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Copyright (c) 2018 . All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Chris Hughes, Thomas Browning
import data.zmod.basic
import group_theory.index
import group_theory.group_action.conj_act
import group_theory.group_action.quotient
import group_theory.perm.cycle.type
import group_theory.specific_groups.cyclic
import tactic.interval_cases
# p-groups
This file contains a proof that if `G` is a `p`-group acting on a finite set `α`,
then the number of fixed points of the action is congruent mod `p` to the cardinality of `α`.
It also contains proofs of some corollaries of this lemma about existence of fixed points.
open_locale big_operators
open fintype mul_action
variables (p : ℕ) (G : Type*) [group G]
/-- A p-group is a group in which every element has prime power order -/
def is_p_group : Prop := ∀ g : G, ∃ k : ℕ, g ^ (p ^ k) = 1
variables {p} {G}
namespace is_p_group
lemma iff_order_of [hp : fact] :
is_p_group p G ↔ ∀ g : G, ∃ k : ℕ, order_of g = p ^ k :=
forall_congr (λ g, ⟨λ ⟨k, hk⟩, exists_imp_exists (by exact λ j, Exists.snd)
((nat.dvd_prime_pow hp.out).mp (order_of_dvd_of_pow_eq_one hk)),
exists_imp_exists (λ k hk, by rw [←hk, pow_order_of_eq_one])⟩)
lemma of_card [fintype G] {n : ℕ} (hG : card G = p ^ n) : is_p_group p G :=
λ g, ⟨n, by rw [←hG, pow_card_eq_one]⟩
lemma of_bot : is_p_group p (⊥ : subgroup G) :=
of_card (subgroup.card_bot.trans (pow_zero p).symm)
lemma iff_card [fact] [fintype G] :
is_p_group p G ↔ ∃ n : ℕ, card G = p ^ n :=
have hG : card G ≠ 0 := card_ne_zero,
refine ⟨λ h, _, λ ⟨n, hn⟩, of_card hn⟩,
suffices : ∀ q ∈ nat.factors (card G), q = p,
{ use (card G).factors.length,
rw [←list.prod_repeat, ←list.eq_repeat_of_mem this, nat.prod_factors hG] },
intros q hq,
obtain ⟨hq1, hq2⟩ := (nat.mem_factors hG).mp hq,
haveI : fact := ⟨hq1⟩,
obtain ⟨g, hg⟩ := exists_prime_order_of_dvd_card q hq2,
obtain ⟨k, hk⟩ := ( h) g,
exact ( (hg.symm.trans hk).symm).1.symm,
section G_is_p_group
variables (hG : is_p_group p G)
include hG
lemma of_injective {H : Type*} [group H] (ϕ : H →* G) (hϕ : function.injective ϕ) :
is_p_group p H :=
simp_rw [is_p_group, ←hϕ.eq_iff, ϕ.map_pow, ϕ.map_one],
exact λ h, hG (ϕ h),
lemma to_subgroup (H : subgroup G) : is_p_group p H :=
hG.of_injective H.subtype subtype.coe_injective
lemma of_surjective {H : Type*} [group H] (ϕ : G →* H) (hϕ : function.surjective ϕ) :
is_p_group p H :=
refine λ h, exists.elim (hϕ h) (λ g hg, exists_imp_exists (λ k hk, _) (hG g)),
rw [←hg, ←ϕ.map_pow, hk, ϕ.map_one],
lemma to_quotient (H : subgroup G) [H.normal] :
is_p_group p (G ⧸ H) :=
hG.of_surjective (' H) quotient.surjective_quotient_mk'
lemma of_equiv {H : Type*} [group H] (ϕ : G ≃* H) : is_p_group p H :=
hG.of_surjective ϕ.to_monoid_hom ϕ.surjective
variables [hp : fact]
include hp
lemma index (H : subgroup G) [finite (G ⧸ H)] :
∃ n : ℕ, H.index = p ^ n :=
casesI nonempty_fintype (G ⧸ H),
obtain ⟨n, hn⟩ := (hG.to_quotient H.normal_core),
obtain ⟨k, hk1, hk2⟩ := (nat.dvd_prime_pow hp.out).mp ((congr_arg _
(H.normal_core.index_eq_card.trans hn)).mp (subgroup.index_dvd_of_le H.normal_core_le)),
exact ⟨k, hk2⟩,
lemma nontrivial_iff_card [fintype G] : nontrivial G ↔ ∃ n > 0, card G = p ^ n :=
