sliding his arm around emma's waist, aidan said, `` come on, sweetheart. we need to go . ''at the feel of pesh's hand on her back, megan glanced up at him. `` exciting night for them, eh ? ''`` yes, it is . ''`` how about letting me take you for another spin on the dance floor ? ''`` i'd love that . ''as an indian love song flowed out from the speakers, megan wrapped her arms around pesh's neck. this time he didn't bother dancing more formally like he had in savannah. instead, he wrapped his arms around her waist and drew her flush against him. closing her eyes, she rested her head on his broad chest, loving the gentle beat of his heart beneath his shirt. when the song finished, they didn't move. they just waited for the next one. thankfully, it was another slow one. halfway through, she felt a tug on the bottom of her drape. glancing down, she saw georgie peering up at her. `` what are you doing, sweetie ? ''she asked. he glanced left and right before he spoke.
`` mommy told me not to tell anybody, but she needs you to come up to her hotel room . ''`` okay. what for ? ''`` noah's going crazy wanting aunt emma, and she thinks you're the only one that might be able to get him to calm down . ''`` ah, i see . ''when she turned back to pesh, he smiled. `` you don't even need to apologize. go see if you can help . ''she leaned up and gave him a smacking kiss on the lips. `` thank you for being so amazing each and every moment of the day . ''his thumb brushed against her cheek. `` you're welcome, my love . ''`` be back as soon as i can . ''`` i'm going to hold you to that . ''taking georgie's hand, she made her way off the dance floor and out of the ballroom. after getting on one of the elevators, they rode to the sixth floor. she let georgie lead the way. he stopped halfway down the hall and knocked on the door. by then, she didn't have to guess which room noah was in. she could hear his screams all the way outside.
when becky flung open the door, she waved megan through with her hand. `` the others didn't want me to interrupt you, but we've been trying the last hour to get him to calm down, and he's just not having it . ''megan found the scene in hotel room somewhat comical. her mother, along with her aunts julia and liz, stood in a circle around one of the beds. outfitted in a fuzzy, blue footed sleeper, noah sat in the middle of the mattress, his cheeks streaked and soaked with tears and his face red from crying. `` what is the matter ? ''megan asked. everyone whirled around to look at her. `` nothing. everything's fine. go back to your party, '' angie said, over noah's wails. `` um, i think it's safe to say that it isn't fine. or at least, he's not fine . ''liz fanned her face with her hand. `` it's like the moment emma left the hotel, he freaked out. he woke up out of a dead sleep screaming for his mama. the poor baby-sitter hung in as long as she could before she finally called us . ''
megan cocked her head at noah. `` poor thing . ''she bypassed her aunts to hold out her arms. considering he'd spent so much time with her, noah happily reached for her, and megan pulled him into her embrace. `` hey buddy, you've got to stop crying . ''he was snubbing so hard his breath came in big hiccups as his chest heaved. `` mama. want mama, '' he pleaded pitifully. megan hugged him tight to her chest. `` i know, sweetie. but she's at the hospital having your baby sister . ''her answer didn't satisfy him since he drew in a deep breath to start screaming again. she smiled at him. `` you wan na go downstairs to the party ? ''he appeared thoughtful. `` pesh is downstairs. you wan na see him ? ''`` esh ? ''megan laughed. `` yes, he's down there . ''`` see esh, '' he said, kicking his feet as if to tell her to start walking. `` here. i'll take him, '' her mother suggested, reaching for noah. he shrieked before wrapping his arms tighter around megan's neck.
`` i think it's safe to say he's staying with me . ''`` but it's your engagement party, '' julia protested. `` yes, and i've been enjoying it the last four hours. i don't think watching him is going to take away anything for me . ''as she started out the doorway, she asked, `` is mason okay ? ''her mother nodded. `` thank goodness he's down the hall, or we'd have two toddlers running around at eleven o'clock . ''megan giggled as she walked down the hall. her necklace and the beaded sari seemed to be holding noah's interest. `` pretty, huh ? ''she asked, as they got on the elevator. `` ooh, pwetty, '' he mimicked. when she got back downstairs, pesh was seated at their table, talking to some of their colleagues. the moment noah saw him, he reached out for pesh. `` well hello, little one. were you really crying because you wanted to come to our party ? ''noah grinned at pesh behind his pacifier, which caused pesh to smile. `` he looks so much like aidan when he does that, doesn't he ? ''
`` yes, he does. i'm sure he's going to use that cute little grin to his advantage when he gets older, just like his daddy did . ''she eased into the chair beside them. after spitting out his pacifier, noah asked, `` daddy ? ''`` uh, oh, i shouldn't have said that, '' megan muttered under her breath. `` my daddy ? ''`` he's at the hospital with mommy. we'll take you there in the morning, '' she replied. that statement caused noah's lip to tremble. before he could start crying, pesh rose out of his chair. `` let's go look at all the pretty party decorations . ''megan smiled as she watched pesh take noah around the room. her heart warmed at his thoughtfulness. she couldn't believe there was ever a time when she fought her feelings for him. there wasn't a better man in the whole world, and the fact that he loved her was a true miracle. by the time pesh returned, noah had fallen asleep. he carefully sat back down beside her. `` here, '' she suggested, taking off her glittering drape.
she wrapped the fabric over noah like a blanket. `` did i mention how much i loved you in a sari ? ''pesh questioned, with a wicked gleam in his eyes. she glanced down to see the top had her boobs bulging out the front as well as the fact her stomach was now bared. `` i'll have to wear one more often for you . ''`` i would love that . ''when her phone beeped, she reached across the table and grabbed it. `` oh my god ! ''`` what ? ''pesh asked. `` that was aidan. the baby is already here . ''`` considering it's a second baby, it isn't too surprising . ''`` i need to tell my mom and aunts . ''he nodded. `` go ahead. we're fine . ''megan smiled at noah sleeping soundly against pesh's chest. `` be right back . ''she made her way over to her family's table. `` that was aidan. caroline was just born . ''a whoop went up around the table. `` is emma okay ? ''becky asked. megan nodded. `` he said mother and baby are doing great . ''julia shook her head and smiled.
`` aidan with a daughter-now that's going to be something to see . ''they all laughed. `` that's so true, '' megan said. becky glanced at the group. `` why don't we go see them? i mean, the hospital isn't too far from here . ''angie nodded. `` sounds good to me. i'd personally like to see aidan in action with his baby girl . ''with a snort, megan added, `` i would have liked to have been in the delivery room when she was first born. his expression then would have been priceless . ''`` i bet he cried, '' liz said. `` oh yeah, he bawled for sure, '' angie replied, with a grin. as her aunts started gathering up their purses and telling their husbands where they were going, megan said, `` i want to go too . ''before they could argue, she held up her hand. `` it's late. the party is pretty much over, and there's two more next week at some of pesh's relatives ' houses. besides, i want to see the newest fitzgerald baby girl . ''her mother frowned. `` are you sure ? ''`` i'm positive . ''`` all right.
go tell pesh, and we'll meet you out front . ''she smiled as she went back to their table. `` my mom and aunts are going to the hospital to see aidan and emma . ''`` you want to go ? ''her heart warmed at the fact that he already knew what she was feeling. `` do you mind ? ''he shook his head. `` of course not. can i go too or is this just a hen party thing for the women ? ''she laughed. `` yes, you can come . ''pesh glanced down at noah. `` he's going to want to see his mother . ''`` oh yes. i don't think we could go without him . ''as pesh rose out of the chair, noah stirred but didn't wake up. `` get aidan and emma's keys out of my pocket . ''she nodded and reached into his pants. when she accidentally touched his penis through the fabric, he jumped. `` sorry about that, '' she replied, as she pulled out the keys. `` no problem, '' he muttered through gritted teeth. they said a quick goodnight to pesh's parents and other relatives who remained. then they headed out to the lobby.
after giving the valet aidan's keys, they waited for the suv to be brought around. when she caught her reflection in the glass doors of the hotel, she gasped. `` what's wrong ? ''pesh inquired. `` the jewelry! i can't go loaded down with this expensive stuff to the hospital ! ''she cried. she snatched off the earrings and then started working on the necklace. `` i'll run go give it to your mother . ''`` if you insist, '' pesh replied. she kicked off her heels so she could run easier. the necklace and earrings weighed down her hands. she grabbed the first member of pesh's immediate family she saw, which unfortunately happened to be dev. `` can you get these to your mother? i've got to get to the hospital . ''his dark eyes widened as he took the jewelry from her. `` are you okay ? ''`` i'm fine. a cousin's baby was just born. don't let anything happen to that, okay ? ''dev chuckled. `` yeah, i'll be unloading this pronto. the last thing i need is for my ass to be the one to lose the family jewels . ''
with a wink, he added, `` they'd be taking my family jewels . ''megan laughed and then gave him a wave before running off. when she got back outside, aidan and emma's suv had just pulled around. noah began to squirm in pesh's arms. `` guess where we're going ? ''pesh said, before he could start crying. `` mama ? ''pesh smiled. `` yes, we're taking you to your mama and daddy and new baby sister . ''noah's face lit up at the prospect, and he happily let them buckle him into his car seat. following her mother's car, they made the drive in almost a caravan of relatives. when they got to the hospital, pesh pulled up to let her out. `` i'll go park and bring him in . ''`` okay. i'll see you guys up there . ''when she got up to the maternity floor, there was a quite a group waiting for her, including emma's best friend, connor. `` did casey not feel like coming tonight ? ''megan asked, as she hugged him. casey was just a few weeks shy of her own due date with a little girl. he chuckled.
