`` no deal princess, i'm contemplating turning around and taking you back home, the only reason i'm not is because you don't have anything to wear and i'm sure you have stuff to take care of. but i'm coming up with you. i'm not ready for our first date to be over just yet. she blushed and smiled and reached over to kiss me but then seemed to think better of it. so i was the one who held her head and pulled her the rest of the way. if there were any cameras around i didn't care in that moment. though i understood her concerns, she'd explained about how precious her privacy had become since she'd found stardom, how the simplest thing like running out for a carton of milk had now become a monumental task. that was something else i was going to have to take care of. i wasn't sure from what she'd said, what kind of security detail she had on a daily basis. i mean look how easy it had been for me to get to her and literally take her out of their hands.
on top of her own star status, being linked with me might put her even more in the spotlight, so i was gon na have to take care of that first thing. i helped her out of the car and through the doors. she was wearing a pair of my jeans rolled at the ankles and around the waist, but of course she'd made it look like a fashion statement. we made it up to her apartment with no interruptions and i was still holding her hand. i loved the look of her place, it was open space and airy with windows all around with a view of the park and a bit of the city skyline. it was nothing like mine, but it wasn't shabby either. i saw little touches of her here, in the bright colors and soft throw pillows that she seemed to have a fondness for. she was back to being shy again but at lease it seemed to stem more from what i thought of her place this time. we'd spent the day practically locked together in every way but one, so most of her reticence had melted away somewhat. `` i like it.
grab some stuff you're coming back with me . ''`` you ... i thought you said you were brining me home to take care of stuff and you'll see me on monday ? ''i looked down at her as she turned that little innocent face up to me. `` i did say that baby, but i changed my mind. i'm not ready for us to be apart . ''i had the fleeting thought that i may never be ready for that again, but squashed it. `` do you need help packing ? ''i thought i saw a bit of a smile touch the corners of her lips before she shook her head no. `` can i at least check my messages first ? ''`` sure . ''she walked over to the machine and hit play as she dropped into a chair. i walked over to the bank of windows with my hands stuffed in my pockets. the first few messages were just business as usual, but then coming onto the end there was some guy, maybe her manager who seemed very irate that he couldn't get ahold of her. `` i thought you said you didn't have anything plan for the next little while ? ''
`` i don't that's just carl's way, he likes to know where i am at all times . ''`` hmm . ''it sounded like a bit more than that to me, but i let it got for now. i'm a grown man, so that means when she's with me this carl person could go f**k himself, because i didn't need anyone keeping tabs on me. there was nothing else worrying on there and she headed into her bedroom to pack after offering me a drink, which i turned down. i just wanted out of there and back home as soon as possible. somehow i felt easier with her in my bed, behind my walls. she came back out with an overnight bag and dressed in a pair of her own jeans and a pullover. i took the bag and with her hand in mine headed for the door. monday morning i had to go in early to the office, so i eased her out of my arms and went to the shower. she was still out by the time i was dressed and ready to go so i leaned over the bed and kissed her awake. `` hmmm . ''she sighed into my mouth as she awakened with my tongue in hers.
i ended up sitting on the side of the bed and pulling her into my lap for a longer kiss. truth is i hated the thought of leaving her. the last two days had been like none i'd ever shared and we hadn't even left the house except to go to her place. we'd spent all day sunday lazing around in bed reading the paper, talking or making out. i'd already called my doctor and made the appointments adding pressure for him to rush the results which he assured me can be done. `` i'll see you in a couple hours princess, the car will come and get you around ten thirty, okay ? ''i kissed her nose when she nodded against my chest and got up to leave. i didn't look back at her there in my bed in my old ratty tee shirt, i was sure i wouldn't want to leave her if i did. when it was time to send the car for her i changed my plans and instead of meeting her there i went after her myself.
she was putting on her shoes when i came through the door and when she saw me standing there, f**k me if her whole face didn't light up and she made a running leap and jumped into the arms i had opened for her. `` hey beautiful, you missed me ? ''she sniffed my neck and nodded before i pulled her head around for my lips to find hers. `` we'd better go, john promised me that if we did this early he could possibly get us the results by end of day today and i'm afraid if we don't i'm gon na f**king explode . ''i pulled her down just enough for her to feel the evidence of my need. i had no doubts that she was clean and i was sure that i was, but somehow i wanted this, wanted us to start things off on the right foot. i ignored the little voice in my head that told me there was an ulterior motive behind my actions. there was no way i was thinking along those lines, no way in hell. shiane i wondered if he was always this attentive, or if as with all things new, this would change once he got what he wanted.
will he start taking advantage of me as time went on? he was like no other man i'd ever known, except for maybe one. i'd seen my dad treat my mom like a precious gem my whole life. it's where i'd got my dream of a prince charming. not from any storybook, but from the way i'd seen my dad look at mom when he thought no one else was looking. or the way she was always looking to him when things went south. they'd taught me to want that bond, to hold out for that and nothing less. trace seemed to have that in him, but i'd been burnt once and my heart was a little gun shy. it had only been a few weeks since it was shattered after all. but here i was with sweaty palms and weak knees over this guy that i barely knew. the weekend had been the best one i'd had in a long time. in fact i haven't felt that relaxed since the last time i'd taken a trip home. neither of us seemed ready for the intrusion of the world just yet.
we wanted to enjoy getting to know each other without all the speculation and other nonsense that came with stardom. downstairs there were two men in suits who looked like they'd never smiled a day in their lives. `` this is your security, i'm sure you have some already for business purposes, but these two are from me. they'll shadow everywhere when i'm not with you. my eyes widened at that. `` is that really necessary? i'm not that big of a star yet i don't think . ''i tried laughing it off as he introduced me to the two and pulled me out the doors behind him. `` this has nothing to do with your status, it's for my peace of mind . ''i started to wonder if this was something he'd done for all the women in his past and why that should make me jealous. he squeezed my hand and looked down at me. `` no, you're the first . ''`` how did you know what i was thinking ? ''`` i told you, the weekend was about getting to know each other, i picked up a few things . ''
he smirked as he helped me into the back of the town car. i'd told him of my fear of needles so he held my hand and talked to me while the doctor and the nurse did their thing, before having his taken care of. it didn't take that long and soon we were back in the car. `` i'm taking you to the office for a quick tour and then it's lunch. we'll go somewhere that i'm sure we'd be left alone, i'm not quite ready to share us yet . ''i rested my head on his shoulder and squeezed his hand that was still holding onto mine. i think he must've planned this and warned everyone in the building not to give me the star treatment because i saw a lot of interested looks from his employees, but no one said anything more than a friendly hello. it was great. lunch was in a private room in one of the city's more upscale restaurants where there were more a list stars than i'd ever seen in one place at once except maybe an awards show. i was the one star-struck. `` is that ... ? ''`` yes it is . ''
i must've said that a hundred times before we were seated. i craned my neck to see into the other room and he laughed at me. `` you're so cute. they're looking at you and you're in awe of them . ''`` i'm pretty sure they're all wondering who i am, it's you they're looking at . ''i wasn't sure i was too far off the mark, most of them were starlets and they might've given me the once over, but their attention was definitely on him. i couldn't blame them. what he did for a suit should be illegal. and to think that what was underneath was even more mouth wateringly spectacular. chapter 5 trace i sent her home in the car and went back to work, my mind on the results and how soon i can have them in my hands. i almost called john when the hours had drifted by and still no phone call. by the end of day when it was almost time to call it quits, the messenger showed up with the envelopes. i had no compunction about tearing into hers and reading the results. as soon as i got the all clear my body reacted.
`` thank f**k ! ''i left my office almost at a run. my assistant called out to me as i was heading for the elevators. `` is it a matter of life or death susan ? ''`` uh no sir . ''`` then it'll keep until tomorrow . ''i stepped in and pressed the down button. i would've called her and let her know i was on the way but even that was too much right now. if i heard that sultry voice of hers on the phone i might embarrass myself again. i was on a hair trigger, the slightest thing would set me off, and the next time i cum, i want to be inside her. she came running when i cleared the door. `` hey you're home i made din ... '' i threw the envelopes on the little side table near the entry and grabbed her up in my arms. `` later . ''my mouth came down on hers as i walked us blindly towards the bedroom. i didn't even stop kissing her long enough to take off the little summery top and shorts she wore. `` undress me . ''
her hands shook a little as she went after my tie and then the buttons of my shirt while i dropped my jacket on the floor and kicked off my shoes. she seemed fascinated with the ink on my torso, and couldn't help running her tongue over it, so i took care of my belt and the zipper on my pants before she stopped me. `` no, i wan na do it . ''i released it and left her to it. she'd learned my body in the last tow days, as much as i would let her. i'd refused to let her take my c**k in her mouth so she'd spent what felt like hours measuring me in her hands and teasing the shit out of me while i sucked her ni**les and finger f**ked her. now she got to her knees and removed my socks. i watched her through half slitted eyes as she looked up at me with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, right before her tongue came out and licked the pr**cum from my cockhead.
my body jerked and my hands fell to her hair, holding her in place as she licked and nibbled her way down my shaft, biting into my c**k ring, before taking half of me into her mouth. `` fuck ! ''i threw my head back as she massaged my c**k with her throat muscles and she had great control from all the voice exercises she'd done over the years. i was almost ready to pop when she took my balls in her hand and caressed them with the lightest touch. `` that's enough, i don't want to cum in your mouth, not this first time . ''picking her up, i headed for the bed and laid her back with her legs splayed open. i hadn't allowed myself the pleasure of studying her pu**y ; i was waiting for this moment. kneeling on the floor i ran my nose over her wet heat before pulling back and opening her up with my fingers. she was pink and soft and wet. i teased her with the tip of my tongue, before licking deep into her pu**y. her back bowed off the bed and she looked down at me in wonder.
