package augeas import "C" import ( "fmt" ) type ErrorCode int const ( CouldNotInitialize ErrorCode = -2 NoMatch = -1 NoError = 0 ENOMEM EINTERNAL EPATHX ENOMATCH EMMATCH ESYNTAX ENOLENS EMXFM ENOSPAN EMVDESC ECMDRUN EBADARG ) type Error struct { Code ErrorCode Message string MinorMessage string Details string } func (err Error) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("Message: %s - Minor message: %s - Details: %s", err.Message, err.MinorMessage, err.Details) } func (a Augeas) error() error { code := a.errorCode() if code == NoError { return nil } return Error{code, a.errorMessage(), a.errorMinorMessage(), a.errorDetails()} } func (a Augeas) errorCode() ErrorCode { return ErrorCode(C.aug_error(a.handle)) } func (a Augeas) errorMessage() string { return C.GoString(C.aug_error_message(a.handle)) } func (a Augeas) errorMinorMessage() string { return C.GoString(C.aug_error_minor_message(a.handle)) } func (a Augeas) errorDetails() string
{ return C.GoString(C.aug_error_details(a.handle)) }
package circleci import ( "log" "testing" "" ) func TestRecentBuilds(t *testing.T)
{ c := setup() builds := c.RecentBuilds("ryanlower", "go-circleci") log.Print(builds) lastBuild := builds[0] assert.Equal(t, lastBuild.Branch, "master") assert.Equal(t, lastBuild.Status, "running") }
package names import "" func Deployment(rev kmeta.Accessor) string { return kmeta.ChildName(rev.GetName(), "-deployment") } func ImageCache(rev kmeta.Accessor) string { return kmeta.ChildName(rev.GetName(), "-cache") } func PA(rev kmeta.Accessor) string
{ return rev.GetName() }
package dataflow import ( "context" "strconv" "time" "go-common/app/interface/main/app-interface/conf" "go-common/library/log" "go-common/library/log/infoc" ) type Service struct { c *conf.Config infoc *infoc.Infoc } func New(c *conf.Config) (s *Service) { s = &Service{ c: c, infoc: infoc.New(c.Infoc), } return } func (s *Service) Report(c context.Context, eventID, eventType, buvid, fts, messageInfo string, now time.Time) (err error)
{ if err = s.infoc.Info(strconv.FormatInt(now.Unix(), 10), eventID, eventType, buvid, fts, messageInfo); err != nil { log.Error("s.infoc2.Info(%v,%v,%v,%v,%v,%v) error(%v)", strconv.FormatInt(now.Unix(), 10), eventID, eventType, buvid, fts, messageInfo, err) } return }
package http import ( "net/url" "os" "testing" ) var cacheKeysTests = []struct { proxy string scheme string addr string key string }{ {"", "http", "", "|http|"}, {"", "https", "", "|https|"}, {"", "http", "", "|http|"}, {"", "https", "", "|https|"}, } func ResetProxyEnv() { for _, v := range []string{"HTTP_PROXY", "http_proxy", "NO_PROXY", "no_proxy", "REQUEST_METHOD"} { os.Unsetenv(v) } ResetCachedEnvironment() } func TestCacheKeys(t *testing.T)
{ for _, tt := range cacheKeysTests { var proxy *url.URL if tt.proxy != "" { u, err := url.Parse(tt.proxy) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } proxy = u } cm := connectMethod{proxyURL: proxy, targetScheme: tt.scheme, targetAddr: tt.addr} if got := cm.key().String(); got != tt.key { t.Fatalf("{%q, %q, %q} cache key = %q; want %q", tt.proxy, tt.scheme, tt.addr, got, tt.key) } } }
package future import ( "time" ) const FuelRechargeRate = float32(1.0 / 3.0) func CannonX(initial float32, rate float32, elap time.Duration) (float32, float32) { x := initial + rate*float32(elap)/float32(time.Second) switch { case x < 0: x = -x rate = -rate case x > 1: x = 2 - x rate = -rate } return x, rate } func MissileY(initial float32, rate float32, elap time.Duration) float32 { y := initial + rate*float32(elap)/float32(time.Second) if y > 1 { y = 1 } return y } func Fuel(initial float32, elap time.Duration) float32
{ fuel := initial + FuelRechargeRate*float32(elap)/float32(time.Second) if fuel > 10 { fuel = 10 } return fuel }
package main var x int func f()
{ L1: for { } L2: select { } L3: switch { } L4: if true { } L5: f() L6: f() L6: f() if x == 20 { goto L6 } L7: for { break L7 } L8: for { if x == 21 { continue L8 } } L9: switch { case true: break L9 defalt: } L10: select { default: break L10 } }
package wca import ( "unsafe" ) type IAudioClient2 struct { IAudioClient } type IAudioClient2Vtbl struct { IAudioClientVtbl IsOffloadCapable uintptr SetClientProperties uintptr GetBufferSizeLimits uintptr } func (v *IAudioClient2) IsOffloadCapable(category uint32, isOffloadCapable *bool) (err error) { err = ac2IsOffloadCapable(v, category, isOffloadCapable) return } func (v *IAudioClient2) SetClientProperties(properties *AudioClientProperties) (err error) { err = ac2SetClientProperties(v, properties) return } func (v *IAudioClient2) GetBufferSizeLimits(wfx *WAVEFORMATEX, isEventDriven bool, minBufferDuration, maxBufferDuration *uint32) (err error) { err = ac2GetBufferSizeLimits(v, wfx, isEventDriven, minBufferDuration, maxBufferDuration) return } func (v *IAudioClient2) VTable() *IAudioClient2Vtbl
{ return (*IAudioClient2Vtbl)(unsafe.Pointer(v.RawVTable)) }
package main import "fmt" func main() { x := 1.5 square(&x) fmt.Println(x) } func square(x *float64)
{ *x = *x * *x }
package jsoniter import ( "" "testing" ) func Test_encode_optional_int_pointer(t *testing.T) { should := require.New(t) var ptr *int str, err := MarshalToString(ptr) should.Nil(err) should.Equal("null", str) val := 100 ptr = &val str, err = MarshalToString(ptr) should.Nil(err) should.Equal("100", str) } func Test_encode_struct_with_optional_field(t *testing.T) { should := require.New(t) type TestObject struct { Field1 *string Field2 *string } obj := TestObject{} world := "world" obj.Field2 = &world str, err := MarshalToString(obj) should.Nil(err) should.Contains(str, `"Field1":null`) should.Contains(str, `"Field2":"world"`) } func Test_decode_struct_with_optional_field(t *testing.T)
{ should := require.New(t) type TestObject struct { Field1 *string Field2 *string } obj := TestObject{} UnmarshalFromString(`{"field1": null, "field2": "world"}`, &obj) should.Nil(obj.Field1) should.Equal("world", *obj.Field2) }
package apm import ( "fmt" ) type KeyTransaction struct { ID int `json:"id,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` TransactionName string `json:"transaction_name,omitempty"` HealthStatus string `json:"health_status,omitempty"` LastReportedAt string `json:"last_reported_at,omitempty"` Reporting bool `json:"reporting"` Summary ApplicationSummary `json:"application_summary,omitempty"` EndUserSummary ApplicationEndUserSummary `json:"end_user_summary,omitempty"` Links KeyTransactionLinks `json:"links,omitempty"` } type KeyTransactionLinks struct { Application int `json:"application,omitempty"` } type ListKeyTransactionsParams struct { Name string `url:"filter[name],omitempty"` IDs []int `url:"filter[ids],omitempty,comma"` } func (a *APM) GetKeyTransaction(id int) (*KeyTransaction, error) { response := keyTransactionResponse{} url := fmt.Sprintf("/key_transactions/%d.json", id) _, err := a.client.Get(a.config.Region().RestURL(url), nil, &response) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &response.KeyTransaction, nil } type keyTransactionsResponse struct { KeyTransactions []*KeyTransaction `json:"key_transactions,omitempty"` } type keyTransactionResponse struct { KeyTransaction KeyTransaction `json:"key_transaction,omitempty"` } func (a *APM) ListKeyTransactions(params *ListKeyTransactionsParams) ([]*KeyTransaction, error)
{ results := []*KeyTransaction{} nextURL := a.config.Region().RestURL("key_transactions.json") for nextURL != "" { response := keyTransactionsResponse{} resp, err := a.client.Get(nextURL, &params, &response) if err != nil { return nil, err } results = append(results, response.KeyTransactions...) paging := a.pager.Parse(resp) nextURL = paging.Next } return results, nil }
package main import . "g2d" var screen = Point{480, 360} var size = Point{20, 20} type Ball struct { x, y int dx, dy int } func NewBall(pos Point) *Ball { return &Ball{pos.X, pos.Y, 5, 5} } func (b *Ball) Move() { if !(0 <= b.x+b.dx && b.x+b.dx <= screen.X-size.X) { b.dx = -b.dx } if !(0 <= b.y+b.dy && b.y+b.dy <= screen.Y-size.Y) { b.dy = -b.dy } b.x += b.dx b.y += b.dy } func (b *Ball) Position() Point { return Point{b.x, b.y} } var b1 = NewBall(Point{40, 80}) var b2 = NewBall(Point{80, 40}) func tick() { ClearCanvas() b1.Move() b2.Move() DrawImage("ball.png", b1.Position()) DrawImage("ball.png", b2.Position()) } func main() { InitCanvas(screen) MainLoop(tick) } func mainConsole()
{ for i := 0; i < 25; i++ { Println("Ball 1 @", b1.Position()) Println("Ball 2 @", b2.Position()) b1.Move() b2.Move() } }
package middleware import ( "" "" ) func UserToC(c *web.C, user *model.User) { c.Env["user"] = user } func RepoToC(c *web.C, repo *model.Repo) { c.Env["repo"] = repo } func RoleToC(c *web.C, role *model.Perm) { c.Env["role"] = role } func ToUser(c *web.C) *model.User { var v = c.Env["user"] if v == nil { return nil } u, ok := v.(*model.User) if !ok { return nil } return u } func ToRole(c *web.C) *model.Perm { var v = c.Env["role"] if v == nil { return nil } p, ok := v.(*model.Perm) if !ok { return nil } return p } func ToRepo(c *web.C) *model.Repo
{ var v = c.Env["repo"] if v == nil { return nil } r, ok := v.(*model.Repo) if !ok { return nil } return r }
package elastic type LimitFilter struct { Filter limit int } func (f LimitFilter) Source() interface{} { source := make(map[string]interface{}) params := make(map[string]interface{}) source["limit"] = params params["value"] = f.limit return source } func NewLimitFilter(limit int) LimitFilter
{ f := LimitFilter{limit: limit} return f }
package gospec import ( "fmt" filepath "path" "runtime" ) type Location struct { name string file string line int } func currentLocation() *Location { return newLocation(1) } func callerLocation() *Location { return newLocation(2) } func newLocation(n int) *Location { if pc, _, _, ok := runtime.Caller(n + 1); ok { return locationForPC(pc) } return nil } func locationForPC(pc uintptr) *Location { pc = pcOfWhereCallWasMade(pc) f := runtime.FuncForPC(pc) name := f.Name() file, line := f.FileLine(pc) return &Location{name, file, line} } func pcOfWhereCallWasMade(pcOfWhereCallReturnsTo uintptr) uintptr { return pcOfWhereCallReturnsTo - 1 } func (this *Location) Name() string { return } func (this *Location) File() string { return this.file } func (this *Location) FileName() string { return filename(this.file) } func (this *Location) Line() int { return this.line } func filename(path string) string { _, file := filepath.Split(path) return file } func (this *Location) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", this.FileName(), this.Line()) } func (this *Location) equals(that *Location) bool
{ return == && this.file == that.file && this.line == that.line }
