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People in this club who perform in school talent shows often attend and are very engaged with school events.
∀x (InThisClub(x) ∧ PerformOftenIn(x, schoolTalentShow) → Attend(x, schoolEvent) ∧ VeryEngagedWith(x, schoolEvent))
People in this club either perform in school talent shows often or are inactive and disinterested community members.
∀x (InThisClub(x) → PerformOftenIn(x, schoolTalentShow) ⊕ (InActive(x) ∧ Disinterested(x) ∧ MemberOf(x, community)))
People in this club who chaperone high school dances are not students who attend the school.
∀x (InThisClub(x) ∧ Chaperone(x, highSchoolDance) → ¬(Studen(x) ∧ AttendSchool(x)))
All people in this club who are inactive and disinterested members of their community chaperone high school dances.
∀x (InThisClub(x) ∧ (InActive(x) ∧ Disinterested(x) ∧ MemberOf(x, community)) → Chaperone(x, highSchoolDances))
All young children and teenagers in this club who wish to further their academic careers and educational opportunities are students who attend the school.
∀x (InThisClub(x) ∧ (YoungChildren(x) ⊕ Teenager(x)) ∧ WishToFurther(x, academicCareer)) → Studen(x) ∧ AttendSchool(x))
Bonnie is in this club and she either both attends and is very engaged with school events and is a student who attends the school or is not someone who both attends and is very engaged with school events and is not a student who attends the school.
InThisClub(bonnie) ∧ ¬((Attend(x, schoolEvent) ∧ VeryEngagedWith(bonnie, schoolEvent)) ⊕ (Studen(bonne) ∧ AttendSchool(bonnie)))
All employees who schedule a meeting with their customers will go to the company building today.
∀x ((Employee(x) ∧ Schedule(x, meeting, customers)) → AppearIn(x, company))
Everyone who has lunch in the company building schedules meetings with their customers.
∀x ((Employee(x) ∧ HasLunch(x, company)) → Schedule(x, meeting, customers))
Employees have lunch either in the company building or at home.
∀x (Employee(x) → (HasLunch(x, company) ⊕ HasLunch(x, home)))
If an employee has lunch at home, they are working remotely from home.
∀x ((Employee(x) ∧ HasLunch(x, home)) → Work(x, home))
All employees who are in other countries work remotely from home.
∀x ((Employee(x) ∧ (¬In(x, homecountry))) → Work(x, home))
No managers work remotely from home.
∀x (Manager(x) → ¬Work(x, home))
James will appear in the company today if and only if he is a manager.
¬(Manager(james) ⊕ AppearIn(james, company))
When the Monkeypox virus occurs in a being, it may get Monkeypox.
∃x (OccurIn(monkeypoxVirus, x) ∧ Get(x, monkeypoxVirus))
Monkeypox virus can occur in certain animals.
∃x (Animal(x) ∧ OccurIn(monkeypoxVirus, x))
Humans are mammals.
∀x (Human(x) → Mammal(x))
Mammals are animals.
∀x (Mammal(x) → Animal(x))
Symptoms of Monkeypox include fever, headache, muscle pains, and tiredness.
∃x (SymptonOf(x, monkeypoxVirus) ∧ (Fever(x) ∨ Headache(x) ∨ MusclePain(x) ∨ Tired(x)))
People feel tired when they get the flu.
∀x (Human(x) ∧ Get(x, flu) → Feel(x, tired))
There are six types of wild turkeys: Eastern wild turkey, Osceola wild turkey, Gould’s wild turkey, Merriam’s wild turkey, Rio Grande wild turkey, and Ocellated wild turkey.
∀x (WildTurkey(x) → (EasternWildTurkey(x) ∨ OsceolaWildTurkey(x) ∨ GouldsWildTurkey(x) ∨ MerriamsWildTurkey(x) ∨ RiograndeWildTurkey(x) ∨ OcellatedWildTurkey(x)))
Tom is not an Eastern wild turkey.
Tom is not an Osceola wild turkey.
