{ "aen": "Jesus did this as the first of his miraculous signs, in Cana of Galilee. In this way he revealed his glory, and his disciples believed in him.", "bkm": "Jisòs nɨn læ ni iwo i kaynɨ-i nɨ̀ ŋweyn i yi asɨ-i nâ yèynì a nte' Kanà a Galìlî, ɨ dyeyn mèsì àdya' a ŋweyn, njùmtɨ̀sɨ ibam nɨ̀ ŋweynsɨ bɨmi na wù n-ghɨ wul vzɨ̀ a ghɨ chò' meyn lèm." }
{ "aen": "Cleansing the Temple After this he went down to Capernaum with his mother and brothers and his disciples, and they stayed there a few days.", "bkm": "A nà ghɨ sɨ ibàm ateyn, wu lù ŋêyn nà ŋweyn nɨ̀ woyn-nà ŋweyn nɨ̀ njùmtɨ̀sɨ ibam nɨ̀ ŋweynsɨ ɨ kàlì a nte' Kàbanùm ɨ chitɨ ko' afu tèyn sɨ ilæ." }
{ "aen": "Now the Jewish feast of Passover was near, so Jesus went up to Jerusalem.", "bkm": "A nà n-sɨ ba'sɨ̂ ndû a mɨchi ghè a ghelɨ Jûsɨ nà n-nî ghɨ nà yɨ Ìya'sɨ ateyn, Jisòs ɨ lu ko' a Jèlusalèm," }
{ "aen": "He found in the temple courts those who were selling oxen and sheep and doves, and the money changers sitting at tables.", "bkm": "ɨ ndu zɨ sɨ abe a ndô Fɨ̀yìnì ɨ yeyn ghelɨ ghɨ du' afu, bey'lɨ̂ nyamsɨ mbòlo' nɨ̀ bzɨsɨ njɨ̀sɨ̀ nɨ̀ mɨ̀nlàynɨ̀, ghɨli du' ɨbwaŋ, kfɨnɨ̂ mɨ̀kwo." }
{ "aen": "So he made a whip of cords and drove them all out of the temple courts, with the sheep and the oxen. He scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables.", "bkm": "Wu bo ngvàlì nɨ̀ nkfɨ̀sɨ ɨ leŋ saŋ fvɨ̀sɨ̀ nyamsɨ nô sɨ̀ jɨ̀m sɨ a ndo afu, ɨ sàs ɨ̀kwo vzɨ̀ a ghelɨ nì nà kfɨnɨ-à ɨ fi bà'lɨ̀ ɨ̀bwaŋ vzɨ̀ a àŋena nì nà kfɨnɨ atu àteyn," }
{ "aen": "To those who sold the doves he said, “Take these things away from here! Do not make my Father’s house a marketplace!”", "bkm": "ɨ ndù sɨ ɨghî a ghɨ nì nà bey'lɨ̂ mɨ̀nlàynɨ̀ ɨ kàyn ɨ bè sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Yì li fvɨ̀ nɨ̀ ɨ̀mêyn sɨ afêyn. Ka yì faytɨ ndô Bò wom sɨ ɨwe.”" }
{ "aen": "His disciples remembered that it was written, “Zeal for your house will devour me.”", "bkm": "Ta wù taŋi tî, njùmtɨ̀sɨ ibam nɨ̀ ŋweynsɨ kæ kfà'tɨ̀ ta ghɨ nyà' a Ŋwà'lɨ̀ Fɨ̀yìnì na, “Mɨ n-kôŋ ndô zyâ, fu kɨ sɨ̂ ìkfɨ-i.”" }
{ "aen": "So then the Jewish leaders responded, “What sign can you show us, since you are doing these things?”", "bkm": "Ghelɨ Jûsɨ̀ ɨ ni kasi gvì ɨ bɨf sɨ̂ Jisòs na, “Wà kà' a wà ni nô ìwo i kaynɨ-i ì kà sɨ dyèyn na à fu Fɨ̀yìnì adya' na wà na nî àwo kèynà a?”" }
{ "aen": "Jesus replied, “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up again.”", "bkm": "Jisòs ɨ bèynsɨ sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Yì bɨytɨ ndô Fɨ̀yìnì yèyn, a ka mà kasî bà'lɨ̀ kɨ̀ a mɨchi ɨ̀n tal.”" }
{ "aen": "Then the Jewish leaders said to him, “This temple has been under construction for forty-six years, and are you going to raise it up in three days?”", "bkm": "Àŋena fi bɨf sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “A wà ti kà' a wà kasi bà'lɨ̀ ndô nâ yèyn kɨ̀ a mɨchi ɨ̀n tal ma ghɨ li meyn bèŋ mɨ̀vɨm ɨ̀n kæ̀ njvàsɨ̀ ntufa sɨ bà'lɨ̀ a?”" }
{ "aen": "But Jesus was speaking about the temple of his body.", "bkm": "A nà n-ghɨ tì, Jisòs ɨ bê ndô Fɨ̀yìnì, a ghɨ kɨ nô ɨ̀wuyn ŋweyn." }
{ "aen": "So after he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this, and they believed the scripture and the saying that Jesus had spoken.", "bkm": "Wu læ kfɨ ɨ kasi làlì, njùmtɨ̀sɨ ibam nɨ̀ ŋweynsɨ kasi kfà'tɨ̀ na wu n-be meyn kɨ nô tèyn ɨ kæ bɨmi iwo zɨ̀ a Ŋwà'lɨ̀ Fɨ̀yìnì nɨ̀n bê, nô nɨ̀ àwo kì a Jisòs nà n-bê." }