i got the idea from her reaction that this was a first for her. holding her ass in my hands i lifted her to my mouth and tongue f**ked her while she mewled and writhed, her fingers digging into my scalp. her taste was unlike anything i'd ever savored before, salty sweet and fresh. she came on my tongue and filled my mouth with her sweet nectar. i had visions of eating her sweet pu**y for hours, just burying my face in her cunt until they carted me away. my c**k wasn't on board for that one though. i had to release one of her ass cheeks so i could squeeze him to get some relief. `` sorry baby, this is gon na be hard and rough, i can't wait any longer. climbing up her body i pulled her up higher on the bed and holding both her hands above her head, our eyes locked, i led my dick into her wet opening. she was tight as f**k and my c**k almost buckled. she flinched a little when i pushed the fat head of my c**k past her pu**y lips. `` fuck babe, you're so f**king tight . ''
i had to raise her legs so i could sink more of my c**k home and even then i was only able to get eight of the twelve inches inside. she hissed and clenched around me, her eyes widening in surprise as i tried to force more of my meat into her tight as f**k pu**y. `` i'll try to go slow . ''lifting her ass i opened her pu**y more, screwing myself into her little by little until i was all in. it felt like hours instead of mere minutes when i was finally buried to the hilt inside her. as soon as my balls hit the crack of her ass i took her mouth. she fought to release her arms but i held firm. bending my head i sucked first one then the other nipple into my mouth, biting her in my lust crazed haze. she f**king flooded my c**k and screamed. i f**ked in and out of her like a beast, her pu**y's tight grip driving me insane. her legs came up and around my waist, drawing me in deeper with every thrust. i finally released her arms so i could touch her body and she clutched at me, her nails digging into my back.
i couldn't seem to get deep enough in her, i wanted to imprint myself in her deeply, the thought moving me to lift her legs over my shoulders and bore into her. `` this is mine, no one else's ever again ; only mine . ''i pushed my tongue into her mouth, not giving her a chance to answer. it wouldn't have mattered anyway ; it was a done f**king deal. i felt the familiar tingle up my spine but fought off my orgasm. i didn't want to leave her body so soon, wanted to stay enclosed in her wet heat for eternity. when the bed started knocking into the wall behind us, and her grunts became long drawn out moans, i knew she was close again. `` cum for me baby . ''i latched onto her neck with my teeth and sucked hard, leaving my mark there before moving to the flesh right above her left nipple and doing the same. my sweet girl squeezed my c**k between her pu**y walls and i felt the heat of her pu**y juice as she bathed my c**k once more. `` yesssssss ... '' her long drawn out hiss only made the fever burn hotter.
i wanted to f**k her from behind, but didn't want to leave her body long enough to change positions. instead i teased her little rosebud with my fingertip and felt the answering tightening around my cock ; she liked that. i used the lubrication of her juices to coat my fingers and pushed one, then two into her ass up to the first knuckle. she almost bit off my tongue that i'd just shoved back in her mouth. the combination was too much for me and i roared into her mouth as i emptied my seed deep inside her. i wasn't done there though, i ground my pelvis into hers, flexing my still shooting c**k inside her. her response had me pulling my mouth away from hers to look down into her eyes. her eyes were glazed over and half closed, her mouth open in a silent scream ; but it had been the electrifying shaking of her body beneath me that had caught my attention. she was sight of wantonness as i took her in, and i wasn't surprised to feel my c**k hardening once more inside her. `` can you take me again ? ''
i asked the question but i knew there was no way i was stopping now. i had three days build up to work off. the sheets were already drenched beneath us as i bent my knees and pulled her up into my chest so we could reverse positions. i kept my knees bent behind her back as she sat up in the cradle of my lap, mu c**k going deeper up into her. `` give me your nipple baby . ''she leaned over like she barely had the strength to do even that and i sucked her nipple in hard as i used my hands on her hips to help her f**k herself on my cock. in the mirror across from the bed, i could see where we were joined, see the glistening length of my c**k as it slid in and out of her. her ass incited me to madness and i bit down on her nipple even as i sped up my thrusts, pounding up into her. she flooded my pelvis and lower stomach with more of her pu**y juice and i lost it, biting into her flesh as she rode out the storm with me. `` arggghhhh . ''i pulled her down hard one last time as my c**k spat more sperm inside her.
she fell to the side limp, her hand cupping her pu**y as her body shook with after shocks. i was breathing like i'd just run a marathon, but i had enough strength in me to reach over and touch her. her body was on fire, and the way she rolled around clutching herself led me to believe i'd hurt her. i got off the bed after kissing her shoulder and headed into the bathroom to run her a bath when i got back into the bedroom she was just laying there looking dazed. `` is your pu**y sore ? ''she blushed and buried her face in the pillow. i grinned and picked her up and she did her kitten curl into my chest and nuzzled me. i kissed her hair as i walked us into the bathroom. i didn't trust myself to get into the tub with her, so instead i placed her inside and picked up the washcloth to bathe her. she hadn't said a word since i'd finished f**king her so and i was beginning to think she was poleaxed. `` you okay princess ? ''she turned glazed eyes my way and gave me a little half smile. `` what was that ? ''
`` what was what sweetie ? ''i ran the washcloth over her tits, taking great care with her beautiful ni**les that were still semi erect, before working the cloth down her middle to her pu**y. `` that just happened in there . ''her face heated up again and i couldn't resist stealing a quick kiss. `` you weren't a virgin babe so i know you know what sex is . ''she started shaking her head before i was through speaking. `` that wasn't se trace, that was, wow, shit, wow ... '' she blushed and hid behind her hair. `` oh yeah ? ''i grinned at her as i used the washcloth to rub against her clit. she arched her back, pushing her cunt into my hand. i could actually feel her heat beneath the cloth as i cupped her pu**y mound. i dropped the cloth in the water and teased her swollen clit with my fingers while sucking her tongue into my mouth. so much for giving her a break! water went all over the floor as i lifted her from the tub.
my c**k was at full staff and leading the ay as i cradled her in my arms and took her back to the bed. i walked around to the other side since that one was wet. thank f**k for king sized beds. again i didn't want to give up her mouth or her tits to f**k her doggie style so i took her down to the mattress with my body covering hers. reaching my hand between us, i used my c**k to rub up and down her slit, hitting her clit with each upward stroke and rubbing the sensitive underside of my c**k against her wet heat until i slipped into her in my last downward stroke. `` ohh ... '' her soft sigh broke the silence as i started f**king in and out of her, slowly this time. i told myself that i would go slow if it killed me, that i wouldn't hurt her. it was tough but i held on. with my face buried in her neck, i rode her nice and slow as she lifted up to meet my thrusts over and over again. i alternated between deep stroking into her and grinding my c**k into her belly.
her legs opened wider and i slipped even deeper into her. it was a long time before i felt the familiar stirrings in my nuts again. her mouth was red and swollen from me eating at her lips and her neck was a mess from the five or six hickeys i'd given her. looking down at her my heart jumped in my chest with all the things i imagined doing to her. the last thought had me speeding up as i started pounding into her. `` you're not on birth control . ''i bit her ear after reminding her of that fact but there was more yet to come. `` you're ovulating . ''it's amazing what they can find in those medical tests these days. her breath caught as though she'd just thought of it, but even more telling was the way her cunt tightened around my shaft. i roared out loud as i shot a heavy load inside her, my last thought being that i'd lost my f**king mind. one look, it had taken one look at her to take me over. how was that even possible? for a man like me it wasn't even worth thinking on.
i would never have believed in a million years that something like this could ever happen to someone like me. cynical, don't give a f**k and a beast in the boardroom ; love and marriage was nowhere on my horizon ; until three nights ago when i'd looked into her eyes across a stage. i stayed buried inside her as we came down so it was a minute or two before i realized that she was out. pulling out of her body, i drew her into my arms as i fell to my side beside her. the cool air of the ac dried my nuts as i pulled the sheet up over us and dropped into sleep. we awakened a short time later and took a shower to clean up and then had to take another after i violated her up against the shower stall. i hadn't planned to, but seeing her with water dripping down between her amazing tits and pebbled on her ni**les, it was pretty hard to resist. i was careful as i lifted her with her back to the stall and surged up into her, dropping her down on my length.
it had been years since i'd f**ked anyone that long and that often, in fact i don't think i'd ever gone four times before and i still wasn't done. it was as if each time only whetted my appetite for more. and the way she responded to me, accepting and ready each time i took her. `` if you want to get any rest tonight and maybe wan na walk anytime soon, you'd better stop me . ''i whispered in her ear as i nibbled my way down to her neck and back. my c**k was still hard inside her and i'd just off loaded in her for the fourth time. her legs were still clasped around my hips as i kept her pinned against the shower. her answer was to pull my lips over to hers and smash her tits into my chest. as the water beat down on us, i took her down to the hard floor and started f**king her again. `` this is f**king insane . ''was it because i'd slept with her in my arms for three whole nights and not taken her? i couldn't think of a reason for this hunger that wouldn't be assuaged.
