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What Are the Best Exercises for Weight Loss?<br>May 6, 2024 Blog<br>Losing weight can be a challenging journey, but incorporating exercise into your routine can make a significant difference. Not only does exercise help you burn calories, but it also boosts your metabolism, improves your mood and increases your overall health and well-being.<br>But with so many different types of exercises out there, it can be overwhelming to figure out which ones are the best for weight loss.<br>How to Exercise for Weight Loss<br>Before we dive into the best exercises for weight loss, it’s essential to understand the basics of how to exercise for weight loss. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:<br>Start slow and gradually increase intensity<br>If you’re new to exercising, it’s crucial to start slow and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts. This will help prevent injury and allow your body to adjust to the new physical demands.<br>Mix up your routine<br>Doing the same exercises every day can get boring and may not be as effective for weight loss. Mix up your routine by incorporating different types of exercises, such as cardio, strength training and flexibility exercises.<br>Stay consistent<br>Consistency is key when it comes to weight loss. Aim to exercise at least 3 to 4 times a week for 30 to 60 minutes each session. This will help you see results and maintain them in the long run.<br>Exercise Routine for Weight Loss<br>Now that you know the basics of how to exercise for weight loss, let’s explore the best exercises to include in your routine.<br>Walking exercise for weight loss<br>Walking is a low-impact exercise that is perfect for beginners or those with joint pain. It’s also a great way to incorporate more movement into your daily routine. Aim to walk for at least 30 minutes a day, whether it’s outside or on a treadmill.<br>Chair exercises for weight loss<br>If you have limited mobility or are looking for low-impact exercises, chair exercises are a great option. These exercises can be done while sitting in a chair and can help improve strength, flexibility and balance. Some examples of chair exercises include seated leg lifts, arm circles and seated twists.<br>Cardio exercises for weight loss<br>Cardio exercises are great for burning calories and improving cardiovascular health. Some popular cardio exercises include running, cycling and swimming. Aim to do at least 30 minutes of cardio 3 to 4 times a week.<br>Low impact exercises for weight loss<br>Low impact exercises are perfect for those with joint pain or injuries. These exercises are gentler on the body but still provide a great workout. Some examples of low impact exercises include yoga, Pilates and using an elliptical machine.<br>Pool exercises for weight loss<br>Exercising in the pool is a great way to burn calories without putting stress on your joints. Swimming laps, water aerobics and treading water are all excellent options for pool exercises. Plus, the resistance of the water can help build muscle and improve cardiovascular health.<br>Somatic exercises for weight loss<br>Somatic exercises focus on releasing tension and improving body awareness. These exercises can help improve posture, reduce pain and increase flexibility. Some examples of somatic exercises include the cat-cow stretch, pelvic tilts and shoulder rolls.<br>Bike exercises for weight loss<br>Biking is a great way to get your heart rate up and burn calories. Whether you prefer riding a stationary bike or going for a bike ride outside, this exercise is perfect for weight loss. Aim to bike for at least 30 minutes 3 to 4 times a week.
superMario_Milt:<br>Mike mentzer (former bodybuilder, and someone who is respected for their work in the field) believed that cardio at a low intensity burns fat, whereas cardio at a higher intensity where you would lose your breath would instead burn carbohydrates.<br>I myself enjoy going on long walks (anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours). It’s easy on the joints, I can listen to music or stick to my thoughts, and you get fresh air away from being cooped up in a gym. It definitely as helped me trim up some over time.<br>Individual_Ad_2701:<br>I do 1-2 hours of lifting a day hate cardio well After lifting I do how much should I walk after I lift like would 20-30 minutes work I’m gaining muscle and I can see that my arms and chest are bigger but my belly is getting bigger also I did try eating less calories but idk.<br>Proudscobi:<br>If you are going to choose one for weight loss, go for weight lifting. It will improve your body composition. Even if you don't lose weight you will look better.<br>I lift weights in upper body/lower body splits 4 days a week so 2 days legs and 2 days upper body, alternating each day. I also run 3-5 days per week (depending on how much rest I feel I need for recovery). But if I am time crunched, I let the running slide rather than the weight lifting.
NBC HEALTH NEWS——<br>Morning workouts may be better for weight loss, study finds<br>People who got their exercise in between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. had lower BMIs than those who opted to exercise later in the day.<br>Is morning the best time of day to exercise? Research published Tuesday in the journal Obesity finds that early morning activity — between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. — could help with weight loss. <br>“My cautious suggestion from this study is that if we choose to exercise in the early morning, before we eat, we can potentially lose more weight compared to exercise at other times of the day,” said lead researcher Tongyu Ma, a research assistant professor at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.<br>Ma and his team used two years of data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention‘s national health and nutrition examination survey, which included the exercise, eating and lifestyle habits of more than 5,200 adults who were at least 20 years old. The people in the study wore accelerometers to capture their activity levels. <br>The data showed that people who did moderate to vigorous exercise in the morning had lower body mass indexes than people who exercised at midday or in the evening, though Ma said this could be due to a number of factors beyond exercise timing.
Examining the Latest Electric Vehicle Technology Trends<br>The market demands and technology trends that impact all aspects of electric vehicle (EV) development are constantly evolving. As trends change, so do the requirements for EV power systems, which impacts the demands placed on the components we supply. Therefore, we feel it is our duty to stay on top of shifting EV trends and share what we are seeing with our customers. This blog looks at three key trends impacting EV development that we are currently monitoring around shifting semiconductor development, in-vehicle system integration as a way to control costs, and the evolution of the EV charging ecosystem.<br>Trend 1: Shifting to Wide Band Gap Semiconductors<br>Consumer demands for longer range per charge and faster charging times are leading to EV power systems that must operate at higher voltages and temperatures. But as this shift happens, power system efficiency can’t suffer. In fact, battery systems must actually become more efficient. To increase efficiency of these high-voltage systems, we are starting to see a shift from using conventional silicon-based (Si) semiconductors to using wide-bandgap (WBG) semiconductors built with silicon carbide (SiC) or gallium nitride (GaN).<br>Currently, SiC-based WBG semiconductors are being used in applications such as inverters in 800V systems since these components enable higher switching frequencies and can help reduce the size and weight of the system. We are also seeing GaN-based semiconductors start to emerge as an option for lower-power systems such as the DC-DC converters that manage the auxiliary systems in the vehicle.<br>While this shift is happening, researchers are of course already trying to further push limits as they work on developing ultra-WBG semiconductors. These semiconductors are poised to operate at even higher voltages and temperatures while being built using innovative materials that make them even smaller and lighter. It will be exciting to keep an eye on these developments and what will be possible in the near future with these components!<br>Trend 2: Integrating In-Vehicle Systems<br>Like most industries, EV manufacturers feel the pressure to reduce costs, even as they push the limits of what vehicles are capable of. Integration, or the combining of individual subsystems (functions from the EV block diagram in Figure 1) together into multi-function modules, is now a growing trend to help curb costs. Below are three in-vehicle systems where integration is starting to (or will likely start to) play a key role:<br>Configuring bidirectional charging, which enables vehicle-to-home (V2H) and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) charging (discussed more below)<br>Combining the onboard charger (OBC) and the DC-DC converter into a single unit that is smaller and lighter while offering increased power density<br>Incorporating all-in-one power systems such as an 8-in-1 power system that combines many key components of the electric drive train into a single module<br>Trend 3: Boosting the EV Charging Ecosystem<br>As we all know, charging is a key part of the EV ecosystem – without sufficient charging, EVs simply don’t work. But charging is no longer as simple as having a means to plug in the vehicle and get it juiced up. There are a lot of market and societal demands EV engineers must also consider that range from rapid charging, especially when people are on the go, to the desire to use the energy generated from charging more efficiently. As a result, we are seeing several in-vehicle changes starting with the big shift from 400V to 800V systems, which is necessary for rapid charging to become a reality.<br>Looking at ways to use the energy generated from vehicle charging more efficiently, especially excess energy, there are a few key parts of this trend. As mentioned above, V2H and V2G are bidirectional charging methods that can further proliferate the sustainability benefits of EVs beyond the vehicle. In a V2H application, the EV battery acts as a mobile power bank that can supply a person’s home with electricity during peak hours. A V2G scenario is similar except the energy can be fed back to the grid to help balance energy fluctuations and promote grid sustainability. And similarly, there is also a demand from consumers around the concept of “green mobility,” where the EV, the EV charger, and renewable energy sources are all integrated on the grid to avoid using electricity generated from coal to charge vehicles. <br>It certainly is an exciting time for EV engineers, and for us! We will continue to monitor these trends and provide additional insight into how these trends are impacting the development of the key power system components we supply such as capacitors.
r/fuckcars:<br>An electric car trend I am noticing<br>Has anyone noticed how the car industry is basically using the electric car as an excuse to build bigger and heavier cars? Not only are they producing mostly grossly large SUVs and trucks (Hummer EV I am looking at you) but are also using the zero emission thing as a way of saying " it is a big car buuut it has no tailpipe emissions so it's fine!"<br>I saw the recently unveiled Cadillac Escalade electric video (https://youtu.be/15xYhrddoNs) and it mentioned that is has a whopping 200 kWh battery in a massive car. It is absolutely absurd and I can guarantee that it is a trend that is going to continue. What do you think?<br>Alimbiquated:<br>The American car industry is going the way of the American once great motorcycle industry, which is reduced to making Harley-Davidson novelty products.<br>Expect sillier and sillier vehicles until a big wave of (probably Chinese) EVs take over the American market.<br>telescopefocuser:<br>You know what drives me up the wall? The hoods. Electric cars don't need tall hoods. I can nearly understand why an electric Escalade or F150 may have tall hoods to reuse body panels, but trucks built from the ground up to be electric, such as the Rivian, Hummer EV, and Cybertruck, also all have tall hoods. Why? So that people can buy cars that look like they can tenderize pedestrians? It's a disgrace that needlessly dangerous vehicle design is not only allowed, but incentivized by law. What kind of world do we live in, if concept artists have blood on their hands because no engineer, no manager, no designer, or lawmaker, could care enough about human life to drop a vestigial bulge?
BBC——Electric shock<br>In the first quarter of next year the one millionth all-electric car will set-off on UK roads, according to Schmidt Automotive Research. That will make the UK the second market, after Germany to reach that landmark.<br>Despite that, 2024 is expected to be another tough year for the makers of electric vehicle (EVs).<br>Late in 2023, Ford, GM and Tesla all paused plans to expand their production of electric vehicles. In October, Mercedes-Benz described the market for electric vehicles as "brutal", blaming a price war and supply chain issues.<br>Analysts don't expect the situation to get much easier.<br>Matthias Schmidt, an auto market analyst, forecasts a stagnant year for EV sales across Europe in 2024. In traditionally strong markets like Germany and Norway he sees almost no growth at all.<br>However, the UK could be one bright spot due to the introduction of the zero emission vehicle (ZEV) mandate. From January, just over a fifth of vehicles sold must be electric, with the target expected to hit 80% by 2030.<br>All this could be great news for anyone with the money to buy an EV.<br>"It will be a total buyer's market especially when it comes to electric cars as manufacturers rush to meet ZEV mandate targets," says Mr Schmidt.<br>"The cuts will be hidden though, through financing deals and higher trim levels at no extra costs - as manufacturers will be hesitant in being too overt about price cuts," he adds.
This blog will explore the latest advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning, including recent development of advanced algorithms.<br>In recent years, advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have driven optimization in systems and control engineering. We live in an age of big data, and AI and ML can analyze vast amounts of data in real time to improve efficiency and accuracy in data-driven decision-making processes. In control engineering, for example, AI algorithms can predict system behaviors and automatically adjust controls to optimize performance for increased efficiency and reliability.1<br>ML models, through their learning capabilities, continuously improve their predictions and decisions as they process more data, so systems can adapt to changing environments and operational conditions dynamically. This rapid adaptation improves the capabilities of existing systems and allows for the development of innovative solutions, such as autonomous vehicles and smart grids, that were once considered impractical.1
polygon_lover:<br>Honestly hard to say. There's so much marketing BS out there.<br>NoGolf2359:<br>I came to fix your printer<br>Nothing worth watching to be honest. Few code generation assistants (dumb as af), text-to-image generators for OnlyFans bot space and pervert porn addicts. Few extremely underwhelming but overhyped text-based chatbots that hallucinate, are too slow, opinionated, implicated in data-theft (by memorizing PIIs etc) and require a continent the size of Europe to power and train. Some expensive speech-to-text analyzers that can predict the sentiment and context (sort of), and the other way around to steal dead people’s voices.<br>TL;DR, a collection of hot excrement for the normies and predatory CEOs. Nothing futuristic yet that would steal blue and white collar jobs.
Science News——Bio-inspired cameras and AI help drivers detect pedestrians and obstacles faster<br>Artificial intelligence (AI) combined with a novel bio-inspired camera achieves 100 times faster detection of pedestrians and obstacles than current automotive cameras. This important step for computer vision and AI and can greatly improve the safety of automotive systems and self-driving cars.
My husband and I worked at the South Pole Station; I have been there one season and he has been there 5 seasons (all summer seasons). About half the population is scientists and half is support staff. We were support staff. Scientists seem to work seven days a week as much as needed; support staff typically work 54 hours per week (9 hours per day, 6 days per week) and most have Sundays off, but that varies depending on the job position.<br>At the beginning and end of the summer season, outside temperatures can be almost -60°F, with wind chills in the -70s to -80s. We arrive in a C-130 on skis, operated by the US Air Force. It’s a big, noisy, vibrating aircraft from WWII era and people are strapped to the inside walls in little canvas seats with seat belts. Once the plane reaches a safe altitude, passengers are allowed to get up and look out the tiny windows on the sides and go up into the cockpit to look out the bigger windows.<br>Berths in the main station are very small–about the size of a walk-in closet–but quite comfortable, with a twin sized bed, closet, desk, phone, and lamp. There are ethernet cables so you can hook up your laptop to the internet, which is only available during certain hours depending on the satellite connection. Some of the rooms have walls between them that can be removed so you can turn the room into a “double” for couples who work there. That’s what we had–we basically put the twin beds next to each other and turned them into a king-size bed. Our rooms had windows and since the sun shines 24/7 during the summer, we had to cover them up at “night” so we could sleep.<br>There are established meal times 3 times per day; the galley staff do a great job of making tasty things to eat even though most of their ingredients are canned and frozen (and usually several years beyond the expiration date, but since the food is stored at -60F year-round it doesn’t usually matter). The station also has a growth chamber (“greenhouse”) where they can grow lettuce, strawberries, melons, peppers, herbs, tomatoes, and other freshies. This used to be used year-round but they seem to be using it only for winter-overs now. Theoretically fresh food is flown in during the summer but that didn’t happen much in 2012-2013. Vegetarian options are always available (good for us, since we are vegetarians), but by the end of the season I was craving fresh salad. The galley puts on special meals for the holidays, complete with festive decorations. Christmas time is about the warmest time of the year at the South Pole; temperatures typically get up to around -10°F.<br>The South Pole was a great experience for me; I would love to go back. The season (3.5 months) went by very quickly.
sciencemercenary:<br>I think I'm unique: the novelty never wore off. No matter what was happening, I always had these moments of "OMG I'm in Antarctica! This is amazing!"<br>20 years of awe and wonder. Every. Single. Day.<br>griffin8116:<br>I'm at South Pole Station now. My daily routine involves rushing to the galley for breakfast and then figuring out the day's task list. Our lab is like a mile or so away from Station so then I throw on whatever gear the weather dictates and then heading out to do things. Lunch at lunchtime and then back to the lab. In the evenings there's usually stuff but due to COVID a lot of the social activities have been cancelled or have limited people numbers. I'm a night owl so I read for a few hours and then go to bed. Rinse and repeat.<br>The novelty hasn't worn off yet, but there are some "little things" that are a little annoying (even after only a week). For example, my berth is really small (most of them are), so getting dressed and putting on my cold weather gear is a pain. It's hard to get at the desk in my room because the room is so narrow, I kind of have to sneak around the chair and turn it at the same time... It makes me feel a bit trapped, so I avoid spending time in there unless I absolutely have to.<br>The station is kept a bit warmer than I'd like, so I find I'm constantly changing out of thermal layers if I'm spending any amount of time inside.<br>We also have a mask mandate right now so I feel like whenever I transition from inside to outside or vice versa I just have to be blind for a few minutes while things defog. That of all things is the thing driving me up the wall right now. Foggy glasses... Sigh.<br>South Pole Station is nicer for privacy than McMurdo for sure (private rooms), but I really miss having a private bathroom. The bathrooms get cleaned daily (by us) so nothing is ever really gross but it's still a public bathroom. The two 2-minute showers a week thing is a bit of a pain but I've managed to grow out of it.<br>The high-bandwidth satellite link is only up in the morning right now, I do miss being able to just look things up at-will, especially in the evening. So in stead I've been reading books I brought, but sometimes I just want to sit and look at memes.<br>No Southern Lights right now because it's daytime (only one sunrise and one sunset a year at Pole), Sun is very high overhead all the time but not so high that you don't get shadows / need to know where it is for picture taking. The 24 hour sunlight is really hard on some people, but I'm OK with it. I don't even use fully opaque blinds since I don't need it to be pitch black to sleep.<br>OK time to get to work, gotta install a camera on the rooftop of a building now.
