{ "aen": "He said to them, “What things?” “The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene,” ", "bkm": "Wu bɨf na, “À n-ghɨ àwo à kà?”" }
{ "aen": "they replied, “a man who, with his powerful deeds and words, proved to be a prophet before God and all the people;", "bkm": " Àŋena bèynsɨ̀ na, “À n-ghɨ akî a kɨ gàyn sɨ̂ Jisòs ɨ wû Nazalèt. Wù tî nà ghɨ nfè'tɨ i gha'nɨ, bê àwo a kaynɨ-a, nî ni ali-a. Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ ɨ bɨmî ŋweyn, ghelɨ boŋ bɨmi-à." }
{ "aen": "and how our chief priests and leaders handed him over to be condemned to death, and crucified him.", "bkm": "Ngàŋsɨ ndô Fɨ̀yìnì sɨ gha'nɨsɨ ŋêyn ɨ̀tu vzɨ̀ a wu n-tisɨ ghes tî fu ŋweyn na ghɨ zue, ghɨ lì ŋweyn ndu bayntɨ a ànwâmnɨ̀," }
{ "aen": "But we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel. Not only this, but it is now the third day since these things happened.", "bkm": "ma ghès tî nà kfâ'tɨ̀ na à læ̀ nà ghɨ ŋweyn sɨ yuyn atu a Isìlæ̀. Nô mɨ tì, lvɨ̂yn nɨ̀n ghɨ mɨ̀chi ɨ̀n tal ta iwo ateyn i gàyn." }
{ "aen": "Furthermore, some women of our group amazed us. They were at the tomb early this morning,", "bkm": "Ghɨ̀kì ghɨ li anòyn nɨ̀ ghès ɨ fî nì, ghès ɨ na ghɨ nɨ̀ ìkayn i ta àŋena læ̀ bɨs ndù ɨchfɨ isè layn," }
{ "aen": "and when they did not find his body, they came back and said they had seen a vision of angels, who said he was alive.", "bkm": "faŋ tɨ̀ yeyn igvɨyn i ŋweyn afu, kasî gvì bè na nchìsɨ Fɨ̀yìnì sɨ lisɨ ndù fvɨ̀ a àŋena ikè' afu ta sɨ fvɨ̀ a jem ɨ̀ bè sɨ̂ àŋena na wù n-ghɨ ɨtwo." }
{ "aen": "Then some of those who were with us went to the tomb, and found it just as the women had said, but they did not see him.”", "bkm": "Ghelɨ ghɨ li ta ghɨ nî nà ghɨ ghes àŋena fî lù ndù ɨchfɨ isè afu, yeyn kɨ ise i yumi, kɨ̀ ighel ta ghɨ̀kì ghî nì gvì bè, mɨtì faŋ tɨ̀ yeyn Jisòs.”" }
{ "aen": "So he said to them, “You foolish people– how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken!", "bkm": "Wu kæ be sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Yi n-ghɨ kɨ nô ɨ̀ngù, jɨ̂ŋtɨ̀ gha' nô sɨ bɨmi awo kì a nfè'tɨ̀ sɨ gha'nɨsɨ nɨ̂n læ bè!" }
{ "aen": "Wasn’t it necessary for the Christ to suffer these things and enter into his glory?”", "bkm": "Wùl vzɨ̀ a Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ chò' meyn lèm bu tî nà ghɨ sɨ yeyn nge' sɨ jæ sɨ zɨ alè' a ŋwa'nɨ-a nɨ̀ ŋweyn a?”" }
{ "aen": "Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them the things written about himself in all the scriptures.", "bkm": "Wu taŋi tì, ɨ be baynsɨ àwo kì a ghɨ n-læ bè a Ŋwà'lɨ̀ Fɨ̀yìnì kûm ngêŋ ŋweyn, sɨ zɨ̀tɨ kɨ a ŋwà'lɨ̀ nɨ̀ Mosìs sɨ ndù sɨ chem ateyn nɨ sɨ nfè'tɨ̀ sɨ gha'nɨsɨ." }
{ "aen": "So they approached the village where they were going. He acted as though he wanted to go farther,", "bkm": "A nà sɨ ghɨ ta àŋena bà'sɨ meyn a ntè' ghê a àŋena nì nà ndû ateyn, Jisòs ɨ nà sɨ kê' ta wù n-kɨŋ sɨ chwò sɨ ndù asɨ." }
{ "aen": "but they urged him, “Stay with us, because it is getting toward evening and the day is almost done.” So he went in to stay with them.", "bkm": "Àŋena ghaytɨ ŋweyn ɨ bè na wù chi ŋêyn àŋena bòm ta ɨlvɨ chwò meyn, ɨtu' fî jɨ. Wu zɨ sɨ chi ŋêyn àŋena." }