{ "aen": "Now while Jesus was in Jerusalem at the Feast of the Passover, many people believed in his name because they saw the miraculous signs he was doing.", "bkm": "A nà n-ghɨ ta Jisòs nɨ̀n ghɨ a Jèlusalèm a mɨchi mɨ̀ Ìyà'sɨ, ghelɨ bɨmi na wù n-ghɨ wul vzɨ̀ a ghɨ chò' meyn lèm, dvɨ̂ kɨ tèyn bòm àwo a kaynɨ-a kì a àŋena nɨ̀n yeyn ta wù nì." }
{ "aen": "But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, because he knew all people.", "bkm": "Mɨtì, Jisòs ɨ faŋ tɨ̀ fu ngêŋ ŋweyn sɨ̂ àŋena bòm ta wu nà n-kya nchînɨ̀sɨ ghêl nô sɨ̀ jɨ̀m." }
{ "aen": "He did not need anyone to testify about man, for he knew what was in man.", "bkm": "Wùl nɨ̀n bu nà fî ghɨ sɨ fè'tɨ fe'tɨ afo kì a wùl nɨ̀n ghɨ ànkeyna sɨ̂ ŋweyn bòm ta wu nà n-kya ìkfâ'tɨ̀ i ghêl." }
{ "aen": "Now a certain man, a Pharisee named Nicodemus, who was a member of the Jewish ruling council,", "bkm": "Wùl ɨ tisɨnɨ nɨ̀ ghelɨ Jûsɨ̀ ɨ̀ lvì nɨn læ meyn nà ghɨ, izɨyn i ŋweyni ghɨ Nìkòdemùs, a ghɨ wûl nchɨ̀yntɨ nɨ̀ ghelɨ Falàsî." }
{ "aen": "came to Jesus at night and said to him,", "bkm": "Ɨtu' ɨ kfa jɨ achi a li-a, wu ndu yeyn Jisòs ɨ toŋtɨ ŋweyn ɨ bè na, " }
{ "aen": " “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs that you do unless God is with him.”", "bkm": " “Ndyèynsɨ̀, ghès nɨn kya kɨ nô na à tum Fɨ̀yìnì tum vâ na wà gvi nà ye'î ghelɨ. Wùl nɨ̀n ghɨ wi a wù kà' a wù na nî nchwæsɨ awo a kaynɨ-a sèynsɨ̀ a wà n-nî têyn, a bu kɨ na Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ nɨn ghɨ ŋêyn ŋweyn.”" }
{ "aen": "Jesus replied, “I tell you the solemn truth, unless a person is born from above, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”", "bkm": "Jisòs ɨ bè sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Mɨ n-bê sɨ̂ và kɨ̀ nô samo' na, wùl ɨ̀ kà' wu bû zɨ alè' ɨfoyn ɨ Fɨ̂yìnì a bu kɨ na ghɨ kàsî bzɨ ŋweyn sɨ a nfɨ.”" }
{ "aen": "Nicodemus said to him, “How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter his mother’s womb and be born a second time, can he?”", "bkm": "Nìkòdemùs ɨ bɨf sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Ghɨ ti kà' ti ghɨ bzɨ wul sɨ a nfɨ ma wù lema meyn a? Ba mɨ n-kya na wul ɨ lwema kà' wu bû fì kàsi zɨ ɨlvà nɨ̀ nà ŋweyn ta ka ghɨ fî bzɨ ŋweyn?”" }
{ "aen": "Jesus answered, “I tell you the solemn truth, unless a person is born of water and spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.", "bkm": "Jisòs ɨ bè na, “Mɨ n-bê sɨ̂ và kɨ̀ nô samo' na wùl ɨ̀ kà' wu bû zɨ alè' ɨfoyn ɨ Fɨ̂yìnì, a bu kɨ na ghɨ bzɨ ŋweyn kɨ̀ nô ta ghɨ n-bzɨ ghelɨ, fì kàsî bzɨ ŋweyn sɨ Ayvɨs." }
{ "aen": "What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit.", "bkm": "Wùl nɨ̀n bzɨ̂ kɨ àcha' ɨwùyn mɨtì Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ fu Àyvɨs." }
{ "aen": "Do not be amazed that I said to you,‘You must all be born from above.’", "bkm": "Ka wà na ghɨ nɨ̀ ìkayn i ta mà bè sɨ̂ và na ghɨ n-kelɨ sɨ kasi sɨ bzɨ zɨ kɨ ghɨ̀ jɨ̀m sɨ a nfɨ." }
{ "aen": "The wind blows wherever it will, and you hear the sound it makes, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”", "bkm": "Wùl ɨ̀ kà' wu bû kèli dzɨ zɨ̀ a Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ nɨn fu Ayvɨs sɨ̂ ghelɨ ateyn. Yi n-ghɨ kɨmɨ ighel ta afyef a nɨn se sɨ chwò, wa nà yvɨ ta kɨ n-kû, kya wi na kɨ lù wo nà ndû wo a? Kɨ n-nî kɨ nà jelɨ̀ kɨ ta kɨ n-kôŋ.”" }
{ "aen": "Nicodemus replied, “How can these things be?”", "bkm": "Nìkòdemùs ɨ bè sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Ma bû yvɨ kèli ìwo nâ yèynì.”" }
