stringlengths 1
stringlengths 75
Extracts video ID from URL. | def get_vid_from_url(url):
"""Extracts video ID from URL.
return match1(url, r'youtu\.be/([^?/]+)') or \
match1(url, r'youtube\.com/embed/([^/?]+)') or \
match1(url, r'youtube\.com/v/([^/?]+)') or \
match1(url, r'youtube\.com/watch/([^/?]+)') or \
parse_query_param(url, 'v') or \
parse_query_param(parse_query_param(url, 'u'), 'v') |
str - > list Convert XML to URL List. From Biligrab. | def sina_xml_to_url_list(xml_data):
Convert XML to URL List.
From Biligrab.
rawurl = []
dom = parseString(xml_data)
for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('durl'):
url = node.getElementsByTagName('url')[0]
return rawurl |
From http:// cdn37. atwikiimg. com/ sitescript/ pub/ dksitescript/ FC2. site. js Also com. hps. util. fc2. FC2EncrptUtil. makeMimiLocal L110 | def makeMimi(upid):
Also com.hps.util.fc2.FC2EncrptUtil.makeMimiLocal
strSeed = "gGddgPfeaf_gzyr"
prehash = upid + "_" + strSeed
return md5(prehash.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() |
wrapper | def fc2video_download(url, output_dir = '.', merge = True, info_only = False, **kwargs):
hostname = urlparse(url).hostname
if not ('' in hostname or '' in hostname):
return False
upid = match1(url, r'.+/content/(\w+)')
fc2video_download_by_upid(upid, output_dir, merge, info_only) |
Downloads Dailymotion videos by URL. | def dailymotion_download(url, output_dir='.', merge=True, info_only=False, **kwargs):
"""Downloads Dailymotion videos by URL.
html = get_content(rebuilt_url(url))
info = json.loads(match1(html, r'qualities":({.+?}),"'))
title = match1(html, r'"video_title"\s*:\s*"([^"]+)"') or \
match1(html, r'"title"\s*:\s*"([^"]+)"')
title = unicodize(title)
for quality in ['1080','720','480','380','240','144','auto']:
real_url = info[quality][1]["url"]
if real_url:
except KeyError:
mime, ext, size = url_info(real_url)
print_info(site_info, title, mime, size)
if not info_only:
download_urls([real_url], title, ext, size, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge) |
http:// stackoverflow. com/ a/ 30923963/ 2946714 | def dictify(r,root=True):
if root:
return {r.tag : dictify(r, False)}
if r.text:
for x in r.findall("./*"):
if x.tag not in d:
return d |
video page | def ucas_download_single(url, output_dir = '.', merge = False, info_only = False, **kwargs):
'''video page'''
html = get_content(url)
# resourceID is UUID
resourceID = re.findall( r'resourceID":"([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12})', html)[0]
assert resourceID != '', 'Cannot find resourceID!'
title = match1(html, r'<div class="bc-h">(.+)</div>')
url_lists = _ucas_get_url_lists_by_resourceID(resourceID)
assert url_lists, 'Cannot find any URL of such class!'
for k, part in enumerate(url_lists):
part_title = title + '_' + str(k)
print_info(site_info, part_title, 'flv', 0)
if not info_only:
download_urls(part, part_title, 'flv', total_size=None, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge) |
course page | def ucas_download_playlist(url, output_dir = '.', merge = False, info_only = False, **kwargs):
'''course page'''
html = get_content(url)
parts = re.findall( r'(\?.+)"', html)
assert parts, 'No part found!'
for part_path in parts:
ucas_download('' + part_path, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge, info_only=info_only) |
Downloads a Sina video by its unique vid. http:// video. sina. com. cn/ | def sina_download_by_vid(vid, title=None, output_dir='.', merge=True, info_only=False):
"""Downloads a Sina video by its unique vid.
xml = api_req(vid)
urls, name, size = video_info(xml)
if urls is None:
title = name
print_info(site_info, title, 'flv', size)
if not info_only:
download_urls(urls, title, 'flv', size, output_dir = output_dir, merge = merge) |
Downloads a Sina video by its unique vkey. http:// video. sina. com/ | def sina_download_by_vkey(vkey, title=None, output_dir='.', merge=True, info_only=False):
"""Downloads a Sina video by its unique vkey.
url = '' % vkey
type, ext, size = url_info(url)
print_info(site_info, title, 'flv', size)
if not info_only:
download_urls([url], title, 'flv', size, output_dir = output_dir, merge = merge) |
Downloads Sina videos by URL. | def sina_download(url, output_dir='.', merge=True, info_only=False, **kwargs):
"""Downloads Sina videos by URL.
if '' in url:
sina_zxt(url, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge, info_only=info_only, **kwargs)
vid = match1(url, r'vid=(\d+)')
if vid is None:
video_page = get_content(url)
vid = hd_vid = match1(video_page, r'hd_vid\s*:\s*\'([^\']+)\'')
if hd_vid == '0':
vids = match1(video_page, r'[^\w]vid\s*:\s*\'([^\']+)\'').split('|')
vid = vids[-1]
if vid is None:
vid = match1(video_page, r'vid:"?(\d+)"?')
if vid:
#title = match1(video_page, r'title\s*:\s*\'([^\']+)\'')
sina_download_by_vid(vid, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge, info_only=info_only)
vkey = match1(video_page, r'vkey\s*:\s*"([^"]+)"')
if vkey is None:
vid = match1(url, r'#(\d+)')
sina_download_by_vid(vid, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge, info_only=info_only)
title = match1(video_page, r'title\s*:\s*"([^"]+)"')
sina_download_by_vkey(vkey, title=title, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge, info_only=info_only) |
wrapper | def yixia_download(url, output_dir = '.', merge = True, info_only = False, **kwargs):
hostname = urlparse(url).hostname
if '' == hostname:
smid = match1(url, r'n\.miaopai\.com/media/([^.]+)')
miaopai_download_by_smid(smid, output_dir, merge, info_only)
elif '' in hostname: #Miaopai
yixia_download_by_scid = yixia_miaopai_download_by_scid
site_info = "Yixia Miaopai"
scid = match1(url, r'miaopai\.com/show/channel/([^.]+)\.htm') or \
match1(url, r'miaopai\.com/show/([^.]+)\.htm') or \
match1(url, r'm\.miaopai\.com/show/channel/([^.]+)\.htm') or \
match1(url, r'm\.miaopai\.com/show/channel/([^.]+)')
elif '' in hostname: #Xiaokaxiu
yixia_download_by_scid = yixia_xiaokaxiu_download_by_scid
site_info = "Yixia Xiaokaxiu"
if re.match(r'\.html', url): #PC
scid = match1(url, r'\.html')
elif re.match(r'\.html', url): #Mobile
scid = match1(url, r'\.html')
yixia_download_by_scid(scid, output_dir, merge, info_only) |
Get item_id | def veoh_download(url, output_dir = '.', merge = False, info_only = False, **kwargs):
'''Get item_id'''
if re.match(r'\w+', url):
item_id = match1(url, r'\w+)')
elif re.match(r'\?v=\.*', url):
item_id = match1(url, r'\?v=(\w+)')
raise NotImplementedError('Cannot find item ID')
veoh_download_by_id(item_id, output_dir = '.', merge = False, info_only = info_only, **kwargs) |
Source: Android mobile | def veoh_download_by_id(item_id, output_dir = '.', merge = False, info_only = False, **kwargs):
"""Source: Android mobile"""
webpage_url = '{item_id}&quality=1'.format(item_id = item_id)
#grab download URL
a = get_content(webpage_url, decoded=True)
url = match1(a, r'<source src="(.*?)\"\W')
#grab title
title = match1(a, r'<meta property="og:title" content="([^"]*)"')
type_, ext, size = url_info(url)
print_info(site_info, title, type_, size)
if not info_only:
download_urls([url], title, ext, total_size=None, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge) |
self str - > None Keyword arguments: self: self vid: The video ID for BokeCC cloud something like FE3BB999594978049C33DC5901307461 Calls the prepare () to download the video. If no title is provided this method shall try to find a proper title with the information providin within the returned content of the API. | def download_by_id(self, vid = '', title = None, output_dir='.', merge=True, info_only=False,**kwargs):
"""self, str->None
Keyword arguments:
self: self
vid: The video ID for BokeCC cloud, something like
Calls the prepare() to download the video.