the more i had her the more i wanted, but if we kept this shit up she'd spend the next three weeks bed ridden. already i had noticed the red puffiness to her labia and heard the slight sounds of discomfort she made even as she spurred me on to f**k her. i was sure i was killing her against the marble floor, the grunts and groans she made were becoming almost animalistic, but she threw her hips up at me taking my c**k like a pro as i did my best to nail her into her ground beneath us. this time when i came the roar was more like a grunt as i shook and thrust into her until i was dry. `` that's it, we're getting out of here, please try to keep your greedy hands to yourself shiane, my poor man's body can only take so much . ''she threw herself into my arms and howled with laughter and i felt my heart give a little more. we finally made it out of the bathroom and both just threw on robes as we headed down to the kitchen. `` did you say you made dinner ? ''`` yep . ''
she went to the pots and pans on the stove and i lifted my brow quizzically. i guess i was guilty of stereo typing after all, i hadn't expected the little pop sensation to know her way around the kitchen. she'd made a dinner of grilled lamb chops of all things, with rice pilaf and creamed green peas. `` i hope i didn't spoil it . ''yeah right. `` nope, the lamb wasn't grilled yet, it's still sitting in the marinade it'll take five minutes to cook and the rest of the stuff can be reheated no problem. you just sit and i'll take care of everything, '' `` yes ma'am . ''i opened a bottle of wine and poured her a glass, taking one for myself as i sat at the island and watched her flit around my kitchen. she seemed, happy. it was strange to look at this almost stranger and realize that already i'd come to know her so well. did she even realize that she'd started signing? she hadn't done that since she'd been here.
i would've thought that she spent every waking moment singing, but this was the first time since i'd brought her home that i'd heard her so much as hum. it wasn't the song from the other night, this one was slow and dreamy, with a catchy little lilt to it that made me want to strain to hear the words since she was singing so low. `` sing louder princess i wan na hear you . ''she turned wide eyes to me and looked down at her feet. `` i'm not really good at that . ''`` come again . ''`` i mean i've learned how to control my fear somewhat before i go out on stage, but i can't really sing in front of anyone just like that . ''`` so how do you do it ? '''my manager gives me these pills ... '' i didn't like the sounds of that one bit. `` what kind of pills ? ''i lowered my glass and looked at her. `` it's nothing bad, just something to calm my anxiety . ''`` is there a prescription ? ''`` no nothing like that, i never even asked him where he gets them ... '' `` do you have them with you now ? ''
`` no why ? ''she looked at me quizzically . ''`` i'll just like to have a look at them that's all, make sure they're okay . ''`` oh i'm sure they're fine doug would never do anything to hurt me . ''`` so you have the pills back at your place ? ''`` no, doug keeps them with him, he gives me one before each performance or sometimes when i have to go on one of those talk shows. looks like i was gon na have to have a talk with her manager. she was so f**king green, i was sure it would never cross her mind to question anything the man did. though i didn't know him personally, i'm a businessman and i know all about the bottom line. her voice is like liquid gold, i'm sure dear old doug would do anything to see that nothing got in the way of her making them money. that was something else i was gon na have to look into as well. when i'd made the decision to own her, everything that she is became my responsibility.
there might be some friction because i've noticed that she has a bit of an independent streak, but i had no intentions on letting that stop me. though i'd save it for another time, nothing was going to mar the night for us. `` voila, dinner is ready . ''she seemed nervous as she served me, and then herself. i closed my eyes with the first taste of the succulent lamb. `` wow, where did you learn to cook like this ? ''`` my mom taught me and i love watching the cooking channel, you really like it ? ''i took another bite and it was good as the first. nodding my head i leaned over and pecked her lips. `` it's amazing princess, wow . ''i kept the conversation light over dinner, asking her more about life on tour and what she enjoyed most about her fame. as far as i could tell she was more interested in the singing than anything else. `` um, trace, you weren't serious about that ovulating thing were you ? ''
i'd almost forgotten about that, still wasn't quite sure what had possessed me to think of it much less say it. but now that she'd asked me outright ... `` as a matter of fact i am. it's crazy i know, and if one of my colleagues had come to me with this story i would tell him he's crazy. i have no explanation for it, the reality is that from the moment i saw you up on that stage something inside me shifted . ''`` i find myself reverting back to childhood, to a time when i had to scrounge for every scrap i wanted or needed. when i became successful, i promised myself that i'd never go hungry again, and not just for food, but for any of those things i'd longed for as a child, or anything my heart may desire as an adult . ''`` you're the first thing my heart's ever desired. i've known wants before don't get me wrong, but this, this is different. this goes beyond my own comprehension. like i told you before, this past weekend was about getting to know each other and i've gotten to know you.
you wouldn't have come home with me had you not felt some of what i was feeling. i also know that you're more about hearth and home than the night life . ''i didn't tell her that i knew that's why she'd stayed with the ass**le who'd ended up cheating on her. i'd done some research after she was less than forthcoming about the reason for their split. it wasn't a known fact as yet but i had my ways of finding out things. i won't tell her that i knew though ; it was her story to tell if and when she was ready. i did know that if i ever ran into the little prick, i was gon na beat the crap out of him for putting his hands on her though. it didn't matter that i didn't even know her when it happened, it's just the way i am, or at least it's the way i seem to be where she's concerned. `` but a baby? we hardly even know each other . ''`` i don't think that whatever is going on here has anything to do with time and convention. either way, it's nothing to worry about now.
what's done is done, and if it isn't, i'm gon na make damn sure that it is. the only problem is your upcoming tour, but i'm sure people have performed while pregnant before . ''`` do you know how crazy this all sounds ? ''i shrugged my shoulders at her. i thought it was crazy too in the beginning so i couldn't fault her for having her own doubts. it was crazy when you looked at it, but it's what i felt and well ... `` i'm sure there have been people who got married after only one day of meeting or maybe two. i'm even more sure that there are people who get pregnant after just one meeting. look at this way ; at least we both know where we stand. if the last few hours are anything to go by, we want each other more than a little bit and the bottom line is princess. i want you, in my life, with me, no matter what. so baby or no baby, you've met your future, so i suggest you get used to the idea . ''`` what if i had other plans ? ''
`` like i said, i've gotten to know you, and all that aside, this is what i want baby. as time goes on you'll find that i never let anything stand in my way, nothing and no one. dinner was delicious why don't you go find us something to watch while i clean up ? ''chapter 6 shiane i guess the conversation was over and what a strange one at that. i headed out of the kitchen on wobbly legs for the tv room to find something to watch, though i really didn't have much interest. my mind was awhirl with all the new things that were going on in my life. in the space of a few short days, it seems my life had been turned upside down. i find myself doing things that were totally outside the box for me. but this latest was a lot to take in, though the thought of it made me hot. trace was right. i've always only ever wanted to be a mother and a wife. i'd thought i would have that life with donnie, but was it possible to have it with this man that i'd only just met?
what if he was just saying these things because like he'd said, he'd come to know me and knew that's just what i wanted to hear? how was it possible that he could want me like that after a chance meeting? i'd spent some time today looking for any and everything i could find about him on the net. the one thing that stood out except for his success as a businessman, was the fact that he had a different woman every couple of months. had he used this same line on them? somehow, he didn't strike me as the type. still, i had another worry. the things he'd made me feel. how will i live without them if this was all just a game to him? he'd made me feel things i never knew were in me. my body has never reacted this way before, and even though his size was a little uncomfortable, the pain was more a pleasure-pain than a real hurt. i felt myself creaming just thinking about it. could a man really make love to a woman that much without some kind of feeling involved? what if it was just lust?
i'd seen pictures of some of the women he'd dated in the past and i have to say some of them were drop dead gorgeous, including the last one he'd been seen with a couple weeks ago. the though caused me a moment's doubt and i thought if ways to shield my heart this time, but i was afraid i might be too late. he'd taken me over completely, something i had no experience with. i hadn't the faintest idea how to handle a man like trace mckenzie. he was way out of my league. i heard him coming and searched through the stack of movies he had for something to watch. `` what's wrong ? ''he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me from behind. `` what makes you think something's wrong ? ''i looked over my shoulder at him trying to put a brave face on. `` i wasn't sure when i first came in but now i'm certain it's all over your face . ''he pulled me towards the couch and down on his lap with his arms holding me close.
for some reason i wanted to cry ; he's been so kind and attentive in the time that we'd been together, what if it were all a farce? i had no idea that i'd started to cry until i felt his fingers wiping my cheeks dry. `` tell me what's bothering you sweetheart . ''i could only shake my head and cry harder as i buried my face in his chest. `` please don't play games with me trace, i can't stand it if you're just using me for some sick game ... '' i broke off when he lifted my face to his. `` baby! i forgot you don't know that much about men, only that boy you were messing around with. let me show you something . ''he stood up and took my hand in his, leading me out of the room and into the bedroom. standing me in front of the floor-length standing mirror, he removed my robe, dropping it to the floor, as i stood before him naked. `` you see those marks all over your neck and tits? do you know what those are called ? ''`` hickeys ? ''`` that's one word for it, they're also known as passion marks.
i've never given one to a woman before. not since i learned what they meant as a young man. they may mean different things to different people. to me, they are a mark of ownership . ''`` that's my mark on you. i put it there as a statement to you and anyone else who might see them, the ones on your neck anyway, anyone else sees the others, i'll heat up your little ass . ''his hand dropped to one in particular spot that was right at the tip of my pu**y. `` another thing, i don't think a man that's not really interested in a woman can f**k her five times if he didn't really mean it . ''`` five ? ''i started counting on my fingers and got to four before i was being carted off to the bed. i looked up into his eyes as he laid me back and spread my legs before dropping his robe. his c**k was hard and red, with a string of pr**cum hanging from the end heading for the floor. trace i knew she had to be sore, but she also seemed to need reassuring and for now this was the best i could do.