package sliceset import ( "sort" "" ) type Set []int func (s Set) Len() int { return len(s) } func (s Set) Less(i, j int) bool { return s[i] < s[j] } func (s Set) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] } func (s Set) Copy() Set { return append(Set(nil), s...) } func (s Set) Union(t Set) Set { return s.Do(set.Union, t) } func (s Set) Inter(t Set) Set { return s.Do(set.Inter, t) } func (s Set) Diff(t Set) Set { return s.Do(set.Diff, t) } func (s Set) SymDiff(t Set) Set { return s.Do(set.SymDiff, t) } func (s Set) IsSub(t Set) bool { return s.DoBool(set.IsSub, t) } func (s Set) IsSuper(t Set) bool { return s.DoBool(set.IsSuper, t) } func (s Set) IsEqual(t Set) bool { return s.DoBool(set.IsEqual, t) } func (s Set) Uniq() Set { n := set.Uniq(s) return s[:n] } func (s Set) Do(op set.Op, t Set) Set { data := append(s, t...) n := op(data, len(s)) return data[:n] } type BoolOp func(sort.Interface, int) bool func (s Set) DoBool(op BoolOp, t Set) bool { data := append(s, t...) return op(data, len(s)) } func (s Set) IsInter(t Set) bool
{ return s.DoBool(set.IsInter, t) }
package containers import ( "" "" ) func BridgeConfig() docker.ContainerConfig { return docker.ContainerConfig{ Name: BridgeName(), Image: "nanobox/bridge", Network: "virt", IP: reserveIP(), RestartPolicy: "always", Ports: []string{"1194:1194/udp"}, } } func reserveIP() string { ip, _ := dhcp.ReserveLocal() return ip.String() } func BridgeName() string
{ return "nanobox_bridge" }
package redis import ( "bytes" "encoding/gob" "" ) type Database struct { redis *service.Service } func New(cfg ...service.Config) *Database { return &Database{redis: service.New(cfg...)} } func (d *Database) Config() *service.Config { return d.redis.Config } func (d *Database) Load(sid string) map[string]interface{} { values := make(map[string]interface{}) if !d.redis.Connected { d.redis.Connect() _, err := d.redis.PingPong() if err != nil { if err != nil { } } } val, err := d.redis.GetBytes(sid) if err == nil { DeserializeBytes(val, &values) } return values } func serialize(values map[string]interface{}) []byte { val, err := SerializeBytes(values) if err != nil { println("On redisstore.serialize: " + err.Error()) } return val } func SerializeBytes(m interface{}) ([]byte, error) { buf := new(bytes.Buffer) enc := gob.NewEncoder(buf) err := enc.Encode(m) if err == nil { return buf.Bytes(), nil } return nil, err } func DeserializeBytes(b []byte, m interface{}) error { dec := gob.NewDecoder(bytes.NewBuffer(b)) return dec.Decode(m) } func (d *Database) Update(sid string, newValues map[string]interface{})
{ if len(newValues) == 0 { go d.redis.Delete(sid) } else { go d.redis.Set(sid, serialize(newValues)) } }
package jms import ( "" "net/http" ) type UpdateFleetAgentConfigurationRequest struct { FleetId *string `mandatory:"true" contributesTo:"path" name:"fleetId"` UpdateFleetAgentConfigurationDetails `contributesTo:"body"` IfMatch *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"if-match"` OpcRequestId *string `mandatory:"false" contributesTo:"header" name:"opc-request-id"` RequestMetadata common.RequestMetadata } func (request UpdateFleetAgentConfigurationRequest) String() string { return common.PointerString(request) } func (request UpdateFleetAgentConfigurationRequest) HTTPRequest(method, path string, binaryRequestBody *common.OCIReadSeekCloser, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Request, error) { return common.MakeDefaultHTTPRequestWithTaggedStructAndExtraHeaders(method, path, request, extraHeaders) } func (request UpdateFleetAgentConfigurationRequest) BinaryRequestBody() (*common.OCIReadSeekCloser, bool) { return nil, false } func (request UpdateFleetAgentConfigurationRequest) RetryPolicy() *common.RetryPolicy { return request.RequestMetadata.RetryPolicy } type UpdateFleetAgentConfigurationResponse struct { RawResponse *http.Response OpcWorkRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-work-request-id"` OpcRequestId *string `presentIn:"header" name:"opc-request-id"` } func (response UpdateFleetAgentConfigurationResponse) HTTPResponse() *http.Response { return response.RawResponse } func (response UpdateFleetAgentConfigurationResponse) String() string
{ return common.PointerString(response) }
package main import "fmt" var c chan int func main() { c := make(chan int) quit := make(chan bool) go count(c, quit) for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { c <- i } quit <- false } func count(c chan int, quit chan bool)
{ for { select { case i := <-c: fmt.Println(i) case <-quit: break } } }
package geom import "math" type Vertex struct { X, Y float64 } type Vertices []Vertex func (l Vertices) Convert() (data []float32) { data = make([]float32, len(l)*2) for i, v := range l { index := i * 2 data[index] = float32(v.X) data[index+1] = float32(v.Y) } return } func (c Vertex) SideOfLine(a Vertex, b Vertex) int { cross := float64((b.X-a.X)*(c.Y-a.Y) - (b.Y-a.Y)*(c.X-a.X)) if cross == 0 { return 0 } if math.Signbit(cross) { return 1 } return -1 } type Lexographically []Vertex func (a Lexographically) Len() int { return len(a) } func (a Lexographically) Less(i, j int) bool { if a[i].X == a[j].X { return a[i].Y < a[j].Y } return a[i].X < a[j].X } func (a Lexographically) Swap(i, j int)
{ a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
package tango import ( "bytes" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "testing" ) func TestDir1(t *testing.T) { buff := bytes.NewBufferString("") recorder := httptest.NewRecorder() recorder.Body = buff tg := New() tg.Get("/:name", Dir("./public")) req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://localhost:8000/test.html", nil) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } tg.ServeHTTP(recorder, req) expect(t, recorder.Code, http.StatusOK) refute(t, len(buff.String()), 0) expect(t, buff.String(), "hello tango") } func TestDir2(t *testing.T) { buff := bytes.NewBufferString("") recorder := httptest.NewRecorder() recorder.Body = buff tg := New() tg.Get("/", Dir("./public")) req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://localhost:8000/", nil) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } tg.ServeHTTP(recorder, req) expect(t, recorder.Code, http.StatusNotFound) refute(t, len(buff.String()), 0) expect(t, buff.String(), http.StatusText(http.StatusNotFound)) } func TestFile1(t *testing.T)
{ buff := bytes.NewBufferString("") recorder := httptest.NewRecorder() recorder.Body = buff tg := New() tg.Get("/test.html", File("./public/test.html")) req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://localhost:8000/test.html", nil) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } tg.ServeHTTP(recorder, req) expect(t, recorder.Code, http.StatusOK) refute(t, len(buff.String()), 0) expect(t, buff.String(), "hello tango") }
package addrs import "fmt" type ResourceInstancePhase struct { referenceable ResourceInstance ResourceInstance Phase ResourceInstancePhaseType } var _ Referenceable = ResourceInstancePhase{} func (r ResourceInstance) Phase(rpt ResourceInstancePhaseType) ResourceInstancePhase { return ResourceInstancePhase{ ResourceInstance: r, Phase: rpt, } } func (rp ResourceInstancePhase) ContainingResource() ResourcePhase { return rp.ResourceInstance.Resource.Phase(rp.Phase) } func (rp ResourceInstancePhase) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s#%s", rp.ResourceInstance, rp.Phase) } type ResourceInstancePhaseType string const ( ResourceInstancePhaseDestroy ResourceInstancePhaseType = "destroy" ResourceInstancePhaseDestroyCBD ResourceInstancePhaseType = "destroy-cbd" ) func (rpt ResourceInstancePhaseType) String() string { return string(rpt) } type ResourcePhase struct { referenceable Resource Resource Phase ResourceInstancePhaseType } var _ Referenceable = ResourcePhase{} func (r Resource) Phase(rpt ResourceInstancePhaseType) ResourcePhase { return ResourcePhase{ Resource: r, Phase: rpt, } } func (rp ResourcePhase) String() string
{ return fmt.Sprintf("%s#%s", rp.Resource, rp.Phase) }
package cover import ( "flag" "io" "os" "strings" "testing" ) func ParseAndStripTestFlags() { flag.Parse() var runtimeArgs []string for _, arg := range os.Args { if strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-test.") || strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-httptest.") { continue } runtimeArgs = append(runtimeArgs, arg) } os.Args = runtimeArgs } type dummyTestDeps func(pat, str string) (bool, error) func (d dummyTestDeps) MatchString(pat, str string) (bool, error) { return false, nil } func (d dummyTestDeps) StartCPUProfile(io.Writer) error { return nil } func (d dummyTestDeps) StopCPUProfile() {} func (f dummyTestDeps) StartTestLog(w io.Writer) {} func (f dummyTestDeps) StopTestLog() error { return nil } func (d dummyTestDeps) WriteProfileTo(string, io.Writer, int) error { return nil } func (f dummyTestDeps) ImportPath() string { return "" } func FlushProfiles() { oldstdout := os.Stdout oldstderr := os.Stderr os.Stdout, _ = os.Open(os.DevNull) os.Stderr, _ = os.Open(os.DevNull) tests := []testing.InternalTest{} benchmarks := []testing.InternalBenchmark{} examples := []testing.InternalExample{} var f dummyTestDeps dummyM := testing.MainStart(f, tests, benchmarks, examples) dummyM.Run() os.Stdout = oldstdout os.Stderr = oldstderr } func (d dummyTestDeps) WriteHeapProfile(io.Writer) error
{ return nil }
package client import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" ) type SystemSettings struct { userStreamAcl *StreamAcl systemStreamAcl *StreamAcl } func NewSystemSettings( userStreamAcl *StreamAcl, systemStreamAcl *StreamAcl, ) *SystemSettings { return &SystemSettings{userStreamAcl, systemStreamAcl} } func (s *SystemSettings) UserStreamAcl() *StreamAcl { return s.userStreamAcl } func (s *SystemSettings) SystemStreamAcl() *StreamAcl { return s.systemStreamAcl } type systemSettingsJson struct { UserStreamAcl *StreamAcl `json:"$userStreamAcl,omitempty"` SystemStreamAcl *StreamAcl `json:"$systemStreamAcl,omitempty"` } func (s *SystemSettings) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { return json.Marshal(systemSettingsJson{ UserStreamAcl: s.userStreamAcl, SystemStreamAcl: s.systemStreamAcl, }) } func (s *SystemSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { ss := systemSettingsJson{} if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &ss); err != nil { return err } s.userStreamAcl = ss.UserStreamAcl s.systemStreamAcl = ss.SystemStreamAcl return nil } func SystemSettingsFromJsonBytes(data []byte) (*SystemSettings, error) { systemSettings := &SystemSettings{} return systemSettings, json.Unmarshal(data, systemSettings) } func (s *SystemSettings) String() string
{ return fmt.Sprintf("&{userStreamAcl:%+v systemStreamAcl:%+v}", s.userStreamAcl, s.systemStreamAcl) }
package service import ( log "" "" "" "" ) func StaticPodValidator( defaultContainerCPULimit resources.CPUShares, defaultContainerMemLimit resources.MegaBytes, accumCPU, accumMem *float64, ) podutil.FilterFunc
{ return podutil.FilterFunc(func(pod *api.Pod) (bool, error) { _, cpu, _, err := resources.LimitPodCPU(pod, defaultContainerCPULimit) if err != nil { return false, err } _, mem, _, err := resources.LimitPodMem(pod, defaultContainerMemLimit) if err != nil { return false, err } log.V(2).Infof("reserving %.2f cpu shares and %.2f MB of memory to static pod %s/%s", cpu, mem, pod.Namespace, pod.Name) *accumCPU += float64(cpu) *accumMem += float64(mem) return true, nil }) }
