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Copyright (c) 2019 Sébastien Gouëzel. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Sébastien Gouëzel
import analysis.specific_limits.basic
import order.filter.countable_Inter
import topology.G_delta
# Baire theorem
In a complete metric space, a countable intersection of dense open subsets is dense.
The good concept underlying the theorem is that of a Gδ set, i.e., a countable intersection
of open sets. Then Baire theorem can also be formulated as the fact that a countable
intersection of dense Gδ sets is a dense Gδ set. We prove Baire theorem, giving several different
formulations that can be handy. We also prove the important consequence that, if the space is
covered by a countable union of closed sets, then the union of their interiors is dense.
We also define the filter `residual α` generated by dense `Gδ` sets and prove that this filter
has the countable intersection property.
noncomputable theory
open_locale classical topological_space filter ennreal
open filter encodable set topological_space
variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {γ : Type*} {ι : Type*}
section Baire_theorem
open emetric ennreal
/-- The property `baire_space α` means that the topological space `α` has the Baire property:
any countable intersection of open dense subsets is dense.
Formulated here when the source space is ℕ (and subsumed below by `dense_Inter_of_open` working
with any encodable source space).-/
class baire_space (α : Type*) [topological_space α] : Prop :=
(baire_property : ∀ f : ℕ → set α, (∀ n, is_open (f n)) → (∀ n, dense (f n)) → dense (⋂n, f n))
/-- Baire theorems asserts that various topological spaces have the Baire property.
Two versions of these theorems are given.
The first states that complete pseudo_emetric spaces are Baire. -/
@[priority 100]
instance baire_category_theorem_emetric_complete [pseudo_emetric_space α] [complete_space α] :
baire_space α :=
refine ⟨λ f ho hd, _⟩,
let B : ℕ → ℝ≥0∞ := λn, 1/2^n,
have Bpos : ∀n, 0 < B n,
{ intro n,
simp only [B, one_div, one_mul, ennreal.inv_pos],
exact pow_ne_top two_ne_top },
/- Translate the density assumption into two functions `center` and `radius` associating
to any n, x, δ, δpos a center and a positive radius such that
`closed_ball center radius` is included both in `f n` and in `closed_ball x δ`.
We can also require `radius ≤ (1/2)^(n+1)`, to ensure we get a Cauchy sequence later. -/
have : ∀n x δ, δ ≠ 0 → ∃y r, 0 < r ∧ r ≤ B (n+1) ∧ closed_ball y r ⊆ (closed_ball x δ) ∩ f n,
{ assume n x δ δpos,
have : x ∈ closure (f n) := hd n x,
rcases emetric.mem_closure_iff.1 this (δ/2) (ennreal.half_pos δpos) with ⟨y, ys, xy⟩,
rw edist_comm at xy,
obtain ⟨r, rpos, hr⟩ : ∃ r > 0, closed_ball y r ⊆ f n :=
nhds_basis_closed_eball.mem_iff.1 (is_open_iff_mem_nhds.1 (ho n) y ys),
refine ⟨y, min (min (δ/2) r) (B (n+1)), _, _, λz hz, ⟨_, _⟩⟩,
show 0 < min (min (δ / 2) r) (B (n+1)),
from lt_min (lt_min (ennreal.half_pos δpos) rpos) (Bpos (n+1)),
show min (min (δ / 2) r) (B (n+1)) ≤ B (n+1), from min_le_right _ _,
show z ∈ closed_ball x δ, from calc
edist z x ≤ edist z y + edist y x : edist_triangle _ _ _
... ≤ (min (min (δ / 2) r) (B (n+1))) + (δ/2) : add_le_add hz (le_of_lt xy)