Tom is not a Gould's wild turkey.
Tom is neither a Merriam's wild turkey nor a Rio Grande wild turkey.
¬(MerriamsWildTurkey(tom) ∨ RiograndeWildTurkey(tom))
Tom is a wild turkey.
A Japanese game company created the game the Legend of Zelda.
Game(theLegendofZelda) ∧ ∃x (Japanese(x) ∧ VideoGameCompany(x) ∧ Created(x, theLegendofZelda))
All games on the Top 10 list are made by Japanese game companies.
∀x ∀y ((Game(x) ∧ InTop10(x) ∧ Created(y,x)) → Japanese(y))
If a game sells more than one million copies, then it will be included in the Top 10 list.
∀x ((Game(x) ∧ ∃y(GreaterThan(y, oneMillion) ∧ CopiesSold(x, y))) → Top10(x)))
The Legend of Zelda sold more than one million copies.
∃y(GreaterThan(y, oneMillion) ∧ CopiesSold(theLegendofZelda,y))
All squares are four-sided.
∀x (Square(x) → FourSided(x))
All four-sided things are shapes.
∀x (FourSided(x) → Shape(x))
All rabbits that can be spotted near the campus are cute.
∀x (Rabbit(x) ∧ CanBeSpottedNear(x, campus) → Cute(x))
Some turtles can be spotted near the campus.
∃x (Turtle(x) ∧ CanBeSpottedNear(x, campus))
The only animals that can be spotted near the campus are rabbits and squirrels.
∀x (CanBeSpottedNear(x, campus) → (Rabbit(x) ⊕ Squirrel(x)))
If something is skittish, then it is not calm.
∀x (Skittish(x) → ¬Calm(x))
All the squirrels that can be spotted near the campus are skittish.
∀x (Squirrel(x) ∧ CanBeSpottedNear(x, campus) → Skittish(x))
Rockie can be spotted near the campus, and it is calm.
CanBeSpottedNear(rockie, campus) ∧ Calm(rockie)
"Stranger Things" is a popular Netflix show.
NetflixShow(strangerThings) ∧ Popular(strangerThings)
If a Netflix show is popular, Karen will binge-watch it.
∀x ((NetflixShow(x) ∧ Popular(x)) → BingeWatch(karen, x))
If and only if Karen binge-watches a Netflix show, she will download it.
∀x ((NetflixShow(x) ∧ BingeWatch(karen, x)) ↔ Download(karen, x))
Karen does not download "Black Mirror."
¬Download(karen, blackMirror)
"Black Mirror" is a Netflix show.
If Karen binge-watches a Netflix show, she will share it with Lisa.
∀x ((NetflixShow(x) ∧ BingeWatch(karen, x)) → ShareWith(karen, x, lisa))
Beijing is the capital of the People's Republic of China.
CapitalOf(beijing, peoplesRepublicOfChina)
Beijing is the capital city of the world's most populous nation.
∃x (CapitalOf(beijing, x) → WorldsMostPopulousNation(x))
Beijing is located in Northern China.
LocatedIn(beijing, northernChina)
Beijing hosted the 2008 Summer Olympics and 2008 Summer Paralympics Games.
Hosted(beijing, 2008SummerOlympics) ∧ Hosted(beijing, 2008SummerParalympicGames)
Beijing has hosted the Summer and Winter Olympics and the Summer and Winter Paralympics.
Hosted(beijing, summerOlympics) ∧ Hosted(beijing, winterOlympics) ∧ Hosted(beijing, summerParalympicGames) ∧ Hosted(beijing, winterParalympicGames)
Many of Beijing's 91 universities consistently rank among the best universities in the world.
∃x (University(x) ∧ InBeijing(x) ∧ ConsistentlyRankAmongTheBestIn(x, theWorld))
All aliens are extraterrestrials.
∀x (Alien(x) → Extraterrestrial(x))
If someone is from Mars, then they are an alien.
∀x (From(x, mars) → Alien(x))
No extraterrestrials are human.