CNN — <br>A five-month-long slumber party. A college dorm. An introvert’s hell.<br>Those are just some of the words residents of Antarctica use to describe life in the world’s coldest, most mysterious continent.<br>In 1959, 12 countries - including Chile, Japan, Australia and the United States – signed the Antarctic Treaty, pledging that the seventh continent would only be used “for peaceful purposes only.” As a result, there are no military bases there, although military planes and ships can bring people and supplies.<br>That means that only a few thousand humans can say that they have lived in Antarctica.<br>And yet, despite bunking with strangers, taking 90-second showers and having zero privacy, there are intrepid travelers who believe all the challenges are worth it.<br>Keri Nelson is one of them.<br>The Minnesota native first went to the White Continent in 2007 to work as a janitor at McMurdo Base, one of the three US outposts there. Now a veteran of 16 Antarctica seasons, she has done stints at all three stations – in addition to McMurdo, the largest and most active, there are Amundsen-Scott Station at the geographic south pole, and Palmer Station, north of the Antarctic peninsula.<br>“If I was going to describe it in musical form,” Nelson says, “I would say McMurdo was like gritty, dirty bluegrass and South Pole was like symphony music and Palmer is like really corny, fun pop music.”
Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation: Vulnerability and Health<br>One winter, many years ago, I remember someone was brushing off the snow on their car windows when they exclaimed “What? There is no such thing as global warming! Just look around!”. At the time, I was in the sixth grade and I knew there was something wrong with that statement, but I had to find out more. I was standing in my school library when I decided that global warming would be the topic of my science project, mainly because I had a few encounters with people who didn’t think it was real--what made this so unreal? I had no idea that that 12 year old girl would learn so much global warming and consequently, climate change over the course of the next few years. And I also had no idea how dire our situation is, and as a whole how vulnerable we are.<br>Carbon dioxide, a driving force behind global warming, lingers in the atmosphere for hundreds of years and Earth takes a while to respond to warming. Even if we managed to stop emitting all greenhouse gases today, climate change would still affect our future generations. In this way, global warming is in our future, and we are stuck with it (NASA 2021). We can deal with climate change through two approaches, climate change mitigation and adaptation. Climate change adaptation means adapting to the future or current climate. The goal is to minimize our vulnerabilities to the harmful effects of climate change. Adaptation focuses on reducing negative effects by taking advantage of small opportunities which arise. Climate change mitigation means trying to minimize the emissions of harmful greenhouse gases, and limit the long-term effects of global warming (GEF 2018). The most important and most impactful way of mitigating climate change is through substituting the use of coal, oil, gas, and other fossil fuels with cleaner energy sources such as electricity or solar power (IRENA 2019). Other ways of mitigation can be attained through changes in our waste management, agricultural industries, and forest preservation (IPCC 2007). Reducing cattle and meat consumption can assist this mitigation because both are closely linked with the production of methane gases. These gases have a very high, short term impact and although it releases the least amount of carbon dioxide during combustion than any other hydrocarbon, it releases the most amount of heat from any organic molecule. These “diminishments” can also take place in political and economical communities through emission pricing models such as carbon taxes, and divestment from fossil fuel finance. Climate change mitigation aims to attack the source of the problem so it does not become a life-changing problem in the future.<br>Whilst mitigation is focused on tackling the causes, adaptation is focused on reducing negative effects through taking advantage of opportunities which arise. It is important to recognize that our focus cannot simply be on one approach, however, Laukkonen et al. write that mitigation and adaptation “do not always complement each other, but can be counterproductive” (2009). Therefore, priorities need to be set, in order to avoid conflicts. To solve our climate crisis, there is no right or wrong approach, rather the most sustainable outcomes can be achieved with a productive blend of both (Laukkonen et al, 2009).<br>‘Vulnerability’, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is “the degree to which geophysical, biological and socio-economic systems are susceptible to, and unable to cope with adverse impacts of climate change” (IPCC, 2007). Individuals and communities’ vulnerability to climate change is determined by many factors and it is not only limited to the location of their settlements. The approach that we take to deal with climate change is very important as certain attitudes reflect on the services local governments provide and how effective and capable those services are as well as the extent to which the society, as a whole, is able to cope with climate change impacts (Laukkonen et al, 2009). Most consider poor communities in less economically developed countries to be the most vulnerable to climate change as basic urban services such as water, sanitation, drainage, energy, and transport, etc, are unavailable to them. They are at an extreme disadvantage since climate change creates additional problems for them. Poverty creates a state of heightened vulnerability that requires comprehensive strategies and approaches that combine climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts (Laukkonen et al, 2009). The health impacts of climate change will vary from population to population as well as individual to individual due to differential exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity of individuals and groups (Paavola, 2017).<br>Furthermore, interestingly, mitigation and adaptation strategies also create co-benefits for individual health and community health. Non-climate-related health hazard exposures are reduced and health promotion behaviours and lifestyles allow this to happen (Kjellstrom et al, 2009). The following table provides a summary of health co-benefit examples that arise from climate change responses as a result of mitigation and adaptation approaches.<br>Ultimately, we must think about those affected the most by climate change and then work towards making sure they are not left behind struggling. This can be done through a combination of mitigation and adaptation strategies. As opposed to worsening individual and community health as a result of climate change, mitigation and adaptation approaches will have increasing health co-benefits. Unfortunately, the people in positions of power must take a stand for our climate and mitigation and adaptation strategies should be prioritized. When CEOS, politicians, and other important stakeholders truly understand the alarming situation we are in, they should take concrete steps to ensure the survival of a healthy world. We need to close this knowledge gap. In addition, it is not enough for our national and state/provincial public health agencies to take responsibility for interventions. Individuals within their communities must also take part in helping to reduce climate change–related morbidity and mortality.
samdekat:<br>Well, reducing the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is very likely to be effective.<br>SapinBaleine:<br>Well it depends where you are but ecosystem restauration like mangroves are good for mitigation (remove CO2), adaptation (protect the coast) and offer services for local communities (wood, fish, tourism).
News——What is climate change mitigation and why is it urgent?<br>Summary<br>Climate change mitigation involves actions to reduce or prevent greenhouse gas emissions from human activities.<br>Mitigation efforts include transitioning to renewable energy sources, enhancing energy efficiency, adopting regenerative agricultural practices and protecting and restoring forests and critical ecosystems.<br>Effective mitigation requires a whole-of-society approach and structural transformations to reduce emissions and limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.<br>International cooperation, for example through the Paris Agreement, is crucial in guiding and achieving global and national mitigation goals.<br>Mitigation efforts face challenges such as the world's deep-rooted dependency on fossil fuels, the increased demand for new mineral resources and the difficulties in revamping our food systems.<br>These challenges also offer opportunities to improve resilience and contribute to sustainable development.
In the recent past, even the concept of receiving medical care without a physical visit to the hospital might have seemed like science fiction. With the growth of telemedicine, this futuristic notion has turned into a present-day reality that has revolutionized the way healthcare is delivered.<br>The history of telemedicine begins in the mid-20th century, when advancements in telecommunications and information technology laid the groundwork for remote medical consultations. One of the pioneering moments occurred in the 1950s, when radiologic images were transmitted over telephone lines for diagnostic purposes. This was the real beginning of new technologies that would ultimately redefine the future of telemedicine.<br>Since the internet has begun to gain more popularity in the late 20th century, many tools that were considered the future of telemedicine have become our reality. Such rapid development enabled healthcare professionals to share information and interact with patients in real-time across vast distances.<br>As a result, initially used for consultations in remote or underserved areas, telemedicine rapidly gained traction as a practical solution for improving healthcare accessibility. The turn of the 21st century witnessed a huge development of telemedicine trends, driven by technological advancements, improved internet connectivity, and a growing demand for more convenient healthcare options. Innovations such as video conferencing, mobile health applications, and wearable devices played crucial roles in shaping the future of telemedicine.
t0ldyouso:<br>I got an adderall prescription during the pandemic via telehealth, but through a local practice. It honestly saved my life. I have a really good relationship with my psychiatrist and at my last appointment she even told me she’s proud of all the progress I’ve made. I’m worried that changes to the system will cause me to lose my prescription. I can’t go back to the way that I was before.<br>Ronho:<br>Honestly How hard is it for someone to get their pcp that they have ever been seen in person by to refer someone to a telepsych provider?<br>It doesn’t seem that hard. Everyone is bitching about something that is not what the guidelines say.<br>This is like how nobody knows what hipaa actually says. People only ever read the headlines.
News-Medicial——Telemedicine doubles HCV treatment success for opioid use disorder patients<br>People with opioid use disorder who have hepatitis C virus (HCV) were twice as likely to be successfully treated and cured from HCV if they received facilitated telemedicine treatment at their opioid treatment program (OTPs) than if they were referred off-site to another provider. Those are the findings published today by a University at Buffalo team of researchers in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).<br>The study is one of only a few randomized controlled trials that have been conducted to determine the effectiveness of using telemedicine to improve health care access for vulnerable populations.<br>Individuals with opioid use disorder are a particularly challenging underserved population to treat in conventional health care settings, and they are at highest risk for hepatitis C virus infection through needle sharing.<br>Led by Andrew H. Talal, MD, professor of medicine in the Jacobs School, this study explored the effectiveness of integrating telemedicine into OTPs for HCV management, thereby removing the need for off-site referrals.<br>It was funded by an $8.2 million award from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) to compare OTP-integrated facilitated telemedicine to off-site referral to an HCV specialist, the usual care approach in treating HCV in these individuals.<br>In addition, the Troup Fund of the Kaleida Health Foundation provided more than $3 million to the research.
Blog——What Is Quantum Computing?<br>What Is Quantum Computing?<br>Quantum computing is a sophisticated approach to making parallel calculations, using the physics that governs subatomic particles to replace the more simplistic transistors in today’s computers.<br>Quantum computers calculate using qubits, computing units that can be on, off or any value between, instead of the bits in traditional computers that are either on or off, one or zero. The qubit’s ability to live in the in-between state — called superposition — adds a powerful capability to the computing equation, making quantum computers superior for some kinds of math.<br>What Does a Quantum Computer Do?<br>Using qubits, quantum computers could buzz through calculations that would take classical computers a loooong time — if they could even finish them.<br>For example, today’s computers use eight bits to represent any number between 0 and 255. Thanks to features like superposition, a quantum computer can use eight qubits to represent every number between 0 and 255, simultaneously.<br>It’s a feature like parallelism in computing: All possibilities are computed at once rather than sequentially, providing tremendous speedups.<br>So, while a classical computer steps through long division calculations one at a time to factor a humongous number, a quantum computer can get the answer in a single step. Boom!<br>That means quantum computers could reshape whole fields, like cryptography, that are based on factoring what are today impossibly large numbers.
BobbyThrowaway6969:<br>It's not comparable to classic computers. You can't do virtually any of the stuff you can on a classical computer. It's just a way to solve certain parallel problems. That's all. It's still in its infancy but it has enough funding and attention to see it's not just a gimmick. It has real proven science behind it, just... not in the ways that sensationalist articles make out (All that wormhole crap for example, they didn't create a wormhole..)<br>SergeiTachenov:<br>reply "i don't think i have ever seen a program use more than 2 cores ever"<br>Which only means you haven't used them. I use them daily. Hell, even most games will gladly use about 4 cores these days. But mostly those cores are for professional software that performs a ton of heavy computations. The fact it's not very useful for some everyday stuff doesn't automatically makes it useless everywhere.<br>Same with quantum computers. They won't make your game run at 10000 FPS, they won't make complicated slow ass webpages load instantly. But they can solve complicated computational problems that will take forever to solve on a conventional computer.<br>Even if powerful quantum computers become reality, I seriously doubt that they become useful in daily life of an average user. But they could be used elsewhere, in special areas.<br>In fact, while quantum computers don't exist yet, there is quantum stuff that's already used in cryptography. I'm talking about quantum random number generators and quantum key distribution. These are perfect examples of very primitive tasks solvable by a quantum computer but not by a conventional computer. A conventional computer can't possibly generate random numbers, so it has to rely on pseudo-random sequences instead. These are inferior for cryptographic purposes because in theory they could be predicted (easier said than done, though!). A quantum random number generator is truly random. It's physically impossible to predict what it'll generate.<br>At this point, quantum computers are next to useless, though, that you got right. But so is pretty much every scientific discovery before it's made useful (if ever). It'll take quite a while to create actual quantum computers that can be used and it'll take even more to make them actually useful for some important tasks.<br>Also note that because they don't really exist yet, there aren't many quantum algorithms around. Just nobody bothered to invent them yet, because what for? To test quantum computers, the Shor's algorithm is more than enough for now.<br>In short, quantum computers are definitely useless now, but whether they will or won't be useful, nobody knows yet. It's just the way science works.