only time will convince her that this was the real deal. fuck i was just as confused as she was, but unlike her, i wasn't about to let doubts get in the way of what i wanted. taking her soreness into consideration, i dropped to my knees between her spread thighs and opened her pu**y lips gently with my fingers. she was a little red and puffy from too much f**king, but she was also getting wet. i licked her clit with the tip of my tongue, staying away from her pu**y slit for now. `` ooh ... '' i love how f**king responsive she is, the way she lights up as soon as i put my hands on her. i licked and sucked her clit until her juices started coming fast and furious. then i dipped my tongue into her pu**y, going slow so i could soothe the ache in her overused cunt. she gripped my hair and mashed her pu**y into my mouth before she filled my mouth with pu**y juice. when she came down from her climax i helped her up from the bed and folding her in my arms kissed her long and deep, sharing her taste with her.
we tongue f**ked each others ' mouths like starving wolves and my c**k was poking into her navel as she rubbed herself against me. `` suck me off baby . ''she slid down to her knees and studied my c**k before sticking out her tongue and licking the pr**cum from my cockhead. she's an enigma, all shy and blushing one minute and my little vixen the next. i had a moment of jealousy at the thought that she'd done this with that ass**le but let it go for now. i'm a very territorial f**ker, i knew i had to live with the fact that he'd had her but i needed to erase him from her memory. she licked along my shaft before sucking the fat head of my c**k into her mouth and sliding her mouth down my length until she'd taken me in as deeply as she could. i fisted her hair and waited until i was in her throat before i started thrusting in and out of her mouth, going slow at first, until i picked up the pace. pretty soon i was face f**king her and she was moaning around me cock.
i looked down past her eyes that were staring up at me and saw that she had her fingers stuffed in her pu**y. i almost shot my load then and there. she did some kinda muscle spasm around my c**k and my toes curled. i pulled back so that i was no longer in her throat but on her tongue. i didn't warn her that i was about to cum, why would i? she was going to swallow unless i said otherwise, and the only time i'll do that is when i was in the mood to paint her face, her tits or the small of her back. she almost gagged on the first volley. `` easy, breathe princess . ''she soon got the hang of it and was swallowing fast enough in time to catch the next load. when my balls were empty and my knees were almost too weak to stand i helped her to her feet and took her to the bed. `` forget the movie baby, you need me to hold you . ''i laid down behind her with her much tinier frame completely covered by my arms and legs, cocooning her as i whispered in her ear. `` everything's going to be okay princess, i promise.
if you've learned anything about me so far, you should know i'm not a man that plays games. `` but you've had girlfriends before ; did you feel the same way with them ? ''her voice had gone all soft there at the end and i felt her body tense as if expecting a blow. `` let me ask you this ; do you feel the same with me as you did with him ? ''now it was my turn to tense up as i awaited her answer. when it came, it went a long way of easing the green-eyed beast that had been trying its best to rear its ugly head. `` no, i've never ... but it's not the same. you've had so much more experience and i'm sure i don't measure up to some of them . ''`` that's where you're wrong sweetheart, first of all none of them ever came close and besides its about more than the physical. sometimes in life you find that one being that you can't live without, you may have sampled a lot along the way, but when you found the one, it's a whole new ballgame . ''
`` tell me, what did you feel that night when our eyes meet ? ''she turned around in my arms and looked up into my eyes. `` it was like being struck by lightning, or at least what i imagine that would feel like. i felt a jolt to my system and i think i forgot how to breathe for a minute. i almost panicked because for a split second i forgot the words to the song . ''`` there you see? have you ever felt that before with anyone ? ''she shook her head and bit her lip. i could see the soft sheen of tears in her eyes and pulled her close to kiss her forehead. `` it was pretty much the same with me baby ; so the next time you start doubting what we have, just remember those few minutes. now go to sleep, you've had a long day . ''i turned her back around intending to go to sleep, but by now my c**k was raging again. `` lift your leg baby . ''she lifted her top leg and i scooted down far enough to line up my c**k with her pu**y. i slid in and held still pulling her back firmly against my front.
`` i'm not going to f**k you again tonight, we'll just stay like this until you fall asleep, you need your man to stay inside you to keep the doubts away . ''i was suddenly very tired, and it wasn't long before i fell asleep to the sound of her breathing evenly in sleep. in the morning, i awakened to her pushing her ass back against me with my c**k still lodged inside her. with my hand on her hip, i controlled the pace. `` can you take me hard or do you need me to go slow baby ? ''i nipped her ear as she flooded my cock. `` harder, please harder . ''`` please what harder ? ''she didn't answer so i reached around and pinched her nipple. `` tell me or i'll stop . ''i held still and she tried to f**k herself on my cock. i pulled back as if i was going to leave her body. `` noooo, please, harder ... fuck me harder . ''fuck, i think that shit backfired on my ass, because her sweet voice saying those words triggered something inside me. leaning up on my elbow i reached my hand around and fingered her clit.
`` put your arm behind my neck . ''she complied with my order and i bent my head to her nipple. she screamed and went off like a rocket from the dual pleasure, or was it triple? i f**ked into her hard as i played with her clit and sucked her nipple. i imagined my son or daughter nursing at her bountiful tits some day soon and the next time her pu**y clenched around me, i shot off inside her. it was harder than i imagined it would be to leave her the next day. chapter 7 for the next three weeks, we stayed hidden away in our lover's paradise. each day, i went off to work and left her home. and each night, i came home and after dinner, f**ked her into the wee hours of the morning. when it was time for her to go back to work, i thought i would lose my f**king mind. i didn't want to share her with anyone. i knew it was selfish ; she had a life, a career that she loved. `` i want you to move in here with me . ''she didn't seem too certain, still fighting those doubts i guess.
`` scratch that, i'll send a service over to help you pack up, but when i get home this evening your little ass better be here . ''i left before she could give me an argument. i was pissed off the whole day and didn't know why. in the last three weeks, i could pick up the phone and call her whenever i wanted. now she was busy doing her thing. i didn't like it one f**king bit. when had i become this person? i knew that what i felt for this girl was more than i'd ever felt before, but still, this overpowering need to possess her completely, to dominate her life, was new to me. her upcoming show was out of town and i wouldn't be able to make it because of the timing. i was going to be without her for two weeks while she travelled outside the country for a eight night show. she'd been going to the studio to rehearse the last couple of days coming onto the end of our time together, but she'd been there in the evenings.
she never said what if anything her handlers had said about the arrangement, but that could be because i'd let her know one day when she tried to broach the subject that i really didn't give a f**k. i heard her as soon as i cleared the door that evening. good, that meant i didn't have to hunt her down and drag her ass back home. i'd half expected her to disobey my order to be here when i got home. there were boxes in the living room and i breathed a little easier. looks like i was getting my way after all. `` hey ! ''she was in the kitchen when i walked up on her. she hadn't heard me because she had earphones on. pulling them out, she looked up at me with her little shy smile. i knew she was fretting again about where we were going. i imagine moving in here with me was a big step for her. she'd never lived with a man before, and i had to keep reminding myself that she was young yet. `` did everything go okay with the move today ? ''
`` yeah, i still have some stuff to bring over and some will have to go into storage . ''`` did they give you any trouble with the lease ? ''`` uh about that ... i'm not sure that i wan na give up the place just yet . ''i just looked at her not saying anything. `` when i asked you to move in here, did you think i meant for a few weeks or something ? ''`` no, i don't know . ''`` take care of the lease shiane. or i will. don't forget, i'm a businessman. it makes no sense whatsoever for you to keep that place and pay the exorbitant rent for an empty apartment. i understand that you still have doubts and fears, but i'm not about to let them get in the way of things. i've spent the last three weeks trying to show you, but apparently that wasn't enough so you're just gon na have to decide if you want to take a chance at happiness or not. a word to the wise : i won't pay for someone else's short- comings. so if that's what this is about, you can kill that shit right f**king now . ''
it seemed like we were about to have our first real argument there for a minute, but then she backed down. she needed me to take charge and i had no problem with that. she'd gone from under her parents ' care, straight to this manager's handling, so basically, she's been told what to do her whole life. some people rebel against that, but with shiane, it was quite the opposite. she needed it. she left two days later for europe and i spent the time gathering as much information as i could on her manager and the other people around her. i didn't like that pill deal she'd told me about, and from some of the things she'd said, i wasn't too sure that her best interest was being taken care of. as her man, it was up to me to see that no one was taking advantage of her. and though our relationship had been spared the spotlight thus far, it was only a matter of time before word leaked out. and how would it look for wall street's whiz kid to be letting others take advantage of his woman?
we talked every night after her show no matter what time it was, that was a stipulation that i'd made before she left. she could get away during the day because i knew she was busy with rehearsals, but at night i needed to know that she was safe. we did facetime until she fell asleep ; each night, i could see that my baby was exhausted but she seemed to be having fun. there was a lot of buzz in the headlines about her shows but i didn't listen or read any of it. that was until two days before she was due back. my assistant was reading one of those crappy magazines that were filled with half-truths and innuendo. that's how i'd always seen them until i saw my woman walking out of some restaurant in italy with her ex. i didn't want to fly off the handle ; the caption said the picture had been snapped the night before which had to mean it was before we'd spoken and she hadn't mentioned it to me.
my first instinct was to get on a plane and got drag her ass home after dealing with both of them, but common sense and rationality won out. i couldn't go half way around the world to kill her. no, i'll wait 'til she gets back and strangle her ass in the privacy of our own home. that night when she called, she still didn't mention it and i played like nothing was wrong. there was something in her voice but i wasn't quite sure what it was. `` so you've got your final show tomorrow night yes ? ''`` yes, and then i'll be home . ''`` i'll be waiting . ''the next night when she called, i didn't answer. i'd spent the whole day in a contained rage and had pretty much locked myself away in my office. i'd come to terms with the fact that i didn't believe for a second that she'd cheated on me, but whatever reason she had for being with him was not good enough. and the fact that she hadn't mentioned it to me, only infuriated me more. she was home when i got in the next day.
