Perceptual and Neural Olfactory Similarity in Honeybees
The question of whether or not neural activity patterns recorded in the olfactory centres of the brain correspond to olfactory perceptual measures remains unanswered. To address this question, we studied olfaction in honeybees Apis mellifera using the olfactory conditioning of the proboscis extension response. We conditioned bees to odours and tested generalisation responses to different odours. Sixteen odours were used, which varied both in their functional group (primary and secondary alcohols, aldehydes and ketones) and in their carbon-chain length (from six to nine carbons).The results obtained by presentation of a total of 16 × 16 odour pairs show that (i) all odorants presented could be learned, although acquisition was lower for short-chain ketones; (ii) generalisation varied depending both on the functional group and the carbon-chain length of odours trained; higher generalisation was found between long-chain than between short-chain molecules and between groups such as primary and secondary alcohols; (iii) for some odour pairs, cross-generalisation between odorants was asymmetric; (iv) a putative olfactory space could be defined for the honeybee with functional group and carbon-chain length as inner dimensions; (v) perceptual distances in such a space correlate well with physiological distances determined from optophysiological recordings of antennal lobe activity. We conclude that functional group and carbon-chain length are inner dimensions of the honeybee olfactory space and that neural activity in the antennal lobe reflects the perceptual quality of odours.
Introduction Stimulus discrimination and generalisation constitute two major abilities exhibited by most living animals. Discrimination allows treating different signals as distinct, while generalisation allows treating different but similar stimuli as equivalents [ 1 , 2 , 3 ]. Similarity along one or several perceptual dimensions determines the degree of generalisation between stimuli [ 2 ]. Determining such dimensions is fundamental for defining an animal's perceptual space. This objective remains, however, elusive in the case of the olfactory modality in which the dimensions along which odours are evaluated are not well known. Characteristics such as the functional chemical group or the carbon-chain length of a chemical substance may influence olfactory perception. It is known that at least some features of odorant molecules influence olfactory perception. For instance, some enantiomers can be discriminated by humans and nonhuman primates [ 4 ]. If and how chemical group and carbon-chain length are integrated as inner dimensions into an olfactory perceptual space remains unknown. Vertebrate and invertebrate nervous systems show important functional as well as anatomical similarities in the way in which olfactory signals are detected and processed in their brains, particularly at the level of their first olfactory centres, the olfactory bulb in the case of vertebrates and the antennal lobe (AL) in the case of insects [ 5 , 6 , 7 ]. Insects are useful models for studying olfaction, as their behaviour heavily relies on the use of olfactory cues. The honeybee Apis mellifera is one such model in which behavioural and neurobiological studies have been performed to unravel the basis of olfaction [ 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 ]. Honeybee foragers are ‘flower constant' and learn and memorise a given floral species that they exploit at a time as long as it is profitable. Floral cues, among which odours play a prominent role, are then associated with nectar or pollen reward [ 12 , 13 ]. However, under natural conditions, the blends of volatiles emitted by floral sources vary widely in quantity and quality both in time and in space [ 14 , 15 ]. To cope with such changes in an efficient way, a ‘flower constant' forager should be able to generalise its choice to the same kind of floral sources despite fluctuations in their volatile emissions. In a pioneering investigation, von Frisch [ 16 ] trained freely flying bees to visit an artificial feeder presenting several essential oils (odour mixtures). Using a set of 32 odour mixtures, von Frisch observed that after learning that a blend was associated with sucrose solution, bees tended to prefer this odour blend, but they sometimes visited other blends that were similar (to the human nose) to the rewarded one. Olfactory generalisation in honeybees was mainly studied on restrained honeybees using the conditioning of the proboscis extension reflex (PER) [ 17 , 18 ]. In this paradigm, harnessed honeybees are conditioned to odours associated with a sucrose reward. When the antennae of a hungry bee are touched with sucrose solution, the animal reflexively extends its proboscis to reach out towards and to lick the sucrose. Odours presented to the antennae do not usually release such a reflex in naive animals. If an odour is presented immediately before sucrose solution (forward pairing), an association is formed and the odour will subsequently trigger the PER in a subsequent unrewarded test. This effect is clearly associative and involves classical conditioning [ 18 ]. Thus, the odour can be viewed as the conditioned stimulus (CS), and sucrose solution as an appetitive unconditioned stimulus (US). Bees conditioned to individual odours or to olfactory mixtures can generalise PER to a wide range of different olfactory stimuli. Using the PER paradigm, Vareschi [ 19 ] showed that bees generalise most often between odours with similar carbon-chain lengths and between odours belonging to the same functional group. However, Vareschi conditioned odours in a differential way, with two rewarded and many unrewarded odours, so that several generalisation gradients (excitatory and inhibitory) may have interacted in an unknown way to determine the generalisation responses exhibited by the bees [ 19 ]. Using a similar approach and a restricted (6 × 6) set of odour combinations, Smith and Menzel [ 20 ] confirmed that bees generalise among odours with the same functional group, but their analysis did not detail the results obtained with individual odour combinations, thus rendering impossible the analysis of generalisation between odours with similar carbon-chain lengths. Free-flying bees trained in a differential way to a rewarded odour presented simultaneously with multiple unrewarded odours also generalise between odours with similar functional groups [ 21 ]. As for Vareschi's study [ 19 ], such an experimental design makes it difficult to interpret the generalisation responses due to unknown interactions between excitatory and inhibitory generalisation gradients. Recently, optical imaging studies facilitated our understanding of how olfactory stimuli are detected and processed in the bee brain [ 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 ]. The first relay of the bee's olfactory system involves the ALs, which receive sensory input from the olfactory receptor neurons of the antennae within a number of 160 functional units, the glomeruli [ 27 , 28 , 29 ]. Within each glomerulus, synaptic contacts are formed with local interneurons and projection neurons (PNs). PNs send processed information from the ALs to higher brain centres such as the mushroom bodies and the lateral protocerebrum [ 30 ]. Stimulation with an odour leads to a specific spatiotemporal pattern of activated glomeruli, as shown, using in vivo calcium imaging techniques that employ fluorescent dyes to measure intracellular calcium in active neurons [ 22 , 24 , 31 ]. The odour-evoked activity patterns are conserved between individuals and constitute therefore a code [ 23 , 24 ]. Odours with similar chemical structures tend to present similar glomerular activity patterns [ 23 ]. Furthermore, it is believed that the neural code of odour-evoked glomerular patterns measured in the bee brain actually represent the perceptual code, although this idea was never tested directly. In the present work, we studied behavioural olfactory generalisation, using the PER conditioning paradigm, with 16 odorants varying in two chemical features, functional group and chain length. The odours belonged to four chemical categories: alcohols with the functional group on the first or second carbon of the carbon chain (henceforth primary and secondary alcohols, respectively), aldehydes, and ketones. They possessed therefore three functional groups (alcohol, aldehyde, ketone). Their chain length ranged from six to nine carbon atoms (C6, C7, C8, and C9). The pairwise combination of 16 odours defined a 16 × 16 matrix. These odours are well discriminated by free-flying bees [ 21 ] and give consistent odour-evoked signals in optical imaging studies [ 23 ]. Using a behavioural approach, we measured similarity between odours and calculated their perceptual distances in a putative olfactory space. These perceptual distances were correlated with physiological distances measured in optical imaging experiments [ 23 ]. The correlation between both datasets was highly significant, thus indicating that odours that are encoded as physiologically similar are also perceived as similar by honeybees. Although other studies have addressed the issue of perceptual correlates of neural representations [ 32 , 33 ], we show for the first time that neural olfactory activity corresponds to olfactory perception defined on the basis of specific dimensions in a putative olfactory space, a finding that is of central importance in the study of the neurobiology of perception. Results We trained 2,048 honeybees along three trials in which one of the 16 odours used in our experiments was paired with a reward of sucrose solution (conditioned odour). Afterwards, each bee was tested with four odours that could include or not include the trained odour. Acquisition Phase The level of PER in the first conditioning trial was very low (between 0% and 8.60%) for all odours ( Figure 1 ). All the 16 odours were learnt but not with the same efficiency. An overall (trial × odour) analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed a significant increase in responses along trials ( F 2, 4064 = 2215.50, p < 0.001) and a significant heterogeneity among odours ( F 15, 2032 = 8.80, p < 0.001). Responses to the CS in the last conditioning trial reached a level of approximately 70% for primary and secondary alcohols, 80% for aldehydes, and 61% for ketones. Figure 1 Acquisition Curves for Primary Alcohols, Secondary Alcohols, Aldehydes, and Ketones The ordinate represents the percentage of proboscis extensions to the training odour (CS). The abscissa indicates the conditioning trials (C1, C2, C3) and the test with the CS (T). The curves correspond to molecules with 6 (white triangles), 7 (white diamonds), 8 (black circles) and 9 carbons (black squares); ( n = 128 bees for each curve). As not all 128 bees were tested with the odour used as CS, the sample size in the tests was smaller ( n = 32). Different letters (a, b, c) indicate significant differences either between acquisition curves for different chain-length molecules (in the case of the ketones) or between test responses (post hoc Scheffé tests). In the case of aldehydes and primary and secondary alcohols, no significant chain-length effect within functional groups was found over the whole conditioning procedure (chain length × trial ANOVA; chain-length effect for primary alcohols: F 3, 508 = 0.18, p > 0.05; secondary alcohols: F 3, 508 = 1.47, p > 0.05; and aldehydes: F 3, 508 = 1.26, p > 0.05). In contrast, bees conditioned to ketones showed a significant chain-length effect in the acquisition (chain length × trial ANOVA; chain-length effect: F 3, 508 = 20.00, p < 0.005). Scheffé post hoc comparisons showed that acquisition was significantly better for nonanone (81.25% responses in the last conditioning trial) than for all other ketones. Octanone (68.75% responses in the last conditioning trial) was also better learned than hexanone and heptanone (45.31% and 48.44% responses in the last conditioning trial, respectively) ( Figure 1 , bottom right). The effect over trials was significant in all cases ( p < 0.05) as bees learned all odours. The analysis of acquisition for each chain length separately revealed that it varied significantly depending on the functional group (functional group × trial ANOVA; C6: F 3, 508 = 18.89; p < 0.005; C7: F 3, 508 =10.78; p < 0.005; C8: F 3, 508 = 3.84; p < 0.01; C9: F 3, 508 = 2.73, p < 0.05). Scheffé post hoc comparisons generally showed that this effect was mainly due to ketones being less well learned than aldehydes and alcohols. Generally, the longer the carbon chain, the lower the heterogeneity in acquisition between functional groups. Thus, apart from short-chain ketones, all odours were learned similarly (reaching a level of acquisition between 60% and 80% in the last conditioning trial). Test Phase When the conditioned odour was presented in a test ( Figure 1 , grey panels), the level of PER recorded corresponded mainly to that found in the last acquisition trial (McNemar tests [2 × 2 Table]: in all cases p > 0.05). To compare generalisation after conditioning, and because acquisition levels were heterogeneous between odours, we built a generalisation matrix in which only bees responding to the CS at the end of training (3rd conditioning trial) were considered ( Figure 2 ). The number of individuals included in the statistical analysis varied within each ‘training odour/test odour' pair. The number of bees completing the tests varied between 17 and 28 for primary alcohols, between 13 and 29 for secondary alcohols, between 23 and 30 for aldehydes, and between 11 and 31 for ketones. The responses to the CS in the tests ranged between 70% and 100% in the generalisation matrix. All further analyses were carried out on this matrix. In the following sections, we will use the matrix data to analyse generalisation within and between functional groups, within and between chain lengths, and the asymmetries in olfactory generalisation. Figure 2 Olfactory Generalisation Matrix The generalisation matrix represents the percentage of PER in the tests performed by bees that actually learned the CS, that is, bees that responded to the CS at the third conditioning trial ( n = 1,457). Upper part: percentages recorded. Lower part: colour-coded graphic display grouping the level of responses in ten 10% response categories. Red, maximal response; light blue, minimal response. Generalisation within Functional Groups Figure 3 A shows the percentage of PER to odours having different (white quadrants) or the same (grey quadrants) functional group as the conditioned odour. High levels of PER to odours different from the trained one correspond to high generalisation. In order to better visualise generalisation as depending on functional groups, we pooled all the observed responses within each quadrant of Figure 3 A (i.e., not considering chain length) and calculated the resulting percentage of PER ( Figure 3 B). Grey bars correspond to generalisation to the same functional group; white bars correspond to generalisation to different functional groups. Generalisation mainly occurred within a given functional group (grey bars). This pattern was clearest for aldehydes ( Figure 3 B, 3 rd row) because bees conditioned to aldehydes responded with a high probability to other aldehydes but showed lower responses to any other odour (see also the clear aldehyde “response block” in Figure 2 ). Figure 3 Generalisation Depending on Functional Groups (A) Data of the generalisation matrix (see Figure 2 ) represented as two-dimensional graphs for each conditioned odour. The right ordinate represents the CSs categorised in four functional groups, primary alcohols, secondary alcohols, aldehydes, and ketones (from top to bottom). The abscissa represents the test odours aligned in the same order as the conditioned odours (from left to right). The left ordinate represents the percentage of proboscis extensions to the test odours after being trained to a given odour. Each quadrant in the figure represents generalisation responses to one functional group after training for the same (grey quadrants) or to a different functional group (white quadrants). (B) Same data as in (A), but the observed responses within each quadrant were pooled and the resulting percentage of responses per quadrant was calculated. The abscissa and the right ordinate represent the four functional groups. The left ordinate represents the percentage of proboscis extensions to each of these groups after being trained to a given group. Grey bars correspond to grey quadrants in (A) and represent generalisation to the same functional group as the conditioned one. White bars correspond to white quadrants in (A) and represent generalisation to a functional group different from the conditioned one: 1-ol, 2-ol, al, and one mean primary alcohol, secondary alcohol, aldehyde, and ketone, respectively. Asterisks indicate significant differences along a row or a column ( p < 0.001) (C) Within-functional group generalisation, depending on chain length. The abscissa represents the functional groups tested. The ordinate represents the percentage of proboscis extensions to the functional groups tested after being trained to a given chain-length (lines). Thus, for instance, the first point to the left for C9 molecules (black circles) represents generalisation to 1-hexanol, 1-heptanol, and 1-octanol after conditioning to 1-nonanol. A significant heterogeneity was found in within-functional group generalisation for C8 and C9 but not for C6 and C7 molecules. (D) Generalisation within-functional groups. The figure shows results from pooling the data of (C) corresponding to each functional group. Each point shows the percentage of proboscis extensions to odours of the same functional group as the conditioned odour. Within-group generalisation was significantly heterogeneous (asterisks, p < 0.001). Pairwise comparisons showed that generalisation within aldehydes was significantly higher than within primary alcohols or ketones and marginally higher than within secondary alcohols (different letters indicate significant differences). We analysed within-functional group generalisation as depending on chain length (see Figure 3 C). To this end we represented generalisation from C6, C7, C8, and C9 molecules having a given functional group to the other compounds having the same functional group (e.g., Figure 3 C, black circle curve, first data point: generalisation to 1-hexanol, 1-heptanol, and 1-octanol after conditioning to 1-nonanol). A significant heterogeneity appeared for C8 and C9 molecules (χ 2 = 12.60 and 14.30, respectively, p < 0.01 in both cases, n = 67–85) but not for C6 and C7 molecules ( p > 0.05). In the case of C8 and C9 molecules, generalisation was significantly higher within aldehydes ( p < 0.05). When comparing within-group generalisation over all four functional groups ( Figure 3 D), a significant heterogeneity appeared (χ 2 = 14.40, df = 3, p < 0.01, n = 276–316). Pairwise comparisons (using a corrected threshold for multiple comparisons: α′ = 0.017) showed that generalisation within aldehydes was significantly higher than within primary alcohols (χ 2 = 11.80, df = 1, p < 0.0006) and ketones (χ 2 = 9.90, df = 1, p < 0.005) and close to significance in favour of aldehydes when compared to secondary alcohols (χ 2 = 4.40, df = 1, 0.017 < p < 0.05). Generalisation within Chain Lengths Figure 4 A shows the generalisation responses of bees to odours having different (white quadrants) or the same (grey quadrants) chain length as the conditioned odour. In order to better visualise generalisation as depending on chain length, we pooled all the observed responses within each quadrant of Figure 4 A and calculated the resulting percentage of PER ( Figure 4 B). Grey bars correspond to generalisation to the same chain length; white bars correspond to generalisation to