2 22 111 1 212 1121 121212 121 2 22 222 121 121211 12111 22212 11 211122121 1
you re joking
232 21 636395
222 11 424263
343 21 344442
222 11 222221
sure no problem sir
4221 93 3239619 432
3211 62 2126416 321
1321 44 4243414 142
1211 22 2122212 121
are you sure you want to go
421 232 4221 232 1492 23 53
311 222 3211 222 1361 12 32
121 343 1321 343 1142 24 24
111 222 1211 222 1121 12 12
who are you favourite authors
153 421 232 547322321 4225324
142 311 222 336221211 3214213
134 121 343 213432421 1323421
122 111 222 112221211 1212211
don t you always fail in the math tests
439 2 232 461424 5436 39 251 9425 21424
326 1 222 341323 3324 26 141 6314 11313
144 2 343 141131 2144 44 231 4123 21121
122 1 222 121121 1122 22 121 2112 11111
i used to hold a similar job for six years
3 2414 23 5364 4 4393642 639 532 437 21424
2 2313 12 4243 3 3262431 426 321 325 21313
4 3111 24 3441 1 1444412 343 242 142 31121
2 2111 12 2221 1 1222211 222 121 121 21111
you know that this afternoon s meeting is cancelled right
232 6931 2542 2534 452129339 4 9112395 34 749716614 23552
222 4621 1431 1423 331116226 3 6111263 23 536514413 12341
343 4441 2312 2341 122124444 1 4112442 41 214214411 24232
222 2221 1211 1221 111112222 1 2111221 21 112112211 12121
what s in the bag would you mind opening the bag
1542 4 39 251 945 13264 232 9394 3319395 251 945
1431 3 26 141 633 12243 222 6263 2216263 141 633
1312 1 44 231 312 14341 343 4441 4414442 231 312
1211 1 22 121 211 12221 222 2221 2212221 121 211
can you book me a single room on march
749 232 9336 91 4 439561 2339 39 94275
536 222 6224 61 3 326341 1226 26 63154
214 343 3444 41 1 144241 2444 44 41223
112 222 2222 21 1 122121 1222 22 21112
great it sounds like you might be a good fit as you know we re one of the largest brokerage houses in the world our daily work is quite hectic and we re looking for an assistant who can keep us organized help keep the engines running smoothly so to speak our hours are long but the overtime pay is good sort of makes up for the long hours
52142 32 432944 6361 232 93552 91 4 5334 532 44 232 6931 11 21 391 35 251 6425142 923612451 532414 39 251 13264 322 44362 1326 34 12321 517237 494 11 21 6336395 532 49 444342492 153 749 6113 24 325493714 5163 6113 251 1953914 2299395 49332562 43 23 43146 322 53224 421 6395 922 251 37122391 342 34 5334 4322 35 94614 23 532 251 6395 53224
31131 21 322633 4241 222 62341 61 3 3223 321 33 222 4621 11 11 261 23 141 4313131 612411331 422313 26 141 12143 221 33242 1214 23 12211 415125 363 11 11 4224263 321 36 333231361 142 536 4112 23 213362513 4142 4112 141 1632613 1266263 36221442 32 12 32134 221 42213 311 4263 621 141 26111261 232 23 3223 3211 23 63413 22 321 141 4263 42213
22112 42 143411 4441 343 44232 31 1 2441 242 11 343 4441 11 21 441 42 231 4122112 324412121 343111 44 231 14241 432 11443 1424 41 13421 312242 141 11 21 4444442 242 14 111412142 134 214 4114 31 422144111 3144 4114 231 1424411 2344442 14442343 14 24 14114 432 34321 121 4442 332 231 43122441 413 41 2441 1422 42 41411 34 242 231 4442 34321
11111 21 122211 2221 222 22121 21 1 1221 121 11 222 2221 11 11 221 21 121 2111111 212211111 222111 22 121 12121 221 11222 1212 21 12211 211121 121 11 11 2222221 121 12 111211121 122 112 2112 21 211122111 2122 2112 121 1212211 1222221 12221222 12 12 12112 221 22211 111 2221 221 121 22111221 212 21 1221 1211 21 21211 22 121 121 2221 22211
of course this camera is easy to operate
35 732241 2534 749124 34 1442 23 3312421
23 522131 1423 536113 23 1332 12 2211311
42 243211 2341 214121 41 1113 24 4412121
21 122111 1221 112111 21 1112 12 2211111
which season do you like best
15375 414439 43 232 6361 9142
14254 313326 32 222 4241 6131
13423 111144 14 343 4441 3112
12212 111122 12 222 2221 2111
please call me or send e mail could you please let me know when your organization can make a decision
361441 7466 91 32 4194 1 9436 73264 232 361441 612 91 6931 1519 2322 325493742339 749 9461 4 41734339
241331 5344 61 21 3163 1 6324 52243 222 241331 411 61 4621 1416 2221 213362531226 536 6341 3 31523226
441111 2144 41 42 1141 1 4144 24341 343 441111 412 41 4441 1314 3432 422144112444 214 4141 1 11241444
221111 1122 21 21 1121 1 2122 12221 222 221111 211 21 2221 1212 2221 211122111222 112 2121 1 11121222
i will not rent the apartment with that leaking faucet