`` oh, she's here all right. she's just in labor herself. it seems like caroline and olivia are going to be true best friends by being born almost the same day . ''megan grinned. `` that's wonderful news . ''connor wrinkled his nose. `` i think casey will be appreciating it a little more when her epidural kicks in. she wasn't too happy the last time i went back to see her . ''`` oh yes, i remember that feeling well . ''megan's phone dinged, and she quickly read the text. `` aidan says we can come back now, '' she said to her aunts. the group made their way through the double doors and down the hall. when they reached emma's room, angie knocked on the door. within a few seconds, aidan appeared. `` hey guys, '' he said, with a beaming smile. `` the nurse is actually checking on em, but give me a second . ''he disappeared back behind the door only to reappear within a few moments. this time he held a tiny bundle wrapped in a pink blanket. `` here she is. miss caroline elizabeth fitzgerald . ''
collective oohs and aahs went up over the group as aidan held caroline out for them to see. she didn't seem too interested or impressed by them. she yawned and closed her eyes. `` she's absolutely beautiful, '' megan said. `` she's something all right, '' aidan murmured. `` there it is! i see a tear, '' becky teased. aidan rolled his eyes at his sister. `` let me guess. you had some kind of bet going about whether i cried or not ? ''liz patted his back. `` something like that . ''pesh appeared then. the moment noah saw his father he kicked to get down. once he got his feet on the floor, he ran to aidan, wrapping his arms around aidan's leg. `` hey buddy. you want to meet your sister ? ''squatting down, aidan held caroline to where noah could get a good look at her. `` mama's tummy baby ? ''he questioned. aidan laughed. `` yeah, this is your baby sister, caroline . ''noah eyed his sister with a slight frown, as if he was trying to figure her out.
megan could only imagine what was going on in his head at the moment. he'd spent the last sixteen months being the center of his parents ' world, and now there was someone else to share the attention. when caroline scrunched up her face and whimpered, noah patted her arm. `` no cwy, baby . ''`` aw, he's going to be a good big brother, '' angie remarked. aidan chuckled. `` yeah, he'll be fine until caroline needs emma. then he's going to be ready to sell her to the gypsies . ''a nurse exited emma's room. `` you can go in now . ''as she gazed around the crowd, she shook her head. `` well, some of you can go in . ''rising up off the floor, aidan took noah's hand. `` come on, buddy. mama wants to see you . ''noah didn't bother waiting on aidan. he barreled through the door. `` mama! mama ! ''he cried. megan smiled as she watched him climb up on emma's bed. `` there's my baby boy ! ''emma cried hoarsely, smothering both his cheeks in kisses. he snuggled up to emma's side. `` come on, meggie.
you and pesh come in first, '' aidan suggested. megan didn't argue with him. instead, she took pesh's hand and followed aidan inside. emma glanced up and shook her head. `` i'm so sorry for ruining your engagement party . ''`` you didn't ruin our night, '' pesh reassured her. `` that's right. we kept right on partying-it didn't bother us at all, '' megan teased. emma laughed. `` i'm glad to hear that . ''megan smiled and jerked her chin over at aidan, who sat in the rocker with caroline. `` congratulations on a beautiful baby girl . ''`` thank you, '' emma replied, as a beaming smile lit up her face. `` are you feeling okay ? ''pesh asked. emma nodded. `` it was a little easier this time and a lot quicker . ''she turned to aidan. `` and this time i didn't have to worry that aidan might not make it . ''aidan chuckled. `` no, you just kept screaming at me to drive faster because you were not going to deliver caroline on the side of the interstate . ''emma's cheeks flushed.
`` i guess i was a little panicked . ''pesh took megan's hand and squeezed it. `` we better go and let the others have a turn, '' he said. `` do you want us to take noah back with us ? ''considering he was plastered to his mother's side, megan wasn't really looking forward to trying to take him. emma gazed down at her son with love burning in her eyes. `` no, i think he can stay here with us a little longer. i might get connor to take him home. i know he'll be here until casey delivers . ''`` are you sure you won't need your rest ? ''megan asked. `` oh, i'll pawn him off to aidan and make sure i get plenty of sleep until miss caroline needs me, '' emma replied, with a sly smile. aidan didn't argue with her. he looked perfectly content to lose sleep if it meant being surrounded by his wife and children. after exchanging a few hugs and kisses, she and pesh headed out into the hallway and let the next group in. as they walked down the hall hand in hand, pesh turned to her and smiled.
`` you know, i never thought i would see the day i would be envious of aidan again . ''`` what do you mean ? ''he heaved a sigh. `` seeing him with his children makes me envious. one day i hope that's you with my child in your arms . ''`` oh, '' she murmured. whether or not they would have children together had never really been discussed. it was almost a given that they would, so it didn't seem necessary to iron out when and how many. she wanted nothing more than to give pesh a baby of his own. he was truly the father mason had never had. `` give me a year, '' she said softly. his brows furrowed in confusion. `` what ? ''`` i'd like one year for us to be together as a married couple before we try to have children . ''`` that only makes me an even older father, '' he protested. `` you'll be fine. you're awfully spry for your old age . ''he laughed. `` i just don't want to be on a walker at his or her high school graduation . ''she smacked his arm playfully.
`` one year is not going to make that much a difference . ''`` fine. you win. we'll wait one year . ''as the elevator doors dinged open, they stepped inside. gazing down at her, pesh said, `` i couldn't have picked a more amazing mother for my future children . ''`` yeah, i got ta agree that you did good, nadeen. real good, '' she teased. he cupped her face in his hands and gave her a lingering kiss that silenced anymore of her comebacks. when he pulled away, she smiled at him. `` keep kissing me like that, and i might decide to wait even longer for a baby. you'll make me want you, your lips, and your dick all to myself for as long as possible . ''`` and here i thought my kisses might get you in the mood for baby-making, '' pesh mused. megan laughed. `` either way, it's a win-win situation. so bring it on, nadeen. bring. it. on . ''chapter twenty-two although her stomach screamed in protest to drop her fork, megan couldn't resist popping in the last bite of delicious crepe into her mouth.
as she chewed, she closed her eyes at the delicious combination of chocolate and strawberries danced along her taste buds. `` good ? ''a voice asked from across the table. her eyelids popped open to take in pesh, her new husband of three days. he wore an amused smile as he held his cappuccino cup in midair. `` orgasmically good, '' she replied. he chuckled. `` i'm glad you're enjoying them . ''`` i'm going to gain ten pounds while we're here, '' she replied. as she dabbed her mouth with her napkin, she sighed with absolute contentment. gazing around the tiny parisian cafe, she fought the urge to pinch herself. was she actually in paris on her honeymoon? when pesh had asked her where she wanted to go, there was only one place. although it was somewhat cliched for a honeymoon destination, she had always wanted to see the city. and because she was marrying a man who loved to spoil her, pesh had booked them for a week's stay at the hotel plaza athenee.
not only had he chosen the hotel for its gorgeous views of the eiffel tower, but it was also where carrie bradshaw stayed when she was in paris. it seems pesh completely understood megan's love for sex and the city. their first day in the city had been spent in their hotel room. a combination of jetlag and lust had kept them na**d and in bed, stopping only for room service and showers. today they had pried themselves away from the room to go sightseeing. `` are you ready to go back to the hotel ? ''pesh asked. `` maybe . ''with a teasing grin, she asked, `` are you tired and want to rest ? ''desire pooled in pesh's dark eyes. `` no, i don't want to rest. i want you to model what you bought this afternoon . ''her gaze left his to go down to the pink and black bag at her feet. part of their sightseeing had turned into shopping, in which she bought some very racy lingerie. although she was enjoying her day out in the city, she was also itching to put on the outfit and get back in bed with pesh.
`` then let's go, '' she said. pesh certainly didn't need any more convincing. digging in his pocket, he took out his wallet and threw a wad of euros on the table. then he popped out of seat like a jack-in-the-box. she had to snatch up her purse and bag to keep up with him before he sprinted out the door and into the sunshine. as she passed the colorful flowers in bloom outside the cafe, they transported her back to her wedding. it had been a perfect, cloudless day when she stood with pesh in the rose garden at her papa's house. to her, he had never looked more handsome than in his black tux that fit his built frame like a second skin. since she was the master of party planning, megan had enlisted emma's help in getting the quickie wedding done. even with newborn caroline to tend to, emma had gone above and beyond any expectations megan had. tears had stung her eyes when she first caught sight of the garden as she, on her father's arm, made her way from the house to the ceremony.
white chairs draped with blue silk bunting lined the garden in rows while a tent had been erected to the side of the makeshift altar. next to the chairs, votive candles lit the way up the aisle that was adorned in multicolored rose petals. emma, casey, and two of her best friends from childhood stood at the altar in their cornflower blue bridesmaid dresses. pesh, along with his brothers and aidan, wore blue vests with their tuxes. a string quartet struck up the bridal march to herald her arrival. she would never, ever forget the feeling of walking up the aisle to pesh. his loving gaze took her in, and she felt like the princess she had always wanted to be on her wedding day. her dress was almost like what a disney princess might wear-a long train, a full ball gown, a bodice encrusted with pearls and sequins, and then a glittering tiara holding her veil in place. the entire world seemed to evaporate when pesh took her hand in his. he was her only focus.
she barely heard the words the priest spoke or the lyrics of the song that emma sang. she just stared at her soon-to-be husband-the man who made her believe in romance and true love. she was so lost in thoughts of her wedding day that she accidentally mowed into a woman. `` excuse me, '' she apologized. the woman scowled at her while cursing at megan in french. well, megan imagined it was cursing since she didn't speak french. `` where is that head of yours ? ''pesh asked, with a smile. `` thinking of our wedding day, '' she replied. his smile grew broader at her response, and in the middle of a crowded street, he stopped to kiss her. while it was somewhat chaste and full of more love than lust, it did hold a promise of what was to come later on. he ended it far sooner than she would like. `` let's hurry, '' he replied. she giggled before breaking into a slight run towards the hotel. he followed her example. by the time they pushed through the revolving doors into the lobby, they were both breathless.
like two mischievous kids, they raced to the elevators. once inside, they wrapped their arms around each other and kissed passionately until the door dinged open. they pulled apart long enough to get down the hall and into their suite. when the door closed behind them, pesh pulled her to him, bestowing a lingering kiss on her lips. as he ravaged her mouth, his tongue darted inside to tease along hers. when she felt his evident desire poking into her stomach, she broke the kiss. at his groan, she shook her head. `` not yet. i have to get dressed . ''`` next time, '' he muttered. pushing out of his arms, she grinned up at him. `` i'll be back in just a second. you get ready . ''`` oh, i'll be ready. that's a promise . ''she laughed and then practically skipped into the bathroom. once she closed and locked the door, she sat the bag down and dug inside. after she decided what to wear, she laid them out on the counter, and then started taking off her clothes. when she was naked, she reached for the lingerie.