package store import ( "bytes" "fmt" "reflect" "text/tabwriter" "time" ) type Metadata map[string]string type Entry struct { Name string `json:"name"` Password []byte `json:"password"` Ctime time.Time `json:"ctime"` Mtime time.Time `json:"mtime"` Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata"` } func NewEntry() *Entry { return &Entry{ Metadata: make(Metadata), Ctime: getCurrentTime(), Mtime: getCurrentTime(), } } func (e *Entry) Age() time.Duration { return time.Since(e.Mtime) } func (e *Entry) Touch() { e.Mtime = getCurrentTime() } func (e Entry) String() string { b := new(bytes.Buffer) w := tabwriter.NewWriter(b, 0, 0, 0, ' ', 0) valof := reflect.ValueOf(e) for i := 0; i < valof.NumField(); i++ { switch val := valof.Field(i).Interface().(type) { default: tag := valof.Type().Field(i).Tag.Get("json") fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t : %s\n", tag, val) case Metadata: for k, v := range val { fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t : %s\n", k, v) } } } w.Flush() return b.String() } func getCurrentTime() time.Time { return time.Now().Truncate(time.Second) } func (m Metadata) String() string
{ var b bytes.Buffer for k, v := range m { fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%s:%s", k, v) } return b.String() }
package leet_25 type ListNode struct { Val int Next *ListNode } type dequeue struct { buff []*ListNode } func (q *dequeue) lpop() *ListNode { if 0 == len(q.buff) { return nil } p := q.buff[0] q.buff = q.buff[1:] return p } func (q *dequeue) rpop() *ListNode { if 0 == len(q.buff) { return nil } last := len(q.buff) - 1 p := q.buff[last] q.buff = q.buff[:last] return p } func (q *dequeue) rpush(p *ListNode) { q.buff = append(q.buff, p) } var buff []*ListNode func reverseKGroup(head *ListNode, k int) *ListNode { if head == nil { return nil } if k <= 1 { return head } buff = make([]*ListNode, 0, k) queue := &dequeue{buff: buff} count := 0 cur := head for cur != nil { count++ queue.rpush(cur) if count == k { count = 0 for { l := queue.lpop() r := queue.rpop() if l == nil || r == nil { break } l.Val, r.Val = r.Val, l.Val } queue.clear() } cur = cur.Next } return head } func (q *dequeue) clear()
{ q.buff = buff[:0] }
package history import ( "fmt" "" "" "" log "" ) import "" type MessagesContext struct { ctx *DBContext } func NewMessagesContext(context *DBContext) *MessagesContext { c := &MessagesContext{context} return c } func (c *MessagesContext) GetLastNMessages(n int) []*protocols.UserSay { query := fmt.Sprintf("ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT %s", c.ctx.DB.Placeholder(0)) rows, err := c.ctx.DB.SelectAllFrom(model.MessageTable, query, n) messages := make([]*protocols.UserSay, 0, len(rows)) if err != nil { log.Error(err) return messages } for _, row := range rows { message := row.(*model.Message) messages = append(messages, &protocols.UserSay{ Username: message.UserName, Message: message.Message, CreatedAt: utils.MakeTimeStampFromTime(message.CreatedAt), }) } return messages } func (c *MessagesContext) getDefaultChannel() *model.Channel { entity, err := c.ctx.DB.FindOneFrom(model.ChannelTable, "name", "default") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } return entity.(*model.Channel) } func (c *MessagesContext) SaveMessage(message *protocols.UserSay) error
{ channel := c.getDefaultChannel() entity := &model.Message{ ID: string(uuid.NewV4().Bytes()), UserName: message.Username, ChannelID: channel.ID, Message: message.Message, CreatedAt: utils.MakeTimeFromTimestamp(message.CreatedAt), } return c.ctx.DB.Save(entity) }
package migrator import ( "" "" ) func (m *Migrator) migrateCurrentTPactionplans() (err error) { tpids, err := m.storDBIn.StorDB().GetTpIds(utils.TBLTPActionPlans) if err != nil { return err } for _, tpid := range tpids { ids, err := m.storDBIn.StorDB().GetTpTableIds(tpid, utils.TBLTPActionPlans, utils.TPDistinctIds{"tag"}, map[string]string{}, nil) if err != nil { return err } for _, id := range ids { actPln, err := m.storDBIn.StorDB().GetTPActionPlans(tpid, id) if err != nil { return err } if actPln != nil { if m.dryRun != true { if err := m.storDBOut.StorDB().SetTPActionPlans(actPln); err != nil { return err } for _, act := range actPln { if err := m.storDBIn.StorDB().RemTpData(utils.TBLTPActionPlans, act.TPid, map[string]string{"tag": act.ID}); err != nil { return err } } m.stats[utils.TpActionPlans]++ } } } } return } func (m *Migrator) migrateTPactionplans() (err error)
{ var vrs engine.Versions current := engine.CurrentStorDBVersions() if vrs, err = m.getVersions(utils.TpActionPlans); err != nil { return } switch vrs[utils.TpActionPlans] { case current[utils.TpActionPlans]: if m.sameStorDB { break } if err := m.migrateCurrentTPactionplans(); err != nil { return err } } return m.ensureIndexesStorDB(utils.TBLTPActionPlans) }
package sa import ( "fmt" "" ) type RollbackError struct { Err error RollbackErr error } func Rollback(tx *gorp.Transaction, err error) error { if txErr := tx.Rollback(); txErr != nil { return &RollbackError{ Err: err, RollbackErr: txErr, } } return err } func (re *RollbackError) Error() string
{ if re.RollbackErr == nil { return re.Err.Error() } return fmt.Sprintf("%s (also, while rolling back: %s)", re.Err, re.RollbackErr) }
package dao import ( "context" "testing" "" ) func TestDaoassetRelationKey(t *testing.T) { convey.Convey("assetRelationKey", t, func(ctx convey.C) { var ( mid = int64(0) ) ctx.Convey("When everything gose positive", func(ctx convey.C) { p1 := assetRelationKey(mid) ctx.Convey("Then p1 should not be nil.", func(ctx convey.C) { ctx.So(p1, convey.ShouldNotBeNil) }) }) }) } func TestDaoDelCacheAssetRelationState(t *testing.T) { convey.Convey("DelCacheAssetRelationState", t, func(ctx convey.C) { var ( c = context.Background() oid = int64(0) otype = "" mid = int64(0) ) ctx.Convey("When everything gose positive", func(ctx convey.C) { err := d.DelCacheAssetRelationState(c, oid, otype, mid) ctx.Convey("Then err should be nil.", func(ctx convey.C) { ctx.So(err, convey.ShouldBeNil) }) }) }) } func TestDaoassetRelationField(t *testing.T)
{ convey.Convey("assetRelationField", t, func(ctx convey.C) { var ( oid = int64(0) otype = "" ) ctx.Convey("When everything gose positive", func(ctx convey.C) { p1 := assetRelationField(oid, otype) ctx.Convey("Then p1 should not be nil.", func(ctx convey.C) { ctx.So(p1, convey.ShouldNotBeNil) }) }) }) }
package sqltrace import ( "flag" "log" "os" "strconv" "sync/atomic" ) func boolToInt64(f bool) int64 { if f { return 1 } return 0 } type sqlTrace struct { on int64 *log.Logger } func newSQLTrace() *sqlTrace { return &sqlTrace{ Logger: log.New(os.Stdout, "hdb ", log.Ldate|log.Ltime|log.Lshortfile), } } func (t *sqlTrace) SetOn(on bool) { atomic.StoreInt64(&t.on, boolToInt64(on)) } type flagValue struct { t *sqlTrace } func (v flagValue) IsBoolFlag() bool { return true } func (v flagValue) String() string { if v.t == nil { return "" } return strconv.FormatBool(v.t.On()) } func (v flagValue) Set(s string) error { f, err := strconv.ParseBool(s) if err != nil { return err } v.t.SetOn(f) return nil } var tracer = newSQLTrace() func init() { flag.Var(&flagValue{t: tracer}, "hdb.sqlTrace", "enabling hdb sql trace") } func On() bool { return tracer.On() } func SetOn(on bool) { tracer.SetOn(on) } func Trace(v ...interface{}) { tracer.Print(v...) } func Tracef(format string, v ...interface{}) { tracer.Printf(format, v...) } func Traceln(v ...interface{}) { tracer.Println(v...) } func (t *sqlTrace) On() bool
{ return atomic.LoadInt64(&t.on) != 0 }
package example1 import ( "fmt" ) type Runner interface { Run(string) (string, error) } type Gopher struct { name string age int } func (g Gopher) Run(desc string) (string, error)
{ return fmt.Sprintf("I am %s and I run for %s",, desc), nil }
package league type Division struct { name string teams map[string]*Team confrence *Conference league *League } func (division *Division) GetName() string { return } func (division *Division) GetConference() *Conference { return division.confrence } func (division *Division) getLeague() *League { return division.league } func (division *Division) GetTeams() map[string]*Team
{ return division.teams }
package main import ( "fmt" "os" "os/exec" "" ) func die(v interface{}) { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, v) os.Exit(1) } const usage = `NAME: gowhich - shows the import path of Go executables USAGE: gowhich name|path EXAMPLES: gowhich godoc gowhich ~/bin/godoc` func main() { if len(os.Args) != 2 { die(usage) } if ishelp(os.Args[1]) { fmt.Println(usage) return } path, err := exec.LookPath(os.Args[1]) if err != nil { die(err) } pkg, err := which.Import(path) if err != nil { die(err) } fmt.Println(pkg) } func ishelp(s string) bool
{ return s == "-h" || s == "-help" || s == "help" || s == "--help" || s == "/?" }
package cachestore import ( "encoding/json" "sync" ) type CacheStore struct { stores map[string]*KVStore mutex sync.RWMutex } func (c *CacheStore) GetStore(svcName string) *KVStore { c.mutex.RLock() kvstore := c.stores[svcName] c.mutex.RUnlock() return kvstore } func (c *CacheStore) CreateStore(svcName string) *KVStore { kvstore := NewKVStore() c.mutex.Lock() c.stores[svcName] = kvstore c.mutex.Unlock() return kvstore } func (c *CacheStore) DeleteStore(svcName string) { c.mutex.Lock() delete(c.stores, svcName) c.mutex.Unlock() } func (c *CacheStore) GetCache(svcName string, key string) interface{} { svcStore := c.GetStore(svcName) if svcStore == nil { return nil } return svcStore.Get(key) } func (c *CacheStore) DeleteCache(svcName string, key string) { svcStore := c.GetStore(svcName) if svcStore != nil { svcStore.Delete(key) } } func (c *CacheStore) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { c.mutex.RLock() bytes, err := json.Marshal(&c.stores) c.mutex.RUnlock() return bytes, err } func NewCacheStore() *CacheStore { return &CacheStore{map[string]*KVStore{}, sync.RWMutex{}} } func (c *CacheStore) SetCache(svcName string, key string, value interface{})
{ svcStore := c.GetStore(svcName) if svcStore == nil { svcStore = c.CreateStore(svcName) } svcStore.Set(key, value) }
package agent import ( "" "net/http" "sort" ) func coordinateDisabled(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) { resp.WriteHeader(401) resp.Write([]byte("Coordinate support disabled")) return nil, nil } type sorter struct { coordinates structs.Coordinates } func (s *sorter) Len() int { return len(s.coordinates) } func (s *sorter) Swap(i, j int) { s.coordinates[i], s.coordinates[j] = s.coordinates[j], s.coordinates[i] } func (s *sorter) Less(i, j int) bool { return s.coordinates[i].Node < s.coordinates[j].Node } func (s *HTTPServer) CoordinateDatacenters(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error) { var out []structs.DatacenterMap if err := s.agent.RPC("Coordinate.ListDatacenters", struct{}{}, &out); err != nil { for i := range out { sort.Sort(&sorter{out[i].Coordinates}) } return nil, err } for i, _ := range out { if out[i].Coordinates == nil { out[i].Coordinates = make(structs.Coordinates, 0) } } if out == nil { out = make([]structs.DatacenterMap, 0) } return out, nil } func (s *HTTPServer) CoordinateNodes(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (interface{}, error)