If no title is provided, this method shall try to find a proper title
with the information providin within the
returned content of the API."""
assert vid
self.prepare(vid = vid, title = title, **kwargs)
self.extract(**kwargs) = output_dir,
merge = merge,
info_only = info_only, **kwargs) |
Extracts video ID from live. qq. com. | def get_vid_from_url(self, url):
"""Extracts video ID from
hit ='\d+)', url)
if hit is not None:
hit ='\d+)', url)
if hit is not None:
return self.get_room_id_from_url(
html = get_content(url)
room_id = match1(html, r'room_id\":(\d+)')
if room_id is None:'Unknown page {}'.format(url))
return room_id |
Format text with color or other effects into ANSI escaped string. | def sprint(text, *colors):
"""Format text with color or other effects into ANSI escaped string."""
return "\33[{}m{content}\33[{}m".format(";".join([str(color) for color in colors]), RESET, content=text) if IS_ANSI_TERMINAL and colors else text |
Print a log message to standard error. | def print_log(text, *colors):
"""Print a log message to standard error."""
sys.stderr.write(sprint("{}: {}".format(script_name, text), *colors) + "\n") |
Print an error log message. | def e(message, exit_code=None):
"""Print an error log message."""
print_log(message, YELLOW, BOLD)
if exit_code is not None:
sys.exit(exit_code) |
What a Terrible Failure! | def wtf(message, exit_code=1):
"""What a Terrible Failure!"""
print_log(message, RED, BOLD)
if exit_code is not None:
sys.exit(exit_code) |
Detect operating system. | def detect_os():
"""Detect operating system.
# Inspired by:
syst = system().lower()
os = 'unknown'
if 'cygwin' in syst:
os = 'cygwin'
elif 'darwin' in syst:
os = 'mac'
elif 'linux' in syst:
os = 'linux'
# detect WSL
with open('/proc/version', 'r') as f:
if 'microsoft' in
os = 'wsl'
except: pass
elif 'windows' in syst:
os = 'windows'
elif 'bsd' in syst:
os = 'bsd'
return os |
Source: Android mobile | def miaopai_download_by_fid(fid, output_dir = '.', merge = False, info_only = False, **kwargs):
'''Source: Android mobile'''
page_url = '' + fid + '&type=mp4'
mobile_page = get_content(page_url, headers=fake_headers_mobile)
url = match1(mobile_page, r'<video id=.*?src=[\'"](.*?)[\'"]\W')
if url is None:
wb_mp ='<script src=([\'"])(.+?wb_mp\.js)\1>', mobile_page).group(2)
return miaopai_download_by_wbmp(wb_mp, fid, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge,
info_only=info_only, total_size=None, **kwargs)
title = match1(mobile_page, r'<title>((.|\n)+?)</title>')
if not title:
title = fid
title = title.replace('\n', '_')
ext, size = 'mp4', url_info(url)[2]
print_info(site_info, title, ext, size)
if not info_only:
download_urls([url], title, ext, total_size=None, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge) |
str - > None | def vimeo_download_by_channel(url, output_dir='.', merge=False, info_only=False, **kwargs):
channel_id = match1(url, r'\w+)')
vimeo_download_by_channel_id(channel_id, output_dir, merge, info_only, **kwargs) |
str/ int - > None | def vimeo_download_by_channel_id(channel_id, output_dir='.', merge=False, info_only=False, **kwargs):
html = get_content('{channel_id}/videos?access_token={access_token}'.format(channel_id=channel_id, access_token=access_token))
data = loads(html)
id_list = []
for i in data['data']:
id_list.append(match1(i['uri'], r'/videos/(\w+)'))
for id in id_list:
vimeo_download_by_id(id, None, output_dir, merge, info_only, **kwargs)
except urllib.error.URLError as e:
log.w('{} failed with {}'.format(id, e)) |
try: # normal Vimeo video html = get_content ( https:// vimeo. com/ + id ) cfg_patt = r clip_page_config \ s * = \ s * ( \ {. + ? \ } ) ; cfg = json. loads ( match1 ( html cfg_patt )) video_page = get_content ( cfg [ player ] [ config_url ] headers = fake_headers ) title = cfg [ clip ] [ title ] info = loads ( video_page ) except: # embedded player - referer may be required if referer in kwargs: fake_headers [ Referer ] = kwargs [ referer ] | def vimeo_download_by_id(id, title=None, output_dir='.', merge=True, info_only=False, **kwargs):
# normal Vimeo video
html = get_content('' + id)
cfg_patt = r'clip_page_config\s*=\s*(\{.+?\});'
cfg = json.loads(match1(html, cfg_patt))
video_page = get_content(cfg['player']['config_url'], headers=fake_headers)
title = cfg['clip']['title']
info = loads(video_page)
# embedded player - referer may be required
if 'referer' in kwargs:
fake_headers['Referer'] = kwargs['referer']
video_page = get_content('' % id, headers=fake_headers)
title = r1(r'<title>([^<]+)</title>', video_page)
info = loads(match1(video_page, r'var t=(\{.+?\});'))
streams = info['request']['files']['progressive']
streams = sorted(streams, key=lambda i: i['height'])
url = streams[-1]['url']
type, ext, size = url_info(url, faker=True)
print_info(site_info, title, type, size)
if not info_only:
download_urls([url], title, ext, size, output_dir, merge=merge, faker=True)
site = VimeoExtractor()
site.download_by_vid(id, info_only=info_only, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge, **kwargs) |
str - > dict Information for CKPlayer API content. | def ckplayer_get_info_by_xml(ckinfo):
Information for CKPlayer API content."""
e = ET.XML(ckinfo)
video_dict = {'title': '',
#'duration': 0,
'links': [],
'size': 0,
'flashvars': '',}
dictified = dictify(e)['ckplayer']
if 'info' in dictified:
if '_text' in dictified['info'][0]['title'][0]: #title
video_dict['title'] = dictified['info'][0]['title'][0]['_text'].strip()
#if dictify(e)['ckplayer']['info'][0]['title'][0]['_text'].strip(): #duration
#video_dict['title'] = dictify(e)['ckplayer']['info'][0]['title'][0]['_text'].strip()
if '_text' in dictified['video'][0]['size'][0]: #size exists for 1 piece
video_dict['size'] = sum([int(i['size'][0]['_text']) for i in dictified['video']])
if '_text' in dictified['video'][0]['file'][0]: #link exist
video_dict['links'] = [i['file'][0]['_text'].strip() for i in dictified['video']]
if '_text' in dictified['flashvars'][0]:
video_dict['flashvars'] = dictified['flashvars'][0]['_text'].strip()
return video_dict |
Splicing URLs according to video ID to get video details | def get_video_url_from_video_id(video_id):
"""Splicing URLs according to video ID to get video details"""
# from js
data = [""] * 256
for index, _ in enumerate(data):
t = index
for i in range(8):
t = -306674912 ^ unsigned_right_shitf(t, 1) if 1 & t else unsigned_right_shitf(t, 1)
data[index] = t
def tmp():
rand_num = random.random()
path = "/video/urls/v/1/toutiao/mp4/{video_id}?r={random_num}".format(video_id=video_id,
e = o = r = -1
i, a = 0, len(path)
while i < a:
e = ord(path[i])
i += 1
if e < 128:
r = unsigned_right_shitf(r, 8) ^ data[255 & (r ^ e)]
if e < 2048:
r = unsigned_right_shitf(r, 8) ^ data[255 & (r ^ (192 | e >> 6 & 31))]
r = unsigned_right_shitf(r, 8) ^ data[255 & (r ^ (128 | 63 & e))]
if 55296 <= e < 57344:
e = (1023 & e) + 64
i += 1
o = 1023 & t.url(i)
r = unsigned_right_shitf(r, 8) ^ data[255 & (r ^ (240 | e >> 8 & 7))]
r = unsigned_right_shitf(r, 8) ^ data[255 & (r ^ (128 | e >> 2 & 63))]
r = unsigned_right_shitf(r, 8) ^ data[255 & (r ^ (128 | o >> 6 & 15 | (3 & e) << 4))]
r = unsigned_right_shitf(r, 8) ^ data[255 & (r ^ (128 | 63 & o))]
r = unsigned_right_shitf(r, 8) ^ data[255 & (r ^ (224 | e >> 12 & 15))]
r = unsigned_right_shitf(r, 8) ^ data[255 & (r ^ (128 | e >> 6 & 63))]
r = unsigned_right_shitf(r, 8) ^ data[255 & (r ^ (128 | 63 & e))]
return "{path}&s={param}".format(path=path, param=unsigned_right_shitf(r ^ -1, 0))
while 1:
url = tmp()
if url.split("=")[-1][0] != "-": # εζ°sδΈθ½δΈΊθ΄ζ°
return url |
Extracts video ID from URL. | def get_vid_from_url(url):
"""Extracts video ID from URL.
vid = match1(url, 'https?://|l)/\d+/(\d+).html')
if not vid:
vid = match1(url, 'https?://\d+/(\d+).html')
return vid |
str - > list of str Give you the real URLs. | def get_mgtv_real_url(url):
"""str->list of str
Give you the real URLs."""
content = loads(get_content(url))
m3u_url = content['info']
split = urlsplit(m3u_url)
base_url = "{scheme}://{netloc}{path}/".format(scheme = split[0],
netloc = split[1],
path = dirname(split[2]))
content = get_content(content['info']) #get the REAL M3U url, maybe to be changed later?
segment_list = []
segments_size = 0
for i in content.split():
if not i.startswith('#'): #not the best way, better we use the m3u8 package
segment_list.append(base_url + i)
# use ext-info for fast size calculate
elif i.startswith('#EXT-MGTV-File-SIZE:'):
segments_size += int(i[i.rfind(':')+1:])
return m3u_url, segments_size, segment_list |
Get ( branch commit ) from HEAD of a git repo. | def get_head(repo_path):
"""Get (branch, commit) from HEAD of a git repo."""
ref = open(os.path.join(repo_path, '.git', 'HEAD'), 'r').read().strip()[5:].split('/')
branch = ref[-1]
commit = open(os.path.join(repo_path, '.git', *ref), 'r').read().strip()[:7]
return branch, commit
return None |
Converts a string to a valid filename. | def legitimize(text, os=detect_os()):
"""Converts a string to a valid filename.
