{ "aen": "In the resurrection, therefore, whose wife will the woman be? For all seven had married her.”", "bkm": "À ti læ̀ nà ghɨ achi nâ ghè a ghɨ n-lalì sɨ ikfɨ, a wul ɨ wi àteyn na ghɨ wî ndà, bòm ta woyn-ghɨ̂nì nâ ghi nà n-kelɨ kɨ ŋweyn sɨ a wi ghɨ̀ jɨ̀m a?”" }
{ "aen": "So Jesus said to them, “The people of this age marry and are given in marriage.", "bkm": "Jisòs ɨ bè sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Ghelɨ mbzɨ̂ lvɨ̂yn nɨn ndû ghɨ̀kì, bɨmî ghɨ̀lum," }
{ "aen": "But those who are regarded as worthy to share in that age and in the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage.", "bkm": "mɨtì ɨghî a ghɨ kfèynɨ meyn sɨ læ̀ sɨ nà ghɨ ɨtu' nâ ghè, ɨlvɨ ta ghelɨ làlì meyn sɨ ikfɨ ɨ ghɨ wi sɨ læ̀ sɨ nà ndu ghɨ̀kì kèsa bɨmî ghɨ̀lum." }
{ "aen": "In fact, they can no longer die, because they are equal to angels and are sons of God, since they are sons of the resurrection.", "bkm": "Yi læ̀ nà ghɨ tèyn bòm ta àŋena læ̀ nà bu fì kfɨ wi. Àŋena læ̀ nà sɨ ghɨ kɨmɨ ighel ta nchìsɨ Fɨ̂yìnì, fî ghɨ woyn Fɨ̂yìnì bòm ta àŋena làlì meyn sɨ ikfɨ." }
{ "aen": "But even Moses revealed that the dead are raised in the passage about the bush, where he calls the Lord the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.", "bkm": "Nô mɨ Mosìs nɨ̀n læ meyn dyèyn ìwo nâ yèynì na ghɨ n-lâysɨ̀ ghelɨ sɨ ikfɨ alè' a Ŋwà'lɨ̀ Fɨ̀yìnì afî a kɨ n-taŋi kum fɨkâ' fì a ɨvɨs ɨ nà n-bali ateyn tì. À n-ghɨ alè' a ŋwà'lɨ̀ nâ ghàyn ma wù toŋtɨ meyn Bôbo Fɨ̀yìnì na Fɨ̀yìnì fìfɨ̀ a Abɨ̀làhâm nɨ̀ Yisàk nɨ̀ Jàkôb nɨ̀n læ nà ngvɨmlɨ-à." }
{ "aen": "Now he is not God of the dead, but of the living, for all live before him.”", "bkm": "Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ nɨn ghɨ wi Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ ghelɨ ghɨ kfɨtɨnɨ, fɨ n-ghɨ Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ ghelɨ ghì a ghɨ n-chi bòm ta fɨ kæ̂ nà ghɨ Fɨ̀yìnì nô mɨ sɨ̂ ndà, a wùl nâ vzɨ̀ na ghɨ ma wù chi meyn faŋ.”" }
{ "aen": "Then some of the experts in the law answered, “Teacher, you have spoken well!”", "bkm": "Jisòs ɨ taŋi mèsì, ndyèynsɨ̀ sɨ isa' sɨ lisɨ bè sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “ Wà tàŋi kɨ̀ nô a jûŋ a ndyèynsɨ̀.”" }
{ "aen": "For they did not dare any longer to ask him anything.", "bkm": "Àŋena bè tì, nô wùl ɨ̀ mò' ɨ faŋ tɨ̀ fì tɨ̀ mòmsɨ̀ sɨ bɨf iwo sɨ̂ ŋweyn." }
{ "aen": "The Messiah: David’s Son and Lord But he said to them, “How is it that they say that the Christ is David’s son?", "bkm": "Wu kæ bɨf sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Wùl ti kà' ti a wù fî bè na wùl vzɨ̀ a ghɨ chò' meyn lèm nɨ̀n ghɨ wâyn Devìt a?" }
{ "aen": "For David himself says in the book of Psalms, ‘The Lord said to my lord, “Sit at my right hand,", "bkm": "Ba nô Devìt bè a ŋwà'lɨ̀ Njàŋsɨ̀ na: ‘Bôbo Fɨ̀yìnì nɨ̂n bè sɨ̂ Bôbo wom na,Dù'i abàs ɨkœ ɨ two nɨ̀ mà" }
{ "aen": "until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.”’", "bkm": "ɨ nà chîtɨ̀-à sɨ chem ta ka mà ni a mbàynɨ̀ shyasɨ zɨ isas i isa' nɨ̀ và.’" }
{ "aen": "If David then calls him‘Lord,’ how can he be his son?”", "bkm": "À ti kæ sɨ nà ghɨ ma Devìt nɨ̂n toŋtɨ meyn ŋweyn na Bôbo, wu nà fî ghɨ ti wayn sɨ̂ Devìt a?”" }
