FPL Group Capital Guaranty to Enron , I don't recall which one of you were working on this, but this is their redraft. Please review and respond accordingly. Ed -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 12:46 PM To: Sacks, Edward Subject: FPL Group Capital Guaranty to Enron Hello Mr. Sacks, Attached is the guaranty incorporating all of the changes you requested, please check it over to be sure it was done correctly, and let me know if it is OK to execute. Thanks, Elaine Granger 561-625-7539 ----- Forwarded by Elaine Granger/PGD/FPL on 10/26/2001 01:15 PM ----- "Karen Atkinson" <Karen.Atkinson@steelh To:> cc:,,, "James Morgan" 10/26/2001 12:18 PM <> Subject: FPL Group Capital Guaranty to Enron Elaine, I am attaching clean and blackline versions of the Fourth Amended and Restated Guaranty from FPL Group Capital to Enron entities, incorporating the changes requested by Enron. Please confirm that you are comfortable with the modification in paragraph 2 of assuming responsibility that Enron actually receives your notice in the event that you desire to terminate the Guaranty. As always, please do not hesitate to call with any questions. -Karen (See attached file: MIA2001_52695_2.WPD) (See attached file: MIA2001_58850_1.WPD),
RE: In love with cranesbills.htm , O boy, I feel another planting binge coming on! Hey, we're likely going to the Dome this weekend, so you're likely going to have put with seeing us. Could you believe that game last night--got to be one of the best world series ever. -----Original Message----- From: Nancy Sellers [] Sent: Monday, November 05, 2001 1:55 PM To: 'Jeff Dasovich'; Prentice @ Berkeley; Prentice Sellers Subject: In love with cranesbills.htm Importance: High This sounds like a perfect thing for out front and the picture is very very pretty <<In love with cranesbills.htm>>,
WARNING: Your mailbox is approaching the size limit , This warning is sent automatically to inform you that your mailbox is approaching the maximum size limit. Your mailbox size is currently 77599 KB. Mailbox size limits: When your mailbox reaches 75000 KB you will receive this message.To check the size of your mailbox: Right-click the mailbox (Outlook Today), Select Properties and click the Folder Size button. This method can be used on individual folders as well. To make more space available, delete any items that are no longer needed such as Sent Items and Journal entries. You must empty the Deleted Items folder after deleting items or the space will not be freed. To turn Journaling off, click Tools | Options | Journaling Options and de-select all items. See client Help for more information.
dasovich-j/all_documents/4458. - News From a Friend! , INDIVIDUAL.COM Here's an article recommended by: Karen Denne and it comes to you via, Inc. The following message was attached: HERE IS THE STORY WE WERE REQUESTED TO SEND YOU This story appeared on December 11, 2000 _________________________________________________________ California ISO Files Emergency Action With FERC to Deal With Electricity=20 Supply Crisis FOLSOM, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dec. 8, 2000 via NewsEdge Corporation - While grappling with another Stage Two Emergency today, the California Independent System Operator (California ISO) is taking swift action to deal with a critical shortage of bids in the ISO market as well as serious underscheduling of electricity in the forward markets. The proposed market changes create the incentive to sell power in existing markets and allow the ISO to compete better for regional energy, which is in short supply throughout the western United States. This afternoon, the ISO filed an emergency tariff Amendment 33 filing with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Commencing at 3:00 p.m. today Friday, December 8, 2000, the California ISO will implement a $250 "soft cap" on the ISO's Real-Time Energy Market similar to that proposed by FERC in its November 1 Order Proposing Remedies for California Wholesale Electric Markets (93 FERC 61,121). Analogous to the soft cap proposed by FERC, Energy bids prices in excess of $250/MWh will no longer be rejected by the ISO's computerized scheduling system but, instead, will be evaluated in price merit order. The California ISO has recently been placed in the position of having to negotiate prices for power in real-time and is finding it increasingly difficult to manage these negotiations while at the same time balancing supply and demand; causing significant risk to the California ISO's ability to maintain reliable control of the power grid. The ISO will no longer negotiate prices in real-time. To the extent the ISO issues dispatch instructions to Scheduling Coordinators (market participants) for energy bid prices in excess of the $250 soft cap, then settlement will be as-bid, subject to refund, if the costs cannot be verified. Market participants will be required to submit cost documentation to the FERC, with informational filings to the ISO and the state, supporting any Energy payments priced in excess of the soft cap. The current $250 price cap in Ancillary Service capacity bids is unaffected. Also, the market clearing prices for Ancillary Services and Imbalance Energy will continue to be calculated and posted up to the $250 soft cap. Amendment 33 proposes three key elements: 1. Implement a "soft cap" of $250/MWh for Imbalance Energy. This soft cap would limit market clearing prices to $250/MWh, but would allow market participants to submit bids over $250 if they submit verifiable costs. 2. Allocate the costs for energy purchases above the soft cap to Scheduling Coordinators who rely on the ISO's real-time energy purchases to meet their loads, rather than buying their own supplies in the forward markets; and 3. Impose penalties on Participating Generators that fail to comply with ISO dispatch instructions. Amendment 33 is posted on the ISO's website at under FERC FILINGS on the home page. The ISO has seen a dramatic increase in costs for the power it buys in real time. For the first five days of December we averaged approximately $5 million per day. However, on December 5th we paid $36 million, December 7th $81 million. Failure to take action now would have the local utilities and ultimately their customers continue to face these extraordinary costs. The California ISO is charged with managing the flow of electricity along the long-distance, high-voltage power lines that make up the bulk of California's transmission system. The not-for-profit public-benefit corporation assumed the responsibility in March, 1998, when California opened its energy markets to competition and the state's investor-owned utilities turned their private transmission power lines over to the California ISO to manage. The mission of the California ISO is to safeguard the reliable delivery of electricity, facilitate markets and ensure equal access to a 12,500 circuit mile "electron highway." Teleconference for More Information -0- *T When: Friday, December 8, 2000 at 3:30 p.m. PST Phone: 800/374-1387 Passcode: energy *T CONTACT: California ISO | Patrick Dorinson, 888/516-NEWS _________________________________________________________ is the #1 provider of free, individualized news and information to business people over the Internet. Visit us at to browse the largest free collection of business= , financial, industry, trade, and company-specific news and information on the web. This news story was sent by Karen Denne through You will not receive email messages directly from unless you register at Get more headlines and stories like this delivered FREE to your desktop every business morning! Register at=20 also brings you FREE news on your investments! Sign up at ___________________________________________________________ Entire contents Copyright , 1999-2000,, Inc., 8 New England Executive Park, Burlington, MA, 01803, USA
Demand Ken Lay Donate Proceeds from Enron Stock Sales , Anne Walton-Sandberg 221 Pine Street, Suite 500 San Francisco, CA 94104 To Mr. Ken Lay, I'm writing to urge you to donate the millions of dollars you made from selling Enron stock before the company declared bankruptcy to funds, such as Enron Employee Transition Fund and REACH, that benefit the company's employees, who lost their retirement savings, and provide relief to low-income consumers in California, who can't afford to pay their energy bills. Enron and you made millions out of the pocketbooks of California consumers and from the efforts of your employees. Indeed, while you netted well over a $100 million, many of Enron's employees were financially devastated when the company declared bankruptcy and their retirement plans were wiped out. And Enron made an astronomical profit during the California energy crisis last year. As a result, there are thousands of consumers who are unable to pay their basic energy bills and the largest utility in the state is bankrupt. The New York Times reported that you sold $101 million worth of Enron stock while aggressively urging the company's employees to keep buying it. Please donate this money to the funds set up to help repair the lives of those Americans hurt by Enron's underhanded dealings. Sincerely, Anne Walton-Sandberg
Ring in the New Year with Pizza Hut , <!-- ============================================ A SPECIAL OFFER brought to you by CBS ============================================ Dear , What better way to celebrate than with fantastic deals from Pizza Hut . So order your favorite Pizza Hut pizza for a big party or game, and have a Happy New Year! To access and print coupons, click here: <A HREF=""></A> And thanks again for choosing Pizza Hut . <A HREF=""></A> ********************************************************************* You received this e-mail because you registered on CBS If you do not want to receive these special e-mail offers you can unsubscribe by clicking this link: <A HREF=""></A>. You are subscribed as [{(}] . Although we are sending this e-mail to you, is not responsible for the advertisers' content and makes no warranties or guarantees about the products or services advertised. takes your privacy seriously. 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Re: EnergyGateway Documentation , Tana: I very much appreciate your cooperation. Regards, Luis
TE South Pass at capacity , February 4, 2002 The TEXAS EASTERN TRANSMISSION (TE) South Pass system has been scheduled to capacity for gas day Tuesday, February 5, 2002. As a result, no nomination increases from the physical meters on the lateral will be allowed. The South Pass meters are listed below: METER METER NUMBER METER NAME OPERATOR ------ -------------------------------- ------------ 72137 MARATHON - WD 86, LA MARATHON OIL 72138 MARATHON - SP 89-B, LA MARATHON OIL 72319 EXXON - SP 93, LA EXXON CO 72555 D&G ENERGY CORP. - WD 25, LA D&G ENER COR 72831 MARATHON, BLK 86 - S. PASS, LA MARATHON OIL 72849 SAMEDAN OIL CORPORATION - 365 MC SAMEDAN OIL 72972 WALTER OIL & GAS - WD 106, LA SUPERIOR NAT 73027 MARATHON - SP87, LA MARATHON OIL 73073 SHELL OFFSHORE , WD 143, - LAO SHELL OFF Please contact your Operations Account Manager if you have any questions. ******************************************************************* NOTE: Duke Energy Gas Transmission respects your online time and privacy. You have received this email because you elected to subscribe. To unsubscribe, login to the E-mail Notification Subscription page at uncheck the appropriate checkbox, and click the Submit button.
Re: Hey Big Guys! , Amelia, Give me a call when you have the packet ready. Thanks, Joannie Amelia Alder 03/17/2001 12:17 PM To: Jeff Skilling/Corp/Enron@ENRON, John Norden/Enron@EnronXGate, Dan Lyons/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jordan Hunter/FGT/Enron@ENRON,,,,, Mark S Muller/HOU/EES@EES,, Patrick Scales,, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT,,,,, Carole Rogers/EPSC/HOU/ECT@ECT,, Bill Donovan/EPSC/HOU/ECT@ECT,,,,,,,,, Stephanie Strong/HOU/ECT,,,,,,,,,,,,,, cc: Sherri Sera, Nita Garcia/NA/Enron@Enron, Suzanne Adams/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sarita Garza/FGT/Enron@Enron, Elizabeth Boudreaux/NA/Enron, Subject: Hey Big Guys! Oh Awesome Ones! How grateful we are for your phenomenal fundraising efforts for Team Enron! Below is the rider number which you will wear in 2001, based on your fundraising performance in 2000. I will have your "special" rider packet at all our pickup points described in my earlier notice. I am picking these up for you on March 20, and if you would prefer to pick it up yourself at one of the MS packet pickups, please let me know before Tuesday, March 20, at Noon. I don't want to have it here at Enron if you're expecting to find it somewhere else! Also, if you know for sure you will not participate this year, please let me know that ASAP! (713-646-6569) We will miss Wendy Gramm skating with us this year. She has a date conflict but will return next year. Amy Moore is not riding this year, but is in charge of our refreshment tent in Austin! Very impressive list, and thanks for all the hard work. Team Enron has 50 of the top 200. 1 Jeff Skilling 3 John Norden 4 Dan Lyons 6 Jordan Hunter 8 Dick Graves 10 Jim Gramke 11 Wendy Gramm 13 Don Fogel 15 Amelia Alder 19 Mark S Muller 20 Corby Clark 21 Patrick Scales 23 Jack McAdoo 25 Stinson Gibner 36 Ray Sylvester 38 Charla Reese 39 Iain Russell 44 Shawn Franks 51 Carole Rogers 59 Mark E Jackson 61 Bill Donovan 62 Heather Brown 63 Mike Salomon 69 Bruce Ferrell 70 Steven Hultquist 81 John D. Powell 90 Alan F. Phillips 98 James L Noles 100 Victor Bhatt 105 Stephanie Strong 113 Mike Van Horn 115 Charles V Garza 118 R Clay Spears 122 Becky Pham 125 Jeff White 128 Amy K Moore 130 Geoff Shepard 136 Kathy M Lynn 137 Carrol R McGinnis 139 James H "Pete" Turner 141 Glen Morrison Boudreaux 142 Tracy Ramsey 149 Karen Jo Sosville 155 Susan Pham 159 David Horne 173 Mark L Greenberg 177 Hans C Sonneborn 190 Jennifer Sabine 198 Donn Nguyen 199 Cullen A Duke
Bandwidth trading , We will be refining some of the curve information over the next few days and so we will need to postpone the reporting of Bandwidth Trading until this process is complete and our numbers more accurately reflect the market. This means that all of the information and files provided you last week will not change - we will report on that basis - the reporting will just be postponed a few days. I will keep each of you posted on the status. Thanks, Denae ---------------------- Forwarded by Denae Umbower/HOU/ECT on 02/14/2000 04:46 PM --------------------------- Denae Umbower 02/11/2000 05:12 PM To: Sheila Glover/HOU/ECT@ECT, Clara Carrington/HOU/ECT@ECT, Theresa T Brogan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tanya Rohauer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael E Moscoso/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chris Abel/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary Stadler/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rudi Zipter/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Jeremy Mills/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Scott Pleus/Enron Communications@Enron Communications Subject: Bandwidth trading Status of Bandwidth trading reporting: We have met with each of you and sent you information for the specific needs of each group. As of today, I think we are all in agreement that the information sent will work respectively for each of you and we are ready to 'go live' with bandwidth reporting. If this is not the case, please contact Jeremy Mills (x 35685) or myself (x39312) as soon as possible. Thanks to each of you for working with us on this initiative, Denae,,
Re: Fax to Lee Johnson , I'll forward the email and you can print and fax. No big deal. From: Suzanne Adams@ECT on 02/07/2001 03:28 PM To: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Subject: Re: Fax to Lee Johnson I made a mistake - forgot to send it to Lee. I'm so sorry! Do you have it and I can send it to him or will he be here in person. I didn't write it down and it completely slipped my mind. I really am terribly sorry. Kay Mann@ENRON 02/07/2001 03:30 PM To: Suzanne Adams/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Fax to Lee Johnson Hi there, Lee doesn't remember getting a fax from me yesterday. Did you get a confirmation back? It was the same fax that was sent to Pete Thompson. Thanks, Kay
Re: Veil/Beaver Creek , Hi! I'm excited for a ski weekend! I'm pretty much available any weekend other than in December. Early Feb could be very fun in Vail/Beaver Creek! At 09:36 PM 10/30/01 -0600, PATRICIA TLAPEK wrote: >Ok, Ladies, > >John Tlapek called tonight....we discussed a ski trip....he wanted me to ask >everyone for an alternative time to go, other than New Year's Eve...... > >Will each of you email me weekends in Dec/Feb/Mch, that you are currently >available...and I will match them together for >all 5 of us...and provide John w/ one or two dates... > >THANKS, TAKE CARE, >TRICIA,,,
EnronOnline - Short Term Canadian Physical Deals , Mark, I understand that for certain short term Canadian physical deals completed between ENA and Enron Canada through the facilities of EnronOnline, ENA and Enron Canada have agreed to transact these deals as physical deals but book them as financial deals. I was asked to prepare an agreement to be entered into between ENA and Enron Canada to reflect this agreement. I attach a copy for your review and comment. Please call me to let me know if you have any comments at your earliest convenience, as I understand that there is some urgency in getting this agreement in place. Thanks Greg Johnston (403-974-6745)
, third quarter qs and as
pr <>
Re: Direct Access Package , oh shit. you're right.