∀x (Extraterrestrial(x) → ¬Human(x))
All highly intelligent beings from Earth are humans.
∀x (HighlyIntelligentBeing(x) ∧ From(x, earth) → Human(x))
Marvin is a highly intelligent being.
Marvin is either from Earth and from Mars, or he is from neither.
¬(From(marvin, earth) ⊕ From(marvin, mars))
If Marvin is not from Earth, then Marvin is an extraterrestrial.
¬From(marvin, earth) → Extraterrestrial(marvin)
Everyone at the mixer is a Grand Slam champion or an Oscar-nominated actor.
∀x (At(x, mixer) → (GrandSlam(x) ∧ Champion(x)) ∨ (OscarNominated(x) ∧ Actor(x)))
Every Grand Slam champion at the mixer is a professional tennis player.
∀x (At(x, mixer) ∧ (GrandSlam(x) ∧ Champion(x) → Professional(x) ∧ TennisPlayer(x))
All Oscar-nominated actors at the mixer are celebrities.
∀x (At(x, mixer) ∧ (OscarNominated(x) ∧ Actor(x) → Celebrity(x))
All professional tennis players at the mixer are athletes.
∀x (At(x, mixer) ∧ Professional(x) ∧ TennisPlayer(x) → Athlete(x))
If a person at the mixer is a celebrity, then they are well paid.
∀x (At(x, mixer) ∧ Celebrity(x) → WellPaid(x))
If a person at the mixer is an athlete, then they are famous.
∀x (At(x, mixer) ∧ Athlete(x) → Famous(x))
All well-paid people at the mixer live in tax havens.
∀x (At(x, mixer) ∧ WellPaid(x) → LiveIn(x, taxHaven))
Djokovic is at the mixer: if Djokovic is a famous athlete, then Djokovic is well-paid.
At(djokovic, mixer) ∧ (Famous(djokovic) ∧ Athlete(djokovic) → WellPaid(djokovic))
Diamond Mine is a professional wrestling stable formed in WWE.
ProfessionalWrestlingStable(diamondMine) ∧ In(diamondMine, wWE)
Roderick Strong leads Diamond Mine.
Leads(roderickStrong, diamondMine)
Diamond Mine includes the Creed Brothers and Ivy Nile.
Includes(diamondMine, creedBrothers) ∧ Includes(diamondMine, ivyNile)
Imperium has a feud with Diamond Mine.
Feuds(imperium, diamondMine)
Symphony No. 9 is a music piece.
Composers write music pieces.
∀x (MusicPiece(x) → ∃y (Composer(y) ∧ Write(y, x)))
Beethoven wrote Symphony No. 9.
Writtenby(symphony9, beethoven)
Vienna Music Society premiered Symphony No. 9.
Premiered(viennaMusicSociety, symphony9)
Vienna Music Society is an orchestra.
Beethoven leads the Vienna Music Society.
Lead(beethoven, viennaMusicSociety)
Orchestras are led by conductors.
∀x (Orchestra(x) → (∃y Conductor(y) ∧ Lead(y, x)))
All of Zaha Hadid's design styles that Max adores have interesting geometries.
∀x (Adore(max, x) ∧ ZahaHadid(x) ∧ DesignStyle(x) → InterestingGeometry(x))
No brutalist buildings that Max adores have interesting geometries.
∀x (Adore(max, x) ∧ BrutalistBuilding(x) → ¬InterestingGeometry(x))
Every style that Max adores is either Zaha Hadid's design style or Kelly Wearstler's design style.
∀x (Adore(max, x) → ((ZahaHadid(x) ∧ DesignStyle(x)) ⊕ (KellyWearstler(x) ∧ DesignStyle(x)))
All of Kelly Wearstler's design styles that Max adores are evocative.
∀x (Adore(max, x) ∧ KellyWearstler(x) ∧ DesignStyle(x) → Evocative(x))
All of Kelly Wearstler's design styles that Max adores are dreamy.
