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0 | Insane. People are so mindlessly dedicated to their party they will look at havoc and injustice and blame it one being run by democrats. How can you look at 7 people shot and the death of an innocent woman and see nothing other than an excuse to blame your opposing party) | 2,135 |
0 | @Jim_Jordan Freedom to die | 3,937 |
1 | @GOP @realDonaldTrump @LaraLeaTrump We will never forget seeing Trump gas and shoot his own people for a photo op. NEVER.#VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare2020 | 35 |
0 | @realDonaldTrump Oh please you are the worst excuse of a human on the face of the Earth just shut up and go away | 6,720 |
0 | @GovMikeDeWine Maybe shut them down headass | 7,878 |
1 | Trying to figure out how to break it to the 2008 version of me that a dozen years later he will be firmly Team Swift and that Kanye will be dead to him. It's a tricky situation | 545 |
0 | @SenTedCruz @txcelat @RussVought45 he has his work cut out for him. | 6,689 |
0 | @irishrygirl lol ... united #democrats RUN the kill zones | 4,912 |
1 | @marklevinshow Trump takes the high road and endorsed Romney’s Senate bid only for this out of touch RINO to stab him in the back every chance he gets. | 5,126 |
1 | @itsJeffTiedrich @realDonaldTrump HEY HEY DONNIE J. HOW MANY AMERICANS DID YOU KILL TODAY?????? | 3,043 |
1 | Twitter is going to be known for killing itself. | 116 |
1 | @realDonaldTrump Mr. President. Obama and democrats interfered with foreign countries to instigate democratic change. Instead, they produced riots and death. Its happening at home now. Look familiar? | 1,544 |
1 | Id rather shoot myself than vote for biden and harris | 8,486 |
1 | Vote for @ShannonFreshour to kick @Jim_Jordan to the curb! | 3,830 |
1 | @Bernie2O2O @sharniqua_jones @GrellJustin @ElijahSchaffer 2 asians, a black guy and a white guy all detaining and kneeling on a black man's neck: Start riots across the country. A gang of violent rioters beating and stoning a man: totally justified. Liberals in 2020 | 1,949 |
1 | @realDonaldTrump is lying when he says “MAGA loves black people”. Protesters at the WH have been threatened with violence. #Trump is looking for an excuse to kill POC. Be careful out there!#BLACK_LIVES_MATTER | 252 |
1 | @cmccbyfaith @fed_upwithobama @PaulConservativ @Dunroamin4ever @chiccabear26 @MikeMcdee4 @Robert4LMAD @RickPhi1 @__Kimberly1 @Kimbraov1 @MAGAzine2020 @KatherineWendt @RedNhappy @romrider3 @1lucyhannah @211Pine @GordonTrema @JHTX77 @MichaelPaulhei2 Why do we tolerate Democrats condoning these attacks?DemfallKill the Party! | 4,101 |
0 | sleeper trump supporters kill me. | 8,282 |
1 | @gueznate @mikebravodude For my next act, I'll have... the left... destroy.... @CNN'S HEADQUARTERS!!! - @realDonaldTrump | 1,961 |
1 | @RedWingGrips @PaulaJanL Pelosi just said on tv “We can never let a good distraction pass us by” this is Soros funded Antifa to destroy America’s Infrastructure. Then you have Democratic governors that kill seniors in nursing homes and full term babies. SAVE AMERICA VOTE THESE CRIMINALS OUT !! TRUMP 2020 | 972 |
0 | @mdnij34 Fire the entire Trump Cabinet, starting with AG Barr. | 5,636 |
1 | @Jim_Jordan Hey Jim! You left one off!Democrats won't let you:-Kill others with your stupidity. | 5,831 |
0 | @ETheFriend @GenFlynn @SidneyPowell1 Trump should just pardon him and be done with this BS | 9,008 |
0 | @GovRonDeSantis @FSUPresThrasher @Coach_Norvell Haha. Let’s be honest. They work too hard to desire to die, mr Governor. | 9,248 |
0 | @realDonaldTrump Nothing could beat the most corrupt President, though... | 6,530 |