{ "aen": "When he had taken his place at the table with them, he took the bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them.", "bkm": "A ni nà sɨ ghɨ ɨlvɨ ɨ yɨnɨ, wu lì àbayn ɨ boysɨ ɨ gwòtɨ fu sɨ̂ àŋena." }
{ "aen": "At this point their eyes were opened and they recognized him. Then he vanished out of their sight.", "bkm": "Asɨ a àŋena yàsì, àŋena yeyn keli ŋweyn, nô mɨ ɨlvɨ gha, wu sami sɨ àŋena antêynɨ̀." }
{ "aen": "They said to each other, “Didn’t our hearts burn within us while he was speaking with us on the road, while he was explaining the scriptures to us?”", "bkm": "Nô mɨ ndà ɨ nà sɨ bɨf sɨ̂ wayn-nì na, “Ba wù ni meyn se sɨ taŋi sɨ̂ ghesɨ̀nà a dzɨ ɨlvɨ ghê a wù nì nà bê baynsɨ̂ ìwo i Fɨ̂yìnì zɨ̀ tî, ɨwuyn ghesɨ̀na na nyu'ì a?”" }
{ "aen": "So they got up that very hour and returned to Jerusalem. They found the eleven and those with them gathered together", "bkm": "Àŋena làli kɨ ɨlvɨ nâ ghè ɨ kasi ndù a Jèlusalèm ɨ yeyn ghelɨ ntum nɨ̀ Jisòs ghì njvà ì mò' nɨ̀ ghelɨ ghɨ li ghì a ghɨ nà n-ghɨ afu." }
{ "aen": "and saying, “The Lord has really risen, and has appeared to Simon!”", "bkm": "Ghelɨ nâ ghì ɨ bè na, “Samo' Bôbo lali meyn sɨ ikfɨ. Wù dyeyn meyn ngêŋ ŋweyn sɨ̂ Saymùn!”" }
{ "aen": "Then they told what had happened on the road, and how they recognized him when he broke the bread.", "bkm": "Ɨghî, ghɨ̀ bò ɨ fè'tɨ̀ ìwo zɨ̀ a yi gàyn sɨ̂ àŋena a dzɨ ɨ fi fè'tɨ̀ ta àŋena nì yeyn kèli ŋweyn ɨlvɨ ghê a wù nì be' abayn." }
{ "aen": "While they were saying these things, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.”", "bkm": "Ta àŋena nà n-taŋi ko' nɨ̀ àwo nâ kèynà, Jisòs nô nɨ̀ ngêŋ ŋweyn ɨ gvɨ̀tɨ timi antêynɨ̀ nɨ̀ àŋena ɨ bè na, “Mbôynɨ̀ na ghɨ sɨ̂ zɨ̀.”" }
{ "aen": "But they were startled and terrified, thinking they saw a ghost.", "bkm": "Alɨmalɨm a nà bâytɨ̀ àŋena, àŋena faynà, kfâ' na àŋena yeyn meyn nkfɨ̂ nse." }
{ "aen": "Then he said to them, “Why are you frightened, and why do doubts arise in your hearts?", "bkm": "Jisòs ɨ bɨf sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Bòm ghà ta awo nâ kèynà nɨn fu nge' sɨ̂ zɨ̀ a, nî na awo a dvɨnɨ-a na ghɨ a yi a tɨ̂kfà'tɨ̀ a?" }
{ "aen": "Look at my hands and my feet; it’s me! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones like you see I have.”", "bkm": "Yì ki ɨwû wom nɨ̀ ɨ̀vɨ̂ wom. À n-ghɨ mà têyn. Yì kum kɨ̀ nô mà ɨ̀ yeyn samo' bòm ta nkfɨ̂ nse nɨn kelɨ wi njwo ɨ̀wùyn kèsa ɨvɨf ɨwùyn têyn ta mɨ n-kelɨ.”" }
{ "aen": "When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his feet.", "bkm": "Wu bè tèyn ɨ kæ dyeyn ɨwu ŋweyn nɨ̀ ɨ̀vɨ ŋweyn sɨ̂ àŋena." }
{ "aen": "And while they still could not believe it because of their joy and were amazed, he said to them, “Do you have anything here to eat?”", "bkm": "Àŋena nà saŋlɨ̂ nô a jûŋ, yi gha' àŋena sɨ bɨmi, àŋena kayn kɨ kayn. Wu kæ bɨf sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Yi n-kelɨ àfo a yɨnɨ-a afeyn a?”" }
{ "aen": "So they gave him a piece of broiled fish,", "bkm": "Àŋena fu abe' a sfɨ a nyo'nɨ-a sɨ̂ ŋweyn." }
{ "aen": "and he took it and ate it in front of them.", "bkm": "Wu fsɨ ɨ kfɨl kɨ nô a àŋena asɨ." }
