Dataset Viewer
stringlengths 11
| description
stringlengths 27
| init
stringlengths 11
⌀ | get_agent_result
stringclasses 10
values | get_ground_truth
stringlengths 5
⌀ | ground_truth
stringclasses 8
values | comparison_method
stringclasses 3
values |
1_stock.json_0 | Stock logs are shown in /usr/stock.log. The last two columns are stock index and count. Tell me how many times Alice sold a stock. | #!/bin/bash
# Define the possible values for each field
names=("Alice" "Bob")
actions=("Purchase" "Sell")
# Generate 400 random lines
for ((i=1; i<=401; i++))
# Randomly select values for each field
name=${names[$RANDOM % ${#names[@]}]}
action=${actions[$RANDOM % ${#actions[@]}]}
stock_index=$((RANDOM % 100))
count=$((RANDOM % 1000))
# Write the line to the file
echo "$name | $action | $stock_index | $count" >> /usr/stock.log
done | null | grep "Alice | Sell" /usr/stock.log | wc -l | null | check/ |
1_stock.json_1 | Stock logs are shown in /usr/stock.log. The last two columns are stock index and count. Tell me how many times Bob bought a stock. | #!/bin/bash
# Define the possible values for each field
names=("Alice" "Bob")
actions=("Purchase" "Sell")
# Generate 400 random lines
for ((i=1; i<=401; i++))
# Randomly select values for each field
name=${names[$RANDOM % ${#names[@]}]}
action=${actions[$RANDOM % ${#actions[@]}]}
stock_index=$((RANDOM % 100))
count=$((RANDOM % 1000))
# Write the line to the file
echo "$name | $action | $stock_index | $count" >> /usr/stock.log
done | null | grep "Bob | Purchase" /usr/stock.log | wc -l | null | check/ |
1_stock.json_2 | Stock logs are shown in /usr/stock.log. The last two columns are stock index and count. Please count the total number of stocks that Alice bought, and tell me the number. | #!/bin/bash
# Define the possible values for each field
names=("Alice" "Bob")
actions=("Purchase" "Sell")
# Generate 400 random lines
for ((i=1; i<=401; i++))
# Randomly select values for each field
name=${names[$RANDOM % ${#names[@]}]}
action=${actions[$RANDOM % ${#actions[@]}]}
stock_index=$((RANDOM % 100))
count=$((RANDOM % 1000))
# Write the line to the file
echo "$name | $action | $stock_index | $count" >> /usr/stock.log
done | null | grep "Alice | Purchase" /usr/stock.log | awk -F '|' '{sum += $NF} END {print sum}' | null | check/ |
1_stock.json_3 | Stock logs are shown in /usr/stock.log. The last two columns are stock index and count. Please determine the number of types of stocks Bob sold. And tell me the answer. | #!/bin/bash
# Define the possible values for each field
names=("Alice" "Bob")
actions=("Purchase" "Sell")
# Generate 400 random lines
for ((i=1; i<=401; i++))
# Randomly select values for each field
name=${names[$RANDOM % ${#names[@]}]}
action=${actions[$RANDOM % ${#actions[@]}]}
stock_index=$((RANDOM % 100))
count=$((RANDOM % 1000))
# Write the line to the file
echo "$name | $action | $stock_index | $count" >> /usr/stock.log
done | null | grep "Bob | Sell" /usr/stock.log | awk -F '|' '{print $3}' | sort -u | wc -l | null | check/ |
1_stock.json_4 | Stock logs are shown in /usr/stock.log. The last two columns are stock index and count. Please count the number of types of stocks that Bob sold but never bought. And tell me the answer. | #!/bin/bash
# Define the possible values for each field
names=("Alice" "Bob")
actions=("Purchase" "Sell")
# Generate 400 random lines
for ((i=1; i<=401; i++))
# Randomly select values for each field
name=${names[$RANDOM % ${#names[@]}]}
action=${actions[$RANDOM % ${#actions[@]}]}
stock_index=$((RANDOM % 100))
count=$((RANDOM % 1000))
# Write the line to the file
echo "$name | $action | $stock_index | $count" >> /usr/stock.log
done | null | grep "Bob | Sell" /usr/stock.log | awk -F '|' '{print $3}' | sort | uniq > bob_sold.txt; grep "Bob | Purchase" /usr/stock.log | awk -F '|' '{print $3}' | sort | uniq > bob_bought.txt; comm -23 bob_sold.txt bob_bought.txt | wc -l; rm bob_sold.txt bob_bought.txt | null | check/ |
1_stock.json_5 | Stock logs are shown in /usr/stock.log. The last two columns are stock index and count. Identify the most active traders (buyers/sellers) based on the count of their transactions. | #!/bin/bash
# Define the possible values for each field
names=("Alice" "Bob")
actions=("Purchase" "Sell")
# Generate 400 random lines
for ((i=1; i<=401; i++))
# Randomly select values for each field
name=${names[$RANDOM % ${#names[@]}]}
action=${actions[$RANDOM % ${#actions[@]}]}
stock_index=$((RANDOM % 100))
count=$((RANDOM % 1000))
# Write the line to the file
echo "$name | $action | $stock_index | $count" >> /usr/stock.log
done | null | awk -F '|' '{print $1}' /usr/stock.log | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n 1 | awk '{print $2}' | null | check/ |
1_stock.json_6 | Stock logs are shown in /usr/stock.log. The last two columns are stock index and count. Find the stock index with the highest count of transactions (combined purchases and sales). | #!/bin/bash
# Define the possible values for each field
names=("Alice" "Bob")
actions=("Purchase" "Sell")
# Generate 400 random lines
for ((i=1; i<=401; i++))
# Randomly select values for each field
name=${names[$RANDOM % ${#names[@]}]}
action=${actions[$RANDOM % ${#actions[@]}]}
stock_index=$((RANDOM % 100))
count=$((RANDOM % 1000))
# Write the line to the file
echo "$name | $action | $stock_index | $count" >> /usr/stock.log
done | null | awk -F '|' '{a[$3]++} END {max=0; for (stock in a) {if (a[stock] > max) {max = a[stock]; stockIndex = stock}} print stockIndex}' /usr/stock.log | null | check/ |
2_environment.json_0 | Tell me how many files can be executed in PATH. | null | null | find $(echo $PATH | tr ':' ' ') -type f -executable 2>/dev/null | wc -l | null | check/ |
2_environment.json_1 | Tell me how many files can be executed directly no matter where my work dir is. | null | null | find $(echo $PATH | tr ':' ' ') -type f -executable 2>/dev/null | wc -l | null | check/ |
2_environment.json_2 | I remember I had a directory for executables, and there was an executable echo-love in there. But I forgot the path of this directory. Can you tell me the full path of this directory? | #!/bin/bash
create_nested_folders() {
local depth=$1 # Current depth
local max_depth=$2 # Max depth
mkdir "folder$depth"
cd "folder$depth"
touch "echo-love"
if [ $depth -eq 5 ]; then
echo "echo \"I love myself.\"" > "echo-love"
chmod +x "echo-love"
if [ $depth -lt $max_depth ]; then
create_nested_folders $((depth + 1)) $max_depth
cd ..
create_nested_folders 1 $max_depth
| null | find "$(pwd)" -type f -name "echo-love" -perm /u=x -exec dirname {} \; | null | check/ |
2_environment.json_3 | I remember I had a directory for executables, and there was an executable echo-love in there. But I forgot the path of this directory. Can you tell me the full path of this executable? | #!/bin/bash
create_nested_folders() {
local depth=$1 # Current depth
local max_depth=$2 # Max depth
mkdir "folder$depth"
cd "folder$depth"
touch "echo-love"
if [ $depth -eq 5 ]; then
echo "echo \"I love myself.\"" > "echo-love"
chmod +x "echo-love"
if [ $depth -lt $max_depth ]; then
create_nested_folders $((depth + 1)) $max_depth
cd ..
create_nested_folders 1 $max_depth
| null | find "$(pwd)" -type f -name "echo-love" -perm /u=x | null | check/ |
2_environment.json_4 | I remember I had a directory for executables, and there was an executable echo-love in there. But I forgot the path of this directory. Can you add the folder into PATH so that I can call it in the future? | #!/bin/bash
create_nested_folders() {
local depth=$1 # Current depth
local max_depth=$2 # Max depth
mkdir "folder$depth"
cd "folder$depth"
touch "echo-love"
if [ $depth -eq 5 ]; then
echo "echo \"I love myself.\"" > "echo-love"
chmod +x "echo-love"
if [ $depth -lt $max_depth ]; then
create_nested_folders $((depth + 1)) $max_depth
cd ..
