Dataset Viewer
Auto-converted to Parquet
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND = 'azure-mysql-flexible-server' AND json.rule = properties.state equal ignore case "Ready" and require_secure_transport.value equal ignore case "ON" and (tls_version.value does not equal ignore case "TLSV1.2" and tls_version.value does not equal ignore case "TLSV1.3" and tls_version.value does not equal ignore case "TLSV1.2,TLSV1.3" and tls_version.value does not equal ignore case "TLSV1.3,TLSV1.2")```
Azure MySQL database flexible server using insecure TLS version
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND = 'azure-postgresql-flexible-server' AND json.rule = properties.state equal ignore case Ready and equal ignore case Enabled and firewallRules[?any(properties.startIpAddress equals and properties.endIpAddress equals] exists```
Azure PostgreSQL database flexible server configured with overly permissive network access
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND 'azure-network-nsg-list' AND json.rule = securityRules[?any(access equals Allow and direction equals Inbound and (sourceAddressPrefix equals Internet or sourceAddressPrefix equals * or sourceAddressPrefix equals or sourceAddressPrefix equals ::/0) and (protocol equals Tcp or protocol equals Udp or protocol equals Icmp or protocol equals *) and ((destinationPortRange exists and destinationPortRange is not member of (20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 53, 80, 135, 137, 138, 443, 445, 1433, 1434, 3306, 3389, 4333, 5432, 5500, 5900, *)) or (destinationPortRanges is not empty and destinationPortRanges[*] is not member of (20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 53, 80, 135, 137, 138, 443, 445, 1433, 1434, 3306, 3389, 4333, 5432, 5500, 5900, *))) )] exists```
Azure Network Security Group allows all traffic on ports which are not commonly used
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND = 'aws-eks-describe-cluster' AND json.rule = encryptionConfig does not exist or (encryptionConfig exists and encryptionConfig[*].provider.keyArn does not exist and encryptionConfig[*].resources[*] does not contain secrets)```
AWS EKS cluster does not have secrets encryption enabled
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'gcp' AND = 'gcloud-container-describe-clusters' AND json.rule = 'monitoringService does not exist or monitoringService equals none'```
GCP Kubernetes Engine Clusters have Cloud Monitoring disabled
```config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-ec2-describe-instances' AND json.rule = instanceId contains "[RantiAWS" ```
Chaitu EC2 instance policy
```config from cloud.resource where = 'gcloud-projects-get-iam-user' AND json.rule = user contains "" and roles[*] contains "roles/editor" as X; config from cloud.resource where = 'gcloud-compute-instances-list' AND json.rule = (status equals RUNNING and name does not start with "gke-") and serviceAccounts[?any( email contains "")] exists as Y; filter '$.Y.serviceAccounts[*].email contains $.X.user'; show Y;```
GCP VM instance configured with default service account
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'alibaba_cloud' AND = 'alibaba-cloud-ecs-disk' AND json.rule = 'type equals data and deleteWithInstance is true'```
Alibaba Cloud data disk is configured with release disk with instance feature
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND = 'aws-s3api-get-bucket-acl' AND json.rule = ((((publicAccessBlockConfiguration.ignorePublicAcls is false and accountLevelPublicAccessBlockConfiguration does not exist) or (publicAccessBlockConfiguration does not exist and accountLevelPublicAccessBlockConfiguration.ignorePublicAcls is false) or (publicAccessBlockConfiguration.ignorePublicAcls is false and accountLevelPublicAccessBlockConfiguration.ignorePublicAcls is false)) and acl.grantsAsList[?any(grantee equals AllUsers and permission is member of (ReadAcp,Read,FullControl))] exists) or ((policyStatus.isPublic is true and ((publicAccessBlockConfiguration.restrictPublicBuckets is false and accountLevelPublicAccessBlockConfiguration does not exist) or (publicAccessBlockConfiguration does not exist and accountLevelPublicAccessBlockConfiguration.restrictPublicBuckets is false) or (publicAccessBlockConfiguration.restrictPublicBuckets is false and accountLevelPublicAccessBlockConfiguration.restrictPublicBuckets is false))) and (policy.Statement[?any(Effect equals Allow and (Principal equals * or Principal.AWS equals *) and (Action contains s3:* or Action contains s3:Get or Action contains s3:List) and (Condition does not exist))] exists))) and websiteConfiguration does not exist```
Info of AWS S3 bucket publicly readable
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' and = 'azure-container-registry' AND json.rule = properties.provisioningState equal ignore case Succeeded and properties.encryption.status equal ignore case disabled```
Azure Container Registry not encrypted with Customer Managed Key (CMK)