... ≤ δ/2 + δ/2 : add_le_add (le_trans (min_le_left _ _) (min_le_left _ _)) le_rfl
... = δ : ennreal.add_halves δ,
show z ∈ f n, from hr (calc
edist z y ≤ min (min (δ / 2) r) (B (n+1)) : hz
... ≤ r : le_trans (min_le_left _ _) (min_le_right _ _)) },
choose! center radius Hpos HB Hball using this,
refine λ x, (mem_closure_iff_nhds_basis nhds_basis_closed_eball).2 (λ ε εpos, _),
/- `ε` is positive. We have to find a point in the ball of radius `ε` around `x` belonging to all
`f n`. For this, we construct inductively a sequence `F n = (c n, r n)` such that the closed ball
`closed_ball (c n) (r n)` is included in the previous ball and in `f n`, and such that
`r n` is small enough to ensure that `c n` is a Cauchy sequence. Then `c n` converges to a
limit which belongs to all the `f n`. -/
let F : ℕ → (α × ℝ≥0∞) := λn, nat.rec_on n ( x (min ε (B 0)))
(λn p, (center n p.1 p.2) (radius n p.1 p.2)),
let c : ℕ → α := λn, (F n).1,
let r : ℕ → ℝ≥0∞ := λn, (F n).2,
have rpos : ∀ n, 0 < r n,
{ assume n,
induction n with n hn,
exact lt_min εpos (Bpos 0),
exact Hpos n (c n) (r n)' },
have r0 : ∀ n, r n ≠ 0 := λ n, (rpos n).ne',
have rB : ∀n, r n ≤ B n,
{ assume n,
induction n with n hn,
exact min_le_right _ _,
exact HB n (c n) (r n) (r0 n) },
have incl : ∀n, closed_ball (c (n+1)) (r (n+1)) ⊆ (closed_ball (c n) (r n)) ∩ (f n) :=
λ n, Hball n (c n) (r n) (r0 n),
have cdist : ∀n, edist (c n) (c (n+1)) ≤ B n,
{ assume n,
rw edist_comm,
have A : c (n+1) ∈ closed_ball (c (n+1)) (r (n+1)) := mem_closed_ball_self,
have I := calc
closed_ball (c (n+1)) (r (n+1)) ⊆ closed_ball (c n) (r n) :
subset.trans (incl n) (inter_subset_left _ _)
... ⊆ closed_ball (c n) (B n) : closed_ball_subset_closed_ball (rB n),
exact I A },
have : cauchy_seq c :=
cauchy_seq_of_edist_le_geometric_two _ one_ne_top cdist,
-- as the sequence `c n` is Cauchy in a complete space, it converges to a limit `y`.
rcases cauchy_seq_tendsto_of_complete this with ⟨y, ylim⟩,
-- this point `y` will be the desired point. We will check that it belongs to all
-- `f n` and to `ball x ε`.
use y,
simp only [exists_prop, set.mem_Inter],
have I : ∀n, ∀m ≥ n, closed_ball (c m) (r m) ⊆ closed_ball (c n) (r n),
{ assume n,
refine nat.le_induction _ (λm hnm h, _),
{ exact subset.refl _ },
{ exact subset.trans (incl m) (subset.trans (inter_subset_left _ _) h) }},
have yball : ∀n, y ∈ closed_ball (c n) (r n),
{ assume n,
refine is_closed_ball.mem_of_tendsto ylim _,
refine (filter.eventually_ge_at_top n).mono (λ m hm, _),
exact I n m hm mem_closed_ball_self },
show ∀n, y ∈ f n,
{ assume n,
have : closed_ball (c (n+1)) (r (n+1)) ⊆ f n := subset.trans (incl n) (inter_subset_right _ _),
exact this (yball (n+1)) },
show edist y x ≤ ε, from le_trans (yball 0) (min_le_left _ _),
/-- The second theorem states that locally compact spaces are Baire. -/
@[priority 100]
instance baire_category_theorem_locally_compact [topological_space α] [t2_space α]
[locally_compact_space α] :
baire_space α :=
intros f ho hd,
/- To prove that an intersection of open dense subsets is dense, prove that its intersection
with any open neighbourhood `U` is dense. Define recursively a decreasing sequence `K` of
compact neighbourhoods: start with some compact neighbourhood inside `U`, then at each step,
take its interior, intersect with `f n`, then choose a compact neighbourhood inside the