Science News——Theoretical quantum speedup with the quantum approximate optimization algorithm<br>In a new paper in Science Advances on May 29, researchers at JPMorgan Chase, the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory and Quantinuum have demonstrated clear evidence of a quantum algorithmic speedup for the quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA).<br>This algorithm has been studied extensively and has been implemented on many quantum computers. It has potential application in fields such as logistics, telecommunications, financial modeling and materials science.<br>"This work is a significant step towards reaching quantum advantage, laying the foundation for future impact in production," said Marco Pistoia, head of Global Technology Applied Research at JPMorgan Chase.<br>The team examined whether a quantum algorithm with low implementation costs could provide a quantum speedup over the best-known classical methods. QAOA was applied to the Low Autocorrelation Binary Sequences problem, which has significance in understanding the behavior of physical systems, signal processing and cryptography. The study showed that if the algorithm was asked to tackle increasingly larger problems, the time it would take to solve them would grow at a slower rate than that of a classical solver.<br>To explore the quantum algorithm's performance in an ideal noiseless setting, JPMorgan Chase and Argonne jointly developed a simulator to evaluate the algorithm's performance at scale. It was built on the Polaris supercomputer, accessed through the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF), a DOE Office of Science user facility. The ALCF is supported by DOE's Advanced Scientific Computing Research program.<br>"The large-scale quantum circuit simulations efficiently utilized the DOE petascale supercomputer Polaris located at the ALCF. These results show how high performance computing can complement and advance the field of quantum information science," said Yuri Alexeev, a computational scientist at Argonne. Jeffrey Larson, a computational mathematician in Argonne's Mathematics and Computer Science Division, also contributed to this research.<br>To take the first step toward practical realization of the speedup in the algorithm, the researchers demonstrated a small-scale implementation on Quantinuum's System Model H1 and H2 trapped-ion quantum computers. Using algorithm-specific error detection, the team reduced the impact of errors on algorithmic performance by up to 65%.<br>"Our long-standing partnership with JPMorgan Chase led to this meaningful and noteworthy three-way research experiment that also brought in Argonne. The results could not have been achieved without the unprecedented and world leading quality of our H-Series Quantum Computer, which provides a flexible device for executing error-correcting and error-detecting experiments on top of gate fidelities that are years ahead of other quantum computers," said Ilyas Khan, founder and chief product officer of Quantinuum.
5 ways that climate change affects the ocean<br>This post was updated on December 3, 2021<br>For an ecosystem that covers 70 percent of the planet, oceans get no respect.<br>They feed us, provide most of the oxygen we breathe and protect us from the worst effects of global warming. Were it not for the oceans, climate change would have already made Earth uninhabitable.<br>How?<br>The oceans have absorbed more than 90 percent of the global warming created by humans since the 1970s. Had that heat gone into the atmosphere, global average temperatures would have jumped by almost 56 degrees Celsius (100 degrees Fahrenheit).<br>But as vast as the seas are, there is a limit to how much heat they can absorb — and they are beginning to reach it. Conservation News examines some of the ways that climate change affects life in the oceans — and what that means for humanity.<br>1. Higher temperatures are bad for fish — and for us<br>Persistently rising temperatures are having cascading effects on marine life. Consider:<br>Warmer waters cause coral bleaching, which in turn impacts coral reef ecosystems that are home to a dizzying array of marine biodiversity — and provide crucial sources of food for people.<br>Warmer waters threaten to cause mass migration of marine species in search of the right conditions for feeding and spawning. For example, Conservation International research revealed that ocean warming is altering the habitats of tuna, causing them to move significantly to the east of the Pacific Islands. This mass exodus could be catastrophic for the economies of many Pacific Island countries such as Fiji and the Cook Islands.<br>Change in water temperatures can directly affect the development and growth of most fish and cephalopods (such as octopus and squid).<br>For the 3 billion people who rely on fish as their chief source of protein, the prospect of fewer and smaller fish in the sea is bad news.<br>2. Polar ice is melting<br>In what has become a dismal annual pattern, wintertime Arctic sea ice continues to dip to new lows as the oceans warm.<br>Meanwhile, Antarctica is shrinking underwater, as submerged ice is rapidly melting, according to recent studies.<br>The effects of this warming on iconic species such as polar bears are well-documented. Under the surface, though, the problem is no less urgent. Consider:<br>The production of algae — the foundation of the Arctic food web — depends on the presence of sea ice. As sea ice diminishes, algae does too, causing a ripple effect on species from Arctic cod to seals, whales and polar bears.<br>Dwindling sea ice results in the loss of vital habitat for seals, walruses, penguins, whales and other megafauna.<br>Sea ice is a critical habitat for Antarctic krill, the food source for many seabirds and mammals in the Southern Ocean. As sea ice has receded in recent years, Antarctic krill populations have dropped, resulting in declines in the species that depend on the krill.<br>What does this mean for us? Impacts to Arctic cod fisheries are having cascading effects, culminating in human-wildlife conflict and food insecurity. A dramatic decrease in sea ice — and seafood — pushes polar bears toward coastal communities and hunting camps to find food, bringing them into closer contact and potential conflict with people.<br>3. Rising sea levels represent a slow, seemingly unstoppable threat<br>Climate change poses a dual threat for sea levels.<br>For one, when land-based polar ice melts, it finds its way to the sea. (Ice that forms in polar seas, on the other hand, doesn’t affect sea levels when it melts.) Second, when water warms, it expands to take up more space — a major yet unheralded cause of sea-level rise.<br>With sea-level rise accelerating at a rate of about one-eighth of an inch per year, the effects on humanity are plain:<br>Higher ocean temperatures are melting polar ice and glaciers from the Greenland and Antarctic sheets at a rapid rate, resulting in an unprecedented rise of sea levels that has the potential to displace more than 680 million people living across low-lying coastal communities, according to a 2019 UN report.<br>Recent research revealed that several major coastal cities could be almost entirely underwater due to sea level rise by the middle of the century, including Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; Shanghai, China; and Mumbai, India.<br>The effects of sea-level rise on wildlife are less explored but no less important:<br>The survival of coral reefs, mangroves, seagrasses and other critical habitat-forming species hinges on their ability to move into shallower waters. Slow-growing species are most unlikely to be able to keep pace with the rising sea level.<br>Critical coastal habitats — for instance, sea turtle nesting beaches — are lost as the sea level rises. Natural and man-made barriers such as cliffs, mangrove forests, sea walls and coastal developments stand in the way of them migrating further inland.<br>4. Warming oceans alter currents<br>Climate change affects ocean temperatures as well as wind patterns — taken together, these can alter oceanic currents.<br>How does this affect wildlife?<br>As mentioned earlier, many marine species’ migratory patterns can change as the currents they follow are altered. And many species that depend on ocean currents for reproduction and nutrients will be affected. For example, reef-building coral and reef fish species rely on dispersal of their larvae by currents.<br>The impacts of changes in ocean currents on humanity could be severe, as currents play a major role in maintaining Earth’s climate. For example, Europe’s relatively mild climate is maintained in part by the large Atlantic current called the Gulf Stream, which is experiencing an “unprecedented slowdown.” Changing these currents will have major implications worldwide for the climate, including changes in rainfall — with more rain in some areas and much less in others — and fluctuating air temperatures. These changes have drastic implications for countless species, including humans.<br>5. Climate change is affecting the chemistry of seawater<br>The same burning of fossil fuels that increases greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere, is also altering the chemical composition of seawater by making it more acidic. The ocean absorbs 30 percent of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere — and when that carbon dissolves into the water, it forms carbonic acid.<br>How much does this affect marine life? A lot.<br>Acidification can dissolve the calcium carbonate shells of marine species such as corals, scallops, lobsters and crabs, and some microscopic plankton that are a foundation of the food web throughout the ocean. These shell-forming organisms provide critical habitats and food sources for other marine life. Increased acidification can also limit the ability of certain fish to detect predators, disrupting the entire marine food chain.<br>The disruption and destruction of coral reefs and shellfish will have profound effects on humanity, chiefly in the form of less food for people who rely on the ocean for it.
RerollWarlock:<br>I am from Poland. I remember going sledding at a local hill in the winters in the 90's and early 00's in winters fairly regularly. Even getting some times where it got so cold and snowy that the classes got limited or called off. But that stopped around 2010-2012. Si CE then we barely get snow, and even if we do ita a thin layer that melts within minutes to few hours of falling down.<br>It's so obvious that a change occured but no one really talks about it.<br>Lorenzo0852:<br>I am also from Spain and the climate change here is insane... Absolutely undeniable.<br>In one of the most rural areas in Spain (Extremadura), I have seen the levels of insects decline to basically zero. When I was a kid on there I couldn't even open the windows as I lived by a river and it was full of mosquitoes/bees, when we were cooking we had to be extra careful for the flies as they would rapidly get into the house. Very annoying at the time.<br>Now? Not a single one. I sleep with the window open, I no longer worry about mosquito bites as there aren't any. Bees are no longer here either, not even in summer/spring, there are some, but nowhere near the same level. We always keep the door open and now flies barely get inside, so we mostly just leave the door and windows open.<br>We even had some problems with the frogs when it was muddy or with high humidity, as they would go out of the river straight into the houses.<br>I haven't seen a frog there for years now.<br>In fact, the river itself is seeing enormous changes. It's now dried up for the biggest part of the year. The only time it carried some water in the past years, there was so much it caused a flood, catastrophic in some of the most affected places.<br>In Madrid the climate is shifting, seeing higher temperatures sooner each year, and reaching peak temperatures sooner that stay for longer periods of time, summer here is insufferable. It's always been hot on here, but not like this.<br>Not to mention the big ass snow we had in Madrid two years ago. It doesn't ever snow on here. Last year it snowed so much it collapsed all the infrastructures and paralyzed most for over a week.<br>Last year there was a sand storm that tinted everything in orange, almost literally like those Mexico filters in Breaking Bad. There aren't even any deserts close.<br>It's crazy, one year we are all stuck because of an unprecedented snow, then we register max temperatures months later, then the next year we have a sandstorm.<br>It is not looking good. We don't deny it here. Not the right, not the left, only a slight minority of people and they aren't taken seriously by basically anyone. It's shockingly, painfully obvious here.
CNN — It’s not just ocean heat that’s affecting marine life – new research shows extremely cold events are welling up and causing mass mortalities. And the same planet-warming pollution that’s driving the climate crisis is likely to blame for these “killer events” on the other end of the temperature spectrum.<br>The world’s oceans have been plagued by unprecedented heat over the past year, fueling concerns for marine life. Billions of crabs disappeared in the northern Pacific; sea lions and dolphins are washing up sick; iconic coral reefs are undergoing mass bleaching.<br>But even as ocean temperatures climb, extremely cold upwelling events — when strong winds and ocean currents bring pockets of cold water up to the surface, replacing the warm water that was there — are also becoming more frequent and intense, threatening sea life, according to the study published Monday in the journal Nature Climate Change.<br>“Climate change is actually really complex,” said Nicolas Lubitz, lead author of the study and a researcher at James Cook University in Queensland, Australia. “It’s not just warming of the globe, but it’s really changing the way our oceans function.”<br>When Lubitz heard reports of marine animals like sharks, manta rays and squids washing up dead in the southeast coast of South Africa in March 2021, he started investigating. More than 260 marine animals from 81 different species died in that one extreme event.<br>He said seasonal upwelling events are common in that area, with water temperature dropping quickly. But Lubitz said the March 2021 die-off was “quite an extreme event, because we had rather warm water before it happened.”<br>“And then the winds changed, and the currents started changing slightly, which is a seasonal thing,” he added. “Then all of a sudden, the temperature within 24 hours dropped by 11 degrees.”<br>The researchers analyzed killer upwelling events in the Indian Ocean’s Agulhas Current and the East Australian Current, using 41 years of sea surface temperature data and 33 years of wind records to see how deadly cold ocean extremes can be.<br>“We’re seeing changes in how often the upwelling occurs, how intense it is, which might impact the fishing communities in these areas,” he said. “It’s really an economic thing as well as the biodiversity thing.”<br>According to the study, the lethality of a cold event is likely linked to how fast the temperature drops. If the cold event lasts for multiple days, which has been occurring more frequently, research shows that marine animals including turtles and many fish species could suffer from hypothermia and physiological malfunction or ultimately die.
If you’re looking to make a positive impact on your mental health, mindfulness, and meditation are great places to start. Worldwide, around 200-500 million people practice mindfulness and meditation. It’s easy to see why. These practices boast a wide range of emotional and physical benefits with many ways to incorporate them into your everyday life. <br>In this blog post, we’ll cover the impacts of mindfulness and meditation on your mental health, including 10+ ways to bring mindfulness and meditation into your daily routine. <br>10 BENEFITS OF MINDFULNESS AND MEDITATION ON MENTAL HEALTH <br>Mindfulness and meditation have physical and emotional benefits including: <br>Decreased anxiety, stress, and depression<br>Improved cognition<br>Increased focus<br>Reduced rumination<br>Improved working memory<br>Better emotional regulation<br>Lowered blood pressure<br>Decreased chronic pain<br>Improved sleep<br>Improved gastrointestinal health
Kundalini Meditation:<br>From my own personal experience it can help overcome obsessive negative thoughts that lead to depression and other melancholic emotions.<br>Mindfulness teaches us how to be aware of this present moment. That allows us to not dwell on the past or worry about the future. You learn to live in the now without judging it as good or bad. It is what it is. It doesn't mean that you won't experience negative emotions or the thoughts magically stop.<br>However, you come to see that these are temporary they don't define who you are. When you begin to live in the moment, life becomes richer and more meaningful.<br>Beautiful Trauma:<br>It helps a person be more objective concerning themselves and their words and actions. This enables them to make changes where they want in their lives more easily, without self-judgement.<br>Shubham Chaturvedi:<br>A lot of benefits are achieved eg. Increased sensitivity, Higher intelligence, Higher consciousness and awareness, Neuronal development of mind, High energy, Joy, Peace, Lack of anger, lack of depression and lack of fear etc., Realisation of the ultimate truth and Knowledge of Self, knowledge of human body to attain good health.
FRIDAY, Jan. 5, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- Combining mindfulness with exercise could be the key to managing stress during a potentially turbulent 2024, a new review argues.<br>People who exercise and practice mindfulness meditation together tend to have less worry, stress, anxiety and depression than those who only engage in either activity, according to results from 35 studies involving more than 2,200 people.<br>Mindfulness meditation -- in which people focus on being in the moment -- can help people better embrace exercise by providing them motivation and helping them look past the temporary discomfort that comes with working out, said lead researcher Masha Remskar, a doctoral student in psychology at the University of Bath in England.<br>“Mindfulness is an approach that can help us ‘train up’ the psychological strengths we need to exercise and be more in tune with our bodies, as well as make exercising more interesting and help us recognize its benefits,” Remskar said in a university news release.<br>“This may be because becoming more mindful prompts us to think differently about our lifestyle, [and] makes us more accepting and less judgmental of our own shortcomings, which can help to build healthy habits,” she added. “There is a huge potential to use mindfulness to unlock the positive benefits exercise can bring.”