```config from cloud.resource where = "aws-ec2-describe-instances" AND json.rule = architecture contains "foo"```
API automation policy akceq
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'gcp' AND = 'gcloud-services-list' AND json.rule = services[?any(name contains and state contains ENABLED)] does not exist```
GCP GCR Container Vulnerability Scanning is disabled
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'ibm' AND = 'ibm-secret-manager-secret' AND json.rule = state_description equal ignore case active and secret_type equal ignore case username_password and ( rotation.auto_rotate is false or (rotation.unit equal ignore case month and rotation.interval > 3) or (rotation.unit equal ignore case day and rotation.interval > 90))```
IBM Cloud Secrets Manager user credentials with rotation policy more than 90 days
```config from cloud.resource where'aws-iam-get-account-password-policy' AND json.rule='isDefaultPolicy is true or maxPasswordAge !isType Integer or $.maxPasswordAge > 90 or maxPasswordAge equals 0'```
AWS IAM password policy does not expire in 90 days
```config from cloud.resource where = 'azure-machine-learning-workspace' AND json.rule = 'properties.provisioningState equal ignore case Succeeded and properties.hbiWorkspace is true and properties.storageAccount exists' as X; config from cloud.resource where = 'azure-storage-account-list' AND json.rule = 'totalPublicContainers > 0 and (properties.allowBlobPublicAccess is true or properties.allowBlobPublicAccess does not exist) and properties.publicNetworkAccess equal ignore case Enabled and networkRuleSet.virtualNetworkRules is empty and (properties.privateEndpointConnections is empty or properties.privateEndpointConnections does not exist)' as Y; filter '$ contains $'; show Y;```
Azure Storage Account storing Machine Learning workspace high business impact data is publicly accessible
```config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-iam-list-groups' as X; config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-iam-get-policy-version' AND json.rule = document.Statement[?any(Effect equals Allow and Action equals * and Resource equals * )] exists as Y; filter "($.X.inlinePolicies[*].policyDocument.Statement[?(@.Effect=='Allow' && @.Resource=='*')].Action any equal * ) or ($.X.attachedPolicies[*].policyArn intersects $.Y.policyArn)"; show X;```
AWS IAM Groups with administrator access permissions
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND = 'aws-dms-certificate' AND json.rule = '_DateTime.ageInDays(validToDate) > -1'```
AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) has expired certificates
```config from cloud.resource where = 'gcloud-container-describe-clusters' as X; config from cloud.resource where = 'gcloud-compute-firewall-rules-list' as Y; filter '$ contains $ and $.Y.sourceRanges contains and $.Y.direction contains INGRESS and $.Y.allowed exists'; show Y;```
GCP Kubernetes Engine Clusters network firewall inbound rule overly permissive to all traffic
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND = 'azure-application-gateway' AND json.rule = (['properties.webApplicationFirewallConfiguration'] does not exist and ['properties.firewallPolicy'] does not exist) or (['properties.webApplicationFirewallConfiguration'].enabled is false and ['properties.firewallPolicy'] does not exist)```
Azure Application Gateway does not have the Web application firewall (WAF) enabled
```config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-logs-describe-metric-filters' as X; config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-cloudwatch-describe-alarms' as Y; config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-cloudtrail-describe-trails' as Z; filter '(($.Z.cloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn is not empty and $.Z.cloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn contains $.X.logGroupName and $.Z.isMultiRegionTrail is true and $.Z.includeGlobalServiceEvents is true) and (($.X.filterPattern contains "eventName=" or $.X.filterPattern contains "eventName =") and ($.X.filterPattern does not contain "eventName!=" and $.X.filterPattern does not contain "eventName !=") and $.X.filterPattern contains CreateVpc and $.X.filterPattern contains DeleteVpc and $.X.filterPattern contains ModifyVpcAttribute and $.X.filterPattern contains AcceptVpcPeeringConnection and $.X.filterPattern contains CreateVpcPeeringConnection and $.X.filterPattern contains DeleteVpcPeeringConnection and $.X.filterPattern contains RejectVpcPeeringConnection and $.X.filterPattern contains AttachClassicLinkVpc and $.X.filterPattern contains DetachClassicLinkVpc and $.X.filterPattern contains DisableVpcClassicLink and $.X.filterPattern contains EnableVpcClassicLink) and ($.X.metricTransformations[*] contains $.Y.metricName))'; show X; count(X) less than 1```
AWS Log metric filter and alarm does not exist for VPC changes