when she ran to me and jumped into my arms i held her close but didn't kiss her. she knew something was wrong and her eyes followed me across the room. `` is something wrong ? ''`` is there something you want to tell me shiane ? ''she looked at me at sea. i pulled out the magazine i'd had hidden in the drawer of the little side table and threw it at her. her eyes widened when she saw it and she looked up at me with fear in her eyes. `` it's not what it looks like. i can explain . ''i walked away from her and into the bedroom to remove my jacket and tie where she followed me a few seconds later. `` trace ... '' `` were you the one that was afraid of me cheating on you ? ''she'd never seen me this way before, so she had no way of knowing that the precise movements and contained tone was a sure sign that her ass was in trouble. `` but i didn't cheat, he was on tour because we have a few duets together and ... '' `` and you didn't tell me this because ... '' `` i didn't want to cause any problems . ''
she looked down at the floor and rung her hands. `` and the restaurant ? ''`` everyone was there that night . ''`` did you talk to him ? ''`` i ... '' i saw the answer in the guilty look in her eyes. `` take off your clothes . ''`` what ? ''`` now . ''she jumped and reached for the buttons on her shirt. i was naked by now and walked around to my closet. i came back out with my leather strap and she took one look at it and tried to make a run for it. `` you don't really want to make this any worst than it already is do you ? ''that stopped her in her tracks but she was still halfway out of the room. `` come here ... don't make me have to tell you again shiane . ''i almost caved when she turned big tear filled eyes my way. she took a deep breath to fortify herself and then walked slowly towards me with her head down. i didn't turn her over my knee. i was too angry for that. instead, i brought the belt down across her ass and thighs as she hopped from foot to foot pleading with me to stop.
`` please trace nothing happened . ''`` i don't want to hear it, you had your chance to tell me this shit before you left here . ''i gave her a good twenty hard blows with the belt until she was a crying slobbering mess. still not satisfied i left her there crying and walked out of the room. i went for a long drive to cool down but by the time i got back, i was still no better than when i left. she was in the middle of our bed with her arm locked around her bent knees rocking back and forth. we looked at each other but i still wasn't ready to talk to her. i felt betrayed ; it was a new feeling for me. it had been a long time since anyone had had the guts to cross me. i headed into the shower in the hopes that the water would help to soothe my ragged nerves but no luck. she was wearing my old tee shirt, which she'd taken with her when she'd left. `` lose the shirt . ''she hurried to comply though i noticed her eyes fell to my hands to make sure she wasn't about to get another whipping.
i climbed onto the bed and turned her around roughly. in the three weeks we'd bee together, as hard as i'd been f**king her, i'd always held something back, but not tonight, tonight i was going to give her the f**king i've been dying to but didn't because her little pu**y was still having trouble taking my cock. i didn't take the time to prepare her, this was a punishment after all, i planned to use her body tonight for my own pleasure until i'd freed myself of this burning rage. i had her bent over in the middle of the bed, her legs spread, head down and her pu**y in the air. licking my fingers i ran them roughly over her pu**y, dipping my middle finger into her wet heat before straddling her from behind. i didn't knee behind her, that wouldn't achieve my aim. i stood with my legs on either side of hers, slightly bent. from this angle i could drill down into her. i'm sure it would be a little harder for her to take me in this position but i really could give a f**k at this point.
i ran my c**k ring up and down her slit until she started to get wet, then i slammed into her only giving her about half my length. she screamed into the mattress and her body shook but i didn't stop pounding until i was balls deep in her upturned pu**y. grabbing a fistful of her hair, i pulled her head back until i could see down into her eyes. i saw pain, but there was lust there as well as i battered her pu**y with my cock. when i felt her clenching, i pulled out and left her panting. she looked over her shoulder at me but she didn't have the nerve to say anything to me. when i was sure she wasn't about to cum, i screwed my c**k back into her, pulling her ass up higher to keep her at the angle i wanted. i kept pulling out to tease her with the piercing in the end of my c**k because i knew how much she loved that, but not giving her enough to get her off. the hoarse cries told me that i was hurting her, even as her pu**y got wetter and wetter. `` please trace . ''`` not another f**king word . ''
i tugged on her hair for emphasis and she bit her lip. she couldn't hide the f**k me noises that seemed to come from her gut, and her pu**y was on fire. i love those noises she made as i f**ked into her my c**k ring was hitting her just right and she started pushing back trying to get more of my twelve inches inside her. as pissed as i was i held off though, because i knew her tight little pu**y couldn't handle too much in this position, not so soon, it was going to take lots of f**king before that could happen without me tearing her. i pulled out and licked into her pu**y, going deep, she screamed and came in my mouth before i climbed back onto my feet and fed her eight inches of my meat. that's as deep as i could go before bottoming out inside her with her ass high in the air. `` as soon as i've broken in your tight little pu**y, i'm going to ass f**k you . ''she clenched around me and came again.
i wasn't anywhere near cumming so i settled in for a nice long f**k. her body was still shaking and her cries were dying down to low moans. she tried getting her hand under her to touch her sore pu**y but a hard smack on her ass stopped her in her tracks. `` don't do it . ''finally, i lowered her ass just a little and dropped to my knees behind her and the movement sent me all the way into her. it triggered another one of her magnificent climaxes and she squeezed my c**k like a vise. i bit into the flesh of her back to her neck before pulling her head back and to the side for my tongue. `` i love you trace . ''that stopped me mid stroke, the shock of it, but that didn't last too long. `` i love you too, but this isn't about that. you f**ked up. i'm pissed as f**k at you . ''i brought her off three more times until i felt my balls draw up to my body in preparation to blast. `` you don't deserve my seed . ''i pulled out and pushed her away from me.
she turned around in time to watch me jerk my seed into the sheets. her cry of dismay cut through the air as i climbed off the bed and headed to the shower. i was only in there two minutes when i felt her come in and stand in front of me. i kept my head back and eyes closed as i ran the cloth over my chest. `` trace, i'm so sorry. i wasn't thinking. i won't do it again. i promise . ''she was crying as her hands came up to touch me tentatively. i finished my shower without saying a word to her and walked away. i stripped the bed after drying myself off and putting on a pair of boxers. she was coming out of the shower by the time i was finished remaking the bed she looked at me as i passed her and left the room. in the kitchen, i ignored the dinner she'd made and made myself a sandwich before shutting myself away in my private office. it was hours before i felt human again. i'd called the detail i'd had following her unbeknownst to her and got the same story from them.
that eased my anger some but there was still the issue of why she didn't tell me that her ex was going to be on this trip. from what they'd said, he'd been hounding her the whole time she was there but she'd seemed disinterested. like i said, i never thought she'd cheated on me with him ; i still didn't want her having anything at all to do with him. along with that, the reports on her manager weren't looking too good. it was just as i'd suspected, he was using the young girl for his own gains. she had been robbed of a good three million dollars in the two years she'd been signed. money from different venues that i'm sure she wasn't even aware of. she wasn't hurting for money, not by a long shot, but still it wasn't for him or anyone else to rip her off. before i confronted him though, i was still waiting for the results of the in depth investigation of everyone that had anything to do with her career. she was curled into a ball on my side of the bed when i finally upstairs hours later.
i stood over her for the longest time until i felt my heart settle. i wouldn't have chosen a moment of anger in which to tell her that i loved her, but she'd chosen the time and place. now it was out there, i'd shown her my heart, as well as giving it to her. we could never go back now, from here on out we were one and for me that meant a whole lot of shit. she'd only gotten a taste of the man tonight, if she f**ked up in the future it could be worst. turning away, i walked to my side and climbed in with my back to her. she must've gravitated to me in her sleep, because i woke before the sun the next day to find her curled into my back. lifting my arm, i turned and pulled her into my arms. she was barely awake when i turned her to her back and slipped into her wet heat. she clutched at me in her sleep before she came fully awake. `` trace ... '' her voice was that of a little girl lost. `` shh, it's okay i'm here . ''
i pushed her hair back so i could look into her eyes as i stroked my c**k in and out of her. `` wrap your legs around me princess . ''she lifted her legs around my waist pulling me in deeper. i never took my eyes off of hers ; i wanted to see what was there, what words could never say because there weren't enough. when i came i captured her lips with mine and accepted her moans into my lungs as she gave me her sweet nectar. `` i love you . ''she tightened around me and cried out at my admission. chapter 8 things settled down somewhat after that and we lived a life of peaceful bliss for the next month and a half. i took her away on my jet for long weekends. we played, we laughed we enjoyed each other and the more time went by, the more in love with her i became. i no longer questioned the strangeness of our meeting, or why it had been so easy for me to make the decisions i had after so many years of living and thinking one way. she was my beautiful girl, the owner of my heart.
her career was doing extremely well, her records were going platinum all over the place and she was in high demand. she had another local show coming up this weekend. this time i was ready when she approached my hesitantly to let me know that her ex was going to be performing at the show. i had had time to prepare myself since i'd already gotten a line-up of what was in store for that night. i've been following her career since the day we met and now i have all the information i needed to send her manager and a couple lawyers to jail. i haven't told her what i'd found as yet. didn't want to upset her this close to her performance and i'd only just got the last of the result. it had taken this long because the lawyers had been very slick with their thievery. too bad for them i know how to follow the money trail, all i need is the scent. i planned to tell her this weekend after the show though and i already had my lawyers on standby to take care of shit.
