4 values
Active Directory Domain Controller On Windows
I would like for you to help me build a Pattern that helps achieve Discovery of Active Directory Domain Controller On Windows. \n CI Type: cmdb_ci_ad_controller\nPattern Type: 1 - Application
1 - Application
pattern { metadata { id = "28d607dbfead4be3887c843814451003" name = "Active Directory Domain Controller On Windows" description = "" citype = "cmdb_ci_ad_controller" apply_to_os_families = "cmdb_ci_win_server" } identification { name = "Identification for LDAP" entry_point {type = "cmdb_ci_endpoint_ldap,cmdb_ci_endpoint_tcp"} find_process_strategy {strategy = NONE} step { name = "verify running port" ref {refid = "62bd12e7872c422b8462fc0036c8cd67"} } step { name = "get short host name" if { condition = neq { get_attr {"entry_point.host_name"} get_attr {"computer_system.primaryManagementIP"} } on_true = parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "entry_point.host_name" to_var_names = "short_hostname" parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { delimiters = "." selected_positions = 1 } if_not_found_do = nop {} } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "set short name if empty" if { condition = is_empty {get_attr {"short_hostname"}} on_true = runcmd_to_var { cmd = "hostname" var_names = "short_hostname" parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { selected_positions = 1 } if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "create WMI query" set_attr { "WMI_query" "Select * from Win32_NTDomain" } } step { name = "Get Domain and forest details" run_wmi_query_to_var { namespace = "\\root\\CIMV2" query = get_attr {"WMI_query"} var_names = table { name = "Win32_NTDomain" } if_not_found_do = terminate {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { name = "filter NT domains" filter { src_table_name = "Win32_NTDomain" target_table_name = "Win32_NTDomain" condition = any { starts_with { concat { "\\\\" get_attr {"entry_point.ip_address"} } get_attr {"Win32_NTDomain[].DomainControllerAddress"} } eq { get_attr {"Win32_NTDomain[].DomainControllerName"} concat { "\\\\" get_attr {"entry_point.host_name"} } } eq { get_attr {"Win32_NTDomain[].DomainControllerName"} concat { "\\\\" get_attr {"short_hostname"} } } eq { get_attr {"Win32_NTDomain[].DnsForestName"} get_attr {"entry_point.host_name"} } } } } step { name = "parse hostname (remove backslashes)" parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "Win32_NTDomain[*].DomainControllerName" to_var_names = table { name = "DomainControllerNames" col_names = "name" } parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = "\\\\\\\\(\\S+)"} if_not_found_do = nop {} } } step { name = "parse ip (remove backslashes) step" parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "Win32_NTDomain[*].DomainControllerAddress" to_var_names = table { name = "DomainControllerAddresses" col_names = "ip" } parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = "\\\\\\\\(\\S+)"} if_not_found_do = nop {} } } step { name = "populate dc name" set_attr { "domain_controller_name" get_attr {"DomainControllerNames[1].name"} } } step { name = "populate forest name" set_attr { "forest_name" get_attr {"Win32_NTDomain[1].DnsForestName"} } } step { name = "populate domain name" set_attr { "domain_name" get_attr {"Win32_NTDomain[1].DomainName"} } } step { name = "sets the display label" set_attr { "name" get_attr {"Win32_NTDomain[1].DomainName"} } } step { name = "Check Mandatory Attributes" match { all { is_not_empty {get_attr {"domain_name"}} is_not_empty {get_attr {"domain_controller_name"}} is_not_empty {get_attr {"forest_name"}} } terminate_op = terminate } } } connection { name = "connection to child forest" step { name = "Get domains from system" run_wmi_query_to_var { namespace = "\\root\\CIMV2" query = get_attr {"WMI_query"} var_names = table { name = "Win32_NTDomain" } if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { name = "filter entries by parent forest name" filter { src_table_name = "Win32_NTDomain" target_table_name = "Win32_NTDomain_CF" condition = eq { get_attr {"Win32_NTDomain[].DnsForestName"} get_attr {"forest_name"} } } } step { name = "add domain name to forest" transform { src_table_name = "Win32_NTDomain_CF" target_table_name = "Win32_NTDomain_CF" operation {set_field { field_name = "ChildDomain" value = concat { get_attr {"Win32_NTDomain_CF[].DomainName"} "." get_attr {""} } }} } } step { name = "get nslookup" transform { src_table_name = "Win32_NTDomain_CF" target_table_name = "Win32_NTDomain_CF" operation {set_field { field_name = "nslookup" value = concat {eval {" import com.snc.sw.kb.lang.commands.ExecutionMode; def cmd = \"nslookup \"+${Win32_NTDomain_CF[].ChildDomain}; return ctx.getCommandManager().shellCommand(cmd, false, ExecutionMode.LOCAL_SCRIPT, null, ctx); "}} }} } } step { name = "filter not existing domains" filter { src_table_name = "Win32_NTDomain_CF" target_table_name = "Win32_NTDomain_CF" condition = all { not_contains { get_attr {"Win32_NTDomain_CF[].nslookup"} "Non-existent domain" } not_contains { get_attr {"Win32_NTDomain_CF[].nslookup"} "timeout" } not_contains { get_attr {"Win32_NTDomain_CF[].nslookup"} "Non-authoritative answer" } } } } step { name = "create connection" create_connection { connection_type = APPLICATION_FLOW target_ci_type = "" entry_point_type = "cmdb_ci_endpoint_ldap" attributes { attribute { name = "host" value = get_attr {"Win32_NTDomain_CF[*].ChildDomain"} } attribute { name = "port" value = "389" } attribute { name = "protocol" value = "ldap" } attribute { name = "type" value = "" } } is_artificial = "false" traffic_based = "false" } } } connection { name = "connections to AD services" step { name = "get all services" run_wmi_query_to_var { namespace = "\\root\\CIMV2" query = "SELECT * FROM Win32_Service" var_names = table { name = "Win32_Service" } if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { name = "filter AD services" filter { src_table_name = "Win32_Service" target_table_name = "Win32_Service" condition = any { eq { get_attr {"Win32_Service[].DisplayName"} "DNS Client" } eq { get_attr {"Win32_Service[].DisplayName"} "Distributed File System" } eq { get_attr {"Win32_Service[].DisplayName"} "DNS Server" } eq { get_attr {"Win32_Service[].DisplayName"} "DFS Replication" } eq { get_attr {"Win32_Service[].DisplayName"} "Intersite Messaging" } eq { get_attr {"Win32_Service[].DisplayName"} "Kerberos Key Distribution Center" } eq { get_attr {"Win32_Service[].DisplayName"} "Windows Time" } eq { get_attr {"Win32_Service[].DisplayName"} "Security Accounts Manager" } eq { get_attr {"Win32_Service[].DisplayName"} "Server" } eq { get_attr {"Win32_Service[].DisplayName"} "Workstation" } eq { get_attr {"Win32_Service[].DisplayName"} "Remote Procedure Call (RPC)" } eq { get_attr {"Win32_Service[].DisplayName"} "Net Logon" } eq { get_attr {"Win32_Service[].DisplayName"} "Active Directory Domain Services" } eq { get_attr {"Win32_Service[].DisplayName"} "Active Directory Web Services" } eq { get_attr {"Win32_Service[].DisplayName"} "LDAP Active Threads" } } } } step { name = "create connections" create_connection { connection_type = INCLUSION target_ci_type = "cmdb_ci_appl_active_directory" entry_point_type = "cmdb_ci_endpoint_ad_service_in" attributes { attribute { name = "domain" value = get_attr {"domain_name"} } attribute { name = "name" value = get_attr {"Win32_Service[*].DisplayName"} } } is_artificial = "false" traffic_based = "false" } } } }
pattern { metadata { // Metadata section: Contains metadata information about the pattern id = "28d607dbfead4be3887c843814451003" // Unique identifier for the pattern name = "Active Directory Domain Controller On Windows" description = "" // Script execution: Custom script to perform a specific action or collect data citype = "cmdb_ci_ad_controller" apply_to_os_families = "cmdb_ci_win_server" } identification { name = "Identification for LDAP" entry_point {type = "cmdb_ci_endpoint_ldap,cmdb_ci_endpoint_tcp"} find_process_strategy {strategy = NONE} step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "verify running port" ref {refid = "62bd12e7872c422b8462fc0036c8cd67"} // Unique identifier for the pattern } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "get short host name" if { condition = neq { get_attr {"entry_point.host_name"} get_attr {"computer_system.primaryManagementIP"} } on_true = parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "entry_point.host_name" to_var_names = "short_hostname" parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { delimiters = "." selected_positions = 1 } if_not_found_do = nop {} } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "set short name if empty" if { condition = is_empty {get_attr {"short_hostname"}} on_true = runcmd_to_var { cmd = "hostname" var_names = "short_hostname" parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { selected_positions = 1 } if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "create WMI query" set_attr { "WMI_query" "Select * from Win32_NTDomain" } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Get Domain and forest details" run_wmi_query_to_var { namespace = "\\root\\CIMV2" query = get_attr {"WMI_query"} var_names = table { name = "Win32_NTDomain" } if_not_found_do = terminate {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "filter NT domains" filter { src_table_name = "Win32_NTDomain" target_table_name = "Win32_NTDomain" condition = any { starts_with { concat { "\\\\" get_attr {"entry_point.ip_address"} } get_attr {"Win32_NTDomain[].DomainControllerAddress"} } eq { get_attr {"Win32_NTDomain[].DomainControllerName"} concat { "\\\\" get_attr {"entry_point.host_name"} } } eq { get_attr {"Win32_NTDomain[].DomainControllerName"} concat { "\\\\" get_attr {"short_hostname"} } } eq { get_attr {"Win32_NTDomain[].DnsForestName"} get_attr {"entry_point.host_name"} } } } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "parse hostname (remove backslashes)" parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "Win32_NTDomain[*].DomainControllerName" to_var_names = table { name = "DomainControllerNames" col_names = "name" } parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = "\\\\\\\\(\\S+)"} if_not_found_do = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "parse ip (remove backslashes) step" // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "Win32_NTDomain[*].DomainControllerAddress" to_var_names = table { name = "DomainControllerAddresses" col_names = "ip" } parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = "\\\\\\\\(\\S+)"} if_not_found_do = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "populate dc name" set_attr { "domain_controller_name" get_attr {"DomainControllerNames[1].name"} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "populate forest name" set_attr { "forest_name" get_attr {"Win32_NTDomain[1].DnsForestName"} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "populate domain name" set_attr { "domain_name" get_attr {"Win32_NTDomain[1].DomainName"} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "sets the display label" set_attr { "name" get_attr {"Win32_NTDomain[1].DomainName"} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Check Mandatory Attributes" match { all { is_not_empty {get_attr {"domain_name"}} is_not_empty {get_attr {"domain_controller_name"}} is_not_empty {get_attr {"forest_name"}} } terminate_op = terminate } } } connection { name = "connection to child forest" step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Get domains from system" run_wmi_query_to_var { namespace = "\\root\\CIMV2" query = get_attr {"WMI_query"} var_names = table { name = "Win32_NTDomain" } if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "filter entries by parent forest name" filter { src_table_name = "Win32_NTDomain" target_table_name = "Win32_NTDomain_CF" condition = eq { get_attr {"Win32_NTDomain[].DnsForestName"} get_attr {"forest_name"} } } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "add domain name to forest" transform { src_table_name = "Win32_NTDomain_CF" target_table_name = "Win32_NTDomain_CF" operation {set_field { field_name = "ChildDomain" value = concat { get_attr {"Win32_NTDomain_CF[].DomainName"} "." get_attr {""} } }} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "get nslookup" transform { src_table_name = "Win32_NTDomain_CF" target_table_name = "Win32_NTDomain_CF" operation {set_field { field_name = "nslookup" value = concat {eval {" import com.snc.sw.kb.lang.commands.ExecutionMode; def cmd = \"nslookup \"+${Win32_NTDomain_CF[].ChildDomain}; return ctx.getCommandManager().shellCommand(cmd, false, ExecutionMode.LOCAL_SCRIPT, null, ctx); "}} }} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "filter not existing domains" filter { src_table_name = "Win32_NTDomain_CF" target_table_name = "Win32_NTDomain_CF" condition = all { not_contains { get_attr {"Win32_NTDomain_CF[].nslookup"} "Non-existent domain" } not_contains { get_attr {"Win32_NTDomain_CF[].nslookup"} "timeout" } not_contains { get_attr {"Win32_NTDomain_CF[].nslookup"} "Non-authoritative answer" } } } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "create connection" create_connection { connection_type = APPLICATION_FLOW target_ci_type = "" entry_point_type = "cmdb_ci_endpoint_ldap" attributes { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "host" value = get_attr {"Win32_NTDomain_CF[*].ChildDomain"} } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "port" value = "389" } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "protocol" value = "ldap" } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "type" value = "" } } is_artificial = "false" traffic_based = "false" } } } connection { name = "connections to AD services" step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "get all services" run_wmi_query_to_var { namespace = "\\root\\CIMV2" query = "SELECT * FROM Win32_Service" var_names = table { name = "Win32_Service" } if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "filter AD services" filter { src_table_name = "Win32_Service" target_table_name = "Win32_Service" condition = any { eq { get_attr {"Win32_Service[].DisplayName"} "DNS Client" } eq { get_attr {"Win32_Service[].DisplayName"} "Distributed File System" } eq { get_attr {"Win32_Service[].DisplayName"} "DNS Server" } eq { get_attr {"Win32_Service[].DisplayName"} "DFS Replication" } eq { get_attr {"Win32_Service[].DisplayName"} "Intersite Messaging" } eq { get_attr {"Win32_Service[].DisplayName"} "Kerberos Key Distribution Center" } eq { get_attr {"Win32_Service[].DisplayName"} "Windows Time" } eq { get_attr {"Win32_Service[].DisplayName"} "Security Accounts Manager" } eq { get_attr {"Win32_Service[].DisplayName"} "Server" } eq { get_attr {"Win32_Service[].DisplayName"} "Workstation" } eq { get_attr {"Win32_Service[].DisplayName"} "Remote Procedure Call (RPC)" } eq { get_attr {"Win32_Service[].DisplayName"} "Net Logon" } eq { get_attr {"Win32_Service[].DisplayName"} "Active Directory Domain Services" } eq { get_attr {"Win32_Service[].DisplayName"} "Active Directory Web Services" } eq { get_attr {"Win32_Service[].DisplayName"} "LDAP Active Threads" } } } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "create connections" create_connection { connection_type = INCLUSION target_ci_type = "cmdb_ci_appl_active_directory" entry_point_type = "cmdb_ci_endpoint_ad_service_in" attributes { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "domain" value = get_attr {"domain_name"} } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "name" value = get_attr {"Win32_Service[*].DisplayName"} } } is_artificial = "false" traffic_based = "false" } } } }