create_nested_folders 1 $max_depth
| source ~/.bashrc && echo-love | ./folder1/folder2/folder3/folder4/folder5/echo-love | null | check/ |
3_ac.json_0 | Tell me the number of CPUs. | null | null | nproc | null | check/ |
3_ac.json_1 | How many groups are in this UNIX system? | null | null | getent group | wc -l | null | check/ |
3_ac.json_2 | Recursively Find how many files have the extension .tep | null | null | find . -type f -name "*.tep" | wc -l | null | check/ |
3_ac.json_3 | Tell me whether npm is installed or not. If it is installed, return 'yes'. If it is not installed, return 'no' | echo 123>.tmp
echo 123>.tmp2
echo 123>1.tep
echo 123>.tep
echo 123>.u
echo 123>.k | null | [ -x "$(command -v npm)" ] && echo 'yes' || echo 'no' | null | check/ |
3_ac.json_4 | Tell me whether npm is installed or not. If it is installed, return 'yes'. If it is not installed, return 'no' | null | null | [ -x "$(command -v npm)" ] && echo 'yes' || echo 'no' | null | check/ |
3_ac.json_5 | Tell me the max number of threads in Linux. | null | null | cat /proc/sys/kernel/threads-max | null | check/ |
4_N4.json_0 | execute ./test and get the output. | echo 'echo love' > test && chmod 000 test | null | null | love | check/ |
4_N11.json_0 | How many hidden files, which do not contain the character u, are in /usr? (not recursively) | echo 123>/usr/.tmp
echo 123>/usr/tmp2
echo 123>/usr/.tm12p
echo 123>/usr/.f
echo 123>/usr/.u
echo 123>/usr/k | null | find /usr -type f -name ".*" -not -name "*k*" | wc -l | null | check/ |
4_N37.json_0 | What's the full path of a file "TOOLS"? | echo 123>/usr/TOOLS | null | find / -name TOOLS | null | check/ |
4_N41.json_0 | If a regular file named "workspace" exists in /working (recursively)? If so, output "yes", otherwise output "no" (with out quotes). | rm -rf /working; mkdir /working && echo 123>/working/.tmp && echo 123>/working/.tm12p && echo 123>/working/.f && mkdir /working/OS && echo 'OS' > /working/OS/.theme | null | null | no | check/ |
4_N41.json_1 | If a regular file named "workspace" exists in /working (recursively)? If so, output "yes", otherwise output "no" (with out quotes). | rm -rf /working; mkdir /working && echo 123>/working/.tmp && echo 123>/working/.tm12p && echo 123>/working/.f && mkdir /working/OS && echo 'OS' > /working/OS/.theme && mkdir /working/OS/workspace | null | null | no | check/ |
4_N41.json_2 | If a regular file named "workspace" exists in /working (recursively)? If so, output "yes", otherwise output "no" (with out quotes). | rm -rf /working; mkdir /working && echo 123>/working/.tmp && echo 123>/working/.tm12p && echo 123>/working/.f && mkdir /working/OS && echo 'OS' > /working/OS/.theme && touch /working/OS/workspace | null | null | yes | check/ |
4_N41.json_3 | If a regular file named "workspace" exists in /working (recursively)? If so, output "yes", otherwise output "no" (with out quotes). | rm -rf /working; mkdir /working && echo 123>/working/.tmp && echo 123>/working/.tm12p && echo 123>/working/.f && mkdir /working/OS && echo 'OS' > /working/OS/.theme && touch /working/workspace | null | null | yes | check/ |
4_N225.json_0 | Get the name of most recent file in /usr. (not recursively) | i=1; while [ $i -lt 100 ]; do echo "Content: $((i * 2 % 3))" > "/usr/$(( (i+50)%100 )).log"; i=$((i+1)); done | null | ls -lt /usr | head -n 2 | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $9}' | null | check/ |
4_Q09.json_0 | What is the total number of files in the /var directory? (recursively) | echo "123321">/var/tmp.log && echo "123321">/var/dsdd && echo "123321">/var/ppoo && echo "123321">/var/gdss && echo "123321">/var/itcs && echo "123321">/var/ksmx | null | find /var -type f | wc -l | null | check/ |
4_Q19.json_0 | How many lines are there in /root/matrix.txt | echo "1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9" > /root/matrix.txt | null | cat /root/matrix.txt | wc -l | null | check/ |
4_Q30.json_0 | How many default paths are looked for when I execute an executable on this computer? (Regardless of whether the path exists or not.) | echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/var/k && export PATH=$PATH:/var/l && export PATH=$PATH:/var/p' > ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc | null | source ~/.bashrc; echo $PATH | tr ':' '\n' | wc -l | null | check/ |
4_Q30.json_1 | How many default paths are looked for when I execute an executable on this computer? (Only existing and valid directories) | echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/var/k && export PATH=$PATH:/var/l && export PATH=$PATH:/var/p' > ~/.bashrc && mkdir /var/k && source ~/.bashrc | null | source ~/.bashrc; count=0; IFS=:; for path in $PATH; do [ -d $path ] && ((count++)); done; echo $count | null | check/ |
4_Q30.json_2 | How many default paths are looked for when I execute an executable on this computer? (Only existing and valid directories) | echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/var/k && export PATH=$PATH:/var/l && export PATH=$PATH:/var/p' > ~/.bashrc && mkdir /var/k && touch /var/l && source ~/.bashrc | null | source ~/.bashrc; count=0; IFS=:; for path in $PATH; do [ -d $path ] && ((count++)); done; echo $count | null | check/ |
4_Q30.json_3 | How many paths are in $PATH? (Regardless of whether the path exists or not.) | echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/var/k && export PATH=$PATH:/var/l && export PATH=$PATH:/var/p' > ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc | null | source ~/.bashrc; echo $PATH | tr ':' '\n' | wc -l | null | check/ |
4_Q30.json_4 | How many existing directories are in $PATH? | echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/var/k && export PATH=$PATH:/var/l && export PATH=$PATH:/var/p' > ~/.bashrc && mkdir /var/k && source ~/.bashrc | null | source ~/.bashrc; count=0; IFS=:; for path in $PATH; do [ -d $path ] && ((count++)); done; echo $count | null | check/ |
4_Q30.json_5 | How many existing directories are in $PATH? | echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/var/k && export PATH=$PATH:/var/l && export PATH=$PATH:/var/p' > ~/.bashrc && mkdir /var/k && touch /var/l && source ~/.bashrc | null | source ~/.bashrc; count=0; IFS=:; for path in $PATH; do [ -d $path ] && ((count++)); done; echo $count | null | check/ |
4_Q47.json_0 | Move the file MyPersonalComputer.config to current directory. And tell me the path of the file before copying. | mkdir -p /home/user1/os/linux/commands && echo 'Linux-Ubuntu-20.04?' > /home/user1/os/linux/commands/MyPersonalComputer.config | ([ -f /home/user1/os/linux/commands/MyPersonalComputer.config ] && echo -n "1" || echo -n "0") && ([ -f ./MyPersonalComputer.config ] && echo -n "1" || echo -n "0") | null | 01 | check/ |
4_Q49.json_0 | Test if variable var is an integer? If so, tell me "yes", otherwise tell me "no". (Without quotes) | export var=3.14 | null | null | no | check/ |
4_Q49.json_1 | Test if variable var is an integer? If so, tell me "yes", otherwise tell me "no". (Without quotes) | export var=10 | null | null | yes | check/ |
5_new.json_0 | I would like to implement the following function: entering the "calc" command will enable the calculation of an expression. The expression can include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and parentheses. If the absolute error between the calculated answer and the expected answer is less than 1e-5, it will be considered correct. For example, I can calculate the result by entering "calc 6 * (9 / 3) + 7", and the output will be 25. | null | #!/bin/bash
check() {
local expression="$*"
local expected_result=`python3 -c "print(\"%.6f\"%($expression))"`