shiane trace has been so unbelievably amazing in the last month or so. it's like everyday he goes out of his way to relieve my fears. maybe it's because we were able to keep our romance out of the public eye, but i was having more fun being in love with him than i'd ever thought possible. i decided to take a page out of his book and try to really get to know him. i'd watch him when he wasn't looking, and paid attention to the little things, like how he shielded my body with his whenever we were going somewhere. how he always seemed to have to touch me whenever we were together no matter where we were ; or the way he'd run his hand through my hair absentmindedly while we sat together watching a movie. i especially loved the way he made love to me. ever since that night when he'd punished me, which now when i think back on it was hot as hell ; he's been this super boyfriend though it seems kinda weird thinking of him in that way, he's so much more than a boy.
i'd told my family about him and dad and him had had a few private conversations over the last few weeks that i wasn't privy to, but my family seemed to love and accept him even with the age difference. now i have a show coming up tonight and i'm more nervous than usual. not because of the show itself, no, trace had taken care of that as ell. he'd found this lady that specialized in curing people like me. she just put me through this series of exercises that helped to calm me down before each appearance. it was an ongoing process but so far it seemed to be working. i no longer had that sick fear of bombing on stage. no tonight's fear stemmed from the fact that donnie was there and i knew form our last one sided conversation that he was going to try to get back with me again. because trace and i had been able to keep our relationship hidden, he along most of the known world were under the impression that i was still pining for him. then there were the rumors of us sneaking around together.
one tabloid had gone so far as to print that very suggestion. i thought trace would lose his mind. he'd gone on a tear even going so far as to call up someone to handle the retraction and fire the person responsible. i guess it wasn't just the speculation that had sent him over the edge, but the fact that there was a photo shopped picture from the year before of me and donnie, only this one was made to look like it was more recent and well, let's just say it didn't sit well with trace to see his woman as he put it, lip locked with some other dick. apparently whatever he'd done had worked because the following week there had been a retraction and an apology. will wonders never cease? of course now we were down to crunch time. he'd said that he was fine with the whole show deal but as the time drew nearer i could see that tic in his jaw working overtime. all i could do was hope for the best. `` shiane baby come in here . ''trace her show was in a couple hours and she'd have to leave soon for prep.
i'd made peace with the fact that she was going to be sharing the stage with the ass**le ex for part of tonight's show. although i'd told her that i was fine, the truth is that i'm not the kind of man who could ever be okay with such a thing, but the contracts had been signed long before i came on the scene and it was her career. i was going to make sure that this was the last time though. after this series of engagements were over, there will never be another occasion when she would be allowed even in the same room as the prick. she came into room already dressed to leave. i didn't say anything to her as i pulled her into my arms and fed her my tongue. my hand went down to her pu**y and she opened her legs to give me easier access. i rubbed her through her clothes as her breathing sped up and she smashed her tits into my naked chest. wordlessly i started to strip her clothes away as my c**k grew and pr**cum started leaking from my tip.
i had her spread out on the bed with my head between her thighs as i ate her pu**y, making sure to sink my tongue as deep as i could as i fingered her ass. over the past weeks i've been preparing her ass for my cock. she moaned and pushed her pu**y harder against my mouth. her juices ran down to the crack of her ass lubricating her nicely. standing from between her legs where her pink pu**y was on full display with her juices glistening and calling to me, i helped her onto her hands and knees in the middle of the bed. i teased her pu**y slit with my c**k head until pushed her ass up higher and begged me to f**k her. `` please trace . ''i slapped her ass once hard and she looked over her shoulder at me. her eyes were already glazed over and i knew she was already far-gone. `` please what ? ''`` fuck me, f**k my pu**y hard . ''yes, that's something else i'd taught her, to be less inhibited in bed. at first her shyness ruled her, but i soon had her saying and doing anything she loved.
i'd explained to her that since i was the only sexual partner she'd ever have for the rest of her life, who better to know what pleased her? and how will i know if she didn't tell me? that had opened up a whole new world to her, and i'd learned a lot about my princess. she had a bit of the submissive in her, she liked for her man to take charge, not just in the bedroom either. it was perfect since i'm a controlling bastard and make no bones about it. i teased her pu**y some more before sinking my c**k all the way home. she arched her back and came like she always does as soon as i enter her. she says it's because i hit her cervix each time and it triggers her. i f**ked into her nice and slow, using my hand in her hair and the other on her hip to control her movements. looking down between us i enjoyed the sight of my c**k covered in her pu**y cream as it went in and out of her.
`` your pu**y's still so tight baby, f**k. '' she lowered her head to the mattress which sent her ass even higher into the air and had my c**k going in deeper and at a different angle. getting to my feet, i released her hair so i could hold both her hips and pull her back hard on my c**k as her pu**y opened and closed around my cock. i could see where my c**k was bulging out around the lips of her pu**y, the way they pulled out when i came out and folded in when i f**ked back in. i knew she still couldn't too much of a pounding in this position so it was slow going until she juiced all over my cock. i didn't want to cum in her pu**y just yet though i had other plans for tonight. pulling out after she'd come down, i licked her pu**y deep while using my fingers to rub our mixed juices into her tight ass**le. she flinched and moaned as she pushed back against my fingers trying to get me to go deeper.
i probably should've used a little sex toy on her ass to prepare her for my twelve inch cock, but i didn't want even a fake dick anywhere near her. reaching off to the side i got the lube and oiled up my cock. she looked over her shoulder to see what i was doing and her eyes widened. `` trace ? ''`` shh, it's okay . ''i ran my hands up and down her back around to her tits where i pulled and pinched them the way she likes. i kept letting my c**k tap into her pu**y lips and her clit, which kept her preoccupied. when i was sure she was ready, i leaned over her back, then i had a thought. `` did he f**k you in the ass ? ''i had wrapped my hand around her throat unknowingly, it was only when she shook her head no that i realized what i'd done. i didn't think she'd ever anal before but i wanted to be sure, it was the reason i'd chosen tonight after all. satisfied with her answer, i guided my c**k as gently as i could to her ass.
she was tight as was to be expected so i had to take me time and work my c**k into her ass in one-inch increments. she tensed and her body tried to expel me but i soothed her with soft kisses around her ear and down her neck, whispering how beautiful she was and how much i loved her. her ass relaxed enough for me to get a few inches in her and then i started the f**king motion in and out of her. i'm not really big on anal sex, but it was enjoyable on some occasions. the more she relaxed, the more dick i fed her until i was balls deep in her ass. she was really getting into it now pushing her ass back hard against me until i was lying flat on her back pressing her into the bed. her ass was the tightest f**king thing i'd ever felt around my cock, and that was saying something because my baby has a tight cunt. `` when you're on stage with him, i want you to remember who you belong to . ''i slammed into her ass and her mouth opened in a soundless scream.
i f**ked her to two orgasms but i myself didn't want to cum in her ass. instead i pulled out and with a stern 'stay as you are ', went into the bathroom to clean off my rock hard cock. coming back to the bed, i rolled her over onto her back and climbed between her legs pushing them farther apart with my hips. i looked down at what i was doing as i led my c**k into her pu**y again. i didn't hurry ; i knew i was f**king with her because she should've been gone half an hour ago. i didn't care ; this was my way of showing her who was in charge. `` trace, we have to hurry i have to ... '' i caught her neck in my hand and surged into her hard. `` don't rush me, we're through when i say we are . ''i kissed her then, sending my tongue deep into her as i f**ked her nice and slow making her forget that she was way late. she f**ked back at me her hips going wild as i kept teasing her with small strokes instead of the pounding she needed. `` if he touches you, i'll kill him . ''
she looked into my eyes before hers rolled back in her head and she came. it was soon too much for me and though i didn't pound away at her like i always want to, i f**ked her to another climax as my balls unloaded in her womb. i bit into her neck just as the last of my sperm was spilling into her. i smirked down at my handy work. let the little f**k think about that. chapter 9 she sat practically in my lap in the car on the way to the venue. her manager was not pleased to say the least and started in screaming until i told him to get f**ked. `` who are you? hey aren't you ... '' i didn't bother to answer the f**ker as he stared from me to her and back. she headed off to do her thing and i walked away from him, i wasn't ready to deal with him right now. i stood around backstage until it was almost time for the show to begin then went out and took my seat in the front row. i'd debated on whether or not this was a good idea, watching her perform with him, but in the end she'd pleaded with me to come.
i guess it was best if i were here in the flesh to see what the hell the performance was like than reading about it second hand in some rag. the buzz was that they were dy***ite on the stage, that they had great chemistry and all that other bullshit. i settled in for a long night. i felt a huge sense of pride when she came out the first time and the crowd went wild. this was a much larger crowd than the one from the night we met and the whole place was on their feet. you would never know that less than two hours ago i had her bent over. she didn't look at all nervous and in fact seemed to be glowing. it was halfway through, when i'd finally felt the tension leave me and had relaxed and start to enjoy the show that he joined her on stage. the song was one of those dual tone numbers, slow in parts and fast in others. i felt my fist fold the first time he had to get real close to her as they faced each other across the microphones. then ensued a sort of cat and mouse dance.
he kept trying to put his arms around her waist or on her hip. i wasn't sure if that was part of the actual dance routine or just him being an ass, but the first time she threw a panicked look my way i knew it was a bit of both. the crowd seemed to read something else into it, as it appeared that she was playing hard to get, evading his roving hands and prancing away as she continued singing, only to be followed by him time and again. each time our eyes met i kept my face neutral, i didn't want to spoil her performance and like i said if this was part of her job then so be it. but what i didn't like was the way he tried to manhandle her on the stage when it had nothing to do with their routine. don't ask me how i knew those times so well. i was reading her body language sure, but each time it happened she'd send me a look and it would tip me off. i wasn't mad at her though, not really, but him i'd like to stomp into the f**king mud.