Agility Process
I would like for you to help me build a Pattern that helps achieve Discovery of Agility Process. \n CI Type: cmdb_ci_agility_process\nPattern Type: 1 - Application
1 - Application
pattern { metadata { id = "68f1e3ad4ff26688998891311310c7e9" name = "Agility Process" description = "" citype = "cmdb_ci_agility_process" apply_to_os_families = "cmdb_ci_win_server" } identification { name = "Identification of Agility" entry_point {type = "cmdb_ci_endpoint_agility"} find_process_strategy {strategy = NONE} step { name = "verify agility" match { any { contains { get_attr {"entry_point.install_dir"} "AGILITY.exe" } contains { get_attr {"entry_point.install_dir"} "Admin.exe" } } terminate_op = terminate } } step { name = "set install dir" parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "entry_point.install_dir" to_var_names = "install_dir" parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { delimiters = "\\AGILITY.exe" selected_positions = 1 } if_not_found_do = nop {} } } step { name = "set name" set_attr { "name" "Agility Process" } } } connection { name = "Create agility Conns" step { name = "extract urls" parse_text_file_to_var { file_path = get_files_by_filter { expression = concat { get_attr {"entry_point.install_dir"} ".config" } foreach_attribute_name = "forEach" } var_names = table { name = "http_conns" col_names = "url" } parsing_strategy = xml_parsing_strategy { rootXpath = "/configuration" fields { field { col_name = "url" xpath = "/configuration/system.serviceModel/client/endpoint/@address" delimiters = "" position = 1 } field { col_name = "forEach" for_each = "forEach" delimiters = "" position = 1 } } } if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { name = "parse urls" parse_url_to_var { from_var_name = "http_conns[*].url" to_var_name = "http_conns" if_not_found_do = nop {} } } step { name = "create http conns" create_connection { connection_type = APPLICATION_FLOW target_ci_type = "" entry_point_type = "cmdb_ci_endpoint_http" attributes { attribute { name = "host_name" value = get_attr {"http_conns[*].host"} } attribute { name = "url" value = get_attr {"http_conns[*].url"} } } is_artificial = "false" traffic_based = "false" } } } }
pattern { metadata { // Metadata section: Contains metadata information about the pattern id = "68f1e3ad4ff26688998891311310c7e9" // Unique identifier for the pattern name = "Agility Process" description = "" // Script execution: Custom script to perform a specific action or collect data citype = "cmdb_ci_agility_process" apply_to_os_families = "cmdb_ci_win_server" } identification { name = "Identification of Agility" entry_point {type = "cmdb_ci_endpoint_agility"} find_process_strategy {strategy = NONE} step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "verify agility" match { any { contains { get_attr {"entry_point.install_dir"} "AGILITY.exe" } contains { get_attr {"entry_point.install_dir"} "Admin.exe" } } terminate_op = terminate } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "set install dir" parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "entry_point.install_dir" to_var_names = "install_dir" parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { delimiters = "\\AGILITY.exe" selected_positions = 1 } if_not_found_do = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "set name" set_attr { "name" "Agility Process" } } } connection { name = "Create agility Conns" step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "extract urls" parse_text_file_to_var { file_path = get_files_by_filter { expression = concat { get_attr {"entry_point.install_dir"} ".config" } foreach_attribute_name = "forEach" // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI } var_names = table { name = "http_conns" col_names = "url" } parsing_strategy = xml_parsing_strategy { rootXpath = "/configuration" fields { field { col_name = "url" xpath = "/configuration/system.serviceModel/client/endpoint/@address" delimiters = "" position = 1 } field { col_name = "forEach" for_each = "forEach" delimiters = "" position = 1 } } } if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "parse urls" parse_url_to_var { from_var_name = "http_conns[*].url" to_var_name = "http_conns" if_not_found_do = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "create http conns" create_connection { connection_type = APPLICATION_FLOW target_ci_type = "" entry_point_type = "cmdb_ci_endpoint_http" attributes { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "host_name" value = get_attr {"http_conns[*].host"} } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "url" value = get_attr {"http_conns[*].url"} } } is_artificial = "false" traffic_based = "false" } } } }
Rubrik AIX Host (LP)
I would like for you to help me build a Pattern that helps achieve Discovery of Rubrik AIX Host (LP). \n CI Type: cmdb_ci_aix_server\nPattern Type: 4 - Cloud Resource
4 - Cloud Resource
pattern { metadata { id = "74c7ea442ff2e4d03550d7492799b635" name = "Rubrik AIX Host (LP)" description = "Rubrik AIX Host (LP)" citype = "cmdb_ci_aix_server" } identification { name = "Rubrik AIX Host identification" entry_point {type = "*"} find_process_strategy {strategy = NONE} step { name = "Set IP as host" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"cmdb_ci_rubrik_cluster[1].comments"}} on_true = set_attr { "host" get_attr {"cmdb_ci_rubrik_cluster[1].comments"} } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "Set credential alias" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"cmdb_ci_rubrik_cluster[1].attributes"}} on_true = set_attr { "credential_alias" get_attr {"cmdb_ci_rubrik_cluster[1].attributes"} } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "Get Hosts" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"host"}} on_true = custom_operation { attributes { attribute { name = "rubrik_url" value = concat { "https://" get_attr {"host"} } } attribute { name = "resource" value = "host?primary_cluster_id=local&operating_system_type=UnixLike" } attribute { name = "session_auth" value = "false" } attribute { name = "headers" value = "" } attribute { name = "response_name" value = "aix_response" } } sys_id_op = "bbd60d30db9b5410052464d74896192f" to_var_names = "SystemVariable" parsing_strategy = empty_strategy {} if_not_found_do = nop {} is_paginated = 1 } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "Parse Hosts" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"aix_response"}} on_true = custom_operation { attributes { attribute { name = "source" value = "aix_response" } attribute { name = "source_column" value = "" } attribute { name = "table_name" value = "aix_details" } attribute { name = "target_columns" value = ",, hostname:data.hostname, cl_id:data.primaryClusterId, host_os:data.operatingSystem, host_os_type:data.operatingSystemType, host_status:data.status, vendor_type:data.nasBaseConfig.vendorType" } } sys_id_op = "eb6ef2e353a533003e76ddeeff7b124d" to_var_names = "SystemVariable" parsing_strategy = empty_strategy {} if_not_found_do = nop {} is_paginated = 0 } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "Filter AIX hosts" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"aix_details[1].host_os_type"}} on_true = filter { src_table_name = "aix_details" target_table_name = "aix_details" condition = any { contains { get_attr {"aix_details[].host_os_type"} "AIX" } contains { get_attr {"aix_details[].host_os_type"} "aix" } } } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "Check if there are hosts" match { is_not_empty {get_attr {"aix_details"}} terminate_op = graceful terminate_msg = "No AIX hosts found, terminating the pattern" } } step { name = "Resolve hostname" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"aix_details[1].hostname"}} on_true = transform { src_table_name = "aix_details" target_table_name = "aix_details_resolved" operation {set_field { field_name = "pure_host_name" value = eval {"javascript: var rslt; var rtrn; var init = ${aix_details[].hostname} + ''; var domain = ${shouldIncludeDomain}; var lowerCase = ${hostnameCase}; var ip_rgx = /^(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$/; try { if (init && init.match(ip_rgx)) { rslt =; rtrn = rslt; } else if (init && init.indexOf('.') > -1 && domain != 'true'){ rtrn = init.split('.')[0]; } else if (init && domain == 'true' && init.indexOf('.') > -1){ rtrn = init; } else { rtrn = init; } if (rtrn && lowerCase !== 'Lower case'){ rtrn = rtrn.toUpperCase(); } else if (rtrn && lowerCase == 'Lower case'){ rtrn = rtrn.toLowerCase(); } } catch(e) { e.getMessage(); } rtrn += '';"} }} } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "Remove unresolved IPs" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"aix_details_resolved[1].pure_host_name"}} on_true = filter { src_table_name = "aix_details_resolved" target_table_name = "aix_details_resolved" condition = eq { get_attr {"aix_details_resolved[].pure_host_name"} eval {"javascript: var rtrn; var init = ${aix_details_resolved[].pure_host_name}; var ip_rgx = /^(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$/; if (init && !init.match(ip_rgx)) { rtrn = init; } else{ rtrn = ''; } rtrn;"} } } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "Validate final hostname" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"aix_details_resolved[1].pure_host_name"}} on_true = transform { src_table_name = "aix_details_resolved" target_table_name = "aix_details_resolved" operation {set_field { field_name = "pure_host_name" value = eval {"javascript: var rtrn; var init = ${aix_details_resolved[].pure_host_name}; try { if (init && init.indexOf('.') > -1){ rtrn = init.split('.')[0]; } else { rtrn = init; } } catch(e) { e.getMessage(); } rtrn;"} }} } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "Convert hostname to FQDN" if { condition = all { eq { get_attr {"shouldIncludeDomain"} "true" } is_not_empty {get_attr {"aix_details_resolved[1].pure_host_name"}} } on_true = transform { src_table_name = "aix_details_resolved" target_table_name = "aix_details_resolved" operation {set_field { field_name = "fqdn_name" value = eval {"import com.snc.sw.kb.lang.commands.ExecutionMode; try { def cmd = \"nslookup \" + ${aix_details_resolved[].pure_host_name}; def res = ctx.getCommandManager().shellCommand(cmd, false, ExecutionMode.LOCAL_SCRIPT, null, ctx); return res; } catch (Exception e) { return e; }"} }} } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "Populate hostname if domain true" if { condition = all { is_not_empty {get_attr {"aix_details_resolved"}} eq { get_attr {"shouldIncludeDomain"} "true" } } on_true = transform { src_table_name = "aix_details_resolved" target_table_name = "aix_details_resolved" operation {set_field { field_name = "host_name" value = eval {"javascript: var rtrn = ''; var fqdnOut = ${aix_details_resolved[].fqdn_name}; match = /[nN]ame *[=:] *(.*)/.exec(fqdnOut); if (match) rtrn = match[1];"} }} } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "Populate hostname if domain false" if { condition = all { is_not_empty {get_attr {"aix_details_resolved"}} eq { get_attr {"shouldIncludeDomain"} "false" } } on_true = transform { src_table_name = "aix_details_resolved" target_table_name = "aix_details_resolved" operation {set_field { field_name = "host_name" value = get_attr {"aix_details_resolved[].pure_host_name"} }} } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "Merge into final table" if { condition = all { is_not_empty {get_attr {"aix_details[1].host_id"}} is_not_empty {get_attr {"aix_details_resolved[1].host_id"}} } on_true = merge { table1_name = "aix_details" key1_name = "host_id" table2_name = "aix_details_resolved" key2_name = "host_id" result_table_name = "aix_details" unmatched_lines = remove } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "Filter empty host_name" filter { src_table_name = "aix_details" target_table_name = "aix_details" condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"aix_details[].host_name"}} } } step { name = "Check if there are hosts" match { is_not_empty {get_attr {"aix_details"}} terminate_op = graceful terminate_msg = "No AIX hosts found, terminating the pattern" } } step { name = "Remove duplicates" set_attr { "tmp" eval {"javascript: var tableWithoutDuplicates = ''; tableWithoutDuplicates = DuplicateRemover.removeDuplicates(${aix_details},[\"host_id\"]); CTX.setAttribute(\"aix_details\", tableWithoutDuplicates);"} } } step { name = "Populate cmdb_ci_aix_server if FQDN is true" if { condition = eq { get_attr {"shouldIncludeDomain"} "true" } on_true = transform { src_table_name = "aix_details" target_table_name = "cmdb_ci_aix_server" operation { set_field { field_name = "name" value = get_attr {"aix_details[].host_name"} } set_field { field_name = "host_name" value = get_attr {"win_details[].pure_host_name"} } set_field { field_name = "cluster_id" value = get_attr {"aix_details[].cl_id"} } set_field { field_name = "source_native_key" value = concat { "rubrik_host_" get_attr {"aix_details[].host_name"} "_" get_attr {"cmdb_ci_rubrik_cluster[1].cluster_id"} } } } } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "Populate cmdb_ci_aix_server if FQDN is false" if { condition = eq { get_attr {"shouldIncludeDomain"} "false" } on_true = transform { src_table_name = "aix_details" target_table_name = "cmdb_ci_aix_server" operation { set_field { field_name = "name" value = get_attr {"aix_details[].host_name"} } set_field { field_name = "host_name" value = get_attr {"aix_details[].host_name"} } set_field { field_name = "cluster_id" value = get_attr {"aix_details[].cl_id"} } set_field { field_name = "source_native_key" value = concat { "rubrik_host_" get_attr {"aix_details[].host_name"} "_" get_attr {"cmdb_ci_rubrik_cluster[1].cluster_id"} } } } } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "Create relation between cmdb_ci_aix_server and cmdb_ci_rubrik_cluster" relation_reference { table1_name = "cmdb_ci_aix_server" key1_name = "cluster_id" table2_name = "cmdb_ci_rubrik_cluster" key2_name = "cluster_id" result_table_name = "aix_server_to_rubrik_cl" unmatched_lines = remove relation_type = "Managed by::Manages" ref_direction = parentToChild ref_field_name = "cluster_name" } } } }