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'oci' AND = 'oci-networking-loadbalancer' AND json.rule = lifecycleState equals ACTIVE and listeners.* is not empty and listeners.*.protocol equal ignore case HTTP and ruleSets.*.items[?any(redirectUri.protocol equal ignore case https)] does not exist```
OCI Load balancer listener allows connection requests over HTTP
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND = 'azure-policy-assignments' AND json.rule = '((name == SecurityCenterBuiltIn and properties.parameters.adaptiveApplicationControlsMonitoringEffect.value equals Disabled) or (name == SecurityCenterBuiltIn and properties.parameters[*] is empty and properties.displayName does not start with "ASC Default"))'```
Azure Microsoft Defender for Cloud adaptive application controls monitoring is set to disabled
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'gcp' AND = 'gcloud-vertex-ai-notebook-instance' AND json.rule = state equals "ACTIVE" and shieldedInstanceConfig.enableVtpm is false```
GCP Vertex AI Workbench user-managed notebook has vTPM disabled
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND = 'aws-ec2-describe-vpc-peering-connections' AND json.rule = $.accepterVpcInfo.ownerId does not equal $.requesterVpcInfo.ownerId and $.status.code equals active```
AWS VPC allows unauthorized peering
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND = 'azure-storage-account-list' AND json.rule = deleteRetentionPolicy.blob.enabled is false and (kind does not equal ignore case FileStorage)```
Azure Storage account soft delete is disabled
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'oci' AND = 'oci-object-storage-bucket' AND json.rule = publicAccessType does not equal NoPublicAccess```
OCI Object Storage bucket is publicly accessible
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.accountgroup = 'Flowlog-sol' AND = 'aws-s3api-get-bucket-acl' AND json.rule = bucketName contains "sol-test" ```
Sol-test config policy
```config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-es-describe-elasticsearch-domain' AND json.rule = vpcoptions.securityGroupIds[*] exists as X; config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-ec2-describe-security-groups' AND json.rule = isShared is false and (ipPermissions[*].ipv4Ranges[*].cidrIp equals or ipPermissions[*].ipv6Ranges[*].cidrIpv6 equals ::/0) as Y; filter '$.X.vpcoptions.securityGroupIds[*] contains $.Y.groupId'; show Y;```
AWS OpenSearch attached security group overly permissive to all traffic
```config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-ecs-cluster' and json.rule = configuration.executeCommandConfiguration.logConfiguration.s3EncryptionEnabled exists and configuration.executeCommandConfiguration.logConfiguration.s3EncryptionEnabled is false```
AWS ECS Cluster S3 Log Encryption Disabled
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'gcp' AND = 'gcloud-compute-firewall-rules-list' AND json.rule = disabled is false and direction equals INGRESS and (sourceRanges[*] equals ::0 or sourceRanges[*] equals or sourceRanges[*] equals or sourceRanges[*] equals ::/0 or sourceRanges[*] equals ::) and allowed[?any(ports contains _Port.inRange(3306,3306) or (ports does not exist and (IPProtocol contains tcp or IPProtocol contains udp)))] exists```
GCP Firewall rule allows all traffic on MySQL DB port (3306)
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND = 'aws-iam-get-policy-version' AND json.rule = isAttached is true and document.Statement[?any(( contains or contains or contains ::/0 or contains ::/0) and Effect equals Allow and Action anyStartWith lambda:)] exists```
AWS Lambda IAM policy overly permissive to all traffic
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND = 'aws-lambda-get-region-summary' AND json.rule = 'lambdaCodeSize.size > 67500000'```
AWS Lambda nearing availability code storage limit
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'gcp' AND = 'gcloud-api-key' AND json.rule = restrictions.apiTargets does not exist```
GCP API key not restricting any specific API
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'gcp' AND = 'gcloud-sql-instances-list' AND json.rule = 'databaseVersion contains SQLSERVER and state equals RUNNABLE and (settings.databaseFlags[*].name does not contain "remote access" or settings.databaseFlags[?any(name contains "remote access" and value contains on)] exists)'```
GCP SQL server instance database flag remote access is not set to off
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'gcp' AND = 'gcloud-redis-instances-list' AND json.rule = state equal ignore case ready and not(customerManagedKey contains cryptoKeys)```
GCP Memorystore for Redis instance not encrypted with CMEK
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND = 'azure-sql-server-list' AND json.rule = equal ignore case Enabled and is not empty and ( does not equal 0 and < 91)```
Azure SQL Server audit log retention is less than 91 days
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND'aws-iam-get-account-password-policy' AND json.rule='isDefaultPolicy is true or requireNumbers is false or requireNumbers does not exist'```