East Power Candidate , Don, Please advise of your interest in the following Candidate. Courtnie Parker Enron North America (713) 853-5315
Financial Power Issue , With Sara Shackleton, Leslie Hanson, Elizabeth Sager, Carol St.Clair
Re: Hourly Position , Good day Eric! Already submitted your information before the posting even went out. Will advise if there is an interest to interview. Rose
Enron / HPL Actuals for December 18, 2000 , Teco Tap 87.500 / HPL Gas Daily,,,
RE: Blue Sox , ----- Forwarded by Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT on 05/10/2001 11:17 AM ----- Mark Greenberg@ENRON 04/27/2001 05:36 PM To: Douglas Fuehne/ENRON@enronXgate cc: (bcc: Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT) Subject: RE: Blue Sox Doug - Here are my comments. Really only made one in relation to the E-rating. Want to make sure that reliance upon this rating scale/system is at Blue Sox own risk. Have a good weekend. Mark Senior Counsel, EWS Phone: 713-345-8897 Facsimile: 713-646-3490 E-Mail: Douglas Fuehne/ENRON@enronXgate 04/27/2001 04:42 PM To: Mark Greenberg/NA/Enron@ENRON cc: Subject: RE: Blue Sox Mark - I've modified the document that you sent me to reflect the latest updates (meeting document.) Please review this doc. My changes are in red; yours are still in blue. Please make any changes, and then I'll accept them and create the final doc. thanks doug Doug Fuehne e-commerce Manager CommodityLogic (713) 345-3992 <> -----Original Message----- From: Greenberg, Mark Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 4:14 PM To: Fuehne, Douglas Cc: Taylor, Mark Subject: Blue Sox Doug - Below are my initial comments to the Blue Sox information. I have some additional points to make and will provide those in a separate document. The document attached is based upon the latest memo you forwarded; however, it must be a version prior to the one you provided at the meeting as there are some provisions in the meeting form that are not in the attached. Call me if you want to discuss any comments. << File: Fleet - Negotiations (mlgcomments4-27-01).doc >> Mark Senior Counsel, EWS Phone: 713-345-8897 Facsimile: 713-646-3490 E-Mail:
RE: fixed , Thanks -----Original Message----- From: Tamma, Ramanarao Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 9:24 AM To: Thomas, Paul D. Subject: fixed Paul, PJMUpdate1.xls should be working. -Rao
RE: AFUDC Rates:Trans Pecos , Assume afudc as 100% debt at 6% -----Original Message----- From: Rosenberg, David E. Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 9:40 AM To: Hayslett, Rod Subject: FW: AFUDC Rates:Trans Pecos Just realized that Saunders had not sent this along to you. I'll call about it on Monday when I'm back. I haven't had the nerve to look at the stock price this AM. At least the Chronicle article allowed that the world was not necessarily ending for Enron. Have a Happy Thanksgiving if possible!!! -----Original Message----- From: Saunders, James Sent: Mon 11/19/2001 3:55 PM To: Rosenberg, David E. Cc: Cobb Jr., John Subject: RE: Overhead and AFUDC Rates hayslett -----Original Message----- From: Rosenberg, David E. Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 3:49 PM To: Saunders, James Cc: Cobb Jr., John Subject: RE: Overhead and AFUDC Rates And (from home - I'm working the polls this week) pray tell whom do I get the capital structure from. -----Original Message----- From: Saunders, James Sent: Mon 11/19/2001 3:47 PM To: Davis, George C Cc: Rosenberg, David E.; Cebryk, Doug; Cobb Jr., John Subject: RE: Overhead and AFUDC Rates saunders will provide ovhd rate; professor rosenberg w provide afudc factor...we both need a direct cost estimate for the project -----Original Message----- From: Davis, George C Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 3:35 PM To: Saunders, James Cc: Rosenberg, David E.; Cebryk, Doug Subject: Overhead and AFUDC Rates Can you give us the overhead rate and AFUDC rate for the Trans Pecos (Transwestern) estimate? 176 miles of 24" in west Texas, with one compressor station of 13,000HP. George Davis Senior Project Estimator Phone:713-345-6199 Fax: 713-646-7522
Enjoy the Holidays of 2001 , Joe, Thank you for being an important part of my business during this past year. I am looking forward to continue our business relationship in 2002 and beyond. We did strengthened our staffing practice in 2001 and had our best year ever, despite difficult market conditions. Everyone on my team enthusiastically invites you to stay in touch with us during this new exciting upcoming year. I hope you get the same opportunity I will have to spend some extra time with family this Holiday Season. Thanks again. Please open the link below for our greeting to you. Happy Holidays, Johan JOHAN C. DAHL Director Energy Staffing Group Management Recruiters of Portland Phone: 503 -290-1153 Phone: 800-979-8701 Fax: 503-282-4380 Email: Web:
Re: Aquilla Muni Deal , Tracy and Sara, please provide with an update of what you know about this transaction at your earliest convenience. Thank you Christopher William S Bradford 10/19/99 03:32 PM To: Christopher Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tracy Ngo/HOU/ECT@ECT, Patricia Cini/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: Aquilla Muni Deal Christopher, I believe Tracy Ngo has begun to look at it from a credit perspective. I don' have any of the details. Aquila Energy Corp. is the guarantor for Aquila trading subs and is not anywhere near the equivalent credit quality of Enron Corp. We need to be careful of how much incremental risk we take with Aquila without collateral because of our significant trading positions with them. Please advise when you find out more details about the structure. Regards, Bill To: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: William S Bradford/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: Aquilla Muni Deal I have not heard anything about this transaction. Do you have a transaction diagram and/or a term sheet or any memoradum that describes anything about what they are trying to do? Christopher Sara Shackleton 10/15/99 02:03 PM To: Christopher Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Aquilla Muni Deal Did Chris call you about this? SS ---------------------- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 10/15/99 02:02 PM --------------------------- From: Chris H Foster 10/15/99 01:53 PM To: Sandra McDonald/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dale Rasmussen/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Frank W Vickers/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Aquilla Muni Deal I spoke to Todd Busby. He said he is trying to set this up as a transaction where we could directly link the two swaps. It is my understanding that this would simplify the transaction in that the credit/contracting process would be fairly straightforward. He said that he needs to get his internal ducks in a row before he is prepared to take a step forward with us. He will call me if and when this occurs. So, this might not come to anything. I will let you know if and when he surfaces so we can decisde what we should do next. Thanks!! Chris,
Ryan , Subj: FW: LJM/Raptor valuations Date: 10/8/01 1:38:46 PM Central Daylight Time From: (Kaminski, Vince J) To: > -----Original Message----- > From: Kaminski, Vince J > Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 8:28 AM > To: Siurek, Ryan > Cc: Kaminski, Vince J; Buy, Rick; Port, David > Subject: LJM/Raptor valuations > > Ryan, > > In the follow up to the meeting we had on Wednesday I would like > to reinforce one point I made. I feel strongly that I cannot support > the valuations my group has produced so far for the LJM/Raptor > related transactions without examination of all the related legal > documents. > > I feel that we did solid work based on verbal information, but I > cannot > guarantee the quality of the final product without looking at the > contracts. > These transactions are too complex and controversial to bypass due > diligence requirements > that you would expect from any professional. > > Vince Kaminski ********************************************************************** This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at and delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you. ********************************************************************** ----------------------- Headers -------------------------------- Return-Path: <> Received: from ( []) by (v81.9) with ESMTP id MAILINYE11-1008143846; Mon, 08 Oct 2001 14:38:46 -0400 Received: from ( []) by (v81.9) with ESMTP id MAILRELAYINYE15-1008143826; Mon, 08 Oct 2001 14:38:26 -0400 Received: from ( []) by (8.10.1/8.10.1/external_corp-1.08) with ESMTP id f98IcP307156 for <>; Mon, 8 Oct 2001 13:38:25 -0500 (CDT) Received: from (unverified) by (Content Technologies SMTPRS 4.2.1) with SMTP id <> for <>; Mon, 8 Oct 2001 13:38:24 -0500 Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.2966); Mon, 8 Oct 2001 13:38:22 -0500 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft Exchange V6.0.4712.0 content-class: urn:content-classes:message MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Subject: FW: LJM/Raptor valuations Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 13:37:21 -0500 X-MS-Has-Attach: X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: Thread-Topic: LJM/Raptor valuations Thread-Index: AcFM2FMHpaiFOfRsQDCq6NwF20YoUQDT+zew From: "Kaminski, Vince J" <> To: <> X-OriginalArrivalTime: 08 Oct 2001 18:38:22.0844 (UTC) FILETIME=[68B12BC0:01C15028]
Re: Blue Dog change orders , These are both pending, but just so you know they exist, I'm sending this along. Once these are signed I'll send you copies. Kay ---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 03/27/2001 04:55 PM --------------------------- From: Brian D Barto@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 03/13/2001 11:35 AM To: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Renee Alfaro/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT Subject: Re: Blue Dog change orders Kay Mann@ENRON 03/13/2001 08:37 AM To: Renee Alfaro/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Brian D Barto/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT cc: Subject: Blue Dog change orders Hi there, Could one of you send me one email with the final (well, we hope) forms of both of the two change orders we are working on for the BD turbine sets? I want to make sure I'm looking at the right stuff. Thanks, Kay,
Re: hi dear , hey there- we will try to call you later but at this point we cannot commit to any plans due to the situation at work right now- we are unsure of what is happening with our jobs love kay "Denise D. Quigley" <> on 11/29/2001 09:00:31 PM To: <> cc: Subject: Re: hi dear Hey kay what is the new thoughts on New Year's....Hope that you and Rex are feeling better HUGS ddq > From: > Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2001 17:46:13 -0600 > To: "Denise D. Quigley" <> > Subject: Re: hi dear > > > Thanks for the note- > my cell is 713-410-3701 for the time being unless I continue to get > unwanted calls and change it > Work is 1-800-973-6766 and you press 1 to be connected to my extension > which is 39735. > kay > > > > > "Denise D. Quigley" <> on 11/01/2001 04:40:26 PM > > To: <> > cc: > Subject: Re: hi dear > > > Kay > > I am so sorry to hear that Dutch has been not been honest with you and with > himself. I also worry about my brother and his decisions about his own life > and his sometimes flat out disregard for integrity. I know it is hard to > rebuild integrity and trust but I just had to start one day....and it got > easier. I will reach out to him more. > > It is good to hear that you are feeling stronger...but I am sad that you > are > also dealing with such painful and dishonest situations. You do not deserve > this at all. I am truly sorry...not sure what to say because I also know > how > much I love having you in our family and know how much Dutch does love you > and that you love him. I must say though that I have learned the hard way > that love is necessary but not sufficient. Respect and cherishing someone > is > also so key. > > Kay, I also did take your comment the first time as wishing that we were > closer in distance. I am glad that we are close and wish that we did live > nearer!! Do I have your cell number or you new home number? Maybe we could > talk sometime soon. I am worried that you are keeping it all in....that is > not a good thing really. Or at least has not been for me. I don't want it > eating away at you. HUGS. > > I love you dear! Hugs, > > > ddq > >> From: >> Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2001 16:15:24 -0600 >> To: "Denise D. Quigley" <> >> Subject: Re: hi dear >> >> >> I really wish that you bro did talk to you more often- that 'thin line' >> that he walked and that >> you referred to in one of your emails just got way thinner..upon my >> knowledge that he has indeed >> continued communication and visits with 'her' during the past 8 months- > and >> that he 'ended' it >> officially one month ago- so she began calling and harassing him today so >> much that he has >> changed all his numbers which I guess means he is finally serious but > don't >> know if I care at this point >> and she is calling me as well for whatever reason I am unsure - all of it >> purely disgusts me and it is actually >> irrelevant to me - I am concerned about DQ though that he has not been >> honest again.... maybe for the last time >> I just know that I am a very much stronger person these days and the > recent >> events that have unfolded did not devastate >> me or for that matter even really rattle me- it's just sad and >> disappointing that these are the choices that were made >> just wish you were closer - this is so hard to share with my family or my >> friends so I am holding my own >> kq >> >> >> >> >> "Denise D. Quigley" <> on 11/01/2001 03:25:27 PM >> >> To: <> >> cc: >> Subject: hi dear >> >> >> Hey Kay >> >> I hope that you are doing well. I have not heard from you (or Dutch) in a >> long while. Know that I am praying for you both and care deeply. >> >> HUGS >> >> ddq >> >> >>> From: >>> Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2001 14:46:59 -0600 >>> To: >>> Subject: Re: FW: Your order has shipped > (#001-5861018-1437038) >>> >>> >>> thanks! we'll check today >>> >>> >>> >>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> ********************************************************************** >> This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate > and >> may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the >> intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by > others >> is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or > authorized >> to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply to > Enron >> Corp. at and delete all copies > of the >> message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be > an >> offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and >> enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and > the >> intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by anyone > as >> the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you. >> ********************************************************************** >> > > > > >
Financial Deals week ending 0602 , Hi Sara, the only two companies that I have been confirming under an old Master Agreeement are as follows: Aquila Risk Management Corp. (you are aware of this counterparty) Morgan Stanley Capital Group, Inc. (the agreement is dated June 16, 1992) Thanks, Melissa 3-1886
SITA master agreement with ECTRIC , I am finalizing the negotiation of the ISDA Master Agreement with SITA. You will recall that this is an ECTRIC; master NOT ENA. SITA has (1) requested evidence of EEFT's ability to sign for ECTRIC and (2) confirmation that "EEFT is signing on the basis of their authority under the investment services directive". Would you please provide directly to SITA's lawyers as follows: Susan Hopkinson and Sharon Lewis at Lovells in Paris: If you require phone or fax: Tel: 33 1 53 67 47 47 Fax: 33 1 47 23 96 12 Please let me know when you have satisfied this request. Thanks. Sara,
FX Transactions , ----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 08/09/2000 03:17 PM ----- Mark Taylor 08/09/2000 02:47 PM To: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: FX Transactions Looks like Justin has already contacted S&C. ----- Forwarded by Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT on 08/09/2000 02:46 PM ----- Justin Boyd 08/09/2000 12:53 PM To: Alan Aronowitz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Marcus Nettelton/NA/Enron@ENRON cc: Subject: FX Transactions Gentlemen - please see below as well as the S&C memo attached. I will also send you a related email later. Thanks. Justin ---------------------- Forwarded by Justin Boyd/LON/ECT on 09/08/2000 18:55 --------------------------- Jon Barrett@MGLTD 07/08/2000 17:46 To: Justin Boyd/LON/ECT@ECT, Janine Juggins/LON/ECT@ECT cc: Trena McFarland/LON/ECT@ECT, Kevin Rhodes/MGLTD_London/MGLTD@MGLTD, Sid Tipples/MGLTD_London/MGLTD@MGLTD, Alfred Pennisi/NYC/MGUSA@MGUSA, Andrew Cornfield/LON/ECT@ECT Subject: FX Transactions We received the attached from Sullivan & Cromwell re the FX business and the possibilities of using a US companyn which company to use for contract purposes. At a meeting here at MG today, the consensus/preference was not to use a UK company as we have no full ISD (chapter 10) firm nor the wish to change MG's status. Per the advice from S&C, we like the idea of using a US corporation with a UK "arranger" to cover any UK regulatory issues that arise. Dependent on where the business will end up (I understand to be discussed by Gary Hickerson/Mike Hutchinson 18th August), the following appears to be the among the logical solutions: 1. Contractual entity - either Enron North America, MG London Inc or Newco Inc. 2. Arranger - either EEFT Ltd, Metallgesellschaft Ltd or MG Brokers Ltd (depending on the effect on their chapter 3 status for the last two). The current customer base consists of entities in the US, Canada, France, UK and Switzerland. Please advise on any group/tax issues that can affect the final decision. If you need any further information, please let me know. Many thanks. ---------------------- Forwarded by Jon Barrett/MGLTD_London/MGLTD on 07/08/2000 15:59 --------------------------- on 06/08/2000 15:45:55 To: jbarrett cc: Subject: FX Transactions eSafe Protect Gateway (tm) has scanned this mail for viruses, vandals and suspicious attachments and has found it to be CLEAN. File: 62cy01!.DOC (38,400 bytes) Encoding: Base64 Result: Clean. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Attached is a draft of the memo we discussed on the proposed FX business. Please call or e-mail with any questions. Best regards. ---------------------------------- This e-mail is sent by a law firm and contains information that may be privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete the e-mail and notify us immediately. - 62cy01!.DOC
Re: Relocation , I am no longer looking for assitance in finding an apartment, but thank you for your attempts at contacting me. Mat Joy Hinson <> on 04/11/2001 09:32:56 AM To: cc: Subject: Relocation Matt, Just a note to let you know that I have been trying to contact you regarding your recent request for apartment information. On-Line tries to be sensitive to our client's busy schedules. If you will respond to this e-mail and let me know the most convenient time to call, I will do my best to accommodate you. Please call or reply to this message. I look forward to hearing from you soon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Taking the hassles out of apartment hunting. Joy Hinson On-Line Apartment Locators Toll Free: 888-744-4481 Office: 281-874-1151 Cell Phone: 281-948-4759 Fax: 281-338-9436 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Taking the hassles out of apartment hunting. Joy Hinson On-Line Apartment Locators Toll Free: 888-744-4481 Office: 281-874-1151 Cell Phone: 281-948-4759 Fax: 281-338-9436 ------------------------------------------------------------------
FW: Last Year trades - Top 50 counterparties - US/Canadian , -----Original Message----- From: Kitchen, Louise Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 5:48 PM To: Taylor, Mark E (Legal) Subject: FW: Last Year trades - Top 50 counterparties - US/Canadian Gas/Power -----Original Message----- From: Webb, Jay Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 2:31 PM To: Kitchen, Louise; Taylor, Mark E (Legal) Subject: Last Year trades - Top 50 counterparties - US/Canadian Gas/Power
legal <>
Thank You , Dear Mr. Arora: I wanted to thank you for taking the time to interview me this past Wednesday. I enjoyed meeting you and other representatives of the company and left our interview with a much greater understanding of what drives Enron and what the company seeks in its applicants. Your responses to my questions only confirmed my already high opinion of the company. As you know, I am a first year student at Owen concentrating in Finance and Electronic Commerce. I graduated Summa Cum Laude from Bentley College in May of 1997 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics & Finance, and I received an Honors Certificate in Economics from the University of Cambridge in August of 1995. After graduating from Bentley, I worked for Digital Equipment Corporation as an analyst in its Financial Development Program. Most recently, I worked as an investments analyst for Thomson Financial, where I evaluated three major business development initiatives and five acquisition proposals totaling $44 million and worked with senior management on a takeover bid for one of Thomson's key competitors. I also performed strategic, market, and competitor analysis, and proposed ways of improving the organization's overall competitiveness. My professional experiences working in the High Technology and Financial Information Services industries have led to a complete redefinition of my career goals. I much prefer to be on the front lines of business, helping some of the world's most established organizations make decisions that will impact their financial future and competitive position in the market. I am anxious to begin my career with Enron and believe that a relationship with company would prove mutually beneficial. In closing, I would like to thank you again for interviewing me in Nashville. If you have any questions, please contact via e-mail at or at (615) 673-0329. Have a wonderful week! Best Regards, Ajay S. Jagsi
Bankruptcy , Sally - We didn't really cover the role you intended to play with EES and EBS as far as Doorstep is concerned when we met with Causey/Buy. (Or I just can't remember.) May we include EES and EBS in the scope of our one Doorstep project, and continue to work with Shona, also coordinating with Wanda and Barry when EES and EBS are involved? Things like the event below might make us re-consider our need to visit "origination" offices. I don't think this office was on any of our lists. Cassandra. ---------------------- Forwarded by Cassandra Schultz/NA/Enron on 01/02/2001 02:44 PM --------------------------- From: Vladimir Gorny @ ECT 01/02/2001 02:35 PM To: Cassandra Schultz/NA/Enron@Enron, David Port/Market Risk/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Ted Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Bankruptcy LTV Steel, a counterparty of Clinton Gas, which is a subsidiary of EES went bankrupt. EES exposure is ~$6 million. This transaction has not been approved by the Credit group and it seems that they have little clue about Enron's processes and procedures. I believe Clinton Gas is located in Dublin, Ohio and suggest that it be included on the Door Step list. Vlady.