pattern { metadata { // Metadata section: Contains metadata information about the pattern id = "74c7ea442ff2e4d03550d7492799b635" // Unique identifier for the pattern name = "Rubrik AIX Host (LP)" description = "Rubrik AIX Host (LP)" // Script execution: Custom script to perform a specific action or collect data citype = "cmdb_ci_aix_server" } identification { name = "Rubrik AIX Host identification" entry_point {type = "*"} find_process_strategy {strategy = NONE} step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Set IP as host" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"cmdb_ci_rubrik_cluster[1].comments"}} on_true = set_attr { "host" get_attr {"cmdb_ci_rubrik_cluster[1].comments"} } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Set credential alias" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"cmdb_ci_rubrik_cluster[1].attributes"}} // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI on_true = set_attr { "credential_alias" get_attr {"cmdb_ci_rubrik_cluster[1].attributes"} // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Get Hosts" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"host"}} on_true = custom_operation { attributes { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "rubrik_url" value = concat { "https://" get_attr {"host"} } } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "resource" value = "host?primary_cluster_id=local&operating_system_type=UnixLike" } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "session_auth" value = "false" } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "headers" value = "" } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "response_name" value = "aix_response" } } sys_id_op = "bbd60d30db9b5410052464d74896192f" to_var_names = "SystemVariable" parsing_strategy = empty_strategy {} if_not_found_do = nop {} is_paginated = 1 } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Parse Hosts" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"aix_response"}} on_true = custom_operation { attributes { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "source" value = "aix_response" } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "source_column" value = "" } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "table_name" value = "aix_details" } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "target_columns" value = ",, hostname:data.hostname, cl_id:data.primaryClusterId, host_os:data.operatingSystem, host_os_type:data.operatingSystemType, host_status:data.status, vendor_type:data.nasBaseConfig.vendorType" } } sys_id_op = "eb6ef2e353a533003e76ddeeff7b124d" to_var_names = "SystemVariable" parsing_strategy = empty_strategy {} if_not_found_do = nop {} is_paginated = 0 } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Filter AIX hosts" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"aix_details[1].host_os_type"}} on_true = filter { src_table_name = "aix_details" target_table_name = "aix_details" condition = any { contains { get_attr {"aix_details[].host_os_type"} "AIX" } contains { get_attr {"aix_details[].host_os_type"} "aix" } } } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Check if there are hosts" match { is_not_empty {get_attr {"aix_details"}} terminate_op = graceful terminate_msg = "No AIX hosts found, terminating the pattern" } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Resolve hostname" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"aix_details[1].hostname"}} on_true = transform { src_table_name = "aix_details" target_table_name = "aix_details_resolved" operation {set_field { field_name = "pure_host_name" value = eval {"javascript: var rslt; // Script execution: Custom script to perform a specific action or collect data var rtrn; var init = ${aix_details[].hostname} + ''; var domain = ${shouldIncludeDomain}; var lowerCase = ${hostnameCase}; var ip_rgx = /^(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$/; try { if (init && init.match(ip_rgx)) { rslt =; rtrn = rslt; } else if (init && init.indexOf('.') > -1 && domain != 'true'){ rtrn = init.split('.')[0]; } else if (init && domain == 'true' && init.indexOf('.') > -1){ rtrn = init; } else { rtrn = init; } if (rtrn && lowerCase !== 'Lower case'){ rtrn = rtrn.toUpperCase(); } else if (rtrn && lowerCase == 'Lower case'){ rtrn = rtrn.toLowerCase(); } } catch(e) { e.getMessage(); } rtrn += '';"} }} } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Remove unresolved IPs" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"aix_details_resolved[1].pure_host_name"}} on_true = filter { src_table_name = "aix_details_resolved" target_table_name = "aix_details_resolved" condition = eq { get_attr {"aix_details_resolved[].pure_host_name"} eval {"javascript: var rtrn; // Script execution: Custom script to perform a specific action or collect data var init = ${aix_details_resolved[].pure_host_name}; var ip_rgx = /^(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$/; if (init && !init.match(ip_rgx)) { rtrn = init; } else{ rtrn = ''; } rtrn;"} } } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Validate final hostname" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"aix_details_resolved[1].pure_host_name"}} on_true = transform { src_table_name = "aix_details_resolved" target_table_name = "aix_details_resolved" operation {set_field { field_name = "pure_host_name" value = eval {"javascript: var rtrn; // Script execution: Custom script to perform a specific action or collect data var init = ${aix_details_resolved[].pure_host_name}; try { if (init && init.indexOf('.') > -1){ rtrn = init.split('.')[0]; } else { rtrn = init; } } catch(e) { e.getMessage(); } rtrn;"} }} } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Convert hostname to FQDN" if { condition = all { eq { get_attr {"shouldIncludeDomain"} "true" } is_not_empty {get_attr {"aix_details_resolved[1].pure_host_name"}} } on_true = transform { src_table_name = "aix_details_resolved" target_table_name = "aix_details_resolved" operation {set_field { field_name = "fqdn_name" value = eval {"import com.snc.sw.kb.lang.commands.ExecutionMode; try { def cmd = \"nslookup \" + ${aix_details_resolved[].pure_host_name}; def res = ctx.getCommandManager().shellCommand(cmd, false, ExecutionMode.LOCAL_SCRIPT, null, ctx); return res; } catch (Exception e) { return e; }"} }} } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Populate hostname if domain true" if { condition = all { is_not_empty {get_attr {"aix_details_resolved"}} eq { get_attr {"shouldIncludeDomain"} "true" } } on_true = transform { src_table_name = "aix_details_resolved" target_table_name = "aix_details_resolved" operation {set_field { field_name = "host_name" value = eval {"javascript: var rtrn = ''; // Script execution: Custom script to perform a specific action or collect data var fqdnOut = ${aix_details_resolved[].fqdn_name}; match = /[nN]ame *[=:] *(.*)/.exec(fqdnOut); if (match) rtrn = match[1];"} }} } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Populate hostname if domain false" if { condition = all { is_not_empty {get_attr {"aix_details_resolved"}} eq { get_attr {"shouldIncludeDomain"} "false" } } on_true = transform { src_table_name = "aix_details_resolved" target_table_name = "aix_details_resolved" operation {set_field { field_name = "host_name" value = get_attr {"aix_details_resolved[].pure_host_name"} }} } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Merge into final table" if { condition = all { is_not_empty {get_attr {"aix_details[1].host_id"}} is_not_empty {get_attr {"aix_details_resolved[1].host_id"}} } on_true = merge { table1_name = "aix_details" key1_name = "host_id" table2_name = "aix_details_resolved" key2_name = "host_id" result_table_name = "aix_details" unmatched_lines = remove } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Filter empty host_name" filter { src_table_name = "aix_details" target_table_name = "aix_details" condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"aix_details[].host_name"}} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Check if there are hosts" match { is_not_empty {get_attr {"aix_details"}} terminate_op = graceful terminate_msg = "No AIX hosts found, terminating the pattern" } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Remove duplicates" set_attr { "tmp" eval {"javascript: var tableWithoutDuplicates = ''; // Script execution: Custom script to perform a specific action or collect data tableWithoutDuplicates = DuplicateRemover.removeDuplicates(${aix_details},[\"host_id\"]); CTX.setAttribute(\"aix_details\", tableWithoutDuplicates);"} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Populate cmdb_ci_aix_server if FQDN is true" if { condition = eq { get_attr {"shouldIncludeDomain"} "true" } on_true = transform { src_table_name = "aix_details" target_table_name = "cmdb_ci_aix_server" operation { set_field { field_name = "name" value = get_attr {"aix_details[].host_name"} } set_field { field_name = "host_name" value = get_attr {"win_details[].pure_host_name"} } set_field { field_name = "cluster_id" value = get_attr {"aix_details[].cl_id"} } set_field { field_name = "source_native_key" value = concat { "rubrik_host_" get_attr {"aix_details[].host_name"} "_" get_attr {"cmdb_ci_rubrik_cluster[1].cluster_id"} } } } } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Populate cmdb_ci_aix_server if FQDN is false" if { condition = eq { get_attr {"shouldIncludeDomain"} "false" } on_true = transform { src_table_name = "aix_details" target_table_name = "cmdb_ci_aix_server" operation { set_field { field_name = "name" value = get_attr {"aix_details[].host_name"} } set_field { field_name = "host_name" value = get_attr {"aix_details[].host_name"} } set_field { field_name = "cluster_id" value = get_attr {"aix_details[].cl_id"} } set_field { field_name = "source_native_key" value = concat { "rubrik_host_" get_attr {"aix_details[].host_name"} "_" get_attr {"cmdb_ci_rubrik_cluster[1].cluster_id"} } } } } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Create relation between cmdb_ci_aix_server and cmdb_ci_rubrik_cluster" relation_reference { table1_name = "cmdb_ci_aix_server" key1_name = "cluster_id" table2_name = "cmdb_ci_rubrik_cluster" key2_name = "cluster_id" result_table_name = "aix_server_to_rubrik_cl" unmatched_lines = remove relation_type = "Managed by::Manages" ref_direction = parentToChild ref_field_name = "cluster_name" } } } }
AIX Server
I would like for you to help me build a Pattern that helps achieve Discovery of AIX Server. \n CI Type: cmdb_ci_aix_server\nPattern Type: 3 - Infrastructure
3 - Infrastructure
pattern { metadata { id = "257794d44fc36200c7e881c18110c743" name = "AIX Server" description = "" citype = "cmdb_ci_aix_server" } identification { name = "discovery" entry_point {type = "*"} find_process_strategy {strategy = NONE} step { name = "Unix\\Linux Name Formatting" ref {refid = "46d81a979f10320055063758442e707f"} } step { name = "Insert OS name, version and name to cmdb_ci_aix_server" transform { src_table_name = "cmdb_ci_aix_server" target_table_name = "cmdb_ci_aix_server" operation { set_field { field_name = "name" value = get_attr {"formattedHostname"} } set_field { field_name = "os_version" value = get_attr {"osVersion"} } set_field { field_name = "os_name" value = get_attr {"osName"} } } } } step { name = "DNS" ref {refid = "ede27fe5db652200868a7c841f961984"} } step { name = "Parse DNS Name" if { condition = all { eq { get_attr {"isDnsTrusted"} "true" } is_not_empty {get_attr {"DnsTable[1].fqdn"}} } on_true = parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "DnsTable[1].fqdn" to_var_names = "dns_name" parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { delimiters = "." selected_positions = 1 } if_not_found_do = nop {} } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "Set name to DNS if DNS name trusted" if { condition = all { eq { get_attr {"isDnsTrusted"} "true" } eq { get_attr {"isSshTrusted"} "false" } is_not_empty {get_attr {"dns_name"}} } on_true = set_attr { "cmdb_ci_aix_server[*].name" get_attr {"dns_name"} } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "AIX - Identity" ref {refid = "b79f1d509ffc32001d753758442e70b6"} } step { name = "AIX - OS Patches" ref {refid = "96bf99509ffc32001d753758442e70f7"} } step { name = "UNIX - OS Filesystems" ref {refid = "acd634b79fa032001d753758442e7002"} } step { name = "Ref/Rel between cmdb_ci_file_system and AIX CI" relation_reference { table1_name = "cmdb_ci_aix_server" table2_name = "cmdb_ci_file_system" result_table_name = "Aix_to_fileSystem" unmatched_lines = remove condition = eq { "1" "1" } relation_type = "Contains::Contained by" ref_direction = childToParent ref_field_name = "computer" } } step { name = "Ref/Rel between cmdb_ci_file_system and AIX CI (provided_by)" relation_reference { table1_name = "cmdb_ci_aix_server" table2_name = "cmdb_ci_file_system" result_table_name = "Aix_to_fileSystem_prov" unmatched_lines = remove condition = eq { "1" "1" } ref_direction = childToParent ref_field_name = "provided_by" } } step { name = "UNIX - OS Uptime" ref {refid = "80d2cbe39f2032001d753758442e7092"} } step { name = "Update start date in AIX CI" set_attr { "cmdb_ci_aix_server[*].start_date" get_attr {"start_date"} } } step { name = "AIX - Hardware Model" ref {refid = "5a7165d09ffc32001d753758442e7016"} } step { name = "AIX - OS Release" ref {refid = "5391a1d09ffc32001d753758442e70a2"} } step { name = "AIX - CPU" ref {refid = "8b62a9d09ffc32001d753758442e7005"} } step { name = "AIX - Memory" ref {refid = "7392e5d09ffc32001d753758442e7013"} } step { name = "AIX - OS Revision" ref {refid = "ece2e9d09ffc32001d753758442e70ad"} } step { name = "AIX - Disk Space" ref {refid = "462b1059872d89102b2aea8d0ebb358d"} } step { name = "UNIX - Find FQDN" ref {refid = "15c897ab9f2032001d753758442e7014"} } step { name = "Update FQDN in AIX CI" set_attr { "cmdb_ci_aix_server[*].fqdn" get_attr {"FQDN"} } } step { name = "Add domain name to server name" if { condition = all { eq { get_attr {"shouldIncludeDomain"} "true" } is_not_empty {get_attr {"FQDN"}} } on_true = set_attr { "cmdb_ci_aix_server[*].name" get_attr {"FQDN"} } on_false = nop {} } } } }