{ "aen": "Jesus Warns the Disciples against Pride As all the people were listening, Jesus said to his disciples,", "bkm": "Wu n-læ meyn se sɨ taŋi sɨ̂ njùmtɨ̀sɨ ibam nɨ̀ ŋweynsɨ ɨ taŋi a dzɨ ta ka nô mɨ ndà yvɨ, ɨ bè sɨ̂ àŋena na," }
{ "aen": " “Beware of the experts in the law. They like walking around in long robes, and they love elaborate greetings in the marketplaces and the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets.", "bkm": " “Yì na tô'nɨ̀ zɨ̂ ndyèynsɨ̀ sɨ isa' sèynsɨ̀. Àŋena nɨn kôŋ sɨ nà jelɨ̀ chwô nɨ̀ dàlasɨ, sɨ gha'lɨ̂ kɨ tèyn, ɨ̀ fvɨ̀ ndù afàf ghelɨ nà nyɨŋ gvî toŋtɨ̂ àŋena, ɨ̀ ndù a ndosɨ nchɨ̀yntɨ, ghɨ ko' dù'i kɨ asɨ, ɨ̀ ndù alè' ayɨ, ghɨ nà kôŋ kɨ sɨ ko' sɨ dù'ì alè' a ngaŋtɨnɨ-a." }
{ "aen": "They devour widows’ property, and as a show make long prayers. They will receive a more severe punishment.”", "bkm": "Àŋena nɨn kôŋ sɨ nà fsɨ ɨfwo ghɨ̂ki nkfɨ kɨ ɨ̀ jɨ̀m, ɨ̀ se sɨ kem sɨ dyèyn na àŋena nɨn ghɨ ghelɨ ghɨ jûŋ, ghɨ jem lòtɨ̀. Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ læ̀ fu nge' sɨ̂ àŋena a dzɨ sɨ a nyɨŋ.”" }
{ "aen": "Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box.", "bkm": "Jisòs nà n-bu ghɨ kɨ a ndô Fɨ̀yìnì ɨ ni ki ndùsɨ̀ nɨ̀ àlê' kì a ghɨ n-fu tɨfu ateyn ɨ yeyn ta ghelɨ gha'nɨ nɨn fu tɨfu tɨ àŋena," }
{ "aen": "He also saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins.", "bkm": "ɨ yeyn kɨmɨ ta ànfɨf a wî nkfɨ a li-a boŋ gvì fu fɨkwôtɨ̀ fɨ ŋweyn." }
{ "aen": "He said, “I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put in more than all of them.", "bkm": "Wu kæ bè na, “Mɨ n-bê sɨ̂ zɨ̀ samo' na, ànfɨf a wî nkfɨ kèyna fu meyn ìfu, yi chwô nô tɨ̀fu tɨ ghelɨ ghèyn ghɨ̀ jɨ̀m," }
{ "aen": "For they all offered their gifts out of their wealth. But she, out of her poverty, put in everything she had to live on.”", "bkm": "bòm ta àŋena nì fàbtɨ̀ kɨ ɨkwo vzɨ̀ a wu dvɨ̀ ghà'nɨ ɨ̀ gvì fu, mɨtì wùl ɨ wi wèyn, nô mɨ ta wù n-fɨfɨ têyn fu mèsì kɨ̀ mesi fɨ̀kwôtɨ̀ fɨ ŋweyn, kelɨ wi mɨ sɨ yɨ.”" }
{ "aen": "Now while some were speaking about the temple, how it was adorned with beautiful stones and offerings, Jesus said,", "bkm": "Ghelɨ ni nà sɨ taŋî kûm ndô Fɨ̀yìnì, bê na ghɨ faytɨ meyn bà'lɨ̀ nɨ̀ ngò'sɨ jûŋsɨ̀, fî taŋî kûm kɨmɨ ɨ̀fwo ɨ jûŋ ɨlvɨ ta ghelɨ fu na ghɨ nyotɨ ndô Fɨ̀yìnì ateyn. Jisòs ɨ kæ bè na," }
{ "aen": " “As for these things that you are gazing at, the days will come when not one stone will be left on another. All will be torn down!”", "bkm": " “Yi n-yeyn àbe nâ kèynà têyn, ɨlvɨ ba'sɨ̂ gvi-à ta ka ghɨ bɨytɨ ndosɨ ateyn nô tèyn a ngò' na bu du' wi atu nɨ ìlì.”" }
{ "aen": "So they asked him, “Teacher, when will these things happen? And what will be the sign that these things are about to take place?”", "bkm": "Àŋena bɨf sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Ndyèynsɨ̀, awo nâ kèynà læ̀ gâyn ɨtu' ɨ gha? Kɨ læ̀ se sɨ zɨ̀tɨ̀ sɨ gàyn, a nchwæ na ghɨ ghà?”" }
{ "aen": "He said, “Watch out that you are not misled. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The time is near.’ Do not follow them!", "bkm": "Wu bè na, “Yì na tô'nɨ̀-à, ka wùl nɨ̂n læ̀ jɨ̀ŋsɨ̀ zɨ̀. Ghelɨ læ̀ nà gvi-à, dvɨ̂ kɨ tèyn, ghɨ na ghɨ n-gvî a ma izɨyn. A gvî mɨ ndà bê na, ‘À n-ghɨ kɨ nô mà nâ vzɨ̀ tèyn!’ fî bê na, ‘Ɨlvɨ kfeyn meyn lvɨ̂yn!’ Yi yvɨ tì, ka wùl ɨ ndù a àŋena ibàm." }