local output=$(calc "${expression}" 2>/dev/null)
echo `python3 -c "print(abs($output - $expected_result)<1e-5)"`
test_expression() {
[ `check "$1"`x != Truex ] && all_passed=0
test_expression "15 + (27 * 4) - 10"
test_expression "8 * (14 - 6) + 12"
test_expression "3 + (6.7 * 9) - 5.5"
test_expression "20 / (5 + 2) - 1"
test_expression "9 * (16 / 8) + 3"
test_expression "25 - (8 * 3) + 2"
test_expression "14 + (25.6 / 2) - 5.2"
test_expression "18 / (6 - 2) + 9"
test_expression "10 + (15 * 2) - 7"
test_expression "30 / (5 + 1) - 2"
test_expression "7 * (18 / 9) + 4"
test_expression "22 - (4 * 6) + 3"
test_expression "16 + (14.8 / 2) - 3.2"
test_expression "24 / (8 - 4) + 5"
test_expression "12 + (11 * 3) - 6"
test_expression "35 / (7 + 1) - 4"
test_expression "6 * (9 / 3) + 7"
test_expression "19 - (7 * 2) + 5"
test_expression "13 + (29.5 / 5) - 1.5"
test_expression "28 / (14 - 6) + 2"
test_expression "11 + (8 * 5) - 9"
test_expression "40 / (4 + 2) - 3"
test_expression "4 * (12 / 6) + 6"
test_expression "23 - (6 * 4) + 8"
test_expression "17 + (18.2 / 2) - 2.8"
test_expression "36 / (6 - 3) + 10"
test_expression "5 + (10 * 4) - 8"
test_expression "50 / (5 + 2) - 6"
test_expression "8 * (16 / 4) + 9"
test_expression "21 - (9 * 2) + 4"
echo $all_passed | null | 1 | check/ |
5_new.json_1 | I would like to implement the following function: entering the "count" command will counts the number of regular files in a directory and its subdirectories(recursively), and displays the total count. If there is a link or something, count it separately. For example, I can enter "count /usr/local" to get the number of regular files in /usr/local recursively. If there are 5 regular files in that, the output is "5". | null | #!/bin/bash
count_files() {
local dir=$1
local count=0
for file in "$dir"/*; do
if [ -f "$file" ]; then
count=$((count + 1))
elif [ -d "$file" ]; then
count_sub=$(count_files "$file" 2>/dev/null)
count=$((count + count_sub))
echo "$count"
test_count_files() {
[ `count_files "$1"`x != `count "$1" 2>/dev/null`x ] && all_passed=0
test_count_files "/usr/local/bin"
test_count_files "/root"
test_count_files "/bin"
test_count_files "/lib"
test_count_files "/dev"
test_count_files "/usr/include"
echo $all_passed
| null | 1 | check/ |
5_new.json_2 | I would like to implement a command line tool called "date-format" that can format a given date string based on the provided format string. For example, if I enter command date-format 2023-5-1 '%Y/%m/%d', the output will be 2023/05/01. | null | #!/bin/bash
check() {
target=`date -d "$1" +"$2"`
output=`date-format "$1" "$2" 2>/dev/null` || return 1
[ "$output"x != "$target"x ] && return 1
return 0
test_check() {
check "$1" "$2" || all_passed=0
test_check "2023-5-1" "%Y-%m"
test_check "23-5-2" "%Y-%m-%d"
test_check "2023-5-1" "%Y/%m"
test_check "2023-5-1" "%m/%d"
test_check "2023/5/10" "%d/%m"
test_check "2021/05/1" "Date: %Y-%m-%d"
echo $all_passed
| null | 1 | check/ |
5_new.json_3 | How many hidden files are in /usr? | echo 123>/usr/.tmp
echo 123>/usr/.tmp2
echo 123>/usr/.tm12p
echo 123>/usr/.f
echo 123>/usr/.u
echo 123>/usr/.k | null | ls -a /usr | grep "^\." | wc -l | null | check/ |
5_new.json_4 | How many files whose name starts with letter exist in /usr? | echo 123>/usr/tmp
echo abcd>/usr/.tmp2
echo abcdabcd>/usr/.tm12p
echo abcdabcdabcdabcd>/usr/f
echo abcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcd>/usr/.u
echo abcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcd>/usr/.k | null | ls -1 | grep "^[[:alpha:]]" | wc -l | null | check/ |
5_new.json_5 | How much disk space is being used by /usr and all of its contents? Tell me in human-readable format. | echo "This is a random string: wuafjva-niqt12r-j9asd19-afj12-sdmxai">/usr/OSbench | null | du -sh /usr | awk '{print $1}' | null | check/ |
5_new.json_6 | How many empty files are there in /usr and all of its content? | echo "This is a random string: wuafjva-niqt12r-j9asd19-afj12-sdmxai">/usr/OSbench
touch /usr/tmpfile
mkdir /usr/tmpdir
touch /usr/tmpdir/inner | null | find /usr -type f -size 0 | wc -l | null | check/ |
5_new.json_7 | How many directories are in the root dir (excluding hidden directories)? | null | null | ls -l / | grep "^d" | grep -v "^d.*\." | wc -l | null | check/ |
5_new.json_8 | How many directories (recursively) are in the /usr directory? | echo "This is a random string: wuafjva-niqt12r-j9asd19-afj12-sdmxai">/usr/OSbench
touch /usr/tmpfile
mkdir /usr/tmpdir
touch /usr/tmpdir/inner | null | find /usr -type d | wc -l | null | check/ |
5_new.json_9 | How many files in /usr (recursively) were modified in the last 24 hours? | echo "This is a random string: wuafjva-niqt12r-j9asd19-afj12-sdmxai">/usr/OSbench
touch /usr/tmpfile
mkdir -p /usr/tmpdir
touch /usr/tmpdir/inner | null | find /usr -type f -mtime -1 | wc -l | null | check/ |
6_new.json_0 | execute ~/test and get the output | useradd -s /bin/bash -d /home/jack -m jack && cd /home/jack && echo 'echo a3b0c7' > test && chmod 000 test && chown jack test | null | null | a3b0c7 | check/ |
6_new.json_1 | What will be the output if I execute ~/test? | useradd -s /bin/bash -d /home/jack -m jack && cd /home/jack && echo 'echo a3b0c7' > test && chmod 000 test && chown jack test | null | null | a3b0c7 | check/ |
6_new.json_2 | make /testfile readable to jack, bill and tom, but not george | echo 'test' > /testfile && useradd -s /bin/bash -d /home/jack -m jack && useradd -s /bin/bash -d /home/bill -m bill && useradd -s /bin/bash -d /home/tom -m tom && useradd -s /bin/bash -d /home/george -m george | echo $(for user in jack bill tom george; do runuser -l $user -c 'cat /testfile' &>/dev/null && echo -n 1 || echo -n 0; done) | null | 1110 | check/ |
6_new.json_3 | There's a vulnerability in the system (Hint: related to SUID). Find it and fix it. | chmod u+s /usr/bin/find | ls -l /usr/bin/find | awk '{if ($3 == "root" && $1 ~ /^-..s/) print 1; else print 0;}' | null | 0 | check/ |
6_new.json_4 | set all files in ~/videos to be 660, and all directories(include ~/videos) to be 750 | cd ~ && mkdir videos && cd videos && mkdir old && mkdir new && touch vid1 && touch vid2 && touch new/a && touch new/b && touch old/c | [ $(stat -c "%a" ~/videos) -eq 750 ] && [ -z "$(find ~/videos -type d ! -perm 750 -o -type f ! -perm 660)" ] && echo 1 || echo 0 | null | 1 | check/ |
6_new.json_5 | ahh! Why can't I use sudo??? Is it because the WiFi I'm using? fix it!!! | echo '' > /etc/sudoers | sudo whoami | if [ "$(cat -)" = "root" ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi | null | 1 | check/ |
6_new.json_6 | Why can't I use sudo? Help me fix it. | echo '' > /etc/sudoers | sudo whoami | if [ "$(cat -)" = "root" ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi | null | 1 | check/ |
6_new.json_7 | Suppose you have a directory called /data that contains sensitive files that should only be accessible to members of the group "dataaccess". Ensure that new files and directories created in this directory inherit the group ownership, and that users can only delete files and directories that they own | mkdir /data | ls -ld /data | awk '{if ($1~/^drwxr-sr-t$/) { print 1; } else { print 0; }}' | null | 1 | check/ |
6_new.json_8 | Why can't I use sudo?? fix it. | apt remove -y sudo | sudo whoami | if [ "$(cat -)" = "root" ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi | null | 1 | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_0 | The problem is related to process management in the Linux operating system. You will need to find the total number of active processes running in the user's Linux (ubuntu) operating system.