different chain lengths. Generalisation was highest in the case of odours with the same or similar chain length. Figure 4 Generalisation Depending on Chain Length (A) Data of the generalisation matrix (see Figure 2 ) represented as two-dimensional graphs for each conditioned odour. The right ordinate represents the CSs categorised in four chain lengths, C6, C7, C8, and C9 molecules (from top to bottom). The abscissa represents the test odours aligned in the same order as the conditioned odours (from left to right). The left ordinate represents the percentage of proboscis extensions to the test odours after being trained for a given odour. Each quadrant in the figure represents generalisation responses to one chain length after training for the same (grey quadrants) or to a different chain length (white quadrants). (B) Same data as in (A), but the observed responses within each quadrant were pooled and the resulting percentage of responses per quadrant was calculated. The abscissa and the right ordinate represent the four chain-length categories. The left ordinate represents the percentage of proboscis extensions to each of these categories after being trained for a given chain-length category. Grey bars correspond to grey quadrants in (A) and represent generalisation to the same chain length as the conditioned one. White bars correspond to white quadrants in (A) and represent generalisation to a chain length different from the conditioned one: C6, C7, C8, and C9 mean chain length of 6, 7, 8, and 9 carbons, respectively. Asterisks indicate significant differences along a row or a column ( p < 0.001). (C) Within chain-length generalisation as depending on functional group. The abscissa represents the chain lengths tested. The ordinate represents the percentage of proboscis extensions to the same chain length after being trained to a given functional group (lines). Thus, the first point to the left for ketones (red circles) represents generalisation to 1-hexanol, 2-hexanol, and hexanal after conditioning to 2-hexanone; the second point represents generalisation to 1-heptanol, 2-heptanol, and heptanal after conditioning to 2-heptanone. A significant heterogeneity was found in within-chain-length generalisation for aldehydes and ketones. (D) Generalisation within-chain lengths. The figure results from pooling the data of (C) corresponding to each chain length. Each point shows the percentage of proboscis extensions to odours of the same chain length as the conditioned odour. Within-chain-length generalisation was significantly heterogeneous (asterisks, p < 0.001). Pairwise comparisons showed that generalisation within C9 molecules was significantly higher than within C7 and C6 molecules and marginally higher than within C8 molecules (different letters indicate significant differences). We analysed within-chain length generalisation as depending on functional group ( Figure 4 C). To this end we represented generalisation from primary alcohols, secondary alcohols, aldehydes, or ketones of a given chain length to the other compounds having the same chain length (e.g., Figure 4 C, red circle curve, first data point: generalisation to 1-hexanol, 2-hexanol, and hexanal after conditioning to 2-hexanone). Generalisation within-chain length was generally higher for longer than for shorter chain lengths. This effect was significant for aldehydes (χ 2 = 28.70, df = 3, p < 0.01, n = 75–80) but not for primary and secondary alcohols (χ 2 = 5.20 and 3.4, df = 3, p > 0.05, n = 67–73 and n = 61–66, respectively). For ketones, a significant heterogeneity was found (χ 2 = 10.00, df = 3, p < 0.05, n = 40–79), but generalisation was more important between C8 than between C7 molecules. The generalisation corresponding to other chain lengths fell in between. When comparing within-chain length generalisation over all four chain-length groups ( Figure 4 D, i.e., not considering functional group), a significant heterogeneity appeared χ 2 = 23.2, df = 3, p < 0.001, n = 247–293). Pairwise comparisons (using a corrected threshold for multiple comparisons: α′ = 0.017) showed that within-chain length generalisation was significantly higher within C9 than within C6 (χ 2 = 18.50, df = 1, p < 0.0001) and C7 molecules (χ 2 = 15.00, df = 1, p < 0.0001). Generalisation within C8 molecules was close to significance when compared to generalisation within C9 molecules (χ 2 = 5.00, df = 1, 0.017 < p < 0.05), and it was significantly higher than generalisation within C6 molecules (χ 2 = 4.3, df = 1, 0.017 < p < 0.05). Generalisation between Functional Groups To analyse generalisation between groups, we took into account the responses to functional groups different from the conditioned one (see white bars in Figure 3 B). Bees showed heterogeneous patterns of generalisation (all vertical and horizontal comparisons in Figure 3 B were significant: χ 2 > 37.70, df = 3, p < 0.001, in all eight cases). We found high between-group generalisation for primary and secondary alcohols: bees conditioned to secondary alcohols responded preferentially to primary alcohols, somewhat less to aldehydes, and even less to ketones (see Figures 3 A and 3 B, second row). A similar but less obvious response gradation was found for bees conditioned to primary alcohols Figures 3 A and 3 B, first row). In fact, the overall generalisation patterns were very similar for primary and secondary alcohols sharing the same chain length (see, for instance, the very close relationship between the two sets of blue [primary alcohol] and green curves [secondary alcohols] in Figure 4 A). As indicated before, bees conditioned to aldehydes generalised very little to odours belonging to other functional groups (see Figure 3 B, third row). Contrarily, bees conditioned to other functional groups highly generalised to aldehydes (see third column ‘al' in Figure 3 B). This shows that generalisation between aldehydes and odours belonging to other functional groups was asymmetrical. The topic of asymmetric generalisation will be considered below in more detail. Generalisation between Chain Lengths To analyse generalisation between chain lengths, we took into account the responses to chain lengths that differed from the conditioned one (see white bars in Figure 4 B). In general, responses to molecules with different chain lengths followed a clear decreasing gradient, depending on the difference in the number of carbon atoms between the molecules considered (see Figure 4 B; all horizontal and vertical comparisons were significant, χ 2 > 16.3, df = 3, p < 0.001 in all eight cases). For instance, when conditioned to a C9 molecule (see Figure 4 B, fourth row), bees responded in 53%, 31%, and 23% of the cases to C8, C7, and C6 molecules, respectively, while they responded to C9 molecules in 67% of the cases. This gradient was also evident when generalisation took place between functional groups: for instance, after training with 2-nonanol (see Figure 3 A, second row), the response of bees to odours of different functional groups (solid lines in white boxes) always followed a similar decreasing tendency with the same (C9) or similar (C8) chain length on top. Asymmetry in Olfactory Generalisation As previously mentioned, some groups like aldehydes induced asymmetrical cross-generalisation (i.e., bees responded less to other functional groups after training for aldehydes than to aldehydes after training for other functional groups). We analysed this asymmetrical generalisation and built an asymmetry matrix ( Figure 5 A). To this end, we calculated for each odour pair (A and B) the difference (in percentage) between generalisation from A to B and generalisation from B to A. Such differences were ranked in 10% categories from −55% to 55%. White boxes indicate no asymmetries. Blue shades in Figure 5 A indicate that cross-generalisation was biased towards odour A (i.e., conditioning to A resulted in lower generalisation to B while conditioning to B resulted in higher generalisation to A); red shades indicate that cross-generalisation was biased towards odour B (i.e., conditioning to A resulted in higher generalisation to B while conditioning to B resulted in lower generalisation to A). This representation showed that some odours induced generalisation while other odours diminished it. For instance, hexanal was well learnt but induced low generalisation to other odours, except to other aldehydes. On the other hand, bees conditioned to other odours very often generalised to hexanal. Thus, a clear blue row (or a red column) corresponds to hexanal in the asymmetry matrix. Conversely, 2-hexanone induced high generalisation to other odours but received few responses as a test odour. Thus a red row (or a blue column) corresponds to 2-hexanone in the asymmetry matrix. Most odours, however, showed little or no asymmetry. Figure 5 B presents the mean asymmetry found for each training odour. In six cases, the mean asymmetry deviated significantly from zero, which represents a theoretically perfect symmetry ( t -test). Two odours (red bars) significantly induced generalisation (2-hexanone and 2-hexanol, t -test, df = 14, p < 0.001 and p < 0.01, respectively), while four odours (blue bars) diminished it significantly (hexanal, heptanal, and octanal, and 2-nonanone, t -test, df = 14, p < 0.001 for the former and p < 0.01 for the three latter odours). Figure 5 Asymmetric Generalisation between Odours (A) The asymmetry matrix depicts asymmetric cross-generalisation between odours. For each odour pair (A and B), the difference (percentage) between generalisation from A to B and generalisation from B to A was calculated. Such differences were ranked in 10% categories varying from blue (−55%) to red (55%). Blue shades indicate that cross-generalisation was biased towards odour A (i.e., conditioning to A resulted in lower generalisation to B, while conditioning to B resulted in higher generalisation to A); red shades indicate that cross-generalisation was biased towards odour B (i.e., conditioning to A resulted in higher generalisation to B, while conditioning to B resulted in lower generalisation to A). For this reason, each odour pair (A and B) appears twice in the matrix, once in the upper-left of the black diagonal line, and once in the lower-right of the black diagonal line, with opposite values. See, for example, the two cells outlined in green for the pair 2-hexanone/2-octanol. (B) Mean generalisation induced or diminished by each odour A in (A). Each bar represents the mean asymmetry of the respective horizontal line in the asymmetry matrix. Red bars show that an odour induced more generalisation than it received, while blue bars show the opposite. Significant generalisation asymmetries were found in six out of 16 cases (**, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001). Olfactory Space In order to define a putative olfactory space for the honeybee, we performed a principal component analysis (PCA) on our data to represent in a limited number of dimensions the relative relationships between odorants in a 16-dimension perceptual space ( Figure 6 A). The first three factors represented 31%, 29%, and 15% of overall variance in the data (total of the first three factors: 75%). The analysis showed a clear organisation of odours depending on their chemical characteristics. First, chain length was very clearly represented by the first factor (see upper-right graph in Figure 6 A), from C6 to C9 molecules from the right to the left. On the other hand, the chemical group was mostly represented by factors 2 and 3. Whereas factor 2 separated mostly aldehydes from alcohols, with ketones falling between them, factor 3 segregated ketones from all other odours (lower-right graph, Figure 6 A). None of these factors separated primary and secondary alcohols. This analysis indicates that the chemical features of molecules (chain length and functional group), which are sometimes thought of as artificial perceptual (psychophysical) dimensions determined by experimenters [ 34 ] can be considered as true inner dimensions of the bees' perceptual space. Cluster analyses performed on the data segregated odours mostly according to their chain length. In the first group ( Figure 6 B, upper part), we found two subgroups, short-chain alcohols (C6 and C7, primary and secondary alcohols) and short-chain ketones (C6 to C8). On the other hand ( Figure 6 B, lower part), three clear subgroups were formed: short-chain aldehydes (C6 and C7), long-chain alcohols (C8 and C9, primary and secondary alcohols), and a last group with long-chain aldehydes (C8 and C9) and 2-nonanone. Very similar results were obtained using Euclidian or city-block metrics. Figure 6 A Putative Honeybee Olfactory Space (A) Left: The olfactory space is defined on the basis of the three principal factors that accounted for 76% of overall data variance after a PCA performed to represent the relative relationships between odorants. Primary alcohols are indicated in blue, secondary alcohols in green, aldehydes in black, and ketones in red. Different chain-lengths are indicated as C6, C7, C8, and C9, which corresponds to their number of carbon atoms. For each functional group, arrows follow the increasing order of carbon-chain lengths. Right: Chain length was very clearly represented by factor 1. C6 to C9 molecules are ordered from right to left. The chemical group was mostly represented by factors 2 and 3. Whereas factor 2 separated mostly aldehydes from alcohols, with ketones falling between them, factor 3 separated ketones from all other odours. None of these three factors separated primary and secondary alcohols. (B) Euclidean cluster analysis. The analysis separated odours mostly according to their chain length. Linkage distance is correlated to odour distances in the whole 16-dimension space. The farther to the right two odours/odour groups are connected, the higher the perceptual distance between them (odour colour codes are the same as in [A]). Correlation between Optophysiological and Behavioural Measures of Odour Similarity We asked whether optophysiological measures of odour similarity, obtained using calcium imaging techniques at the level of the honeybee AL [ 22 , 23 , 24 , 35 ], correspond to perceptual odour similarity measures as defined in our putative honeybee olfactory space. We thus calculated the Euclidian distance between odour representations in our 16-dimension “behavioural” space for all odour pairs (120 pairs). We then calculated distances between odours in optical imaging experiments, using the odour maps by Sachse et al. [ 23 ]. A correlation analysis was performed between both datasets. This analysis was possible because both the study by Sachse et al.[ 23 ] and our study used the same set of odours delivered under the same conditions. Figure 7 A presents the correlation obtained, including all 120 odour pairs. Both sets of data were highly significantly correlated ( r = 0.54, t 118 = 7.43, p < 2.10 –10 ), a result that shows that odours, which were found to be physiologically similar in the optical imaging study, were also evaluated as similar in behavioural terms. Note, however, that data points cluster quite broadly around the main trend line, showing that many exceptions were found. In order to use a more exact measure of physiological odour similarity, we used the correlation results between primary and secondary alcohol maps provided by Sachse et al. [ 23 ]. By correlating this more exact value of physiological similarity with our behavioural data, we also found a highly significant relationship between physiological and behavioural data ( Figure 7 B; r = 0.82, t 26 = 7.83, p < 7.10 –8 ). The correlation coefficient achieved with this second method was significantly higher than that achieved with the first method ( Z = 2.52, p < 0.05). A better fit between the two datasets was thus found, although outliers were still present in the data. These two analyses show that optophysiological and behavioural measures of odour similarity correlate well using the methods described here. Thus, in the case of the honeybee, olfactory neural activity corresponds to olfactory perception. Figure 7 Correspondence between Perceptual and Physiological Odour Similarity (A) Correlation between optophysiological measures of odour similarity (carried out using calcium imaging recordings [ 23 ]) and our behavioural measures of odour similarity. Euclidian distance between odour representations in our 16-dimension “behavioural” space for all odour pairs (120 pairs, x axes) and distances between odours in optical imaging experiments, using the odour category maps displayed by Sachse et al. [ 23 ] (also 120 pairs, y axes) were calculated. This correlation, including all 120 odour pairs, was highly significant ( r = 0.54, p < 0.001). Odours found to be similar in the optical imaging study were also similar in the behaviour. Data points cluster quite broadly around the main trend line, showing that many exceptions were found. (B) Correlation between measures of optophysiological similarity carried out using the optical imaging technique [ 23 ] and our behavioural measure of odour similarity. Using the exact data given for primary and secondary alcohols [ 23 ], a much better correlation between the two datasets was achieved than in (A) ( r = 0.82, p < 0.001), although outliers were still found in the data. Discussion In the present work, we have studied perceptual similarity among odorants in the honeybee, using an appetitive-conditioning paradigm, the olfactory conditioning of the PER [ 17 , 18 ]. We showed that all odorants presented could be learned, although acquisition was lower for short-chain ketones. Generalisation varied, depending both on the functional group and on the carbon-chain length of odours trained. Generalisation was very high among primary and secondary alcohols, being high from ketones to alcohols and aldehydes and low from aldehydes to all other tested odours; thus, in some cases, cross-generalisation between odorants was asymmetric. Some odours, like short-chain ketones or aldehydes, induced more asymmetries than other odours. Higher generalisation was found between long-chain than between short-chain molecules. Functional group and carbon-chain length constitute orthogonal inner dimensions of a putative olfactory space of honeybees. Perceptual distances in such a space correlate well with physiological distances determined from optophysiological recordings performed at the level of the primary olfactory centre, the AL [ 23 ] such that olfactory neural activity corresponds to olfactory perception. Previous studies have attempted to describe olfactory generalisation in honeybees and to study structure–activity relationships [ 19 , 20 , 36 , 37 , 38 ]. These studies generally supported the view that generalisation mainly happens when odours belong to the same chemical group. Moreover, they also suggested that the rules underlying olfactory learning and perception of different chemical classes [ 20 ] or of particular odorants (e.g., citral [ 20 , 37 ]) may vary. However, these studies used differential training, thus inducing several generalisation gradients (excitatory and inhibitory) that make the interpretation of generalisation responses difficult [ 21 , 36 ]. Furthermore, these studies were carried out on a rather discrete number of odour pairs [ 37 ], did not detail the results obtained with individual odour combinations [ 20 ], or used a very reduced number of bees per conditioned odour ([ 21 ]; two bees per odorant).Thus, the present study is the first one to provide (i) generalisation data based on absolute conditioning (i.e., only one odour conditioned at a time), (ii) a systematical test of all odour combinations, (iii) robust sample sizes for each experimental situation, and (iv) important generalisation gradients. These are in our view crucial prerequisites to describe odour perception and similarity in a precise way. Chemical Group and Chain Length Several studies in