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A skull with open mouth and wide eyes; a brick wall, some of which is broken in the background; white background. FUZI style.
A head with sunglasses, top teeth showing, tongue sticking out and a hand giving the finger; in the background, a brick wall, some of which are broken; the drawing includes the words FUCK OFF; white background. FUZI style.
A harp with a spider's web instead of strings; in the background a brick wall; it is marked SORRY at the top of the drawing and NOT SORRY at the bottom; white background. FUZI style.
a broken skull with long hair in front of a grid; white background. FUZI style.
A coconut tree with dollars in the coconuts; white background. FUZI style.
a mermaid with long hair and breasts shaped like eyes; white background. FUZI style.
a clown head sticking out its tongue with a hat; his hand holds a decapitated head; a brick background; at the top of the drawing is marked IGNORANT; white background. FUZI style.
a bust of a woman holding a can of paint in her hand; his afro hair has the texture of a brick wall; white background. FUZI style.
a head of a bald man with a beard and sunglasses; in the background, a broken brick wall; white background. FUZI style.
a head of a puma that opens its mouth; in the background a broken brick wall; white background. FUZI style.
a cat hidden behind a brick wall looking at a mouse; at the top of the drawing is written BORN READY; white background. FUZI style.
a pink flamingo with sunglasses drinks a cocktail; in the background a brick wall; white background. FUZI style.
a soldier in profile with one knee on the ground and holding a bazooka on his shoulder; in the background some bricks of a wall. At the top it says BORN, at the bottom it says READY; white background. FUZI style.
A clown with curly hair and a cap; white background. FUZI style.
a pink flamingo with sunglasses seen in profile; on the left a spider web; white background. FUZI style.
a cat with sunglasses jumping while looking at a mouse; white background. FUZI style.
a centaur with a welder's mask and a big necklace, he holds a can of paint in his hand; in the background a brick wall; white background. FUZI style.
a dog with long hair and sunglasses; he smiles and has 2 teeth sticking out of his mouth; white background. FUZI style.
a turtle with a backwards cap seen in profile; its shell is cracked; white background. FUZI style.
an angry pink flamingo with a backwards cap; white background. FUZI style.
a head of a character with a cap and open mouth; in the background some bricks; at the top of the drawing it says I USED and at the bottom it says TO BE COOL; white background. FUZI style.
a full-face of an angry clown with a crooked cap; he is holding a can of paint in his hand and we see bricks of a wall on the side; white background. FUZI style.
a wicked creature with a wide open mouth and large, sharp teeth; flames in the background; white background. FUZI style.
a train on rails coming out of the mouth of a surprised character's head; on the side some bricks of a wall; at the top it says METRO and at the bottom it says PASSION; white background. FUZI style.
A sideways lion with an open mouth and a spider-web mane; white background. FUZI style.
a cyclops with broken teeth and a cracked head; he has a cap and we can see flames in the background; white background. FUZI style.
a sad clown's head with a scar on his skull; drops of blood in the background; white background. FUZI style.
a skull with sunglasses and a backwards cap smokes a cigarette; in the background there is a palm tree, the sun and birds; at the top it says ENDLESS and at the bottom it says SUMMER; white background. FUZI style.
a dog with a collar and sunglasses is lying on a spray can with dripping paint; white background. FUZI style.
a snake eats a woman; the snake has its mouth open, there is the woman's head inside; a spider web in the background; white background. FUZI style.
a woman with long, curly hair is kneeling in front of a brick wall; she holds a can of paint in her hands; it is marked FUZI on the woman's side; white background. FUZI style.
a spotted snake stands erect with its mouth open and tongue sticking out; white background. FUZI style.
the bust of a topless woman with long, snake-shaped hair; white background. FUZI style.
a deconstructed skull with big eyes and its tongue sticking out smokes a cigarette; white background. FUZI style.
a dog in profile with glasses is lying down and holding a can of paint in his hand; some bricks in the background; it says FUCK OFF at the top of the drawing; white background. FUZI style.
