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一户菜农去年收黄瓜520千克。收的西红柿是黄瓜的3倍,收的茄子比西红柿少260千克。收茄子多少千克? | 1300 |
1.(873×477-198)÷(476×874+199) | 1.0 |
二.一班有女生15人,男生比女生多11人,问二.一班有学生多少人? | 41 |
Yuran wants to buy a gift box that is 9 centimeters (cm) wide, 4 centimeters (cm) long, and 7 centimeters (cm) high. What is the volume in cubic centimeters (cm) of the gift box Yuran is buying? | 252 |
甲、乙两个容器一共可盛900毫升水,已知乙容器的容量是甲容器的8倍,甲、乙两个容器的容量各是多少毫升? | 100, 800 |
已知曲线C是圆$(x-1)^{2}+(y-6)^{2}=25$上从点$A(1,1)$沿逆时针方向到$B(4,2)$的一段弧,则$\oint_{C}(3\ln(1+y)+5x^{2})\mathrm{d}x+\Bigl({\frac{3x}{1+y}}-2y\Bigr)\mathrm{d}y=$____ | 12\ln 3 - 3\ln 2 + 102 |
会议室里,单人椅有30把,双人椅有8把,一共能坐多少人? | 46 |
四条线段的长度分别是1,3,5,7,从这四条线段中任取三条,则所取出的三条线段能构成一个三角形的概率是( ) | \frac{1}{4} |
Jack is stranded on a desert island. He wants some salt to season his fish. He collects 2 liters of seawater in an old bucket. If the water is 20% salt, how many ml of salt will Jack get when all the water evaporates? | 400 |
(1)若直线l不经过第二象限,求实数a的取值范围; | a \leq -1 |
In a truck, there are 26 pink hard hats, 15 green hard hats, and 24 yellow hard hats. If Carl takes away 4 pink hard hats, and John takes away 6 pink hard hats and twice as many green hard hats as the number of pink hard hats that he removed, then calculate the total number of hard hats that remained in the truck. | 43 |
a no. has two digits whose sum is 14. if 36 is added to the no., its digits are interchanged. find the no. | 59 |
函数 f(x) = \sqrt{2-x} + lg(x+1) 的定义域为? | (-1, 2] |
妈妈今年32岁,比聪聪大24岁。聪聪多少岁? | 8 |
已知ΔABC为正三角形,则tan(A+\frac{pi}{4})的值等于多少? | -3.7320508075688794 |
solve the equation: y'' + y = 0 | y(t) = C_1 \sin(t) + C_2 \cos(t) |
小明从一楼走到三楼要走30个台阶,那么他从一楼走到五楼共要走多少个台阶? | 60 |
食堂买了一批大米,第一次吃了全部的一半少10千克,第二次吃了余下的一半多10千克,这时还剩20千克,这批大米共有多少千克? | 100 |
五个同学参加乒乓球赛,每两人都要赛一场,一共要赛多少场? | 10 |
已知|a|=5,b^2=16,且ab<0,那么a﹣b的值为? | 9, -9 |
椭圆C: $\frac{x^{2}} {a^{2}}+\frac{y^{2}} {b^{2}}=1(a>b>0)$的离心率为 $\frac{1} {2}$ ,其左焦点到点P(2,1)的距离为 $\sqrt{1 0}$ . 求椭圆C的标准方程; | \frac{x^2}{4} + \frac{y^2}{3} = 1 |
李老师将20000元按年利率3.35%存入银行.两年后他连本带息可得多少元? | 21362.45 |
已知随机变量X服从正态分布N(0,σ^2),且P(X>﹣2)=0.9,则P(0≤x≤2)=( )
A. 0.1 B. 0.6 C. 0.5 D. 0.4 | D. 0.4 |
已知$\alpha, \beta$ 均为锐角且 $\sin\alpha={\frac{\sqrt{5}} {5}}$ . $\cos\beta={\frac{\sqrt{1 0}} {1 0}}$ . 则$\alpha - \beta$ 的值为_____ | -0.785 |
123456789 + 987654321 = ? | 1111111110 |
已知复数 $z_{1}, z_{2}$ 是方程 $z^{2}-z+1=0$ 的解.
