Field explanation specially the long number (hard negative)

by wilfoderek - opened

Hi guys! could you please explain the json format of simlm-msmarco means?
id_query : identifier of the query
query: the input query made by user
"negatives":{"doc_id":["3637060","5514715","8682459","2490784","5817866","1388166","2021165","4494263 .......what this means? what is it? explain please.

positives are the relevant passages (so-called positives) to the given query, doc_id is the id, score is the real-valued score for knowledge distillation.

Similarly, negatives are the irrelevant passages (so-called hard negatives) to the given query.

Given a doc_id, you can get the textual content from the passages.jsonl.gz file.

Check out to download and unzip those files.

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