{ "aen": "And when you hear of wars and rebellions, do not be afraid. For these things must happen first, but the end will not come at once.”", "bkm": "Yi læ̂ kæ yvɨ na tɨwoŋ tɨ tìtɨ̀ a tɨ fvɨ̀, ɨ̀ fì yvɨ na inû ì zɨ fvɨ̀, ka yì na fâyn na ngò'sɨ ba'sɨ meyn bòm ta awo nâ kèynà nɨn kelɨ sɨ gayn sɨ asɨ.”" }
{ "aen": "Persecution of Disciples Then he said to them, “Nation will rise up in arms against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.", "bkm": "Ta wù tàŋi tî ɨ fi bè na, “Tɨla' tɨ læ̀ nà nû tɨlitɨ, tɨfôyn tɨ̀ ɨ nû tɨlitɨ." }
{ "aen": "There will be great earthquakes, and famines and plagues in various places, and there will be terrifying sights and great signs from heaven.", "bkm": "Kfɨ̀msɨ bemnɨsɨ læ̀ nà seyna, a jèŋ fî ku kɨ̀ ɨlwè' ɨlwè'. Tɨko'i tɨ dyaŋnɨtɨ læ̀ nà fvɨ-à, nchwæsɨ bemnɨsɨ fvɨ̂ iyvɨ, fâynsɨ̀ ghelɨ." }
{ "aen": "But before all this, they will seize you and persecute you, handing you over to the synagogues and prisons. You will be brought before kings and governors because of my name.", "bkm": "Awo nâ kèynà læ̀ se sɨ gàyn ma ghɨ ghaytɨ meyn zɨ̀, fu nge' sɨ̂ zɨ̀, lì ndù nɨ̀ zɨ̀ asɨ a nsa' a ndosɨ nchɨ̀yntɨ, ɨ̀ we zɨ̀ a ncha'. Ghɨ læ̀ lî ndû nɨ̀ zɨ̀ asɨ nɨ̀ tɨ̀fôyn tɨ̀ nɨ̀ ghelɨ ghɨ sa'nɨ ghɨ li kɨ bòm mà." }
{ "aen": "This will be a time for you to serve as witnesses.", "bkm": "À ti kɨ̀ ɨtu' vzɨ̀ a ka yì læ̂ fè'tɨ̀ ntum ì jùŋ nɨ̀ mà sɨ̂ àŋena ateyn." }
{ "aen": "Therefore be resolved not to rehearse ahead of time how to make your defense.", "bkm": "Yì lem a yi a mɨ̂tèm na yì læ̀ nà kfâ' wì awo kûm dzɨ zɨ̀ a ka yì ndu bèynsɨ̀ àwo kì a ghɨ n-bɨbtɨ sɨ̂ zɨ̀" }
{ "aen": "For I will give you the words along with the wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict.", "bkm": "bòm ta nô mà læ̀ fu ìtaŋi i tofɨnɨ-i sɨ̂ zɨ̀, a wùl faŋ tɨ̀ gàyn sɨ kòbsɨ awo nâ kì a yi n-bê." }
{ "aen": "You will be betrayed even by parents, brothers, relatives, and friends, and they will have some of you put to death.", "bkm": "Nô ghɨ̀bo ghi nɨ̀ ghɨ̀na ghi nɨ̀ woyn-nà ghi nɨ̀ ghelɨ ila' nɨ̀ zɨ nɨ̀ sûyn sisɨ læ̀ fu zɨ̀, na ghɨ na nî àwo nâ kèynà sɨ̂ zɨ̀, a ghɨ zuetɨ zɨ ghɨ li." }
{ "aen": "You will be hated by everyone because of my name.", "bkm": "Nô ghelɨ ghɨ̀ jɨ̀m læ̀ nà bâyn zɨ̀ kɨ bòm mà." }
{ "aen": "Yet not a hair of your head will perish.", "bkm": "Mɨtì nyùŋ ɨ ghɨ wi sɨ læ̀ sɨ lè a yi atu." }
{ "aen": "By your endurance you will gain your lives.", "bkm": "Iweynsɨ ì zɨ-i læ̀ ni-à, a yì bœ." }
{ "aen": " “But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation has come near.", "bkm": " “Yi læ̂ yeyn sugèy'sɨ jɨ̂ŋ kàli Jèlusalèm tèyn, yi keli na achi a kfeyn meyn ta ka ghɨ bebsɨ ɨ̀nyeyn." }
{ "aen": "Then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains. Those who are inside the city must depart. Those who are out in the country must not enter it,", "bkm": "Yi gâyn tì, nô mɨ ndà a Jùdiyà ɨ le' ko' a kfɨynsɨ, ghelɨ le' lù sɨ antêynɨ̀ ntè'. Wùl na ghɨ a gvêyn, ka wu n-fì kàsi zɨ a ntè'." }
{ "aen": "because these are days of vengeance, to fulfill all that is written.", "bkm": "À læ̀ nà ghɨ mɨ̀chi mzɨ̀ a ka Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ fu nge' sɨ̂ ghelɨ ateyn sɨ nì na nô àwo kì à jɨ̀m a ghɨ n-læ nya' lèm a Ŋwà'lɨ̀ Fɨ̀yìnì kfeyn." }