⟨λ hGnt, let ⟨k, hk⟩ := iff_card.1 hG in ⟨k, nat.pos_of_ne_zero $ λ hk0,
by rw [hk0, pow_zero] at hk; exactI' hk, hk⟩,
λ ⟨k, hk0, hk⟩, one_lt_card_iff_nontrivial.1 $ hk.symm ▸
one_lt_pow (fact.out (ne_of_gt hk0)⟩
variables {α : Type*} [mul_action G α]
lemma card_orbit (a : α) [fintype (orbit G a)] :
∃ n : ℕ, card (orbit G a) = p ^ n :=
let ϕ := orbit_equiv_quotient_stabilizer G a,
haveI := fintype.of_equiv (orbit G a) ϕ,
rw [card_congr ϕ, ←subgroup.index_eq_card],
exact hG.index (stabilizer G a),
variables (α) [fintype α]
/-- If `G` is a `p`-group acting on a finite set `α`, then the number of fixed points
of the action is congruent mod `p` to the cardinality of `α` -/
lemma card_modeq_card_fixed_points [fintype (fixed_points G α)] :
card α ≡ card (fixed_points G α) [MOD p] :=
calc card α = card (Σ y : quotient (orbit_rel G α), {x //' x = y}) :
card_congr (equiv.sigma_fiber_equiv (' _ (orbit_rel G α))).symm
... = ∑ a : quotient (orbit_rel G α), card {x //' x = a} : card_sigma _
... ≡ ∑ a : fixed_points G α, 1 [MOD p] : _
... = _ : by simp; refl,
rw [←zmod.eq_iff_modeq_nat p, nat.cast_sum, nat.cast_sum],
have key : ∀ x, card {y // (' y : quotient (orbit_rel G α)) =' x} =
card (orbit G x) := λ x, by simp only [quotient.eq']; congr,
refine eq.symm (finset.sum_bij_ne_zero (λ a _ _,' a.1) (λ _ _ _, finset.mem_univ _)
(λ a₁ a₂ _ _ _ _ h, subtype.eq ((mem_fixed_points' α).mp a₂.2 a₁.1 (quotient.exact' h)))
(λ b, quotient.induction_on' b (λ b _ hb, _)) (λ a ha _, by
{ rw [key, a.2] })),
obtain ⟨k, hk⟩ := hG.card_orbit b,
have : k = 0 := nat.le_zero_iff.1 (nat.le_of_lt_succ (lt_of_not_ge (mt (pow_dvd_pow p)
(by rwa [pow_one, ←hk, ←nat.modeq_zero_iff_dvd, ←zmod.eq_iff_modeq_nat, ←key,
exact ⟨⟨b, mem_fixed_points_iff_card_orbit_eq_one.2 $ by rw [hk, this, pow_zero]⟩,
finset.mem_univ _, (ne_of_eq_of_ne nat.cast_one one_ne_zero), rfl⟩,
/-- If a p-group acts on `α` and the cardinality of `α` is not a multiple
of `p` then the action has a fixed point. -/
lemma nonempty_fixed_point_of_prime_not_dvd_card (hpα : ¬ p ∣ card α)
[finite (fixed_points G α)] :
(fixed_points G α).nonempty :=
@set.nonempty_of_nonempty_subtype _ _ begin
casesI nonempty_fintype (fixed_points G α),
rw [←card_pos_iff, pos_iff_ne_zero],
contrapose! hpα,
rw [←nat.modeq_zero_iff_dvd, ←hpα],
exact hG.card_modeq_card_fixed_points α,
/-- If a p-group acts on `α` and the cardinality of `α` is a multiple
of `p`, and the action has one fixed point, then it has another fixed point. -/
lemma exists_fixed_point_of_prime_dvd_card_of_fixed_point
(hpα : p ∣ card α) {a : α} (ha : a ∈ fixed_points G α) :
∃ b, b ∈ fixed_points G α ∧ a ≠ b :=
casesI nonempty_fintype (fixed_points G α),
have hpf : p ∣ card (fixed_points G α) := ((hG.card_modeq_card_fixed_points α).symm.trans hpα.modeq_zero_nat),
have hα : 1 < card (fixed_points G α) :=
(fact.out (nat.le_of_dvd (card_pos_iff.2 ⟨⟨a, ha⟩⟩) hpf),
exact let ⟨⟨b, hb⟩, hba⟩ := exists_ne_of_one_lt_card hα ⟨a, ha⟩ in
⟨b, hb, λ hab, hba (by simp_rw [hab])⟩
lemma center_nontrivial [nontrivial G] [finite G] : nontrivial ( G) :=
casesI nonempty_fintype G,
have := (hG.of_equiv conj_act.to_conj_act).exists_fixed_point_of_prime_dvd_card_of_fixed_point G,