{ "aen": "Jesus answered, “Are you the teacher of Israel and yet you don’t understand these things?", "bkm": "Jisòs ɨ bɨf sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “A ti bè na wà n-ghɨ kɨ nô ndyèynsɨ̀ i gha'nɨ ila' i Isìlæ̀ tèyn, yvɨ kelî wì awo kèynà?" }
{ "aen": "I tell you the solemn truth, we speak about what we know and testify about what we have seen, but you people do not accept our testimony.", "bkm": "Mɨ n-bê sɨ̂ và kɨ̀ nô samo' na, ghès nɨn bê àwo kya, ma ghèsɨ yeyn meyn, mɨtì yi kfâ' na ghès nɨn ghɨ nchwò nsa' sɨ ànkaŋ." }
{ "aen": "If I have told you people about earthly things and you don’t believe, how will you believe if I tell you about heavenly things?", "bkm": "Mà ti kæ sɨ nà taŋî sɨ̂ zɨ̀, fê'nɨ̀ nɨ̀ àwo a nse afêyn, yi bɨmî wì, ma fê'tɨ̀ àwo iyvɨ sɨ̂ zɨ̀, yi bɨmi ti a?" }
{ "aen": "No one has ascended into heaven except the one who descended from heaven– the Son of Man.", "bkm": "Nô wùl ɨ̀ mò' ɨ bû tìmi zɨ iyvɨ sɨ nà kya awo kì a kɨ n-ghɨ afu, a bu kɨ mà Wâyn Wùl ta mà lù iyvɨ ɨ̀ gvì a nse." }
{ "aen": "Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up,", "bkm": " “Ghɨ n-kelɨ sɨ ghaŋsɨ Wâyn Wùl atû fɨ̀kà', kɨ̀mɨ ighel ta Mosìs nɨ̂n læ ghaŋsɨ ànfè'sɨ̀ a mbam kì a ghɨ n-faytɨ nɨ̀ ìdyayn i tî a nse iyum," }
{ "aen": "so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.”", "bkm": "ta ka nô mɨ ndà vzɨ̂ a wù bɨ̀mi sɨ̂ ŋweyn keli ichi zɨ̀ a yi læ̀ mæ wi," }
{ "aen": "For this is the way God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.", "bkm": "bòm ta Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ nɨ̀n kôŋ meyn ghelɨ mbzɨ nô sɨ a ŋaŋ ɨ tum Wâyn ŋweyn, kɨ ɨ̀mò' vzɨ̂ a fɨ nà n-kelɨ, na ɨlvɨ ta à bɨ̀mi mɨ ndà sɨ̂ ŋweyn, a wù faŋ tɨ̀ kfɨ, mɨtì læ̀ nà kelɨ ìchi zɨ̀ a yi læ̀ mæ wi." }
{ "aen": "For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world should be saved through him.", "bkm": "Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ nɨn bu læ tum Wâyn ŋweyn a mbzɨ na wù gvi bèbsɨ ghelɨ bòm mbɨsɨ àŋena, fɨ n-tum na wù gvi bœ̀sɨ̀ ghelɨ." }
{ "aen": "The one who believes in him is not condemned. The one who does not believe has been condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the one and only Son of God.", "bkm": " “À bɨ̀mi mɨ ndà sɨ̂ Wâyn Fɨ̀yìnì, Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ kâ' fɨ bû bèbsɨ ŋweyn, à faŋ mɨ ndà tɨ̀ bɨ̀mi, a à na sɨ ghɨ ma Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ bebsɨ meyn ŋweyn, bòm ta wù teyn meyn na yi n-bɨmî wì izɨyn nɨ̀ Wâyn ɨ̀ mò' vzɨ̂ a Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ nɨn kelɨ." }
{ "aen": "Now this is the basis for judging: that the light has come into the world and people loved the darkness rather than the light, because their deeds were evil.", "bkm": "Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ nɨn sa' ghelɨ bòm ta ibayn i ti meyn gvì a mbzɨ, ghelɨ na kôŋ wì, mɨtì kôŋ kɨ àbe a fɨmnɨ-a, bòm ta àŋena nɨn nî mbɨ." }
{ "aen": "For everyone who does evil deeds hates the light and does not come to the light, so that their deeds will not be exposed.", "bkm": "Nô mɨ ndà vzɨ̂ a wù nî awo a bɨ-a nɨn kôŋ wì ibayn, kôŋ wì sɨ fvɨ̀ ateyn, ka awo a bɨ-a nɨ̀ ŋweyna ke' a ndayn." }
{ "aen": "But the one who practices the truth comes to the light, so that it may be plainly evident that his deeds have been done in God.", "bkm": "Nô mɨ ndà vzɨ̂ a wù n-chi nchînɨ̀ àtì-ati nɨn fvɨ̂ gvî ibayn ta ka ghelɨ na yeyn samo' na wù n-nî àwo a dzɨ ghè a Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ nɨn kɨŋ.”" }