{ "aen": "Woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing their babies in those days! For there will be great distress on the earth and wrath against this people.", "bkm": "Mɨ̀chi nâ mzɨ̀ læ̀ nà bem sɨ a nyɨŋ sɨ̂ ghɨ̀kì ghî a ghɨ n-ghɨ mɨlɨ̂ nɨ ɨghî a ghɨ n-lî woyn, a ghelɨ ila' afêyn yvɨ mɨ̀lùmchuŋ, a nge' i kaynɨ na ghɨ sɨ̂ àŋena." }
{ "aen": "They will fall by the edge of the sword and be led away as captives among all nations. Jerusalem will be trampled down by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.", "bkm": "Ghɨ læ̀ chu'lɨ̂ zuetɨ̂ àŋena nɨ̀ mɨ̀nyùe, kùtɨ àŋena ɨ̀ lì ndù lèm sɨ ɨkòs kɨ̀ ɨbyâs ɨ mbzɨ ɨ̀ jɨ̀m. À ti kɨ̀ ta ghelɨ ɨtum læ̀ chye'sɨ Jèlusalèm nɨ̀ ɨ̀vɨ têyn ɨ nyàblɨ̀ nɨ̀ àŋena sɨ ya'i ta ka ɨlvɨ àŋena kô' kfeyn." }
{ "aen": " “And there will be signs in the sun and moon and stars, and on the earth nations will be in distress, anxious over the roaring of the sea and the surging waves.", "bkm": " “Ɨtu' nâ vzɨ̀ læ̀ kfeyn a, a ɨchfɨ̂-iyvɨ i na dyêyn nchwæsɨ, njoŋ ŋêyn mɨ̀njèyn ɨ dyeynà. Jvà i to læ̀ nà ne'à, fî selâ, gvî nɨ̀ mɨ̀lùmchuŋ a mbzɨ, a ɨtu ɨ ghêl ghɨ̀ jɨ̀m le'." }
{ "aen": "People will be fainting from fear and from the expectation of what is coming on the world, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.", "bkm": "Ghelɨ læ̀ nà fe-à, ghɨ nà kfɨ-a bòm ìfâyn kûm ìwo zɨ̀ a yi n-ghɨ sɨ gàyn a mbzɨ bòm ta ɨfwo vzɨ̀ a wu n-ghɨ iyvɨ ta njoŋ nɨ̀ mɨ̀njèyn læ̀ seynlɨ-à." }
{ "aen": "Then they will see the Son of Man arriving in a cloud with power and great glory.", "bkm": "A à na ghɨ sɨ ibàm ateyn, a àŋena yeyn Wâyn Wùl, wu su'î gvî antêynɨ̀ mbà', kelɨ àdya' nɨ̀ ìbayn i gha'nɨ-i." }
{ "aen": "But when these things begin to happen, stand up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”", "bkm": "Awo nâ kèyna zɨ̂tɨ̀ sɨ gayn nô mɨ ɨlvɨ gha, yi làysɨ̀ ɨ̀tu ɨ̀ vzɨ ɨ ki iyvɨ bòm ta ɨlvɨ sɨ ba'sɨ ta ka Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ bœsɨ zɨ.”" }
{ "aen": "The Parable of the Fig Tree Then he told them a parable: “Look at the fig tree and all the other trees.", "bkm": "Jisòs ɨ fi mò ngàyn yèyn sɨ̂ àŋena ɨ bè na, “Ba yi n-yeyn fɨ̀kâ' fɨ fîksɨ̀, nô nɨ̀ ɨ̀nkà' ɨ̀n lì." }
{ "aen": "When they sprout leaves, you see for yourselves and know that summer is now near.", "bkm": "Ba tɨfvɨ tɨ ateyn tɨ nɨn yalà, nì zɨ̀tɨ̀ mɨ ɨlvɨ gha sɨ kasi sɨ fvɨ̀, yi yeyn ɨ nà kya nô sɨ a yi a ngeŋsɨ na bèŋ sɨ chfɨ-à." }
{ "aen": "So also you, when you see these things happening, know that the kingdom of God is near.", "bkm": "Yi ti n-ghɨ kɨmɨ ighel ta yì læ̀ yeyn awo nâ kèynà ta kɨ n-gâyn. Yi yeyn, yi nà kya na ɨfoyn ɨ Fɨ̂yìnì sɨ ba'sɨ-à." }
{ "aen": "I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.", "bkm": " “Mɨ n-bê sɨ̂ zɨ̀ samo' na ghelɨ mbzɨ ghèyn lvɨ̂yn kà' ghɨ bû læ̀ kfɨ̀tɨ mèsì tà ka awo nâ kèyna gâyn nô à jɨ̀m." }
{ "aen": "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.", "bkm": "Iyvɨ i læ̀ chwô, a nse chwo, mɨtì a iwo i faŋ tɨ̀ kfɨ̀nɨ antêynɨ̀ àwo ghè a mà bè." }