i left my seat and headed backstage just before the last number ended. i cold hear the roar of the crowd as she bid them goodnight for the second time after giving them the encore they'd asked for. i was in the shadows sort of, behind this huge potted plant, when she came back followed by the rest of the band, and the ass**le. ``hey i'm talking to you . ''he reached out to grab her arm and she pulled it out of his reach. `` the show is over donnie we have nothing more to say to each other for the rest of the night . ''`` that's what you think. where did you get this ? ''he tried touching the mark i'd left on her neck. she slapped her hand over it and backed up. `` that's none of your business . ''`` it is my business when my woman is sporting a hickey from some other dude . ''`` your woman, are you insane? we've been over for months now would you please get out of my way ? ''she tried going around him and by this point i'd seen all i needed to.
i started forward but before i could reach them he'd reached out and grabbed her and was trying to kiss her. the amazing this was that there were others heading backstage and no one seemed to witness the almost assault that was taking place right in front of them. that could be because their voices had been kept low throughout this whole exchange. as soon as his hand fisted in her blouse i was on him. `` get the f**k off her ass**le . ''i flung his hand away and got between the two of them. you could say i was pissed but trying to contain it. i was no longer angry about the display on stage, i knew that was all him and though the world might see a very well coordinated dance routine, that's all that it was. but this was something more, this was personal and this i would not allow. `` who the f**k are you, shiane who's this ass**le? is he new security? tell him who i am before i sue his ass . ''`` listen you little shit, if you come anywhere near her again i'll break every bone in your f**king body . ''
he looked at her wide eyed when he realized i meant every word. then he stupidly reached out for her again, grabbing her hand this time and i saw red. i punched him in the face until blood spurted from his mouth. only the fact that he was so much younger than i, kept me from following through. i grabbed her hand and pulled her out behind me mad as hell. i didn't have a jacket to give her this time but thankfully she was more covered up. `` did you leave anything back there that you needed ? ''i asked her after we were in the back of the car on the way home. she called one of her assistants to gather her shit. that night i f**ked her like a beast, there wasn't any part of her body that i didn't lick bite or kiss. at one point she'd cried because it was too much. i ate her little pu**y until the sting was eased and then slid back into her. we were both sore by the time i rolled away from her as the sun was rising. dragging her into my arms i cuddled her as we slept.
the next day i was all over the f**king front page, just what i needed. some hack had been there taking pictures of the whole thing and the story broke. that's how we were found out and since that night we couldn't leave the house for weeks without a camera in our face. things cooled down when they realized they weren't gon na get anything more from us and my security was very good at evading their asses. they had no access to my private underground parking garage and since i had a whole fleet of cars to choose from they never knew which one we were in if i felt like taking my woman out for dinner. since i didn't frequent the kind of establishments that catered to the paparazzi or that hired people who'd tip them off to us being there, we were left relatively in peace after the hubbub had died down chapter 10 now it's the night of the last show and she was pissing me off. we'd had an argument of sorts that morning, well i wouldn't call it an argument exactly but there was definitely some tension.
we were lazing around having breakfast doing our usual thing, which was something the therapist had told her was helpful for her anxiety. i was reaching over to pour her some orange juice when she sideswiped me. `` trace are we gon na get married ? ''she caught me off guard with that one, coming out of the blue like that and i guess i didn't handle the situation to her liking. `` why don't we talk about this later after you're done with the show ? ''it was the best i could come up with on such short notice. for some reason my answer pissed her off. she'd been showing her mettle a lot here lately once she realized i wasn't the type to fold my fist and punch her in the face just for kicks. after she asked me that she got all quiet for the rest of the day and when she wasn't slamming shit around the house she was ignoring me. i decided to leave her to her mad and do some work in my office.
two hours before she was due to leave i cornered her in the shower and f**ked her against the stall although she'd tried to give me shit at first. `` mine, you don't tell me no ever no matter how f**king pissed you are . ''i had my hand covering her wet crotch when i said that and moved it away to enter her swiftly. as much of a fuss as she'd made by the time i had her pinned to the wall, her legs were wrapped around my waist and her fingers were digging into my scalp as i f**ked her to within an inch of her life. she'd cleaned my c**k off after i'd off loaded inside her the second time and we'd cleaned each other up after so i was under the impression that she was over her mad. now she pulled this f**king stunt. we'd had a few conversations about the way she dressed on stage and when she let it be known that she wasn't too comfortable with some of the costumes either but her wardrobe people chose them, i'd put my foot down. her talent didn't need any gimmicks.
i didn't expect her to dress like a nun on stage but neither did i expect her to show her ass to the world, not when that ass was now the exclusive property of trace mckenzie. i waited until the number was almost at an end and she would be headed backstage for a clothes change. i caught her as soon as she got off the stage and while her helpers were waiting to help her change i dragged her off to the dressing room and locked the door. `` your next outfit had better be something more presentable shiane, or i swear to f**k, i will drag your ass off that f**king stage and take you home . ''`` don't tell me how to do my job trace, i was doing this before we met and if you don't like it ... '' my hand came up and went around her throat and i pulled her face close to mine. `` watch what the f**k you say to me little girl, i'm holding onto my temper by a thread, so unless you want me to heat up your little ass when we get home you'd better quit while you're ahead . ''
`` maybe i won't be going home with you . ''she was pissed and obviously not thinking too clearly because of it or she would've been more careful. i laughed in her face. `` try it, there isn't a hole or rock big enough to hide your ass. and if you get any one of these f**kers around here to help you hide from me i will destroy the f**k. '' i kissed her hard enough to bruise her lips before leaving her there. i knew what she wanted but she was just going to have to wait. i'm a man and for a man there's always the right way and a wrong way to do things. i headed back out my seat and that's when she really did it. i thought i'd made my point when i saw the long dress with the slit up the front. but then one of the male dancers came up behind her and wrapped his arm around her from behind while she sang to him and they did some sorta two- step dance. then he did something with his hand and the dress was at her feet. she kicked it out of the way as the crowd went wild.
she had the nerve to dead at me was she sang and then and shook her ass at the crowd. i thought there was going to be a riot. i sat there for the rest of the set until she left the stage for the last time. by now my rage was a cool controlled anger simmering inside me. i said nothing as i went backstage where everyone was congratulating her on her performance. `` let's go . ''i walked over and took her elbow . ''`` wait i have to ... '' one look at my face had her changing tact. she swallowed hard and i could see from her expression that she was finally getting that she'd gone too far. all the way in the car i sat away from her while she kept shooting me furtive looks. i kept my face straight ahead and my fists clenched as they hung between my thighs. if i did anything else i'm afraid i might strangle her ass. as soon as we got through the doors of home i grabbed her arm and headed for the bedroom and straight to where i kept the belt i used to wail her ass. `` stop trace you can't . ''
she tried to pulling away from me which only enraged me more. i grabbed the belt and was about to bring it down over her ass, not even waiting to get her undressed i was so pissed. `` i'm pregnant . ''well f**k, that sure stopped me in my tracks. `` what did you say ? ''`` you can't spank me, i'm pregnant . ''i dropped the belt and stared down at her. there was something strange going on with my heart. it was beating yes, but the rhythm was off somehow. i felt a buzzing in my ears and i thin i lost sight there for a second. `` you're pregnant ? ''i pulled her around to stand in front of me. she nodded and looked down at her feet. `` why didn't you tell me ? ''`` i just found out, i was going to tell you, then i asked you that question this morning and you blew me off . ''the memory seemed to renew her anger and she glared at me. `` i wasn't about to try to trap you with a baby, i don't want to marry someone who doesn't really want me for me, i've had one ass**le in my life already . ''
i grabbed her neck and lifted her off her feet. `` i told you never to throw that f**ker in my face. just because you're carrying my child do not think for one minute that i won't heat your little ass up. `` what the f**k ever gave you the idea that i didn't want to marry you ? ''`` you said ... '' she raised her voice and started to yell. `` watch your f**king tone, you're skating on thin f**king ice. what the f**k ever gave you the idea that i'm the kinda man who needs his woman to propose to him? that's my place, not f**king yours no matter what some feminist new age f**k says . ''`` well it didn't look like you were gon na ask, now if you do, i'll always know it was only because of your precious child . ''i dragged her into the closet and over to the safe i kept hidden there. it took me a few tries to get the combination i was that f**king pissed. opening the safe i retrieved the little velvet box i'd kept there for months. `` i bought this two days after we met.
i was waiting for you to be finished with this before giving it to you. `` trace i ... '' `` save it, i told you once i won't pay for what that ass**le did to you. not that that's clear let's talk about that shit you pulled tonight . ''`` i thought you didn't want me, i thought ... '' `` so you thought to get back at me by doing something that was sure to piss me off. just a warning for the future babe, you do not ever want to piss me off. i'll be lenient with you when it comes to certain things, but outright disobedience will not be acceptable, not now not ever. `` you want me to leave your ass you pull a stunt like this again. if i say no it means f**king no do you hear me ? ''`` yes . ''she mumbled. `` i'm sorry . ''`` you're too f**king spoilt for your own good. i'm not sure if i should let this slide, but i don't want the news of my child's conception to be marred by this f**kery, and since you've spoiled my proposal you can live with that shit . ''
i took the box from her hand and put the five-carat diamond on her finger. this was not how i'd wanted this to go. i'd had everything planned out. i was going to take her to paris since that was her favorite place and propose to her there in one of their over priced swanky restaurants. that's not my style but it's hers so i was willing to do it to make the night special. i didn't make love to her that night. not because of any punishment or anything like that, i think i was just overwhelmed a little if you wan na know the truth. i'd gone from extremely pissed and ready to heat up her ass, to learning that i was going to be a daddy or a dad. instead i helped her get ready for bed and held her as she gave into the fatigue of the long day and night. once again i recalled my childhood, the always wanting, never having and never any hope of having. and the hunger, humiliation, all the things you can expect from a young boy whose parents neglected him.
and then when lily came along, my beautiful little sister, i remembered the fear in my gut that i wouldn't be able to protect her. she was the one and only baby i'd ever held in my arms, and the love i'd felt then, couldn't be compared to what i felt for the unborn child shiane now kept safe in her womb. i thought of her upcoming tour and knew there was no way i would let her go off on her own, not in her condition. i came to the conclusion that it was time i delegated more at work. i had men and women that i'd hired, the best in their fields, sometimes straight out of college, but had yet to trust anyone to do what i did. it was an easy decision to make now, whereas before the thought gave me cold sweats. i took the hand with my ring on it and kissed her finger as i hoped and prayed that i would get this right, then being as gentle as i could and not awaken her. i lowered my body until my lips were in line with her still flat stomach and made a promise to my son or daughter.