{ "aen": "Then he said to them, “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and the psalms must be fulfilled.”", "bkm": "Sɨ ibàm ateyn, wu bè sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Awo kèynà a yì yèyn têyn nɨn ghɨ àwo à kema kì a mɨ n-læ fè'tɨ sɨ̂ zɨ̀ ta ghesɨ̀na nà n-bu ghɨ amo' na, nô mɨ ghà ta ghɨ nyà' meyn kûm mà a ŋwà'lɨ̀ Ìsa' nɨ̀ Mosìs nɨ̀ ŋwà'lɨ̀sɨ nfè'tɨ̀ sɨ gha'nɨsɨ nɨ̀ ŋwà'lɨ̀ Njàŋsɨ̀ nɨn kelɨ sɨ læ̀ sɨ kfeyn nô à jɨ̀m.”" }
{ "aen": "Then he opened their minds so they could understand the scriptures,", "bkm": "Wù n-tàŋi tî ɨ baynsɨ mèsì ɨ̀tu àŋena ta ka àŋena yvɨ̂ kèli àwo kì a kɨ n-ghɨ a Ŋwà'lɨ̀ Fɨ̀yìnì," }
{ "aen": "and said to them, “Thus it stands written that the Christ would suffer and would rise from the dead on the third day,", "bkm": "ɨ fi bè sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Ghɨ n-læ meyn nyà' na, Christ nɨ̀n kelɨ sɨ yeyn nge' na à na ghɨ a mɨ̂chi ɨ̀n tal, a wù lali sɨ ikfɨ," }
{ "aen": "and repentance for the forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.", "bkm": "a ghɨ na fì kelɨ sɨ zɨ̀tɨ̀ a Jèlusalèm sɨ fè'tɨ iwo i Fɨ̂yìnì nô sɨ̂ ghelɨ tɨla' tɨ̀ jɨ̀m sɨ izɨyn nɨ̀ ŋweyn, na ghɨ beynsɨ mɨtem ta ka Bôbo Fɨ̀yìnì lesɨ fu mbɨsɨ àŋena." }
{ "aen": "You are witnesses of these things.", "bkm": "À n-ghɨ zɨ̀ ghî a yi n-ghɨ nchwò nsa' sɨ awo nâ ghàyn." }
{ "aen": "And look, I am sending you what my Father promised. But stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.”", "bkm": "Yì na kya na, mɨ n-nì tum ìfu zɨ̀ a Bò wom chfɨ̀nɨ̀ meyn sɨ̂ zɨ̀. Mɨtì yì du'i kɨ̀ ila' afêyn sɨ ya'i ta ka adya' nâ kì lu iyvɨ, sù'i a yi a atu.”" }
{ "aen": "Then Jesus led them out as far as Bethany, and lifting up his hands, he blessed them.", "bkm": "Wu taŋi tì ɨ lì àŋena ɨ fvɨ̀ ìla' nà zɨ̀ ɨ ndu ba'sɨ a nte' Betanì ɨ làysɨ̀ ɨ̀wu ŋweyn iyvɨ ɨ nà sɨ boysɨ̂ àŋena." }
{ "aen": "Now during the blessing he departed and was taken up into heaven.", "bkm": "Ta wù nà n-bu boysɨ kɨ boysɨ àŋena, ghɨ li ko' nɨ̀ ŋweyn iyvɨ. Wu lu visi àŋena." }
{ "aen": "So they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy,", "bkm": "Àŋena lù ɨ kasi kfa a Jèlusalèm ma ghɨ luyn meyn nɨ̀ ìsaŋlɨ i gha'nɨ-i" }
{ "aen": "and were continually in the temple courts blessing God.", "bkm": "ɨ ndu faŋ kɨ a ndô Fɨ̀yìnì ɨ nà sɨ yisî tɨm kɨ tɨ̀kfɨm sɨ̂ ŋweyn." }
{ "aen": "John", "bkm": "Joyn" }
{ "aen": "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was fully God.", "bkm": " A n-læ nà ghɨ jæ ta ka mbzɨ zɨtɨ, ma Ntûm Fɨ̀yìnì sɨ ghɨ. Wu nà n-ghɨ ŋêyn Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀, a ghɨ kɨmɨ ŋweyn Fɨ̀yìnì." }
{ "aen": "The Word was with God in the beginning.", "bkm": "A nà n-ghɨ kɨ nô sɨ a nzɨ̀tɨ, Ntûm Fɨ̀yìnì ɨ ghɨ kɨ ŋêyn Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ amo'." }
{ "aen": "All things were created by him, and apart from him not one thing was created that has been created.", "bkm": "A n-læ faytɨ ŋweyn ɨfwo ɨ̀ jɨ̀m sɨ adya' nɨ̀ Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀, ma à nà n-bu ŋweyn ma ghɨ n-bu læ faytɨ nô mɨ ghà vzɨ̂ a kɨ sɨ ghɨ ma ghɨ faytɨ meyn." }
{ "aen": "In him was life, and the life was the light of mankind.", "bkm": "Wu nà n-kelɨ nchînɨ̀, nchînɨ̀ àteyn fu ìbayn sɨ̂ ghelɨ." }