AWS IAM password policy does not have a number
```config from cloud.resource where = 'ibm-vpc-block-storage-volume' as X; config from cloud.resource where = 'ibm-key-protect-registration' as Y;filter 'not($.Y.resourceCrn equals $.X.crn)' ; show X;```
API testing
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND = 'azure-postgresql-server' AND json.rule = "configurations.value[?('log_connections')].properties.value equals OFF or configurations.value[?('log_connections')].properties.value equals off"```
Azure PostgreSQL database server with log connections parameter disabled
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND = 'aws-sns-get-topic-attributes' AND json.rule = Policy.Statement[?any(Effect equals Allow and (Principal.AWS equals * or Principal equals *) and (Action contains SNS:Publish or Action contains sns:Publish) and (Condition does not exist or Condition all empty))] exists```
AWS SNS topic policy overly permissive for publishing
```config from cloud.resource where = 'gcloud-domain-users' AND json.rule = isAdmin is false and isEnrolledIn2Sv is false and archived is false and suspended is false```
GCP Google Workspace User not enrolled with 2-step verification
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'gcp' AND = 'gcloud-logging-sinks-list' AND json.rule = name contains "pk"```
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'oci' AND = 'oci-events-rule' AND json.rule = '(isEnabled equals true) and (actions.actions[?any( actionType equals ONS and isEnabled equals true and lifecycleState equals ACTIVE)] exists) and (condition.eventType[*] contains com.oraclecloud.identitycontrolplane.createidentityprovider and condition.eventType[*] contains com.oraclecloud.identitycontrolplane.deleteidentityprovider and condition.eventType[*] contains com.oraclecloud.identitycontrolplane.updateidentityprovider) and actions.actions[*].topicId exists' as X; count(X) less than 1```
OCI Event Rule and Notification does not exist for Identity Provider changes
```config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-logs-describe-metric-filters' as X; config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-cloudwatch-describe-alarms' as Y; config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-cloudtrail-describe-trails' as Z; filter '(($.Z.cloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn is not empty and $.Z.cloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn contains $.X.logGroupName and $.Z.isMultiRegionTrail is true and $.Z.includeGlobalServiceEvents is true) and (($.X.filterPattern contains "errorCode=" or $.X.filterPattern contains "errorCode =") and ($.X.filterPattern does not contain "errorCode!=" and $.X.filterPattern does not contain "errorCode !=") and $.X.filterPattern contains "UnauthorizedOperation" and $.X.filterPattern contains "AccessDenied") and ($.X.metricTransformations[*] contains $.Y.metricName))'; show X; count(X) less than 1```
AWS Log metric filter and alarm does not exist for unauthorized API calls
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND = 'aws-ecs-describe-task-definition' AND json.rule = status equals ACTIVE and containerDefinitions[?any(logConfiguration.logDriver does not exist)] exists```
AWS ECS task definition logging configuration disabled
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND = 'aws-athena-workgroup' AND json.rule = WorkGroup.State equal ignore case enabled and (WorkGroup.Configuration.ResultConfiguration.EncryptionConfiguration does not exist or (WorkGroup.Configuration.EngineVersion.EffectiveEngineVersion contains Athena and WorkGroup.Configuration.EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration is false))```
AWS Athena Workgroup data encryption at rest not configured
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND = 'azure-kusto-clusters' AND json.rule = properties.state equal ignore case Running and properties.enableDiskEncryption is false```
Azure Data Explorer cluster disk encryption is disabled
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'gcp' AND = 'gcloud-cloud-function-v2' AND json.rule = state equals ACTIVE and iamPolicy.bindings[?any(members[*] is member of ("allAuthenticatedUsers","allUsers"))] exists```
GCP Cloud Function is publicly accessible by allUsers or allAuthenticatedUsers
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND = 'azure-security-center-settings' AND json.rule = (securityContacts is empty or securityContacts[?any( is empty)] exists) and pricings[?any(properties.pricingTier equal ignore case Standard)] exists```
Azure Microsoft Defender for Cloud security contact phone number is not set
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND = 'aws-cloudfront-list-distributions' AND json.rule = 'origins.items[*].s3OriginConfig exists and origins.items[*].s3OriginConfig.originAccessIdentity is empty and origins.items[*].originAccessControlId is empty'```