the tight bodice was solid black with pink ribbons that wove through making intricate designs. it pushed her br**sts up and over the cups, making her appear to have far more cle**age than she was blessed with. the black and pink panties were lace and practically see through. on her legs, she slid black silk stockings that had pink bows at the tops of her thighs. as she fluffed out her hair, she couldn't help gazing in the mirror. she looked quite the sexpot, which she hoped pleased pesh. well, she knew it would please pesh. the man was ravenous for her, something for which she was very thankful. not quite the polite gentleman she had expected when she first met him, that was for sure. megan opened the bathroom door. across the room, pesh stood gazing out the window, stripped down to his boxer shorts. when she cleared her throat, he jerked his head to stare at her. slowly, she walked out of the bathroom. her eyes stayed on him. a shiver rippled through her as he tracked her every move.
when she finally stood before him, it took less than a second for him to pounce on her. his hands grabbed her by the waist, jerking her flush against him. his mouth bore down on hers in a frantic kiss as he ground his c**k between her legs. breathless, she pulled away to gaze up at him. `` does this mean you like the lingerie ? ''`` oh hell yes, i do. i think we're going to have to go back and get you some more . ''she laughed. `` more shopping? you won't hear me say no to that . ''bending over, pesh brought his arm under her knees and then lifted her up. she felt so light in his arms as he walked her over to the bed and gently deposited her on the mattress. as he loomed over her, her heartbeat sped up in anticipation the sensual delicacies she was about to experience. tugging on the straps of the bodice, he bared her br**sts. his mouth hovered over her nipple, breathing warm air onto the cool tip. it puckered under his attention before his tongue darted out and flicked it.
`` mmm, '' she murmured, her fingers tightening in his hair. making slow circles around her nipple, pesh continued his teasing assault. arching her back, she gripped the strands of his hair tighter, willing him to take her nipple in his whole mouth. finally, he obliged her, sucking the hardened peak into his mouth. while he gave oral attention to one breast, his hand palmed and stroked the other. as the heat and moisture built in her core, megan began sawing her legs back and forth. the friction eased her a little, but she wanted pesh's fingers, tongue, and dick there more than anything. over the fabric of her bodice, he kissed down her stomach. just as he reached the juncture between her legs, he bypassed it and began kissing and licking the exposed skin on her upper thighs. she groaned in protest. he gazed up at her with a teasing smile. `` did you want me to kiss you somewhere else ? ''raising her hips, she replied, `` you know where i want you-where i want all of you . ''`` patience, my love . ''
`` oh really ? ''she muttered. with one quick movement, she was out from underneath him in a flash. surprise filled his face as she flipped him over onto his back and straddled him once again. raking her fingernails down his chest, she stopped just at the waistband of his boxers. as his breath hitched, her hands went to his thighs, scraping a trail up the exposed skin to his dick. his h*ps bucked up, causing her to smile. `` oh, did you want me to touch you somewhere else ? ''with a growl, he gripped her by the ass and forced her onto her knees. he slid down the mattress to where her core was right at his mouth. his tongue flicked out, sliding along the thin scrap of her panties. she gasped as he flattened his tongue and rubbed it over her clit. even through the fabric, it lit her on fire. as he added more pressure, she began to rock her h*ps against his face. closing her eyes, she concentrated on the feel of tongue. when he pulled away, she whimpered. his lips came to kiss along her thighs again.
just as pesh's teeth dug into one of the bows on her stockings, megan's ringtone for mason blared out over her frustrated breaths. pesh protested the interruption with a grunt, but immediately let the stocking fall from his mouth. `` i'm sorry. it's his bedtime call. i have to take it, '' megan said, as she sat up in the bed. `` it's all right, my love. i'm the one with patience, not you, '' he replied, with a smile. she rolled her eyes at him as she grabbed the phone off the nightstand and answered it. `` hey baby, '' she said, trying to catch her breath. `` hi mommy. miss you . ''her heart warmed hearing his tiny voice while an ache filled her chest. `` oh, i miss you too, sweet boy. are you being good for grammy ? ''`` uh-huh. pway with noah today . ''`` did you? did you have fun ? ''`` uh-huh. but caowine cwies . ''megan laughed at his summation of the latest fitzgerald family member. `` i bet she does. she's a little baby, and they do like to cry. you cried a lot when you were that age . ''
`` where daddy ? ''glancing at pesh, megan smiled. `` he's right here. you want to talk to him ? ''`` uh-huh . ''megan handed the phone to pesh. his face lit up as he said, `` hey buddy, how are you ? ''as mason rattled along to pesh, megan couldn't help thinking of how happy mason had been on her wedding day. he had played his part as ring bearer wonderfully. everyone commented on how handsome he was in small tux and how much he looked like her. he was so excited to have a daddy and to be part of a real family. he didn't even seem to mind that they were moving away from his grandparents into pesh's house. of course, pesh had sweetened the moving angst by having a black lab puppy, just like beau, waiting for mason in his new room. he had squealed so loud that megan thought her ear drums were going to burst. `` oh, so beau two pee-peed on grammy's rug, huh ? ''pesh asked, throwing megan an `` oh shit '' look.
while they were away, angie was in charge of both mason and the puppy, who mason had aptly named beau two after his first love, beau. megan could imagine her mother was fit to be tied with her rugs being christened by puppy piss. `` okay, you better go to bed now. mommy and i miss you very, very much. we're bringing you lots of presents home . ''at mason's reply, tears shimmered in pesh's eyes. `` i love you, too, buddy, '' he replied, in a choked voice. `` say goodnight to mommy, '' he replied, thrusting the phone at megan. a sheepish expression came over pesh's face as he ground the moisture from his eyes with his fists. megan took the phone. `` night, night, mommy ! ''mason called. `` night, night, baby. you have sweet dreams, and i'll talk to you tomorrow . ''`` okay. wuv you ! ''she smiled. `` i love you, too . ''after megan hung up, she still cradled the phone to her ear as if by doing that, she was able to have mason a little closer. pesh's hand came to rest on hers.
`` he's something, isn't he ? ''he asked. `` yes, he is, '' she murmured. `` i know it makes me a complete pansy, but every time he tells me he loves, i can't help but cry . ''putting her phone back on the nightstand, megan eased herself over onto pesh's lap. `` don't you ever worry that i think you're a pansy because of what you feel for mason. it makes me love you even more . ''brushing her hand across his cheek, she added, `` a man who isn't afraid of showing his emotions or his vulnerability is very sexy . ''`` you think so ? ''`` mmm, i do . ''he smiled. `` i'm glad to hear you say that . ''`` where were we ? ''glancing down at his crotch, pesh said, `` i think we're starting over from my perspective . ''megan's hand went to cup his now deflated erection. she rubbed him over the boxers before dipping her hand inside to grip him. pesh hissed in a breath. his head fell back against the headboard as she started stroking his growing length.
sliding down his body, she brought her hand to his lap and took him into her mouth. her tongue teasingly flicked across the tip. pesh's hand came to tangle in her hair. she did leisurely strokes up and down his length before bringing him into her mouth. as she began bobbing up and down, pesh's groans echoed through the room. as she cut her gaze up to him, he glanced down at her with hooded eyes. `` so good, baby. so, so good, '' he murmured. when he started tensing up, she let him fall free of her mouth. `` i want you to come inside me, '' she said, as she climbed up his body. rising up on her knees, she brought pesh's hands to the elastic band of her underwear. he tore them off her h*ps and down her thighs. somehow she managed to get them off and toss them to the floor beside the bed. leaving on the bustier, she guided his erection to her core. slowly, she eased down on him, inch by inch. when he was balls deep inside her, she sat back on his thighs.
raising her knees, she placed both her feet flat on the mattress. from this position, she was giving pesh quite the view as she rose on and off of him. as the pressure began building inside her, the more frantic her movements became. harder and harder she bounced, the sound of skin slapping along with grunts and panting echoing through the room. when pesh's fingers came to tease her clit, she came undone, crying out and collapsing onto his chest. he continued raising his h*ps to pump into her until he came a few moments later. brushing the hair out of her face, pesh stared up at megan with a satisfied expression. she brought her lips to his for a gentle kiss. `` i love you, mr. nadeen . ''`` do you ? ''she bobbed her head. `` i love you and your talented fingers and dick, all of who give me wonderful orgasms . ''he barked out a laugh. `` i've married such a naughty girl, haven't i ? ''`` yes, you have . ''`` i wouldn't have you any other way, my love . ''megan smiled as he slid free of her body.
easing her onto her side, pesh spooned up behind her, nuzzling his face in her neck. `` rest now, '' he said, drowsily. `` yes, you need your rest. i'm going to want more of you in a little while . ''his chuckle made her tingle with love and lust. with the feel of his arm wrapped around her, megan let her drooping eyes close and drifted off to a contented sleep. chapter twenty-three as they sat outside the courtroom waiting to be called in, megan adjusted mason's blue and white striped tie for the hundredth time. `` mommy, no, '' he pleaded. she snatched her hands away. `` i'm sorry, sweetheart. i'll leave you alone . ''`` tank you, '' he replied, going back to his game on his tablet. the truth was her nervous hands needed to be doing something. sensing her need, pesh reached over and took her hands in his. `` relax. everything is going to be fine . ''megan wanted to believe him, but she couldn't help feeling anxious. she wouldn't be able to calm down until the ink had dried on the paperwork.
her feet, encased in black heels, tapped anxiously on the floor. the clattering noise echoed around the atrium. as she glanced between pesh and mason, megan had to smile. the two men in her life looked almost identical today in their navy suits and ties. of course mason's was considerably smaller than pesh 's. when the door opened and a clerk poked her head out the door, megan's heartbeat started thrumming faster and faster. `` megan nadeen ? ''she shot off the bench. `` that's us. i mean, i'm megan nadeen . ''the clerk smiled. `` you guys can come in now . ''taking a deep breath, megan reached for mason's hand. `` this is it, baby . ''he grinned and then glanced up at pesh. `` you be my daddy now ? ''pesh smiled. `` yes, i'm going to be your daddy for real now . ''they walked through the massive doors of the courtroom. the judge, in his ominous black robe, gazed down at them from his bench. `` good morning, '' he said, politely. `` g-good morning, '' megan stammered.