{ "aen": "And the light shines on in the darkness, but the darkness has not mastered it.", "bkm": "Ibayn nâ yèynì nɨn bayn antêynɨ̀ àbè a fɨmnɨ-a, ma abe a fɨmnɨ-a nâ kèynà kà' kɨ bû lɨ̀msɨ." }
{ "aen": "A man came, sent from God, whose name was John.", "bkm": "Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ nɨn læ meyn tum wul, ghɨ toŋtɨ̂ na Joyn," }
{ "aen": "He came as a witness to testify about the light, so that everyone might believe through him.", "bkm": "na wù gvi nà ghɨ nchwò nsa' kûm ìbayn nâ yèynì ta ka ghelɨ yvɨ awo kì a wù n-bê ɨ̀ bɨ̀mi." }
{ "aen": "He himself was not the light, but he came to testify about the light.", "bkm": "Joyn nɨn bu læ nà ghɨ ìbayn nâ yèynì nô sɨ a ŋweyn a ngeŋ. Wu n-læ gvi kɨ sɨ a nchwò nsa' kûm ìbayn nâ yèynì." }
{ "aen": "The true light, who gives light to everyone, was coming into the world.", "bkm": "Ibayn nâ yèynì a Joyn nà n-ghɨ nchwò nsà' sɨ ateyn tèyn nà n-ghɨ kɨ nô ìbayn samo' ta yi nà n-gvî a mbzɨ sɨ fu ibayn sɨ ghelɨ ghɨ̀ jɨ̀m." }
{ "aen": "He was in the world, and the world was created by him, but the world did not recognize him.", "bkm": "Ntûm Fɨ̀yìnì nà n-ghɨ a mbzɨ, mɨtì ghelɨ mbzɨ ɨ mo ŋweyn nô mɨ ta mbzɨ àteyn nà n-ghɨ ma à fàytɨ ŋweyn." }
{ "aen": "He came to what was his own, but his own people did not receive him.", "bkm": "Wu n-gvi meyn ɨ chem kɨ nô a àŋena ila', ghelɨ ŋweyn teyn na ghɨ n-fsɨ wi ŋweyn." }
{ "aen": "But to all who have received him– those who believe in his name– he has given the right to become God’s children", "bkm": "Mɨtì, ghelɨ ghɨ li fsɨ ŋweyn ɨ bɨmi ŋweyn, wu fu adya' na àŋena na ghɨ woyn Fɨ̂yìnì." }
{ "aen": "– children not born by human parents or by human desire or a husband’s decision, but by God.", "bkm": "Àŋena nɨn bu læ kasi sɨ a woyn Fɨ̂yìnì a dzɨ ghê a wùl nɨ̀n kôŋ ɨ̀ bzɨ woyn, àŋena nà sɨ ghɨ woyn ŋweyn. A nà n-ghɨ kɨ ìlêm i Fɨ̂yìnì na àŋena na ghɨ woyn nfeynfɨ." }
{ "aen": "Now the Word became flesh and took up residence among us. We saw his glory– the glory of the one and only, full of grace and truth, who came from the Father.", "bkm": "Ntûm Fɨ̀yìnì nâ yèyn nɨ̂n kasi meyn nà sɨ ghɨ kɨmɨ wul, ɨ gvi chitɨ antêynɨ̀ nɨ̀ ghesɨ̀nà. Ghès nɨ̂n yeyn meyn àdya' a ŋweyn ma à ti adya' a Wâyn Fɨ̀yìnì, kɨ ɨ̀mò' vzɨ̂ a fɨ nà n-kelɨ ta wù lù a ngùŋ nɨ̀ Bæ̀ ɨ̀ gvì ma wù luyn meyn nɨ̀ ìkoynsɨ isuyn i ɨ̀ fì luyn nô mɨ nɨ̀ ghà vzɨ̂ a kɨ n-ghɨ samo' kûm Fɨ̀yìnì." }
{ "aen": "John testified about him and shouted out, “This one was the one about whom I said,‘He who comes after me is greater than I am, because he existed before me.’”", "bkm": "À n-ghɨ ŋweyn vzɨ̀ a Joyn nà n-taŋi kûm ŋweyn ta wu nà n-jâŋ bê tî na, “Ɨwêyn nɨ̀n ghɨ ɨvzɨ̂ a mɨ nà n-bê sɨ̂ zɨ̀ na, ‘Wù n-gvî a ma ibàm, chwô mà bòm ta ghɨ n-læ se sɨ bzɨ ma, ma wù n-læ meyn nà sɨ ghɨ.’”" }
{ "aen": "For we have all received from his fullness one gracious gift after another.", "bkm": "Ikoynsɨ isuyn nɨ̀ ŋweyni nɨn ghɨ ma yi luyn meyn kfèynɨ, ghesɨ̀na ghɨ̀ jɨ̀m na sɨ kelî ìboysɨ layn, ɨtu' ɨ layn a ghɨ fî kelî kɨ ili bòm ìnyeyni." }
{ "aen": "For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came about through Jesus Christ.", "bkm": "Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ nɨ̂n læ se sɨ fu Isa', yi chwò awu nɨ̀ Mosìs. Ikoynsɨ isuyn i tî se sɨ gvì, nô mɨ nɨ̀ ghà vzɨ̂ a kɨ n-ghɨ samo', chwô dzɨ awu nɨ̀ Jisos Christ." }