AWS Cloudfront Distribution with S3 have Origin Access set to disabled
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'oci' AND = 'oci-events-rule' AND json.rule = '(isEnabled equals true) and (actions.actions[?any( actionType equals ONS and isEnabled equals true and lifecycleState equals ACTIVE)] exists) and (condition.eventType[*] contains com.oraclecloud.virtualnetwork.changeroutetablecompartment and condition.eventType[*] contains com.oraclecloud.virtualnetwork.createroutetable and condition.eventType[*] contains com.oraclecloud.virtualnetwork.deleteroutetable and condition.eventType[*] contains com.oraclecloud.virtualnetwork.updateroutetable) and actions.actions[*].topicId exists' as X; count(X) less than 1```
OCI Event Rule and Notification does not exist for route tables changes
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'alibaba_cloud' AND = 'alibaba-cloud-ecs-security-group' AND json.rule = "permissions is not empty and permissions[?(@.policy=='Accept' && @.direction=='ingress' && @.sourceCidrIp=='')].portRange contains _Port.inRange(20,20)"```
Alibaba Cloud Security group allow internet traffic to FTP-Data port (20)
```config from cloud.resource where = 'ibm-key-protect-registration' as X; config from cloud.resource where = 'ibm-object-storage-bucket' AND json.rule = not( locationConstraint contains "ams03" or locationConstraint contains "mon01" or locationConstraint contains "tor01" or locationConstraint contains "sjc03" or locationConstraint contains "sjc04" or locationConstraint contains "sao01" or locationConstraint contains "mil01" or locationConstraint contains "sng01" or locationConstraint contains "che01" ) as Y; filter 'not($.X.resourceCrn equals $.Y.crn)'; show Y;```
IBM Cloud Object Storage bucket is not encrypted with BYOK (bring your own key)
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND = 'aws-s3-access-point' AND json.rule = networkOrigin equal ignore case internet and (publicAccessBlockConfiguration does not exist or (publicAccessBlockConfiguration.blockPublicAcls is false and publicAccessBlockConfiguration.ignorePublicAcls is false and publicAccessBlockConfiguration.blockPublicPolicy is false and publicAccessBlockConfiguration.restrictPublicBuckets is false))```
AWS S3 access point Block public access setting disabled
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND = 'azure-cosmos-db' AND json.rule = properties.provisioningState equals Succeeded and properties.disableKeyBasedMetadataWriteAccess is false```
Azure Cosmos DB key based authentication is enabled
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' and'aws-cloudtrail-describe-trails' as X; count(X) less than 1```
AWS CloudTrail is not enabled on the account
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'gcp' AND = 'gcloud-sql-instances-list' AND json.rule = "databaseVersion contains SQLSERVER and state equals RUNNABLE and (settings.databaseFlags[*].name does not contain 3625 or settings.databaseFlags[?any(name contains 3625 and value contains off)] exists)"```
GCP SQL server instance database flag 3625 (trace flag) is not set to on
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'alibaba_cloud' AND = 'alibaba-cloud-ram-password-policy' AND json.rule = 'requireLowercaseCharacters does not exist or requireLowercaseCharacters is false'```
Alibaba Cloud RAM password policy does not have a lowercase character
```config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-logs-describe-metric-filters' as X; config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-cloudwatch-describe-alarms' as Y; config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-cloudtrail-describe-trails' as Z; filter '(($.Z.cloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn is not empty and $.Z.cloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn contains $.X.logGroupName and $.Z.isMultiRegionTrail is true and $.Z.includeGlobalServiceEvents is true) and (($.X.filterPattern contains "eventName=" or $.X.filterPattern contains "eventName =") and ($.X.filterPattern does not contain "eventName!=" and $.X.filterPattern does not contain "eventName !=") and ($.X.filterPattern contains "eventSource=" or $.X.filterPattern contains "eventSource =") and ($.X.filterPattern does not contain "eventSource!=" and $.X.filterPattern does not contain "eventSource !=") and $.X.filterPattern contains and $.X.filterPattern contains StopConfigurationRecorder and $.X.filterPattern contains DeleteDeliveryChannel and $.X.filterPattern contains PutDeliveryChannel and $.X.filterPattern contains PutConfigurationRecorder) and ($.X.metricTransformations[*] contains $.Y.metricName))'; show X; count(X) less than 1```
AWS Log metric filter and alarm does not exist for AWS Config configuration changes