, 5th verse down Beth Cherry ___________ Sr. Creative Consultant EnFORM Technology 713.350.1860
, hours are 7-630, program runs 9-4. Maybe we should try church there. I found the receipts. We should have taken the forms with us to the auction to save time. Oh well, live and learn. Pork chops and spinach? ckm
RE: Gas Curve Validation June 2001 , I didn't see where she said it was mismarked. I have been seeing your comments on this validation process and I do think we (RAC) can improve here. I've asked David Port to dig in and make some recommendations. Rick -----Original Message----- From: Lavorato, John Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 8:30 AM To: Buy, Rick Cc: Whalley, Greg Subject: FW: Gas Curve Validation June 2001 Just because a curve moves doesn't mean it's mismarked. John -----Original Message----- From: Nguyen, Jennifer Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 8:12 AM To: Gorny, Vladimir; Gossett, Jeffrey C.; Hall, Bob M; Lavorato, John; Reeves, Leslie Cc: ''; Wilson, Shona Subject: Gas Curve Validation June 2001 << File: Curve Val Gas Memo.doc >>
RE: UH ticket , yes she did , we can put the two of them together so they can cheer for ut -----Original Message----- From: "siva66" <>@ENRON [] Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 3:52 PM To: Quigley, Dutch Subject: RE: UH ticket she'll be one of the ut fans. didn't kay go to ut as well? ---------- Original Message ---------------------------------- From: "Quigley, Dutch" <> Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 14:28:07 -0500 >no but whe will be out numbered by ut fans > >> -----Original Message----- >> From: "siva66" <>@ENRON >> [mailto:IMCEANOTES- +22siva66+22+20+3Csiva66+40mail+2Eev1+2Enet+3E+40EN >>] >> Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 2:25 PM >> To: Quigley, Dutch >> Subject: RE: UH ticket >> >> i just wanted to make sure that joanne would not be sitting alone >> >> >> ---------- Original Message ---------------------------------- >> From: "Quigley, Dutch" <> >> Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 14:10:04 -0500 >> >> >no there are two tix together but not with ours , i need to check >> and >> >make sure they were not in the temp seats that are now closed >> > >> >I was planning on just sitting together and see what happens >> > >> > >> > >> >> -----Original Message----- >> >> From: "siva66" <>@ENRON >> >> [mailto:IMCEANOTES- >> +22siva66+22+20+3Csiva66+40mail+2Eev1+2Enet+3E+40EN >> >>] >> >> Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 2:07 PM >> >> To: Quigley, Dutch >> >> Subject: Re: UH ticket >> >> >> >> is it with our seats? >> >> >> >> >> >> ---------- Original Message --------------------------------- - >> >> From: "Quigley, Dutch" <> >> >> Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 13:56:13 -0500 >> >> >> >> >You can use the extra ticket that i bought for the UT vs UH >> game >> >> > >> >> >dq >> >> > >> >> > >> >> >> >****************************************************************** >> >> **** >> >> >This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant >> >> affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material >> for >> >> the sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, >> >> distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If >> >> you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for >> >> the recipient), please contact the sender or reply to Enron >> Corp. >> >> at and delete all >> copies >> >> of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not >> >> intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or >> >> evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. >> >> (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any >> other >> >> party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a >> >> contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you. >> >> >> >****************************************************************** >> >> **** >> >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> ________________________________________________________________ >> >> Sent via the EV1 webmail system at >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > >> >> >> ________________________________________________________________ >> Sent via the EV1 webmail system at >> >> >> >> > ________________________________________________________________ Sent via the EV1 webmail system at
I need to "catch up" with you , Trena: In the next week or so, I will be devoting most of my time and attention to Gary's world. I met with Gary last week, and he suggested that I give you a call to see if you needed any legal assistance. I am available for whatever you might need me for. My number in Houston is 713/853-5620. I'm looking forward to working with you. Regards. Sara
Westinghouse Conference Call , Please calendar. Kay ---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 12/04/2000 02:32 PM --------------------------- Enron North America Corp. From: Mitch Robinson 12/04/2000 01:09 PM To: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: Westinghouse Conference Call Today's call has been rescheduled for 9:00 am tomorrow (Tuesday). Will you be available? Thanks, Mitch
Re: Peoples , I'm a really sweet guy, especially now.
FW: EPE Lending/Day-Ahead Short , REVISION - PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL OF THESE DEALS APPLY TO FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. -----Original Message----- From: Symes, Kate Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2001 11:14 AM To: DL-Portland Real Time Shift Cc: Gang, Lisa Subject: EPE Lending/Day-Ahead Short We'll be 50 mw short at PV tomorrow - 25 under STWBOM, 25 under STSW. Reduce purchase prices to $4; sell back to EPE @ $0. Deals are as follows. 715657 - STWBOM buys EPE HLH/PV 25 mw @ $51.64 715658 - STWBOM sells STSW HLH/PV 25 mw @ $51.64 715660 - STSW buys EPE HLH/PV 25 mw @ $51.64 Also, STWBOM and STCA will each be short 25 mw on peak at SP15 for tomorrow at a price of $46. Let me know if you have questions. Thanks, Kate
New Pulp Product - BKP PIX , Mark - Please review and offer you approval/comments. This Index is exactly the same as the NBSK PIX Index that we just worked on with the exception that its price is quoted in EURO's. Dale 3-9746
Reports Procedures , Group, I have created some new procedures for the SAR, CARP, and Enpower to CAPS mainly to make it easier for the newer members of the group to run the reports at night. They are fairly detailed and are tested once but I would appreciate any further feedback from you. These procedures are located in P: /Real Time/ Reports hope this helps, Monika
GRS' FERCwatch - 11/6/01 , GADSDEN RESEARCH SERVICES' FERCwatch Issued November 6, 2001 ELECTRIC / HYDRO Report: California Independent System Operator Corporation, California Electricity Oversight Board, Public Utilities Commission for the State of California, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Diego Gas & Electric Company, and Southern California Edison Company v. Cabrillo Power I LLC, Cabrillo Power II LLC, Duke Energy South Bay, LLC, Geysers Power Company, LLC, and Williams Energy Marketing and Trading Company, EL02-15-000 (11/2/01) -- Joint complaint requesting that the Commission institute proceedings to investigate "Fixed Option Payments" payable by the ISO under the respective Reliability Must-Run Contracts between the ISO and each of the named respondents. Complainants allege that those rates, although differing from contract to contract, exceed just and reasonable levels. VIEW DOCUMENT <> REQUEST A COPY: <> or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ PSEG Energy Resources & Trade LLC v. New York Independent System Operator, Inc., EL02-16-000 (11/5/01) -- Complaint alleging that the NYISO acted in derogation of its tariff and Commission orders approving Temporary Extraordinary Procedure authority in (i) identifying a purported market flaw associated with bids submitted by an "Energy Limited Resource and (ii) remedying such purported market flaw by re-pricing certain hourly clearing prices in manner inconsistent with its tariff. PSEG ER&T states that the NYISO's conduct caused it financial harm in the maount of $668,000. VIEW DOCUMENT <> REQUEST A COPY: <> or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp., ER02-211-000 (10/31/01) -- Agreements to modify the wholesale power contracts between Vermont Yankee and the public utilities that purchase the output of its nuclear generating plant. VIEW DOCUMENT <> REQUEST A COPY: <> or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ ISO New England Inc., ER02-233-000 (11/1/01) -- Revised tariff sheets updating Attachment A of the ISO's Capital Funding Tariff (CFT) to reflect the addition of the ISO's 2002 capital budget items to the contingent funding mechanism specified in the CFT. VIEW DOCUMENT <> REQUEST A COPY: <> or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ PJM Interconection, L.L.C., ER02-235-000 (11/1/01) -- Conforming changes and minor revisions to the PJM OATT (Tariff) and Operating Agreement (OA) to reflect all previous changes to the current versions of the Tariff and OA in the versions of that encompass both PJM and PJM West, which will take effect on January 1, 2002. VIEW DOCUMENT <> REQUEST A COPY: <> or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ Southern California Edison Company, ER01-238-000 (11/1/01) -- Revision to SCE's Transmission Owner Tariff to reflect a change to Reliability Services Rates. VIEW DOCUMENT <> REQUEST A COPY: <> or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ Duke Energy South Bay, LLC, ER02-239-000 (11/1/01) -- Revisions to its Reliability Must Run Service Agreement with California Independent System Operator. VIEW DOCUMENT <> REQUEST A COPY: <> or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ Duke Energy Oakland, LLC, ER02-240-000 (11/1/01) -- Revisions to Reliability Must Run Service Agreement with California Independent System Operator. VIEW DOCUMENT <> REQUEST A COPY: <> or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ Boston Edison Company, ER02-246-000 (11/1/01) -- Letter enclosing Market Based Tariffs and a request for waiver of the Commission's notice of filing requirements to allow the new tariffs to become effective on November 2, 2001. DOCUMENT LINK NOT AVAILABLE REQUEST A COPY: <> or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ ISO New England Inc., ER02-249-000 (11/01/01) -- Revised tariff sheets to the ISO's Tariff for Transmission Dispatch and Power Administration Services for Recovery of 2002 Administrative Costs. DOCUMENT LINK NOT AVAILABLE REQUEST A COPY: <> or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ California Independent System Operator Corporation, ER02-250-000 (11/2/01) -- 2002 Grid Management Charge filing to allow the ISO to recover its administrative and operating costs, including costs incurred in establishing the ISO before operations commenced. DOCUMENT LINK NOT AVAILABLE REQUEST A COPY: <> or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ NATURAL GAS / OIL Report: Plantation Pipe Line Company, OR02-1-000 (11/02/01) -- Petition for Declaratory Order regarding the lawfulness and regulatory effect of certain proposed joint rate arrangements in connection with proposed new pipeline service to Chattanooga and Knoxville, Tennessee to be offered in connection with a newly-formed pipeline affiliate. The new pipeline affiliate would build a new 16-inch pipeline to serve the Chattanooga and Knoxville markets with an estimated capacity of 90,000 barrels/day. Plantation and the new pipeline propose to file joint tariffs for transportation service from Baton Rouge and other origins on the Plantation system to those markets. Plantation is owned jointly by Kinder Morgan and ExxonMobil. DOCUMENT LINK NOT AVAILABLE REQUEST A COPY: <> or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ Eastern Shore Natural Gas Company, RP02-34-000 (10/31/01) -- Section 4 general rate increase filing. VIEW DOCUMENT <> REQUEST A COPY: <> or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ Texas Eastern Transmission LP, RP02-36-000 (10/31/01) -- Annual Applicable Shrinkage Adjustment and Global Settlement Compliance filing (1) providing the final report on recovery of Order No. 636 transition costs and returning to Texas Eastern's customers the excess collection of Non-Spot Costs, by crediting the ASA Deferred Account; (2) providing the Annual Interruptible Revenue Reconciliation Report under the Amended Global Settlement which reflects a credit to the ASA Deferred Account of $207,462; (3) reducing by approximately 30% the level of Texas Eastern's ASA Aurcharges included in rates pursuant to an Interim ASA filing accepted by Commission orders issued May 25, 2001 and October 15, 2001; and (4) reflecting minor changes in Texas Eastern's ASA percentages. VIEW DOCUMENT <> REQUEST A COPY: <> or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ Texas Eastern Transmission LP, RP02-37-000 (10/31/01) -- Filing in compliance with the Phase II/PCBs settlement in RP88-67, et al. to reflect an increase in the PCB-Related Cost component of Texas Eastern's currently effective rates. DOCUMENT LINK NOT AVAILABLE REQUEST A COPY: <> or call 202-210-4771. _______________________________________ [To request a copy of any of the above listed filings, please call 202-210-4771 or toll-free, 1-877-544-4771; or send an e-mail to <>)] GRS' FERCwatch e-mail notification is a free courtesy service of Gadsden Research Services, energy research and document retrieval specialists. Periodically (generally once or twice weekly), GRS will broadcast FERCwatch with descriptions of major FERC issuances or filings such as rulemakings, policy statements, mergers, new rate filings, major rate changes, and certificate filings. 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Enron Mentions , Why it pays to be green Kyoto Wallflowers U.S. News & World Report, 08/06/01 Some Energy Executives Urge U.S. Shift on Global Warming The New York Times, 08/01/01 Calif. energy crisis gives Mirant a profit boost Daily Investing Report The Atlanta Constitution, 08/01/01 More Energy Advisors May Have Conflicts Disclosure: Two officials of a Pasadena consulting firm bought large amounts of Edison International stock just before landing contract with the state. Los Angeles Times, 08/01/01 COMPANIES & FINANCE THE AMERICAS: Enron powers ahead despite a big black mark: Poorly performing broadband unit has helped to halve group's share price, writes Julie Earle: Financial Times, Aug 1, 2001 Shock therapy The Economic Times, 08/01/01 US Exim set to move SC on Dabhol row The Times of India, 08/01/01 Reliance's Ambani on Enron's $3 Bln India Project: Comment Bloomberg, 08/01/01 Reliance Not Interested in Enron India Project, Official Says Bloomberg, 08/01/01 RIL not to pick up Enron pie Business Standard, 08/01/01 Embattled Rep. Condit continues fund-raising, campaign spending Associated Press Newswires, 07/31/01 Calif Gov Won't Fire Spokesman For Calpine Stock Purchase Dow Jones Energy Service, 07/31/01 Calif Power-Contract Negotiator Bought GE, Enron Stock Dow Jones Energy Service, 07/31/01 USA: Texas retail power deregulation starts slowly, smoothly. Reuters English News Service, 07/31/01 Northwest utilities seek millions in refunds - some from neighbors Associated Press Newswires, 07/31/01 PUERTO RICO: Mirant to buy Puerto Rican power plant, LNG terminal. Reuters English News Service, 07/31/01 Business & Technology; Sidebar Why it pays to be green Kyoto Wallflowers Kevin Whitelaw 08/06/2001 U.S. News & World Report 30 (Copyright 2001) When President Bush dismissed the Kyoto climate change treaty as "fatally flawed," he meant to spare American companies from paying dearly to control pollution. But now that about 180 countries have pushed ahead with the pact without the United States, American businesses with overseas operations are wondering if they'd be better off at the dance than on the sidelines. Under the treaty, companies that reduce their own emissions of greenhouse gases can sell credits--essentially "licenses to pollute"- -to other businesses. But the fine print is still unclear. So U.S. companies such as chemical giant DuPont, which is already cutting its greenhouse gas emissions, may never get to earn Kyoto credits for reductions inside U.S. borders. "The United States will now have less influence over the development of the protocol and the rules governing it," says Daniel Lashof, a climate-change scientist at the Natural Resources Defense Council. There may be other unintended consequences. The Kyoto treaty, without the United States, will become a giant commodity exchange, with companies and countries swapping emissions credits--but it might not end up cutting pollution. That's because the market for credits may tilt out of balance. Countries of the former Soviet Union, for example, will pocket extra credits because the post-Communist industrial collapse reduced emissions there. They'd be sellers. The brokers will be companies such as energy giant Enron, which hopes to dominate a new commodity market for emissions credits. Where are the buyers? David Victor at the Council on Foreign Relations doubts there will be many. Take away American industry, which spits the most carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by far, and there might not be enough polluters demanding the credits that excuse them from emissions targets. In this scenario, credits could become so cheap that companies would purchase them constantly, rather than clean up. "Without the United States in the system," says Victor, "the actual effect of the Kyoto treaty may turn out to be exactly zero." The United States may still participate, somehow. Bush has yet to decide whether he will propose a different approach or accept a parallel system. A future U.S. president could also decide to join Kyoto. The uncertainty unnerves American companies looking at making long-term investments in factories, power plants, or emissions- credit-swapping systems. Since last week's Kyoto deal, pressure is building on Capitol Hill to implement new restrictions on emissions of several pollutants. The fight will be over whether to include carbon dioxide. Key Republican legislators, despite White House opposition, favor a market-based system that's not as stringent as Kyoto. "We need something on carbon," admits a GOP aide. American businesses may need something, too. GRAPHIC:%9 Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Business/Financial Desk; Section C Some Energy Executives Urge U.S. Shift on Global Warming By ANDREW C. REVKIN and NEELA BANERJEE 08/01/2001 The New York Times Page 1, Column 2 c. 2001 New York Times Company With President Bush continuing to oppose international or domestic restrictions on gases linked to global warming, among the losers are energy companies that favor government action and have already spent millions on voluntary efforts