{ "aen": "No one has ever seen God. The only one, himself God, who is in closest fellowship with the Father, has made God known.", "bkm": "Wùl ɨ̀ bû tìmi yeyn Fɨ̀yìnì. À dyèyn kɨ̀ Wâyn Fɨ̀yìnì vzɨ̀ ɨ̀mò' a wù n-ghɨ kɨmɨ Fɨ̀yìnì, lum du' kɨ a ngùŋ nɨ̀ Bæ̀, ɨ̀ dyèyn ta Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ nɨn ghɨ sɨ̂ ghelɨ." }
{ "aen": "Now this was John’s testimony when the Jewish leaders sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, “Who are you?”", "bkm": "Ghelɨ ghɨ tisɨnɨ nɨ̀ ghelɨ Jûsɨ̀ ghî a ghɨ nà n-ghɨ a Jèlusalèm nɨ̀n tum meyn ngàŋsɨ ndô Fɨ̀yìnì nɨ̀ ghelɨ isas i ndo nɨ̀ Levì na ghɨ ndu ɨ̀ bɨf sɨ̂ Joyn Nfû Mù nâ, wu n-ghɨ ndà a." }
{ "aen": "He confessed– he did not deny but confessed– “I am not the Christ!”", "bkm": "Àŋena ndù ɨ nà bɨfɨ gvî tèyn, Joyn ɨ fè'tɨ mèsì kɨ mesi na, “À n-ghɨ wi ma ɨvzɨ̂ a ghɨ chò' meyn lèm.”" }
{ "aen": "So they asked him, “Then who are you? Are you Elijah?” He said, “I am not!” “Are you the Prophet?” He answered, “No!”", "bkm": "Àŋena fi bɨf kfeynsɨ sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Wà n-sæ̂ ghɨ nô ndà? À n-ghɨ va Ìlajà ma?”Joyn bè na yi n-ghɨ wi Ìlajà.Àŋena fi kæ bɨf nâ wù n-ghɨ Nfè'tɨ i gha'nɨ zɨ̀ a ghɨ n-læ chfɨ̀nɨ ma?Joyn ɨ fi tuynsɨ kɨ tuynsɨ." }
{ "aen": "Then they said to him, “Who are you? Tell us so that we can give an answer to those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?”", "bkm": "Àŋena bè sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Fè'tɨ læ̂ sɨ̂ ghès nâ wà n-ghɨ ndà a. Ghèsɨ nɨn kɨŋ kɨ nô sɨ yvɨ a wa ɨchfɨ̀ ta ka ghès kasi ndù ɨ̀ fè'tɨ̀ sɨ̂ ghelɨ ghì a ghɨ nì tùm ghes.”" }
{ "aen": "John said, “I am the voice of one shouting in the wilderness,‘Make straight the way for the Lord,’ as the prophet Isaiah said.”", "bkm": "Joyn ɨ kæ fè'tɨ kɨ ta nfè'tɨ̀ Ìsayà nɨ̂n læ bè na, “Mɨ n-ghɨ wul vzɨ̀ a wù n-jâŋ bê a nse iyum tì na, ‘Yì faytɨ dzɨ̂ Bôbo yì nayn, wù se sɨ gvì ɨ̀ chwò ateyn.’”" }
{ "aen": " Now they had been sent from the Pharisees.", "bkm": "A nà n-ghɨ tì ma à tùm ghelɨ Falàsî tùm ghelɨ nâ ghèyn sɨ̂ Joyn." }
{ "aen": "So they asked John, “Why then are you baptizing if you are not the Christ, nor Elijah, nor the Prophet?”", "bkm": "Àŋena ni bɨf gò'sɨ̀ sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Wà n-sæ̂ ghɨ wi ɨvzɨ̂ a ghɨ chò' meyn lèm, ghɨ wi Ìlajà, ghɨ wi Nfè'tɨ i gha'nɨ zɨ̀ a ghɨ n-læ chfɨ̀nɨ, ɨ̀ nà fu mu mɨ̀ ghà?”" }
{ "aen": "John answered them, “I baptize with water. Among you stands one whom you do not recognize, who is coming after me. I am not worthy to untie the strap of his sandal!”", "bkm": " - Joyn bè na, “Mɨ n-fu mu sɨ̂ zɨ̀ kɨ̀ nô nɨ̀ mû mɨ̀ jvà, mɨtì jêl asɨ nɨ̀ wùl, wu ti kɨ nô a yi antêynɨ̀ lvɨ̂yn, yi kya wi ŋweyn, nô mà ɨ kfeynɨ̂ wì sɨ nà felɨ ta akôs kì a kɨ n-yasɨ nkfɨ̀sɨ gvɨsɨ ɨvɨ nɨ̀ ŋweyn.”" }
{ "aen": "These things happened in Bethany across the Jordan River where John was baptizing.", "bkm": "Nô àwo nâ kèynà à jɨ̀m nà n-gâyn a ntè' Betanì, injɨyn i jvâ Jodàn ghè a Joyn nà n-fu mu ateyn." }