```config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-apigateway-get-stages' AND json.rule = webAclArn is not empty as X; config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-waf-v2-web-acl-resource' AND json.rule = ( does not contain AWSManagedRulesAnonymousIpList or does not contain AWSManagedRulesKnownBadInputsRuleSet) and NOT ( webACL.rules[*] contains AWSManagedRulesAnonymousIpList and webACL.rules[*] contains AWSManagedRulesKnownBadInputsRuleSet ) as Y; filter '$.Y.webACL.arn equals $.X.webAclArn'; show X;```
AWS API Gateway Rest API attached WAFv2 WebACL is not configured with AMR for Log4j Vulnerability
```config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-dms-replication-task' AND json.rule = ReplicationTaskSettings.Logging.EnableLogging is false or ReplicationTaskSettings.Logging.LogComponents[?any( Id is member of ("TARGET_APPLY","TARGET_LOAD") and Severity is not member of ("LOGGER_SEVERITY_DEFAULT","LOGGER_SEVERITY_DEBUG","LOGGER_SEVERITY_DETAILED_DEBUG") )] exists```
AWS DMS replication task for the target database have logging not set to the minimum severity level
```config from cloud.resource where = 'oci-networking-networkloadbalancer' and json.rule = lifecycleState equal ignore case "ACTIVE" as X; config from cloud.resource where = 'oci-networking-subnet' and json.rule = lifecycleState equal ignore case "AVAILABLE" as Y; config from cloud.resource where = 'oci-networking-security-list' AND json.rule = lifecycleState equal ignore case AVAILABLE as Z; filter 'not ($.X.listeners does not equal "{}" and ($.X.subnetId contains $ and $.Y.securityListIds contains $ and $.Z.ingressSecurityRules is not empty))'; show X;```
OCI Network Load Balancer not configured with inbound rules or listeners
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'gcp' AND = 'gcloud-sql-instances-list' AND json.rule = "databaseVersion contains SQLSERVER and settings.databaseFlags[?('contained database authentication')].value equals on"```
GCP SQL Server instance database flag 'contained database authentication' is enabled
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'gcp' AND = 'gcloud-compute-project-info' AND json.rule = 'commonInstanceMetadata.items[*].key does not contain enable-oslogin or (commonInstanceMetadata.items[?any(key contains enable-oslogin and (value contains false or value contains FALSE))] exists)'```
GCP Projects have OS Login disabled
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' and 'azure-storage-account-list' AND json.rule = properties.provisioningState equal ignore case Succeeded and properties.allowSharedKeyAccess is true```
Azure Storage account configured with Shared Key authorization
```config from cloud.resource where = 'gcloud-logging-metric' as X; config from cloud.resource where = 'gcloud-monitoring-policies-list' as Y; filter '$.Y.conditions[*].metricThresholdFilter contains $ and ( $.X.filter contains "resource.type =" or $.X.filter contains "resource.type=" ) and ( $.X.filter does not contain "resource.type !=" and $.X.filter does not contain "resource.type!=" ) and $.X.filter contains "gce_route" and ( $.X.filter contains "protoPayload.methodName:" or $.X.filter contains "protoPayload.methodName :" ) and ( $.X.filter does not contain "protoPayload.methodName!:" and $.X.filter does not contain "protoPayload.methodName !:" ) and $.X.filter contains "compute.routes.delete" and $.X.filter contains "compute.routes.insert"'; show X; count(X) less than 1```
GCP Log metric filter and alert does not exist for VPC network route delete and insert
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND = 'aws-ec2-client-vpn-endpoint' AND json.rule = status.code equal ignore case available and connectionLogOptions.Enabled is false```
AWS EC2 Client VPN endpoints client connection logging disabled
```config from cloud.resource where = 'alibaba-cloud-ecs-disk' AND json.rule = category contains "foo" ```
bobby 3/28
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'ibm' AND = 'ibm-vpc-network-security-group' AND json.rule = rules[?any( remote.cidr_block equals "" and direction equals "outbound" and ( protocol equals "all" or ( protocol equals "tcp" and ( port_max greater than 53 and port_min less than 53 ) or ( port_max equals 53 and port_min equals 53 ))))] exists```
IBM Cloud Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) security group contains outbound rules that specify source IP to DNS port
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND = 'aws-cloudfront-list-distributions' AND json.rule = 'viewerCertificate.certificateSource contains cloudfront'```
AWS CloudFront web distribution with default SSL certificate
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND 'azure-network-nsg-list' AND json.rule = securityRules[?any(access equals Allow and direction equals Inbound and (sourceAddressPrefix equals Internet or sourceAddressPrefix equals * or sourceAddressPrefix equals or sourceAddressPrefix equals ::/0) and (protocol equals Tcp or protocol equals *) and (destinationPortRange contains _Port.inRange(3306,3306) or destinationPortRanges[*] contains _Port.inRange(3306,3306) ))] exists```