For centuries, humanity has heavily relied on farming systems that primarily focused on immediate yields. These systems have undeniably catered to the ever-growing global demand for food and fiber. <br>But in the process, we’ve often overlooked the long-term effects of such practices on our planet’s health and sustainability. How can we maintain a balance between our immediate needs and the well-being of future generations?<br>Sustainable agriculture practices not only prioritize the health of our soil organisms and environment but also ensure that farming remains viable and prosperous in the long term. By embracing sustainable practices, we’re not just focusing on present food requirements. We’re also laying down a robust foundation for generations to come.<br>Key sustainable agriculture practices<br>Let’s explore some of the most impactful ones and see how they’re revolutionizing the way we in sustainable food systems cultivate our lands and nurture our livestock.<br>1. Crop rotation and diversification<br>This age-old practice involves growing different types of crops in a sequence on the same land. It breaks pest cycles and increases the soil moisture and fertility.<br>Example: After growing a nutrient-consuming crop like corn, a nitrogen-fixing legume like beans can be planted to restore the soil’s balance.<br>2. Organic farming<br>Prioritizing natural methods over synthetic inputs, organic farming is a holistic approach that emphasizes soil health, biodiversity, and ecological balance.<br>Example: RegenX’s sustainable agriculture approach enables buyers to source ingredients free from synthetic chemicals, promoting a cleaner ecosystem.<br>3. Conservation tillage<br>This practice minimizes soil disruption, reducing soil erosion and retaining water. It allows crop residues soil nutrients and organic matter to remain on fields.<br>Example: No-till farming, a subset of conservation tillage, leaves previous crop residues untouched, fostering natural decomposition and enhancing soil quality.<br>4. Agroforestry<br>Melding together agriculture, livestock production and forestry, agroforestry is a multifunctional system where trees or shrubs are grown around or among crops or pastureland. Plus, agroforestry aligns well with the EU deforestation regulation, ensuring that farming does not contribute to deforestation but instead plays a part in forest conservation.<br>Example: A farm growing coffee under the canopy of taller fruit trees like bananas, maximizing land use and promoting biodiversity.<br>5. Sustainable livestock farming<br>Focusing on holistic management of animal production practices, this approach ensures livestock’s well-being, reduces environmental impact, and yields healthier produce.<br>Example: Grazing cattle on rotational pastures, allowing lands to recover, leading to healthier soil and reduced methane emissions.<br>6. Cover cropping<br>Growing specific crops not intended for harvest, protects the soil, improves soil health and fertility, and manages pests.<br>Example: Planting clover during off-seasons, prevents soil erosion, suppresses weeds, and enriches the ground with essential nutrients.<br>7. Biological pest control<br>Utilizing natural systems of predators and organisms to control pests, this approach reduces the dependency on chemical pesticides.<br>Example: Releasing ladybugs to combat aphid populations in vegetable gardens.<br>8. No-till farming<br>As hinted earlier, this method involves planting new crops without disturbing the soil through tilling, preserving soil structure and organic matter.<br>Example: Directly sowing wheat seeds into unplowed soil, maintaining its natural layers and organisms.<br>9. Permaculture<br>An integrated design philosophy that simulates patterns in nature, ensuring resources are used in a closed-loop system, minimizing waste.<br>Example: Designing a garden where water from a fish pond is used to irrigate plants, and plant waste, in turn, feeds the fish.<br>10. Aquaponics<br>A sustainable system combining conventional aquaculture with hydroponics, fish and plants grow together in one integrated environment.<br>Example: Fish waste provides an organic nutrient source for plants, and the plants help filter and purify the water, which is then recirculated back to the fish tanks.<br>11. Agrobiodiversity<br>This emphasizes the importance of genetic variety in plants and animals to ensure resilience against diseases, pests, and climate change.<br>Example: Cultivating multiple rice varieties to safeguard against potential diseases that could wipe out a single strain.<br>12. Water management<br>Efficient water use and storage practices ensure water conservation and optimal usage.<br>Furthermore, the broader perspective of agricultural water management delves into ensuring that water resources are used in a manner that is sustainable for both the environment and future generations. By addressing water scarcity and improving water quality forage crops, we pave the way for both healthier crops and ecosystems.<br>Example: Implementing drip irrigation systems that provide water directly to plant roots, reducing evaporation and conserving water.<br>13. Waste recycling and composting<br>Turning organic waste into valuable compost, this process enriches the soil, reduces the need for chemical fertilizers, and minimizes waste.<br>Example: Using vegetable scraps, fallen leaves, and manure to create a rich compost heap that can be returned to the garden.<br>14. Polyculture<br>Growing multiple crops in the same space simultaneously, this method maximizes land usage, reduces pest issues, and promotes a balanced ecosystem.<br>Example: Growing beans, corn, and squash together. While beans fix nitrogen in the soil, corn provides a structure for beans to climb, and squash acts as a ground cover, reducing weed growth.
Maurauderr:<br>Vertical farms are a very good alternative to conventional farming. They require about 1/3 of the amount of water needed for conventional farming, need a vastly lower amount of land and cause less erosion and nutrient deficiencies in soil. Besides that they can increase the yield, flavor, nutrients, etc. in vegetables because they can provide the optimal environment for them to grow. You could also use GMO crops with less of a concern because they have a harder time spreading in a natural environment as long as you keep the environment inside the vertical farm closed or modify the plants in a way that they need an optimal environment to grow witch is present nowhere else than in a vertical farm ut that is a defferent issue. With that you could again increase and change yield, flavor, nutrients, etc. which could help us transfer away from meat and dairy production. Besides that there is no use for artificial herbicides and pesticides. The most that you might have to use are natural pesticides (e.g. Ladybugs) that feast on pests without becoming one themselves. Because these farms can be placed in the middle of cities you could potentially also get the needed nutrients from the people living in the cities (aka. fecal mater). Supply chains can be far fat shorter because the good can be produced directly in the city. You can also grow a lot of different vegetables in such farm. Soy beans for example (we could very strongly cut back on deforestation). Another nice aspect is the fact that that we an produce food almost all year round and have less crop failure which in itself leads to higher yields.<br>The problem with them is that maintaining them is a very expensive endeavor because keeping an optimal environment requires a lot of energy. Also just general maintainence for such a structure is high. You also need a higher amount of very well trained individuals to keep everything running. A different aspect is the amount of technology needed in that building and that a system failure could be catastrophic (but a system failure can be seen as equal to a drought or similar).<br>I hope this helps a bit with clearing things up about vertical farms.<br>swarowski_eth:<br>I am not sure they are a waste of time. But there are some other developments and practices that help which I've read about:<br>Urban farming<br>Hydroponics<br>Crop diversification ( 4 crops account for about half of global primary crop production: sugar cane, maize, wheat and rice )<br>Lab grown food & alternative protein products ( related to above since 40% of production out of those 4 is used for animal feed, not humans + livestock takes up most of the world’s agricultural land, but it only produces 15-20% of the world’s calories and 30-40% of total protein )<br>TuBlonde:<br>Vertical farms are a great idea. I think they can be sustainable if coupled with nurturing schemes that encourage greater nutrient density so that we can build efficiency into how much we need to produce and logistically manage to feed the planet. With the right nutrient density we could feed greater and greater populations with a smaller and smaller footprint. I wonder what the optimal nutrient density to mass really is, too, and being a lay person in this regard I admit I am sightless in the presence of an elephant.
BBC——Gloucestershire vertical farm is one of UK's 'most advanced'<br>One of the UK's "most technically advanced" indoor farms has opened in Gloucestershire.<br>The so-called vertical farm can grow salad three times as fast as traditional outdoor agriculture thanks to its controlled, consistent climate.<br>Lettuce, basil and other herbs are grown under special lights, in a warm humid atmosphere.<br>"It's turned farming into a high-tech factory," said head grower, Glyn Stephens.<br>Mr Stephens has worked in farming all his life, growing every kind of crop.<br>"This is totally different", he told me, smiling, as he checked through some of the salad harvest.<br>"There's a lot of tech involved, a lot of engineering involved, and you're inside all day long."<br>The facility looks more like a warehouse than a farm. Rows of trays, each bursting with basil, lettuce and salad leaves, sit under bright, multi-coloured lights.<br>Fifteen rows are stacked one above the other, climbing to the roof of the vast building - hence the reason it is called vertical farming.<br>In all, there is 14,500 square metres of growing space here.<br>The air is kept at 27 degrees, and around 75% humidity. On the chilly, damp February day I visited, it felt like a spa.<br>The plants love it, unsurprisingly. Basil grows from seed to harvest in 18 days - "about three times faster than outdoors", Mr Stephens tells me.<br>What's more, the "outdoors" he refers to is in Spain or Morocco at this time of year.<br>Mr Stephens insists his crops produce much lower carbon emissions than imports.<br>He explained: "Compared with trucking the crops across Europe, or even air-freighting it, we are saving carbon."<br>The farm does use a lot of power, principally on the LED lights which use a scientifically-calculated colour spectrum to stimulate growth.
Building the World’s First Commercial Space Station<br>When most people think of living and working in space, they’re likely envisioning the International Space Station (ISS), a world-class, state of the art laboratory in low-Earth orbit (LEO) that has been operated by a collaboration of 15 nations for more than 25 years.<br>As the ISS heads towards retirement after more than two decades of enabling groundbreaking research in LEO, the future of space habitation will revolve around the first commercial space station, which will look quite different and be founded on technology from Sierra Space. The next generation of astronauts that will embark on extended missions in space will likely do so via an inflatable soft goods platform comprised of interwoven fabrics that are packed on launch and expanded once deployed in orbit.<br>We see unlimited potential in this technology, and our company is leading the charge towards a science and biopharma platform designed to allow humans to live and work comfortably in LEO and beyond. Specifically, we’re perfecting the necessary technology that will enable human missions and work in space, not just for LEO but also for future missions on the moon’s surface and to deep space, founded on our expandable LIFE® product line.<br>This inflatable space station technology will change the way we interact with near and distant space. In this blog post, we’ll answer some of the leading questions on this groundbreaking innovation.
ColChrisHadfield:<br>Exploring out into the unknown. Our early astronauts took huge risks to show what is barely possible. The ISS has taught us much, like sailing a complex ship along the shoreline. Our robot ships have given us a distant taste. Now is the time to take all that new knowledge, couple it with the recently invented and proven technology, and start moving further from Earth. To Lunar orbit, to live on the Moon's surface, and eventually to Mars and beyond.<br>DLGC-LyndseyPoynter:<br>The ISS has been a great platform for space engineering experimentation. I think that we will definitely look back at it as a signpost on the way to Mars and beyond. When we decided to go to the Moon, we didn't just build a rocket and Go, there were many incremental missions to make sure that we could do EVAs, docking, orbital maneuvers, etc. Future space stations (like Lunar Gateway) will help us along the road to further exploration, but it's important that we keep going.
SPACENEWS——Redesigned Vega C motor passes static-fire test<br>WASHINGTON — The European Space Agency says a successful test firing of a redesigned Vega C solid rocket motor is a major step towards returning the rocket to flight by the end of the year.<br>Avio, the prime contractor for the Vega C, conducted a static-fire test of the redesigned Zefiro-40 motor May 28 at a company test facility in Italy. The motor, used as the second stage of the Vega C, fired for 94 seconds, as expected.<br>The Zefiro-40 was implicated in the failure of the second Vega C launch in December 2022, which an investigation blamed on faulty carbon-carbon material used in the motor’s nozzle. Avio found a new supplier for that material, but the nozzle failed in a static-fire test in June 2023, leading to a redesign of the nozzle itself.<br>“Initial post-test review indicates that the new nozzle assembly performed as expected throughout the scheduled 94 seconds burning time of the test, simulating a nominal in-flight performance,” Avio said in a statement.<br>In a May 28 interview, ESA Director General Josef Aschbacher called the successful test a key step in returning the rocket to flight. “The thrust curve that has been measured is nominal and follows the expected, theoretical line, meaning that the motor is functioning well,” he said.<br>A second test firing is planned for October to confirm the performance of the motor, but Ashcbacher called this test “the most important milestone” in returning the vehicle to flight. “The one today confirms that the redesign of the nozzle with the new carbon-carbon inserts is good.”<br>Both ESA and Avio said they are working to return the Vega C to flight by the end of the year, two years after the failure that grounded the rocket. A final flight of the original version of the Vega, which does not use the Zefiro-40, is planned for early September carrying the Sentinel-2C Earth observation satellite for Europe’s Copernicus program.<br>The payload for the return to flight of the Vega C is the Sentinel-1C radar imaging satellite, although Simonetta Cheli, director of ESA’s Earth observation program, said in a May 28 interview that this payload assignment had yet to be confirmed.<br>Aschbacher said in the interview that preparations were continuing for the first flight of the Ariane 6 in the first two weeks of July. A specific target date for the first launch attempt will be announced at the ILA Berlin air show in early June.<br>He said the Ariane 6 team was working through minor issues raised in a recently completed qualification review. “There is nothing that is a showstopper,” he said. “It’s still a lot of work, but nothing that worries me at this point in time that would make it impossible to launch within this two-week window.”
Blog——Analysts estimate that the global cryptocurrency market will more than triple by 2030<br>This all leads to one big trend. Cryptocurrency, once only understood among a relatively fringe community of anti-establishment investors, is now becoming a household name – and quickly. Analysts estimate that the global cryptocurrency market will more than triple by 2030, hitting a valuation of nearly $5 billion. Whether they want to buy into it or not, investors, businesses, and brands can’t ignore the rising tide of crypto for long.<br>But crypto can’t seem to escape paradoxes anywhere. Investors believe in regulation, yet are worried about many of the impacts that regulation will bring about. They’re eco-conscious, but crypto has a huge carbon footprint.<br>Digging into these nuances is key to understanding overall consumer sentiment – and predicting consumer behavior – around a very uncertain future of cryptocurrency.
BreakerMark78:<br>Crypto is a solution looking for a problem; in other words it fixed a problem that doesn’t exist. It’s not going away, but it’s also not going to be a universally recognized form of payment in our lifetimes.<br>I have no issue with crypto as a currency, but it’s essentially a barter system. Very few goods and services on a global scale can but purchased with it, and no one is legally required to accept it. Crypto has value only because some people are willing to trade federally backed centralized currencies for it.<br>[deleted]:<br>It's been 15 years and you still can't properly buy a loaf of bread with crypto.<br>Even in the rare cases where you could, it was tied to conversion rates to fiat which would cause the prices to be too volatile to be useful.<br>The only use we've found is scamming libertarian technophiles out of money through hype fueled speculative trading.<br>It's a problem, trying to sell itself as a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. The tech its based on is the same.<br>Stablecoins don't work for the most part either, and the only way for them to work is to get rid of the entire point of them.
The Economic Times——The future of crypto: Top trends for 2024<br>In the dynamic realm of finance,the landscape of cryptocurrencies stands as a testament to the continuous evolution of digital assets.As we stand on the precipice of a new year,it is both prudent and opportune to reflect on the trajectory crypto is set to carve in 2024.The past year has witnessed unprecedented growth,technological innovation,more regulatory clarity and an increasing acceptance of digital currencies by retail and institutional players. <br>Mass adoption and mainstream recognition <br>The year 2023 saw a significant surge in mainstream acceptance of cryptocurrencies.Major financial institutions embraced digital assets,laying the foundation for 2024 to see a boom in mass adoption.With regulatory clarity improving across various jurisdictions,more traditional investors are expected to enter the market.As the stigma around cryptocurrencies dissipates as well,we can anticipate a broader acceptance of digital assets in everyday transactions,ultimately leading to their integration into global financial systems.