# POSIX systems
text = text.translate({
0: None,
ord('/'): '-',
ord('|'): '-',
# FIXME: do some filesystem detection
if os == 'windows' or os == 'cygwin' or os == 'wsl':
# Windows (non-POSIX namespace)
text = text.translate({
# Reserved in Windows VFAT and NTFS
ord(':'): '-',
ord('*'): '-',
ord('?'): '-',
ord('\\'): '-',
ord('\"'): '\'',
# Reserved in Windows VFAT
ord('+'): '-',
ord('<'): '-',
ord('>'): '-',
ord('['): '(',
ord(']'): ')',
ord('\t'): ' ',
# *nix
if os == 'mac':
# Mac OS HFS+
text = text.translate({
ord(':'): '-',
# Remove leading .
if text.startswith("."):
text = text[1:]
text = text[:80] # Trim to 82 Unicode characters long
return text |
Get ( width height ) of the current terminal. | def get_terminal_size():
"""Get (width, height) of the current terminal."""
import fcntl, termios, struct # fcntl module only available on Unix
return struct.unpack('hh', fcntl.ioctl(1, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, '1234'))
return (40, 80) |
Downloads CBS videos by URL. | def cbs_download(url, output_dir='.', merge=True, info_only=False, **kwargs):
"""Downloads CBS videos by URL.
html = get_content(url)
pid = match1(html, r'video\.settings\.pid\s*=\s*\'([^\']+)\'')
title = match1(html, r'video\.settings\.title\s*=\s*\"([^\"]+)\"')
theplatform_download_by_pid(pid, title, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge, info_only=info_only) |
Override the original one Ugly ugly dirty hack | def download(self, **kwargs):
"""Override the original one
Ugly ugly dirty hack"""
if 'json_output' in kwargs and kwargs['json_output']:
elif 'info_only' in kwargs and kwargs['info_only']:
if 'stream_id' in kwargs and kwargs['stream_id']:
# Display the stream
stream_id = kwargs['stream_id']
if 'index' not in kwargs:
# Display all available streams
if 'index' not in kwargs:
stream_id = self.streams_sorted[0]['id'] if 'id' in self.streams_sorted[0] else self.streams_sorted[0]['itag']
if 'stream_id' in kwargs and kwargs['stream_id']:
# Download the stream
stream_id = kwargs['stream_id']
# Download stream with the best quality
stream_id = self.streams_sorted[0]['id'] if 'id' in self.streams_sorted[0] else self.streams_sorted[0]['itag']
if 'index' not in kwargs:
if stream_id in self.streams:
urls = self.streams[stream_id]['src']
ext = self.streams[stream_id]['container']
total_size = self.streams[stream_id]['size']
urls = self.dash_streams[stream_id]['src']
ext = self.dash_streams[stream_id]['container']
total_size = self.dash_streams[stream_id]['size']
if not urls:'[Failed] Cannot extract video source.')
# For legacy main()
#Here's the change!!
download_url_ffmpeg(urls[0], self.title, 'mp4', output_dir=kwargs['output_dir'], merge=kwargs['merge'], stream=False)
if not kwargs['caption']:
print('Skipping captions.')
for lang in self.caption_tracks:
filename = '' % (get_filename(self.title), lang)
print('Saving %s ... ' % filename, end="", flush=True)
srt = self.caption_tracks[lang]
with open(os.path.join(kwargs['output_dir'], filename),
'w', encoding='utf-8') as x:
print('Done.') |
str str str bool bool - > None | def acfun_download_by_vid(vid, title, output_dir='.', merge=True, info_only=False, **kwargs):
"""str, str, str, bool, bool ->None
Download Acfun video by vid.
Call Acfun API, decide which site to use, and pass the job to its
#first call the main parasing API
info = json.loads(get_content('' + vid))
sourceType = info['sourceType']
#decide sourceId to know which extractor to use
if 'sourceId' in info: sourceId = info['sourceId']
# danmakuId = info['danmakuId']
#call extractor decided by sourceId
if sourceType == 'sina':
sina_download_by_vid(sourceId, title, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge, info_only=info_only)
elif sourceType == 'youku':
youku_download_by_vid(sourceId, title=title, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge, info_only=info_only, **kwargs)
elif sourceType == 'tudou':
tudou_download_by_iid(sourceId, title, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge, info_only=info_only)
elif sourceType == 'qq':
qq_download_by_vid(sourceId, title, True, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge, info_only=info_only)
elif sourceType == 'letv':
letvcloud_download_by_vu(sourceId, '2d8c027396', title, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge, info_only=info_only)
elif sourceType == 'zhuzhan':
#As in Jul.28.2016, Acfun is using embsig to anti hotlink so we need to pass this
#In Mar. 2017 there is a dedicated ``acfun_proxy'' in youku cloud player
#old code removed
url = '' + vid
yk_streams = youku_acfun_proxy(info['sourceId'], info['encode'], url)
seq = ['mp4hd3', 'mp4hd2', 'mp4hd', 'flvhd']
for t in seq:
if yk_streams.get(t):
preferred = yk_streams[t]
#total_size in the json could be incorrect(F.I. 0)
size = 0
for url in preferred[0]:
_, _, seg_size = url_info(url)
size += seg_size
#fallback to flvhd is not quite possible
if'fid=[0-9A-Z\-]*.flv', preferred[0][0]):
ext = 'flv'
ext = 'mp4'
print_info(site_info, title, ext, size)
if not info_only:
download_urls(preferred[0], title, ext, size, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge)
raise NotImplementedError(sourceType)
if not info_only and not dry_run:
if not kwargs['caption']:
print('Skipping danmaku.')
title = get_filename(title)
print('Downloading %s ...\n' % (title + '.cmt.json'))
cmt = get_srt_json(vid)
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, title + '.cmt.json'), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as x:
pass |
Main entry point. you - get - dev | def main_dev(**kwargs):
"""Main entry point.
# Get (branch, commit) if running from a git repo.
head = git.get_head(kwargs['repo_path'])
# Get options and arguments.
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], _short_options, _options)
except getopt.GetoptError as e:"""
[Fatal] {}.
Try '{} --help' for more options.""".format(e, script_name))
if not opts and not args:
# Display help.
# Enter GUI mode.
#from .gui import gui_main
conf = {}
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
# Display help.
elif opt in ('-V', '--version'):
# Display version.
log.println("you-get:", log.BOLD)
log.println(" version: {}".format(__version__))
if head is not None:
log.println(" branch: {}\n commit: {}".format(*head))
log.println(" branch: {}\n commit: {}".format("(stable)", "(tag v{})".format(__version__)))
log.println(" platform: {}".format(platform.platform()))
log.println(" python: {}".format(sys.version.split('\n')[0]))
elif opt in ('-g', '--gui'):
# Run using GUI.
conf['gui'] = True
elif opt in ('-f', '--force'):
# Force download.
conf['force'] = True
elif opt in ('-l', '--playlist', '--playlists'):
# Download playlist whenever possible.
conf['playlist'] = True
if args:
if 'gui' in conf and conf['gui']:
# Enter GUI mode.
from .gui import gui_main
gui_main(*args, **conf)
# Enter console mode.
from .console import console_main
console_main(*args, **conf) |
str str - > True WARNING: NOT THE SAME PARMS AS OTHER FUNCTIONS!!!!!! You can basicly download anything with this function but better leave it alone with | def ffmpeg_download_stream(files, title, ext, params={}, output_dir='.', stream=True):
"""str, str->True
You can basicly download anything with this function
but better leave it alone with
output = title + '.' + ext
if not (output_dir == '.'):
output = output_dir + '/' + output
print('Downloading streaming content with FFmpeg, press q to stop recording...')
if stream:
ffmpeg_params = [FFMPEG] + ['-y', '-re', '-i']
ffmpeg_params = [FFMPEG] + ['-y', '-i']
ffmpeg_params.append(files) #not the same here!!!!
if FFMPEG == 'avconv': #who cares?
ffmpeg_params += ['-c', 'copy', output]
ffmpeg_params += ['-c', 'copy', '-bsf:a', 'aac_adtstoasc']
if params is not None:
if len(params) > 0:
for k, v in params:
print(' '.join(ffmpeg_params))
a = subprocess.Popen(ffmpeg_params, stdin= subprocess.PIPE)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
return True |
Scans through a string for substrings matched some patterns ( first - subgroups only ). | def match1(text, *patterns):
"""Scans through a string for substrings matched some patterns (first-subgroups only).
text: A string to be scanned.
patterns: Arbitrary number of regex patterns.