pattern { metadata { // Metadata section: Contains metadata information about the pattern id = "257794d44fc36200c7e881c18110c743" // Unique identifier for the pattern name = "AIX Server" description = "" // Script execution: Custom script to perform a specific action or collect data citype = "cmdb_ci_aix_server" } identification { name = "discovery" entry_point {type = "*"} find_process_strategy {strategy = NONE} step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Unix\\Linux Name Formatting" ref {refid = "46d81a979f10320055063758442e707f"} // Unique identifier for the pattern } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Insert OS name, version and name to cmdb_ci_aix_server" transform { src_table_name = "cmdb_ci_aix_server" target_table_name = "cmdb_ci_aix_server" operation { set_field { field_name = "name" value = get_attr {"formattedHostname"} } set_field { field_name = "os_version" value = get_attr {"osVersion"} } set_field { field_name = "os_name" value = get_attr {"osName"} } } } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "DNS" ref {refid = "ede27fe5db652200868a7c841f961984"} // Unique identifier for the pattern } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Parse DNS Name" if { condition = all { eq { get_attr {"isDnsTrusted"} "true" } is_not_empty {get_attr {"DnsTable[1].fqdn"}} } on_true = parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "DnsTable[1].fqdn" to_var_names = "dns_name" parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { delimiters = "." selected_positions = 1 } if_not_found_do = nop {} } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Set name to DNS if DNS name trusted" if { condition = all { eq { get_attr {"isDnsTrusted"} "true" } eq { get_attr {"isSshTrusted"} "false" } is_not_empty {get_attr {"dns_name"}} } on_true = set_attr { "cmdb_ci_aix_server[*].name" get_attr {"dns_name"} } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "AIX - Identity" ref {refid = "b79f1d509ffc32001d753758442e70b6"} // Unique identifier for the pattern } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "AIX - OS Patches" ref {refid = "96bf99509ffc32001d753758442e70f7"} // Unique identifier for the pattern } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "UNIX - OS Filesystems" ref {refid = "acd634b79fa032001d753758442e7002"} // Unique identifier for the pattern } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Ref/Rel between cmdb_ci_file_system and AIX CI" relation_reference { table1_name = "cmdb_ci_aix_server" table2_name = "cmdb_ci_file_system" result_table_name = "Aix_to_fileSystem" unmatched_lines = remove condition = eq { "1" "1" } relation_type = "Contains::Contained by" ref_direction = childToParent ref_field_name = "computer" } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Ref/Rel between cmdb_ci_file_system and AIX CI (provided_by)" relation_reference { table1_name = "cmdb_ci_aix_server" table2_name = "cmdb_ci_file_system" result_table_name = "Aix_to_fileSystem_prov" unmatched_lines = remove condition = eq { "1" "1" } ref_direction = childToParent ref_field_name = "provided_by" } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "UNIX - OS Uptime" ref {refid = "80d2cbe39f2032001d753758442e7092"} // Unique identifier for the pattern } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Update start date in AIX CI" set_attr { "cmdb_ci_aix_server[*].start_date" get_attr {"start_date"} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "AIX - Hardware Model" ref {refid = "5a7165d09ffc32001d753758442e7016"} // Unique identifier for the pattern } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "AIX - OS Release" ref {refid = "5391a1d09ffc32001d753758442e70a2"} // Unique identifier for the pattern } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "AIX - CPU" ref {refid = "8b62a9d09ffc32001d753758442e7005"} // Unique identifier for the pattern } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "AIX - Memory" ref {refid = "7392e5d09ffc32001d753758442e7013"} // Unique identifier for the pattern } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "AIX - OS Revision" ref {refid = "ece2e9d09ffc32001d753758442e70ad"} // Unique identifier for the pattern } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "AIX - Disk Space" ref {refid = "462b1059872d89102b2aea8d0ebb358d"} // Unique identifier for the pattern } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "UNIX - Find FQDN" ref {refid = "15c897ab9f2032001d753758442e7014"} // Unique identifier for the pattern } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Update FQDN in AIX CI" set_attr { "cmdb_ci_aix_server[*].fqdn" get_attr {"FQDN"} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Add domain name to server name" if { condition = all { eq { get_attr {"shouldIncludeDomain"} "true" } is_not_empty {get_attr {"FQDN"}} } on_true = set_attr { "cmdb_ci_aix_server[*].name" get_attr {"FQDN"} } on_false = nop {} } } } }
Apache Active MQ
I would like for you to help me build a Pattern that helps achieve Discovery of Apache Active MQ. \n CI Type: cmdb_ci_apache_active_mq\nPattern Type: 1 - Application
1 - Application
pattern { metadata { id = "8f2ca0b31be65510129298ec9c4bcbd6" name = "Apache Active MQ" description = "Apache Active MQ" citype = "cmdb_ci_apache_active_mq" apply_to_os_families = "cmdb_ci_linux_server","cmdb_ci_win_server" } identification { name = "Windows Apache Active MQ" entry_point {type = "*"} find_process_strategy {strategy = NONE} step { name = "exit if not windows" match { eq { get_attr {"computer_system.osFamily"} "WINDOWS" } terminate_op = graceful terminate_msg = "Not windows server and exiting gracefully." } } step { name = "set name" set_attr { "name" concat { "ActiveMQ" "@" get_attr {"computer_system.primaryHostname"} } } } step { name = "get active mq home" parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "process.commandLine" to_var_names = "mq_home" parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = "-Dactivemq\\.home=\"?(.+?)\"?\\s+-"} if_not_found_do = nop {} } } step { name = "get active mq home:failover" if { condition = is_empty {get_attr {"mq_home"}} on_true = parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "process.commandLine" to_var_names = "mq_home" parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = "\\\".*ACTIVEMQ_HOME=(.*?)\\\""} if_not_found_do = nop {} } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "get active mq home:failover #2" comment = "added this step in case the argument is not using double quotes" if { condition = is_empty {get_attr {"mq_home"}} on_true = parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "process.commandLine" to_var_names = "mq_home" parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = "ACTIVEMQ_HOME=(.*?)\\s+"} if_not_found_do = nop {} } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "set install directory" set_attr { "install_directory" get_attr {"mq_home"} } } step { name = "set version" runcmd_to_var { cmd = concat { "\"" get_attr {"mq_home"} "\"" "\\\\bin\\\\activemq --version" } execution_mode = "DEFAULT" var_names = "version" parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = "ActiveMQ\\s+(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)+)"} if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { name = "set version: failover" if { condition = is_empty {get_attr {"version"}} on_true = parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "mq_home" to_var_names = "version" parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = "activemq-?(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)+)"} if_not_found_do = nop {} } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "exit gracefully if no version" match { is_not_empty {get_attr {"version"}} terminate_op = graceful terminate_msg = "No version found and exiting gracefully." } } step { name = "populate the table" transform { src_table_name = "cmdb_ci_apache_active_mq" target_table_name = "cmdb_ci_apache_active_mq" operation { set_field { field_name = "name" value = get_attr {"name"} } set_field { field_name = "version" value = get_attr {"version"} } set_field { field_name = "install_directory" value = get_attr {"install_directory"} } } } } } identification { name = "Linux Apache Active MQ" entry_point {type = "*"} find_process_strategy {strategy = NONE} step { name = "exit if not unix" match { eq { get_attr {"computer_system.osFamily"} "UNIX" } terminate_op = graceful terminate_msg = "Not Unix server and exiting gracefully." } } step { name = "set sudo" set_attr { "sudo" eval {"return ${ctx}.getDiscoveryProvider(com.snc.sw.dto.ProviderType.SSH).getPrivilegedCommand();"} } } step { name = "set name" set_attr { "name" concat { "ActiveMQ" "@" get_attr {"computer_system.primaryHostname"} } } } step { name = "get activemq home" parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "process.commandLine" to_var_names = "mq_home" parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = ".*-Dactivemq.home=(.*?)\\s+"} if_not_found_do = nop {} } } step { name = "remove trailing /" if { condition = ends_with { "/" get_attr {"mq_home"} } on_true = parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "mq_home" to_var_names = "mq_home" parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = "(.*)/$"} if_not_found_do = nop {} } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "set install_directory" set_attr { "install_directory" get_attr {"mq_home"} } } step { name = "set version" runcmd_to_var { cmd = concat { get_attr {"install_directory"} "/bin/activemq --version" } execution_mode = "DEFAULT" var_names = "version" parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = "ActiveMQ\\s+(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)+)"} if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { name = "set version:failover 1" if { condition = is_empty {get_attr {"version"}} on_true = runcmd_to_var { cmd = concat { get_attr {"sudo"} " " get_attr {"install_directory"} "/bin/activemq --version" } execution_mode = "DEFAULT" var_names = "version" parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = "ActiveMQ\\s+(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)+)"} if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "set version:failover 2" if { condition = is_empty {get_attr {"version"}} on_true = parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "install_directory" to_var_names = "version" parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = "activemq-?(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)+)"} if_not_found_do = nop {} } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "exit gracefully if no version" match { is_not_empty {get_attr {"version"}} terminate_op = graceful terminate_msg = "No version found and exiting gracefully." } } step { name = "populate the table" transform { src_table_name = "cmdb_ci_apache_active_mq" target_table_name = "cmdb_ci_apache_active_mq" operation { set_field { field_name = "name" value = get_attr {"name"} } set_field { field_name = "version" value = get_attr {"version"} } set_field { field_name = "install_directory" value = get_attr {"install_directory"} } } } } } }
pattern { metadata { // Metadata section: Contains metadata information about the pattern id = "8f2ca0b31be65510129298ec9c4bcbd6" // Unique identifier for the pattern name = "Apache Active MQ" description = "Apache Active MQ" // Script execution: Custom script to perform a specific action or collect data citype = "cmdb_ci_apache_active_mq" apply_to_os_families = "cmdb_ci_linux_server","cmdb_ci_win_server" } identification { name = "Windows Apache Active MQ" entry_point {type = "*"} find_process_strategy {strategy = NONE} step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "exit if not windows" match { eq { get_attr {"computer_system.osFamily"} "WINDOWS" } terminate_op = graceful terminate_msg = "Not windows server and exiting gracefully." } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "set name" set_attr { "name" concat { "ActiveMQ" "@" get_attr {"computer_system.primaryHostname"} } } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "get active mq home" parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "process.commandLine" to_var_names = "mq_home" parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = "-Dactivemq\\.home=\"?(.+?)\"?\\s+-"} if_not_found_do = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "get active mq home:failover" if { condition = is_empty {get_attr {"mq_home"}} on_true = parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "process.commandLine" to_var_names = "mq_home" parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = "\\\".*ACTIVEMQ_HOME=(.*?)\\\""} if_not_found_do = nop {} } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "get active mq home:failover #2" comment = "added this step in case the argument is not using double quotes" // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern if { condition = is_empty {get_attr {"mq_home"}} on_true = parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "process.commandLine" to_var_names = "mq_home" parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = "ACTIVEMQ_HOME=(.*?)\\s+"} if_not_found_do = nop {} } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "set install directory" set_attr { "install_directory" get_attr {"mq_home"} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "set version" runcmd_to_var { cmd = concat { "\"" get_attr {"mq_home"} "\"" "\\\\bin\\\\activemq --version" } execution_mode = "DEFAULT" var_names = "version" parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = "ActiveMQ\\s+(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)+)"} if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "set version: failover" if { condition = is_empty {get_attr {"version"}} on_true = parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "mq_home" to_var_names = "version" parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = "activemq-?(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)+)"} if_not_found_do = nop {} } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "exit gracefully if no version" match { is_not_empty {get_attr {"version"}} terminate_op = graceful terminate_msg = "No version found and exiting gracefully." } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "populate the table" transform { src_table_name = "cmdb_ci_apache_active_mq" target_table_name = "cmdb_ci_apache_active_mq" operation { set_field { field_name = "name" value = get_attr {"name"} } set_field { field_name = "version" value = get_attr {"version"} } set_field { field_name = "install_directory" value = get_attr {"install_directory"} } } } } } identification { name = "Linux Apache Active MQ" entry_point {type = "*"} find_process_strategy {strategy = NONE} step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "exit if not unix" match { eq { get_attr {"computer_system.osFamily"} "UNIX" } terminate_op = graceful terminate_msg = "Not Unix server and exiting gracefully." } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "set sudo" set_attr { "sudo" eval {"return ${ctx}.getDiscoveryProvider(com.snc.sw.dto.ProviderType.SSH).getPrivilegedCommand();"} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "set name" set_attr { "name" concat { "ActiveMQ" "@" get_attr {"computer_system.primaryHostname"} } } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "get activemq home" parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "process.commandLine" to_var_names = "mq_home" parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = ".*-Dactivemq.home=(.*?)\\s+"} if_not_found_do = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "remove trailing /" if { condition = ends_with { "/" get_attr {"mq_home"} } on_true = parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "mq_home" to_var_names = "mq_home" parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = "(.*)/$"} if_not_found_do = nop {} } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "set install_directory" set_attr { "install_directory" get_attr {"mq_home"} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "set version" runcmd_to_var { cmd = concat { get_attr {"install_directory"} "/bin/activemq --version" } execution_mode = "DEFAULT" var_names = "version" parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = "ActiveMQ\\s+(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)+)"} if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "set version:failover 1" if { condition = is_empty {get_attr {"version"}} on_true = runcmd_to_var { cmd = concat { get_attr {"sudo"} " " get_attr {"install_directory"} "/bin/activemq --version" } execution_mode = "DEFAULT" var_names = "version" parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = "ActiveMQ\\s+(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)+)"} if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "set version:failover 2" if { condition = is_empty {get_attr {"version"}} on_true = parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "install_directory" to_var_names = "version" parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = "activemq-?(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)+)"} if_not_found_do = nop {} } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "exit gracefully if no version" match { is_not_empty {get_attr {"version"}} terminate_op = graceful terminate_msg = "No version found and exiting gracefully." } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "populate the table" transform { src_table_name = "cmdb_ci_apache_active_mq" target_table_name = "cmdb_ci_apache_active_mq" operation { set_field { field_name = "name" value = get_attr {"name"} } set_field { field_name = "version" value = get_attr {"version"} } set_field { field_name = "install_directory" value = get_attr {"install_directory"} } } } } } }
Apache On Windows
I would like for you to help me build a Pattern that helps achieve Discovery of Apache On Windows. \n CI Type: cmdb_ci_apache_web_server\nPattern Type: 1 - Application
1 - Application
pattern { metadata { id = "28d607dbfead4be3887c843814455300" name = "Apache On Windows" description = "" citype = "cmdb_ci_apache_web_server" apply_to_os_families = "cmdb_ci_win_server" } identification { name = "Identification for HTTP(S) entry point type(s)" entry_point {type = "cmdb_ci_endpoint_http,cmdb_ci_endpoint_tcp"} find_process_strategy {strategy = LISTENING_PORT} step { name = "Check process name to match Apache" match { any { contains { get_attr {"process.executable"} "httpd.exe" } contains { get_attr {"process.executable"} "apache.exe" } contains { get_attr {"process.executable"} "apache2.exe" } } terminate_op = terminate } } step { name = "sets the display label" set_attr { "name" concat { "Apache server@" get_attr {"computer_system.primaryHostname"} } } } step { name = "check if apache is running as a service -k runservice" if { condition = contains { get_attr {"process.commandLine"} "runservice" } on_true = set_attr { "is_service" "true" } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "Get service process" if { condition = eq { get_attr {"is_service"} "true" } on_true = find_process_to_var { process_id = "" cmd_line = "" working_dir = "" parent_process_id = get_attr {""} ports = "" var_name = "service_process" } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "Transform service_process to table" set_attr { "tmp" eval {"javascript: var resultList = new; var row; var path = ${service_process[*].currentDir}; var dir = ${service_process[*].executablePath}; var pid = ${service_process[*].commandLine}; var exec = ${service_process[*].executable}; for (var a = 0; a < path.size() ; a++){ row = new; row.put(\"currentDir\", (path.get(a))); row.put(\"executablePath\", (dir.get(a))); row.put(\"commandLine\", (pid.get(a))); row.put(\"executable\", (exec.get(a))); resultList.add(row); } CTX.setAttribute(\"process_table\", resultList);"} } } step { name = "Filter process_table" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"process_table[1].executable"}} on_true = filter { src_table_name = "process_table" target_table_name = "process_table" condition = any { eq { get_attr {"process_table[].executable"} "httpd.exe" } eq { get_attr {"process_table[].executable"} "apache.exe" } eq { get_attr {"process_table[].executable"} "apache2.exe" } } } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "Get home dir - Not service" if { condition = neq { get_attr {"is_service"} "true" } on_true = parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "process.commandLine" to_var_names = "install_directory" parsing_strategy = cmdline_linux_parsing {after_option = "-d"} if_not_found_do = nop {} } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "Get home dir - service" if { condition = all { eq { get_attr {"is_service"} "true" } is_not_empty {get_attr {"process_table[1].commandLine"}} } on_true = parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "process_table[1].commandLine" to_var_names = "install_directory" parsing_strategy = cmdline_linux_parsing {after_option = "-d"} if_not_found_do = nop {} } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "take working_dir if home_dir was not set" if { condition = is_empty {get_attr {"install_directory"}} on_true = set_attr { "install_directory" get_attr {"process.workingDir"} } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "Get config file - not service" if { condition = neq { get_attr {"is_service"} "true" } on_true = parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "process.commandLine" to_var_names = "config_file" parsing_strategy = cmdline_linux_parsing {after_option = "-d"} if_not_found_do = nop {} } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "default location of conf file" if { condition = all { is_empty {get_attr {"config_file"}} not_ends_with { "/" get_attr {"install_directory"} } contains { get_attr {"install_directory"} "/" } } on_true = set_attr { "config_file" concat { get_attr {"install_directory"} "/conf/httpd.conf" } } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "default location of conf file without slash" if { condition = all { is_empty {get_attr {"config_file"}} contains { get_attr {"install_directory"} "/" } } on_true = set_attr { "config_file" concat { get_attr {"install_directory"} "conf/httpd.conf" } } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "Get config file - service" if { condition = eq { get_attr {"is_service"} "true" } on_true = parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "service_process.commandLine" to_var_names = "config_file" parsing_strategy = cmdline_linux_parsing {after_option = "-f"} if_not_found_do = nop {} } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "get version from version.signature (IBM HTTPSERVER) " parse_text_file_to_var { file_path = get_files_by_filter { expression = concat { get_attr {"install_directory"} "\\version.signature" } foreach_attribute_name = "forEach" } var_names = "version" parsing_strategy = position_from_end { tokens_from_end = 1 delimiter = " " } if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { name = "Condition - check that version was set if not extract it from httpd -v" runcmd_to_var { cmd = concat { "\"" get_attr {"process.executablePath"} "\" -V " } var_names = "version" parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { include_lines_pattern = "Server version" delimiters = "/"," " selected_positions = 4 } if_not_found_do = terminate {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { name = "Get short description" runcmd_to_var { cmd = concat { "\"" get_attr {"process.executablePath"} "\" -V " } execution_mode = "DEFAULT" var_names = "temp_description" parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { selected_positions = 1 } if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { name = "Clean and format short description" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"temp_description"}} on_true = set_attr { "short_description" eval {"javascript: var rtrn = \"\"; var array = ${temp_description}; var i; for (i=0; i<array.size() ; i++) { if(i==0){ rtrn = array.get(i); }else{ rtrn = rtrn + \" \\n\" + array.get(i); } } "} } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "reference to Apache Enrich attributes" ref {refid = "118e7a04e4d4441ba0e64e4d0e3338d7"} } step { name = "set type" set_attr { "type" "Apache" } } step { name = "set process_ids" set_attr { "process_ids" get_attr {""} } } } identification { name = "Lightweight identification for Apache" entry_point {type = "cmdb_ci_endpoint_tcp,cmdb_ci_endpoint_http"} find_process_strategy {strategy = NONE} step { name = "Check process name to match Apache" match { any { contains { get_attr {"pre_cmdb_running_process[1].command"} "httpd.exe" } contains { get_attr {"pre_cmdb_running_process[1].command"} "apache.exe" } contains { get_attr {"pre_cmdb_running_process[1].command"} "apache2.exe" } } terminate_op = terminate } } step { name = "Reference to library \"Apache basic identification\"" ref {refid = "669fc85a9fa23200472d5f9bc32e7014"} } step { name = "Set discovery source" set_attr { "discovery_source" "CredentiallessDiscovery" } } } connection { name = "WAS connectivity" step { name = "Get WAS plugin conf file" parse_text_file_to_var { file_path = get_attr {"config_file"} var_names = "wasplugin" parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { include_lines_pattern = "WebSpherePluginConfig" exclude_lines_pattern = "#WebSpherePluginConfig" delimiters = "WebSpherePluginConfig" selected_positions = 1 } if_not_found_do = terminate {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { name = "Strip the \" if needed" if { condition = contains { get_attr {"wasplugin"} "\"" } on_true = parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "wasplugin" to_var_names = "wasplugin" parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { include_lines_pattern = "" exclude_lines_pattern = "" delimiters = "\"" selected_positions = 1 } if_not_found_do = nop {} } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "Get hosts" parse_xml_file_to_var { file_path = get_attr {"wasplugin"} var_names = table { name = "virtual_hosts" col_names = "group","host","port" } xml_parsing_strategy { rootXpath = "//Config" fields { field { col_name = "group" xpath = "/Config/VirtualHostGroup/@Name" delimiters = "" position = 1 } field { col_name = "host" xpath = "/Config/VirtualHostGroup/VirtualHost/@Name" delimiters = ":" position = 1 } field { col_name = "port" xpath = "/Config/VirtualHostGroup/VirtualHost/@Name" delimiters = ":" position = 2 } } } if_not_found_do = terminate {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { name = " Filter hosts by input host (URL)" filter { src_table_name = "virtual_hosts" target_table_name = "virtual_hosts" condition = any { contains { get_attr {"virtual_hosts[].host"} get_attr {"entry_point.ip_address"} } contains { get_attr {"virtual_hosts[].port"} get_attr {"entry_point.port"} } eq { get_attr {"virtual_hosts[].host"} "*" } eq { get_attr {"virtual_hosts[].port"} "*" } } } } step { name = "Get URIs" parse_xml_file_to_var { file_path = get_attr {"wasplugin"} var_names = table { name = "URI_groups" col_names = "group","uri" } xml_parsing_strategy { rootXpath = "//Config" fields { field { col_name = "group" xpath = "/Config/UriGroup/@Name" delimiters = "" position = 1 } field { col_name = "uri" xpath = "/Config/UriGroup/Uri/@Name" delimiters = "" position = 1 } } } if_not_found_do = terminate {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { name = " Filter hosts by input host (URL)1" best_match { values = get_attr {"URI_groups[*].uri"} url = get_attr {"entry_point.url"} var_name = "best_match" } } step { name = " Filter hosts by input host (URL)2" filter { src_table_name = "URI_groups" target_table_name = "URI_groups" condition = eq { get_attr {"URI_groups[].uri"} get_attr {"best_match"} } } } step { name = "get routes" parse_xml_file_to_var { file_path = get_attr {"wasplugin"} var_names = table { name = "routes" col_names = "cluster","urigroup","hostgroup" } xml_parsing_strategy { rootXpath = "//Config" fields { field { col_name = "cluster" xpath = "/Config/Route/@ServerCluster" delimiters = "" position = 1 } field { col_name = "urigroup" xpath = "/Config/Route/@UriGroup" delimiters = "" position = 1 } field { col_name = "hostgroup" xpath = "/Config/Route/@VirtualHostGroup" delimiters = "" position = 1 } } } if_not_found_do = terminate {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { name = "Merge routes & URIs" merge { table1_name = "routes" key1_name = "urigroup" table2_name = "URI_groups" key2_name = "group" result_table_name = "routes" unmatched_lines = remove } } step { name = "Merge routes to hosts" merge { table1_name = "routes" key1_name = "hostgroup" table2_name = "virtual_hosts" key2_name = "group" result_table_name = "routes" unmatched_lines = remove } } step { name = "Get clusters" parse_xml_file_to_var { file_path = get_attr {"wasplugin"} var_names = table { name = "clusters" col_names = "name","hostname","portvalue","protocol" } xml_parsing_strategy { rootXpath = "//Config" fields { field { col_name = "name" xpath = "/Config/ServerCluster/@Name" delimiters = "" position = 1 } field { col_name = "hostname" xpath = "/Config/ServerCluster/Server/Transport/@Hostname" delimiters = "" position = 1 } field { col_name = "portvalue" xpath = "/Config/ServerCluster/Server/Transport/@Port" delimiters = "" position = 1 } field { col_name = "protocol" xpath = "/Config/ServerCluster/Server/Transport/@Protocol" delimiters = "" position = 1 } } } if_not_found_do = terminate {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { name = "Filter clusters by protocol (URL)" filter { src_table_name = "clusters" target_table_name = "clusters" condition = eq { get_attr {"clusters[].protocol"} get_attr {"entry_point.protocol"} } } } step { name = "Merge clusters to routes" merge { table1_name = "routes" key1_name = "cluster" table2_name = "clusters" key2_name = "name" result_table_name = "clusters" unmatched_lines = remove } } step { name = "create connection" if { condition = is_empty {get_attr {"clusters"}} on_true = nop {} on_false = create_connection { connection_type = CLUSTER cluster_name = get_attr {"clusters[*].cluster"} target_ci_type = "cmdb_ci_app_server_websphere" entry_point_type = "cmdb_ci_endpoint_http" attributes { attribute { name = "protocol" value = get_attr {"entry_point.protocol"} } attribute { name = "url" value = get_attr {"entry_point.url"} } attribute { name = "host" value = get_attr {"clusters[*].hostname"} } attribute { name = "port" value = get_attr {"clusters[*].portvalue"} } } traffic_based = "false" } } } } connection { name = "Create LDAP Connection" step { name = "set confdir" parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "config_file" to_var_names = "confdir" parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = "(.