{ "aen": "After this, Jesus and his disciples came into Judean territory, and there he spent time with them and was baptizing.", "bkm": "A nà sɨ ghɨ ta Jisòs tàŋi mèsì ŋêyn njùmtɨ̀sɨ ibam nɨ̀ ŋweynsɨ, wu lù ɨ zɨ ndù antêynɨ̀ ìla' i Jùdiyà, ɨ ndu chitɨ ko' afu ŋêyn àŋena, ɨ fu mu sɨ̂ ghelɨ." }
{ "aen": "John was also baptizing at Aenon near Salim, because water was plentiful there, and people were coming to him and being baptized.", "bkm": "A nà n-ghɨ tì, Joyn fu kɨmɨ mu a ntè' Enòn, a ghɨ wi ndyèyn sɨ ndù sɨ chem a Salìm bòm ta mu nà n-dvɨ̂ afu, ghelɨ fî mûtɨ̀ kɨ tèyn gvî yeyn ŋweyn, wu fu mu sɨ̂ àŋena." }
{ "aen": " For John had not yet been thrown into prison.", "bkm": "A nà n-ghɨ jæ ta ka ghɨ læ̂ we Joyn a ncha'." }
{ "aen": "Now a dispute came about between some of John’s disciples and a certain Jew concerning ceremonial washing.", "bkm": "Ɨtu' ɨ layn achi a li-a, njùmtɨ̀sɨ ibam nɨ̀ Joynsɨ zɨ̀tɨ̀ àngùmnɨ̀ a li-a ŋêyn wùl ɨ̀ Jû ɨ̀ lvì, kûm dzɨ zɨ̀ a ghelɨ Jûsɨ nà n-su ɨwuyn ateyn a àŋena nchînɨ̀ ìla' sɨ nà ghɨ na ghɨ n-layn kfeynɨ̂ asɨ nɨ̀ Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀." }
{ "aen": "So they came to John and said to him, “Rabbi, the one who was with you on the other side of the Jordan River, about whom you testified– see, he is baptizing, and everyone is flocking to him!”", "bkm": "Njùmtɨ̀sɨ Joyn nâ sìsɨ ni ndù ɨ yeyn ŋweyn, ɨ bè sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Ndyèynsɨ̀, wà yeyn meyn wul ɨ vzɨ̀ a zɨ̂ ŋweyn tî nà ghɨ injɨyn i jvâ Jodàn i zɨ-i ti a, ɨvzɨ̂ a wà n-læ bè na à n-ghɨ ŋweyn vzɨ̀ a ghɨ chò' meyn lèm tì a? Wù sɨ fu mu sɨ̂ ghelɨ lvɨ̂yn, ghɨ ndû kɨ sɨ̂ ŋweyn ghɨ̀ jɨ̀m.”" }
{ "aen": "John replied, “No one can receive anything unless it has been given to him from heaven.", "bkm": "Joyn bè sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Nô mɨ ndà nɨn nî kɨ ìwo zɨ̀ a Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ fu adya' na wù na ni-à." }
{ "aen": "You yourselves can testify that I said,‘I am not the Christ,’ but rather,‘I have been sent before him.’", "bkm": "Nô zɨ̀ nɨn kya samo' ta mɨ n-læ bè na à n-ghɨ wi ma ɨvzɨ̂ a ghɨ chò' meyn lèm. Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ tum kɨ̀ ma sɨ asɨ na mà gvi fàytɨ dzɨ̂ ŋweyn." }
{ "aen": "The one who has the bride is the bridegroom. The friend of the bridegroom, who stands by and listens for him, rejoices greatly when he hears the bridegroom’s voice. This then is my joy, and it is complete.", "bkm": "Wîlum lum ndû kɨ sɨ̂ lûmwi. Sûyn lûmwi zɨ̀ a yì n-gâmtɨ̀ ŋweyn lum jelɨ̀ kɨ a ŋweyn a ntum, saŋlɨ̂ nô sɨ a ŋaŋ ɨlvɨ ta wù yvɨ ta lûmwi nɨn taŋi. À ti kɨ̀mɨ dzɨ zɨ̀ a mɨ n-saŋlɨ ateyn lvɨ̂yn. Isaŋlɨ ì yemi nɨn ghɨ lvɨ̂yn, ma yi luyn meyn kfeyn." }
{ "aen": "He must become more important while I become less important.”", "bkm": "Wùl nâ wèyn nɨ̀n kelɨ kɨ sɨ nà ngaŋtɨ̂ ndû asɨ, ma su'tɨ̂ ndû kɨ a nse." }
{ "aen": "The one who comes from above is superior to all. ", "bkm": " Ɨvzɨ̂ a wù lù gvì iyvɨ nɨn chwô kɨ ghelɨ ghɨ̀ jɨ̀m" }
{ "aen": "The one who is from the earth belongs to the earth and speaks about earthly things. The one who comes from heaven is superior to all.", "bkm": " “Ɨvzɨ̂ a wù lù gvì iyvɨ nɨn ko'nɨ̂ chwô nô mɨ ndà, ɨvzɨ̂ a wù n-ghɨ a nse ɨ ghɨ kɨ wul ɨ̀ nse, taŋî kûm kɨ àwo a nse. Ɨvzɨ̂ a wù lù gvì iyvɨ nɨn ngaŋtɨ̂ chwô nô mɨ ndà," }