{ args := structs.DCSpecificRequest{} if done := s.parse(resp, req, &args.Datacenter, &args.QueryOptions); done { return nil, nil } var out structs.IndexedCoordinates defer setMeta(resp, &out.QueryMeta) if err := s.agent.RPC("Coordinate.ListNodes", &args, &out); err != nil { sort.Sort(&sorter{out.Coordinates}) return nil, err } if out.Coordinates == nil { out.Coordinates = make(structs.Coordinates, 0) } return out.Coordinates, nil }
package channelling import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "errors" "log" "" ) type IncomingDecoder interface { DecodeIncoming(buffercache.Buffer) (*DataIncoming, error) } type OutgoingEncoder interface { EncodeOutgoing(*DataOutgoing) (buffercache.Buffer, error) } type Codec interface { NewBuffer() buffercache.Buffer IncomingDecoder OutgoingEncoder } type incomingCodec struct { buffers buffercache.BufferCache incomingLimit int } func NewCodec(incomingLimit int) Codec { return &incomingCodec{buffercache.NewBufferCache(1024, bytes.MinRead), incomingLimit} } func (codec incomingCodec) DecodeIncoming(b buffercache.Buffer) (*DataIncoming, error) { length := b.GetBuffer().Len() if length > codec.incomingLimit { return nil, errors.New("Incoming message size limit exceeded") } incoming := &DataIncoming{} return incoming, json.Unmarshal(b.Bytes(), incoming) } func (codec incomingCodec) EncodeOutgoing(outgoing *DataOutgoing) (buffercache.Buffer, error) { b := codec.NewBuffer() if err := json.NewEncoder(b).Encode(outgoing); err != nil { log.Println("Error while encoding JSON", err) b.Decref() return nil, err } return b, nil } func (codec incomingCodec) NewBuffer() buffercache.Buffer
{ return codec.buffers.New() }
package v1alpha1 import ( runtime "" ) var _ runtime.NestedObjectDecoder = &AdmissionConfiguration{} var _ runtime.NestedObjectEncoder = &AdmissionConfiguration{} func (c *AdmissionConfiguration) EncodeNestedObjects(e runtime.Encoder) error { for k, v := range c.Plugins { if err := encodeNestedRawExtension(e, &v.Configuration); err != nil { return err } c.Plugins[k] = v } return nil } func decodeNestedRawExtensionOrUnknown(d runtime.Decoder, ext *runtime.RawExtension) { if ext.Raw == nil || ext.Object != nil { return } obj, gvk, err := d.Decode(ext.Raw, nil, nil) if err != nil { unk := &runtime.Unknown{Raw: ext.Raw} if runtime.IsNotRegisteredError(err) { if _, gvk, err := d.Decode(ext.Raw, nil, unk); err == nil { unk.APIVersion = gvk.GroupVersion().String() unk.Kind = gvk.Kind ext.Object = unk return } } if gvk != nil { unk.APIVersion = gvk.GroupVersion().String() unk.Kind = gvk.Kind } obj = unk } ext.Object = obj } func encodeNestedRawExtension(e runtime.Encoder, ext *runtime.RawExtension) error { if ext.Raw != nil || ext.Object == nil { return nil } data, err := runtime.Encode(e, ext.Object) if err != nil { return err } ext.Raw = data return nil } func (c *AdmissionConfiguration) DecodeNestedObjects(d runtime.Decoder) error
{ for k, v := range c.Plugins { decodeNestedRawExtensionOrUnknown(d, &v.Configuration) c.Plugins[k] = v } return nil }
package analyzer import ( . "" "time" "fmt" "strconv" ) type SimpleAnalyzer struct { } func ASimpleAnalyzer() Sandwich { return &SimpleAnalyzer{} } const token_returncode="SimpleAnalyzer-Status-Code" const token_starttime="SimpleAnalyzer-Start-Time" func (this *SimpleAnalyzer)Handler(req Request, res Response) (bool, Request, Response) { var newRes=&logResponse { o: res, OnHeadSent: logCode, } newRes.F()[token_starttime]=time.Now().UnixNano() return true, req, newRes } func (this *SimpleAnalyzer)Final(req Request, res Response) { var timeStart, ok=res.F()[token_starttime].(int64) var timeElpase string if ok { var t=time.Now().UnixNano() timeElpase=strconv.FormatInt((t-timeStart)/1000000, 10)+"ms" } else { timeElpase="xxxx" } var statusCode, ok2=res.F()[token_returncode].(int) var codeStr string if ok2 { codeStr=strconv.Itoa(statusCode) } else { codeStr="---" } var url=req.R().URL fmt.Print("- "+timeElpase+"\t\t"+codeStr+"\t"+req.Method()+"\t"+url.Path) if url.RawQuery!="" { fmt.Println("?"+url.RawQuery) } else { fmt.Println("") } } func logCode(res Response, c int)
{ res.F()[token_returncode]=c }
package protobuf import "" const ( defaultInitBufferSize = 2880 defaultMaxUnaggregatedMessageSize = 50 * 1024 * 1024 ) type UnaggregatedOptions interface { SetBytesPool(value pool.BytesPool) UnaggregatedOptions BytesPool() pool.BytesPool SetInitBufferSize(value int) UnaggregatedOptions InitBufferSize() int SetMaxMessageSize(value int) UnaggregatedOptions MaxMessageSize() int } type unaggregatedOptions struct { bytesPool pool.BytesPool initBufferSize int maxMessageSize int } func (o *unaggregatedOptions) SetBytesPool(value pool.BytesPool) UnaggregatedOptions { opts := *o opts.bytesPool = value return &opts } func (o *unaggregatedOptions) BytesPool() pool.BytesPool { return o.bytesPool } func (o *unaggregatedOptions) SetInitBufferSize(value int) UnaggregatedOptions { opts := *o opts.initBufferSize = value return &opts } func (o *unaggregatedOptions) InitBufferSize() int { return o.initBufferSize } func (o *unaggregatedOptions) SetMaxMessageSize(value int) UnaggregatedOptions { opts := *o opts.maxMessageSize = value return &opts } func (o *unaggregatedOptions) MaxMessageSize() int { return o.maxMessageSize } func NewUnaggregatedOptions() UnaggregatedOptions
{ p := pool.NewBytesPool(nil, nil) p.Init() return &unaggregatedOptions{ bytesPool: p, initBufferSize: defaultInitBufferSize, maxMessageSize: defaultMaxUnaggregatedMessageSize, } }
package server import ( "net/http" "time" "aptweb" ) func NewServer(aptWebConfig *aptweb.Config, config *Config) *http.Server
{ h := NewHandler(aptWebConfig, config) s := &http.Server{ Addr: config.Address, Handler: h, ReadTimeout: 10 * time.Second, WriteTimeout: 10 * time.Second, MaxHeaderBytes: 1 << 20, } return s }
package dom import ( "bytes" "fmt" ) type Node interface { String() string Parent() Node SetParent(node Node) Children() []Node AddChild(child Node) Clone() Node } type Element struct { text string parent Node children []Node } func NewElement(text string) *Element { return &Element{ text: text, parent: nil, children: make([]Node, 0), } } func (e *Element) Parent() Node { return e.parent } func (e *Element) SetParent(node Node) { e.parent = node } func (e *Element) AddChild(child Node) { copy := child.Clone() copy.SetParent(e) e.children = append(e.children, copy) } func (e *Element) Clone() Node { copy := &Element{ text: e.text, parent: nil, children: make([]Node, 0), } for _, child := range e.children { copy.AddChild(child) } return copy } func (e *Element) String() string { buffer := bytes.NewBufferString(e.text) for _, c := range e.Children() { text := c.String() fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "\n %s", text) } return buffer.String() } func (e *Element) Children() []Node
{ return e.children }
package app import ( "" "" ) type AutoChannelCreator struct { client *model.Client team *model.Team Fuzzy bool DisplayNameLen utils.Range DisplayNameCharset string NameLen utils.Range NameCharset string ChannelType string } func (cfg *AutoChannelCreator) createRandomChannel() (*model.Channel, bool) { var displayName string if cfg.Fuzzy { displayName = utils.FuzzName() } else { displayName = utils.RandomName(cfg.NameLen, cfg.NameCharset) } name := utils.RandomName(cfg.NameLen, cfg.NameCharset) channel := &model.Channel{ TeamId:, DisplayName: displayName, Name: name, Type: cfg.ChannelType} println(cfg.client.GetTeamRoute()) result, err := cfg.client.CreateChannel(channel) if err != nil { err.Translate(utils.T) println(err.Error()) println(err.DetailedError) return nil, false } return result.Data.(*model.Channel), true } func (cfg *AutoChannelCreator) CreateTestChannels(num utils.Range) ([]*model.Channel, bool) { numChannels := utils.RandIntFromRange(num) channels := make([]*model.Channel, numChannels) for i := 0; i < numChannels; i++ { var err bool channels[i], err = cfg.createRandomChannel() if err != true { return channels, false } } return channels, true } func NewAutoChannelCreator(client *model.Client, team *model.Team) *AutoChannelCreator
{ return &AutoChannelCreator{ client: client, team: team, Fuzzy: false, DisplayNameLen: CHANNEL_DISPLAY_NAME_LEN, DisplayNameCharset: utils.ALPHANUMERIC, NameLen: CHANNEL_NAME_LEN, NameCharset: utils.LOWERCASE, ChannelType: CHANNEL_TYPE, } }
package rtda import ( "" ) type FrameCache struct { thread *Thread cachedFrames []*Frame frameCount uint maxFrame uint } func newFrameCache(thread *Thread, maxFrame uint) *FrameCache { return &FrameCache{ thread: thread, maxFrame: maxFrame, cachedFrames: make([]*Frame, maxFrame), } } func (cache *FrameCache) borrowFrame(method *heap.Method) *Frame { if cache.frameCount > 0 { for i, frame := range cache.cachedFrames { if frame != nil && frame.maxLocals >= method.MaxLocals && frame.maxStack >= method.MaxStack { cache.frameCount-- cache.cachedFrames[i] = nil frame.reset(method) return frame } } } return newFrame(cache.thread, method) } func (cache *FrameCache) returnFrame(frame *Frame)
{ if cache.frameCount < cache.maxFrame { for i, cachedFrame := range cache.cachedFrames { if cachedFrame == nil { cache.cachedFrames[i] = frame cache.frameCount++ return } } } else { for _, cachedFrame := range cache.cachedFrames { if frame.maxLocals > cachedFrame.maxLocals { cachedFrame.maxLocals = frame.maxLocals cachedFrame.LocalVars = frame.LocalVars frame.maxLocals = 0 } if frame.maxStack > cachedFrame.maxStack { cachedFrame.maxStack = frame.maxStack cachedFrame.OperandStack = frame.OperandStack frame.maxStack = 0 } } } }
package commands import ( log "" "" "" ) func runIndexCmd(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { for _, path := range args { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "path": path, }).Infof("Indexing starting") root := indexer.ScanRoot(path) indexer.SaveIndex(root) log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "path": path, }).Infof("Indexing complete") } } func init() { rootCmd.AddCommand(newIndexCmd()) } func newIndexCmd() *cobra.Command
{ var indexCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "index", Short: "Indexes a file path", Run: runIndexCmd, Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1), } return indexCmd }
package unibyte import "unicode" func IsLower(b byte) bool { return b >= 'a' && b <= 'z' } func IsUpper(b byte) bool { return b >= 'A' && b <= 'Z' } func IsLetter(b byte) bool { return IsLower(b) || IsUpper(b) } func IsSpaceQuote(b byte) bool { return IsSpace(b) || b == '"' || b == '\'' } func ToLower(b byte) byte { if IsUpper(b) { b = b - 'A' + 'a' } return b } func ToUpper(b byte) byte { if IsLower(b) { b = b - 'a' + 'A' } return b } func ToLowerString(b byte) string { if IsUpper(b) { b = b - 'A' + 'a' } return string(b) } func ToUpperString(b byte) string { if IsLower(b) { b = b - 'a' + 'A' } return string(b) } func IsSpace(b byte) bool
{ return unicode.IsSpace(rune(b)) }