other species have shown the importance of functional group and carbon-chain length of the odour molecules for behavioural responses to odours. Differences in the response between molecules of diverse aliphatic and aromatic homologue odour classes (i.e., differing in functional group, chain length, and overall molecule form) were investigated in moths [ 39 , 40 ], cockroaches [ 41 ], rats [ 42 ], squirrel monkeys [ 4 , 43 ] and humans [ 38 , 44 , 45 ]. These studies show that both functional group and chain length affect the perceived quality of an odorant. Concerning chain length, the greater the difference in the number of carbons between odours, the easier the discrimination and the lower the generalisation ([ 21 , 40 , 42 , 44 ] and present study). In our study, both chemical group and chain length of odour molecules determined the bees' generalisation responses. Bees mostly generalised to other odours when these shared the same functional group. This effect was observed for all functional groups (see Figure 3 B) but was strongest for aldehydes. Other studies have found that aldehydes induced high within-group generalisation [ 20 , 21 , 36 ]. Thus, aldehydes may represent a behaviourally relevant chemical class for honeybees. Between-functional group generalisation depended on the functional group considered. It was high between primary and secondary alcohols, which appear therefore perceptually similar to the bees, and low between other chemical groups. Bees clearly generalised between odours that shared the same chain length. Increasing chain length promoted generalisation. Moreover, generalisation to other chain lengths decreased if the difference in the number of carbons between odours increased. This suggests a perceptual continuum between different chain lengths (but see below). Thus, the chemical structure of the odorants is critical for determining the amount of generalisation. A Putative Olfactory Space for the Honeybee We found that the two controlled physical characteristics of odour molecules used in this study, functional group and chain length, correspond to internal dimensions in the bees' olfactory perceptual space such as the three most important factors extracted in our PCA analysis, one mainly represented chain length and the other two were mostly influenced by functional group. Cluster analyses allowed separating odours in clusters according to their functional groups and their chain length. Interestingly, C6 and C7 molecules and C8 and C9 molecules were mainly grouped together, so that, for instance, all short-chain primary and secondary alcohols were grouped on one side, and all long-chain alcohols on the other side. The same happened for aldehydes, and in a different way for ketones (C9 separated from the rest). This discrepancy suggests that, although chain length appears mostly as a perceptual continuum in the PCA analysis, there may be a perceptual “jump” between short-chain and long-chain molecules. Neural Bases of Odour Perception Both in vertebrates and in invertebrates, studies quantifying the neural responses to structurally similar odours in the first relay of the olfactory pathway have been performed (olfactory bulb: e.g., [ 46 , 47 , 48 , 49 ]; AL: [ 23 , 50 ]). These studies show that activity patterns are more similar when the difference in the number of carbons between molecules is small. It was hypothesised that such a physiological similarity is the basis for olfactory discrimination and generalisation as measured behaviourally. This has indeed been reported for mucosal activity in mice [ 51 ], electrical mitral cell activity [ 42 ], and/or radiolabelled 2-deoxyglucose uptake in the rat olfactory bulb [ 32 ]. Also, in Manduca sexta, qualitative similarities were observed between the degree of behavioural generalisation according to chain length [ 40 ] and the degree of overlap between electrophysiological temporal patterns of activity across AL neurons [ 50 ]. Several correspondences, but also discrepancies, can be found between our behavioural results and the physiological results obtained at the level of the bee AL [ 23 ]. First, within the regions of the AL accessible to optical imaging (about 25% of the glomeruli), patterns of glomerular activity for different odours are highly dependent on chain length, but much less so on chemical group. Thus, most active glomeruli respond to several functional groups as long as the chain length corresponds, but respond differentially to different chain lengths. Glomeruli T1–28 and T1–52 are specialised in short-chain molecules (respectively C5–C7 and C6–C7), whilst glomeruli T1–33 and T1–17 are specialised in long-chain molecules (respectively C7–C9 and C8–C9). These glomeruli also respond to most functional groups but in a graded way. For instance, glomerulus T1–17 responds more to alcohols in the intermediate range than to aldehydes or ketones, whereas T1–52 generally responds more to ketones in the short range, more to aldehydes in the long range, and overall little to alcohols. No individual glomerulus was found that responds specifically to a chemical group. However, it should be kept in mind that some regions of the ALs are not yet accessible to calcium imaging techniques (about 75% of the lobe; see below). Thus, a possible explanation is that glomeruli responding to specific chemical groups (or with responses more dependent on chemical groups than on chain length) were not imaged. Second, primary and secondary alcohols induce extremely similar activation patterns in the AL, but subtle differences could be found, so that for a given chain length, the representation of a secondary alcohol was between that of the primary alcohol of the same chain length and that with one less carbon atom (see Figure 6 B in Sachse et al. [ 23 ]). We found a similar arrangement of alcohol representations, with primary and secondary alcohols alternating on a common axis (see Figure 6 A). Third, optical imaging data showed that higher chain lengths support more similarity between patterns (see Figure 6 C in Sachse et al. [ 23 ]). Our finding that longer chain lengths induce more generalisation agrees with the imaging data. These last two points suggest that the general rules governing odour similarity at the neural and the behavioural level are similar. The Correspondence between Perceptual and Physiological Odour Similarity We aimed at comparing behavioural and physiological data in a more precise way, using correlation analyses between our behavioural similarity matrix, in which distances between two odour points represent psychological distances between stimuli, and a physiological similarity matrix obtained from optophysiological recordings of glomerular activation patterns [ 23 ]. Comparing distances between odours in these two matrixes resulted in a good correlation. This means that glomerular activity patterns recorded in the brain could predict behavioural responses and vice versa. The optophysiological dataset of Sachse et al. [ 23 ] has nevertheless some limitations with respect to the objectives of our work: (i) bath application measurements of AL activity using calcium green as a dye [ 23 ] record the combined activity of several neuronal populations of the AL, among which primary-afferent activity seems to have the most important contribution [ 52 ]; (ii) such measurements survey only the dorsal part of the AL, which constitutes 25% of the neuropile studied; and (iii) learning alters odour representations in the AL [ 35 , 53 , 54 ] such that there could be a mismatch between our data collected after olfactory conditioning and the dataset of Sachse et al. [ 23 ], which was obtained from naive bees. With respect to the first point, it could be argued that the AL circuitry transforms the primary-afferent representations of odours [ 25 ] such that recordings where primary-afferent receptor activity is predominant are not very useful for evaluating optophysiological similarity. However the very fact that we found a significant correlation between our behavioural data and the imaging data by Sachse et al. [ 23 ], strongly suggests that the perceptual quality of odorants mostly appears at the peripheral level. Clearly, this correlation was not perfect, and odour quality is most probably refined by further processing within the AL, and/or at higher stages of the olfactory pathway, such as in the mushroom bodies or the lateral protocerebrum. In honeybees, new methods have been developed, which allow recording selectively the activity of the efferent PNs [ 25 ]. However, the two studies published using this method [ 25 , 26 ] do not provide an extensive odorant matrix as that provided by Sachse et al. [ 23 ]. In this sense the study on which we based our correlation analysis is certainly the only one of its kind published to date. However, in the future, a careful comparison of our behavioural data with both bath-applied imaging data emphasising receptor neuron input (as done here) and selective imaging of PNs would be extremely helpful in understanding to what extent AL processing shapes odour perceptual quality. With respect to the second point, calcium imaging recordings of AL activity are certainly limited to the dorsal part of the AL, which is the region accessible when the head capsule is opened in order to expose the brain for recordings. This is an inherent limitation of the method that the use of two-photon microscopy during calcium imaging measurements will soon allow us to overcome, as shown already by recordings obtained in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster [ 55 ]. Finally, with respect to the third point, it is known that learning alters odour representations in the AL, when bees are trained in a differential conditioning procedure, with one odour rewarded and another odour unrewarded [ 53 ]. This is not the conditioning procedure used in our work, which was absolute (only one odour rewarded at a time). In the bee, changes in the olfactory code due to absolute conditioning seem to be difficult to detect (C. G. Galizia, personal communication), such that this point may not be so critical for our correlation analysis. In any case, if there are changes in odour representations due to conditioning, recording glomerular activity patterns after conditioning would only improve our correlation analyses. Generalisation Asymmetries between Odours We have found a number of asymmetries in olfactory cross-generalisation, with bees responding more to odour B after learning odour A than in the reverse situation. Previous studies have observed such a phenomenon, but it was mostly related to olfactory compounds with pheromonal value (aggregation pheromone citral [ 20 , 37 ] and alarm pheromones 2-heptanone and isoamyl acetate [ 56 ]). In the present study, we found that six out of the 16 odours used induced significant generalisation asymmetries over the whole matrix; none of these six odours was related to any known pheromone (see Table 1 ). Generalisation asymmetries seem to be a general feature of honeybee olfaction. Table 1 Chemical and Biological Characteristics of the Odours Used The odours were listed by functional groups (primary alcohols, secondary alcohols, aldehydes, and ketones) and purity. Odour vapour pressure values (VP), pheromone characteristics and occurrence in floral scents (after Knudsen et al. [ 66 ]) are also given a Notation: *1, releases altering at hive entrance and stinging, repels clustering bees, inhibits scenting, repels foragers (sting chamber); *2, releases altering at hive entrance, inhibits foraging activity, repels foragers (sting chamber); *3, repels at hive entrance, releases stinging, encourages foraging activity (sting chamber); *4, releases stinging, inhibits foraging activity, repels foragers (mandibular glands) Odour concentration can affect stimulus salience. In our work, generalisation asymmetries could not be directly explained by differences in odour concentration (through differences in vapour pressure), because, for instance, the two odours with the highest vapour pressure in our sample (2-hexanone and hexanal) produced totally opposite results: 2-hexanone induced important generalisation, while hexanal strongly reduced generalisation. Also, although we used 16 different odours with a range of different vapour pressures, we found that acquisition was very similar for most odours, except for the short-chain ketones, which were less easily learned. This suggests that almost all odours used had a good salience for bees. Wright and Smith [ 57 ] studied the effect of odour concentration in generalisation in honeybees. They found that discrimination increased with concentration for structurally dissimilar odours but not for similar odours. Further experiments using odorants at different concentrations should be carried out to determine the effect of odour concentration on generalisation asymmetries. Generalisation asymmetries could be due to innate or experience-dependent differences in the salience of odours for honeybees, such that more salient odours would induce higher generalisation than less salient odours. This interpretation implies that most aldehydes (hexanal, heptanal, and octanal) are highly salient odours for honeybees, because aldehydes showed a clear “functional group” effect, which could reveal a certain bias of the olfactory system towards these odours. Ketones, on the other hand, showed a heterogeneous effect, as 2-hexanone seemed to have a low salience (it was not well learnt) and induced a high generalisation to other odours, while 2-nonanone consistently reduced generalisation to other odours. In the group of alcohols, only 2-hexanol induced generalisation to other odours. Therefore, only aldehydes showed a clear group effect on generalisation asymmetry. This effect could be due to innate odour preferences [ 58 , 59 ] or to previous odour exposure within the hive [ 60 , 61 ]. Innate odour preferences could be related to natural, floral odours that were more consistently associated with food resources [ 20 , 62 ]. It is thus important to investigate whether or not such ecological trends exist in the natural flora associated with the honeybee and whether or not other bee species also present such clear biases, in particular towards aldehydes. Conversely, asymmetries could be the result of the conditioning procedure. This would be the case if conditioning modifies odour representation in an asymmetric way. Indeed, experience-induced modifications of odour representations have been found at the level of the honeybee AL. Thus, odour-evoked calcium signals in the AL can be modified by elemental [ 53 ] and nonelemental olfactory learning paradigms [ 35 ] such that the representations of odours that have to be discriminated become more distinct and uncorrelated as a result of learning. In the fruit fly D. melanogaster , new glomeruli become active after olfactory learning [ 54 ], while in the moth M. sexta new neuronal units in the AL are recruited after olfactory learning [ 63 ]. These elements suggest that modifications of odour representation after learning two different odours could indeed be asymmetrical: if, for instance, the neuronal representation of A after conditioning becomes A′, which is slightly farther away from B than A in the bee's olfactory space, and if the perceptual representation of B becomes B′ after conditioning, which is closer to A than B, then bees would show less generalisation in behavioural tests from A to B than from B to A. On the level of the AL network, glomeruli are connected via lateral inhibitory interneurons [ 25 , 64 , 65 ]. Due to this, glomerular activation by an odour A will transiently inactivate parts of the network and possibly parts encoding a subsequent odour B. Optical imaging experiments have shown that inhibition between glomeruli may be asymmetric [ 25 ]. In our case, glomeruli activated by odour A may inhibit glomeruli coding for odour B, while glomeruli coding for odour B may not inhibit those coding for odour A. In this hypothesis, asymmetric cross-generalisation could reflect a sensory phenomenon. Nevertheless, we believe that inhibitions at the level of the AL are rather short-lived such that a purely sensory priming effect seems improbable. If, however, the strength of lateral inhibitions between glomeruli can be modified by learning as proposed by Linster and Smith [ 65 ], then asymmetrical generalisation would come from the fact that inhibitory lateral connections are modified. In order to determine the physiological mechanisms underlying asymmetrical cross-generalisation and the possible role of AL networks in it, future work will aim at visualising the evolution of glomerular activity patterns during and after olfactory conditioning with odours that showed asymmetries in our study. Conclusion We have shown that the two odorant physical dimensions that varied in our study, functional group and chain-length, correspond to internal dimensions of the bees' olfactory space. Generalisation was mainly due to these two characteristics with generalisation within functional group being more important. Such generalisation was particularly high for aldehydes, a fact that suggests that these odours may have an intrinsic value for bees. Generalisation between functional groups was mostly found between primary and secondary alcohols. Furthermore, a gradient in generalisation was found with respect to chain length. Asymmetric cross-generalisation was found in the case of certain odorants. Such asymmetries were neither strictly linked to chain length nor to functional group, but depended on particular odorants. The 16 odours used in our work represent a small part of the odorants that bees may encounter in nature (see Knudsen et al. [ 66 ]). For a complete description of the bees' olfactory perceptual space, more odours having other molecular features have to be studied. New dimensions in the bees' perceptual space could then be found. Finally, and most important, the perceptual distance between odours can be predicted on the basis of the differences in the patterns of glomerular activation in the first relay of the olfactory pathway: the AL, and vice versa. This emphasises the relevance of studying activity patterns in the brain in imaging studies and trying to relate them to perceptual tasks. Our work shows that this objective, which is at the core of cognitive neurosciences, can be achieved using an invertebrate model such as the honeybee. Materials and Methods Insects Every experimental day, honeybees were captured at the entrance of an outdoor hive and were cooled on ice for 5 min until they stopped moving. Then they were harnessed in small metal tubes in such a way that only the head protruded. The mouthparts and the antennae could move freely. Harnessed bees were left for 3 h in a resting room without disturbance. Fifteen minutes before starting the experiments, each subject was checked for intact PER by lightly touching one antenna with a toothpick imbibed with 50% (w/w) sucrose solution without subsequent feeding. Extension of the proboscis beyond the virtual line between the open mandibles was counted as PER. Animals that did not show the reflex were not used in the experiments. Stimulation apparatus The odours were delivered by an odour cannon, which allowed the presentation of up to seven different odours, and a clean airstream [ 67 ]. Each odour was applied to a filter paper placed within a syringe (see below) that was connected to the cannon. An airstream was produced by an air pump (Rena Air 400, Annecy, France) and directed to the relevant syringes with electronic valves (Lee Company, Voisins-le-Bretonneux, France) controlled by the experimenter via a computer. In the absence of odour stimulation, the airstream passed through a syringe containing a clean filter paper piece (clean airstream). During odour stimulation, the airstream was directed to a syringe containing a filter paper loaded with odour. After a 4-s stimulation, the