apply dense_iff_inter_open.2,
intros U U_open U_nonempty,
rcases exists_positive_compacts_subset U_open U_nonempty with ⟨K₀, hK₀⟩,
have : ∀ n (K : positive_compacts α), ∃ K' : positive_compacts α, ↑K' ⊆ f n ∩ interior K,
{ refine λ n K, exists_positive_compacts_subset ((ho n).inter is_open_interior) _,
rw inter_comm,
exact (hd n).inter_open_nonempty _ is_open_interior K.interior_nonempty },
choose K_next hK_next,
let K : ℕ → positive_compacts α := λ n, nat.rec_on n K₀ K_next,
/- This is a decreasing sequence of positive compacts contained in suitable open sets `f n`.-/
have hK_decreasing : ∀ (n : ℕ), ↑(K (n + 1)) ⊆ f n ∩ K n,
from λ n, (hK_next n (K n)).trans $ inter_subset_inter_right _ interior_subset,
/- Prove that ̀`⋂ n : ℕ, K n` is inside `U ∩ ⋂ n : ℕ, (f n)`. -/
have hK_subset : (⋂ n, K n : set α) ⊆ U ∩ (⋂ n, f n),
{ intros x hx,
simp only [mem_inter_eq, mem_Inter] at hx ⊢,
exact ⟨hK₀ $ hx 0, λ n, (hK_decreasing n (hx (n + 1))).1⟩ },
/- Prove that `⋂ n : ℕ, K n` is not empty, as an intersection of a decreasing sequence
of nonempty compact subsets.-/
have hK_nonempty : (⋂ n, K n : set α).nonempty,
from is_compact.nonempty_Inter_of_sequence_nonempty_compact_closed _
(λ n, (hK_decreasing n).trans (inter_subset_right _ _))
(λ n, (K n).nonempty) (K 0).compact (λ n, (K n).compact.is_closed),
exact hK_nonempty.mono hK_subset
variables [topological_space α] [baire_space α]
/-- Definition of a Baire space. -/
theorem dense_Inter_of_open_nat {f : ℕ → set α} (ho : ∀ n, is_open (f n)) (hd : ∀ n, dense (f n)) :
dense (⋂ n, f n) :=
baire_space.baire_property f ho hd
/-- Baire theorem: a countable intersection of dense open sets is dense. Formulated here with ⋂₀. -/
theorem dense_sInter_of_open {S : set (set α)} (ho : ∀s∈S, is_open s) (hS : S.countable)
(hd : ∀s∈S, dense s) : dense (⋂₀S) :=
cases S.eq_empty_or_nonempty with h h,
{ simp [h] },
{ rcases hS.exists_eq_range h with ⟨f, hf⟩,
have F : ∀n, f n ∈ S := λn, by rw hf; exact mem_range_self _,
rw [hf, sInter_range],
exact dense_Inter_of_open_nat (λn, ho _ (F n)) (λn, hd _ (F n)) }
/-- Baire theorem: a countable intersection of dense open sets is dense. Formulated here with
an index set which is a countable set in any type. -/
theorem dense_bInter_of_open {S : set β} {f : β → set α} (ho : ∀s∈S, is_open (f s))
(hS : S.countable) (hd : ∀s∈S, dense (f s)) : dense (⋂s∈S, f s) :=
rw ← sInter_image,
apply dense_sInter_of_open,
{ rwa ball_image_iff },
{ exact hS.image _ },
{ rwa ball_image_iff }
/-- Baire theorem: a countable intersection of dense open sets is dense. Formulated here with
an index set which is an encodable type. -/
theorem dense_Inter_of_open [encodable β] {f : β → set α} (ho : ∀s, is_open (f s))
(hd : ∀s, dense (f s)) : dense (⋂s, f s) :=
rw ← sInter_range,
apply dense_sInter_of_open,
{ rwa forall_range_iff },
{ exact countable_range _ },
{ rwa forall_range_iff }
/-- Baire theorem: a countable intersection of dense Gδ sets is dense. Formulated here with ⋂₀. -/
theorem dense_sInter_of_Gδ {S : set (set α)} (ho : ∀s∈S, is_Gδ s) (hS : S.countable)
(hd : ∀s∈S, dense s) : dense (⋂₀S) :=
-- the result follows from the result for a countable intersection of dense open sets,
-- by rewriting each set as a countable intersection of open sets, which are of course dense.