`` i understand that we're here today to petition for the adoption of the minor child, mason patrick mckenzie ? ''`` yes, '' megan and pesh replied. `` first, we need to swear you all in, '' the judge said. megan went through the motions of the procedure, trying desperately to calm her nerves. when pesh had first broached the subject of formally adopting mason, she initially had been thrilled and honored. but then she had to worry about whether davis would allow pesh to adopt mason or not. although he still had nothing to do with his son, davis hadn't shown a lot of enthusiasm about the prospect. the closer they got to the adoption hearing, the more megan worried that he would refuse. `` dr. nadeen, i understand that you wish to adopt the minor child of your wife ? ''pesh nodded enthusiastically. `` yes, your honor, i would . ''`` i see that you and your wife have been married less than two months, and that you've only known her a year . ''the judge adjusted his glasses that had slid down his pointy nose.
`` do you think it wise to legally bind yourself to this child after such a short time ? ''megan fought the urge to stalk up to the bench and smack the judge. instead, she took deep breaths and tried to reign in her temper. she glanced over at pesh who merely smiled pleasantly at the judge. `` your honor, i realize that on paper it might seem as though i am rushing into things. however, i've never been more certain of anything in my life as i am about my love for megan and in turn, my love for mason. i've waited a long time to be a father, and i don't want to have to waste another second . ''`` i see . ''the judge eyed the folder open before him. `` i understand the biological father has had no contact with the child . ''`` that's correct, '' megan replied. `` he has also waved his parental rights so that dr. nadeen can adopt his son . ''megan exhaled a relieved breath that davis had signed the paperwork. `` i'm glad to hear that, your honor, '' she said.
`` do you feel that your husband will make a good father for your son ? ''`` i never would have dated, least of all married him, if i didn't believe that pesh would be a good and loving father to mason . ''`` so the fact that he is a wealthy doctor had nothing to do with it ? ''`` how dare you ! ''megan cried. when pesh grabbed her arm to silence her, she slung him away. `` you've known us for two minutes and you're making assumptions about me, my husband, and my marriage? if this were about money, i could have used his father for child support considering he is a wealthy nfl player. but i would have sacrificed everything to ensure that my son had a good father ! ''`` mrs. nadeen, i will ask that you control yourself, or i will have to hold you in contempt, '' the judge said sternly. pesh wrapped his arm around her waist, drawing her against him. `` easy, '' he murmured. although she hated to do it, she said, `` i'm sorry, your honor . ''when he smiled at her, she gasped in surprise.
`` and i am sorry for rattling you, mrs. nadeen. i often say or do unorthodox things to see the true nature of the people who come before me . ''`` you mean, you said that to get a reaction from me ? ''`` yes, i did. and you unwaveringly rose to my challenge. i can see that you are truly concerned with the wellbeing of your son . ''still reeling from the judge's behavior, megan mumbled, `` thank you . ''peering down over the bench, the judge surmised mason. `` son, do you know why you're here today ? ''`` i gettin ' 'dopted, '' mason replied. the judge smiled. `` yes, you are. do you want pesh to be your daddy ? ''`` uh, huh . ''`` do you want anyone else to be your daddy ? ''`` no, '' mason replied quickly, shaking his head back and forth. `` then come up here while i sign the paperwork . ''mason happily ran around the side of the bench to the judge. he climbed up onto the judge's lap. after signing several sets of papers, the judge handed mason his gavel.
`` once you bang that gavel, pesh is officially your daddy, and you are mason nadeen . ''with a broad grin, mason brought the gavel down. tears stung megan's eyes, and she gladly let pesh pull her into his arms. `` thank you, thank you, thank you, '' she murmured. `` i love you, '' he replied, squeezing her tight. `` i love you, too . ''their attention was drawn to where mason kept banging the gavel. the judge chuckled. `` okay, i think that is enough. why don't you go to your mommy and daddy now ? ''`` tell the judge thank you, '' megan instructed. `` tank you, '' mason replied, before he hopped off the judge's lap and came running to them. `` i 'dopted! i 'dopted ! ''pesh bent down to pick him up. `` that's right, buddy. you're my son for now and always . ''megan smiled and patted mason's back as they started out of the courtroom. `` come on. let's go to papa 's. we've got a big party for you there . ''mason's face lit up. `` ice cweam? `` oh yes, there's lots of ice cream just for you . ''
`` yay ! ''he cried. when they drove up at patrick 's, megan did a double take at the sight of an inflatable bouncy castle out on the lawn. john, percy, and georgie were already making good use of it. `` emma, the party planning monster has struck again, '' she mused. pesh chuckled as he got out of the car. he went to get mason while she started into the house. balloons and flowers filled the foyer and living room. over the dining room archway, there was a giant congratulations mason sign. when she got to the kitchen, she sucked in a breath at the sight of all the catering pans. `` emma fitzgerald, what have you done ? ''she questioned. at the sound of megan's voice, emma jumped. clutching her chest, she whirled around. `` okay, so maybe i found a really excellent deal on the bouncy castle. like ridiculously cheap . ''megan crossed her arms over her chest. `` the food? i thought mom and my aunts were cooking . ''holding up one hand, emma replied, `` just williamson brothers bbq. nothing fancy . ''
`` anything else i need to know about? live band or celebrity bursting out of a cake ? ''emma giggled. `` nope. that's it . ''megan watched emma bustle around the kitchen, setting up the plates and cutlery. `` um, is there anything i can do? i mean, i feel pretty shitty considering this is my son's adoption party, '' megan said, with a smile. pink tinged emma's cheeks. `` i'm sorry . ''megan threw her arms around emma and squeezed her tight. `` don't be sorry. you're amazing to do all of this for us . ''emma smiled. `` you're more than welcome. i'm so happy for you and pesh and for mason . ''`` thank you . ''when megan pulled away, emma said, `` oh, there is something you can do. go tell aidan we're about to start. he went to get caroline up from her nap . ''`` sure. i'll be happy to . ''as megan started down the familiar hallway, she stopped outside of aidan's boyhood bedroom. through the crack in the door, she could see him walking around the room, bouncing caroline in his arms.
at the sound of his singing, she had to stifle a laugh. ankle was many things, but a singer wasn't one of them. `` sweet caroline, dum, dum, dum. good times never seemed so good, '' he crooned off-key. when megan pushed open the door, aidan jumped. `` um, hey, '' he said, a flush entering his cheeks. `` i never really pictured you as a neil diamond fan, '' she said, with a smile. `` yeah, well, sweet caroline seems like the right thing to sing to her . ''he cleared his throat. `` what are you doing in here ? ''`` emma wanted me to come get you . ''`` oh, '' he said. in his arms, caroline began to whimper, her little fists flailed. `` shh, it's okay, sweet pea. where was i ? ''`` i've been inclined, '' megan answered him. `` right, '' he said, over caroline's cries. when he picked back up with the song, megan said, `` that's really unfair to torture her like that . ''as aidan scowled at megan, caroline began to quiet. aidan's expression then turned triumphant. `` see? she likes it when i sing to her . ''
`` but you can't sing, '' megan protested. aidan shrugged. `` it doesn't matter to her . ''megan laughed. `` she has a mother with a killer voice, yet she likes to listen to you ? ''flashing his signature cocky grin, aidan replied, `` what can i say? all women love me . ''with a roll of her eyes, megan said, `` give me a break . ''glancing down at caroline, aidan said in a sing-song voice, `` don't you have the sweetest, handsomest, and most wonderful daddy in the whole wide world ? ''caroline cooed at his question and kicked her legs. `` she's a smart girl because she knows how lucky she is . ''`` you're terrible, '' megan said, with a grin. aidan looked from his daughter over to megan. `` you want to hold my most perfect little princess ? ''`` i would love to . ''she held out her arms as aidan passed caroline to her. outfitted in a frilly purple dress and purple bow, caroline looked like she could be modeling baby wear. unlike noah's strawberry blond hair, hers was a deep auburn.
she had also inherited her mother's green eyes. `` i have to agree that you're a lucky girl because you look just like your mother, '' megan said. aidan laughed. `` yeah, she is a little mini-emma, isn't she ? ''`` she is. boy, she's going to give you hell when she's a teenager, '' megan teased. `` i know. trust me, i know . ''as caroline smiled up at her, megan couldn't help sighing. `` you're a bad influence, missy. you make me want to have another baby . ''`` is that a bad thing ? ''aidan asked. `` no, it's just ... '' `` just what ? ''`` i asked pesh to give me a year of marriage before we start trying. i know he's ready right now, but i just want this time with him. you know, just the two of us . ''`` that's understandable . ''`` but holding her ... '' megan shook her head. `` you're just bad for business, miss caroline . ''aidan laughed. `` tell me about it. whenever i hold her or noah, i think how much i'm going to miss it when they're not babies anymore.
it nags at me enough that i think i'll be okay if we have more . ''`` no vasectomy on the horizon ? ''he grinned. `` no yet. still not ruling it out though. and as far as you and more babies, you'll know when the time is right. and if anyone is patient and understanding, it's pesh . ''`` that's true, '' megan murmured. mason appeared in the doorway then. `` 'mon, mommy. want ice cweam ! ''megan laughed. `` okay, let me give your little bad influence back to you, '' she said, handing caroline to aidan. she then took mason's hand and started out of the bedroom. `` daddy says i have ice cweam first . ''`` did he ? ''megan said, as she planned to strangle pesh. `` uh huh. 'cause it's my 'doption day . ''when she met pesh's eye, she raised her brows. immediately, his face flushed. `` spoiling him rotten already, aren't you ? ''she questioned in a low voice. `` i couldn't help it. it's a special day . ''
`` mmm, hmm, and when this special day turns into an all nighter because he's hyped on sugar, you're going to deal with him . ''pesh grinned. `` i will. i promise . ''megan leaned up to kiss him. `` you're too sweet for your own good. you're always going to have me playing bad cop when it comes to discipline . ''`` but you love me anyway, right ? ''he murmured against her lips. `` so much i was almost ready to reconsider our plan about when we're starting a family . ''his eyes bulged at her response. it took him a few moments to speak. `` that means a lot that you would do that, but deep down i know how you really feel. so, i'm going to be good and patiently wait ten more months before confiscating your birth control . ''`` it's a deal, '' she replied, before kissing him again. epilogue as soon as he finished with his last patient, pesh practically sprinted from the exam room. he hustled into the doctors ' lounge, trying hard to keep his head down and not call any attention to himself.