(1)求$\frac{1} {z_{1}}+\frac{1} {z_{2}}$ 的值;
(2)若复平面内表示 $z_{1}$ 的点在第四象限,且 $z_{1} \cdot( a+i )$ 为纯虚数,其中 $a \in R$ ,求 $a$ 的值. | 1, -\sqrt{3} |
int (x^2 y^2 + x y^3) dx dy, x=-2 to 2, y=-2 to 2 | \frac{256}{9} |
两个数的和是572,其中一个加数个位上是0,去掉0后,就与第二个加数相同。这两个数分别是多少? | 520, 52 |
某校高一、高二、高三共有2800名学生,为了解暑假学生在家的每天学习情况,计划用分层抽样的方法抽取一个容量为56人的样本,已知从高二学生中抽取的人数为19人,则该校高二学生人数为多少? | 950 |
若是 f(x)=a-\frac{2}{2^x{x}+1} 是奇函数,则a的值为? | 1 |
从 {-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4} 中任选三个不同元素作为二次函数 y=ax^2+bx+c 的系数,问能组成多少条图象为经过原点且顶点在第一象限或第三象限的抛物线? | 24 |
Mary does her grocery shopping on Saturday. She does her shopping only at a specific store where she is allowed a credit of $100, which must be paid in full before her next shopping trip. That week she spent the full credit limit and paid $15 of it on Tuesday and $23 of it on Thursday. How much credit will Mary need to pay before her next shopping trip? | 62 |
What is the sum of the distinct prime factors of 2007? | 226 |
兰兰是班级红色故事讲解员,假期里她3天读完一本故事书。第一天读了全书的1/3,第二天和第三天读书页数比是2:3。第二天比第三天少读18页。这本故事书有多少页? | 135 |
if f(x)=|x|+[x],the value of f(-2.5)+f(1.5) is ( )
A -2 B 1 C 1.5 D 2 E 3 | D 2 |
已知 $\left|\begin{array}{ll}a & b \\ c & d\end{array}\right|=\mathrm{ad}-\mathrm{bc}$, 则 $\left|\begin{array}{cc}4 & 6 \\ 8 & 10\end{array}\right|+\left|\begin{array}{ll}12 & 14 \\ 16 & 18\end{array}\right|+\left|\begin{array}{cc}20 & 22 \\ 24 & 26\end{array}\right|+\ldots+\left|\begin{array}{ll}2004 & 2006 \\ 2008 & 2010\end{array}\right|=(\quad)$
A. 2008
B. -2008
C. 2010
D. -2010 | B. -2008 |
My mother is 43 years old this year. A few years ago, her age was five times her daughter's age, who is 11 years old this year. Find how many years ago it was. | 3 |
Alexis is applying for a new job and bought a new set of business clothes to wear to the interview. She went to a department store with a budget of $200 and spent $30 on a button-up shirt, $46 on suit pants, $38 on a suit coat, $11 on socks, and $18 on a belt. She also purchased a pair of shoes, but lost the receipt for them. She has $16 left from her budget. How much did Alexis pay for the shoes? | 41 |
已知 $M=\! \left[ \begin{matrix} {{{1}}} & {{{2}}} \\ {{{2}}} & {{{1}}} \\ \end{matrix} \right] \, \quad\beta\!=\! \left[ \begin{matrix} {{{1}}} \\ {{{7}}} \\ \end{matrix} \right]$ ,求 $M^{4}\beta$ . | \left[ \begin{matrix} 321 \\ 327 \\ \end{matrix} \right] |
某大楼共十层,每层4米,小明站在8楼阳台,他离地面多少米? | 28 |
