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import topology.order
import group_theory.quotient_group
import valuation.canonical
# Valuation Spectrum (Spv)
The API for the valuation spectrum of a commutative ring. Normally defined as
"the equivalence classes of valuations", there are set-theoretic issues.
These issues are easily solved by noting that two valuations are equivalent
if and only if they induce the same preorder on R, where the preorder
attached to a valuation sends (r,s) to v r β€ v s.
## Implementation details
Our definition of Spv is currently the predicates which come from a
valuation. There is another approach though:
In the proof of Prop 2.2 of βContinuous Valuationsβ by R. Huber,
the relations that come from a valuations are classified as thoe satisfying some axioms.
See also Wedhorn 4.7.
universes u uβ uβ uβ uβ
local attribute [instance, priority 0] classical.DLO
/-- Valuation spectrum of a ring. -/
-- Note that the valuation takes values in a group in the same universe as R.
-- This is to avoid "set-theoretic issues".
definition Spv (R : Type uβ) [comm_ring R] :=
{ineq : R β R β Prop // β {Ξβ : Type uβ} [linear_ordered_comm_group_with_zero Ξβ],
by exactI β (v : valuation R Ξβ), β r s : R, v r β€ v s β ineq r s}
variables {R : Type uβ} [comm_ring R] {v : Spv R}
local notation r `β€[`v`]` s := v.1 r s
/- Spv R is morally a quotient, so we start by giving it a quotient-like interface -/
namespace Spv
open valuation
variables {Ξβ : Type u} [linear_ordered_comm_group_with_zero Ξβ]
variables {Ξ'β : Type uβ} [linear_ordered_comm_group_with_zero Ξ'β]
variables {Ξ''β : Type uβ} [linear_ordered_comm_group_with_zero Ξ''β]
-- The work is embedded here with `canonical_valuation_is_equiv v` etc.
-- The canonical valuation attached to v lives in R's universe.
/-- The equivalence class of a valuation. -/
definition mk (v : valuation R Ξβ) : Spv R :=
β¨Ξ» r s, v r β€ v s,
β¨value_monoid v, by apply_instance, canonical_valuation v, canonical_valuation_is_equiv vβ©β©
@[simp] lemma mk_val (v : valuation R Ξβ) : (mk v).val = Ξ» r s, v r β€ v s := rfl
/-- The value group attached to a term of type Spv R -/
definition out_Ξβ (v : Spv R) : Type uβ := classical.some v.2
/-- The value group attached to a term of type Spv R
is a linearly ordered commutative group with zero. -/
noncomputable instance (v : Spv R) : linear_ordered_comm_group_with_zero (out_Ξβ v) :=
classical.some $ classical.some_spec v.2
/-- An explicit representative of an equivalence class of valuations (a term of type Spv R). -/
noncomputable definition out (v : Spv R) : valuation R (out_Ξβ v) :=
classical.some $ classical.some_spec $ classical.some_spec v.2
@[simp] lemma mk_out {v : Spv R} : mk (out v) = v :=
rcases v with β¨ineq, hvβ©,
rw subtype.ext,
exact classical.some_spec (classical.some_spec (classical.some_spec hv)) _ _,
/-- The explicit representative of the equivalence class of a valuation v is equivalent to v. -/
lemma out_mk (v : valuation R Ξβ) : (out (mk v)).is_equiv v :=
classical.some_spec (classical.some_spec (classical.some_spec (mk v).2))
/-- A function defined on all valuations of R descends to Spv R. -/
noncomputable def lift {X}
(f : Ξ β¦Ξβ : Type uββ¦ [linear_ordered_comm_group_with_zero Ξβ], valuation R Ξβ β X) (v : Spv R) : X :=
f (out v)
/-- The computation principle for Spv:
If a function is constant on equivalence classes of valuations,
then it descends to a well-defined function on Spv R.-/
theorem lift_eq {X}
(fβ : Ξ β¦Ξβ : Type uββ¦ [linear_ordered_comm_group_with_zero Ξβ], valuation R Ξβ β X)
(f : Ξ β¦Ξβ : Type uβ¦ [linear_ordered_comm_group_with_zero Ξβ], valuation R Ξβ β X)
(v : valuation R Ξβ)
(h : β β¦Ξβ : Type uββ¦ [linear_ordered_comm_group_with_zero Ξβ] (vβ : valuation R Ξβ),
vβ.is_equiv v β fβ vβ = f v) :
lift fβ (mk v) = f v :=
h _ (out_mk v)
/-- Prop-valued version of the computation principle for Spv:
If a predicate is constant on equivalence classes of valuations,
then it descends to a well-defined predicate on Spv R.-/
theorem lift_eq'
(fβ : Ξ β¦Ξβ : Type uββ¦ [linear_ordered_comm_group_with_zero Ξβ], valuation R Ξβ β Prop)
(f : Ξ β¦Ξβ : Type uβ¦ [linear_ordered_comm_group_with_zero Ξβ], valuation R Ξβ β Prop)
(v : valuation R Ξβ)
(h : β β¦Ξβ : Type uββ¦ [linear_ordered_comm_group_with_zero Ξβ] (vβ : valuation R Ξβ),
vβ.is_equiv v β (fβ vβ β f v)) :
lift fβ (mk v) β f v :=
h _ (out_mk v)
/-- For every term of Spv R, there exists a valuation representing it.-/
lemma exists_rep (v : Spv R) :
β {Ξβ : Type uβ} [linear_ordered_comm_group_with_zero Ξβ], by exactI β (vβ : valuation R Ξβ),
mk vβ = v :=
β¨out_Ξβ v, infer_instance, out v, mk_outβ©