he wanted to be able to get out the door without anyone calling him back for a consult or to pull a longer shift. once he had retrieved his things, he started for the parking lot. `` dr. nadeen ! ''kristi called. inwardly, he groaned. `` yes ? ''he questioned, as he turned around. `` you weren't leaving, were you ? ''she asked. he exhaled a defeated breath. `` i was planning on it. does someone need me to cover for them ? ''kristi winked at him. `` thought you were screwed there for a minute, didn't you ? ''a relieved laugh escaped his lips. `` i did . ''she smiled. `` i have something for megan . ''`` honestly kristi, you didn't need to do anything else for us . ''waving her hand dismissively, she handed a pink gift bag to him. `` i wanted to do this . ''after peeking inside, pesh smiled before he leaned down to hug kristi. `` thank you. i'm sure she'll love it . ''`` you tell her we miss her around here . ''`` i will . ''she patted his back. `` now go on home to your girls . ''
he nodded and then hurried out the door. today had been his first day back after taking both paternity leave and some of his many amassed sick days. as he slid into the seat of his jaguar, he felt a rush of embarrassment at how he had actually gotten teary on the way to work that morning after leaving megan. it had been the longest shift of his entire life. he thought he would never be through so he could get home to her. even now, the usual ten-minute drive home seemed to take an eternity. he anxiously drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. he'd tried not to pester megan with too many calls and texts, but after the tenth, `` how are you guys ? ''text, she'd told him to lighten up and get his head in the game at work. that's why he didn't even bother telling her he was on his way home. as he pulled into the driveway, he noticed emma's suv. he was glad to know that megan hadn't been alone without him. when he pushed through the garage door into the kitchen, emma was at the stove.
`` hello, '' he called pleasantly. whirling around, she gave him a beaming smile. `` hello to you, too . ''`` how are my girls ? ''`` good. they've slept most of the day . ''pesh nodded. noticing how quiet the house was, he asked, `` where's mason ? ''`` patrick came by and got him, along with noah and caroline, a little while ago . ''she cocked her head at pesh and grinned. `` although he swore to me that he wouldn't ruin their dinner, i have a feeling they're having ice cream right now . ''pesh smiled at the mention of his son. although he wasn't mason's biological father, the love he felt for him was just as strong as if he had been a part of his conception. from the moment he'd been able to adopt him, he had felt an even stronger bond than before, especially whenever he saw `` mason nadeen '' written on his pre-school paperwork. more than anything, he relished being a father. he had been forced to wait so long, while desiring it so hard, that it made it all the more sweeter.
because mason adored baseball, pesh had bought season tickets to the braves, rather than the opera. even though pesh had never been athletically inclined, he signed up to help coach mason's little league team as well. every time he heard mason say `` daddy, '' it warmed his heart the same as it did to hear megan say `` i love you . ''pesh eyed the dishes on the stove. `` it's awfully kind of you to come stay with megan on my first day back. but we certainly didn't expect for you to cook . ''`` it's my pleasure. besides, it kills two birds with one stone-i can feed my family and yours. aidan's coming by after work . ''`` good. i'll be glad to see him . ''as his gaze swept toward the living room, emma laughed. `` go on. you don't have to stay here with me. i know you want to see your girls . ''he smiled. `` thank you. i have missed them terribly today . ''after giving emma a quick kiss on the cheek, he made his way into the living room.
at the sight of megan sleeping on the couch next to a frilly pink pack n play, his chest swelled with so much love and pride he felt like it might explode. peeking over the side of the pack n play, he eyed his dark-haired daughters. after waiting so long to become a father, he had been doubly blessed when they found out they were having twins. while aidan liked to claim that his fear of the twin gene in his family had bypassed him, and instead, it had found its way to megan, that wasn't entirely true. his girls were identical twins, which had nothing to do with old wives ' tales. the two of them looked so much alike that megan put different colored socks on them to tell them apart. although it had freaked megan out a little at the prospect of two babies to care for along with mason, pesh was thrilled. every aspect of the pregnancy and birth had been special to him. thankfully, megan had been blessed with great health, although she had been advised to take early maternity leave to stay off her feet.
after her clinicals, she had accepted a job in the er at wellstar, where they sometimes were on similar shifts. the girls arrived only a few weeks short of their due date and were both healthy five pounders. six weeks later, they were thriving and were the greatest joy in his life. sucking relentlessly on her pacifier, maya's wide eyes took in her surroundings. she stretched and flailed her arms. if she wasn't careful, she was going to hit her sister. since sara remained sleeping soundly, pesh bent over and picked maya up. he kissed her cheek before drawing her close to his chest. as he stared into her tiny face, he couldn't help the surge of love that overtook him. for all the years of struggle and heartache he had endured, it was moments like these that made him feel as though he was finally complete. his heart was full, and he was so thankful. once they learned they were having girls, he and megan had decided to give them both indian and irish names to represent their combined heritages.
maya, which meant princess and honorable in indian, was coupled with katherine, to honor emma, whose middle name was katherine. without emma, he and megan never would have met. sara, which meant 'soul ', was given her mother's real name, margaret, as her middle name. at the sound of megan's gentle snores, he smiled. `` did you wear your mommy out today ? ''he asked maya. she opened her tiny mouth like she wished she could respond to him. `` let's wake her up . ''after he swept a strand of megan's long blonde hair out of her face, pesh leaned down to kiss her cheek. she stirred as her eyes fluttered opened. `` hey, '' she said with a lazy smile. `` hello, my love, '' he replied. `` how was your first day back ? ''she asked, as she stretched her arms over her head. he grimaced. `` absolutely miserable without you and the girls . ''megan smiled. `` we missed you, too . ''she jerked her chin up at maya. `` she cried for thirty minutes straight after you left.
i think we have a serious daddy's girl on our hands . ''`` really ? ''he asked, gazing down at maya. he couldn't help the warm glow that spread through his chest at megan's words. at just six weeks old, his girls were already showing distinct and different personalities. maya was inquisitive and fought sleep to be awake to see what all was going on. he'd ended up holding her more than sara simply because maya often exhausted megan by not going to sleep. sara, on the other hand, was already very sweet tempered and a natural snuggler. she probably represented his more laid-back, quiet personality where maya was likely to be a little firecracker, just like her mom. maya stared up at him, her dark eyes peering intently at him. `` did you miss me, my little princess ? ''a fleeting smile appeared on her face. `` oh my god, she smiled at you ! ''megan cried. `` but babies don't respond with smiling until later. it must be gas or something, '' he argued. megan nudged his leg with her knee.
`` she most definitely smiled at you, pesh . ''she rose off the couch to rub maya's cheek. `` you smiled at your daddy, didn't you ? ''without taking her eyes off of pesh, maya flashed another smile and waved her fist. the sight caused tears to sting his eyes. he blinked fast, trying to clear them. he didn't like feeling emotionally weak in front of megan. but he knew he was busted the moment megan murmured, `` oh baby . ''she slid her arm around his waist, leaning up on her tiptoes to burrow her face in his neck. `` do you know how much my love for you grows because you just got teary over your daughter ? ''he glanced down at her in surprise. `` really ? ''`` mmm, hmm . ''she gave him a brief kiss. `` after davis, all i ever wanted was for my children to have a father who loved and adored them . ''she smiled. `` you make that dream come true every day . ''he brought his lips to hers.
his mouth worked frantically to illustrate all that he was feeling inside-the intense love that he felt would burst from him. `` i love you, '' he murmured against her lips. `` i love you, too . ''just as he started to kiss her again, a loud commotion in the kitchen drew them apart. megan rubbed his cheek tenderly before bestowing a kiss on maya's head. she then jerked her chin towards the kitchen, and he followed her. patrick had just burst through the backdoor with all the kids in tow. `` we're back ! ''mason called, as he bobbed around the kitchen. three-year-old noah and his two-year-old sister, caroline, made a beeline for their mother. they began chattering non-stop to emma while their bodies shook with unspent energy. pesh watched with amusement as emma's hand came to her hip and she pointed her stirring spoon at patrick. `` you gave them ice cream, didn't you ? ''patrick shrugged. `` i'm a grandfather. spoiling them is what i'm supposed to do . ''emma rolled her eyes.