to cut emissions. Given little credence by the White House despite large expenditures on lobbying and longstanding ties to administration officials, these companies are shifting their focus to Congress, where several bills that would impose emissions restrictions are being debated or prepared. But in that effort, the companies face formidable opposition from other energy concerns and trade groups that are fighting against any limits. ''There's an enormous amount of lobbying going on,'' said Rob Long, vice president for government affairs at the National Mining Association. ''It's a three-ring circus.'' Among the companies that want the United States to embrace some form of greenhouse-gas limits are oil producers including the Royal Dutch/Shell Group and BP, as well as power-generating companies like Cinergy, AEP and Entergy, all of which have moved to reduce their own emissions. Another company holding this view is the Enron Corporation of Houston, whose chairman is Mr. Bush's friend Kenneth L. Lay. Enron was the largest contributor among energy companies last year to the Republican Party. These companies, which include some of the world's biggest producers and users of fossil fuels, have concluded that limits on carbon dioxide and other greenhouse, or heat-trapping, gases are inevitable. They say that by packaging reductions in greenhouse gas emissions with other environmental measures, like cutting other power plant emissions, they could win concessions on other pollution rules. And to plan long-term investments, they want the predictability that comes from quick adoption of clear rules, although more flexible ones than those agreed to in Bonn a week ago by 178 countries that have accepted the Kyoto Protocol, the worldwide climate agreement that President Bush rejects. Most of these businesses share Mr. Bush's view that the Kyoto agreement could hurt the United States economy and that it unfairly requires emissions reductions only of big industrial nations. But many officials of these companies said Mr. Bush had blundered by rejecting the agreement outright instead of trying to repair it. ''What businesses want is policy certainty,'' an environmental expert for a large international energy company said. ''Bush has injected only turbulence.'' For all their wealth, power and influence, though, these companies say they have been cut out of discussions at the White House. The only ideas that have risen to the highest levels there are those of companies staunchly opposing limits on emissions, according to lobbyists, government officials and executives. The Bush administration denied last night that it was excluding any options or ideas in trying to develop an approach to global warming. A White House spokeswoman, Claire E. Buchan, said: ''We are taking this issue very seriously. We're listening to constituencies who represent all perspectives.'' In contrast to executives of companies seeking limits on the gases, people representing companies opposed to restrictions, including Exxon Mobil and many coal companies, said they thought that their message was resonating. Fredrick D. Palmer, executive vice president for legal and external affairs at Peabody Energy of St. Louis, one of the world's largest coal producers, said it was not really necessary to lobby the Bush administration on the issue, because Big Coal's interests and the administration's views were in sync from the start. ''We don't need to be talking to the White House to know what they want,'' Mr. Palmer said. ''I understand the importance of fossil fuels to the American people. Dick Cheney understands that. The president understands that.'' For the moment, the two corporate camps -- which have dominated the discussion, with environmental groups largely locked out -- have turned to Congress, where an array of influential members from both parties is hoping to seize the initiative in policy making. Senator James M. Jeffords of Vermont, the independent and new chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee, has said that global warming is his top priority. Senator Ted Stevens, Republican of Alaska, has joined with Senator Robert C. Byrd, the veteran Democrat from West Virginia, a leading coal-producing state, in introducing a bill aimed at controlling emissions. Mr. Stevens has recently expressed deep concern about the apparently growing damage in his state from climate change. The energy industry now is focusing its efforts on the energy legislation moving through the House. But company executives and lobbyists are also meeting with members of Congress and administration officials to shape the discussion over a variety of impending emissions measures and proposed changes in regulations. In mid-August, the Environmental Protection Agency is expected to make recommendations to the White House on how to reduce releases of nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and mercury from power plants. And Mr. Jeffords plans to hold meetings with industry, environmentalists and agency officials in September to seek a consensus on a bill to control the three pollutants, along with ways to limit carbon dioxide, the dominant greenhouse gas. The one thing so far that unifies the energy industry is its opposition to the Jeffords emissions bill in its current form, mainly because it stipulates that old power plants install the latest technology to clean up emissions within five years. Power producers say that the timetable is too stringent and that such a change would disproportionately hurt the Midwest, where most of the power is generated by older coal-fired plants that are targets of the legislation. Beyond that, the industry separates into distinct camps. For energy companies willing to accept some limits on warming gases, one goal is to firm up a market for tradeable credits earned by companies that make sharp cuts in emissions or plant or protect forests, which absorb carbon dioxide. For such credits to have value, a limit on emissions must exist, the company officials say. Aware of corporate resistance to mandatory limits, some energy industry executives and lobbyists have proposed that the government sponsor a voluntary program to reduce emissions. Once enrolled, companies would have to meet mandatory goals on reductions of greenhouse gases. ''We haven't said there must be mandatory caps on CO2,'' said Jeffrey Keeler, director of environmental strategies at Enron. ''But it's been proven that voluntary programs don't work well; that's why we are where we are today. We can have limits from the top down and not endanger the economy.'' Whether the Bush administration will accept even voluntary limits remains to be seen. And later this year, the White House will again be the focus of policy making. Businesses that share the view Mr. Bush expressed in March, when he rejected any binding limits on the warming gases, whether in a global accord or federal legislation, say they are confident that there will be no big shifts. For example, Mr. Long, the mining association official, said he was perplexed by those companies that want to reduce carbon dioxide, which his group and its allies do not see as a pollutant or a threat to the environment. ''I think some of this is the hangover from the Clintonian era, when some of these emissions changes seemed inevitable,'' he said. ''And I think some people got locked into that mind-set. I think the world changed in January. It can't have escaped their notice that the new president won't support constraints on CO2 .'' One of the staunchest foes of limits on carbon dioxide is the Southern Company of Atlanta, whose nuclear and coal-fired plants span Georgia, Florida, Alabama and Mississippi, and whose donations to the Republican Party last year were second only to Enron's. The company recently enlisted Haley Barbour, a former chairman of the Republican National Committee, as a lobbyist. Mr. Barbour mainly works to loosen enforcement of environmental regulations affecting utilities, though other Washington lobbyists said that he had also argued against action on reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Mr. Barbour did not return phone calls yesterday seeking comment. Power companies trying to find a way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions think they have greater sway with Congress than they have with the White House. ''The closer we get to midterm elections,'' a utility executive said, ''both sides of the Hill will feel a high degree of vulnerability on environmental issues, and some will retreat from the White House if they feel they need to.'' In the meantime, opponents of emissions limits are not assuming that the Kyoto accord is dead, despite its having been greatly weakened by the rejection from the United States, the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases. Their lobbyists were out in force at last week's negotiations in Bonn, and they said they would keep working to defeat the international agreement, which is still subject to ratification in scores of countries. Among other things, they plan to keep pressure on the Bush administration to propose no alternatives -- particularly anything resembling a limit on greenhouse gases. ''The protocol is like the Titanic,'' said Glenn Kelly, executive director of the Global Climate Coalition, which has fought against the Kyoto agreement using contributions from industries that regard gas restrictions as a threat. Eventually, he said in an interview in Bonn, the Kyoto Protocol will hit an iceberg, but that will not be the end of the matter. ''After it sinks,'' he said, ''there are still going to be lifeboats that survive to be picked up by the next ship that comes along.'' Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Business Calif. energy crisis gives Mirant a profit boost Daily Investing Report MATTHEW C. QUINN STAFF 08/01/2001 The Atlanta Constitution Home F.9 (Copyright, The Atlanta Journal and Constitution - 2001) Mirant Corp. reported Tuesday that net income during the second quarter more than doubled, boosted by record electricity sales in North America that included California's deregulated power market. The global independent power company said earnings from operations totaled $181 million, compared with $86 million for the comparable year-ago period when Mirant was operating as a subsidiary of Atlanta- based Southern Co. The results exclude an after-tax write-off of $57 million related to Edelnor, its unprofitable Chilean power generator. Mirant's earnings of 52 cents per share exceeded the mean estimate of analysts surveyed by Thomson Financial/First Call of 46 cents per share and compare with 25 cents for the second quarter of 2000 when more shares were outstanding. Mirant, spun off by Southern Co. in April, forecast earnings of at least $1.90 per share for the year. Marce Fuller, chief executive of the Atlanta-based company, said diluted earnings per share grew 108 percent during the second quarter "largely because of our expertise in integrating generating assets with gas and power marketing in North America." Mirant said electricity sales rose 39 percent to a North American record. Gas sales rose 53 percent. Despite price controls imposed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in California's troubled electricity market, Mirant's Americas Group reported earnings of $157 million, a 406 percent increase from $31 million a year ago. Mirant does not report California results separately. Mirant also announced a major power plant deal in Puerto Rico, a joint venture for the Southeast and a plant construction project in Washington state. Mirant said it has agreed to acquire a natural gas-fueled 540- megawatt power plant in Penuelas, Puerto Rico, for $586 million from Edison Mission Energy and Enron Corp., both Texas based. Mirant has other holdings in the Caribbean. A newly acquired Jamaican utility added 2 cents per diluted share during the second quarter. A new power plant development could put Mirant on track to compete with its former parent, Southern Co. Mirant and Cleco Corp., a Louisiana-based power company, have announced a joint venture to develop up to 2,000 megawatts of electric generating capacity across 11 Southern states. The partners are already developing a power plant in Pineville, La., and Fuller announced that development of two more Southeastern plants is in the works. Mirant's plan to build a 286-megawatt power plant in Longview, Wash., near high-growth Portland, Ore., is the company's first foray into the Pacific Northwest. Mirant shares closed at $30.93 on the New York Stock Exchange, down 75 cents. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. California; Metro Desk More Energy Advisors May Have Conflicts Disclosure: Two officials of a Pasadena consulting firm bought large amounts of Edison International stock just before landing contract with the state. JEFFREY L. RABIN; MIGUEL BUSTILLO; RICH CONNELL TIMES STAFF WRITERS 08/01/2001 Los Angeles Times Home Edition B-1 Copyright 2001 / The Times Mirror Company Newly released documents show that two officials of a Pasadena-based energy consulting company bought large amounts of Edison International stock before they were hired by the Davis administration to help rescue the state's beleaguered utilities. Vikram Budhraja, president of the Electric Power Group, and Mark Skowronski, an employee of the firm, bought multiple blocks of Edison International stock in January, just before landing a $6.2-million contract with the state. Key details of potential conflicts of interest among Davis administration energy consultants are only emerging now, six months after many were hired, because the consultants were never asked to provide basic information required under state law. "There seems to be real negligence here on the part of the governor's staff to not tell them the rules," said Bob Stern, president of the Center for Government Studies in Los Angeles and an author of the state's Political Reform Act. "Somebody dropped the ball. . . . That is a big problem." That problem has been expanding over the past two weeks as new details continue trickling out. Last Friday, aides to Gov. Gray Davis announced that five consultants hired to help the state purchase electricity were fired for possible conflicts of interests. Tuesday marked the first time the Davis administration released amended disclosure forms that included such important details as when the consultants bought and sold energy stocks. One form was from Skowronski. It showed that he had purchased far more Edison stock than he had previously revealed. In all, he owned six blocks of Edison stock, each valued between $10,000 and $100,000. He also disclosed buying for his wife's retirement account a similarly valued block of stock in PG&E Corp., parent of Pacific Gas and Electric Co., the state's largest utility. Skowronski divested those holdings on July 18 as part of an order by the governor, who had been stung by criticisms over secrecy surrounding his consultants. It was not immediately clear how Skowronski, who makes $150 an hour with the state, fared overall in the Edison transactions. In March, he sold stock in energy producer Reliant Inc. valued between $10,000 and $100,000. At that time, he had been made the state's lead contract negotiator with the Houston-based firm. Skowronski could not be reached for comment on Tuesday but said in a July 9 disclosure form that he "had no dealings with Edison and have not had a conflict of interest." His boss, Budhraja, also has come under scrutiny. Budhraja was singled out in a letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission by California Secretary of State Bill Jones as an example of possible insider trading. Jones estimated that Budhraja had made profits of more than 40% in January buying and selling stock valued at between $20,000 and $200,000 in the parent company of Southern California Edison, Jones said. According to state financial disclosure forms, Budhraja bought between $10,000 and $100,000 of Edison stock on the same day Davis declared an energy emergency and announced that the state would buy power for California's cash-starved major utilities. Budhraja purchased another block of Edison stock five days later. A former Edison executive, Budhraja also reported that he was paid more than $100,000 on a retainer to provide consulting services to the utility when needed. His services had not been requested since the third quarter of last year, according to the disclosure form. Budhraja, who is being paid $275 an hour by the state, reported selling his Edison stock Jan. 29, which he said was the first opportunity to divest after going to work for the state. Among his duties has been to negotiate power purchase contracts and provide strategic advice. Attorney Stephen Kaufman said Budhraja was simply a savvy investor. "Mr. Budhraja was observing what has happening in the marketplace at the time, reading the newspapers, and saw what he thought to be a good opportunity to purchase these stocks." The latest details on stock purchases by state energy consultants came as Davis spokesman Steve Maviglio defended his own energy investments. They include San Jose-based generator Calpine Corp. and Houston power trader Enron Corp. Maviglio was repeatedly questioned about the ethics of his holdings Tuesday during his traditional weekly media briefing with reporters, and remained defiant, insisting he had done nothing improper. Spokeswoman Hilary McLean initially took questions from the two dozen print, radio and television reporters in attendance, but Maviglio, who was standing beside the podium, eventually came to his own defense. "I can't help myself," he said as he approached the microphone. Maviglio reiterated his stance that he was not privileged with any inside information unavailable to the public when he placed his order for Calpine stock on May 31. He said he made the move after reading newspapers and analysts' recommendations. He said he would be willing to divest the stock if Davis asks him to, but maintained his belief that the transaction did not violate any laws. Reporters sharply questioned Maviglio's insistence that he was not privy to more information on the state's electricity purchases than the general public. Maviglio and McLean said they were out of the loop on such details. Maviglio blamed the press for making his stock an issue. "Perception is what you create," he said. The controversy, Stern said, underscores the importance of timely filing to safeguard the public interest. "I think as many high-ranking people as possible should be filing these so we know of potential conflicts," he said. Times staff writers Daryl Kelley, Mitchell Landsberg and Robert J. Lopez contributed to this report. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. COMPANIES & FINANCE THE AMERICAS: Enron powers ahead despite a big black mark: Poorly performing broadband unit has helped to halve group's share price, writes Julie Earle: Financial Times, Aug 1, 2001 By JULIE EARLE Ken Lay, Enron chairman, should have a lot to shout about. The US pipeline company turned energy trader saw second-quarter net income jump almost 40 per cent to Dollars 404m as revenue more than trebled to Dollars 50bn - fuelled by its dominant energy trading business, where it is three times as big as its nearest competitor. There is a black mark on Enron's balance sheet, however, in the shape of its poorly performing Broadband Services division. This trades bandwidth in much the same way as other Enron units trade gas and electricity - except that broadband is losing money. Telecommunications companies that invested heavily in fibre optic networks - including established carriers such as WorldCom, AT&T and Level 3 - are struggling with over-capacity and lack of demand. Investors have driven Enron's stock down from a high of more than Dollars 90 last August to the current level of about Dollars 46. Part of the issue, according to Mr Lay, is that Texas-based Enron - created in 1985 by the merger of natural gas providers Houston Natural Gas and Internorth - can be a difficult company to understand. "I am annoyed about it. I think the transparency argument is thrown out by people trying to confuse people who do not follow the company closely," he says. Those who do follow Enron closely know that broadband is unlikely to turn around any time soon, because of continuing weakness in the telecoms market. Enron has moved to scale back its broadband activities by announcing an unspecified number of job cuts and other cost-cutting after the division's second-quarter losses ballooned to Dollars 102m from Dollars 8m a year earlier. At the time of the results announcement last month, Jeff Skilling, Enron president, warned the unit was unlikely to make a profit by 2002, as the company had earlier predicted. Mr Lay, however, appears more optimistic. "With increased activity (and) increased transactions, we still have a good chance of breaking even in that business by year-end next year," he says. He maintains that Enron's foray into broadband 18 months ago was not a mistake. "With hindsight, we wouldn't have geared up as much as we did. We said from day one there would be a glut and we got a glut," he said. "The problem is that glut over the past 90 days or so has turned into a total meltdown of the marketplace and it will be more difficult to do business." In the meantime, Enron is cutting back its spending on bandwidth significantly, to Dollars 73m in the third quarter and to Dollars 40m by next year. It will focus on two areas, bandwidth trading and packaged services for business customers. Enron expects more pain ahead for broadband but does not plan to buy any more fibre. "We've got Dollars 1.2bn invested and Dollars 2bn by year-end. We have the network we need," Mr Lay says. While broadband is an immediate issue, transparency remains a niggling concern. Mr Lay insists that suggestions the company's profits are boosted by asset sales are "unfounded" (although in the last quarter, Enron raised as much as Dollars 1bn from the sale of three plants). "Analysts that follow us closely understand how we make money and where we make money," he says. Ray Niles, analyst at Salomon Smith Barney, believes Enron is getting punished for being too aggressive. The group is one of a number of energy traders - including rivals Reliant Energy and Duke Energy - being questioned in California over alleged manipulation of power prices. Mr Lay says volatile gas and electricity prices have little impact on Enron's earnings, with the company's profit being driven by higher trading volumes. "As long as we have the more extensive physical network to move product around, and have the greatest volume and liquidity, we will find ways to always buy or find the product cheaper than other people can and move it to the market place." The company's wholesale business unit, the group's main profit driver, derives 70 per cent of its business from North America. In the last quarter, Enron sold almost twice as much power in North America as it did a year ago; in Europe, it sold five times as much. Enron is also excited by signs that the US regional transmission grid for wholesale electricity could be opened up. It believes only 20 per cent of the market is currently open, and that this could increase to 90-95 per cent. Copyright: The Financial Times Limited Shock therapy 08/01/2001 The Economic Times Copyright (C) 2001 The Economic Times; Source: World Reporter (TM) KENNETH Lay, the boss of Houston-based Enron Corporation, has said that his company has given up on India and is willing to pull out of Dabhol Power Company, in which it is the largest stakeholder. Dabhols power project in Maharashtra, the largest single overseas investment project that India has ever attracted, has been the focus of controversy since its inception in the early 1990s. Under political pressure, its power purchase agreement with the Maharashtra SEB was revised once. There are attempts to renegotiate the PPA yet again. The ostensible problem is that power from DPC is too expensive and MSEB cant afford it. Before getting into the nitty-gritty of numbers, ask yourself what is the rate that India can afford for electricity? Numbers show that India cannot afford power at any rate that is commercially viable even for state-owned utilities generating coal fired electricity in fully depreciated plants. About 40 per cent of the electricity generated in India is not paid for. Officially, nearly a quarter of all power generated is lost in transmission and distribution. A lot more is billed below cost because consumers who are supposed to pay do not. The government reckons that the cost of generating a unit of power is Rs 2.80. This sells for less than Rs 2.10 per unit on average. So, why blame Enron for wanting to pull out, when the numbers show that theres no money to be made producing power? Companies like AES, which ventured into Orissa have faced defaults. Cesco, a private distribution company, finds that it cannot disconnect consumers who dont pay. Cesco cant pay its own employees, nor can it pay AES. Who wants to do business here? Given this grim scenario, even if Enron wants to exit, it will find it hard to find a buyer for its equity stake. There is absolutely no guarantee that MSEB, which has driven itself to bankruptcy, will pay the new owner regularly for power. There are definite limits to how low the cost of power from a new, gas fired plant (as DPC is supposed to be in future) can go. And many Indians today seem unwilling to buy power at any cost. Without quick, drastic reforms India will plunge into the heart of darkness. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. US Exim set to move SC on Dabhol row Sanjay Dutta 08/01/2001 The Times of India Copyright (C) 2001 The Times of India; Source: World Reporter (TM) NEW DELHI: The US Export-Import (Exim) Bank is set to move the Supreme Court in a day or two, challenging the Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission's (MERC) eligibility to adjudicate on the tariff row between the Enron-promoted Dabhol Power Company and the Maharashtra State Electricity Board. The move, being seen as indirect US pressure to expedite resolution of the issue, is likely to bolster the special leave petition (SLP) filed by DPC and applications by its international lenders for the Supreme Court's intervention. US Exim, which is a lender, is likely to base its application on the premise that since the power purchase agreement between DPC and MSEB clearly stipulates international arbitration in case of any dispute, MERC has no role to play in its resolution. It may also cite Section 52 of the PPA that makes it clear the `conferral' of jurisdiction under Section 22 (1)(C) and (D) and Section 22 (2)(N) ``would override the provisions of all other substantive as well as procedural laws of India, including the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996''. It is also likely to take the stand that for a stable and predictable business environment, it is essential that arbitration agreements are upheld and any party should not be allowed to frustrate this through ``collateral proceedings''. Eleven international lenders on Friday had urged the court to hear DPC's petition against a Bombay High Court order referring the dispute to MERC. The international lenders have a Rs 2,088 crore ($444 million) exposure, based on a conversion rate of Rs 47 to a dollar, in the Rs 12,000 crore ($3 billion) power project. With their application, the international lenders have made it clear that they are running out of patience. They have said in their application that the Supreme Court should intervene to end the uncertainty over enforceability of arbitration pacts and pave the way for early resolution of the issue. Enron, DPC's main promoter, has about $700 million exposure, or 65 per cent equity, in the project. It is now looking for an exit over a demand for renegotiating the price for selling power. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reliance's Ambani on Enron's $3 Bln India Project: Comment 2001-08-01 02:52 (New York) Mumbai, Aug. 1 (Bloomberg) -- Anil Ambani, managing director of Reliance Industries Ltd., India's biggest private company, comments on speculation it may buy Enron Corp's $3 billion India power project. Enron Corp., the world's top energy trader, last week told the Indian government to buy out its 65 percent stake in Dabhol. It's been fighting with the Maharashtra State Electricity Board, its sole customer, for seven months to recover $64 million in unpaid bills. ``Reliance Industries is not interested in Dabhol Power Co.'' Enron's India unit that owns the 2,144-megawatt power plant. ``Our intention is to focus on our existing businesses and the ones we have on hand. We have a presence in power and oil and gas.'' Reliance owns 30 percent of BSES Ltd., a power generator in Mumbai, and gets three percent of its sales from oil exploration. It runs the world's seventh-biggest refinery and has won 25 oil sites the past two years. Reliance Not Interested in Enron India Project, Official Says 2001-08-01 02:50 (New York) Reliance Not Interested in Enron India Project, Official Says Mumbai, August 1 (Bloomberg) -- Reliance Industries Ltd., India's biggest private company, doesn't plan to buy out Enron Corp.'s local unit, Dabhol Power Co., managing director Anil Ambani said. ``Reliance is not interested in a Dabhol stake,'' Ambani told reporters and analysts yesterday. ``Our intention is to focus on our existing businesses.'' Enron Corp., the world's top energy trader, last week told the Indian government to buy out its 65 percent stake in Dabhol. It's been fighting with the Maharashtra State Electricity Board, its sole customer, for seven months to recover $64 million in unpaid bills. The board stopped buying Dabhol's power in May, saying it's too expensive, prompting the generator to halt production. The plant can produce 740 megawatts of power and the company had planned to add another 2,184 megawatts of capacity this year. Reliance, which makes 10 million tons of petrochemicals a year, holds a 30 percent stake in BSES Ltd., owner of a 500- megawatt power plant about 60 miles north of Mumbai. Some analysts expected it Reliance may buy out Dabhol to strengthen its power business. Reliance has expanded into telecommunications with plans to build a fiber-optic network linking 115 Indian cities. The 37,000- mile network would cost $5.3 billion and carry calls for its local and overseas long-distance and cellular phone services. Reliance plans to expand its oil and gas business, currently three percent of total sales, by developing the 25 sites it's won the past two years for oil exploration. Reliance Petroleum Ltd., 64 percent owned by Reliance, runs the world's seventh-biggest refinery at Jamnagar in western India. RIL not to pick up Enron pie Our Corporate Bureau Mumbai 08/01/2001 Business Standard 4 Copyright (c) Business Standard The Reliance group is not interested in buying out Enron's 65 per cent stake in the Dabhol power project. "We are not interested in the Dabhol stake. We are keen on focusing on the existing businesses of the group like polyesters, polymers, oil & gas, petrochemicals and the existing power projects of the group," RIL managing director Anil Ambani, said today. There has been speculation in a section of the press that Reliance along with other corporates had evinced interest in buying out Enron's stake in Dabhol Power Company. Ambani's statement has scotched this speculation. Enron Corporation chairman, Kenneth Lay, had stated in an interview last week that the company was keen on getting out of the project. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Embattled Rep. Condit continues fund-raising, campaign spending By DON THOMPSON Associated Press Writer 07/31/2001 Associated Press Newswires Copyright 2001. The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. SACRAMENTO (AP) - U.S. Rep. Gary Condit continued raising and spending campaign money this spring at about his usual pace, despite the media and police frenzy over his romantic ties to a missing Washington, D.C., intern. Campaign records released Tuesday night show the Ceres Democrat raised $195,370 and spent $144,270 the first half of the year - including a previously disclosed $10,000 to the Chandra Levy reward account immediately after she disappeared in early May. The records show Condit also incurred a $206 in bills for in-flight telephone calls May 30, just as attention was shifting to the married 53-year-old congressman's alleged involvement with the 24-year-old Levy. He also spent $2,373 for a news clipping service June 15. Condit, whose congressional financial disclosure forms show little personal wealth, has hired a high-profile Washington lawyer to represent him during the Levy matter. That has led some to speculate whether he would pay his legal bills from his campaign funds, but this report shows no payments to either attorney Abbe Lowell or public relations specialist Marina Ein, who now represent Condit. He continued his practice of buying what are labeled gifts for constituents, including flowers, items from a Modesto camera store, and favors from a San Francisco shop named Rumors. Despite some Republicans' calls for Condit's resignation, his staff says he has no intention of stepping down. His campaign account also reflects no curtailment. Two years ago, when Condit was known just as a conservative Democrat from California, he raised a little more than $200,000 in the first six months of 1999, including $97,000 from individuals and $104,000 from political action committees. He spent $128,000 in the same period. This time he raised $121,645 from individuals and $73,725 from PACs. His contributions from PACs and Washington lobbyists were particularly large during June, including two apparent fund-raising events as the controversy swirled. At least seven Californians in Congress have campaign bank accounts of more than $500,000, including two with more than $1 million. Rep. Loretta Sanchez, D-Santa Ana, is sitting on $1.2 million in cash, while Rep. Jerry Lewis, R-Redlands, has $1 million in the bank. With the boundaries of congressional districts about to change in redistricting, the money could come in handy to scare off challengers or allow a politician to get to know new constituents. "It's insurance," said Gary Jacobson, a political science professor at the University of California at San Diego. "They don't know what's going to happen. They may not have to spend it all." Rep. Elton Gallegly, R-Simi Valley, has made some Democratic lists of potentially vulnerable incumbents. But Gallegly already has $780,000 in cash available for his reelection campaign. Other Californians with more than a half-million dollars in the bank are: Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham, R-Del Mar, with $771,000; Rep. Tom Lantos, D-San Mateo, with $723,000; Rep. Bill Thomas, R-Bakersfield, with $599,000; and Rep. Wally Herger, R-Marysville, with $522,000. Thomas, new chairman of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, raised $342,000 in the first six months of the year, most of it from political action committees that reflect the broad range of industries with interests in tax legislation. Energy company PACs contributed to many members of Congress, including several in California. Among them, Rep. Anna Eshoo, D-Atherton, stood out in the midst of California's power crisis by returning $1,500 to the Dynegy PAC and $1,000 to the Enron PAC. --- Associated Press writer Mark Sherman contributed to this story from Washington, D.C. AP Photo under file art Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Calif Gov Won't Fire Spokesman For Calpine Stock Purchase 07/31/2001 Dow Jones Energy Service (Copyright (c) 2001, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.) LOS ANGELES -(Dow Jones)- California Gov. Gray Davis "absolutely (does) not" intend to fire his senior press secretary because he bought stock in Calpine Corp (CPN) in June, Davis' senior political advisor Garry South said Tuesday. The press secretary, Steve Maviglio, revealed Monday that he bought 300 shares of Calpine stock on June 20, 2001. The disclosure came one day after sources at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission said they were investigating members of Davis' administration to see if they bought stock in energy companies using information that was unavailable to the public. California Secretary of State Bill Jones, who is running for governor against Davis, renewed calls Tuesday for Maviglio's dismissal at a press conference in Los Angeles. Maviglio said he bought the Calpine stock based on information he read in the newspapers. He also said he will not resign and will only sell his energy stocks if told to do so by his attorney or the governor. He has also owned stock in Enron Corp (ENE) since 1996. State conflict-of-interest laws say public officials can't negotiate contracts for companies in which they hold stock, and can't use their positions to influence any state decisions about those companies. Maviglio is not in a position where he could exercise a conflict of interest, said Davis senior political advisor Garry South. "He is not a policymaker. He says what it is decided that he will say," South said. "To make a statement about something is not a conflict of interest. If that were the case, every person in state government would have to divest every stock they have before they made a public statement." By law, state employees must file financial disclosure forms once a year and within 30 days of being hired. Jones demanded Tuesday that all members of Davis' staff, as well as consultants and contractors, file updated financial disclosure statements within 48 hours. Jones said the employees in his own office are current with their financial