Azure Network Security Group allows all traffic on MySQL (TCP Port 3306)
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND = 'aws-acm-describe-certificate' AND json.rule = '(_DateTime.ageInDays($.notAfter) > -1) and status equals EXPIRED'```
AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) has expired certificates
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'gcp' AND = 'gcloud-container-describe-clusters' AND json.rule = 'ipAllocationPolicy.useIpAliases does not exist or ipAllocationPolicy.useIpAliases equals false'```
GCP Kubernetes Engine Clusters have Alias IP disabled
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND = 'aws-sns-get-topic-attributes' AND json.rule = Policy.Statement[?any(Effect equals Allow and (Principal.AWS equals * or Principal equals *) and (Action contains SNS:Subscribe or Action contains sns:Subscribe or Action contains SNS:Receive or Action contains sns:Receive) and Condition does not exist)] exists```
AWS SNS topic policy overly permissive for subscription
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND = 'aws-describe-vpc-endpoints' AND json.rule = vpcEndpointType equals Gateway and policyDocument.Statement[?any(Effect equals Allow and (Principal.AWS equals * or Principal equals *) and Action contains * and Condition does not exist)] exists```
AWS VPC gateway endpoint policy is overly permissive
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'ibm' AND = 'ibm-secret-manager-secret' AND json.rule = 'secret_type equals arbitrary and state_description equal ignore case active and (_DateTime.ageInDays(last_update_date) > 90)'```
IBM Cloud Secrets Manager arbitrary secrets have aged more than 90 days without being rotated
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND = 'azure-cosmos-db' AND json.rule = properties.provisioningState equals Succeeded and properties.ipRangeFilter is not empty and properties.ipRangeFilter startsWith or properties.ipRangeFilter endsWith```
Azure Cosmos DB allows traffic from public Azure datacenters
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND = 'azure-storage-account-list' AND json.rule = properties.provisioningState equal ignore case Succeeded and properties.keyPolicy.keyExpirationPeriodInDays does not exist```
Azure Storage account key expiration policy is not configured
```config from cloud.resource where = 'gcloud-compute-backend-bucket' as X; config from cloud.resource where = 'gcloud-storage-buckets-list' as Y; filter ' not ( intersects X.bucketName) '; show X;```
GCP backend bucket having dangling GCP Storage bucket
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'ibm' AND = 'ibm-vpc-block-storage-snapshot' AND json.rule = encryption equal ignore case provider_managed```
IBM Cloud Block Storage Snapshot for VPC is not encrypted with customer managed keys
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND = 'azure-disk-list' AND json.rule = osType does not exist and managedBy exists and (encryptionSettings does not exist or encryptionSettings.enabled is false) and encryption.type is not member of ("EncryptionAtRestWithCustomerKey", "EncryptionAtRestWithPlatformAndCustomerKeys","EncryptionAtRestWithPlatformKey")```
Azure VM data disk is not configured with any encryption
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND = 'azure-app-service' AND json.rule = properties.state equal ignore case Running and kind contains workflowapp and (identity.type does not exist or identity.principalId is empty)```
Azure Logic app is not configured with managed identity
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'gcp' AND = 'gcloud-container-describe-clusters' AND json.rule = $.databaseEncryption.state equals DECRYPTED```
GCP Kubernetes cluster Application-layer Secrets not encrypted
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'AWS' and = 'aws-ec2-describe-subnets' AND json.rule = 'mapPublicIpOnLaunch is true'```
Copy of AWS VPC subnets should not allow automatic public IP assignment
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND = 'azure-container-registry' AND json.rule = ((properties.publicNetworkAccess equals Enabled and properties.networkRuleSet does not exist) or (properties.publicNetworkAccess equals Enabled and properties.networkRuleSet exists and properties.networkRuleSet.defaultAction equals Allow))```
Azure Container registries Public access to All networks is enabled
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND = 'azure-postgresql-server' AND json.rule = firewallRules.value[*].properties.startIpAddress equals "" or firewallRules.value[*].properties.endIpAddress equals ""```
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' and = 'azure-disk-list' AND json.rule = dataAccessAuthMode does not equal ignore case AzureActiveDirectory and managedBy contains virtualMachines and provisioningState equal ignore case Succeeded```
Azure disk data access authentication mode not enabled