choose T hTo hTc hsT using ho,
have : ⋂₀ S = ⋂₀ (⋃ s ∈ S, T s ‹_›), -- := (sInter_bUnion (λs hs, (hT s hs).2.2)).symm,
by simp only [sInter_Union, (hsT _ _).symm, ← sInter_eq_bInter],
rw this,
refine dense_sInter_of_open _ (hS.bUnion hTc) _;
simp only [mem_Union]; rintro t ⟨s, hs, tTs⟩,
show is_open t, from hTo s hs t tTs,
show dense t,
{ intro x,
have := hd s hs x,
rw hsT s hs at this,
exact closure_mono (sInter_subset_of_mem tTs) this }
/-- Baire theorem: a countable intersection of dense Gδ sets is dense. Formulated here with
an index set which is an encodable type. -/
theorem dense_Inter_of_Gδ [encodable β] {f : β → set α} (ho : ∀s, is_Gδ (f s))
(hd : ∀s, dense (f s)) : dense (⋂s, f s) :=
rw ← sInter_range,
exact dense_sInter_of_Gδ (forall_range_iff.2 ‹_›) (countable_range _) (forall_range_iff.2 ‹_›)
/-- Baire theorem: a countable intersection of dense Gδ sets is dense. Formulated here with
an index set which is a countable set in any type. -/
theorem dense_bInter_of_Gδ {S : set β} {f : Π x ∈ S, set α} (ho : ∀s∈S, is_Gδ (f s ‹_›))
(hS : S.countable) (hd : ∀s∈S, dense (f s ‹_›)) : dense (⋂s∈S, f s ‹_›) :=
rw bInter_eq_Inter,
haveI := hS.to_encodable,
exact dense_Inter_of_Gδ (λ s, ho s s.2) (λ s, hd s s.2)
/-- Baire theorem: the intersection of two dense Gδ sets is dense. -/
theorem dense.inter_of_Gδ {s t : set α} (hs : is_Gδ s) (ht : is_Gδ t) (hsc : dense s)
(htc : dense t) :
dense (s ∩ t) :=
rw [inter_eq_Inter],
apply dense_Inter_of_Gδ; simp [bool.forall_bool, *]
/-- A property holds on a residual (comeagre) set if and only if it holds on some dense `Gδ` set. -/
lemma eventually_residual {p : α → Prop} :
(∀ᶠ x in residual α, p x) ↔ ∃ (t : set α), is_Gδ t ∧ dense t ∧ ∀ x ∈ t, p x :=
calc (∀ᶠ x in residual α, p x) ↔
∀ᶠ x in ⨅ (t : set α) (ht : is_Gδ t ∧ dense t), 𝓟 t, p x :
by simp only [residual, infi_and]
... ↔ ∃ (t : set α) (ht : is_Gδ t ∧ dense t), ∀ᶠ x in 𝓟 t, p x : mem_binfi_of_directed
(λ t₁ h₁ t₂ h₂, ⟨t₁ ∩ t₂, ⟨h₁.1.inter h₂.1, dense.inter_of_Gδ h₁.1 h₂.1 h₁.2 h₂.2⟩, by simp⟩)
⟨univ, is_Gδ_univ, dense_univ⟩
... ↔ _ : by simp [and_assoc]
/-- A set is residual (comeagre) if and only if it includes a dense `Gδ` set. -/
lemma mem_residual {s : set α} :
s ∈ residual α ↔ ∃ t ⊆ s, is_Gδ t ∧ dense t :=
(@eventually_residual α _ _ (λ x, x ∈ s)).trans $ exists_congr $
λ t, by rw [exists_prop, and_comm (t ⊆ s), subset_def, and_assoc]
lemma dense_of_mem_residual {s : set α} (hs : s ∈ residual α) :
dense s :=
let ⟨t, hts, _, hd⟩ := mem_residual.1 hs in hd.mono hts
instance : countable_Inter_filter (residual α) :=
intros S hSc hS,
simp only [mem_residual] at *,
choose T hTs hT using hS,
refine ⟨⋂ s ∈ S, T s ‹_›, _, _, _⟩,
{ rw [sInter_eq_bInter],
exact Inter₂_mono hTs },
{ exact is_Gδ_bInter hSc (λ s hs, (hT s hs).1) },
{ exact dense_bInter_of_Gδ (λ s hs, (hT s hs).1) hSc (λ s hs, (hT s hs).2) }
/-- If a countable family of closed sets cover a dense `Gδ` set, then the union of their interiors
is dense. Formulated here with `⋃`. -/
lemma is_Gδ.dense_Union_interior_of_closed [encodable ι] {s : set α} (hs : is_Gδ s)