You are required to write a bash script that counts all the active processes and displays the count as an integer value.
We will initialize the environment by creating an additional 5 processes that will run for 60 seconds each in the background. | #!/bin/bash
for i in {1..5}
(sleep 60) &
done | null | #!/bin/bash
ps -A | wc -l | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_1 | In this problem, your task is to find the total count of processes that are currently running on the student's Linux (Ubuntu) operating system having 'bash' in their command name or path. The answer must be an integer. |
# This is a simple initialization script that does nothing, but you can add any necessary setup steps if needed.
echo "Initialization completed." | null | ps -ef | grep -i 'bash' | grep -v 'grep' | wc -l | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_2 | As a student, you are required to calculate the total size of all files with a specific file extension in a given directory and its subdirectories. You have to use Linux (Ubuntu) operating system commands to achieve this. The file extension and directory path will be given to you as input arguments. | mkdir -p problem_dir/sub1/sub2
echo "This is a test file" > problem_dir/testfile1.txt
echo "This is another test file" > problem_dir/sub1/testfile2.txt
echo "This is the third test file" > problem_dir/sub1/sub2/testfile3.txt
echo "This is a PDF file" > problem_dir/sub1/sub2/testfile4.pdf | null | cd problem_dir
find . -type f -iname "*.txt" -exec stat -c"%s" {} \; | awk '{total=total+$1} END {print total}' | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_3 | Design a problem that challenges students to count the number of lines containing the word "error" in all files with the extension ".log" in the current directory (excluding subdirectories). Count only lines where "error" appears and is not part of another word. For example, "errors" should not be counted. The output should be an integer. | #!/bin/bash
# Create the necessary log files for the experiment
echo "Error on line 1" > file1.log
echo "Correct on line 2" >> file1.log
echo "error on line 3" >> file1.log
echo "errors on line 4" >> file1.log
echo "Log message without error" > file2.log
echo "Another error on line 2" >> file2.log
echo "Error in caps ERROR" >> file2.log
echo "No errors here" > file3.log
echo "error error" >> file3.log
# Create a non-log file for control
echo "error non-log file" > notlogfile.txt | null | # The following command can be used to get the standard answer
find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*.log' -print0 | xargs -0 grep -iw '\<error\>' | wc -l | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_4 | You are using a Linux operating system (Ubuntu), and your task is to find out the total number of processes that are using a specific user's UID.
In this exercise, you'll use standard Linux command-line utilities like 'ps', 'grep', and 'wc' to achieve this. Additionally, you will execute an initialization script that simulates an environment with a specific number of processes running as that specific user.
Your answer should be an integer representing the total number of processes running as that user. | #!/bin/bash
useradd $USERNAME
for i in $(seq 1 $COUNT); do
sudo -u $USERNAME sleep 1000 &
done | null | #!/bin/bash
ps -eo user:30,command | grep "^temp_student" | wc -l | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_5 | You are given a Linux file system with two directories named "dir1" and "dir2". Both directories contain a set of text files. Your task is to write a bash script to count the total number of lines in all the text files that reside in both "dir1" and "dir2". Please only consider the files with '.txt' extension. | #!/bin/bash
mkdir -p dir1 dir2
echo "Hello world" > dir1/file1.txt
echo -e "This is a test\nAdding more content" > dir1/file2.txt
echo "Another hello world" > dir2/file3.txt
echo -e "This is another test\nAdding even more content" > dir2/file4.txt
echo "Initialization done." | null | #!/bin/bash
count_dir1=$(find dir1 -iname "*.txt" -exec wc -l {} + | awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}')
count_dir2=$(find dir2 -iname "*.txt" -exec wc -l {} + | awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}')
total_count=$((count_dir1 + count_dir2))
echo "$total_count" | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_6 | You are given a task to monitor system usage in a Linux (Ubuntu) operating system. You are required to calculate the percentage of the available memory (in integers) that has been used on the system. To do this, you will first execute an initialization script to deploy the environment on each student's Linux system, and then execute a piece of code to produce an integer as the standard answer. Your task is to devise a problem, bash scripts for initialization, and an example script to calculate the used memory percentage.
Please keep in mind that the question description must be related to the Linux operating system and the output must only contain integers. |
# This script does not require any specific environment setup.
# It simply demonstrates how to run the 'free' command, which is included in the Ubuntu system.
# You can add more code here if required.
echo "Environment initialized." | null | #!/bin/bash
# Get 'free' command output, filter memory lines with 'grep' and extract total memory and free memory
total_mem=$(free -m | grep Mem | awk '{print $2}')
free_mem=$(free -m | grep Mem | awk '{print $4}')
# Calculate used memory percentage (integer)
used_mem_percentage=$(( (total_mem - free_mem) * 100 / total_mem ))
# Display the used memory percentage (integer) as output
echo "${used_mem_percentage}" | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_7 | Your task is to calculate the total size of all files in a given directory, including files in its subdirectories, and return the total size in bytes. The given directory is `/home/user/experiment` which contains multiple subdirectories and files of different sizes.
NOTE: You should not use any pre-built tools or commands to return the total directory size directly (e.g., `du`). You are required to find the size of each file individually and calculate the total sum. The answer must be an integer. | #!/bin/bash
mkdir -p /home/user/experiment/dir1/dir2
mkdir -p /home/user/experiment/dir1/dir3
mkdir -p /home/user/experiment/dir4
echo "Hello World" > /home/user/experiment/dir1/file1.txt
echo "I am a programmer" > /home/user/experiment/dir1/file2.txt
echo "This is a script" > /home/user/experiment/dir1/dir2/file3.txt
echo "Linux is fun" > /home/user/experiment/dir1/dir3/file4.txt
echo "Operating systems are interesting" > /home/user/experiment/dir4/file5.txt | null | #!/bin/bash
find /home/user/experiment -type f -exec stat -c "%s" {} \; | awk '{total+=$1} END {print total}' | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_8 | In this problem, the students should calculate the total number of files and directories (recursive) in a given directory. The directory will be created and populated with files and directories by the initialization script. During the initialization, a specific environment variable `TARGET_DIR` will be set pointing to the created directory, which should be used by the students in their command.
You need to find the total number of files and directories (recursive) in the directory pointed by `TARGET_DIR`. Use the command line to achieve this and submit your answer as an integer. | #!/bin/bash
# Create the target directory
export TARGET_DIR=$HOME/TA_problem
mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR
# Create sub-directories and files
mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR/dir1
touch $TARGET_DIR/dir1/file1.txt
mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR/dir1/dir2
touch $TARGET_DIR/dir1/dir2/file2.txt
touch $TARGET_DIR/dir1/dir2/file3.txt
mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR/dir3
touch $TARGET_DIR/dir3/file4.txt | null | find $TARGET_DIR -type f -o -type d | wc -l | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_9 | In this experiment, you will be asked to find the number of lines for each type of file in a directory specified during the initialization step. You are required to find the count of lines for the following types of files: .txt, .csv, and .log. Your answer should be in the format of `TXT_COUNT CSV_COUNT LOG_COUNT`, separated by spaces.
To make it more challenging, you need to find the line count by only using a single command. You are allowed to use pipes to pass the output of one command to another if needed.
Make sure not to count empty lines or lines that only contain whitespaces (spaces or tabs). | #!/bin/bash
mkdir -p experiment && cd experiment
echo -e "Ubuntu\nDebian\nArch\n" > distros.txt
echo -e "John,Doe,30\nJane,Doe,28\n" > sample.csv
echo -e "2022-01-01 14:34:21 [INFO] Server Started.\n" > server.log | null | find . \( -iname '*.txt' -o -iname '*.csv' -o -iname '*.log' \) -exec cat {} + | grep -v '^$' | grep -v '^[[:space:]]*$' | wc -l | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_10 | In this problem, you are required to count the total number of lines and the total number of words in all '*.txt' files in your current working directory. The output should be an integer value which calculates the sum of the total number of lines and the total number of words as a single integer.