*)\\\\httpd.conf"} if_not_found_do = terminate {} } } step { name = "parse ldap.prop" parse_text_file_to_var { file_path = get_files_by_filter { expression = concat { get_attr {"confdir"} "\\\\ldap.prop" } foreach_attribute_name = "forEach" } var_names = "ldap_url" parsing_strategy = properties_parsing_strategy {fields { field { col_name = "ldap_url" xpath = "/ldap/URL/text()" delimiters = "" position = 1 } field { col_name = "forEach" for_each = "forEach" delimiters = "" position = 1 } }} if_not_found_do = terminate {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { name = "parse ldap url" parse_url_to_var { from_var_name = "ldap_url" to_var_name = "ldap_conn" if_not_found_do = nop {} } } step { name = "get db if specified" if { condition = contains { get_attr {"ldap_conn[1].path"} "o=" } on_true = parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "ldap_conn[*].path" to_var_names = "db" parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = "o=(.*),"} if_not_found_do = nop {} } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "create ldap connection" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"ldap_conn"}} on_true = create_connection { connection_type = APPLICATION_FLOW target_ci_type = "cmdb_ci_sun_ldap_dir_server" entry_point_type = "cmdb_ci_endpoint_ldap" attributes { attribute { name = "host" value = get_attr {"ldap_conn[1].host"} } attribute { name = "port" value = get_attr {"ldap_conn[1].port"} } attribute { name = "protocol" value = "ldap" } attribute { name = "type" value = get_attr {"db"} } } is_artificial = "false" traffic_based = "false" } on_false = nop {} } } } connection { name = "OC4J Connectivity" step { name = "find oc4j include" parse_text_file_to_var { file_path = get_files_by_filter { expression = get_attr {"config_file"} foreach_attribute_name = "forEach" } var_names = "oc4j_mod" parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { include_lines_pattern = "include \".*\\\\mod_oc4j.conf\"" exclude_lines_pattern = "\\s*#" delimiters = "\"" selected_positions = 2 } if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { name = "Verify oc4j module loaded" parse_text_file_to_var { file_path = get_files_by_filter { expression = concat { get_attr {"install_directory"} "\\conf\\mod_oc4j.conf" } foreach_attribute_name = "forEach" } var_names = table { name = "oc4j_mounts" col_names = "uri","destination" } parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { include_lines_pattern = "Oc4jMount" exclude_lines_pattern = "#" delimiters = " " selected_positions = 2,3 } if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { name = "Local OC4J connectivity" filter { src_table_name = "oc4j_mounts" target_table_name = "local_oc4j" condition = all { not_starts_with { "instance" get_attr {"oc4j_mounts[].destination"} } not_starts_with { "cluster" get_attr {"oc4j_mounts[].destination"} } not_starts_with { "ajp" get_attr {"oc4j_mounts[].destination"} } } } } step { name = "if no mounts, read instances AJP ports" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"local_oc4j"}} on_true = runcmd_to_var { cmd = concat { get_attr {"process.currentDir"} "\\..\\..\\opmn\\bin\\opmnctl.exe status -fmt %cmp32%prt32%por40%pid" } var_names = table { name = "instances" col_names = "oc4j_instance","ports","pid" } parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { include_lines_pattern = "OC4J" exclude_lines_pattern = "" delimiters = "|" selected_positions = 2,3,4 } if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "extract AJP ports" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"local_oc4j"}} on_true = transform { src_table_name = "instances" target_table_name = "AJP_PORTS" operation {set_field { field_name = "ajp_port" value = concat {eval {"var = ${instances[].ports}; matcher = var =~ /jms:(\\d+),ajp:(\\d+)/; return matcher[0][2]"}} }} } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "set dest_host" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"local_oc4j"}} on_true = set_attr { "destHost" get_attr {"computer_system.primaryManagementIP"} } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "create broadcast AJP connection" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"local_oc4j"}} on_true = create_connection { connection_type = APPLICATION_FLOW target_ci_type = "cmdb_ci_app_server_ora_ias" entry_point_type = "cmdb_ci_endpoint_ajp" attributes { attribute { name = "host" value = get_attr {"destHost"} } attribute { name = "port" value = get_attr {"AJP_PORTS[*].ajp_port"} } attribute { name = "url" value = get_attr {"entry_point.url"} } } is_artificial = "false" traffic_based = "false" } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "parse ep URL" parse_url_to_var { from_var_name = "entry_point.url" to_var_name = "ep_url" if_not_found_do = nop {} } } step { name = "filter oc4j_mounts by uri" filter { src_table_name = "oc4j_mounts" target_table_name = "oc4j_mounts" condition = any { contains { get_attr {"oc4j_mounts[].uri"} get_attr {"ep_url[1].path"} } contains { get_attr {"ep_url[1].path"} get_attr {"oc4j_mounts[*].uri"} } } } } step { name = "parse ajp:// mounts" parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "oc4j_mounts[*].destination" to_var_names = table { name = "ajp_destinations" col_names = "host","port" } parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = "ajp13://(.*):(\\d+)"} if_not_found_do = nop {} } } step { name = "create direct AJP connections" create_connection { connection_type = APPLICATION_FLOW entry_point_type = "cmdb_ci_endpoint_ajp" attributes { attribute { name = "host" value = get_attr {"ajp_destinations[*].host"} } attribute { name = "port" value = get_attr {"ajp_destinations[*].port"} } attribute { name = "url" value = get_attr {"entry_point.url"} } } is_artificial = "false" traffic_based = "false" } } step { name = "filter instance:// mounts" filter { src_table_name = "oc4j_mounts" target_table_name = "instance_oc4j" condition = starts_with { "instance://" get_attr {"oc4j_mounts[].destination"} } } } step { name = "parse instance:// destinations" parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "instance_oc4j[*].destination" to_var_names = table { name = "ias_instances" col_names = "as_instance","oc4j_instance" } parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { include_lines_pattern = "" exclude_lines_pattern = "" delimiters = ":","//" selected_positions = 2,3 } if_not_found_do = nop {} } } step { name = "filter cluster:// mounts" filter { src_table_name = "oc4j_mounts" target_table_name = "cluster_oc4j" condition = starts_with { "cluster://" get_attr {"oc4j_mounts[].destination"} } } } step { name = "parse cluster:// destinations" parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "cluster_oc4j[*].destination" to_var_names = table { name = "as_clusters" col_names = "cluster_name","oc4j_instance_name" } parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { include_lines_pattern = "" exclude_lines_pattern = "" delimiters = ":","//" selected_positions = 2,3 } if_not_found_do = nop {} } } step { name = "get @farm oc4j instances" runcmd_to_var { cmd = concat { get_attr {"install_directory"} "\\..\\..\\opmn\\bin\\opmnctl @farm status -noheaders -fsep \"|\" -fmt %cmp%prt%clu%ins%por" } var_names = table { name = "oc4j_instances" col_names = "oc4j_name","cluster_name","instance_name","ports" } parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { include_lines_pattern = "OC4J" exclude_lines_pattern = "" delimiters = "|" selected_positions = 2,3,4,5 } if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { name = "handle instance:// mounts connections" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"ias_instances"}} on_true = merge { table1_name = "oc4j_instances" key1_name = "instance_name" table2_name = "ias_instances" key2_name = "as_instance" result_table_name = "oc4j_instances" unmatched_lines = remove } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "handle cluster:// mounts connections" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"as_clusters"}} on_true = merge { table1_name = "oc4j_instances" key1_name = "cluster_name" table2_name = "as_clusters" key2_name = "cluster_name" result_table_name = "oc4j_instances" unmatched_lines = remove } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "extract AJP port from oc4j_instances table" transform { src_table_name = "oc4j_instances" target_table_name = "oc4j_instances" operation {set_field { field_name = "ajp_port" value = concat {eval {"m = ${oc4j_instances.ports} =~ /ajp:(\\d+),?/; m[0][1]"}} }} } } step { name = "extract host name from instance_name" transform { src_table_name = "oc4j_instances" target_table_name = "oc4j_instances" operation {set_field { field_name = "hostname" value = eval {"a = ${oc4j_instances.instance_name}; arr = a.split(\"\\\\.\"); arr[1..<arr.length].join(\".\")"} }} } } step { name = "split oc4j_instances to instances only" filter { src_table_name = "oc4j_instances" target_table_name = "conn_instances" condition = is_empty {get_attr {"oc4j_instances[].cluster_name"}} } } step { name = "split oc4j_instances to clusters only" filter { src_table_name = "oc4j_instances" target_table_name = "conn_clusters" condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"oc4j_instances[].cluster_name"}} } } step { name = "create APP_FLOW connections" create_connection { connection_type = APPLICATION_FLOW entry_point_type = "cmdb_ci_endpoint_ajp" attributes { attribute { name = "host" value = get_attr {"conn_instances[*].hostname"} } attribute { name = "port" value = get_attr {"conn_instances[*].ajp_port"} } attribute { name = "url" value = get_attr {"entry_point.url"} } } is_artificial = "false" traffic_based = "false" } } step { name = "create CLUSTER connections" create_connection { connection_type = CLUSTER cluster_name = get_attr {"conn_clusters[*].cluster_name"} entry_point_type = "cmdb_ci_endpoint_ajp" attributes { attribute { name = "host" value = get_attr {"conn_clusters[*].hostname"} } attribute { name = "port" value = get_attr {"conn_clusters[*].ajp_port"} } attribute { name = "url" value = get_attr {"entry_point.url"} } } is_artificial = "false" traffic_based = "false" } } } connection { name = "WebLogic connectivity" step { name = "Check if WL module configured in Apache" parse_text_file_to_var { file_path = get_files_by_filter { expression = get_attr {"config_file"} foreach_attribute_name = "forEach" } var_names = "wl_identification" parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { include_lines_pattern = "weblogic_module" delimiters = "\\" selected_positions = 2 } if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { name = "Get WebLogic host" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"wl_identification"}} on_true = parse_text_file_to_var { file_path = get_files_by_filter { expression = get_attr {"config_file"} foreach_attribute_name = "forEach" } var_names = "wl_host" parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { include_lines_pattern = "WebLogicHost" selected_positions = 2 } if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "Get WebLogic port" parse_text_file_to_var { file_path = get_files_by_filter { expression = get_attr {"config_file"} foreach_attribute_name = "forEach" } var_names = "wl_port" parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { include_lines_pattern = "WebLogicPort" delimiters = " " selected_positions = 2 } if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { name = "Create connection to single WL host" if { condition = all { is_not_empty {get_attr {"wl_port"}} is_not_empty {get_attr {"wl_host"}} } on_true = create_connection { connection_type = APPLICATION_FLOW target_ci_type = "cmdb_ci_app_server_weblogic" entry_point_type = "cmdb_ci_endpoint_http" attributes { attribute { name = "host" value = get_attr {"wl_host"} } attribute { name = "port" value = get_attr {"wl_port"} } attribute { name = "protocol" value = get_attr {"entry_point.protocol"} } attribute { name = "url" value = get_attr {"entry_point.url"} } } is_artificial = "false" traffic_based = "false" } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "Get Weblogic cluster hosts and ports" if { condition = is_empty {concat { get_attr {"wl_host"} get_attr {"wl_host"} }} on_true = parse_text_file_to_var { file_path = get_files_by_filter { expression = get_attr {"config_file"} foreach_attribute_name = "forEach" } var_names = "wl_cluster_hosts_ports" parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { include_lines_pattern = "WebLogicCluster" delimiters = " " selected_positions = 2 } if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "Build table of WL hosts and ports in cluster" parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "wl_cluster_hosts_ports" to_var_names = table { name = "wl_hosts_ports" col_names = "wl_hosts","wl_ports" } parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { delimiters = ":" selected_positions = 1,2 line_seperator = "," } if_not_found_do = nop {} } } step { name = "Create connection to cluster WL hosts" create_connection { connection_type = APPLICATION_FLOW target_ci_type = "cmdb_ci_app_server_weblogic" entry_point_type = "cmdb_ci_endpoint_http" attributes { attribute { name = "host" value = get_attr {"wl_hosts_ports[*].wl_hosts"} } attribute { name = "port" value = get_attr {"wl_hosts_ports[*].wl_ports"} } attribute { name = "protocol" value = get_attr {"entry_point.protocol"} } attribute { name = "url" value = get_attr {"entry_point.url"} } } is_artificial = "false" traffic_based = "false" } } } connection { name = "Jiva Connectivity" step { name = "Match" match { contains { "1" "1" } terminate_op = terminate } } step { name = "Get jiva conf file" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"config_file"}} on_true = parse_text_file_to_var { file_path = get_files_by_filter { expression = get_attr {"config_file"} foreach_attribute_name = "forEach" } var_names = "jiva_conf" parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { include_lines_pattern = "Include"," jiva" exclude_lines_pattern = "#" delimiters = "conf/" selected_positions = 2 } if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } on_false = nop {} } } step { name = "Set conf directory" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"config_file"}} on_true = parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "config_file" to_var_names = "conf_dir" parsing_st...