(hd : dense s) {f : ι → set α} (hc : ∀ i, is_closed (f i)) (hU : s ⊆ ⋃ i, f i) :
dense (⋃ i, interior (f i)) :=
let g := λ i, (frontier (f i))ᶜ,
have hgo : ∀ i, is_open (g i), from λ i, is_closed_frontier.is_open_compl,
have hgd : dense (⋂ i, g i),
{ refine dense_Inter_of_open hgo (λ i x, _),
rw [closure_compl, interior_frontier (hc _)],
exact id },
refine (hd.inter_of_Gδ hs (is_Gδ_Inter $ λ i, (hgo i).is_Gδ) hgd).mono _,
rintro x ⟨hxs, hxg⟩,
rw [mem_Inter] at hxg,
rcases mem_Union.1 (hU hxs) with ⟨i, hi⟩,
exact mem_Union.2 ⟨i, self_diff_frontier (f i) ▸ ⟨hi, hxg _⟩⟩,
/-- If a countable family of closed sets cover a dense `Gδ` set, then the union of their interiors
is dense. Formulated here with a union over a countable set in any type. -/
lemma is_Gδ.dense_bUnion_interior_of_closed {t : set ι} {s : set α} (hs : is_Gδ s)
(hd : dense s) (ht : t.countable) {f : ι → set α} (hc : ∀ i ∈ t, is_closed (f i))
(hU : s ⊆ ⋃ i ∈ t, f i) :
dense (⋃ i ∈ t, interior (f i)) :=
haveI := ht.to_encodable,
simp only [bUnion_eq_Union, set_coe.forall'] at *,
exact hs.dense_Union_interior_of_closed hd hc hU
/-- If a countable family of closed sets cover a dense `Gδ` set, then the union of their interiors
is dense. Formulated here with `⋃₀`. -/
lemma is_Gδ.dense_sUnion_interior_of_closed {T : set (set α)} {s : set α} (hs : is_Gδ s)
(hd : dense s) (hc : T.countable) (hc' : ∀ t ∈ T, is_closed t) (hU : s ⊆ ⋃₀ T) :
dense (⋃ t ∈ T, interior t) :=
hs.dense_bUnion_interior_of_closed hd hc hc' $ by rwa [← sUnion_eq_bUnion]
/-- Baire theorem: if countably many closed sets cover the whole space, then their interiors
are dense. Formulated here with an index set which is a countable set in any type. -/
theorem dense_bUnion_interior_of_closed {S : set β} {f : β → set α} (hc : ∀s∈S, is_closed (f s))
(hS : S.countable) (hU : (⋃s∈S, f s) = univ) : dense (⋃s∈S, interior (f s)) :=
is_Gδ_univ.dense_bUnion_interior_of_closed dense_univ hS hc
/-- Baire theorem: if countably many closed sets cover the whole space, then their interiors
are dense. Formulated here with `⋃₀`. -/
theorem dense_sUnion_interior_of_closed {S : set (set α)} (hc : ∀s∈S, is_closed s)
(hS : S.countable) (hU : (⋃₀ S) = univ) : dense (⋃s∈S, interior s) :=
is_Gδ_univ.dense_sUnion_interior_of_closed dense_univ hS hc
/-- Baire theorem: if countably many closed sets cover the whole space, then their interiors
are dense. Formulated here with an index set which is an encodable type. -/
theorem dense_Union_interior_of_closed [encodable β] {f : β → set α} (hc : ∀s, is_closed (f s))
(hU : (⋃s, f s) = univ) : dense (⋃s, interior (f s)) :=
is_Gδ_univ.dense_Union_interior_of_closed dense_univ hc
/-- One of the most useful consequences of Baire theorem: if a countable union of closed sets
covers the space, then one of the sets has nonempty interior. -/
theorem nonempty_interior_of_Union_of_closed [nonempty α] [encodable β] {f : β → set α}
(hc : ∀s, is_closed (f s)) (hU : (⋃s, f s) = univ) :
∃s, (interior $ f s).nonempty :=
by simpa using (dense_Union_interior_of_closed hc hU).nonempty
end Baire_theorem