Note: Make sure to consider only '*.txt' files in the current working directory and ignore files in subdirectories. | #!/bin/bash
# Create sample txt files for testing
echo "This is a sample text file." > file1.txt
echo "This txt file will be used as an example to test your code." > file2.txt
echo "Please make sure to only count lines and words in '*.txt' files." > file3.txt
# Create a sample subdirectory with a txt file
mkdir subdir
echo "This txt file should not be included in the count." > subdir/file4.txt | null | #!/bin/bash
# Count total lines and words in all '*.txt' files in the current working directory
find . -maxdepth 1 -iname "*.txt" -exec wc -lw {} + | awk 'END {print $1 + $2}' | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_11 | You have been given a task to analyze the file permissions of all the files in a specific directory. You need to calculate the sum of the octal file permissions of each file in the directory. Assume that there are no subdirectories, only regular files in the given directory.
Your task is as follows:
1. Create a directory called 'task_directory'.
2. Create several files in 'task_directory' with random file permissions.
3. Calculate the sum of the octal file permissions for all the files in 'task_directory'. | #!/bin/bash
mkdir task_directory
cd task_directory
echo "Simple text" >file1.txt
echo "Another example" >file2.txt
echo "Third file" >file3.txt
chmod 654 file1.txt
chmod 711 file2.txt
chmod 600 file3.txt
cd .. | null | #!/bin/bash
cd task_directory
# Get octal file permissions, extract the integer part, add them up
for file in *
octal=$(stat -c '%a' "$file")
sum=$((sum + octal))
# Print the sum
echo $sum | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_12 | In this problem, you are required to determine the total number of files and directories present in a given directory, as well as the total size (in kilobytes) of those files and directories within that given directory. The answer should be a single integer representing the summation of the total number of files, directories, and their total combined size in kilobytes.
For example, if there are 10 files and 5 directories, and the total combined size of those files and directories is 500 KB, the output would be 515. | #!/bin/bash
mkdir -p test_directory
cd test_directory
echo "Sample text file 1" > file1.txt
echo "Sample text file 2" > file2.txt
mkdir folder1
echo "Sample text file 3" > folder1/file3.txt
cd .. | null | #!/bin/bash
cd test_directory
total_files=$(find . -type f -or -type d | wc -l)
total_size=$(find . -type f -exec stat -c"%s" {} \; | awk '{sum+=$1} END {print int(sum/1024)}')
result=$((total_files + total_size))
echo "$result" | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_13 | You are given a folder named "log_folder" containing log files from a server. These log files are named in the format "log_YYYY-MM-DD.txt" (for example, "log_2022-10-01.txt"). Your task is to find out the number of log files in the "log_folder" that were created exactly 30 days or more ago from the current date. | mkdir -p log_folder
touch log_folder/log_2022-05-01.txt
touch log_folder/log_2022-06-10.txt
touch log_folder/log_2022-07-05.txt
touch log_folder/log_2022-07-15.txt | null | #!/bin/bash
threshold_date=$(date -d "-30 days" +'%Y-%m-%d')
for file in log_folder/*.txt; do
file_date=$(basename "$file" | awk -F_ -vOFS='-' '{print $2}' | awk -F. -vOFS='-' '{print $1}')
if [[ "$file_date" < "$threshold_date" || "$file_date" == "$threshold_date" ]]; then
counter=$((counter + 1))
echo $counter | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_14 | As a Linux user, you are asked to calculate the total line count of all the ".txt" files in a given directory, including its subdirectories. Note that you should only count the lines in the text files that contain at least one occurrence of a specified keyword.
You need to perform the following tasks:
1. Write a Bash script to generate the directory structure with sample ".txt" files.
2. Write a Bash script to calculate the total line count as described. | #!/bin/bash
# Set up the directory structure
mkdir -p experiment
cd experiment
echo "Creating directories and .txt files"
mkdir -p folder1 folder2 folder3
echo "This is a keyword test" > folder1/file1.txt
echo "This is not a keyword test" > folder1/file2.txt
echo "Another line" >> folder1/file2.txt
echo "Keyword" > folder2/file3.txt
echo "Testing keyword again" > folder3/file4.txt
echo "Keyword" >> folder3/file4.txt
cd .. | null | #!/bin/bash
# Enter the created 'experiment' directory
cd experiment
# Check for the keyword
# Find all the .txt files, filter for lines containing the keyword, and count the total number
find . -type f -name "*.txt" -exec grep -i -H "$keyword" {} \; | wc -l | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_15 | You have been given the responsibility to manage a list of files with specific naming conventions in your Linux operating system. To do this effectively, you need to perform the following tasks:
1. Create a directory named "file_analysis" in the home directory.
2. Inside the "file_analysis" directory, generate 100 text files named "file-number.txt," where the number is replaced with their corresponding index in the range | #!/bin/bash
# Create the file_analysis folder in the home directory
mkdir ~/file_analysis
# Create 100 files within the file_analysis folder
for i in {1..100}; do
echo $i > ~/file_analysis/file-$i.txt
done | null | #!/bin/bash
# Initialize the sum
# Calculate the sum of odd indexed files
for i in {1..100..2}; do
num=$(cat ~/file_analysis/file-$i.txt)
sum=$((sum + num))
# Output the sum as a single integer
echo $sum | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_16 | In this task, you need to find the total number of files and directories in a given directory, excluding the directory itself and hidden files or directories (files or directories that start with a dot, `.`). To complete this task, you will be provided with an initialization script that sets up the directory, and your goal is to return an integer value representing the total number of non-hidden files and directories within that directory. | #!/bin/bash
mkdir experiment_directory
touch experiment_directory/file1.txt
touch experiment_directory/file2.txt
touch experiment_directory/.hidden_file.txt
mkdir experiment_directory/dir1
mkdir experiment_directory/dir2
mkdir experiment_directory/.hidden_dir | null | #!/bin/bash
ls -l experiment_directory | grep -v "^d\| \." | wc -l | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_17 | As a student, you must calculate the total number of bytes used by all the ".txt" files in a given directory. This directory is created and filled with files using an initialization script. To solve this problem, you need to use the Linux command line tools in your Ubuntu operating system. After calculating the total number of bytes, submit your answer as an integer value. | #!/bin/bash
mkdir problem_directory
cd problem_directory
echo "Hello, World!" > file1.txt
echo "Linux is awesome!" > file2.txt
echo "This is a test file." > file3.txt
echo "Have a productive day!" > file4.txt
echo "Random string 12345" > file5.txt
touch not_included1.pdf
touch not_included2.doc
cd .. | null | find problem_directory -type f -name "*.txt" | xargs du -b | awk '{sum += $1} END {print sum}' | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_18 | As a Linux system administrator, you need to monitor the system regularly to ensure it runs smoothly. You have been given a task to collect information on the total generated system load in your Linux (Ubuntu) operating system. The total generated system load is based on three main factors: the number of running processes, the amount of used memory, and the percentage of used disk space.
For this task, you are to write a shell command that combines the three factors as outlined below:
1. Compute the number of running processes. This excludes kernel threads and system processes.
2. Calculate the percentage of used memory (excluding buffers/cache).
3. Calculate the percentage of used disk space on the root (/) partition.
Lastly, return the sum of the three factors as a single integer. |
# No initial setup required for this problem, as it uses default system tools. | null | #!/bin/bash
running_processes=$(ps -e -o user | grep -v "root" | wc -l)
used_memory_percent=$(free | grep Mem | awk '{print int(($3-$7)/$2 * 100)}')
used_disk_space_percent=$(df -h | grep "/$" | awk '{print int($5)}')
total_system_load=$((running_processes + used_memory_percent + used_disk_space_percent))
echo $total_system_load | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_19 | You have been provided with a directory named "sample_files" containing text files. These text files represent server logs, with each line representing an entry. Your task is to count the total number of unique IP addresses present across all the log files in the "sample_files" directory.
Note: The log files follow the format, ` | #!/bin/bash
mkdir -p sample_files
cd sample_files
cat <<EOF > server_log1.txt
[2022-01-01 12:56:47] Something happened
[2022-01-02 14:34:12] Another thing happened
[2022-01-03 10:20:38] What just happened
cat <<EOF > server_log2.txt
[2022-01-04 15:14:59] Nothing happened
[2022-01-05 08:23:07] Something happened again
EOF | null | #!/bin/bash
cd sample_files
grep -oP '\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}' *.txt | sort | uniq | wc -l | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_20 | You are given a directory named "logs" containing multiple log files. Each file represents logs generated per day. The filename format is "log_YYYY-MM-DD.txt". Your task is to count the occurrences of the word "error" (case insensitive) in the log files and sum the errors in all log files.