/-- The quotient map that sends a valuation to its equivalence class is sound:
it sends equivalent valuations to the same class. -/
lemma sound {vβ : valuation R Ξ'β} {vβ : valuation R Ξ''β} (h : vβ.is_equiv vβ) : mk vβ = mk vβ :=
apply subtype.val_injective,
ext r s,
apply h,
/-- The induction principle for Spv.-/
lemma induction_on (v : Spv R) (P : Spv R β Prop)
(h : Ξ β¦Ξβ : Type uββ¦ [linear_ordered_comm_group_with_zero Ξβ] (v : valuation R Ξβ), P ( v)) :
P v :=
rw β @mk_out _ _ v,
apply h
/-- If two valuations are mapped to the same term of Spv R, then they are equivalent. -/
lemma is_equiv_of_eq_mk {vβ : valuation R Ξ'β} {vβ : valuation R Ξ''β} (h : mk vβ = mk vβ) :
vβ.is_equiv vβ :=
intros r s,
have := congr_arg subtype.val h,
replace := congr this (rfl : r = r),
replace := congr this (rfl : s = s),
simp at this,
simp [this],
lemma ext (vβ vβ : Spv R) (h : (Spv.out vβ).is_equiv (Spv.out vβ)) :
vβ = vβ :=
by simpa only [Spv.mk_out] using Spv.sound h
lemma ext_iff {vβ vβ : Spv R} :
vβ = vβ β ((Spv.out vβ).is_equiv (Spv.out vβ)) :=
β¨Ξ» h, Spv.is_equiv_of_eq_mk (by simpa only [Spv.mk_out] using h), Spv.ext _ _β©
/-- A coercion that allows to treat an element of Spv(R) as a function,
by picking a random representative of the equivalence class of valuations. -/
noncomputable instance : has_coe_to_fun (Spv R) :=
{ F := Ξ» v, R β out_Ξβ v,
coe := Ξ» v, (out v : R β out_Ξβ v) }
@[simp] lemma map_zero : v 0 = 0 := valuation.map_zero _
@[simp] lemma map_one : v 1 = 1 := valuation.map_one _
@[simp] lemma map_mul : β x y, v (x * y) = v x * v y := valuation.map_mul _
@[simp] lemma map_add : β x y, v (x + y) β€ max (v x) (v y) := valuation.map_add _
section supp
/--The support of an equivalence class of valuations.-/
noncomputable def supp (v : Spv R) := v.out.supp
/--The support of an equivalence class of valuations is equal to the
support of any of its representatives.-/
@[simp] lemma supp_mk (v : valuation R Ξβ) : (mk v).supp = v.supp :=
(out_mk v).supp_eq
end supp
section comap
variables {S : Type*} [comm_ring S] {T : Type*} [comm_ring T]
/--The pullback of an equivalence class of valuations
along a ring homomorphism.-/
noncomputable def comap (f : R β S) [is_ring_hom f] : Spv S β Spv R :=
lift $ Ξ» Ξβ _ v, by exactI (v.comap f)
/--The pullpack of an equivalence class of valuations
is the equivalence class of the pullback of any of its representatives.-/
lemma comap_mk (f : R β S) [is_ring_hom f] (v : valuation S Ξβ) :
comap f (mk v) = mk (v.comap f) :=
delta comap, rw lift_eq,
intros Ξβ _ v h, resetI,
apply sound,
exact is_equiv.comap f h
/--The pullback along the identity is the identity.-/
lemma comap_id_apply (v : Spv R) : comap (id : R β R) v = v :=
apply induction_on v, clear v,
intros Ξβ _ v, resetI,
rw [comap_mk, valuation.comap_id],
/--The pullback along the identity is the identity.-/
@[simp] lemma comap_id : comap (id : R β R) = id :=
funext $ comap_id_apply
/--The pullback along a composition is the composition of the pullback maps.-/
@[simp] lemma comap_comp_apply (g : S β T) (f : R β S) [is_ring_hom g] [is_ring_hom f] (v : Spv T):
comap (g β f) v = comap f (comap g v) :=
apply induction_on v, clear v,
intros Ξβ _ v, resetI,
rw [comap_mk, comap_mk, comap_mk, valuation.comap_comp],
/--The pullback along a composition is the composition of the pullback maps.-/
@[simp] lemma comap_comp (g : S β T) (f : R β S) [is_ring_hom g] [is_ring_hom f] :
comap (g β f) = comap f β comap g :=
funext $ comap_comp_apply g f
/--The support of the pullback of an equivalence class of valuations
is the pullback (as ideal) of the support.-/
lemma supp_comap (f : R β S) [is_ring_hom f] (v : Spv S) :
(v.comap f).supp = v.supp.comap f :=
apply induction_on v, clear v,
intros Ξβ _ v, resetI,
rw [comap_mk, supp_mk, supp_mk, valuation.comap_supp],
/--An element is contained in the support of the pullback of an equivalence
class of valuations if and only if its image is contained in the support.-/
lemma mem_supp_comap (f : R β S) [is_ring_hom f] (v : Spv S) (r : R) :
r β (v.comap f).supp β f r β v.supp :=
by { rw supp_comap, exact iff.rfl }
end comap
/-- The open sets generating the topology of Spv R. See [Wedhorn, Def 4.1].-/
definition basic_open (r s : R) : set (Spv R) :=
{v | v r β€ v s β§ v s β 0}
/-- The topology on the valuation spectrum of a ring. -/
instance : topological_space (Spv R) :=
topological_space.generate_from {U : set (Spv R) | β r s : R, U = basic_open r s}
lemma mk_mem_basic_open {r s : R} (v : valuation R Ξβ) :
mk v β basic_open r s β v r β€ v s β§ v s β 0 :=
apply and_congr,
{ apply out_mk, },
{ apply (out_mk v).ne_zero, },
end Spv