{ "aen": "Be Ready! “But be on your guard so that your hearts are not weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of this life, and that day close down upon you suddenly like a trap.", "bkm": " “Yì to'nɨ kɨ nɨ̀ ngêŋ sisɨ, bu tì a ɨchfɨ yɨnɨ nɨ̀ àsɨ a mɨ̂lù' à nɨ̀ ɨ̀lva lumnɨ kûm àwo a mbzɨ a nî bu' asɨ à ki-a, a achi nâ kèynà læ̂ gvɨ̀tɨ̀ ku kɨ̀ ku zɨ ta atam." }
{ "aen": "For it will overtake all who live on the face of the whole earth.", "bkm": "Kɨ læ̀ gvɨ̂tɨ̀ gvî kɨ gvi sɨ̂ ghelɨ ghɨ̀ jɨ̀m a nse afêyn." }
{ "aen": "But stay alert at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that must happen, and to stand before the Son of Man.”", "bkm": "Yì na du' mɨlvɨ ɨ̀n jɨ̀m, gvɨ̂tɨ̀ kɨ gvɨtɨ, jêm na Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ fu adya' yì læ̂ tòynɨ antêynɨ̀ àwo nâ ghàyn a kɨ læ̀ gâyn. Yì læ̀ toynɨ̂ mesì-à, ɨ̀ kèli sɨ timi alè' a nsa' asɨ nɨ̀ Wâyn Wùl.”" }
{ "aen": "So every day Jesus was teaching in the temple courts, but at night he went and stayed on the Mount of Olives.", "bkm": "Jisòs nà n-ye'î a ndô Fɨ̀yìnì a mɨ̂chi nâ ghè tì, ɨtu' ɨ ni kfa jɨ, wu ko' chi atû kfɨ̂yn Olìfsɨ̀," }
{ "aen": "And all the people came to him early in the morning to listen to him in the temple courts.", "bkm": "a à na ghɨ nɨ̀ bɨsì-bɨsì a ghelɨ ghɨ̀ jɨ̀m ndu yvɨ̀ŋtɨ̀ a ndô Fɨ̀yìnì sɨ yvɨtɨ iye'i i ŋweyn." }
{ "aen": "Now the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which is called the Passover, was approaching.", "bkm": "A nà n-sɨ ghɨ ta mɨ̀chi ɨn gha'nɨ̂ mzɨ̀ a ghɨ nà n-yɨ abayn bùla fɨ̀shɨ̀k ateyn, ta mɨ nà n-ba'sɨ gvî, ghɨ toŋtɨ kɨmɨ na mɨchi mɨ̀ Ìyà'sɨ," }
{ "aen": "The chief priests and the experts in the law were trying to find some way to execute Jesus, for they were afraid of the people.", "bkm": "ngàŋsɨ ndô Fɨ̀yìnì sɨ gha'nɨsɨ ŋêyn ndyèynsɨ̀ sɨ isa'sɨ ɨ nà kɨŋ dzɨ sɨ zue Jisòs, nya'tɨ̂ nyà'tɨ, bòm ta àŋena nà n-fâyn ghelɨ." }
{ "aen": "Then Satan entered Judas, the one called Iscariot, who was one of the twelve.", "bkm": "Satàyn ɨ zɨ ikfà'tɨ̀ nɨ̀ Judàs vzɨ̀ a ghɨ nà n-toŋtɨ kɨmɨ na Ìskalìyòt, a ghɨ kɨmɨ wul ɨ̀ mò' antêynɨ̀ njùmtɨ̀sɨ ibam nɨ̀ Jisòs njvàsɨ̀ bò." }
{ "aen": "He went away and discussed with the chief priests and officers of the temple guard how he might betray Jesus, handing him over to them.", "bkm": "Wu lù ɨ ndu yeyn ngàŋsɨ ndô Fɨ̀yìnì sɨ gha'nɨsɨ ŋêyn ɨ̀tu ghêl ghì a ghɨ nà n-chî ndô Fɨ̀yìnì, ɨ tisɨ dzɨ zɨ̀ a wù kà' a wù bey'lɨ ŋweyn sɨ̀ àŋena ateyn." }
{ "aen": "They were delighted and arranged to give him money.", "bkm": "Àŋena nà saŋlɨ-à ɨ lèm na ghɨ n-fu ɨ̀kwo sɨ̂ ŋweyn." }
{ "aen": "So Judas agreed and began looking for an opportunity to betray Jesus when no crowd was present.", "bkm": "Wu bɨmi, ɨ zɨ̀tɨ̀ sɨ kɨŋ dzɨ sɨ bey'lɨ ŋweyn sɨ̂ àŋena ɨlvɨ ta ghelɨ lù meyn sɨ a ŋweyn a ngùŋ." }
{ "aen": "Then the day for the feast of Unleavened Bread came, on which the Passover lamb had to be sacrificed.", "bkm": "Achi kì a ghɨ nà n-sɨ njɨ̀ Ìyà'sɨ ateyn antêynɨ̀ mɨ̀chi ghè a ghɨ nà n-yɨ abayn ateyn bùla fɨ̀shɨ̀k nɨ̀n gvi meyn," }
{ "aen": "Jesus sent Peter and John, saying, “Go and prepare the Passover for us to eat.”", "bkm": "Jisòs ɨ tum Bità ŋêyn Joyn ɨ bè na, “Yì ndu fàytɨ ɨ̀fwo ɨ yɨnɨ Iya'sɨ ta ka ghesɨ̀nà yɨ.”" }
{ "aen": "They said to him, “Where do you want us to prepare it?”", "bkm": "Àŋena bɨf sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Wà n-kɨŋ na ghès ndu fàytɨ wo ɨfwo ɨ yɨnɨ nâ wèyn a?”" }