3 1366 932 2192 251 434229192 1325 2542 6146395 542712
2 1244 621 1161 141 323116161 1214 1431 4134263 332511
4 1444 442 2142 231 141224142 1423 2312 4114442 213212
2 1222 221 1121 121 121112121 1212 1211 2112221 112111
yep the steaks and chicken are marinated and i also bought hamburger buns
213 251 421464 494 7537619 421 942394214 494 3 4643 932552 549922512 9294
212 141 311343 363 5425416 311 631263113 363 2 3432 622341 436621311 6263
314 231 121141 141 2342414 121 412441211 141 4 1414 343232 314332212 3341
212 121 111121 121 1221212 111 211221111 121 2 1212 222121 212221111 2221
a nice name isn t it
4 9371 9491 349 2 32
3 6251 6361 236 1 21
1 4421 4141 414 2 42
1 2211 2121 212 1 21
unfortunately no if you want a trainer you ll have to use another gym
2953222942162 93 35 232 1492 4 2243912 232 66 5471 23 241 4932512 529
2632112631142 62 23 222 1361 3 1132611 222 44 4361 12 231 3621411 326
3424223412143 44 42 343 1142 1 2214412 343 44 3131 24 311 1442312 234
2212112211122 22 21 222 1121 1 1112211 222 22 2121 12 211 1221211 122
i think she just likes to make us miserable
3 25396 451 6242 63614 23 9461 24 934124961
2 14264 341 4231 42413 12 6341 23 623113641
4 23444 131 3312 44411 24 4141 31 441121341
2 12222 121 2211 22211 12 2121 21 221111221
can i do that right now
749 3 43 2542 23552 931
536 2 32 1431 12341 621
214 4 14 2312 24232 441
112 2 12 1211 12121 221
oh i see i ll have the paperback please
35 3 411 3 66 5471 251 343129476 361441
24 2 311 2 44 4361 141 232116354 241331
43 4 111 4 44 3131 231 414123124 441111
22 2 111 2 22 2121 121 212112112 221111
who do you think that has the motive
153 43 232 25396 2542 544 251 932371
142 32 222 14264 1431 433 141 621261
134 14 343 23444 2312 311 231 442431
122 12 222 12222 1211 211 121 221221
i ll have to write you a ticket and impound your vehicle
3 66 5471 23 12321 232 4 237612 494 3933294 2322 7153761
2 44 4361 12 11211 222 3 125411 363 2622263 2221 6142541
4 44 3131 24 12421 343 1 242412 141 4444341 3432 3134241
2 22 2121 12 11211 222 1 121211 121 2222221 2221 2122121
do you feel ok
43 232 5116 36
32 222 3114 24
14 343 2114 44
12 222 1112 22
have you decided what you are going to take next semester
5471 232 4173414 1542 232 421 53395 23 2461 9172 41914212
4361 222 3152313 1431 222 311 32263 12 1341 6151 31613111
3131 343 1124111 1312 343 121 24442 24 2141 4122 11411212
2121 222 1112111 1211 222 111 12221 12 1121 2111 11211111
but it doesn t look like a real bus stop
922 32 43149 2 6336 6361 4 2146 924 4233
621 21 32136 1 4224 4241 3 1134 623 3122
332 42 14114 2 4444 4441 1 2114 331 1244
221 21 12112 1 2222 2221 1 1112 221 1122
okay i guess that s it let s go pay for this stuff
3642 3 52144 2542 4 32 612 4 53 342 532 2534 42255
2432 2 32133 1431 3 21 411 3 32 232 321 1423 31233
4413 4 23111 2312 1 42 412 1 24 413 242 2341 12322
2212 2 12111 1211 1 21 211 1 12 212 121 1221 11211
thay are coming back to narrow the gap
2542 421 739395 9476 23 942231 251 543
1432 311 526263 6354 12 631121 141 332
2313 121 244442 3124 24 412241 231 214
1212 111 122221 2112 12 211121 121 112
i want the new cards to be exactly like this card
3 1492 251 911 74244 23 91 1747262 6361 2534 7424
2 1361 141 611 53133 12 61 1535142 4241 1423 5313
4 1142 231 411 21211 24 31 1212243 4441 2341 2121
2 1121 121 211 11111 12 21 1111122 2221 1221 1111
sure here you are it comes to
4221 5121 232 421 32 73914 23
3211 4111 222 311 21 52613 12
1321 3121 343 121 42 24411 24
1211 2111 222 111 21 12211 12
i m free on sunday i d like to take a look in beijing city could you tell me where to go
3 9 5211 39 429442 3 4 6361 23 2461 4 6336 39 9136395 7322 73264 232 2166 91 15121 23 53
2 6 3111 26 326332 2 3 4241 12 1341 3 4224 26 6124263 5212 52243 222 1144 61 14111 12 32
4 4 2211 44 134113 4 1 4441 24 2141 1 4444 44 3143442 2423 24341 343 2144 41 13121 24 24
2 2 1111 22 122112 2 1 2221 12 1121 1 2222 22 2122221 1212 12221 222 1122 21 12111 12 12
my computer isn t working
92 73932212 349 2 1326395
62 52622111 236 1 1214263
43 24443212 414 2 1424442
22 12222111 212 1 1212221
are you planning on going to university
421 232 36499395 39 53395 23 2937124322
311 222 24366263 26 32263 12 2626113212
121 343 44144442 44 24442 24 3443121423
111 222 22122221 22 12221 12 2222111212
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