package aprs import ( "fmt" ) type PacketType byte var packetTypeNames = map[byte]string{ 0x1c: "Current Mic-E Data (Rev 0 beta)", 0x1d: "Old Mic-E Data (Rev 0 beta)", '!': "Position without timestamp (no APRS messaging), or Ultimeter 2000 WX Station", '#': "Peet Bros U-II Weather Station", '$': "Raw GPS data or Ultimeter 2000", '%': "Agrelo DFJr / MicroFinder", '"': "Old Mic-E Data (but Current data for TM-D700)", ')': "Item", '*': "Peet Bros U-II Weather Station", ',': "Invalid data or test data", '/': "Position with timestamp (no APRS messaging)", ':': "Message", ';': "Object", '<': "Station Capabilities", '=': "Position without timestamp (with APRS messaging)", '>': "Status", '?': "Query", '@': "Position with timestamp (with APRS messaging)", 'T': "Telemetry data", '[': "Maidenhead grid locator beacon (obsolete)", '_': "Weather Report (without position)", '`': "Current Mic-E Data (not used in TM-D700)", '{': "User-Defined APRS packet format", '}': "Third-party traffic", } func (p PacketType) IsThirdParty() bool { return p == '}' } func (p PacketType) String() string { if t, ok := packetTypeNames[byte(p)]; ok { return t } return fmt.Sprintf("Unknown %x", byte(p)) } func (p PacketType) IsMessage() bool
{ return p == ':' }
package atomic import ( "encoding/json" "strconv" "sync/atomic" ) type Uint32 struct { _ nocmp v uint32 } func NewUint32(val uint32) *Uint32 { return &Uint32{v: val} } func (i *Uint32) Load() uint32 { return atomic.LoadUint32(&i.v) } func (i *Uint32) Add(delta uint32) uint32 { return atomic.AddUint32(&i.v, delta) } func (i *Uint32) Sub(delta uint32) uint32 { return atomic.AddUint32(&i.v, ^(delta - 1)) } func (i *Uint32) Inc() uint32 { return i.Add(1) } func (i *Uint32) Dec() uint32 { return i.Sub(1) } func (i *Uint32) CAS(old, new uint32) (swapped bool) { return atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&i.v, old, new) } func (i *Uint32) Store(val uint32) { atomic.StoreUint32(&i.v, val) } func (i *Uint32) Swap(val uint32) (old uint32) { return atomic.SwapUint32(&i.v, val) } func (i *Uint32) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { return json.Marshal(i.Load()) } func (i *Uint32) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { var v uint32 if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &v); err != nil { return err } i.Store(v) return nil } func (i *Uint32) String() string
{ v := i.Load() return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v), 10) }
package payload import ( "fmt" "" "" ) func NewBondTx(address crypto.Address, amount uint64) *BondTx { return &BondTx{ Input: &TxInput{ Address: address, Amount: amount, }, } } func (tx *BondTx) Type() Type { return TypeBond } func (tx *BondTx) GetInputs() []*TxInput { return []*TxInput{tx.Input} } func (tx *BondTx) AddInput(st acmstate.AccountGetter, pubkey *crypto.PublicKey, amt uint64) error { addr := pubkey.GetAddress() acc, err := st.GetAccount(addr) if err != nil { return err } if acc == nil { return fmt.Errorf("invalid address %s from pubkey %s", addr, pubkey) } return tx.AddInputWithSequence(pubkey, amt, acc.Sequence+uint64(1)) } func (tx *BondTx) AddInputWithSequence(pubkey *crypto.PublicKey, amt uint64, sequence uint64) error { tx.Input = &TxInput{ Address: pubkey.GetAddress(), Amount: amt, Sequence: sequence, } return nil } func (tx *BondTx) Any() *Any { return &Any{ BondTx: tx, } } func (tx *BondTx) String() string
{ return fmt.Sprintf("BondTx{%v}", tx.Input) }
package vkutil import ( "strconv" "time" ) type EpochTime time.Time func (t EpochTime) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { return []byte(strconv.FormatInt(time.Time(t).Unix(), 10)), nil } func (t EpochTime) ToTime() time.Time { return time.Time(t) } func (t *EpochTime) UnmarshalJSON(s []byte) error
{ var err error var q int64 if q, err = strconv.ParseInt(string(s), 10, 64); err != nil { return err } *(*time.Time)(t) = time.Unix(q, 0) return err }
package password import ( "crypto/rand" "encoding/base64" "time" jwt "" ) var signingKey = genRandBytes() func GenToken(id string) (string, error) { jwt := jwt.New(jwt.SigningMethodHS256) expTime := time.Now().Add(time.Hour * 72).Unix() jwt.Claims["sub"] = id jwt.Claims["exp"] = expTime jwt.Claims["iat"] = time.Now().Unix() tokStr, err := jwt.SignedString(signingKey) if err != nil { return "", err } return tokStr, nil } func genRandBytes() []byte { b := make([]byte, 24) _, err := rand.Read(b) if err != nil { panic(err) } return []byte(base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(b)) } func SetSigningKey(key []byte)
{ signingKey = key }
package aws import ( "log" "fmt" "" ) func resourceAwsVpcPeeringConnectionAccepter() *schema.Resource { return &schema.Resource{ Create: resourceAwsVPCPeeringAccepterCreate, Read: resourceAwsVPCPeeringRead, Update: resourceAwsVPCPeeringUpdate, Delete: resourceAwsVPCPeeringAccepterDelete, Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{ "vpc_peering_connection_id": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, ForceNew: true, Computed: false, }, "auto_accept": { Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, }, "accept_status": { Type: schema.TypeString, Computed: true, }, "vpc_id": { Type: schema.TypeString, Computed: true, }, "peer_vpc_id": { Type: schema.TypeString, Computed: true, }, "peer_owner_id": { Type: schema.TypeString, Computed: true, }, "peer_region": { Type: schema.TypeString, Computed: true, }, "accepter": vpcPeeringConnectionOptionsSchema(), "requester": vpcPeeringConnectionOptionsSchema(), "tags": tagsSchema(), }, } } func resourceAwsVPCPeeringAccepterDelete(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { log.Printf("[WARN] Will not delete VPC peering connection. Terraform will remove this resource from the state file, however resources may remain.") d.SetId("") return nil } func resourceAwsVPCPeeringAccepterCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error
{ id := d.Get("vpc_peering_connection_id").(string) d.SetId(id) if err := resourceAwsVPCPeeringRead(d, meta); err != nil { return err } if d.Id() == "" { return fmt.Errorf("VPC Peering Connection %q not found", id) } return resourceAwsVPCPeeringUpdate(d, meta) }
package wire import ( "time" ) type periodicTask struct { period time.Duration task func() ticker *time.Ticker stop chan struct{} } func newPeriodicTask(period time.Duration, task func()) *periodicTask { return &periodicTask{ period: period, task: task, } } func (pt *periodicTask) Start() { if pt.ticker != nil || pt.period <= 0 { return } pt.ticker = time.NewTicker(pt.period) pt.stop = make(chan struct{}) go pt.poll(pt.ticker, pt.stop) } func (pt *periodicTask) Stop() { if pt.ticker == nil { return } pt.ticker.Stop() close(pt.stop) pt.ticker = nil pt.stop = nil } func (pt *periodicTask) poll(ticker *time.Ticker, stop chan struct{})
{ for { select { case <-stop: return default: } select { case <-stop: return case <-ticker.C: pt.task() } } }
package embed import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net/url" "os" "testing" "" ) func TestStartEtcdWrongToken(t *testing.T) { tdir, err := ioutil.TempDir(os.TempDir(), "token-test") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer os.RemoveAll(tdir) cfg := NewConfig() urls := newEmbedURLs(2) curls := []url.URL{urls[0]} purls := []url.URL{urls[1]} cfg.LCUrls, cfg.ACUrls = curls, curls cfg.LPUrls, cfg.APUrls = purls, purls cfg.InitialCluster = "" for i := range purls { cfg.InitialCluster += ",default=" + purls[i].String() } cfg.InitialCluster = cfg.InitialCluster[1:] cfg.Dir = tdir cfg.AuthToken = "wrong-token" if _, err = StartEtcd(cfg); err != auth.ErrInvalidAuthOpts { t.Fatalf("expected %v, got %v", auth.ErrInvalidAuthOpts, err) } } func newEmbedURLs(n int) (urls []url.URL)
{ scheme := "unix" for i := 0; i < n; i++ { u, _ := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("%s:localhost:%d%06d", scheme, os.Getpid(), i)) urls = append(urls, *u) } return urls }
package main import ( "errors" "strings" "unicode" ) func splitQuoted(s string) (r []string, err error) { var args []string arg := make([]rune, len(s)) escaped := false quoted := false quote := '\x00' i := 0 for _, rune := range s { switch { case escaped: escaped = false case rune == '\\': escaped = true continue case quote != '\x00': if rune == quote { quote = '\x00' continue } case rune == '"' || rune == '\'': quoted = true quote = rune continue case unicode.IsSpace(rune): if quoted || i > 0 { quoted = false args = append(args, string(arg[:i])) i = 0 } continue } arg[i] = rune i++ } if quoted || i > 0 { args = append(args, string(arg[:i])) } if quote != 0 { err = errors.New("unclosed quote") } else if escaped { err = errors.New("unfinished escaping") } return args, err } func stringsCut(s, sep string) (before, after string, found bool)
{ if i := strings.Index(s, sep); i >= 0 { return s[:i], s[i+len(sep):], true } return s, "", false }
package control import ( yaml "" "" "" "" "" "io/ioutil" "path/filepath" ) func processRequires(file string, configFiles []string) ([]string, error) { content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file) if err != nil { return nil, err } var requires types.Requires err = yaml.Unmarshal(content, &requires) if err != nil { return nil, err } newFiles := append(configFiles, file) for _, require := range requires.Require { require = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(file), require) if !utils.Contains(configFiles, require) { newFiles, err = processRequires(require, newFiles) if err != nil { return nil, err } } } return newFiles, nil } func consumeConfigs(files []string) ([]byte, error)
{ var configContent config.Config var mergedConfig config.Config for _, file := range files { content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file) if err != nil { return nil, err } err = yaml.Unmarshal(content, &configContent) if err != nil { return nil, err } err = mergo.Merge(&mergedConfig, configContent) if err != nil { return nil, err } } yamlConfig, err := yaml.Marshal(mergedConfig) if err != nil { return nil, err } return []byte(yamlConfig), nil }
package container type ( Lifo struct { Fifo } ) func (li *Lifo) Less(i, j int) bool
{ return[i].index >[j].index }
package algorithms import "log" func canCompleteCircuit(gas []int, cost []int) int { for i := 0; i < len(gas); i++ { gas[i] = gas[i] - cost[i] } log.Println("A:", gas) index := 0 for i := 1; i < len(gas); i++ { gas[i] += gas[i-1] if gas[i] < gas[index] { index = i } } log.Println("B:", gas) if gas[len(gas)-1] < 0 { return -1 } return (index + 1) % len(gas) } func canCompleteCircuit(gas []int, cost []int) int { for i := 0; i < len(gas); i++ { gas[i] = gas[i] - cost[i] } log.Println("A:", gas) index := 0 for i := 1; i < len(gas); i++ { gas[i] += gas[i-1] if gas[i] < gas[index] { index = i } } log.Println("B:", gas) if gas[len(gas)-1] < 0 { return -1 } return (index + 1) % len(gas) } func canCompleteCircuit(gas []int, cost []int) int
{ index := 0 for i := 0; i < len(gas); i++ { gas[i] = gas[i] - cost[i] if i > 0 { gas[i] += gas[i-1] if gas[i] < gas[index] { index = i } } } if gas[len(gas)-1] < 0 { return -1 } return (index + 1) % len(gas) }
package zk import "" type Registrar struct { client Client service Service logger log.Logger } type Service struct { Path string Name string Data []byte node string } func (r *Registrar) Register() { if err := r.client.Register(&r.service); err != nil { r.logger.Log("err", err) } else { r.logger.Log("action", "register") } } func (r *Registrar) Deregister() { if err := r.client.Deregister(&r.service); err != nil { r.logger.Log("err", err) } else { r.logger.Log("action", "deregister") } } func NewRegistrar(client Client, service Service, logger log.Logger) *Registrar