When only one pattern is given, returns a string (None if no match found).
When more than one pattern are given, returns a list of strings ([] if no match found).
if len(patterns) == 1:
pattern = patterns[0]
match =, text)
if match:
return None
ret = []
for pattern in patterns:
match =, text)
if match:
return ret |
Scans through a string for substrings matched some patterns. | def matchall(text, patterns):
"""Scans through a string for substrings matched some patterns.
text: A string to be scanned.
patterns: a list of regex pattern.
a list if matched. empty if not.
ret = []
for pattern in patterns:
match = re.findall(pattern, text)
ret += match
return ret |
Parses the query string of a URL and returns the value of a parameter. | def parse_query_param(url, param):
"""Parses the query string of a URL and returns the value of a parameter.
url: A URL.
param: A string representing the name of the parameter.
The value of the parameter.
return parse.parse_qs(parse.urlparse(url).query)[param][0]
return None |
Decompresses data for Content - Encoding: gzip. | def ungzip(data):
"""Decompresses data for Content-Encoding: gzip.
from io import BytesIO
import gzip
buffer = BytesIO(data)
f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buffer)
return |
Decompresses data for Content - Encoding: deflate. ( the zlib compression is used. ) | def undeflate(data):
"""Decompresses data for Content-Encoding: deflate.
(the zlib compression is used.)
import zlib
decompressobj = zlib.decompressobj(-zlib.MAX_WBITS)
return decompressobj.decompress(data)+decompressobj.flush() |
Gets the content of a URL via sending a HTTP GET request. | def get_content(url, headers={}, decoded=True):
"""Gets the content of a URL via sending a HTTP GET request.
url: A URL.
headers: Request headers used by the client.
decoded: Whether decode the response body using UTF-8 or the charset specified in Content-Type.
The content as a string.
logging.debug('get_content: %s' % url)
req = request.Request(url, headers=headers)
if cookies:
response = urlopen_with_retry(req)
data =
# Handle HTTP compression for gzip and deflate (zlib)
content_encoding = response.getheader('Content-Encoding')
if content_encoding == 'gzip':
data = ungzip(data)
elif content_encoding == 'deflate':
data = undeflate(data)
# Decode the response body
if decoded:
charset = match1(
response.getheader('Content-Type', ''), r'charset=([\w-]+)'
if charset is not None:
data = data.decode(charset, 'ignore')
data = data.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
return data |
Post the content of a URL via sending a HTTP POST request. | def post_content(url, headers={}, post_data={}, decoded=True, **kwargs):
"""Post the content of a URL via sending a HTTP POST request.
url: A URL.
headers: Request headers used by the client.
decoded: Whether decode the response body using UTF-8 or the charset specified in Content-Type.
The content as a string.
if kwargs.get('post_data_raw'):
logging.debug('post_content: %s\npost_data_raw: %s' % (url, kwargs['post_data_raw']))
logging.debug('post_content: %s\npost_data: %s' % (url, post_data))
req = request.Request(url, headers=headers)
if cookies:
if kwargs.get('post_data_raw'):
post_data_enc = bytes(kwargs['post_data_raw'], 'utf-8')
post_data_enc = bytes(parse.urlencode(post_data), 'utf-8')
response = urlopen_with_retry(req, data=post_data_enc)
data =
# Handle HTTP compression for gzip and deflate (zlib)
content_encoding = response.getheader('Content-Encoding')
if content_encoding == 'gzip':
data = ungzip(data)
elif content_encoding == 'deflate':
data = undeflate(data)
# Decode the response body
if decoded:
charset = match1(
response.getheader('Content-Type'), r'charset=([\w-]+)'
if charset is not None:
data = data.decode(charset)
data = data.decode('utf-8')
return data |
Parses host name and port number from a string. | def parse_host(host):
"""Parses host name and port number from a string.
if re.match(r'^(\d+)$', host) is not None:
return ("", int(host))
if re.match(r'^(\w+)://', host) is None:
host = "//" + host
o = parse.urlparse(host)
hostname = o.hostname or ""
port = o.port or 0
return (hostname, port) |
Overload default print function as py ( <3. 3 ) does not support flush keyword. Although the function name can be same as print to get itself overloaded automatically I d rather leave it with a different name and only overload it when importing to make less confusion. | def print_more_compatible(*args, **kwargs):
import builtins as __builtin__
"""Overload default print function as py (<3.3) does not support 'flush' keyword.
Although the function name can be same as print to get itself overloaded automatically,
I'd rather leave it with a different name and only overload it when importing to make less confusion.
# nothing happens on py3.3 and later
if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 3):
return __builtin__.print(*args, **kwargs)
# in lower pyver (e.g. 3.2.x), remove 'flush' keyword and flush it as requested
doFlush = kwargs.pop('flush', False)
ret = __builtin__.print(*args, **kwargs)
if doFlush:
kwargs.get('file', sys.stdout).flush()
return ret |
str - > str | def showroom_get_roomid_by_room_url_key(room_url_key):
fake_headers_mobile = {
'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
'Accept-Charset': 'UTF-8,*;q=0.5',
'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip,deflate,sdch',
'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.8',
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.4.2; Nexus 4 Build/KOT49H) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/34.0.1847.114 Mobile Safari/537.36'
webpage_url = '' + room_url_key
html = get_content(webpage_url, headers = fake_headers_mobile)
roomid = match1(html, r'room\?room_id\=(\d+)')
assert roomid
return roomid |
Source: Android mobile | def showroom_download_by_room_id(room_id, output_dir = '.', merge = False, info_only = False, **kwargs):
'''Source: Android mobile'''
while True:
timestamp = str(int(time() * 1000))
api_endpoint = '{room_id}&_={timestamp}'.format(room_id = room_id, timestamp = timestamp)
html = get_content(api_endpoint)
html = json.loads(html)
#{'streaming_url_list': [{'url': 'rtmp://', 'id': 1, 'label': 'original spec(low latency)', 'is_default': True, 'type': 'rtmp', 'stream_name': '7656a6d5baa1d77075c971f6d8b6dc61b979fc913dc5fe7cc1318281793436ed'}, {'url': '', 'is_default': True, 'id': 2, 'type': 'hls', 'label': 'original spec'}, {'url': 'rtmp://', 'id': 3, 'label': 'low spec(low latency)', 'is_default': False, 'type': 'rtmp', 'stream_name': '7656a6d5baa1d77075c971f6d8b6dc61b979fc913dc5fe7cc1318281793436ed_low'}, {'url': '', 'is_default': False, 'id': 4, 'type': 'hls', 'label': 'low spec'}]}
if len(html) >= 1:
log.w('The live show is currently offline.')
#This is mainly for testing the M3U FFmpeg parser so I would ignore any non-m3u ones
stream_url = [i['url'] for i in html['streaming_url_list'] if i['is_default'] and i['type'] == 'hls'][0]
assert stream_url
title = ''
profile_api = '{room_id}'.format(room_id = room_id)
html = loads(get_content(profile_api))
title = html['main_name']
except KeyError:
title = 'Showroom_{room_id}'.format(room_id = room_id)
type_, ext, size = url_info(stream_url)
print_info(site_info, title, type_, size)
if not info_only:
download_url_ffmpeg(url=stream_url, title=title, ext= 'mp4', output_dir=output_dir) |
JSON int int int - > str Get a proper title with courseid + topicID + partID. | def _wanmen_get_title_by_json_topic_part(json_content, tIndex, pIndex):
"""JSON, int, int, int->str
Get a proper title with courseid+topicID+partID."""
return '_'.join([json_content[0]['name'],
json_content[0]['Topics'][tIndex]['Parts'][pIndex]['name']]) |
int - > None Download a WHOLE course. Reuse the API call to save time. | def wanmen_download_by_course(json_api_content, output_dir='.', merge=True, info_only=False, **kwargs):
Download a WHOLE course.