To complete this task, perform the following steps:
1. Create a directory named "logs".
2. Create log files for the past 7 days inside the "logs" directory. The content of each log file should have random "error"/"Error" entries along with other content.
3. Use Linux command(s) to calculate the total count of "error" (case insensitive) occurrences in all the log files inside the "logs" directory.
Your final answer should be the total count of "error" occurrences as an integer. | #!/bin/bash
mkdir -p logs
for i in {1..7}
filename="log_$(date -d "-$i days" +"%Y-%m-%d").txt"
touch $FILE_PATH
for j in {1..30}
if [ $((RANDOM % 5)) -eq 0 ]
echo "Error: something went wrong" >> $FILE_PATH
echo "Debug: this is a debug message" >> $FILE_PATH
done | null | #!/bin/bash
for file in logs/*.txt
count=$(grep -i -o "error" $file | wc -l)
total_errors=$((total_errors + count))
echo $total_errors | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_21 | As a student, you are given a Linux directory named "student_data" containing multiple text files which represent various students' data. Each file contains a student's ID number, a space, and their test scores in three subjects (Math, Science, and English) separated by spaces.
The format of the content inside the file is as follows:
ID_Number Math_Score Science_Score English_Score
Please provide the sum of the average scores of each subject rounded down to the nearest integer for all students in the "student_data" directory. | #!/bin/bash
mkdir student_data
echo "1001 84 90 91" > student_data/student1.txt
echo "1002 76 89 98" > student_data/student2.txt
echo "1003 88 74 80" > student_data/student3.txt
echo "1004 92 88 89" > student_data/student4.txt | null | #!/bin/bash
cd student_data
for file in *.txt; do
math_score=$(awk '{print $2}' "$file")
science_score=$(awk '{print $3}' "$file")
english_score=$(awk '{print $4}' "$file")
sum_math_scores=$((sum_math_scores + math_score))
sum_science_scores=$((sum_science_scores + science_score))
sum_english_scores=$((sum_english_scores + english_score))
total_students=$((total_students + 1))
avg_math_score=$((sum_math_scores / total_students))
avg_science_score=$((sum_science_scores / total_students))
avg_english_score=$((sum_english_scores / total_students))
sum_avg_scores=$((avg_math_score + avg_science_score + avg_english_score))
echo $sum_avg_scores | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_22 | In this problem, you are asked to calculate the total size (in kilobytes) of all regular files in a given directory in your Ubuntu operating system. The directory will be named 'test_directory' and will be located in the home folder. The directory will contain multiple regular files and subdirectories. You only have to calculate the size of regular files in the "test_directory" and ignore the files inside subdirectories.
To summarize, you must perform the following tasks:
1. Navigate to the 'test_directory' located in your home folder.
2. Calculate the total size (in kilobytes) of all regular files in the 'test_directory' (ignoring the files inside subdirectories). | #!/bin/bash
mkdir -p ~/test_directory/subdir
echo "This is a test file." > ~/test_directory/file1.txt
echo "This is another test file." > ~/test_directory/file2.txt
echo "This is a file inside a subdirectory." > ~/test_directory/subdir/file3.txt | null | find ~/test_directory -maxdepth 1 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 du -ck | awk 'END{print $1}' | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_23 | You are given a directory called "reports". Inside the directory "reports", there are many text files, each containing one line with an integer value. You need to calculate the sum of all integer values from all these text files, and output the result as an integer.
In summary, your task is to:
1. Enter the "reports" directory.
2. Read all the text files inside the "reports" directory.
3. Calculate the sum of integer values inside each text file.
4. Output the final sum as an integer. | #!/bin/bash
# Remove any previously created 'reports' directory just in case
rm -rf reports
# Create a 'reports' directory, enter it, and create text files with integer values
mkdir reports
cd reports
echo 15 > report1.txt
echo 10 > report2.txt
echo 5 > report3.txt
echo 20 > report4.txt
echo 50 > report5.txt
echo -10 > report6.txt
# Move back to the parent directory
cd .. | null | #!/bin/bash
# Change the current directory to 'reports'
cd reports
# List all the text files in the reports directory
# Read the integer values from the text files
# Sum up all the values and print the result
find . -type f -name '*.txt' | xargs cat | awk '{sum+=$1} END{print sum}'
# Output: 90 | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_24 | You are given a directory named 'logs' in your Linux operating system, which contains multiple log files for various days. Each log file has a specific naming format such as "YYYY-MM-DD.log". Your task is to count the total number of log files for a particular month provided to you in the format 'YYYY-MM' and return the count as an integer.
Follow these steps:
1. In your Linux (ubuntu) operating system, run the initialization bash script to create the "logs" directory with sample log files.
2. Write a bash script that takes the 'YYYY-MM' as input, counts the total number of log files for that particular month, and returns the count as an integer. | #!/bin/bash
mkdir -p logs
for month in {1..12}; do
for day in {1..31}; do
touch "logs/2021-$(printf '%02d' $month)-$(printf '%02d' $day).log"
done | null | #!/bin/bash
# Function to count log files for the given month
function count_log_files () {
find logs -type f -name "*$input_month*.log" | grep -E "^logs/[0-9]{4}\-[0-9]{2}\-[0-9]{2}\.log$" | wc -l
# Set input_month as '2021-01' for demonstration
# Call the function
count_log_files $input_month | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_25 | The objective of this problem is to make you familiar with the Linux file system and various commands to interact with it. As a student, you need to count the number of files and directories inside a given directory and calculate the sum of their sizes in bytes using shell commands. The output should be the sum of the sizes (in bytes) of all files and directories inside the given directory 'test_directory'.
The task consists of the following steps:
1. Create a directory called 'test_directory'.
2. Inside 'test_directory', create 'n' subdirectories, where 'n' is a random number between 3 and 7.
3. Inside each subdirectory, create 'm' files, where 'm' is a random number between 4 and 10. Each file should contain random alphanumeric strings.
4. Calculate the sum of the sizes of all files and directories inside 'test_directory' using shell commands. | #!/bin/bash
mkdir test_directory
cd test_directory
number_of_dirs=$((RANDOM % 5 + 3))
for ((d = 1; d <= number_of_dirs; d++))
mkdir "subdir_$d"
cd "subdir_$d"
number_of_files=$((RANDOM % 7 + 4))
for ((f = 1; f <= number_of_files; f++))
touch "file_$f"
echo "$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd '[:alnum:]' | head -c $((RANDOM % 20 + 10)))" > "file_$f"
cd ..
done | null | #!/bin/bash
find test_directory -type f -exec du -b {} + | awk '{sum += $1} END {print sum}' | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_26 | As a student, you are tasked to retrieve the number of lines of code in Python files within a specific directory and all its subdirectories. The directory has been provided to you by the initialization script and contains numerous Python files with the extension `.py`.
Your task is to find the total number of lines of code across all the Python files contained in the provided directory and all its subdirectories.
_Note: Ignore any empty lines. Only count lines with actual code._ | #!/bin/bash
mkdir -p question_directory/subdir1
mkdir -p question_directory/subdir2
touch question_directory/
touch question_directory/
touch question_directory/subdir1/
touch question_directory/subdir1/
touch question_directory/subdir2/
echo -e "import os\n\n#print('Hello world')\n" > question_directory/
echo -e "def add(x, y):\n return x + y" > question_directory/
echo -e "# This is an empty python file" > question_directory/subdir1/
echo -e "import sys\n\nif __name__ == '__main__':\n print(sys.argv)" > question_directory/subdir1/
echo -e "def multiply(x, y):\n\n return x * y\n" > question_directory/subdir2/ | null | find question_directory -type f -name "*.py" | xargs grep -vE '^$|^#' | wc -l | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_27 | This problem is designed to test your ability to navigate and manipulate files and directories using Linux command line tools. You have been supplied with an Ubuntu operating system.
There is an initialization bash script that will set up the required environment and files. Your task is to determine the total number of occurrences of a specific word across all '.txt' files in a specific directory.