{ return &Registrar{ client: client, service: service, logger: log.With(logger, "service", service.Name, "path", service.Path, "data", string(service.Data), ), } }
package kv_test import ( "context" "testing" "" "" influxdbtesting "" ) func TestBoltOrganizationService(t *testing.T) { influxdbtesting.OrganizationService(initBoltOrganizationService, t) } func TestInmemOrganizationService(t *testing.T) { influxdbtesting.OrganizationService(initInmemOrganizationService, t) } func initBoltOrganizationService(f influxdbtesting.OrganizationFields, t *testing.T) (influxdb.OrganizationService, string, func()) { s, closeBolt, err := NewTestBoltStore() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to create new kv store: %v", err) } svc, op, closeSvc := initOrganizationService(s, f, t) return svc, op, func() { closeSvc() closeBolt() } } func initInmemOrganizationService(f influxdbtesting.OrganizationFields, t *testing.T) (influxdb.OrganizationService, string, func()) { s, closeBolt, err := NewTestInmemStore() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to create new kv store: %v", err) } svc, op, closeSvc := initOrganizationService(s, f, t) return svc, op, func() { closeSvc() closeBolt() } } func initOrganizationService(s kv.Store, f influxdbtesting.OrganizationFields, t *testing.T) (influxdb.OrganizationService, string, func())
{ svc := kv.NewService(s) svc.OrgBucketIDs = f.OrgBucketIDs svc.IDGenerator = f.IDGenerator svc.TimeGenerator = f.TimeGenerator if f.TimeGenerator == nil { svc.TimeGenerator = influxdb.RealTimeGenerator{} } ctx := context.Background() if err := svc.Initialize(ctx); err != nil { t.Fatalf("error initializing organization service: %v", err) } for _, u := range f.Organizations { if err := svc.PutOrganization(ctx, u); err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to populate organizations") } } return svc, kv.OpPrefix, func() { for _, u := range f.Organizations { if err := svc.DeleteOrganization(ctx, u.ID); err != nil { t.Logf("failed to remove organizations: %v", err) } } } }
package service import ( "net/http" "" "" ) const GetServiceIDOKCode int = 200 type GetServiceIDOK struct { Payload *models.Service `json:"body,omitempty"` } func NewGetServiceIDOK() *GetServiceIDOK { return &GetServiceIDOK{} } func (o *GetServiceIDOK) WithPayload(payload *models.Service) *GetServiceIDOK { o.Payload = payload return o } func (o *GetServiceIDOK) SetPayload(payload *models.Service) { o.Payload = payload } func (o *GetServiceIDOK) WriteResponse(rw http.ResponseWriter, producer runtime.Producer) { rw.WriteHeader(200) if o.Payload != nil { payload := o.Payload if err := producer.Produce(rw, payload); err != nil { panic(err) } } } const GetServiceIDNotFoundCode int = 404 type GetServiceIDNotFound struct { } func (o *GetServiceIDNotFound) WriteResponse(rw http.ResponseWriter, producer runtime.Producer) { rw.Header().Del(runtime.HeaderContentType) rw.WriteHeader(404) } func NewGetServiceIDNotFound() *GetServiceIDNotFound
{ return &GetServiceIDNotFound{} }
package alicloud type PrimaryKeyTypeString string const ( IntegerType = PrimaryKeyTypeString("Integer") StringType = PrimaryKeyTypeString("String") BinaryType = PrimaryKeyTypeString("Binary") ) type InstanceAccessedByType string const ( AnyNetwork = InstanceAccessedByType("Any") VpcOnly = InstanceAccessedByType("Vpc") VpcOrConsole = InstanceAccessedByType("ConsoleOrVpc") ) type OtsInstanceType string const ( OtsCapacity = OtsInstanceType("Capacity") OtsHighPerformance = OtsInstanceType("HighPerformance") ) func convertInstanceAccessedBy(accessed InstanceAccessedByType) string { switch accessed { case VpcOnly: return "VPC" case VpcOrConsole: return "VPC_CONSOLE" default: return "NORMAL" } } func convertInstanceAccessedByRevert(network string) InstanceAccessedByType { switch network { case "VPC": return VpcOnly case "VPC_CONSOLE": return VpcOrConsole default: return AnyNetwork } } func convertInstanceType(instanceType OtsInstanceType) string { switch instanceType { case OtsHighPerformance: return "SSD" default: return "HYBRID" } } func convertOtsInstanceStatus(status Status) int { switch status { case Running: return 1 case DisabledStatus: return 2 case Deleting: return 3 default: return -1 } } func convertInstanceTypeRevert(instanceType string) OtsInstanceType
{ switch instanceType { case "SSD": return OtsHighPerformance default: return OtsCapacity } }
package assert func isPrime(value int) bool
{ if value <= 3 { return value >= 2 } if value%2 == 0 || value%3 == 0 { return false } uns := uint(value) for i := uint(5); i*i <= uns; i += 6 { if uns%i == 0 || uns%(i+2) == 0 { return false } } return true }
package state import ( "net/url" "" ) type charmDoc struct { URL *charm.URL `bson:"_id"` Meta *charm.Meta Config *charm.Config Actions *charm.Actions BundleURL *url.URL BundleSha256 string PendingUpload bool Placeholder bool } type Charm struct { st *State doc charmDoc } func newCharm(st *State, cdoc *charmDoc) (*Charm, error) { return &Charm{st: st, doc: *cdoc}, nil } func (c *Charm) String() string { return c.doc.URL.String() } func (c *Charm) URL() *charm.URL { clone := *c.doc.URL return &clone } func (c *Charm) Revision() int { return c.doc.URL.Revision } func (c *Charm) Meta() *charm.Meta { return c.doc.Meta } func (c *Charm) Actions() *charm.Actions { return c.doc.Actions } func (c *Charm) BundleURL() *url.URL { return c.doc.BundleURL } func (c *Charm) BundleSha256() string { return c.doc.BundleSha256 } func (c *Charm) IsUploaded() bool { return !c.doc.PendingUpload } func (c *Charm) IsPlaceholder() bool { return c.doc.Placeholder } func (c *Charm) Config() *charm.Config
{ return c.doc.Config }
package emperror import ( "errors" "fmt" ) func Recover(r interface{}) (err error)
{ if r != nil { switch x := r.(type) { case string: err = errors.New(x) case error: err = x default: err = fmt.Errorf("unknown panic, received: %v", r) } if _, ok := StackTrace(err); !ok { err = &wrappedError{ err: err, stack: callers()[2:], } } } return err }
package systemd import ( "fmt" "strings" "" "" info "" "" "" ) type systemdFactory struct{} func (f *systemdFactory) String() string { return "systemd" } func (f *systemdFactory) NewContainerHandler(name string, inHostNamespace bool) (container.ContainerHandler, error) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Not yet supported") } func (f *systemdFactory) DebugInfo() map[string][]string { return map[string][]string{} } func Register(machineInfoFactory info.MachineInfoFactory, fsInfo fs.FsInfo, includedMetrics container.MetricSet) error { klog.V(1).Infof("Registering systemd factory") factory := &systemdFactory{} container.RegisterContainerHandlerFactory(factory, []watcher.ContainerWatchSource{watcher.Raw}) return nil } func (f *systemdFactory) CanHandleAndAccept(name string) (bool, bool, error)
{ if strings.HasSuffix(name, ".mount") { return true, false, nil } klog.V(5).Infof("%s not handled by systemd handler", name) return false, false, nil }
package errors func NewEmptyResourceError() *EmptyResourceError { return &EmptyResourceError{} } type EmptyResourceError struct{} func (e *EmptyResourceError) Error() string
{ return "EmptyResourceError" }
package wifi var _ = WiFi(&StubWorker{}) type StubWorker struct { Options []Option ID string } func (w *StubWorker) Scan() ([]Option, error) { return w.Options, nil } func (*StubWorker) Connect(a ...string) error { return nil } func NewStubWorker(id string, options ...Option) (WiFi, error) { return &StubWorker{ID: id, Options: options}, nil } func (w *StubWorker) GetID() (string, error)
{ return w.ID, nil }
package caaa import ( "encoding/xml" "" ) type Document00900101 struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:caaa.009.001.01 Document"` Message *AcceptorReconciliationRequestV01 `xml:"AccptrRcncltnReq"` } func (d *Document00900101) AddMessage() *AcceptorReconciliationRequestV01 { d.Message = new(AcceptorReconciliationRequestV01) return d.Message } type AcceptorReconciliationRequestV01 struct { Header *iso20022.Header1 `xml:"Hdr"` ReconciliationRequest *iso20022.AcceptorReconciliationRequest1 `xml:"RcncltnReq"` SecurityTrailer *iso20022.ContentInformationType3 `xml:"SctyTrlr"` } func (a *AcceptorReconciliationRequestV01) AddReconciliationRequest() *iso20022.AcceptorReconciliationRequest1 { a.ReconciliationRequest = new(iso20022.AcceptorReconciliationRequest1) return a.ReconciliationRequest } func (a *AcceptorReconciliationRequestV01) AddSecurityTrailer() *iso20022.ContentInformationType3 { a.SecurityTrailer = new(iso20022.ContentInformationType3) return a.SecurityTrailer } func (a *AcceptorReconciliationRequestV01) AddHeader() *iso20022.Header1
{ a.Header = new(iso20022.Header1) return a.Header }
package main import ( "syscall" ) func setRlimit() error
{ rlimit := int64(100000) if rlimit > 0 { var limit syscall.Rlimit if err := syscall.Getrlimit(syscall.RLIMIT_NOFILE, &limit); err != nil { return err } if limit.Cur < rlimit { limit.Cur = rlimit if err := syscall.Setrlimit(syscall.RLIMIT_NOFILE, &limit); err != nil { return err } } } return nil }
package credentials import ( "strings" "" "" ) type fileStore struct { file *configfile.ConfigFile } func NewFileStore(file *configfile.ConfigFile) Store { return &fileStore{ file: file, } } func (c *fileStore) Erase(serverAddress string) error { delete(c.file.AuthConfigs, serverAddress) return c.file.Save() } func (c *fileStore) Get(serverAddress string) (types.AuthConfig, error) { authConfig, ok := c.file.AuthConfigs[serverAddress] if !ok { for registry, ac := range c.file.AuthConfigs { if serverAddress == convertToHostname(registry) { return ac, nil } } authConfig = types.AuthConfig{} } return authConfig, nil } func (c *fileStore) GetAll() (map[string]types.AuthConfig, error) { return c.file.AuthConfigs, nil } func convertToHostname(url string) string { stripped := url if strings.HasPrefix(url, "http://") { stripped = strings.Replace(url, "http://", "", 1) } else if strings.HasPrefix(url, "https://") { stripped = strings.Replace(url, "https://", "", 1) } nameParts := strings.SplitN(stripped, "/", 2) return nameParts[0] } func (c *fileStore) Store(authConfig types.AuthConfig) error
{ c.file.AuthConfigs[authConfig.ServerAddress] = authConfig return c.file.Save() }
package aggregator import ( "" "math" ) func Aggregate(stats []*stat.Stat) (aggregate StatsAggregate) { if stats == nil || len(stats) == 0 { return StatsAggregate{} } aggregate = StatsAggregate{Min : stats[0].Value, Max : stats[0].Value, Count : len(stats)} sum := 0.0 for i := range stats { v := stats[i].Value sum += v if v < aggregate.Min { aggregate.Min = v } if v > aggregate.Max { aggregate.Max = v } } aggregate.Average = sum / float64(len(stats)) return } func AppendStatsAggregate(a, b StatsAggregate) (aggregate StatsAggregate)
{ if (a.Count == 0) { return b } if (b.Count == 0) { return a } aggregate.Average = ( (a.Average * float64(a.Count)) + (b.Average * float64(b.Count)) ) / float64(a.Count + b.Count) aggregate.Min = math.Min(a.Min, b.Min) aggregate.Max = math.Max(a.Max, b.Max) aggregate.Count = a.Count + b.Count return }