{ "aen": "On the next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!", "bkm": "Ɨtu' nɨ̀n layn meyn, Joyn yeyn Jisòs ta wù n-gvî, wu dyèyn ŋweyn sɨ̂ ghelɨ ɨ bè na, “Ɨwêyn nɨ̀n ghɨ tèyn, a ghɨ Wâyn Bzɨ̂ Njɨ̀ vzɨ̀ a Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ nɨn sɨ ta ka wù ni, a fɨ chye'sɨ mbɨsɨ ghelɨ mbzɨ!" }
{ "aen": "This is the one about whom I said,‘After me comes a man who is greater than I am, because he existed before me.’", "bkm": "À n-ghɨ ŋweyn vzɨ̀ a mɨ n-læ nà fê'tɨ̀ sɨ̂ zɨ̀ tî na, ‘Wùl nɨ̀n gvì a mɨ ibàm, chwô mà, bòm ta ghɨ n-læ se sɨ bzɨ ma, ma wù sɨ ghɨ.’" }
{ "aen": "I did not recognize him, but I came baptizing with water so that he could be revealed to Israel.”", "bkm": "Ma bu tî nà boŋ kya ŋweyn, mɨtì tî gvì nà fu mu nɨ̀ mû mɨ̀ jvà ba'tɨ̂ mɨ̀têm mzɨ̂ ta ka wù se sɨ gvì, a ghelɨ Isìlæ̀ yeyn kèli ŋweyn.”" }
{ "aen": "Then John testified, “I saw the Spirit descending like a dove from heaven, and it remained on him.", "bkm": "Iyeynì nɨn ghɨ kɨmɨ ìtaŋi i nchwò nsa' i li ta Joyn nɨn læ taŋi na, “Ma yeyn ta Ayvɨs a Ŋwa'nɨ-a sù'i kàlì gvì iyvɨ ta fɨ̀nlàynɨ̀, ɨ̀ gvì dù'ì a ŋweyn atu." }
{ "aen": "And I did not recognize him, but the one who sent me to baptize with water said to me,‘The one on whom you see the Spirit descending and remaining– this is the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’", "bkm": "Yi n-kya wi ŋweyn. Nô mà tî yeyn kèli kɨ̀ ŋweyn bòm ìwo ta Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ nɨ̂n læ se sɨ tum ma ɨ bè na, ‘Wà læ̂ yeyn mɨ ndà ta Ayvɨs a Ŋwa'nɨ-a sù'i kàlì dù'ì a ŋweyn atu, wa nà kya na à n-ghɨ ŋweyn vzɨ̀ a wù gvì sɨ nà fu mu nɨ̀ Àyvɨs a Ŋwa'nɨ-a sɨ̂ ghelɨ.’" }
{ "aen": "I have both seen and testified that this man is the Chosen One of God.”", "bkm": "Ma yeyn meyn ìwo nâ yèynì ta yi gàyn, ɨ̀ nà fê'tɨ̀ sɨ̂ zɨ̀ na wùl nâ wèyn nɨ̀n ghɨ Wâyn Fɨ̀yìnì.”" }
{ "aen": "Again the next day John was standing there with two of his disciples.", "bkm": "Ɨtu' ɨ fi layn, Joyn ŋêyn njùmtɨ̀sɨ ibam nɨ̀ ŋweyn sɨ̀ bò ɨ fi ndù ɨ timi alè' ghè a àŋena nɨ̀n yìsi ɨ nà ghɨ ateyn tì," }
{ "aen": "Gazing at Jesus as he walked by, he said, “Look, the Lamb of God!”", "bkm": "wu yeyn Jisòs ta wù n-chwô ɨ bè sɨ̂ àŋena na, “À n-chwô Njɨ̀ Fɨ̀yìnì ti!”" }
{ "aen": "When John’s two disciples heard him say this, they followed Jesus.", "bkm": "Njùmtɨ̀sɨ ibam nɨ̀ ŋweyn nâ sìsɨ yvɨ tî ɨ lu ɨ nà sɨ ndû kɨ ibam nɨ̀ Jisòs." }
{ "aen": "Jesus turned around and saw them following and said to them, “What do you want?” So they said to him, “Rabbi” which is translated Teacher, “where are you staying?”", "bkm": "Jisòs ɨ kasi se sɨ ki, ɨ yeyn àŋena ta ghɨ n-gvî a ŋweyn ibàm ɨ bɨf sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Yi n-kɨŋ ghà?”Àŋena bɨf kɨ na, “Wà n-chî wo a Labày?” Labày nâ yèyn ɨ ghɨ itaŋi ila' na, “Ndyèynsɨ̀.”" }
{ "aen": "Jesus answered, “Come and you will see.” So they came and saw where he was staying, and they stayed with him that day. Now it was about four o’clock in the afternoon.", "bkm": "Wu bè sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Yì gvi yeyn.” Ŋêyn àŋena ndu yeyn alê' kì a wù n-chi ateyn, a ghɨ tì ma à sɨ ghɨ a mbol àbè. Àŋena yisi kɨ afu tèyn, ɨtu' ɨ jɨ, àŋena kæ lù." }