Reuse the API call to save time."""
for tIndex in range(len(json_api_content[0]['Topics'])):
for pIndex in range(len(json_api_content[0]['Topics'][tIndex]['Parts'])):
**kwargs) |
int int int - > None Download ONE PART of the course. | def wanmen_download_by_course_topic_part(json_api_content, tIndex, pIndex, output_dir='.', merge=True, info_only=False, **kwargs):
"""int, int, int->None
Download ONE PART of the course."""
html = json_api_content
title = _wanmen_get_title_by_json_topic_part(html,
bokeccID = _wanmen_get_boke_id_by_json_topic_part(html,
bokecc_download_by_id(vid = bokeccID, title = title, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge, info_only=info_only, **kwargs) |
int int - > list Get the height of the videos. Since brightcove is using 3 kinds of links: rtmp http and https we will be using the HTTPS one to make it secure. If somehow akamaihd. net is blocked by the Great Fucking Wall change the startswith https to http. | def get_streams_by_id(account_number, video_id):
int, int->list
Get the height of the videos.
Since brightcove is using 3 kinds of links: rtmp, http and https,
we will be using the HTTPS one to make it secure.
If somehow is blocked by the Great Fucking Wall,
change the "startswith https" to http.
endpoint = '{account_number}/videos/{video_id}'.format(account_number = account_number, video_id = video_id)
fake_header_id = fake_headers
#is this somehow related to the time? Magic....
fake_header_id['Accept'] ='application/json;pk=BCpkADawqM1cc6wmJQC2tvoXZt4mrB7bFfi6zGt9QnOzprPZcGLE9OMGJwspQwKfuFYuCjAAJ53JdjI8zGFx1ll4rxhYJ255AXH1BQ10rnm34weknpfG-sippyQ'
html = get_content(endpoint, headers= fake_header_id)
html_json = json.loads(html)
link_list = []
for i in html_json['sources']:
if 'src' in i: #to avoid KeyError
if i['src'].startswith('https'):
link_list.append((str(i['height']), i['src']))
return link_list |
Checks if a task is either queued or running in this executor | def has_task(self, task_instance):
Checks if a task is either queued or running in this executor
:param task_instance: TaskInstance
:return: True if the task is known to this executor
if task_instance.key in self.queued_tasks or task_instance.key in self.running:
return True |
Returns and flush the event buffer. In case dag_ids is specified it will only return and flush events for the given dag_ids. Otherwise it returns and flushes all | def get_event_buffer(self, dag_ids=None):
Returns and flush the event buffer. In case dag_ids is specified
it will only return and flush events for the given dag_ids. Otherwise
it returns and flushes all
:param dag_ids: to dag_ids to return events for, if None returns all
:return: a dict of events
cleared_events = dict()
if dag_ids is None:
cleared_events = self.event_buffer
self.event_buffer = dict()
for key in list(self.event_buffer.keys()):
dag_id, _, _, _ = key
if dag_id in dag_ids:
cleared_events[key] = self.event_buffer.pop(key)
return cleared_events |
one method to fetch connection params as a dict used in get_uri () and get_connection () | def _get_conn_params(self):
one method to fetch connection params as a dict
used in get_uri() and get_connection()
conn = self.get_connection(self.snowflake_conn_id)
account = conn.extra_dejson.get('account', None)
warehouse = conn.extra_dejson.get('warehouse', None)
database = conn.extra_dejson.get('database', None)
region = conn.extra_dejson.get("region", None)
role = conn.extra_dejson.get('role', None)
conn_config = {
"user": conn.login,
"password": conn.password or '',
"schema": conn.schema or '',
"database": self.database or database or '',
"account": self.account or account or '',
"warehouse": self.warehouse or warehouse or '',
"region": self.region or region or '',
"role": self.role or role or '',
If private_key_file is specified in the extra json, load the contents of the file as a private
key and specify that in the connection configuration. The connection password then becomes the
passphrase for the private key. If your private key file is not encrypted (not recommended), then
leave the password empty.
private_key_file = conn.extra_dejson.get('private_key_file', None)
if private_key_file:
with open(private_key_file, "rb") as key:
passphrase = None
if conn.password:
passphrase = conn.password.strip().encode()
p_key = serialization.load_pem_private_key(,
pkb = p_key.private_bytes(encoding=serialization.Encoding.DER,
conn_config['private_key'] = pkb
conn_config.pop('password', None)
return conn_config |
override DbApiHook get_uri method for get_sqlalchemy_engine () | def get_uri(self):
override DbApiHook get_uri method for get_sqlalchemy_engine()
conn_config = self._get_conn_params()
uri = 'snowflake://{user}:{password}@{account}/{database}/'
uri += '{schema}?warehouse={warehouse}&role={role}'
return uri.format(**conn_config) |
Returns a snowflake. connection object | def get_conn(self):
Returns a snowflake.connection object
conn_config = self._get_conn_params()
conn = snowflake.connector.connect(**conn_config)
return conn |
returns aws_access_key_id aws_secret_access_key from extra | def _get_aws_credentials(self):
returns aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key
from extra
intended to be used by external import and export statements
if self.snowflake_conn_id:
connection_object = self.get_connection(self.snowflake_conn_id)
if 'aws_secret_access_key' in connection_object.extra_dejson:
aws_access_key_id = connection_object.extra_dejson.get(
aws_secret_access_key = connection_object.extra_dejson.get(
return aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key |
Fetches a field from extras and returns it. This is some Airflow magic. The grpc hook type adds custom UI elements to the hook page which allow admins to specify scopes credential pem files etc. They get formatted as shown below. | def _get_field(self, field_name, default=None):
Fetches a field from extras, and returns it. This is some Airflow
magic. The grpc hook type adds custom UI elements
to the hook page, which allow admins to specify scopes, credential pem files, etc.
They get formatted as shown below.
full_field_name = 'extra__grpc__{}'.format(field_name)
if full_field_name in self.extras:
return self.extras[full_field_name]
return default |
Executes SQL using psycopg2 copy_expert method. Necessary to execute COPY command without access to a superuser. | def copy_expert(self, sql, filename, open=open):
Executes SQL using psycopg2 copy_expert method.
Necessary to execute COPY command without access to a superuser.
Note: if this method is called with a "COPY FROM" statement and
the specified input file does not exist, it creates an empty
file and no data is loaded, but the operation succeeds.
So if users want to be aware when the input file does not exist,
they have to check its existence by themselves.
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
with open(filename, 'w'):
with open(filename, 'r+') as f:
with closing(self.get_conn()) as conn:
with closing(conn.cursor()) as cur:
cur.copy_expert(sql, f)
conn.commit() |
Loads a tab - delimited file into a database table | def bulk_load(self, table, tmp_file):
Loads a tab-delimited file into a database table
self.copy_expert("COPY {table} FROM STDIN".format(table=table), tmp_file) |
Dumps a database table into a tab - delimited file | def bulk_dump(self, table, tmp_file):
Dumps a database table into a tab-delimited file
self.copy_expert("COPY {table} TO STDOUT".format(table=table), tmp_file) |
Uploads the file to Google cloud storage | def execute(self, context):
Uploads the file to Google cloud storage
hook = GoogleCloudStorageHook(
) |
Gets the max partition for a table. | def max_partition(
table, schema="default", field=None, filter_map=None,
Gets the max partition for a table.
:param schema: The hive schema the table lives in
:type schema: str
:param table: The hive table you are interested in, supports the dot
notation as in "my_database.my_table", if a dot is found,
the schema param is disregarded
:type table: str
:param metastore_conn_id: The hive connection you are interested in.
If your default is set you don't need to use this parameter.
:type metastore_conn_id: str
:param filter_map: partition_key:partition_value map used for partition filtering,
e.g. {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}.
Only partitions matching all partition_key:partition_value
pairs will be considered as candidates of max partition.
:type filter_map: map
:param field: the field to get the max value from. If there's only
one partition field, this will be inferred
:type field: str
>>> max_partition('airflow.static_babynames_partitioned')
from airflow.hooks.hive_hooks import HiveMetastoreHook
if '.' in table:
schema, table = table.split('.')
hh = HiveMetastoreHook(metastore_conn_id=metastore_conn_id)
return hh.max_partition(
schema=schema, table_name=table, field=field, filter_map=filter_map) |
This function finds the date in a list closest to the target date. An optional parameter can be given to get the closest before or after. | def _closest_date(target_dt, date_list, before_target=None):
This function finds the date in a list closest to the target date.
An optional parameter can be given to get the closest before or after.
:param target_dt: The target date
:type target_dt:
:param date_list: The list of dates to search
:type date_list: list[]
:param before_target: closest before or after the target
:type before_target: bool or None
:returns: The closest date
:rtype: or None
fb = lambda d: target_dt - d if d <= target_dt else datetime.timedelta.max
fa = lambda d: d - target_dt if d >= target_dt else datetime.timedelta.max
fnone = lambda d: target_dt - d if d < target_dt else d - target_dt
if before_target is None:
return min(date_list, key=fnone).date()
if before_target:
return min(date_list, key=fb).date()
return min(date_list, key=fa).date() |
This function finds the date in a list closest to the target date. An optional parameter can be given to get the closest before or after. | def closest_ds_partition(
table, ds, before=True, schema="default",
This function finds the date in a list closest to the target date.