{ "aen": "He testifies about what he has seen and heard, but no one accepts his testimony.", "bkm": "fê'tɨ̀ kɨ izɨ-ì a wù yeyn meyn fì yvɨ, mɨtì ghelɨ yvɨ bɨmî wì." }
{ "aen": "The one who has accepted his testimony has confirmed clearly that God is truthful.", "bkm": "À ti bɨ̀mi mɨ ndà iwo zɨ̀ a wù n-bê, a à na ghɨ ma wù dyeyn meyn na Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ nɨn taŋî kɨ samo'." }
{ "aen": "For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for he does not give the Spirit sparingly.", "bkm": "Wùl nâ wèyn a Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ tùm têyn nɨ̀n fê'tɨ̀ kɨ ìwo i Fɨ̂yìnì bòm ta fɨ n-fu Ayvɨs sɨ̂ ŋweyn, fu mèsi kɨ mesi." }
{ "aen": "The Father loves the Son and has placed all things under his authority.", "bkm": "Bô nɨ̀n kôŋ Wâyn ŋweyn ma wù fu meyn àdya' sɨ̂ ŋweyn na wù na sa' kɨ ɨ̀fwo ɨ̀ jɨ̀m a mbzɨ." }
{ "aen": "The one who believes in the Son has eternal life. The one who rejects the Son will not see life, but God’s wrath remains on him.", "bkm": "À bɨ̀mi mɨ ndà sɨ̂ Wâyn Fɨ̂yìnì, a wù keli ichi zɨ̀ a yi læ̀ mæ wi, ma à fàŋ mɨ ndà tɨ̀ bɨ̀mi, a wù læ̂ kfɨ bòm ta njvâ Fɨ̀yìnì faŋ meyn kɨ̀ faŋ a ŋweyn atu.”" }
{ "aen": "Departure From Judea Now when Jesus knew that the Pharisees had heard that he was winning and baptizing more disciples than John", "bkm": "Ghelɨ Falàsî nɨn yvɨ meyn na Jisòs sɨ kelî njùmtɨ̀sɨ̀, fu mu sɨ̂ àŋena, sɨ dvɨ̂ chwô ɨsɨ Joynsɨ." }
{ "aen": " although Jesus himself was not baptizing, but his disciples were,", "bkm": "Ghɨ nà n-bê mɨtì, a laynsɨ̂ fu wi Jisòs ɨ mu mɨ̀ àteyn. A nà n-fu njùmtɨ̀sɨ ibam nɨ̀ ŋweyn sɨ lisɨ." }
{ "aen": "he left Judea and set out once more for Galilee.", "bkm": "Jisòs ɨ yvɨ iwo nâ yèynì a ghɨ nà n-bê kûm ŋweyn tèyn ɨ lù sɨ a Jùdiyà ɨ kasi ndù a Galìlî," }
{ "aen": "Conversation With a Samaritan Woman But he had to pass through Samaria.", "bkm": "ɨ se sɨ ndù ɨ nà kelɨ sɨ toynɨ dzɨ a Sàmalìyà." }
{ "aen": "Now he came to a Samaritan town called Sychar, near the plot of land that Jacob had given to his son Joseph.", "bkm": "A nà sɨ ghɨ ta wù n-chwô a Sàmalìyà, ɨ chem a ntè' ì lì ghɨ toŋtɨ̂ na Sikà, yi ba'sɨ̂ a ngùŋ àlè' a nse ghè a Jàkôb nɨ̂n læ fu sɨ̂ wayn ŋweyn Josèf tì," }
{ "aen": "Jacob’s well was there, so Jesus, since he was tired from the journey, sat right down beside the well. It was about noon.", "bkm": "ɨ bol, ɨ ndu su'i dù'ì a ngùŋ ìbɨ̀ ghê a Jàkôb nɨ̂n læ tɨm sɨ nà tu mu ateyn. A nà n-sɨ ghɨ aleŋ ɨlvɨ, ma chùe bayn meyn to." }
{ "aen": "A Samaritan woman came to draw water. Jesus said to her, “Give me some water to drink.”", "bkm": "Wùl ɨ wî Sàmalìyà ɨ̀ lvì ɨ gvì sɨ tu mu, Jisòs ɨ loyn mu sɨ̂ ŋweyn ɨ bè na, “Fu ma nɨ̀ mû mà nyvɨ.”" }
{ "aen": " For his disciples had gone off into the town to buy supplies.", "bkm": "A nà n-ghɨ tì ma njùmtɨ̀sɨ ibam nɨ̀ ŋweynsɨ zɨ meyn ndù antêynɨ̀ ntè' sɨ yuyn ɨfwo ɨ yɨnɨ." }
{ "aen": "So the Samaritan woman said to him, “How can you– a Jew– ask me, a Samaritan woman, for water to drink?” For Jews use nothing in common with Samaritans.", "bkm": "Wùl ɨ wi àteyn ɨ bè sɨ̂ Jisòs na, “Wà n-ghɨ wul ɨ̀ Jû, ma ghɨ wul ɨ̀ Sàmalìyà? Wà jèl ti sɨ nà loyn mu sɨ̂ mà a?” A nà n-ghɨ tì, ghelɨ Jûsɨ̀ ŋêyn ghelɨ Sàmalìyà ɨ nî kôynɨ̀ wì awo." }
{ "aen": "Jesus answered her, “If you had known the gift of God and who it is who said to you, ‘Give me some water to drink,’ you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.”", "bkm": "Ta wù bɨf tî, Jisòs ɨ kæ be sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Wa nà n-kya ɨfwo vzɨ̀ a Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ nɨn fu sɨ̂ ghelɨ fî kya wul vzɨ̀ a wù n-loyn mu nâ mèyn sɨ̂ và, ma wà loyn meyn mu, a ghɨ wi mu mɨ̀ jvà, wù fu sɨ̂ và.”" }