You need to perform the following steps:
1. Execute the initialization bash script to set up the required environment.
2. Navigate to the 'target_directory', which will be created during initialization.
3. Execute a command that will help you count the total occurrences of the word 'linux' (case insensitive) in all the '.txt' files inside the 'target_directory'.
4. The output of the command should be a single integer - the total number of occurrences of the word 'linux'. | #!/bin/bash
# Create target_directory and files for the problem
mkdir -p target_directory
echo 'This linux is a popular operating linux system.' > target_directory/file1.txt
echo 'Linux is basically everywhere, especially in servers.' > target_directory/file2.txt
echo 'Linux is reliable and linux secure.' > target_directory/file3.txt
echo 'Linux distributions like Ubuntu, Arch, and Fedora are popular.' > target_directory/file4.txt | null | #!/bin/bash
# Change the working directory to target_directory
cd target_directory
# Run the grep command to search for the word 'linux' (case insensitive) and count occurrences using wc -l
grep -i -o -r 'linux' . --include='*.txt' | wc -l | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_28 | You are given a directory named `example_files` containing text files with random alphabetic strings and integers in each line. Your task is to calculate the total sum of integers in all the files in the `example_files` directory. Note that you should not consider any number that contains both integers and alphabetic characters.
For example, if a file contains:
Only consider `3` and `5`. The sum for this file would be `8`. | #!/bin/bash
mkdir -p example_files
# Create sample files with random strings and integers
echo "abc" > example_files/file1.txt
echo "3" >> example_files/file1.txt
echo "4hj" >> example_files/file1.txt
echo "5" >> example_files/file1.txt
echo "5" > example_files/file2.txt
echo "2" >> example_files/file2.txt
echo "9" >> example_files/file2.txt
echo "3" >> example_files/file2.txt
echo "xyz" > example_files/file3.txt
echo "12gh" >> example_files/file3.txt
echo "34" >> example_files/file3.txt
echo "56" >> example_files/file3.txt | null | #!/bin/bash
# Step 1: Find the files in the directory
files=$(find example_files -type f)
# Step 2-4: Loop through the files, filter lines with only integers and calculate the sum
for file in $files
file_sum=$(cat "$file" | grep -E '^[0-9]+$' | awk '{s+=$1}END{print s}')
sum=$((sum + file_sum))
# The output must contain only integers
echo $sum | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_29 | As a student, you are given a task to determine the number of directories, subdirectories and files in a specific directory. You need to write a shell script that will return the exact number of directories, subdirectories and files, excluding the parent directory and the current directory. The final answer should be a single integer (the sum of all directories, subdirectories, and files).
To ensure that everyone is working with the same directory structure, an initialization script has been provided. Execute this script to create the necessary directory structure and files for the problem.
Note: The problem should be solved using the Linux operating system. | #!/bin/bash
# Create the necessary directory structure and files
mkdir -p problem_directory/dir{1..3}
mkdir -p problem_directory/dir1/subdir{1..2}
mkdir -p problem_directory/dir2/subdir{3..4}
mkdir -p problem_directory/dir2/subdir3/nestedsubdir{1..2}
touch problem_directory/dir1/file_{a..c}.txt
touch problem_directory/dir2/file_{d..f}.txt
touch problem_directory/dir3/file_{g..i}.txt
touch problem_directory/dir2/subdir4/file_{x..z}
cd problem_directory | null | #!/bin/bash
# Count directories, subdirectories, and files
dir_count=$(find . -type d | wc -l)
file_count=$(find . -type f | wc -l)
# Subtract 1 to exclude the parent directory
dir_count=$((dir_count - 1))
# Calculate the total items
total_items=$((dir_count + file_count))
# Print the final integer output
echo $total_items | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_30 | As a student, you are required to find the total number of lines containing the word "Linux" in all text files (*.txt) within a specific directory and its subdirectories. You are given the path to the directory as an input. Your answer should only contain an integer, representing the total number of lines containing the word "Linux". | #!/bin/bash
# Create a directory named "linux_problem" if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p linux_problem
# Change the current directory to "linux_problem"
cd linux_problem
# Create text files with random content and the word "Linux" included
echo "This is a file about Linux" > file1.txt
echo "Another line about Linux" >> file1.txt
echo "Linux is an open-source operating system" > file2.txt
echo "This line does not have the word" > file3.txt
echo -e "A file with multiple lines\nLinux is everywhere\nEven here: Linux" > file4.txt
# Create a subdirectory named "subdir"
mkdir -p subdir
# Create text files in the subdirectory
echo "More about Linux in subdir" > subdir/file5.txt
echo "We have two lines of Linux here\nLinux is cool" > subdir/file6.txt | null | #!/bin/bash
# Change the current directory to "linux_problem"
cd linux_problem
# Find all the text files in the current directory and its subdirectories,
# then use 'grep' to count lines with the word "Linux", and finally use 'wc'
# to count the total number of lines from the output
find . -name "*.txt" -exec grep -c "Linux" {} \; | awk '{sum += $1} END {print sum}' | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_31 | As a student, your task is to find out how many hidden directories are in your home directory and your current working directory. Note that a hidden directory starts with a dot ('.'). | #!/bin/bash
cd ~
mkdir -p .hidden-dir1 .hidden-dir2 visible-dir1
cd visible-dir1
mkdir -p .hidden-dir3 visible-dir2 | null | #!/bin/bash
num_hidden_home=$(ls -a ~ | grep -E '^\.+' | grep -vE '^\.+$' | wc -l)
num_hidden_cwd=$(ls -a | grep -E '^\.+' | grep -vE '^\.+$' | wc -l)
echo $((num_hidden_home + num_hidden_cwd)) | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_32 | You've been given a server's log file named `server.log` containing timestamps of user login activities throughout the day in 24-hour format (e.g. "23:40"). Your task is to find the total number of logins that happened during the peak hours of 9:00 PM to 11:59 PM.
Create a script to count the number of logins during that time frame. The result should be printed, and contain only the integer representing the total number of logins during the peak hours. | cat << EOF > server.log
9:15 Login Success
9:30 Login Success
13:00 Login Success
23:20 Login Success
23:40 Login Success
1:59 Login Success
EOF | null | cat server.log | grep -E '^(21|22|23):..' | wc -l | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_33 | As a student, you are requested to find the total number of files and directories inside a specific directory, including its subdirectories. The output should be an integer representing the total count without any extra information. The given directory will be named "project_directory". | #!/bin/bash
# Create a directory with a specific structure
mkdir -p project_directory/subdir1/subdir1_1
mkdir -p project_directory/subdir1/subdir1_2
mkdir -p project_directory/subdir2/subdir2_1
mkdir -p project_directory/subdir3
# Add some files
touch project_directory/file1.txt
touch project_directory/subdir1/file2.txt
touch project_directory/subdir1/subdir1_1/file3.txt
touch project_directory/subdir1/subdir1_2/file4.txt
touch project_directory/subdir2/file5.txt
touch project_directory/subdir2/subdir2_1/file6.txt
touch project_directory/subdir3/file7.txt | null | find project_directory -type f -o -type d 2>/dev/null | wc -l | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_34 | In this problem, you need to find the number of non-empty lines in a log file, which contains records of various system activities. First, you will initialize a log file named `system_logs.txt` with random content, then you will write a program in the Linux (Ubuntu) operating system to count the number of non-empty lines. The result should be an integer. | # Randomly generate a log file system_logs.txt
cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{}|;:",.<>/?\` ~\n' | head -c 5000 > system_logs.txt
# Add some empty lines to system_logs.txt
for i in {1..20}; do
if (( $i % 3 == 0 )); then
sed -i "${i}s/$/\n/" system_logs.txt
done | null | # Find the number of non-empty lines in system_logs.txt and print the result
grep -c -v "^$" system_logs.txt | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_35 | As a student, you are given a directory that contains several subdirectories. Each subdirectory contains a few text files. Your task is to find the total number of lines in all text files combined, and submit it as the answer. It is crucial to ensure you only count the lines from text files (.txt) and ignore other file types. Use the built-in Linux commands to achieve this. | #!/bin/bash
mkdir -p ~/student_directory/dir1
mkdir -p ~/student_directory/dir2
echo "Line 1" > ~/student_directory/dir1/file1.txt
echo "Line 1" > ~/student_directory/dir1/file2.txt
echo "Line 1" > ~/student_directory/dir1/
echo "Line 1" > ~/student_directory/dir2/file3.txt
echo "Line 1" > ~/student_directory/dir2/file4.txt
echo "Line 1" > ~/student_directory/dir2/file5.txt
chmod -R 755 ~/student_directory | null | find ~/student_directory -type f -name "*.txt" -exec wc -l {} \; | awk '{ total += $1 } END { print total }' | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_36 | You are given a folder named 'files' containing several text files. You have to find the total sum of all the integers present across all the text files. Integers can be positive or negative and may be more than one per line. The integers are separated by whitespace or special characters. | #!/bin/bash
mkdir files
echo "5, 3 2" > files/file1.txt
echo "One million, Two thousand = 100^-1 -88" > files/file2.txt
echo "Bubble Sort is O(n^2) -17 -6" > files/file3.txt | null | #!/bin/bash
cd files
# Read all files in folder
for file in $(ls) ;
# Extract integers from each file and add them to the sum
for number in $(grep -o -E '[-+]?[0-9]+' $file) ;
sum=$(($sum + $number))
# Print the total sum of integers
echo $sum | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_37 | As a student, you are tasked with determining the number of directories and subdirectories in a given directory tree, specifically in the `/var/log` directory on an Ubuntu Linux operating system. Your task must be performed entirely through the command line using provided Linux tools.