An optional parameter can be given to get the closest before or after.
:param table: A hive table name
:type table: str
:param ds: A datestamp ``%Y-%m-%d`` e.g. ``yyyy-mm-dd``
:type ds: list[]
:param before: closest before (True), after (False) or either side of ds
:type before: bool or None
:returns: The closest date
:rtype: str or None
>>> tbl = 'airflow.static_babynames_partitioned'
>>> closest_ds_partition(tbl, '2015-01-02')
from airflow.hooks.hive_hooks import HiveMetastoreHook
if '.' in table:
schema, table = table.split('.')
hh = HiveMetastoreHook(metastore_conn_id=metastore_conn_id)
partitions = hh.get_partitions(schema=schema, table_name=table)
if not partitions:
return None
part_vals = [list(p.values())[0] for p in partitions]
if ds in part_vals:
return ds
parts = [datetime.datetime.strptime(pv, '%Y-%m-%d')
for pv in part_vals]
target_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(ds, '%Y-%m-%d')
closest_ds = _closest_date(target_dt, parts, before_target=before)
return closest_ds.isoformat() |
Returns a mysql connection object | def get_conn(self):
Returns a mysql connection object
conn = self.get_connection(self.mysql_conn_id)
conn_config = {
"user": conn.login,
"passwd": conn.password or '',
"host": or 'localhost',
"db": self.schema or conn.schema or ''
if not conn.port:
conn_config["port"] = 3306
conn_config["port"] = int(conn.port)
if conn.extra_dejson.get('charset', False):
conn_config["charset"] = conn.extra_dejson["charset"]
if (conn_config["charset"]).lower() == 'utf8' or\
(conn_config["charset"]).lower() == 'utf-8':
conn_config["use_unicode"] = True
if conn.extra_dejson.get('cursor', False):
if (conn.extra_dejson["cursor"]).lower() == 'sscursor':
conn_config["cursorclass"] = MySQLdb.cursors.SSCursor
elif (conn.extra_dejson["cursor"]).lower() == 'dictcursor':
conn_config["cursorclass"] = MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor
elif (conn.extra_dejson["cursor"]).lower() == 'ssdictcursor':
conn_config["cursorclass"] = MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor
local_infile = conn.extra_dejson.get('local_infile', False)
if conn.extra_dejson.get('ssl', False):
# SSL parameter for MySQL has to be a dictionary and in case
# of extra/dejson we can get string if extra is passed via
# URL parameters
dejson_ssl = conn.extra_dejson['ssl']
if isinstance(dejson_ssl, six.string_types):
dejson_ssl = json.loads(dejson_ssl)
conn_config['ssl'] = dejson_ssl
if conn.extra_dejson.get('unix_socket'):
conn_config['unix_socket'] = conn.extra_dejson['unix_socket']
if local_infile:
conn_config["local_infile"] = 1
conn = MySQLdb.connect(**conn_config)
return conn |
Loads a tab - delimited file into a database table | def bulk_load(self, table, tmp_file):
Loads a tab-delimited file into a database table
conn = self.get_conn()
cur = conn.cursor()
INTO TABLE {table}
""".format(tmp_file=tmp_file, table=table))
conn.commit() |
Checks whether new objects have been uploaded and the inactivity_period has passed and updates the state of the sensor accordingly. | def is_bucket_updated(self, current_num_objects):
Checks whether new objects have been uploaded and the inactivity_period
has passed and updates the state of the sensor accordingly.
:param current_num_objects: number of objects in bucket during last poke.
:type current_num_objects: int
if current_num_objects > self.previous_num_objects:
# When new objects arrived, reset the inactivity_seconds
# previous_num_objects for the next poke.
New objects found at {} resetting last_activity_time.
'''.format(os.path.join(self.bucket, self.prefix)))
self.last_activity_time = get_time()
self.inactivity_seconds = 0
self.previous_num_objects = current_num_objects
elif current_num_objects < self.previous_num_objects:
# During the last poke interval objects were deleted.
if self.allow_delete:
self.previous_num_objects = current_num_objects
self.last_activity_time = get_time()
Objects were deleted during the last
poke interval. Updating the file counter and
resetting last_activity_time.
raise RuntimeError(
Illegal behavior: objects were deleted in {} between pokes.
'''.format(os.path.join(self.bucket, self.prefix))
if self.last_activity_time:
self.inactivity_seconds = (
get_time() - self.last_activity_time).total_seconds()
# Handles the first poke where last inactivity time is None.
self.last_activity_time = get_time()
self.inactivity_seconds = 0
if self.inactivity_seconds >= self.inactivity_period:
if current_num_objects >= self.min_objects:
Sensor found {} objects at {}.
Waited at least {} seconds, with no new objects dropped.
os.path.join(self.bucket, self.prefix),
return True
warn_msg = \
Inactivity Period passed,
not enough objects found in {}
os.path.join(self.bucket, self.prefix))
return False
return False |
Helps debug deadlocks by printing stacktraces when this gets a SIGQUIT e. g. kill - s QUIT <PID > or CTRL + \ | def sigquit_handler(sig, frame):
"""Helps debug deadlocks by printing stacktraces when this gets a SIGQUIT
e.g. kill -s QUIT <PID> or CTRL+\
print("Dumping stack traces for all threads in PID {}".format(os.getpid()))
id_to_name = dict([(th.ident, for th in threading.enumerate()])
code = []
for thread_id, stack in sys._current_frames().items():
code.append("\n# Thread: {}({})"
.format(id_to_name.get(thread_id, ""), thread_id))
for filename, line_number, name, line in traceback.extract_stack(stack):
code.append('File: "{}", line {}, in {}'
.format(filename, line_number, name))
if line:
code.append(" {}".format(line.strip()))
print("\n".join(code)) |
Creates a dag run for the specified dag: param args:: return: | def trigger_dag(args):
Creates a dag run for the specified dag
:param args:
log = LoggingMixin().log
message = api_client.trigger_dag(dag_id=args.dag_id,
except IOError as err:
raise AirflowException(err) |
Deletes all DB records related to the specified dag: param args:: return: | def delete_dag(args):
Deletes all DB records related to the specified dag
:param args:
log = LoggingMixin().log
if args.yes or input(
"This will drop all existing records related to the specified DAG. "
"Proceed? (y/n)").upper() == "Y":
message = api_client.delete_dag(dag_id=args.dag_id)
except IOError as err:
raise AirflowException(err)
print("Bail.") |
Returns the unmet dependencies for a task instance from the perspective of the scheduler ( i. e. why a task instance doesn t get scheduled and then queued by the scheduler and then run by an executor ). >>> airflow task_failed_deps tutorial sleep 2015 - 01 - 01 Task instance dependencies not met: Dagrun Running: Task instance s dagrun did not exist: Unknown reason Trigger Rule: Task s trigger rule all_success requires all upstream tasks to have succeeded but found 1 non - success ( es ). | def task_failed_deps(args):
Returns the unmet dependencies for a task instance from the perspective of the
scheduler (i.e. why a task instance doesn't get scheduled and then queued by the
scheduler, and then run by an executor).
>>> airflow task_failed_deps tutorial sleep 2015-01-01
Task instance dependencies not met:
Dagrun Running: Task instance's dagrun did not exist: Unknown reason
Trigger Rule: Task's trigger rule 'all_success' requires all upstream tasks
to have succeeded, but found 1 non-success(es).
dag = get_dag(args)
task = dag.get_task(task_id=args.task_id)
ti = TaskInstance(task, args.execution_date)
dep_context = DepContext(deps=SCHEDULER_DEPS)
failed_deps = list(ti.get_failed_dep_statuses(dep_context=dep_context))
# TODO, Do we want to print or log this
if failed_deps:
print("Task instance dependencies not met:")
for dep in failed_deps:
print("{}: {}".format(dep.dep_name, dep.reason))
print("Task instance dependencies are all met.") |
Returns the state of a TaskInstance at the command line. >>> airflow task_state tutorial sleep 2015 - 01 - 01 success | def task_state(args):
Returns the state of a TaskInstance at the command line.
>>> airflow task_state tutorial sleep 2015-01-01
dag = get_dag(args)
task = dag.get_task(task_id=args.task_id)
ti = TaskInstance(task, args.execution_date)
print(ti.current_state()) |
Returns the state of a DagRun at the command line. >>> airflow dag_state tutorial 2015 - 01 - 01T00: 00: 00. 000000 running | def dag_state(args):
Returns the state of a DagRun at the command line.