{ "aen": " “Sir,” the woman said to him, “you have no bucket and the well is deep; where then do you get this living water?", "bkm": "Wùl ɨ wi àteyn ɨ kæ bɨf sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Wa ti n-lî wo mu nâ mèyn sɨ fu sɨ̂ mà a Bòbè, kelɨ wi afo sɨ tu ateyn, ibɨ ateyn i fî sœ̂ tèyn a?" }
{ "aen": "Surely you’re not greater than our ancestor Jacob, are you? For he gave us this well and drank from it himself, along with his sons and his livestock.”", "bkm": "A wà ti n-kfâ' na wà n-chwô bò bò wes Jàkôb vzɨ̀ a wù n-læ fu ibɨ i mu nâ yèynì sɨ̂ ghès, a ghɨ kɨmɨ ìnyeyni zɨ̀ a ŋêyn woyn ŋweyn nɨ̀ nyamsɨ ŋweynsɨ nɨn læ nà nyvɨ mu ateyn a?”" }
{ "aen": "Jesus replied, “Everyone who drinks some of this water will be thirsty again.", "bkm": "Jisòs ɨ bè na, “À nyvɨ̀ nô mɨ ndà mu mèyn, a ɨtoŋ mu fî yùmtɨ kɨ̀ yumtɨ ŋweyn." }
{ "aen": "But whoever drinks some of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again, but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up to eternal life.”", "bkm": "Mɨtì, ma à nyvɨ̀ mɨ ndà mu mzɨ̀ a mɨ n-fu, ɨtoŋ mu bû læ̀ fì yùmi ŋweyn. Wùl ɨ̀ kæ nyvɨ mu nâ mèyn, a mɨ̀ ndu kàsi sɨ isɨ i lɨmàlɨ̀mà, nà fvɨ̂ a ŋweyn ɨwùyn, lum bu yum wi, ɨ̀ nì ŋweyn a wù keli ichi zɨ̀ a yi læ̀ mæ wi.”" }
{ "aen": "The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water, so that I will not be thirsty or have to come here to draw water.”", "bkm": "Wùl ɨ wi ɨ̀ Sàmalìyà nâ vzɨ̀ ɨ bè sɨ̂ Jisòs na, wù fu mu nâ mzɨ̀ sɨ̂ zɨ̀ ta ka yì nyvɨ, a ɨtoŋ mu læ̂ faŋ tɨ̀ fì tɨ̀ yùmi zɨ, a yì læ̂ faŋ tɨ̀ fì tɨ̀ sè' sɨ tu mu ibɨ i mu nâ ghè." }
{ "aen": "He said to her, “Go call your husband and come back here.”", "bkm": "Jisòs ɨ fi be kɨ sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Ndu jàŋ lûm vâ, zɨ̂ ŋweyn gvi ɨ̀ yèyn ma.”" }
{ "aen": "The woman replied, “I have no husband.” ", "bkm": "Wùl ɨ wi àteyn ɨ bè na yi n-kelɨ wi lum." }
{ "aen": "Jesus said to her, “Right you are when you said,‘I have no husband,’", "bkm": " Jisòs ɨ kæ be sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Wà bè kɨ̀ nô samo' na wà n-kelɨ wi lum." }
{ "aen": "for you have had five husbands, and the man you are living with now is not your husband. This you said truthfully!”", "bkm": "Wà n-ghɨ tèyn, ma wà bɨmi meyn ghɨ̀ lum ghɨ̀ tâyn, fvɨ̀ kɨ ghɨ̀ jɨ̀m. Nô wùl vzɨ̀ a wà n-chi a ŋweyn a ndo lvɨ̂yn nɨ̀n laynsɨ̂ ghɨ wi lûm vâ. Yi ti n-dyêyn na wà tàŋi kɨ̀ nô samo'.”" }
{ "aen": "The woman said to him, “Sir, I see that you are a prophet.", "bkm": "Wùl ɨ wi àteyn ɨ bè sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Ma yeyn meyn a Bòbè na wà n-ghɨ nfè'tɨ i gha'nɨ." }
{ "aen": "Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, and you people say that the place where people must worship is in Jerusalem.”", "bkm": "Ghɨ̀bo ghes nɨn læ nà ko'sɨ̂ Fɨ̀yìnì a kfɨyn afêyn, mɨtì zɨ̀ ghelɨ Jûsɨ na lêm lvɨ̂yn na ghɨ n-kelɨ kɨ sɨ nà ko'sɨ̂ Fɨ̀yìnì a Jèlusalèm.”" }
{ "aen": "Jesus said to her, “Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.", "bkm": "Jisòs ɨ bè sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Mɨ n-bê sɨ̂ và samo' a wùl ɨ wî na, ɨlvɨ nɨn ko' gvi-à ta ka ghɨ na bu ko'sɨ̂ wi Fɨ̀yìnì a kfɨyn afêyn, ko'sɨ̂ wì nô mɨ a Jèlusalèm." }