airstream was redirected to the odourless syringe until the next stimulation. Stimuli Sixteen odours (Sigma Aldrich, Deisenhofen, Germany) were used in our work as CS and test stimuli (see Table 1 ). Racemic mixtures were used in the case of molecules that had chiral carbons. These odours are present in flowers and some in pheromones (see Table 1 ). Pure odorants (4 μl) were applied to 1-cm 2 filter paper pieces, which were transferred to 1-ml syringes, cut to 0.7 ml to make them fit into the odour cannon. Fifty percent sugar solution was used throughout as US. Experimental design Our work was designed to obtain a generalisation matrix with 16 different odours. Ideally, after conditioning each of the 16 odours as CS, the response to each odour (including the CS) should be measured (i.e., 16 × 16 = 256 cells). However, testing 16 odours implies presenting them without reward, a situation that may result in extinction of the learned response due to the repeated unrewarded odour presentations. Preliminary experiments were performed in which four groups of 180 bees were trained along three trials to 1-hexanol, 2-octanol, linalool, and limonene, respectively. Training was followed by tests with the four different odours, including the conditioned one. These experiments showed that after three conditioning trials, the response of the bees to the CS in the four tests remained at the same level, independently of the order of occurrence of the CS such that it was not influenced by extinction. We thus kept this protocol for the 16 × 16 matrix. Each of the 2,048 bees used in this study was thus subjected to three conditioning trials with their respective CS, and to four test trials, each with a different odour chosen among the 16 possible odours. Intertrial intervals of 10 min were used throughout. A randomisation schedule (detailed below) was developed for the test phase to reduce any possible day- and odour-combination effects. Conditioning trials One bee at a time was placed into the conditioning setup. The total duration of each trial was 37.5 s After 15 s of familiarisation to the experimental context, the CS was presented to the bee for 4 s. Three sec after onset of the CS, the antennae were stimulated with the US, leading to a proboscis extension. The bee was allowed to feed for 3 s. Stimulus overlap was 1 s (interstimulus interval, 3 s). The bee was left in the conditioning place for 17.5 s and then removed. Test trials The procedure was similar to that for conditioning trials but no US was given after odour delivery. After the four test trials, PER to the US was checked once again. Animals unable to show PER at this point were not considered for the analyses. Overall, less than 2% of the bees died during the experiment, and less than 1% of the survivors showed no US reaction at the end of the tests. Randomisation schedule On each day, two to three experimenters worked in parallel, each training 16 bees at a time. In the training phase, the 16 bees were divided into four groups of four bees, and each group was trained to one of the 16 different odours. In the test phase, four out of 16 odours were presented to each of the 16 bees. The combination of four odours tested together changed in each experiment, so that any effect of having particular odours in the same test combination was suppressed. The whole experiment was planned in such a way that in any of our experimental groups, two given odours appeared at least once, but a maximum of three times together in a test sequence. This was possible by carefully picking out eight of the 16! (2.1 × 10 13 ) possible experimental plans. Additionally, within each group, the testing order for the four test odours was determined randomly. Data analysis and statistics During the experiments, we recorded the response to the presented odour, that is, whether bees extended their proboscis after the onset of the odour and before the presentation of the sucrose solution in the case of reinforced trials, such that the anticipatory response recorded was due to the odour and not to the US. Multiple responses during a CS were counted as a single PER. The percentages of PER recorded during acquisition were used to plot acquisition curves (see Figure 1 ). To test whether bees learnt the different odours in a similar way, ANOVAs for repeated measurements were used both for between-group and for within-group comparisons. Monte Carlo studies have shown that it is permissible to use ANOVA on dichotomous data only under controlled conditions [ 68 ], which are met by the experiments reported in this study: equal cell frequencies and at least 40 df of the error term. The α level was set to 0.05 (two-tailed). To ensure that we analysed a true generalisation response in the tests, and hence built a true generalisation matrix, we kept only those bees which had actually learnt the CS (71% of the bees used in this work). We therefore performed new analyses that only included those bees that responded to the CS before the presentation of the US in the third conditioning trial. A lack of response to an odour in the tests could be due either to the fact that the bees had not made any association between CS and US or because their motivational level was low. For all odours tested, we observed that responses to the CS in the third conditioning trial were equivalent to responses to the CS in the tests (McNemar test; see Results). We represented the responses of the selected bees to the test odours (see Figure 2 ). As the numbers of bees were now heterogeneous in the different groups, we could not use ANOVAs to analyse the responses in the tests (see above). We thus used χ 2 tests for all further between-group comparisons. In the case of multiple two-by-two comparisons, the significance threshold was corrected using the Dunn–Sidak correction [α′ = 1 − (1 − α) 1/k where k is the number of two-by-two comparisons in which each dataset is used] in order to reduce the type I errors. Alpha values between α′ and 0.05 were considered as near significant. Olfactory space To observe the relationships between odours in a reduced number of dimensions, we performed a PCA, which identified orthogonal axes (factors) of maximum variance in the data, and thus projected the data into a lower-dimensionality space formed of a subset of the highest-variance components. We calculated the three factors, which accounted for most of the observed variance. Calculating distances between odours in the resulting putative olfactory space allowed the evaluation of their perceptual similarity, not only based on direct generalisation between these odours (i.e., generalisation from odour A to odour B and vice versa), but also including responses to these odours after conditioning to other odours (e.g., C, D, E, etc.). We performed cluster analyses to group odours, according to their respective distance in the olfactory space, using both Euclidian and city-block metrics, with Ward's classification method. Both metrics gave very similar results, so we later used only Euclidian metrics. Euclidian (i.e., direct) distances in the 16-dimensional space are defined as with i and j indicating odours, p the number of dimensions—that is, conditioning groups—and X ik the response of bees to odour i after conditioning to odour k. These distances were used in correlation analyses with optical imaging data (see below). Correlation analysis between perceptual and optophysiological similarity measures We studied whether or not physiological similarity between odours as determined by optical imaging studies of AL activity [ 22 , 23 , 35 ] actually reflects perceptual odour similarity for the bees. To this end, we performed correlation analyses between published optical imaging data that were obtained using the same set of odours as in our work [ 23 ] and our behavioural data. We used two sets of physiological data. First, to perform such a correlation on the whole dataset (including all 16 odours), we transcribed the activation maps presented by Sachse et al. [ 23 ] (see Figure 7 ) into activation levels for each glomerulus from zero to three, according to the following signal scale: dark blue (0%–20%) and light blue (>20%–40% activity), zero; green (>40%–60% activity), one; yellow (>60%–80% activity), two; and red (>80% activity), three. As the activity under 40% was less accurately separated from noise, activation levels between 0% and 40% were ranked as 0. Scaling the physiological data in this way instead of using the original imaging activation data, gave a good overview of physiological similarity between odours for imaging data ( see Results ). To provide a more precise correlation analysis between behavioural and imaging data, albeit on a more limited odour dataset (eight odours), we used exact correlation data ([ 23 ], Table 1 ). Each correlation value C, as calculated by Sachse et al. [ 23 ] between activity patterns for all pairs of primary and secondary alcohols, was converted into physiological distances by the operation 100 − C. All linear correlations were assessed by calculating Pearson's r, and using Student's t -test. Comparison between correlation coefficients obtained with the two methods was carried out statistically using a Z test as in [ 69 ].
Principles of MicroRNA–Target Recognition
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression in plants and animals. Although their biological importance has become clear, how they recognize and regulate target genes remains less well understood. Here, we systematically evaluate the minimal requirements for functional miRNA–target duplexes in vivo and distinguish classes of target sites with different functional properties. Target sites can be grouped into two broad categories. 5′ dominant sites have sufficient complementarity to the miRNA 5′ end to function with little or no support from pairing to the miRNA 3′ end. Indeed, sites with 3′ pairing below the random noise level are functional given a strong 5′ end. In contrast, 3′ compensatory sites have insufficient 5′ pairing and require strong 3′ pairing for function. We present examples and genome-wide statistical support to show that both classes of sites are used in biologically relevant genes. We provide evidence that an average miRNA has approximately 100 target sites, indicating that miRNAs regulate a large fraction of protein-coding genes and that miRNA 3′ ends are key determinants of target specificity within miRNA families.
Introduction MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that serve as post-transcriptional regulators of gene expression in plants and animals. They act by binding to complementary sites on target mRNAs to induce cleavage or repression of productive translation (reviewed in [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ]). The importance of miRNAs for development is highlighted by the fact that they comprise approximately 1% of genes in animals, and are often highly conserved across a wide range of species (e.g., [ 5 , 6 , 7 ]). Further, mutations in proteins required for miRNA function or biogenesis impair animal development [ 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 ]. To date, functions have been assigned to only a few of the hundreds of animal miRNA genes. Mutant phenotypes in nematodes and flies led to the discovery that the lin-4 and let-7 miRNAs control developmental timing [ 16 , 17 ], that lsy-6 miRNA regulates left–right asymmetry in the nervous system [ 18 ], that bantam miRNA controls tissue growth [ 19 ], and that bantam and miR-14 control apoptosis [ 19 , 20 ]. Mouse miR-181 is preferentially expressed in bone marrow and was shown to be involved in hematopoietic differentiation [ 21 ]. Recently, mouse miR-375 was found to be a pancreatic-islet-specific miRNA that regulates insulin secretion [ 22 ]. Prediction of miRNA targets provides an alternative approach to assign biological functions. This has been very effective in plants, where miRNA and target mRNA are often nearly perfectly complementary [ 23 , 24 , 25 ]. In animals, functional duplexes can be more variable in structure: they contain only short complementary sequence stretches, interrupted by gaps and mismatches. To date, specific rules for functional miRNA–target pairing that capture all known functional targets have not been devised. This has created problems for search strategies, which apply different assumptions about how to best identify functional sites. As a result, the number of predicted targets varies considerably with only limited overlap in the top-ranking targets, indicating that these approaches might only capture subsets of real targets and/or may include a high number of background matches ([ 19 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 ]; reviewed by [ 31 ]). Nonetheless, a number of predicted targets have proven to be functional when subjected to experimental tests [ 19 , 26 , 27 , 29 ]. A better understanding of the pairing requirements between miRNA and target would clearly improve predictions of miRNA targets in animals. It is known that defined cis -regulatory elements in Drosophila 3′ UTRs are complementary to the 5′ ends of certain miRNAs [ 32 ]. The importance of the miRNA 5′ end has also emerged from the pairing characteristics and evolutionary conservation of known target sites [ 26 ], and from the observation of a non-random statistical signal specific to the 5′ end in genome-wide target predictions [ 27 ]. Tissue culture experiments have also underscored the importance of 5′ pairing and have provided some specific insights into the general structural requirements [ 29 , 33 , 34 ], though different studies have conflicted to some degree with each other, and with known target sites (reviewed in [ 31 ]). To date, no specific role has been ascribed to the 3′ end of miRNAs, despite the fact that miRNAs tend to be conserved over their full length. Here, we systematically evaluate the minimal requirements for a functional miRNA–target duplex in vivo. These experiments have allowed us to identify two broad categories of miRNA target sites. Targets in the first category, “5′ dominant” sites, base-pair well to the 5′ end of the miRNA. Although there is a continuum of 3′ pairing quality within this class, it is useful to distinguish two subtypes: “canonical” sites, which pair well at both the 5′ and 3′ ends, and “seed” sites, which require little or no 3′ pairing support. Targets in the second category, “3′ compensatory” sites, have weak 5′ base-pairing and depend on strong compensatory pairing to the 3′ end of the miRNA. We present evidence that all of these site types are used to mediate regulation by miRNAs and show that the 3′ compensatory class of target sites is used to discriminate among individual members of miRNA families in vivo. A genome-wide statistical analysis allows us to estimate that an average miRNA has approximately 100 evolutionarily conserved target sites, indicating that miRNAs regulate a large fraction of protein-coding genes. Evaluation of 3′ pairing quality suggests that seed sites are the largest group. Sites of this type have been largely overlooked in previous target prediction methods. Results The Minimal miRNA Target Site To improve our understanding of the minimal requirements for a functional miRNA target site, we made use of a simple in vivo assay in the Drosophila wing imaginal disc. We expressed a miRNA in a stripe of cells in the central region of the disc and assessed its ability to repress the expression of a ubiquitously transcribed enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) transgene containing a single target site in its 3′ UTR. The degree of repression was evaluated by comparing EGFP levels in miRNA-expressing and adjacent non-expressing cells. Expression of the miRNA strongly reduced EGFP expression from transgenes containing a single functional target site ( Figure 1 A). Figure 1 Complementarity to the miRNA 5′ End Is Important for Target Site Function In Vivo (A) In vivo assay for target site regulation in the wing imaginal disc. The EGFP reporter is expressed in all cells (green). Cells expressing the miRNA under ptcGal4 control are shown in red. Functional target sites allow strong GFP repression by the miRNA (middle). Non-functional target sites do not (right). Yellow boxes indicate the disc region shown in (B) and later figures. (B) Regulation of individual target sites by miR-7. Numbers in the upper left of each image indicate the mismatched nucleotide in the target site. Positions important for regulation are shown in red, dispensable positions in green. Regulation by the miRNA is completely abolished in only a few cases. (C) Summary of the magnitude of reporter gene repression for the series in (B) and for a second set involving miR-278 and a target site resembling the miR-9 site in Lyra [ 26 ]. Positions important for regulation are shown in red, dispensable positions in green. Error bars are based on measurements of 3–5 individual discs. In a first series of experiments we asked which part of the RNA duplex is most important for target regulation. A set of transgenic flies was prepared, each of which contained a different target site for miR-7 in the 3′ UTR of the EGFP reporter construct. The starting site resembled the strongest bantam miRNA site in its biological target hid [ 19 ] and conferred strong regulation when present in a single copy in the 3′ UTR of the reporter gene ( Figure 1 B). We tested the effects of introducing single nucleotide changes in the target site to produce mismatches at different positions in the duplex with the miRNA (note that the target site mismatches were the only variable in these experiments). The efficient repression mediated by the starting site was not affected by a mismatch at positions 1, 9, or 10, but any mismatch in positions 2 to 8 strongly reduced the magnitude of target regulation. Two simultaneous mismatches introduced into the 3′ region had only a small effect on target repression, increasing reporter activity from 10% to 30%. To exclude the possibility that these findings were specific for the tested miRNA sequence or duplex structure, we repeated the experiment with miR-278 and a different duplex structure. The results were similar, except that pairing of position 8 was not important for regulation in this case ( Figure 1 C). Moreover, some of the mismatches in positions 2–7 still allowed repression of EGFP expression up to 50%. Taken together, these observations support previous suggestions that extensive base-pairing to the 5′ end of the miRNA is important for target site function [ 26 , 27 , 29 , 32 , 34 ]. We next determined the minimal 5′ sequence complementarity necessary to confer target regulation. We refer to the core of 5′ sequence complementarity essential for target site recognition as the “seed” (Lewis et al. [ 27 ]). All possible 6mer, 5mer, and 4mer seeds complementary to the first eight nucleotides of the miRNA were tested in the context of a site that allowed strong base-pairing to the 3′ end of the miRNA ( Figure 2 A). The seed was separated from a region of complete 3′ end pairing by a constant central bulge. 5mer and 6mer seeds beginning at positions 1 or 2 were functional. Surprisingly, as few as four base-pairs in positions 2–5 conferred efficient target regulation under these conditions, whereas bases 1–4 were completely ineffective. 