The first year, two cows produced 8100 litres of milk. The second year their production increased by 15% and 10% respectively, and the total amount of milk increased to 9100 litres a year. How many litres were milked from each cow each year? | 3800, 4300 |
4. 计算 $\left[\sum_{i=1}^{2024} \frac{1}{i!}\right]$. | 1 |
同学们今天上午种了25棵树,下午种了19棵,昨天种了38棵,今天比昨天多种几棵? | 6 |
Find the sum of all multiples of 9 that are less than 80. | 324 |
Two taps, one more powerful than the other, are used to fill a container. Working on its own, the less powerful tap takes 2 hours longer than the other tap to fill the container. If both taps are opened, it takes 1 hour, 52 minutes and 30 seconds to fill the container. Determine how long it takes the less powerful tap to fill the container on its own. | 5 |
直线 y=x 与曲线 y=\sqrt{x} 围成的封闭图形的面积为( )
A. 5/2 B. 3/2 C. 2/3 D. 1/6 | D. \( \frac{1}{6} \) |
\displaystyle\int_{ 0 }^{ 1 } x { e }^{ - { x }^{ 2 } } d x | \frac{e - 1}{2e} |
在 $\Delta A B C$ 中,已知 $2 \mathrm{c o s}^{2} \, \frac{A-B} {2} \, \mathrm{c o s} B-\mathrm{s i n} \, \big( A-B \big) \mathrm{s i n} B+\mathrm{c o s} \, \big( A+C \big)=\frac{1} {2} \,,$ (1)求角 $A$ ;
(2)若 $B \in\left( 0, {\frac{\pi} {3}} \right)$ 且 $\operatorname{s i n} \left( A-B \right)={\frac{3} {5}}$ ,求 $\operatorname{s i n} B$ . | \frac{\pi}{3}, \frac{-3 + 4\sqrt{3}}{10} |
在 $\Delta A B C$ 中,内角A.B,C所对的三边分别是a. $\mathrm{b, c}$ , 已知 $\cos C+{\frac{c} {b}} \cos B=2$ , (1) 求$\frac{\operatorname{s i n} A} {\operatorname{s i n} B}$ ;
(2)若 $C={\frac{\pi} {3}}$ , $c=2 \sqrt{3}$ ,求 $\Delta A B C$ 的面积. | 2, 2\sqrt{3} |
Points A(−1;0), B(0;3), C(8;11) and D(x;y) are points on the Cartesian plane. Determine D(x;y) if ABCD is a parallelogram. | (7, 8) |
含5个顶点、3条边的不同构的简单图有几个? | 4 |
小军和小丽做灯笼,小军做了21个,小丽做了18个,送给老师50个,他们还要做多少个? | 11 |
已知集合 A=\{x\mid -1<x<2\},B=\{y\mid y=\log_{3}(\sqrt{x}+3),则 A \cap B=( )
A.(-2, 1) B.(-1, 1) C.[1,2) D.(1, +\infty)
| C. [1, 2) |
Tobias is buying a new pair of shoes that costs $95. He has been saving up his money each month for the past three months. He gets a $5 allowance a month. He also mows lawns and shovels driveways. He charges $15 to mow a lawn and $7 to shovel. After buying the shoes, he has $15 in change. If he mows 4 lawns, how many driveways did he shovel? | 5 |
A train covered half of the distance between stations A and B at the speed of 48 km/hr, but then it had to stop for 15 min. To make up for the delay, it increased its speed by 5/3 m/sec and it arrived to station B on time. Find the distance between the two stations and the speed of the train after the stop. | 216 km, 54 km/hr |