filings, though they haven't necessarily filed updates. "My office is involved in elections, not energy," Jones said. He added that the governor's staff needs to update financial disclosure forms for January through July in light of the state's taking on a power-buying role for insolvent utilities in January. Jones also said he did not accept gubernatorial campaign contributions from energy companies. Last week, five state energy consultants were fired by Davis' staff for potential conflicts of interest arising from their ownership of Calpine stock. The state has signed nearly half of its $43 billion in long-term energy contracts with Calpine. The consultants, who were hired by the state in January, didn't file economic interest statements until July, when Jones revealed that consultants and energy traders held stock in energy companies from which they were buying power. Davis has accused several power suppliers of price gouging, but has spared Calpine the invective, saying the San Jose-based generator has charged prices below that of other generators and has invested in California for the long haul. The California Independent System Operator, however, has listed Calpine as one of the generators that has racked up millions in overcharges for wholesale power. -By Jessica Berthold, Dow Jones Newswires; 323-658-3872; Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Calif Power-Contract Negotiator Bought GE, Enron Stock By Jason Leopold Of DOW JONES NEWSWIRES 07/31/2001 Dow Jones Energy Service (Copyright (c) 2001, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.) LOS ANGELES -(Dow Jones)- A consultant hired by the state of California to help negotiate long-term power contracts made significant purchases of electricity-industry stock at a time when deals were still being hammered out, state financial disclosure forms show. Navigant Consulting Inc. Senior Managing Director Ronald Nichols, hired as a senior energy consultant by the state Department of Water Resources in January, purchased between $10,000 and $100,000 of stock in each of General Electric Co. (GE) and Enron Corp. (ENE) in April, according to documents obtained Tuesday by Dow Jones Newswires. GE Power Systems, a major GE unit, is the largest U.S. supplier of turbines for power generation. A number of GE turbines have been ordered by developers that signed power-supply deals with the DWR. Enron is the top trader of power and natural gas in the West and the country as a whole. California has signed $43 billion in long-term power contracts, the details of which weren't released publicly until mid-June. Nichols will likely have to sell his shares in Enron, which never signed power deals with the state, but the DWR has allowed him to keep his shares in General Electric, DWR spokesman Oscar Hidalgo said. "It was determined his holding in General Electric was not required to be divested, because GE is not considered an energy production company," Hidalgo said. Nichols, who the DWR said analyzes and negotiates power contracts and helps the agency calculate its revenue requirements, also said there was no conflict of interest. "That stock is not a power generator, and the generation equipment that they develop is but a small portion of what their business is," said Nichols, who was traveling with state Treasurer Phil Angelides in New York. "They're a multi-conglomerate these days. It's been determined by DWR and by me that it's not a conflict, and it's been upheld in the review" of the financial disclosure form. Moreover, he said, the decision whether to use GE turbines rested with developers of power plants. GE Big In Power GE Power Systems is the largest supplier of power-generation turbines in the U.S., and it has benefited directly from long-term deals power suppliers signed with the DWR. A 20-year contract signed with the DWR in February, for example, led developer Calpine Corp. (CPN) to order 11 GE peak-demand turbines worth about $150 million. Calpine won't place such orders for "peaking" units without contracts in place to back them up, the company said on a conference call last week. Calpine announced April 19 that it would buy 46 turbines from GE for power plants under development nationwide. "I'm not aware of any specific deal Calpine or any other generator had with a specific vendor," Nichols said. GE Power Systems was GE's fastest-growing unit in 2001. First-half revenues and profits at the unit grew three times as fast as they did at the runner-up unit. GE Power Systems racked up $1.23 billion in second-quarter profits - up 63% from the same period the year before - making it the second-largest contributor to GE's $3.90 billion in earnings for the period. Shareholdings in energy companies by members of Gov. Gray Davis' power-buying team have been the subject of a political battle pitting Davis against potential gubernatorial rival Bill Jones, the Republican secretary of state. Questions have been raised about the validity of power contracts negotiated by those with possible conflicts of interest. In addition to the scrutiny at the state level, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating members of the Davis administration and the state's energy traders to determine whether stocks were purchased using insider information. Forty energy traders and consultants with the DWR filed financial disclosure statements in July under pressure from Jones. Ten of those filings revealed financial interests in energy companies. Five of those filers have been fired, and one has resigned. Others remain on board. Link To AES Sumner White, a Navigant consultant hired March 6 to work on the long-term contracts, reported receiving annual income of between $10,000 and $100,000 from AES Corp. (AES) for his work with the company. The nature of that work wasn't immediately known. AES operates power plants in California under an arrangement with Williams Cos. (WMB), under which Williams takes almost all the risk and profit. AES hasn't signed any long-term supply deals with California, although Williams did. White wasn't available for comment. Thirty DWR consultants and traders reported having no stake in energy companies. They include ranking members of Davis' power-buying operation. Top energy trader Susan Lee, senior Davis energy adviser David Freeman and head of the DWR's power buying operation Pete Garris declared they had no financial interests at all, according to reports obtained by Dow Jones Newswires. In addition, reports filed in March show DWR Director Thomas Hannigan and DWR Deputy Director Ray Hart had no interests in energy companies in 2000, the year covered by the disclosures. California's Political Reform Act requires state employees to disclose their financial interests within 30 days of being hired and then every year. In all, 60 traders and consultants work for the DWR, not all of whom were required to file disclosure statements in July. On Monday, chief Davis spokesman Steve Maviglio disclosed that he purchased 300 shares of Calpine Corp. (CPN) stock on June 20. Maviglio hasn't been named by the SEC, which hasn't identified the subjects of its investigation. He said he made his purchases based on public information. -By Jason Leopold, Dow Jones Newswires; 323-658-3874; (Mark Golden and Andrew Dowell in New York contributed to this article.) Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. USA: Texas retail power deregulation starts slowly, smoothly. By C. Bryson Hull 07/31/2001 Reuters English News Service (C) Reuters Limited 2001. HOUSTON, July 31 (Reuters) - The first steps toward a deregulated retail electricity market in Texas went smoothly but slowly Tuesday, as the first customers were switched from their utility to new power providers. The Electric Reliability Council of Texas, after two months of delays began moving customers over to their new providers, launched what will be a very closely watched transition to deregulation. "We're starting slowly, so we have had 75 switch-overs today and 75 tomorrow, and then we'll be ramping up as we test the systems," ERCOT spokeswoman Jennifer Taylor said. The full conversion should be finished by the end of August, she said. The pilot program hinged on the conversion of ERCOT's 10 control areas to a single control room in Austin. The pilot had been slated to start in June, but three delays related to power-scheduling software glitches held it back. Those small delays had led some in California, where a failed partial deregulation attempt led to blackouts and the near-collapse of the state's two biggest investor-owned utilities, to snicker at Texas' early obstacles. But California's fate has put the eyes of the U.S. squarely on Texas' transition to an unfettered marketplace. One big difference: the wholesale Texas power market has been operating smoothly since its deregulation in 1995. A major hang-up in California was its half-measure deregulation of the wholesale market, which led to massive price spikes because utilities were prevented from buying forward contracts to protect against volatile prices swings. For whatever reason, Texas customers did not exactly flock to join the pilot program, which ends when full deregulation begins on Jan. 1, 2002. Roughly 90,000 individual retail customers joined the pilot program, which offered 265,000 spots on a first-come, first-serve basis to try the test run. "This is a historic moment for electric customers in Texas. Texans can now choose their electric company the same way they choose other goods and services in their everyday lives," said Texas Public Utilities Commission Chairman Max Yzaguirre, the former head of Enron Corp.'s ENE.N Mexican division. The tepid response from individuals contrasted with the stampede of commercial and industrial customers who joined the pilot. The industrial pilot was completely subscribed well before its kickoff. Texas' deregulation law limited pilot participation at 5percent of both categories of customer. The new retail providers include the deregulated divisions of traditional utilities like Reliant Energy , Entergy Corp. , Texas-New Mexico Power Co. and TXU Corp. . Other entrants include Royal Dutch/Shell's Shell Energy and Green Mountain Energy, which uses renewable resources and other cleaner methods of power generation. The New Power Co., a joint venture of Enron, AOL/Time Warner Inc. and IBM , is also in the market. There are also 10 registered aggregators, who put together large groups of customers so they will have the bulk leverage to negotiate lower rates from retail providers. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Northwest utilities seek millions in refunds - some from neighbors 07/31/2001 Associated Press Newswires Copyright 2001. The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. OLYMPIA (AP) - Half a dozen Pacific Northwest utilities are seeking nearly $700 million in reimbursements from energy suppliers they accuse of price gouging, but some of the accused gougers are actually other utilities from the region. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission begins an inquiry into the charges on Wednesday. Papers submitted to the commission detail the allegations, and point fingers at national power producers such as Enron, Dynegy and Duke Energy. But they also name companies closer to home. For instance, Tacoma Power is seeking about $28 million in refunds from Spokane-based Avista Energy. "The legal standard, first, is that rates have to be just and reasonable," Phillip Chabot, Tacoma Power's attorney, told a group of Northwest public radio stations on Monday. California's failed power deregulation scheme combined with drought to tighten electrical supplies in the region in recent months, forcing utilities to pay record prices for power on the spot market. In some cases, the price jumped from less than $100 to more than $1,000 per megawatt hour. In general, changing the rates paid for power after the transaction is prohibited by law. But Chabot said the extremely high prices that suppliers charged for power in the heat of the crisis warrant the call for refunds. Federal law also requires just and reasonable rates. "It strains credulity to think that under normal circumstances people would willingly enter into contracts for purchases of energy at $2,000 or $3,000 a megawatt hour," he said. The accused power suppliers hotly dispute refund claims, saying the transactions involved willing sellers and willing buyers. "To impose retroactively refunds, you're penalizing the people or the entities that managed their supply-demand portfolio in a prudent manner and you're rewarding those that did not," said Avista Energy President Dennis Vermillion. "That seems unfair." If Avista were ordered to pay refunds, that could affect rates for its own customers in Eastern Washington and northern Idaho, Vermillion said. No utility came out of the West Coast energy crisis with completely clean hands, he noted. For example, while Seattle City Light claims it was overcharged by about $222 million, the utility was sometimes able to sell surplus power on the open market as well, filings with the FERC indicate. Idaho Power, Snohomish Public Utility District and Pacificorp also could owe refunds as well as collect them, according to the filings. Meanwhile, Puget Sound Energy, which sold energy when the market was high, wants the entire inquiry dismissed, arguing that the refund seekers made their claims too late. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. PUERTO RICO: Mirant to buy Puerto Rican power plant, LNG terminal. 07/31/2001 Reuters English News Service (C) Reuters Limited 2001. PENUELAS, Puerto Rico, July 31 (Reuters) - Energy giant Mirant Corp. said on Tuesday it will buy a 540-megawatt power plant and a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal operated by Puerto Rican-based EcoElectrica Holdings Ltd. Under the agreement, Mirant will acquire 100 percent of EcoElectrica Holdings Ltd. whose shares are currently owned by Edison International unit Edison Mission Energy and Enron Corp. , Mirant said. A Mirant spokesman said the company would pay around $586 million for the assets and assume liabilities of $600 million. No date was given as to when the deal would likely close. The spokesman said the deal was "technically" with Edison Mission and Enron because they own the shares of EcoElectrica. He added the Puerto Rican LNG terminal would continue to provide gas for the power plant and said there were no plans at this point to begin exporting LNG from the terminal to U.S., Caribbean or Latin American markets. Mirant said in the statement it began importing LNG into the United States in April 2001, but did not say where it was buying the LNG. LNG's costly transportation and liquefaction processes involve super-cooling and injecting gas into spherical high-pressure tanks onto special LNG carriers. LNG has seen a renewed wave of interest in the U.S. over the past year due to soaring gas prices, a surge in demand, especially from power plants, and the scramble for new supplies. Mirant's other Caribbean operations include the ownership and operation of power plants in Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and the Bahamas. Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Update on Indian Prime Minister's visit to United States , Dear Members & Friends: In addition to the meetings being organized in San Francisco on Sept 11 (see for details), the program for the Sept 14- Washington, DC portion of the Prime Minister's visit to the United States are being finalized.? We have had to work around the schedules of U.S. Commerce Secretary Norman Mineta, who is leaving for Chicago mid-afternoon, and Prime MInister Vajpayee, who is busy until the late afternoon.? Here is the updated agenda.? : _________________________ Main Track Participation at the Commercial Dialogue & Prime Minister Reception will be limited to one representative per company, except for corporate sponsors and in cases where your company will be represented by the Chairman, Vice Chairman, President or CEO, in which case a second participant will be allowed to staff. 10:00am:? U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Live broadcast of Prime Minister Vajpayee's address to joint session of Congress (see below). 10:30am:? U.S. Chamber of Commerce: U.S.-India Commercial Dialogue meeting begins, with U.S. Commerce Secretary Mineta, Indian Commerce Minister Murasoli Maran, and other U.S. & Indian Gov't dignitaries. 12:30pm: U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Luncheon program ? 2:00pm: U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Sectoral panel discussions ? 5:00pm: U.S. Chamber of Commerce: U.S.-India Business Council Reception for Prime Minister Vajpayee. ___________________________________ Congressional Track: Seating at the following events is extremely limited.? The USIBC plans to hold a small number of seats for these events for sponsors of the U.S.-India Commercial Dialogue & Prime Minister's reception later in the day at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. 10:00am:? Capitol Building: Prime Minister Vajpayee addresses joint session of Congress. 12:30pm:? Capitol Building: Congressional Caucus on India Affairs hosts luncheon with Prime MInister Vajpayee (invited guests only) ___________________________________ There are sponsorships available for the Commercial Dialogue & Prime Minister's reception at $15,000 each.? Sponsors will receive a variety of benefits, including : Preferential seating assignments at seated portions of meeting; Private meetings with Indian Government officials (pending availability); Logo on signage & printed materials; Speaking role for senior officer of sponsoring company; 2 Free tickets for representatives of sponsoring company; Tickets for Prime Minister address to Congress and India Caucus luncheon (pending availability). Please respond to me with any questions.? I expect registration to begin at the end of this week or early next week, once we have a final list of Indian & U.S. Government dignitaries expected to attend. Regards, Rick Richard M. Rossow Associate Director U.S.-India Business Council U.S. Chamber of Commerce 1615 H Street, NW Washington, DC? 20062 Tel: (202) 463-5323 Fax:(202) 463-3173
, comed sucks! 713-853-6203
Re-Box , 1. At the end of the "Notice of Exercise" clause, ass"(but not both)" 2. Instead of "Additional Provisions", insert the following: Special Provisions: Notwithstanding the foregoing, the exercise by the Buyer of the option to enter into either Underlying Transaction I or Underlying Transaction II is conditioned upon (i) the execution by the parties on or before the Expiration Date of an ISDA Master Agreement and (ii) Enron Corp. Risk Assessment and Control approval [of what?]. In the event that either/both (?) condition is not satisfied prior to the Expiration Date, this Transaction shall terminate on such date without further action or payment required by either party.