∀x (Adore(max, x) ∧ KellyWearstler(x) ∧ DesignStyle(x) → Dreamy(x))
If a design by Max that he adores has interesting geometries, then the design is a brutalist building and evocative.
∃x (Adore(max, x) ∧ Design(x) ∧ ByMax(x) ∧ InterestingGeometry(x) → BrutalistBuilding(x) ∧ Evocative(x))
If someone is ranked highly by the Women's Tennis Association, then they are one of the most active players in major tennis.
∀x (RankedHighlyBy(x, womensTennisAssociation) → MostActivePlayerIn(x, majorTennis))
Everyone who lost to Iga Świątek at Roland Garros 2022 is ranked highly by the Women's Tennis Association.
∀x (LostTo(x, świątek) ∧ At(x, rolandGarros2022) → RankedHighlyBy(x, womensTennisAssociation))
All female tennis players at Roland Garros 2022 lost to Iga Świątek.
∀x (FemaleTennisPlayer(x) ∧ At(x, rolandGarros2022) → LostTo(x, świątek) ∧ At(x, rolandGarros2022))
All tennis players at Roland Garros 2022 are either female or male.
∀x (TennisPlayer(x) ∧ At(x, rolandGarros2022) → (Female(x) ∧ TennisPlayer(x)) ⊕ (Male(x) ∧ TennisPlayer(x)))
All male tennis players at Roland Garros in 2022 lost to Rafael Nadal.
∀x (Male(x) ∧ TennisPlayer(x) ∧ At(x, rolandGarros2022) → LostTo(x, świątek) ∧ At(x, rolandGarros2022))
If Coco Gauff is ranked highly by the Women's Tennis Association or lost to Rafael Nadal, then Coco Gauff is not a male tennis player at Roland Garros 2022.
RankedHighlyBy(cocoGauff, womensTennisAssociation) ∨ (LostTo(cocoGauff, świątek) ∧ LostAt(cocoGauff, rolandGarros2022)) → ¬(Male(cocoGauff) ∧ TennisPlayer(cocoGauff) ∧ AtRolandGarros2022(cocoGauff))
Coco Gauff is at Roland Garros 2022.
TennisPlayer(cocoGauff) ∧ At(cocoGauff, rolandGarros2022)
All cats are mammals.
∀x (Cat(x) → Mammal(x))
Some pets are not mammals.
∃x (Pet(x) ∧ ¬Mammal(x))
There are four seasons in a year: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.
Season(spring) ∨ Season(summer) ∨ Season(fall) ∨ Season(winter) ∧ (Season(spring) → ¬Season(summer) ∧ ¬Season(fall) ∧ ¬Season(winter)) ∧ (Season(summer) → ¬Season(spring) ∧ ¬Season(fall) ∧ ¬Season(winter)) ∧ (Season(fall) → ¬Season(spring) ∧ ¬Season(summer) ∧ ¬Season(winter)) ∧ (Season(winter) → ¬Season(spring) ∧ ¬Season(summer) ∧ ¬Season(fall))
All students who want to have a long vacation have summer as their favorite season.
∀x (Want(x, longvacation) → Favorite(x, summer))
Emma's favorite season is summer.
Favorite(emma, summer)
Mia's favorite season is not the same as Emma's.
∀x ∀y (Season(x) ∧ Season(y) ∧ Favorite(mia, x) ∧ Favorite(emma, y) → ¬(x=y))
James wants to have a long vacation.
Want(james, longVacation)
No digital media are analog.
∀x (DigitalMedia(x) → ¬AnalogMedia(x))
Every printed text is analog media.
∀x (PrintedText(x) → AnalogMedia(x))
All streaming services are digital media.
∀x (StreamingService(x) → DigitalMedia(x))
If an object is a hardcover book, then it is printed text.
∀x (HardcoverBook(x) → PrintedText(x))
If 1984 is a streaming service, then 1984 is a hardcover book.
StreamingService(1984) → HardcoverBook(1984)
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