pattern { metadata { // Metadata section: Contains metadata information about the pattern id = "28d607dbfead4be3887c843814455300" // Unique identifier for the pattern name = "Apache On Windows" description = "" // Script execution: Custom script to perform a specific action or collect data citype = "cmdb_ci_apache_web_server" apply_to_os_families = "cmdb_ci_win_server" } identification { name = "Identification for HTTP(S) entry point type(s)" entry_point {type = "cmdb_ci_endpoint_http,cmdb_ci_endpoint_tcp"} find_process_strategy {strategy = LISTENING_PORT} step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Check process name to match Apache" match { any { contains { get_attr {"process.executable"} "httpd.exe" } contains { get_attr {"process.executable"} "apache.exe" } contains { get_attr {"process.executable"} "apache2.exe" } } terminate_op = terminate } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "sets the display label" set_attr { "name" concat { "Apache server@" get_attr {"computer_system.primaryHostname"} } } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "check if apache is running as a service -k runservice" if { condition = contains { get_attr {"process.commandLine"} "runservice" } on_true = set_attr { "is_service" "true" } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Get service process" if { condition = eq { get_attr {"is_service"} "true" } on_true = find_process_to_var { process_id = "" // Unique identifier for the pattern cmd_line = "" working_dir = "" parent_process_id = get_attr {""} // Unique identifier for the pattern ports = "" var_name = "service_process" } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Transform service_process to table" set_attr { "tmp" eval {"javascript: var resultList = new; // Script execution: Custom script to perform a specific action or collect data var row; var path = ${service_process[*].currentDir}; var dir = ${service_process[*].executablePath}; var pid = ${service_process[*].commandLine}; // Unique identifier for the pattern var exec = ${service_process[*].executable}; for (var a = 0; a < path.size() ; a++){ row = new; row.put(\"currentDir\", (path.get(a))); row.put(\"executablePath\", (dir.get(a))); row.put(\"commandLine\", (pid.get(a))); row.put(\"executable\", (exec.get(a))); resultList.add(row); } CTX.setAttribute(\"process_table\", resultList);"} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Filter process_table" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"process_table[1].executable"}} on_true = filter { src_table_name = "process_table" target_table_name = "process_table" condition = any { eq { get_attr {"process_table[].executable"} "httpd.exe" } eq { get_attr {"process_table[].executable"} "apache.exe" } eq { get_attr {"process_table[].executable"} "apache2.exe" } } } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Get home dir - Not service" if { condition = neq { get_attr {"is_service"} "true" } on_true = parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "process.commandLine" to_var_names = "install_directory" parsing_strategy = cmdline_linux_parsing {after_option = "-d"} if_not_found_do = nop {} } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Get home dir - service" if { condition = all { eq { get_attr {"is_service"} "true" } is_not_empty {get_attr {"process_table[1].commandLine"}} } on_true = parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "process_table[1].commandLine" to_var_names = "install_directory" parsing_strategy = cmdline_linux_parsing {after_option = "-d"} if_not_found_do = nop {} } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "take working_dir if home_dir was not set" if { condition = is_empty {get_attr {"install_directory"}} on_true = set_attr { "install_directory" get_attr {"process.workingDir"} } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Get config file - not service" if { condition = neq { get_attr {"is_service"} "true" } on_true = parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "process.commandLine" to_var_names = "config_file" parsing_strategy = cmdline_linux_parsing {after_option = "-d"} if_not_found_do = nop {} } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "default location of conf file" if { condition = all { is_empty {get_attr {"config_file"}} not_ends_with { "/" get_attr {"install_directory"} } contains { get_attr {"install_directory"} "/" } } on_true = set_attr { "config_file" concat { get_attr {"install_directory"} "/conf/httpd.conf" } } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "default location of conf file without slash" if { condition = all { is_empty {get_attr {"config_file"}} contains { get_attr {"install_directory"} "/" } } on_true = set_attr { "config_file" concat { get_attr {"install_directory"} "conf/httpd.conf" } } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Get config file - service" if { condition = eq { get_attr {"is_service"} "true" } on_true = parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "service_process.commandLine" to_var_names = "config_file" parsing_strategy = cmdline_linux_parsing {after_option = "-f"} if_not_found_do = nop {} } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "get version from version.signature (IBM HTTPSERVER) " parse_text_file_to_var { file_path = get_files_by_filter { expression = concat { get_attr {"install_directory"} "\\version.signature" } foreach_attribute_name = "forEach" // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI } var_names = "version" parsing_strategy = position_from_end { tokens_from_end = 1 delimiter = " " } if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Condition - check that version was set if not extract it from httpd -v" runcmd_to_var { cmd = concat { "\"" get_attr {"process.executablePath"} "\" -V " } var_names = "version" parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { include_lines_pattern = "Server version" delimiters = "/"," " selected_positions = 4 } if_not_found_do = terminate {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Get short description" // Script execution: Custom script to perform a specific action or collect data runcmd_to_var { cmd = concat { "\"" get_attr {"process.executablePath"} "\" -V " } execution_mode = "DEFAULT" var_names = "temp_description" // Script execution: Custom script to perform a specific action or collect data parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { selected_positions = 1 } if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Clean and format short description" // Script execution: Custom script to perform a specific action or collect data if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"temp_description"}} // Script execution: Custom script to perform a specific action or collect data on_true = set_attr { "short_description" // Script execution: Custom script to perform a specific action or collect data eval {"javascript: var rtrn = \"\"; // Script execution: Custom script to perform a specific action or collect data var array = ${temp_description}; // Script execution: Custom script to perform a specific action or collect data var i; for (i=0; i<array.size() ; i++) { if(i==0){ rtrn = array.get(i); }else{ rtrn = rtrn + \" \\n\" + array.get(i); } } "} } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "reference to Apache Enrich attributes" // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI ref {refid = "118e7a04e4d4441ba0e64e4d0e3338d7"} // Unique identifier for the pattern } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "set type" set_attr { "type" "Apache" } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "set process_ids" set_attr { "process_ids" get_attr {""} } } } identification { name = "Lightweight identification for Apache" entry_point {type = "cmdb_ci_endpoint_tcp,cmdb_ci_endpoint_http"} find_process_strategy {strategy = NONE} step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Check process name to match Apache" match { any { contains { get_attr {"pre_cmdb_running_process[1].command"} "httpd.exe" } contains { get_attr {"pre_cmdb_running_process[1].command"} "apache.exe" } contains { get_attr {"pre_cmdb_running_process[1].command"} "apache2.exe" } } terminate_op = terminate } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Reference to library \"Apache basic identification\"" ref {refid = "669fc85a9fa23200472d5f9bc32e7014"} // Unique identifier for the pattern } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Set discovery source" set_attr { "discovery_source" "CredentiallessDiscovery" } } } connection { name = "WAS connectivity" step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Get WAS plugin conf file" parse_text_file_to_var { file_path = get_attr {"config_file"} var_names = "wasplugin" parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { include_lines_pattern = "WebSpherePluginConfig" exclude_lines_pattern = "#WebSpherePluginConfig" delimiters = "WebSpherePluginConfig" selected_positions = 1 } if_not_found_do = terminate {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Strip the \" if needed" if { condition = contains { get_attr {"wasplugin"} "\"" } on_true = parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "wasplugin" to_var_names = "wasplugin" parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { include_lines_pattern = "" exclude_lines_pattern = "" delimiters = "\"" selected_positions = 1 } if_not_found_do = nop {} } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Get hosts" parse_xml_file_to_var { file_path = get_attr {"wasplugin"} var_names = table { name = "virtual_hosts" col_names = "group","host","port" } xml_parsing_strategy { rootXpath = "//Config" fields { field { col_name = "group" xpath = "/Config/VirtualHostGroup/@Name" delimiters = "" position = 1 } field { col_name = "host" xpath = "/Config/VirtualHostGroup/VirtualHost/@Name" delimiters = ":" position = 1 } field { col_name = "port" xpath = "/Config/VirtualHostGroup/VirtualHost/@Name" delimiters = ":" position = 2 } } } if_not_found_do = terminate {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = " Filter hosts by input host (URL)" filter { src_table_name = "virtual_hosts" target_table_name = "virtual_hosts" condition = any { contains { get_attr {"virtual_hosts[].host"} get_attr {"entry_point.ip_address"} } contains { get_attr {"virtual_hosts[].port"} get_attr {"entry_point.port"} } eq { get_attr {"virtual_hosts[].host"} "*" } eq { get_attr {"virtual_hosts[].port"} "*" } } } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Get URIs" parse_xml_file_to_var { file_path = get_attr {"wasplugin"} var_names = table { name = "URI_groups" col_names = "group","uri" } xml_parsing_strategy { rootXpath = "//Config" fields { field { col_name = "group" xpath = "/Config/UriGroup/@Name" delimiters = "" position = 1 } field { col_name = "uri" xpath = "/Config/UriGroup/Uri/@Name" delimiters = "" position = 1 } } } if_not_found_do = terminate {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = " Filter hosts by input host (URL)1" best_match { values = get_attr {"URI_groups[*].uri"} url = get_attr {"entry_point.url"} var_name = "best_match" } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = " Filter hosts by input host (URL)2" filter { src_table_name = "URI_groups" target_table_name = "URI_groups" condition = eq { get_attr {"URI_groups[].uri"} get_attr {"best_match"} } } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "get routes" parse_xml_file_to_var { file_path = get_attr {"wasplugin"} var_names = table { name = "routes" col_names = "cluster","urigroup","hostgroup" } xml_parsing_strategy { rootXpath = "//Config" fields { field { col_name = "cluster" xpath = "/Config/Route/@ServerCluster" delimiters = "" position = 1 } field { col_name = "urigroup" xpath = "/Config/Route/@UriGroup" delimiters = "" position = 1 } field { col_name = "hostgroup" xpath = "/Config/Route/@VirtualHostGroup" delimiters = "" position = 1 } } } if_not_found_do = terminate {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Merge routes & URIs" merge { table1_name = "routes" key1_name = "urigroup" table2_name = "URI_groups" key2_name = "group" result_table_name = "routes" unmatched_lines = remove } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Merge routes to hosts" merge { table1_name = "routes" key1_name = "hostgroup" table2_name = "virtual_hosts" key2_name = "group" result_table_name = "routes" unmatched_lines = remove } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Get clusters" parse_xml_file_to_var { file_path = get_attr {"wasplugin"} var_names = table { name = "clusters" col_names = "name","hostname","portvalue","protocol" } xml_parsing_strategy { rootXpath = "//Config" fields { field { col_name = "name" xpath = "/Config/ServerCluster/@Name" delimiters = "" position = 1 } field { col_name = "hostname" xpath = "/Config/ServerCluster/Server/Transport/@Hostname" delimiters = "" position = 1 } field { col_name = "portvalue" xpath = "/Config/ServerCluster/Server/Transport/@Port" delimiters = "" position = 1 } field { col_name = "protocol" xpath = "/Config/ServerCluster/Server/Transport/@Protocol" delimiters = "" position = 1 } } } if_not_found_do = terminate {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Filter clusters by protocol (URL)" filter { src_table_name = "clusters" target_table_name = "clusters" condition = eq { get_attr {"clusters[].protocol"} get_attr {"entry_point.protocol"} } } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Merge clusters to routes" merge { table1_name = "routes" key1_name = "cluster" table2_name = "clusters" key2_name = "name" result_table_name = "clusters" unmatched_lines = remove } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "create connection" if { condition = is_empty {get_attr {"clusters"}} on_true = nop {} on_false = create_connection { connection_type = CLUSTER cluster_name = get_attr {"clusters[*].cluster"} target_ci_type = "cmdb_ci_app_server_websphere" entry_point_type = "cmdb_ci_endpoint_http" attributes { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "protocol" value = get_attr {"entry_point.protocol"} } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "url" value = get_attr {"entry_point.url"} } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "host" value = get_attr {"clusters[*].hostname"} } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "port" value = get_attr {"clusters[*].portvalue"} } } traffic_based = "false" } } } } connection { name = "Create LDAP Connection" step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "set confdir" parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "config_file" to_var_names = "confdir" parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = "(.*)\\\\httpd.conf"} if_not_found_do = terminate {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "parse ldap.prop" parse_text_file_to_var { file_path = get_files_by_filter { expression = concat { get_attr {"confdir"} "\\\\ldap.prop" } foreach_attribute_name = "forEach" // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI } var_names = "ldap_url" parsing_strategy = properties_parsing_strategy {fields { field { col_name = "ldap_url" xpath = "/ldap/URL/text()" delimiters = "" position = 1 } field { col_name = "forEach" for_each = "forEach" delimiters = "" position = 1 } }} if_not_found_do = terminate {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "parse ldap url" parse_url_to_var { from_var_name = "ldap_url" to_var_name = "ldap_conn" if_not_found_do = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "get db if specified" if { condition = contains { get_attr {"ldap_conn[1].path"} "o=" } on_true = parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "ldap_conn[*].path" to_var_names = "db" parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = "o=(.