4mer, 5mer, or 6mer seeds beginning at position 3 were less effective. These results suggest that a functional seed requires a continuous helix of at least 4 or 5 nucleotides and that there is some position dependence to the pairing, since sites that produce comparable pairing energies differ in their ability to function. For example, the first two duplexes in Figure 2 A (4mer, top row) have identical 5′ pairing energies (ΔG for the first 8 nt was −8.9 kcal/mol), but only one is functional. Similarly, the third 4mer duplex and fourth 5mer duplex (middle row) have the same energy (−8.7 kcal/mol), but only one is functional. We thus do not find a clear correlation between 5′ pairing energy and function, as reported in [ 34 ]. These experiments also indicate that extensive 3′ pairing of up to 17 nucleotides in the absence of the minimal 5′ element is not sufficient to confer regulation. Consequently, target searches based primarily on optimizing the extent of base-pairing or the total free energy of duplex formation will include many non-functional target sites [ 28 , 30 , 35 ], and ranking miRNA target sites according to overall complementarity or free energy of duplex formation might not reflect their biological activity [ 26 , 27 , 28 , 30 , 35 ]. Figure 2 The Minimal miRNA Target Site (A) In vivo tests of the function of target sites with 6mer, 5mer, and 4mer seeds complementary to the first eight nucleotides of the miRNA. Sites were designed to have optimal support from 3′ pairing. The first 4mer seed site shows that extensive complementarity to the miRNA 3′ region is not sufficient for regulation in vivo. (B) Regulation of 8mer, 7mer, and 6mer seed sites lacking complementarity to the miRNA 3′ end. The test UTR contained one site (first column) or two identical sites (second column). To determine the minimal lengths of 5′ seed matches that are sufficient to confer regulation alone, we tested single sites that pair with eight, seven, or six consecutive bases to the miRNA's 5′ end, but that do not pair to its 3′ end ( Figure 2 B). Surprisingly, a single 8mer seed (miRNA positions 1–8) was sufficient to confer strong regulation by the miRNA. A single 7mer seed (positions 2–8) was also functional, although less effective. The magnitude of regulation for 8mer and 7mer seeds was strongly increased when two copies of the site were introduced in the UTR. In contrast, 6mer seeds showed no regulation, even when present in two copies. Comparable results were recently reported for two copies of an 8mer site with limited 3′ pairing capacity in a cell-based assay [ 34 ]. These results do not support a requirement for a central bulge, as suggested previously [ 29 ]. We took care in designing the miRNA 3′ ends to exclude any 3′ pairing to nearby sequence according to RNA secondary structure prediction. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that extensive looping of the UTR sequence might allow the 3′ end to pair to sequences further downstream in our reporter constructs. Note, however, that even if remote 3′ pairing was occurring and required for function of 8- and 7mer seeds, it is not sufficient for 5′ matches with less than seven complementary bases (all test sites are in the same sequence context; Figure 2 B). In addition, pairing at a random level will occur in any sequence if long enough loops are allowed. However, whether the ribonucleoprotein complexes involved in translational repression require 3′ pairing, and whether they are able to allow extensive looping to achieve this, remains an open question. Computationally, remote 3′ pairing cannot be distinguished from random matches if loops of any length are allowed. On this basis any site with a 7- or 8mer seed has to be taken seriously—especially when evolutionarily conserved. From these experiments we conclude that (1) complementarity of seven or more bases to the 5′ end miRNA is sufficient to confer regulation, even if the target 3′ UTR contains only a single site; (2) sites with weaker 5′ complementarity require compensatory pairing to the 3′ end of the miRNA in order to confer regulation; and (3) extensive pairing to the 3′ end of the miRNA is not sufficient to confer regulation on its own without a minimal element of 5′ complementarity. The Effect of G:U Base-Pairs and Bulges in the Seed Several confirmed miRNA target genes contain predicted binding sites with seeds that are interrupted by G:U base-pairs or single nucleotide bulges [ 17 , 19 , 26 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 ]. In most cases these mRNAs contain multiple predicted target sites and the contributions of individual sites have not been tested. In vitro tests have shown that sites containing G:U base-pairs can function [ 29 , 34 ], but that G:U base-pairs contribute less to target site function than would be expected from their contribution to the predicted base-pairing energy [ 34 ]. We tested the ability of single sites with seeds containing G:U base-pairs and bulges to function in vivo. One, two, or three G:U base-pairs were introduced into single target sites with 8mer, 7mer, or 6mer seeds ( Figure 3 A). A single G:U base-pair caused a clear reduction in the efficiency of regulation by an 8mer seed site and by a 7mer seed site. The site with a 6mer seed lost its activity almost completely. Having more than one G:U base-pair compromised the activity of all the sites. As the target sites were designed to allow optimal 3′ pairing, we conclude that G:U base-pairs in the seed region are always detrimental. Figure 3 Effects of G:U Base-Pairs and Bulges (A) Regulation of sites with 8mer, 7mer, or 6mer seeds (rows) containing zero, one, two, or three G:U base-pairs in the seed region (columns). (B) Regulation of sites with bulges in the target sequence or in the miRNA. Single nucleotide bulges in the seed are found in the let-7 target lin-41 and in the lin-4 target lin-14 [ 17 , 36 , 37 ]. Recent tissue culture experiments have led to the proposal that such bulges are tolerated if positioned symmetrically in the seed region [ 29 ]. We tested a series of sites with single nucleotide bulges in the target or the miRNA ( Figure 3 B). Only some of these sites conferred good regulation of the reporter gene. Our results do not support the idea that such sites depend on a symmetrical arrangement of base-pairs flanking the bulge. We also note that the identity of the bulged nucleotide seems to matter. While it is clear that some target sites with one nucleotide bulge or a single mismatch can be functional if supported by extensive complementarity to the miRNA 3′ end, it is not possible to generalize about their potential function. Functional Categories of Target Sites While recognizing that there is a continuum of base-pairing quality between miRNAs and target sites, the experiments presented above suggest that sites that depend critically on pairing to the miRNA 5′ end (5′ dominant sites) can be distinguished from those that cannot function without strong pairing to the miRNA 3′ end (3′ compensatory sites). The 3′ compensatory group includes seed matches of four to six base-pairs and seeds of seven or eight bases that contain G:U base-pairs, single nucleotide bulges, or mismatches. We consider it useful to distinguish two subgroups of 5′ dominant sites: those with good pairing to both 5′ and 3′ ends of the miRNA (canonical sites) and those with good 5′ pairing but with little or no 3′ pairing (seed sites). We consider seed sites to be those where there is no evidence for pairing of the miRNA 3′ end to nearby sequences that is better than would be expected at random. We cannot exclude the possibility that some sites that we identify as seed sites might be supported by additional long-range 3′ pairing. Computationally, this is always possible if long enough loops in the UTR sequence are allowed. Whether long loops are functional in vivo remains to be determined. Canonical sites have strong seed matches supported by strong base-pairing to the 3′ end of the miRNA. Canonical sites can thus be seen as an extension of the seed type (with enhanced 3′ pairing in addition to a sufficient 5′ seed) or as an extension of the 3′compensatory type (with improved 5′ seed quality in addition to sufficient 3′ pairing). Individually, canonical sites are likely to be more effective than other site types because of their higher pairing energy, and may function in one copy. Due to their lower pairing energies, seed sites are expected to be more effective when present in more than one copy. Figure 4 presents examples of the different site types in biologically relevant miRNA targets and illustrates their evolutionary conservation in multiple drosophilid genomes. Figure 4 Three Classes of miRNA Target Sites Model of canonical (left), seed (middle) and 3′ compensatory (right) target sites. The upper diagram illustrates the mode of pairing between target site (upper line) and miRNA (lower line, color). Next down in each column are diagrams of the pattern of 3′ UTR conservation. The vertical black bars show stretches of at least six nucleotides that are conserved in several drosophilid genomes. Target sites for miR-7, miR-4, and miR-10 are shown as colored horizontal bars beneath the UTR. Sites for other miRNAs are shown as black bars. Furthest down in each column the predicted structure of the duplex between the miRNA and its target site is shown; canonical base-pairs are marked with filled circles, G:U base-pairs with open circles. The sequence alignments show nucleotide conservation of these target sites in the different drosophilid species Nucleotides predicted to pair to the miRNA are shown in bold; nucleotides predicted to be unpaired are grey. Red asterisks indicate 100% sequence conservation; grey asterisks indicate conservation of base-pairing to the miRNA including G:U pairs. The additional sequence alignment for the miR-10 target site in Scr in Tribolium castanaeum, Anopheles gambiae, and Bombyx mori strengthens this prediction. Note that the reduced quality of 3′ compensation in these species is compensated by the presence of a better quality 7mer seed. A. ga, Anopheles gambiae; B. mo, B. mori; D. an, D. ananassae; D. me, D. melanogaster; D. ps, D. pseudoobscura; D. si, D. simulans; D. vi, D. virilis; D. ya, D. yakuba; T. ca, T. castanaeum. Most currently identified miRNA target sites are canonical. For example, the hairy 3′ UTR contains a single site for miR-7, with a 9mer seed and a stretch of 3′ complementarity. This site has been shown to be functional in vivo [ 26 ], and it is strikingly conserved in the seed match and in the extent of complementarity to the 3′ end of miR-7 in all six orthologous 3′ UTRs. Although seed sites have not been previously identified as functional miRNA target sites, there is some evidence that they exist in vivo. For example, the Bearded (Brd) 3′ UTR contains three sequence elements, known as Brd boxes, that are complementary to the 5′ region of miR-4 and miR-79 [ 32 , 40 ]. Brd boxes have been shown to repress expression of a reporter gene in vivo, presumably via miRNAs, as expression of a Brd 3′ UTR reporter is elevated in dicer-1 mutant cells, which are unable to produce any miRNAs [ 14 ]. All three Brd box target sites consist of 7mer seeds with little or no base-pairing to the 3′ end of either miR-4 or miR-79 (see below). The alignment of Brd 3′ UTRs shows that there is little conservation in the miR-4 or miR-79 target sites outside the seed sequence, nor is there conservation of pairing to either miRNA 3′ end. This suggests that the sequences that could pair to the 3′ end of the miRNAs are not important for regulation as they do not appear to be under selective pressure. This makes it unlikely that a yet unidentified Brd box miRNA could form a canonical site complex. The 3′ UTR of the HOX gene Sex combs reduced (Scr) provides a good example of a 3′ compensatory site. Scr contains a single site for miR-10 with a 5mer seed and a continuous 11-base-pair complementarity to the miRNA 3′ end [ 28 ]. The miR-10 transcript is encoded within the same HOX cluster downstream of Scr, a situation that resembles the relationship between miR-iab-5p and Ultrabithorax in flies [ 26 ] and miR-196 / HoxB8 in mice [ 41 ]. The predicted pairing between miR-10 and Scr is perfectly conserved in all six drosophilid genomes, with the only sequence differences occurring in the unpaired loop region. The site is also conserved in the 3′ UTR of the Scr genes in the mosquito, Anopheles gambiae , the flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum , and the silk moth, Bombyx mori . Conservation of such a high degree of 3′ complementarity over hundreds of millions of years of evolution suggests that this is likely to be a functional miR-10 target site. Extensive 5′ and 3′ sequence conservation is also seen for other 3′ compensatory sites, e.g., the two let-7 sites in lin-41 or the miR-2 sites in grim and sickle [ 17 , 26 , 36 ]. The miRNA 3′ End Determines Target Specificity within miRNA Families Several families of miRNAs have been identified whose members have common 5′ sequences but differ in their 3′ ends. In view of the evidence that 5′ ends of miRNA are functionally important [ 26 , 27 , 29 , 42 ], and in some cases sufficient (present study), it can be expected that members of miRNA families may have redundant or partially redundant functions. According to our model, 5′ dominant canonical and seed sites should respond to all members of a given miRNA family, whereas 3′ compensatory sites should differ in their sensitivity to different miRNA family members depending on the degree of 3′ complementarity. We tested this using the wing disc assay with 3′ UTR reporter transgenes and overexpression constructs for various miRNA family members. miR-4 and miR-79 share a common 5′ sequence that is complementary to a single 8mer seed site in the bagpipe 3′ UTR ( Figure 5 A and 5 B). The 3′ ends of the miRNAs differ. miR-4 is predicted to have 3′ pairing at approximately 50% of the maximally possible level (−10.8 kcal/mol), whereas the level of 3′ pairing for miR-79 is approximately 25% maximum (−6.1 kcal/mol), which is below the average level expected for random matches (see below). Both miRNAs repressed expression of the bagpipe 3′ UTR reporter, regardless of the 3′ complementarity ( Figure 5 B). This indicates that both types of site are functional in vivo and suggests that bagpipe is a target for both miRNAs in this family. Figure 5 Target Specificity of miRNA Family Members (A) Diagrams of 3′ UTR conservation in six drosophilid genomes (horizontal black bars) and the location of predicted miRNA target sites. Above is the 3′ UTR of the myogenic transcription factor bagpipe (bap) showing the predicted target site for the Brd box miRNA family, miR-4 and miR-79 (black box below the UTR). Alignment of miR-4 and miR-79 illustrates that they share a similar seed sequence (except that mir-4 has one extra 5′ base) but have little 3′ end similarity. Below are the conserved sequences in the3′ UTRs of the pro-apoptotic genes grim and sickle. Predicted target sites for the K Box miRNAs miR-11, miR-2b, and miR-6 are shown below the UTR. Alignment of miR-11, miR-2b, and miR-6 illustrates that they share the same family motif but have little similarity in their 3′ ends. (B) The bagpipe (bap) 3′ UTR reporter gene is regulated by miR-4 and miR-79. Alignments of the two miRNAs to the predicted target site show good 8mer seed matches (left). Overexpression of miR-4 or miR-79 under ptcGal4 control downregulated the bagpipe 3′ UTR reporter (right). (C) Left: Alignment of K box miRNAs with the single predicted site in the grim 3′ UTR and regulation by overexpression of miR-2 (top), but not by miR-6 (middle) or miR-11 (bottom). Right: Alignment of K box miRNAs with the two predicted sites in the sickle 3′ UTR. Regulation by overexpression of miR-2 was strong (top), regulation by miR-6 was weaker (middle), and miR-11 had little effect (bottom). (D) Effect of clones of cells lacking dicer-1 on expression of UTR reporters for predicted miRNA-regulated genes. Mutant cells were marked by the absence of β-Gal expression (red). EGFP expression is shown in green. Both channels are shown separately below in black and white. Mutant clones are indicated by yellow arrows. Expression of a uniformly transcribed reporter construct lacking miRNA target sites was unaffected in dicer-1 mutant cells (first column). The UTR reporter for the bantam miRNA target hid was upregulated in the mutant cells (second column). The bagpipe (bap) UTR reporter was upregulated in dicer-1 clones (third column). The grim (fourth column) and sickle (fifth column) UTR reporters were upregulated. To test whether miRNA family members can also have non-overlapping targets, we used 3′ UTR reporters of the pro-apoptotic genes grim and sickle, two recently identified miRNA targets [ 26 ]. Both genes contain K boxes in their 3′ UTRs that are complementary to the 5′ ends of the miR-2, miR-6, and miR-11 miRNA family [ 26 , 32 ]. These miRNAs share residues 2–8 but differ considerably in their 3′ regions ( Figure 5 A). The site in the grim 3′ UTR is predicted to form a 6mer seed match with all three miRNAs ( Figure 5 C, left), but only miR-2 shows the extensive 3′ complementarity that we predict would be needed for a 3′ compensatory site with a 6mer seed to function (−19.1 kcal/mol, 63% maximum 3′ pairing, versus −10.9 kcal/mol, 46% maximum, for miR-11 and −8.7 kcal/mol, 37% maximum, for miR-6 ). Indeed, only miR-2 was able to regulate the grim 3′ UTR reporter, whereas miR-6 and miR-11 were non-functional. The sickle 3′ UTR contains two K boxes and provides an opportunity to test whether weak sites can function synergistically. The first site is similar to the grim 3′ UTR in that it contains a 6mer seed for all three miRNAs but extensive 3′ complementarity only to miR-2 . The second site contains a 7mer seed for miR-2 and miR-6 but only a 6mer seed for miR-11 ( Figure 5 C, right). miR-2 strongly downregulated the sickle reporter, miR-6 had moderate activity (presumably via the 7mer seed site), and miR-11 had nearly no activity, even though the miRNAs were overexpressed. The fact that a site is targeted by at least one miRNA argues that it is accessible (e.g., miR-2 is able to regulate both UTR reporters), and that the absence of regulation for other family members is due to the duplex structure. These results are in line with what we would expect based on the predicted functionality of the individual sites, and indicate that our model of target site functionality can be extended to UTRs with multiple sites. Weak sites that do not function alone also do not function when they are combined. To show that endogenous miRNA levels regulate all three 3′ UTR reporters, we compared EGFP expression in wild-type cells and dicer-1 mutant cells, which are unable to produce miRNAs [ 14 ]. dicer-1 clones did not affect a control reporter lacking miRNA binding sites, but showed elevated expression of a reporter containing the 3′ UTR of the previously identified bantam miRNA target hid ( Figure 5 D). Similarly, all 3′ UTR reporters above were upregulated in dicer-1 mutant cells, indicating that bagpipe, sickle, and grim are subject to repression by miRNAs expressed in the wing disc. Taken together, these experiments indicate that transcripts with 5′ dominant canonical and seed sites are likely to be regulated by all members of a miRNA family. However, transcripts with 3′ compensatory sites can discriminate between miRNA family members. Genome-Wide Occurrence of Target Sites Experimental tests such as those presented above and the observed evolutionary conservation suggest that all three types of target sites are likely to be used in vivo. To gain additional evidence we examined the occurrence of each site type in all Drosophila melanogaster 3′ UTRs. We made use of the D. pseudoobscura genome, the second assembled drosophilid genome, to determine the degree of site conservation for the three different site classes in an alignment of orthologous 3′ UTRs. From the 78 known Drosophila miRNAs, we selected a set of 49 miRNAs with non-redundant 5′ sequences. We first investigated whether sequences complementary to the miRNA 5′ ends were better conserved than would be expected for random sequences. For each miRNA, we constructed a cohort of ten randomly shuffled variants. To avoid a bias for the number of possible target matches, the shuffled variants were required to produce a number of sequence matches comparable (±15%) to the original miRNAs for D. melanogaster 3′ UTRs. 7mer and 8mer seeds