Top 5 Virtual Reality Trends of 2024: The Future of VR<br>In this blog, we’ll examine some of the biggest trends in VR for this year, make some predictions, and summarize why now is a good time for businesses to start looking for a VR development company that they can partner with.<br>VR Trends of 2024: More is Yet to Come<br>1. Immersive educational experiences<br>In 2024, education transformation stands as one of the most notable VR trends. Virtual reality shatters traditional learning boundaries as classrooms are transported to different epochs or even other planets. It's as if history, geography, and science lessons have come alive, fostering more engagement and better comprehension. The possibility of performing complex surgical procedures in a risk-free, virtual environment is a massive leap for medical training. In essence, the future of VR points towards reshaping our entire approach to education and training.<br>2. The advent of hyper-realistic virtual reality<br>Hyper-realism is another virtual reality trend that's caught everyone's attention. In 2024, the line between virtual and reality blurs as technological advancements enable VR experiences to mimic real-world physical sensations. Whether it's the feel of raindrops on your skin, the smell of a summer meadow, or the taste of a virtual feast, sensory virtual reality elevates immersion to unprecedented levels. With this, we are heading towards a virtual reality future where the distinction between what's real and what's not might be hard to tell.<br>3. Expansion of social VR platforms<br>The future of virtual reality isn't just about individual experiences anymore. The rise of social VR platforms is one of the most exciting trends in virtual reality. People cannot only interact with each other in real-time within a virtual environment, but they can also host parties, attend concerts, and participate in multiplayer games. These platforms are becoming more user-friendly, diverse, and community-focused, paving the way for a more inclusive and social virtual reality future.<br>4. Integration of AI in virtual reality<br>Artificial intelligence is increasingly intertwined with VR, creating a more personalized and intuitive user experience. AI-powered VR experiences analyze user behavior and preferences, subsequently adapting the virtual environment to individual needs. The integration of AI is, therefore, instrumental in creating a dynamic and responsive virtual world, marking a significant shift in the future of virtual reality.<br>5. Adoption of VR in the business world<br>Finally, the VR revolution has yet to leave untouched the corporate world. Companies leverage virtual reality for various purposes — from prototyping and design to staff training and customer service. This trend highlights the versatility of VR beyond gaming and entertainment, and it's only the beginning. As the technology becomes more affordable and accessible, we can expect an even greater adoption in the business sector, further emphasizing the importance of virtual reality future trends.<br>6. Virtual Reality Revised with Apple Vision Pro<br>The Apple Vision Pro, launching in 2024, reimagines virtual reality by integrating high-resolution displays and user-centric design, ensuring unparalleled immersion. It emphasizes ergonomic wearability and introduces interactive AR overlays, broadening applications in education, gaming, and professional simulations. Enhanced connectivity features promise seamless integration with existing Apple ecosystems, setting a new standard for VR engagement and interactivity.
SilentCaay:<br>We will all be celebrating the recent release of Half Life: Alyx 2.<br>Technological advancements aren't infinitely linear, they come in bursts. A new thing is discovered, it's rapidly improved and then it reaches the limits of it's capabilities and progress slows down until something new is discovered.<br>Pong was the beginning of the transistor era but right now we're at the end of the transistor era waiting for something new like quantum computing. Progress has slowed WAY down for computer components so 50 years of progress won't actually be much unless there's a new technology.<br>russian_imperial:<br>The thing with human perception is that we are smart enough to accept abstract things as they are. With all this bandwidth you have right now you still reading text because this technology is good enough for you to get the meaning. Same will be with VR. It will replace screens and boards but you’ll be doing pretty much the same things. Got tired after your shift at work and just turned on some tv show and chill.
ScienceDaily——Virtual reality becomes more engaging when designers use cinematic tools<br>Cinematography techniques can significantly increase user engagement with virtual environments and, in particular, the aesthetic appeal of what users see in virtual reality.<br>This was the result of a recent study conducted by computer scientists at the University of Helsinki. The results were published in May at the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI).<br>The team aimed to investigate how principles of composition and continuity, commonly used in filmmaking, could be utilized to enhance navigation around virtual environments.<br>Composition refers to how the elements in a scene are oriented with respect to the viewer, whereas continuity is about how camera positions between shots can help viewers to understand spatial relationships between elements in the scene.<br>"Using these ideas, we developed a new teleportation method for exploring virtual environments that subtly repositions and reorientates the user's viewpoint after teleportation to better frame the contents of the scene," says Alan Medlar, University Researcher in computer science at the University of Helsinki.<br>The images show how this differs from regular teleportation used in modern VR games: from the same starting point (top images), regular teleportation moves the user forward while retaining the same orientation (middle images), whereas cinematic techniques can increase the visual appeal of the environment (bottom images).<br>Sense of space preserved without motion sickness<br>The results also address the issue of motion sickness -- a common problem for VR users. Usually, to prevent nausea, designers use teleportation as a method for moving through digital spaces. The researchers' approach is also based on teleportation, but it aims to fix the problems associated with this technique.<br>"In virtual environments, teleportation can lead to reduced spatial awareness, forcing users to reorient themselves after teleporting and can cause them to miss important elements in their surroundings," says Medlar.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has become integral to many industries, including the healthcare sector. In recent years, AI has revolutionized healthcare by improving patient outcomes, streamlining processes, and reducing costs. From providing more accurate diagnosis and treatment to patient care and administrative tasks, AI is transforming how doctors, insurers, and other providers deliver healthcare.<br>In this article, we'll go over the role AI plays in healthcare and health benefits today.<br>Takeaways from this blog post:<br>AI-powered deep learning algorithms are enhancing the accuracy of disease diagnosis and personalized treatment options for patients, ultimately improving health outcomes and reducing healthcare costs.<br>AI is revolutionizing the healthcare industry, with applications ranging from personalized insurance recommendations to streamlining claims processing and authorization tasks.<br>While some Americans may feel uneasy about AI in healthcare, there’s widespread belief that it can reduce errors made by medical professionals and help reduce bias in healthcare.<br>Artificial intelligence in healthcare<br>AI has been making significant strides in transforming how healthcare professionals diagnose, treat, and manage patient care.<br>Preventive care<br>AI can help promote healthier habits and empower individuals to take control of their well-being. As wearable devices like health and fitness monitors grow in popularity, patients can share real-time data with their healthcare professionals for health monitoring. There are also plenty of apps that focus on nutrition, exercise, sleep cycles, and mental health. These apps help people live healthy lifestyles.<br>When people take better care of their health from the start, they're less likely to develop common diseases like diabetes. As a result, they see the doctor less often. AI apps put people in control of their well-being and make them proactive managers of their health.<br>Diagnosis and treatment<br>One of the key roles of AI in the healthcare sector is in diagnosis and treatment. AI-powered deep learning algorithms can analyze large amounts of medical data, such as clinical images, scans, and electronic health records, to assist healthcare providers in making timely and accurate diagnoses. Harvard's School of Public Health1 suggests that utilizing AI for diagnostics could potentially decrease treatment expenses by 50% and enhance health results by 40%.<br>For example, AI can analyze medical images to detect abnormalities or assist in the early detection of diseases like cancer. This improves the accuracy of disease diagnosis and helps healthcare providers develop personalized treatment options for patients.<br>The American Cancer Society reports that many healthy women are misdiagnosed with cancer since a significant number of mammograms produce false results2. Doctors and technicians can now use AI technology to review and interpret mammograms much more quickly and accurately, leading to a reduction in unnecessary biopsies.<br>Drug discovery<br>Traditional drug discovery is time-consuming and expensive. According to Harvard Law School3, pre-clinical stages alone take three to six years and cost hundreds of millions to billions of dollars. AI tools are changing drug discovery, making the process faster and more efficient. It's trained on various datasets to better understand diseases and identify potential targets for treatment.<br>Several biotechnology companies are already using AI to their advantage. For example, Exscientia4 announced the first-ever AI-designed drug molecule to enter human clinical trials in early 2020. In February 2023, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted its first Orphan Drug Designation to Insilico Medicine5 for a drug AI discovered and designed.<br>Surgical procedures<br>Healthcare professionals use AI robots in various healthcare settings, from basic laboratory functions to intricate surgical procedures. AI systems can quickly absorb vast amounts of information. Surgical robotics with AI can use this data efficiently, learning from thousands of surgeries in seconds. They can also reduce blood loss, infection risk, and post-surgery pain by working around sensitive organs and tissues. Along with surgery, AI robots are used in hospitals, medical practices, and healthcare clinics for rehabilitation and physical therapy.<br>Patient care and communication<br>AI is also playing a crucial role in effective care. Virtual health assistants powered by AI can provide patients with personalized health recommendations, reminders for medications, and support for managing chronic conditions. These virtual assistants can also help patients access healthcare services remotely, reducing the need for in-person visits and improving access to care for patients in remote or underserved areas.<br>Additionally, AI can improve communication between patients and healthcare professionals. A recent study6 found that 83% of patients feel communication with providers needs improvement. With AI technology like natural language processing, predictive analytics, and speech recognition, healthcare organizations can communicate more effectively with patients. For example, AI can provide detailed treatment options to help healthcare providers have more informed conversations with patients for better decision-making.<br>Administrative tasks<br>In addition to diagnosis and treatment, healthcare administrators can use AI to streamline administrative tasks. According to Accenture7 research, technology augmentation like AI or automation could reinvent 70% of healthcare workers’ tasks.<br>AI-powered tools can automate processes like scheduling appointments, processing insurance claims, and managing medical records. By reducing the administrative burden on medical professionals, AI enables them to focus more on patient care and improve overall efficiency in healthcare delivery.
uwilllovethis:<br>By leveraging the vast number of existing medical images of tumors of the last 50 years, deep learning models can now predict the best approach to treat a certain tumor. Soon, cancer patients will receive personalized treatment based on the characteristics of their tumor. Some of these characteristics are barely noticeable by the naked eye, but no problem for DL models to notice. In addition, these models can be used to assess whether a certain treatment will not be effective, long before the tumor has grown bigger or new tumors have appeared, giving the patient time to switch to another therapy.<br>MuscaMurum:<br>Personalized medicine is the future, with things like this and AI analysis of an individual's genome and microbiome<br>Dramatic_Reality_531:<br>Personally, I’m trying to get my hospital billing team to implement an AI assistant that would help us get insurance addresses, denial codes, etc a lot faster than opening spreadsheets or browsing onenote looking for the info
NEWS——Transforming Healthcare: The role of Artificial Intelligence<br>AI in workflow automation and optimisation<br>It is known that a healthcare career is high-stakes and can be highly demanding, but HCPs also face other unseen challenges that hamper performance. High administrative burdens, low patient data privacy, suboptimal hospital patient and resource flow, and diversions in the drug supply chain all contribute to inefficiencies in healthcare delivery. With AI’s proven capacity to automate and optimise workflow, there is significant opportunity for it to help HCPs streamline business processes, reduce administrative errors and boost productivity.<br>Some examples of AI use cases include:<br>Using Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to automatically update, verify and monitor administrative processes such as claims, invoices and patient registration.<br>Using Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) to track and optimise payments by conducting predictive plan matching, automating prior authorisation and detecting fraud.<br>Managing hospital patient resource flow through automation and optimising patient and resource flow with intelligent order prioritisation and planning patient stepdown/discharges based on patient condition.<br>Using AI systems to monitor patient data privacy and detect drug diversion risks, which is crucial to ensure regulatory compliance.<br>Globally, healthcare stakeholders are already reaping the benefits of leveraging AI for workflow automation and optimisation. In India, Max Healthcare halved their claim processing turnaround time by adopting an RPA platform, while Anthem in the US saved tens of millions of dollars from reduced waste, fraud and abuse by applying ML in RCM to develop behavioural models of their providers and members. As both interest and demand grow for AI, startups such as Nintex* (previously known as Kryon), a process management and automation software provider, are constantly innovating to improve workflow automation solutions for healthcare to reduce costs, save time and improve patient outcomes.
Blog——The Rise of Remote Working<br>What’s changed?<br>‍Between 2009 and 2019, the proportion of employees in Europe working remotely remained relatively constant, and remote work was almost twice as likely to be occasional than permanent (9% versus 5.4%).<br>Then the pandemic hit, stay-at-home orders were issued, and the number of people meeting on Zoom every day shot up from 10 million (Dec. 2019) to 300 million (Apr. 2020).<br>Fast-forward to January 2022 and 16% of jobs on LinkedIn across EMEA and the U.S. (Figure 1) are listed as hybrid (4%) or fully remote (12%).<br>And it won’t stop there; jump to 2028 and it’s estimated that 73% of all teams worldwide will contain remote workers<br>What are the key benefits?<br>Bye-bye commuting!<br>Employees with a longer commute to the office are more likely to rate their remote-working experience as ‘positive’ compared to those that live closer to work.<br>Furthermore, employees in London, England who worked remotely in 2020 saved an average of £1000 a year by cutting out their commute!<br>Hello, work-life balance!<br>In the U.S., 83% of employees working remotely saw a significant improvement in their work-life balance.<br>In addition, a better work-life balance was the most common reason for choosing remote work.<br>Increased productivity.<br>Studies found that 77% of employees were more productive working remotely than they were in the office.<br>Plus, 75% felt that their increased productivity came from the lack of distraction from colleagues.<br>Greater access to talent.<br>For employers, particularly those filling a niche or senior-level vacancy, the number of potential candidates for remote roles increases dramatically when restraints are based on time-zone rather than exact location.
anotoman123:<br>Remote work is to me a natural progression of employment, like industrialization. In transitions such as these, there will always be pushback, but the benefits will speak for themselves overtime.<br>MonstrousPudding:<br>If I were coerced to the office, I would resign and this is not an empty thread. Two years ago we had poll about this and overwhelimng majority said they don't want go back. Not to mention, thet there is much more workers than desks.<br>GrifterX9:<br>I feel like there are fewer on offer right now. However I think the long term trend must go towards remote work. The rivers are all flowing one way.
US NEWS——Remote Work Has Radically Changed the Economy – and it’s Here to Stay<br>Today, remote work has declined from its levels of the pandemic but is still – depending on how broadly one measures it – three to four times as prevalent as it was in 2019. And the percentage of workers who still say they want the option of working from home to some degree is close to half.<br>“What the pandemic demonstrated is that we can all work from home,” says Kory Kantenga, senior economist at LinkedIn. “It was a proof of concept.”<br>Well, maybe not all. Studies have shown that remote work tends to be clustered in certain industries, those that hire skilled workers who can do tasks that do not require in-person contact. Unsurprisingly, the tech industry, with one of two job postings, leads industries with the highest percentage of remote workers, but financial and professional services and utilities are also large employers of the remote or hybrid workforce.<br>And remote work tends to be dominated by higher-educated employees, with nearly 40% of those holding advanced degrees hybrid or fully remote.