{ "aen": "He said to them, “Listen, when you have entered the city, a man carrying a jar of water will meet you. Follow him into the house that he enters,", "bkm": "Wu bèynsɨ̀ sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Yì yvɨtɨ, yi n-se sɨ zɨ sɨ ndu kɨ antêynɨ̀ ntè' têyn, a wùl ɨ̀ koynɨ zɨ̂ àŋena ma wù geli meyn ntòyn mù. Yi yeyn ŋweyn, yi ndu kɨ a ŋweyn ibàm, wù ndû zɨ nô mɨ a ndo ì kà, yi zɨ kɨ ateyn," }
{ "aen": "and tell the owner of the house,‘The Teacher says to you, “Where is the guest room where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?”’", "bkm": "ɨ bè sɨ̂ bò ndo nâ vzɨ̀ na, ‘Ndyèynsɨ̀ bɨf na, Lûm ndo nɨ̀ ghelɨ ghɨ gvinɨ zɨ̀ bà a ka mà yɨ ɨfwo ɨ yɨnɨ Iya'sɨ ateyn ghês njùmtɨ̀sɨ ibam nɨ̀ mà sɨ a?’" }
{ "aen": "Then he will show you a large furnished room upstairs. Make preparations there.”", "bkm": "A wù dyeyn lûm ndo i gha'nɨ sɨ̂ zɨ̀ iyvɨ, nô mɨ ghà ɨ ghɨ ateyn, a yì faytɨ ɨfwo ɨ yɨnɨ ateyn afu.”" }
{ "aen": "So they went and found things just as he had told them, and they prepared the Passover.", "bkm": "Àŋena ndu yeyn nô mɨ ghà, kɨ ghɨ kɨ ighel ta Jisòs nì bè, ɨ faytɨ ɨ̀fwo ɨ yɨnɨ Iya'sɨ afu." }
{ "aen": "Now when the hour came, Jesus took his place at the table and the apostles joined him.", "bkm": "Ɨlvɨ ni kfeyn, Jisòs ɨ nà sɨ yɨ ŋêyn ghelɨ ntum nɨ̀ ŋweyn" }
{ "aen": "And he said to them, “I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.", "bkm": "ɨ kæ be sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Mà tî nà sɨ dzɨ̂ kɨ nô dzɨ sɨ yɨ ɨfwo ɨ yɨnɨ Iya'sɨ wèyn ghesɨ̀nà sɨ jæ sɨ kfɨ." }
{ "aen": "For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.”", "bkm": "Mɨ n-bê sɨ̂ zɨ̀ na, mà læ̀ bu fì yɨ wi ɨfwo ɨ yɨnɨ nâ wèyn nô sakos sɨ ya'i ta ka ɨfoyn ɨ Fɨ̂yìnì ko' kfeyn.”" }
{ "aen": "Then he took a cup, and after giving thanks he said, “Take this and divide it among yourselves.", "bkm": "Wu n-li meyn bom ɨ fu àyòŋnɨ̀ sɨ̂ Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ ɨ bè na, “Yì ku mɨlû' mèyn, ɨ̀ gwòtɨ̀ ɨ̀ nyvɨ." }
{ "aen": "For I tell you that from now on I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes.”", "bkm": "Mɨ n-bê sɨ̂ zɨ̀ na, sɨ zɨ̀tɨ lvɨ̂yn sɨ ndù asɨ, mà læ̀ bu fì nyvɨ wi mɨlû' sɨ ya'i ta ka ɨfoyn ɨ Fɨ̂yìnì gvi.”" }
{ "aen": "Then he took bread, and after giving thanks he broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.”", "bkm": "Wu n-li meyn kɨmɨ àbayn ɨ fu àyòŋnɨ̀ sɨ̂ Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ ɨ be'lɨ ɨ fu sɨ̂ àŋena ɨ bè na, “Ɨwêyn nɨn ghɨ ɨ̀wûyn wom ta mɨ n-fu sɨ̂ zɨ̀. Yì na nî iyeyn nâ yèynì sɨ nà kfâ'tɨ ma.”" }
{ "aen": "And in the same way he took the cup after they had eaten, saying, “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood.", "bkm": "Wu fi ni kɨmɨ tì nɨ̀ bôm mɨ̀lù' ta ghɨ yɨ meyn mèsì ɨ bè na, “Bòm yêyn nɨ̀n ghɨ bôm mɨ̀kàyn ɨn fɨ̂ ta Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ nɨn chɨlɨ nɨ̀ mɨ̀lûŋ mêm mzɨ̀ a mɨ n-sfɨ̂s sɨ̂ zɨ̀." }
{ "aen": "A Final Discourse “But look, the hand of the one who betrays me is with me on the table.", "bkm": " “Mɨ n-bê tì, wùl vzɨ̀ a wù n-bey'lɨ ma ɨ du' kɨ nô ghes ɨ̀ ŋweyn alè' a yɨnɨ-a afêyn." }