*),"} if_not_found_do = nop {} } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "create ldap connection" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"ldap_conn"}} on_true = create_connection { connection_type = APPLICATION_FLOW target_ci_type = "cmdb_ci_sun_ldap_dir_server" entry_point_type = "cmdb_ci_endpoint_ldap" attributes { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "host" value = get_attr {"ldap_conn[1].host"} } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "port" value = get_attr {"ldap_conn[1].port"} } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "protocol" value = "ldap" } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "type" value = get_attr {"db"} } } is_artificial = "false" traffic_based = "false" } on_false = nop {} } } } connection { name = "OC4J Connectivity" step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "find oc4j include" parse_text_file_to_var { file_path = get_files_by_filter { expression = get_attr {"config_file"} foreach_attribute_name = "forEach" // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI } var_names = "oc4j_mod" parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { include_lines_pattern = "include \".*\\\\mod_oc4j.conf\"" exclude_lines_pattern = "\\s*#" delimiters = "\"" selected_positions = 2 } if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Verify oc4j module loaded" parse_text_file_to_var { file_path = get_files_by_filter { expression = concat { get_attr {"install_directory"} "\\conf\\mod_oc4j.conf" } foreach_attribute_name = "forEach" // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI } var_names = table { name = "oc4j_mounts" col_names = "uri","destination" } parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { include_lines_pattern = "Oc4jMount" exclude_lines_pattern = "#" delimiters = " " selected_positions = 2,3 } if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Local OC4J connectivity" filter { src_table_name = "oc4j_mounts" target_table_name = "local_oc4j" condition = all { not_starts_with { "instance" get_attr {"oc4j_mounts[].destination"} } not_starts_with { "cluster" get_attr {"oc4j_mounts[].destination"} } not_starts_with { "ajp" get_attr {"oc4j_mounts[].destination"} } } } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "if no mounts, read instances AJP ports" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"local_oc4j"}} on_true = runcmd_to_var { cmd = concat { get_attr {"process.currentDir"} "\\..\\..\\opmn\\bin\\opmnctl.exe status -fmt %cmp32%prt32%por40%pid" } var_names = table { name = "instances" col_names = "oc4j_instance","ports","pid" } parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { include_lines_pattern = "OC4J" exclude_lines_pattern = "" delimiters = "|" selected_positions = 2,3,4 } if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "extract AJP ports" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"local_oc4j"}} on_true = transform { src_table_name = "instances" target_table_name = "AJP_PORTS" operation {set_field { field_name = "ajp_port" value = concat {eval {"var = ${instances[].ports}; matcher = var =~ /jms:(\\d+),ajp:(\\d+)/; return matcher[0][2]"}} }} } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "set dest_host" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"local_oc4j"}} on_true = set_attr { "destHost" get_attr {"computer_system.primaryManagementIP"} } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "create broadcast AJP connection" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"local_oc4j"}} on_true = create_connection { connection_type = APPLICATION_FLOW target_ci_type = "cmdb_ci_app_server_ora_ias" entry_point_type = "cmdb_ci_endpoint_ajp" attributes { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "host" value = get_attr {"destHost"} } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "port" value = get_attr {"AJP_PORTS[*].ajp_port"} } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "url" value = get_attr {"entry_point.url"} } } is_artificial = "false" traffic_based = "false" } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "parse ep URL" parse_url_to_var { from_var_name = "entry_point.url" to_var_name = "ep_url" if_not_found_do = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "filter oc4j_mounts by uri" filter { src_table_name = "oc4j_mounts" target_table_name = "oc4j_mounts" condition = any { contains { get_attr {"oc4j_mounts[].uri"} get_attr {"ep_url[1].path"} } contains { get_attr {"ep_url[1].path"} get_attr {"oc4j_mounts[*].uri"} } } } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "parse ajp:// mounts" parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "oc4j_mounts[*].destination" to_var_names = table { name = "ajp_destinations" col_names = "host","port" } parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = "ajp13://(.*):(\\d+)"} if_not_found_do = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "create direct AJP connections" create_connection { connection_type = APPLICATION_FLOW entry_point_type = "cmdb_ci_endpoint_ajp" attributes { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "host" value = get_attr {"ajp_destinations[*].host"} } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "port" value = get_attr {"ajp_destinations[*].port"} } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "url" value = get_attr {"entry_point.url"} } } is_artificial = "false" traffic_based = "false" } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "filter instance:// mounts" filter { src_table_name = "oc4j_mounts" target_table_name = "instance_oc4j" condition = starts_with { "instance://" get_attr {"oc4j_mounts[].destination"} } } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "parse instance:// destinations" parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "instance_oc4j[*].destination" to_var_names = table { name = "ias_instances" col_names = "as_instance","oc4j_instance" } parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { include_lines_pattern = "" exclude_lines_pattern = "" delimiters = ":","//" selected_positions = 2,3 } if_not_found_do = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "filter cluster:// mounts" filter { src_table_name = "oc4j_mounts" target_table_name = "cluster_oc4j" condition = starts_with { "cluster://" get_attr {"oc4j_mounts[].destination"} } } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "parse cluster:// destinations" parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "cluster_oc4j[*].destination" to_var_names = table { name = "as_clusters" col_names = "cluster_name","oc4j_instance_name" } parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { include_lines_pattern = "" exclude_lines_pattern = "" delimiters = ":","//" selected_positions = 2,3 } if_not_found_do = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "get @farm oc4j instances" runcmd_to_var { cmd = concat { get_attr {"install_directory"} "\\..\\..\\opmn\\bin\\opmnctl @farm status -noheaders -fsep \"|\" -fmt %cmp%prt%clu%ins%por" } var_names = table { name = "oc4j_instances" col_names = "oc4j_name","cluster_name","instance_name","ports" } parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { include_lines_pattern = "OC4J" exclude_lines_pattern = "" delimiters = "|" selected_positions = 2,3,4,5 } if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "handle instance:// mounts connections" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"ias_instances"}} on_true = merge { table1_name = "oc4j_instances" key1_name = "instance_name" table2_name = "ias_instances" key2_name = "as_instance" result_table_name = "oc4j_instances" unmatched_lines = remove } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "handle cluster:// mounts connections" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"as_clusters"}} on_true = merge { table1_name = "oc4j_instances" key1_name = "cluster_name" table2_name = "as_clusters" key2_name = "cluster_name" result_table_name = "oc4j_instances" unmatched_lines = remove } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "extract AJP port from oc4j_instances table" transform { src_table_name = "oc4j_instances" target_table_name = "oc4j_instances" operation {set_field { field_name = "ajp_port" value = concat {eval {"m = ${oc4j_instances.ports} =~ /ajp:(\\d+),?/; m[0][1]"}} }} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "extract host name from instance_name" transform { src_table_name = "oc4j_instances" target_table_name = "oc4j_instances" operation {set_field { field_name = "hostname" value = eval {"a = ${oc4j_instances.instance_name}; arr = a.split(\"\\\\.\"); arr[1..<arr.length].join(\".\")"} }} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "split oc4j_instances to instances only" filter { src_table_name = "oc4j_instances" target_table_name = "conn_instances" condition = is_empty {get_attr {"oc4j_instances[].cluster_name"}} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "split oc4j_instances to clusters only" filter { src_table_name = "oc4j_instances" target_table_name = "conn_clusters" condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"oc4j_instances[].cluster_name"}} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "create APP_FLOW connections" create_connection { connection_type = APPLICATION_FLOW entry_point_type = "cmdb_ci_endpoint_ajp" attributes { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "host" value = get_attr {"conn_instances[*].hostname"} } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "port" value = get_attr {"conn_instances[*].ajp_port"} } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "url" value = get_attr {"entry_point.url"} } } is_artificial = "false" traffic_based = "false" } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "create CLUSTER connections" create_connection { connection_type = CLUSTER cluster_name = get_attr {"conn_clusters[*].cluster_name"} entry_point_type = "cmdb_ci_endpoint_ajp" attributes { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "host" value = get_attr {"conn_clusters[*].hostname"} } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "port" value = get_attr {"conn_clusters[*].ajp_port"} } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "url" value = get_attr {"entry_point.url"} } } is_artificial = "false" traffic_based = "false" } } } connection { name = "WebLogic connectivity" step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Check if WL module configured in Apache" parse_text_file_to_var { file_path = get_files_by_filter { expression = get_attr {"config_file"} foreach_attribute_name = "forEach" // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI } var_names = "wl_identification" parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { include_lines_pattern = "weblogic_module" delimiters = "\\" selected_positions = 2 } if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Get WebLogic host" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"wl_identification"}} on_true = parse_text_file_to_var { file_path = get_files_by_filter { expression = get_attr {"config_file"} foreach_attribute_name = "forEach" // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI } var_names = "wl_host" parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { include_lines_pattern = "WebLogicHost" selected_positions = 2 } if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Get WebLogic port" parse_text_file_to_var { file_path = get_files_by_filter { expression = get_attr {"config_file"} foreach_attribute_name = "forEach" // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI } var_names = "wl_port" parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { include_lines_pattern = "WebLogicPort" delimiters = " " selected_positions = 2 } if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Create connection to single WL host" if { condition = all { is_not_empty {get_attr {"wl_port"}} is_not_empty {get_attr {"wl_host"}} } on_true = create_connection { connection_type = APPLICATION_FLOW target_ci_type = "cmdb_ci_app_server_weblogic" entry_point_type = "cmdb_ci_endpoint_http" attributes { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "host" value = get_attr {"wl_host"} } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "port" value = get_attr {"wl_port"} } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "protocol" value = get_attr {"entry_point.protocol"} } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "url" value = get_attr {"entry_point.url"} } } is_artificial = "false" traffic_based = "false" } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Get Weblogic cluster hosts and ports" if { condition = is_empty {concat { get_attr {"wl_host"} get_attr {"wl_host"} }} on_true = parse_text_file_to_var { file_path = get_files_by_filter { expression = get_attr {"config_file"} foreach_attribute_name = "forEach" // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI } var_names = "wl_cluster_hosts_ports" parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { include_lines_pattern = "WebLogicCluster" delimiters = " " selected_positions = 2 } if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Build table of WL hosts and ports in cluster" parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "wl_cluster_hosts_ports" to_var_names = table { name = "wl_hosts_ports" col_names = "wl_hosts","wl_ports" } parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { delimiters = ":" selected_positions = 1,2 line_seperator = "," } if_not_found_do = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Create connection to cluster WL hosts" create_connection { connection_type = APPLICATION_FLOW target_ci_type = "cmdb_ci_app_server_weblogic" entry_point_type = "cmdb_ci_endpoint_http" attributes { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "host" value = get_attr {"wl_hosts_ports[*].wl_hosts"} } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "port" value = get_attr {"wl_hosts_ports[*].wl_ports"} } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "protocol" value = get_attr {"entry_point.protocol"} } attribute { // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI name = "url" value = get_attr {"entry_point.url"} } } is_artificial = "false" traffic_based = "false" } } } connection { name = "Jiva Connectivity" step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Match" match { contains { "1" "1" } terminate_op = terminate } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Get jiva conf file" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"config_file"}} on_true = parse_text_file_to_var { file_path = get_files_by_filter { expression = get_attr {"config_file"} foreach_attribute_name = "forEach" // Attribute collection: Collects specific attributes from the discovered CI } var_names = "jiva_conf" parsing_strategy = delimited_parsing { include_lines_pattern = "Include"," jiva" exclude_lines_pattern = "#" delimiters = "conf/" selected_positions = 2 } if_not_found_do = nop {} cache_flag = 0 } on_false = nop {} } } step { // Step definition: Represents a single action or set of actions in the pattern name = "Set conf directory" if { condition = is_not_empty {get_attr {"config_file"}} on_true = parse_var_to_var { from_var_name = "config_file" to_var_names = "conf_dir" parsing_st...
Apache on UNIX based OS
"I would like for you to help me build a Pattern that helps achieve Discovery of Apache on UNIX base(...TRUNCATED)
1 - Application
"pattern {\n metadata {\n id = \"28d607dbfead4be3887c843814455100\"\n name = \"Apache on UNIX base(...TRUNCATED)
"pattern {\n metadata { // Metadata section: Contains metadata information about the pattern\n id =(...TRUNCATED)
Credentialless Discovery Application
"I would like for you to help me build a Pattern that helps achieve Discovery of Credentialless Disc(...TRUNCATED)
1 - Application
"pattern {\n metadata {\n id = \"4197575ec76b32003f199c569b976348\"\n name = \"Credentialless Disc(...TRUNCATED)
"pattern {\n metadata { // Metadata section: Contains metadata information about the pattern\n id =(...TRUNCATED)
Active Directory Service
"I would like for you to help me build a Pattern that helps achieve Discovery of Active Directory Se(...TRUNCATED)
1 - Application
"pattern {\n metadata {\n id = \"f2dfec7d49ba40d69ef705f25c366ac0\"\n name = \"Active Directory Se(...TRUNCATED)
"pattern {\n metadata { // Metadata section: Contains metadata information about the pattern\n id =(...TRUNCATED)
APIGee Pattern
"I would like for you to help me build a Pattern that helps achieve Discovery of APIGee Pattern. \\n(...TRUNCATED)
1 - Application
"pattern {\n metadata {\n id = \"3e221256db16d3404c93f3671d9619b8\"\n name = \"APIGee Pattern\"\n (...TRUNCATED)
"pattern {\n metadata { // Metadata section: Contains metadata information about the pattern\n id =(...TRUNCATED) exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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