data exploration and setup

HDR Imageomics Institute org
edited Jul 23

Initial exploration and beetle dataset setup.

Need to address multiple annotations of the same individual (likely that each was looked at two or three times ---something to check on); at least one had length and width transposed (see plot at end of notebooks/EDA-0-1.ipynb): Used PictureID + individual to get count of individuals (individualID)
- This gives 11,104; however, we have 39,064 entries and would expect 2 per individual (or 4 if looked at twice, but that's shy of our individual count for everyone and we observed that individual "A00000046078_10" was annotated 3 times).

Some other inconsistencies/questions:

  • There 30 different site IDs, but 43 different field site names.
  • 576 NEON_sampleIDs, but 577 PictureIDs.
  • MOAB_001.S.20180724.jpg is missing scientific name label (this is also the NEON_sampleID_)

We also need to adjust some column names for better consistency (e.g., ID columns).

Would also like to add the reference image (for elytra length/width & centimeter on scalebar) to the README.

egrace479 changed pull request title from data setup to data exploration and setup
egrace479 changed pull request status to open
egrace479 changed pull request status to merged

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