complementary to real miRNA 5′ ends were significantly better conserved than those complementary to the shuffled variants. This is consistent with the findings of Lewis et al. [ 27 ] but was obtained without the need to use a rank and energy cutoff applied to the full-length miRNA target duplex, as was the case for vertebrate miRNAs. Conserved 8mer seeds for real miRNAs occur on average 2.8 times as often as seeds complementary to the shuffled miRNAs ( Figure 6 A). For 7mer seeds this signal was 2:1, whereas 6mer, 5mer, and 4mer seeds did not show better conservation than expected for random sequences. To assess the validity of these signals and to control for the random shuffling of miRNAs, we repeated this procedure with “mutant” miRNAs in which two residues in the 5′ region were changed. There was no difference between the mutant test miRNAs and their shuffled variants ( Figure 6 A). This indicates that a substantial fraction of the conserved 7mer and 8mer seeds complementary to real miRNAs identify biologically relevant target sites. Figure 6 Computational Analysis of Target Site Occurrence (A) Genome-wide occurrence of conserved 5′ seed matches. Histogram showing the ratio of 5′ seed matches for a set of 49 5′ non-redundant miRNAs and the average of their ten completely shuffled variants for different seed types (black bars). A ratio of one (red line) indicates no difference between the miRNA and its shuffled variants. The same ratio for mutated miRNAs and their shuffled variants shows no signal (white bars). The inset depicts shuffling of the entire miRNA sequence (wavy purple line). (B) Target site conservation between D. melanogaster and D. pseudoobscura . Histogram showing the average conservation of the 3′ UTR sequence (16 nt) upstream of a conserved 8mer seed match that would pair to the miRNA 3′ end. All sites were binned according to their conservation, and the percentage of sites in each bin is shown for sites identified by 49 5′ non-redundant miRNA sequences (grey) and their shuffled control sequences (black, error bars indicate one standard deviation). (C) 3′ pairing preferences for miR-7 target sites. Histogram showing the distribution of 3′ pairing energies for miR-7 (red bars) and the average of 50 3′ shuffled variants (black bars) for all sites identified genome-wide by 6mer 5′ seed matches for miR-7. The inset illustrates shuffling of the 3′ end of miRNA sequence only (wavy purple line). Because the miRNA 5′ end was not altered, the identical set of target sites was compared for pairing to the 3′ end of real and shuffled miRNAs. (D) 3′ pairing preferences for miRNA target sites. Histograms showing the ratio of the top 1% 3′ pairing energies for the set of 58 3′ non-redundant miRNAs and their shuffled variants. The y-axis shows the number of miRNAs for each ratio. Real miRNAs are shown in red; mutant miRNAs are shown in black. Left are shown combined 8- and 7mer seed sites. Right are shown combined 5- and 6mer seed sites. For combined 8- and 7mer seeds, 1% corresponds to approximately ten sites per miRNA; for combined 6- and 5mer, to approximately 25 sites. The difference between the real and mutated miRNAs improves if fewer sites per miRNA are considered. (E) Non-random signal of 3′ pairing. Plot of the ratio of the number of target sites for the set of 58 3′ non-redundant miRNAs and their shuffled miRNA 3′ ends (y-axis) with 3′ pairing energies that exceed a given pairing cutoff (x-axis). 100% is the pairing energy for a sequence perfectly complementary to the 3′ end. As the required level of 3′ pairing energy increases, fewer miRNAs and their sites remain to contribute to the signal. Plots for the real miRNAs extended to considerably higher 3′ pairing energies than the mutants, but as site number decreases we observe anomalous effects on the ratios, so the curves were cut off when the number of remaining miRNAs fell below five. 3′ compensatory and canonical sites depend on substantial pairing to the miRNA 3′ end. For these sites, we expect UTR sequences adjacent to miRNA 5′ seed matches to pair better to the miRNA 3′ end than to random sequences. However, unlike 5′ complementarity, 3′ base-pairing preference was not detected in previous studies looking at sequence complementarity and nucleotide conservation because UTR sequences complementary to the miRNA 3′ end were not better conserved than would be expected at random [ 27 ]. On this basis, we decided to treat the 5′ and 3′ ends of the miRNA separately. For the 5′ end, seed matches were required to be fully conserved in an alignment of orthologous D. melanogaster and D. pseudoobscura 3′ UTRs (we expected one-half to two-thirds of these matches to be real miRNA sites). We first investigated the overall conservation of UTR sequences adjacent to the conserved seed matches and found that overall the sequences are not better conserved than a random control with shuffled miRNAs ( Figure 6 B). For both real and random matches, the number of sites increases with the degree of 3′ conservation (up to the 80% level), reflecting the increased probability that sequences adjacent to conserved seed matches will also lie in blocks of conserved sequence ( Figure 6 B). For real 7mers and 8mers we found a slightly higher percentage of sites between 30% and 80% identity than we did for the shuffled controls. In contrast, the ratio of sites with over 80% sequence identity was smaller for real 7- or 8mers than for random ones, meaning that in highly conserved 3′ UTR blocks (>80% identity) the ratio of random matches exceeds that of real miRNA target sites. This caused us to question whether the degree of conservation for sequences adjacent to seed matches correlates with miRNA 3′ pairing as would be expected if the conservation were due to a biologically relevant miRNA target site. Indeed, we found that the best conserved sites adjacent to seed matches (i.e., those with zero, one, or two mismatches in the 3′ UTR alignment) and the least conserved sites (i.e., those with only three, two, or one matching nucleotides) are not distinguishable in that both pair only randomly to the corresponding miRNA 3′ end (approximately 35% maximal 3′ pairing energy, data not shown). The observation that miRNA target sites do not seem to be fully conserved over their entire length is consistent with the examples shown in Figure 4 in which only the degree of 3′ pairing but not the nucleotide identity is conserved (miR-7/hairy), or at least the unpaired bulge is apparently not under evolutionary pressure (miR-10/Scr). Although this result obviously depends on the evolutionary distance of the species under consideration (see [ 43 ] for a comparison of mammalian sites), it shows that conclusions about the contribution of miRNA 3′ pairing to target site function cannot be drawn solely from the degree of sequence conservation. We therefore chose to evaluate the quality of 3′ pairing by the stability of the predicted RNA–RNA duplex. We assessed predicted pairing energy between the miRNA 3′ end and the adjacent UTR sequence for both Drosophila species and used the lower score. Use of the lower score measures conservation of the overall degree of pairing without requiring sequence identity. Figure 6 C shows the distribution of the 3′ pairing energies for all conserved 3′ compensatory miR-7 sites identified by a 6mer seed match, compared to the distribution of 50 miR-7 sequences shuffled only in the 3′ part, leaving the 5′ unchanged. This means that real and shuffled miRNAs identify the same 5′ seed matches in the 3′ UTRs, which allows us to compare the 3′ pairing characteristics of the adjacent sequences. We also required 3′ shuffled sequences to have similar pairing energies (±15%) to their complementary sequences and to 10,000 randomly selected sites to exclude generally altered pairing characteristics. The distributions for real and shuffled miRNAs were highly similar, with a mean of approximately 35% of maximal 3′ pairing energy and few sites above 55%. However, a small number of sites paired exceptionally well to miR-7 at energies that were far above the shuffled averages and not reached by any of the 50 shuffled controls. This example illustrates that there is a significant difference between real and shuffled miRNAs for the sites with the highest 3′ complementarity, which are likely to be biologically relevant. Sites with weaker 3′ pairing might also be functional, but cannot be distinguished from random matches and can only be validated by experiments (see Figure 5 ). To provide a global analysis of 3′ pairing comprising all miRNAs and to investigate how many miRNAs show significantly non-random 3′ pairing, we considered only the sites within the highest 1% of 3′ pairing energies. The average of the highest 1% of 3′ pairing energies of each of 58 3′ non-redundant miRNAs was divided by that of its 50 3′ shuffled controls. This ratio is one if the averages are the same, and increases if the real miRNA has better 3′ pairing than the shuffled miRNAs. To test whether a signal was specific for real miRNAs, we repeated the same protocol with a mutant version of each miRNA. The altered 5′ sequence in the mutant miRNA selects different seed matches than the real miRNA and permits a comparison of sequences that have not been under selection for complementarity to miRNA 3′ ends with those that may have been. Figure 6 D shows the distribution of the energy ratios for canonical (left) and 3′ compensatory sites (right) for all 58 real and mutated 3′ non-redundant miRNAs. Most real miRNAs had ratios close to one, comparable to the mutants. But several had ratios well above those observed for mutant miRNAs, indicating significant conserved 3′ pairing. A small fraction of sites show exceptionally good 3′ pairing. If we use 3′ pairing energy cutoffs to examine site quality for all miRNAs, we expect sites of this type to be distinguishable from random matches. The ratio of the number of sites above the cutoff for real versus 3′ shuffled miRNAs was plotted as a function of the 3′ pairing cutoff ( Figure 6 E). For low cutoffs the ratio is one, as the number of sites corresponds to the number of seed matches (which is identical for real and 3′ shuffled miRNAs). For increasing cutoffs, the ratios increase once a certain threshold is reached, reflecting overrepresentation of sites that pair favorably to the real miRNA 3′ end but not the 3′ shuffled miRNAs. The maximal ratio obtained for mutated miRNAs never exceeded five, which we used as the threshold level to define where significant overrepresentation begins. For 8mer seed sites overrepresentation began at 55% maximal 3′ pairing; for 7mer seed sites, at 65%; for 6mer seed sites, at 68%; and for 5mer seed sites, at 78%. There was no statistical evidence for sites with 4mer seeds. We also tested whether sequences forming 7mer or 8mer seeds containing G:U base-pairs, mismatches, or bulges were better conserved if complementary to real miRNAs. We did not find any statistical evidence for these seed types. Analysis of 3′ pairing also failed to show any non-random signal for these sites. This suggests that such sites are few in number genome-wide and are not readily distinguished from random matches. Nonetheless, our experiments do show that sites of this type can function in vivo. The let-7 sites in lin-41 provide a natural example. Most Sites Lack Substantial 3′ Pairing The experimental and computational results presented above provide information about 5′ and 3′ pairing that allows us to estimate the number of target sites of each type in Drosophila. The number of 3′ compensatory sites cannot be estimated on the basis of 5′ pairing, because seed matches of four, five, or six bases cannot be distinguished from random matches, reflecting that a large number of randomly conserved and non-functional matches predominate ( Figure 6 A). Significant 3′ pairing can be distinguished from random matches for 6mer sites above 68% maximal 3′ pairing energy, and above 78% for 5mers ( Figure 6 E). Using these pairing levels gives an estimate of one 3′ compensatory site on average per miRNA. The experiments in Figure 5 provide an opportunity to assess the contribution of 3′ pairing to the ability of sites with 6mer seeds to function. The 6mer K box site in the grim 3′ UTR was regulated by miR-2 (63% maximal 3′ pairing energy), but not by miR-11, which has a predicted 3′ pairing energy of 46%. Similarly, the 6mer seed sites for miR-11 in the sickle 3′ UTR had 3′ pairing energies of approximately 35% and were non-functional. We can use the 63% and 46% levels to provide upper and lower estimates of one and 20 3′ compensatory 6mer sites on average per miRNA. For 5mer sites, the examples in Figure 1 show that sites with 76% and 83% maximal 3′ pairing do not function. At the 80% threshold level, we expect less than one additional site on average per miRNA, suggesting that 3′ compensatory sites with 5mer seeds are rare. The predicted miR-10 site in Scr (see Figure 4 ) is one of the few sites with a 5mer seed that reaches this threshold (100% maximum 3′ pairing energy; −20 kcal/mol). It is likely that other sites in this group will also prove to be functionally important. The overrepresentation of conserved 5′ seed matches (see Figure 6 A) suggests that approximately two-thirds of sites with 8mer seeds and approximately one-half of the sites with 7mer seeds are biologically relevant. This corresponds to an average of 28 8mers and 53 7mers, for a total of 81 sites per miRNA. We define canonical sites as those with meaningful contributions from both 5′ and 3′ pairing. Given that 7- and 8mer seed matches can function without significant 3′ pairing, it is difficult to assess at what level 3′ pairing contributes meaningfully to their function. The range of 3′ pairing energies that were minimally sufficient to support a weak seed match was between 46% and 63% of maximum pairing energy (see Figure 5 C). If we take the 46% level as the lower limit for meaningful 3′ pairing, over 95% of sites would be considered seed sites. This changes to 99% for pairing energies that can be statistically distinguished from noise (55% maximal; see Figure 6 E) and remains over 50% even for pairing energies at the average level achieved by random matches (30% maximal). It is clear from this analysis that the majority of miRNA target sites lack substantial pairing in the 3′ end in nearby sequences. Indeed the 3′ pairing level for the three seed sites for miR-4 in Brd are all less than 25% (i.e., below the average for random matches) and Brd was thus not predicted as a miR-4 target previously [ 26 , 28 , 35 ]. Again, we note the caveat that some of sites that we identify as seed could in principle be supported by 3′ pairing to more distant upstream sequences, but also that such sites would be difficult to distinguish from background computationally and that it is unclear whether large loops are functional. If there were statistical evidence for 3′ pairing that is lower than would be expected at random for some sites, this would be one line of argument for a discrete functional class that does not use 3′ pairing and would therefore suggest selection against 3′ pairing. Although the overall distribution of 3′ pairing energies for real miRNA 3′ ends adjacent to 8mer seed matches is very similar to the random control with 3′ shuffled sequences ( Figure 7 ; R 2 = 0.98), we observed a small but significant overrepresentation of real sites on both sides of the random distribution, which leads to a slightly wider distribution of real sites at the expense of the peak values around 30% pairing. Bearing in mind that one-third of 8mer seed matches are false positives (see Figure 6 A), we can account for the noise by subtracting one-third of the random distribution. We then see two peaks at around 20% and 35% maximum pairing energy, separated by a dip. Subtracting more (e.g., one-half or two-thirds) of the random distribution increases the separation of the two peaks, suggesting that the underlying distribution of 3′ pairing for real 8mer seed sites might indeed be bimodal. This effect is still present, though less pronounced, if 7mer seed matches are included. No such effect is seen for the combined 5- and 6mer seed matches. In addition, we see no difference between a random (noise) model that evaluates 3′ pairing of 3′ shuffled miRNAs to UTR sites identified by real miRNA seed matches and a random model that pairs the real (i.e., non-shuffled) miRNA 3′ end to randomly chosen UTR sequences, thus excluding bias due to shuffling. Overall, these results suggest that there might indeed be a bimodal distribution due to an enrichment of sites with both better and worse 3′ pairing than would be expected at random. We take this as evidence that seed sites are a biologically meaningful subgroup within the 5′ dominant site category. Figure 7 Distribution of 3′ Pairing Energies for 8mer Seed Matches Shown is the distribution (number of sites versus 3′ pairing) for 8mer seed matches identified genome-wide for 58 3′ non-redundant miRNAs (black) compared to a random control using 50 3′ shuffled miRNAs per real miRNA (grey). Note that the distribution for real miRNAs is broader at both the high and low end than the random control and has shoulders close to the peak. The red, blue, and green curves show the effect of subtracting background noise (random matches) from the real matches at three different levels, which reveals the real matches underlying these shoulders. Overall, these estimates suggest that there are over 80 5′ dominant sites and 20 or fewer 3′ compensatory sites per miRNA in the Drosophila genome. As estimates of the number of miRNAs in Drosophila range from 96 to 124 [ 44 ], this translates to 8,000–12,000 miRNA target sites genome-wide, which is close to the number of protein-coding genes. Even allowing for the fact that some genes have multiple miRNA target sites, these findings suggest that a large fraction of genes are regulated by miRNAs. Discussion We have provided experimental and computational evidence for different types of miRNA target sites. One key finding is that sites with as little as seven base-pairs of complementarity to the miRNA 5′ end are sufficient to confer regulation in vivo and are used in biologically relevant targets. Genome-wide, 5′ dominant sites occur 2- to 3-fold more often in conserved 3′ UTR sequences than would be expected at random. The majority of these sites have been overlooked by previous miRNA target prediction methods because their limited capacity to base-pair to the miRNA 3′ end cannot be distinguished from random noise. Such sites rank low in search methods designed to optimize overall pairing energy [ 16 , 17 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 30 , 35 ]. Indeed, we find that few seed sites scored high enough to be considered seriously in these earlier predictions, even when 5′ complementarity was given an additional weighting (e.g., [ 28 , 43 ]. We thus suspect that methods with pairing cutoffs would exclude many, if not all, such sites. In a scenario in which protein-coding genes acquire miRNA target sites in the course of evolution [ 4 ], it is likely that seed sites with only seven or eight bases complementary to a miRNA would be the first functional sites to be acquired. Once present, a site would be retained if it conferred an advantage, and sites with extended complementarity could also be selected to confer stronger repression. In this scenario, the number of sites might grow over the course of evolution so that ancient miRNAs would tend to have more targets than those more recently evolved. Likewise, genes that should not be repressed by the miRNA milieu in a given cell type would tend to avoid seed matches to miRNA 5′ ends (“anti-targets” [ 4 ]). Although a 7- to 8mer seed is sufficient for a site to function, additional 3′ pairing increases miRNA functionality. The activity of a single 7mer canonical site is expected to be greater than an equivalent seed site. Likewise, the magnitude of miRNA-induced repression is reduced by introducing 3′ mismatches into a canonical site. Genome-wide, there are many sites that appear to show selection for conserved 3′ pairing and, interestingly, many sites that appear to show selection against 3′ pairing. In vivo, canonical sites might function at lower miRNA concentrations and might repress translation more effectively, particularly when multiple sites are present in one UTR (e.g., [ 42 ]). Efficient repression is likely to be necessary for genes whose expression would be detrimental, as illustrated by the genetically identified miRNAs, which produce clear mutant phenotypes when their targets are not normally repressed (“switch targets” [ 4 ]). Prolonged expression of the lin-14 and lin-41 genes in Caenorhabditis elegans mutant for lin-4 or let-7 causes developmental defects, and their regulation involves multiple sites [ 17 , 36 , 37 ]. Similarly, multiple target sites allow robust regulation of the pro-apoptotic gene hid by bantam miRNA in Drosophila [ 19 ]. More subtle modulation of expression levels could be accomplished by weaker sites, such as those lacking 3′ pairing. Sites that cannot function efficiently alone are in fact a prerequisite for combinatorial regulation by multiple miRNAs. Seed sites might thus be useful for situations in which the combined input of several miRNAs is used to regulate target expression. Depending on the nature of the target sites, any single miRNA might not have a strong effect on its own, while being required in the context of others. 