{ "aen": "For the Son of Man is to go just as it has been determined, but woe to that man by whom he is betrayed!”", "bkm": "Wâyn Wùl nɨ̀n ndû kɨ ta Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ lèm, mɨtì yi na bem nô sɨ a ŋaŋ sɨ̂ wùl vzɨ̀ a wu nì bey'lɨ ŋweyn!”" }
{ "aen": "So they began to question one another as to which of them it could possibly be who would do this.", "bkm": "Àŋena zɨ̀tɨ̀, kè ɨ nà sɨ bɨf sɨ̂ kè nâ a nì môm nda ìnkì iwo nâ yèynì antêynɨ̀ nɨ̀ ghesɨ̀nà a?" }
{ "aen": "A dispute also started among them over which of them was to be regarded as the greatest.", "bkm": "Àngùmnɨ̀ a nɨ̂n lali meyn kɨmɨ antêynɨ̀ nɨ̀ àŋena nâ, à n-ghɨ ndà a wù n-ghɨ sɨ nà ngaŋtɨ chwô àŋena ghɨ̀ jɨ̀m a?" }
{ "aen": "So Jesus said to them, “The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those in authority over them are called‘benefactors.’", "bkm": "Jisòs ɨ kæ bè na, “Tɨfoyn tɨ mbzɨ tɨ nɨn kelɨ àdya', sa' ye'tɨ̂ yè'tɨ ghelɨ àŋena, mɨtì kɨŋ na ghɨ na toŋtɨ̂ àŋena na ngàmtɨ̀sɨ ghêl." }
{ "aen": "Not so with you; instead the one who is greatest among you must become like the youngest, and the leader like the one who serves.", "bkm": "Yi n-kelɨ wi sɨ nà ghɨ tî sɨ̂ zɨ̀. Wùl ɨ ngaŋtɨnɨ a yi antêynɨ̀ nɨ̀n kelɨ sɨ nà ghɨ ta wul ɨ vzɨ̀ a wù læ gò'sɨ̀, ɨvzɨ̂ a wù n-ghɨ atu ɨ kwo ghɨ sɨ nà ghɨ sɨ a wul ɨ̀ fèlɨnɨ sɨ̂ zɨ̀." }
{ "aen": "For who is greater, the one who is seated at the table, or the one who serves? Is it not the one who is seated at the table? But I am among you as one who serves.", "bkm": "Wùl ɨ̀ ngaŋtɨnɨ nɨn nî a nà sæ̂ ghɨ ɨ̀kfà, ɨvzɨ̂ a wù n-du' yɨ kɨ yɨ ma, ɨvzɨ̂ a wu n-chwôsɨ̀ chwosɨ a? Ba à n-ghɨ ɨvzɨ̂ a wù n-du', yɨ kɨ yɨ a? Sɨ mà, ma na sɨ ghɨ antêynɨ̀ nɨ̀ zɨ̀ ta wul ɨ̀ fèlɨnɨ." }
{ "aen": " “You are the ones who have remained with me in my trials.", "bkm": " “À n-ghɨ zɨ̀ ghî a yì fàŋ meyn kɨ̀ faŋ ghesɨ̀nà antêynɨ̀ tɨ̀mòm nɨ̀ mà," }
{ "aen": "Thus I grant to you a kingdom, just as my Father granted to me,", "bkm": "ma kæ sɨ nà sɨ fu ɨfôyn sɨ̀ zɨ̀ kɨ̀mɨ ta Bò wom fù meyn sɨ̂ mà" }
{ "aen": "that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and you will sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.", "bkm": "ta ka yì læ̂ nà yɨ-a fî nyvɨ-a a ma alè' a yɨnɨ-a ɨtu' ta mɨ n-sa' ɨfoyn ɨ̀ wom. Yì læ̀ nà du' kɨmɨ a mɨchɨ mɨ̀ tɨ̀fòyn njvàsɨ̀ bò, sa' àsas a ndosɨ nɨ̀ Isìlæ̀ kèyn njvàsɨ̀ bò.”" }
{ "aen": " “Simon, Simon, pay attention! Satan has demanded to have you all, to sift you like wheat,", "bkm": "Jisòs ɨ fi toŋtɨ Saymùn ɨ bè na, “Saymùn, Saymùn, wa kya na Satàyn chwotɨ meyn sɨ sìsɨ zɨ ta ghɨ sìsɨ̀ nkfɨ̂ŋ," }
{ "aen": "but I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. When you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”", "bkm": "mɨtì ma jem meyn sɨ̂ và na ka ibɨmi i zæ nî fe mèsì. Wà kasi gvì sɨ̂ mà, wa nì mɨ̀têm mɨ̀ woyn-nà ghya na to.”" }
{ "aen": "But Peter said to him, “Lord, I am ready to go with you both to prison and to death!”", "bkm": "Bità ɨ bè sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Bôbo, mɨ n-gvɨ̂tɨ̀ sɨ ndu a ncha' ghesɨ̀và, sɨ fì sɨ kfɨ ghesɨ̀và.”" }
{ "aen": "Jesus replied, “I tell you, Peter, the rooster will not crow today until you have denied three times that you know me.”", "bkm": "Wu bè sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Mɨ n-fê'tɨ̀ sɨ̂ và, a Bità na, lûm ngvɨ nɨn nì se sɨ toŋ layn ma wà mo meyn mà ìngal ì tal.”" }