`` yeah, and then you bring them home to detox on my watch . ''`` mommy, i hungwy ! ''caroline protested, stomping her foot. with her auburn hair swept back in pigtails and her emerald eyes narrowing in determination, she looked just like her mother. well, her expression was pure aidan. `` caroline fitzgerald, you get one ice cream cone in you, and you start acting like you have no manners. we do not stomp our feet to get what we want . ''she appeared thoughtful for a moment before saying, `` pwease mommy, i vewy hungwy . ''emma grinned. `` go wash up and then have a seat at the table in the dining room . ''`` come on guys, '' mason said. at almost four-and-a-half, he was always the caretaker of his younger cousins. noah and caroline followed him into the half bathroom off the kitchen. cradling maya in his arms, pesh joined emma at the stove. `` something sure smells good . ''`` thank you. it's megan's favorite chicken casserole.
then there's broccoli and cheese casserole, green beans, and some cornbread, extra crispy on the edges just like megan loves it . ''the corners of her mouth turned down in a frown. `` i'm sorry it's not indian food . ''he grinned. `` i would have been very surprised if it had been considering how much you didn't appreciate it many years ago . ''patrick nodded in agreement. `` that's quite a spread you've fixed for us . ''emma smiled. `` i was happy to do it . ''`` are you feeling all right ? ''pesh asked, motioning to her expanding belly. emma patted her bump lovingly before responding. `` i think i've felt the best this pregnancy out of all the others. you would think with a three and two-year-old, i would be exhausted all the time, but it's amazing how good i've felt . ''patrick gave a beaming smile. `` i can't tell you how thrilled i am to be having yet another grandson to carry on the family name . ''with a wink, he added, `` not to mention the fact he's been given fine irish names . ''
aidan and emma had found out the sex of their third, and final child, the week before. they had decided on the name connor liam, which was a double representation of irish names. while emma's best friend, connor, was thrilled at the namesake, he also wanted them to call the baby connor as well. in the end, it would be liam fitzgerald joining the rest of the crew in four and a half months. `` and is aidan still feeling okay ? ''pesh asked. emma opened her mouth to answer him, but aidan chose that moment to walk in the door. `` me and my soon to be non-swimmers are just fine, '' he replied, with a grin. a week before he had gone under the laser for a vasectomy. while caroline had been a surprise, liam had not. with emma nearing thirty-four, they thought it best to finish out their family while they were still young. and while emma was pregnant and there were no worries about conception, aidan thought it was the best time to get his vasectomy and let it take effect. `` daddy ! ''
caroline squealed, as she came bounding around the corner. aidan's grin grew wider as he took his daughter in his arms. `` hi sweet pea . ''she kissed both of his cheeks before she started wiggling, wanting down. noah ran to him next, and he got to hold his son a little longer as noah told him all about his day helping out with the babies. a cry from the living room snapped pesh's attention away from aidan and emma. megan was bending over the pack n play, picking up sara. `` aw, what's wrong, sweetheart ? ''she cooed, as she took sara into her arms. as megan rocked her back and forth, sara continued wailing, which caused maya's face to crumple up as well. `` you must be hungry . ''`` i'll get their bottles, '' pesh called, over the twin's loud cries. `` thank you . ''as emma worked to gather the kids, along with patrick and aidan, around the dining room table, pesh got busy heating up the formula. once he had the two bottles fixed, he grabbed them and then went to the dining room.
megan was already seated with mason trying to entertain sara to stop crying her crying. he passed a bottle to megan before sitting down himself. he'd barely gotten the bottle in her mouth before maya started sucking greedily at the formula. as aidan reached to start spooning some chicken casserole onto his plate, patrick shot him a disapproving look. with a sigh, aidan dropped the serving spoon. `` you gon na say grace even though it's not your house, pop ? ''`` why yes, i am. it's good for all these children to learn, '' he replied, motioning to noah and caroline who sat between their parents, and then over to mason. `` it should be up to pesh and megan whether it's said or not, '' aidan grumbled. pesh held up his free hand that wasn't holding maya. `` it's fine. truly, i don't mind . ''aidan mouthed `` suck up '' at him before grinning. pesh merely shook his head at aidan's antics. `` then let's return thanks, '' patrick said. with maya still taking long pulls at her bottle, pesh bowed his head.
as patrick recited the blessing, pesh couldn't help feeling so very blessed himself. three years ago, the dining room would have been empty. most likely, he would have been grabbing something on the way home or finishing some leftover takeout. but now, he had a beautiful, loving wife by his side-one he fell a little more in love with each and every day. across from him, he had a son who was strong and healthy. in his arms and his wife 's, he had two daughters who he couldn't wait to see what the future held for them. he also had the love and support of good friends and family. at the end of the day, true love in its many forms was all you could really hope for and cling to. chapter 1 that's it. i'm spanking her ass as soon as we get back to the house, right before i f**k her little ass into submission. i watched with the other couple hundred thousand spectators as she gyrated her ass and flaunted what belonged to me for all to see.
yes, i know it's her job as the newest and hottest pop sensation on the scene today, but we talked about this shit. i have no problem with her performing, but there's such a thing as going too far. she'd come out on the stage dressed conservatively enough in the floor length dress with the split up the middle to her crotch. even that was a bit risque for my taste, but i couldn't expect her to change everything overnight. what i didn't expect, and what was now driving me insane, is the two piece bikini number she was now wearing after dropping the dress, or more to the point, after one of the male dancers had undressed her on stage. no one sitting near me could tell that i was seething with rage. i kept my face at ease and my slouch in the chair in the front row of the awards show was that of a man with nothing on his mind but enjoying the show. by now everyone knew we were an item, the thirty-five year old business mogul, and the twenty -three year old pop sensation.
we'd been able to keep our affair hidden for all of two months and that only because of my high security. but now the cat was out of the bag and everyone was in our f**king business. i wasn't too worried about it, i just don't like my personal life splashed across the headlines, but i guess it came with the territory. i'd seen her for the first time three months ago. it was at a lingerie show of all things. not my usual milieu, but my sister had dragged me along since her husband was away on business, and she didn't want to go it alone. i'd sat there prepared to be bored out of my mind for the next two hours or so. i've seen and had my fair share of models over the years, and they no longer appealed. so imagine my surprise when she came on stage. i had no idea who she was, but from the crowd's reaction she was someone of note ; before she even opened her mouth to sing the place had gone insane. it was her voice that caught my attention first, sultry and hot, with an old world flavor to it.
when i finally looked up at the stage, my breath had got caught in my lungs. she was f**king magnificent. i wondered how many of the men in the audience were focused on her instead of the scantily clad models as they made their way down the runway. i know i spent the next three minutes or however long the song was, totally captivated by her. i pulled my phone and cancelled my dinner date and essentially ended the six-month relationship i'd been barely having with another woman. i'm a man of action, i've learned in the cutthroat world of high finance that there's no other way to be. when i see something that i want, i go after it. consequences be damned. they had her name highlighted behind her on the stage so i used my phone to google her. i needed to find out what moves i had to make to acquire her. if she were married, i'd step back. that's not my style. anything else, she was fair game.
shiane ; she was twenty-three years old and had been heating up the charts for the last two with hit after hit since her debut. she'd only been linked with one guy in the past two years. some on again, off again deal with a kid who was not much older than she. they were having an off period ; perfect. if i had anything to say about that, it would be a permanent thing, or until i'd had my fill at least. i'm not one for long relationships. i stay as long as they run their course and leave when they've grown stale. i have yet to find a woman who could hold my interest for more than a few months at a time. and i always let them know up front what the deal is. though it seemed women were always saying they were fine with it until the end came. like cynthia, that night when i'd called to tell her it was over. it wasn't the most conventional way to do things. usually, i sent over one of tiffany's little blue boxes to ease the blow, but there was no time, so i'd have to do it the next day.
she started to get upset on the phone and i had to remind her of the words i'd spoken on our first date. she wasn't too happy, but it will have to suffice. as much of a bastard as i am, the thought of pursuing one woman while embroiled with another, just didn't suit me. after the phone call, i'd sat there and watched the anorexic looking clothe-horses as they pranced up and down the stage. there was still a buzz about the hot little starlet who'd just left the stage, and i smiled quietly to myself when i heard some ass behind me tell his friends that he was going to make his move. the program said she had one more performance near the end of the show, so i sat patiently and waited. when she came out the second time, i actually sat up in my seat. my back wasn't the only thing that went ramrod straight. though i didn't appreciate the comments from the other men around me that night, i had to admit that she was f**king hot, as one of them had claimed.
she was dressed pretty much like one of the models ; only she'd covered the panty and bra set with a see-through silk robe that didn't leave much to the imagination. she outshone everyone there and it helped that she actually had a body. she was all smooth curves, and her legs, i could already imagine being held between them as i f**ked her. whether by providence, or fate, whatever you wan na call it, our eyes met, and in that split second i saw all i needed to know. i don't think anyone else caught the faltering misstep in her routine, or heard the catch in her voice, but so in tuned was i, that i didn't miss a thing. chapter 2 i waited until her number was over and the last call for the models came through the pa. then i made my excuses to my sister, who thankfully, was involved in a conversation with the woman on her other side so wasn't paying too much attention, and therefore wasn't in my business. `` i'll be right back sis, there's something i need to take care of.
i made my way backstage the way i do most things ; like i owned the place. bypassing scantily clad women and harassed assistants, i avoided their hungry gazes as i kept my gaze peeled for that waterfall of cascading curls. she was off to the side surrounded by a bevy of people who were trying to hustle her through a door to the back. i made my way towards them and grabbed her elbow. she looked back and up and in her eyes i saw acceptance. she turned to the pushy woman next to her and whispered something before following me. she didn't really have a choice as i had no intentions on releasing my hold on her. as soon as i found an empty room, which turned out to be some sort of storage space, i did something i don't recall having ever done before, but had been dying to for that last hour or so. crowding her back against the door to keep it closed, i held her eyes as i lowered my head to hers. licking across her lips, i found the taste of strawberries suddenly intoxicating.
i pushed one leg between hers and pulled her body in close as i fed her my tongue. `` fuck you're sweet . ''i nibbled from her lips to her ear. `` you're coming home with me . ''`` i can't i ... '' i buried my hands in her hair, pulling her head back. `` whatever it is that you're about to say won't make a difference. feel this . ''i pressed her hand against her own racing heart. `` now feel this . ''lifting her i pushed my c**k into the junction of her thighs where i could feel her hot pu**y through the silk of her clothing. `` do you feel that? that means that no one and nothing is going to stand in the way of me having you. we don't have to f**k tonight, but you're sleeping in my bed . ''she seemed overwhelmed by my approach and rested her head against my chest. i took the opportunity to call my sister and make my excuses. `` sis, i'm sending a car for you, something came up and i have to leave . ''
we said our goodbyes and i called my driver who was having an evening off since i'd driven my sister here tonight. he had no problem with the last minute call since he knew he'd be handsomely compensated for the inconvenience. `` let's get out of here . ''i don't know how we escaped the glare of flashing cameras that night, but somehow we did. i'd covered her scantily clad body with my suit jacket and held her under my arm as we made our way to the valet parking where they'd brought my bugatti around in less then five minutes. i held her hand all the way to my home in the car. there were no words spoken between us in the ten minutes or so it had taken for us to get there. i could feel the racing of her pulse and see the apprehension in her eyes. when i helped her out of the car in the underground garage, i pressed her up against the door and swallowed her tongue again. she was young and fresh and so f**king sweet she made me ache.