rw conj_act.fixed_points_eq_center at this,
obtain ⟨g, hg⟩ := this _ ( G).one_mem,
{ exact ⟨⟨1, ⟨g, hg.1⟩, mt hg.2⟩⟩ },
{ obtain ⟨n, hn0, hn⟩ := infer_instance,
exact hn.symm ▸ dvd_pow_self _ (ne_of_gt hn0) },
lemma bot_lt_center [nontrivial G] [finite G] : ⊥ < G :=
haveI := center_nontrivial hG,
casesI nonempty_fintype G,
exact bot_lt_iff_ne_bot.mpr (( G) fintype.one_lt_card),
end G_is_p_group
lemma to_le {H K : subgroup G} (hK : is_p_group p K) (hHK : H ≤ K) : is_p_group p H :=
hK.of_injective (subgroup.inclusion hHK) (λ a b h, subtype.ext (show _, from h))
lemma to_inf_left {H K : subgroup G} (hH : is_p_group p H) : is_p_group p (H ⊓ K : subgroup G) :=
hH.to_le inf_le_left
lemma to_inf_right {H K : subgroup G} (hK : is_p_group p K) : is_p_group p (H ⊓ K : subgroup G) :=
hK.to_le inf_le_right
lemma map {H : subgroup G} (hH : is_p_group p H) {K : Type*} [group K]
(ϕ : G →* K) : is_p_group p ( ϕ) :=
rw [←H.subtype_range, monoid_hom.map_range],
exact hH.of_surjective (ϕ.restrict H).range_restrict (ϕ.restrict H).range_restrict_surjective,
lemma comap_of_ker_is_p_group {H : subgroup G} (hH : is_p_group p H) {K : Type*} [group K]
(ϕ : K →* G) (hϕ : is_p_group p ϕ.ker) : is_p_group p (H.comap ϕ) :=
intro g,
obtain ⟨j, hj⟩ := hH ⟨ϕ g.1, g.2⟩,
rw [subtype.ext_iff, H.coe_pow, subtype.coe_mk, ←ϕ.map_pow] at hj,
obtain ⟨k, hk⟩ := hϕ ⟨g.1 ^ p ^ j, hj⟩,
rwa [subtype.ext_iff, ϕ.ker.coe_pow, subtype.coe_mk, ←pow_mul, ←pow_add] at hk,
exact ⟨j + k, by rwa [subtype.ext_iff, (H.comap ϕ).coe_pow]⟩,
lemma ker_is_p_group_of_injective {K : Type*} [group K] {ϕ : K →* G} (hϕ : function.injective ϕ) :
is_p_group p ϕ.ker :=
(congr_arg (λ Q : subgroup K, is_p_group p Q) (ϕ.ker_eq_bot_iff.mpr hϕ)).mpr is_p_group.of_bot
lemma comap_of_injective {H : subgroup G} (hH : is_p_group p H) {K : Type*} [group K]
(ϕ : K →* G) (hϕ : function.injective ϕ) : is_p_group p (H.comap ϕ) :=
hH.comap_of_ker_is_p_group ϕ (ker_is_p_group_of_injective hϕ)
lemma comap_subtype {H : subgroup G} (hH : is_p_group p H) {K : subgroup G} :
is_p_group p (H.comap K.subtype) :=
hH.comap_of_injective K.subtype subtype.coe_injective
lemma to_sup_of_normal_right {H K : subgroup G} (hH : is_p_group p H) (hK : is_p_group p K)
[K.normal] : is_p_group p (H ⊔ K : subgroup G) :=
rw [←quotient_group.ker_mk K, ←subgroup.comap_map_eq],
apply ( (' K)).comap_of_ker_is_p_group,
rwa quotient_group.ker_mk,
lemma to_sup_of_normal_left {H K : subgroup G} (hH : is_p_group p H) (hK : is_p_group p K)
[H.normal] : is_p_group p (H ⊔ K : subgroup G) :=
(congr_arg (λ H : subgroup G, is_p_group p H) sup_comm).mp (to_sup_of_normal_right hK hH)
lemma to_sup_of_normal_right' {H K : subgroup G} (hH : is_p_group p H) (hK : is_p_group p K)
(hHK : H ≤ K.normalizer) : is_p_group p (H ⊔ K : subgroup G) :=
let hHK' := to_sup_of_normal_right (hH.of_equiv (subgroup.comap_subtype_equiv_of_le hHK).symm)
(hK.of_equiv (subgroup.comap_subtype_equiv_of_le subgroup.le_normalizer).symm) in
((congr_arg (λ H : subgroup K.normalizer, is_p_group p H)
(subgroup.sup_subgroup_of_eq hHK subgroup.le_normalizer)).mp hHK').of_equiv
(subgroup.comap_subtype_equiv_of_le (sup_le hHK subgroup.le_normalizer))