Blog——The Impact of Social Media on Society<br>Social media has become a ubiquitous part of our daily lives. From scrolling through Instagram feeds to checking Twitter for the latest news updates, social media has transformed the way we interact with each other and consume information. While there are undoubtedly many positive aspects to social media, there are also several negative consequences that come with our reliance on these platforms. In this blog, we will explore the impact of social media on society, covering the good, the bad, and the ugly.<br>The Good<br>Social media has many positive aspects. One of the most significant is the ability to connect with people from all over the world. Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram have made it easier than ever to keep in touch with friends and family, no matter where they are located. This can be particularly beneficial for those who have loved ones who live far away or are unable to travel due to health or financial reasons.<br>Another positive aspect of social media is the ability to share information and raise awareness about important issues. Social media has played a significant role in bringing attention to social justice movements, such as Black Lives Matter and #MeToo. It has also been instrumental in spreading information about health issues, such as COVID-19, and encouraging people to take action to protect themselves and their communities.<br>Social media has also created new opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok have given rise to a new generation of influencers and content creators, allowing them to build large audiences and monetize their content. Social media has also made it easier for small businesses to reach new customers and build their brands without the need for costly advertising campaigns.<br>The Bad<br>While there are undoubtedly many positive aspects to social media, there are also several negative consequences that come with our reliance on these platforms. One of the most significant is the impact on mental health. Studies have shown that social media use can lead to increased feelings of anxiety, depression, and loneliness. This is particularly true for younger generations who have grown up with social media as a constant presence in their lives.<br>Another negative aspect of social media is the spread of misinformation. Social media platforms have been used to spread fake news and conspiracy theories, which can have serious consequences, such as encouraging people to refuse vaccinations or engage in risky behaviours. This is exacerbated by the fact that social media algorithms often prioritize content that is likely to generate engagement, rather than content that is accurate or helpful.<br>Social media can also be a breeding ground for cyberbullying and harassment. People can use social media to anonymously attack and harass others, which can have serious consequences for mental health and well-being.<br>The Ugly<br>Finally, there are some truly ugly aspects to social media, including the potential for addiction and the erosion of privacy. Social media platforms are designed to be addictive, using algorithms that are designed to keep users engaged for as long as possible. This can lead to a cycle of compulsive use that can be difficult to break.<br>Social media platforms also collect vast amounts of data about their users, which can be used to target advertising and manipulate behaviour. This has led to concerns about the erosion of privacy and the potential for social media platforms to be used for surveillance purposes.<br>In all, social media has had a significant impact on society, both good and bad. While it has brought people closer together and created new opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs, it has also had serious negative consequences for mental health, the spread of misinformation, and the potential erosion of privacy. As we continue to grapple with these issues, it is important to approach social media with a critical eye and to use these platforms responsibly and ethically.
waxbook:<br>It’s such a clusterfuck. I quit Twitter and immediately felt a hundred pounds lighter. But I felt guilty about it because they tell social media managers that we’re supposed to monitor it around the clock to keep up with trends. Bullshit. I spend all day on it at work and then go home and stare at my phone. It’s horrible.<br>CanonShooter80:<br>I’ve mostly quit social media. I still have the apps and accounts because there are reasons I cannot delete everything, but I no longer scroll, read, and comment. Life is more peaceful.<br>playuh_:<br>Depression and aggression sky rocketing same with anti-social behavior in kids who are raised by iPads.<br>Klyftonite:<br>I feel bad for the kids growing up with it.
LOCAL NEWS——Social media's effect on society<br>Believe it or not, our culture has been influenced by social media, whether it's from advertising, peer pressure or information. Some people invest a lot of energy into their status or, what they want others to think of them. Others just feel safer interacting online rather than in person.<br>Next time you go into a restaurant, look around. Chances are good that people will be sitting around a table and looking at a device. FGCU professor, Dr. Gina Tran, says, "We just need to put the devices away when it's time to interact with each other. To be there, to be present in real life rather than having a group with you physically but interacting with other people on social media through your phone. It's become very easy to be rude, but we shouldn't just because it's easy."<br>Lee Health psychologist, Dr. Sabo, agrees that a mobile device can make life easier. However, it could also be more dangerous, especially when it comes to kids. He says, "It makes things a little bit easier today but tomorrow exponentially difficult, so if we don't set those good boundaries, we see these kids who really struggle when they don't have those electronic devices. They don't know what to do with themselves and they're bored all the time. They don't have the skills to self soothe. They don't have the skills to figure out, 'How do I handle this feeling? How do I handle not having something to do because it's more of a mental process that an actual physical.' "<br>Dr. Sabo says the more time you spend on the phone, the less time you're physically interacting with somebody else. He stresses the importance to learn how to deal with social interactions that are non-verbal. He says, "When we're online, when we're texting, when we're viewing things and it's just getting information in, and not really seeing how our words affects somebody else, these words can damage or hurt people."<br>Once down the rabbit hole of mobile devices, families may find it difficult to turn away. Dr. Sabo suggests taking small steps, starting with meal time. "Sitting around the dinner table for 20 minutes. It's amazing what families can actually learn about their kids. It's incredible what information they can gain from those interactions. In the car, being able to talk in the car instead of being continuously connected to these mobile devices. So, I also think it's important setting time not to have those devices on, turning it off at a certain time." Dr. Sabo says that "off time" should be well before bedtime. He says if you stay up at night on your mobile device, you might wake up a little more irritable, which would then set yourself up for more problems the next day.
The Evolution of E-Commerce over the last Decade<br>Over the past decade, the landscape of consumer behavior has undergone a seismic shift, marked by a transition from traditional brick-and-mortar shopping to a more digitally-oriented e-commerce model. This transformation has been driven by various factors, including technological advancements, changes in demographics and lifestyles, and recent global events such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Understanding the nuances of this shift is crucial for businesses looking to adapt and thrive in the dynamic world of retail.<br>E-Commerce Challenges & Opportunities<br>While the shift to e-commerce presented numerous opportunities, it also brought about challenges for businesses. Traditional retailers faced the need to establish a digital presence or risk becoming obsolete. Navigating the complexities of online platforms, digital marketing, and fulfillment logistics required a strategic approach.<br>Customer experience became a key differentiator in the digital era. Businesses that prioritized user-friendly websites, seamless checkout processes, and offered product configuration gained a competitive edge. The challenge lay in replicating the personal touch of in-store experiences in the digital realm.<br>The Future of Consumer Behavior – An Outlook<br>AR & VR: Looking ahead, several trends are expected to shape the future of consumer behavior. The integration of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) into the shopping experience holds the potential to revolutionize how consumers interact with products online. The immersive and interactive nature of AR and VR can bridge the gap between the tactile experience of physical stores and the convenience of online shopping.<br>Advancements in AI are enabling more sophisticated personalization in the digital space. AI algorithms analyze consumer behavior, preferences, and purchase history to provide tailored recommendations. Personalized shopping experiences, from product recommendations to marketing messages, are expected to become more refined, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.<br>Personalization and Configuration: Duh, Roomle is a configuration platform, of course they are advertising product configuration. However, if you look at the numbers it becomes clear, that offering configurable products is a real game changer. In fact, almost 50% of consumers spend more, if they are able to customize the product their are interested in. Furthermore, 80% of consumers have chosen and recommended a brand that has given them the opportunity to personalize a product.
Emotional_Sky_8532:<br>Conversational commerce. More adoption of chatbots helping the product discovery versus a typical search bar. Walmarts recent press release is a good example. "I need stuff to host a Super Bowl party". Results come back understanding intent like chips, soda, cutlery, etc on a single page.<br>Regular_War_6793:<br>Single step purchase. Curated product pop ups and just swipe right to buy.<br>janetenaya:<br>I think drone delivery could grow more common, enabling quicker shipping. Drones can bypass traffic jams, allowing door-to-door delivery within minutes. That would be great!
Hong KongCNN — <br>China’s wobbly economy has affected the world’s largest annual shopping event, and companies have launched an aggressive price war to woo customers.<br>The Singles Day festival, also known as “Double 11,” was created by Alibaba in 2009 and has turned into a weeks-long shopping bonanza in China. It regularly racks up more sales than Black Friday and Cyber Monday combined, and is seen as a bellwether of consumers’ willingness to spend.<br>Companies have come up with catchy slogans to promote their sales, including Alibaba’s “Double 11, Low Price Everyday,” JD.com’s “Truly Cheap” and Pinduoduo’s “Truly Low Price Every Day.”<br>“In general, [a] pricing war has been the biggest competition moat across all [Chinese e-commerce] platforms this year,” a group of Citi analysts led by Alicia Yap wrote in a research report last week, using a term that describes a company’s competitive advantages over rivals.<br>They expect a “muted” sale period because of lackluster economic conditions and cautious spending sentiment.<br>Alibaba, which owns Taobao and Tmall.com, has announced it will offer more than 80 million products “at their lowest prices this year” during its sales period, which kicked off on October 24.<br>JD.com is offering 50% discounts on selected electronics and the opportunity for shoppers to purchase best-selling items for only 1 yuan (14 US cents.)<br>The event — which officially starts on November 11, with companies offering presales a few weeks earlier — marks the biggest shopping festival since the country lifted its Covid-19 restrictions last December.<br>Beijing had hoped that reopening the country would boost domestic consumption and prop up growth, especially as its exports are falling and infrastructure investment is yielding diminishing returns.<br>But Chinese consumers are dealing with mounting challenges ranging from high unemployment rate to waning income levels, and have cut back on spending. To lure them, e-commerce platforms are offering rock bottom prices this Singles Day.
Robo-advisors and personal finance: new era of investing<br>Hey there, have you heard about the latest trend in personal finance? It’s called robo-advisory, and it’s changing the game when it comes to investment management.<br>Gone are the days when you needed a hefty sum of money and a personal financial advisor to start investing. With robo-advisors, anyone can get in on the action.<br>What are robo-advisors?<br>First things first, let’s define what we mean by robo-advisors. Essentially, they’re digital platforms that use algorithms and machine learning to provide automated investment advice and portfolio management. <br>You input your financial goals, risk tolerance, and other relevant information, and the robo-advisor generates a personalized investment plan just for you.<br>It’s like having a financial advisor in your pocket, but without the high fees and minimum investment requirements. Robo-advisors are making investment management accessible and affordable for everyone, regardless of their net worth.
diatho:<br>In a taxable account maybe since they do tax loss harvesting. In a tax advantaged account no. Go with a simple three fund portfolio and don't worry.<br>Inevitable_Cut_3036:<br>If it gets you to start investing regularly, yes it's definitely worth it. There are better options out there, but they do have relatively low fees and are pretty user friendly. Find something that works for you and stick with it.<br>partyongarth788:<br>Robo advising tends to provide a pretty good return with little risk of "knee jerks" between news cycles. 10% cash sounds a little high unless it's holding for an expected dip to buy. Mine sits less. Of course they may have a minimum/floor that increases the % of a smaller balance.
CTV NEWS——Should I invest with a human or a robot? Traditional firms vs. robo-advisors<br>Robo-advisors<br>Algorithm-driven portfolios demand lower fees and account minimums than their human counterparts and yield results that generally rise and fall with the stock market. These factors make them especially appealing to younger Canadians with smaller savings and a drawn-out investment timeline.<br>Typically, users fill out a questionnaire that assesses their financial goals, risk tolerance, income needs and expected retirement date. Then the provider — Wealthsimple and Questrade are two of more than a dozen mainstream services in Canada — pairs them with a pre-built portfolio based on their comfort level.<br>“A young client, let's say, who's coming to market for the first time, that's an option to really consider if you're basically starting out and you just want to get things set up and working,” said David Boyd, a senior investment adviser at BMO Nesbitt Burns.<br>The fees are usually calculated as a proportion of assets under management — the amount of money in the portfolio. They generally range between 0.3 per cent and 0.5 per cent, though Questrade dips as low as 0.2 per cent for assets of $100,000-plus, while some can run as high as 0.8 per cent.<br>Most of the online brokerages that have cropped up since the late 1990s require no minimum amount to launch an account. Some auto-platforms associated with banks, such as BMO Smartfolio, have a $1,000 baseline.<br>“Robo-advisors provide what they need at a discount, which is one of the most obvious benefits of robos versus traditional bank investing, along with ease, time savings and convenience,” said Christine Socasau, who heads InvestEase, RBC's robo-advisor.<br>But those who appreciate more guidance or have complex financial needs might want to go the traditional route, she added.<br>“You won’t ever sit down for a coffee with your robo-advisor across the table.”<br>Some platforms offer phone service for investment questions, but it’s less personalized than a one-on-one relationship.<br>Despite the allure of low fees, the robo-advisor market represents a sliver of the Canadian market at $26.4 billion in investments as of September, according to ISS Market Intelligence’s Toronto-based research firm Investor Economics. That compares with trillions of invested capital in the overall Canadian market.<br>To ensure their digital wealth manager is performing up to snuff, investors can compare their gains against major stock indices over one to three years, such as the S&P 500 or the S&P/TSX 60, said Tim Cestnick, a personal finance expert and CEO of Our Family Office Inc.<br>“You should be performing pretty much on par with those (indexes),” he said.
Blog——The Role of AI and ML in Detecting Retail Fraud<br>In combating retail fraud, artificial intelligence emerges as a crucial weapon, utilizing computer technologies to replicate human thought processes. This broad concept encompasses various facets, with machine learning as a prominent component. Machine learning, a fundamental component of AI, revolves around training algorithms based on provided datasets, eliminating the need for manual reprogramming. Typically, machine learning adopts one of three approaches: supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning.<br>Deep learning, categorized within machine learning, takes automation to new heights by constructing neural networks that mimic the intricate structure of the human brain. In contrast to conventional machine learning fraud detection techniques, deep learning algorithms excel at processing unstructured data and refining their accuracy through sophisticated techniques such as backpropagation and gradient descent.<br>The utilization of AI in fraud detection algorithms holds significant promise in mitigating retail fraud. By leveraging historical data, AI systems can be refined to become formidable tools for detecting fraudulent activities. Given that many instances of retail fraud involve automated bots, the automated detection capabilities offered by AI and machine learning fraud detection technologies present a highly relevant and scalable solution poised to continually enhance performance and adaptability in combating evolving fraud schemes.
Kqyxzoj:<br>It's been doing that for yeeaaars. From the era before everyone slapped AI on everything, just google "machine learning anomaly detection".<br>SportGrand1103:<br>It's important to remember that any ML model, whether it's an LLM or not, is a probabilistic model. No method is foolproof, and verifying the authenticity of something is an intractable problem
FINANCE MAGNATES——Fintech and AI in Fraud Detection<br>AI: The Fraud Detection Superpower<br>In the fight against financial fraud, artificial intelligence, particularly machine learning and deep learning, has emerged as a formidable instrument.<br>Pattern Recognition: AI systems are particularly good at detecting complicated patterns and anomalies in vast datasets. They can detect suspicious activity by comparing current transactions to past data, allowing for faster fraud detection.<br>Behavioral Analysis: AI-powered systems may study both online and offline user behavior to build a baseline of "normal" behavior. Any departures from this baseline generate alarms, allowing institutions to conduct further investigation.<br>Predictive Analytics: By examining previous data and finding patterns that suggest a high risk of fraud, AI can foresee potential fraud trends. This proactive strategy assists institutions in staying one step ahead of scammers.<br>Getting Rid of False Positives: Traditional fraud detection systems frequently produce false positives, labeling innocent transactions as suspect. The ability of AI to make sophisticated conclusions based on large amounts of data reduces false positives, easing the pressure on fraud investigators.
The finance industry has undergone a digital revolution, and at the heart of this transformation is Big Data. In this blog post, we explore how Big Data is reshaping finance, with a specific focus on risk management<br>Risk Management<br>Credit Risk: Big Data helps banks assess borrowers' creditworthiness by analyzing their financial history, transaction data, and external factors.<br>Market Risk: Real-time data analysis allows financial institutions to manage market risks effectively by monitoring changes in asset prices and market conditions.<br>Operational Risk: Identifying and mitigating operational risks is enhanced through data analytics, preventing system failures and human errors.
DataGuru:<br>Big data is revolutionizing financial risk management. It allows institutions to analyze vast amounts of information and identify potential risks before they become serious issues.<br>RiskManager:<br>Absolutely, but it's also important to remember that data quality and integrity are key. Without accurate data, the insights generated could be misleading.