i loved the way she rubbed herself against my cock, almost as if she couldn't help herself. `` i'm going to enjoy having you under me shiane . ''i took her hand and led her into the building, bypassing the bank of elevators to my own personal lift in the corner. she kept her head down, maybe because she didn't want to be recognized by the doorman and security, or maybe because she was shy, i was inclined to believe it was the latter. once we got to my penthouse, she seemed shy and unsure of herself. i'm not one to buy into preconceived notions. there's been plenty written about me in the tabloids over the years that bears no resemblance to the truth, and though i hadn't come across anything inflammatory about her in my little impromptu search, i was sure she dealt with her fair share of bullshit. i also had to take into consideration her age. she was young yet, for all that she was world travelled and famous, sometimes those things could hide a multitude of things.
like the fact that her shyness and hesitance was not contrived. my first order of business was to put her at ease. walking over to where she stood in front of the door as if ready to escape at a moment's notice, i took my jacket from around her shoulders. i kept my eyes on her bent head until i threw the jacket in the general direction of the chair in the corner. then lifting her chin with the tip of my finger, i looked into her eyes. `` you have nothing to fear here ; it's like i said, we don't have to f**k each other tonight. i can maybe hold off until tomorrow, but i want you in my bed, in my arms. what i saw tonight, i would be a fool to waste any time . ''`` um, what's your name ? ''i threw my head back and laughed uproariously. i'm such a beast. i hadn't even introduced myself. it's a wonder she hadn't run away screaming bloody murder. `` i'm trace mckenzie . ''her eyes widened a bit at my name and led me to my next question. `` you know my name ? ''
`` everybody knows who you are, don't they ? ''`` i don't know about everyone, but maybe a good few do. can i get you something to drink? what do you usually do after a performance, which was magnificent by the way . ''`` i usually have warmed lemon and honey with a glass of water. it helps keep my throat soothed, but i don't expect you to have that stuff here, so it's okay . ''she bit her lip and looked down at her feet even more shy now. very endearing. i walked over to the in house phone and called down to have them go pick me up what she needed from the all-night market a few blocks over. `` that's taken care of. it should be here in a few. why don't we go out onto the patio and relax until they get here ? ''i took her elbow and led her outside where the stars were putting on a show in the night sky. i was amazed at my control, everything in me wanted in her now. but somehow, i knew this, whatever it was between us wouldn't be rushed. i quirked my brow at my thoughts.
i'm not one for patience and i'd be the first to admit it. she moved to sit in the chair next to mine, but i had other ideas. pulling her down into my lap, i didn't give her time to protest before my lips were covering hers again. i couldn't seem to get enough of her taste. she was wearing the same silk robe and underwear she'd worn on stage and her body's heat seared me. by the time the bell chimed announcing the arrival of her delivery, my hands were buried in her beautiful hair and my c**k was digging into her hip. i sat her in the seat a little dazed and went to answer the door. in the kitchen i prepared the concoction for her and had a weird sense that i was going to be doing that a lot in the future. that's something else i never pay too much attention to, the future. i usually let the chips fall where they may. `` here love, i hope it's the way you like it . ''she took the tumbler from me and sipped. `` umm, perfect thanks trace . ''
i hunkered down in front of her and she stopped with the glass halfway to her lips. i held her eyes as i tried to form the words in my head. `` do you have any upcoming engagements planned ? ''`` i have three weeks until my next show, i don't go on tour for another couple of months and i just wrapped up in the studio a few days ago . ''`` then the next three weeks are mine. let's go to bed tomorrow is going to be a long day . ''i took the empty glass from her and led her inside. she was back to being nervous which was totally understandable. `` the bedroom's through there with an en suite bath if you'd like. i'll find you something to sleep in . ''she walked on in the direction i'd pointed out while i turned for the kitchen. when i made it back to the bedroom she was in the shower. it took everything i had in me not to go after her. the night sure was turning into one for the books. i've never brought a woman home for the sole purpose of just having here there.
she came out fifteen minutes later and i fought the kick in my heart. she looked like a teenager with her hair brushed out around her shoulders and her face bare of makeup. i walked over and unwrapped the towel she had clutched in her fist. `` fuck me, it's gon na be a long f**king night . ''she was perfection. her tits, which for some reason had been hidden in the robe were magnificent, i would say a dd or close, with pale pink ni**les that almost blended into the rest of her flesh. her waist was tiny, i could easily span it with my hands and her hips had a nice flare to them. all woman and now all mine. it was topped off with a homegrown beauty that you never see these days. pink flesh with a hint of a tan on her cheeks, and the cutest sprinkling of freckles across her perfectly upturned nose. `` i see you're a real blonde . ''her whole body lit up with her blush at my mention of the strip of hair over her pu**y mound.
i kissed the top of her head as i passed her the tee shirt i'd chosen for her to sleep in. another first, i usually avoided too much familiarity with the women i dealt with. having her sleep in my favorite old college shirt was very telling in deed, but we'll see how this plays out. `` i'll be right out sweetie, you can watch tv until i'm done or if you're tired go to sleep . ''i left her standing there and went to my own shower before i went back on my word and threw her to the ground and f**ked her the way i imagined. i barely avoided rubbing one out in the shower ; just let the water beat down on me as cold as i could stand it, cooling me down a little. when my felt the slight ping in my heart i held my hands out to wall and hung my head as the water cascaded down on me. i knew what was happening to me, knew it down to my bones, should i fight it or let it take its natural course?
i'd never felt threatened before, in all my years of playing the filed, there was never a time when my bachelorhood was in danger. it was too early yet, or at least that was the crutch i held onto as i turned the water off and stepped out of the marble shower stall. wrapping a towel around my hips and grabbing another i walked into the bedroom to find her asleep. my new baby was tired. i stood over her, taking in the softness of her beauty in sleep. i wonder how many people had ever seen this side of her. i had a brief stab of jealousy at the thought of the boy she'd been linked with. i ran my fingers gently through her hair, going softly so i didn't awaken her. i shook my head at myself after i leaned over and kissed her hair. `` so f**king beautiful . ''i whispered the words in her ear before heading to the closet for some boxer shorts. no sleeping in the buff tonight, i'd changed the game plan somewhere between seeing her on that stage and handing her that tee shirt.
i was treading unchartered waters here, so we'll play it by ear, but there's always been one constant with me throughout my lifetime. i always play to win. i couldn't help drawing her into my arms when i finally crawled into bed. she just cuddled into my chest and settled, just like this kitten i once had as a child. what the f**k? i haven't thought of my f**ked up childhood or anything to do with it in a long time. i looked down at the head on my chest and felt fear for the first time in my life, or at least for the first time in forever. what was i to do with this new thing that was growing inside of me? i have no notion of how to deal with love and all its trappings. i'm man enough to own my feelings, but logical enough, grounded enough not to believe in love at first sight. but this whatever it was that had hit me from out of left field, was a close second. i fell asleep with the thought of what tomorrow might bring for us.
first time in thirteen years, that i didn't close my eyes with a spreadsheet running through my head. chapter 3 in the morning my eyes popped open to land on hers as she looked up at me from her place on my chest. `` morning beautiful girl . ''i drew her in for a cuddle and to sniff the morning scent of her skin. she felt right in my arms, in my bed. when i pulled back she was looking at me askance. `` this is so weird, i hope you don't think i'm in the habit of going home with strange men ... '' `` whatever you did or did not do before we met last night is in the past. besides, i don't remember giving you much of a choice . ''`` i'm gon na kiss you now sweet shiane, don't worry about my hard cock, it can't seem to help doing that around you . ''i turned her onto her back and covered her body with mine. starting at her ear i kissed my way down her jawline to the corner of her mouth before taking soft nibbles of her lips.
i didn't force my way in this time, but made her want my tongue so much that she was the one who came in search of it. she was the one who took my face in her hands and forced my lips open with her tongue. i told myself to go easy even as i pressed my aching c**k into her heat. her shirt had ridden up so that all that stood between us were a few scraps of silk. my control lasted for all of ten seconds before i was eating at her lips, my hands roaming all over her body. `` fuck, f**k, f**k ... shiane . ''i buried my face in her neck and prayed for the strength to leave it there, not to push her panties aside and slip into her heat that i knew was going to own my ass. when she nuzzled my head and squeezed me between her legs, i knew the jig was up. `` baby we got ta get up ; i'm trying to keep my word here but you're not making it easy . ''i sucked the skin of her neck between my teeth and rocked my c**k back and forth into her, my c**k ring hitting her clit with each stroke and driving me insane.
she hissed and shook beneath me. `` fuck baby don't do that . ''i gritted my teeth and rolled away with my arm thrown over my eyes. `` fuck! get off the bed baby ... please . ''she hesitated for a minute before i felt her leave the bed. this was not f**king happening to me. how the f**k was this happening to me? when i felt my breathing calm enough and my dick was down to a slow throb instead of a raging pulse, i lifted my hand and looked at her. she looked so f**king young and innocent standing there, unsure of the crazy man who'd dragged her off to his lair in the middle of the night and was now acting like an ass. `` i'm sorry baby if you'd stayed here one second more i would've f**ked you. since i kinda gave my word i don't want to go back on it. that's no way to start thins off. it's saturday morning, you said you don't really have anything pressing on the calendar so i'll tell you what we're gon na do . ''
`` i'm pretty sure if we went anywhere in this city you'd be recognized in five minutes flat am i right ? ''`` yeah pretty much . ''`` and you didn't bring any clothes with you obviously, so going out to breakfast was pretty much out anyway, for now at least. so ... i'm gon na go downstairs and make us some breakfast sounds good ? ''`` yeah, okay . ''i studied her as she stood there with her hair all mussed from my fingers, my mark forming on her neck and the shirt hanging off her shoulder. it was the sexiest f**king thing i'd ever seen. `` i changed my mind come 'ere . ''she made a running leap for the bed and landed on top of me, causing my eyes to open in surprise. the smile that broke out across my face was another shared first as i pulled her head down and clasping her there, took her lips in another wild kiss. she kissed like an innocent and i found it thrilling to teach her my showing her how to chase my tongue with hers.