>>> airflow dag_state tutorial 2015-01-01T00:00:00.000000
dag = get_dag(args)
dr = DagRun.find(dag.dag_id, execution_date=args.execution_date)
print(dr[0].state if len(dr) > 0 else None) |
Returns the next execution datetime of a DAG at the command line. >>> airflow next_execution tutorial 2018 - 08 - 31 10: 38: 00 | def next_execution(args):
Returns the next execution datetime of a DAG at the command line.
>>> airflow next_execution tutorial
2018-08-31 10:38:00
dag = get_dag(args)
if dag.is_paused:
print("[INFO] Please be reminded this DAG is PAUSED now.")
if dag.latest_execution_date:
next_execution_dttm = dag.following_schedule(dag.latest_execution_date)
if next_execution_dttm is None:
print("[WARN] No following schedule can be found. " +
"This DAG may have schedule interval '@once' or `None`.")
print("[WARN] Only applicable when there is execution record found for the DAG.")
print(None) |
Runs forever monitoring the child processes of | def restart_workers(gunicorn_master_proc, num_workers_expected, master_timeout):
Runs forever, monitoring the child processes of @gunicorn_master_proc and
restarting workers occasionally.
Each iteration of the loop traverses one edge of this state transition
diagram, where each state (node) represents
[ num_ready_workers_running / num_workers_running ]. We expect most time to
be spent in [n / n]. `bs` is the setting webserver.worker_refresh_batch_size.
The horizontal transition at ? happens after the new worker parses all the
dags (so it could take a while!)
V βββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ
[n / n] ββTTINββ> [ [n, n+bs) / n + bs ] ββββ?βββ> [n + bs / n + bs] ββTTOUββ
^ ^ββββββββββββββββ
β βββββββββββββββββv
ββββββββ΄ββββββ [ [0, n) / n ] <βββ start
We change the number of workers by sending TTIN and TTOU to the gunicorn
master process, which increases and decreases the number of child workers
respectively. Gunicorn guarantees that on TTOU workers are terminated
gracefully and that the oldest worker is terminated.
def wait_until_true(fn, timeout=0):
Sleeps until fn is true
t = time.time()
while not fn():
if 0 < timeout <= time.time() - t:
raise AirflowWebServerTimeout(
"No response from gunicorn master within {0} seconds"
def start_refresh(gunicorn_master_proc):
batch_size = conf.getint('webserver', 'worker_refresh_batch_size')
log.debug('%s doing a refresh of %s workers', state, batch_size)
excess = 0
for _ in range(batch_size):
excess += 1
wait_until_true(lambda: num_workers_expected + excess ==
wait_until_true(lambda: num_workers_expected ==
while True:
num_workers_running = get_num_workers_running(gunicorn_master_proc)
num_ready_workers_running = \
state = '[{0} / {1}]'.format(num_ready_workers_running, num_workers_running)
# Whenever some workers are not ready, wait until all workers are ready
if num_ready_workers_running < num_workers_running:
log.debug('%s some workers are starting up, waiting...', state)
# Kill a worker gracefully by asking gunicorn to reduce number of workers
elif num_workers_running > num_workers_expected:
excess = num_workers_running - num_workers_expected
log.debug('%s killing %s workers', state, excess)
for _ in range(excess):
excess -= 1
wait_until_true(lambda: num_workers_expected + excess ==
# Start a new worker by asking gunicorn to increase number of workers
elif num_workers_running == num_workers_expected:
refresh_interval = conf.getint('webserver', 'worker_refresh_interval')
'%s sleeping for %ss starting doing a refresh...',
state, refresh_interval
# num_ready_workers_running == num_workers_running < num_workers_expected
"%s some workers seem to have died and gunicorn"
"did not restart them as expected"
), state)
if len(
) < num_workers_expected:
except (AirflowWebServerTimeout, OSError) as err:
log.error("Shutting down webserver")
sys.exit(1) |
Retrieves connection to Cloud Translate | def get_conn(self):
Retrieves connection to Cloud Translate
:return: Google Cloud Translate client object.
:rtype: Client
if not self._client:
self._client = Client(credentials=self._get_credentials())
return self._client |
Translate a string or list of strings. | def translate(
self, values, target_language, format_=None, source_language=None, model=None
"""Translate a string or list of strings.
:type values: str or list
:param values: String or list of strings to translate.
:type target_language: str
:param target_language: The language to translate results into. This
is required by the API and defaults to
the target language of the current instance.
:type format_: str
:param format_: (Optional) One of ``text`` or ``html``, to specify
if the input text is plain text or HTML.
:type source_language: str or None
:param source_language: (Optional) The language of the text to
be translated.
:type model: str or None
:param model: (Optional) The model used to translate the text, such
as ``'base'`` or ``'nmt'``.
:rtype: str or list
:returns: A list of dictionaries for each queried value. Each
dictionary typically contains three keys (though not
all will be present in all cases)
* ``detectedSourceLanguage``: The detected language (as an
ISO 639-1 language code) of the text.
* ``translatedText``: The translation of the text into the
target language.
* ``input``: The corresponding input value.
* ``model``: The model used to translate the text.
If only a single value is passed, then only a single
dictionary will be returned.
:raises: :class:`~exceptions.ValueError` if the number of
values and translations differ.
client = self.get_conn()
return client.translate(
) |
Execute the bash command in a temporary directory which will be cleaned afterwards | def execute(self, context):
Execute the bash command in a temporary directory
which will be cleaned afterwards
"""'Tmp dir root location: \n %s', gettempdir())
# Prepare env for child process.
if self.env is None:
self.env = os.environ.copy()
airflow_context_vars = context_to_airflow_vars(context, in_env_var_format=True)'Exporting the following env vars:\n%s',
'\n'.join(["{}={}".format(k, v)
for k, v in
self.lineage_data = self.bash_command
with TemporaryDirectory(prefix='airflowtmp') as tmp_dir:
with NamedTemporaryFile(dir=tmp_dir, prefix=self.task_id) as tmp_file:
tmp_file.write(bytes(self.bash_command, 'utf_8'))
script_location = os.path.abspath('Temporary script location: %s', script_location)
def pre_exec():
# Restore default signal disposition and invoke setsid
for sig in ('SIGPIPE', 'SIGXFZ', 'SIGXFSZ'):
if hasattr(signal, sig):
signal.signal(getattr(signal, sig), signal.SIG_DFL)
os.setsid()'Running command: %s', self.bash_command)
sub_process = Popen(
self.sub_process = sub_process'Output:')
line = ''
for raw_line in iter(sub_process.stdout.readline, b''):
line = raw_line.decode(self.output_encoding).rstrip()
sub_process.wait()'Command exited with return code %s', sub_process.returncode)
if sub_process.returncode:
raise AirflowException('Bash command failed')
return line |
Retrieves a resource containing information about a Cloud SQL instance. | def get_instance(self, instance, project_id=None):
Retrieves a resource containing information about a Cloud SQL instance.
:param instance: Database instance ID. This does not include the project ID.
:type instance: str
:param project_id: Project ID of the project that contains the instance. If set
to None or missing, the default project_id from the GCP connection is used.
:type project_id: str
:return: A Cloud SQL instance resource.
:rtype: dict
return self.get_conn().instances().get(
).execute(num_retries=self.num_retries) |
Creates a new Cloud SQL instance. | def create_instance(self, body, project_id=None):
Creates a new Cloud SQL instance.
:param body: Body required by the Cloud SQL insert API, as described in
:type body: dict
:param project_id: Project ID of the project that contains the instance. If set
to None or missing, the default project_id from the GCP connection is used.
:type project_id: str
:return: None
response = self.get_conn().instances().insert(
operation_name = response["name"]
operation_name=operation_name) |
Updates settings of a Cloud SQL instance. | def patch_instance(self, body, instance, project_id=None):
Updates settings of a Cloud SQL instance.
Caution: This is not a partial update, so you must include values for
all the settings that you want to retain.
:param body: Body required by the Cloud SQL patch API, as described in
:type body: dict
:param instance: Cloud SQL instance ID. This does not include the project ID.
:type instance: str
:param project_id: Project ID of the project that contains the instance. If set
to None or missing, the default project_id from the GCP connection is used.
:type project_id: str
:return: None
response = self.get_conn().instances().patch(
operation_name = response["name"]
operation_name=operation_name) |
Deletes a Cloud SQL instance. | def delete_instance(self, instance, project_id=None):
Deletes a Cloud SQL instance.
:param project_id: Project ID of the project that contains the instance. If set
to None or missing, the default project_id from the GCP connection is used.
:type project_id: str
:param instance: Cloud SQL instance ID. This does not include the project ID.
:type instance: str
:return: None
response = self.get_conn().instances().delete(
operation_name = response["name"]
operation_name=operation_name) |
Retrieves a database resource from a Cloud SQL instance. | def get_database(self, instance, database, project_id=None):
Retrieves a database resource from a Cloud SQL instance.