A sideways head with sunglasses, a cowboy hat and a smoking cigarette; under the head a hand holds a revolver; it is written WESH above the hat, WEST to the left of the revolver and TSEUO to the right of the revolver; white background. FUZI style.
a pistol with a fired bullet and the mark of the explosion of the shot; it says LOVE at the top and LETTER at the bottom of the drawing; white background. FUZI style.
a hollowed-out pumpkin in the shape of a face with eyes, a nose and a mouth; blood spurts from the pumpkin; at the bottom of the drawing it says CREVE!; white background. FUZI style.
the bust of a woman in profile holding a cracked skull in her hand; the eyes of the woman and the skull are connected by smoke; it says WEIRD to the left of the drawing; white background. FUZI style.
a head of a man with shoulder-length hair with sunglasses and a cap; the man smokes a cigarette; white background. FUZI style.
a woman from behind in a swimsuit with a braid sits on a brick wall; she holds a can of paint in her hand; white background. FUZI style.
a sad, old clown head with a bottle next to his head; white background. FUZI style.
an alcoholic cat with a backwards cap lies in front of overturned bottles; in the background some bricks; white background. FUZI style.
a woman lying between two palm trees and naked in the square with long black hair; in the distance a setting sun; it is written at the top of the drawing HOLIDAY and at the bottom it is written FOR EVER; white background. FUZI style.
a skull in profile with the brains sticking out of a hole in the skull; it is embedded in a split brick wall; white background. FUZI style.
a funny but scary clown head with a hat; he holds a cracked skull in his hand; white background. FUZI style.
A can of spray paint with eyes and an open mouth; the bomb sends paint; in the background on the left of the drawing, a brick wall; white background. FUZI style.
a skull with flames coming out of its eyes and missing teeth in its mouth; in the background some cracked bricks; white background. FUZI style.
a woman with long hair and bangs in a prison window; at the top of the drawing it says JAIL and at the bottom it says BABE; white background. FUZI style.
a zombie unicorn head with big teeth and a sideways tongue; there is the paw with long claws and stars in the background; white background. FUZI style.
a cracked skull with a hole on top; blood comes out of the hole; at the top it says COUCOU and at the bottom it says CRAZY!; white background. FUZI style.
a black spider with sunglasses on a spider web; white background. FUZI style.
a head of a man with black eyes and a goatee. in the background some cracked bricks; white background. FUZI style.
a standing cat with sunglasses, a bra, panties and a long coat; with its paw the cat opens its coat; it says FUCK OFF in the mantle and there are cracked bricks in the background; white background. FUZI style.
a spray can with eyes, mouth and legs waves; white background. FUZI style.
the bust of a bald woman with bare breasts and sunglasses; the bust takes the shape of a downward dog's head; white background. FUZI style.
a flaming lighter with sunglasses smoking a cigarette; some bricks in the background; at the top of the drawing it is written ON and at the bottom FIRE; white background. FUZI style.
A cat lying on its back holding a can in one hand, waving with its other hand and sticking its tongue out with sunglasses, a backwards cap and a big belly; In the background, a brick wall, some of which is broken; white background. FUZI style.
a dinosaur head with pointy teeth and slime; a wall with some bricks in the background; white background. FUZI style.
a train, headlights on; at the top of the drawing, it is marked VANDAL; a wall with some bricks in the background; white background. FUZI style.
a machine gun that fires; at the top of the drawing it is written LOVE, at the bottom it is written LETTER; a wall with some bricks in the background; white background. FUZI style.
a pharaoh with sunglasses; in the background: a sun, birds and two pyramids; white background. FUZI style.
a reptilian monster sitting on a small train with in each hand: a fork and a knife; a wall with some bricks in the background; white background. FUZI style.
an open-mouthed, aggressive-looking link that snaps an arrow with its fangs; white background. FUZI style.
a grumpy clown's face with a crooked cap; in his hand a paint can that spits paint; a wall with some bricks in the background; white background. FUZI style.
a reclining reptilian monster with spikes on its head; in the background, black flames; white background. FUZI style.
an imaginary monster bust with the two lower canines protruding; at the top of the drawing it is marked BEAST; white background. FUZI style.
the bust of a masked and muscular man holding a pistol in his right hand; a snake entwines the lower part of its invisible body; flames in the background; at the bottom of the drawing it says GHETTOLOGY; a wall with some bricks in the background; white background. FUZI style.
a sideways frog with the head of a woman in its mouth; in the background a planet, stars and a spider web; white background. FUZI style.
a smoking pumpkin with eyes, a nose and a mouth; the pumpkin smokes a cigar; white background. FUZI style.
