Is it this data format suitable to fine tune a mistral model on it ?

by AiModelsMarket - opened

Hello, is it this data format suitable to fine tune a mistral model on it ? I have tried to finetune a mistral model for translation with this piece of code for dataset preparation : "from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset("opus100", "en-ro", split="train")

def format_opus_data_for_mistral(batch):
texts = []
for example in batch['translation']:
en = example['en']
ro = example['ro']
text = f"[INST] Translate the following English text to Romanian: {en} [/INST] {ro}\n"
return {"text": texts}

dataset =, batched=True)" - BUT it does not worked good :( . Can you help me if you know what I do wrong ?

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