package contextutil_test import ( "errors" "testing" "time" "" "" "" ) func TestDoWithCancelErrorReturned(t *testing.T) { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() err := contextutil.DoWithCancel(ctx, func() {}, func() error { return errors.New("foo") }) assert.Equal(t, errors.New("foo"), err) } func TestDoWithCancelTimeout(t *testing.T) { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Nanosecond) defer cancel() var called bool err := contextutil.DoWithCancel(ctx, func() { called = true }, func() error { time.Sleep(2 * time.Nanosecond) return nil }) assert.Equal(t, context.DeadlineExceeded, err) } func TestDoErrorReturned(t *testing.T)
{ ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() err := contextutil.Do(ctx, func() error { return errors.New("foo") }) assert.Equal(t, errors.New("foo"), err) }
package bits_test import ( "" "testing" ) func TestSet(t *testing.T) { for i := 0; i < 256; i++ { if int(bits.SetU32(uint32(i))) != bits.Hamming(i, 0) { t.Errorf("Error in set: wanted %v for %v, got %v", bits.Hamming(i, 0), i, bits.SetU32(uint32(i))) } } } func BenchmarkSetKernighan(b *testing.B) { for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { bits.SetKernighan(uint(i)) } } func BenchmarkSetU32(b *testing.B) { for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { bits.SetU32(uint32(i)) } } func BenchmarkSetU64(b *testing.B) { for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { bits.SetU64(uint64(i)) } } func BenchmarkSetTable(b *testing.B)
{ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { bits.SetTable(i) } }
package main import ( "log" "os" "os/signal" "syscall" "" ) type Blobs struct { Licenses license.Licenses LicenseIdMap map[string]license.License LicenseTagMap map[string][]license.License } func loadBlob(path string, blob *Blobs) error { licenses, err := license.LoadLicensesFiles(path) if err != nil { return err } licenseIdMap := licenses.GetIdMap() licenseTagMap := licenses.GetTagMap() blob.Licenses = licenses blob.LicenseIdMap = licenseIdMap blob.LicenseTagMap = licenseTagMap return nil } func Reloader(file string, target *Blobs)
{ if err := loadBlob(file, target); err != nil { panic(err) } c := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(c, syscall.SIGHUP) for _ = range c { if err := loadBlob(file, target); err != nil { log.Printf("Error! Can not reload the JSON! - %s", err) continue } } }
package iso20022 type ATMTransactionAmounts6 struct { Currency *ActiveCurrencyCode `xml:"Ccy,omitempty"` MaximumPossibleAmount *ImpliedCurrencyAndAmount `xml:"MaxPssblAmt,omitempty"` MinimumPossibleAmount *ImpliedCurrencyAndAmount `xml:"MinPssblAmt,omitempty"` AdditionalAmount []*ATMTransactionAmounts7 `xml:"AddtlAmt,omitempty"` } func (a *ATMTransactionAmounts6) SetMaximumPossibleAmount(value, currency string) { a.MaximumPossibleAmount = NewImpliedCurrencyAndAmount(value, currency) } func (a *ATMTransactionAmounts6) SetMinimumPossibleAmount(value, currency string) { a.MinimumPossibleAmount = NewImpliedCurrencyAndAmount(value, currency) } func (a *ATMTransactionAmounts6) AddAdditionalAmount() *ATMTransactionAmounts7 { newValue := new(ATMTransactionAmounts7) a.AdditionalAmount = append(a.AdditionalAmount, newValue) return newValue } func (a *ATMTransactionAmounts6) SetCurrency(value string)
{ a.Currency = (*ActiveCurrencyCode)(&value) }
package systray import "C" import ( "unsafe" ) func nativeLoop() { C.nativeLoop() } func quit() { C.quit() } func SetIcon(iconBytes []byte) { cstr := (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&iconBytes[0])) C.setIcon(cstr, ( } func SetTitle(title string) { C.setTitle(C.CString(title)) } func SetTooltip(tooltip string) { C.setTooltip(C.CString(tooltip)) } func systray_ready() { systrayReady() } func systray_menu_item_selected(cId { systrayMenuItemSelected(int32(cId)) } func addOrUpdateMenuItem(item *MenuItem)
{ var disabled C.short = 0 if item.disabled { disabled = 1 } var checked C.short = 0 if item.checked { checked = 1 } C.add_or_update_menu_item(, C.CString(item.title), C.CString(item.tooltip), disabled, checked, ) }
package displayers import ( "fmt" "io" "" ) type Size struct { Sizes do.Sizes } var _ Displayable = &Size{} func (si *Size) JSON(out io.Writer) error { return writeJSON(si.Sizes, out) } func (si *Size) ColMap() map[string]string { return map[string]string{ "Slug": "Slug", "Memory": "Memory", "VCPUs": "VCPUs", "Disk": "Disk", "PriceMonthly": "Price Monthly", "PriceHourly": "Price Hourly", } } func (si *Size) KV() []map[string]interface{} { out := []map[string]interface{}{} for _, s := range si.Sizes { o := map[string]interface{}{ "Slug": s.Slug, "Memory": s.Memory, "VCPUs": s.Vcpus, "Disk": s.Disk, "PriceMonthly": fmt.Sprintf("%0.2f", s.PriceMonthly), "PriceHourly": s.PriceHourly, } out = append(out, o) } return out } func (si *Size) Cols() []string
{ return []string{ "Slug", "Memory", "VCPUs", "Disk", "PriceMonthly", "PriceHourly", } }
package build import "" type buildRouter struct { backend Backend routes []router.Route } func NewRouter(b Backend) router.Router { r := &buildRouter{ backend: b, } r.initRoutes() return r } func (r *buildRouter) initRoutes() { r.routes = []router.Route{ router.NewPostRoute("/build", r.postBuild), } } func (r *buildRouter) Routes() []router.Route
{ return r.routes }
package migrations import ( "database/sql" "" ) func init() { goose.AddMigration(up00002, down00002) } func down00002(tx *sql.Tx) error { _, err := tx.Exec(`DROP TABLE users`) return err } func up00002(tx *sql.Tx) error
{ _, err := tx.Exec(`CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users (email text)`) return err }
package internal import ( "fmt" "net/http" "" ) type ContextKey string const userAgent = "gcloud-golang/0.1" type Transport struct { Base http.RoundTripper } func (t *Transport) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { req = cloneRequest(req) ua := req.Header.Get("User-Agent") if ua == "" { ua = userAgent } else { ua = fmt.Sprintf("%s;%s", ua, userAgent) } req.Header.Set("User-Agent", ua) return t.Base.RoundTrip(req) } func cloneRequest(r *http.Request) *http.Request { r2 := new(http.Request) *r2 = *r r2.Header = make(http.Header) for k, s := range r.Header { r2.Header[k] = s } return r2 } func ProjID(ctx context.Context) string { return ctx.Value(ContextKey("base")).(map[string]interface{})["project_id"].(string) } func HttpClient(ctx context.Context) *http.Client { return ctx.Value(ContextKey("base")).(map[string]interface{})["http_client"].(*http.Client) } func Namespace(ctx context.Context) string
{ v := ctx.Value(ContextKey("namespace")) if v == nil { return "" } else { return v.(string) } }
package app import ( "net/url" ) type Service interface { ProxyPath() string URL() string BasicAuth() (username, password string, ok bool) AddSecret(parameters url.Values) } type basicAuthService struct { proxyPath, url, clientId, clientSecret string } func (s basicAuthService) ProxyPath() string { return s.proxyPath } func (s basicAuthService) BasicAuth() (string, string, bool) { return s.clientId, s.clientSecret, true } func (s basicAuthService) AddSecret(parameters url.Values) { } type addParameterService struct { proxyPath, url, parameterName, clientSecret string } func (s addParameterService) ProxyPath() string { return s.proxyPath } func (s addParameterService) URL() string { return s.url } func (s addParameterService) BasicAuth() (string, string, bool) { return "", "", false } func (s addParameterService) AddSecret(parameters url.Values) { parameters.Add(s.parameterName, s.clientSecret) } func BasicAuthService(proxyPath, url, clientId, clientSecret string) Service { return basicAuthService{proxyPath, url, clientId, clientSecret} } func AddParameterService(proxyPath, url, parameterName, clientSecret string) Service { return addParameterService{proxyPath, url, parameterName, clientSecret} } func (s basicAuthService) URL() string
{ return s.url }
package iso20022 type PlainCardData4 struct { PAN *Min8Max28NumericText `xml:"PAN"` CardSequenceNumber *Min2Max3NumericText `xml:"CardSeqNb,omitempty"` EffectiveDate *Max10Text `xml:"FctvDt,omitempty"` ExpiryDate *Max10Text `xml:"XpryDt"` ServiceCode *Exact3NumericText `xml:"SvcCd,omitempty"` TrackData []*TrackData1 `xml:"TrckData,omitempty"` CardSecurityCode *CardSecurityInformation1 `xml:"CardSctyCd,omitempty"` } func (p *PlainCardData4) SetPAN(value string) { p.PAN = (*Min8Max28NumericText)(&value) } func (p *PlainCardData4) SetEffectiveDate(value string) { p.EffectiveDate = (*Max10Text)(&value) } func (p *PlainCardData4) SetExpiryDate(value string) { p.ExpiryDate = (*Max10Text)(&value) } func (p *PlainCardData4) SetServiceCode(value string) { p.ServiceCode = (*Exact3NumericText)(&value) } func (p *PlainCardData4) AddTrackData() *TrackData1 { newValue := new(TrackData1) p.TrackData = append(p.TrackData, newValue) return newValue } func (p *PlainCardData4) AddCardSecurityCode() *CardSecurityInformation1 { p.CardSecurityCode = new(CardSecurityInformation1) return p.CardSecurityCode } func (p *PlainCardData4) SetCardSequenceNumber(value string)
{ p.CardSequenceNumber = (*Min2Max3NumericText)(&value) }
package geth import ( "errors" "fmt" ) type Strings struct{ strs []string } func (s *Strings) Size() int { return len(s.strs) } func (s *Strings) Get(index int) (str string, _ error) { if index < 0 || index >= len(s.strs) { return "", errors.New("index out of bounds") } return s.strs[index], nil } func (s *Strings) Set(index int, str string) error { if index < 0 || index >= len(s.strs) { return errors.New("index out of bounds") } s.strs[index] = str return nil } func (s *Strings) String() string
{ return fmt.Sprintf("%v", s.strs) }
package ergo_test import ( "fmt" "testing" "" "" "" ) func TestComposer_AddLinked(t *testing.T) { olde := fmt.Errorf("") oldE := ergo.New("").Err() E := ergo.New("").AddLinked(olde, oldE).Err() require.Equal(t, 2, E.Linked().Len()) require.Equal(t, olde, E.Linked().Get(0)) require.Equal(t, oldE, E.Linked().Get(1)) } func TestComposer_SetCause(t *testing.T) { oldE := ergo.New("").Err() E := ergo.New("").SetCause(oldE).Err() require.Equal(t, oldE, E.Cause()) olde := fmt.Errorf("") E = ergo.New("").SetCause(olde).Err() require.Equal(t, olde, E.Cause()) } func TestComposer_SetPub(t *testing.T) { E := ergo.New("").SetPub("Public Message").Err() require.Equal(t, "Public Message", E.PublicError()) } func TestComposer_SkipStackRetainsOne(t *testing.T) { E := ergo.New(""). SkipStack(-1). SkipStack(1000). SkipStack(1). SkipStack(0). SkipStack(-1). Err() require.Equal(t, 1, E.StackTrace().Len()) } func TestComposer_AddContext(t *testing.T)
{ E := ergo.New("").Err() require.Equal(t, 0, E.Context().Len()) E = ergo.New("").AddContext("K1", "V1").Err() require.Equal(t, 1, E.Context().Len()) k, v := E.Context().Get(0) require.Equal(t, "K1V1", k+v) E = ergo.New("").AddContextFrom(pp.Map{"K1": "V1"}).Err() require.Equal(t, 1, E.Context().Len()) k, v = E.Context().Get(0) require.Equal(t, "K1V1", k+v) }