1 | @tedlieu @realDonaldTrump We should leave Trump alone. Let him do what he does best.He's sending his kind to their deaths! | 7,441 |
1 | Hydroxychloroquine, Me, and the Great Divide - American Thinker. Is there a curative for the COVID media and their Democrat allies who would destroy a nation to destroy Trump? | 1,129 |
0 | @realDonaldTrump Translation: I want more people to die | 4,824 |
0 | Burn !!! #fucktrump #DictatorTrump @realDonaldTrump sound about right!?! | 4,153 |
1 | @holymolymoo @liberatehkg @realDonaldTrump As a Chinese, if you don’t even respect your country, no one gonna respect you. You might be dead already in the US without China behind. | 671 |
0 | You are absolutely right @SenTedCruz! Give those unemployed soon to be homeless nothing. Bring back the poor and work houses! And if those people would rather die? Then let them and decrease the surplus population. That’s the ticket Sen. Scrooge. | 4,714 |
1 | @gabnakkulablake Joe Biden could shoot me on 5th avenue and I'd still vote for him over Trump! | 7,161 |
0 | @RadioFreeTom Why even bother give him no air time give him no photo shoot you know he needs an audience . No audience no trump | 9,198 |
1 | @scientificrealm @realDonaldTrump Disturbed! Truly... How democracies die! | 7,955 |
1 | @ScottWalker @POTUS @realDonaldTrump After shooting innocent, peaceful people exercising their constitutional RIGHTS with pepper spray and rubber bullets. Tough guy right there, sure he is.He can't be seen as weak, you know, after spending two nights cowering in his bunker. Someone has to pay. | 927 |
1 | “When the looting starts the shooting starts”. Turn off all the lights cuz I’m a chicken shit @realDonaldTrump | 1,316 |
0 | @GOPChairwoman @realDonaldTrump 143,000 Americans are dead. | 6,027 |
1 | Wisconsin Republicans 'stand ready' to kill mask requirement | 3,499 |
0 | @PKC96356973 @HeatherBrenna13 @GovernorTomWolf No one is talking about years of social distancing, so calm down now. Closed schools decreases suicide rates. Have YOU done research? | 790 |
1 | Holy shit, way to guarantee that kids absolutely fucking destroy him | 3,561 |
1 | @NBCNews @NBCNewsNow Stick with trump he will kill you too! | 7,582 |
0 | @realDonaldTrump You’ve let 145,000 Americans die a horrible death, without showing any concern whatsoever. | 2,924 |
1 | so if i’m reading this right trump has essentially started a civil war ? am i ? am i reading that right ? is that correct ? because he can’t admit that his country has been unjustly killing black people 4 years ?? he just ?? whips out the military???? | 1,784 |
1 | @janemarielynch Jane, many “great men” in America have sat idly by & watched Trump destroy our democracy & the free press. Finally Gen. Mattis could not take this anymore or he saw what could come next. Where are the “Patriots” at in these times? Stand up, stop this madness & speak the truth. | 500 |
1 | @TPostMillennial The Biden voters continue to loot, vandalize injure/kill and burn down their cities hoping this will get your vote. | 7,640 |
0 | He doesn't even want to do this anymore he fr is just like "fuck it if I die I die" | 5,191 |
1 | @SenSanders Would it kill politicians to mention Black people by name? | 661 |
1 | @LDknepper @Yahtahei @gatewaypundit It was all a Democratic plot to try and destroy Trump. | 1,890 |
1 | @ReChris1 @net2catchwater @Jillie_Alexis Trump is the antichrist.Look at America now.. do you believe a God is working through him. Everything is worse. Fact. He lies to us like Stan. Fact. His inaction on covid led to more deaths than any country. He is evil. He is killing America. Most Americans can see it. | 2,089 |