{ "aen": "Andrew’s Declaration Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, was one of the two disciples who heard what John said and followed Jesus.", "bkm": "Wùl ɨ̀ mò' antêynɨ̀ nɨ̀ ghelɨ nâ ghì ghɨ̀ bò a ghɨ n-yvɨ ta Joyn tàŋi ɨ lu ndù ŋêyn Jisòs tì, nà n-ghɨ Andɨ̀lò, ɨ wayn-nà Saymun Bità." }
{ "aen": "He first found his own brother Simon and told him, “We have found the Messiah!” which is translated Christ.", "bkm": "Wu lù alè' nɨ̀ Jisòs nâ ghè ɨ kɨŋ ndu kɨ nɨ̀ wayn-nà ŋweyn Saymùn ɨ bè sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Ghèsɨ yeyn meyn wul vzɨ̀ a ghɨ chò' meyn lèm, ma à ti ‘Christ.’”" }
{ "aen": "Andrew brought Simon to Jesus. ", "bkm": "Wu taŋi tì ɨ li ndù nɨ̀ Saymùn sɨ̂ Jisòs." }
{ "aen": "Jesus looked at him and said, “You are Simon, the son of John. You will be called Cephas” which is translated Peter.", "bkm": " Jisòs ɨ yeyn ŋweyn ɨ bè sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “À n-ghɨ và Saymùn, ɨ wâyn Joyn, mɨtì ghɨ na toŋtɨ̂ và lvɨ̂yn na Sefàs.” Sefàs nɨ̀ Bità nɨ̀n ghɨ kɨ ìzɨyn ì mò', yi ghɨ na, “iwu.”" }
{ "aen": "On the next day Jesus wanted to set out for Galilee. He found Philip and said to him, “Follow me.”", "bkm": "A nà sɨ fî ghɨ a ànkùmtɨ̀ achi, Jisòs ɨ lù ɨ se sɨ ndù a Galìlî ɨ yeyn Filîb ɨ bè sɨ̂ ŋweyn na wù jumtɨ zɨ." }
{ "aen": " Now Philip was from Bethsaida, the town of Andrew and Peter.", "bkm": "A nà n-ghɨ tì, ma Filîb fvɨ̀ gvì kɨ̀mɨ a ntè' Bèsaydà ta Andɨ̀lò ŋêyn Bità." }
{ "aen": "Philip found Nathanael and told him, “We have found the one Moses wrote about in the law, and the prophets also wrote about– Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.”", "bkm": "Filîb ɨ kɨŋ ndù nɨ̀ Nàtanyèl ɨ bè sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Ghèsɨ yeyn meyn wul vzɨ̀ a Mosìs nɨn læ nya' kûm ŋweyn a ŋwà'lɨ̀ Ìsa' tì, nfè'tɨ̀ sɨ gha'nɨsɨ ɨ boŋ nyà'. Wù n-ghɨ Jisòs ɨ wû Nazalèt, ɨ wâyn Josèf.”" }
{ "aen": "Nathanael replied, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” ", "bkm": "Nàtanyèl ɨ bɨf na, “A njùŋ ti kà' a yì koli wul ma yì fvɨ̀ a Nazalèt a?”" }
{ "aen": "Philip replied, “Come and see.”", "bkm": " Filîb ɨ bèynsɨ̀ na, wù gvi kɨ̀ gvi ɨ̀ yeyn." }
{ "aen": "Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him and exclaimed, “Look, a true Israelite in whom there is no deceit!”", "bkm": "Jisòs ɨ yeyn ta Nàtanyèl nɨ̀n gvî ɨ bè na, “À n-ghɨ kɨ nô nkàyntɨ̀ wul ɨ̀ Isìlæ̀ a wù n-gvî têyn. Wù n-taŋî kɨ samo'.”" }
{ "aen": "Nathanael asked him, “How do you know me?” ", "bkm": "Nàtanyèl ɨ bɨf sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Wà jèl ti sɨ nà kya ma a?”" }
{ "aen": "Jesus replied, “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.”", "bkm": " Jisòs ɨ bè na, “Mà nì yeyn vâ ɨlvɨ ghê a wà nì nà du' isas i fɨ̂kà' fɨ fîksɨ̀ tî jæ na Filîb gvi ɨ̀ jàŋ và.”" }
{ "aen": "Nathanael answered him, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king of Israel!”", "bkm": "Nàtanyèl ɨ kæ bè na, “Labày, wà n-ghɨ Wâyn Fɨ̀yìnì, wà n-ghɨ Fòyn sɨ̂ ghelɨ Isìlæ̀!”" }
{ "aen": "Jesus said to him, “Because I told you that I saw you under the fig tree, do you believe? You will see greater things than these.”", "bkm": "Jisòs ɨ bè na, “Wà bɨ̀mi kɨ bòm ta mà bè na ma ni meyn yeyn vâ ɨlvɨ ghê a wà nì nà du' isas i fɨ̂kà' fɨ fîksɨ̀ tî ma? Mɨtì, wa n-fì yeyn àwo a li-a, kɨ chwô izɨ nâ zɨ̀-ì.”" }