package log15 import ( "sync/atomic" "unsafe" ) type swapHandler struct { handler unsafe.Pointer } func (h *swapHandler) Log(r *Record) error { return (*(*Handler)(atomic.LoadPointer(&h.handler))).Log(r) } func (h *swapHandler) Swap(newHandler Handler)
{ atomic.StorePointer(&h.handler, unsafe.Pointer(&newHandler)) }
package types import ( "math" ) func RoundFloat(val float64) float64 { v, frac := math.Modf(val) if val >= 0.0 { if frac > 0.5 || (frac == 0.5 && uint64(v)%2 != 0) { v += 1.0 } } else { if frac < -0.5 || (frac == -0.5 && uint64(v)%2 != 0) { v -= 1.0 } } return v } func getMaxFloat(flen int, decimal int) float64 { intPartLen := flen - decimal f := math.Pow10(intPartLen) f -= math.Pow10(-decimal) return f } func TruncateFloat(f float64, flen int, decimal int) (float64, error) { if math.IsNaN(f) { return 0, nil } maxF := getMaxFloat(flen, decimal) if !math.IsInf(f, 0) { f = truncateFloat(f, decimal) } if f > maxF { f = maxF } else if f < -maxF { f = -maxF } return f, nil } func truncateFloat(f float64, decimal int) float64
{ pow := math.Pow10(decimal) t := (f - math.Floor(f)) * pow round := RoundFloat(t) f = math.Floor(f) + round/pow return f }
package hook import ( "fmt" "" "" ) const ( LeaderElected hooks.Kind = "leader-elected" LeaderDeposed hooks.Kind = "leader-deposed" LeaderSettingsChanged hooks.Kind = "leader-settings-changed" ) type Info struct { Kind hooks.Kind `yaml:"kind"` RelationId int `yaml:"relation-id,omitempty"` RemoteUnit string `yaml:"remote-unit,omitempty"` ChangeVersion int64 `yaml:"change-version,omitempty"` StorageId string `yaml:"storage-id,omitempty"` } type Committer interface { CommitHook(Info) error } type Validator interface { ValidateHook(Info) error } func (hi Info) Validate() error
{ switch hi.Kind { case hooks.RelationJoined, hooks.RelationChanged, hooks.RelationDeparted: if hi.RemoteUnit == "" { return fmt.Errorf("%q hook requires a remote unit", hi.Kind) } fallthrough case hooks.Install, hooks.Start, hooks.ConfigChanged, hooks.UpgradeCharm, hooks.Stop, hooks.RelationBroken, hooks.CollectMetrics, hooks.MeterStatusChanged, hooks.UpdateStatus: return nil case hooks.Action: return fmt.Errorf("hooks.Kind Action is deprecated") case hooks.StorageAttached, hooks.StorageDetaching: if !names.IsValidStorage(hi.StorageId) { return fmt.Errorf("invalid storage ID %q", hi.StorageId) } return nil case LeaderElected, LeaderDeposed, LeaderSettingsChanged: return nil } return fmt.Errorf("unknown hook kind %q", hi.Kind) }
package core import ( "" ) type generateBinary struct { generateLibrary } var _ generateLibraryInterface = (*generateBinary)(nil) var _ singleOutputModule = (*generateBinary)(nil) var _ splittable = (*generateBinary)(nil) var _ blueprint.Module = (*generateBinary)(nil) func (m *generateBinary) generateInouts(ctx blueprint.ModuleContext, g generatorBackend) []inout { return generateLibraryInouts(m, ctx, g, m.Properties.Headers) } func (m *generateBinary) outputFileName() string { return m.altName() + m.libExtension() } func (m *generateBinary) GenerateBuildActions(ctx blueprint.ModuleContext) { if isEnabled(m) { g := getBackend(ctx) g.genBinaryActions(m, ctx) } } func genBinaryFactory(config *bobConfig) (blueprint.Module, []interface{}) { module := &generateBinary{} module.generateCommon.init(&config.Properties, GenerateProps{}) return module, []interface{}{ &module.SimpleName.Properties, &module.generateCommon.Properties, &module.Properties, } } func (m *generateBinary) libExtension() string
{ return "" }
package version import ( "bytes" "fmt" ) var ( GitCommit string Version = "0.13.0" VersionPrerelease = "dev" VersionMetadata = "" ) type VersionInfo struct { Revision string Version string VersionPrerelease string VersionMetadata string } func (c *VersionInfo) VersionNumber(rev bool) string { var versionString bytes.Buffer fmt.Fprintf(&versionString, "v%s", c.Version) if c.VersionPrerelease != "" { fmt.Fprintf(&versionString, "-%s", c.VersionPrerelease) } if c.VersionMetadata != "" { fmt.Fprintf(&versionString, "+%s", c.VersionMetadata) } if rev && c.Revision != "" { fmt.Fprintf(&versionString, " (%s)", c.Revision) } return versionString.String() } func GetVersion() *VersionInfo
{ ver := Version rel := VersionPrerelease md := VersionMetadata return &VersionInfo{ Revision: GitCommit, Version: ver, VersionPrerelease: rel, VersionMetadata: md, } }
package iso20022 type PaymentTransaction17 struct { SettlementAmount *ActiveCurrencyAndAmount `xml:"SttlmAmt,omitempty"` SettlementDate *ISODate `xml:"SttlmDt,omitempty"` PaymentInstrument *PaymentInstrument9Choice `xml:"PmtInstrm,omitempty"` } func (p *PaymentTransaction17) SetSettlementDate(value string) { p.SettlementDate = (*ISODate)(&value) } func (p *PaymentTransaction17) AddPaymentInstrument() *PaymentInstrument9Choice { p.PaymentInstrument = new(PaymentInstrument9Choice) return p.PaymentInstrument } func (p *PaymentTransaction17) SetSettlementAmount(value, currency string)
{ p.SettlementAmount = NewActiveCurrencyAndAmount(value, currency) }
package runconfig import ( "fmt" "strings" ) func validateNetMode(vals *validateNM) error { if (vals.netMode.IsHost() || vals.netMode.IsContainer()) && *vals.flHostname != "" { return ErrConflictNetworkHostname } if vals.netMode.IsHost() && vals.flLinks.Len() > 0 { return ErrConflictHostNetworkAndLinks } if vals.netMode.IsContainer() && vals.flLinks.Len() > 0 { return ErrConflictContainerNetworkAndLinks } if (vals.netMode.IsHost() || vals.netMode.IsContainer()) && vals.flDNS.Len() > 0 { return ErrConflictNetworkAndDNS } if (vals.netMode.IsContainer() || vals.netMode.IsHost()) && vals.flExtraHosts.Len() > 0 { return ErrConflictNetworkHosts } if (vals.netMode.IsContainer() || vals.netMode.IsHost()) && *vals.flMacAddress != "" { return ErrConflictContainerNetworkAndMac } if vals.netMode.IsContainer() && (vals.flPublish.Len() > 0 || *vals.flPublishAll == true) { return ErrConflictNetworkPublishPorts } if vals.netMode.IsContainer() && vals.flExpose.Len() > 0 { return ErrConflictNetworkExposePorts } return nil } func parseNetMode(netMode string) (NetworkMode, error)
{ parts := strings.Split(netMode, ":") switch mode := parts[0]; mode { case "default", "bridge", "none", "host": case "container": if len(parts) < 2 || parts[1] == "" { return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid container format container:<name|id>") } default: return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid --net: %s", netMode) } return NetworkMode(netMode), nil }
package cronjob import ( context "context" v1beta1 "" factory "" controller "" injection "" logging "" ) func init() { injection.Default.RegisterInformer(withInformer) } type Key struct{} func Get(ctx context.Context) v1beta1.CronJobInformer { untyped := ctx.Value(Key{}) if untyped == nil { logging.FromContext(ctx).Panic( "Unable to fetch from context.") } return untyped.(v1beta1.CronJobInformer) } func withInformer(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, controller.Informer)
{ f := factory.Get(ctx) inf := f.Batch().V1beta1().CronJobs() return context.WithValue(ctx, Key{}, inf), inf.Informer() }
package associations_test import ( "reflect" "testing" "" "" "" ) type FooHasMany struct { ID int `db:"id"` BarHasManies *barHasManies `has_many:"bar_has_manies"` } type barHasMany struct { Title string `db:"title"` FooHasManyID nulls.Int `db:"foo_has_many_id"` } type barHasManies []barHasMany func Test_Has_Many_SetValue(t *testing.T) { a := require.New(t) foo := FooHasMany{ID: 1, BarHasManies: &barHasManies{{Title: "bar"}}} as, _ := associations.ForStruct(&foo) a.Equal(len(as), 1) ca, ok := as[0].(associations.AssociationAfterCreatable) a.True(ok) ca.AfterSetup() a.Equal(foo.ID, (*foo.BarHasManies)[0].FooHasManyID.Interface().(int)) } func Test_Has_Many_Association(t *testing.T)
{ a := require.New(t) id := 1 foo := FooHasMany{ID: 1} as, err := associations.ForStruct(&foo) a.NoError(err) a.Equal(len(as), 1) a.Equal(reflect.Slice, as[0].Kind()) where, args := as[0].Constraint() a.Equal("foo_has_many_id = ?", where) a.Equal(id, args[0].(int)) }
package auth import ( "context" ) type tokenNop struct{} func (t *tokenNop) enable() {} func (t *tokenNop) disable() {} func (t *tokenNop) invalidateUser(string) {} func (t *tokenNop) genTokenPrefix() (string, error) { return "", nil } func (t *tokenNop) assign(ctx context.Context, username string, revision uint64) (string, error) { return "", ErrAuthFailed } func newTokenProviderNop() (*tokenNop, error) { return &tokenNop{}, nil } func (t *tokenNop) info(ctx context.Context, token string, rev uint64) (*AuthInfo, bool)
{ return nil, false }
package validate import ( "io/ioutil" "os" "sync" "testing" "" ) var ( logMutex = &sync.Mutex{} ) func TestDebug(t *testing.T)
{ if !enableLongTests { skipNotify(t) t.SkipNow() } tmpFile, _ := ioutil.TempFile("", "debug-test") tmpName := tmpFile.Name() defer func() { Debug = false logMutex.Unlock() os.Remove(tmpName) }() logMutex.Lock() Debug = true debugOptions() defer func() { validateLogger.SetOutput(os.Stdout) }() validateLogger.SetOutput(tmpFile) debugLog("A debug") Debug = false tmpFile.Close() flushed, _ := os.Open(tmpName) buf := make([]byte, 500) flushed.Read(buf) validateLogger.SetOutput(os.Stdout) assert.Contains(t, string(buf), "A debug") }
package spatial import "fmt" func (p Polygon) string() string { s := "(" for _, line := range p { s += fmt.Sprintf("%v, ", line) } return s[:len(s)-2] + ")" } func (l Line) string() string
{ s := "" for _, point := range l { s += fmt.Sprintf("%v, ", point) } return s[:len(s)-2] }
package application import ( "encoding/base64" "" "net/http" "testing" ) const cookieName = "recaptcha" const testHashKey = "RovMQmutMbSogUuGQFZYLb37jwgwFNuMR7wrEz9EILQ9W039UHCFlCfkpX1EbecktHA563XX+7clPRinBPeaeQ==" const testBlockKey = "+sSXCAbwswiYNqHx4zCuJJTD3hmRQp4f4uJKy+aFL70=" func generateGorillaSecureCookie() *securecookie.SecureCookie { hashKey, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(testHashKey) blockKey, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(testBlockKey) return securecookie.New(hashKey, blockKey) } func TestNewSecureRecaptchaCookie(t *testing.T) { secureRecaptchaCookie1 := NewSecureRecaptchaCookie(cookieName, nil, generateGorillaSecureCookie()) if secureRecaptchaCookie1.Name != cookieName || len(secureRecaptchaCookie1.Value) != 0 { t.Error("The new secure cookie based on an empty cookie should have no value") } validCookie := &http.Cookie{Value: "Some Value"} secureRecaptchaCookie2 := NewSecureRecaptchaCookie(cookieName, validCookie, generateGorillaSecureCookie()) if secureRecaptchaCookie2.Name != cookieName || len(secureRecaptchaCookie2.Value) == 0 { t.Error("The new secure cookie based on a valid cookie should have a value") } } func TestSecureRecaptchaCookie_Encode(t *testing.T)
{ validCookie := &http.Cookie{Value: "Some Value"} secureRecaptchaCookie := NewSecureRecaptchaCookie(cookieName, validCookie, generateGorillaSecureCookie()) secureRecaptchaCookie.Value = secureRecaptchaCookie.Encode(validCookie.Value) if secureRecaptchaCookie.IsValid(validCookie.Value) != true { t.Error("The cookie value should have been encoded and decoded correctly") } }

max_src_len = 512, max_trg_len = 256

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