1 | Joe Biden keeps shooting himself in the foot. | 3,037 |
0 | @realDonaldTrump FUUUUCK you, you brain-damaged, 300lbs sack of shit. Your stupidity caused 140,000 people to die needlessly. Eat a dick. | 6,889 |
1 | @realDonaldTrump Right imbecile @realDonaldTrump play football and die...., open schools and die..., horrible wait for bull shit test and die and infect everyone... good job @POTUS killing #AMERICANS | 8,597 |
1 | @realDonaldTrump You trying to kill him too? | 7,552 |
0 | I wonder if #dipshit (@realDonaldTrump) understands that if #liability protections are removed, & #Trump, himself, tweets deadly info, & Twitter or FB is liable, the most likely scenario will be for the platform in question to REMOVE the offending account. | 650 |
0 | .@DNC, If Democrats in states like California, Minnesota, and Colorado were actually doing their jobs, all the shit they campaigned on, why is George Floyd dead? Why are there riots? | 1,796 |
1 | @funder Joe Biden could shoot Donald Trump in the middle of 5th avenue and I would still vote for him. | 6,452 |
1 | @realDonaldTrump TRUMP and ALL REPUBLICANS need to get kicked to the curb. | 5,813 |
0 | #ProgressivesForBidenWe will support @JoeBiden all the way to the White House and remove the TRAITOR @realDonaldTrump | 5,224 |
0 | why is it that republicans only care about the looting and not the death of an innocent person??? #BlackLivesMatter | 1,265 |
1 | @rutter_paulam @realDonaldTrump @POTUS "My neighborhood,burning. Median income 33k. Many have no transit,our pharmacies,banks,gas stations, restaurants destroyed.Six closest grocery stores are looted. Our post office is on fire. The nearest gas station is on fire. No response from our our city or state." Ryan Griffith | 842 |
0 | @mattgaetz @JoeBiden Biden doesn’t think: windmills cause cancer; we should drink Clorox; sweeping the forest prevents fire; stealth bombers are invisible; we should fill moats w alligators; Washington captured the airports; we should nuke hurricanes, or a cathedral should be water bombed. | 8,296 |
0 | @GovInslee @Seahawks Nice photo opportunity! Hurry guys just put them on for the photo shoot! | 5,669 |
0 | @EricWolfson @realDonaldTrump So you agree if they kill him? | 2,090 |
0 | @GavinNewsom Not all people deserve to die though. | 7,676 |
0 | @DonaldJTrumpJr Kamala Harris performed oral sex to Biden just to get the vice president position. She is a fraud, a phony, a racist bigot. She deserves to be in prison, she should be in the cage because she is a f****** animal. | 5,855 |
0 | U ever thought maybe the demon-crats created it just so someone like u can blame Trump? Find that same energy to blame Obama for not doing no more than making a statement for 8 yrs when a white officer killed an unarmed black man. Until u get that...DON'T COMMENT | 2,099 |
1 | @realDonaldTrump #TrumpVirus is killing the world! | 7,555 |
1 | The entire Neoliberal Capitalist system should be burned to the ground. | 5,448 |
0 | Kavanaugh hides underneath the table zipping vodka from his micro flask while his colleagues kick him to come out from the table. | 4,381 |
0 | Biden told people there how police should shoot unarmed people, liberals are way too easily impressed | 2,236 |
1 | Trump's doing his best to kill the postal system. | 3,707 |
0 | Im actually in favor of donald pissing off voters age 18-34. A sure fire way to get him voted out in november | 7,401 |
0 | Invoke the 25th Amendment & Remove Trump NOW.@GOP | 1,655 |
1 | @realDonaldTrump Potus wants to kill off our athletes, too? Fire the sob! | 9,277 |