an imaginary creature in profile with the head of a ram and the tail of a fish; lightning in the background; white background. FUZI style.
a gun seen from the side that shoots a spider web; it says TROUBLE under the gun; white background. FUZI style.
a flamingo in sunglasses and a backwards cap sipping a cocktail; on each side of the flamingo, a coconut tree; in the background a brick wall, a sun and birds. At the top of the drawing it says TAKE IT and at the bottom it says EASY; white background. FUZI style.
a wounded bird seen from the side with a smoking cigarette and a backwards cap walking with a cane; in its right wing a can of paint; at the top of the drawing it says KINGS and at the bottom it says NEVER DIE!; a wall with some bricks in the background; white background. FUZI style.
a bust of a Spartan who holds a sword in his right hand and a shield in his left hand; in the shield it is written UVTPK; the drawing is outlined; white background. FUZI style.
a pharaoh with sunglasses; in the background a pyramid, a palm tree and a sun; under the drawing it is written BLA.BLA.BLA; white background. FUZI style.
Two palm trees crossing each other with a spray paint at their foot: at the top of the drawing it is written LOST PARADISE; a wall with some bricks in the background; white background. FUZI style.
a flamingo with sunglasses and a head injury sipping a cocktail leaning on a broken brick wall; white background. FUZI style.
a dragon cat's head that opens its mouth with two large upper canines; behind the head, a puddle; white background. FUZI style.
A crazy drooling clown with a hat, swirly eyes and open mouth with tongue sticking out; white background. FUZI style.
a large machine gun seen from the side with two palm trees, a sun and birds in the background; under the machine gun it is marked PEACE; white background. FUZI style.
a crayfish seen from above with sunglasses; white background. FUZI style.
a skull in a bloodstained cloth next to a spider web; a wall with some bricks in the background; white background. FUZI style.
a pharaoh with sunglasses and lightning in the background; above the drawing it is written MENACETO and under the drawing it is written SOCIETY; a wall with some bricks in the background; white background. FUZI style.
a single sitting and seen from the side with a backwards cap and a spider web on his elbow limping a bottle; above the drawing it says DESILLUSIONS; a wall with some bricks in the background; white background. FUZI style.
a clown with a cap who holds a bag with spray paint in his hand; the clown is standing on a small brick wall; above the drawing it says STREET ART; white background. FUZI style.
a completely broken skull with eyes, an open mouth with two teeth and a tongue sticking out and brains protruding from the skull; white background. FUZI style.
a snake coiling around a dripping can of paint; a wall with some bricks in the background; white background. FUZI style.
a pistol seen from the side; at the top of the drawing it says HASTA LA VISTA and at the bottom it says BABY!; white background. FUZI style.
a very muscular standing wrestler who holds weights in each hand; under the drawing it is written LIBRA; white background. FUZI style.
a snake with big eyes and sharp teeth; white background. FUZI style.
a distorted female bust with prominent cheeks and a hat dripping down her face; we see his pointed hands; a wall with some bricks in the background; white background. FUZI style.
a standing 6-legged insect with a cap, antennae and sunglasses; the insect holds in its hands a can of paint, a paint roller and other painting utensils; white background. FUZI style.
a woman with long hair who holds a pistol in her hand; at the top of the drawing a banner with the writing RIDE and at the bottom another banner with the writing OR DIE!; a wall with some bricks in the background; white background. FUZI style.
a drunk cat with a cap and a cocktail in his paw; the cat is leaning against a brick wall, some of which are broken; on this wall, a bottle is placed; white background. FUZI style.
a botoxed woman's head with long hair; in her visible hand she holds a framed mask; a wall with some bricks in the background; white background. FUZI style.
a woman's head with long black hair closing her eyes; tears surround his face; under the head, a headband with REGRETS written on it; white background. FUZI style.
a cracked skull seen from the side; under the skull a spider web and a headband with FUCK LIFE written on it; white background. FUZI style.
a drunken cat sitting with his tongue hanging out and a cap on backwards; in his right hand he holds a pint of foaming beer; white background. FUZI style.
a head seen from the side with hair pulled back; in his hand he holds a walkie talkie; under the drawing it is written POUCAVE; white background. FUZI style.

Dataset for Fuzi characters. Color: blue No combined characters

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