Betty is saving money for a new wallet which costs $100. Betty has only half of the money she needs. Her parents decided to give her $15 for that purpose, and her grandparents twice as much as her parents. How much more money does Betty need to buy the wallet? | 5 |
在 $\Delta A B C$ 中,内角A, B, $\mathrm{C}$ 所对的边分别为 $a, b, c$ .已知 $\operatorname{t a n} ( {\frac{\pi} {4}}+A )=2$ . (1)求 $\frac{\operatorname{s i n} 2 A} {\operatorname{s i n} 2 A+\operatorname{c o s}^{2} A}$ 的值;
(2)若 $B={\frac{\pi} {4}}, a=3$ ,求 $\Delta A B C$ 的面积. | 9.0 |
原来有22人看戏,来了13人,又走了6人,现在看戏的有多少人? | 29 |
The smallest two-digit number that can be formed by two of 0, 3, 4, 6, and 8 is subtracted by a certain number and it became 7. Find the number. | 23 |
已知在△ABC中,sinA∶sinB∶sinC=3∶5∶7,那么这个三角形的最大角是? | 120 |
学校新购进一批图书共1200本,四年级分得30%,余下的图书按3:4分配给五、六两个年级,六年级分得图书多少本? | 480 |
A.130 B.170 C.210 D.260 | C.210 |
If a farmer wants to plough a farm field on time, he must plough 120 hectares a day. For technical reasons he ploughed only 85 hectares a day, hence he had to plough 2 more days than he planned and he still has 40 hectares left. What is the area of the farm field and how many days the farmer planned to work initially? | 720, 6 |
把一根木料锯成3段需要9分钟,那么用同样的速度把这根木料锯成5段,需要多少分? | 18.0 |
There are 24 students in a seventh grade class. They decided to plant birches and roses at the school's backyard. While each girl planted 3 roses, every three boys planted 1 birch. By the end of the day they planted 24 plants. How many birches and roses were planted? | 18, 6 |
已知集合$A=\{x| |x+1| \geq 1\}, B=\{x|x \geq -1\}$,则 $( \mathsf{c}_{\mathsf{R}} \mathsf{A} ) \cap B$ =()
$\mathrm{A}. [-1, \ 0 ]$ B. $[-1, \ 0 )$ C. $(-2, \ -1 )$ D. $(-2, \ -1 ]$ | B. [-1, 0) |
When a number is multiplied by 14, it is 458.64. When a number is divided by 17, round the remainder to two decimal places. | 15.76 |
4年前父亲年龄是儿子的3倍,今年父亲比儿子大24岁,今年父子各多少岁? | 40, 16 |
A country has a total of 3 islands. Each island has 12 ships, and each ship has 24 crew members. Find the number of crew members working on all the islands in this country. | 864 |
当 x = \sqrt{2}-1时,求代数式 (x-1)^2-2(2-x)的值
| -2\sqrt{2} |
11~18是8个自然数的和再加上1992后所得的值恰好等于另外8个连续数的和,这另外8个连续自然数中的最小数是多少? | 260 |
Samantha’s last name has three fewer letters than Bobbie’s last name. If Bobbie took two letters off her last name, she would have a last name twice the length of Jamie’s. Jamie’s full name is Jamie Grey. How many letters are in Samantha’s last name? | 7 |
已知圆的极坐标方程为: $\rho^{2}-4 {\sqrt{2}} \rho\operatorname{c o s} \left( \theta-{\frac{\pi} {4}} \right)+6=0$ (1)将极坐标方程化为普通方程;