{ "aen": "You people worship what you do not know. We worship what we know, because salvation is from the Jews.", "bkm": "Zɨ̀ ghelɨ Sàmalìyà nɨn kya wi nô mɨ wul vzɨ̀ a yi n-ko'sɨ, mɨtì ghès ghelɨ Jûsɨ kya wul vzɨ̀ a ghès nɨn ko'sɨ, bòm ta ghès kà' a ghɨ fe'tɨ dzɨ zɨ̀ a Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ nɨn bœ̂sɨ̀ ghelɨ ghɨ̀ jɨ̀m ateyn." }
{ "aen": "But a time is coming– and now is here– when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such people to be his worshipers.", "bkm": "Ɨlvɨ nɨn ko' gvi-à, ghɨ n-bê tì ma wu sɨ ghɨ kɨ nô a nse, ta ka Ayvɨs a Fɨ̂yìnì-à ni, a ghelɨ na ko'sɨ̂ nfeynfɨ kɨ̀ samo'. À n-ghɨ ìnki ghêl nâ yèynì a Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ nɨn kɨŋ na ghɨ na ko'sɨ̂ nfeynfɨ." }
{ "aen": "God is spirit, and the people who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”", "bkm": "Fɨ̀yìnì fɨ̀ nɨn ghɨ àyvɨs, ghelɨ ghì a ghɨ n-ko'sɨ ŋweyn ɨ kelɨ sɨ nà ko'sɨ kɨ nô samo', ko'sɨ̂ kɨ nɨ̀ àdya' kì a Ayvɨs a ŋweyn nâ kèynà nɨn fu.”" }
{ "aen": "The woman said to him, “I know that Messiah is coming” the one called Christ; “whenever he comes, he will tell us everything.”", "bkm": "Wùl ɨ wi àteyn ɨ kæ be sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “Mɨ n-kya na ɨvzɨ̂ a ghɨ chò' meyn lèm, ma à ti Christ, nɨ̀n gvi-à, ghɨ sɨ gvì sɨ fè'tɨ nô mɨ ghà sɨ̂ ghesɨ̀nà.”" }
{ "aen": "Jesus said to her, “I, the one speaking to you, am he.”", "bkm": "Jisòs ɨ kæ fè'tɨ̀ sɨ mèsi sɨ̂ ŋweyn na, “À n-ghɨ mà nâ vzɨ̀ a mɨ n-taŋi sɨ̂ và tèyn.”" }
{ "aen": "The Disciples Return Now at that very moment his disciples came back. They were shocked because he was speaking with a woman. However, no one said, “What do you want?” or “Why are you speaking with her?”", "bkm": "Kɨ̀ têyn ta Jisòs nɨ̀n taŋi, njùmtɨ̀sɨ ibam nɨ̀ ŋweynsɨ kasi gvì ɨ yeyn ta wù n-taŋi ŋêyn wùl ɨ wi, ɨ nà ghɨ nɨ̀ ìkayn i, mɨtì nô wùl ɨ̀ mò' a àŋena antêynɨ̀ ɨ faŋ tɨ̀ bɨf sɨ̂ wùl ɨ wi àteyn nâ, wù n-kɨŋ ghà a, ɨ faŋ kɨmɨ tɨ̀ bɨf sɨ̂ Jisòs nâ, bòm ghà ta wù n-taŋi sɨ̂ wùl ɨ wi nâ wèyn a." }
{ "aen": "Then the woman left her water jar, went off into the town and said to the people,", "bkm": "Wùl ɨ wi àteyn ɨ lu visi ntòyn mu nɨ̀ ŋweyn afu ɨ kasi zɨ ndù a ntè' ɨ bè sɨ̂ ghelɨ na," }
{ "aen": " “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Surely he can’t be the Messiah, can he?”", "bkm": " “Yì gvi yèyn wul a wù fè'tɨ̀ nô mɨ ghà ta mà tìmi nì a. A ti n-ghɨ wi ŋweyn ɨvzɨ̂ a ghɨ chò' meyn lèm a?”" }
{ "aen": "So they left the town and began coming to him.", "bkm": "Ghelɨ yvɨ tî ɨ fvɨ ndù sɨ yeyn ŋweyn." }
{ "aen": "Workers for the Harvest Meanwhile the disciples were urging him, “Rabbi, eat something.”", "bkm": "À nà n-ghɨ ɨlvɨ nâ ghè, njùmtɨ̀sɨ ibam nɨ̀ Jisòs-sɨ̀ ɨ chwotɨ̂ ŋweyn bê na, “Ndyèynsɨ̀, yɨ læ̂ àfo a.”" }
{ "aen": "But he said to them, “I have food to eat that you know nothing about.”", "bkm": "Jisòs ɨ bè sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Mà sɨ ghɨ ma ma yɨ meyn àfo a yɨnɨ-a, yi kya wi iwo kûm à.”" }
{ "aen": "So the disciples began to say to one another, “No one brought him anything to eat, did they?”", "bkm": "Njùmtɨ̀sɨ ibam nɨ̀ ŋweynsɨ nà sɨ kayntɨ̂ kɨ sɨ̂ àŋena ngeŋsɨ bɨf na, “À ti n-ghɨ na wùl ɨ̀ gvi meyn nɨ̀ àfo a yɨnɨ-a sɨ̂ ŋweyn ma?”" }
{ "aen": "Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of the one who sent me and to complete his work.", "bkm": "Jisòs ɨ bè sɨ̂ àŋena na, “Ɨfwo ɨ yɨnɨ nɨ̀ mà nɨn ghɨ kɨ sɨ ni ifêl zɨ̀ a ɨvzɨ̂ a wù tùm ma nɨn kôŋ, sɨ nì sɨ mèsi ifêl nâ zɨ̀-ì." }