`` daddy will always be there little one, no matter what ; i can't wait to meet you . ''i felt the tears gather at the corner of my eyes, and though it had been years since i'd shed one, i let them fall. my heart had never been so full in my life. i held her until the dawn and that's as long as i could hold out before taking her. turning her silky soft body onto her back, i kissed my way down her body, stopping at her br**sts. i took the nipple of first one into my mouth, licking and sucking, pulling strong as i imagined one day my baby would, before going to the other. by the time i made my way down to her sweet cunt, she was writhing beneath me. i licked her clit until it was peeping out from under its hood, then spreading her pu**y lips open, i closed my eyes and feasted on her flesh, her taste bursting into my mouth as i dug deep with my tongue. sliding up her body, i slid into her going deep with one smooth thrust. her eyes were sleep-warm as she looked up at me.
with my hands holding both sides of her head, i held it back so i could look into her eyes as i loved her. `` i love knowing my child is inside you . ''i let one of my handles cover her stomach between us for a brief moment before gathering her in close. `` give me your mouth baby . ''she lifted her lips to mine and we stayed like that, our lips locked together passionately as i worked my c**k in and out of her, her hips rising and falling with my thrusts. it was the most amazing experience of my life so far, and there was so much more to come. i'll make sure of it. epilogue he's utterly unpredictable and totally insane my husband. i don't think i've ever known a more volatile person in my life. my dad was an easy going mild mannered man, sure he and mom had their tiffs over the years when we were growing up, but i doubt he's ever done or said half the things has done to me. like spanking her ass with a belt. since my announcement of my pregnancy, he's added one other element, over protectiveness.
don't get me wrong, i love it, in fact i think i need it because my hormones have been out of whack from day one ; but i wondered how others would see him. it started with my management team of all things, and a couple of the lawyers that handled my contracts. the morning after our engagement, he'd dropped the bombshell that they had been robbing me blind. i'd sat there dumbfounded, not having the first clue as to what i was supposed to do next. `` don't worry princess i've got it covered . '''but how did they and why ? ''`` the how is easy, you don't know what you're looking at when dealing with those things unless you've done some kind of business class or you have someone reliable explain it to you . ''he was right i guess, as a small town girl, seeing all those zeros on my account balance was enough for me, i was just happy doing what i loved most and the fact that i was actually being paid, well. `` the why is that they're greedy f**ks and they saw you coming a mile off . ''
i guess they never banked on trace mckenzie coming into my life and turning everything upside down. i'd wanted to do everything secretly after that, didn't want the brouhaha that would follow if the public got ahold of it. trace wanted to burn them at the stake. in the end he convinced me that it was best to go public so that they wouldn't be free to do it to others. turns out that was the right call, because after the story broke, others had come forward after realizing that they too had been victims of these unscrupulous men. my tour started when i was five months along. trace somehow found the time to leave work for almost two months and accompany me. i'd had to do some rearranging which meant there were hardly any breaks in between cities, but i wanted to be done before i really started to show. that's when i saw the other side of him. he'd hired all new management for me when i told him i wasn't sure what to look for.
he'd threatened to fire my wardrobe staff until they had some kind of meeting and he got what he wanted. in the end they'd come up with more tasteful designs, though some of them were sexier than the ones i'd worn before. he was right you didn't have to be half naked on stage to get your point across. one day we were sitting at the kitchen table, i was still sitting in his lap because we'd just made love while our breakfast had grown cold. as he slipped out of my body i'd said, 'you know we can do the proposal thing over '. he'd given me one of his looks and that was that. i guess that ship had sailed. i can't say that i felt deprived though, because in every way he was the perfect fiance and then husband. our wedding was a very private affair in my hometown. he'd moved heaven and earth to make it so and it was beautiful. he was completely fascinated with my body these days, especially after i started to show.
there wasn't a day that went by that he didn't spend at least an hour playing with my tummy and having these long drawn out conversations with whoever was in there. now though, i think he'd reached his limit. `` trace it hurts . ''he leaned over me as he held my hand in his and brushed my hair back with the other. `` i know baby, i know it will be better soon. do something . ''that last was said to the doctor and nurses that were there in the delivery room. he hadn't shouted the words that they carried more force than if he had. the way he seethed them through clenched teeth and glared at the room's occupants. if i weren't in so much pain i would've found it funny. `` she's coming along just fine mr. mckenzie. just one more push shiane, that's a good girl . ''i bore down with all my might as trace held my hand and whispered in my ear how proud he was of me and how beautiful i was.
i think it was his voice more so than anything urging from the doctor that gave me the extra boost i needed to push my son out into the world. i laughed and cried as i heard his loud wails fill the room. trace never took his eyes off mine until the oh-oh from the doctor. `` oh-oh? no f**king oh-oh, what the f**k is oh-oh ? ''he was ready to tear the poor woman's head off before she explained. i was in too much of a daze from the new pain wracking my body to help. `` looks like we have another one . ''and so my daughter was born, totally unexpected but completely loved. the end chapter one i bounce from foot to foot as i try my mom's cell phone one more time. i'm practically bursting at the seams wanting to tell her my good news, and she's not answering. i hang up the call as it goes to her voicemail again. she's been a little more unreachable ever since she started dating this new mystery man.
she'll have to break down and tell me about him soon-we've never been able to keep secrets from one another for long. i give up and hold down the number 2 button on my old flip-phone to auto-dial my best friend allison. thankfully, she picks up. `` i got it! i got a lawn room ! ''i shriek as soon as she answers, my excitement overflowing into a wild jig around my tiny dorm room. allison screams on the other end in response-she knows what a huge deal this is for me. there are only fifty-four lawn rooms at the university of virginia, where i'm just finishing my junior year. they were a central part of thomas jefferson's design for the school, and spread out under white columns from his famous rotunda. they might be small and drafty, but living in one is a high honor. there's a rigorous application process, and they are given to only the most academically-deserving rising seniors. i worked my nerdy butt off in preparation for this moment, and i can barely believe it's actually happening.
`` wait, wait, i'm putting you on speaker. miriam's here, too, '' allison says when she finally takes a breath. miriam is the third member of our little group that i met freshman year, and has both supported me and sheltered me through the first three years of college. `` brynn, i'm so proud of you! i mean, think of how many hundreds and hundreds of hours you worked for this moment ! ''she gushes. i laugh. `` don't remind me ! ''i wince, thinking of how much of college life i've missed while huddled in the back stacks of the library. not that miriam and allison are academic slouches either, far from it, all three of us could probably draw you a map of the library from memory. `` and if it gets too cold in the winter, you can always come crash with us, '' allison adds. she and miriam have been roommates since sophomore year, and will be again next year. they've always invited me to apply for housing with them, but after freshman year, i decided i was too much of an introvert for roommates.
`` the fireplace is probably the best and worst part of the whole thing, '' i laugh. the lawn rooms have almost no trappings of the modern world, so in the winter all you have to keep yourself warm is your own personal fireplace. it sounds romantic now, but come next january, i imagine i might feel differently. `` are you working tonight? or can we celebrate ? ''miriam asks. i work in the cafeteria as part of my work-study program to offset the cost of my tuition. `` maybe we could go to dinner together, then see a movie ? ''`` well, i'm not working, '' i admit, guilt already bubbling up from my stomach, `` but i was thinking i might go out with these girls from my poli-sci class . ''there's a short silence before allison speaks. `` oh, cool ... sounds fun. what are you guys going to do ? ''`` um, they invited me to this party at the crew house, '' i say, beginning to tug on the ends of my dark blonde hair-a nervous habit that only really gets out of control during finals. `` the crew house ! ? ''
allison exclaims, and i can't help but roll my eyes at her theatrics. `` brynn, you know as well as we do that those parties get insane! i heard that last semester nine of their varsity members got alcohol poisoning in one night ! ''`` well, there are only eight on a team, so i think that might be an exaggeration, '' i murmur. `` though i suppose maybe an alternate- '' `` brynn, the point is, those parties are notoriously crazy, '' miriam cuts in. `` i just want to see for myself, '' i say, trying to keep the frustration out of my voice. `` i'll call you guys tomorrow morning . ''`` ok ... '' allison says warily. `` bye ! ''i say quickly, before miriam can renew her argument, and hang up. as wonderful as my two best friends are, i do get tired of how uptight they can be sometimes. not that i don't understand where it comes from.