my c**k was leaking profusely at this point as i enjoyed running my tongue around the inside of her mouth, over her teeth, and lips before diving back in. it was a long time since i'd dry humped anyone, but f**k if that isn't what i found myself doing. with one hand clasped behind her head and the other holding her ass in place, i moved her body over mine, while my c**k started leaking even more into my shorts. i wanted to turn her over onto her back and just take her, but i didn't. instead i pressed her cunt harder into my aching c**k and ground our pelvises together. she moaned into my mouth and quivered as i felt the first burst of cum leave my spewing cock. we laid still until our breathing went back to normal. `` i think a shower is in order don't you ? ''i sat up with her still in my lap and rolled out of bed, headed for the shower. shiane i can't believe i'm doing this.
nothing like this has ever happened to me before, but when i'd looked into his eyes last night while on stage, there was something there that called to me, what that was i still wasn't sure, but somehow i knew i would be a fool to let it pass. i would've gone on as usual if he hadn't approached me, i'm not bold enough to have sought him out. but now that i was here i wasn't sure of my moves. i've only ever been with one guy, someone i met when i first started my music career. i'd saved myself all through high school, holding out for that special someone. and then after i'd been discovered, i'd been too busy in the studio and with other engagements to think about a relationship. i've never been into the casual scene, so when i met donnie, i'd thought i'd found my soul mate. someone i could spend my life with. that was before i'd overheard him making plans to hook up with someone else. that day was the lowest point of my life.
when i'd confronted him after coming out of the bathroom unexpectedly and overheard him, he'd grown angry. angry enough to hit me for questioning him ; then he'd filled me in on the truth. he'd only been with me because it was good for his career. he thought that being linked to the hottest new number on the music scene would open doors for him, which it did. he called me a stupid little farm girl with rose-colored glasses. as he put it, everyone was doing it ; it was known part of the business. people f**ked one another to get ahead. when i'd stupidly told him i thought we would get married like we'd talked about he'd laughed in my face. it was then that my love had started to die. it didn't die completely until news of our split got out and i learned that this wasn't the first time he'd cheated, and that everyone thought i knew. apparently they thought i was doing the same. i was never so humiliated in my life, all our friends, if you can call them that ; had known.
i'd slipped out of the spotlight for a while until my management told me i had to appear with the snake for publicity sake because of prior agreements and the album we'd collaborated on together. so for a few months the world thought we were an item again. it was hard, especially when he cornered me one day after rehearsal and said we could just pick up where we left off, i was an okay f**k after all. i didn't even know this person. all i could do was walk away in disgust. since then he'd called me a few times, he knew i wasn't seeing anyone and since he'd been my first somehow this little farm girl should just overlook his infidelity and turn a blind eye, because according to him i was never going to find better, because everybody in the business cheats. now here i am, not even a month later doing something i never thought in a million years i would ever do. when i opened my eyes this morning and saw him there, his face relaxed in sleep, so perfectly handsome.
the first thing that caught my attention was the tattoos on his chest and arms. the business suit sure hadn't prepared me for that, or for what i was sure was a piercing in his cock. of course i knew who he was, everyone did, the self-made billionaire who'd come from nothing. his story was told far and wide in all circles. a male cinderella story if you will. from what i remember his parents had been poor, from some place in the midwest. he'd boxed in high school and gained a scholarship to an ivy league university where he'd continued his boxing career but had focused more on his studies. then he'd invented some game software and used the money from that to start his own securities firm. they called him the wonder kid of wall street. though kid wasn't exactly accurate. he put me down in the bathroom long enough to start the shower before he turned back to me and lifted the worn tee shirt over my head.
i was embarrassed as he pulled my panties down my thighs and when i stepped out of them and he picked them up and brought them up to his face, i thought my body would go up in flames. his eyes held mine as he lowered them and then he was pulling me back into that hard chest of his again and our mouths mated. he dropped his shorts while our tongues were playing tag and turned me towards the huge marble stall. no words were spoken as he soaped up his hands and washed by body. his hands glided over me, slowly, taking his time as he touched my body, as though he were paying homage. `` i love your body baby, so f**king much . ''he seemed hypnotized with by my chest, which until the look in his eyes, had always been a source of embarrassment for me. they were just too ... everything. but that way he touched them made me feel beautiful. `` get up here . ''he picked me up so that my legs went around his waist and his mouth covered mine once more as my now slippery body slid all over his chest.
i feel the hardness of his c**k pressing into my ass up to the small of my back. i had a moment's pause at the length of him. there was no way that thing would ever fit inside me. `` we have to stop baby . ''he took a few more nibbles of my lips before letting me slip down his body. we finished our shower after he'd passed me the soap to return the favor. my heart all but flew out of my chest as i ran my hands over his beautiful chest. my face heated up as i leaned over and kissed his chest and i felt a sense of power when his body shook. he turned off the water and led me out of the shower. grabbing a towel he dried me before going to a door in the bathroom that led to a closet of sorts. he came back with a long silk robe that obviously belonged to him, and one for himself. downstairs in the kitchen he kissed me once more before seating me on a stool at the island and turning to the fridge. `` an omelet okay princess ? ''`` yes, sounds great . ''
princess, how did he know that i've always wanted someone to call me that? he couldn't have, so that was just another sign that there was something going on here that went beyond the obvious. he plated the omelets and sat down across from me after pouring us both cups of coffee from his state of the art coffee maker. i studied the kitchen for something to so instead of staring at his chest that was exposed by the gap in his robe. i could stare at it all, or his beautiful face with those cerulean blue eyes that seemed to darken whenever he looked at me. `` today is saturday, monday morning we're going to my private doctor to have tests done. not that i think you're unsafe, this is for both of us. when i take you there will be nothing between us and i want you to be comfortable with the fact that i'm clean as well . ''`` i see from the gossip rags that you've only had one serious relationship since you came onto the music scene, tell me about that . ''
i laid my fork down and folded my arms around my middle. `` what do you want to know ? ''`` everything . ''it almost sounded like a growl. i kept my head down ; surely this was a bit personal for two people who'd only just met ; more personal than cumming all over him and he you you ninny? i blushed at the memory and felt my body shudder. i almost jumped out of my skin when his finger lifted my chin. `` now's not the time to think about what i can and will do to you sweetie, we need to clear some things up first ; eat your breakfast . ''i told him about meeting donnie, about my childhood in the southwest and the life i'd left behind to follow my dream of becoming a singer, the years of hard work before the payoff. the supportive family who was still very much a part of my life and whom i stayed in contact with by weekly phone calls and skype chats. of course i left out the most embarrassing details of my messy break-up with donnie.
no one outside our circle knew the real reason behind the break, but i knew it was only a matter of time before that was no longer a secret. but somehow i couldn't find it in me to tell this virile man who looked at me like i was the hottest sex object on the planet, that i had been such an abject failure ; or that i had been such a gullible, green fool. `` did you love him ? ''i looked up at him then, there was something in his voice, something i couldn't quite place but it sounded menacing somehow. i swallowed hard before i answered him. `` i thought i did, but now i'm not sure what i was feeling. maybe i was caught up in the excitement of my new life and he was the first interesting guy to ever pay me any attention, or the first one that i noticed anyway . ''`` do you two still stay in touch ? ''`` no, only if we're working on one of our songs or something that calls for us to work together in a professional capacity . ''`` and how often does that happen ? ''`` we just did an album together.
it was finished just before we broke up. we might have to perform the songs together at awards shows and things like that in the future, i'm not sure of anything right now though . ''`` that's something we'll have to deal with, something you should know before we go any farther. i'm a very territorial about my possessions. i don't share shiane, not ever . ''`` i find myself in new territory here though, because i've never cared about a woman's past before, never cared how many partners she had before me. with you i find that i hate this boy for having had you. it's silly i know, since you know of me, then you know that i've not been a monk myself. i don't know why i should feel this way, it just is . ''i didn't say anything to that, what was there to say? like he said i'd read of his exploits along with the rest of america. he was a known lady's man. not necessarily a skirt chaser, it seems they were usually the ones doing the chasing.
none of his encounters if i remember correctly had ever lasted more than a few months at the most. is that what he was after now? because if it was, as much as i felt that strong pull for him, i don't think i was ready for a fling. something of my inner thoughts must've shown on my face because he brought my attention back to him with his next words. `` stop worrying, like i told you, whatever was in the past is just that, the past . ''could i ask him outright what his intentions were, or would he find the question gauche and immature? that as something else donnie had accused me of. he'd said that my ideals were old and outdated. apparently it was against the new social norm to actually want to have a meaningful relationship that lasted longer than the time it took to scratch an itch. `` you said there were some things that we needed to clear up before we went any farther, well i think you should know i'm not into casual flings, i ... '' `` i think i got that princess . ''
he didn't say anything else for the longest while, just studied me over his coffee mug. `` i don't know where this is going, not exactly, but i do know there isn't going to be anything casual about it. chapter 4 trace i didn't take her home until later that evening. i'd turned her phone off at about noon after it had rung for the tenth time in half an hour. i had her send off a quick text to her assistant so that they knew she was alive and that was it. she seemed a bit panicked at first and i knew the feeling, since i'd once been synced with my phone and any form of communication, until i'd learned to compartmentalize. we spent the time getting to know each other, when i wasn't kissing her. i didn't risk getting too hot and heavy with her again, because i didn't trust myself to stop. when i take her i want to feel her pu**y around my cock. i have never in my life f**ked a woman without some kind of protection and definitely not without a condom.
i didn't look too deeply at my reasons for wanting to do it with her. all i know is that the memory of her on that stage the night before, the jolt that had gone through me when our eyes connected, was something that i wasn't willing to brush aside. i've spent my life following my gut and hunches that others had scoffed at, only to come out on top. this just might be the biggest f**king hunch i ever play in my life. if the beautiful girl that was sitting on my lap in my living room, dressed only in one of my robes, knew the thoughts that were going through my head i'm not sure she wouldn't have been looking for the nearest exit. everything about her called to something in me, something i hadn't known was there. by the time i took her home to her apartment on the other side of the park i was second guessing myself. outside her apartment i looked for a parking spot. `` you don't have to walk me up you know, i'm perfectly safe here . ''