lemma to_sup_of_normal_left' {H K : subgroup G} (hH : is_p_group p H) (hK : is_p_group p K)
(hHK : K ≤ H.normalizer) : is_p_group p (H ⊔ K : subgroup G) :=
(congr_arg (λ H : subgroup G, is_p_group p H) sup_comm).mp (to_sup_of_normal_right' hK hH hHK)
/-- finite p-groups with different p have coprime orders -/
lemma coprime_card_of_ne {G₂ : Type*} [group G₂]
(p₁ p₂ : ℕ) [hp₁ : fact p₁.prime] [hp₂ : fact p₂.prime] (hne : p₁ ≠ p₂)
(H₁ : subgroup G) (H₂ : subgroup G₂) [fintype H₁] [fintype H₂]
(hH₁ : is_p_group p₁ H₁) (hH₂ : is_p_group p₂ H₂) :
nat.coprime (fintype.card H₁) (fintype.card H₂) :=
obtain ⟨n₁, heq₁⟩ := hH₁, rw heq₁, clear heq₁,
obtain ⟨n₂, heq₂⟩ := hH₂, rw heq₂, clear heq₂,
exact nat.coprime_pow_primes _ _ (hp₁.elim) (hp₂.elim) hne,
/-- p-groups with different p are disjoint -/
lemma disjoint_of_ne (p₁ p₂ : ℕ) [hp₁ : fact p₁.prime] [hp₂ : fact p₂.prime] (hne : p₁ ≠ p₂)
(H₁ H₂ : subgroup G) (hH₁ : is_p_group p₁ H₁) (hH₂ : is_p_group p₂ H₂) :
disjoint H₁ H₂ :=
rintro x ⟨hx₁, hx₂⟩,
rw subgroup.mem_bot,
obtain ⟨n₁, hn₁⟩ := hH₁ ⟨x, hx₁⟩,
obtain ⟨n₂, hn₂⟩ := hH₂ ⟨x, hx₂⟩,
rw [← order_of_subgroup, subgroup.coe_mk] at hn₁ hn₂,
have : p₁ ^ n₁ = p₂ ^ n₂, by rw [← hn₁, ← hn₂],
have : n₁ = 0,
{ contrapose! hne with h,
rw ← associated_iff_eq at this ⊢,
exact associated.of_pow_associated_of_prime
( hp₁.elim) ( hp₂.elim) (ne.bot_lt h) this },
simpa [this] using hn₁,
section p2comm
variables [fintype G] [fact] {n : ℕ} (hGpn : card G = p ^ n)
include hGpn
open subgroup
/-- The cardinality of the `center` of a `p`-group is `p ^ k` where `k` is positive. -/
lemma card_center_eq_prime_pow (hn : 0 < n) [fintype (center G)] :
∃ k > 0, card (center G) = p ^ k :=
have hcG := to_subgroup (of_card hGpn) (center G),
rcases iff_card.1 hcG with ⟨k, hk⟩,
haveI : nontrivial G := (nontrivial_iff_card $ of_card hGpn).2 ⟨n, hn, hGpn⟩,
exact (nontrivial_iff_card hcG).mp (center_nontrivial (of_card hGpn)),
omit hGpn
/-- The quotient by the center of a group of cardinality `p ^ 2` is cyclic. -/
lemma cyclic_center_quotient_of_card_eq_prime_sq (hG : card G = p ^ 2) :
is_cyclic (G ⧸ (center G)) :=
rcases card_center_eq_prime_pow hG zero_lt_two with ⟨k, hk0, hk⟩,
rw [card_eq_card_quotient_mul_card_subgroup (center G), mul_comm, hk] at hG,
have hk2 := (nat.pow_dvd_pow_iff_le_right (fact.out ⟨_, hG.symm⟩,
interval_cases k,
{ rw [sq, pow_one, nat.mul_right_inj (fact.out] at hG,
exact is_cyclic_of_prime_card hG },
{ exact @is_cyclic_of_subsingleton _ _ ⟨fintype.card_le_one_iff.1 ((nat.mul_right_inj
(pow_pos (fact.out 2)).1 (hG.trans (mul_one (p ^ 2)).symm)).le⟩ },
/-- A group of order `p ^ 2` is commutative. See also `is_p_group.comm_group_of_card_eq_prime_sq`
for the `comm_group` instance. -/
def comm_group_of_card_eq_prime_sq (hG : card G = p ^ 2) : comm_group G :=
@comm_group_of_cycle_center_quotient _ _ _ _ (cyclic_center_quotient_of_card_eq_prime_sq hG) _
(quotient_group.ker_mk (center G)).le
/-- A group of order `p ^ 2` is commutative. See also `is_p_group.commutative_of_card_eq_prime_sq`
for just the proof that `∀ a b, a * b = b * a` -/
lemma commutative_of_card_eq_prime_sq (hG : card G = p ^ 2) : ∀ a b : G, a * b = b * a :=
(comm_group_of_card_eq_prime_sq hG).mul_comm
end p2comm
end is_p_group