Tech NEWS——How Businesses Benefit from Big Data Analytics in Financial Services<br>The financial services sector is undergoing significant transformation and one of the primary reasons is the Big Data analytics. Companies are gaining valuable insights by utilizing vast amounts of data. They are capable in improving decision-making and simultaneously optimizing their operations. Let us explore here how the businesses in financial sector are benefiting from Big Data.<br>Understanding Big Data in Financial Services<br>Big Data simply refers to the large set of data generated by businesses, organizations and individuals. The datasets are complex and requires proper structuring like financial transactions or customer records. It helps in making informed decisions about investments, risk management and customer service in financial sector.<br>Benefits of Big Data in Financial Services<br>Big Data analytics transforms financial services by enabling informed decision-making, personalized customer experiences, cost optimization through automation and enhanced security. The benefits improve efficiency, profitability and compliance as well. It simultaneously strengthens customer trust and satisfaction too. Below are some significant benefits:<br>1. Improved Decision-Making<br>2. Better Customer Experience<br>3. Cost Optimization<br>4. Enhanced Security
Top 7 Regtech Use Cases in the Financial Sector<br>Regtech — the Regulatory Technology applied to enhancing and enabling regulatory processes within the financial industry — is now not only commonplace for Fintech companies and regulatory bodies, but has become essential simply because processing regulatory requirements that are constantly updating and aiming to protect consumers is no small feat.‍<br>Regtech is seen in other industries as well, such as healthcare, AI, and big data, but it’s most commonly utilized by financial companies through regulatory monitoring, transaction monitoring, reporting, case management, and compliance.‍<br>Regtech tools are enhancing financial companies’ ability to run more efficiently, and adhere to necessary regulations more strictly, and there are many practical ways that can be done. Below, we’ll cover the top applications of Regtech in the financial industry, including:‍<br>Identity Verification and Management<br>Regulatory Compliance and Change Management<br>Regulatory Reporting and Case Management<br>Risk Analysis and Management<br>Transaction Monitoring and Screening<br>Anti-Money Laundering Compliance and Detection<br>Fraud Detection and Prevention
RegTechExpert:<br>RegTech is a game-changer for financial regulatory compliance. It can automate complex compliance processes and provide real-time reporting, making it easier for institutions to stay compliant.<br>FinTechEnthusiast:<br>Absolutely, but it's also important to remember that RegTech is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Financial institutions need to choose the right RegTech solutions that fit their specific needs and regulatory requirements.
TICE NEWS——The What,Why and How of RegTech: Crafting Compliance with Innovation<br>Advantages of RegTech:Making Compliance Compatible <br>1.Automation And Efficiency Gains RegTech helps in automation and efficiency gains by deploying digital solutions to the organizations helping them streamline operations,meet compliance standards,and bid farewell to manual processes lacking accuracy and speed. <br>2.Cost Savings Implementing RegTech solutions is cost saving for organizations as it reduces the time and resources needed for manual compliance-related tasks.Apart from cutting down on personnel costs,it even mitigates operational risks associated with manual applications.<br>3.Enhanced Data Analysis Capabilities RegTech empowers organizations with deep insights into their data and operations through advanced analytics. This enables real-time trend identification,precise decision-making,and the ability to export information for further review. <br>4.Increased Risk Management RegTech provides additional layer of protection against missteps in compliance regulations.Leveraging sophisticated algorithms and predictive analytics,companies can identify and mitigate potential risks in real- time<br>5.Improved Customer Experience RegTech contributes to a better customer experience by automating compliance processes and enabling organizations to understand their customers'needs better.Advanced analytics solutions further help in generating precise insights and tracking industry trends. <br>6.Enhanced Security And Privacy Protection RegTech ensures enhanced security and privacy protection through innovative solutions like biometrics and blockchain technology.Machine learning algorithms monitor customer behavior in real time,offering protection against cybercrime and fraud. <br>7.Streamlined Know Your Customer(KYC)Processes RegTech firms streamline KYC processes,automating customer identity verification and onboarding procedures.This not only simplifies administrative burdens but also allows financial institutions to make faster decisions regarding risk assessment and creditworthiness.<br>How RegTech Solutions Are Transforming the FinTech Industry? <br>RegTech solutions offer a protective layer of stability and efficiency in operations,providing the flexibility for growth.Although the implementation in India is still in its early stages,it holds the potential to transform the financial services industry. <br>The Need for RegTechs <br>The financial service sector,burdened with an ever-increasing regulatory compliances,is turning to RegTech solutions to alleviate the complexities and stringent timelines imposed by regulatory changes globally. <br>Regulation Reframing and Implementing New Governances <br>RegTech systems monitor compliance against upcoming regulations,providing predictive compliance intelligence.This risk-based approach identifies regulatory risks through data analytics and addresses systemic issues in human processes,ensuring a holistic approach to compliance.
Welcome to our Consumer Insights blog. Today, we're discussing the role of predictive analytics in consumer behavior. Predictive analytics use statistical algorithms and machine learning techniques to identify the likelihood of future outcomes based on historical data. It's a powerful tool for marketers to understand consumer behavior and predict future trends.
DataGuru:<br>Predictive analytics is a game-changer in understanding consumer behavior. It allows us to analyze past consumer behavior to predict future trends.<br>MarketingMaster:<br>Absolutely, but it's also important to remember that predictive analytics is only as good as the data it's based on. Garbage in, garbage out.
The Business Times — Predictive analytics is transforming our understanding of consumer behavior. By analyzing past consumer behavior, predictive analytics can help marketers predict future trends and make more informed decisions. However, it's important to remember that predictive analytics is only as good as the data it's based on. As the saying goes, garbage in, garbage out.
Welcome to our latest blog post where we delve into the cutting-edge developments in advertising campaign optimization. In the fast-evolving world of digital marketing, staying ahead means leveraging the latest technologies and strategies to maximize ad performance and ROI.<br>Recent advancements have focused on the integration of AI and machine learning algorithms that can predict consumer behavior with unprecedented accuracy. For instance, predictive analytics tools are now able to analyze past campaign data and consumer interactions to forecast future trends and optimize ad spend accordingly.<br>Moreover, real-time bidding systems have been refined to adjust ad placements in milliseconds based on viewer engagement and conversion likelihood. This dynamic approach ensures that campaigns are more targeted and cost-effective.<br>We've also seen a surge in the use of augmented reality (AR) ads that create immersive experiences for consumers, leading to higher engagement rates. These technologies not only enhance the user experience but also provide marketers with detailed data on user interactions, which can be used to further optimize campaigns.<br>Stay tuned as we continue to explore how these innovations are reshaping the landscape of advertising.
User1:<br>Has anyone else been following the latest trends in ad campaign optimization? I'm particularly interested in how AI is being used to tailor ads more effectively to individual preferences.<br>User2:<br>Yes, I've been experimenting with some of the new AI tools. They're incredibly powerful for segmenting audiences and predicting which ad formats will perform best. It's like having a crystal ball for your ad campaigns!<br>User3:<br>I read somewhere that machine learning models are now able to adjust ad campaigns in real time based on user engagement. It seems like a game-changer for optimizing ad budgets and improving ROI.<br>User4:<br>That's true, User3. I've also seen some platforms using predictive analytics to automate much of the campaign management process, which saves a lot of time and reduces human error. The future of advertising is definitely digital and data-driven.
New York Times — As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the field of advertising has seen significant advancements in campaign optimization techniques. Industry leaders are now harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to revolutionize how campaigns are designed and executed.<br>One of the most significant breakthroughs has been the development of AI-driven analytics platforms that can process vast amounts of data to identify the most effective strategies for engaging consumers. These platforms use machine learning algorithms to fine-tune ad placements and content, ensuring that each campaign reaches its target audience with precision.<br>Furthermore, the use of augmented reality in advertising has provided a new way for brands to engage with consumers. By creating interactive and immersive ad experiences, companies are able to capture the attention of consumers more effectively than ever before.<br>Experts predict that as technology continues to advance, we will see even more sophisticated methods of campaign optimization, which could include the use of virtual reality and advanced predictive modeling. This ongoing evolution promises to make advertising more efficient, engaging, and effective in the years to come.
In today's digital age, the art and science of content curation and creation have become pivotal for marketers looking to stand out. In this blog post, we explore the latest innovations that are shaping the future of marketing content.<br>One of the most exciting developments is the use of AI-driven tools that help marketers identify trending topics and curate content with greater precision. These tools analyze vast amounts of data to predict what content will resonate most with specific audiences, thereby enhancing engagement rates.<br>Additionally, the integration of machine learning algorithms into content creation platforms allows for the automatic generation of personalized content. This means that marketers can produce highly tailored articles, videos, and graphics that speak directly to the interests of their audience, without the traditional heavy investment in time and resources.<br>Another breakthrough has been in the use of augmented reality (AR) to create immersive content experiences. Marketers are now using AR to bring stories and products to life, providing a unique interactive experience that boosts consumer interest and retention.<br>As we continue to witness these advancements, it's clear that the future of content marketing lies in leveraging technology to curate and create more engaging, relevant, and personalized content.<br>Source 2: Forum Post
TechMarketer89:<br>Hey everyone, I've been diving into the latest tools for content curation and it's fascinating how AI is transforming our approaches. Has anyone else tried out the new AI-powered content planners?<br>CreativeGuru:<br>Absolutely, TechMarketer89. I've been using one of these AI planners and it's drastically cut down the time I spend on content research. It automatically suggests topics based on trending data and audience preferences, which is a game changer.<br>DigitalStrategist:<br>I'm more interested in the creation side. I've started using AI tools that help generate initial content drafts. It's not perfect, but it provides a solid starting point that I can then refine and personalize.<br>ContentQueen:<br>Has anyone experimented with AR for content? I read that it's supposed to be great for engagement, especially in more visual industries like fashion and travel.
The Wall Street Journal — The marketing industry is undergoing a revolution, thanks to the latest innovations in content curation and creation technologies. Companies across the globe are adopting new tools that leverage artificial intelligence and augmented reality to create compelling, customized content.<br>Industry experts highlight that AI is not only helping in curating content but also in generating it. Advanced algorithms can now analyze user behavior and craft content that matches the evolving preferences of a target audience. This technology enables marketers to produce highly effective campaigns that engage users on a personal level.<br>Augmented reality is another area where marketers are making strides. By integrating AR into their content strategies, brands are able to offer immersive experiences that captivate audiences and leave lasting impressions.<br>These technological advancements are set to redefine the norms of content marketing, making it more dynamic, interactive, and personalized.
In the rapidly evolving world of social media, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for marketers. This blog post explores the latest innovations in social media management that are helping brands enhance their online presence and engagement.<br>One notable innovation is the integration of AI-powered analytics tools. These tools provide deeper insights into user behavior and engagement patterns, allowing marketers to fine-tune their strategies in real-time. By understanding what content performs best and at what times, brands can optimize their postings to achieve maximum impact.<br>Another advancement is the use of automated chatbots and customer service tools that can handle inquiries and interactions on social media platforms around the clock. This not only improves customer experience but also frees up human resources to focus on more complex queries and strategy development.<br>Furthermore, the rise of influencer marketing platforms has streamlined the process of finding and collaborating with influencers. These platforms use algorithms to match brands with influencers whose audiences align closely with their target demographics, enhancing the effectiveness of social media campaigns.
User1:<br>Has anyone tried the new AI tools for social media analytics? They're supposed to help identify the best content types and posting schedules based on real-time data.<br>User2:<br>Yes, I've been using one of these tools for a few months now. It's incredibly helpful for adjusting our content strategy on the fly and really boosts our engagement rates.<br>User3:<br>I'm more interested in how we can automate interactions without losing a personal touch. Any good tools for that?<br>User4:<br>Definitely look into the latest chatbots. They've become much more sophisticated and can handle a wide range of interactions, making them perfect for maintaining 24/7 engagement without sacrificing quality.
The New York Times — Innovations in social media management are transforming how companies interact with their customers online. With the advent of advanced analytics and automated systems, brands are now equipped to handle the vast and dynamic landscape of social media more efficiently.<br>Experts in the field are particularly excited about the potential of AI to revolutionize social media strategies. These systems not only analyze massive amounts of data but also provide actionable insights that can dramatically improve content engagement and campaign performance.<br>Additionally, the development of sophisticated chatbots and AI-driven interaction tools is helping brands maintain constant and consistent communication with their audiences, a crucial factor in building trust and loyalty in the digital age.<br>These innovations are making social media management more effective and are expected to continue shaping the marketing strategies of companies worldwide.<br>These examples are crafted to align with the domain of social media management in marketing, providing insights into the latest technological advancements and their practical applications in the field.
As the digital landscape continues to evolve, so too does the field of search engine optimization. This blog post delves into the latest innovations that are shaping SEO strategies for marketers around the world.<br>One of the most significant advancements is the integration of AI and machine learning into SEO tools. These technologies are now being used to analyze search engine algorithms and user behavior patterns more deeply than ever before. This enables marketers to optimize their content with unprecedented precision, improving their rankings and visibility on search engines.<br>Another key innovation is the development of voice search optimization. As more users turn to voice-activated devices for their search needs, optimizing for voice search has become crucial. This involves focusing on natural language keywords and questions that users are likely to ask, which differs significantly from traditional text-based SEO.<br>Additionally, the importance of mobile-first indexing has led to a surge in the development of tools that optimize websites for mobile devices. Ensuring that a site is mobile-friendly is now essential, as this significantly impacts its search engine rankings.
SEOExpert45:<br>Has anyone experimented with the new AI-driven SEO tools? They're supposed to be great for predictive analytics, helping to forecast future trends in search engine algorithms.<br>TechGuru88:<br>Absolutely, I've been using one of these tools, and it's a game-changer. It not only analyzes current SEO performance but also predicts adjustments to Google's algorithm, allowing us to stay ahead of the curve.<br>WebMaster101:<br>I'm curious about voice search optimization. Any tips on how to better integrate this into our overall SEO strategy?<br>DigitalMarketer22:<br>Focus on long-tail keywords and phrases that mimic how real people talk. Also, make sure your content answers questions directly, as voice searches are often query-based.
The Guardian — The world of search engine optimization is witnessing rapid changes with the introduction of advanced technologies. Innovations in AI and machine learning are particularly impactful, offering new ways for marketers to enhance their SEO strategies.<br>Experts believe that these technologies are set to revolutionize SEO by providing insights into search patterns and user behavior that were previously inaccessible. This can lead to more effective and targeted content strategies, potentially increasing a site's visibility and ranking on search engines.<br>Moreover, the shift towards voice and mobile search continues to influence SEO practices. Companies are now prioritizing these aspects to ensure their content is accessible and optimized for all types of devices and search queries.<br>These innovations are crucial for staying competitive in the ever-changing SEO landscape, as they allow marketers to adapt quickly and efficiently to new trends and algorithm updates.<br>These examples provide a comprehensive overview of the innovations in SEO, suitable for testing the retrieval capabilities of large language models in this specific domain of marketing.
Welcome to the EdTechInsights blog! Today, we delve into the transformative effects of adaptive learning platforms on student performance. These platforms utilize personalized learning paths to cater to individual student needs, leading to improved engagement and academic outcomes. Research shows that students using adaptive learning tools exhibit higher retention rates and increased mastery of concepts compared to traditional classroom methods. Stay tuned as we explore real-world examples and success stories of schools implementing adaptive learning technologies.