```config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-lambda-list-functions' as X; config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-iam-list-roles' AND json.rule = inlinePolicies[*].policyDocument.Statement[?any(Effect equals Allow and (Action equals "*" or Action contains :* or Action[*] contains :*) and (Resource equals "*" or Resource[*] anyStartWith "*"))] exists as Y; filter '$.X.role equals $.Y.role.arn'; show Y;```
AWS Lambda execution role having overly permissive inline policy
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND = 'azure-role-assignment' as X; config from cloud.resource where = 'azure-active-directory-user' as Y; filter '((_DateTime.daysBetween($,today()) != 8) and ($ contains $'; show X;```
llatorre - RoleAssignment v3
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND = 'aws-elb-describe-load-balancers' AND json.rule = '((description.listenerDescriptions[*].listener.protocol equals HTTPS or description.listenerDescriptions[*].listener.protocol equals SSL) and (description.listenerDescriptions[*].listener.sslcertificateId is empty or description.listenerDescriptions[*].listener.sslcertificateId does not exist)) or description.listenerDescriptions[*].listener.protocol equals HTTP or description.listenerDescriptions[*].listener.protocol equals TCP'```
AWS Elastic Load Balancer with listener TLS/SSL is not configured
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'gcp' AND = 'gcloud-container-describe-clusters' AND json.rule = 'addonsConfig.httpLoadBalancing.disabled equals true'```
GCP Kubernetes Engine Clusters have HTTP load balancing disabled
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND = 'azure-role-assignment' AND json.rule = ( equals CustomRole and ([?any((actions[*] equals Microsoft.Authorization/locks/delete and actions[*] equals Microsoft.Authorization/locks/read and actions[*] equals Microsoft.Authorization/locks/write) or actions[*] equals Microsoft.Authorization/locks/*)] exists) and ([?any(notActions[*] equals Microsoft.Authorization/locks/delete or notActions[*] equals Microsoft.Authorization/locks/read or notActions[*] equals Microsoft.Authorization/locks/write or notActions[*] equals Microsoft.Authorization/locks/*)] does not exist)) as X; count(X) less than 1```
Azure Custom Role Administering Resource Locks not assigned
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' and'aws-iam-list-attached-user-policies' AND json.rule='attachedPolicies isType Array and not attachedPolicies size == 0'```
AWS IAM policy attached to users
```config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-emr-studio' AND json.rule = DefaultS3Location exists and DefaultS3Location contains "aws-emr-studio-" as X; config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-s3api-get-bucket-acl' as Y; filter 'not ($.X.BucketName equals $.Y.bucketName)' ; show X;```
aws emr shadow
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND = 'azure-cache-redis' AND json.rule = properties.provisioningState equal ignore case Succeeded and properties.enableNonSslPort is true```
Azure Cache for Redis not configured with data in transit encryption
```config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-bedrock-custom-model' as X; config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-kms-get-key-rotation-status' AND json.rule = keyMetadata.keyState equals Enabled and keyMetadata.keyManager equal ignore case CUSTOMER and keyMetadata.origin equals AWS_KMS and (rotation_status.keyRotationEnabled is false or rotation_status.keyRotationEnabled equals "null") as Y; filter '$.X.modelKmsKeyArn equals $.Y.key.keyArn'; show X;```
AWS Bedrock Custom model encrypted with Customer Managed Key (CMK) is not enabled for regular rotation
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'aws' AND 'aws-docdb-db-cluster' AND json.rule = Status contains available and DeletionProtection is false```
AWS DocumentDB cluster deletion protection is disabled
```config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-s3api-get-bucket-acl' as X; config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-sagemaker-training-job' as Y; filter '$.Y.InputDataConfig[*].DataSource.S3DataSource.bucketName intersects $.X.bucketName'; show X;```
AWS S3 bucket is utilized for AWS Sagemaker training job data
```config from cloud.resource where cloud.type = 'azure' AND = 'azure-storage-account-list' AND json.rule = properties.provisioningState equals Succeeded and networkRuleSet.defaultAction equal ignore case Allow and properties.privateEndpointConnections[*] is empty```
Azure Storage account is not configured with private endpoint connection
```config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-elbv2-describe-load-balancers' as X; config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-ec2-describe-security-groups' AND json.rule = ipPermissions[*] is empty or ipPermissionsEgress[*] is empty as Y; filter '$.X.securityGroups[*] contains $.Y.groupId'; show X;```
cloned copy - RLP-93423 - 2
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