You are required to write a shell script that will count the number of directories, both direct and nested, in the `/var/log` directory and output the total number in the form of an integer. |
echo "Initialization successful. Proceed with the task." | null | #!/bin/bash
find /var/log -type d | wc -l | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_38 | As a Linux system administrator, you need to monitor the disk usage of the `/home` directory because it is very important to ensure that the system runs smoothly. You have to determine the total number of files with the `.log` extension that are larger than 500 KB in size within the `/home` directory and its subdirectories.
To solve this problem, you need to do the following:
1. Execute an initialization bash script to create the required environment for the problem in each student's Linux (Ubuntu) operating system.
2. Write a script that will output a single integer - the total number of `.log` files larger than 500 KB in the `/home` directory and its subdirectories. | #!/bin/bash
mkdir -p /home/testdir{1..3}
touch /home/testdir1/file{1..3}.log
touch /home/testdir2/file{4..6}.log
touch /home/testdir3/file{7..9}.log
truncate -s 300KB /home/testdir1/file1.log
truncate -s 600KB /home/testdir1/file2.log
truncate -s 550KB /home/testdir1/file3.log
truncate -s 400KB /home/testdir2/file4.log
truncate -s 200KB /home/testdir2/file5.log
truncate -s 700KB /home/testdir2/file6.log
truncate -s 800KB /home/testdir3/file7.log
truncate -s 500KB /home/testdir3/file8.log
truncate -s 250KB /home/testdir3/file9.log | null | find /home -type f -name "*.log" -size +500k | wc -l | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_39 | As a student, you are asked to find the total number of lines of code in all the ".c" and ".h" files in a given directory (including its subdirectories). The question will test your ability to navigate the Linux file system, use basic commands to filter and manipulate the data.
To complete the task, you should provide the total number of lines of code in the given folder containing ".c" and ".h" files. | #!/bin/bash
mkdir -p test_directory
cd test_directory
mkdir -p subdir1 subdir2 subdir2/subsubdir
echo "int main() {}" > program1.c
echo "void func() {}" > subdir1/program2.c
echo "struct example {};" > subdir2/program3.h
echo "int hello() {}" > subdir2/subsubdir/program4.c
echo "#include <stdio.h>" > includes.h | null | #!/bin/bash
find . -type f \( -iname \*.c -o -iname \*.h \) -print0 | xargs -0 wc -l | awk '{total_lines += $1} END {print total_lines}' | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_40 | A company stores their employee information in the form of text files in a folder called 'employees'. Each employee has a file named {employee_id}.txt, and each file contains numbered tasks assigned to the respective employee. The tasks are labeled as either 'urgent' or 'normal', and the label is followed by a colon and a positive integer denoting the time it takes to complete the task (in minutes).
The folder 'employees' contains the following six files: 101.txt, 102.txt, 103.txt, 104.txt, 105.txt, and 106.txt. Your task is to find the total amount of time, in minutes, needed to complete all urgent tasks assigned to all employees. The final result should be a single integer, which is the sum of urgent task times.
Example of task list in an employee's file:
``` | #!/bin/bash
mkdir employees
echo -e "urgent:30\nnormal:10\nurgent:20\nnormal:15" > employees/101.txt
echo -e "normal:20\nurgent:40\nnormal:10\nurgent:15" > employees/102.txt
echo -e "normal:25\nnormal:15\nurgent:35\nnormal:10" > employees/103.txt
echo -e "urgent:10\nurgent:20\nnormal:30\nnormal:15" > employees/104.txt
echo -e "normal:35\nnormal:20\nurgent:25\nurgent:15" > employees/105.txt
echo -e "normal:10\nnormal:15\nurgent:20\nnormal:30" > employees/106.txt | null | #!/bin/bash
# Calculate the sum of all urgent task times
for file in employees/*.txt; do
while read -r task; do
time=$(echo $task | cut -d ':' -f 2)
total_time=$((total_time + time))
done < <(grep '^urgent:' "${file}")
echo $total_time | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_41 | As a student, you are required to find the total number of regular files and directories inside a given folder (including sub-directories). The folder will be located in the home directory, named "exp_folder". You should write a bash script to count the number of regular files and directories separately and then output the sum of them. | #!/bin/bash
# Create exp_folder in the home directory
mkdir ~/exp_folder
# Create subdirectories and files for the problem
mkdir ~/exp_folder/dir1
mkdir ~/exp_folder/dir2
touch ~/exp_folder/file1.txt
touch ~/exp_folder/file2.txt
touch ~/exp_folder/dir1/file3.txt
touch ~/exp_folder/dir1/file4.txt
touch ~/exp_folder/dir2/file5.txt | null | #!/bin/bash
# Find the number of regular files and directories within exp_folder
file_count=$(find ~/exp_folder -type f | wc -l)
dir_count=$(find ~/exp_folder -type d | wc -l)
# Calculate and print the total count
total_count=$((file_count + dir_count))
echo $total_count | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_42 | As a student, you need to determine the total occupied storage space by all the `.txt` files in a given directory to understand how much storage the text files are consuming. You will be given a directory named "files_directory" with several files of various extensions. Your task is to calculate the total size in kilobytes (KB) of all `.txt` files in the "files_directory" directory and return the result as an integer. | #!/bin/bash
mkdir -p ~/files_directory
echo 'Hello, world!' > ~/files_directory/file1.txt
echo 'This is a test' > ~/files_directory/file2.txt
echo -e '1\n2\n3\n4' > ~/files_directory/file3.txt
echo 'Linux operating system' > ~/files_directory/file4.txt
echo 'Sample files' > ~/files_directory/file5.txt
touch ~/files_directory/file6.html
touch ~/files_directory/file7.xml
touch ~/files_directory/file8.jpg | null | #!/bin/bash
find ~/files_directory -iname '*.txt' -exec du -ckB1 {} + | grep 'total' | cut -f1 | null | check/ |
7_bootstrap.json_43 | You need to calculate the number of files and directories in the current user's home directory (excluding hidden files and directories) and multiply that by the number of non-empty text files (*.txt) within the current user's home directory.
Note: You can assume that there are only ASCII characters in text files (*.txt).
To solve the problem, follow these steps:
1. Calculate the number of (non-hidden) files and directories in the current user's home directory.
2. Calculate the non-empty text files (*.txt) only in the current user's home directory.
3. Multiply the result of step 1 with step 2.
4. Output the final result. | #!/bin/bash
cd ~
mkdir -p "test"
touch "example1.txt" "example2.txt" "example3.txt"
echo "abc" > "example1.txt"
echo "def" > "example3.txt" | null | #!/bin/bash
cd ~
num_files_dirs=$(ls -l | grep -v '^d\|^\.' | wc -l)
num_non_empty_txt_files=$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.txt" -type f -size +1c -printf '.' | wc -c)
result=$((num_files_dirs * num_non_empty_txt_files))
echo $result | null | check/ |
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