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Dataset Card: CoT-Collection

Collection of various different tasks. The tasks aim at needing reasoning and diverse Chain-of-Thought strategies. Some tasks are chosen to be easy and don't require much reasoning.

Note that Big Bench Hard itself contains 27 different tasks.

Also Note that the test set has a very different distribution of tasks than the training set.

This dataset contains GPQA. Please do not publish it in plain text on the web.

Statistics for the training set (50000 samples)


Dataset Proportion Absolute Random correct accuracy
Total 100.00% 50000 20.53%
big bench hard 11.72% 5860 15.82%
MathQA 4.16% 2080 22.22%
crosswords 4.16% 2080 0.12%
DMath 4.16% 2079 4.22%
MMLU-Pro 4.16% 2079 11.68%
ape210k 4.16% 2078 2.09%
LSAT-AR 3.63% 1816 20.87%
SuperGLUE rte 2.08% 1039 50.16%
ARC easy 2.08% 1039 25.20%
asdiv 2.08% 1039 3.81%
SuperGLUE wic 2.08% 1039 50.00%
SuperGLUE multirc 2.08% 1039 55.86%
jeopardy 2.08% 1039 0.11%
SuperGLUE record 2.08% 1039 2.07%
ARC challenge 2.08% 1039 25.74%
logiqa2 2.08% 1039 26.67%
SuperGLUE boolq 2.08% 1039 62.31%
hotpot qa hard 2.08% 1039 3.24%
drop single number 2.08% 1039 12.50%
MATH 2.08% 1039 2.67%
reclor 2.08% 1039 25.28%
strategy-qa 2.08% 1039 53.96%
RACE high school 2.08% 1038 27.02%
LSAT-LR 2.08% 1038 21.32%
LSAT-RC 2.08% 1038 21.13%
winogrande 2.08% 1038 50.01%
hellaswag 2.08% 1038 25.06%
codah 2.08% 1038 25.43%
com2sense 2.08% 1038 50.00%
ANLI 2.07% 1037 40.51%
reverse words 2.07% 1037 0.01%
riddle sense 2.07% 1037 20.64%
reversal curse 2.07% 1037 0.26%
truthful qa 1.47% 737 22.40%
svamp 1.40% 700 7.86%
count words in paragraph 1.04% 518 2.08%
count chars in english words 1.04% 518 16.68%
count chars in scrambled words 1.04% 518 16.68%
count chars in paragraph 1.04% 518 0.96%
SuperGLUE WSC 1.00% 499 53.25%
SuperGLUE copa 0.72% 360 51.25%
SAT Analogies 0.67% 336 24.40%
SuperGLUE cb 0.45% 225 47.60%
gpqa diamond 0.00% 0 29.29%
AIW 0.00% 0 22.00%
AIW+ 0.00% 0 6.25%
gsm8k 0.00% 0 3.20%
last letter concat 0.00% 0 0.57%
coin flip 0.00% 0 52.40%


Dataset Proportion Absolute Random correct accuracy
Total 100.00% 6754 18.74%
gsm8k 14.81% 1000 3.20%
big bench hard 9.64% 651 15.82%
last letter concat 7.40% 500 0.57%
coin flip 7.40% 500 52.40%
AIW 2.96% 200 22.00%
gpqa diamond 2.93% 198 29.29%
AIW+ 2.84% 192 6.25%
ape210k 2.38% 161 2.09%
DMath 2.38% 161 4.22%
MMLU-Pro 2.38% 161 11.68%
crosswords 2.38% 161 0.12%
LSAT-AR 2.38% 161 20.87%
MathQA 2.38% 161 22.22%
reclor 1.18% 80 25.28%
codah 1.18% 80 25.43%
ANLI 1.18% 80 40.51%
asdiv 1.18% 80 3.81%
reverse words 1.18% 80 0.01%
SuperGLUE wic 1.18% 80 50.00%
reversal curse 1.18% 80 0.26%
riddle sense 1.18% 80 20.64%
SuperGLUE multirc 1.18% 80 55.86%
LSAT-LR 1.18% 80 21.32%
LSAT-RC 1.18% 80 21.13%
hellaswag 1.18% 80 25.06%
winogrande 1.18% 80 50.01%
truthful qa 1.18% 80 22.40%
MATH 1.18% 80 2.67%
SuperGLUE rte 1.18% 80 50.16%
ARC challenge 1.18% 80 25.74%
jeopardy 1.18% 80 0.11%
drop single number 1.18% 80 12.50%
hotpot qa hard 1.18% 80 3.24%
ARC easy 1.18% 80 25.20%
logiqa2 1.18% 80 26.67%
RACE high school 1.18% 80 27.02%
SuperGLUE record 1.18% 80 2.07%
SuperGLUE boolq 1.18% 80 62.31%
strategy-qa 1.18% 80 53.96%
com2sense 1.18% 80 50.00%
svamp 1.04% 70 7.86%
SuperGLUE WSC 0.81% 55 53.25%
count words in paragraph 0.59% 40 2.08%
SuperGLUE copa 0.59% 40 51.25%
count chars in english words 0.59% 40 16.68%
count chars in scrambled words 0.59% 40 16.68%
count chars in paragraph 0.59% 40 0.96%
SAT Analogies 0.55% 37 24.40%
SuperGLUE cb 0.37% 25 47.60%
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