3′ Complementarity Distinguishes miRNA Family Members 3′ compensatory sites have weak 5′ pairing and need substantial 3′ pairing to function. We find genome-wide statistical support for 3′ compensatory sites with 5mer and 6mer seeds and show that they are used in vivo. Furthermore, these sites can be differentially regulated by different miRNA family members depending on the quality of their 3′ pairing (e.g., regulation of the pro-apoptotic genes grim and sickle by miR-2, miR-6, and miR-11 ). Thus, members of a miRNA family may have common targets as well as distinct targets. They may be functionally redundant in regulation of some targets but not others, and so we can expect some overlapping phenotypes as well as differences in their mutant phenotypes. Following this reasoning, it is likely that the let-7 miRNA family members differentially regulate lin-41 in C. elegans [ 17 , 45 ]. The seed matches in lin-41 to let-7 and the related miRNAs miR-48, miR-84, and miR-241 are weak, and only let-7 has strong 3′ pairing. On this basis, it seems likely that lin-41 is regulated only by let-7 . In contrast, hbl-1 has four sites with strong seed matches [ 38 , 39 ], and we expect it to be regulated by all four let-7 family members. As all four let-7 -related miRNAs are expressed similarly during development [ 6 ], their role as regulators of hbl-1 may be redundant. let-7 must also have targets not shared by the other family members, as its function is essential. lin-41 is likely to be one such target. The idea that the 3′ end of miRNAs serves as a specificity factor provides an attractive explanation for the observation that many miRNAs are conserved over their full length across species separated by several hundreds of millions of years of evolution. 3′ compensatory sites may have evolved from canonical sites by mutations that reduce the quality of the seed match. This could confer an advantage by allowing a site to become differentially regulated by miRNA family members. In addition, sites could retain specificity and overall pairing energy, but with reduced activity, perhaps permitting discrimination between high and low levels of miRNA expression. This might also allow a target gene to acquire a dependence on inputs from multiple miRNAs. These scenarios illustrate a few ways in which more complex regulatory roles for miRNAs might arise during evolution. A Large Fraction of the Genome Is Regulated by miRNAs Another intriguing outcome of this study is evidence for a surprisingly large number of miRNA target sites genome-wide. Even our conservative estimate is far above the numbers of sites in recent predictions, e.g., seven or fewer per miRNA [ 27 , 28 , 29 ]. Our estimate of the total number of targets approaches the number of protein-coding genes, suggesting that regulation of gene expression by miRNAs plays a greater role in biology than previously anticipated. Indeed, Bartel and Chen [ 46 ] have suggested in a recent review that the earlier estimates were likely to be low, and a recent study by John et al. [ 43 ], published while this manuscript was under review, predicts that approximately 10% of human genes are regulated by miRNAs. We agree with these authors' suggestion that this is likely an underestimate, because their method identifies an average of only 7.1 target genes per miRNA, with few that we would classify as seed sites lacking substantial 3′ pairing. A large number of target sites per miRNA is also consistent with combinatorial gene regulation by miRNAs, analogous to that by transcription factors, leading to cell-type-specific gene expression [ 47 ]. Sites for multiple miRNAs allow for the possibility of cell-type-specific miRNA combinations to confer robust and specific gene regulation. Our results provide an improved understanding of some of the important parameters that define how miRNAs bind to their target genes. We anticipate that these will be of use in understanding known miRNA–target relationships and in improving methods to predict miRNA targets. We have limited our evaluation to target sites in 3′ UTRs. miRNAs directed at other types of targets or with dramatically different functions (e.g., in regulation of chromatin structure) might well use different rules. Accordingly, there may prove to be more targets than we can currently estimate. Further, there may be additional features, such as overall UTR context, that either enhance or limit the accessibility of predicted sites and hence their ability to function. For example, the rules about target site structure cannot explain the apparent requirement for the linker sequence observed in the let-7/lin-41 regulation [ 48 ]. Further efforts toward experimental target site validation and systematic examination of UTR features can be expected to provide new insight into the function of miRNA target sites. Materials and Methods Fly strains ptcGal4; EP miR278 was provided by Aurelio Teleman. The control, hid, grim, and sickle 3′ UTR reporter transgenes, and UAS- miR-2b are described in [ 19 , 26 ]. For UAS constructs for miRNA overexpression, genomic fragments including miR-4 (together with miR-286 and miR-5 ) and miR-11 were amplified by PCR and cloned into UAS-DSred as described for UAS- miR-7 [ 26 ]. Details are available on request. UAS- miR-79 (also contains miR-9b and miR-9c ) and UAS- miR-6 ( miR-6–1, miR-6–2, and miR-6–3 ) were kindly provided by Eric Lai. dcr-1 Q1147X is described in [ 14 ]. Clonal analysis Clones mutant for dcr-1 Q1147X were induced in HS-Flp;dcr-1 FRT82/armadillo-lacZ FRT82 larvae by heat shock for 1 h at 38 °C at 50–60 h of development. Wandering third-instar larvae were dissected and labeled with rabbit anti-GFP (Torrey Pines Biolabs, Houston, Texas, United States; 1:400) and anti-β-Gal (rat polyclonal, 1:500). Reporter constructs The bagpipe 3′ UTR was PCR amplified from genomic DNA (using the following primers [enzyme sites in lower case]: AAtctaga AGGTTGGGAGTGACCATGTCTC and AActcgag TATTTAGCTCTCGGGTAGATACG) and cloned downstream of the tubulin promoter and EGFP (Clontech, Palo Alto, California, United States) in Casper4 as in [ 26 ]. Single target site constructs Oligonucleotides containing the target site sequences shown in the figures were annealed and cloned downstream of tub>EGFP and upstream of SV40polyA (XbaI/XhoI). Clones were verified by DNA sequencing. Details are available on request. EGFP intensity measurements NIH image 1.63 was used to quantify intensity levels in miRNA-expressing and non-expressing cells from confocal images. Depending on the variation, between three and five individual discs were analyzed. 3′ UTR alignments For each D. melanogaster gene, we identified the D. pseudoobscura ortholog using TBlastn as described in [ 26 ]. We then aligned the D. melanogaster 3′ UTR obtained from the Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project to the D. pseudoobscura 3′ adjacent sequence (Human Genome Sequencing Center at Baylor College of Medicine) using AVID [ 49 ]. For individual examples, we manually mapped the D. melanogaster coding region to genomic sequence traces (National Center for Biotechnology Information trace archive) of D. ananassae, D. virilis, D. simulans, and D. yakuba by TBlastn and extended the sequences by Blastn-walking. These 3′ UTR sequences were then aligned to the D. melanogaster and D. pseudoobscura 3′ UTRs using AVID. miRNA-sequences Drosophila miRNA sequences were from [ 44 , 50 , 51 ] downloaded from Rfam ( ). The 5′ non-redundant set (49 miRNAs) comprised bantam, let-7, miR-1, miR-10, miR-11, miR-100, miR-124, miR-125, miR-12, miR-133, miR-13a, miR-14, miR-184, miR-210, miR-219, miR-263b, miR-275, miR-276b, miR-277, miR-278, miR-279, miR-281, miR-283, miR-285, miR-287, miR-288, miR-303, miR-304, miR-305, miR-307, miR-309, miR-310, miR-314, miR-315, miR-316, miR-317, miR-31a, miR-33, miR-34, miR-3, miR-4, miR-5, miR-79, miR-7, miR-87, miR-8, miR-92a, miR-9a, and miR-iab-4–5p. Additional miRNAs in the 3′ non-redundant set were miR-2b, miR-286, miR-306, miR-308, miR-311, miR-312, miR-313, miR-318, and miR-6. miRNA shuffles and mutants For the completely shuffled miRNAs, we shuffled the miRNA sequence over the entire length and required all possible 8mer and 7mer seeds within the first nine bases to have an equal frequency (±15%) to the D. melanogaster 3′ UTRs (i.e., same single genome count). For the 3′ shuffled miRNAs, we shuffled the 3′ end starting at base 10 and required the shuffles to have equal (±15%) pairing energy to a perfect complement and to 10,000 randomly chosen sites. For each miRNA we created all possible 2-nt mutants (exchanging A to T or C, C to A or G, G to C or T, and T to A or G) within the seed (nucleotides 3–6) and chose the one with the closest alignment frequencies to the real miRNA in D. melanogaster 3′ UTRs and in the conserved sequences in D. melanogaster and D. pseudoobscura 3′ UTRs. Seed matching and site evaluation For each miRNA and seed type we found the 5′ match in the D. melanogaster 3′ UTRs and required it to be 100% conserved in an alignment to the D. pseudoobscura ortholog allowing for positional alignment errors of ±2 nt. When searching 7mer to 4mer seeds we masked all longer seeds to avoid identifying the same site more than once. For each matching site we extracted the 3′ adjacent sequence for both genomes, aligned it to the miRNA 3′ end starting at nucleotide 10 using RNAhybrid [ 35 ], and took the worse energy. Supporting Information Accession Numbers The miRNA sequences discussed in this paper can be found in the miRNA Registry ( ). NCBI RefSeq ( ) accession numbers: bagpipe (NM_169958), Brd (NM_057541), grim (NM_079413), hairy (NM_079253), hid (NM_079412), lin-14 (NM_077516), lin-41 (NM_060087), and Scr (NM_206443). GenBank ( ) accession numbers: sickle (AF460844) and D. simulans hairy (AY055843).
Seeds of Destruction: Predicting How microRNAs Choose Their Target
Compare the gene number of fruitfly (13,000) to human (20,000), and it's pretty clear that complexity emerges not just from gene number but from how those genes are regulated. In recent years, it's become increasingly clear that one class of molecules, called microRNAs (miRNAs), exert significant regulatory control over gene expression in most plant and animal species. A mere 22 nucleotides long, miRNAs control a cell's protein composition by preventing the translation of protein-coding messenger RNAs (mRNAs). When a miRNA pairs with an mRNA, through complementary base pairing between the molecules, the mRNA is either destroyed or is not translated. Hundreds of miRNAs have been found in animals, but functions for just a few have been identified, mostly through genetic studies. Many more functions could be assigned if miRNA targets could be predicted. This approach has worked in plants, because miRNAs and their targets pair through the near perfect complementarity of their base pairs. But the molecules follow different rules in animals—duplexes contain just short stretches of complementary sequence interrupted by gaps and mismatches—which makes predicting miRNA targets a challenge. In a new study, Stephen Cohen and his colleagues at the European Molecular Biological Laboratory in Germany establish basic ground rules for miRNA–mRNA pairing using a combination of genetics and computational analyses, and identify different classes of miRNA targets with distinct functional properties. Although the miRNA is only 22 nucleotides long, its 5′ and 3′ ends seem to have distinct roles in binding. Cohen and colleagues show that miRNA functional targets can be divided into two broad categories: those that depend primarily on pairing to the miRNA's 5′ end (called 5′ dominant sites), with varying degrees of 3′ pairing, and those that also need the miRNA's 3′ end (called 3′ compensatory sites). Surprisingly, miRNAs can regulate their targets simply by strong pairing with so-called seed sites that consist of just seven or eight bases complementary to the miRNA 5′ end. Target sites with weaker 5′ complementarity need supplemental pairing with the miRNA's 3′ end to function. The finding that so little sequence complementarity is needed means that there are many more target sites than had been previously recognized. The miRNA 3′ end, while not essential, is expected to confer some function, since it tends to be conserved in animals—miRNA 3′ ends provide an additional measure of regulatory control by permitting the function of target sites that have only limited complementarity to the miRNA 5′ end. The authors speculate that seed sites might be the first functional sites acquired by protein-coding genes that require repression, and that additional sites might be acquired to promote stronger repression. Based on their experimental results, Cohen and colleagues searched the Drosophila genome for biologically relevant targets, and estimate that the fly has about 100 sites for every miRNA in its genome. Since the fruitfly has anywhere from 96 to 124 miRNAs, that means it has 8,000 to 12,000 target sites (in the 11,000 genes sampled). This indicates that miRNAs regulate a large fraction of protein-coding genes. Of the known animal miRNAs, many regulate critical developmental processes. This new approach to predicting targets should help reveal just how much regulatory control actually flows from these tiny bits of RNA.
Cracking the Olfactory Code
For Proust, a taste of cookie was enough to trigger vivid recollections of his childhood, the first of a long string of reveries that he fashioned into his famous memoir Remembrance of Things Past . For many animals, too, tastes and smells are evocative and play a crucial role in finding food, allowing them to build on past successes and to learn how to find their next meal. To locate blooming flowers, for example, honeybees rely heavily on scent. They can associate a whiff of an aldehyde, say, with a nectar-filled orchid. Then later they'll seek out the same or similar scents. To succeed in the wild, they must be able to distinguish relevant scents at varying concentrations, and within complex milieus of other scents. But to find food in varied conditions and adapt to new situations, they also have to generalize from past experience. Through both physiological and behavioral studies, scientists have investigated the response to smell in a wide range of organisms and have suggested that two key properties of scent-inducing chemicals are the functional class, such as alcohol or aldehyde, and the carbon-chain length. Bees trained to associate a particular chemical with a reward, for example, can then generalize to some extent to other chemicals with the same functional groups or similar carbon-chain lengths. In these situations, bees are surprisingly consistent in both in their behavior (extending their proboscis to an odor previously associated with food) and in their brains (brain activity in smell-processing centers). Each set of data, behavioral and neural, can be thought of as a “code” underlying the bee's response: present a scent, and a bee's brain and body will tend to react in a certain way. Linking smellperception and neural activity in the bee (Image: Axel Brockmann) A new study of smell perception in honeybees ( Apis mellifera ) published in PLoS Biology gives a more comprehensive picture of how bees react to a suite of scents and also shows a remarkable correspondence between the codes for the insects' behavior and brain activity. The researchers, led by Martin Giurfa, first trained bees to associate a specific chemical, such as the alcohol 1-nonanol, with a sucrose reward. Then the researchers tested the bees' response to a set of other chemicals, varying in carbon-chain length from six to nine, and with four different functional groups: aldehydes, ketones, and primary and secondary alcohols. By watching how often the bees generalized—that is, how often they responded positively to a particular scent when they'd been trained on another—the researchers could assign perceptual “distances” between pairs of chemicals. Drawing together all these distances, they created a preliminary map of the bees' “perceptual space,” similar to how surveyors measure distances between landmarks to map a landscape. From this comparison they found, for example, that the bees generalized more by functional group than by carbon-chain length. Previously, Giovanni Galizia's group, which works closely with Giurfa's group, had recorded bees' brain responses to the same pairs of scents, assigning distances within centers of activity for each scent. Giurfa's team compared these two sets of data and found that the perceptual and neural distances correlated well, which suggests there's a species-specific code that ties together the insects' brain and behavior. The brain recordings covered only a quarter of the bees' main smell-processing center, the antennal lobe. Future studies with new methods of microscopy that visualize more of the brain and which focus on the olfactory message sent by the antennal lobe to higher-order brain centers should only improve our ability to investigate the correlations between brain and behavior, the authors say. Such studies would go even further toward cracking the codes underlying animals' perception and memory.
Recombination Difference between Sexes: A Role for Haploid Selection
Why the autosomal recombination rate differs between female and male meiosis in most species has been a genetic enigma since the early study of meiosis. Some hypotheses have been put forward to explain this widespread phenomenon and, up to now, only one fact has emerged clearly: In species in which meiosis is achiasmate in one sex, it is the heterogametic one. This pattern, known as the Haldane-Huxley rule, is thought to be a side effect, on autosomes, of the suppression of recombination between the sex chromosomes. However, this rule does not hold for heterochiasmate species (i.e., species in which recombination is present in both sexes but varies quantitatively between sexes) and does not apply to species lacking sex chromosomes, such as hermaphroditic plants. In this paper, we show that in plants, heterochiasmy is due to a male-female difference in gametic selection and is not influenced by the presence of heteromorphic sex chromosomes. This finding provides strong empirical support in favour of a population genetic explanation for the evolution of heterochiasmy and, more broadly, for the evolution of sex and recombination.