{ "aen": "Then Jesus said to them, “When I sent you out with no money bag, or traveler’s bag, or sandals, you didn’t lack anything, did you?” ", "bkm": "Jisòs nɨ̂n fi meyn bɨf sɨ̂ àŋena na, “A nà n-ghɨ ɨtu' ghê a mà tum zɨ, bula ɨkwo, bula bò, bula gvɨsɨ ɨvɨ̀, yi n-læ meyn wo afo a?”" }
{ "aen": "They replied, “Nothing.”", "bkm": " Àŋena bèynsɨ̀ na, “Ghès nɨn bu læ wo afo.”" }
{ "aen": "He said to them, “But now, the one who has a money bag must take it, and likewise a traveler’s bag too. And the one who has no sword must sell his cloak and buy one.", "bkm": "Wu kæ be sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Sɨ a lvɨ̂yn, à na kelɨ mɨ ndà ɨkwo kèsa bò, wu lì. À na wo mɨ ndà ifô, wu bey'lɨ àwaf a ŋweyn ɨ yuyn." }
{ "aen": "For I tell you that this scripture must be fulfilled in me,‘And he was counted with the transgressors.’ For what is written about me is being fulfilled.”", "bkm": "Mɨ n-bê sɨ̂ zɨ̀ na, izɨ ì a ghɨ sɨ ghɨ ma ghɨ nya' meyn a Ŋwà'lɨ̀ Fɨ̀yìnì nɨn kelɨ sɨ gayn sɨ̂ mà. Ghɨ n-læ nyà' na, ‘Ghɨ taŋ meyn ŋweyn ta wul ɨ̀ mò' antêynɨ̀ nɨ̀ ghelɨ ghì a ghɨ n-kôl isa'.’ Yi n-ghɨ tèyn bòm ta nô mɨ ghà vzɨ̂ a ghɨ nyà' meyn kûm mà nɨn kelɨ sɨ gàyn.”" }
{ "aen": "So they said, “Look, Lord, here are two swords.” ", "bkm": "Àŋena bè sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Yeyn a Bô. Afêyn nɨ̀n ghɨ tɨ̀fô tɨ̀ bò.”" }
{ "aen": "Then he told them, “It is enough.”", "bkm": " Wu be kɨ sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Yì visi læ̂ ndù.”" }
{ "aen": "Then Jesus went out and made his way, as he customarily did, to the Mount of Olives, and the disciples followed him.", "bkm": "Jisòs nɨ̀n fvɨ meyn sɨ a ntè' afu ɨ ko' a kfɨ̂yn Olìfsɨ̀, kɨ̀ ta wù nà n-lum ko', njùmtɨ̀sɨ ibam nɨ̀ ŋweynsɨ ko' kɨ a ŋweyn ibàm." }
{ "aen": "When he came to the place, he said to them, “Pray that you will not fall into temptation.”", "bkm": "Àŋena ko' ya'i sɨ afu, wu bè sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Yì jem ka yì zɨ imòmsɨ̀.”" }
{ "aen": "He went away from them about a stone’s throw, knelt down, and prayed,", "bkm": "Jisòs ɨ taŋi tì ɨ lù sɨ a ngùŋ nɨ̀ àŋena ɨ kɨŋtɨ ndu ya'i kɨmɨ ta wùl kà' a wù laŋ ngò' a yì ndu chem, ɨ tɨm alvɨ a nse ɨ nà sɨ jemà, bê na," }
{ "aen": " “Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me. Yet not my will but yours be done.”", "bkm": " “Bò wom, wà na koŋà wa fsɨ bôm nge' yèyn sɨ a ma awu. Nô mɨ tì, ni kɨ iwo zɨ̀ a yi n-kfeynɨ sɨ̂ và, ka wa n-nì iyemi.” " }
{ "aen": "Then an angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him.", "bkm": "Kɨ̀ ɨlvɨ nâ ghè, nchì Fɨ̀yìnì ɨ lù iyvɨ ɨ gvi fu adya' sɨ̂ ŋweyn." }
{ "aen": "And in his anguish he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.", "bkm": "Wu kfà' nge' i gha'nɨ zɨ̀ a wù nà n-ghɨ ateyn, yi bem chwòsɨ̀, wu fi to' jèm, ayu'sɨ a ɨ nà fvɨ̂ a ŋweyn ɨwùyn, kê' ta mɨluŋ, chemlɨ̂ a nse." }
{ "aen": "When he got up from prayer, he came to the disciples and found them sleeping, exhausted from grief.", "bkm": "Wu jem mèsì ɨ làlì ɨ se sɨ kasi sɨ ndù ɨ yeyn njùmtɨ̀sɨ ibam nɨ̀ ŋweyn, sɨ buni-à ta iwo ateyn i fu chwòsɨ̀ nge' sɨ̂ àŋena, ghɨ bol." }