(2)若点 $P ( x, y )$ 在该圆上,求 $x+y$ 的最大值和最小值. | 6, 2 |
有10把不同的锁,开这10把锁的10把钥匙混在一起了,最多要试多少次,才能把这10把锁和钥匙全部配对。 | 45 |
椭圆$x^{2}+m y^{2}=1$的焦点在x轴上,长轴长是短轴长的两倍,则m的值为____ | 4 |
已知关于 $x$ 的不等式 $\left| x-3 \right|+\left| x-m \right| \geq2 m {\bigl(} m > 0 {\bigr)}$ 的解集为 $R$ . (1)求 $m$ 的最大值; | 1 |
如果关于x的方程ax^2+2x+1=0有两个不等实根,则实数a的取值范围是什么? | \((-∞, 1)\) 且 a 不等于0 |
用0、6、7、8、9这五个数字组成各个数位上数字不相同的两位数共有多少个? | 16 |
3箱苹果重45千克。一箱梨比一箱苹果多5千克,3箱梨重多少千克? | 60.0 |
| 0.5 |
一块平行四边形地,如果只把底增加8米,或只把高增加5米,它的面积都增加40平方米。求这块平行四边形地原来的面积? | 40 |
已知集合I={0,﹣1,2,﹣3,﹣4},集合M={0,﹣1,2},N={0,﹣3,﹣4},则N∩(\complement_{I}M)=( )
A . {0} B . {﹣3,﹣4} C . {﹣1,﹣2} D . ∅ | B. {﹣3,﹣4} |
文具店运来三箱红墨水,每箱100瓶。运来的兰墨水比红墨水多200瓶,运来兰墨水多少瓶? | 500 |
How many three-digit numbers can you make from three different numbers of the numbers 1, 3, 6, and 7? | 24 |
若 f(x)=(x+a)\ln(\frac{2x-1}{2x+1}) 为偶函数,则 a = ( )
A. -1 B. 0 C. 1/2 D. 1 | B. 0 |
甲乙两港相距360千米,一轮船往返两港需要35小时,逆流航行比顺流航行多花了5小时,现有一机帆船,速度每小时12千米。这只机帆船往返两港要( )小时? | 60 |
Farm A has a rectangular shape measuring 6 kilometers (km) by 9 kilometers (km), and Farm B has a square shape measuring 8 kilometers (km) by 8 km by 8 kilometers (km). The owners of both farms want to build a fence around the perimeter of the farm by putting together wooden planks of the same length. Which farm needs more planks? | 农场B |
若关于x的方程mx^2﹣mx+2=0有两个相等的实数根,则m的值为( )
A . 0 B . 8 C . 4或8 D . 0或8 | B |
有8只兔子,装在2个笼里,一个装5只,剩下另一个装几只? | 3 |
直线L与直线y=2x+1的交点的横坐标为2,与直线y=﹣x+2的交点的纵坐标为1,则直线L对应的函数解析式是? | y = 4x - 3 |
为庆祝神舟十四号载人飞船发射圆满成功。六(4)班28名学生进行有关航天知识的问答比赛。其中男生占 4/7, 后来又有若干名男生加入,这时男生占总人数的 3/5, 后来加入了多少名男生? | 2 |
王叔叔从小卖店买来一箱饮料,共24瓶。小卖店规定:喝完饮料后,每3个空瓶可以换回一瓶饮料。他一共可以喝多少瓶饮料? | 35 |
Find the greatest integer that is the solution of an inequality 1.6 - (3.2 - 0.2y) < 5.1 . | 33 |
Joy can read 8 pages of a book in 20 minutes. How many hours will it take her to read 120 pages? | 5 |
AB分别代表不同的数学,A=( )B=( )
AB×3=111 | 3, 7 |
已知 $\mathsf{A_{n}^{m}=2 7 2, \ \ C_{n}^{m}=1 3 6}$ ,则m+n= | 19 |
小明看一本故事书,已看的页数与剩下的页数比是2:3,已经看了150页,这本书一共多少页? | 375 |
It takes Roque two hours to walk to work and one hour to ride his bike to work. Roque walks to and from work three times a week and rides his bike to and from work twice a week. How many hours in total does he take to get to and from work a week with walking and biking? | 16 |
已知数列的前n项和为 $\mathrm{S_{n}=\frac{1} {4} \, n^{2}+\frac{2} {3} \, n+3}$ ,求这个数列的通项公式. | a_n = \frac{1}{2} n + \frac{5}{12} \text{ for } n > 1 \text{ and } a_1 = \frac{47}{12} |
已知反比例函数的图象经过点(m,6)和(﹣2,3),则m的值为? | -1 |
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