RE: Hello , I will pass it on to Maria. > -----Original Message----- > From: [] > Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2001 10:49 AM > To: Riordan, Tim F. > Cc: 3 > Subject: RE: Hello > > > I sent this from home Tuesday night. I'm sending it again because the > phone service at my apartment complex is out due to construction so I > can't > tell if you received it. > > Thanks > cg > > > (See attached file: chrisgOct2001.doc) > > ********************************************************************** > This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate > and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of > the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by > others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or > authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or > reply to Enron Corp. at and > delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) > are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or > evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of > its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not > be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or > otherwise. Thank you. > ********************************************************************** << > File: chrisgOct2001.doc >>
RE: Ercot Portal Mismatch , Thanks - Good job in documentation JMF -----Original Message----- From: Capasso, Joe Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2001 2:58 AM To: Forney, John M.; Saibi, Eric; McElreath, Alexander; Olinde Jr., Steve Subject: Ercot Portal Mismatch John, I had a mismatch problem in the portal that I think you and the group should know about. I completed a trade with Calpine tonight (09/08/01), I purchased 50mw for HE 3 & 4 and quickly input it in the portal. At approximately 1:50am, Calpine still did not have their side of the trade input, so I gave Scott at Calpine a quick call. He was in the process of inputting the information in the system and I could see the Calpine entries turning from red to black. All of the entries matched up correctly except for the 300 interval and this is where the problem begins. Scott confirmed the trade verbally and I, also, had the same information (i.e. - 50mw, South Zone, etc...). Even though, everything was the same in both portals, it remained red and unmatched. Scott called Jake at Ercot and confirmed that both sides of the trade were correct, but he did not know why it did not match up. He said it was a system problem and that he would have it looked at on Monday. Jake at Ercot mentioned that we should contact our customer service rep. to make sure that we are not incurred any penalties. Please keep an eye on this as it could become a chronic problem. I have documented this in the QSE Mismatch log book. I hope this has been helpful. Joe Capasso
RE: Vacation Day , Audrey and Kim--fyi. I am out of the office November 1st and 2nd. I will be in New York. November 7th, 8th and 9th I will Las Vegas. Kim, I will coordinate coverage for the morning meeting. TK -----Original Message----- From: Robertson, Audrey Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 8:52 AM To: Centilli, James; Donoho, Lindy; Harris, Steven; Jones, Dana; Lindberg, Lorraine; Lohman, TK; Lokay, Michelle; McConnell, Mark; Robertson, Audrey; Watson, Kimberly; Y'Barbo, Paul Subject: Vacation Day Please be informed, I will be out on vacation this Monday, October 29. I will be available for you, however, just call me on my cell phone (713) 822-7040 or leave me a voice mail. I will log in from home and try to work from home as much as possible. Thanks and have a great weekend. adr Audrey D. Robertson Transwestern Pipeline Company email address: (713) 853-5849 (713) 646-2551 Fax,
Re: FW: Payment of GE Invoice , I've answered all their questions, and have suggested to Chris that he ask NorthWestern for audited financials. Marissa is preparing a letter which briefly outlines the deal, since GE had requested a letter identifying the parties, the payment obligations, etc. I've given them all this information previously in phone calls and by email, but I think they want something official looking. Probably be a good idea for you to sign the letter. I don't think they will trade payment for a consent, but I could be wrong. It just isn't enough money, and GE isn't strapped for cash anyway. I'd want to be careful that we don't trip up on E - Next obligations. Kay From: Ben Jacoby/ENRON@enronXgate on 06/06/2001 01:09 PM To: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: FW: Payment of GE Invoice Kay: I'd like to hold payment on this invoice until we receive the consent from GE. Any update? -----Original Message----- From: Walker, Rebecca Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 9:59 AM To: Jacoby, Ben Cc: Booth, Chris; Dennis, Tonya; Clark, Catherine; Edmonds, Marcus Subject: Payment of GE Invoice Ben The Turbopark funds request for all payments to be made next month needs to be submitted by Tuesday, June 12th. This request covers the period from June 15th to July 15th. Are we planning to pay the $1.5 MM invoice from GE during this time period? If so, I will have accounting request the funds. If we're not sure if the payment will be made or not, it is better not to request the funds. In this case, the payment can be treated as an "actual" for that month and backed out of the advance for next month. Please let me know which course of action you would like to take. Thanks, Rebecca
, ina: we're going to have a mandatory eol trading simulation session today at 4:00. Can you email all traders on the floor and make sure the desk heads know. Also, postpone my 4:00-5:00 mtgs until after 5 or tomorrow. thanks
Out of Office AutoReply: Understanding TCO , I will be returning to the office on Tuesday.
, assuming we're driving the car to dallas tomorrow after work...
, Howdy. I wrote the following last month while I was in Northern Cyprus. Hope you enjoy it. * * * Maras, The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus -- Attached to the rusting chain-link fence I am approaching are several blood red signs, on which are stenciled both the black silhouette of the top half of a faceless soldier holding a rifle and a warning, in Turkish, that "Fotograf Cekmek Yasaktir [To Take Photographs Is Forbidden]". The fence, no longer quite plumb in the soft sand, seems to stumble across the beach, eventually ending at a gently lapping Mediterranean. There a tangle of wires attached to the fence extends a short way into the surf, making anyone's effort to outflank it obviously intentional. The Turkish soldiers patrolling the non-man's land beyond, to the south, could thus treat such an intruder, I suppose, in whatever way they might see fit. In the other direction, the fence, before it has completely left the beach, cuts sharply north, running in front of the hulks of four empty resort hotels. Above them in the deep blue of the pre-dusk sky hangs a crescent moon, the same phased moon that graces the flags of both Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. One of the hotels still has the remnants of an identifying sign, with just two of its six letter Greek name remaining. Another hotel, the smallest and no doubt at one time the quaintest, has slatted wooden shutters covering the windows and doors leading out to tiny porches. Some of the shutters have rusted off their hinges then fallen forward against the porch railings, and now point out to sea as if giving urgent warning. Others hang limply, defeated, from a single remaining hinge. Most surprisingly, every one of the windows I can see in the hotels is either missing or broken. I am taken back by such thoroughness, given that the most likely motivation was vindictiveness. I struggle to find a loftie= r one, wondering if there was perhaps some valid security consideration, such as making these somewhat strategically set buildings unattractive to squatters. Maybe -- though I find this thought the most troubling -- it ha= d been done just for the fun of it. The fence I am walking along marks the border between inhabited and uninhabited Maras, the Turkish Cypriot's name for the town Greek Cypriots call Varosha. The uninhabited part has been off limits since the Turkish army invaded Cyprus in 1974. Before that invasion the small Turkish Cyprio= t minority had lived uneasily amongst the Greek Cypriot majority, though in the years since 1960, when Cyprus was given its independence by the English= , periodic outbreaks of inter-communal violence had led to increased segregation and emigration. The invasion, launched after a coup on the island and another particularly vicious spat of violence, eventually put an end to even this limited association -- as it did the worst of the violence= . The Turkish army went on to occupy roughly the northern most 40% of the island, which was accompanied and followed by one of the last century's all too familiar mass cross-migrations. The northern "half" is now home to nearly all of the island's Turkish Cypriots, close to 20% of the total population. The border between the north and south, known as the Atilla Line, is one of the many UN patrolled "blue lines" in the world. Maras actually falls within Northern Cyprus, with the Attila Line further to the south. It is controlled now by the Turkish army. At the time of the invasion the town had been a thriving, up and coming resort town, run mostly by Greek Cypriots. Indeed, all over Cyprus, since its independence -- despite the periodic, deadly violence -- tourism had been booming. But here in Maras, at least, the boom is no more. The forty or so thousand Greek Cypriots who once owned, ran or otherwise worked there, fled in panic before the advancing Turkish army, reportedly leaving behind uncleared breakfast dishe= s on tables and washing on lines, some forgetting to turn off lights that burned on and on for years. UN sponsored "proximity talks" between the North and the South -- called proximity talks because the negotiating leaders will not met face to face -= - started in New York on December 4th. They are set to continue in Geneva this January 31st. The return of Maras to its former mostly Greek Cypriot owners, or more precisely their return to it, is no doubt high on this meeting's (thus far secret) agenda, as it has been over the years at the many similar, though always fruitless, negotiations. This time around, however, expectations are running higher than usual, primarily because of a positive change in the dynamic between the two side's by far most important sponsor states, Turkey and Greece. Turkey, for example, has recently acquired candidacy status within the European Union, which commits it to resolving among other things its disputes with EU member Greece. Greece, o= n the other hand, has lately suffered a series of embarrassments on the international stage, the biggest of which was being caught last February having given sanctuary to fugitive Kurdish separatist leader -- and terrorist in most people's minds -- Abdullah "Apo" Ocalan. Coupled with th= e significant good will garnered in the wake of the tremendous assistance Turkey and Greece gave each other after their twin earthquake disasters las= t year, the two countries just may be willing to push their client states toward a deal. The point where the fence meets the sea marks the end of the gentle curve o= f the short beach I am walking. Behind me, at this beach's other end, is inhabited Maras' nicest hotel (oddly sporting an English name, the Palm Beach Hotel). If you looked in that direction, taking in only the fine hotel, the attractive beach, the dark blue sea, you might think you were in a tourist paradise. But this is no paradise. As I walk the last few feet to the fence I begin to see another beach emerge, much longer than the one = I am on, sweeping south most of the way to the horizon. There are more hotels, which I knew from what I had read were also empty. But my reading has not prepared me for the monstrous proportions of it all. First, in the distance, one, two, three empty hotels quickly come into view, then, more slowly, dozens more. At the fence, with the entire beach now visible, I count more than thirty of them, and these just on the waterfront. Just beyond the fence are a few pieces of ancient playground equipment scattered about the sand. I try to imagine the happy cries of the children as their parents, more than twenty- five years before, pushed them round an= d round in dizzying circles on the miniature merry-go-around, now rusted and partially buried by drifted sand. There is a long slide too, though half-tumbled down, one of its rusted supports having twisted and collapsed after so many years of weather and neglect. My own memories of childhood end at no such place now trapped inside a militarized no-man's land. How different life must seem to those whose memories do. What sorts of dreams are built on this type of innocence lost? I turn around and walk to the Palm Beach Hotel, along the way wondering if it was merely luck that had left it on the business side of the fence. On its porch I chose a chair, since it has become cold, near a partly cracked door through which comes a warm draft. I order a cup of tea. As the evening grows darker, so does the abandoned town spread out before me. The crescent moon is now higher in the sky and, together with a strategically placed star, provides a tiny bright exclamation point over the entire disma= l scene below. At that moment two energetic young men burst through the door. The bigger of the two is gripping the arm of the other, directing him forward to the porch's railing. "Bak [look]!" he says in Turkish, gesturing out toward the sea with a broad sweep of his free arm. "Harika, degil mi [Wonderful, isn't it]?" "Evet, cok guzel [Yes, very beautiful]", his friend agrees. They stand gazing out over the sea, though after a brief moment I see the smaller man's head turn toward the darkened hulks that line the shore. The bigger man glances at his friend, sees where he is looking, then looks himself. They are both silent for quite some time before the bigger man returns his attention to his friend, squeezes his arm. His friend, as if awakening from a trance, slowly pulls his gaze from the ruins, smiles up at his companion. After two identical, simultaneous shrugs, they chuckle uneasily, shaking their heads as they do. When they turn to return to the door, I holler out to them. "Baris mumkun m= u [Is peace possible]?" They stop, look at me with frowns of curiosity. "Nerelisiniz [Where are yo= u from]?" It is the big one who had taken the lead. "Amerikali"yim [I'm an American]." His frown deepens, though now for a different reason. "Belki dort, bes yil sonra [Maybe four, five years from now], belki hic bir zaman yok [maybe never]." "Ama, ne hakkinda otuz bir ocak, bir yeni baris gurusmesi [But, what about January 31st, the new peace negotiations] =01(?" "Hah!" he exclaims, interrupting me. "Her zamen yeni baris gorumesi var [There are always new peace negotiations]!" He thereupon dismisses my inference with the same sweeping arm gesture he used to introduce, to his friend, the sea. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at,,,
My voice mail regarding Instinet installation in London has become , Sara, Any word on this? ---------------------- Forwarded by Laurel Adams/HOU/ECT on 09/11/2000 01:57 PM --------------------------- From: Sara Shackleton on 09/07/2000 05:03 PM To: Stephen H Douglas/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Laurel Adams/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: My voice mail regarding Instinet installation in London has become URGENT. Please call with questions. Sara
Football Bonus Specials From , [IMAGE] [IMAGE] 10% Special For Football is ready fo= r you this September. We're giving every member a 10% cash bonus on EVERY d= eposit you make between September 1st to the 15th. We Give You the Edge = Every Friday, there's a 5% juice special, and our featured college game is= even money. Add in your 10% bonus, and you have the edge. Do the math. = Double Your Money Every Monday We're running our world famous double yo= ur money contest again this year. Place a bet on Monday Night's Football g= ame, click on the Double Your Money icon, guess the score of the game, and = if you're correct, we'll double your winnings. Best of all, it's free. M= ore Benefits And Features NCAA and NFL Season Total Bets. Our Week On= e Odds are already up. Click here. The Most Prop Bets on the Internet. C= lick here. Win $2,000 Daily in our Free Pick 4 Contest. Rock Solid Stab= ility, See our Stock Price here. 24/7 365 days a year, live customer supp= ort. New, easy, ATM withdrawals. What are you waiting for? Get in the = Game at Superbowl Futures Chicago Bears 200-1 [IMAGE]= Tennessee Titans 8-1 [IMAGE] St. Louis Rams 5-1 [IMAGE] Oakland Raiders = 10-1 [IMAGE] New York Giants 30-1 [IMAGE] Indianapolis Colts 15-1 [IMAGE= ] Baltimore Ravens 5-1 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] UNSUBSCRIBE:We respec= t your privacy; you have received this email because you joined sportsbook.= com or participated in one of our free contests. If you prefer to not recei= ve any more emails from us, please let us know and we will permanently dele= te your name from our email list records. You are subscribed as lcampbel@en= To unsubscribe please go to: Our= automated List manager will process and confirm your request within 1 hou= r. =09
RE: , here is the info. let that chick know. ---------------------- Forwarded by Matthew Lenhart/HOU/ECT on 09/19/2000 09:58 AM --------------------------- "Marcantel MM (Mitch)" <> on 09/19/2000 07:27:00 AM To: "''" <> cc: Subject: RE: Matt, Softball starts in 2 weeks on Oct. 3rd. I imagine they'll send out an email with more info later in the week or possibly beginning of next week. It is a co-ed non-competitive league, but there are some pretty good players out there. later, Mitch -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 2:25 PM To: Subject: RE: are the softball games tues nights? when do they start? where are they? i need to tell that chick.