Introduction Sex differences in recombination were discovered in the first linkage studies on Drosophila [ 1 , 2 ] and Bombyx (Tanaka [1914] in [ 3 ]) almost one century ago. However, this observation remains today largely unexplained despite several attempts. Based on very limited observations (see Table 1 ), especially of Bombyx, in which the female is heterogametic, Haldane [ 3 ] suggested, as far as “these facts are anything more than a coincidence,” that the lower autosomal recombination rate in the heterogametic sex may reflect a pleiotropic consequence of selection against recombination between the sex chromosomes. Later, Huxley [ 4 ] showed that Gammarus males also recombined less than females. He gave the same evolutionary explanation, although he restricted it to cases of a marked sex difference. Table 1 Data on Which the Haldane-Huxley Rule is Based Listed are the data available to Haldane [ 4 ] when he proposed the Haldane-Huxley rule a r m represents recombination in males b r f represents recombination in females c Plus and minus symbols indicate the direction of heterochiasmy, and zero indicates achiasmy This conjecture has now been confirmed for achiasmate species (i.e., species in which only one sex recombines) and is referred to as Haldane-Huxley rule: Nei [ 5 ] showed theoretically that tight linkage should evolve on Y or W chromosomes, and Bell [ 6 ] compiled a large dataset showing that achiasmy evolved 29–34 times independently, each time with no recombination in the heterogametic sex. However, for heterochiasmate species, three problems with the Haldane-Huxley pleiotropy explanation were discovered [ 7 , 8 ]. The first problem arose when substantial variation in male-female differences in recombination rate was found between pairs of autosomes within mice [ 8 ] and Tribolium [ 9 , 10 ], and between genotypes for the same pair of autosomes [ 11 ]. The second problem was the discovery that hermaphrodite species (the platyhelminth Dendrocoelum [ 12 ] and the plant Allium [ 13 ]) may present strong heterochiasmy between male and female meiosis despite having no sex chromosomes or even sex-determining loci. The third problem was the discovery of species in which the heterogametic sex recombines more than the homogametic one (e.g., in some Triturus species) [ 14 ]. Because of these contradictory observations, variation in heterochiasmy has remained difficult to explain because of the absence of an alternative theory as well as the lack of a clear pattern in the data. In 1969, Nei [ 5 ] worked out the first “modifier” model to study the evolution of sex differences in recombination, and concluded for autosomes that “the evolutionary mechanism of these sex differences is not known at present.” Surveying an updated dataset, Bell [ 6 ] concluded that “female gametes experience more crossing over among hermaphroditic plants (and perhaps animals), but this is not invariably the case among gonochoric animals (…) certainly (this) has never received any explanation.” The idea that heterochiasmy may be explained by a sex rather than by a sex chromosome effect, which was ignored by Haldane because of Bombyx, was reconsidered. This led Trivers [ 15 ] to suggest that, because only males with very good gene combinations reproduce (relative to females, for whom reproduction success is often less variable), they should recombine less to keep intact these combinations. He accounted for exceptions by variation in the regime of sexual selection. The idea was criticized by Burt et al. [ 16 ], who also questioned the correlations—with an updated dataset—between heterochiasmy and either sex or heterogamety. These authors tried to correlate the level of heterochiasmy with the amount of “opportunity for sex-specific selection,” but failed to find an effect. They were tempted to advocate neutrality, but were puzzled by the positive correlation between male and female recombination rate and by evidence showing compensation (e.g., female mice tend to recombine more on the X, as if they were compensating for no recombination in males; similarly, no species is known with achiasmy in both sexes [ 16 ]). In 1994, Korol et al. [ 17 ] insisted on a possible role for gametic selection but did not give evidence in favour of this claim. Recently, Lenormand [ 18 ], using Nei's modifier approach, showed that it is very difficult to explain heterochiasmy by sex-specific diploid selection. Rather, a sex difference in selection during haploid phase, or a sex difference in diploid selection on imprinted genes, is a more likely explanation. He predicted that, as far as haploid selection is concerned, the sex experiencing the more intense haploid selection should recombine less. Indeed, when allelic effects interact to determine fitness (i.e., when there is “epistasis,” either negative or positive), recombining decreases mean fitness in the population of the next generation [ 19 ]. This effect occurs because recombination breaks up combinations of genes that have previously been built up by selection. For a given average recombination rate between sexes and for a given average epistasis between male and female haploids, it is always advantageous for the haploid population (male or female) with the greatest absolute value in epistasis to be produced with the lowest amount of recombination. In this way, the “recombination load” that the haploid population is exposed to is minimized. In this paper, we would like to come up with a more quantitative evaluation of the possible role of haploid selection in shaping heterochiasmy. For that purpose, we first updated the dataset of Burt et al. [ 16 ] on heterochiasmy, focusing on genetic maps that have become available over the last 15 years. We then determined how fast heterochiasmy evolves, in order to measure the amount of phylogenetic inertia on this trait. Finally, we determined whether variables such as gender, heterogamety, or the opportunity for selection in the haploid phase, could explain variation in heterochiasmy. If there is selection with substantial epistasis on some genes during the haploid phase, we expect the sex with the greater opportunity for haploid selection to show less recombination. Alternatively, if selection during the haploid phase is weak or without substantial epistasis, we do not expect it to produce a directional bias in the amount of recombination displayed by either sex. Results/Discussion Sex Chromosomes Heterochiasmy is a fast-evolving trait, and phylogenetic inertia does not satisfactorily explain its distribution. In contrast to achiasmy, we found that heterochiasmy is not influenced by the nature of the sex chromosomes. This is interesting, because it suggests that achiasmy and heterochiasmy are influenced by qualitatively different evolutionary forces, although they seem to differ only quantitatively. It would be useful to determine whether achiasmy evolved to reduce the average recombination rate or to change the relative amount of recombination between the sexes. The two situations may be discriminated by determining whether the homogametic sex in achiasmate species tends to recombine more than in closely related chiasmate species. Evidence for such compensation would indicate that achiasmy did not evolve to reduce the average recombination rate. In the absence of such compensation, however, achiasmy may simply reflect selection for tight linkage. In such a situation, we propose that Haldane-Huxley rule may be caused by the converse argument to the one previously considered: The presence of achiasmy only in the heterogametic sex may reflect selection to maintain nonzero recombination rate on X or Z chromosomes in the homogametic sex. In species in which the average autosomal recombination rate is selected against (i.e., towards a lower equilibrium value), loss-of-function (recombination) mutations with an effect restricted to one sex may spread only if they affect the heterogametic sex, because mutations suppressing recombination in the homogametic sex completely suppress recombination on the X or Z chromosome. The same argument applies to XO species and may explain why achiasmy is associated only with the heterogametic sex. In addition, this hypothesis does not require the existence of genes suppressing recombination between the sex chromosomes with autosomal pleiotropic effects. Under this hypothesis, there is no reason to find an effect of the presence of heteromorphic sex chromosome on the amount of heterochiasmy, as originally envisioned by Haldane and Huxley. Overall, this hypothesis would explain why heterochiasmy and achiasmy differ qualitatively and why we do not observe any effect of sex chromosomes on heterochiasmy. Heterochiasmy in Animals In animals, male-female dimorphism in haploid selection may also contribute to heterochiasmy. In general, there is no female haploid phase in animals, because meiosis is completed only at fertilisation. As far as at least some genes are expressed and under selection during the male haploid phase, this would tend to bias towards tighter linkage in males. Sets of genes responsible for male-specific meiotic drive systems would be good candidates and are often found in tight linkage. Measuring the opportunity for haploid selection in animals may be possible within some groups. Imprinting may, however, act as a confounding effect in many groups of animals while trying to measure the opportunity for “haploid” selection. Within-species comparisons of imprinted regions or of regions with sex-specific recombination using high-resolution maps [ 20 ] may be more fruitful to discriminate among potential causes of heterochiasmy in animals. In particular, there is evidence in humans that the reduction in crossing-over associated with imprinting is in the direction that theory predicts, even if this pattern is consistent with other explanations [ 21 ]. Finally, understanding exceptions within groups (e.g., male marsupials, contrarily to most mammals, recombine more than females of the species [ 22 ]) may also shed light on the different hypotheses. Heterochiasmy in Plants We found that plant heterochiasmy is correlated with the opportunity for male and female haploid selection. Female meiosis tends to exhibit lower recombination rates relative to male meiosis when selection is intense among female gametophytes (e.g., in Pinaceae) or mild among male gametophytes (e.g., in highly selfing species). This pattern is expected if heterochiasmy is determined by the relative magnitude of haploid selection in male and female individuals. Finding a pattern consistent with this general population genetic prediction is, of course, not firm evidence that male-female dimorphism in haploid selection is the evolutionary force generating heterochiasmy. Other correlates of selfing rates might have to be closely examined [ 23 ]. However, we consider this explanation the most parsimonious so far. Our finding provides, therefore, the first empirical evidence for a theory explaining male-female differences in the amount of recombination and contributes to our understanding of contradictory observations that have puzzled geneticists for almost a century. It also indicates that the amount of recombination may be shaped by indirect selection, and, therefore, corroborates theories based on selection and variation for the evolution of sexual reproduction. Materials and Methods An extended dataset We measured heterochiasmy as the log of the male/-to-female ratio ( ρ ) of autosomal recombination rate measured either with chiasma number or map length. We log-transformed the ratio to avoid bias due to measurement error in the denominator. Chiasma-count data for different species were compiled by Burt et al. [ 16 ], and we used their dataset, adding a few recent studies. We compiled genetic map data and linkage studies in animals and plants for which both a male and a female map were available. Only homologous fragments (i.e., between shared markers) in male and female maps were considered (especially in low-resolution maps). Heterochiasmy data were available for 107 species, with 46 sets of data based on genomic maps ( Table 2 ). Table 2 Dataset Pooled by Species with Levels of Phylogenetic Grouping Used in the Analysis Note that references given in Burt et al. [ 17 ] were not repeated here a K, kingdom. Numeric indicators in this column are: 1, Animalia; 2, Plantae b P, phylum. Numeric indicators in this column are: 1, Arthropoda; 2, Chordata; 3, Embryophyta; 4, Platyhelminthes c C, class. Numeric indicators in this column are: 1, Actinopterygii; 2, Amphibia; 3, Magnoliopsidae (subclass asterids); 4, Aves; 5, Coniferopsida; 6, Insecta; 7, Liliopsida; 8, Mammalia; 9, Magnoliopsidae (subclass rosids); 10, Trematoda; 11, Turbellaria d Data refers to linkage map (LM) or chiasma count (CC) e Male and female indicate the value for the chiasma count or map length for each sex f Ratio refers to male/female recombination rate g V sc refers to the presence or absence of sex chromosome (see Materials and Methods , “Sex chromosome effect”) h Data were obtained from maps DBNordic2 and NIAIJapan ( ) [ 54 , 55 ] ND, no data Table 2 Continued Phylogenetic inertia Heterochiasmy may evolve so slowly that there is important phylogenetic inertia. Alternatively, it may be so fast-evolving that the amount of heterochiasmy takes on nearly independent values among related species. In the same way, heterochiasmy may be so variable between genotypes within a species that it may be difficult to measure and irrelevant to analyse species specific effects. In order to get a picture of phylogenetic inertia on heterochiasmy, we estimated the phylogenetic autocorrelation of ρ using Moran's I spatial autocorrelation statistic [ 24 ]. When standardized, values of Moran's I vary from −1 to 1. Positive values indicate that heterochiasmy is more similar than random within a taxonomic level, whereas negative values indicate that it is more different. Because a few species had multiple estimates of heterochiasmy, we also estimated the within-species correlation. The resulting correlogram is shown in Figure 1 . We found that heterochiasmy is a fast-evolving trait: Genotypes tend to be correlated within a species (I/I max = 0.38, p = 7.9%), but this correlation is lower among species within genera (I/I max = 0.18, P-value = 13%), and very low when comparing genera within families (I/I max = 0.039, p = 63%). This pattern is very different from the one observed for highly autocorrelated traits using the same method (for instance, mammalian body size [ 25 ]). This analysis indicates that there is very little phylogenetic inertia overall on heterochiasmy, but that the species level is appropriate for our dataset. However, this low level of inertia may nevertheless inflate type-I error while testing the effect of independent variables on heterochiasmy. In order to avoid this problem, we tested the association between different variables and heterochiasmy using a generalized estimating equations linear model correcting for the full phylogeny (see below) [ 26 ]. Figure 1 Phylogenetic Correlogram of Heterochiasmy and Selfing Rate The y-axis represents Moran's I rescaled to enable comparisons between each taxonomic level for heterochiasmy ( ρ , solid line) and selfing rate ( V m , dashed line). The x-axis represents the taxonomic level: /S is the correlation within species, S/G is the correlation of species within genera, etc. F, family; O, order; C, class; P, phylum; K, kingdom. Filled points indicate significance at p = 0.05. Sex chromosome effect For each species, we reported the presence of sex chromosomes. We defined the variable V sc with the following values: −1 for XY/XX species, −1/2 for XO/XX or XY/XX without pseudoautosomal regions (marsupials), 0 for species without sex-chromosomes, and +1 for ZZ/ZW species. We distinguished the −1 and −1/2 cases to reflect the fact that, in the latter, recombination does not occur between sex chromosomes, so we expect a lower current selection pressure to suppress recombination. Under the Haldane-Huxley hypothesis, the presence of sex chromosomes is supposed to favour reduced recombination rate in the heterogametic sex. We therefore expect a positive effect of the variable V sc on ρ . We did not find such an effect in animals or plants (the linear effect of V sc on ρ is not significantly different from zero [ p = 0.75 in animals and p = 0.52 in plants], assuming species were independent), and this result is unchanged if the −1 and −1/2 cases are not distinguished. Given this negative result, there was no need to do a phylogenetic correction. Gametic selection In animals from our dataset, there is no female haploid phase because the completion of meiosis occurs only at fertilisation (sperm triggers the end of meiosis). In male gametes, very few genes are expressed, and sperm phenotype is determined mostly either by the diploid genotype of the paternal tissue or by its mitochondrial genome. Imprinted genes, which can also affect the evolution of heterochiasmy [ 18 , 21 ], may be as numerous as haploid-expressed genes and act as a confounding factor while evaluating the “opportunity” for male or female gametic selection. As a consequence, we did not attempt to evaluate the opportunity for haploid selection in animals. Rather, we focused on plants, in which there is both a male (pollen) and female (ovule) haploid phase and during which many genes are expressed (e.g., as many as 60% of genes may be expressed in the male gametophyte [ 27 , 28 ]). In order to evaluate the effect of the “opportunity for selection” for male haploid phase on ρ, we used selfing rate as an indirect variable estimating the degree of pollen competition. We assume that with high selfing rates, there is less genetic variation among competing pollen grains and, therefore, less scope for haploid selection. We defined V m (the degree of male gamete competition in plants) using three values depending on the amount of selfing: 0 for dioecious, self-incompatible or largely outcrossing (less than 5% selfing reported) species; 1 for species exhibiting low selfing rates (less than 30% reported); and 2 for other species. We used these three broad categories to reflect the fact that selfing rate is often variable within species and that it is often measured indirectly and with low precision. We therefore expect a positive effect of the variable V m on ρ if the opportunity for male gametic selection favours smaller ρ values, as predicted by the modifier model [ 18 ]. We tested this effect using the 57 species for which we were able to estimate V m ( Table 3 ). We used a linear model in R [ 29 ] assuming that all species are either independent or phylogenetically related. In the latter case, we used a generalized estimating equations linear model [ 26 ] with a plant phylogenetic tree to the family level using data from Davies et al. [ 30 ], and several calibration points, including the Picea / Pinus divergence approximately 140 million years ago [ 31 ], that are not included in the Davies et al. dataset. We found an effect in the right direction with or without correcting for the phylogeny (linear effect of ρ on V m , p < 0.0002 in both cases, Figure 2 ). The fact that selfing plants exhibit higher recombination rates than their outcrossing relatives has been mentioned previously in the literature [ 32 , 33 ]. However, in most cases, recombination was measured only in male meiosis. It would be valuable to reexamine this trend in the light of our results that recombination in male meiosis is typically greater than in female meiosis among selfers. Figure 2 Logarithm of Male-Female Ratio in Recombination Rate in Plants Mean and 95% confidence interval of ρ is shown for different groups of plants, assuming normality and independent data points The number of species in each group is indicated next to the mean. Table 3 Plant Species Used to Test the Effect of Male and Female Opportunity for Selection a Ratio refers to male-to-female recombination rate LM, linkage map; CC, chiasma count; n, haploid number of chromosomes; V m , measure of male opportunity for haploid selection; V f , measure of female opportunity for haploid selection In order to evaluate the effect of the “opportunity for selection” during the female haploid phase on ρ in plants, we contrasted angiosperms with gymnosperms. In angiosperms, ovules do not compete much with each other on a mother plant, because resource accumulation starts after fertilisation (i.e., during fruit development in the diploid phase). In Pinus (three species in our dataset; see Table 2 ), male meiosis, female meiosis, and pollination occur in the year prior to fertilisation, but the pollen tube stops growing until the next spring, while the female gametophytes continue to accumulate resources and compete with each other over the course of the year. The same situation occurs in Picea, although the period between female meiosis and fertilisation is only 2–3 mo [ 34 ]. Perhaps more importantly, the endosperm (which is the organ managing resources for the zygote) is haploid in Pinaceae, in contrast to the double fertilisation that occurs in angiosperms to produce at least a diploid (typically triploid) endosperm [ 35 , 36 ]. We therefore expect that ρ should be greater in Pinaceae, compared to angiosperms. We assigned V f (the degree of female gamete competition in plants) the values 1 for gymnosperms and −1 for angiosperms. We expected a positive effect of the variable V f on ρ according to the modifier model. An effect in the right direction was indeed detected (linear effect of V f on ρ, p = 0.011 and p = 0.0001, with and without correcting for the phylogeny as above, respectively; see Figure 2 ).
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