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Dataset Card for nfcorpus

The nfcorpus dataset, provided by the ir-datasets package. For more information about the dataset, see the documentation.


This dataset provides:

  • docs (documents, i.e., the corpus); count=5,371

This dataset is used by: nfcorpus_dev, nfcorpus_dev_nontopic, nfcorpus_dev_video, nfcorpus_test, nfcorpus_test_nontopic, nfcorpus_test_video, nfcorpus_train, nfcorpus_train_nontopic, nfcorpus_train_video


from datasets import load_dataset

docs = load_dataset('irds/nfcorpus', 'docs')
for record in docs:
    record # {'doc_id': ..., 'url': ..., 'title': ..., 'abstract': ...}

Note that calling load_dataset will download the dataset (or provide access instructions when it's not public) and make a copy of the data in 🤗 Dataset format.

Citation Information

  title="A Full-Text Learning to Rank Dataset for Medical Information Retrieval",
  author = "Vera Boteva and Demian Gholipour and Artem Sokolov and Stefan Riezler",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Retrieval ({ECIR})",
  location = "Padova, Italy",
  publisher = "Springer",
  year = 2016
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