User123:<br>I've been using adaptive learning platforms with my students for the past year, and the results have been phenomenal. The personalized feedback and tailored learning experiences have significantly boosted their understanding and retention of course material. I believe that adaptive learning is the future of education!<br>Educator456:<br>I couldn't agree more! The ability of these platforms to adapt to each student's unique learning style is truly remarkable. It's like having a virtual tutor that guides students through their individual learning journeys. I'm excited to see how this technology continues to revolutionize the way we teach and learn.
EducationToday - In a recent study published in the Journal of Educational Technology, researchers have highlighted the positive impact of adaptive learning platforms on student performance. The study, conducted across multiple schools nationwide, found that students using adaptive learning tools showed significant improvements in test scores and academic achievement compared to their peers using traditional learning methods. Teachers also reported increased student engagement and motivation in classrooms where adaptive learning platforms were implemented. As schools continue to embrace digital learning technologies, the role of adaptive platforms in shaping the future of education is becoming increasingly prominent.
This blog will delve into the latest advancements in intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) and their impact on education. Intelligent tutoring systems have significantly evolved, utilizing artificial intelligence to provide personalized learning experiences for students.<br>Recent developments include adaptive learning algorithms that tailor educational content to individual student needs, real-time feedback mechanisms that help students understand their mistakes, and natural language processing capabilities that allow ITS to interact more effectively with learners. These advancements have made ITS more efficient and effective, facilitating better learning outcomes and engagement.<br>For instance, modern ITS can analyze a student's performance data to identify learning gaps and adjust the difficulty of subsequent tasks accordingly. Additionally, these systems can simulate one-on-one tutoring by responding to student queries in a conversational manner, making learning more interactive and enjoyable. The integration of ITS in classrooms has shown promising results in improving student performance and retention rates.
EduTechEnthusiast:<br>Has anyone tried the new intelligent tutoring systems in their classrooms? I've been reading about how these systems are getting really advanced with AI. They can now adapt to each student's learning pace and provide instant feedback. It's amazing how they can even understand and respond to students' questions just like a human tutor!<br>TeacherTechie:<br>Yes, we've started using one in our school, and the results are quite impressive. The system we use can track student progress and suggest personalized exercises. It even helps students who are struggling by breaking down complex topics into simpler parts. The real-time feedback is a game-changer, allowing students to correct their mistakes immediately.<br>LearningLover:<br>I think these systems are the future of education. They make learning so much more engaging and effective. Plus, they can handle a large number of students simultaneously, which is something human tutors can't do. The only concern I have is ensuring that the data these systems collect is used responsibly.
New York Times — In classrooms across the country, a quiet revolution is taking place. Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) powered by artificial intelligence are transforming the way students learn. These advanced systems are designed to provide personalized instruction, adapting to the unique needs of each student.<br>One of the latest breakthroughs in ITS technology is the integration of machine learning algorithms that can analyze vast amounts of student performance data to tailor educational content. This allows ITS to offer customized exercises and feedback, enhancing the learning experience.<br>A notable example is the recent implementation of an ITS in a New York City public school, where students have shown significant improvement in their academic performance. The system provides real-time feedback, helping students understand their mistakes and learn more effectively. Moreover, the use of natural language processing enables the ITS to interact with students in a conversational manner, making the learning process more engaging.<br>Experts believe that the widespread adoption of intelligent tutoring systems could bridge educational gaps and provide high-quality instruction to students regardless of their geographical location. However, they also caution about the need for proper data privacy measures to protect student information.
In this blog, we will explore the latest advancements in education data analysis and how they are transforming the educational landscape. Education data analysis involves the collection, processing, and interpretation of data from various educational activities to improve teaching and learning outcomes.<br>Recent innovations include the use of big data analytics to track student performance and predict future trends. Advanced algorithms can now analyze vast datasets to identify patterns and correlations that were previously unnoticed. This allows educators to make data-driven decisions to enhance curriculum design, teaching strategies, and student support services.<br>One significant development is the integration of machine learning models that can predict student success and identify at-risk students early. These models analyze historical data, such as attendance, grades, and engagement metrics, to provide actionable insights. Additionally, visual analytics tools have become more sophisticated, enabling educators to visualize complex data through intuitive dashboards and reports.<br>These advancements are not only helping educators but also empowering students by providing personalized learning experiences based on their data profiles. The future of education data analysis looks promising, with continuous improvements in data collection methods, analytical techniques, and data security measures.
DataDrivenTeacher:<br>Has anyone noticed how education data analysis is becoming more advanced? I've been using some new tools that provide incredible insights into student performance. These tools can analyze data from multiple sources and generate detailed reports that help us understand our students better.<br>EdTechFan:<br>Yes, I've been using a platform that uses machine learning to predict student outcomes. It’s amazing how accurate it can be. The system flags students who might need extra help based on their attendance, grades, and even their participation in class discussions. It’s been a game-changer for our intervention strategies.<br>AnalyticsGuru:<br>I agree! The new visual analytics tools are particularly impressive. They allow us to create interactive dashboards that make it easy to spot trends and patterns. This has really helped in making data-driven decisions for curriculum improvements and resource allocation. It's exciting to see how data analysis is shaping the future of education.
Washington Post — Schools across the nation are increasingly turning to advanced data analysis techniques to enhance educational outcomes. The latest tools in education data analysis leverage big data and machine learning to provide deeper insights into student performance and learning behaviors.<br>One of the most notable advancements is the use of predictive analytics to identify students who are at risk of falling behind. By analyzing data such as attendance records, grades, and even social-emotional indicators, these systems can alert educators to potential issues before they become critical. This proactive approach allows for timely interventions, which can significantly improve student success rates.<br>Another significant development is the rise of visual analytics platforms. These tools enable educators to create dynamic, interactive dashboards that present complex data in an easily understandable format. For example, teachers can visualize student progress over time, compare performance across different demographics, and identify areas where additional resources are needed.<br>The integration of these advanced data analysis tools in education is not without challenges, particularly concerning data privacy and security. However, experts believe that with proper safeguards, the benefits far outweigh the risks. As education continues to evolve, data analysis will play an increasingly vital role in shaping effective teaching and learning strategies.
In this blog, we delve into the profound benefits of incorporating mindfulness and emotional intelligence into daily life. Mindfulness, the practice of being present and fully engaged in the moment, has been shown to reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance overall well-being. When combined with emotional intelligence, which involves recognizing, understanding, and managing our own emotions as well as those of others, the benefits are amplified.<br>Recent studies have demonstrated that mindfulness practices can significantly improve emotional regulation, leading to better mental health outcomes. By being more aware of our thoughts and feelings, we can respond to situations more calmly and thoughtfully, rather than reacting impulsively. This heightened awareness also enhances our ability to empathize with others, a key component of emotional intelligence.<br>Moreover, integrating mindfulness into educational settings has shown promising results in improving students' academic performance and social interactions. Teachers who practice mindfulness report lower levels of burnout and higher job satisfaction. Similarly, students exhibit increased attention spans, better emotional control, and improved relationships with peers and teachers.<br>In the workplace, mindfulness and emotional intelligence contribute to a more harmonious and productive environment. Employees who practice mindfulness are better at handling stress and maintaining a positive outlook, while those with high emotional intelligence excel in teamwork and leadership roles. Overall, the combination of these two practices fosters a more balanced, empathetic, and effective approach to both personal and professional life.
MindfulLiving:<br>I've been practicing mindfulness for a few months now, and it's amazing how much it has improved my emotional intelligence. I feel more in control of my emotions and better at understanding others. Has anyone else experienced this?<br>EQWarrior:<br>Absolutely! Mindfulness has been a game-changer for me. By being more present, I've become more aware of my emotional triggers and can manage my reactions better. This has helped me in both personal relationships and at work. Emotional intelligence is so crucial, and mindfulness definitely enhances it.<br>CalmAndCollected:<br>I agree with both of you. Practicing mindfulness has not only reduced my stress levels but has also made me more empathetic. I find that I'm better at listening and connecting with people. It's like a superpower for emotional intelligence!<br>ZenSeeker:<br>Mindfulness and emotional intelligence go hand in hand. Being mindful helps us understand our emotions and those of others, which is the essence of emotional intelligence. It's great to see so many people benefiting from these practices.
BBC News — The growing interest in mindfulness and emotional intelligence is not just a trend but a significant shift in how we approach mental health and interpersonal relationships. Recent research highlights the numerous benefits of these practices, particularly when combined.<br>Mindfulness, the practice of staying present and fully engaged in the moment, has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, improve concentration, and enhance overall well-being. Emotional intelligence, which involves recognizing and managing our own emotions as well as understanding and influencing the emotions of others, is crucial for effective communication and relationship-building.<br>A study conducted by Harvard University found that individuals who regularly practice mindfulness exhibit higher levels of emotional intelligence. These individuals are better at managing stress, have greater empathy, and are more adept at conflict resolution. The study also noted improvements in workplace dynamics, with mindful employees demonstrating better teamwork and leadership skills.<br>In educational settings, the integration of mindfulness programs has led to significant improvements in students' emotional and social skills. Schools that have adopted these programs report lower levels of bullying, increased academic performance, and better student-teacher relationships.<br>Experts believe that the combination of mindfulness and emotional intelligence can lead to a more compassionate and resilient society. As these practices become more mainstream, we can expect to see widespread benefits across various aspects of life, from personal well-being to professional success.
Welcome to MindfulHabits blog! Today, we explore the fascinating science behind habit formation and how it influences behavior change. Habits are powerful routines that shape our daily lives, and understanding the psychology behind habit formation can help us make positive changes. We'll delve into the cues, routines, and rewards that drive habit loops, as well as practical strategies for breaking bad habits and cultivating healthier ones. Join us on this journey to unlock the secrets of habit formation and achieve lasting behavior change.
HabitHacker101:<br>I've been researching habit formation for a while now, and it's truly fascinating how our brains are wired to create and maintain habits. Understanding the science behind habits has helped me make significant changes in my own life. Let's discuss the latest research and strategies for breaking old habits and forming new ones for a healthier, more fulfilling lifestyle.<br>ChangeChampion22:<br>I completely agree! Learning about habit loops and the role of triggers and rewards has been eye-opening for me. It's amazing how small changes in our routines can lead to lasting behavior change. I'm excited to share tips and insights with fellow forum members on how to harness the power of habits for personal growth.
BehaviorInsights - A recent article published in Behavioral Science Today sheds light on the science of habit formation and its implications for behavior change. Researchers have long studied the mechanisms behind habit loops and how they influence our daily actions. By understanding the cues, routines, and rewards that drive habits, individuals can effectively modify their behaviors and make lasting changes. The article explores real-world applications of habit formation theories in areas such as health, productivity, and personal development, offering insights into how habits shape our lives and how we can leverage this knowledge for positive transformation.
Welcome to ProductivityPro blog! Today, we dive into effective strategies for conquering procrastination and boosting productivity. Procrastination is a common challenge that many individuals face, but with the right tools and techniques, it can be overcome. We'll explore practical tips for breaking the cycle of procrastination, setting achievable goals, and staying focused on tasks. Join us as we uncover the secrets to maximizing productivity and achieving your goals without succumbing to procrastination.
ProcrastinationFighter:<br>I've struggled with procrastination for years, but I've found some effective strategies that have helped me become more productive. Let's share our tips and tricks for overcoming procrastination and staying on track with our goals. Together, we can support each other in breaking free from the procrastination trap and achieving greater levels of productivity.<br>GoalGetter88:<br>I'm always looking for new ways to beat procrastination and boost my productivity. It's inspiring to see how others have overcome this common challenge. Let's motivate each other to take action and make progress towards our goals.
ProductivityInsights - In a recent article featured in Productivity Today, experts share valuable strategies for overcoming procrastination and enhancing productivity. Procrastination can hinder progress and lead to missed opportunities, but with the right approach, individuals can break free from this habit and achieve their goals. The article highlights practical techniques such as time blocking, task prioritization, and mindfulness practices that can help individuals overcome procrastination and boost their efficiency. By implementing these strategies, individuals can unlock their full potential and create a more productive and fulfilling life.
In today's fast-paced and often unpredictable environment, building resilience has become a crucial skill for individuals and organizations alike. This blog explores the latest trends and methods in resilience building that are helping people adapt and thrive in the face of challenges.<br>One of the key trends is the integration of mindfulness and mental health practices into daily routines. Mindfulness exercises, such as meditation and focused breathing, are being widely adopted to help individuals reduce stress and enhance their mental fortitude.<br>Another significant approach is the development of emotional intelligence skills. These skills, including self-awareness, empathy, and regulation of emotions, are essential for managing stress and fostering resilience in personal and professional settings.<br>Additionally, there is a growing emphasis on community and social support networks as critical components of resilience. Building strong relationships and engaging in community support activities can provide emotional support and practical help during difficult times.
UserA:<br>Has anyone tried integrating mindfulness into their daily routine to build resilience? I read that it’s very effective.<br>UserB:<br>Yes, I started doing morning meditation sessions last year, and it has significantly helped me manage stress. It’s amazing how just a few minutes of mindfulness each day can improve your overall resilience.<br>UserC:<br>I’m looking into emotional intelligence training. Does anyone have experience with how it impacts resilience?
The Washington Post — As the world faces increasing challenges from global crises to personal stressors, the importance of resilience has never been more recognized. Experts are continuously exploring new methods and trends in resilience building to help individuals and communities cope more effectively.<br>Recent studies highlight the effectiveness of structured resilience training programs that include techniques like cognitive-behavioral strategies, stress management, and scenario planning. These programs are designed to help individuals anticipate and prepare for challenges, enhancing their ability to remain resilient under pressure.<br>Furthermore, there is a notable shift towards incorporating digital tools and platforms that offer resilience training and support. These resources make learning and practicing resilience skills more accessible to a broader audience, ensuring that more people have the tools they need to withstand adversity.
Welcome to our blog on mastering time management for success. Effective time management is crucial for achieving both personal and professional goals. Here, we explore various strategies that can help you make the most out of your day.<br>Prioritization: One of the key aspects of time management is learning to prioritize tasks. Using methods like the Eisenhower Matrix, you can categorize tasks based on their urgency and importance, allowing you to focus on what truly matters.<br>Setting SMART Goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) goals provide clear direction and a sense of purpose. Breaking down large projects into smaller, manageable tasks can prevent overwhelm and ensure steady progress.<br>Time Blocking: Allocating specific blocks of time for different activities can significantly boost productivity. By scheduling dedicated time slots for work, meetings, exercise, and relaxation, you create a balanced routine that maximizes efficiency.<br>Eliminating Distractions: In an age of constant connectivity, minimizing distractions is essential. Techniques such as turning off notifications, using apps to block distracting websites, and creating a focused workspace can help maintain concentration.<br>The Pomodoro Technique: This popular method involves working in short, intense bursts (usually 25 minutes), followed by a brief break. This approach helps maintain high levels of focus and prevents burnout.<br>Reflecting and Adjusting: Regularly reviewing your time management strategies and making necessary adjustments ensures continuous improvement. Reflect on what worked well and identify areas for enhancement.<br>By implementing these strategies, you can manage your time more effectively, leading to increased productivity and greater success in all areas of life.
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