Re: Status Report, CRP & DIVERSIFIED INDUSTRIALS , Sounds good - lets see if we can start marketing the product and the capability. Regards Delainey ---------------------- Forwarded by David W Delainey/HOU/ECT on 05/11/2000 05:28 PM --------------------------- From: James A Ajello 05/11/2000 03:37 PM To: Rob Milnthorp/CAL/ECT@ECT, Max Yzaguirre/NA/Enron@ENRON cc: David W Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward Ondarza/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rodney Malcolm/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: Status Report, CRP & DIVERSIFIED INDUSTRIALS Further to Dave's note (below), I indicated to you at the offsite our team had screened the No. American names which we felt were appropriate for the energy services/outsourcing product (ENA NAIC industry codes, large energy spend, multi-sites, consume/produce commodities in which we make a market, limited credit capacity, etc). Naturally, the list includes numerous Mexican and Canadian firms which fell out of the screen. These firms are as follows: Canada Mexico Noranda Vitro Cominco Cemex Nova Penoles Alcan Alfa Rio Algom Autlan Falconbridge Carsa Barrick (cogen in Nevada w/ Newmont) IMSA Kinross Desaro Potash Corp Ispat Agrium Dofasco Sherritt (Helms Burton Act issue) As you are undoubtedly more familiar with these firms, you may, or may not, think these companies work for the product (we have not tested the assumption) but can offer some joint marketing support. Many of these firms have sites accross the continent and it is important to portfolio effect their assets to make the transaction work. We have done dozens of presentations and would propose we put our heads together to determine if there is a business opportunity in your market. Let me know what you think of the list and which approach makes most sense for you. Jim PS, via separate e-mail I will forward examples of the presentations we have used. David W Delainey 05/10/2000 11:43 AM To: Rob Milnthorp/CAL/ECT@ECT, Max Yzaguirre/NA/Enron@ENRON cc: Edward Ondarza/HOU/ECT@ECT, James A Ajello/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rodney Malcolm/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Status Report, CRP & DIVERSIFIED INDUSTRIALS Where is Canada and Mexico on the industrial strategy given our last discussion? Rob, give me a heads up on the Toronto strategy from time to time - I expect that we are going to build this out pretty aggressively. Let me know if you are not getting the support you need. Did you get the Toronto trader? Regards Delainey ---------------------- Forwarded by David W Delainey/HOU/ECT on 05/10/2000 11:40 AM --------------------------- From: James A Ajello 05/09/2000 02:01 PM Sent by: Terrellyn Parker To: David W Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Rodney Malcolm/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward Ondarza/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Status Report, CRP & DIVERSIFIED INDUSTRIALS At the recent "off-site" you requested that I provide a list of the non-pulp & paper deals in progress as well as a sense of the marketing penetration we have achieved thus far. These materials are enclosed for your use. Let's discuss after you have had a chance to review. Jim,,,
FW: EA Staff Mtg. , Calender -----Original Message----- From: Schoppe, Tammie Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 4:32 PM To: Allen, Phillip K.; Shively, Hunter S.; Milnthorp, Rob; Josey, Scott; Neal, Scott; Martin, Thomas A.; Arnold, John; Grigsby, Mike; Belden, Tim; Gonzalez, Orlando; Presto, Kevin M.; Black, Don; Calger, Christopher F.; Duran, W. David; Gomez, Julie A.; Redmond, Brian; Mrha, Jean; Tycholiz, Barry; Lagrasta, Fred; Luce, Laura; Deffner, Joseph; Vickers, Frank W.; Williams, Jaime; Alatorre, Jaime; Irvin, Steve; Thompson, C. John; Miller, Don (Asset Mktg); Virgo, Robert Cc: Hogan, Irena D.; Cappelletto, Nella; Watson, Denys; Bates, Kimberly; Vuittonet, Laura; Rangel, Ina; Garcia, G.G.; Gustafson, Mollie; Davidson, Debra; Rode, Tina; Coleman, Venita; Collins, Angie; Jones, Melissa; Presas, Jessica; Angelos, Megan; Martinez, Barbara; Black, Tamara Jae; Mendoza, Maria Elena; Salinas, Michael; Young, Becky Subject: EA Staff Mtg. Please plan to attend the Enron Americas Staff Meeting with Louise and John on Tuesday, October 16th. The details are listed below: Time: 4:00-5:00 p.m. Location: EB30C1 For those of you that need to call in to the meeting, the dial-in numbers are listed below: Dial-in: 877-232-4392 International dial-in: 601-354-1086 Participant code: 214268 Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks! Tammie Schoppe Enron Americas-Office of the Chair Assistant to Louise Kitchen 713.853.4220 office 713.646.8562 fax 713.253.2131 mobile
EOL Data, July 16, 2001 , EOL Deals From: 7/1/2001 To: 7/16/2001 EOL Deals From: 7/1/2001 To: 7/16/2001 Desk Total MWH Total Deals Desk Total MWH Total Deals EPMI Long Term California 1,587,400 97 EPMI Long Term California 3,050,258 38 EPMI Long Term Northwest 1,584,225 71 EPMI Long Term Northwest 17,803,514 156 EPMI Long Term Southwest 2,501,350 174 EPMI Long Term Southwest 9,000,686 187 EPMI Short Term California 512,224 722 EPMI Short Term California 940,091 444 EPMI Short Term Northwest 270,400 492 EPMI Short Term Northwest 231,612 279 EPMI Short Term Southwest 515,400 551 EPMI Short Term Southwest 1,182,413 465 Grand Total 6,970,999 2,107 Grand Total 32,208,574 1,569 EOL Deals From: 7/16/2001 To: 7/16/2001 EnPower From: 7/16/2001 To: 7/16/2001 Desk Total MWH Total Deals Desk Total MWH Total Deals EPMI Long Term California 142,000 8 EPMI Long Term California 154,338 9 EPMI Long Term Northwest 584,800 14 EPMI Long Term Northwest 10,337,320 24 EPMI Long Term Southwest 307,600 21 EPMI Long Term Southwest 1,738,290 33 EPMI Short Term California 41,800 86 EPMI Short Term California 65,024 50 EPMI Short Term Northwest 25,400 76 EPMI Short Term Northwest 16,936 37 EPMI Short Term Southwest 46,000 62 EPMI Short Term Southwest 77,848 49 Grand Total 1,147,600 267 Grand Total 12,389,756 202 ICE Volumes From: 7/16/2001 To: 7/16/2001 Delivery Point EPMI MWH Total MWH Price Mid C (P, Next Day) 2,400 800 $ 41.67 Mid C (P, Aug01) 10,800 0 $ 77.00 Mid C (P, Q3 02) 30,800 0 $ 75.00 Palo (OP, Next Day) 1,600 400 $ 23.50 Palo (P, Next Day) 2,400 0 $ 54.75 Palo (P, Bal Month) 14,400 9,600 $ 34.75 Palo (P, Aug01) 10,800 0 $ 80.25 Palo (P, Q4 01) 30,800 0 $ 57.00 Palo (P, Sep01) 9,600 0 $ 71.00 SP-15 (OP, Next Day) 800 0 $ 21.50 SP-15 (P, Next Day) 9,600 0 $ 43.10 SP-15 (P, Bal Month) 19,200 4,800 $ 56.00 SP-15 (OP, Q4 01) 24,425 0 $ 36.00 SP-15 (P, Q4 01) 61,600 30,800 $ 55.50 NP-15 (P, Next Day) 400 0 $ 42.00 Np-15 (P, Q4 01) 30,800 0 $ 64.00 Grand Total 260,425 46,400 $ 833.02,,,
Scan of photo , Here's the picture of the "Hoegh Galleon" we had taken at Lake Charles. Dan ---------------------- Forwarded by Dan Masters/HOU/ECT on 05/02/2001 09:41 AM --------------------------- imaging guys <> on 04/26/2001 02:36:12 PM To: cc: Subject: Scan of photo Attached is the requested file. If you have any questions or problems please call us at 713-956-4166. Thanks, TerryPro - 010981 SCAN-01.jpg
Gallup Mods , here it is. df ---------------------- Forwarded by Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron on 12/18/2000 09:09 AM --------------------------- From: Donna Martens 12/15/2000 05:23 PM To: Dorothy McCoppin/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Kevin Hyatt/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Mary Darveaux/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Lorraine Lindberg/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Steven Harris/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Earl Chanley/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Ronald Matthews/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Arnold L Eisenstein/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, JERRY MARTIN/ENRON@enronxgate, Patrick Brennan/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Dave Waymire/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Keith Petersen/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, James Centilli/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Johnny McGee/OTS/Enron@ENRON, Randy Rice/OTS/Enron@ENRON, David Roensch/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Rich Jolly/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Rick Smith/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Tim Kissner/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Norm Spalding/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Dave Waymire/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, John R Keller/OTS/Enron@Enron, Mary Kay Miller/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Glen Hass/ET&S/Enron@ENRON cc: Subject: Gallup Mods Attached is a draft application, including exhibits, requesting FERC approval to replace the existing 10,000 HP driver at the Gallup Compressor Station with a 15,000 HP (Service factor 1.1). Please review, provide coments, and sign and fax the FERC authorization form (7592 in Omaha) to me no later than 3 P.M. on Tuesday, 12/19. Any questions, please let me know. Thanks. Donna
FW: Fun for when your bored.... , -----Original Message----- From: Kelly, Katherine L. Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 3:45 PM To: ''; ''; Homco, Meredith; Garcia, Clarissa; Patton, Anita K.; Germany, Chris; Denetsosie, Troy; Bryan, Gary; Lamadrid, Victor; Allwein, Robert; Garza, Maria Subject: Fun for when your bored....
RE: , you just need it all the time don't you. don't you like me for me? or am i just a boy toy to you? -----Original Message----- From: Erin Richardson <>@ENRON Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 9:19 AM To: Lenhart, Matthew Subject: RE: you're no fun. -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 9:17 AM To: Subject: RE: i have stronger will than you think. house of pies here i come. -----Original Message----- From: Erin Richardson <>@ENRON Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 9:08 AM To: Lenhart, Matthew Subject: RE: i am sure i could have persuaded you to give me some action. why is enron blowing up? -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 8:53 AM To: Subject: RE: i didn't want you to go. i was just going to sleep anyway. i was too tired to give you any action. enron is blowing up. -----Original Message----- From: Erin Richardson <>@ENRON Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 8:43 AM To: Lenhart, Matthew Subject: RE: stop trying to make me feel bad, it's not working, i left b/c you wanted me to leave. -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 8:27 AM To: Subject: RE: can't believe you left last night. -----Original Message----- From: Erin Richardson <>@ENRON Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 4:50 PM To: Lenhart, Matthew Subject: RE: nice sarcasm. that's fine, i don't want to see you either, i just need to make a cd. -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 4:42 PM To: Subject: RE: i can't wait -----Original Message----- From: Erin Richardson <>@ENRON Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 4:29 PM To: Lenhart, Matthew Subject: RE: i'll just come over betw. 7:30 and 8 then. remember, you're supposed to be getting excited. -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 3:55 PM To: Subject: RE: 7:30 or 8. i don't care when. -----Original Message----- From: Erin Richardson <>@ENRON Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 3:14 PM To: Lenhart, Matthew Subject: RE: you never told me when to come over. so what time? -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 12:33 PM To: Subject: RE: ok sweet baby -----Original Message----- From: Erin Richardson <>@ENRON Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 12:29 PM To: Lenhart, Matthew Subject: RE: yeah, just charge whatever you need to. i'll give you one of my credit cards for you to use whenever you want to also. i'll have to think about what i want you to do. i'll let you know. -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 12:27 PM To: Subject: RE: can i just charge the spa to your account? so now that i am your boy toy what do you want me to do? -----Original Message----- From: Erin Richardson <> @ENRON Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 12:21 PM To: Lenhart, Matthew Subject: RE: alright, just called and you're all set up at the houstonian so you can go out there whenever you want to. just let me know if there's anything else i can get for you. -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 11:57 AM To: Subject: RE: yeah. just go ahead and do that. how about the houstonian? youre the best. -----Original Message----- From: Erin Richardson <> @ENRON Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 11:43 AM To: Lenhart, Matthew Subject: RE: no problem. instead of a golf allowance though, i think i'll just get you a membership somewhere. wouldn't that be better? just let me know so i can arrange it. -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 11:25 AM To: Subject: RE: sweet. i need a golf allowance then. i can drink beer every night and golf all day while you work. that would be so sweet of you. i cant wait to do that. -----Original Message----- From: Erin Richardson <> @ENRON Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 11:05 AM To: Lenhart, Matthew Subject: RE: you don't need to work at denny's. you know, i make a lot of money, more than i can spend, so there's really no reason why you can't just live off of my salary for a while. shouldn't be a problem, i usually just give half of it away to charity anyway. -----Original Message----- From: Lenhart, Matthew [] Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 10:55 AM To: Subject: looks like i am going to work at denny's. stock is down about another 2.50. ********************************************************************** This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at and delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you. **********************************************************************
, Hey sugar, what is going on? Just a note to say hi and I miss and love you. Have a great day. Love you The Pigs
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Status of Audits & Cash Recoveries , Following is a status of RAC initiated audits in 2001 and year-to-date cash recoveries related to the Merchant Investment Portfolio: Oil & Gas Joint Venture Audits Completed: Program Operator Gross Claims Net Claims Vastar BP Amoco $177,432 $ 88,716 Hughes-Rawls EPL $285,176 $129,954 E. Sour Lake Adobe $285,126 $256,613 Total $747,734 $475,283 Oil & Gas Joint Venture Audits Scheduled: Program Operator Date Cypress Meridian Resources 10/01 Juniper Bois D'Arc Resources 10/01 Vastar Key Production Co. 12/01 Coal Venture Audits Completed: Program Operator Gross Claims Net Claims Jupiter Cline $ 66,250 $ 66,250 Jupiter Cline $126,000 $126,000 Total $192,250 $192,250 DPR Cline The audit determined that, contrary to the agreement; excess funds were transferred to an investment account in Chris Cline's name rather than DPR. Potentially $5.5 million was at risk to Enron. The situation has been corrected. Cash recovered in 2001 from Audits as of 9/30/01: Oil & Gas - 2000 $315,579 Oil & Gas - 2001 $ 43,913 Coal $ 66,250 Total $425,742 Don Rollins Enron Corporation Risk Assessment & Control 713-853-9176
EPMI Index Prices 3/28 , Let me know if this works. Kate
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