{ "aen": "He continued, “I tell all of you the solemn truth– you will see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.”", "bkm": "Wu taŋi tì ɨ fi be kfeynsɨ na, “Mɨ n-bê sɨ̂ zɨ̀ kɨ̀ nô samo' na, yì læ̀ yeyn ta iyvɨ i yèma, nchìsɨ Fɨ̂yìnìsɨ̀ na chwônɨ̀ kɨ tèyn ko'a, kalì-à, jelɨ̀ kɨ a ntum nɨ̀ Wâyn Wùl.”" }
{ "aen": "Now on the third day there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there,", "bkm": "Mɨ̀chi nɨ̀n chwo meyn ɨ̀m bò, ɨtu' ɨ layn, malâ ì lì ɨ nà ghɨ a nte' Kanà a Galìlî, nà Jisòs ɨ ghɨ afu." }
{ "aen": "and Jesus and his disciples were also invited to the wedding.", "bkm": "A ghɨ tì, ma ghɨ boŋ meyn là'ì Jisòs ŋêyn njùmtɨ̀sɨ ibam nɨ̀ ŋweynsɨ a malâ nâ ghè." }
{ "aen": "When the wine ran out, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no wine left.”", "bkm": "Ghɨ ni nyvɨ mèsì mɨ̀lû', nà Jisòs ɨ gvi bè sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Mɨ̀lù' mæ meyn sɨ alè' a malâ afêyn.”" }
{ "aen": "Jesus replied, “Woman, why are you saying this to me? My time has not yet come.”", "bkm": "Jisòs ɨ bè na, “Wà na sɨ bê na mà ni gha a nà? Ɨlvɨ̂ wom nɨn ghɨ tèyn, bu du' tɨ̀ kfeyn.”" }
{ "aen": "His mother told the servants, “Whatever he tells you, do it.”", "bkm": "Nà Jisòs ɨ fi be ndu kɨ sɨ̂ ghelɨ ghì a ghɨ n-fêl alè' a malâ afu na, “Wù bê mɨ na gha, yi ni kɨ tî.”" }
{ "aen": "Now there were six stone water jars there for Jewish ceremonial washing, each holding twenty or thirty gallons.", "bkm": "A nà n-ghɨ tì, ghelɨ Jûsɨ nî ghɨ nà chuf ngò'sɨ̀, faytɨ̂ ntòynsɨ̀ ateyn, lêm sɨ nà su ɨwuyn ateyn ta ka àŋena na ghɨ nɨ̀ ìlayn i asɨ nɨ̀ Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀. A nà sɨ ghɨ alè' a malâ nâ ghàyn ma ghɨ gvi meyn tòmtɨ sɨ a ntòynsɨ̀ nâ ghàyn, ntufa, sɨ gha'lɨ̂ kɨ tèyn, ma ghɨ kà' a ghɨ yasi ɨntem mɨ̀ mù chem ndû mɨ̀vɨm ɨ̀n tal nô mɨ ateyn nɨ̀ ìkà jæ ta ka yì luyn." }
{ "aen": "Jesus told the servants, “Fill the water jars with water.” So they filled them up to the very top.", "bkm": "Jisòs ɨ kæ be sɨ̂ ghelɨ ghɨ felɨnɨ nâ ghì na, “Yì luynsɨ mu a ntòynsɨ̀ afêyn.” Àŋena tu mu ɨ we a ntòynsɨ̀ nâ ghè, mɨ ko' nà fvɨ̂ ɨchfɨ̀." }
{ "aen": "Then he told them, “Now draw some out and take it to the head steward,” and they did.", "bkm": "Wu fi kæ be sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Yì sef ɨ̀nlì ɨ̀ ndù fu sɨ̂ wùl vzɨ̀ a wù n-tisɨ awo a malâ kèyn.” Àŋena sef ɨ ndu fu." }
{ "aen": "When the head steward tasted the water that had been turned to wine, not knowing where it came from though the servants who had drawn the water knew, he called the bridegroom", "bkm": "Wu se sɨ mòm ma mɨ̀ kasi meyn sɨ a mɨ̂lù', wu nà kya wi nâ mɨ̀ lù wo a. Mɨtì, ghelɨ ghɨ felɨnɨ ghì a ghɨ nì tù mu mɨ̀ àteyn ɨ kya. Wu kæ jàŋtɨ lûmwi," }
{ "aen": "and said to him, “Everyone serves the good wine first, and then the cheaper wine when the guests are drunk. You have kept the good wine until now!”", "bkm": "sɨ be sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Ghelɨ nî ghɨ nà kwo fu mɨ̀lû' mzɨ̀ a mɨ̀ n-jofɨ̀ kfeynɨ na ghɨ nyvɨ sɨ asɨ, ghelɨ nyvɨ se sɨ du'lɨ, ghɨ kæ gvi nɨ ɨmzɨ̂ a mɨ̀ n-tô' jofɨ̀ wi, wà jelɨ̀ ti sɨ lem mɨlû' ɨ̀n jùŋ mèyn sɨ nà gvi nɨ̀ ɨ̀mêyn lvɨ̂yn a?”" }