0 | @realDonaldTrump We won’t come back we will be dead. | 4,049 |
0 | @technovert @icryacoolway Seriously? I mean, Trudeau may have his faults, but at least he isn’t actively trying to get everyone killed. Can’t really say that about Bunker bitch...sorry, Mr. Trump | 2,285 |
1 | Republicans are killing us.Vote them all out. | 4,483 |
1 | @realDonaldTrump No you and your tweets is causing violence it didn't get bad until you started. So you don't want anyone to know whats going on? I don't agree with the violence but you should be trying to bring calm not violence. You bring evil.. i pray people see what you are doing to destroy u | 373 |
0 | @realDonaldTrump ...Founding Fathers never let their dreams die? | 5,848 |
1 | @gabnakkulablake If Joe Biden shot trump in the middle of 5th avenue, I'd still vote for him. | 7,282 |
0 | @Yamiche A car backfired. Trump "somebody tried to shoot me but w/ quick moves I was able to evade him". #DramaQueen | 9,200 |
1 | Why do you bring Modi here? Pl don't add ghee to fire | 751 |
1 | @JoeBiden Democrats are trying to kill our economy! | 6,858 |
0 | DEATH PENALTY. ANYONE in Congress that opposes this should be looked at HARD as being involved. Serious crimes like TREASON deserve the MOST SEVERE sentence that can be handed out. | 5,305 |
1 | @SenSanders Lol @ leftists roasting Bernie because he doesn't support their wild fantasy of defunding the police.Eliminating qualified immunity is HUGE. Police would already fight to the death to prevent the reforms listed from ever happening. This is radical and you're clueless. | 1,712 |
1 | @LowranceAlice @JackPosobiec @NYGovCuomo Now think its great to watch cities burn | 1,451 |
0 | He murderer of R allies,KURDS,had/has inocnt chldrn KIDNAPD/TORTURD-som 2 DETH, Let ERDOGAN murdr R ALLIES 2 hlp PUTIN/ERDOGAN STEAL KURD's LAND,Let PUTIN PUT BOUNTY on heds of R MILTRY 4 TALIBAN 2 COLECT WIN KIL R MILTY!HE LET OVR 142K ppl DIE & countg frm virus he say DEM HOAX! | 2,759 |
1 | @RepsForBiden "We are going to beat on Trump like a drum and kick him to the curb!" | 5,962 |
0 | This picture are Boko Haram Terrorist that were arrested by @HQNigerianArmy as they were ordered never to kill them. @MBuhari release them back to the society to continue their Killings#ArrestBuhari#DivideNigeria@UN @EU @realDonaldTrump @SecPompeo @MaziNnamdiKanu @aishambuhari | 3,279 |
1 | Unless they're Democrats...then reinvest and let it burn | 8,346 |
0 | @GOP @senatemajldr Just saying... if you remove Trump now, there still might be time to run someone else that could win. Clock is ticking, though. | 558 |
1 | @shellywilliams0 need to burn that improperly touched children. Period. Full stop. | 7,221 |
1 | @realDonaldTrump REMOVE JOHN ROBERTS | 6,208 |
0 | @sendavidperdue You mean like tear gas and rubber bullets shot at peaceful protesters? | 474 |
1 | @GovChrisSununu So I see, it’s ok to destroy thousands of businesses and jobs but totally fine to allow thousands to congregate during protest. I am glad you got your priorities right | 1,956 |
1 | @ACTBrigitte What good is my health if I don't have my Freedom!? I'd rather die of a slow Covid death than submit my Freedoms to the likes of these Liberals. Give me Liberty or give me a Covid death!#GiveMeLibertyOrGiveMeCovid | 8,071 |
1 | @Jim_Jordan @realDonaldTrump @realDonaldTrump you should suggest maybe Democrat’s are trying to kill protestors but just in a diff way. Very interesting theory | 7,516 |
1 | @NYGovCuomo Trump and Kushner let New Yorkers die! | 7,823 |
0 | And she deserves all of them and SO MUCH MORE. | 3,055 |
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