{ "aen": "Don’t you say,‘There are four more months and then comes the harvest?’ I tell you, look up and see that the fields are already white for harvest!", "bkm": "Ba yi n-kelɨ ngàyn ì lì a yi n-mô na, ‘Ghɨ n-to' à, à chwô kɨ̀ njoŋ sɨ̀ kæ̀, ghɨ kfì.’ Mɨtì, yì yeyn læ̂ kɨ̀ iwo a. Yì yasi asɨ à ki-a ɨ̀ ki kɨ̀ ta gveynsɨ nɨn kê' a. Ɨfwo ɨ yɨnɨ nɨn ghɨ ma wu bi meyn ɨ̀ nà sɨ ghɨ kɨ sɨ nà kfi-à." }
{ "aen": "The one who reaps receives pay and gathers fruit for eternal life, so that the one who sows and the one who reaps can rejoice together.", "bkm": "Nô lvɨ̂yn nɨ̀n ghɨ tèyn ma wùl ɨ̀ kfinɨ sɨ kfi-à, ghɨ lâ' ŋweyn. Wù n-kfî ghelɨ ghɨ bɨminɨ ghì a ka ghɨ kelɨ ichi zɨ̀ a yi læ̀ mæ wi ta ka ŋêyn wùl ɨ̀ tò'nɨ na chɨ̂yntɨ̀ saŋlɨ-à." }
{ "aen": "For in this instance the saying is true,‘One sows and another reaps.’", "bkm": "Yi ti n-dyêyn na ngàyn yèyn na, ‘Wùl nɨ̀n to'à, ɨ̀lvì ɨ kfi-à’ nɨ̀n ghɨ kɨ nô samo'." }
{ "aen": "I sent you to reap what you did not work for; others have labored and you have entered into their labor.”", "bkm": "Ma tum meyn zɨ̀ na yì se' kfì ɨ̀fwo ɨ yɨnɨ a gvêyn bùla yi tî fèl. Ghelɨ ghɨlû ti meyn fèl, yi na sɨ ghɨ sɨ kfì.”" }
{ "aen": "The Samaritans Respond Now many Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the report of the woman who testified, “He told me everything I ever did.”", "bkm": "Ghelɨ Sàmalìyà nɨ̂n bɨmi meyn a ntè' afu, dvɨ̂ kɨ tèyn bòm iwo zɨ̀ a wul ɨ wi vzɨ̀ nɨ̂n bè sɨ̂ àŋena tî na, “Wù fè'tɨ meyn nô mɨ ghà ta mà tìmi nì.”" }
{ "aen": "So when the Samaritans came to him, they began asking him to stay with them. He stayed there two days,", "bkm": "Ghelɨ Sàmalìyà ghì ɨ gvi yeyn Jisòs tì, ɨ chwotɨ ŋweyn na wù faŋ ŋêyn àŋena. Wu chi ŋêyn àŋena sɨ a mɨchi ɨ̀m bò." }
{ "aen": "and because of his word many more believed.", "bkm": "Ghelɨ fi yvɨ iye'i i Jisòs ɨ bɨmi, dvɨ̂ kɨ tèyn," }
{ "aen": "They said to the woman, “No longer do we believe because of your words, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this one really is the Savior of the world.”", "bkm": "ɨ bè sɨ̂ wùl ɨ wi nâ vzɨ̀ na, “Ghèsɨ bɨmi meyn lvɨ̂yn, a ghɨ wi kɨ bòm ìwo zɨ̀ a wà fè'tɨ̀ sɨ̂ ghès. Ghèsɨ yvɨ meyn ìye'i i ŋweyn nô sɨ a ghèsɨ a ngeŋsɨ nà kya na à n-ghɨ kɨ nô ŋweyn Mbœ̀sɨ̀ mbzɨ.”" }
{ "aen": "After the two days he departed from there to Galilee.", "bkm": "Jisòs ɨ chi mɨ̀chi nâ mèyn ɨ̀m bò ɨ lu ndù ila' i Galìlî." }
{ "aen": " For Jesus himself had testified that a prophet has no honor in his own country.", "bkm": "A nà n-ghɨ tì, ma wù n-be meyn nô sɨ a ŋweyn a ngeŋ na, “Ghɨ bû tìmi nà ngvɨmlɨ̂ nfè'tɨ̀ Fɨ̀yìnì alè' ghè a wù fvɨ̀ ateyn.”" }
{ "aen": "So when he came to Galilee, the Galileans welcomed him because they had seen all the things he had done in Jerusalem at the feast for they themselves had gone to the feast.", "bkm": "A nà sɨ ghɨ ta wù ndù chem ila' i Galìlî tì, ghelɨ afu ɨ fsɨ ŋweyn kɨ nô a jûŋ bòm ta àŋena nà n-ghɨ ma ghɨ n-læ meyn yeyn nô àwo à jɨ̀m kì a wù nì a Jèlusalèm a mɨchi ghè a ghɨ nà n-yɨ Iya'sɨ ateyn." }
{ "aen": "Healing the Royal Official’s Son Now he came again to Cana in Galilee where he had made the water wine. In Capernaum there was a certain royal official whose son was sick.", "bkm": "Jisòs ɨ fi kasi ndù a nte' Kanà, ila' i Galìlî, alè' ghè a wu n-læ ni mu, mɨ kasi sɨ a mɨ̂lù' ateyn tì ɨ ndu yeyn wul ɨ two ɨ̀ lvì afu, wu felɨ̀ sɨ̂ fòyn, wâyn ŋweyn nyɨŋ ɨkuyn a nte' Kàbanùm, ko'î kò'i." }