:param instance: Database instance ID. This does not include the project ID.
:type instance: str
:param database: Name of the database in the instance.
:type database: str
:param project_id: Project ID of the project that contains the instance. If set
to None or missing, the default project_id from the GCP connection is used.
:type project_id: str
:return: A Cloud SQL database resource, as described in
:rtype: dict
return self.get_conn().databases().get(
).execute(num_retries=self.num_retries) |
Creates a new database inside a Cloud SQL instance. | def create_database(self, instance, body, project_id=None):
Creates a new database inside a Cloud SQL instance.
:param instance: Database instance ID. This does not include the project ID.
:type instance: str
:param body: The request body, as described in
:type body: dict
:param project_id: Project ID of the project that contains the instance. If set
to None or missing, the default project_id from the GCP connection is used.
:type project_id: str
:return: None
response = self.get_conn().databases().insert(
operation_name = response["name"]
operation_name=operation_name) |
Updates a database resource inside a Cloud SQL instance. | def patch_database(self, instance, database, body, project_id=None):
Updates a database resource inside a Cloud SQL instance.
This method supports patch semantics.
:param instance: Database instance ID. This does not include the project ID.
:type instance: str
:param database: Name of the database to be updated in the instance.
:type database: str
:param body: The request body, as described in
:type body: dict
:param project_id: Project ID of the project that contains the instance. If set
to None or missing, the default project_id from the GCP connection is used.
:type project_id: str
:return: None
response = self.get_conn().databases().patch(
operation_name = response["name"]
operation_name=operation_name) |
Deletes a database from a Cloud SQL instance. | def delete_database(self, instance, database, project_id=None):
Deletes a database from a Cloud SQL instance.
:param instance: Database instance ID. This does not include the project ID.
:type instance: str
:param database: Name of the database to be deleted in the instance.
:type database: str
:param project_id: Project ID of the project that contains the instance. If set
to None or missing, the default project_id from the GCP connection is used.
:type project_id: str
:return: None
response = self.get_conn().databases().delete(
operation_name = response["name"]
operation_name=operation_name) |
Exports data from a Cloud SQL instance to a Cloud Storage bucket as a SQL dump or CSV file. | def export_instance(self, instance, body, project_id=None):
Exports data from a Cloud SQL instance to a Cloud Storage bucket as a SQL dump
or CSV file.
:param instance: Database instance ID of the Cloud SQL instance. This does not include the
project ID.
:type instance: str
:param body: The request body, as described in
:type body: dict
:param project_id: Project ID of the project that contains the instance. If set
to None or missing, the default project_id from the GCP connection is used.
:type project_id: str
:return: None
response = self.get_conn().instances().export(
operation_name = response["name"]
except HttpError as ex:
raise AirflowException(
'Exporting instance {} failed: {}'.format(instance, ex.content)
) |
Waits for the named operation to complete - checks status of the asynchronous call. | def _wait_for_operation_to_complete(self, project_id, operation_name):
Waits for the named operation to complete - checks status of the
asynchronous call.
:param project_id: Project ID of the project that contains the instance.
:type project_id: str
:param operation_name: Name of the operation.
:type operation_name: str
:return: None
service = self.get_conn()
while True:
operation_response = service.operations().get(
if operation_response.get("status") == CloudSqlOperationStatus.DONE:
error = operation_response.get("error")
if error:
# Extracting the errors list as string and trimming square braces
error_msg = str(error.get("errors"))[1:-1]
raise AirflowException(error_msg)
# No meaningful info to return from the response in case of success
Starts Cloud SQL Proxy. | def start_proxy(self):
Starts Cloud SQL Proxy.
You have to remember to stop the proxy if you started it!
if self.sql_proxy_process:
raise AirflowException("The sql proxy is already running: {}".format(
command_to_run = [self.sql_proxy_path]
try:"Creating directory %s",
except OSError:
# Needed for python 2 compatibility (exists_ok missing)
command_to_run.extend(self._get_credential_parameters())"Running the command: `%s`", " ".join(command_to_run))
self.sql_proxy_process = Popen(command_to_run,
stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)"The pid of cloud_sql_proxy: %s",
while True:
line = self.sql_proxy_process.stderr.readline().decode('utf-8')
return_code = self.sql_proxy_process.poll()
if line == '' and return_code is not None:
self.sql_proxy_process = None
raise AirflowException(
"The cloud_sql_proxy finished early with return code {}!".format(
if line != '':
if "googleapi: Error" in line or "invalid instance name:" in line:
raise AirflowException(
"Error when starting the cloud_sql_proxy {}!".format(
if "Ready for new connections" in line:
return |
Stops running proxy. | def stop_proxy(self):
Stops running proxy.
You should stop the proxy after you stop using it.
if not self.sql_proxy_process:
raise AirflowException("The sql proxy is not started yet")
else:"Stopping the cloud_sql_proxy pid: %s",
self.sql_proxy_process = None
# Cleanup!"Removing the socket directory: %s",
shutil.rmtree(self.cloud_sql_proxy_socket_directory, ignore_errors=True)
if self.sql_proxy_was_downloaded:"Removing downloaded proxy: %s", self.sql_proxy_path)
# Silently ignore if the file has already been removed (concurrency)
except OSError as e:
if not e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
else:"Skipped removing proxy - it was not downloaded: %s",
if os.path.isfile(self.credentials_path):"Removing generated credentials file %s",
# Here file cannot be delete by concurrent task (each task has its own copy)
os.remove(self.credentials_path) |
Returns version of the Cloud SQL Proxy. | def get_proxy_version(self):
Returns version of the Cloud SQL Proxy.
command_to_run = [self.sql_proxy_path]
result = subprocess.check_output(command_to_run).decode('utf-8')
pattern = re.compile("^.*[V|v]ersion ([^;]*);.*$")
m = pattern.match(result)
if m:
return None |
Create connection in the Connection table according to whether it uses proxy TCP UNIX sockets SSL. Connection ID will be randomly generated. | def create_connection(self, session=None):
Create connection in the Connection table, according to whether it uses
proxy, TCP, UNIX sockets, SSL. Connection ID will be randomly generated.
:param session: Session of the SQL Alchemy ORM (automatically generated with
connection = Connection(conn_id=self.db_conn_id)
uri = self._generate_connection_uri()"Creating connection %s", self.db_conn_id)
session.commit() |
Retrieves the dynamically created connection from the Connection table. | def retrieve_connection(self, session=None):
Retrieves the dynamically created connection from the Connection table.
:param session: Session of the SQL Alchemy ORM (automatically generated with
""""Retrieving connection %s", self.db_conn_id)
connections = session.query(Connection).filter(
Connection.conn_id == self.db_conn_id)
if connections.count():
return connections[0]
return None |
Delete the dynamically created connection from the Connection table. | def delete_connection(self, session=None):
Delete the dynamically created connection from the Connection table.
:param session: Session of the SQL Alchemy ORM (automatically generated with
""""Deleting connection %s", self.db_conn_id)
connections = session.query(Connection).filter(
Connection.conn_id == self.db_conn_id)
if connections.count():
connection = connections[0]
else:"Connection was already deleted!") |
Retrieve Cloud SQL Proxy runner. It is used to manage the proxy lifecycle per task. | def get_sqlproxy_runner(self):
Retrieve Cloud SQL Proxy runner. It is used to manage the proxy
lifecycle per task.
:return: The Cloud SQL Proxy runner.
:rtype: CloudSqlProxyRunner
if not self.use_proxy:
raise AirflowException("Proxy runner can only be retrieved in case of use_proxy = True")
return CloudSqlProxyRunner(
) |
Retrieve database hook. This is the actual Postgres or MySQL database hook that uses proxy or connects directly to the Google Cloud SQL database. | def get_database_hook(self):
Retrieve database hook. This is the actual Postgres or MySQL database hook
that uses proxy or connects directly to the Google Cloud SQL database.
if self.database_type == 'postgres':
self.db_hook = PostgresHook(postgres_conn_id=self.db_conn_id,
self.db_hook = MySqlHook(mysql_conn_id=self.db_conn_id,
return self.db_hook |
Clean up database hook after it was used. | def cleanup_database_hook(self):
Clean up database hook after it was used.
if self.database_type == 'postgres':
if hasattr(self.db_hook,
'conn') and self.db_hook.conn and self.db_hook.conn.notices:
for output in self.db_hook.conn.notices: |
Reserve free TCP port to be used by Cloud SQL Proxy | def reserve_free_tcp_port(self):
Reserve free TCP port to be used by Cloud SQL Proxy
self.reserved_tcp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.reserved_tcp_socket.bind(('', 0))
self.sql_proxy_tcp_port = self.reserved_tcp_socket.getsockname()[1] |
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